UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal t Volume 21 Issue 1
The Free-Play Tax Deduction
Debate: How Academic Research
Can Help
Anthony F. Lucas
Katherine Spilde
Free-play has become ubiquitous in casinos, with operators claiming its purpose
ranges from extending play time (Gruetze, 2012), to lowering the house advantage on slot
machines (Burns, 2010), to competing for market share (Murphy, 2016), to increasing
customer loyalty (Armon, 2015), to growing net revenues (Armon, 2015; Belko, 2016;
Burns, 2010; Gruetze, 2012), and more. As gaming proliferates across the globe,
many operators have increased their reliance on free-play oers, to combat increased
competition. For example, in one U.S. jurisdiction, it is not uncommon for an operator to
redeem in excess of $50 million dollars of free-play per year (Belko, 2016). For others,
free-play redemptions comprise 20% or more of a casino’s total gaming revenues (Barker,
2015; Murphy, 2016).
This increased reliance on free-play has caused several U.S. jurisdictions
to rethink the tax treatment of these incentives (Belko, 2016, Armon, 2015). Other
tax authorities are interpreting existing and arguably vague regulations, with great
consequence to gaming operators (Brunt, 2016). With many governments suering
revenue shortfalls, the free-play tax credit will likely remain a contentious issue.
In short, operators want to deduct the full face value of all free-play oers
redeemed, but taxing authorities are questioning the assumptions that underlie the
rationale for this tax treatment. The positions adopted by both sides are anchored in large
part by claims, assumptions and questions related to the ecacy of free-play oers.
In spite of this, we were unable to locate any references by either side to the academic
research that has addressed this very issue, i.e., the ecacy of free-play oers. The
primary aim of this work is to introduce the results of these research papers into the
free-play tax treatment debate. Such results oer an alternative, objective and empirical
means of evaluating key points that are central to both arguments. Going forward, the
methodologies and results from these studies oer a means to spark new and meaningful
discussions, reshape the free-play debate, and inuence the formation of future tax
This paper begins by describing the mechanics, evolution, critical issues and
assumptions associated with free-play oers. Next, we address the basic structure of
gross gaming revenue taxes, followed by a review of existing free-play tax policies, and
the arguments for the dierent tax treatments associated with these oers. Finally, we
demonstrate the extent to which each argument is supported by the empirical academic
research, leading to recommendations for mutually benecial policy revision.
Anthony F. Lucas
William F. Harrah College
of Hotel Administration
University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
(702) 300-6064
Katherine Spilde
Associate Professor
Chair, Sycuan Institute on
Tribal Gaming
L. Robert Payne School of
Hospitality &
Tourism Management
San Diego State University
(760) 533-9387
UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal t Volume 21 Issue 1
Free-play Oers
There are two types of free-play oers: discretionary (DFP) and earned (EFP).
Both forms are essentially electronic currency which must be wagered before gamblers
can claim any remaining/surviving credits from the face value of the original award
(Fine, 2009; Lucas & Spilde, 2017). For example, a gambler redeeming an oer with a
face value of $20 must place at least $20 dollars of wagers before she would be permitted
to cash-out any surviving free-play credits from the original $20 award. That is, after
placing $20 in wagers, she may have a credit balance ranging from zero to a potentially
great sum. The upper limit of the surviving credit balance is dened in part by the top
award of the game on which the oer is redeemed.
In the mid-1990s, Las Vegas casinos catering to the local market initiated large-
scale cash mail programs designed to create additional visits and increase spend-per-trip
(Lucas & Kilby, 2008). These oers were a precursor to the modern free-play oers.
Following the cash mail campaigns, many slot clubs oered members a popular benet
known as same-day cash back. This was a more immediate version of the same benet.
Both cash mail and same-day cash back were essentially partial refunds of the casino’s
theoretical win earned from each player. The former required a direct mail piece, whereas
the latter utilized onsite redemption technology.
One common problem with both of these early rebate incentives was known as
the walkout phenomenon. Lucas & Kilby (2008) described an observation study in which
45% of patrons redeeming cash mail coupons walked out of the subject casino without
gambling. The mere fact that players could leave without gambling bothered many
operators, which led to the development of technology that required the recipients of
these play incentives to wager them at least once before cashing-out any surviving credits
(Fine, 2009; Gruetze, 2012).
The disappointing results produced by early time series regression models
designed to measure the impact of cash mail programs were likely explained away by the
walkout phenomenon (Lucas & Kilby, 2008). Although the new free-play technology was
touted as a cure for the walkout problem (Fine, 2009), questions remained regarding the
original purposes of these incentives. Specically, do they generate increased spend-per-
trip, and if so, is it enough to cover the oer costs? Also, do they produce incremental
gaming trips? In spite of the broad industry support for free-play, some gaming insiders
question the unconditional ecacy of these oers (Fine, 2009; Gruetze, 2012; Lucas &
Kilby, 2008; Murphy, 2016; Sortel, 2010).
