The New Public Diplomacy
Soft Power in International Relations
Jan Melissen
Edited by
Studies in Diplomacy and International Relations
General Editors: Donna Lee, Senior Lecturer in International Organisations
and International Political Economy, University of Birmingham, UK and
Paul Sharp, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Alworth Institute
for International Studies at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, USA
The series was launched as Studies in Diplomacy in 1994 under the general
editorship of G. R. Berridge. Its purpose is to encourage original scholarship on all
aspects of the theory and practice of diplomacy. The new editors assumed their
duties in 2003 with a mandate to maintain this focus while also publishing
research which demonstrates the importance of diplomacy to contemporary
international relations more broadly conceived.
Titles include
G. R. Berridge (editor)
Selected Texts from Commynes to Vattel
G. R. Berridge, Maurice Keens-Soper and T. G. Otte
Herman J. Cohen
Superpower Peacemaking in a Troubled Continent
Andrew F. Cooper (editor)
Middle Powers after the Cold War
David H. Dunn (editor)
The Evolution of International Summitry
Brian Hocking (editor)
Change and Adaptation
Brian Hocking and David Spence (editors)
Integrating Diplomats
Michael Hughes
Britain, Russia and the Old Diplomacy, 1894–1917
Gaynor Johnson
Christer Jönsson and Martin Hall
Donna Lee
British Influence at the Kennedy Trade Round
Mario Liverani
Jan Melissen (editor)
Soft Power in International Relations
Peter Neville
The Diplomacy of Sir Nevile Henderson, 1937–39
M. J. Peterson
Legal Doctrine and State Practice, 1815–1995
Gary D. Rawnsley
The BBC and VOA in International Politics, 1956–64
Ronald A. Walker
Purposeful International Negotiation
A. Nuri Yurdusev (editor)
Conventional or Unconventional?
Studies in Diplomacy and International Relations
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The New Public Diplomacy
Soft Power in International Relations
Edited by
Jan Melissen
Director Clingendael Diplomatic Studies Programme
Netherlands Institute of International Relations, Clingendael
Editorial matter, selection and introduction © Jan Melissen 2005
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The new public diplomacy : soft power in international relations / edited by
Jan Melissen.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1–4039–4516–0 (alk. paper)
1. International relations. 2. Diplomacy. I. Melissen, Jan.
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For Isabel, Eugenia and Daniel
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Notes on Contributors
Jan Melissen
Part I: The New Environment
1. The New Public Diplomacy: Between Theory and Practice 3
Jan Melissen
Introduction 3
Beyond American public diplomacy? 6
Defining the new public diplomacy 11
Public diplomacy and related concepts 16
Conclusion: diplomacy and the ordinary individual 23
2. Rethinking the ‘New’ Public Diplomacy 28
Brian Hocking
Introduction 28
Unpicking the threads of public diplomacy 29
Public diplomacy and power: hard, soft and sticky 33
Public diplomacy: hierarchies and networks 35
Public diplomacy and diplomats 39
Conclusion 41
Part II: Shifting Perspectives
3. Power, Public Diplomacy, and the Pax Americana 47
Peter van Ham
Introduction: an American Empire by default? 47
Soft power, hard power, and the ‘indispensable nation’ 49
Public diplomacy: wielding soft power 56
The limits of PR and spindoctoring 59
Conclusion: a tough sell for liberal imperialism 63
viii Contents
4. Niche Diplomacy in the World Public Arena: the Global
‘Corners’ of Canada and Norway 67
Alan K. Henrikson
Introduction 67
The power of ‘the better argument’ 69
‘Niche diplomacy’ in the public arena 71
Soft power and political strategies 73
Canada: risks and rewards of open confrontation 75
Norway: a parallel and still independent course 79
Conclusion: lessons from northern corners? 82
5. Public Diplomacy in the People’s Republic of China 88
Ingrid d’Hooghe
Introduction 88
China’s foreign policy and diplomacy 89
Targeting foreign audiences from 1949 onwards 91
China’s present public diplomacy goals 92
Assets and liabilities 94
Target groups 95
The instruments 96
The inner working of China’s public
diplomacy system 98
China’s public diplomacy strategies: the case of Tibet 100
The limits of China’s public diplomacy 101
Conclusion 103
6. Revolutionary States, Outlaw Regimes and the
Techniques of Public Diplomacy 106
Paul Sharp
The public diplomacy of the Bolsheviks and
the Berne mission 107
The public diplomacy of Qaddafi’s Libyan
Iranian public diplomacy under Khomeini 114
Conclusions: public diplomacy and the ‘war on terror’ 117
7. The EU as a Soft Power: the Force of Persuasion 124
Anna Michalski
Introduction 124
Scope of analysis 125
Contents ix
External policy and normative power 126
The internal dimension of EU communication
and information 127
EU external communication 130
The evolving European foreign policy and
the significance of communication 139
Conclusion 141
Part III: Improving Practice
8. Culture Communicates: US Diplomacy That Works 147
Cynthia P. Schneider
Introduction 147
American culture and understanding America
until the Cold War 149
Diplomacy that worked: cultural diplomacy
during the Cold War 151
The role(s) and position(s) of cultural diplomacy in the
US government or ‘déjà vu all over again’ 155
Comparative practices of other countries 157
Cultural diplomacy in the twenty-first century 158
The challenges of cultural diplomacy today 160
Conclusion 163
9. Making a National Brand 169
Wally Olins
Introduction 169
France and nation-branding 170
Projecting the national brand 172
Conclusion 177
10. Dialogue-based Public Diplomacy: a New Foreign
Policy Paradigm? 180
Shaun Riordan
Introduction 180
Building bridges to moderate Islam 180
Promoting civil society 184
Beyond selling policies, values, and national image 186
Collaboration with non-governmental agents 190
Practitioners as public diplomacy entrepreneurs 193
x Contents
11. Training for Public Diplomacy: an Evolutionary
Perspective 196
John Hemery
Introduction: training in transition 196
Barriers to training 197
Changing attitudes: flexible approaches 198
Formal public diplomacy training 200
Public diplomacy as a profession 203
The way forward for training? 204
Designing the perfect course 205
Conclusions 208
Notes on Contributors
Peter van Ham
is Director of Global Governance Research at the
Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ in The
Hague, and Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges. He holds a
doctorate in Political Science (International Relations) from the
university of Leiden. He was Professor of West European Politics at
the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies in
Garmisch-Partenkirchen (1996–2001); a senior research fellow at the
WEU Institute for Security Studies in Paris (1993–96); and has been a
visiting scholar at Columbia University (New York), the Royal Institute
of International Affairs (London), and the Copenhagen Peace Research
Institute (COPRI). His books include:
Mapping European Security after
European Integration and the Postmodern Condition
A Critical Approach to European Security
(1999). He has published
Foreign Affairs
The National Interest
Security Dialogue
other academic journals.
John Hemery
is the founder and Director of the Centre for Political and
Diplomatic Studies. He was educated at Dartmouth College in the
United States, and was a postgraduate at both Oxford and Cambridge.
After 18 years teaching politics and international relations he developed
the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s programme of diplomatic
training for the new governments of Central and Eastern Europe
emerging after 1989. Since then he has designed and directed more
than 60 specialist courses for politicians, officials and civil society
organizations in 40 countries. These programmes have included one- and
two-week courses of training in public diplomacy conducted at Wilton
Park in the UK and also abroad. The Centre for Political and Diplomatic
Studies is currently developing a new programme of training for public
diplomacy that addresses both strategy and professional practice.
Alan K. Henrikson
is Director of the Fletcher Roundtable on a New
World Order, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University.
During spring 2003 he was Fulbright/Diplomatic Academy Visiting
Professor of International Relations at the
Diplomatische Akademie
Vienna. At the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard
University he has been an Associate and Visiting Scholar and has served
xii Notes on Contributors
as Counselor on Canadian Affairs. He received AB, AM, and Ph.D. degrees
in History from Harvard University where he was a Harvard National
Scholar and a Danforth Graduate Fellow. He also holds BA and MA degrees
from the University of Oxford. He has written widely on US foreign
policy, US–European Union relations, the security of the Nordic/Arctic
area, Canadian–US–Mexican continental integration, and multilateral
diplomacy and the UN system. Among his recent publications are: ‘The
Geography of Diplomacy’ in
The Geography of War and Peace
(2005); and
‘Good Neighbour Diplomacy Revisited’ in
Holding the Line: Borders in a
Global World
Brian Hocking
is Professor of International Relations and Director of
the Centre for the Study of Foreign Policy and Diplomacy at Coventry
University in the UK. He graduated from the Universities of Bristol and
Leicester and received his Ph.D. from the University of London. Before
taking up his post in Coventry in 1978, he lectured at the University of
Tasmania and was affiliated to the Institute of Commonwealth Studies
in London. He is the author of many articles and has written and edited
ten books on international relations, trade politics and diplomacy. Among
his recent books are:
Trade Politics
(2004, co-editor and contributor with
S. M. McGuire);
Integrating Diplomats? Foreign Ministries in the European
(2002, editor and contributor with D. Spence);
Trade Politics:
Domestic International and Regional Perspectives
(1999, contributor and
editor with S. M. McGuire); and
Foreign Ministries: Change and Adaptation
(1999, editor and contributor).
Ingrid d’Hooghe
is a research associate with the Clingendael Diplomatic
Studies Programme at the Netherlands Institute of International
Relations ‘Clingendael’ in The Hague. She holds an MA degree in
Sinology from Leiden University and studied at Fudan University in
Shanghai. Her career began at the Netherlands Embassy in Beijing in
1989 and in 1991 she returned to Leiden when she joined the Research
and Documentation Centre for Contemporary China at the Sinological
Institute. After three years in Geneva (1994–97) she once again joined
the Sinological Institute in Leiden, before moving to Clingendael in
2001. She has published on various Chinese domestic and foreign
issues, and her current research focuses primarily on China’s foreign
policy and diplomacy. She has recently written on China’s relationship
with North Korea, Chinese–ASEM relations, and the effects of ‘9/11’ on
China’s foreign policy. She co-edited
China’s Legal Developments and
Their Political Limits
(with Eduard Vermeer 2001).
Notes on Contributors xiii
Jan Melissen
is Director of the Clingendael Diplomatic Studies Programme
at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’,
The Hague. He is also part-time Professor in the Department of Politics,
Antwerp University. He graduated from the University of Amsterdam
and received his doctorate at the University of Groningen. Before
joining Clingendael in 2001, he worked in British academe and was
Director of the Centre for the Study of Diplomacy at the University of
Leicester (UK). Jan Melissen is presently working on a project on trends
in diplomatic representation. He is co-editor of
The Hague Journal of
managing editor of the
Discussion Papers in Diplomacy
. He
has written many articles in English and in Dutch. His previous books
The Struggle for Nuclear Partnership
Innovation in Diplomatic
Diplomatie: Raderwerk van de internationale politiek
Europese diplomatie
Anna Michalski
is a Senior Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute
of International Relations ‘Clingendael’. She completed her Ph.D. thesis
at the London School of Economics and Political Science and held
research positions at the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the
Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales
in Paris. Between 1996 and
2001 she worked at the European Commission’s Forward Studies Unit.
She was also a leading member of the Forward Studies Group’s Scenarios
team. At Clingendael Anna Michalski focuses on the role of the European
Commission, the European Convention, the future of EU governance
and the Lisbon Process. Recent publications include:
The Lisbon Process
The Political Dynamics of Constitutional Reform
(2004, editor);
European Convention on the Future of Europe
(2003, with Matthias Heise);
Governing Europe
European Futures
(2000, with Gilles Bertrand
and Lucio R. Pench).
Wally Olins CBE
is a co-founder of Wolff Olins, of which he was
Chairman until 1997. He is now Chairman of Saffron Brand Consultants.
He was awarded a CBE in 1999, was nominated for the Prince Philip
Designers Prize in 1999, received the Royal Society of Arts’ Bicentenary
Medal for his contribution to design and marketing in 2000, and
received the D&AD President’s Award in 2003. He has advised many of
the world’s leading organizations, and he has worked in the public
sector and with a number of countries. Wally Olins has written several
books including
Corporate Identity
. His publications include
(1999) and
Wally Olins On Brand
(2003). Wally Olins is one of
xiv Notes on Contributors
the world’s most experienced practitioners of corporate identity and
branding. He has a particular interest in and experience of the branding
of regions and nations. He was educated at Oxford and is currently
Visiting Fellow at Said Business School in Oxford and at Lancaster
University and Copenhagen Business School.
Shaun Riordan
was educated at Cambridge, where he received an MA
(Hons) in Philosophy. He entered HM Diplomatic Service in 1984. In
his early diplomatic career he was posted to the UK’s mission to the UN,
New York, and the British Embassy in Beijing. At the FCO he worked in
the United Nations Department and as Head of the Middle Eastern
Section’s Security Coordination Department and as Head of the Policy
Section of the Eastern Adriatic Unit. In 1995 he became Head of the
Political Section at the British Embassy in Madrid. In 2000 he resigned
from the Diplomatic Service, and is now Director of ZEIA SL, a Madrid-
based consultancy service. In 2002 he was Visiting Research Fellow at
the Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of
Economics. He is author of
The New Diplomacy
(2003), contributed to
(Demos, 2002), and contributes regularly to the Spanish
print and electronic media, as well as being a commentator for the BBC
on terrorism and Spanish politics.
Cynthia P. Schneider
is Director of the Life Science and Society Initiative
and Distinguished Professor of Diplomacy at Georgetown University.
She was US Ambassador to the Netherlands (1998–2001), and was
awarded the Office of the Secretary of Defense’s Exceptional Public
Service Order, the highest civilian award given by the US Department of
Defense. For 2004–06 she has been named Pfizer Medical Humanities
Initiative Scholar in Residence. In addition, she is working on a project
on ‘best practices’ in public–private partnerships to bring agricultural
biotechnology to the developing world. Ambassador Schneider is a non-
resident Fellow at the Brookings Institution and the Institute for the
Study of Diplomacy. She is a Supervisory Board member of Royal Ahold,
and of the Board of the Institute of Europe at Columbia University, the
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, and of the Anne Frank Foundation
American Board. She has published on cultural diplomacy, bioterrorism
and biopreparedness, on Rembrandt and seventeenth-century Dutch art.
