Kindle Kids’ Book Creator
User Guide
version 2014.2
Copyright © 2014, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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Kindle Kids’ Book Creator User Guide
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Supported Page Formats............................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Exported Book Files ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Setting Menu Language ................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Auto Update .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.5 Kindle Kids’ Book Creator Workspace ........................................................................................... 5
1.5.1 Design Tab ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.5.2 Page Manager ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.5.3 HTML View Tab ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.5.4 HTML Preview Tab ................................................................................................................ 7
1.5.5 Editing the CSS ...................................................................................................................... 8
1.5.6 Viewing, Adding, or Deleting Styles and Classes ................................................................... 9
1.6 Keyboard Shortcuts ..................................................................................................................... 10
2 Creating and Editing Kids’ Books ........................................................................................................ 11
2.1 Common Terms ........................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Creating a New Book ................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Editing the Book Settings ............................................................................................................ 16
2.4 Adding, Moving, and Deleting Pages .......................................................................................... 17
2.4.1 Adding Pages ....................................................................................................................... 17
2.4.2 Adding Blank Pages ............................................................................................................. 18
2.4.3 Moving Pages ...................................................................................................................... 18
2.4.4 Deleting Pages ..................................................................................................................... 18
2.5 Adding Text ................................................................................................................................. 19
2.5.1 Adding Pop-ups to a Book with Existing Base Text ............................................................. 19
2.5.2 Adding Base Text and Pop-ups ............................................................................................ 21
2.5.3 Changing the Order of Text Pop-ups ................................................................................... 23
2.5.4 Deleting Text and Pop-ups .................................................................................................. 24
2.5.5 Deleting Tap Targets and Pop-ups ...................................................................................... 24
2.6 Editing Text ................................................................................................................................. 24
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2.6.1 Using the Text Toolbar ........................................................................................................ 24
2.6.2 Changing the Font Family.................................................................................................... 25
2.6.3 Changing the Font Size ........................................................................................................ 25
2.6.4 Changing the Font Style ...................................................................................................... 26
2.6.5 Changing the Text Color ...................................................................................................... 26
2.6.6 Changing the Line Height .................................................................................................... 26
2.6.7 Changing the Letter Spacing ............................................................................................... 26
2.6.8 Changing the Paragraph Orientation .................................................................................. 26
2.6.9 Adding a Font ...................................................................................................................... 27
2.6.10 Moving and Resizing Pop-ups and Text Regions ................................................................. 27
2.7 Previewing the Book ................................................................................................................... 28
2.8 Creating and Exporting the KF8 File ............................................................................................ 29
2.9 Loading an eBook File on a Kindle Device ................................................................................... 29
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Kindle Kids’ Book Creator User Guide
1 Introduction
The Kindle Kids’ Book Creator is a free tool that authors and publishers can use to turn illustrated kids'
books into Kindle books. This tool makes it easy to import original artwork, optimize the experience of
readers, and preview how a book will look on Kindle devices and applications.
The Kindle Kids’ Book Creator accepts most common types of graphic files, so authors are free to create
artwork using their preferred design tools.
1.1 Supported Page Formats
You can add pages to your book from a PDF file or by converting images. The Kindle Kids’ Book Creator
accepts single or multi-page source files in .pdf, .jpg/.jpeg, .tif/.tiff, .ppm, or .png formats.
NOTE: When you import page images, the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator automatically resizes the
images for consistency. You do not need to scale images up or down before importing.
You can only open kids' book files if they were originally created in the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator.
1.2 Exported Book Files
The Kindle Kids’ Book Creator exports the finished book to a Kindle Format 8 (KF8) .mobi file.
1.3 Setting Menu Language
To change the language for the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator menus, click Settings > Language and choose
from the drop-down menu (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Language Options
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The available languages include German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese,
Russian, and Chinese.
1.4 Auto Update
When Amazon releases a new version of the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator, the application automatically
downloads it for you. When the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator prompts you to install an update, Amazon
recommends that you install the newer version to get all of the latest features.
1.5 Kindle Kids’ Book Creator Workspace
1.5.1 Design Tab
The Design tab is the primary editing surface (see Figure 2). This is the default view whenever you open
a new book. This tab displays the page image and allows you to manually add and edit text, pop-ups,
and panels.
Figure 2: Design Tab
1.5.2 Page Manager
To access the page manager, select View > Page Manager. This pane shows a thumbnail view of all
pages included in your book (see Figure 3). This is also where you can add, move, and delete pages from
your book.
