Soundbank Manual
Soware Version 1.5
EN 200402
End-User License Agreement (EULA)
Use of this product is subject to the acceptance of our End User License Agreement, available here.
©2022 UVI. All rights reserved.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Introduction .................................................................................................................................4
Concept ......................................................................................................................................... 5
KIT ..............................................................................................................................................6
Globals ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
SEQ .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
MIX and MIDI Mappings .......................................................................................................................... 8
FX ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
KICK ...........................................................................................................................................10
MAIN ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
EDIT ................................................................................................................................................................. 11
FX ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
SNARE .......................................................................................................................................15
MAIN ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
EDIT ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
FX ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18
CLAP .......................................................................................................................................... 19
MAIN ............................................................................................................................................................... 19
EDIT ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
FX ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22
CYMBAL ...................................................................................................................................23
MAIN ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
EDIT ................................................................................................................................................................. 24
FX ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Presets ...........................................................................................................................................27
Links ............................................................................................................................................... 40
Credits and Thanks ...................................................................................................................41
Table of Contents
Modern Drum Workshop
Drum engines deliver unmatched flexibility and sound design
Dedicated Kick, Snare, Clap and Cymbal instruments with
Thousands of sounds, samples and kits for infinite possibilities
Created for producers and sound designer of any genre, Drum
Designer provides innovative tools allowing you to shape, pitch
and tweak drum sounds in ways that would have been previously
impossible or prohibitively time consuming. Born from a deep analysis
of drum production techniques, Drum Designer delivers 4 specialised
instruments along with a dedicated 8 part sequencer, a massive
collection of 5,700+ samples, 2,500+ meticulously created drum
presets, 398 kits, and more.
Drum Designer has been developed to offer deep sound-shaping
controls. Unlike sample packs which can be disappointing to
manipulate, Drum Designer unlocks your drums, giving you the ability
to surgically alter the individual components of each sound. Craft
tight and hard-hitting kits with absolute control, easily match existing
sounds to your track, instantly create variations, modulate any detail,
and design wild new textures.
Drum Designer breaks down individual hits into discrete slices and
layers, giving you the best of both raw synthesis and sample-based
approaches to drum design. A massive collection of thousands of
‘component’ samples are combined together within 4 expressive drum
engines: Kick, Snare, Clap and Cymbal, utilizing custom 3D wavetables
and samples, filtering and DSP to help you create the next wave of
signature beats.
Whether you’re looking for a library of punchy and hard-hitting
new drum sounds or a suite of innovative instruments to explore
and master, Drum Designer is a powerful and game-changing tool
delivering the quality of high-end sample packs with the flexibility of a
modern, dedicated synth.
Minimum System Requirements
Latest version of UVI Workstation or Falcon
1.86GB of disk space
For more information on the installation process, please refer to
the document: Soundbank Installation Guide
Splitting the kick
sound into Body and
Tone sections, Kick
Designer lets you select
individual sounds for
each component, adjust
their pitch, gain, pan,
keytracking, and LP and
HP filters independently.
You can change the
phase of the tone so
it aligns perfectly and
even lengthen the tone
component duration,
unlike traditional sample
packs. Use the Tone Amp
editor to draw your own
custom envelopes and
then smooth it to taste.
Start with the Body and
Tone components found
in the Kick Designer and
add 2 discrete Noise
layers each with the same
level of control. The noise
components are each
capable of creating room
sounds, ramps and tight
attacks to emphasize the
transient. Use the Tone
editor to create unique
envelopes for Amp and
Pitch, and change the
wave shape, phase and
Breaking down the
traditional clap sound into
3 atomic elements called
“shots” and a noise layer.
Configure samples for each
shot and then microedit
them with the step editors
for sound, time, gain, pan
and pitch. The engine
lets you design new and
fresh clap sounds almost
instantly; configure the 3
shot layers, engage the
layer link and then use the
prev/next buttons to get
totally new sounds. Use the
‘Humanize’ control to get
slight variations with each
2 sophisticated noise and
metallic texture layers
create slight and natural
variations on each trigger.
The starting phase can
also be locked to get a
more traditional sample
behavior. The shape of
cymbal hits can easily be
customized, allowing the
creation of reverse cymbal
hits, long fx, sweeps with
cymbal textures or even
freeze-like sounds.
A powerful instrument
in its own right, Drum
Designer’s ‘Sequencer’
gives you 8 engines (1x
Kick, 2x Snare, 1x Clap and
4x Cymbal) with Volume,
Pan and Pitch sequencers
up to 8 bars long at
resolutions up to 1/64t.
Quickly control Time, Gain,
Pan, Pitch and sends for
each engine, and finalize
the sound with bus effects
including a Compressor,
EQ, Delay and Reverb. Even
click-drag sequences to
copy them as MIDI to your
desktop or DAW.
Drum Designer contains 4 instruments:
KIT groups these instruments into one instance
including a sequencer, quick controls and bus effects.
KICK, SNARE, CLAP and CYMBAL can be loaded as
single instruments ideal for designing single hits.
Multiple output version for KIT is also available
KIT - Globals
Back to KIT
Global Volume
1 Playback
Click to start/stop internal sequencer
2 Presets
Browse kits either using the left/right
arrows or by the drop-down menu
3 Menu
Click to access the menu of the
instruments to save or load user presets.
» Load Kit
Recall saved kit
Note: Patches are saved in XML format,
which can only be loaded using the Save/
Load functionality on the interface
» Save Kit
Saves the current kit
» Save Kit as...
Saves the current settings as a new kit to
recall later
» Save All as...
Saves the current all settings as a new
patch to recall later
» State A/B
Saves current status to clipboard to
compare later edits
» Copy A to B/B to A
Recall saved status A or B
» Copy Sequence Page
Copy the sequence from the current
page to clipboard
» Paste Sequence Page
Paste the sequence settings to the
current page from clipboard
» Lock Kit
Enable to preserve current sound (kit)
settings when changing presets
» Lock Sequence
Enable to preserve current sequence
settings when changing presets
» Lock Sequence Mutes and Slots
Enable to preserve current mixer settings
when changing presets
» Tempo
Set the sequence’s tempo mode:
Normal: Play at internal or external
Half: Play at half-slow of the tempo
Double: Play at double speed of the
Original: Play at kit tempo
4 Pages
Click to change the current page
5 Global Volume
6 Part
Click to access each engine; KICK, SNARE,
7 Back to KIT
From any of the engines, click the BACK
button in the upper-right of the interface
to switch back to KIT, SEQ or MIX page
1 Sequence Layer Tabs
Click to change the current layer, Velocity,
Pan, Pitch and Decay
2 Sequence Pages
Switch between sections of the sequence
3 Auto Scroll
Enable/disables auto sequence scroll
4 Part Controls
» Engine
Click the track name to access the engine
» Mute
» Solo
» Part function menu
Click to execute the functions below
Seq Presets: Patterns and options are
Clear: Clear the sequence of chosen
Load: Recall saved sequence for
chosen part
Save: Save current sequence of
chosen part
Seq Transform: Transform or shifts the
sequence of chosen part
Copy Seq from: Copy the sequence from
chosen part
Copy Sound from: Copy the sound with
all settings from chosen part (Snare and
Cymbal only)
Swap Track With: Swap the track with
all settings from chosen part (Snare and
Cymbal only)
Note: Copy Sound and Swap Track only
functions on parts of the same type
Lock Sequence: Enable to preserve
current sequence settings when
changing presets
Lock Sound: Enable to preserve current
sound settings when changing presets
Lock Sequence: Make a choke group
from chosen engine (Cymbal only)
» Zoom
Click to zoom sequence to full-height of
chosen part. Click again to switch back
5 Grid Editor
Draw values or double-click to input
numerical values
Right-click the grid to reset all values
» Velocity layer
Set the note velocity from 0 to 127
» Pan, Pitch and Decay layer
Set modulation amount from -1.00 to
6 Beat Indicator
LED lights up over current beat
7 Edit Grid
Set the grid size (1/64t, 1/16t, 1/32, 1/8t,
1/16, 1/8, 1/4)
8 Event Link
Set the interval to link edits (1/4, 1/2, 1bar,
2bars, 4bars, 8bars)
For example, if you set it to 1 bar, every edit
you make will be repeated in 1 bar intervals.
When set to 8 bars, grids are not linked and
can be operated individually.
Event Link is ideal for creating repeating
patterns quickly.
9 Swing
» Swing division
Sets the swing division from drop-down
menu (1/8, 1/16, 1/32)
» Swing amount
Set the amount of swing
10 MIDI Export
Export the sequence as MIDI to DAW or
Click the “Generate”, then drag the “Export”
button and drop to DAW’s MIDI/Instrument
track or desktop
KIT - SEQ Page
Sequence Layers
Part Controls
Event Link
Edit Grid
Grid Editor
Beat Indicator
Auto Scroll
Sequence Pages
MIDI Export
The Sequencer is a grid style, 8 part, multi-layer sequencer with 8 bars spread over 4 pages.
Each page displays 2 bars of the sequence (pg.1 = bars 1+2, pg.2 = bars 3+4... etc.)
Edit Parameters
On the Mix page there are six global
parameters available for each engine
Set the time position of the sounding
part (ahead or behind the beat)
Sets the part volume
Adjust the stereo position of the part
Adjust the pitch of the part
Set the send level to master delay effect
Set the send level to master reverb effect
MIDI Mappings
» Bass Drum C1
» Snare Drum 1 D1
» Snare Drum 2 E1
» Clap D#1
» Cymbals F#1, G#1, A#1 and C#2
» Play C3
C4 start from Bar 1
D4 start from Bar 2
E4 start from Bar 3
F4 start from Bar 4
G4 start from Bar 5
A4 start from Bar 6
B4 start from Bar 7
C5 start from Bar 8
Note: You can play any of the tracks
melodically by sending MIDI to channels
Audio Ouputs
The “Kit - Multi Out” program provides the
stereo mix as well as individual track outputs.
Channel Mapping:
» MIX Main Out (FX only)
» KICK Out 2
» SNARE 1 Out 3
» SNARE 2 Out 4
» CLAP Out 5
» CYMBAL 1 Out 6
» CYMBAL 2 Out 7
» CYMBAL 3 Out 8
» CYMBAL 4 Out 9
KIT - MIX Page and MIDI Mappings
Edit Parameters
1 Bus Compressor
» On/Off
Click the Bus Comp button to turn the
effect on/off
» Threshold
Set the level at which compression starts
» Ratio
Sets the compression ratio
» Attack
Set the compression attack time
» Release
Set the compression release time
» Make-Up
Adjust the compressed signal level
» Mix
Adjust the compression mix amount
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
2 Post Clip
» On/Off
Click the Post Clip button to turn the
effect on/off
» Threshold
Set the level at which clip starts
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
3 EQ
Features parametric EQ and High and
Low cutoff filters
» On/Off
Click the EQ button to turn the effect on/off
» Frequency
Set the frequency of the EQ bands and
the filter cutoff
» EQ Gain
Set the amount of gain for EQ
» Q
Set the bandwidth of the EQ
» Gain
Set the effect output level
4 Delay
» On/Off
Click the Delay button to turn the effect
» Mode
Select delay mode from drop-down menu
» Time
Adjust the delay time
» Feedback
Adjust the delay feedback amount
» Filters (HP & LP)
Adjust the delay output’s Low-Pass and
High-Pass filter frequencies
» Mix
Adjust the delay effect mix amount
» Gain
Set the effect output level
5 Reverb
» On/Off
Click the Reverb button to turn the effect
» Impulse Response
Select an IR from drop-down menu
» Predelay Time
Adjust the delay time of the first
» Decay Time
Adjust the reverb decay time
» Lo Damp
Adjust the low frequency response of
» Hi Damp
Adjust the high frequency response of
» Gain
Set the effect output level
NOTE: Bus Compressor, Post Clip and EQ
are not available in Multi-Out patch
KIT - FX Page
Bus Compressor
Post Clip
1 Presets
Browse Kick sound presets either using
the left/right arrows or by the drop-
down menu
2 Menu
Click to access the menu of the
instrument (engine) to save or load user
» Load Kick
Recall saved kick sound
Note: Patches are saved in XML format,
which can only be loaded using the Save/
Load functionality on the interface
» Save Kick
Saves current kick sound
» Save Kick as...
Saves the current engine settings as a
new sound to recall later
» State A/B
Saves current status to clipboard to
compare later edits
» Copy A to B/B to A
Recall saved status A or B
3 Pages
Click to change the current page
4 Master Gain
Adjust the master volume of the sound
5 Master Parameters
» Pitch
Adjust the tuning of pitch keyboard
tracked layer
» Decay
Change the duration of the Tone Amp
» Color
Shape the sound with one knob EQ
» Loudness
Inflate or compress the gain of the Tone
Amp envelope
» Gate
Additional HD envelope, click to enable/
H: adjust the gate hold time
D: adjust the gate decay time
» Release
Release gate envelope, click to enable/
R: adjust the gate release time
» Velocity
Click to enable/disable
Vel: adjust the velocity sensitivity
» Pitch
Click to enable/disable
Ktr: adjust the key tracking amount
Gld: sets the portamento time
Note in Kit preset, use MIDI channel 2 to
play the sound with melodically
Kick Presets
Master Parameters
Master Gain
In KIT instruments,
the BACK button
will appear here.
