Macroevolutionary shifts of WntA function potentiate
butterfly wing-pattern diversity
Anyi Mazo-Vargas
, Carolina Concha
, Luca Livraghi
, Darli Massardo
, Richard W. R. Wallbank
, Linlin Zhang
Joseph D. Papador
, Daniel Martinez-Najera
, Chris D. Jiggins
, Marcus R. Kronforst
, Casper J. Breuker
Robert D. Reed
, Nipam H. Patel
, W. Owen McMillan
, and Arnaud Martin
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853;
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Gamboa, Panama;
Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford OX3 0BP, United Kingdom;
Department of Ecology and Evolution,
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637;
Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, United Kingdom;
Department of
Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720;
Department of Molecular Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720;
Department of Biological Sciences, The George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052
Edited by Sean B. Carroll, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and University of WisconsinMadison, Madison, WI, and approved August 7, 2017 (received for
review May 16, 2017)
Butterfly wing patterns provide a rich comparative framework to
study how morphological complexity develops and evolves. Here
we used CRISPR/Cas9 somatic mutagenesis to test a patterning
role for WntA, a signaling ligand gene previously identified as a
hotspot of shape-tuning alleles involved in wing mimicry. We
show that WntA loss-of-function causes multiple modifications
of pattern elements in seven nymphalid butterfly species. In three
butterflies with a conserved wing-pattern arrangement, WntA is
necessary for the induction of stripe-like patterns known as sym-
metry systems and acquired a novel eyespot activator role specific
to Vanessa forewings. In two Heliconius species, WntA specifies
the boundaries between melanic fields and the light-color patterns
that they contour. In the passionvine butterfly Agraulis, WntA re-
moval shows opposite effects on adjacent pattern elements, re-
vealing a dual role across the wing field. Finally, WntA acquired a
divergent role in the patterning of interveinous patterns in the
monarch, a basal nymphalid butterfly that lacks stripe-like symme-
try systems. These results identify WntA as an instructive signal for
the prepatterning of a biological system of exuberant diversity
and illustrate how shifts in the deployment and effects of a single
developmental gene underlie morphological change.
Wnt signaling
pattern formation
evolutionary tinkering
gene co-opt ion
CRISPR mutagenesis
he multitude of patterns found in developing organisms is
achieved by a small number of conserved signaling pathways,
which raises an important question. How does biodiversity arise
from the sharing of constituents across a single tree of life? One
explanation for this apparent paradox is that conserved regulatory
genes evolve new tricks or roles during development (1).
Assessing this phenomenon requires comparing the function of
candidate genes across a dense phylogenetic sampling of divergent
phenotypes. Here, the patterns on butterfly wings provide an ideal
test case. The development of scale-covered wings, their structural
and pigment comp lexity, and an elaborate patterning system are
key features of the Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), which
form about 10% of all species known to humankind (2). Wing
patterns across the group are fantastically diverse and are often
shaped by natural and sexual selection (3). Studies in fruit flies,
butterflies, and moths have implicated secreted Wnt-signaling li-
gands as color pattern inducers (48). In butterfly wings, two lines
of evidence suggest a prominent patterning role for the Wnt ligand
gene WntA in particular. First, WntA was repeatedly mapped as a
locus driving pattern-shape adaptations involved in mimicry, and
a total of 18 WntA causative alleles have been identified across a
wide phylogenetic spectrum (913). Second, WntA expression
marks developing wing domains that prefigure the position and
shape of pattern elements of various color compositions (10, 14).
The nymphalid groundplan provides a conceptual framework
to understand pattern variation in butterflies (3). Under this
framework, patterns are organized into parallel subdivisions of
autonomous color pattern complexes known as symmetr y sys-
tems, which are arranged across the dorsal and ventral surfaces of
both the fore- and hindwing (1419) (Fig. 1 AC). This arrange-
ment is thought to represent a putative archetype of a butterfly
wing pattern, and diversity is created by modifying elements within
and among these symmetry systems (3). WntA is typically expressed
in three of the four symmetry systems (14): the small proximal
pattern called Basalis (B), the large median pattern called the
Central Symmetry System (CSS), and the Marginal Band System
(MBS), which features laminar stripes bordering the wing. Here we
used CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis to impair WntA function and as-
sess its patterning roles in Nymphalidae, the largest butterfly family
that radiated around 90 Mya (20). We characterize the de-
velopmental function of WntA in species representative of the
nymphalid groundplan and then show that WntA has acquired di-
vergent patterning roles in several lineages.