Chief among these concerns is play time. For example, if operators are too
generous with free-play awards and players have limits on the time allotted for gambling,
it can take too long to lose the free-play credits. The issue here is that players do not
access much of their own bankroll if any at all, because it takes too long to lose the
free-play awards (Fine, 2009; Gruetze, 2012; Murphy, 2016; Sortel, 2010). What good
is an extra trip, if it is only to redeem credits awarded by the casino? Additionally, how
is spend-per-trip increased by wagers stemming primarily or solely from casino-issued
credits? These are fair questions, given the severity of the recent uptick in free-play issues
(Belko, 2016; Kollars & Otte, 2015; Murphy, 2016).
Recent campaigns have grown to unexpected levels (Belko, 2016; Kollars &
Otte; 2015), creating an unanticipated yet pressing taxation issue. Further, some gaming
regulations and revenue sharing agreements do not specically, clearly or adequately
address the tax treatment for free-play (Burns, 2010; Brunt, 2015), as it was not a critical
issue at the time they were created.
UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal t Volume 21 Issue 1
Free-Play Tax Deduction
Gross Gaming Revenue Taxes
There is no single denition for how gaming taxes are computed. There are
dierences across jurisdictions and computational variations/options within jurisdictions
(Lucas & Kilby, 2012). For example, in Nevada, operators are permitted to pay monthly
gaming taxes on either a cash basis or an accrual basis (Lucas & Kilby, 2012). These are
essentially top-line or revenue taxes, similar to the basic notion of a sales tax. They are
most often referred to as gross gaming revenue (GGR) taxes, or revenue sharing payments
within the tribal gaming context. In general, casinos pay a GGR tax on the dierence
between (1) the dollar value of wagers won by the casino; and (2) the dollar-value of the
payouts on wagers lost by the casino. Alternatively stated, the start position for GGR
liability in most jurisdictions is the dierence between the dollar-amount lost by losing
players and the dollar-amount won by winning players. From this basic start position,
items such as free-play redemptions are addressed. More specically, in Nevada, for
example, NRS 463.0161 provides the following base calculation for what is known as
“Gross revenue” means the total of all:
(a) Cash received as winnings;
(b) Cash received in payment for credit extended by a licensee to a patron for
purposes of gaming; and
(c) Compensation received for conducting any game in which the licensee is
not party to a wager, less the total of all cash paid out as losses to patrons, those
amounts paid to fund periodic payments and any other items made deductible
as losses by NRS 463.3715. For the purposes of this section, cash or the value
of noncash prizes awarded to patrons in a contest or tournament are not losses,
except that losses in a contest or tournament conducted in conjunction with an
inter-casino linked system may be deducted to the extent of the compensation
received for the right to participate in that contest or tournament.
In Nevada, gross gaming revenue does not include “Any portion of the face
value of any chip, token or other representative of value won by a licensee from a patron
for which the licensee can demonstrate that it or its aliate has not received cash;”
or “Cash provided by the licensee to a patron and subsequently won by the licensee,
for which the licensee can demonstrate that it or its aliate has not been reimbursed.”
(NRS.0161, Part 2, Subparts c & g). This language removes the face value of redeemed
free-play oers from the monthly gross revenue calculation. Although beyond the scope
of this paper, NRS.0161, Part 2 also excludes other items from the calculation of gross
Current Free-play Tax Policies
Policies and regulations related to the deductibility of free-play oers within the
gaming tax and revenue sharing calculations are not consistent across jurisdictions. Some
taxing authorities allow operators to reduce their taxable/sharable win by the face value
of the free-play oer, while others limit or cap such deductions by a percentage of win or
a at dollar amount (Armon, 2015; Spectrum, 2014). Some do not allow any deductions
for free-play (American Gaming Association, 2015), and others are considering new
limitations (Belko, 2016; Armon, 2015). See Table 1 for an abridged schedule of free-play
deductibility by U.S. jurisdiction.
UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal t Volume 21 Issue 1
Table 1
Sample of Free-play Tax Policies Among U.S. Jurisdictions: Commercial Casinos
Jurisdiction Free-play Policy*
Delaware Permitted to issue 20% of prior years net terminal income on a
tax free basis.
Florida Value of free-play not treated as net win for slot machines.
Indiana Value of free-play over $5 million at a single property is treated
as revenue.
Louisiana Free-play taxed as normal revenue.
Maine Cash prizes, winnings or credits from promotional credits are
considered gross slot machine income.
Maryland 20% of total VLT income from previous scal year may be used
as tax free promotional play.
Massachusetts Value of free-play not included in gross revenue calculations.
Michigan Value of free-play treated as revenue.
Mississippi Free-play only taxed if the promotional credits have a cash
Missouri Value of free-play treated as revenue.
Value of free-play not treated as revenue.
New Jersey First $90 million of free-play taxed as gross revenue.
New Mexico Value of the free-play treated as revenue (within racinos).
New York Maximum of 15% of a facility’s net win is excluded from
revenue calculations.
Ohio Free-play not treated as revenue.
Pennsylvania Value of free-play not treated as revenue.
Rhode Island 10% of the previous years Net Terminal Income plus $750,000
may be used as tax free promotional play.
West Virginia Permitted tax free issues of between 2% and 3% of net revenue.
