The purpose of this document is to provide a checklist for pro se filers and attorneys practicing before the court to assist them
in reviewing their briefs and appendices for compliance with the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, the D.C. Circuit Rules,
and the D.C. Circuit Handbook of Practice and Procedures prior to filing their briefs with the court. Elements required by the
rules are covered below with specific citation to the corresponding rule(s) for reference purposes. Nothing contained in this
checklist supplants a party’s briefing requirements or obligations under the federal and local rules. Additional inquires may
be directed to the Clerk’s Office by calling (202) 216-7290 or (202) 216-7310.
A brief may be reproduced by any process that yields a clear black image on light paper
with a clarity that equals or exceeds the output of a laser printer. The paper must be
opaque and unglazed. Only one side of the paper may be used.
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(1)
The brief must be on 8 ½ by 11 inch paper. The text must be double-spaced, but
quotations more than two lines long may be indented and single-spaced. Headings and
footnotes may be single-spaced. Margins must be at least one inch on all four sides.
Page numbers may be placed in the margins, but no text may appear there.
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(4)
The brief may use either a proportionally spaced or a monospaced face and must be set
in a plain, roman style, although italics and boldface may be used for emphasis. Case
names must be italicized or underlined. If a brief uses a proportionally spaced face, the
typeface must be at least 14 point and must include serifs, but sans-serif type may be
used in headings and captions. If a brief uses a monospaced face, the typeface may have
no more than 10 ½ characters per inch.
L Note: Certain typefaces can be easier to read, such as Century and Times New
Roman. The Court encourages the use of these typefaces. Briefs that use
Garamond as the typeface can be more difficult to read and the use of this
typeface is discouraged. See D.C. Circuit Handbook of Practice and Procedures
§ IX.A.6.
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(5), (6)
When filed electronically, the brief must be in Portable Document Format (PDF), which is
generated from an original word-processing file and is fully text searchable.
D.C. Cir. Rule 32(b)(1)
The front cover of the brief must contain the following items in the order listed:
< The date of oral argument or reference to submission without oral argument,
whichever is applicable, located in capital letters at the top;
< The case number centered;
< The name of the court;
< The caption of the case;
< The nature of the proceeding and the name of the court, agency or board below;
< The title of the brief, identifying the parties on whose behalf the brief is filed; and
< The name, the postal and email address, and the telephone number of counsel
representing the party for whom the brief is filed.
The cover of an amicus brief must also identify the parties supported and indicate whether
the brief supports affirmance or reversal.
L Note: In cases designated "Complex," the cover of the brief should so indicate.
See D.C. Circuit Handbook of Practice and Procedures § IX.A.6.
D.C. Cir. Rule 28(a)(8)
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(2)
Fed. R. App. P. 29(a)(4)
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The brief must be bound in any manner that is secure, does not obscure the text, and
permits the brief to lie reasonably flat when open.
L Note: The following types of binding ensure that the brief will lie flat when open:
spiral (also known as coil), comb, and wire binding. The following types of
binding do not permit a brief to lie flat when open: velo (also known as strip)
binding, metal fasteners or posts, and staples. Accordingly, the use of such
methods is not acceptable for a brief, nor is the use of a three-ring binder. If a
brief is submitted that does not conform with these requirements, the party will
be notified and directed to file a brief that is properly bound. See D.C. Circuit
Handbook of Practice and Procedures § IX.A.6.
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(3)
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The brief must contain, under the appropriate headings, each applicable element listed below in the order shown
Certificate as to Parties, Rulings Under Review, and Related
< Including any disclosure information pursuant to Fed. R.
App. P. 26.1 and D.C. Cir. Rule 26.1
All Briefs
(Excluding Reply
D.C. Cir. Rule 28(a)(1)
Table of Contents All Briefs Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(2), (b)
Fed. R. App. P. 28.1(c)
Fed. R. App. P. 29(a)(4)(B)
Table of Authorities
< Authorities on which the brief principally relies may be
marked with an asterisk (*) in the left-hand margin,
together with a notation at the bottom of the first page of
the table stating: "Authorities upon which we chiefly rely
are marked with asterisks."
< Each page of the brief on which an authority is cited must
be identified; passim or similar terms may not be used.