Click to switch back
to previous KIT
page, SEQ or MIX
Kick Layers
» Body
Sample-based layer
» Tone
Synth oscillator-based layer
1 Edit Link
When enabled, all layer controls
are linked and can be adjusted
simultaneously. When adjusting, all
parameters assume the same value
2 Layer Controls
» Activity Indicator
Shows activity of the layer via small LED
» Sound
Browse the sound presets of the layer
either using the left/right arrows or by
the drop-down menu
» Mute
Mute the layer
» Solo
Solo the layer
» Time
Sets the time position of the layer
» Gain
Sets the layer volume
» Pan
Adjust the stereo position of the layer
» Pitch
Adjust the tuning of the layer
Click the keyboard icon to set the key
tracking of the layer on/off
» Filters (HP & LP)
Set the HP and LP filter cutoff
frequencies for the layer
3 Control Tabs
Click to access the layer edit parameters
4 Body Controls
» Sample
Adjust the sample start position of the
body sample
» Attack
Adjust the attack time
» Hold
Adjust the hold time
» Decay
Adjust the decay time
» Envelope Curves
Small knobs at the left of the Attack and
the right of the Decay time control are to
adjust the envelope curve of each portion
KICK - EDIT Page [Global & BODY tab]
Layer Control
Body Controls
Control Tabs
Edit Link
Envelope Preset
Tone Pitch Controls
Tone Amp Controls
1 Envelope
Click-and-drag to draw the envelope
shape for Tone layer’s amp or pitch
Right-click the display to reset the
2 Smooth
Click to smooth envelope curve
Note: Click again to smooth even more
3 Envelope Preset
Browse the envelope presets either using
the left/right arrows or by the drop-
down menu
4 Tone Amp Controls
Shaping the Tone Amp envelope
» Envelope Curves
Small knob left of the Attack time control
adjusts the envelope curve
» Attack
Adjust the attack time
» Time
Set the envelope duration
5 Tone Pitch Controls
Shaping the Tone Pitch envelope
» Depth
Set the depth of the pitch envelope
» Time
Set the envelope duration
Tone Wave Controls
» Shape
Adjust the shape of the Tone layer
» Attack
Adjust the attack time
» Hold
Adjust the hold time
» Decay
Adjust the decay time
» Envelope Curves
Small knobs at the left of the Attack and
the right of the Decay time control adjust
the envelope curve of each portion
» Phase
Adjust the start phase of the layer
This is ideal for aligning the start phase
of two layers to Solve phasing problem
which occur between the layers
» Phase Stereo
Adjust the start phase difference in
stereo of the Tone layer
KICK - EDIT Page [Tone Wave tab]
Tone Wave Controls
1 Transient
» On/Off
Click the Transient button to turn the
effect on/off
» Attack
Adjust the attack time
» Hold
Adjust the hold time
» Decay
Adjust the decay time
» Envelope Curves
Small knobs at the left of the Attack and
the right of the Decay time control are to
adjust the envelope curve of each portion
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
2 Soft Clip
» On/Off
Click the Soft Clip button to turn the
effect on/off
» Threshold
Sets the level when saturation starts
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
3 Stereo
» On/Off
Click the Stereo button to turn the effect
» Width
Sets the stereo image of the reflections
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
4 EQ
Features two-band eq and a couple of
cutoff filters (High and Low)
» On/Off
Click the EQ button to turn the effect on/off
» Frequency
Set the frequency of the EQ band and the
filter cutoff
» EQ Gain
Set the amount of gain for EQ
» Q
Set the band width of the EQ
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
5 Convolver
» On/Off
Click the Convolver button to turn the
effect on/off
» Impulse Response
Select a IR from drop-down menu
» Predelay Time
Adjust the time position of the first delay
of the effect
» Decay Time
Adjust the decay time of the effect
» Lo Damp
Adjust the low frequency response of the
» Hi Damp
Adjust the high frequency response of
the effect
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
KICK - FX Page
So Clip
1 Presets
Browse Snare sound presets either using
the left/right arrows or by the drop-
down menu
2 Menu
Click to access the menu of the
instrument (engine) to save or load user
» Load Snare
Recall saved snare sound
Note: Patches are saved in XML format,
which can only be loaded using the Save/
Load functionality on the interface
» Save Snare
Saves current snare sound
» Save Snare as...
Saves the current engine settings as a
new sound to recall later
» State A/B
Saves current status to clipboard to
compare later edits
» Copy A to B/B to A
Recall saved status A or B
3 Pages
Click to change the current page
4 Master Gain
Adjust the master volume of the sound
5 Master Parameters
» Pitch
Adjust the tuning of pitch keyboard
tracked layer
» Decay
Change the duration of the general
decay sensation
» Color
Shape the sound with one knob EQ
» Punch
Apply a compressor-like effect to the
envelope on each layer
» Gate
Additional HD envelope, click label to on/
off the function
H: adjust the gate hold time
D: adjust the gate decay time
» Release
Release gate envelope, click label to on/
off the function
R: adjust the gate release time
» Velocity
Click label to on/off the function
Vel: adjust the velocity sensitivity
» Pitch
Click to enable/disable
Ktr: adjust the key tracking amount
Gld: sets the portamento time
Note in Kit preset, use MIDI channel 3
(SD1) and channel 4 (SD2) to play the
sound melodically
Snare Presets
Master Parameters
Master Gain
In KIT instruments,
the BACK button
will appear here.
Click to switch back
to previous KIT
page, SEQ or MIX
Snare Layers
» Body
Sample-based layer
» Tone
Synth oscillator-based layer
» Noise 1 & 2
Noise oscillator layer
1 Edit Link
When enabled, all layer controls
are linked and can be adjusted
simultaneously. When adjusting, all
parameters assume the same value
2 Layer Controls
» Sound
Browse the sound presets of the layer
either using the left/right arrows or by
the drop-down menu
» Mute
Mute the layer
» Solo
Solo the layer
» Time
Sets the time position of the layer
» Gain
Sets the layer volume
» Pan
Adjust the stereo position of the layer
» Pitch
Adjust the tuning of the layer
Click the keyboard icon to set the key
tracking of the layer on/off
» Filters (HP & LP)
Set the HP and LP filter cutoff
frequencies for the layer
3 Control Tabs
Click to access the layer edit parameters
4 Body Controls
» Sample
Adjust the sample start position of the
body sample
» Attack
Adjust the attack time
» Hold
Adjust the hold time
» Decay
Adjust the decay time
» Envelope Curves
Small knobs at the left of the Attack and
the right of the Decay time control are to
adjust the envelope curve of each portion
SNARE - EDIT Page [Global & BODY tab]
Layer Control
Body Controls
Control Tabs
Edit Link
Noise Controls
Tone Amp
Tone Pitch
Tone Waveform
1 Tone Amp Controls
Shaping the Tone Amp envelope
» Attack
Adjust the attack time
» Hold
Adjust the hold time
» Decay
Adjust the decay time
» Envelope Curves
Small knobs at the left of the Attack and
the right of the Decay time control are to
adjust the envelope curve of each portion
2 Tone Pitch Controls
Shaping the Tone Pitch envelope
» Attack
Adjust the attack time
» Hold
Adjust the hold time
» Decay
Adjust the decay time
» Envelope Curves
Small knobs at the left of the Attack and
the right of the Decay time control are to
adjust the envelope curve of each portion
3 Tone Waveform Controls
» Shape
Adjust the shape of the Tone layer
» Phase
Adjust the start phase of the layer
This is ideal for aligning the start phase
of two layers to Solve phasing problem
which occur between the layers
» Phase Stereo
Adjust the start phase stereo difference
of the Tone
4 Noise Controls
Shaping the amp envelope and stereo
width of the Noise layers
» Attack
Adjust the attack time
» Hold
Adjust the hold time
» Decay
Adjust the decay time
» Envelope Curves
Small knobs at the left of the Attack and
the right of the Decay time control are to
adjust the envelope curve of each portion
» Stereo
Adjust the stereo amount of the Noise
1 Transient
» On/Off
Click the Transient button to turn the
effect on/off
» Attack
Adjust the attack time
» Hold
Adjust the hold time
» Decay
Adjust the decay time
» Envelope Curves
Small knobs at the left of the Attack and
the right of the Decay time control are to
adjust the envelope curve of each portion
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
2 Soft Clip
» On/Off
Click the Soft Clip button to turn the
effect on/off
» Threshold
Sets the level when saturation starts
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
3 Stereo
» On/Off
Click the Stereo button to turn the effect
» Width
Sets the stereo image of the reflections
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
4 EQ
Features two-band eq and a couple of
cutoff filters (High and Low)
» On/Off
Click the EQ button to turn the effect on/off
» Frequency
Set the frequency of the EQ band and the
filter cutoff
» EQ Gain
Set the amount of gain for EQ
» Q
Set the band width of the EQ
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
5 Convolver
» On/Off
Click the Convolver button to turn the
effect on/off
» Impulse Response
Select a IR from drop-down menu
» Predelay Time
Adjust the time position of the first delay
of the effect
» Decay Time
Adjust the decay time of the effect
» Lo Damp
Adjust the low frequency response of the
» Hi Damp
Adjust the high frequency response of
the effect
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
So Clip
1 Presets
Browse Snare sound presets either using
the left/right arrows or by the drop-
down menu
2 Menu
Click to access the menu of the
instrument (engine) to save or load user
» Load Clap
Recall saved clap sound
Note: Patches are saved in XML format,
which can only be loaded using the Save/
Load functionality on the interface
» Save Clap
Saves current clap sound
» Save Clap as...
Saves the current engine settings as a
new sound to recall later
» State A/B
Saves current status to clipboard to
compare later edits
» Copy A to B/B to A
Recall saved status A or B
3 Pages
Click to change the current page
4 Master Gain
Adjust the master volume of the sound
5 Master Parameters
» Pitch
Adjust the tuning of pitch keyboard
tracked layer
» Decay
Change the duration of the general
decay sensation
» Color
Shaping the sound with one knob EQ
» Time Stretch
Time stretch or compress the layers
» Gate
Additional HD envelope, click label to on/
off the function
H: adjust the gate hold time
D: adjust the gate decay time
» Release
Release gate envelope, click label to on/
off the function
R: adjust the gate release time
» Velocity
Click label to on/off the function
Vel: adjust the velocity sensitivity
» Pitch
Click to enable/disable
Ktr: adjust the key tracking amount
Gld: sets the portamento time
Note in Kit preset, use MIDI channel 5 to
play the sound melodically
Clap Presets
Master Parameters
Master Gain
In KIT instruments,
the BACK button
will appear here.
Click to switch back
to previous KIT
page, SEQ or MIX
Clap Layers
» Shot 1, 2 & 3
Sample-based layer
» Noise
Noise oscillator layer
1 Edit Link
When enabled, all layer controls
are linked and can be adjusted
simultaneously. When adjusting, all
parameters assume the same value
2 Layer Controls
» Sound
Browse the sound presets of the layer
either using the left/right arrows or by
the drop-down menu
» Mute
Mute the layer
» Solo
Solo the layer
» Time
Sets the time position of the layer
» Gain
Sets the layer volume
» Pan
Adjust the stereo position of the layer
» Pitch
Adjust the tuning of the layer
Click the keyboard icon to set the key
tracking of the layer on/off
» Filters (HP & LP)
Set the HP and LP filter cutoff
frequencies for the layer
3 Control Tabs
Click to access the layers of control or
event table parameters for each category
4 Amp Controls
» Attack
Adjust the attack time
» Hold
Adjust the hold time
» Decay
Adjust the decay time
» Envelope Curves
Small knobs at the left of the Attack and
the right of the Decay time control are to
adjust the envelope curve of each portion
» Sample Start
Adjust the sample start position of the
Shot layers
» Stereo
Adjust the stereo amount of the Noise
CLAP - EDIT Page [Globals & AMP tab]
Layer Control
Amp Controls
Control Tabs
Edit Link
CLAP - EDIT Page [Event tabs]
Event Table Editor
Event Tables
(Control Tabs)
» Sound
Sets the trigger voice layer of each
Note: Shot 1 will be always triggered
1 = Shot 1, 2= Shot 1 + 2,
3 = Shot 1 + 3, 4 = Shot 1 + Noise
» Time
Sets the voices timing offset of each
» Gain
Sets the volume offset of each event
» Pan
Sets the stereo position of each event
» Pitch
Sets the Pitch offset of each event
1 Event Table Editor
Drag the event up and down or double
click to input the numerical value
Right-click the event to reset all events
» Sound Tab
Sets the voicing layers
» Time, Gain, Pan and Pitch Tab
Sets the modulation amount of the event
in range of -1.00 to +1.00
2 Sort
Click the button to inverse the direction
3 Events
Sets the number of voice event that
occur for each note. E.g, Events “4” will
result in 4-voice min / 8-voice max,
depends on settings in the Sound tab
Note: This Parameter is common to all
event table tabs described on this page
4 Depth
Sets the modulation depth
Note: The parameter is not available for
Sound table
5 Humanize
Sets the amount of randomization
Note: The parameter is not available on
the Sound table
1 Transient
» On/Off
Click the Transient button to turn the
effect on/off
» Attack
Adjust the attack time
» Hold
Adjust the hold time
» Decay
Adjust the decay time
» Envelope Curves
Small knobs at the left of the Attack and
the right of the Decay time control are to
adjust the envelope curve of each portion
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
2 Soft Clip
» On/Off
Click the Soft Clip button to turn the
effect on/off
» Threshold
Sets the level when saturation starts
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
3 Stereo
» On/Off
Click the Stereo button to turn the effect
» Width
Sets the stereo image of the reflections
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
4 EQ
Features two-band eq and a couple of
cutoff filters (High and Low)
» On/Off
Click the EQ button to turn the effect on/off
» Frequency
Set the frequency of the EQ band and the
filter cutoff
» EQ Gain
Set the amount of gain for EQ
» Q
Set the band width of the EQ
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
5 Convolver
» On/Off
Click the Convolver button to turn the
effect on/off
» Impulse Response
Select a IR from drop-down menu
» Predelay Time
Adjust the time position of the first delay
of the effect
» Decay Time
Adjust the decay time of the effect
» Lo Damp
Adjust the low frequency response of the
» Hi Damp
Adjust the high frequency response of
the effect
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
CLAP - FX Page
So Clip
1 Presets
Browse Snare sound presets either using
the left/right arrows or by the drop-
down menu
2 Menu
Click to access the menu of the
instrument (engine) to save or load user
» Load Cymbal
Recall saved cymbal sound
Note: Patches are saved in XML format,
which can only be loaded using the Save/
Load functionality on the interface
» Save Cymbal
Saves current cymbal sound
» Save Cymbal as...