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Figure 3: Page Manager
1.5.3 HTML View Tab
The HTML View tab displays the HTML markup for the page that is open for editing on the Design tab
(see Figure 4). If you are comfortable with HTML, you can edit the page markup by hand. To access the
HTML View tab, select View > HTML View.
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Figure 4: HTML View Tab
When you select the HTML View tab, the Text Toolbar is not available.
1.5.4 HTML Preview Tab
The HTML Preview tab displays the page that is open for editing on the Design tab as it will look on the
Kindle device (see Figure 5). The page is displayed at 100% magnification. To access the HTML Preview
tab, select View > Preview.
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Figure 5: HTML Preview Tab
When you select the Preview tab, the Text Toolbar is not available.
1.5.5 Editing the CSS
If you are comfortable working with code, you can use the CSS editor to edit CSS styles for the current
page and for global CSS files. To edit the CSS:
1. While displaying the Design tab, select View > Edit CSS. The CSS Editor dialog box appears. The
page-specific CSS is displayed by default.
To access the book’s global CSS file, click the drop-down in the top right corner of the CSS
Editor dialog box and select the appropriate CSS file (see Figure 6).
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Figure 6: CSS Editor
2. Make changes to the CSS as needed and then click Save.
1.5.6 Viewing, Adding, or Deleting Styles and Classes
The Properties pane displays all CSS styles and classes applied to the selected element.
To show the Properties pane, while displaying the Design tab, select View > Properties. Classes and
styles are displayed under the Property column and the corresponding CSS style is displayed under
To add a new class, click New Class at the top of the Properties pane. A new entry appears with
the name New Class (see Figure 7). Edit the name of the new class and then add a new style.
Figure 7: Properties Dialog Box
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To add a new style to the selected class, click New Style at the top of the Properties pane. A
new entry appears with the name New Style. Edit the name of the new style. Double-click the
Value field to add or edit the style properties.
To delete a style or class, highlight the class or style name and click Delete at the top of the
Properties pane. Deleting a style or class reverts that corresponding element to defaults.
1.6 Keyboard Shortcuts
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts in the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator.
Windows Shortcut
Mac Shortcut
Open Book File [.opf, .mobi, .epub]
Ctrl + O
Cmd + O
Close File
Ctrl + W
Cmd + W
Save File
Ctrl + S
Cmd + S
Import Page
Ctrl + I
Cmd + I
Delete Current Page(s)
Ctrl + Backspace
Cmd + Backspace
Save for Publishing
Ctrl + E
Cmd + E
Ctrl + R
Edit Metadata
Ctrl + Shift + T
Design Tab
Ctrl + 1
Cmd + 1
Ctrl + 2
Cmd + 2
HTML Preview Tab
Ctrl + 3
Cmd + 3
Add Fonts
Ctrl + Shift + F
Cut Text
Ctrl + X
Copy Text
Ctrl + C
Paste Text
Ctrl + V
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2 Creating and Editing Kids’ Books
With the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator, you can create and edit a KF8 kids' book that includes Region
Magnification (Text Pop-Ups). Using the Design tab, you can create, view, and edit the tap regions.
2.1 Common Terms
This manual uses the following terms to describe creating kids' books for Kindle:
Base TextThe text of the kids' book, as viewed without magnification (see Figure 8). This text
can be part of the imported image or you can add it in the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator.
Figure 8: Base Text (Indicated with Green Arrow)
Pop-Up A text box that contains a magnified version of the base text. This text box appears
over the base text when the base text is double-tapped (see Figure 9).
Figure 9: Text Pop-Up (Indicated with Green Border)
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Tap Target - The invisible area around the base text that the reader can double-tap to activate
the text pop-up (see Figure 10).
Figure 10: Tap Target (Indicated with Green Border)
Double-Page SpreadA single image that spans two facing pages (see Figure 11).
Figure 11: Double-Page Spread vs. Single Page
2.2 Creating a New Book
To create a new kids' book:
1. On the Welcome screen of the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator (see Figure 12), click Create a New
Kids' Book. The Create a New Kids' Book settings menu appears.
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Figure 12: Kindle Kids’ Book Creator Welcome Screen
2. The Getting Started panel appears first (see Figure 13). Scroll to view the Kindle kids' book
overview, or click Continue to move directly to the Provide Your Book Details panel.
