University Career Center
110 Lanier Hall 478-445-5384
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When reviewing medical school options, there are 2 potential paths that students can choose to pursue: a Doctor of Medicine, MD
or an Osteopathic Doctor, DO. Both degrees produce licensed practitioners, but there are several differences in their approaches
and theoretical background. has a comprehensive overview of the differences and similarities between MDs and DOs
here. Below are considerations for pre-med students:
Most schools have a minimum requirement of a 3.5 GPA, although the average GPA for successful applicants is usually
around a 3.7. Science GPA is extremely important.
At least 100-200 hours of clinical based volunteering. Quality over quantity when choosing experiences, and direct patient
contact is most beneficial.
Shadowing in a clinical setting. Shadowing hours can be lower than volunteering, but for both types of experiences hands
on opportunities are preferred. Learn more about shadowing with either an MD (AAMC - Shadowing a Doctor) or a DO
(AACOM - Shadowing a DO)
The mean MCAT score is 500 and the max score is 528. See the Princeton Review website for information on MCAT scores
in relation to medical school admittance.
Pursue challenging medical related courses in addition to the required prerequisites. Rigorous elective course content will
be taken into account when looking at GPA.
Seek out research opportunities with faculty as early as freshman year. Laboratory research strengthens your resume
tremendously when applying to medical school.
AAMC offers an informational service called Medical School Admission Requirements (MSAR) intended for MD applicants.
For $28, students can access the specific requirements, average GPA, MCAT scores, etc. for every MD program available.
See the benefits here.
You can view more pre-med student resources and see if you qualify for the Pre-Med Mentoring Program with Dr. Ashok Hegde.
Most common prerequisite courses:
English Composition I & IIENGL 1101 & 1102
Principles of Biology I & IIBIOL 1107/L & 1108/L
Principles of Chemistry I & IICHEM 1211/L & 1212/L
Organic Chemistry I & IICHEM 3361/L & 3362/L
Introductory Physics I & IIPHYS 1111/L & 1112/L
Pre-Calculus MATH 1113
Biochemistry CHEM 3510
Probability and Statistics MATH 2600 OR Calculus MATH 1261
Other highly suggested courses are:
Genetics BIOL 2100 AND Cellular and Molecular Physiology BIOL 3200
Human Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 2160 & 2170 OR Comparative Animal Physiology BIOL 4440 & Comparative Vertebrae
Medical Microbiology BIOL 4185
Medical Physiology BIOL 4950
Medical Neuroscience BIOL 4950
Histology BIOL 4140
Biology of Cancer BIOL 4155
Intro to General Psychology PSYC 1101
View a full list of courses offered at Georgia College & State University and other valuable resources that will help students prepare
for medical school here
**Talk with your academic advisor before choosing courses!
To be properly prepared for the MCAT, students should plan on spending about 300 hours (around 3 months) on intense studying. It
is suggested that students start taking practice tests in sections to familiarize themselves with the test content and eventually lead
up to taking 6-10 full length practice tests prior to taking the real test. Visit the AAMC website for information on testing
preparation (AAMC - Taking the MCAT Exam).
Personal Statements used to apply to medical school should be general and not program specific. When applying through a
common application service, they will forward your information to the schools you select including your general personal statement.
Pay attention to the character count allotted for the essay, and remember that this could take spaces into account! Follow the
instructions listed carefully to ensure that you follow all of the parameters set. You should start writing your personal statement
early so that you can get adequate feedback prior to submitting your application.
Secondary Essays
Each school will send out a required secondary application including 5-8 prompts that require short answers, 400-800 words each.
Some schools will send the secondary application upon receiving your primary application from with AMCAS or AACOMAS, while
others filter through the primary applications before sending out secondary requirements. It is important that you answer each
question fully. Unlike personal statements, you are usually only given 1-2 weeks to complete these prompts, yet your writing should
continue to be on a professional level. You can search online in medical student blogs, help centers, or other forums to find past
secondary prompts from different schools.
Developing meaningful relationships with faculty is vital when seeking letters of recommendation. Begin thinking about faculty who
you have or will have taken several classes with, have similar research interests with, or that you feel a connection to, so that you
can begin building those relationships from day 1. Remember that a person’s title is not near as important as how well they know
you as a student and as a person. When requesting letters of recommendation, quality highly outweighs quantity. Both AMCAS and
AACOMAS allow for multiple letters of recommendations to be uploaded. Keep in mind that having 3 strong letters will look better
than having 5 letters with little context or detail. It is ideal to get at least 1 letter from a physician whom you have shadowed or
worked closely with, and at least 1 from a science faculty member.