Saves the current engine settings as a
new sound to recall later
» State A/B
Saves current status to clipboard to
compare later edits
» Copy A to B/B to A
Recall saved status A or B
3 Pages
Click to change the current page
4 Master Gain
Adjust the master volume of the sound
5 Master Parameters
» Pitch
Adjust the tuning of pitch keyboard
tracked layer
» Decay
Change the duration of the general
decay sensation
» Color
Shaping the sound with one knob EQ
» Attack
Global attack setting of the sound
» Gate
Additional HD envelope, click label to on/
off the function
H: adjust the gate hold time
D: adjust the gate decay time
» Release
Release gate envelope, click label to on/
off the function
R: adjust the gate release time
» Velocity
Click label to on/off the function
Vel: adjust the velocity sensitivity
» Pitch
Click to enable/disable
Ktr: adjust the key tracking amount
Gld: sets the portamento time
Note in Kit preset, use MIDI channel 6
(Cym1), channel 7 (Cym2), channel 8
(Cym3) and channel 9 (Cym4) to play the
sound melodically
Cymbal Presets
Master Parameters
Master Gain
In KIT instruments,
the BACK button
will appear here.
Click to switch back
to previous KIT
page, SEQ or MIX
Cymbal Layers
» Noise 1 & 2
Sample-based noise layer
1 Edit Link
When enabled, all layer controls
are linked and can be adjusted
simultaneously. When adjusting, all
parameters assume the same value
2 Layer Controls
» Sound
Browse the sound presets of the layer
either using the left/right arrows or by
the drop-down menu
» Mute
Mute the layer
» Solo
Solo the layer
» Time
Sets the time position of the layer
» Gain
Sets the layer volume
» Pan
Adjust the stereo position of the layer
» Pitch
Adjust the tuning of the layer
Click the keyboard icon to set the key
tracking of the layer on/off
» Filters (HP & LP)
Set the HP and LP filter cutoff
frequencies for the layer
3 Control Tabs
Click to access the layer edit and global
filter parameters
4 Noise Controls
» Attack
Adjust the attack time
» Hold
Adjust the hold time
» Decay
Adjust the decay time
» Envelope Curves
Small knobs at the left of the Attack and
the right of the Decay time control are to
adjust the envelope curve of each portion
» Power
On/off the phase control
» Phase
Adjust the start phase of the layer
This is ideal for aligning the start phase
of two layers to Solve phasing problem
which occur between the layers
» Stereo
Adjust the stereo width of the layer
» Hass
Adjust the delay between right and left
which adds spatial width
ALT (alternate channel mode) alternates
the delayed channel, can improve
balance in some situations
CYMBAL - EDIT Page [Globals & NOISE tabs]
Layer Control
Noise Controls
Control Tabs
Edit Link
1 Low-Pass Filter
A filter to cut unwanted high frequencies
2 High-Pass Filter
A filter to cut unwanted low frequencies
3 High-Self Filter
A filter to shape the high frequencies
Filter Parameters
» On/Off
Click the icon button to turn the filter
» Frequency
Set the cutoff frequency of the filter
» Q
Set the band width of the filter
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
» Attack
Adjust the attack time
» Hold
Adjust the hold time
» Decay
Adjust the decay time
» Envelope Curves
Small knobs at the left of the Attack and
the right of the Decay time control are to
adjust the filter envelope curve of each
» Depth
Sets the amount of filter envelope effects
Low-Pass Filter
High-Pass Filter
High-Shelf Filter
1 Transient
» On/Off
Click the Transient button to turn the
effect on/off
» Attack
Adjust the attack time
» Hold
Adjust the hold time
» Decay
Adjust the decay time
» Envelope Curves
Small knobs at the left of the Attack and
the right of the Decay time control are to
adjust the envelope curve of each portion
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
2 Soft Clip
» On/Off
Click the Soft Clip button to turn the
effect on/off
» Threshold
Sets the level when saturation starts
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
3 Stereo
» On/Off
Click the Stereo button to turn the effect
» Width
Sets the stereo image of the reflections
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
4 EQ
Features two-band eq and a couple of
cutoff filters (High and Low)
» On/Off
Click the EQ button to turn the effect on/off
» Frequency
Set the frequency of the EQ band and the
filter cutoff
» EQ Gain
Set the amount of gain for EQ
» Q
Set the band width of the EQ
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
5 Convolver
» On/Off
Click the Convolver button to turn the
effect on/off
» Impulse Response
Select a IR from drop-down menu
» Predelay Time
Adjust the time position of the first delay
of the effect
» Decay Time
Adjust the decay time of the effect
» Lo Damp
Adjust the low frequency response of the
» Hi Damp
Adjust the high frequency response of
the effect
» Gain
Sets the effect output level
So Clip
01 Electro
090 BPM - Fluids
100 BPM - Tropical 1
100 BPM - Tropical 2
105 BPM - Basic Electronica
105 BPM - Shuffle
105 BPM - Tropical Straight
115 BPM - French Touch
120 BPM - Complex House
122 BPM - Classic House
123 BPM - EDM Drop
125 BPM - Classic House 1
125 BPM - Classic House 2
125 BPM - Exit
125 BPM - French House
125 BPM - Notach
125 BPM - Propane
125 BPM - Stimm Beat
128 BPM - Animal
128 BPM - EDM
128 BPM - Straight 1
128 BPM - Straight 2
128 BPM - Straight 3
128 BPM - Tune Me On
02 Trap
080 BPM - Experimental
080 BPM - Godfather
080 BPM - Stargazin
080 BPM - Traviscott
090 BPM - Blanchimont
090 BPM - Bubble Gum
090 BPM - Gear Down
090 BPM - Tetrapy
095 BPM - Criminal
095 BPM - Young T
100 BPM - Drum and Trap
100 BPM - Gold Money
100 BPM - Pray For Em
115 BPM - New Rule
120 BPM - Child Gambinish
120 BPM - Chilled Trap
120 BPM - Dubtrap
120 BPM - Gangsta Life
120 BPM - Military Trap
120 BPM - No Sub
120 BPM - StopTrap 1.1
125 BPM - Ariana la Grande
130 BPM - Black Horse
130 BPM - Funeste
130 BPM - Good Mother
130 BPM - Rapture
130 BPM - Trapnigo
140 BPM - Jumpyman
140 BPM - Lil Emeric
140 BPM - Tentation
140 BPM - Thug Money
140 BPM - Wheely Wheely
150 BPM - Bugatti
150 BPM - DarkTrapper 1.1
150 BPM - Metallurgy
150 BPM - Modern
150 BPM - U & Me
155 BPM - Gods Plane
03 Future
140 BPM - Paranormal
140 BPM - Trapstep
140 BPM - Unrreal
150 BPM - Futurenzo
150 BPM - Heavy Future 1.1
150 BPM - Higher
150 BPM - Hyperplan
150 BPM - Hypnosis
150 BPM - Jack W
150 BPM - Normaility
150 BPM - Scraper
150 BPM - Surreal
150 BPM - Vortex
150 BPM - Whirlwind
155 BPM - Final
155 BPM - Grind
155 BPM - Metaphysics
155 BPM - Spirit
160 BPM - Dreamlike
160 BPM - Future Retro
160 BPM - Illusory
160 BPM - Night Owl
160 BPM - Riemann Sphere
160 BPM - Simple Roll
160 BPM - Slow Down
160 BPM - Synergies
04 Dubstep
140 BPM - Aggression
140 BPM - Build Up
140 BPM - Downer
140 BPM - Dubstep Simple
140 BPM - Dubstep Straight
140 BPM - FutureStep
140 BPM - Nuclear
140 BPM - Off Beat
140 BPM - OhmBoy
140 BPM - PercDub
140 BPM - Renegade
140 BPM - Rider
140 BPM - Rock U
140 BPM - Setter
140 BPM - Skrill
140 BPM - Spag Heddie
140 BPM - SubStep
140 BPM - TribalStep
140 BPM - VinceStep
140 BPM - Wash Snare 1.1
140 BPM - Zomguy
140 BPM - ZoukStep
145 BPM - Strenght
150 BPM - Experimental Dub
05 Drum and Bass
1120 BPM - Acoustic
155 BPM - Vision
160 BPM - Andy B
160 BPM - Basic One
160 BPM - Hard Kick
160 BPM - High Snare
160 BPM - Low Snare
160 BPM - Stone B
160 BPM - Tiny Delay
165 BPM - DnBall
165 BPM - Incessant
172 BPM - Black Sun
172 BPM - Brickwall
172 BPM - Cleanphonics
172 BPM - Gonzales
172 BPM - Medical Records
172 BPM - Nine O Nine
174 BPM - Deep Power
174 BPM - Hard Snare
174 BPM - Kit Cat
174 BPM - Neurofunk
174 BPM - Techstep
175 BPM - Elektricity
06 Downtempo
070 BPM - Chill Talion
070 BPM - Chilled
070 BPM - Continuous Bass
070 BPM - Da Snare
070 BPM - Eight To Eight
070 BPM - Everything Snare
070 BPM - Hospital
070 BPM - Rich Antonay
070 BPM - Ride On
070 BPM - Shake Booty
070 BPM - Tomelody
070 BPM - Trio Affair
080 BPM - Downtempo TripHop
090 BPM - Swing Slow Natural
095 BPM - Twisted Straight
115 BPM - Smooth Deep
120 BPM - Darkened
120 BPM - Submerged 1
120 BPM - Submerged 2
135 BPM - Ambient Garage
140 BPM - Slow Deep
07 Moombahton
085 BPM - Reggaeton 1
085 BPM - Reggaeton 2
090 BPM - Reggaeton 3
095 BPM - Roombah 1.1
095 BPM - Savane
095 BPM - Yankee Mummy
100 BPM - Diplo Docus
100 BPM - Love Mad
100 BPM - Major LazR
100 BPM - Sean Paulery
105 BPM - Blackims
105 BPM - Colonel
105 BPM - Marokino
105 BPM - Minimal Moombah
105 BPM - Tech Moombah
105 BPM - Tombola
105 BPM - Touk Touk
105 BPM - TWRK
110 BPM - Modern Moombah
110 BPM - Zougoulou Drop
115 BPM - Snake
115 BPM - Zouk Machine
125 BPM - Introducing
08 Techno
100 BPM - Electronica
105 BPM - Shuffle Slow Electronica 1.1
105 BPM - Straight Slow Electronica 1.1
115 BPM - Tech Machine
120 BPM - House Party
122 BPM - Manufacturing
123 BPM - Karl Kokz
123 BPM - Tech House
124 BPM - 3 AM
124 BPM - Tech Groove
125 BPM - Berlin Ground
125 BPM - Dark Groove 1
125 BPM - Dark Groove 2
125 BPM - Dark Walker
125 BPM - Hangar
125 BPM - Heartbeat 1 1.1
125 BPM - Heartbeat 2 1.1