Figure 13: Getting Started Panel
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3. In the Provide Your Book Details panel, add Title, Author, and Publisher information (see Figure
14). Title and Author are required. Publisher is optional.
Figure 14: Provide Your Book Details Panel
4. In the Where do you want to save your book? field, choose the save location for your book. By
default, the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator creates a new folder in your Documents folder with the
name that you entered under Title.
a. You can also choose any empty folder on your local hard drive by clicking Choose and
navigating to the desired location.
5. Click Continue to advance to the Choose Your Book Layout panel (see Figure 15).
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Figure 15: Choose Your Book Layout Panel
6. Choose the orientation of your book, either Portrait or Landscape. This is determined by the
source files that you are using.
Choose Landscape if your source images are wider than they are tall, or if your book
contains double-page spreads. If you choose Landscape, you must also specify whether
your book is formatted in double-page spreads and if so, which page your book should
start on.
Choose Portrait if the pages of your book are taller than they are wide and do not need
to be stitched together into double-page spreads.
7. Click Continue to advance to the Add Your Cover and Pages panel.
8. Choose how you want to add a cover to your book (see Figure 16).
To add a cover and pages at the same time:
1. Choose Import your entire book, including the cover, from a PDF.
2. Click Create Book from PDF. The Create Book from PDF window opens.
3. Select a PDF that includes a cover image. The cover must be the first page of the
4. Click Open. This creates a new document and opens the workspace. The first
image of the PDF will automatically be set as the cover image for the book.
To add a cover and pages separately:
1. Choose Import your cover from a separate image file.
2. Click Choose Your Cover Image.
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3. Choose your image file in the Choose Your Cover Image window and click Open.
Figure 16: Add Your Cover and Pages Panel
9. Click Start Adding Pages.
10. The Add Pages dialog box opens. Locate and select image files on your local hard drive. To
select multiple files, hold down the CTRL key as you click.
11. Click Open. The Kindle Kids’ Book Creator adds the selected images to your book as standard
pages in numerical order. Thumbnail images for your new pages appear in Page Manager.
2.3 Editing the Book Settings
Certain settings, such as orientation and save location, cannot be changed once a book is created. To
edit the settings of a book:
1. On the Welcome page of the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator, click Open an Existing Book.
2. The Open Book dialog box opens. Browse to the desired book file and click Open. The first
page of the book opens for editing in the Design tab.
3. Click Book Settings at the top of Page Manager and choose Metadata. Edit the settings for
the book. (For more detail, see Section 2.2, Creating a New Book.)
Add or edit Title, Author, and Publisher information as desired.
Select a different Cover, if needed.
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4. To add pages to your book, see Section 2.4, Adding, Moving, and Deleting Pages.
2.4 Adding, Moving, and Deleting Pages
You can also add standard or blank pages when you select Open an Existing Book. Click the Add Page
button at the top of Page Manager and the Add Pages dialog box opens.
The Kindle Kids’ Book Creator accepts files in .pdf, .jpg/.jpeg, .tif/.tiff, .ppm, or .png formats.
2.4.1 Adding Pages
To add pages to a kids' book:
1. On the Welcome page of the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator, click Open an Existing Book.
2. The Open Book dialog box opens. Locate and select the desired book and then click Open.
The book opens for editing in the Design tab.
3. In the Page Manager, select a page in the book where you want the new pages to appear.
4. At the top of Page Manager, click the Add Page drop-down menu and select Add Pages (see
Figure 17). The Add Pages dialog box opens.
Figure 17: Add Page Menu
5. Locate and select image files on your local hard drive. To select multiple files, hold down the
CTRL key as you click. Click Open.
6. Choose whether to place the new pages Before Page, After Page, At Beginning of Book, At
End of Book, or, if your book has facing pages, Between Two Sides of Page (see Figure 18).
Figure 18: Add Page Options
7. Select the page number to use as a reference point. Click Add Page.
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8. As the tool adds the selected images to your book, it reorders the subsequent pages.
Thumbnail images for your new pages appear in Page Manager.
2.4.2 Adding Blank Pages
To add blank pages to a kids' book:
1. On the Welcome page of the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator, click Open an Existing Book.
2. The Open Book dialog box opens. Locate and select the desired book and then click Open.
The book opens for editing in the Design tab.
3. At the top of Page Manager, click the Add Page drop-down menu and select Add Blank
Page. The Add Blank Page dialog box opens.
