Protecting the public’s right to know.
A Quick Reference
Guide to Oregon’s
Public Records Law
For local and state officials, members of Oregon boards
and commissions, citizens, and nonprofit groups
The guide is published as a public service by Open Oregon: a Freedom of Information
Coalition in cooperation with the Oregon Office of the Public Records Advocate.
Last Updated: March 2019
A Time-Saving Reference -------------------------------
This guide is brought to you as a joint project between Open Oregon: A Freedom of
Information Coalition ( and the Oregon Office of the Public
Records Advocate.
Original funding for this guide came from the National Freedom of Information
Coalition, through a generous grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
How to Use this Guide -------------------------------------
This summary is intended as a quick reference to the Oregon Public Records Law, last
updated January 2019. The entire law, which was renumbered in 2017, may be found in
Oregon Revised Statutes 192.311 to 192.513. Additional information may be obtained by
sending an e-mail request to [email protected] or sending a letter to Open
Oregon, ℅ The Oregonian 1500 SW First Ave, Suite 400, Portland, OR 97201.
For a comprehensive analysis of the law, refer to the latest edition of the Attorney
General’s Public Records and Meetings Manual, available on the Attorney General’s
What is Open Oregon?---------------------------------------
Open Oregon: A Freedom of Information Coalition is a nonprofit educational and
charitable organization with a single purpose: to assist and educate the general public,
students, educators, public officials, media and legal professionals to understand and
Their rights to open government.
Their right and responsibilities under the Oregon public records and meetings laws.
Their rights under the federal Freedom of Information Act.
Open Oregon is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. Go to for more
OREGON’S PUBLIC RECORDS LAW ……………………………….………………...4
WHO IS SUBJECT TO THE LAW? …………………………………………………..…6
HOW IT WORKS …………………………………………………………………….......8
CITE THE LAW ……………………………………………………………………...…..9
HOW RECORDS ARE MADE AVAILABLE ……………………………………..….. 11
WHAT IS EXEMPT FROM THE LAW ……………………………………………......13
KEEPERS AND SEEKERS ……………………………………………………....…….16
FEES ……………………………………………………………………………...……..20
RESOURCES ………………………………………………………………….………..21
The state of Oregon has a policy of openness. The most important advocate for open
government is the public itself. The news media acts on the public’s behalf in seeking
public records in order to inform citizens about the work done in their name. Individual
citizens also perform this watchdog function or use the public records law to inform
themselves how, or how well, government is functioning.
“Under ORS 192… ‘every person’ has a right to inspect any nonexempt public record of
a public body in Oregon.”
— Oregon Attorney General
Public records “should generally be accessible to members of the public so that there will
be an opportunity to determine whether those who have been entrusted with the affairs of
government are honestly, faithfully and competently performing their function as public
— Oregon Supreme Court
MacEwan v. Holm
Oregon has a strong and enduring policy that public records and governmental
activities be open to the public.”
— Oregon Supreme Court
Jordan v. MVD
“'Every person has a right to inspect any public record of a public body in this state,
except as otherwise expressly provided...”
— Oregon Court of Appeals
City of Portland v. Anderson
Oregon’s public records law – ORS 192.311 – attempts to balance the need for efficient
government with the need for the public to know how government operates.
In 1973, Oregon joined many other states across the country in enacting the Public
Records and Public Meetings Law. At the time it was passed, Oregon’s law was one of
the most sweeping in the nation. In the decades since, however, lawmakers have steadily
chipped away at the provisions requiring openness, adding exemption after exemption
allowing more information to be kept from the public. In recent years, heightened
concerns about privacy, public safety and homeland security have caused agencies to
further limit release of information.
In 2017, legislators enacted several important reforms.
First, the 2017 reforms created timelines in the law, requiring agencies, under normal
circumstances, to acknowledge a request within five business days (ORS 192.324) and
either respond or at least provide a reasonable estimated date of completion within fifteen
business days (ORS 192.329).