Results and Discussion
We injected Cas9/sgRNA duplexes into 16 h butterfly embryos
at a syncytial stage (n = 5,794 eggs). As only a fraction of the
dividing nuclei are edited, the resulting mosaicism can bypass the
deleterious effects of developmental mutations and yields G
escapers that survive until the adult stage for phenotypic analysis
(2123). We performed CRISPR injections in seven nymphalid
Our study assesses the long-held hypothesis that evolution of
new gene functions underlies the diversification of animal forms.
To do this, we systematically compared the patterning roles of a
single gene across seven butterfly species. Under a null hypothesis
of gene stasis, each knockout experiment should yield directly
comparable phenotypes. We instead observed a varied repertoire
of lineage-specific effects in different wing regions, demonstrat-
ing that the repeated modification of a key instructive signal was
instrumental in the complex evolution of wing color patterns.
These comparative data confirm the heuristic potential of CRISPR
mutagenesis in nontraditional model organisms and illustrate the
principle that biodiversity can emerge from the tinkering of ho-
mologous genetic factors.
Author contributions: C.D.J. , M.R.K., C.J.B., R.D.R., N.H.P., W.O.M., and A.M. designed
research; A.M.-V., C.C., L.L., D.M., R.W.R.W., L.Z., J.D.P., D.M.-N., and A.M. performed
research; and A.M. wrote the paper.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
C.C., L.L., D.M., and R.W.R.W. contributed equally to this work.
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected].
This article contains supporting information online at
1073/pnas.1708149114/-/DCSupplemental. PNAS
October 3, 2017
vol. 114
no. 40
Fig. 1. WntA loss-of-function effects in groundplan-like nymphalids. (AC) The nymphalid groundplan consists of consecutive symmetry systems organized
along the antero-posterior axis. Color code indicates groundplan elements in subsequent panels. Orange: Baso-Discal Complex (BDC) patterns; blue: CSS;
fuchsia: Bordel Ocelli Symmetry System (BoSS), including dPf; green: MBS, including Sub-Marginal Band (SMB). Dots show wing topological landmarks cor-
responding to vein crossings. (DG) WntA mKO in J. coenia results in the loss of WntA
patterns. (D) Whole-wing phenotypes. (E) In situ hybridization of WntA
in WT fifth instar imaginal disks. (F) Blow-up of proximal forewing area showing the loss of B upon WntA mKO. (G) Blow-up of proximal forewing area
showing the distalization of dPf and SMB elements. (HK) Replication of the J. coenia result s in P. aegeria.(H) Whole-wing phenotypes. (I) In situ hybridization
of WntA in WT fifth instar imaginal disks. (J) Loss of the forewing CSS. (K) Distalization of dark-brown dPF and SMB; arrowheads point at corresponding WntA
expression domains in I.
| Mazo-Vargas et al.
species to induce frameshift mutations in WntA-coding exons.
About 10% of hatchlings (240 of 2,293 survivors) yielded adult
butterflies with mosaic knockout (mKO) pattern defects on their
wings (SI Appendix, Figs. S1S9 and Tables S1 and S2).
WntA Induces Central Symmetry Systems. First we used CRISPR to
test the effects of WntA loss-of-function on the wing patterns of the
Common Buckeye Junonia coenia (tribe: Junoniini). WntA mKOs
resulted in a complete loss of the CSS, consistent with WntA ex-
pression that prefigures its shape and position in the wing imaginal
disks (Fig. 1 D and E and SI Appendix,Fig.S1). The WntA-positive
forewing B element was lost while the wg-positive D
elements (8,
24) were unaffecte d (Fig. 1F). The B-D
patterns have a similar
color composition, indicating that WntA and wg play interchangeable
roles in their induction. In contrast, the double loss of the dis-
tinct B and CSS patterns also illustrates the regional specificity of
WntA-signaling color outputs across the wing surface. In the
marginal section of the wing (Fig. 1G), WntA mKOs resulted in a
contraction of the MBS and in a shift of chevron patterns known
as the distal parafocal elements (dPF) (17, 19). WntA may impact
these distal elements by participating in complex patterning dy-
namics in the marginal section of the wing (25).