4. Choose whether to place the blank page Before Page, After Page, At Beginning of Book, At
End of Book, or, if your book has facing pages, Between Two Sides of Page.
NOTE: If your book uses facing pages, the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator adds the blank page as a
single page, not a double-page spread.
5. Select the page number to use as a reference point. Click Add Page.
6. As the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator adds the blank page to your book, it reorders the
subsequent pages. Thumbnail images for your new pages appear in Page Manager.
2.4.3 Moving Pages
To change the order of pages in an existing book:
1. In the Page Manager pane (View > Page Manager), click the page you want to move.
2. Drag and drop the page to the desired location. You cannot move pages into the middle of a
double-page spread.
NOTE: To toggle the size of the page icons in Page Manager, click the Title View and/or
Thumbnail View buttons at the bottom of the pane.
2.4.4 Deleting Pages Deleting Pages in a Book with Double-Page Spreads
To delete a page in a book with double-page spreads:
1. In the Page Manager pane (View > Page Manager), select the page to delete.
2. Click the Delete Page button at the top of the Page Manager.
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3. Choose whether you would like to delete Both Sides of the double-page spread, The Left Side
Only¸ or The Right Side Only.
4. Click Delete Page and Save. Deleting Pages in a Book without Double-Page Spreads
To delete a page in a book without double-page spreads:
1. In the Page Manager pane (View > Page Manager), select the page to delete.
2. Click the Delete Page button at the top of the Page Manager.
3. When the confirmation box opens, click Delete Page and Save.
2.5 Adding Text
The Kindle Kids’ Book Creator gives you two options for adding text and pop-ups to your book: Add Pop-
Up and Add Text.
If your page images include base text, use Add Pop-Up. See Section 2.5.1, Adding Pop-ups to
a Book with Existing Base Text.
If your page images do not include base text, use Add Text. See Section 2.5.2, Adding Base
Text and Pop-ups.
2.5.1 Adding Pop-ups to a Book with Existing Base Text
With the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator, you can add text pop-ups for images that already contain base text.
To add a text pop-up:
1. Click the Add Pop-up button in the Text Toolbar.
2. In the dialog box that appears, click OK. A tap target appears on the page.
3. Click and hold the blue and white border and drag the tap target to the desired location. (For
more information, see Section 2.6.10, Moving and Resizing Pop-ups and Text Regions.) For the
best customer experience, the tap target should surround all of the base text in the base image
(see Figure 19).
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Figure 19: Tap Target Positioning
4. Click the View Pop-Up button above the tap target to open the text pop-up.
NOTE: To reveal the tap target at any time, click outside of the text pop-up.
5. Click and hold the gray border of the text pop-up and position it as desired.
6. Add text to the pop-up text box. You can manually type in the eBook text or copy and paste it
from a separate file.
7. If the size of the text box does not fit the text, click and drag the corners of the pop-up text box
to resize it.
8. Format the pop-up text as desired (see Figure 20). Use the Text Toolbar to change font settings
as needed (View > Toolbars > Text Toolbar). (For more information, see Section 2.6, Editing
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Figure 20: Pop-Up Formatting
2.5.2 Adding Base Text and Pop-ups
With the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator, you can add both base text and pop-up text at the same time. Use
this process for source images that do not include base text. Adding Base Text
To add base text and corresponding text pop-ups:
1. Click the Add Text button in the Text Toolbar.
2. When the explanatory dialog box appears, click OK. A text box appears on the page.
3. Click and hold the blue and white border and drag to the desired location. (For more
information, see Section 2.6.10, Moving and Resizing Pop-ups and Text Regions.)
4. Add text to the text box (see Figure 21). You can manually type in the text or copy and paste it
from a separate file. The Kindle Kids’ Book Creator automatically adds this text to the
corresponding pop-up.
NOTE: If you copy and paste, the styles are not carried over.
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Figure 21: Adding Base Text
5. If the size of the text box does not fit the text, click and drag the corners of the pop-up text box
to resize it. (For more information, see Section 2.6.10, Moving and Resizing Pop-ups and Text
6. Format the base text as desired. Click View > Toolbars > Text Toolbar to change font settings as
needed. (For more information, see Section 2.6, Editing Text.) Formatting Pop-ups for Manually Entered Base Text
To format the corresponding text pop-up:
1. After you have formatted the base text as desired, click the View Pop-Up button above the text
box. The corresponding text pop-up appears.
NOTE: To reveal the base text at any time, click outside of the text pop-up.