125 BPM - Mesbas
125 BPM - Monster Kick
125 BPM - Spastik
125 BPM - Techpard
125 BPM - This is Techno
125 BPM - Thunderstruck
125 BPM - Ultra Low
126 BPM - Charlotte
126 BPM - Hell’s Kick
127 BPM - Bella Nova
127 BPM - Thunder
128 BPM - Classic Tech
128 BPM - Stressful
128 BPM - Terminal B
09 Urban
065 BPM - Anorex Hip Hop
070 BPM - Base Slow
075 BPM - Hold Skool
075 BPM - Mode Sicko
080 BPM - Clap Focus
085 BPM - Air Kelly
085 BPM - HipHop
090 BPM - 2K Meo
090 BPM - Clap Your Hands
090 BPM - Clockvis
090 BPM - Hype Hop
090 BPM - Magik less
090 BPM - Soundscan
090 BPM - Still Doctor
090 BPM - Urbanitas 1.1
095 BPM - Da Frise
095 BPM - Dance Hall
095 BPM - DJ Secondo
095 BPM - Dre Dlox
095 BPM - Electribing
095 BPM - Hop Hype
095 BPM - MC Tron
095 BPM - Modern HnH
095 BPM - Mooz Art
095 BPM - Rim Bow
095 BPM - So 90s
100 BPM - Goot Do
100 BPM - HipHop Raw
100 BPM - Pure MPC
100 BPM - Scream James
105 BPM - Bon Appetit
110 BPM - Angel
120 BPM - Pop Beat
130 BPM - Louis the Kid
10 Vinyl
090 BPM - Drum Brothers
090 BPM - James le Brun
095 BPM - Dilla
095 BPM - Impitch
095 BPM - Industrial
100 BPM - Pause Cafe
105 BPM - Ain’t It Funky
110 BPM - Lost Collection
110 BPM - Simple Basique
110 BPM - Take It Easy
115 BPM - Big Machine
115 BPM - Funker
115 BPM - Incredible Bongo Land
115 BPM - On The Road
115 BPM - The Winstons
125 BPM - Cha Cha
140 BPM - Speed Up
11 Glitch Funk
100 BPM - Balll E Balow
100 BPM - Bumblebee
100 BPM - Clap Shot
100 BPM - Clinical
100 BPM - Destructural
100 BPM - Electron Funk
100 BPM - Glitch Hop
100 BPM - Granular Fonk
100 BPM - In Da Beach
100 BPM - Kick Invasion
100 BPM - Moonlight Dance
100 BPM - Mr Robot
100 BPM - NeuroHop 1
100 BPM - NeuroHop 2
100 BPM - New Space Jack
100 BPM - Paranoid
100 BPM - Reconnect
100 BPM - Sahara
100 BPM - Stop ‘n Go
100 BPM - Toy Museum
100 BPM - Valse Illusion
100 BPM - Wall on Fire
12 Nu Disco
110 BPM - Barry Black
110 BPM - Keep it Simple
110 BPM - Up All Night
115 BPM - 80’s 8
115 BPM - Bad Decision
115 BPM - Blip In Roll In
115 BPM - Hall of Clap
115 BPM - Iceman
115 BPM - Nu Disquette
115 BPM - Rookie
115 BPM - Termorial
120 BPM - Boney
120 BPM - Forever Last
120 BPM - Funk it Up
13 Cinematic
075 BPM - Big End
100 BPM - DownLow
100 BPM - Heart Beat
100 BPM - Slow Motion
100 BPM - Smooth Reverb
110 BPM - Ultraverb
120 BPM - Clues
120 BPM - HeartBeat
130 BPM - Dark Drone 1
130 BPM - Dark Drone 2
135 BPM - Pulse
135 BPM - Tonal Pursuit
140 BPM - Earth Beat 1
140 BPM - Industrial
140 BPM - Tribality 1
140 BPM - Underground
150 BPM - Descent
170 BPM - Earth Beat 2
170 BPM - Tribality 2
14 Chill Hop 1.5
060 BPM - Chill Cafe
060 BPM - Old Room
060 BPM - Shwing
060 BPM - Slo Mo
065 BPM - Chivalry
070 BPM - City
070 BPM - Find
070 BPM - Follow
070 BPM - Grind
070 BPM - Kind
070 BPM - Mine
070 BPM - Minty
070 BPM - Moony
070 BPM - Steady
075 BPM - Born
075 BPM - Educate
075 BPM - Fog
075 BPM - Follow Back
075 BPM - Obi
075 BPM - Op
080 BPM - Astra
080 BPM - Identity
080 BPM - Idiom
080 BPM - Lone
080 BPM - Smoothen
080 BPM - Urbanity
085 BPM - Whip
090 BPM - Bo
090 BPM - Detroit
090 BPM - Glance
090 BPM - Miro
090 BPM - Morning
15 Lo-Fi 1.5
060 BPM - Indie
060 BPM - Knock
060 BPM - Pause
060 BPM - Selfish
060 BPM - Third Law
060 BPM - Unsure
065 BPM - Little
065 BPM - Noun
065 BPM - Ramen
070 BPM - Care
070 BPM - Loyal
070 BPM - Minimalism
070 BPM - Pokemon
070 BPM - Scene A
070 BPM - Troupe
070 BPM - Tube Amp
075 BPM - Night
080 BPM - Afternoon
080 BPM - Indigo
080 BPM - Scene B
080 BPM - Tea
080 BPM - Wish
085 BPM - Eighties
085 BPM - Lean
085 BPM - March
090 BPM - Astralis
090 BPM - Economics
090 BPM - Godzilla
090 BPM - Jay
090 BPM - Riders
090 BPM - Smoothie
16 Top Chart Beats 1.5
080 BPM - The Percks
120 BPM - Everything I Wanted
120 BPM - Mysterious Sunday
120 BPM - The Box
130 BPM - Trevor’s Fall
135 BPM - DaBadGuy
135 BPM - Roses
145 BPM - Force Trenkill
160 BPM - Believe in Riri
175 BPM - Roxanne
17 Misc
2 Step 1 - 126 BPM
2 Step 2 - 130 BPM
ChillHop - 095 BPM
Deep 1 - 120 BPM
Deep 2 - 120 BPM
Future Funk - 115 BPM
Garage - 130 BPM
Reggae 1 - 090 BPM
Reggae 2 - 105 BPM
Reggae 3 - 120 BPM
01 Kick
Alternate 01
Alternate 02
Alternate 03
Alternate 04
Alternate 05
Base 01
Base 02
Base 03
Base 04
Base 05
Ternary 01
Ternary 02
02 Snare
Alternate 01
Alternate 02
Alternate 03
Alternate 04
Alternate 05
Alternate 06
Alternate 07
Alternate 08
Alternate 09
Alternate 10
Alternate 11
Alternate 12
Alternate 13
Alternate 14
Alternate 15
Alternate 16
Base 01
Base 02
Base 03
Base 04
Base 05
Base 06
Base 07
Base 08
Base 09
Base 10
Base 11
Base 12
Base 13
Base 14
Base 15
Base 16
Base 17
Base 18
Base 19
Ternary 01
Ternary 02
Ternary 03
Ternary 04
Ternary 05
Ternary 06
Ternary 07
03 Clap
Alternate 01
Alternate 02
Alternate 03
Alternate 04
Base 01
Base 02
Ternary 01
Ternary 02
04 Cymbal
Alternate 01
Alternate 02
Alternate 03
Alternate 04
Alternate 05
Alternate 06
Alternate 07
Alternate 08
Alternate 09
Alternate 10
Alternate 11
Alternate 12
Alternate 13
Alternate 14
Alternate 15
Alternate 16
Alternate 17
Alternate 18
Alternate 19
Alternate 20
Base 01
Base 02
Base 03
Base 04
Base 05
Base 06
Base 07
Base 08
Base 09
Base 10
Base 11
Base 12
Base 13
Base 14
Base 15
Base 16
Base 17
Base 18
Base 19
Base 20
Base 21
Base 22
Ternary 01
Ternary 02
Ternary 03
Ternary 04
Ternary 05
Ternary 06
Ternary 07
Ternary 08
Ternary 09
05 Percussion
Alternate 01
Alternate 02
Alternate 03
Alternate 04
Alternate 05
Alternate 06
Alternate 07
Alternate 08
Alternate 09
Alternate 10
Alternate 11
Alternate 12
Alternate 13
Alternate 14
Alternate 15
Alternate 16
Alternate 17
Alternate 18
Alternate 19
Alternate 20
Presets - Kick
01 Clean
Clean Kick 01
Clean Kick 02
Clean Kick 03
Clean Kick 04
Clean Kick 05
Clean Kick 06
Clean Kick 07
Clean Kick 08
Clean Kick 09
Clean Kick 10
Clean Kick 11
Clean Kick 12
Clean Kick 13
Clean Kick 14
Clean Kick 15
Clean Kick 16
Clean Kick 17
Clean Kick 18
Clean Kick 19
Clean Kick 20
Clean Kick 21
Clean Kick 22
Clean Kick 23
Clean Kick 24
Clean Kick 25
Clean Kick 26
Clean Kick 27
Clean Kick 28
Clean Kick 29
Clean Kick 30
Clean Kick 31
Clean Kick 32
Clean Kick 33
Clean Kick 34
Clean Kick 35
Clean Kick 36
Clean Kick 37
Clean Kick 38
Clean Kick 39
Clean Kick 40
Clean Kick 41
Clean Kick 42
Clean Kick 43
Clean Kick 44
Clean Kick 45
Clean Kick 46
Clean Kick 47
Clean Kick 48
Clean Kick 49
Clean Kick 50
Clean Kick 51 1.5
Clean Kick 52 1.5
Clean Kick 53 1.5
Clean Kick 55 1.5
Clean Kick 56 1.5
Clean Kick 57 1.5
Clean Kick 58 1.5
Electro BD 01
Electro BD 02
Electro BD 03
Electro BD 04
Electro BD 05
Electro BD 06
Electro BD 07
Electro BD 08
Electro BD 09
Electro BD 19
Kit Kick - Bubble Gum
Kit Kick - Dark Walker
Kit Kick - EDM Drop
Kit Kick - Electronica
Kit Kick - Good Mother
Kit Kick - Marokino
Kit Kick - Minimal Moombah
Kit Kick - Night Owl
Kit Kick - Nine O Nine
Kit Kick - Stimm Beat
Kit Kick - Tech Groove
Kit Kick - Tech Moombah
Kit Kick - Vincestep
Kit Kick - Zougoulou
Long Kick 1
Long Kick 2
Long Kick 3
Long Kick 4
Long Kick 5
Long Kick 6
Long Kick 7
Long Kick 8
Long Kick 9
02 Loud
Dubstep Kick 01
Dubstep Kick 02
Dubstep Kick 03
Dubstep Kick 04
Dubstep Kick 05
Dubstep Kick 06
Dubstep Kick 07
Dubstep Kick 08
Dubstep Kick 09
Dubstep Kick 10
Dubstep Kick 11
Future Kick 01
Future Kick 02
Future Kick 03
Future Kick 04
Future Kick 05
Future Kick 06
Future Kick 07
Future Kick 08
Future Kick 09
Future Kick 10
Future Kick 11
Future Kick 12
Future Kick 13
Future Kick 14
Kit Kick - Downer
Kit Kick - Experimental Dub
Kit Kick - Futurestep
Kit Kick - Modern HnH
Kit Kick - No Sub
Kit Kick - Nuclear
Kit Kick - Off Beat
Kit Kick - OhmBoy
Kit Kick - Rock U
Kit Kick - So 90s
Kit Kick - Spag Heddie
Kit Kick - Substep
Kit Kick - Surreal
Kit Kick - Trapstep
Loud Kick 01
Loud Kick 02
Loud Kick 03
Loud Kick 04
Loud Kick 05
Loud Kick 06 1.5
Loud Kick 07 1.5
Loud Kick 08 1.5
Loud Kick 09 1.5
Loud Kick 10 1.5
Loud Kick 11 1.5
Monster Kick 01
Monster Kick 02
Monster Kick 03
Monster Kick 04
Monster Kick 05
Monster Kick 06
Monster Kick 07
Monster Kick 08
Monster Kick 09
Monster Kick 10
Monster Kick 11
Monster Kick 12
Monster Kick 13
Monster Kick 14
Monster Kick 15
Monster Kick 16
Monster Kick 17
Monster Kick 18
Monster Kick 19
Monster Kick 20
Urban Kick 1
Urban Kick 2
Urban Kick 3
Urban Kick 4
03 Short
Deep BD 01
Deep BD 02
Deep BD 03
Deep BD 04
Deep BD 05
Deep BD 06
Deep BD 07
Deep BD 08
Deep BD 09
Deep BD 10
Disco BD 1
Disco BD 2
Disco BD 3
Disco BD 4
Disco BD 5
Disco BD 6
Disco BD 7
Disco BD 8
DnB Kick 1
DnB Kick 2
DnB Kick 3
DnB Kick 4
DnB Kick 5
DnB Kick 6
DnB Kick 7
DnB Kick 8
Kick Short 01
Kick Short 02
Kick Short 03
Kick Short 04
Kick Short 05
Kick Short 06
Kick Short 07
Kick Short 08
Kick Short 09
Kick Short 10 1.5
Kick Short 11 1.5
Kick Short 12 1.5
Kick Short 13 1.5
Kick Short 14 1.5
Kick Short 15 1.5
Kick Short 16 1.5
Kick Short 17 1.5
Kick Short 18 1.5
Kick Short 19 1.5
Kit Kick - Air Kelly
Kit Kick - Angel
Kit Kick - Base Slow
Kit Kick - Basilisk
Kit Kick - Clap Focus
Kit Kick - Clinical
Kit Kick - Da Frise
Kit Kick - EDM
Kit Kick - FutureBass Low
