Van Pelt Voice
October-December 2023 Edition
VP Joke Corner
What do you call
a pony who cant
sing a lullaby? A
lile horse
What do you call
a boomerang
that wont come
back? A sck.
What does the
cloud wear un-
der his clothes?
Thunder wear
What did one
toilet say to the
other? You look
What cant Elsa
from Frozen
have a balloon?
She will let it go,
let it go!
Monday, Oct. 30—Friday, Nov. 3 An-Bullying Week
Monday—Celebrate Uniqueness with Wacky, Tacky
Tuesday—No Trick! We Treat Each Other with Kindness;
Wear Costumes or Black and Orange
Wednesday—Exercise Your Right to be Safe; Wear Exer-
cise Clothing
Thursday—You Can Be a Hero; Wear Superhero Shirts
Friday—Bully-Free from Head to Toe; Wear Hats & Cra-
zy Socks
Friday, Nov. 3: Career Day for 4th / 5th Grades
Tuesday, Nov 7: Elecon Day, No School
Monday, Nov. 13—Friday, Nov 17: Book Fair
Tuesday, Nov. 14: VP Family Night 5:00-7:00
Wednesday, Nov. 22—Friday, Nov. 24: Thanksgiving Holiday
Sunday, Dec. 3—Volunteer Workday for Winter Wonderland 3
-5 PM
Monday, Dec. 4: Winter Wonderland 530-730
Thursday, Dec. 7: 5th Grade Performance at 10 AM & 6 PM
Tuesday, Dec. 12: VMS Band & Choir Visits VP
Volunteers Needed!
This year, we are asking not only teachers
to volunteer their me seng up for
Winter Wonderland, but we need help
from families as well! Theres a lot of hard
work that goes into making this a success-
ful, free event for our Van Pelt families.
We will have a workday on Sunday,
December 3rd from 3:00-5:00 PM for any-
one who is able to assist with set up. Since
we will be busy working and cannot pro-
vide adequate supervision, please leave
the kids at home. Come out and get dirty
for a good cause!
Please email Mrs. Tallman with any
quesons! [email protected]
We need donations of yard decorations,
Inatables, articial Christmas trees,
lights, extension cords, white fabric,
yard stakes, etc.
Van Pelt is preparing for another fabulous Winter Wonderland!
Fourth Grade Students
Introduce Themselves
Using Power Point
Donations are Needed!
Our Van Pelt Library is the place
to be! Mrs. Aubrey has worked
to teach 4th Graders how to tell
about themselves using Power
Point. Students worked to learn
the program and inserted facts
and pictures that pertained to
them. They then presented their
digital media product to the
class. Students were able to
pracce speaking orally to pre-
sent, listening, and technology all
in one. Great job, Mrs. Aubrey
and our super cool kids in 4th!
Bearcat All-Stars 1st Nine Weeks Swimming Trip!
Students are selected every nine week to parcipate in a special reward
trip based upon their aendance, grades, and behavior. Our kids just
enjoyed a fun me at VHS pool. Thank you to our special area teachers
(Mrs. Tallman, Mrs. Aubrey, Coach Z, and Ms. Asbury) and all others for
New Playground
The new playground
has been installed at
Van Pelt.
This playground will
serve our kids this year
and the PK-1st Grade
students of Virginia
Primary School next
school year. Were
proud to say that this
playground is more
inclusive due to the
rubber boom and is
accessible to students
using walkers and
Mr. Macks Tech
Internet Safety Tips for Kids
and Teens
1. Spend time having fun
with your parents online and
helping them understand
2. Never post your personal
information, such as a cell
phone number, home num-
ber, home address, or your
location on any social net-
working site or through mobile
apps like Snapchat or Insta-
3. Never meet in person with
anyone you first meton the
internet. If someone asks to
meet you, tell your parents or
guardian right away. Some
people may not be who they
say they are.
4. Check with your parents
before you post pictures of
yourself or others online. Do
not post inappropriate pic-
tures of anyone.
5. Never respond to mean or
rude texts, messages, and e-
mails. Delete any unwanted
messages. You may need to
delete friends who continu-
ously bother you or post
things hat are not appropriate.
6. NEVER share your pass-
word with anyone, including
your best friend. The only
people who should know your
password are your parents or
7. If you wouldnt say some-
thing to another persons
face, dont text it or post it
8. Do not download or install
software or anything on your
computer or cell phone before
checking with your parents or
9. Use the privacy settings of
social networking sites.
If anything makes you feel
uncomfortable online, while
gaming or when using your
cell phone, talk with your par-
ents or guardian right away.