2. Click and drag the gray border to position the pop-up as desired. (For more information, see
Section 2.6.10, Moving and Resizing Pop-ups and Text Regions.)
3. By default, the text in the pop-up inherits the content and formatting of the base text, with the
text size increased by 50% to increase readability (see Figure 22).
To change the size, content or formatting of the pop-up text in a way that differs from the
base text, click the Unlink from page text button above the pop-up text box. (For more
information, see Section 2.6, Editing Text.)
To restore the pop-up text to the default settings (same format as base text, with text size
increased by 50%), click the Relink to page text button above the pop-up text box. This
removes any changes you have made to the pop-up formatting.
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Figure 22: Adding Pop-Up Text
2.5.3 Changing the Order of Text Pop-ups
Each pop-up appears in a predetermined order as the reader swipes through the page on the Kindle
device. You can change the order of the pop-ups with the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator tool.
To change the order of pop-ups:
1. Select the text box or tap region of the pop-up that needs to be re-ordered.
2. Click the gray numbered box in the top left corner of the text box (see Figure 23). The number is
Figure 23: Changing the Pop-Up Order
3. Enter a new number for the pop-up. This determines the order that the pop-up appears
onscreen. For example, if you type “3”, that will be the third pop-up that the Kindle device
displays for that page.
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4. If you type in a number that is already assigned to another pop-up, the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator
automatically renumbers that pop-up and the pop-ups that follow it on that page.
2.5.4 Deleting Text and Pop-ups Deleting a Pop-up and Base Text
To delete both pop-up and base text:
1. Right-click within the base text box. A menu appears.
2. Select Delete Pop-up and Text. Deleting a Pop-up
To delete a pop-up without deleting the corresponding base text:
1. Right-click within the base text box. A menu appears.
2. Select Delete Pop-up. The pop-up is deleted and the base text remains. Deleting Base Text
If the pop-up has been deleted, you can delete the base text by right-clicking within the text box and
selecting Delete Text from the menu that appears. Adding a Pop-up to Base Text
If you have deleted a text pop-up, you can add a new pop-up to that corresponding text box. To add a
new pop-up to pre-existing base text, select the text box and click the Create Pop-up button at the top.
2.5.5 Deleting Tap Targets and Pop-ups
To delete a tap target and its corresponding pop-up:
1. Right-click within the tap target. A menu appears.
2. Select Delete Pop-Up.
2.6 Editing Text
The Kindle Kids’ Book Creator includes the capability to edit and manipulate text and text containers
within a kids' book. Use the following procedures to format and position base text and pop-ups in your
kids' book.
2.6.1 Using the Text Toolbar
You can use the Text Toolbar to format the selected base text content and text pop-ups (see Figure 24).
To access the Text Toolbar, click View > Toolbars > Text.
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Figure 24: Text Toolbar
Add Pop-Up: Use this button to create text pop-ups to magnify text.
Add Text: Use this button to add base text to your book. This also creates a
corresponding pop-up.
Edit Font: Use these controls to change the font family and font size of
selected text.
Font Style: Use these buttons to apply bold, italic, and underline styling to text.
Text Color: Use this button to open a color palette window and change the color of
Line Spacing: Increase or decrease this number to adjust the space between lines in
any text box.
Letter Spacing: Increase or decrease this number to adjust the space between
characters in any text box.
Paragraph Orientation: Use these buttons to change text orientation within a text
box. You can make the text left aligned, centered, right aligned, or fully justified.
2.6.2 Changing the Font Family
To change the font family of text:
1. Select the text to be changed.
To change the formatting of some of the text, highlight that text.
To change the formatting of all text within that text box, click anywhere within the text
2. In the Text Toolbar, click the drop-down font menu. This menu contains all fonts that have been
added to this kids' book, plus Georgia. (For more details, see Section 2.6.9, Adding a Font.)
3. Select the desired font.
2.6.3 Changing the Font Size
To change the font size of text:
1. Select the text that you want to resize.
To change the formatting of some of the text, highlight that text.
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To change the formatting of all text within that text box, click anywhere in the text box.
2. In the Text Toolbar, click the drop-down font size menu and select the desired size.
2.6.4 Changing the Font Style
To change the font style of text:
1. Select the text that you want to reformat.
To change the formatting of some of the text, highlight that text.