Note. Adapted from the American Gaming Association (2015)
* In some cases, free-play tax policies for tribal casinos vary from those applied to commercial casinos
within the same jurisdiction.
UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal t Volume 21 Issue 1
Table 1 demonstrates stark dierences in free-play tax polices even among jurisdictions
that share a geo-political boundary. Such dierences suggest (1) considerable uncertainty
and dierence of opinion regarding the incremental impact of free-play oers; and (2) a
need for clarication of these eects. The next two sections of this review describe the
rationale behind these considerably dierent policy positions.
Deductibility Arguments
Casino operators are the primary proponents of this argument, which rests on (1)
the unfairness of disallowing free-play deductions; and (2) that free-play expands the tax
base by generating incremental wagering activity (Belko, 2016; Burns, 2010; Murphy,
2016). The second of these two claims can be further unpacked in two parts. First, the
tax base is expanded by increased spend-per-trip (Murphy, 2016). Second, the tax base is
increased by creating incremental visits (Spectrum, 2014).
The phantom revenue concept underlies the argument for the unfairness of
disallowing free-play deductions (Burns, 2010; Cantrell, n.d.). For example, let’s assume
a player (1) wagers $20 in free-play in a slot machine; (2) eventually loses all $20 to the
game; and (3) the game receives no other wagers on that gaming day. Regardless of the
precise dollar amounts, the coin-in for this game would be $20 greater than the coin-out,
resulting in a casino “win” of $20. The operators would claim that this $20 is phantom
revenue. Specically, if they were to include the face value of the free-play coupon in
coin-in, they would be paying taxes on $20 of win that they never collected.
Expanding on the previous example, let’s assume that $500 of wagers (i.e.,
coin-in) were generated in the course of losing the $20 of free-play. This means that all
forms of payouts on this game would equal $480, creating a casino win of $20 (i.e., $500
- $480). Alternatively, if operators were permitted to reduce the coin-in by the dollar
amount of its face value (i.e., $20), then the tax liability would reect the operators
true gain. For example, $500 - $20 - $480 = $0, which reects the true change in the
operators cash position. All of this is based on a popular assumption among operators,
holding that free-play redeemers wager their free-play credits until their award balance is
zero (Fine, 2009).
Others have argued “unfairness” by way of examples from other industries,
citing the absence of coupons and loyalty club benets from the sales tax base in grocery
stores (Armon, 2015; Burns, 2010). Additional examples include nontaxable benets
from hotel, airline, and rental car loyalty clubs, such as earned room nights, tickets, and
upgrades/rentals. In all of these cases, the face value of the redeemed benets is not
included in the calculation of taxable sales. Deductibility proponents argue that based on
precedent established in other industries, free-play should be aorded the same treatment.
Next, we will describe the rationale for expanding the tax base. From Rüdisser,
Flepp and Franck (2015), European casino operators described the rationale for awarding
free-play in terms of what Thaler and Johnson (1990) dubbed the house money eect.
In general, Thaler and Johnson found that investors who experienced windfall gains
were less risk averse in subsequent transactions, vis-à-vis those who did not experience
windfall gains. Similarly, the casino operators held that staking gamblers with free-play
would lead to riskier wagering behavior, which would then carry over into subsequent
betting activity, once the free-play credits were exhausted. Ultimately, it is assumed that
the casino’s win will be increased by the free-play redemption process. In this context,
the operators are assuming that free-play redemption will increase the spend-per-trip
by way of wagers placed with the players own bankroll (Burns, 2010; Gruetze, 2012;
Sortel, 2010).
Free-Play Tax Deduction
UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal t Volume 21 Issue 1
Another argument for expanding the tax base via free-play is that the oers
generate incremental gaming trips (Spectrum, 2014). Of course, more trips equal more
win, assuming the win per trip remains at a level sucient to cover the free-play oer
costs. The idea here is that the free-play oers create loyal customers who then visit the
casino more often.
Finally, there are concerns that policy restrictions related to the deductibility of
free-play oers could diminish the ability of operators to compete across jurisdictional
boundaries (Belko, 2016). For example, if Pennsylvania were to enact regulations that
discouraged free-play oers, then operators in that state would suer a competitive
disadvantage against casinos in neighboring states with presumably less restrictive
free-play regulations. This argument appeals to the common concern for citizens in the
home state spending money in a neighboring state (Armon, 2015; Kollars & Otte, 2015;
Murphy, 2016). The political and economic eects of such behavior are unappealing to
most state governments.
No-Deductibility Arguments
The phantom revenue argument is countered by challenging the critical
assumption that the player continues to place wagers until all free-play credits are lost.
Alternatively, the players could elect to pocket the credits that survive the compulsory/
minimum wagering requirement (Fine, 2009), becoming a costly free rider (Cigliano,
2000). For example, let’s assume a player redeemed $20 in free-play credits on a slot
machine with a 10% casino advantage. On average, the player would have $18 in credits
after satisfying the one-time compulsory play requirement (i.e., $20 – ($20 x 10%) =
$18). At this point, the player could cash-out the $18 and leave the casino.