Paul Sharp
is Professor and Head of Political Science at the University
of Minnesota, Duluth. He is also founding chair of both the Diplomatic
Studies Section and the English School Section of the International
Notes on Contributors xv
Studies Association (ISA). He is a member of the ISA’s Governing
Council and Executive Committee. He has recently held visiting
fellowships at the University of Malta and the University of Cambridge.
His most recent publications include: ‘Virtue Unrestrained: Herbert
Butterfield and the Problem of American Power’, in
International Studies
(2004); ‘Mullah Zaeef and Taliban Diplomacy’,
Review of
International Studies
(2003); and ‘Herbert Butterfield, the English School,
and the Civilizing Virtues of Diplomacy’,
International Affairs
(2003). He
is currently undertaking research for a book on
Outlaw Diplomacy
and a
study of the diplomacy of American Indian tribes in the upper Midwest.
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Editing collective books takes time and it is a well-known fact that they
particularly require patience from conscientious and punctual contributors
who hand in their chapter before the editor’s (first) deadline. I am
particularly grateful to the contributors to this volume whose patience
was tested by the inevitable delays that seem to accompany a collaborative
scholarly effort.
Editing books is, however, also great fun. The early stages of such a
joint venture with colleagues from various countries first of all offer an
excellent excuse for a stimulating international conference, and in the
process of making a book one often gets to know people with whom it
is a pleasure to work. The group of authors contributing to this book
has expanded my intellectual horizon and understanding of public
diplomacy considerably. Our contacts via email, at the Netherlands
Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ in The Hague, and
subsequently at academic gatherings in other places, have resulted in a
greater circle of friends and colleagues in diplomatic studies.
I am indebted to numerous diplomats who kindly shared their views
and personal experiences with me, and I am also grateful for the
support received from colleagues at the Clingendael Institute, where the
study of diplomacy is now prioritized alongside diplomatic training for
countries from many corners of the world. Time cannot be beaten when
making an edited book, but distance is fortunately irrelevant. Rebecca
Solheim, who is based in Sweden, went through all of the texts meticu-
lously and from start to finish has turned out to be a fantastic copy
editor. I can only hope that we continue to work together on future
projects. I am also indebted to Ashvin Gonesh, who compiled the index
to this book. Finally, Isabel, Eugenia and Daniel have been enormously
supportive. I owe them a lot for putting up with me: the man in the
family who was not always there to be a family man.
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Jan Melissen
The idea to create this book was triggered by the feeling that the debate
about public diplomacy after September 2001 had mainly taken place
in the press and that the time was ripe for students of diplomacy to look
at this phenomenon.
In the early stages of the book it became clear how much confusion
still surrounded public diplomacy (that is, the relationship between
diplomats and the foreign publics with whom they work) with public
debate on the concept being particularly intense in the United States.
Between ‘9/11’ and the outbreak of war in Iraq, public diplomacy was
beyond any doubt the hottest item in the US foreign policy establish-
ment. Most American think tanks produced advisory reports on public
diplomacy, some of them more helpful than others, but so far there has
been remarkably little academic literature on post-Cold War public
diplomacy. Those interested in it are confronted with an overload of
press coverage, comment and analysis as well as instant advice for
policy-makers. What is missing, however, is a lack of analysis of
deeper trends, and a perspective on how official communication
with foreign publics should be seen in the context of wider diplomatic
There are, of course, many ways to look at public diplomacy, and
students of diplomacy are fortunately by no means the only academics
interested in it. It seems probable that the vantage point of students of
global communication, historians of propaganda or international rela-
tions’ theorists leads to views on public diplomacy that differ from
those of students of diplomacy. In this book the practice of diplomacy
is the starting point for the majority of the contributions. Most authors
believe that public diplomacy can be better understood in the context
of broader changes in diplomatic practice and that public diplomacy
can at least partly be seen as a symptom of change in the conduct of
international relations. In a broader historical perspective it may even
be ventured that – for better or for worse – the practice of foreign ministries
and embassies in engaging with civil society groups and individuals
abroad demonstrates that the evolution of diplomatic representation
has reached a new stage. The truth is that foreign publics now matter to
practitioners of diplomacy in a way that was unthinkable as little as
xx Introduction
25 years ago. In some of the more pioneering countries in this field, one
can clearly observe that public diplomacy is gradually moving away
from the periphery of diplomatic work. The same has happened to
commercial diplomacy – that is, activities by foreign ministries and
embassies in support of their country’s business and finance sectors –
or, at least in Western countries, to consular relations and in particular
the effort put into looking after the well-being of a country’s own
nationals abroad. Many practitioners in the world’s diplomatic services
may not yet have grasped the significance of communication with
foreign publics, but it is a telling sign that in a considerable number of
countries it has captured the firm attention of senior management in
foreign ministries as well as the political leadership.
It is worth looking at public diplomacy beyond the experiences of the
United States or the anglophone world. The debate about the new
public diplomacy after 11 September 2001 has become dominated by
US public diplomacy, and it has been characterized by a strong
emphasis on international security and the relationship between the
West and the Islamic world. The US experience should, however, not
distract from the observation that many countries became interested in
public diplomacy long before ‘9/11’, and for very different reasons. In
order to understand public diplomacy properly, it is equally interesting
to look at big, medium-sized, small and even micro-states, and also to
analyse the way in which non-democratic countries explore this new
form of ‘outreach’ in foreign relations. The strong emphasis in the
United States on homeland security, the ‘war on terror’ and ‘winning
hearts and minds’ in the Islamic world does not mirror the concerns
and interests in public diplomacy that are articulated in many other
countries. To be sure, September 2001 was an important trigger for the
present debate on public diplomacy throughout the global diplomatic
community, but for many countries it was not the beginning, nor did
the US experience set the terms for thinking on this issue outside North
America. This volume is a first attempt to lift the veil on a range of
approaches towards public diplomacy. After all, for those who are inter-
ested in diplomatic practice, the public diplomacy of the government of
Kyrgyzstan is potentially as interesting as the way in which the US State
Department is addressing the challenge of communicating with publics
This book is meant for students of diplomacy and for diplomats. An
important driver for some authors is their intellectual curiosity and
desire to understand public diplomacy; others tend to blend academic
analysis with recommendations for practitioners; and a third category of
Introduction xxi
authors is primarily motivated by the idea that a proper understanding
of public diplomacy can contribute to better diplomatic practice and
can help to prevent practitioners from misunderstanding its require-
ments. The book was deliberately conceived as a collective effort by
authors from different countries and with varying professional back-
grounds. They currently live in the United States, the United Kingdom,
the Netherlands or Spain, and are not just academics, but also scholar-
diplomats, and consultants or trainers in diplomacy. They are first of all
trying to come to grips with public diplomacy from a set of different
thematic and national angles, although the book is not designed as a
straightforward comparison between different countries. Second, this
book looks at public diplomacy as it is practised by different types of
countries and by the European Union as an increasingly autonomously
operating international organization. Third, the book tries to clarify
how practitioners can be more effective as ‘public diplomats’. It does
not, however, constitute an exercise in school building, nor does it try
to force its authors into any form of academic straitjacket. On the
contrary, the close reader will not fail to notice that the authors disa-
gree on a number of fundamental points. The book’s relatively modest
aim is therefore to reflect on public diplomacy today, to assess its
importance in the conduct of international relations and, by doing so,
to contribute to a wider academic debate on recent trends in diplomacy.
The study of public diplomacy is bound to lead to disappointing results
if it is dissociated from a broader understanding of diplomatic
practice, and students of diplomacy who ignore public diplomacy do
little justice to a fundamental aspect of diplomacy’s contemporary
In the first part of this book, Jan Melissen’s introductory chapter on
the new public diplomacy and Brian Hocking’s theoretical reflections
on the subject first of all aim at conceptual clarification. They evaluate
the new public diplomacy’s importance in the present international
environment. Both authors consider the new public diplomacy as part
of the fabric of world politics, although some of their conclusions on its
significance are fundamentally different. Melissen introduces the new
public diplomacy as a concept and assesses current developments in
this field. His analysis identifies characteristics of good practice and it
distinguishes between on the one hand propaganda, nation-branding
and cultural relations, and on the other hand public diplomacy. Hocking
continues to unpick the various threads of which public diplomacy is
composed, re-examines the ‘soft power’ argument that often surfaces in
relation to the discussion on public diplomacy, and contrasts public
xxii Introduction
diplomacy in a hierarchic state-centric image of international relations
with a network model.
In the second part of the book, five authors show some of the diversity
displayed in the practice of public diplomacy across the world. They
look at radically different types of countries and one international
organization: the world’s leading superpower; two democratic middle
powers; an authoritarian great power; revolutionary public diplomacy
and communication with foreign audiences by rogue states; as well as
the European Union’s experiences as a unique international actor. Peter
van Ham looks specifically at US public diplomacy and Alan
Henrikson’s chapter evaluates how the niche diplomacy of Canada and
Norway relates to their policies towards the United States. Van Ham’s
chapter is about US public diplomacy in the context of the debate on
‘US Empire’. He examines the normative assumptions on which the
dominant discourse of the emerging
Pax Americana
is based, how the
US’s soft power base has been instrumentalized for the cause of liberal
imperialism, as well as the role of public diplomacy in the US’s nascent
empire. Alan Henrikson’s paper compares how Canada and Norway
have demonstrated them to be adroit users of public opinion, and how
they have succeeded in gaining the respect of other countries as well as
public opinion overseas. He discusses the two countries’ political
strategies in the spheres of power politics and public diplomacy, distin-
guishing between a confrontational strategy towards the United States,
parallel action and an approach aiming at active partnership.
The three remaining chapters in the second section deal with rather
exceptional forms of public diplomacy compared to the dominant
discourse, which appears to regard public diplomacy as an activity of
democratic states or at least states in transition. Ingrid d’Hooghe looks
at the characteristics of China’s public diplomacy. The Chinese case is
particularly interesting because China has a considerable track record in
the field of political propaganda and it is a one-party state with a
centralist authoritarian regime. D’Hooghe evaluates China’s global and
bilateral actions in this field, and she points to the public diplomacy
asset of China’s culture. Paul Sharp’s contribution deals with public
diplomacy on the periphery of the prevailing international order. His
key observation is that a lot of what is called public diplomacy can in
fact be traced back to activities practised by revolutionary states such as the
Soviet Union, and that it bears striking similarities to communication with
foreign audiences by so-called rogue states. Against the background of
the ‘dark side’ of public diplomacy, Sharp’s analysis cautions that
attempts at counter-revolutionary public diplomacy will undermine the
Introduction xxiii
values that public diplomacy purportedly seeks to advance among a
wider global audience. The final chapter in this section deals with the
European Union as a soft power. Anna Michalski argues that the power
of persuasion becomes an existential requirement for the EU’s popular
legitimacy and credibility, but that in spite of the many actions of the
European Commission and the Council Secretariat, the concept of public
diplomacy is not employed by many Brussels officials. She discusses
how certain values, norms and principles are nevertheless integrated
into policies and are instrumentalized in the EU’s information and
communication strategy.
In the final part of this book, four authors explore public diplomacy’s
potential. As in Melissen’s introductory chapter, they deal with some of
the practical aspects of how public diplomacy can be undertaken.
Cynthia Schneider argues that cultural diplomacy is a prime example of
soft power, but that it is often easily dismissed as too soft and peripheral
to the real issues of policy. Her chapter provides an overview of US
cultural diplomacy until the end of the Cold War and it examines the
reasons behind the decline of US cultural diplomacy from the 1990s.
Schneider also identifies good practice and she discusses the strengths
and limitations of US cultural diplomacy from a comparative perspec-
tive. The contribution by Wally Olins makes a case for nation-branding
and stresses that nations have always tried to create and modulate their
reputations in order to achieve loyalty at home and influence abroad.
He distinguishes a number of areas in which nations are in direct and
overt competition with each other and in which he sees nation-
branding as an inevitable activity, but he also cautions that it is for the
long term, and that the pay-off is slow and not readily measurable.
Shaun Riordan states that public diplomacy is part of a newly emerging
paradigm of collaborative diplomacy, which requires an approach that
is fundamentally dialogue-based. His chapter looks at nation-building
and the struggle against international terrorism as two prime examples
where such an approach has the potential to contribute to international
stability. In this view public diplomacy is increasingly about ideas and
values, and involving non-governmental agents is seen as one of the
most effective ways of promoting and developing it. In the last chapter
in this section, John Hemery looks at variations in training for public
diplomacy across the world and discusses what a good course on public
diplomacy might look like. He observes that a very limited number of
foreign ministries appear to train their diplomats to be players in
amorphous transnational networks, and that in many countries public
diplomacy training programmes are packages of disparate skills
xxiv Introduction
development that fall short of preparing diplomats for operating in the
changed architecture of international relations.
Finally, it is self-evident that knowledge of, and a feel for, diplomatic
practice is indispensable for a proper understanding of traditional, peer-
oriented diplomatic communication. This book’s authors, however,
believe that students of diplomacy are equally well-placed to make an
assessment of diplomacy that takes practitioners out of their protected
realm. It is therefore hoped that this book – and indeed diplomatic
studies generally – contributes to the debate about public diplomacy,
rather than leaving it to others to deal with as mere international
communication. Last but not least, this collection of essays indirectly
advocates more research on current trends in diplomatic practice.
Studies into the history of diplomacy and diplomatic thought have
proven to be a boost for the small niche of diplomatic studies in the
field of international relations. Confronted with sweeping change,
however, it would be appropriate if students of diplomacy also reflect
and theorize on current trends and innovations in diplomatic practice,
or even turn to scenario studies of what may lie ahead.
Jan Melissen
The Hague, February 2005
Part I
The New Environment
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The New Public Diplomacy:
Between Theory and Practice
Jan Melissen
It is tempting to see public diplomacy as old wine in new bottles. Official
communication aimed at foreign publics is after all no new phenomenon
in international relations. Image cultivation, propaganda and activities
that we would now label as public diplomacy are nearly as old as
diplomacy itself. Even in ancient times, prestige-conscious princes and
their representatives never completely ignored the potential and pitfalls
of public opinion in foreign lands. References to the nation and its
image go as far back as the Bible, and international relations in ancient
Greece and Rome, Byzantium and the Italian Renaissance were familiar
with diplomatic activity aimed at foreign publics.