Kit Kick - Hard
Kit Kick - Incessant
Kit Kick - Low Tone
Kit Kick - MC Tron
Kit Kick - Minimal
Kit Kick - Mooz Art
Kit Kick - Neurofunk
Kit Kick - Paranormal
Kit Kick - Rich Antonay
Kit Kick - Rim Bow
Kit Kick - Soundscan
Kit Kick - Still Doctor
Kit Kick - Trinare
Kit Kick - Trio Affair
Reggae Kick 1
Reggae Kick 2
Reggae Kick 3
Reggae Kick 4
Soft Kick 01
Soft Kick 02
Soft Kick 03
Soft Kick 04
Soft Kick 05
Soft Kick 06
Soft Kick 07
Soft Kick 08
Soft Kick 09
Soft Kick 10
Soft Kick 11
Urban Short 01
Urban Short 02
Urban Short 03
Urban Short 04
Urban Short 05
Urban Short 06
Urban Short 07
Urban Short 08
Urban Short 09
Urban Short 10
Presets - Kick
04 Dirty
DnB Dirt 01
DnB Dirt 02
DnB Dirt 03
DnB Dirt 04
DnB Dirt 05
DnB Dirt 06
DnB Dirt 07
DnB Dirt 08
DnB Dirt 09
DnB Dirt 10
DnB Dirt 11
Kit Kick - Ain’t It Funky
Kit Kick - Anorex Hip Hop
Kit Kick - Classic House
Kit Kick - Dance Hall
Kit Kick - Dilla
Kit Kick - DJ Secondo
Kit Kick - Electribing
Kit Kick - FutureFunk
Kit Kick - HipHop Raw
Kit Kick - Hospital
Kit Kick - Impitch
Kit Kick - Magik Less
Kit Kick - Pause Cafe
Kit Kick - Reggaeton
Kit Kick - Simple Basique
Kit Kick - Speed Up
Kit Kick - Take It Easy
Urban Dirt 1
Urban Dirt 2
Urban Dirt 3
Urban Dirt 4
Urban Dirt 5
Urban Dirt 6
Urban Dirt 7
Urban Dirt 8
Urban Dirt 9
Vintage BD 01
Vintage BD 02
Vintage BD 03
Vintage BD 04
Vintage BD 05
Vintage BD 06
Vintage BD 07
Vintage BD 08
Vintage BD 09
Vintage BD 10
Vintage BD 11
Vintage BD 12
Vintage BD 13
Vintage BD 14
Vintage BD 15
Vintage BD 16
Vintage BD 17
Vintage BD 18
Vintage BD 19
Vintage BD 20
Vintage BD 21 1.5
05 Acoustic
Acoustic BD 01
Acoustic BD 02
Acoustic BD 03
Acoustic BD 04
Acoustic BD 05
Acoustic BD 06
Acoustic BD 07
Acoustic BD 08
Acoustic BD 09
Acoustic BD 10
Acoustic BD 11
Acoustic BD 12
Acoustic BD 13
Acoustic BD 14
Acoustic BD 15
Acoustic BD 16
Acoustic BD 17
Acoustic BD 18
Acoustic BD 19
Acoustic BD 20
Acoustic BD 21 1.5
Acoustic BD 22 1.5
Acoustic BD 23 1.5
Kit Kick - Big Machine
Kit Kick - Industrial
Kit Kick - James le Brun
Kit Kick - Lost Collection
Kit Kick - Reggaeton
06 Tuned
Clean Tuned 01
Clean Tuned 02
Clean Tuned 03
Clean Tuned 04
Clean Tuned 05
Clean Tuned 06
Clean Tuned 07
Clean Tuned 08
Clean Tuned 09
Clean Tuned 10
Gated 1
Gated 2
Gated 3
Gated 4
Gated 5
High Tune 1 1.5
High Tune 2 1.5
Kit Kick - Animal
Kit Kick - Bella Nova
Kit Kick - Blanchimont
Kit Kick - Clockvis
Kit Kick - DnBall
Kit Kick - Funeste
Kit Kick - Gear Down
Kit Kick - Mode Sicko
Kit Kick - Solidus
Kit Kick - Tetrapy
Tuned Dirty Sub
Tuned Techno
Tuned Urban
Tuned Weird
07 8o8
808 Kick 1
808 Kick 2
Kit Kick - Bugatti
Kit Kick - Chilled Trap
Kit Kick - Convergence
Kit Kick - Criminal
Kit Kick - Drum and Trap
Kit Kick - Gangsta Life
Kit Kick - Godfather
Kit Kick - Gods Plane
Kit Kick - Gold Money
Kit Kick - Jumpyman
Kit Kick - Lil Emeric
Kit Kick - Louis the Kid
Kit Kick - Pray For Em
Kit Kick - Rapture
Kit Kick - Stargazin
Kit Kick - Tentacion
Kit Kick - Thug Money
Kit Kick - Young T
Trap 8o8 01
Trap 8o8 02
Trap 8o8 03
Trap 8o8 04
Trap 8o8 05
Trap 8o8 06
Trap 8o8 07
Trap 8o8 08
Trap 8o8 09
Trap 8o8 10
Trap 8o8 11
Trap 8o8 12
Trap 8o8 13
Trap 8o8 14
Trap 8o8 15
Trap 8o8 16
Trap 8o8 17
Trap 8o8 18
08 Creative
Creative Kick 01
Creative Kick 02
Creative Kick 03
Creative Kick 04
Creative Kick 05
Creative Kick 06
Creative Kick 07
Creative Kick 08
Creative Kick 09
Creative Kick 10
Creative Kick 11
Creative Kick 12 1.5
Creative Kick 13 1.5
Creative Kick 14 1.5
Creative Kick 15 1.5
Kit Kick - Classic Tech
Kit Kick - Dark Groove
Kit Kick - Karl Kokz
Kit Kick - Monster Kick
Kit Kick - Tech Groove
Kit Kick - Techno 1
Kit Kick - Techno 2
Kit Kick - Zomguy
Techno BD 1
Techno BD 2
Techno BD 3
Techno BD 4
Techno BD 5
Techno BD 6
Techno BD 7
Techno BD 8 1.5
09 Perc - FX
Acoustic Hit A
Acoustic Hit B
Kick Crush
Kick FX Boom
Kick FX Destruction
Kick FX Forge
Kick FX Lo-Fi
Kick FX Scene
Kick FX Tank
Perc One
Perc Two
Special Tom 1
Special Tom 2
10 Playable 8o8 1.5
8o8 Body Tone 01
8o8 Body Tone 02
8o8 Body Tone 03
8o8 Body Tone 04
8o8 Body Tone 05
8o8 Body Tone 06
8o8 Body Tone 07
8o8 Body Tone 08
8o8 Body Tone 09
8o8 Body Tone 10
8o8 Body Tone 11
8o8 Body Tone 12
8o8 Body Tone 13
8o8 Body Tone 14
8o8 Body Tone 15
8o8 Body Tone 16
8o8 Body Tone 17
8o8 Body Tone 18
8o8 Body Tone 19
8o8 Body Tone 20
8o8 Body Tone 21
8o8 Body Tone 22
8o8 Body Tone 23
8o8 Body Tone 24
8o8 Body Tone 25
8o8 Just Tone 01
8o8 Just Tone 02
8o8 Just Tone 03
8o8 Just Tone 04
8o8 Just Tone 05
8o8 Just Tone 06
8o8 Just Tone 07
8o8 Just Tone 08
8o8 Just Tone 09
8o8 Just Tone 10
8o8 Just Tone 11
8o8 Just Tone 12
8o8 Just Tone 13
8o8 Just Tone 14
8o8 Just Tone 15
8o8 Just Tone 16
8o8 Just Tone 17
8o8 Just Tone 18
8o8 Just Tone 19
8o8 Just Tone 20
8o8 Just Tone 21
8o8 Just Tone 22
8o8 Just Tone 23
8o8 Just Tone 24
8o8 Just Tone 25
11 Smooth 1.5
Kit Kick - Afternoon
Kit Kick - Bo
Kit Kick - Bon Appetit
Kit Kick - Born
Kit Kick - Chivalry
Kit Kick - City
Kit Kick - Educate
Kit Kick - Find
Kit Kick - Fog
Kit Kick - Follow Back
Kit Kick - Glance
Kit Kick - Godzilla
Kit Kick - Identity
Kit Kick - Indigo
Kit Kick - Jay
Kit Kick - Lean
Kit Kick - Little
Kit Kick - Lone
Kit Kick - Loyal
Kit Kick - Minimalism
Kit Kick - Minty
Kit Kick - Miro
Kit Kick - Morning
Kit Kick - Night
Kit Kick - Noun
Kit Kick - Obi
Kit Kick - Pokemon
Kit Kick - Ramen
Kit Kick - Riders
Kit Kick - Scene A
Kit Kick - Shwing
Kit Kick - Smoothen
Kit Kick - Steady
Kit Kick - Troupe
Kit Kick - Tube Amp
Kit Kick - Unsure
Kit Kick - Urbanity
Kit Kick - Whip
Presets - Snare
01 Electro
Electro Snare 01
Electro Snare 02
Electro Snare 03
Electro Snare 04
Electro Snare 05
Electro Snare 06
Electro Snare 07
Electro Snare 08
Electro Snare 09
Electro Snare 10
Electro Snare 11
Electro Snare 12
Electro Snare 14
Electro Snare 15
Electro Snare 16
Electro Snare 17
Electro Snare 18
Electro Snare 19
Electro Snare 20
Electro Snare 21
Electro Snare 22
Electro Snare 23
Electro Snare 24
Electro Snare 25
Electro Snare 26
Electro Snare 27
Electro Snare 28
Electro Snare 29
Electro Snare 30
Electro Snare 31
Electro Snare 32
Electro Snare 33
Electro Snare 34
Electro Snare 35
Electro Snare 36
Electro Snare 37 1.5
Electro Snare 38 1.5
Electro Snare 39 1.5
Electro Snare 40 1.5
Electro Snare 41 1.5
Electro Snare 42 1.5
Electro Snare 43 1.5
Electro Snare 44 1.5
Electro Snare 45 1.5
Electro Snare 46 1.5
Electro Snare 47 1.5
Electro Snare 48 1.5
Electro Snare 49 1.5
Electro Snare 50 1.5
Electro Snare 51 1.5
Kit ESnare - 2K Meo
Kit ESnare - Acoustic
Kit ESnare - Andy B
Kit ESnare - Basic Electronica
Kit ESnare - Brickwall
Kit ESnare - Bugatti
Kit ESnare - Dance Hall
Kit ESnare - Dubtrap
Kit ESnare - EDM Drop
Kit ESnare - Elektricity
Kit ESnare - French House
Kit ESnare - French Touch
Kit ESnare - Funeste
Kit ESnare - Jamaica
Kit ESnare - Jumpyman
Kit ESnare - Major LazR
Kit ESnare - Military Trap
Kit ESnare - Monster Kick
Kit ESnare - Moomba
Kit ESnare - Neurofunk
Kit ESnare - NeuroHop
Kit ESnare - No Sub
Kit ESnare - Paranoid
Kit ESnare - Poppy
Kit ESnare - Pray For Em
Kit ESnare - Reggaeton
Kit ESnare - Steady Scoop
Kit ESnare - Stimm Beat
Kit ESnare - Straight
Kit ESnare - Tech House
Kit ESnare - Techstep
Kit ESnare - Thunder
Kit ESnare - Tropical A
Kit ESnare - Tropical B
Kit ESnare - Vision
Kit ESnare - Zougoulou Drop
02 Trap
Kit Snare - Anorex Hip Hop A
Kit Snare - Anorex Hip Hop B
Kit Snare - Base Slow A
Kit Snare - Base Slow B
Kit Snare - Brickwall B
Kit Snare - Bubble Gum
Kit Snare - Complex House B
Kit Snare - Cowbip A
Kit Snare - Drum and Trap A
Kit Snare - Dubtrap B
Kit Snare - Electribing B
Kit Snare - Electronica B
Kit Snare - Funky A
Kit Snare - Godfather
Kit Snare - Gods Plane B
Kit Snare - Good Mother A
Kit Snare - Good Mother B
Kit Snare - Hop Hype A
Kit Snare - Lil Emeric B
Kit Snare - Mode Sicko
Kit Snare - Nine O Nine B
Kit Snare - Savane B
Kit Snare - Sean Paulery B
Kit Snare - Solidus A
Kit Snare - Stargazin
Kit Snare - Still Doctor A
Kit Snare - Trapstep B
Kit Snare - Traviscott
Kit Snare - Tropical Straight A
Kit Snare - Young T A
Kit Snare - Young T B
Kit Snare- Hype Hop A
Trap Snare 01
Trap Snare 02
Trap Snare 03
Trap Snare 04
Trap Snare 05
Trap Snare 06
Trap Snare 07
Trap Snare 08
Trap Snare 09
Trap Snare 10
Trap Snare 11
Trap Snare 12
Trap Snare 14
Trap Snare 15
Trap Snare 16
Trap Snare 17
Trap Snare 18
Trap Snare 19
Trap Snare 20 1.5
Trap Snare 21 1.5
Trap Snare 22 1.5
Trap Snare 23 1.5
Trap Snare 24 1.5
Trap Snare 25 1.5
Trap Snare 26 1.5
Trap Snare 27 1.5
Trap Snare 28 1.5
Trap Snare 29 1.5
Trap Snare 30 1.5
Trap Snare 31 1.5
Trap Snare 32 1.5
Trap Snare 33 1.5
Trap Snare 34 1.5
Trap Snare 35 1.5
Trap Snare 36 1.5
Trap Snare 37 1.5
Trap Snare 38 1.5
Trap Snare 39 1.5
Trap Snare 40 1.5
Trap Snare 41 1.5
Trap Snare 42 1.5
Trap Snare 43 1.5
03 Dubstep
Dubstep Snare 01
Dubstep Snare 02
Dubstep Snare 03
Dubstep Snare 04
Dubstep Snare 05
Dubstep Snare 06
Dubstep Snare 07
Dubstep Snare 08
Dubstep Snare 09
Dubstep Snare 10
Dubstep Snare 11
Dubstep Snare 12
Dubstep Snare 13 1.5
Dubstep Snare 14 1.5
Dubstep Snare 15 1.5