If this occurs, and the operator is permitted to reduce the coin-in by the face
value of the free-play award, the taxable win would be under-reported. For example,
$20 coin-in - $20 free-play - $18 payouts = $18 loss. In this case, the wagering activity
associated with free-play redemption would produce a loss of $18 for gaming tax
purposes. Taxing authorities argue that such a loss is created by operators reclassifying
promotional expenses as contra-revenue items. Further, legislators have noted that the
taxpayers should not have to foot the bill for casino promotions (Armon, 2015).
This argument has been expanded to address the nature and origin of free-
play credits. Specically, these credits/awards do not meet the denition of a prize (i.e.,
payout) that is directly related to a wager. They are referred to by many in the industry
as a reinvestment expense (Barker, 2015; Fine, 2009). For example, slot players are not
winning discretionary free-play awards as they would a programmed payout resulting
from a winning combination of symbols. Free-play rewards are a conscious post hoc
investment in players (i.e., a marketing expense), as opposed to a payout associated with
a wager. Because of this dierence, they should not be deducted from overall coin-in, for
the purposes of computing taxable gaming win.
Slot accounting systems cannot dierentiate between payouts resulting from
free-play wagers and cash wagers (Lucas & Spilde, 2017; Robison, 2014). These systems
were simply not designed to do this, and the appropriate technological adjustments/
accommodations do not appear likely, for reasons beyond the scope of this paper. Because
of this technological limitation, all payouts are deducted in the gaming tax formula,
regardless of the source of the payout (i.e., a free-play or a cash wager). Some gaming
regulators contend that if the payouts associated with free-play wagers are to be included,
then it is only fair that the wagers that produced these payouts are also included (Brunt,
2015). Failure to do so would result in articially low gaming win. As regulators watch
free-play redemptions soar in jurisdictions with operator-friendly policies, limiting the
deductibility of these play incentives appears increasingly lucrative to state governments
(Armon, 2015; Belko, 2016).
UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal t Volume 21 Issue 1
Next, we examine the other side of the deductibility argument related to the
omission of promotional sales from the sales tax calculation. This argument is countered
by highlighting a critical dierence in the free-play transactions. Specically, free-play
redemptions can result in decreased gaming win (i.e., taxable revenue), whereas coupon
or promotional awards in the grocery, hotel, airline and rental car industries cannot
decrease revenue that has already been collected. That is, these transactions cannot lower
the existing revenue level. After all, regulators have a responsibility to protect the tax
base, and all free-play payouts are funded from that shared till.
In both Macao and New Jersey, when casino operators issue credit to players
and those players lose any dollar amount of the advanced funds, a gaming tax liability
is created, regardless of whether this loss is collected by the casino operator. Even
when no money is collected, the gaming tax is still owed. Such policies were designed
to encourage operators to be careful, responsible and diligent when issuing credit. And
taxpayers do not bear any part of the burden of unsuccessful collection eorts.
While credit-collection and free-play tax policies are not precisely equivalent
issues, some have made the general argument that policy encourages practice (Belko,
2016). If restrictive credit policies prevent capricious credit granting practices, then
restrictive free-play policies may prevent excessive free-play issues. Without robust
empirical evidence that free-play is expanding the gaming tax base, should taxing
authorities be expected to take operators at their word? After all, several academic studies
have described failed casino marketing tactics associated with similar claims, most of
which were aorded and/or encouraged by favorable gaming tax treatment (Lucas, Kilby
& Santos, 2002; Lucas, 2004; Lucas & Bowen, 2002). The next section examines the
academic literature to clarify what is known about the relationship between free-play
redemption and incremental gaming activity.
Academic Research Results
There are only a few studies that have examined the impact of free-play oers
on rated, slot wagering behavior. Further, none have attempted to measure the creation
of additional trips spurred by free-play oers. It is important to remember that measuring
the impact of free-play campaigns is dicult, as many concomitant sources of inuence
aect casino business volumes. The challenge is to estimate the unique eect of the
free-play oers within this multidimensional space. Such estimates are critical, as they
represent the foundation of the deductibility arguments. The following paragraphs
describe the extant academic studies in chronological order.
Lucas, Dunn and Singh (2005) examined data gathered from 2000 through
2003 from an integrated resort on the Las Vegas Strip. This time period featured both the
opening of the casino and the subsequent implementation of free-play oers, providing
trip-level data before and after the free-play campaign. The design featured two groups:
(1) slot players who made gaming trips without free-play incentives; and (2) the same
players who made trips with $50 free-play incentives. The same design was repeated for
players who received $100 free-play awards. Their study sought to measure the impact of
the free-play oers by measuring the change in rated, trip-level, wagering volume across
the two oer conditions (i.e., no-oer trips vs. trips with the free-play oer). Rated coin-
in served as the criterion variable, as players activated free-play awards via their loyalty
club cards.
Multiple regression analysis was employed to estimate the impact produced
by the binary free-play variables. The eects of these variables were examined within
a model that included several covariates identied as alternative sources of inuence
on trip-level wagering volume. In the $50 data set, the free-play variable produced a
signicant and negative eect (B = -$355.98, p < 0.05). This result indicated that the
Free-Play Tax Deduction
UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal t Volume 21 Issue 1
free-play trips were associated with a $355.98 decline in wagering volume from the level
of the no-free-play trips. In the $100 data set, the free-play variable also generated a
negative model eect, but it was not statistically signicant (B = -236.78, p > 0.10).