Second, the Oregon Sunshine Committee was created to conduct a comprehensive review
of all exemptions and make recommendations to the legislature. More information on this
Committee is available at:
Third, the Office of the Public Records Advocate was created to provide dispute
resolution and advice on public records issues, provide training on the public records law,
and chair the associated Public Records Advisory Council. More information on the
Office is available at:
Fourth, the Attorney General is directed to maintain an up-to-date list of all public
records exemptions. This list is available at:
Fifth, bills that come up before the Oregon legislature that impact public records are
flagged with Open Government Impact Statements, written by legislative counsel. A list
of these statements can be found at:
On its face, Oregon’s public records law sounds simple. It applies to all government
records and writings. The public body must consider each request for records on a
case-by-case basis. The law favors disclosure as the rule, and agencies have the burden of
proving an exemption allows them to withhold information. And even then, those
exemptions for the most part do not prohibit agencies from releasing the information –
they simply allow them to choose to withhold it.
In practice, though, the law is more complex. The attorney general’s office, 36 county
district attorneys, the Office of the Public Records Advocate, and Oregon’s courts all
have a role in interpreting the application of the law. A helpful in-depth resource is the
Attorney General’s Public Records and Meetings Manual, which is reviewed and updated
for consistency after each legislative session. Each new edition also incorporates
appellate court decisions interpreting the public records law. The Manual is available at:
For the text of Oregon’s public records law law as of January 2019, go to:
It’s worth noting that Oregon courts and the legislature have repeatedly affirmed the
requirement that Oregon governments provide public information — it is the law, not a
“Oregon’s Attorneys General have long recognized that this transparency is vital to a
healthy democracy. Public scrutiny helps ensure that government spends tax dollars
wisely and works for the benefit of the people,” reads the introduction to the Attorney
General’s public records manual. “...When public bodies do have the authority to exclude
the public from some types of discussions, or withhold certain records from public view,
that authority is an exception to the general rule of openness. The scope of such an
exception must be interpreted narrowly in order to preserve to Oregonians the power to
understand and oversee the activities of their government.”
The law applies to any “public body,” and it defines that term broadly: every state officer,
agency, department, division, bureau, board and commission; every county and city
governing body, school district, special district, municipal corporation, and any board,
department, commission, council or agency thereof; and any other public agency of the
state. Schools, police and fire departments, county and state agencies, cities: all are
subject to the public records law. Notably, Oregon’s public records law applies not only
to state and local agencies, but also to state and local elected officials.
The public records law does not apply to private entities such as nonprofit corporations.
In 1994, however, the Oregon Supreme Court ruled that the law applies to an entity that
is judged the “functional equivalent” of a public body. Determining if an entity is the
functional equivalent of a public body depends on the analysis of six factors established
by the state court:
Was the entity created by government or independently?
Is the entity’s functions traditionally performed by government?
Does it have authority to make binding decisions or only recommendations?
How much financial and non-financial support does it receive from government?
Does the government employ the entity’s officers and employees?
Scope of governmental control over the entity.
Even some organizations that sound public or conduct some public functions are not
public bodies. Oregon Public Broadcasting and the Oregon School Activities Association,
for example, are not public bodies, according to the Attorney General’s office.
The law does apply to elected officials on the state and local levels, but it makes an
important distinction between elected officials and other public bodies. The law applies to
each similarly but two differences are noteworthy:
The law imposes a deadline for elected officials to respond to a records request. It
is seven business days. (Public bodies also have a deadline but it is fifteen
business days.)
The law provides for no administrative appeal of an elected official’s denial; the
requestor must file a lawsuit in court to pursue the denied records. (Denials by
non-elected public-body officials may be appealed to either the county district
attorney or the state attorney general, depending on whether the agency is a state
agency or a local agency, before any lawsuit is contemplated.)
The law defines “public record” as “any writing that contains information relating to the
conduct of the public’s business… prepared, owned, used, or retained by a public body
regardless of physical form or characteristics.” [ORS 192.311(5)(a)]
This includes not only physical records, but digital records as well, and not only
traditional “documents,” but also photographs, videos, spreadsheets, and other media.
Public bodies are not required, however, to create documents (including summaries of
existing documents) in response to a records request. Nor does this law require that
agencies answer inquiries, including legal inquiries. Agencies are only required to
provide documents already in existence.
The law does not specify how records requests must be made, so — in the absence of an
agency policy specifying how requests will be received — requests can be made in
person, by letter, e-mail or phone. However, the law does allow public bodies to create a
public records policy which outlines how the public body will receive public records
requests. If a requester does not comply with this policy, the request may be rejected.