Kit Snare - Clockvis A
Kit Snare - Downer A
Kit Snare - Futurestep A
Kit Snare - Nuclea A
Kit Snare - Off Beat A
Kit Snare - OhmBoy A
Kit Snare - Rock U A
Kit Snare - Setter A
Kit Snare - Skrill A
Kit Snare - Straight A
Kit Snare - Substep A
Kit Snare - Zomguy A
Presets - Snare
04 Future
Future Snare 01
Future Snare 02
Future Snare 03
Future Snare 04
Future Snare 05
Future Snare 06
Future Snare 07
Future Snare 08
Future Snare 09
Future Snare 10
Future Snare 11
Future Snare 12
Future Snare 14
Future Snare 15
Future Snare 16
Future Snare 17
Future Snare 18
Future Snare 19
Future Snare 20
Future Snare 21
Future Snare 22
Future Snare 23
Future Snare 24 1.5
Future Snare 25 1.5
Future Snare 26 1.5
Future Snare 27 1.5
Future Snare 28 1.5
Future Snare 29 1.5
Future Snare 30 1.5
Kit Snare - DnBall B
Kit Snare - Dreamlike A
Kit Snare - Electron Funk A
Kit Snare - Fluids A
Kit Snare - Future A
Kit Snare - Gonzales A
Kit Snare - Illusory B
Kit Snare - Modern A
Kit Snare - Modern B
Kit Snare - Rapture A
Kit Snare - Shuffle B
Kit Snare - Spag Heddie A
Kit Snare - Surreal A
Kit Snare - Synergies A
Kit Snare - Tropical A
Kit Snare - Unrreal A
05 Urban
Kit Snare - Da Frise B
Kit Snare - DJ Secondo A
Kit Snare - DJ Secondo B
Kit Snare - Dre Dlox B
Kit Snare - Minimal Moombah A
Kit Snare - So 90s B
Kit Snare - Steady Scoop B
Urban Snare 01
Urban Snare 02
Urban Snare 03
Urban Snare 04
Urban Snare 05
Urban Snare 06
Urban Snare 07
Urban Snare 08
Urban Snare 09
Urban Snare 10
Urban Snare 11
Urban Snare 12
Urban Snare 14
Urban Snare 15
Urban Snare 16
Urban Snare 17
Urban Snare 18
Urban Snare 19
Urban Snare 20 1.5
Urban Snare 21 1.5
Urban Snare 22 1.5
Urban Snare 23 1.5
Urban Snare 24 1.5
06 Clapish
Clapish 01
Clapish 02
Clapish 03
Clapish 04
Clapish 05
Clapish 06
Clapish 07
Clapish 08
Clapish 09
Clapish 10
Clapish 11
Clapish 12
Clapish 14
Clapish 15
Clapish 16
Clapish 17
Clapish 18
Clapish 19
Clapish 20
Clapish 21
Clapish 22
Clapish 23
Clapish 24
Clapish 25
Clapish 26
Clapish 27
Clapish 28
Clapish 29
Clapish 30
Clapish 31
Clapish 32
Clapish 33
Clapish 34 1.5
Clapish 35 1.5
Clapish 36 1.5
Clapish 37 1.5
Clapish 38 1.5
Clapish 39 1.5
Clapish 40 1.5
07 Acoustic
Acoustic Snare 1 1.5
Acoustic Snare 2 1.5
Acoustic Snare 3 1.5
Acoustic Snare 4 1.5
Acoustic Snare 5 1.5
Acoustic Snare 6 1.5
Acoustic Snare 7 1.5
Acoustic Snare 8 1.5
Acoustic Snare 9 1.5
Kit Snare - Ain’t It Funky A
Kit Snare - Big Machine A
Kit Snare - Bob Leymar B
Kit Snare - Cha Cha A
Kit Snare - Crossover B
Kit Snare - Dilla A
Kit Snare - Drum Brothers A
Kit Snare - Funker A
Kit Snare - Hard Kick A
KIt Snare - High Snare A
Kit Snare - Impitch A
Kit Snare - Incredible Bongo
Kit Snare - Industrial A
Kit Snare - James le Brun A
Kit Snare - Lost Collection A
Kit Snare - Low Snare A
Kit Snare - On The Road A
Kit Snare - Simple Basique A
Kit Snare - Soundscan B
Kit Snare - Speed Up A
Kit Snare - Stone B A
Kit Snare - Tech Groove B
Ragga Snare 01
Ragga Snare 02
Ragga Snare 03
Ragga Snare 04
Ragga Snare 05
Ragga Snare 06
Ragga Snare 07
Ragga Snare 08
Ragga Snare 09
Ragga Snare 10
Ragga Snare 11
Ragga Snare 12
Ragga Snare 14
Ragga Snare 15
Ragga Snare 16
Ragga Snare 17
Ragga Snare 18
Ragga Snare 19
Ragga Snare 20
Ragga Snare 21
08 Rim
DDesigner Rim 01
DDesigner Rim 02
DDesigner Rim 03
DDesigner Rim 04
DDesigner Rim 05
DDesigner Rim 06
DDesigner Rim 07
DDesigner Rim 08 1.5
DDesigner Rim 09 1.5
DDesigner Rim 10 1.5
DDesigner Rim 11 1.5
DDesigner Rim 12 1.5
DDesigner Rim 13 1.5
DDesigner Rim 14 1.5
DDesigner Rim 15 1.5
DDesigner Rim 16 1.5
DDesigner Rim 17 1.5
DDesigner Rim 18 1.5
DDesigner Rim 19 1.5
DDesigner Rim 20 1.5
Kit Rim - Angel
Kit Rim - Incessant A
Kit Rim - Neurofunk
Kit Rim - NeuroHop
Kit Rim - Pause Cafe
Kit Rim - Rim Bow A
Kit Rim - Rim Bow B
Kit Rim - Take It Easy
Kit Rim - Tech Groove
Kit Rim - Tech House
Presets - Snare
09 Percussions
Kit Snare Perc - 80s House
Kit Snare Perc - Animal
Kit Snare Perc - Basilisk
Kit Snare Perc - Bella Nova
Kit Snare Perc - Berlin Ground
Kit Snare Perc - Blanchimont
Kit Snare Perc - Bubble Gum
Kit Snare Perc - Child Gambinish
Kit Snare Perc - Colonel B
Kit Snare Perc - Colonel A
Kit Snare Perc - Criminal
Kit Snare Perc - Dark Groove
Kit Snare Perc - Dark Tech A
Kit Snare Perc - Dark Tech B
Kit Snare Perc - Dark Walker
Kit Snare Perc - Eight To Eight
Kit Snare Perc - Exit
Kit Snare Perc - Experimental Distorted
Kit Snare Perc - Fluids
Kit Snare Perc - Futurenzo
Kit Snare Perc - Marokino A
Kit Snare Perc - Marokino B
Kit Snare Perc - Metallurgy
Kit Snare Perc - Notach
Kit Snare Perc - Paranoid
Kit Snare Perc - Propane A
Kit Snare Perc - Propane B
Kit Snare Perc - Spag Heddie
Kit Snare Perc - Tech Groove
Kit Snare Perc - Techpard
Kit Snare Perc - Tetrapy
Kit Snare Perc - Touk Touk
Kit Snare Perc - Trinare
Kit Snare Perc - Unrreal
Kit Snare Perc - Vincestep
Kit Snare Perc - Wheely Wheely
Kit Snare Perc - Zoukstep
Moombah Perc 1
Moombah Perc 2
Moombah Perc 3
Moombah Perc 4
Moombah Perc 5
Moombah Perc 6
Moombah Perc 7
Percusnare 01
Percusnare 02
Percusnare 03
Percusnare 04
Percusnare 05
Percusnare 06
Percusnare 07
Percusnare 08
Percusnare 09
Percusnare 10
Percusnare 11
Percusnare 12
Percusnare 14
Percusnare 15 1.5
Percusnare 16 1.5
Percusnare 17 1.5
Percusnare 18 1.5
Percusnare 19 1.5
Percusnare 20 1.5
Percusnare 21 1.5
Percusnare 22 1.5
Percusnare 23 1.5
Percusnare 24 1.5
Percusnare 25 1.5
Percusnare 26 1.5
Percusnare 27 1.5
Percusnare 28 1.5
Snarcussion 01
Snarcussion 02
Snarcussion 03
Snarcussion 04
Snarcussion 05
Snarcussion 06
Snarcussion 07
Snarcussion 08
Snarcussion 09
Snarcussion 10
Snarcussion 11
Snarcussion 12
Snarcussion 14
Snarcussion 15 1.5
Snarcussion 16 1.5
Snarcussion 17 1.5
Snarcussion 18 1.5
Tech Analog Seq 1
Tech Analog Seq 2
Tech Analog Seq 3
Tech Analog Seq 4
Tech Analog Seq 5
Tech Analog Seq 6
Tech Analog Seq 7
Tech Analog Seq 8
Tech Analog Seq 9
10 FX
Snare FX 1 Spiral
Snare FX 2 Dub Bounce
Snare FX 3 Dark
11 Xtra Kicks
Kick Snare 1
Kick Snare 2
Kick Snare 3
Kick Snare 4
Kick Snare 5
Kick Snare 6
Kit Kick Snare - Clockvis
Kit Kick Snare - Criminal
Kit Kick Snare - Funeste
Kit Kick Snare - Godfather
Kit Kick Snare - Gods Plane
Kit Kick Snare - Jumpyman
Kit Kick Snare - Lil Emeric
Kit Kick Snare - Louis the Kid
Kit Kick Snare - Sometimes
Kit Kick Snare - Thug Money
Kit Kick Snare - Traviscott
Presets - Clap
01 Short
Electronic Short 1
Electronic Short 2
Electronic Short 3
Electronic Short 4
Electronic Short 5
Electronic Short 6 1.5
Electronic Short 7 1.5
Electronic Short 8 1.5
Kit Clap - Berlin Ground
Kit Clap - Child Gambinish
Kit Clap - Classic House
Kit Clap - Gods Plane
Kit Clap - House
Kit Clap - No Sub
Kit Clap - Sometimes
Kit Clap - Stargazin
Kit Clap - Thug Money
Kit Clap - Vision
Short Clap 01
Short Clap 02
Short Clap 03
Short Clap 04
Short Clap 05
Short Clap 06
Short Clap 07
Short Clap 08
Short Clap 09
Short Clap 10
Short Clap 11
Short Clap 12
Short Clap 14
Short Clap 15
Short Clap 16
Short Clap 17
Short Clap 18
Short Clap 19
Short Clap 20
Short Clap 21
Short Clap 22
Short Clap 23 1.5
Short Clap 24 1.5
Short Clap 25 1.5
Short Clap 26 1.5
Short Clap 27 1.5
Short Clap 28 1.5
Short Clap 29 1.5
Short Clap 30 1.5
Snapish 1 1.5
Snapish 2 1.5
Snapish 3 1.5
Snapish 4 1.5
02 Medium
Big Clap 01
Big Clap 02
Big Clap 03
Big Clap 04
Big Clap 05
Big Clap 06
Big Clap 07
Big Clap 08
Big Clap 09
Big Clap 10
Big Clap 11
Big Clap 12
Big Clap 14
Big Clap 15
Big Clap 16
Chilly Con Clap 1 1.5
Chilly Con Clap 2 1.5
Chilly Con Clap 3 1.5
Chilly Con Clap 4 1.5
Chilly Con Clap 5 1.5
Chilly Con Clap 6 1.5
Electronic Clap 01
Electronic Clap 02
Electronic Clap 03
Electronic Clap 04
Electronic Clap 05
Electronic Clap 06
Electronic Clap 07
Electronic Clap 08
Electronic Clap 09
Electronic Clap 10
Electronic Clap 11
Electronic Clap 12
Electronic Clap 14
Electronic Clap 15
Electronic Clap 16
Future Bass SnapClap 1
Future Bass SnapClap 2
Future Bass SnapClap 3
Kit Clap - Electribing
Kit Clap - Classic House
Kit Clap - Minimalism
Kit Clap - Modern HnH
Kit Clap - Reggaeton
Kit Clap - Spastik
Kit Clap - Tech Groove 2
Kit Clap - Tech Groove
Layered Clap 1
Layered Clap 2
Layered Clap 3
Layered Clap 4
Medium Clap 01
Medium Clap 02
Medium Clap 03
Medium Clap 04
Medium Clap 05
Medium Clap 06
Medium Clap 07
Medium Clap 08
Medium Clap 09
Medium Clap 10
Medium Clap 11
Medium Clap 12
Medium Clap 14
Medium Clap 15
Noisy Snaps
Standard Clap 01 1.5
Standard Clap 02 1.5
Standard Clap 03 1.5
Standard Clap 04 1.5
Standard Clap 05 1.5
Standard Clap 06 1.5
Standard Clap 07 1.5
Standard Clap 08 1.5
Standard Clap 09 1.5
Standard Clap 10 1.5
Standard Clap 11 1.5
Standard Clap 12 1.5
Standard Clap 14 1.5
03 Long
Kit Clap - 2K Meo
Kit Clap - Downer
Kit Clap - Lost Collection
Kit Clap - Setter
Kit Clap - Simple Basique
Kit Clap - Speed Up
Kit Clap - The Winstons
Kit Clap - Unrreal
Long Clap 1
Long Clap 2
Long Clap 3
Long Clap 4
Long Clap 5
Long Clap 6
Long Clap 7
Long Clap 8
Long Clap 9
Long Clap 10 1.5
Long Clap 11 1.5
04 Analog
Analog Big Clap 1
Analog Big Clap 2
Analog Big Clap 3
Analog Big Clap 4
Analog Big Clap 5