The authors noted that the results were consistent with the idea of bankroll
cannibalization. This observation was based on the nding that the free-play trips
produced less wagering volume than the no-free-play trips. Given that the same players
produced these trips, it appeared that they were possibly substituting the free-play awards
for a portion of their own bankrolls. These results are consistent with the previously
mentioned fears that players limit their gambling time. Specically, the time required to
lose all of the free-play credits cuts into the time the casino has to win a players own
Suh (2012) analyzed data gathered in 2007 from a major Las Vegas Strip
hotel-casino resort. Her work consisted of a eld experiment in which slot players from
a common tier of the casino’s data base were divided into two groups. Under normal
circumstances, all of the subjects would have received a $50 free-play award; however,
for the experiment, half of the participants received the normal $50 award and half
received a $100 award. The objective was to determine whether the increased free-play
award would lead to a greater spend-per-trip (i.e., rated coin-in per trip).
It was not surprising that the redemption rate for the $100 free-play awards was
much greater. In fact, it was 45% greater than the redemption rate for the $50 awards.
This led to a nal sample comprised of 155 subjects from the $50 group and 225 subjects
from the $100 group.
Multiple regression analysis was used to test a theoretical model similar to
that advanced in Lucas et al. (2005). The results associated with the categorical free-
play variable indicated that the increase in the free-play award value from $50 to $100
failed to signicantly increase the rated, trip level, wagering volume of the subjects
(B = $617.25, p > 0.05). Like Lucas et al. (2005), Suh (2012) discussed the possibility
of bankroll cannibalization as it related to her result. She also echoed Lucas et al.
(2005) with respect to potential entitlement eects stemming from protracted free-play
campaigns. That is, players had grown accustomed to receiving free-play oers on a
regular basis and began to feel entitled to these oers, with no obligation to behave any
Suh, Dang and Alhaery (2014) analyzed data gathered in 2006 from a U.S.
riverboat casino. They used time series regression analysis to test a theoretical model
designed to explain the variation in daily rated coin-in. One of the predictor variables
represented the daily dollar value of all redeemed free-play oers. The clientele of
the casino was ideal for the analysis of free-play ecacy, as it was chiey comprised
of frequent visitors. With numerous opportunities for redemption, free-play oers are
thought to be particularly attractive to frequent visitors (Lucas & Kilby, 2008).
The framework of the theoretical model employed by Suh et al. (2014) was well
established; however, estimating the eects of free-play was not the primary purpose
of their study. They simultaneously examined the eects of several forms of casino
promotions. The covariates of their model included the following variables: Days of the
week, holidays, special event days, and several other casino promotion variables. The
model explained 94% of the variation in daily, rated coin-in (F = 220.20, df = 17 & 223,
p < 0.0005), but the variance ination factors ranged from 1.0 to 5.9. The authors were
careful to note the cautionary level of multicollinearity, especially when interpreting the
eects of individual predictor variables.
UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal t Volume 21 Issue 1
The free-play variable did produce a statistically signicant eect (B = $10.90, p
< 0.0005). For every one dollar of free-play redeemed, rated coin-in could be expected to
increase by $10.90, ceteris paribus. But coin-in is not win. To compute the expected win
(or revenue), coin-in must be multiplied by the casino’s average advantage on all wagers.
Although not provided by the authors, a reasonable estimate of this advantage would be
7.5%. In this case, for every one dollar of free-play redeemed, the casino could expect to
win $0.82 (i.e., $10.90 x 7.5%). Under these assumed conditions, the results suggested
that the free-play campaign did not expand the tax base.
The value of the free-play coecient increased dramatically when the same
model featured total coin-in as the criterion variable. A second riverboat model also
produced a positive and signicant free-play coecient of even greater magnitude, with
total coin-in serving as the criterion variable. However, total coin-in included wagers
placed by patrons other than the slot club members (i.e., it included unrated play). Slot
club cards must be inserted to redeem free-play rewards and future free-play awards
are earned by allowing the casino to track a patron’s play. For these reasons, rated coin-
in is the preferred dependent variable when estimating the ecacy of free-play oers.
Again, Suh et al. (2014) set out to examine the eects of many dierent forms of casino
promotions, so total coin-in was an appropriate criterion variable for their models. Their
primary concern was not limited to estimating the eects of free-play.
Rüdisser et al. (2015) analyzed data from a 2015 eld experiment conducted
in a Swiss casino. Their experiment was designed to measure the gambling behavior
associated with free-play awards, with specic attention to the level of risk aversion
demonstrated by redeemers. Unlike free-play distributed within an ongoing campaign,
participants arrived at the casino unaware of their chance to win free-play awards. Upon
arrival, patrons were randomly selected to spin a prize wheel with random outcomes. The
result of the spin determined the value of the free-play awards, which included zero.