Most agencies prefer – and specify in their policies – that initial requests be made in
writing. But media members, for example, often begin with a phone call and, if requested
by the custodian, will follow up with a more detailed written request.
A request in writing should say that the request is being made under provisions of the
Oregon public records law, ORS 192. It should be as specific as possible about the record
sought, with record title and date if possible. It should include a request that the agency
cite any exemption it relies on in its response and include a provision that fees over a
specified amount (say $10 or $50, depending on the scope of the request) should be
discussed in advance. If you are going to request a public interest fee waiver or reduction,
that should be included, with
supporting arguments, in your
initial public records request to
the agency.
If you are uncertain of the
number or exact nature of a
specific document, a good
approach is to tell the custodian
what you are trying to learn and
enlist the person’s help in
seeing if that information can be
retrieved through public
The law includes a five business
day timeline for the agency to
acknowledge your request and a
fifteen business day timeline for
agencies to either produce the
records or provide you with an
estimated date of completion.
There is, however, an exception
to that for agencies that are
facing significant backlogs or
staff shortages. In the case of
agencies who meet that exception, they must respond “as soon as practicable” and
“without unreasonable delay.” That depends on the size and scope of the request, how
accessible the records are and whether someone needs to review the documents to redact
exempt material.
The “custodian” of the public record is the public body mandated to create, maintain and
control records. The custodian is required to provide “proper and reasonable
opportunities for inspection and examination” of such records. In short, custodians, or
record holders, are directed to take “reasonable” steps to accommodate members of the
public while they inspect records. That often includes copying of records, but custodians
are not required to “create” an entirely new record for a requestor.
Record holders are required to
adopt “reasonable” rules
necessary to protect their
records. For example, people
requesting information don’t
have the right to rummage
at-will through file cabinets, file
folders or electronic files. The
inspection of original
documents is ordinarily allowed
if requested, but administrative
measures may be adopted to
supervise review of such
Designate one person to
coordinate responses to
Make that person’s contact
information, including phone
number, easily available on your
website so that requesters with
questions can reach out.
Proactively reach out to
requesters to assist them in
narrowing requests and submitting requests to the correct agency or office. Seek
clarification if a request is ambiguous, overly broad or misdirected.
Clarify whether the requestor merely wants to inspect the records or actually wants
As soon as possible, estimate the time and expense required to respond. If the request
is broad and will take a large amount of time and money to process, reach out to the
requester to discuss this and offer to assist in narrowing.
Consider whether any exemptions apply; if so, whether the public body wants to
disclose the record despite an exemption.
Release of records may be delayed to consult with legal counsel about exemptions.
When denying a request, cite the specific exemption(s) on which you rely. Also try to
give the requester an explanation regarding why these exemptions apply.
If no exemptions apply, coordinate release of the records in a timely manner.
The guiding principle of the records law is: Exemptions do not prohibit disclosure; they
merely exempt the public body from the law’s mandate to disclose public records.
Many exemptions are contained within ORS 192, especially in subsections 345 and 355.
Others are scattered across Oregon law and Federal laws and regulations. As part of the
2017 public records reforms, the Attorney General is now required to keep an up-to-date
list of all exemptions online. That list is available here:
All exemptions are also currently being reviewed by the Oregon Sunshine Committee:
form/oregon-sunshine-committee/. Interested requesters are encouraged to follow the
Committee’s work and engage by submitting testimony and comments.
Many exemptions are “conditional.” These conditional exemptions are not stated in
absolute terms. Instead, they involve a balancing of interests, which grants discretion to
public bodies. For example, ORS 192.355(5), allows for withholding of “[i]nformation or
records of the Department of Corrections, including the State Board of Parole and
Post-Prison Supervision, to the extent that disclosure would interfere with the
rehabilitation of a person in custody of the department or substantially prejudice or
prevent the carrying out of the functions of the department, if the public interest in
confidentiality clearly outweighs the public interest in disclosure.”
Conditional exemptions contained in ORS 192.345 all rely on the same “public interest”
balancing test. That is, documents should be exempt “unless the public interest requires
disclosure in the particular instance.” Some conditional exemptions are also contained in
ORS 192.355, but those exemptions each have unique balancing tests, which are included
in the text of each exemption.