It was not until the invention of the printing press in the fifteenth
century that the scale of official communication with foreign publics
potentially altered. Towards the end of the Middle Ages, the Venetians
had already introduced the systematic dissemination of newsletters
inside their own diplomatic service, but it was Gutenberg’s invention
that cleared the way for true pioneers in international public relations,
such as Cardinal Richelieu in early seventeenth-century France. Under
ancien régime
, the French went to much greater lengths in remoulding
their country’s image abroad than other European powers, and they put
enormous effort into managing their country’s reputation, seeing it as
one of the principal sources of a nation’s power.
Identity creation and
image projection – nation-branding in today’s parlance – reached a
peak under Louis XIV.
Other countries followed suit, such as Turkey in
the aftermath of the Ottoman Empire. Kemal Atatürk was in charge of
nothing less than a complete makeover of the face of his country and
its identity, without which Turkey’s present prospects of integration
4 The New Public Diplomacy
into Europe would not have been on the EU’s political agenda. Less
benign twentieth-century versions of identity development and nation-
building – such as Fascism and Communism – directly challenged and
gave an impetus towards communication with foreign publics by
democratic powers. Political leaders’ battles for overseas ‘hearts and
minds’ are therefore anything but a recent invention.
The First World War saw the birth of professional image cultivation
across national borders, and it was inevitable after the war that the
emerging academic study of international politics would wake up to
the importance of what is now commonly dubbed as ‘soft power’.
the era of growing inter-state conflict between the two world wars,
E. H. Carr wrote that ‘power over opinion’ was ‘not less essential for
political purposes than military and economic power, and has always
been closely associated with them’. In other words, to put it in the
terminology recently introduced by Joseph S. Nye, ‘hard power’ and
‘soft power’ are inextricably linked.
It is now a cliché to state that soft
power – the postmodern variant of power over opinion – is increasingly
important in the global information age, and that in an environment
with multiple transnational linkages the loss of soft power can be costly
for hard power. Many practical questions about the power of attraction in
international affairs are, however, still unanswered. Political commentators
in many countries have become gripped by the notion of soft power and
ministries of foreign affairs wonder how to wield it most effectively. As Nye
argued, countries that are likely to be more attractive in postmodern inter-
national relations are those that help to frame issues, whose culture and
ideas are closer to prevailing international norms, and whose credibility
abroad is reinforced by their values and policies.
Public diplomacy is one of soft power’s key instruments, and this was
recognized in diplomatic practice long before the contemporary debate
on public diplomacy. The United States, the former Soviet Union and
Europe’s three major powers invested particularly heavily in their ‘com-
munications with the world’ during the Cold War. Although conven-
tional diplomatic activity and public diplomacy were mostly pursued
on parallel tracks, it became increasingly hard to see how the former
could be effective without giving sufficient attention to the latter.
fact, as early as 1917–18, Wilson and Lenin had already challenged one
another at the soft power level, long before their countries turned into
global superpowers and started colliding in the military and economic
The battle of values and ideas that dominated international
relations in the second half of the twentieth century evolved into
competition in the sphere of hard power, and not vice versa. The world
Between Theory and Practice 5
diplomatic community nevertheless woke up late to the fundamental
challenges of communication with foreign publics rather than then
habitual international dialogue with foreign officials. Diplomatic culture
is after all fundamentally peer-orientated, and the dominant realist
paradigm in diplomatic circles was a by-product of a long history of
viewing international relations in terms of economic and military power.
The question today of how foreign ministries can instrumentalize soft
power is testing their diplomats’ flexibility to the full.
Against this backdrop it may not be surprising to see that most students
of diplomacy have given little systematic attention to public diplomacy.
The basic distinction between traditional diplomacy and public diplomacy
is clear: the former is about relationships between the representatives of
states, or other international actors; whereas the latter targets the
general public in foreign societies and more specific non-official groups,
organizations and individuals. Existing definitions of diplomacy have
either stressed its main purpose (‘the art of resolving international diffi-
culties peacefully’), its principal agents (‘the conduct of relations
between sovereign states through the medium of accredited representa-
tives’) or its chief function (‘the management of international relations
by negotiation’). In a sense, such definitions do not take into account
the transformation of the environment in which diplomacy is at work.
Students of diplomacy saw diplomatic communication in principle as
an activity between symmetrical actors. A more inclusive view of diplo-
macy as ‘the mechanism of representation, communication and negotia-
tion through which states and other international actors conduct their
business’ still suggests a neat international environment consisting of a
range of clearly identifiable players.
Diplomacy in a traditionalist view is depicted as a game where the
roles and responsibilities of actors in international relations are clearly
delineated. This picture no longer resembles the much more fuzzy
world of postmodern transnational relations – a world, for that matter,
in which most actors are not nearly as much in control as they would
like to be. Moreover, the interlocutors of today’s foreign service officers
are not necessarily their counterparts, but a wide variety of people that
are either involved in diplomatic activity or are at the receiving end of
international politics. As a result, the requirements of diplomacy have
been transformed. As Robert Cooper put it, success in diplomacy
‘means openness and transnational cooperation’.
Such openness and
multi-level cooperation call for the active pursuit of more collaborative
diplomatic relations with various types of actors. Public diplomacy is an
indispensable ingredient for such a collaborative model of diplomacy.
6 The New Public Diplomacy
First of all this chapter introduces and defines public diplomacy as a
concept and it assesses current developments in this field. Second, it
evaluates the importance of public diplomacy in the changing interna-
tional environment, and it identifies characteristics of good practice.
Third, this chapter distinguishes between on the one hand propaganda,
nation-branding and cultural relations, and on the other hand public
diplomacy. It concludes that public diplomacy is here to stay, but that
its requirements sit rather uneasily with traditional diplomatic culture.
Public diplomacy is a challenge for diplomatic services that should not
be underestimated. Finally, this analysis indicates that public
diplomacy is not a mere technique. It should be considered as part of
the fabric of world politics and its rise suggests that the evolution of
diplomatic representation has reached a new stage.
Beyond American public diplomacy?
Is it possible to discuss public diplomacy without giving central import-
ance to US public diplomacy and the debates on public diplomacy in
the anglophone world? The origins of contemporary public diplomacy,
and the current debate on the need for more public diplomacy, are
dominated by the US experience. In the mid-1960s the term public
diplomacy was allegedly coined by a former American diplomat and
Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Edmund Gullion,
and in the following decades its practice became most closely associated
with the United States. Against the backdrop of the Cold War, public
campaigns were above all about communicating the American way of
life to foreign publics. As becomes clear in Cynthia Schneider’s chapter
in this book, public diplomacy and promotion of culture were in fact
closely connected and served similar purposes. Criticism of public
diplomacy as the soft side of foreign relations was silenced by the
demands of the Cold War but gained strength after its demise. Budget
cuts were one of the main driving forces behind the integration of the
United States Information Agency (USIA) into the State Department in
the mid-1990s, when the Cato Institute argued that ‘public diplomacy
is largely irrelevant to the kinds of challenges now facing the United
The post-Cold War case against public diplomacy did in fact
reinforce ever-present bureaucratic pressures: it has always been diffi-
cult to give public diplomacy priority on the State Department’s agenda
(and few flashy careers were therefore built on diplomatic jobs in the
field of information and cultural work). As is well known, the tragedy
of 11 September 2001 changed the fortunes of public diplomacy
Between Theory and Practice 7
against the backdrop of a troubled relationship between the Islamic
world and the West, as well as the ‘war on terror’ declared by the Bush
presidency. Interestingly, when it comes to exercising soft power, the
United States possesses unparalleled assets that are accompanied, as it
has turned out, by an unrivalled capacity to make a free fall into the
abyss of foreign perceptions.
Other countries can learn a great deal from the strengths and weak-
nesses of present US public diplomacy. This chapter will only point out a
limited number of lessons from US public diplomacy, yet the clearest of all
is that the aims of public diplomacy cannot be achieved if they are
believed to be inconsistent with a country’s foreign policy or military
actions. US policies towards the Middle East or its military presence in
Iraq, for instance, undermine the credibility of public diplomacy. The
starting point of this variant of diplomacy is after all at the perceiving end,
with the foreign consumers of diplomacy. This may be conventional wis-
dom among public diplomacy practitioners, but its salience can hardly be
overestimated and the age of visual politics is adding a new dimension to
this truism. Pictures speak louder than words, and they do so instantane-
ously and with lasting effect. There is, for instance, little doubt that press
coverage of human rights’ violations in the Abu Ghraib prison will damage
perceptions of the US in the Islamic world for many years. Another lesson
from the US experience is that sound policies may be of enormous sup-
port to public diplomacy, but that money and muscle are no guarantee
for success. The availability of unparalleled financial and media
resources does not prevent small non-state actors, even terrorists, from
being more successful in their dealings with critical international
audiences. To be sure, throwing money at self-advertising campaigns
in countries with a sceptical public opinion is based on a gross under-
estimation of assertive postmodern publics, as was demonstrated by
ineffective US television commercials in Indonesia, showing the life of
happy Muslims in the US. The rather simplistic practice of selling
images and peddling messages to foreign audiences has little chance
of paying off.
On the other hand, foreign nations can benefit enormously from the
stimulating US debate on public diplomacy and the valuable and free
advice produced by foreign policy think tanks and other bodies outside
and inside government. There is considerable overlap between the
reports and recommendations that were published after September
2001, and not all of the ideas are equally stimulating, but no other
country benefits to the same degree from good offices provided by the
non-governmental sector.
8 The New Public Diplomacy
The US experience also shows the importance of developing a
long-term public diplomacy strategy with central coordination of
policies. There are evident problems in this area within the US executive
branch of government, but it does not take much to see that many
other countries have only begun to think about such issues. Coordina-
tion and control have always been easier in non-democratic regimes
and they are not incompatible with traditional images of public
diplomacy. As Ingrid d’Hooghe implies in her chapter, the People’s
Republic of China excels in central coordination of its public diplomacy
activities and can therefore, in a sense, be seen as a leader in public
diplomacy. Moreover, US experiences with public diplomacy demonstrate
that skills and practices from the corporate sector, in particular from the
disciplines of public relations and marketing, can be particularly useful
in public diplomacy campaigns. Marketing-oriented thinking was
anathema and even a vulgarization to traditional diplomacy, but is
slowly but surely entering today’s diplomatic services. Finally, US
efforts aimed at links with domestic civil society organizations operating
overseas and so-called ‘citizen diplomacy’ confirm the relevance of the
hinterland. Domestic public diplomacy’ can in a way be seen as the
successor to public affairs during the Cold War, and its objectives go
beyond traditional constituency-building.
After 11 September 2001, which triggered a global debate on public
diplomacy, ‘PD’ has become an issue in foreign ministries from all
countries, ranging from Canada to New Zealand and from Argentina to
Mongolia. Many ministries of foreign affairs now develop a public
diplomacy policy of their own, and few would like to be caught out
without at least paying lip-service to the latest fashion in the conduct of
international relations. Their association with public diplomacy can be
seen as a symptom of the rise of soft power in international relations or, at
another level, as the effect of broader processes of change in diplomatic
practice, calling for transparency and transnational collaboration. The
new public diplomacy is thus much more than a technical instrument
of foreign policy. It has in fact become part of the changing fabric of
international relations. Both small and large countries, ranging in size
from the United States to Belgium or even Liechtenstein, and with either
democratic or authoritarian regimes, such as China and Singapore, and
including the most affluent, such as Norway, and those that can be
counted among the world’s poorest nations, for example Ethiopia, have
in recent years displayed a great interest in public diplomacy.
It should, however, be stressed that it was not ‘9/11’ that triggered
most countries’ interest in public diplomacy. Many foreign ministries’
Between Theory and Practice 9
motives for prioritizing public diplomacy had relatively little to do with
US policy preoccupations such as the ‘war on terror’ or the relationship
with the Islamic world. What is true in a more general sense, however,
is that – as in the case of the United States – the rising popularity of
public diplomacy was most of the time a direct response to a downturn
in foreign perceptions. Most successful public diplomacy initiatives
were born out of necessity. They were reactive and not the product of
forward-looking foreign services caring about relationships with foreign
audiences as a new challenge in diplomatic practice. In Europe, the
German variant of public diplomacy –
politische Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
accompanied the foreign relations of the Federal Republic from the very
beginning in 1949, and it was a critical instrument in raising acceptance
and approval of Germany in other Western democracies. The external
image of postwar France, deeply hurt by the country’s humiliation in
the Second World War, also relied heavily on its
politique d’influence
the cultivation of national
. Smaller European countries have
experiences of their own. Austria’s public diplomacy wake-up call, for
instance, was the Waldheim affair, discrediting the then UN Secretary-
General because of his Nazi past. The Netherlands started seriously
professionalizing its
in the face of foreign opinion
that was horrified by ethical issues such as euthanasia legislation and
liberal policies on abortion and drugs, and the need for this defensive
public diplomacy has by no means abated.
Outside Western Europe, public diplomacy can often be seen to support
the most vital interests of nations. Some European countries that were
in a sense already part of the West and that have gone through a period
of transition, including aspirations of integration into larger multilateral
structures, have embraced public diplomacy with particular enthusiasm.
This perspective may help us to understand in part the recent success
stories of European transition countries such as Spain in the post-Franco
era, Finland after the Cold War, or Ireland in the aftermath of a long
period of relative isolation from mainland Europe. More recently,
Polish public diplomacy was successfully developed in the framework
of Poland’s strategy for NATO and EU membership (but now leaves
that country with a post-accession challenge). Such sharply focused
public diplomacy serving strategic foreign policy goals can nowadays be
witnessed among EU candidate members such as Bulgaria, Romania,
Croatia and Turkey – countries that have invested heavily in persuading
supposedly sceptical audiences in Western Europe. These countries’
motives in engaging in public diplomacy have everything to do with
their desire to integrate into the European and transatlantic world, with
10 The New Public Diplomacy
all the expected benefits of social stability, security and economic
More than nations in transition, Global South countries engaging in
public diplomacy have strong economic motives. During the Cold War,
public diplomacy was not a major concern in the poverty-stricken part
of the world, but more interest could gradually be discerned in how
public diplomacy or nation-branding can contribute to development.