Based on the outcomes from the prize wheel, a control group was established
with patrons who received no free-play oer, while the treatment group was populated
by those who won free-play awards. These treatment group awards ranged from CHF 5
to CHF 50 in value, as all monetary data were expressed in terms of Swiss Francs (i.e.,
CHF). At the time of their study, Swiss Francs were very nearly equivalent to U.S. dollars.
Although the authors made several comparisons of outcomes produced by the
control and treatment group members, the general conclusion was that those who received
free-play awards recorded smaller average losses than those who did not. The casino’s
average win-per-visit from gamblers in the treatment group was CHF 153, while the same
for the control group was CHF 263. Similarly, the casino’s average theoretical win was
CHF 105 for members of the treatment group and CHF 207 for members of the control
group. All outcomes were measured by way of tracking cards, i.e., rated play.
The authors concluded that casino operators should not issue free-play oers,
as they were both costly in terms of face value and they were associated with smaller
average losses per gambler. The authors also noted that the ndings supported a
phenomenon known as loss aversion, from behavioral economics (Tversky & Kahneman,
1991, 1992). In general, loss aversion contends that people suer losses to a greater extent
than they enjoy gains of the same magnitude. In Rüdisser et al (2015), the free-play award
served as an endowment, or basis for loss. Once endowed, these patrons demonstrated
greater risk aversion than the control group in terms of wagering behavior. Further
support for this theory was provided by the dierence between the average bet for the
treatment group (CHF 7.71) and the control group (CHF 18.57). The authors noted that
the lower average bet for the treatment group was evidence of risk/loss aversion at work.
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As previously mentioned, the casino marketers were assuming that the free-play
oers would illicit the house money eect, as described in Thaler and Johnson (1990).
To the contrary, the results failed to support this critical assumption. Given the abundant
claims of tax base expansion, this is a particularly noteworthy result.
Lucas and Spilde (2017) examined free-play redemptions and rated coin-
in data gathered from two tribal casinos referred to as Resort A and Resort B. Their
data sets were gathered in 2014 and were each comprised of 365 sequentially ordered
daily observations. The primary goal of their research was to estimate the impact of
discretionary free-play redemptions on rated coin-in levels. This question is closely
related to the ability of free-play to expand the tax base.
The two resorts diered importantly in terms of their scale of operation and
free-play campaigns. Resort As annual rated slot win was estimated at $133 million,
while the same for Resort B was $14 million. Resort A redeemed $16 million in
discretionary free-play oers over the course of the 365-day sample period, while Resort
B redeemed only $1.3 million in discretionary free-play over the same time period.
Their ndings were mixed in that Resort As results were not consistent with
the idea of expanding the tax base, while Resort B’s results supported the notion of
expanding the tax base via free-play. The time series models produced signicant
and positive free-play coecients for both resorts, but the criterion variables did not
represent win. For Resort A, a one dollar increase in the free-play variable produced an
$11.75 increase in rated coin-in (p < 0.0005), while a one dollar increase in Resort B’s
free-play variable generated a $24.27 increase in rated coin-in (p < 0.0005).
These coecients had to be converted into incremental win estimates to address
issues such as tax base expansion. This was achieved by multiplying the coecients by
each resort’s expected win percentage on slot machine wagers. Ultimately, Resort A was
redeeming one dollar of free-play in exchange for $0.88 of incremental win, suggesting
the creation of a negative cash ow. Resort B fared better, swapping a dollar of free-play
for $1.64 of incremental win. Even after the associated variable costs of issuing and
redeeming the oers, Resort B looked to reap considerable benets from its free-play
campaign, while simultaneously expanding the tax base. Unfortunately, Resort B is the
only property to post this kind of result. The bulk of the previously reviewed results
suggest the contrary, with respect to rated play (Lucas et al., 2005; Rüdisser et al., 2015;
Suh, 2012; Suh et al., 2014).
Related Casino Marketing Tactics
As casino gambling is comparably new to most jurisdictions outside of
Nevada, it is natural to look to Nevada for regulatory guidance. This approach can
be problematic, in spite of Nevada’s considerable regulatory experience and success.
Nevada’s regulatory and economic perspectives are somewhat dierent from those of
many other jurisdictions. Nevada sought to build an economy around the gambling
industry, as opposed to allowing limited exposure to it (Kilby, Fox & Lucas, 2004).
Many states seem to have legalized gambling to avoid raising taxes, stem short-term
budget shortfalls and prevent citizens from fueling the economy of neighboring states
(Barker, 2015; Belko, 2016; Murphy, 2016). This may be why Nevada has one of the
lowest gaming tax rates of any major jurisdiction (Pollack, 2010; American Gaming
Association, 2015). It does not seek to restrict the number of potential licensees and/or
limit the growth of the industry.
How does all of this relate to the issue at hand? Nevada’s low tax rate and
favorable tax treatment of marketing incentives may both stem from the strategy of
creating a growth-friendly regulatory environment. For example, unlike New Jersey and
Macao, Nevada operators do not pay taxes on uncollectible gaming debts (Inside Asian
UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal t Volume 21 Issue 1
Gaming, 2011; NRS, 1997b; The Analyst, 2016; Thompson, 2015). Additionally, they
receive tax breaks on match-play incentives, free-play redemptions, promotional chips,
and discounts on loss (NRS, 1997b). For jurisdictions that do restrict the number of
licensees and seek to limit the growth of the gaming industry, this may not be the ideal
tax treatment for these incentives. For that matter, it may not be the ideal treatment for
Nevada. The following paragraphs make a case for questioning the ecacy of several
popular play incentives and gaming promotions.