Variations on the WntA Groundplan Theme. Next we asked if the
instructive roles of WntA were phylogenetically conserved, using
two other nymphalid butterflies with a groundplan organization,
the Specked Wood Pararge aegeria (tribe: Satyrini) (15) and the
Painted Lady Vanessa cardui (tribe: Nymphalini) (18). WntA
Fig. 2. Conserved and novel aspects of WntA function in Painted Lady butterflies. (A and B) WntA mKOs in V. cardui result in defects or loss of the CSS,
highlighted in cyan in B.(C and D) Wnt A forewing expression is associated with the CSS (magnified in D) and the MBS in WT fifth instar wing disks. (E)Blow-
up of a CSS section showing pattern disruption upon WntA mKO. (F and G) WntA hindwing expression in the CSS and the MBS (magnified in G; pt, peripheral
tissue) in WT fifth instar wing disks. (H) WntA mKO results in distal shifts of dPf elements. (I) Blow-up of WntA expression in the hindwing CSS. (J) Magni-
fication of intermediate and severe levels of CSS reduction observed upon WntA mKO. ( K ) WntA expression as observed in the presumptive forewing
eyespots in late fifth instar win g disks of V. cardui.(L and M) Reduction of dorsal forewing eyespots following WntA mKO. (N) Color change in ventral mKO
forewing eyespots.
Mazo-Vargas et al. PNAS
October 3, 2017
vol. 114
no. 40
mKOs yielded consistent effects by eliminating the CSS and
distalizing the parafocal elements in these two species (Figs. 1
HK and 2 AH and SI Appendix, Fig. S10). Of note, in the
V. cardui hindwing, the complex wave-like patterns of the CSS
were lost upon severe WntA mKO and reduced in more inter-
mediate forms (Fig. 2 I and J). These two species also highlighted
other aspects of WntA phenotypic effects. In P. aegeria hindwings,
the mKO-mediated disruption of the marginal system resulted
in an apparent expansion of the eyespot outer rings (SI Appendix,
Fig. S10D). V. cardui WntA mKOs resulted in the reduction of
each dorsal forewing eyespot (P values < 10
generated color composition defects in the ventral forewing eye-
spots (Fig. 2N and SI Appendix,Fig.S3). Only V. cardui forewings
areknowntoexpressWntA in their eyespots (14). We thus infer
that WntA was co-opted in the eyespot gene regulatory network of
the V. cardui lineage to elaborate upon the patterning of this
complex feature (26). Overall, comparisons in three species show
that multifaceted modulations of WntA function have shaped var-
iations on the basic nymphalid groundplan theme.
WntA Induces Pattern Boundaries in Heliconius. We next focused
on species that departed more markedly from the nymphalid
Fig. 3. Variegated WntA loss-of-function phenotypes in passionvine butterflies. ( AE) Effects of WntA mKO in H. e. demophoon.(A) Whole wings.
(B) Detection of WT proximal WntA expression by larval forewing in situ hybridization (zone 1). (C) Loss of proximal pattern boundary in WntA-positive zone
1. (D) Antero-proximal expression of WntA in WT late larval hindwings. (E) Loss of antero-proximal pattern boundary in mKO hindwings. (FJ) Effects of WntA
mKO in H. sara.(F) Whole wings. (G) Detection of proxi mal (zone 1) and median (zone 2) WntA in larval forewings. (H) Loss of proximal (green line) and
median (fuchsia line) pattern boundaries resulting in loss of melanic identity in zones 1 and 2. (I) Antero-proximal expression of WntA in larval hindwings.