All Briefs Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(3), (b)
D.C. Cir. Rule 28(a)(2)
Fed. R. App. P. 28.1(c)
Fed. R. App. P. 29(a)(4)(C)
Glossary of Abbreviations
L Note: To enhance the clarity of the brief, the court strongly
urges parties to limit the use of acronyms. While acronyms
may be used for entities and statutes with widely
recognized initials, such as FERC and FOIA, parties
should avoid using acronyms that are not widely known.
See D.C. Circuit Handbook of Practice and Procedures §
IX.A.8(d); Notice Regarding Use of Acronyms (D.C. Cir.
Jan. 26, 2010).
All Briefs D.C. Cir. Rule 28(a)(3)
Jurisdictional Statement Appellant’s Briefs;
Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(4)
D.C. Cir. Rule 28(a)(4)
Fed. R. App. P. 28.1(c)
Statement of Issues Appellant’s Briefs;
Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(5)
Fed. R. App. P. 28.1(c)
Statutes and Regulations
< Such materials must be set forth either in the body of the
brief or in an addendum introduced by a table of contents
and bound with the brief or separately.
< Any addendum exceeding 40 pages must be bound
separately from the brief. If separately bound, a statement
must appear in the body of the brief referencing the
< If the addendum is bound with the brief, the addendum
must be separated from the body of the brief (and from
any other addendum) by a distinctly colored separation
< If such materials are contained in a brief previously
submitted by another party, they need not be repeated but,
if they are not repeated, a statement must appear under
this heading as follows: "[Except for the following,] all
applicable statutes, etc., are contained in the Brief for
All Briefs D.C. Cir. Rule 28(a)(5)
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The brief must contain, under the appropriate headings, each applicable element listed below in the order shown
Statement of the Case Appellant’s Briefs;
Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(6)
Fed. R. App. P. 28.1(c)
Statement of Identity, Interest in Case, and Source of Authority
to File
Amicus Curiae
Fed. R. App. P. 29(a)(4)(D)
Statement of Authorship and Financial Contributions Amicus Curiae
Fed. R. App. P. 29(a)(4)(E)
Summary of Argument All Briefs
(Excluding Amicus
Curiae's Briefs
Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(7)
D.C. Cir. Rule 28(a)(6)
Fed. R. App. P. 28.1(c)
< In cases involving direct review of administrative actions,
the petitioner or appellant must set forth the basis for the
party’s standing either in the body of the brief or in an
addendum bound with the brief or bound separately.
< If set forth in the body of the party’s brief, this section must
follow the summary of argument and immediately precede
the argument.
< If the addendum is bound with the brief, the addendum
must be separated from the body of the brief (and from
any other addendum) by a distinctly colored separation
< Any addendum exceeding 40 pages must be bound
separately from the brief.
Appellant’s Briefs;
D.C. Cir. Rule 28(a)(7)
D.C. Cir. Rule 28.1(b)
< Appellant must include a concise statement of the
applicable standard of review for each issue, which may
appear under a separate heading placed before the
discussion of the issues.