Lucas (2004) estimated the impact of match-play redemptions on the cash
drop of blackjack table games in a Las Vegas Strip casino. The stated purpose of the
match-play campaign was to bring new players to the blackjack games. Alternatively
stated, the purpose was to grow blackjack revenues by way of a match-play incentive.
The results of his time series regression analysis indicated that a one dollar increase in
match-play redemptions resulted in an $8.99 decrease in blackjack cash drop. Similar to
Lucas et al. (2005) and Suh (2012), the author cited potential bankroll cannibalization
as a possible explanation for the unfavorable result. This result does not support the
arguments made for the preferential tax treatment of match-play coupons (Barker, 2015;
Burns, 2010).
Binkley (2001) and Lucas et al. (2002) chronicled the monumental damage to
overall table game protability caused by discounts on loss, also known as rebates on
loss. Additionally, Lucas & Bowen (2002) highlight the disappointing results associated
with the ubiquitous lottery promotions conducted by casino marketers. Specically, the
estimated incremental revenue gains fell well short of the incremental costs for three
large-scale lottery promotions. The stated goal of the lottery promotions was to drive
short-term protability in the casino via increased slot play.
Additionally, many casino marketers now oer at least a portion of the
guaranteed prizes in the form of free-play, as opposed to cash (Stations Casinos,
2017; Seminole Hard Rock, 2017). The guaranteed prize structure of a major lottery
promotion can reach levels of $500,000 or more, over longer events (e.g., 2 to 5 weeks),
and exceed $100,000 for a single-day event (Casino Arizona, 2017; SCA Promotions,
2017; Stations Casinos, 2017; Seminole Hard Rock, 2017).
Just because Nevada regulations allow for liberal tax treatment of gaming
incentives, or operators claim that promotions are creating incremental prots, does
not mean that either of these positions is valid. To the contrary, there is an abundance
of empirical evidence that suggests casino marketers are missing the mark with certain
play incentives and promotions. It is therefore reasonable for taxing authorities in
newer jurisdictions to question the tax treatment of incentives such as free-play. Maybe
policies and regulations should not encourage or subsidize practices that have been
found to decrease cash revenues and/or operating prots. To expand on Gu (2003),
when it comes to free-play, maybe operators are buying revenues at the expense of
The results from the bulk of the reviewed academic research failed to support
the casino operators’ argument that free-play expands the gaming tax base (Lucas,
2004; Lucas et al., 2005; Rüdisser et al., 2015; Suh, 2012; Suh et al. 2014). Further,
several studies suggested that redeemers often cash-out at least some of the free-
play credits that survive the compulsory play requirement (Lucas & Spilde, 2017;
Rüdisser et al., 2015; Suh et al., 2014). These ndings are consistent with concerns
related to the time it takes for the casino to win excessive free-play awards (Fine,
2009; Gruetze, 2012; Murphy, 2016; Sortel, 2010), and the existence of costly free
riders among the redeemers (Cigliano, 2000). Several other studies support the idea
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of bankroll cannibalization (Lucas, 2004; Lucas et al., 2005; Suh 2012). Finally, only
Lucas and Spilde (2017) oered partial support for Taylor and Johnson’s house money
eect, while the ndings from multiple studies at least partially supported Tversky
and Kahneman’s notion of loss aversion (Lucas et al., 2005; Lucas & Spilde, 2017;
Rüdisser et al., 2015). Given these results, it may be dicult for taxing authorities
to take operators and industry pundits at their word, regarding the net revenue
contributions of free-play. Of course, these alleged contributions are critical to the
argument for full face-value tax deductions. Overall, the results failed to support the
claim that the face value of free-play awards is fully recovered by the casino. By
extension, it would be dicult to argue that the results provided compelling evidence
of tax base expansion.
Because slot accounting systems cannot identify the origin of payouts,
estimating or measuring the impact of free-play oers is critical in crafting an eective
tax treatment policy. This policy decision seems to rest on the evidence of tax base
expansion. The following paragraphs describe how existing academic models can help
examine the extent to which the tax base is expanded, if at all.
Table 2 illustrates the possible outcomes and potential policy correlates.
Notice that no scenario would result in the complete elimination of a tax deduction, as
redeemers are at least required to wager the free-play awards once before leaving the
casino with any surviving balance.
Table 2
Potential Free-play Redemption Outcomes and Tax Policy Correlates
Redemption Outcome Policy Correlate
1. FP credits are lost and play is terminated. 1. Allow deduction at face value of
FP redeemed.
2. FP credits are partially lost and player walks with the
surviving balance.
2. Limit FP deduction accordingly.
3. FP credits are lost and additional funds from the
players own bankroll are lost.
3. Allow deduction at face value of
FP redeemed.