Most exemptions are conditional and disclosure is favored.
Police might withhold investigatory information compiled for criminal law purposes
if untimely release would compromise a specific investigation.
Agencies might withhold records generated by the threat of litigation if release would
give private parties an advantage in that litigation.
Public bodies might withhold information regarding their real estate transactions if
release might give the other party an advantage in negotiations.
Some exemptions are “unconditional” and affirmatively prohibit disclosure.
Balancing tests are not appropriate for “unconditional” exemptions because the
Legislature already has struck the balance of these competing interests and has concluded
that confidentiality interests outweigh public disclosure interests in the matter of law. For
example, under ORS 247.973(5) “[i]dentifying information relating to a disability of an
elector that is entered into official voter registration records by an elections official is
exempt from disclosure under ORS 192.311 to 192.478.”
Agencies should also be aware that in 2017, the legislature added a new provision to the
law which protects agencies from liability for public records disclosures unless the
disclosure was affirmatively prohibited by statute (that is, unless the exemption was an
unconditional exemption). Because most of Oregon’s public records exemptions are
conditional, most agency disclosures will no longer subject the agency to liability under
this new provision.
The phrase “public interest in disclosure” is not defined in the records law. The Oregon
Courts of Appeals has stated, however, that the law “expresses the Legislature’s view that
members of the public are entitled to information that will facilitate their understanding
of how public business is conducted.” Similarly, the court has characterized the public
interest in disclosure as “the right of citizens to monitor what elected and appointed
officials are doing on the job.”
Federal courts have ruled that requestors must identify the public interest in disclosure
with “reasonable specificity” whether they are simply seeking records or waivers of fees.
Relevant specific factors include the requestors identity and purpose, the character of the
information, whether the information is already in the public domain, and how able the
requestor is to disseminate the information to the public.
For that reason, even though the identity and motive of anyone requesting a public record
are considered irrelevant and are not required by law, when seeking to overcome an
exemption with a public interest balancing test, requesters should provide relevant
The requestors motive (government accountability, say) and ability to spread the word
(quickly and widely) often become deciding factors on whether a conditional exemption
or disclosure shall rule.
Community concern can equal public interest. In one case, a district attorney ordered
police shooting reports released because “(t)his matter has been one of great
community concern ... (and) (f)ull disclosure can only prompt a more intelligent and
informed public debate on the issues involved.”
Public interest can mean furthering the public’s watchdog role and citizens’ interest in
transparency. When a secret agreement between an Oregon port and private
companies was ordered released, the public interest was described this way: “It is
inappropriate for a public body ... to participate with certain private enterprises in an
investigation and evaluation of the pollution of the public waterways under
circumstances hidden from public view. The public interest is not served by such
secret agreements.”
There is more public interest in top officials and – in general – when public safety,
financial oversight or a pattern of problems is involved. A district attorney ordered a
city agency to release its investigative findings in the public interest because “we are
dealing with a high ranking public employee responsible for the expenditure of the
public’s money.”
While most public records are readily provided to those requesting them, conflicts can
arise between those seeking records and the public employees who are in custody of the
Because disclosure is the spirit of the law and most records are fit for public
consumption, regular seekers of records often simply assume that the records they seek
exist and are accessible. Seekers say conflicts often occur when recordkeepers are
unaccustomed to requests or don’t realize that their only concern should be whether the
request is allowed under the law.
KEEPERS: Some tips for those responding to records requests include:
Make sure that any claim that the record is not public is supported by the law.
Make sure that processing fees are reasonable.
Make sure that the seekers reason for wanting the record doesn’t influence your
response or the timeliness of it in a negative way.
Pick up the phone: a conversation about the record in question could focus the request
and save both of you time.
If you are tasked with multiple requests, keep a spreadsheet and calendar reminders to
stay on top of response deadlines.
Utilize file-sharing software, like Google Drive or DropBox, to share large files or to
multiple requesters quickly and easily.
If an easy-to-fill request comes in, feel free to take care of it right away. First-come,
first-served policies run counter to the spirit of timely transparency that Oregon
Public Records Law requires.