Apart from the slowly growing interest in the Global South, there are a
number of exceptional cases where public diplomacy was triggered by
specific events or came into the picture almost naturally. After the 2002
Bali bombing in Indonesia, for instance, public diplomacy was given
top priority and received attention at cabinet level. Terrorism caused
the Indonesian foreign ministry to prioritize public diplomacy, as it was
thought to be instrumental in dealing with the crisis in the tourist sector.
Alternatively, countries that would have gone largely unnoticed outside
their own region if geopolitics and security issues had not placed them
in the spotlight of world attention have become sharply aware of the
power of perceptions in international relations. Pakistan is a case in
point. Few diplomats are probably more aware of the effects of foreign
views on their country, which is loosely associated with military tensions
and skirmishes along the border with India, nuclear proliferation, assist-
ance to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, and Islamic extremism.
So-called ‘rogue states’ in the Global South, deprived as they are of
regular diplomatic networks and structurally handicapped in their dip-
lomatic relations with other states, also see communication with foreign
publics as an essential instrument in their diplomatic toolbox. A country
like North Korea does not have many alternatives to resorting to the
public gallery. Rogue or pariah states, it could be argued, like other small
actors in international relations, have even benefited to a dispropor-
tionate degree from the decentralization of information power.
But these and other cases of public diplomacy bridging major divides
in international relations, such as the well-known practice of communi-
cation with foreign publics by socialist powers, are in fact exceptional.
As a structural development, public diplomacy above all thrives in
highly interdependent regions and between countries that are linked by
multiple transnational relationships and therefore a substantial degree
of ‘interconnectedness’ between their civil societies. The emphasis in the
present debate on public diplomacy is on the United States and its
relationship with the Islamic world, but public diplomacy is widely prac-
tised outside North America and much of it in fact antedates the current
US preoccupation with ‘winning foreign hearts and minds’.
Between Theory and Practice 11
Defining the new public diplomacy
The world in which public diplomacy was considered as one of the
leftovers of diplomatic dialogue is rapidly disappearing. So is the world
in which public diplomacy can easily be dismissed as an attempt at
manipulation of foreign publics. In order to understand the new public
diplomacy properly, it is neither helpful to hang on to past images of
diplomacy (still prevailing in much diplomatic studies’ literature), nor
is it advisable to make a forward projection of historical practices into
the present international environment (in the case of equalling public
diplomacy to traditional propaganda). The new public diplomacy will
be an increasingly standard component of overall diplomatic practice
and is more than a form of propaganda conducted by diplomats. True,
many foreign ministries are still struggling to put the concept into
practice in a multi-actor international environment, and some diplomatic
services do in fact construct their public diplomacy on a formidable
tradition of propaganda-making. But public diplomacy’s imperfections
should not obscure the fact that it gradually becomes woven into the
fabric of mainstream diplomatic activity. In a range of bilateral relation-
ships it has already become the bread and butter of many diplomats’
work, as for instance in the US–Canadian relationship, in relations
between West European countries, or between some South-East Asian
neighbours. As a Canadian ambassador to Washington observed: the
new diplomacy, as I call it, is, to a large extent, public diplomacy and
requires different skills, techniques, and attitudes than those found in
traditional diplomacy’.
In Europe, public diplomacy has also become
a staple commodity in international affairs. A much-quoted 2002
report by the German
Auswärtiges Amt
(foreign ministry) came to a
conclusion of historical proportions about the role of EU embassies in
other member states: ‘in Europe public diplomacy is viewed as the
number one priority over the whole spectrum of issues’.
Both exam-
ples underline a broader point: in regions characterized by a great deal
of economic and/or political interdependence as well as a high level of
interconnection at the level of civil society, public diplomacy has
become essential in diplomatic relations.
Perhaps the most succinct definition of public diplomacy is given by
Paul Sharp in his chapter, where he describes it as ‘the process by which
direct relations with people in a country are pursued to advance the
interests and extend the values of those being represented’. Writing
15 years earlier, Hans Tuch defined public diplomacy as ‘a government’s
process of communicating with foreign publics in an attempt to bring
12 The New Public Diplomacy
about understanding for its nation’s ideas and ideals, its institutions
and culture, as well as its national goals and policies’.
Tuch claimed
neither that public diplomacy was something like a new diplomatic par-
adigm, nor that it in any sense replaced the discreet and confidential
relationships between state representatives, which of course it does not.
It is indeed important to stress the limits of what is new and not to
overstate the importance of public diplomacy.
Tuch’s definition is persuasive, but where this analysis differs is first
of all that it does not see public diplomacy, or indeed diplomacy in
general, as a uniquely stately activity, even though it stresses the practice
of states. Large and small non-state actors, and supranational and
subnational players develop public diplomacy policies of their own.
Under media-minded Kofi Annan, the UN shows supranational public
diplomacy in action, and Barroso’s European Commission has given
top priority to the EU’s public communication strategy. Interestingly,
however, as John Hemery relates in his chapter, neither of these two
organizations is actually giving much attention to public diplomacy
training of its internationally operating staff, which seems to be evidence
that they are public diplomacy novices. Non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) have also demonstrated that they are particularly adept at
influencing foreign publics. Definitely not all campaigns by globally
operating NGOs such as Greenpeace or Amnesty International have
turned out to be equally successful, but their effectiveness has generally
drawn the admiration of foreign ministries that are trying to operate in
increasingly fluid international networks. What is more, one can observe
converging interests among states and NGOs – actors that previously
looked at one another with suspicion and as competitors. The 1997
Ottawa Convention (the treaty banning landmines) and establishment
of the International Criminal Court are only two prominent examples
of a number of global governance initiatives where states, NGOs and
the UN have joined forces in mobilizing international public opinion.
International companies operating in a global marketplace are now also
facing up to their social and ethical responsibilities, and their public
diplomacy policies are slowly but surely becoming more sophisticated.
Some do better than others: many countries envy the professionalism
and public diplomacy muscle of some major multinational corporations.
In other words, diplomacy is operative in a network environment rather
than the hierarchical state-centric model of international relations, as
Brian Hocking argues in the following chapter. What is of interest here
is that in the field of public diplomacy different types of actors can
learn vital lessons from each other.
Between Theory and Practice 13
Second, public diplomacy is aimed at foreign publics, and strategies
for dealing with such publics should be distinguished from the
domestic socialization of diplomacy. Nevertheless, separating public
affairs (aimed at domestic audiences) from public diplomacy (dealing
with overseas target groups) is increasingly at odds with the ‘intercon-
nected’ realities of global relationships. It is commonly known that
information directed at a domestic audience often reaches foreign
publics, or the other way round, but the relationship between public
affairs and public diplomacy has become more intricate than that.
Engaging with one’s own domestic constituency with a view to foreign
policy development and external identity-building has become part of
the public diplomacy strategy of countries as diverse as Canada, Chile
and Indonesia.
In a domestic context the socialization of diplomacy is
a familiar theme for foreign ministries, but it is one that deserves
renewed attention as the domestic and foreign dimensions of engage-
ment with ‘the public’ are more connected than ever before. This is, for
instance, the case in the debate on the supposed intercultural divide
between the West and the Islamic world, and is illustrated by the fact
that the British Foreign Office now talks through Middle Eastern policy
with moderate domestic Muslim organizations. Both public diplomacy
and public affairs are directly affected by the forces of globalization and
the recent revolution in communication technology. In an era in which
it has become increasingly important to influence world opinion,
domestic and international communication with the public has
become an increasingly complex challenge for foreign ministries.
Third, public diplomacy is often portrayed as a one-way information
flow, and at best one in two directions, but essentially aimed at relaying
positive aspects of a country to foreign publics. In reality, and as is
presently emerging in a number of countries, some of the more intelligent
initiatives remind us less of the traditional activities of information
departments. The main task of press and information departments was,
and in many cases unfortunately still is, dissemination of information
and coordination of relations with the press. The new public diplomacy
moves away from – to put it crudely – peddling information to foreigners
and keeping the foreign press at bay, towards engaging with foreign
audiences. The innovative ‘niche diplomacy’ of Norway and Canada –
two vanguard countries in the field of public diplomacy that are discussed
in the chapter by Alan Henrikson – is a case in point. A learning process
is therefore taking place, although not in as many places as one would
hope, but it is quite clear that the new public diplomacy is here to stay.
International actors accept more and more that they have to engage in
14 The New Public Diplomacy
dialogue with foreign audiences as a condition of success in foreign
policy. To be sure, public diplomacy is no altruistic affair and it is not a
‘soft’ instrument. It can pursue a wide variety of objectives, such as in
the field of political dialogue, trade and foreign investment, the estab-
lishment of links with civil society groups beyond the opinion gatekeepers,
but also has ‘hard power’ goals such as alliance management, conflict
prevention or military intervention.
As a diplomatic method, public diplomacy is far from uniform and
some public campaigns have little to do with international advocacy.
As mentioned above, public diplomacy is increasingly prominent in
bilateral relations but can also be actively pursued by international
Public diplomacy’s national variant is more competitive,
whereas multilateral public diplomacy can be seen as a more cooperative
form of engagement with foreign publics. Referring to the latter, Mark
Leonard rightly suggests that there is little advantage in making, for
instance, civil society-building or the promotion of good governance an
activity explicitly coming from one single country.
Yet there are other unconventional forms of public diplomacy.
A political leader may even engage in public diplomacy in defence of a
foreign counterpart’s international reputation. This was the case in
2004 when Tony Blair, Gerhard Schröder and other heads of government
visited Libyan leader Qaddafi in an ostentatious show of support of this
former rogue state leader, who was until recently branded as an interna-
tional outlaw and exponent of state terrorism. It is not the purpose here
to list unusual displays of public diplomacy, but an interesting one
deserves mention: the intentional divulging of bad news, such as the
deliberate spreading of news about one’s own country that is bound to
be received abroad as an adverse development. A recent example of
‘negative branding’ was the Dutch Ministry of Justice’s communication
in 2004 that 26,000 illegal asylum seekers would eventually be expelled
from the Netherlands. This bombshell about the ‘expulsion’ or ‘potential
mass deportation’ of foreigners by a country with a reputation for
liberal immigration policies quickly spread via the worldwide web and
did indeed have the intended effect of a subsequent decrease of refugee
flows to the Netherlands. Such initiatives have a direct effect on foreign
policy and bilateral relations with other countries, which leads our
discussion to the more general point of the relationship between public
diplomacy and foreign policy.
It is tempting to see public diplomacy as just another instrument of
foreign policy, as was mentioned above in relation to the recent debate
in the United States. One should caution for too close a nexus between
Between Theory and Practice 15
foreign policy and public diplomacy, however, as this may damage a
country’s credibility in its communications with foreign audiences. The
view that public diplomacy activities are essentially aimed at creating a
public opinion in a country ‘that will enable target-country political
leaders to make decisions that are supportive of advocate-country’s for-
eign policy objectives’, is too mechanistic and ambitious.
What is prob-
lematic with the approach of public diplomacy as an immediate foreign
policy tool is that it exposes public diplomacy to the contradictions,
discontinuities, fads and fancies of foreign policy. If it is too closely tied
to foreign policy objectives, it runs the risk of becoming counterproduc-
tive and indeed a failure when foreign policy itself is perceived to be a
failure. In such circumstances, a foreign ministry’s public diplomacy
becomes a liability and no longer serves as a diplomatic tool that has
the special quality of being able to go where traditional diplomacy can-
not. In any case, it should be borne in mind that the influence that gov-
ernment actions can bring about in other societies tends to be limited.
US experiences after September 2001 are a case in point. In the first
Bush administration’s conception of public diplomacy as an instrument
in the service of short-term objectives, it appeared hard to steer policy
in a direction that dissociated public diplomacy from the ‘war on terror’
and the ‘clash of civilizations’. In these circumstances, and against the
background of US policy in the Middle East, target populations in the
Islamic world and elsewhere could not be blamed for seeing US public
diplomacy under Bush as ‘a velvet fist in an iron glove’.
Public diplomacy should of course not be developed regardless of a
country’s foreign policy, and it should be in tune with medium-term
objectives and long-term aims. Public diplomacy builds on trust and
credibility, and it often works best with a long horizon. It is, however,
realistic to aspire to influencing the milieu factors that constitute the
psychological and political environment in which attitudes and policies
towards other countries are debated. The milieu aims of public diplomacy
should not, however, be confused with those of international lobbying.
The latter aims at directly influencing specific policies, and the individuals
targeted in lobbying are without exception those who are in the loop of
the policy process. In contrast, there is only so much that public diplo-
macy can achieve, and the case for modest objectives is even stronger
where public diplomacy aims at spanning bridges between different
cultures. When bilateral relationships are complicated by a cultural
divide between the civil societies involved, it will be harder for diplomats
to find the right interlocutors and to strike the right tone. It is, for
instance, one thing to confess to the necessity of speaking with the
16 The New Public Diplomacy
‘Arab street’, but quite another to get through to youngsters in their
formative years in the highly politicized societies of Middle Eastern
countries. The next hurdle is to make sure that information is received
in the way that it was intended, which is far from easy as people tend to
be suspicious of foreign officials’ motives. In too many societies,
members of the public are unfortunately justified in making fun of
anyone who places trust in their own government’s representatives.
When it comes to dealing with the public, diplomats therefore have to
work harder to achieve the credibility that is essential to facilitate foreign
relationships. This is true in countries where government is not trusted,
but also in stable democracies diplomats know that they may not be the
best messengers when it comes to communicating with the public. As
Shaun Riordan suggests in his chapter, public diplomacy is made more
effective with the help of non-governmental agents of the sending coun-
try’s own civil society and by employing local networks in target countries.
Public diplomacy and related concepts
Three concepts that deserve brief attention in a discussion on public
diplomacy are propaganda, nation-branding and foreign cultural relations.
Similar to public diplomacy, propaganda and nation-branding are
about the communication of information and ideas to foreign publics
with a view to changing their attitudes towards the originating country
or reinforcing existing beliefs. Propaganda and nation-branding,
however, neither point to the concept of diplomacy, nor do they generally
view communication with foreign publics in the context of changes in
contemporary diplomacy. The practice of cultural relations has tradition-
ally been close to diplomacy, although it is clearly distinct from it, but
recent developments in both fields now reveal considerable overlap
between the two concepts.