Analog Big Clap 6
Electric Clap 01
Electric Clap 02
Electric Clap 03
Electric Clap 04
Electric Clap 05
Electric Clap 06
Electric Clap 07
Electric Clap 08
Electric Clap 09
Electric Clap 10
Electric Clap 11
Electric Clap 12
Electric Clap 14
Electric Clap 15
Electric Clap 16
Electric Clap 17
Electric Clap 18
Kit Clap - Bella Nova
Kit Clap - Cha Cha
Kit Clap - Charlotte 2
Kit Clap - Dark Groove
Kit Clap - Dark Walker
Kit Clap - DnBall
Kit Clap - Dubstep Simple
Kit Clap - Futurestep
Kit Clap - Illusory
Kit Clap - Major LazR
Kit Clap - Marokino
Kit Clap - Rock U
Kit Clap - Surreal
Kit Clap - Touk Touk
Kit Clap - Zomguy
05 Dense
Dense Clap 01
Dense Clap 02
Dense Clap 03
Dense Clap 04
Dense Clap 05
Dense Clap 06
Dense Clap 07
Dense Clap 08
Dense Clap 09
Dense Clap 10
Dense Clap 11
Dense Clap 12
Dense Clap 14
Dense Clap 15
Dense Clap 16
Dense Clap 17
Dense Clap 18
Dense Clap 19
Dense Clap 20
Dense Clap 21
Stretched Claps 1
Stretched Claps 2
Stretched Claps 3
Stretched Claps 4
Stretched Claps 5
Presets - Clap
06 Creative
Creative Clap 1
Creative Clap 2
Creative Clap 3
Creative Clap 4
Creative Clap 5
Creative Clap 6
Creative Clap 7
Creative Clap 8
Flam Clap 01
Flam Clap 02
Flam Clap 03
Flam Clap 04
Flam Clap 05
Flam Clap 06
Flam Clap 07
Flam Clap 08
Flam Clap 09
Flam Clap 10
Flam Clap 11
Flam Clap 12
Flam Clap 14
Flam Clap 15
Flam Clap 16
Flam Clap 17
Kit Clap - Dirty HipHop
Kit Clap - Futurenzo
Kit Clap - Gold Money
Kit Clap - Hype Hop
Kit Clap - Jack W
Kit Clap - Sean Paulery
Kit Clap - Skrill
Kit Clap - Tetrapy
Kit Clap - Tropical 1
Kit Clap - Tropical 2
Kit Clap - Zoukstep
Percussive One
Percussive Two
07 FX Reverse
Clap FX 1
Clap FX 2
Clap FX 3
Clap FX 4
Clap FX 5
Clap FX 6
Clap FX 7
Clap FX 8
Reverse To Clap 1
Reverse To Clap 2
Reverse To Clap 3
Reverse To Clap 4
Reverse To Clap 5
Reverse To Clap 6
Reverse To Clap 7
Reverse To Clap 8
08 Natural
EDM Clap 1
EDM Clap 2
EDM Clap 3
EDM Clap 4
EDM Clap 5
EDM Clap 6
EDM Clap 7
EDM Clap 8
Human Claps 1
Human Claps 2
Human Claps 3
Human Claps 4
Human Claps 5
Human Claps 6
Human Claps 7
Kit Clap - Angel
Kit Clap - Diplo Docus
Kit Clap - Impitch
Kit Clap - MC Tron
Kit Clap - Mooz Art
Kit Clap - Paranormal
Kit Clap - Poppy
Kit Clap - Straight
Kit Clap - Synergies
Kit Clap - Take It Easy
Natural Clap 01
Natural Clap 02
Natural Clap 03
Natural Clap 04
Natural Clap 05
Natural Clap 06
Natural Clap 07
Natural Clap 08
Natural Clap 09
Natural Clap 10
Natural Clap 11
Natural Clap 12
Natural Clap 14
Natural Clap 15
Natural Clap 16
Natural Clap 17
Natural Clap 18
Natural Clap 19
Natural Clap 20
Natural Clap 21
Natural Clap 22
Natural Clap 23
Natural Clap 24
Natural Clap 25
Natural Clap 26
Natural Clap 27 1.5
Natural Clap 28 1.5
Natural Clap 29 1.5
Natural Clap 30 1.5
Natural Clap 31 1.5
Natural Clap 32 1.5
Natural Clap 33 1.5
Natural Clap 34 1.5
09 Snaps
Snap 01
Snap 02
Snap 03
Snap 04
Snap 05
Snap 06
Snap 07
Snap 08
Snap 09
Snap 10
Snap 11
Snap 12
Snap 14
Snap 15
Snap 16
Snap 17
Snap 18
Snap 19
Snap 20
Snap 21
Snap 22
Snap 23
Snap 24 1.5
Snap 25 1.5
Snap 26 1.5
10 Percussions
ClaPerc 1
ClaPerc 2
ClaPerc 3
ClaPerc 4
ClaPerc 5
ClaPerc 6
ClaPerc 7
ClaPerc 8 1.5
ClaPerc 9 1.5
ClaPerc 10 1.5
Kit Perc - Animal
Kit Perc - Cowbip
Kit Perc - Incessant
Kit Perc - Moonlight Dance
Kit Perc - Neurofunk
Kit Perc - New Space Jack
Kit Perc - Solidus
PerClap 1
PerClap 2
PerClap 3
PerClap 4
PerClap 5
PerClap 6
PerClap 7
PerClap 8
PerClap 9
PerClap 10 1.5
11 Claps 1.1
Hip Hop Layer 01
Hip Hop Layer 02
Hip Hop Layer 03
Hip Hop Layer 04
Hip Hop Layer 05
Hip Hop Layer 06
Hip Hop Layer 07
Hip Hop Layer 08
Hip Hop Layer 09
Hip Hop Layer 10
Hip Hop Layer 11
Hip Hop Layer 12
Hip Hop Layer 13
Hip Hop Layer 14
Hip Hop Layer 15
Real Group 1
Real Group 2
Real Group 3
Real Group 4
Room Clap 1
Room Clap 2
Room Clap 3
Small Clap 1
Small Clap 2
Small Clap 3
Small Clap 4
Small Clap 5
Small Clap 6
Small Clap 7
Small Clap 8
Presets - Cymbal
01 HH Closed
01 Short
HHC Short 01
HHC Short 02
HHC Short 03
HHC Short 04
HHC Short 05
HHC Short 06
HHC Short 07
HHC Short 08
HHC Short 09
HHC Short 10
HHC Short 11
HHC Short 12
HHC Short 14
HHC Short 15
HHC Short 16
HHC Short 17
HHC Short 18
HHC Short 19
HHC Short 20
HHC Short 21
HHC Short 22
HHC Short 23 1.5
HHC Short 24 1.5
HHC Short 25 1.5
HHC Short 26 1.5
HHC Short 27 1.5
HHC Short 28 1.5
HHC Short 29 1.5
HHC Short 30 1.5
HHC Short 31 1.5
HHC Short 32 1.5
HHC Short 33 1.5
HHC Short 34 1.5
HHC Short 35 1.5
HHC Short 36 1.5
HHC Short 37 1.5
HHC Short 38 1.5
HHC Short 39 1.5
HHC Short 40 1.5
HHC Short 41 1.5
HHC Short 42 1.5
HHC Short 43 1.5
HHC Short 44 1.5
HHC Short 45 1.5
HHC Short 46 1.5
HHC Short 47 1.5
HHC Short 48 1.5
HHC Short 49 1.5
HHC Short 50 1.5
HHC Short 51 1.5
HHC Short 52 1.5
HHC Short 53 1.5
HHC Short 54 1.5
HHC Short 55 1.5
HHC Short 56 1.5
HHC Short 57 1.5
HHC Short 58 1.5
HHC Short 59 1.5
HHC Short 60 1.5
HHC Short 61 1.5
HHC Short 62 1.5
HHC Short 63 1.5
HHC Short 64 1.5
HHC Short 65 1.5
HHC Short 66 1.5
HHC Short 67 1.5
HHC Short 68 1.5
HHC Short 69 1.5
HHC Short 70 1.5
HHC Short 71 1.5
HHC Short 72 1.5
HHC Short 73 1.5
Kit HHC Short - Air Kelly
Kit HHC Short - Angel A
Kit HHC Short - Angel B
Kit HHC Short - Anorex Hip Hop
Kit HHC Short - Base Slow
Kit HHC Short - Brickwall
Kit HHC Short - Classic Tech
Kit HHC Short - Complex House A
Kit HHC Short - Complex House B
Kit HHC Short - DJ Secondo
Kit HHC Short - Downer
Kit HHC Short - Dubtrap
Kit HHC Short - EDM Drop
Kit HHC Short - Eight To Eight
Kit HHC Short - Experimental A
Kit HHC Short - Experimental B
Kit HHC Short - Fluids
Kit HHC Short - Future
Kit HHC Short - Gangsta Life
Kit HHC Short - Godfather
Kit HHC Short - Gods Plane
Kit HHC Short - Gold Money
Kit HHC Short - Gonzales
Kit HHC Short - Good Mother
Kit HHC Short - Hard
Kit HHC Short - Hold Skool
Kit HHC Short - Illusory A
Kit HHC Short - Illusory B
Kit HHC Short - Incessant
Kit HHC Short - Lil Emeric
Kit HHC Short - Louis the Kid
Kit HHC Short - Major LazR
Kit HHC Short - MC Tron
Kit HHC Short - Mode Sicko A
Kit HHC Short - Mode Sicko B
Kit HHC Short - Modern HnH
Kit HHC Short - Modern
Kit HHC Short - Neurofunk
Kit HHC Short - NeuroHop A
Kit HHC Short - NeuroHop B
Kit HHC Short - Paranoid
Kit HHC Short - Paranormal
Kit HHC Short - Pause Cafe
Kit HHC Short - Rapture
Kit HHC Short - Solidus
Kit HHC Short - Sometimes
Kit HHC Short - Techno
Kit HHC Short - Tentation
Kit HHC Short - Traviscott
Kit HHC Short - Tropical Straight
Kit HHC Short - Unrreal
Kit HHC Short - Young T
02 Long
HHC Long 01
HHC Long 02
HHC Long 03
HHC Long 04
HHC Long 05
HHC Long 06
HHC Long 07
HHC Long 08
HHC Long 09
HHC Long 10
HHC Long 11
HHC Long 12
HHC Long 14
HHC Long 15
HHC Long 16
HHC Long 17
HHC Long 18
HHC Long 19
HHC Long 20
HHC Long 21 1.5
HHC Long 22 1.5
HHC Long 23 1.5
HHC Long 24 1.5
HHC Long 25 1.5
HHC Long 26 1.5
HHC Long 27 1.5
HHC Long 28 1.5
HHC Long 29 1.5
HHC Long 30 1.5
HHC Long 31 1.5
HHC Long 32 1.5
HHC Long 33 1.5
HHC Long 34 1.5
HHC Long 35 1.5
HHC Long 36 1.5
Kit HHC Long - Berlin Ground
Kit HHC Long - Blanchimont
Kit HHC Long - Bubble Gum A
Kit HHC Long - Bubble Gum B
Kit HHC Long - Build Up
Kit HHC Long - Chilled Trap
Kit HHC Long - Criminal
Kit HHC Long - Dilla
Kit HHC Long - Dreamlike
Kit HHC Long - Drum and Trap
Kit HHC Long - EDM Drop
Kit HHC Long - Experimental
Kit HHC Long - French Touch
Kit HHC Long - Futurenzo
Kit HHC Long - Impitch
Kit HHC Long - Industrial
Kit HHC Long - Jack W
Kit HHC Long - James le Brun
Kit HHC Long - Military Trap
Kit HHC Long - Mode Sicko
Kit HHC Long - Paranormal
Kit HHC Long - Pause Cafe
Kit HHC Long - Spastik
Kit HHC Long - Speed Up
Kit HHC Long - Straight
Kit HHC Long - Synergies
Kit HHC Long - Techno
Kit HHC Long - Tetrapy
Kit HHC Long - Trap
03 Crushed
HH Crushed 01
HH Crushed 02
HH Crushed 03
HH Crushed 04
HH Crushed 05
HH Crushed 06
HH Crushed 07
HH Crushed 08 1.5
HH Crushed 09 1.5
HH Crushed 10 1.5
HH Crushed 11 1.5
HH Crushed 12 1.5
HH Crushed 13 1.5
HH Crushed 14 1.5
HH Crushed 15 1.5
HH Crushed 16 1.5
HH Crushed 17 1.5
HH Crushed 18 1.5
HH Crushed 19 1.5
HH Crushed 20 1.5
HH Crushed 21 1.5
HH Crushed 22 1.5
HH Crushed 23 1.5
HH Crushed 24 1.5
HH Crushed 25 1.5
HH Crushed 26 1.5
HH Crushed 27 1.5
HH Crushed 28 1.5
HH Crushed 29 1.5
HH Crushed 30 1.5
HH Crushed 31 1.5
HH Crushed 32 1.5
HH Crushed 33 1.5
HH Crushed 34 1.5
HH Crushed 35 1.5
HH Crushed 36 1.5
HH Crushed 37 1.5
HH Crushed 38 1.5
HH Crushed 39 1.5
Kit HHC Crush - Bella Nova
Kit HHC Crush - Berlin Ground
Kit HHC Crush - Build Up
Kit HHC Crush - Cha Cha
Kit HHC Crush - Classic House
Kit HHC Crush - Dark Groove
Kit HHC Crush - Dark Tech
Kit HHC Crush - DnBall
Kit HHC Crush - French House
Kit HHC Crush - Futurestep
Kit HHC Crush - Gods Plane
Kit HHC Crush - Jumpyman
Kit HHC Crush - Magik less
Kit HHC Crush - Notach
Kit HHC Crush - Off Beat
Kit HHC Crush - OhmBoy
Kit HHC Crush - Poppy
Kit HHC Crush - Propane
Kit HHC Crush - Snake
Kit HHC Crush - Sometimes
Kit HHC Crush - Spastik
Kit HHC Crush - Straight
Kit HHC Crush - Substep
Kit HHC Crush - TWRK
04 Transients 1.5
HH Transient 01
HH Transient 02