(J) Widespread antero-proximal color identity shift in mKO hindwings. (KP) Effects of WntA mKO in A. vanillae.(K) Whole wings. (L) Silver-spotrelated
expression of WntA in larval forewings and loss in mKO forewings. (Bottom) M3-A1 spot triad. (M and N ) Silver spot-related expression of WntA in larval
hindwings (M) and loss/reduction in mKO hindwings (N). (Top) M3-A1 spot complex. (O) Silver-spot pattern expansion in proximal mKO hindwings.
(P) Secondary expression of WntA in the proximal region of late larval hindwings. Colored dots: wing topological landmarks (vein crossings).
| Mazo-Vargas et al.
groundplan configuration, starting with the hyperdiverse Heliconius
clade (tribe: Heliconiini). We performed CRISPR mKOs in Cen-
tral American morphs of two species, Heliconius erato demophoon
and Heliconius sara sara. WntA removalresultedinanexpansionof
light-color patterns in both cases (Fig. 3 A and F). In H. erato
demophoon, WntA expression marked melanic patches that con-
tour forewing red and hindwing yellow stripes (Fig. 3 B and D).
Predictably, its loss-of-function resulted in the loss of the corre-
sponding boundaries with black contours being replaced by ex-
pansions of red or yellow (Figs. 3 C and E). H. sara forewing disks
showed a proximal and central WntA expression domains that each
correspond to melanic fields that frame the signature yellow stripes
of this butterfly (Fig. 3G). Both melanic intervals were lost fol-
lowing WntA mKOs (Fig. 3H), yielding an almost uniformly yellow
forewing surface. Hindwings showed a similar effect with WntA
deficiency resulting in melanic-to-yellow switches in the antero-
proximal half of the wing (Fig. 3J). Interestingly, this treatment
also revealed a cryptic stripe of red patches. A similar phenotype is
observed in subspecies of H. sara, as well as in its sister species
Heliconius leucadia (SI Appendix,Fig.S11), suggesting that mod-
ulations of Wnt signaling could underlie these cases of natural
variation. Overall, these data support previous predictions that
groundplan elements such as the CSS can be homologized to what
form the apparent contours of Heliconius patterns (2729). WntA is
best thought as a prepatterning factor that determines boundaries
between color fields, a view that is compatible with the re-
placement effects of mKOs, where WntA-deficient cells acquire the
color fate of the adjacent territory. This property may explain why
cis-regulatory tinkering of WntA expression seems to underlie the
repeated modification of color pattern shapes across this explosive
radiation (912), as it allows the coordinated modulation of color
fate on either side of a moving boundary.
Antagonistic Roles of WntA in Adjacent Patterns. Compared with
Heliconius, the closely related Gulf Fritillary butterfly (Agraulis
vanillae) has modified the nymphalid groundplan differently to
produce its distinctive wing pattern (27). Rather than continuous
stripes, A. vanillae shows dispersed silver spots of identical color
composition, each consisting of a core of highly reflective mirror
scales (30) and an outline of black scales. A subset of silver spots
express WntA or wg (14), and accordingly, all of the WntA
contracted or disappeared in WntA mKOs (Fig. 3 KN and SI Ap-
pendix,Fig.S6). Among the wg
elements (forewing D
and D
only D
coexpressed WntA and was specifically reduced in WntA
mKOs (SI Appendix,Fig.S12), suggesting that silver spots respond to
overall Wnt dosage. WntA mKOs also resulted in a drastic expansion
of WntA-free (WntA
)patterns(Fig.3O). Importantly, butterflies
treated with exogenous heparin, a ligand-binding molecule with Wnt
gain-of-function effects (9, 14, 31, 32), showed the opposite outcome:
expanded WntA
and reduced WntA
patterns (14). These reverse
effects of CRISPR loss-of-function vs. heparin gain-of-function
suggest that WntA activates and represses two distinct sets of pat-
terns, and the repressed domain in fact shows a secondary wave of
WntA expression in late larval instar wing disks (Fig. 3P). This ob-
servation leads us to propose that the dual effect of WntA may be
due to a biphasic deployment, with a first wave of WntA pattern-
activating expression followed by an inhibitory event in the Wnt-
repressed territory. Testing this working model will require the
identification and expression profiling of WntA-signaling targets in
A. vanillae.
Repurposing of WntA in a Reduced Groundplan. Finally, we used the
lack of visible CSS in monarchs (Danaus plexippus; tribe:
Danaini) as an example of extreme divergence from the nym-
phalid groundplan. WntA lacked a CSS median stripe expression
as expected and was instead detected around the presumptive
veins, indicative of a potential role in the induction of vein-
dependent patterns (33). WntA mKO adults showed drastic
expansions of the white interveinous patterns (Fig. 4), which are
usually visible as thin outlines of the veins in WT ventral wings.
In addition, white dot elements that ornate the marginal region
expanded and fused following WntA mKO. Other WntA mKO
monarchs showed a small dorsal patch of ectopic interveinous
scales in the crossvein region, demonstrating maximal WntA
expression in hindwings (SI Appendix, Fig. S13). Consistent with
a Wnt loss-of-function, this mild phenotype was reproduced by
injection of dextran sulfate, a drug treatment that emulates Wnt
signal inhibition in other butterflies (14, 32) (SI Appendix, Fig.
S14). Overall, expression and functional data suggest that WntA
was again repurposed, in this case as a repressor of interveinous
white scales in the monarch lineage.
Lessons from Somatic CRISPR Phenotypes. Somatic mutagenesis
yielded loss-of-function data in the G
adults of seven butterfly
species, an achievement that would have been unrealistic in the
pre-CRISPR era. Experimental replication using various single-
guide RNA (sgRNA) targets ruled out a contribution of off-
target lesions, and genotyping experiments revealed a pre-
dominance of frameshift, presumably null WntA alleles (SI
Appendix, Figs. S8 and S9). Variations in clone size, allelic dos-
age, and the possible occurrence of hypomorphic mutations
could underlie complex cases of mosaicism, explaining the range of
observed effects (Fig. 2J and SI Appendix, Figs. S1S7). Inferring
the allelic composition of wing mutant clones from their geno-
typing is complicated by the movement of insect wing epithelial
cells following adult emergence (34), as well as by the presence of
cell contaminants that are unlikely to underlie the pattern phenotype
(e.g., tracheal cells, neurons, hemocytes). We attempted the gener-
ation of germline mutations in V. cardui to bypass the experimental
limitations of somatic heterogeneity. Following the injection of a
single sgRNA targeting the WntA stop codon, we obtained an adult
female bearing a modification of the forewing CSS (SI Appendix,
Fig. S15). Six G
offsprings displayed the same phenotype and
were all heterozygous for a 16-bp indel mutation, resulting in a
C-terminal Cys-Asn-Stop Gly-Ser-Arg-Stop editing of the pre-
dicted WntA protein. This allele was passed to a second generation
Fig. 4. WntA loss-of-function in monarch butterflies induces interveinous white
scales. (A and B) In situ detection of WntA in Danaus plexippus last larval instar
forewing (A) and hindwing disks (B). (C) Whole-wing phenotypes following
WntA mKO. All effects consist of expansion of white scale patterns. (D)Close-up
view of larval hindwing WntA interveinous expression in the periphery of tra-
cheal vein precursors. (E and F) Expansion of interveinous white scale fate in the
hindwing region corresponding to D. Colored dots: wing topological landmarks
(vein crossings).
Mazo-Vargas et al. PNAS
October 3, 2017
vol. 114
no. 40
but was subsequently lost due to an episode of high mortality in
our stock. Nonetheless, this preliminary result illustrates the po-
tential of CRISPR to induce a variety of loss-of-function alleles,
which could be propagated via the germline for tackling future
developmental questions where mosaicism is a concern.
Conclusions. The Nymphalidae family comprises about 6,000 but-
terfly species, most of which can be identified by their wing patterns.