SEEKERS: While a seekers approach should not technically influence whether or not a
custodian will release a record, human beings are social creatures. The projection of a
professional, flexible demeanor can go a long way in enlisting the record holders
cooperation. Custodians say that most media representatives who work with them wisely
try to build a level of trust with recordkeepers.
Tips for those requesting records include:
Keep in mind that most record request processers are not the person who actually has
custody of the record. The record processer is relying on other government officials to
provide records and does not necessarily control the timing or outcome of their
Be aware that many agencies do not have access to centralized cloud computing
servers or high-quality search tools.
Familiarize yourself with the department that holds the records you keep.
Organizational charts (“org charts”) are a very handy first request, if they are not
already available online.
Exhibit patience along with your persistence, since many offices handle dozens of
requests each day.
Avoid using offensive language and don’t threaten the staff with lawsuits.
Be clear with a request, which helps speed the information-gathering stage and
creates a realistic public interest claim if the seeker is denied access.
Don’t stiff the recordkeeper – if you agree to the cost of production, pay up.
Offer to narrow or clarify a request in order to facilitate faster, less expensive
If the initial request for a record is denied, the custodian should be prepared to give a
written explanation for the refusal, including citing all exemptions that have been applied.
It is suggested that upon first denial of access by a subordinate agency employee, the
requestor should seek a decision at a higher agency level. In order of hierarchy, this could
be the record custodian’s boss, the head of the agency, the elected body that governs the
agency and, finally, the public at-large who can be informed online or through the news
of the agency’s request denial. In some cases, there can be a negotiation that allows the
release of portions of record while protecting the confidentiality interests involved.
The Oregon Office of the Public Records Advocate is a possible avenue for assistance,
facilitated dispute resolution, and advice regarding public records requests. Requesters
who encounter obstacles in obtaining documents, including fees, long delays, denials, or
assertion of exemptions, may contact the Office of the Public Records Advocate for
assistance. If a requester asks for assistance regarding a request to a state agency, the state
agency is required under ORS 192.464 to engage in facilitated dispute resolution in good
faith. Other public bodies are not subject to the same mandate.
Public bodies may also avail themselves of the services of the Office of the Public
Records Advocate if they want facilitated dispute resolution or have questions regarding
fees, exemptions, timelines, or other public records matters.
More formal avenues of review are also available under ORS 192. A requester may
appeal a public body’s failure to respond within the statutory timelines (fifteen business
days), the public body’s estimated date of completion, the public body’s denial of a
request for a fee waiver/reduction, or a public body’s decision to withhold records (in
whole or in part).
If the public body denying the request is a state agency, then the requester can file a
public records petition with the Oregon Attorney General. If the public body is a locality,
city, county, or other non-elected body, the requester can file a petition with the local
district attorney. The appeal should include:
The name of the agency from which the records were requested and denied;
Name of the custodian of the record and how to contact them;
The procedural background: when was the request submitted, how the agency
responded (or failed to respond);
A copy of the request;
Any written responses or communications from the public agency, if available;
Other information that clarifies the requestors position.
Much of the above information can be contained in the email thread with the agency
about the request. Forward the thread but add to the top a summary of the discussion
and outline your arguments for why the Attorney General or district attorney’s office
should rule in your favor.
Since the records law is one of disclosure and many of the exemptions are voluntary, the
Attorney General or district attorney may simply recommend that the public body in
question release the records – even if they could be covered by an exemption.
If the agency refuses to disclose voluntarily, the merits of the case are reviewed by the
Attorney General or district attorney. A decision is made — within seven working days,
as the law requires — to either deny the appeal or issue an order that forces disclosure of
the records.
If a petition is denied, the requestor may still file a lawsuit in circuit court to try to force
If a petition is granted, the public body has seven business days to decide what to do and
then seven more days to actually do it. Typically, when ordered to release the records,
agencies do so promptly. If the agency wishes to fight the order, it must file a lawsuit
against the requestor in circuit court.
Under the law, requestors are legally bound to pay for the expense required to release
public records. Fees are calculated to reimburse the agency for its “actual cost” of
fulfilling the public records request – and no more. Charges may include time spent
locating the records, reviewing in order to delete exempt material, supervision, attorney
time spent reviewing documents (but not conducting legal research), and copying and
sending records.
Requestors who regularly seek public records,
such as media representatives, consider fee
negotiations an important part of the process.