HH Transient 03
HH Transient 04
HH Transient 05
HH Transient 06
HH Transient 07
HH Transient 08
HH Transient 09
HH Transient 10
HH Transient 11
Presets - Cymbal
02 HH Open
HH Open 01
HH Open 02
HH Open 03
HH Open 04
HH Open 05
HH Open 06
HH Open 07
HH Open 08
HH Open 09
HH Open 10
HH Open 11
HH Open 12
HH Open 14
HH Open 15
HH Open 16
HH Open 17
HH Open 18 1.5
HH Open 19 1.5
HH Open 20 1.5
HH Open 21 1.5
HH Open 22 1.5
HH Open 23 1.5
HH Open 24 1.5
HH Open 25 1.5
HH Open 26 1.5
HH Open 27 1.5
HH Open 28 1.5
HH Open 29 1.5
HH Open 30 1.5
HH Open 31 1.5
HH Open 32 1.5
HH Open 33 1.5
HH Open 34 1.5
HH Open 35 1.5
HH Open 36 1.5
HH Open 37 1.5
HH Open 38 1.5
Kit HH Open - Ain’t It Funky
Kit HH Open - Angel
Kit HH Open - Animal
Kit HH Open - Blanchimont
Kit HH Open - Cha Cha
Kit HH Open - Charlotte
Kit HH Open - Child Gambinish
Kit HH Open - Classic House A
Kit HH Open - Classic House B
Kit HH Open - Classic House C
Kit HH Open - Classic Tech
Kit HH Open - Convergence
Kit HH Open - Dark Walker
Kit HH Open - Drum Brothers
Kit HH Open - Electronica
Kit HH Open - Exit
Kit HH Open - Funeste
Kit HH Open - Gear Down
Kit HH Open - Godfather
Kit HH Open - Gold Money
Kit HH Open - Hype Hop
Kit HH Open - Impitch
Kit HH Open - Industrial
Kit HH Open - James le Brun
Kit HH Open - Karl Kokz
Kit HH Open - Marokino
Kit HH Open - Mesbas
Kit HH Open - Minimalism
Kit HH Open - Monster Kick
Kit HH Open - Pause Cafe
Kit HH Open - Propane
Kit HH Open - Shuffle
Kit HH Open - Simple Basique
Kit HH Open - Still Doctor
Kit HH Open - Substep
Kit HH Open - Tech House
Kit HH Open - Tech Machine
Kit HH Open - Techpard
Kit HH Open - Thunder
Kit HH Open - Traviscott
Kit HH Open - Unrreal
Kit HH Open - Wheely Wheely
03 Ride
DD Ride Cymbal 01
DD Ride Cymbal 02
DD Ride Cymbal 03
DD Ride Cymbal 04
DD Ride Cymbal 05
DD Ride Cymbal 06
DD Ride Cymbal 07
DD Ride Cymbal 08
DD Ride Cymbal 09
DD Ride Cymbal 10
DD Ride Cymbal 11
DD Ride Cymbal 12
DD Ride Cymbal 14
DD Ride Cymbal 15
DD Ride Cymbal 16
DD Ride Cymbal 17
DD Ride Cymbal 18
DD Ride Cymbal 19
DD Ride Cymbal 20
DD Ride Cymbal 21
DD Ride Cymbal 22
DD Ride Cymbal 23
DD Ride Cymbal 24
DD Ride Cymbal 25
DD Ride Cymbal 26
DD Ride Cymbal 27
DD Ride Cymbal 28
DD Ride Cymbal 29
DD Ride Cymbal 30
DD Ride Cymbal 31
DD Ride Cymbal 32 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 33 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 34 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 35 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 36 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 37 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 38 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 39 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 40 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 41 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 42 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 43 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 44 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 45 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 46 1.5
DD Ride Cymbal 47 1.5
HH Open Ride 1
HH Open Ride 2
HH Open Ride 3
HH Open Ride 4
HH Open Ride 5
HH Open Ride 6
HH Open Ride 7
Kit Ride - Acoustic
Kit Ride - Basilisk
Kit Ride - Bella Nova
Kit Ride - Blanchimont A
Kit Ride - Blanchimont B
Kit Ride - Charlotte
Kit Ride - ChillHop
Kit Ride - Clockvis
Kit Ride - Convergence
Kit Ride - Cowbip
Kit Ride - Dark Walker A
Kit Ride - Dark Walker B
Kit Ride - Dilla
Kit Ride - Diplo Docus
Kit Ride - Dirty HipHop
Kit Ride - Downer
Kit Ride - Dubtrap
Kit Ride - Exit
Kit Ride - Experimental Dub
Kit Ride - Fluids
Kit Ride - French House
Kit Ride - Futurenzo
Kit Ride - Futurestep
Kit Ride - Godfather
Kit Ride - Hype Hop
Kit Ride - Karl Kokz
Kit Ride - Lost Collection
Kit Ride - Manufacturing
Kit Ride - Mesbas
Kit Ride - Metallurgy
Kit Ride - Modern A
Kit Ride - Modern B
Kit Ride - Monster Kick
Kit Ride - OhmBoy
Kit Ride - On The Road
Kit Ride - Reggaeton
Kit Ride - Sean Paulery
Kit Ride - Simple Basique
Kit Ride - Skrill
Kit Ride - Solidus
Kit Ride - Spag Heddie
Kit Ride - Spastik
Kit Ride - Speed Up
Kit Ride - Stimm Beat
Kit Ride - Surreal
Kit Ride - Synergies
Kit Ride - Take It Easy
Kit Ride - Tentation
Kit Ride - Traviscott
Kit Ride - Trinare
Kit Ride - Tropical Straight
Kit Ride - Unrreal
Kit Ride - Vision
04 Crash
DD Crash 01
DD Crash 02
DD Crash 03
DD Crash 04
DD Crash 05
DD Crash 06
DD Crash 07
DD Crash 08
DD Crash 09
DD Crash 10
DD Crash 11
DD Crash 12
DD Crash 13
DD Crash 14
DD Crash 15
DD Crash 16 1.5
DD Crash 17 1.5
DD Crash 18 1.5
DD Crash 19 1.5
DD Crash 20 1.5
DD Crash 21 1.5
DD Crash 22 1.5
Kit Crash - Build Up
Kit Crash - Crossover
Kit Crash - French Touch
Kit Crash - Jungle
Kit Crash - Snake
Presets - Cymbal
05 Shaker
DD Shaker 01
DD Shaker 02
DD Shaker 03
DD Shaker 04
DD Shaker 05
DD Shaker 06
DD Shaker 07
DD Shaker 08 1.5
DD Shaker 09 1.5
DD Shaker 10 1.5
DD Shaker 11 1.5
DD Shaker 12 1.5
DD Shaker 13 1.5
DD Shaker 14 1.5
DD Shaker 15 1.5
DD Shaker 16 1.5
DD Shaker 17 1.5
DD Shaker 18 1.5
DD Shaker 19 1.5
DD Shaker 20 1.5
DD Shaker 21 1.5
DD Shaker 22 1.5
DD Shaker 23 1.5
DD Shaker 24 1.5
DD Shaker 25 1.5
DD Shaker 26 1.5
DD Shaker 27 1.5
DD Shaker 28 1.5
DD Shaker 29 1.5
DD Shaker 30 1.5
DD Shaker 31 1.5
DD Shaker 32 1.5
DD Shaker 33 1.5
DD Shaker 34 1.5
DD Shaker 35 1.5
DD Shaker 36 1.5
DD Shaker 37 1.5
DD Shaker 38 1.5
DD Shaker 39 1.5
DD Shaker 40 1.5
DD Shaker 41 1.5
DD Shaker 42 1.5
DD Shaker 43 1.5
DD Shaker 44 1.5
DD Shaker 45 1.5
Kit Shaker - Basilisk
Kit Shaker - Big Machine
Kit Shaker - Complex House
Kit Shaker - Cowbip
Kit Shaker - Fluids
Kit Shaker - Impitch
Kit Shaker - Industrial
Kit Shaker - Marokino
Kit Shaker - Mesbas
Kit Shaker - Notach
Kit Shaker - Simple Basique
Kit Shaker - Take It Easy
Kit Shaker - Trinare
Kit Shaker - Tropical A
Kit Shaker - Tropical B
06 Tambourin
KiTambourin - Acoustic
KiTambourin - Ain’t It Funky
KiTambourin - Avant Garde
KiTambourin - Basilisk
KiTambourin - ChillHop
KiTambourin - Classic House
KiTambourin - Dilla
KiTambourin - Experimental Dist
KiTambourin - Experimental
KiTambourin - French House
KiTambourin - Futurestep
KiTambourin - Gangsta Life
KiTambourin - Gods Plane
KiTambourin - Hop Hype
KiTambourin - James le Brun
KiTambourin - Karl Kokz
KiTambourin - Louis the Kid
KiTambourin - Magik Less
KiTambourin - No Sub
KiTambourin - OhmBoy
KiTambourin - Pray For Em
KiTambourin - Propane
KiTambourin - Savane
KiTambourin - Snake
KiTambourin - Spastik
KiTambourin - Substep
KiTambourin - Synergies
KiTambourin - Tech Groove
KiTambourin - Tech Moombah
KiTambourin - Tetrapy
KiTambourin - The Winstons
KiTambourin - Traviscott
KiTambourin - Trinare
KiTambourin - Tropical A
KiTambourin - Tropical B
Tambourish 01
Tambourish 02
Tambourish 03
Tambourish 04
Tambourish 05
Tambourish 06
Tambourish 07
Tambourish 08
Tambourish 09
Tambourish 10
Tambourish 11
Tambourish 12
Tambourish 14
Tambourish 15
Tambourish 16
Tambourish 17
Tambourish 18
Tambourish 19 1.5
Tambourish 20 1.5
Tambourish 21 1.5
Tambourish 22 1.5
Tambourish 23 1.5
Tambourish 24 1.5
Tambourish 25 1.5
Tambourish 26 1.5
Tambourish 27 1.5
Tambourish 28 1.5
Tambourish 29 1.5
Tambourish 30 1.5
Tambourish 31 1.5
Tambourish 32 1.5
Tambourish 33 1.5
Tambourish 34 1.5
Tambourish 35 1.5
Tambourish 36 1.5
Tambourish 37 1.5
Tambourish 38 1.5
Tambourish 39 1.5
Tambourish 40 1.5
Tambourish 41 1.5
07 Percusions
Kit Perc - Afro Rock Band
Kit Perc - Child Gambinish
Kit Perc - Colonel
Kit Perc - Crossover A
Kit Perc - Crossover B
Kit Perc - Dreamlike
Kit Perc - Exit
Kit Perc - Fluids
Kit Perc - Funeste
Kit Perc - Future
Kit Perc - Marokino
Kit Perc - Rapture
Kit Perc - Sean Paulery
Kit Perc - Stargazin
Kit Perc - Stimm Beat
Kit Perc - Tech Groove
Kit Perc - Techstep
Kit Perc - Zougoulou Drop
PerCymbal 01
PerCymbal 02
PerCymbal 03
PerCymbal 04
PerCymbal 05
PerCymbal 06
PerCymbal 07
PerCymbal 08
PerCymbal 09 1.5
PerCymbal 10 1.5
PerCymbal 11 1.5
PerCymbal 12 1.5
PerCymbal 13 1.5
PerCymbal 14 1.5
PerCymbal 15 1.5
PerCymbal 16 1.5
PerCymbal 17 1.5
PerCymbal 18 1.5
PerCymbal 19 1.5
08 FX
Cymbal FX 1
Cymbal FX 2
Cymbal FX 3
Cymbal FX 4
Kit Cymb FX - Andy B
Kit Cymb FX - Basilisk
Kit Cymb FX - Cowbip
Kit Cymb FX - Manufacturing
Kit Cymb FX - Propane
Kit Cymb FX - Skrill
Reverse 1 1.5
Reverse 2 1.5
Reverse 3 1.5
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Soundbank Installation Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . installing_uvi_soundbanks_en.pdf
UVI Workstation User Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . uviworkstation_user_guide_en.pdf
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Produced by UVI
Recording / Editing / Sound Design
Louis Couka Alain Etchart
Defazed (Richard Gales) Enzalla (Vincenzo Bellanova)
Jason Gibbins Carlo De Gregorio
Kevin Guilhaumou Floriane Palmkrantz
Emeric Tschambser Tunecraft (Benjamin Fitoussi)
Unmute (Julien Chapron) Damien Vallet
Software + Scripting
Louis Couka
Rémy Muller
Olivier Tristan
Nathaniel Reeves
Garrett DeMartinis
Nathaniel Reeves
Kai Tomita