When asking for letters, remember to be gracious and ask for the letter. “Would you be willing to,” is usually a good way to start the
conversation rather than demanding that they write you a letter. Faculty expect you to ask, and they will most likely agree if they
feel comfortable speaking on your behalf. Be sure to give the faculty member, physician, or whomever you plan to ask plenty of
notice, generally a month is suggested. Providing a resume, CV, personal statement, or some other document will show that you are
serious about obtaining a letter and give the faculty member some reference as to what you want them to talk about. ALWAYS
When preparing for professional school interviews, a lot of the same rules apply as with most job interviews. Remember to dress
accordingly to interview etiquette and conduct yourself in a professional manner. On Handshake, you can view the Career Center’s
“Dress for Success” handouts by clicking on the Resources tab. In addition, you want to be sure that you practice ahead of time.
“Why do you want to be a doctor?” or “Why our program?” are common types of questions that you want to be sure and prepare
for. There are different types of interviews for medical school such as traditional interviews, video interviews, multiple mini
interviews (MMI), among others. MMIs are becoming increasingly popular and stray from the traditional interview set-up. Learn
more about MMIs and how to prepare for them here. To become more familiar with interview types and preparation, make an
appointment with a pre-professional advisor.
Also, you will want to prepare your own questions to ask. Much like job interviews, you are interviewing the school and program just
like they are interviewing you. Finding a good fit is important for you to thrive in a program. Once the interview is over, it is always a
good idea to write thank you notes. These can be via email or hand written. Making it to the interview stage is a huge feat, so you
want to make sure that you make the best impression!
You do not need to have a degree in a science discipline to go to medical school! This is a misconception that many have about most
health professions. Professional programs are seeking out students that will bring a different perspective to their program, and a
major other than a STEM field could help you stand out. However, you must consider the required prerequisites that will need to be
worked into the curriculum of your chosen major. Also, consider seeking out additional challenging science or medical related
courses as electives to make yourself a well-rounded candidate. Be sure to consult with your academic advisor before choosing
Some schools offer dual degree programs where you can earn an MD and a PhD through integrated training. MD-PhD programs are
intended for students who are wanting to pursue primarily research throughout their career. If obtaining both an MD and a PhD fits
your long-term career goals, a dual degree program would take less time than pursuing each one separately. However, these
programs still take around 7-8 years to complete. The AAMC offers extensive information on seeking out these programs, here.
Year 1
Meet with a pre-
professional advisor to
start building your
timeline and to explore
options and opportunities
available to you.
Use the Learning Center
for Supplemental
Instruction to maintain a
strong GPA from day 1
especially in science
Register for the Pre-Med
Club to stay up to date on
events and information.
Check the requirements
for the
Mentoring Program to see
if you qualify!
Explore professional
healthcare careers using
Focus2 and Occupational
Outlook Handbook, as
well as attending the
Graduate & Professional
School Fair.
Summer 1
*Work with the Career Center to start building your resume or CV to prepare your applications for summer
Volunteer at local hospitals or health centers and keep a journal about your experiences. Other summer
experiences could include: research with a faculty member, summer enrichment programs, participate on campus
with community science education programs for youth
Year 2
Assess academic standing
and plans for completing
prerequisite courses with
Academic Advisor.
Identify and connect with
faculty for mentorship,
research opportunities,
and professional advice.
Seek out campus
leadership opportunities
in addition to
participation in Pre-Med
Continue gaining
experience in your field as
mentioned above. Attend
the Graduate &
Professional School Fair to
continue growing your
network and knowledge
of programs available.
Summer 2
*Work with a pre-professional advisor to begin looking at schools/programs of interest and choose several*
Start familiarizing yourself with the MCAT (AAMC - Taking the MCAT Exam) and the medical school application
process (MD: AAMC - Understanding the Process or DO: AACOMAS - Applicant Help Center). Continue to gain
meaningful shadowing and volunteer hours, preferably with direct patient care. Create a budget that will include
MCAT, test preparation, and application fees for each program of interest including secondary application fees.
Year 3
Begin preparing for the
MCAT by registering for a
course with companies
such as Princeton Review,
Kaplan, etc. and choose
test date by the start of
second semester.
Consider what faculty,
advisors, and mentors
could potentially write
your letters of
recommendation and
consult with them so that
you can include their
names on your AMCAS or
AACOMAS application.
Keep regular contact with
your pre-professional
advisor to fine tune your
application strategy,
schools of interest,
personal statement, and
create your
Account or AACOMAS
Discuss alternatives with
your pre-professional
advisor in case of needed
gap year or change in
career plans. Attend the
Graduate & Professional
School Fair to explore
your options.
Summer 3
By the end of summer 3, you should have your final MCAT score and be ready to start applying if you are not
taking a gap year. Complete and submit your AMCAS or AACOMAS application and any secondary application
requirements. Continue involvement, research, and/or meaningful volunteering and shadowing that can be
added to your experiences when applying
Year 4
Prepare with the Career
Center for different types
of interviews with medical
Complete secondary
applications/essays as
Evaluate acceptance
offers and talk with your
pre-professional advisor
for guidance.
Consider if a gap year
would be in your best
interest to acquire the
needed shadowing or
volunteer hours, practical
experiences, or
prerequisites. If you
decide on a gap year,
begin preparing to sign up
for the MCAT in the
upcoming summer.