We used this system as a proxy of morphological evolution and
found that a single signal articulates its underlying complexity, as
shown by the variety of WntA mKO phenotypes obtained across
different wing regions and species. Our data highlight three major
results. First, WntA is associated with multiple pattern elements
within the same individual, including within the same wing surface,
e.g., both the adjacent Basalis and CSS patterns require WntA in
J. coenia forewings, despite distinct color compositions, whereas CSS
stripes often differ between wing surfaces (dorsal vs. ventral, fore-
wing vs. hindwing). Wnt signaling may combine with selector genes
that mark distinct wing domains to mediate these regional-specific
outputs within a single individual (24, 35). Second, spatial shifts in
WntA expression cause pattern-shape evolution, exemplified by the
multitude of species-specific manifestations of the CSS. Cis-regula-
tory variants of WntA (912), or alternatively, modulations of the
trans-regulatory landscape that controls WntA expression, may have
fashioned these macroevolutionary shifts. Finally, WntA evolves new
patterning functions. It was co-opted into forewing eyespot forma-
tion in the V. cardui lineage, evolved a localized pattern-inhibiting
role in A. vanillae, and was repurposed for the patterning of vein-
contouring markings in monarchs. In summary, WntA instructs the
formation of multiple wing-pattern elements in the nymphalid ra-
diation, demonstrating the importance of prepatterning processes in
the unfolding of complex anatomy. The versatility of this signaling
factor illustrates how the repeated tinkering of a developmental
gene can foster boisterous evolutionary change.
Experimental Procedures
Butterflies. Insect stock origins, rearing conditions, and oviposition host plants
are described in SI Appendix, Table S3.
In Situ Hybridizations. WntA cDNA sequences, cloned or amplified with
T7 overhang primers, were used as a templa te to synthesize digoxigenin-
labeled RNA probe as described previously (14, 36). Primers for amplification
of template DNA are shown in SI Appendix, Table S4. In situ hybridization of
imaginal discs from fifth instar larvae were performed as described (14).
Egg Injections. Butterfly eggs laid on host plant leaves were collected after 16h
(SI Appendix,TablesS2andS3). J. coenia and V. cardui eggs were then washed for
20100 s in 5% benzalkonium chloride (Sigma-Aldrich), rinsed in water, and dried
in a desiccation chamber or by air ventilation for softening the chorion. To soften
and separate egg mass in H. sara, clumps were treated with a 1:20 dilution of
Milton sterilizing fluid (Procter and Gamble) for 4 min, rinsed with water, and
dried. Eggs were arranged on a double-sided adhesive tape or glued to a glass
slide, usually with the micropyle facing up. CRISPR mixtures containing pre-
assembled sgRNAs and recombinant Cas9 protein (PNA Bio) were injected, using
pulled quartz or borosilicate needles. The concentration of sgRNAs and
Cas9 varied between butterfly species and experiments (SI Appendix, Table S2).
Genotyping. DNA was extracted from wing muscles or single legs using the
Phire animal tissue direct PCR kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific), and amplified
using oligonucleotides flanking the sgRNAs target region (SI Appendix, Table
S2). PCR amplicons were gel-purified, subcloned into the pGEM-T Easy Vec-
tor System (Promega), and sequenced on an ABI 3730 sequencer.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Saad Arif, Nora Braak, Chris Day, Melanie
Gibbs, Jonah Heller, José Hermina-Perez, Colin Morrison, Oscar Paneso, Manu
Sanjeev, David Tian, Camille Tulure, Matthew Verosloff, and Hans Van Dyck for
assistance with rearing, injecting, dissecting, and imaging butterflies; Lawrence
Gilbert for sharing photographs and insights on Heliconius wing patterning;
and Karin van der Burg, Bernardo Clavijo, David Jaffe, James Lewis, and James
Mallet for providing access to genomic data. This work was supported by grants
from the NSF (Grants DGE-1650441, IOS-1354318, IOS-1557443, and IOS-
1452648); the NIH (Grant GM108626); the Leverhulme Trust (Grant RPG-2014-
167); the Pew Charitable Trust; a Nigel Groome PhD studentship (Oxford
Brookes University); and the Smithsonian Institution.
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| Mazo-Vargas et al.