Separating the new public diplomacy from propaganda
Propaganda has a much longer intellectual pedigree than public diplomacy
and in the context of this introductory discussion it is impossible to do
justice to the literature on propaganda. Students of propaganda see public
diplomacy as an outgrowth of propaganda, a phenomenon with common
historical roots and roughly similar characteristics, and there is therefore
general agreement that it can be submerged into the pre-existing concept
of propaganda. Such an approach is facilitated by a broad and inclusive
definition of propaganda. According to Welch, for instance, propaganda is
‘the deliberate attempt to influence the opinions of an audience
Between Theory and Practice 17
through the transmission of ideas and values for the specific purpose,
consciously designed to serve the interest of the propagandists and their
political masters, either directly or indirectly’.
Definitions such as this
are hard to distinguish from some of the definitions of public diplomacy
that are given above and are therefore virtually interchangeable. It is
then easy to see how public diplomacy can be pictured as a subset of
propaganda. In the best case, the former suggests a newly emerging
form of interconnection between governments and foreign publics.
Traditionalist students of diplomacy’s interpretations of public diplomacy
approximate this view, albeit from a completely different vantage
They see public diplomacy as a corrupted form of diplomatic
communication that is occasionally useful and therefore not necessarily
anti-diplomatic – a view that is shared by some practitioners. As Richard
Holbrooke wrote: ‘Call it public diplomacy, call it public affairs, psycho-
logical warfare, if you really want to be blunt, propaganda’.
Two key features of propaganda are its historical baggage and the
popular understanding of it as manipulation and deceit of foreign
publics. Propaganda is commonly understood to be a concept with
highly negative connotations, reinforced by memories of Nazi and
Communist propaganda, Cold War tactics and, more recently, so-called
psychological operations in post-Cold War conflicts. But in contemporary
diplomatic practice, there are also fundamentally different and less
objectionable ways of dealing with foreign publics. Few, for example,
would consider public campaigns by West European countries aimed at
civil society building, rule of law and the improvement of democracy in
Eastern Europe as propaganda. When unwinding the threads of propa-
ganda and public diplomacy, it does not make things easier that in the
public campaigns of some countries one can discern a mix of modern
public diplomacy and old-style propaganda, although sold as public
diplomacy. That should, however, not obscure the emergence of the
new public diplomacy as a significant development in contemporary
diplomatic practice. A category such as propaganda simply cannot cap-
ture the contemporary diversity in relations between diplomatic practi-
tioners and increasingly assertive foreign publics. For instance, it seems
hard to equal Dutch diplomats – discussing the Netherlands’ integration
policy in the context of Germany’s debate on the risks of radicalization
among Islamic minorities – to propagandists. Neither is a Canadian diplo-
mat discussing environmental issues with US civil society groups neces-
sarily practising propaganda.
For academics there seems to be an easier way out of this conundrum
than for practitioners just doing their job. If propaganda is to be a
18 The New Public Diplomacy
useful concept, as Nick Cull argues, ‘it first has to be divested of its
pejorative connotations’. In this view, propaganda should be seen a
wide-ranging and ethically neutral political activity that is to be distin-
guished from categories such as information and education. What
separates propaganda from education or information (assuming that
these two are uncontroversial and straightforward!) is that it ‘tries to tell
people what to think. Information and education are concerned with
broadening the audience’s perspectives and opening their minds, but
propaganda strives to narrow and preferably close them. The distinc-
tion lies in the purpose’.
With public diplomacy presented as a variety
of propaganda, it would hence also be an activity that has as its conscious
or unconscious purpose the narrowing or closing of the minds of tar-
geted publics abroad. At first glance, the record may indeed seem to
point in this direction. Governments have tried to fool foreign publics
rather too often. Even many of today’s official information campaigns
aimed at other countries’ societies are basically a form of one-way messag-
ing, and a number of countries that pay lip-service to public diplomacy
actually have a better track record in the field of manipulating public
opinion. It is true that our collective memory of official communication
with publics in other countries is contaminated by past examples –
more than just occasionally confirmed by present practice – of states
practising propaganda in the sense of narrowing people’s minds.
Some contemporary authors on public diplomacy hardly seem
bothered by such questions and merely assert that today’s public diplo-
macy is different.
An early definition of propaganda nevertheless
points to a useful indirect differentiation between public diplomacy
and propaganda, describing the latter as ‘a process that deliberately
attempts through persuasion techniques to secure from the propagandee,
before he can deliberate freely
, the responses desired by the propagandist’.
The distinction between propaganda and public diplomacy lies in the
pattern of communication. Modern public diplomacy is a ‘two-way
street’, even though the diplomat practising it will of course always
have his own country’s interests and foreign policy goals in mind
(which most likely inspired his or her association with the public in the
first place). It is persuasion by means of dialogue that is based on a liberal
notion of communication with foreign publics. In other words, public
diplomacy is similar to propaganda in that it tries to persuade people
what to think, but it is fundamentally different from it in the sense that
public diplomacy also listens to what people have to say. The new public
diplomacy that is gradually developing – and if it is to have any future
in modern diplomatic practice – is not one-way messaging. As one
Between Theory and Practice 19
senior diplomat said at a British Council conference: ‘The world is fed
up with hearing us talk: what it actually wants is for us to shut up and
The crux becomes clear in Jay Black’s description of propa-
ganda: ‘Whereas creative communication accepts pluralism and displays
expectations that its receivers should conduct further investigations of
its observations, allegations and conclusions, propaganda does not
appear to do so’. Black is perfectly right that it is possible to conduct
public relations and persuasion campaigns without being unduly prop-
Meaningful communication between official agents and
foreign publics may have been extremely difficult or even impossible in
the past; but it is certainly not too far-fetched in the increasingly
complex web of transnational relations that is presently in the making.
Public diplomacy and the challenge of nation-branding
The second concept in relation to this discussion is nation-branding or
-branding – one of the last frontiers in the marketing disci-
pline. The practice of branding a nation involves a much greater and
coordinated effort than public diplomacy. For one, public diplomacy is
initiated by practitioners, whereas branding is about the mobilization
of all of a nation’s forces that can contribute to the promotion of its
image abroad. Paradoxically, for the very same reason, nation-branding
and public diplomacy are sisters under the skin, and this explains why
foreign ministries in a great variety of countries have expressed an inter-
est in branding. In light of the overlap between the two fields, it is in
fact surprising that the debates on nation-branding and public diplo-
macy pass one another like ships in the night. This can partly be
accounted for by the fact that students of branding stick to the field of
international marketing and have little affinity with the field of diplo-
Simon Anholt put it perhaps most bluntly, writing that there is
‘a lot of confusion about this term “public diplomacy” and what it
really means. I myself do not use the term until I really have to’.
this perspective, marketing is seen as the master of all disciplines, and
communication with foreign publics is more than anything else a matter
of applying its principles to international relations. The contrary view
taken here is that it does not serve either nation-branding or public
diplomacy if the two discourses are completely separated. They are
distinct but not entirely dissimilar responses to the increased salience of
countries’ identities and also to globalization’s effect of international
homogenization (next to, of course, a trend towards cultural frag-
mentation). Modern nations look more and more like one another, and
there are few things that officials detest more than their country being
20 The New Public Diplomacy
confused with others that are seen to be ranking further down the
league table of nations. Well known is Slovenia’s fear of being taken for
Two conceptual differences between nation-branding and public
diplomacy immediately meet the eye. First, branding’s level of ambition
easily outflanks that of the limited aims and modesty of most public
diplomacy campaigns. Put simply, for public diplomats the world is no
market and practitioners are constantly reminded of the fact that
diplomatic communication is only a flimsy part of the dense and
multilayered transnational communication processes. In other words,
the strength of public diplomacy lies in the recognition and acceptance
of its limitations. Many public diplomacy campaigns are based on the
common-sense assumption that they are by no means the decisive factor
in determining foreign perceptions. In contrast, the main feature of
branding projects is their holistic approach. The language of nation-
branders resembles the ‘can-do’ approach from the practice of marketing
and the clarity of strategic vision from the corporate world. It is hard to
deny that the idiom of branding is ‘cool’ and promising, and branding
has particularly attracted countries with a weak international image or a
reputation that leaves much to be desired. It is looked upon favourably
in a number of transition countries and also among the very small and
‘invisible’ nations. It is perhaps no wonder that the likes of Liechtenstein
and Estonia were attracted by the lure of branding, even though it is
important to emphasize that to the present day no outside expert has
succeeded in re-branding a single country. Experienced consultants
know from first-hand experience the immense difficulties of influencing
foreign perceptions, as also becomes clear from Wally Olins’ chapter. As
Anholt writes: ‘Brand management is often, as we know, something quite
humble: the cautious and slow-moving husbandry of existing perceptions.
It is a process as unglamorous as it is unscandalous and, not coincidentally,
hard stuff to get journalists excited’.
Second, nation-branding accentuates a country’s identity and reflects
its aspirations, but it cannot move much beyond existing social realities.
The art of branding is often essentially about reshaping a country’s
self-image and moulding its identity in a way that makes the re-branded
nation stand out from the pack. Crucially, it is about the articulation
and projection of identity. The new public diplomacy does not at all
contradict nation-branding, and there are various reasons to suggest
that it prospers particularly well in a country that is also putting an
effort into branding. Branding and public diplomacy are in fact largely
complementary. Both are principally aimed at foreign publics but have
Between Theory and Practice 21
a vitally important domestic dimension, and in contrast to much
conventional diplomacy both have foreign rather than one’s own per-
ceptions as their starting point. Branding and public diplomacy are also
likely to be more successful if they are seen as long-term approaches
rather than seen as being dominated by the issues of the day.
instead of aiming at the projection of identity, public diplomacy is fun-
damentally different from branding in that it is first of all about pro-
moting and maintaining smooth international relationships. In an
international environment that is characterized by multiple links
between civil societies and the growing influence of non-governmental
actors, public diplomacy reinforces the overall diplomatic effort in the
sense that it strengthens relationships with non-official target groups
Interestingly, the modus operandi of the new public diplomacy is not
entirely different from the public relations approach. As Benno Signitzer
and Timothy Coombs observe in a comparative study, the objectives of
both reveal evident similarities: ‘Virtually any introductory public
relations text will note public relations is used to achieve information
exchange, the reduction of misconceptions, the creation of goodwill,
and the construction of an image’.
To be sure, a lesson that public
diplomacy can take on board from the sometimes misunderstood field
of PR is that the strength of firm relationships largely determines the
receipt and success of individual messages and overall attitudes. Laurie
Wilson’s conclusion on the creation of strategic cooperative communities
also applies to public diplomacy:
It is important for practitioners to devote some time to identifying
and building relationships, or they will forever be caught in the reac-
tive mode of addressing immediate problems with no long-term
vision or coordination of strategic efforts. It is like being trapped in a
leaky boat: If you spend all your time bailing and none of it rowing,
you will never get to shore.
The overlap of cultural relations with the new public diplomacy
Cultural relations are in a way closer to recent trends in the new public
diplomacy than propaganda and nation-branding. In cultural relations
as much as in the new public diplomacy, the accent is increasingly on
engaging with foreign audiences rather than selling messages, on mutu-
ality and the establishment of stable relationships instead of mere
policy-driven campaigns, on the ‘long haul’ rather than short-term
needs, and on winning ‘hearts and minds’ and building trust. Whereas
22 The New Public Diplomacy
traditional cultural relations are often thought of as a pretty straightfor-
ward (and undervalued) adjunct to inter-state relations, they now also
include entirely new areas and social responsibilities. To be sure, there
are still plenty of reasons for traditional foreign cultural activities, but
in the view of many practitioners cultural relations as a wider concept
now also include new priorities, such as the promotion of human rights
and the spread of democratic values, notions such as good governance,
and the role of the media in civil society. As Mette Lending argues, the
new emphasis on public diplomacy confirms the fact that the familiar
divide between cultural and information activities is being eradicated:
cultural exchange is not only ‘art’ and ‘culture’ but also communi-
cating a country’s thinking, research, journalism and national
debate. In this perspective, the traditional areas of cultural exchange
become part of a new type of international communication and the
growth of ‘public diplomacy’ becomes a reaction to the close connec-
tion between cultural, press and information activities, as a result of
new social, economic and political realities.
Modern cultural relations as a wider concept result in a measure of
overlap with the work of diplomats, particularly those practising public
diplomacy. This gradual convergence between public diplomacy and
cultural relations blurs traditional distinctions and meets opposition.
Cultural relations’ enthusiasts may fear that the new public diplomacy
is encroaching upon their field, whereas traditional public diplomacy
practitioners may feel that the practice of influencing foreign publics is
being diluted by new practices. Both will have to come to terms with
current transformations in diplomatic practice and transnational rela-
tions. The new public diplomacy is no longer confined to messaging,
promotion campaigns, or even direct governmental contacts with foreign
publics serving foreign policy purposes. It is also about building relation-
ships with civil society actors in other countries and about facilitating
networks between non-governmental parties at home and abroad.
Tomorrow’s diplomats will become increasingly familiar with this kind
of work, and in order to do it much better they will increasingly have to
piggyback on non-governmental initiatives, collaborate with non-official
agents and benefit from local expertise inside and outside the embassy.
Cultural institutes prefer to keep the term ‘cultural relations’ for their
own activities, serving the national interest indirectly by means of trust-
building abroad. Cultural relations are in this view distinct from
(public) diplomacy, in the sense that they represent the non-governmental
Between Theory and Practice 23
voice in transnational relations. As Martin Rose and Nick Wadham-Smith
write, diplomacy is ‘not primarily about building trust, but about
achieving specific, policy-driven transactional objectives. Trust is often
a by-product of diplomacy, but tends to be in the shorter rather than
the longer term. Nations don’t have permanent friends, as Palmerston
put it: they only have permanent interests’. Rose and Wadham-Smith’s
concern is that if their work becomes indistinguishable from public
diplomacy, cultural relations’ practitioners will not be trusted: ‘they
risk being seen as a “front” for political interests. This damages not only
our ability to do cultural relations, but also our ability to do public
Arguably, however, diplomacy takes place in an inter-
national environment that can no longer be described as exclusively
state-centric, and diplomats have a stake in different forms of transnational
relations. Tomorrow’s public diplomacy practitioners will be operators
in complex transnational networks, and trust-building and the facilitation
of cross-border civil society links is therefore part of their core business.