To change the formatting of all text within that text box, click anywhere within the text
2. In the Text Toolbar, click the button for the desired font style: Bold, Italic, or Underline.
2.6.5 Changing the Text Color
To change the color of text:
1. Select the text.
To change the color of some of the text, highlight that text.
To change the color of all text within that text box, click anywhere within the text box.
2. In the Text Toolbar, click the Text Color button . The Select Color dialog box appears.
3. Select the color that you want to apply. You can choose from a set of basic colors, a full palette,
or set the RGB values manually.
4. Click OK.
2.6.6 Changing the Line Height
To change the line height of text:
1. Click anywhere within the text box. The Kindle Kids’ Book Creator automatically applies any
change in line height to all text within that container.
2. In the Text Toolbar, enter the desired line height in ems.
2.6.7 Changing the Letter Spacing
To change the letter spacing of text:
1. Click anywhere within the text box. The Kindle Kids’ Book Creator automatically applies any
change in letter spacing to all text within that container.
2. In the Text Toolbar, enter the desired letter spacing in ems.
2.6.8 Changing the Paragraph Orientation
To change the paragraph orientation of text:
1. Click anywhere within the text box. The Kindle Kids’ Book Creator automatically applies any
change in letter spacing to all text within that container.
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2. In the Text Toolbar, click the button for the desired paragraph orientation: Left Aligned,
Centered, Right Aligned, or Justified.
2.6.9 Adding a Font
All of the embedded fonts contained in your kids' book appear on the Text Toolbar. To add an additional
embedded font, select Tools > Add Font. Accepted file types are .ttf and .otf. The newly added font
name appears in the Text Toolbar.
2.6.10 Moving and Resizing Pop-ups and Text Regions Moving a Text Region
To move a text region:
1. In the Design tab, text regions have a blue and white border when selected. Move the cursor
near the border line. The mouse cursor changes from a pointer to a four-pointed arrow:
2. Drag and drop the text region to the desired location. Resizing a Text Region
To resize a text region:
1. In the Design tab, text regions have a blue and white dashed border when selected. Move the
cursor to the corner of the border. The mouse cursor changes from a pointer to a diagonal
2. Drag to the desired size. Moving a Text Pop-up
To move a text pop-up:
1. In the Design tab, click the View Pop-Up button above the text box or tap region to open the
2. Move the cursor near the gray border line. The mouse cursor changes from a pointer to a four-
pointed arrow:
3. Drag and drop the text region to the desired location. Resizing a Text Pop-up
To resize a text pop-up:
1. In the Design tab, click the View Pop-Up button above the text box or tap region to open the
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2. Move the cursor to the corner of the gray border. The mouse cursor changes from a pointer to a
diagonal arrow:
3. Drag to the desired size.
2.7 Previewing the Book
This functionality requires the use of Kindle Previewer, which should have been included in your
installation of the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator. If not, you can download it from
To preview a KF8 version of your file:
1. Select Book Preview > Create Book Preview. The KindleGen messages are displayed in the
Console pane as the book is being built (see Figure 25).
Figure 25: Console Pane
NOTE: Details about .mobi files can be found on During the
export to .mobi process, there might be some warnings. Guidelines for Amazon formatting are
available in the Kindle Publishing Guidelines.
2. Kindle Previewer automatically opens the eBook in a new window (see Figure 26).
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Figure 26: Kindle Previewer
2.8 Creating and Exporting the KF8 File
To create a Kindle file in KF8 format:
1. Select File > Save for Publishing. The Save for Publishing window appears.
2. Name the file and select Save. Your book is now ready to test on a device and then deliver to
2.9 Loading an eBook File on a Kindle Device
To test how your eBook appears on a device, load your eBook on a Kindle:
1. Connect the Kindle to a USB port on your computer with a micro-USB cable. The Kindle
appears in the same location as other external USB drives.
On a PC: The Kindle device appears on the Computer or My Computer menu.
On a Mac: The Kindle device appears on the desktop.
NOTE: If your device is password protected, you must enter this password on the device to
access the files on your computer.
2. Open the Kindle drive and drag-and-drop your book file into the appropriate folder.
On a Kindle Fire device: Drag your book file into the Books folder.
On a Kindle eInk device: Drag your book file into the Documents folder.
3. Eject the Kindle from your computer and disconnect the USB cable. Your new book appears
in the same location as other books on the device:
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Kindle Kids’ Book Creator User Guide
On a Kindle Fire device: Your book appears in the Docs screen.
On a Kindle eInk device: Your book appears on the Home screen.
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