All Briefs Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(8), (b)
Fed. R. App. P. 28.1(c)
Fed. R. App. P. 29(a)(4)(F)
Conclusion Stating the Relief Sought Appellant’s Briefs;
Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(9)
Fed. R. App. P. 28.1(c)
Signature Block All Briefs Fed. R. App. P. 32(d)
D.C. Cir. Rule 32(a)
Certificate of Compliance All Briefs Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(10)
Fed. R. App. P. 29(a)(4)(G)
Fed. R. App. P. 32(g)
Certificate of Service (if required under the rule) All Briefs Fed. R. App. P. 25(d)
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Headings, footnotes, and quotations count toward the word and line limitations. The following items, however,
do not count toward the length limitations in briefs: the cover page; the certificate of parties, rulings under review,
and related cases; the corporate disclosure statement; the table of contents; the table of authorities; the glossary;
any addendum containing statutes, rules, or regulations, or evidence in support of a claim of standing; the
signature block; the proof of service; and any certificates of counsel. See Fed. R. App. P. 32(f); D.C. Cir. Rule
Principal Brief of Appellant or
Blue 30 Pages; 13,000 Words; or
1,300 Lines (monospaced typeface only)
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(2), (7)
Principal Brief of Appellee or
Red 30 Pages; 13,000 Words; or
1,300 Lines (monospaced typeface only)
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(2), (7)
Principal Brief of Intervenors Green 19 Pages; 9,100 Words; or
813 Lines (monospaced typeface only)
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(2)
D.C. Cir. Rule 32(e)(2)
Principal Brief of Amicus Curiae
Appointed by the Court
Green 30 Pages; 13,000 Words; or
1,300 Lines (monospaced typeface only)
D.C. Cir. Rule 29
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(2), (7)
Principal Brief of Amicus Curiae
Not Appointed by the Court
(On the Merits)
Green 15 Pages; 6,500 Words; or
650 Lines (monospaced typeface only)
Fed. R. App. P. 29(a)(5)
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(2)
D.C. Cir. Rule 32(e)(3)
Principal Brief of Amicus Curiae
Not Appointed by the Court
(On Rehearing)
Green 2,600 Words Fed. R. App. P. 29(b)(4)
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(2)
Reply Brief of Appellant or
Gray 15 Pages; 6,500 Words; or
650 Lines (monospaced typeface only)
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(2), (7)
Reply Brief of Intervenors in
Support of Appellant or
Gray 9 Pages; 4,550 Words; or
407 Lines (monospaced typeface only)
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(2)
D.C. Cir. Rule 32(e)(2)
Reply Brief of Amicus Curiae
Appointed by the Court
Gray 15 Pages; 6,500 Words; or
650 Lines (monospaced typeface only)
D.C. Cir. Rule 29
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(2), (7)
Reply Brief of Amicus Curiae
Not Appointed by the Court
-- Brief Not Allowed Under the Rules Fed. R. App. P. 29(a)(7)
Supplemental Briefs Tan Determined Per Order of the Court Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(2)
Principal Brief of Appellant or
Blue 30 Pages; 13,000 Words; or
1,300 Lines (monospaced typeface only)
Fed. R. App. P. 28.1(d), (e)
Principal and Response Brief of
Appellee or Respondent
Red 35 Pages; 15,300 Words; or
1,500 Lines (monospaced typeface only)
Fed. R. App. P. 28.1(d), (e)
Response and Reply Brief of
Appellant or Petitioner
Yellow 30 Pages; 13,000 Words; or
1,300 Lines (monospaced typeface only)
Fed. R. App. P. 28.1(d), (e)
Reply Brief of Appellee or
Gray 15 Pages; 6,500 Words; or
650 Lines (monospaced typeface only)
Fed. R. App. P. 28.1(d), (e)
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For briefs filed electronically, the electronic version constitutes the ‘original’.
Brief of Unrepresented Person Proceeding
In Forma Pauperis
Original Only D.C. Cir. Rule 31(b)
Brief of Unrepresented Person Not Proceeding
In Forma Pauperis
Original and 8 Copies D.C. Cir. Rule 31(b)
Brief When Not Utilizing a Deferred Appendix Original and 8 Copies D.C. Cir. Rule 31(b)
D.C. Cir. Rule 32(d)(3)
Initial Brief When Utilizing a Deferred Appendix Original Only D.C. Cir. Rule 31(b)
Final Brief When Utilizing a Deferred Appendix Original and 8 Copies D.C. Cir. Rule 31(b)
Brief Containing Materials Under Seal Original and 6 Copies D.C. Cir. Rule 47.1(d)(1)
Public Version of Sealed Brief Original and 8 Copies D.C. Cir. Rule 47.1(d)(1)
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An appendix may be reproduced by any process that yields a clear black image on light
paper with a clarity that equals or exceeds the output of a laser printer. The paper must
be opaque and unglazed. Duplication may be made on both sides of each page.
D.C. Cir. Rule 30(a)
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(1), (b)
The appendix must be on 8 ½ by 11 inch paper, but may be a size other than by 11
inches when necessary to facilitate inclusion of odd-sized documents. Margins must be
at least one inch on all four sides. Page numbers may be placed in the margins, but no
text may appear there.