In his own day Palmerston may have been right in saying that nations
did not have permanent friends, but the art of diplomacy now also
involves getting other people on one’s side. In order to safeguard their
interests in a globalized world, countries need ‘permanent friends’ in
other nations. Foreign ministries are therefore unlikely to restrict their
public diplomacy to traditional, policy-oriented and increasingly inef-
fective one-way communication with foreign publics. Whatever the
consequences, the overlap between public diplomacy and postmodern
cultural relations is bound to grow, unless cultural relations’ practition-
ers return to a more limited conception of their work.
Conclusion: diplomacy and the ordinary individual
Diplomacy is the management of change, and for many centuries the
institution of diplomacy has indeed succeeded in adapting to multiple
changes in an expanding international society. Diplomatic practice
today not only deals with transformations in the relations between
states, but progressively it also needs to take into account the changing
fabric of transnational relations. For diplomats the host countries’ civil
society matters in a way that was inconceivable only a generation ago.
The ordinary individual is increasingly visible in the practice of
diplomacy, particularly in the areas of public diplomacy and consular
relations. As to the latter, looking after one’s own citizen-consumers
abroad has become a major growth sector for foreign ministries, and
there is probably no area of diplomatic work that has more potential to
24 The New Public Diplomacy
affect the foreign ministry’s reputation at home. Public diplomacy is
another such growth sector and anything but an ephemeral phenomenon.
There are, of course, vast areas of diplomatic work and plenty of bilateral
relationships where contacts with the public abroad have no priority,
but the number of countries exploring public diplomacy’s potential will
continue to grow. It is probably no exaggeration to suggest that this
development is an indication of the fact that the evolution of diplomacy
has reached a new stage. Those who see public diplomacy as postmodern
propaganda or as lip-service to the latest fashion in the conduct of
international relations therefore miss a fundamental point.
People have always mattered to diplomats, but this point has taken
on a new meaning. The democratization of access to information has
turned citizens into independent observers as well as assertive partici-
pants in international politics, and the new agenda of diplomacy has
only added to the leverage of loosely organized groups of individuals.
Issues at the grass roots of civil society have become the bread and butter
of diplomacy at the highest levels. Foreign ministries increasingly take
into account the concerns of ordinary people – and they have good
reasons for doing so. The explosive growth of non-state actors in the
past decade, the growing influence of transnational protest movements
and the meteoric rise of the new media have restricted official diplo-
macy’s freedom of manoeuvre. Non-official players have turned out to
be extremely agile and capable of mobilizing support at a speed that is
daunting for rather more unwieldy foreign policy bureaucracies. The
wider public turns out to be an even harder target for diplomats. Foreign
publics do not tend to follow agreed rules, nor do they usually have
clearly articulated aims. Many diplomats are baffled by the elusiveness
and apparent unpredictability of public groups in foreign civil societies,
which makes the challenge of public diplomacy a real one.
Working with ‘ordinary people’ is a formidable challenge for diplomatic
practitioners who feel more comfortable operating within their own
professional circle. Traditional diplomatic culture is slowly eroding and
sits rather uneasily with the demands of public diplomacy. Although there
are many success stories that can be told, broadly speaking diplomatic
attitudes and habits – steeped in many centuries of tradition – are still
more peer-oriented than is desirable for foreign ministries with ambitions
in the field of public diplomacy. The dominant perspective in diplomatic
services is hardly capable of conceiving of the individual in any other
than a passive role. For these and other reasons, the rise of soft power in
international relations is testing diplomats’ flexibility to the full. Public
diplomacy cannot be practised successfully without accepting that the
Between Theory and Practice 25
game that nations play has fundamentally changed, and it implies a
rather more important role for the twenty-first century ambassador
than is sometimes suggested. In recent decades diplomatic services have
gone through other difficult transitions, with states adapting to the
growing complexity of multilateral decision-making and learning to
live with the rise of multiple actors in international affairs, but dealing
with foreign publics may prove a harder nut to crack. Engaging with
foreign societies requires a totally different mindset. Among other
things it supposes the taking of calculated risks, abandoning the illu-
sion of near-complete control over one’s own initiatives, and it is based
on outreach techniques that were unknown to previous generations of
practitioners. Newcomers to the world’s diplomatic services therefore
deserve good preparation for the changed realities of their profession
and students of diplomacy would benefit from new thinking about the
conduct of international relations.
1. Michael Kunczik, ‘Transnational Public Relations by Foreign Governments’,
Sriramesh, Krishnamurthy and Dejan Vercic (eds), The Global Public
Relations Handbook: Theory, Research and Practice (Mahwah NJ and London:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003), pp. 399–405. On France and nation-
branding, see the chapter in this book by Wally Olins.
2. On nation-branding, see Wally Olins’ chapter in this book and Wally Olins
On Brand (London: Thames & Hudson, 2003).
3. See, for instance, Joseph S. Nye, ‘Soft Power’, Foreign Policy, no. 80, autumn
1990; Joseph S. Nye and William A. Owens, ‘America’s Information Edge’,
Foreign Affairs, vol. 75, no. 2, March/April 1996; and, for a recent elaboration
of this concept, see Joseph S. Nye, Soft Power: The Means to Success in World
Politics (New York: Public Affairs, 2004).
4. E. H. Carr, The Twenty Years’ Crisis 1919–1939: An Introduction to the Study of
International Relations (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1983 (first edn 1939)),
pp. 132 and 141.
5. Nye, Soft Power, pp. 31 and 32.
6. Hans N. Tuch, Communicating With the World: US Public Diplomacy Overseas
(New York: St Martin’s Press 1990); and Wilson P. Dizard, Inventing Public
Diplomacy: The Story of the US Information Agency (Boulder CO and London:
Lynne Rienner, 2004).
7. Arno J. Mayer, Political Origins of the New Diplomacy 1917–1918 (New York:
Vintage Books, 1970).
8. Jan Melissen (ed.), Innovation in Diplomatic Practice (Basingstoke: Macmillan,
1999), pp. xvi–xvii.
9. Robert Cooper, The Breaking of Nations: Order and Chaos in the Twenty-First
Century (London: Atlantic Books, 2003), p. 76.
10. Shaun Riordan, The New Diplomacy (London: Polity, 2003), especially ch. 9.
26 The New Public Diplomacy
11. The Cato Handbook for Congress (Washington DC: The Cato Institute, 1994),
p. 308.
12. See, for instance, reports on public diplomacy by the Council on Foreign
Relations, the Brookings Institution, the United States Institute of Peace, the
Center for Security and International Studies, the Institute for the Study of
Diplomacy, and also various US Congressional reports.
13. On US citizen diplomacy, see Sherry Mueller, ‘The Power of Citizen
Diplomacy’, Foreign Service Journal, March 2002, pp. 23–9.
14. Simon Anholt, Brand New Justice: How Branding Places and Products Can Help
the Developing World (Amsterdam: Butterworth Heinemann, 2005).
15. Jamie Frederic Metzl, ‘Popular Diplomacy’, Daedalus, vol. 128, no. 2, spring
1999, pp. 177–9.
16. Allan Gottlieb, ‘I’ll be with You in a Minute, Mr Ambassador’: The Education of
a Canadian Diplomat in Washington (Toronto: Toronto University Press,
1991) p. vii.
17. Ambassador K. T. Paschke, Report on the Special Inspection of 14 German
Embassies in the Countries of the European Union (Berlin: Auswärtiges Amt,
18. Hans Tuch, Communicating With the World: US Public Diplomacy Overseas
(New York: St Martin’s Press, 1990), p. 3.
19. On countries and companies ‘swapping places’, see Wally Olins, Trading
Identities: Why Countries and Companies are Taking on Each Others’ Roles
(London: Foreign Policy Centre, 1999).
20. See for instance Evan H. Potter, Canada and the New Public Diplomacy,
Clingendael Discussion Papers in Diplomacy, no. 81 (The Hague: Netherlands
Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’, 2002); and interviews
with foreign diplomats.
21. For an interesting case study, see Michael Merlingen and Zenet Mujic,
‘Public Diplomacy and the OSCE in the Age of Post-International Politics:
The Case of the Field Mission in Croatia’, Security Dialogue, vol. 34, no. 3,
pp. 269–83.
22. On competitive and collaborative diplomacy, see Mark Leonard with Catherine
Stead and Conrad Smewing, Public Diplomacy (London: Foreign Policy
Centre, 2002), pp. 22–30.
23. Michael McClellan, ‘Public Diplomacy in the Context of Traditional Diplo-
macy’, in Gerhard Reiweger (ed.), Public Diplomacy, Favorita Papers, 01/2004
(Vienna: Diplomatische Akademie, 2004), pp. 23 and 24.
24. Mark Leonard, ‘Diplomacy by Other Means’, Foreign Policy, September/
October 2002, p. 56.
25. David Welch, ‘Powers of Persuasion’, History Today, 49, August 1999, pp. 24–6.
26. As two lexicographers suggest, public diplomacy is essentially ‘a late-twentieth-
century form of propaganda conducted by diplomats’; G. R. Berridge and
Alan James, A Dictionary of Diplomacy (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001), p. 197.
27. Richard Holbrooke, ‘Get The Message Out’, Washington Post, 28 October
28. Nicholas J. Cull, David Culbert and David Welch, Propaganda and Mass
Persuasion: A Historical Encyclopedia, 1500 to the Present (Oxford and Santa
Barbara CA: ABC-Clio, 2003), pp. xv–xxi.
Between Theory and Practice 27
29. Leonard, Stead and Smewing, Public Diplomacy, pp. 46–53; Nye, Soft Power,
p. 107.
30. E. H. Henderson, ‘Toward a Definition of Propaganda’, Journal of Social
Psychology, vol. 18, 1943 p. 83, emphasis added.
31. I owe this quotation to Martin Rose from Counterpoint, the cultural relations
think tank of the British Council.
32. Jay Black, ‘Semantics and Ethics of Propaganda’, Journal of Mass Media Ethics,
vol. 16, nos. 2 and 3, 1986, pp. 133 and 135.
33. Jan Melissen, ‘Where is Place Branding Heading’, Place Branding, vol. 1, no. 1,
2004, pp. 26–7.
34. Simon Anholt, ‘Theory and Practice of Place Branding’, Public Diplomacy and
the Media: Diplomatic Academy Proceedings, vol. 6, no. 1 (Zagreb: Diplomatic
Academy of the Republic of Croatia, 2004), p. 15.
35. Simon Anholt, ‘Introduction’, Journal of Brand Management, special issue on
‘Country as a Brand’, vol. 9, nos. 4–5, 2002.
36. Jan Melissen, ‘Publieksdiplomatie: een goede tandem met branding’, in
H. H. Duijvestijn et al., Branding NL: Nederland als merk (Den Haag: Stichting
Maatschappij en Onderneming, 2004), pp. 48–9.
37. Benno H. Signitzer and Timothy Coombs, ‘Public Relations and Public
Diplomacy: Conceptual Divergences’, Public Relations Review, vol. 18, no. 2,
summer 1992, pp. 139–40.
38. Laurie J. Wilson, ‘Strategic Cooperative Communities: A Synthesis of Strategic,
Issue-Management, and Relationship-Building Approaches in Public
Relations, in Hugh M. Culbertson and Ni Chen (eds), International Public
Relations: A Comparative Analysis (Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1996), p. 78.
39. Mette Lending, Change and Renewal: Norwegian Foreign Cultural Policy
2001–2005 (Oslo: Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2000),
pp. 1314.
40. Martin Rose and Nick Wadham-Smith, Mutuality, Trust and Cultural Relations
(London: The British Council, 2004), pp. 34–5.
Rethinking the ‘New’ Public
Brian Hocking
Events since 11 September 2001 have encouraged renewed debate on a
dimension of diplomacy that, in varying forms, has a considerable
pedigree. But, as with earlier debates concerning what is ‘old’ and ‘new’
in the practice of diplomacy, there is a danger here in failing to set the
key issues within the framework of broader changes in world politics.
More precisely, in the context of the theme of this book, current preoc-
cupations with implementing public diplomacy strategies and develop-
ing new mechanisms within foreign ministries for overseeing them lead
to the danger of misunderstanding the significance of public diplomacy
and confusing its role as a mode of exercising power with the changing
environments in which power is projected.
Moreover, this may help to explain the problems that governments
confront in utilizing public diplomacy – particularly in environments
marked by high levels of intercultural tension and conflict, such as
those in which we now find ourselves. This chapter suggests that the
current debate about state-based public diplomacy, while by no means
unimportant, has to be seen in the context of more profound trends
underpinning the changing nature of diplomacy as an activity and the
environment of world politics in which it operates. Indeed, public
diplomacy may be more important than we realize, but not always in
the ways sometimes assumed. Attempting to penetrate the multifaceted
nature of public diplomacy requires us first to unpick the threads of
which it is composed. Although clearly related, these provide differing
perspectives on the goals and assumptions underpinning its deploy-
ment. Second, it is suggested that we need to re-examine ‘soft power’
argumentation with which much of the public diplomacy debate has
Rethinking the ‘New’ Public Diplomacy 29
become entwined. Finally, the place of public diplomacy in two con-
trasting models of diplomacy will be distinguished: on the one hand, a
state-centred, hierarchical model in which renewed emphasis is given
to public diplomacy within the traditional image of intergovernmental
relations; and, on the other, a ‘network’ model of diplomacy. The
suggestion here is that there may be tension between the assumptions
on which the more traditional approaches to public diplomacy are con-
structed and the requirements of reconstituted public diplomacy strate-
gies that a network approach demands.