They ensure a fee is established before the
work begins, and many will ask for a fee
waiver if, in their opinion, the release of
specific records is in the public’s interest.
Agencies should generally grant requests for
fee waiver or reduction that are made by media
representatives. News reporters are, almost by
definition, interested in government activities
that will interest a broad cross-section of the
public and therefore operate within the public
In considering requests for fee waiver or reduction made by non-media representatives,
agencies should consider the person’s intention and ability to disseminate information to
the public and whether or not the information would benefit the public at large (instead of
just the person making the request).
A neighborhood association president seeking records concerning military aviation
safety at an airbase near the neighborhood — to be disseminated to the general public
— may satisfy the public interest standard for a waiver if it is demonstrated that fee
requirements inhibit the neighborhood’s ability to obtain the government records in
Waivers are up to the agency, which can charge only a “reasonable amount.” The public
body is directed to weigh the public interest issue when deciding on the fee. An agency
may even decide, as some do, that provision of government information is a core function
and therefore part of its fiduciary responsibilities to the public.
Agencies, however, are not required to grant a complete fee waiver, even if the public
interest test is met. A requestor dissatisfied with a denial of either a waiver or a reduction
may petition the Attorney General or district attorney in the same manner as a person
appeals when inspection of a public record is rejected.
Local: keeps updated materials, including this guide, online.
The Oregon Public Records Advocate has resources and advice for requesters and
public servants alike.
The Attorney General’s Public Meetings and Records Manual offers a comprehensive
look at the state requirements.
The Oregon Sunshine Committee is charged with reviewing exemptions to public
records law.
The Society of Professional Journalists’ Oregon Territory Chapter organizes
educational events and advocacy efforts in Oregon among full-time and freelance
For issues involving the City of Portland, its Ombudsman Office can offer advice and
The State of Oregon maintains a public records request log and the governors public
For a list of previous public records appeals decisions in Multnomah County, visit the
district attorney’s public records page.
Search previous Public Records Orders issued by the Attorney General’s Office.
The National Freedom of Information Coalition advocates for open government
The Society of Professional Journalists Freedom of Information Committee offers
numerous resources online. The reporter-only organization also has a Legal Defense
Fund and a First Amendment Forever Fund, which may be able to supply financial
The American Society of News Editors organizes Sunshine Week every year (usually
in March) to draw attention to information freedom issues and celebrate successes.
The Brechner Center for Freedom of Information conducts and collects research on
public records policies nationwide.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center focuses on digital information.
The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press does pro bono legal work and
offers legal guides on open government topics.
The Sunlight Foundation offers resources and advocates for broad and technologically
advanced access to government.
Investigative Reporters & Editors has thousands of online tip sheets and organizes a
popular annual conference called NICAR.
News Media for Open Government, a D.C.-based coalition
Fourth Estate advocates for journalists and conducts strategic litigation.
ClearGov offers computing solutions for government recordkeeping.
The Freedom of the Press Foundation focuses on a broad range of issues in 21st
Century journalism, including digital security.
22 is run by the National Institute on Money in Politics and offers
trainings and data analytics for looking into campaign finance.
Open the Government advocates for reductions in government secrecy.
MuckRock offers public records request templates and a free tracker tool.
Shasta Kearns Moore, President, journalist, Pamplin Media Group
Duane Bosworth, Vice President, attorney, Davis Wright Tremaine
Therese Bottomly, Treasurer/Secretary, Editor, The Oregonian/OregonLive
Lisa Phipps, executive director, Tillamook Estuaries Partnership
John Schrag, executive editor, Pamplin Media Group
Ginger McCall, public records advocate, State of Oregon
Tim Gleason, professor, University of Oregon School of Journalism
Mary Beth Herkert, state archivist, State of Oregon
Lee van der Voo, managing director, InvestigateWest
Gail Holmes, West Linn civic leader
Norman Turrill, president, League of Women Voters of Oregon
Emily Harris, reporter and producer, Reveal from The Center for Investigative
Open Oregon is a 501(C)3 nonprofit corporation in Oregon and a chapter of the National
Freedom of Information Coalition. Visit for more information and
A Quick Reference Guide to Oregon’s Public Records Law
© 2019 Open Oregon