D.C. Cir. Rule 25(c)(5)
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(4)
Fed. R. App. P. 32(b)(3)
When filed electronically, the appendix must be in Portable Document Format (PDF),
which is generated from an original word-processing file and is fully text searchable.
Appendix items and attachments to an electronically-filed document may be scanned
if a word-processing version is not available. However, all image-based documents
containing typewritten text must be rendered searchable using optical character
recognition (OCR) prior to submission.
D.C. Cir. Rule 32(b)(1)
The front cover of the appendix must be white and contain the following items in the
order listed:
< The case number centered;
< The name of the court;
< The caption of the case;
< The nature of the proceeding and the name of the court, agency or board
< The title of the appendix, identifying the parties on whose behalf the appendix
is filed; and
< The name, postal and email address, and telephone number of counsel
representing the party for whom the appendix is filed.
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(2)
Fed. R. App. P. 32(b)(1)
The appendix must be bound in any manner that is secure, does not obscure the text,
and permits it to lie reasonably flat when open (unless odd-sized documents are
L Note: The following types of binding ensure that the appendix will lie flat when
open: spiral (also known as coil), comb, and wire binding. The following types
of binding do not permit an appendix to lie flat when open: velo (also known as
strip) binding, metal fasteners or posts, and staples. Accordingly, the use of
such methods is not acceptable for an appendix, nor is the use of a three-ring
binder. If an appendix is submitted that does not conform with these
requirements, the party will be notified and directed to file an appendix that is
properly bound. See D.C. Circuit Handbook of Practice and Procedures §
Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(3)
Fed. R. App. P. 32(b)(3)
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The appendix must contain each applicable element listed below in the order shown.
Table of Contents Fed. R. App. P. 30(d)
The Relevant Docket Entries in the Proceeding Below Fed. R. App. P. 30(a)(1)(A), (d)
Copies of the following, set out in chronological order:
< The relevant portions of the pleadings, charge, findings, opinion, transcripts,
and exhibits cited in the brief;
< The judgment, decision, or order in question;
< Any other parts of the record to which the parties wish to direct the court's
L Note: Memoranda of law, discovery material, and interlocutory motions or
rulings filed in the district court should not be included in the appendix unless
they have independent relevance. Counsel must not burden the appendix with
material of excessive length or items that do not bear directly on the issues
raised on appeal.
Fed. R. App. P. 30(a), (d)
D.C. Cir. Rule 30(b)
If sealed material is included in an appendix, the appendix must be filed in 2
< One segment must bear the legend "Public Appendix—Sealed Material in
Separate Supplement" on the cover with each page from which material
under seal has been deleted bearing the legend "Material Under Seal
Deleted" at the top;
< A second segment must contain all sealed material and bear the legend
"Supplement—Under Seal" on the cover with each page of the supplement
containing sealed material bearing the legend "Under Seal" at the top.
D.C. Cir. Rule 47.1(e)(1)
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For appendices filed electronically, the electronic version constitutes one copy.
Appendix of an Unrepresented Appellant or Petitioner Who is
Proceeding in Forma Pauperis
L Note: An unrepresented appellant or petitioner
proceeding in forma pauperis is not required to file an
appendix. If an appendix is not used, the appellant or
petitioner must instead furnish, with the brief, the
transcript pages he or she wishes to call to the court's
attention; a list setting forth the page numbers of the
transcript so furnished; and other portions of the record
to which the appellant or petitioner directs the court's
1 Copy
(4 Encouraged)
D.C. Cir. Rule 24(a)
Appendix of Appellee or Respondent When Appellant or
Petitioner is Proceeding in Forma Pauperis
4 Copies D.C. Cir. Rule 24(b)
Joint Appendix to Briefs
L Note: When the appendix is filed electronically, only 7
paper copies of the appendix are required.
8 Copies D.C. Cir. Rule 30(a)
D.C. Cir. Rule 32(d)(3)
Exhibits in Separate Volume 4 Copies Fed. R. App. P. 30(e)
Public Appendix to Brief (Materials Under Seal) 7 Copies D.C. Cir. Rule 47.1(e)(1)
Sealed Supplement to Appendix (Materials Under Seal) 7 Copies D.C. Cir. Rule 47.1(e)(1)
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