Unpicking the threads of public diplomacy
One of the problems in evaluating the place of public diplomacy within
the changing frameworks of world politics is that it subsumes a number
of themes that often suggest differing – if not conflicting – aims and
objectives. Recognizing this helps to explain both the roots of public
diplomacy strategies and why the expectations of their practitioners
may well be frustrated. The proposition that there is – or should be –
a link between the public and the practice of diplomacy embraces distinc-
tive elements. On the one hand, there is the thread of democratic
accountability, which Harold Nicholson identified as one of the elements
of the changing international environment following the Great War,
and which he feared would compromise the exercise of effective diplo-
However, a normative belief in ‘open diplomacy’, whose precise
definition was generally obscure, certainly did not imply an active role
on the part of the ‘public’, however that might be defined. Veteran
practitioners such as Canning – who recognized the potency of what he
referred to as ‘the fatal artillery of public excitation’ – Metternich and
Talleyrand were only too aware of the power of public opinion in the
maelstrom of European politics in the wake of the French Revolution
and sought to manipulate foreign opinion through use of the press.
A century and a half later, the impulse towards democratic accountability
had evolved into belief in the possibility of, or necessity for, direct public
involvement in diplomacy, as represented by advocates of ‘citizenship
summitry’ in what was to prove the closing phases of the Cold War.
According to one proponent of this approach, governments as complex
entities respond to many impulses but are most likely to respond to
perceptions of external threats, whereas the main source of peaceful
initiatives are ‘ordinary citizens and voluntary associations’.
The second thread is much more recent and weaves together some
of the assumptions underpinning the legacy of open diplomacy with
30 The New Public Diplomacy
those associated with globalization argumentation: the intensification
of social networks that transcend traditional boundaries, both geo-
graphical and those separating foreign and domestic policy agendas;
the expansion of social relations from those represented by financial
markets to those of terrorist groups; the compression of time and space
and the impact that each of these processes has on the way in which
people view their place in local and global environments.
These are linked together with a third thread, often subsumed within
the globalization debate but of particular significance in the evolution
of diplomacy, namely the technological developments implicit in such
terms as ‘cyber-diplomacy’, linking the impact of innovations in com-
munications and information technology (CIT) to foreign policy and
Potter argues that the primary force underpinning globali-
zation processes is the proliferation of linkages that developments in
fibre optics, cable and satellite communications affords and that these
carry with them profound questions for the future of diplomacy that are
essentially ‘about how states exchange, seek and target information’.
All of these developments offer opportunity for the redefinition of
public diplomacy in terms of an active role for publics rather than as
passive objects of government foreign policy strategies. The growth
of civil society and global social movements is changing the character
of multilateral diplomacy, as its intergovernmental credentials are
redefined in the light of growing participation by non-governmental
Utilization of new technologies – particularly the
internet – by NGOs in contexts such as the 1999 World Trade Organiza-
tion (WTO) summit in Seattle and the failed negotiations on the
Multilateral Agreement on Investment appear to offer groups and indi-
viduals a scope for direct action in international affairs that was not
hitherto available.
The impact of the media, despite its close association with develop-
ments in CIT, has come to assume a very significant fourth thread in
the public diplomacy debate that deserves separate treatment. The
proposition that electronic media is no longer a tool of governments’
public diplomacy strategies but is now itself capable of determining foreign
policy, especially in situations of dramatic humanitarian crisis, is enshrined
in the much-debated ‘CNN effect’. This is regarded as impacting on the
policy-maker–public link by generating pressure on the former to respond
to crisis events, and to do so in an often unplanned and incoherent
In fact, as a number of studies have argued, the reality is much
more complex. Whereas the media is able to act both as agenda-setter in
international politics and also gatekeeper, determining and regulating
Rethinking the ‘New’ Public Diplomacy 31
flows of information to publics, in practice it plays a variety of roles,
some of which may well be supportive of the goals of official diplomacy.
Moreover, technological developments such as the miniaturization of
IT equipment are producing what Livingston has termed a ‘post-CNN’
effect, as an unprecedented degree of global transparency in public
affairs, enabling individuals and groups to acquire information directly,
makes the quest for diplomatic confidentiality during negotiations ever
harder to maintain.
A fifth thread in the public diplomacy tapestry has become the sub-
ject of increasing debate since the mid-1990s, that is the preoccupation
with image in international politics and the possibility of states ‘rebranding’
themselves in the global marketplace. Of course, the significance of
image is not a new phenomenon in international politics. Just as Louis
XIV was aware of the significance of Versailles in an era when prestige
was an essential component of power, so Napoleon was conscious of
the impact of the portraits of him painted by his favourite artist,
Jean-Louis David. Image, in this sense, has a place on the realist
agenda, as John Hertz noted in the early 1980s when he suggested that
half of power politics consists of image-making.
However, the concern
with image and branding has moved on to reflect newer preoccupa-
tions, reflecting the fact that the direction of image management has
shifted from policy elites to a broader, mass market. Hence Mark Leonard’s
observation that ‘public diplomacy is based on the premise that the
image and reputation of a country are public goods which can create
either an enabling or a disabling environment for individual transac-
This has come about, it is argued, because of fundamental
changes in the nature of international politics as power politics are
reconfigured in an era of globalization.
On the one hand, in a situation
where economic power has enhanced significance, and the concepts of
the ‘trading state’
and the ‘competition state’
replace that based on
the primacy of military security, image determines the capacity to promote
exports, attract foreign investment and promote a country as a desirable
tourist destination.
Looked at another way, concerns with a country’s image might be
interpreted as a defensive reaction to globalization whereby governments,
pressured by internal and external forces, seek to redefine their identity
and role in an environment that challenges both.
In terms of goals,
image management aims to fulfil a range of objectives, from simply
making target audiences more familiar with a country (and the particu-
lar brand being peddled) to influencing the actions of others – potential
foreign investors, for example. But unlike one of the original functions
32 The New Public Diplomacy
of commercial branding, namely a guarantee of product quality, coun-
try branding reflects the belief that a flood of global communications is
making it harder for national communities to maintain a voice and
identity amid a welter of competing messages.
Taken together, these pieces in the public diplomacy jigsaw produce a
more intricate picture than is apparent at first sight – and certainly one
more complex than the assumptions on which some governments’ offi-
cial public diplomacy efforts appear to rest. Ideas now underpinning
contemporary analyses of public diplomacy rest on differing percep-
tions of what constitutes the ‘public’ and where it fits in diplomatic
practice. Thus one approach defines the public as a target of influence
generating pressures on foreign governments through their own domestic
constituencies, or even acting as an indirect tool in influencing opinion
at home. A variant on this perspective portrays the public as a mode of
influence on foreign policy-makers generated by media manipulation of
public opinion.
In contrast, public diplomacy is increasingly defined as diplomacy
rather than
publics. Here, individuals and groups, empowered by the
resources provided by the CIT revolution – and particularly the internet –
are direct participants in the shaping of international policy and, through
an emergent global civil society, may operate through or independently
of national governments.
A further variant sees the public as neither a target nor a generator of
diplomatic activity but as a
of diplomacy, a reflection of global
mobility and the twin forces of tourism and terrorism. The growth of
mass tourism has vastly increased the extent to which people now
come face to face with diplomats and has enhanced the significance of
consular services, for long regarded as inferior elements in the panoply
of diplomatic representation. How governments deal with their citizens
abroad has become a sensitive issue, not least in the popular press. A recent
report on the Finnish Foreign Service makes the point that the dramatic
growth of overseas travel is making many more Finns ‘potential customers
for the services of the MFA’ and that consular matters dealt with by the
Finnish Embassy in London have doubled in recent years.
Taking this
point outside the realm of diplomacy by states, Bruter suggests that the
EU Commission’s delegations have begun to carve out a diplomatic
niche for themselves in developing a consumer-oriented diplomatic
strategy that is distinctive from that of the EU member state missions.
More dramatically, terrorism has tested these same qualities, some-
times to breaking point. As citizens find themselves caught up in acts of
terrorist violence or taken hostage in the promotion of some political
Rethinking the ‘New’ Public Diplomacy 33
objective, so the demands placed by them on foreign ministries and
their diplomatic networks grows. The reaction of the UK diplomatic ser-
vice to criticisms of its handling of events in the wake of the Bali bomb-
ings in 2002 is a case in point, stinging the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office into a major review of its capacity to respond to the demands of
such incidents.
Public diplomacy and power: hard, soft and sticky
In the light of these distinctive yet interlinked facets of public diplomacy,
it is not surprising that we are confronted with apparently contradictory
interpretations of its significance and the techniques deemed appropriate
to the implementation of public diplomacy strategies. At root, these
reflect the complexities of contemporary statecraft (‘actorcraft’ is a
more appropriate term for a mixed actor milieu) and the modalities of
power relevant to the pursuit of policy goals. Few analysts have done
more to tease apart these complexities – albeit from a US perspective –
than Nye.
Indeed, his contrast between the utility of hard and soft
power has become a key principle in the current debate on the signifi-
cance of public diplomacy. Arguments relating to the limitations of
hard, or military, power and the advantages that can accrue from the
use of ‘attractive’ power rooted in factors such as culture, ideals and val-
ues, which, it is argued, encourages others to want what you want, are
basic assumptions among advocates of an enhanced role for public
diplomacy. Added to these, argues Mead, is what he terms ‘sticky’ power
or the power of economic attraction, which once imbibed becomes
addictive and hard to escape from.
Over time, both Britain and the
US have been able to deploy this variant of power play. After 1945, the US
built its sticky power on the pillars of free trade and the Bretton Woods
institutions, together with the reality that the economic well-being of
other countries was linked to that of the US.
Several related issues flow from these dimensions of power that help
us to appreciate better some of the problems that surround both the
concept and the deployment of public diplomacy. First is the linkage
between the three modalities. As was observed during an Aspen Institute
round table, ‘soft power supports the exercise of military and hard
economic powers, and arrogant or unjust use of hard power can erode
soft power’.
Moreover, it should come as no surprise to policy-makers
that the emphasis on ‘homeland’ security in the post-11 September
security agenda should result in policies diametrically opposed to the
projection of soft power. The US has discovered this in, for example, the
34 The New Public Diplomacy
sudden and significant decline in the numbers of overseas students
enrolling in its universities in the wake of increasingly restrictive visa
The relationship between soft power and Mead’s variant of
sticky power is clearly evident. Economic power is partly configured
from the appeal and exportability of economic principles, exemplified
in the doctrine termed the ‘Washington Consensus’ that was developed
in the early 1990s as a model for developing countries. But the attrac-
tiveness of this model is being challenged by another: the ‘Beijing
Consensus’, which appears to be more relevant to their needs, ‘attracting
adherents at almost the same speed the US model is repelling them.
This, it is argued, is enabling China to become a far more successful
deployer of soft power than the US, as other countries seek to embrace
it as a political partner.
Second, contrary to the impression that some recent writings have
given, public diplomacy does not in itself constitute a new paradigm of
international politics, in the sense that it replaces earlier and older
patterns. More specifically, it is not the case that public diplomacy is
itself uniquely the expression of soft power. Rather, there is a public
diplomacy of hard, sticky as well as soft power and this helps us to
recognize why it is that application of public diplomacy techniques is
often frustrated. Not least, it goes a long way towards explaining why
soft power itself is the cause of misunderstanding as to how the dynamics
of world politics operate. As Niall Ferguson has pointed out, one problem
with soft power is that it is soft!
Despite (or perhaps because of) the
cacophony of messages surrounding them, people are able on the one hand
to relate the actions of governments and other actors to the messages
that public diplomacy strategies seek to project, while on the other
hand dissociating these messages from their own actions. Thus they
may be happy to carry anti-Starbucks placards in one hand and a Coke
bottle in the other. But of greater significance to US foreign policy man-
agers, they may adopt aspects of American culture while resisting global
policies emanating from Washington. This phenomenon, suggests Fer-
guson, is rooted in historical precedent: ‘ . . . it was precisely from the
most Anglicized parts of the British Empire that nationalist movements
While still arguing the significance of soft power, Nye in his
later writings has acknowledged this as a problem for the United States.
There is a link between the successful deployment of hard or coercive
power and soft power, and if the present US addiction to unilateralism
is pursued in an overbearing and insensitive fashion, then soft power
will not be much help to it.
Realization of this has stimulated concern
among American business leaders that anti-US sentiment following
Rethinking the ‘New’ Public Diplomacy 35
events in Iraq is threatening their interests. Hence the creation of Busi-
ness for Diplomatic Action, a non-profit, private-sector organization
whose aim is to promote the recognition among business leaders of the
dangers that anti-Americanism presents and to devise strategies to
counter it.
All this helps to illuminate one of the logical inconsistencies in soft
power/public diplomacy argumentation: namely, why public diplomacy
should be such a major preoccupation if the underlying rationale of the
‘politics of attraction’ really works. If people want to do what you want
them to do through cultural affinity, why expend so much energy on
public diplomacy? The answer lies partly, of course, in the fact that few
actors possess soft power in the form presented by Nye in the US context.
Indeed, it is precisely the lack of soft power of hegemonic proportions
that energizes the public diplomacy strategies of many governments.
But additionally, there are a range of public diplomacies in circulation,
some state-centred and reflecting the desire of governments to project
and ‘sell’ their policies together with the fact that states are no more
unitary actors in this dimension of their activities than in others. However,
a potential multiplicity of government-generated messages is reinforced
by the activities of non-state actors for whom, as suggested later, public
diplomacy strategies are central to their identities and a major component
of their capacity as actors.
Public diplomacy: hierarchies and networks
This latter point greatly reinforces the dilemmas confronting governmental
policy-makers who are increasingly faced with skilled public diplomacy
practitioners outside the domain of the state and its agencies. The reality
is that there are in a sense ‘two worlds’ of public diplomacy that inter-
sect, overlap, collide and cooperate in a variety of contexts. On the one
hand we have a traditional, ‘hierarchical’ image of diplomatic systems,
and, on the other, what has come to be termed a ‘network’ model. As
indicated above, both rest to a considerable degree on arguments about
the significance of soft power. But the two models appear to carry with
them very different implications for understanding soft power and its
relationship to public diplomacy.
Looking at the first (the hierarchical) model, we are presented with an
image of diplomacy that stresses the centrality of intergovernmental
relations, in which the foreign ministry and the national diplomatic
system over which it presides act as gatekeepers, monitoring interac-
tions between domestic and international policy environments and
36 The New Public Diplomacy
funnelling information between them. To be sure, this national diplo-
matic system has been required to adapt to pressures from within states
and society – so, for example, the conduct of diplomacy is diffused more
widely throughout bureaucratic systems – and from a rapidly changing
external environment. But the emphasis tends to be on top-down processes
and this is reflected in approaches to public diplomacy, particularly
those reflected in post-11 September 2001 writings, especially those
coming out of the United States.