Source: and
10/1 Faith, Miracle
10/2 Jenae
10/3 Bella
10/4 Kenleigh
10/5 Chris
10/6 Brody
10/7 Jace
10/9 Haley
10/11 Audrey, Prudence
10/12 Raelynn, Lillian,
10/15 Chase
10/18 Jaxton
10/21 Peyton
10/23 Javon
10/24 Christopher, Jaxon
10/25 Aiden
10/27 Deanna, Remi, Jase
10/28 Kash
10/31 Todd, Aston, Nathaniel
11/1 Josie
11/2 Robyn, Sawyer
11/3 Amalia
11/4 Maysun, Paisley,
11/6 Symphony
11/8 Bryleigh, Ivory
11/9 Melodie
11/10 Rosalee, Savannah,
Keira, Brinley
11/11 Holland, Rakeem,
11/12 Anaka, Lily, Adalie,
11/13 Karlie
11/16 Samuel
11/18 Carter, Cali
11/19 Izzy, Ridge, River,
11/20 Reagan
11/21 Audia, Josiah
11/22 Hudson
11/24 Landon, Bryson, Reece
11/26 Kenson
11/30 Jonathan
12/5 Phoenix
12/2 Willow
12/3 Reece
12/4 Dennis
12/9 ZyIr, Camden
12/10 Daphne, Alissa
12/11 Bristol
12/12 Hailie, John
12/13 Grayson
12/14 DeJah
12/15 Natalie
12/17 Jayden, Gideon
12/18 Greysen, Adam
12/20 Rylan, Brayden
12/21 Grayson
12/22 Brody, Aubrey
12/26 Jason, Jordan
12/27 Lilly, Mahew
12/28 Jessica
12/29 Sophia
12/30 Grace, Allison, Tyrian
12/31 Aitana
Fun Facts for
Serious Safety with Ocer Chris
Know your mom and/or dads
phone number
Never talk to strangers or
take anything from strangers
As always its a good idea to
make sure kids know how to
call 911 if they have an
emergency and even beer if
they have an idea of where
they are at, names of who
they are with, or a way to
direct emergency personnel
to their locaon.
If there is another adult
that lives close that is al-
lowed to take care of
they child in an emergen-
cy (neighbor, relave)
make sure they child
knows they can go to this
person if they need help.
Dont be afraid to talk to
police, re ghters, or
EMTs if you need help.
A good one for parents is
to stop making the joke
you see that cop, if you
dont behave he is going
to arrest youor similar
jokes. It may be funny to
adults but to a child it
could give the wrong im-
pression and create a
fear of police and the
child may be afraid to go
to them in an emergency.
Some Serious Silly with Officer Chris!
Dont try to pet a grizzly bear
Look both ways before crossing internaonal boarders
If its on the internet then its probably true
Walmart is the devil….not really a p as much as just a fact
If you mix equal parts our, powdered sugar, and hydrogen
peroxide, throw it up in the air on an extremely hot and
sunny ...then you get a mess to
clean up.
The human body contains enough
bones to build an enre human
If you stretched out all your veins
and arteries and laid them out
end to end in one long line…
would be dead
Did you know there
are nearly 2,000 thunderstorms
on Earth every minute?
Porcupines can
A bolt of lightning is
ve mes hoer than
the sun!
Octopuses have blue
blood and nine brains!
Did you know Elephants
are the only animals that
cant jump!
A Math Minute with Mrs. James
Why are these flowers that look like they came out of a Dr. Seuss book so cool? Read on to find out - and shine bright with
some solar-powered math!
These wacky flower sculptures look like a picture from a Dr. Seuss book. Built by artist Dan Corson, they stand 40 feet tall, each flower
center has little solar panels on it. Best of all, the flowers sing: they have sensors that tell them when people walk near them, causing the
flowers to play musical notes. So even though you cant smell these flowers, theyre making up for it by doing a lot of other things!
Wee ones: If you make all 5 flowers sing, what numbers would you say to count them?
Little kids: If you swing from the petals and grab the 2nd one, then the 4th one, then the 6thwhich petal do you grab next? Bonus: Each
flower is 20 feet across! If you lay across the top of it, how many feet wider than you would it be? (Find your height to the nearest foot.)
Big kids: If the sun is out from 6:00 in the morning until 8:00 at night, how many hours do the flowers collect sunlight that
day? Bonus: Each flower has 3 circles of solar panels: 10 in the innermost ring, 16 in the next ring, and 23 in the outside ring around
them. How many panels is that on each flower?
The skys the limit: If there are 5 flowers and by waving your arms you make 3 of them sing, how many different possible trios of flowers
could you get to sing? (Dont worry about the order, just which ones are in the set.)
Wee ones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Little kids: The 8th petal. Bonus: Different for everyonesubtract your height in feet from 20.
Big kids: 14 hours. Bonus: 49 panels.
The skys the limit: There are 10 trios. Choosing 3 of them gives the same number of sets as leaving out 2, so you can just count up the
possible pairs to leave out. If theyre lettered A, B, C, D and E, you have 4 pairs with A (AB, AC, AD, AE), then 3 new pairs using B (BC,
BD, BE), then 2 pairs with C (CD, CE), and finally DE. That gives us 4+3+2+1=10.
Did you know Elephants
are the only animals that
December (Twelve Days of Christmas) - Every day from November 30-December 15 five stu-
dents and one teacher who are present that day will when a special prize.
FAMILY NIGHT— November 9
5:00-6:30 More information forthcoming