All of the redemption outcomes referred to in Table 2 would be determined
from the results of daily coin-in models designed to measure the campaign-level impact
of free-play redemptions. Lucas and Spilde (2017) and Suh et al. (2014) oer models
well suited to this task. Specic attention should be paid to the following hypothesis:
> 1/WAFP, where B
is the regression coecient for the daily dollar value of
discretionary free-play redemptions and WAFP represents the weighted-average oor
par, or average house advantage. A failure to reject this hypothesis would support a full
recovery of redeemed free-play oers, indicating that a full face-value tax deduction
would be appropriate. If this hypothesis were rejected, then the magnitude of the
coecient would be used to determine the appropriate tax deduction.
From Table 2, the rst and third redemption outcomes describe scenarios in
which face-value deductions should be permitted. Failure to allow such deductions
would result in the taxation of phantom revenue, as previously described. Moreover,
the third redemption outcome indicates evidence of tax base expansion, so taxing
UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal t Volume 21 Issue 1
authorities would not want to discourage these free-play campaigns. In the case of
the second redemption outcome, the model results would determine the extent of the
gaming tax deduction. For example, if the model results indicated that the operator
recovered only 80% of the free-play dollars redeemed, then the tax deduction would be
limited to 80% of the free-play dollars redeemed.
The recommendation for jointly conducted research may seem challenging,
but operators are basing their argument for preferential tax treatment on mere claims of
an expanded tax base. Notwithstanding the amount of empirical evidence that would
suggest otherwise, the onus of proof should fall on the operators. To date, the bulk of
academic ndings would suggest that taxpayers may be at least partially subsidizing
free-play oers. Legislators have an obligation to protect and manage the state’s tax
base. After all, the payouts emanating from free-play wagers do come from a shared till.
Moreover, the knowledge gained from the results of repeated analyses would
lead to more protable free-play programs, which would benet both operators and
taxing authorities. An outcome of increased operating prots and tax base expansion
would certainly represent a win-win scenario. The academic approaches discussed
herein are intended to align the interests of the regulators and the operators. A free-
play program that is not working benets neither side. Such failures result in decreased
prots for operators and GGR deductions with no tax base expansion for taxing
authorities. Only the recipients of the free-play rewards would benet from overly
generous campaigns.
Although it’s clearly not without its challenges, the benets of this approach
should far outweigh the costs. Ultimately, the data should play at least some role in
shaping the tax policy, especially with regard to tax breaks for operators. Mere claims
and assumptions cannot comprise the sole basis for important tax policy decisions.
Competitive Challenges
As is the general case in markets saturated with loyalty programs, no operator
wants to be the rst to terminate theirs, or even roll back benets (Cigliano, 2000;
Uncles et al., 2003). This is true for free-play oers as well, as they are the core of
casino loyalty programs (Lucas & Spilde, 2017; Klebanow, n.d.). The same condition
holds for free-play tax policy at the jurisdictional level. For example, on the east coast
of the U.S. many jurisdictions exist within close proximity of one another. Many have
argued that restrictive free-play tax policies could impair operators from competing
against adjacent and less restricted jurisdictions (Armon, 2015; Belko, 2016; Klebanow,
n.d.; Murphy, 2016). Philander (2013) makes a similar argument with regard to
disparate ad valorem gaming tax rates, as applied to casinos operating on opposite sides
of a jurisdictional border.
At the regional level, free-play tax policies could evolve into something of
a prisoners dilemma. Specically, legislators may feel pressure to oer policies that
match those in neighboring jurisdictions to prevent customers from traveling across
jurisdictional boundaries. Academic research can be particularly helpful in such
conditions. For example, studies can estimate dicult-to-measure impacts associated
with free-play campaigns, rather than discussing the issue solely in terms of alleged
abilities of internal resorts to compete against other jurisdictions.
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Countries such as Australia, China, and South Korea have limited the eect
of these border issues by instituting omnibus constraints on external gaming-related
oers such as discretionary free-play. While such policies serve to limit the swelling of
cost curves, they are more dicult to institute in less cooperative spaces. For example,
in the United States, multiple adjacent jurisdictions reside within a common national
space. A similar issue exists for European operators, given the close proximity of their
jurisdictional boundaries.
Future Research
A longitudinal study related to the ability of free-play campaigns to generate
a greater number of trips would also provide critical insight into the debate on tax base
expansion. Spectrum (2014) references such a study by New York regulators, but the
description revealed serious design problems related to self selection bias and wholesale
omission of key covariates. Any future study would need to randomly assign subjects
to control and experiment groups and track their behavior over time. Even then, there
would be design challenges related to the exposure of the control group to free-play
oers from competitors and cross-talk among study participants. Any sponsor of such
a study would have to be committed to the cause, as collateral damage to customer
relations is possible.
This issue could be further investigated by way of a more formal tax theory
paper. Such a paper would include a framework for evaluating a specied set of tax
policy outcomes. These outcomes would be evaluated from perspectives such as social
welfare, the casinos, and the patrons of the casinos. This would provide a broader
examination of any potential tax policy implications.
Acknowledgement: This research was made possible through funding from the Caesars
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