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VIN Check Report: 1996 GMC Yukon
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Vehicle Identication Number:
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Theft Records Found: None
Accident Records Found: None
Salvage Auction Records Found: None
Sales Records Found: None
Ocial NMVTIS Data: Records Found
Vehicle Age: 25 year(s)
Made In: Mexico
Body Style: 2-Door 4WD
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Salvage Auction Records
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Flood Check Records
Market Value
Current Mileage: Unknown
Time Period: Past 6 months
Ownership Cost
Sales Records
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Accident Records
No Accident Records Found!
Hurricane Harvey Flood Check
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Market Value for 1996 GMC Yukon SL
Market Average
Below Market
Above Market
Estimates based on 0 similar vehicles sold
Ownership Cost for Unknown Vehicle
Estimated: Unknown over the next 5 years
Vehicle: Unknown Vehicle
Mileage: mi + mi/year
5-Year Mileage: null mi
Cost Per Mile: No data
POWERED BY - Data Sources - Overall Summary Records
Total: No data
Depreciation (No data)
Insurance (No data)
Fuel (No data)
Maintenance (No data)
Repairs (No data)
Taxes & Fees (No data)
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Government Agencies
Junk Yards
Insurance Companies
Salvage Yards
Car Dealerships
Auto Recyclers
Auto Auctions
Law Enforcement Agencies
Collision Repair Facilities
* All states are required by law to report this information
Theft Data
Date :
0 Record(s) FoundReporting Entity :
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Sales Records
Date :
0 Record(s) FoundReporting Entity :
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Vehicle Specications
Date :
8 Record(s) FoundReporting Entity :
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Equipment Details
Date :
5 Record(s) FoundReporting Entity :
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Details :
Cost of Ownership
Safety Rating
Date :
2 Record(s) FoundReporting Entity :
Click To View (check/safety-rating.php)
Details :
Inspection Checklist
Date :
11 Record(s) FoundReporting Entity :
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Recalls & Defects
Date :
4 Record(s) FoundReporting Entity :
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