Paying homage to the growing significance of soft power, the
advocates of enhanced public diplomacy view it in terms of top-down
information flows. Having been accused of ignoring its significance by
several reports on US diplomacy, such as that produced by the Center
for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in the late 1990s, this is
suddenly forced to the centre of the diplomatic agenda.
However, it
embraces a much more refined approach, which accords closely to what
has been termed by Manheim as ‘strategic public diplomacy’ founded
on theories of strategic political communication.
Claiming to be an
‘applied transnational science of human behavior’, this is much more
sophisticated than simple images of influencing publics suggest – whether
in the domestic or foreign arenas. Ultimately, it implies a high level of
awareness of the varying attributes of human behaviour determined by
culture and patterns of media usage as well as a deep knowledge of over-
seas news organizations and political systems. In other words, it
demands the kind of holistic approach to building a ‘public diplomacy
chain’ identified by Leonard and Alakeson.
As already noted, this approach colours much of the post-11 Septem-
ber preoccupations with public diplomacy. In the US context and
elsewhere, the central emphasis is now on the allocation of more
resources to public diplomacy and better coordination – as exampled by
the transfer of the US public diplomacy effort at reimaging the US from
the State Department to the White House.
Beyond this, the agenda
includes enhanced programmes of foreign exchanges, better public–
private collaboration, the ability to respond to crisis situations flexibly
and rapidly – the concept of ‘surge capacity’, being the soft power
equivalent of the military ‘rapid reaction force’ – and more subtle
programmes of influence that engage with, rather than target, foreign
But despite its apparent sophistication and nods in the direction
of changing patterns in world politics, all of this rests on established
realist models of public diplomacy as propaganda, which is precisely the
point that Manheim himself makes about strategic public diplomacy: ‘It
is, within the limits of available knowledge, the practice of propaganda
Rethinking the ‘New’ Public Diplomacy 37
in the earliest sense of the term, but enlightened by half a century of
empirical research into human motivation and behaviour’.
Thus pub-
lic diplomacy remains a technique for achieving policy objectives; it is
not in itself a description of a new environment for world politics. As
Hill has pointed out, the rationale of the soft power paradigm is that
people are
of foreign policy.
While not denying the significance of these developments in official
diplomatic strategies, the network model provides a fundamentally
different picture of how diplomacy works in the twenty-first century
and, thereby, the significance of its public (as well as its private) dimen-
sion. Underpinning the various definitions of networks is the proposition
that they are now indispensable in managing increasingly complex policy
environments through the promotion of communication and trust. In
this sense, a policy network can be defined as ‘a set of relatively stable
relationships which are of a non-hierarchical and interdependent nature
linking a variety of actors, who share common interests with regard to a
policy and who exchange resources to pursue these shared interests
acknowledging that cooperation is the best way to achieve common
This is the fundamental principle on which Reinecke’s concept
of global public policy networks rests.
Starting from the premise that
globalization has highlighted the deficiencies of governments, both
acting alone or in concert, in terms of their scope of activity, speed of
response to global issues and range of contacts, he identifies the signifi-
cance of the emergence of networks incorporating both public and private
sector actors. It is not, he suggests, that multigovernmental institutions are
irrelevant but that the more diverse membership and non-hierarchical
qualities of public policy networks promote collaboration and learning
and speed up the acquisition and processing of knowledge.
more, as the Aspen Institute report referred to earlier argues, centralized
decision-makers are at a disadvantage when confronted by decentralized
networks, in that the latter face fewer transactional barriers and are able to
direct relevant information speedily to where it will have greatest effect.
In contrast to assumptions of control exercised by the agents of
government over international policy, the emphasis here is on the limi-
tations confronted by all of the actors – both state and non-state – in
achieving their policy objectives. Challenged by evermore complex,
multifaceted agendas, there is a necessity to establish policy networks
of varying scope and composition, which may, for example, bring together
governmental actors, civil society organizations (CSOs) and business.
This has been described elsewhere as ‘catalytic’ diplomacy, a form of
communication that acknowledges that a range of actors has the capacity
38 The New Public Diplomacy
to contribute resources to the management of complex problems,
whether these assume the form of knowledge and financial resources
or, less tangibly, the conferment of legitimacy on processes.
There are
numerous examples of these network processes in a variety of areas. The
example of the Ottawa Process relating to landmines is one of the most
oft-cited examples. More recently, the establishment of the Kimberley
Process dealing with the problem of the sale of illicit ‘conflict’ or ‘blood’
diamonds is a good example where an NGO – Global Witness – acted as
a catalyst to a process in which national diplomats, especially British
and American, and the EU Commission together with journalists and
De Beers, the global diamond firm, each contributed to the establish-
ment of a diamond regime.
In such situations, hierarchical flows of information are replaced by
highly fissile, multidirectional flows. ‘Secret’ diplomacy is, of course,
still in the frame, but the point is that it is both harder to maintain
secrecy and less relevant to the management of many pressing issues.
Frequently, the real challenge is managing ‘openness’ constructively.
Nevertheless, there is an obvious tension between the concept of stra-
tegic public diplomacy as presented above and the realities implicit in
the network image where the appropriate mode of public diplomacy
goes way beyond traditional prescriptions, however much they are
being modified to suit the needs of security in an era increasingly
defined in terms of global terrorism. Not insignificantly, policy-makers
and diplomats stand in increasing danger of getting their messages
mixed. It is not merely a problem of coordinating the public diplomacy
effort as the handbooks adjure, but one of recognizing that it is increas-
ingly hard to segment the target audience when delivering the message.
One oft-cited example is that of President Bush’s ‘axis of evil’ speech,
devised for domestic consumption but absorbed by foreign policy elites
and publics. In short, public diplomacy may be needed increasingly,
but it is much harder to deliver in a coherent and effective fashion.
Reflecting the permeable nature of public diplomacy in the networked
diplomatic environment in which transnational coalitions range along-
side governments in the quest for policy influence, this apparently
quintessential manifestation of soft power is, in fact, becoming hard
power – obviously not in the sense that it is
power, but because
it is often used coercively in the pursuit of policy objectives. Moreover
it is a resource that civil society is becoming extremely effective in
deploying – not least because it is one of the few at its disposal. Nye notes
this development as one of the several challenges that threatens to
undermine American power. On the one hand, NGOs and other actors
Rethinking the ‘New’ Public Diplomacy 39
have the capacity to play the ‘attractive power’ game and to use the results
to coerce governments.
Indeed, NGOs have become central players in
the image stakes because their own ‘brand’ as forces for good, unen-
cumbered by the trappings of sovereignty and untainted by realpolitik,
appears to give them a moral edge over governments and big business.
Manipulating the images of other actors, creating what might be termed
‘image dissonance’, based on the exploitation of differences between
images that countries project of themselves and those that other actors
can be persuaded to regard as more accurate, has indeed become a new
‘great game’. The essence of the game lies not in the strength but in the
vulnerabilities of soft power as manifested in the fragility and porosity
of image. In other words, this is the diplomacy of the sovereignty-free
actor. Two recent examples illustrate the point.
The first was the well-orchestrated campaign engineered by environ-
mental NGOs and directed towards Canadian forest industry companies
regarding their forest management practices. The manipulation of
Canada’s cherished reputation as a good international citizen and the
substitution of the badge ‘Brazil of the North’ was telling and effective.
The second was the campaign waged by a variety of groups against
Swiss Banks concerning their dealings with Nazi Germany before and
after the Second World War and their subsequent treatment of Holocaust
victims and their descendants. Again, a considerable part of the success
of this campaign turned on the deftly deployed strategy of questioning
the image of probity enjoyed by the banks and the reputation for neu-
trality that is a key element in the Swiss self-image.
But as critics of the image of a beneficent global civil society have
pointed out, the centrality of public diplomacy in world politics and the
importance of establishing a voice in the marketplace of messages poses
as many dilemmas for NGOs and other non-state actors as it does for
states. One recent analysis of the relative success of local protest move-
ments in finding a voice in this marketplace points to the importance of
NGOs as key gatekeepers. Only those movements able to sell their cause
to influential NGOs stand a chance of penetrating the global informa-
tion flows.
And for NGOs, the centrality of image to their survival as
organizations is a factor in determining who they choose to support.
Public diplomacy and diplomats
A central aspect of the public diplomacy debate turns on the impact
that it is having on national diplomatic systems. This, of course, is sub-
sumed within the broader debate regarding the present status and
40 The New Public Diplomacy
future role of professional diplomats and the environments in which
they operate. Nevertheless, the two images of public diplomacy set out
above suggest somewhat different pictures of its implications for the
diplomat. As we have seen, the hierarchical image of public diplomacy
creates new tasks. Current reports and foreign ministry working papers
are replete with acknowledgements of the need to expand, refine and
better coordinate the public diplomacy effort. But much of this rests on
the demands that this places on the diplomatic infrastructure and is
often used as a rationale for justifying the central role of the foreign
ministry. This is linked to the well-recognized point that diplomats,
by the nature of their work, lack effective domestic constituencies.
Enhancing the public diplomacy role may help to lessen this problem,
inasmuch as it stresses the services that diplomatic services can provide
for people as distinct from policy elites. Thus the Paschke Report on
Germany’s bilateral representation within the European Union concludes
that the most critical function of the diplomat in this context is that of
public diplomacy.
And this is used as a key rationale for maintaining
bilateral missions in the EU, countering arguments that question the
relevance of bilateralism in a complex, multilayered policy environment.
The second – network – image of diplomacy does not deny the signif-
icance of the ‘outreach’ functions that are now deemed central to any
self-respecting diplomat’s duties, but takes them much further and in a
direction that places new demands on diplomats but which also affirms
their significance in the world of image management.
In part these
result from the proliferation of information flows, which adherents of
the CNN-effect arguments have taken to imply a diminishing role for
professional diplomacy. Livingston, however, in arguing that the CNN
effect is overstated, argues that the proliferation of global information
places a premium on the capacity to sift valuable information from
‘white noise’.
He concludes that ‘...if the diplomatic community can
maintain a reputation for unflinching honesty at a time when publics
everywhere are inundated by yet more undigested data, the diplomatic
community will actually improve its position’, and warns of the dangers
of being suborned by the lure of image management, which is likely to
make the foreign ministry simply another voice in the global wilderness.
In short, this is a reaffirmation of the classic function of diplomacy
adjusted to the demands of globalization. Cohen makes a not dissimilar
point when arguing that diplomacy has an ‘old-new’ role in the con-
temporary global environment, namely to ‘work on the boundary between
cultures as an interpretive and conjunctive mechanism; to act as an
agent of comprehension’.
However, rather than acting as gatekeepers,
Rethinking the ‘New’ Public Diplomacy 41
claiming to control linkages with public constituencies, the imperatives
of diplomacy are defined increasingly as the capacity to contribute to
policy networks. Consequently, the role of the diplomat in this context
is redefined as that of facilitator in the creation and management of
these networks.
In the current preoccupation with public diplomacy, stimulated by the
post-11 September security environment, there is a real danger of con-
fusing its varying manifestations. To a degree, this confusion reflects a
misunderstanding of what soft power is – and how it relates to other
modes of power. Public diplomacy in its state-based ‘strategic’ guise is a
more sophisticated variant of a well-established idea – namely that
‘publics’ matter to governments as tools of national foreign policy. In
this sense, public diplomacy is hardly a new paradigm of international
politics but a strategy located within a hierarchical image of how those
politics are configured and the information flows underpinning them.
At the same time, however, governments are reworking their public
diplomacy strategies in a changing milieu of world politics, within
which access to modes of communication with publics around the
world have become of prime importance to all categories of international
actor. This is redrawing the environment in which much contemporary
diplomacy is now conducted, bringing the diplomat’s traditional skills
to the management of complex policy networks. In short, public diplo-
macy is now part of the fabric of world politics wherein NGOs and
other non-state actors seek to project their message in the pursuit of
policy goals. Image creation and management is a key resource and one
where non-state actors may have an advantage, helping to explain why
the more traditional, hierarchical concept of strategic public diplomacy
often fails to achieve its goals.
1. H. Nicolson, The Evolution of Diplomatic Method (London: Thornton Butterworth,
1939), p. 90.
2. K. Hamilton and R. Langhorne, The Practice of Diplomacy: Its Evolution, Theory
and Administration (London: Routledge, 1995), pp. 124–7.
3. D. Carlson and D. Comstock, Citizen Summitry: Keeping the Peace when it
Matters Too Much to be Left to Politicians (Los Angeles CA: Tarcher, 1986), p. 13.
4. E. Potter (ed.), Cyber-Diplomacy: Managing Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First
Century (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002).
42 The New Public Diplomacy
5. Potter, Cyber-Diplomacy, p. 7.
6. See, for example, R. A. O’Brien, M. Goetz, J. A. Scholte and M. Williams,
Contesting Global Governance: Multilateral Economic Institutions and Global
Social Movements (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000).
7. E. Gilboa, ‘Real-Time Diplomacy: Myth and Reality’, in Potter, Cyber-Diplomacy,
p. 85.
8. S. Livingston, ‘The New Media and Transparency: What are the Conse-
quences for Diplomacy?’, in Potter, Cyber-Diplomacy, pp. 110–27.
9. J. Hertz, ‘Political Realism Revisited, International Studies Quarterly, vol. 25,
no. 2, June 1981, pp. 182–97.
10. M. Leonard, Public Diplomacy (London: Foreign Policy Centre, 2002), p. 9.
11. P. van Ham, ‘Branding Territory: Inside the Wonderful Worlds of PR and IR
Theory’, Millennium, vol. 31, no. 2, 2002, pp. 249–69.
12. R. Rosecrance, The Rise of the Trading State: Commerce and Conquest in the
Modern World (New York: Basic Books, 1986).
13. P. Cerny, ‘Paradoxes of the Competition State: The Dynamics of Political
Globalization’ Government and Opposition, spring 1997, pp. 251–74.
14. W. Olins, Trading Identities: Why Countries and Companies are Taking On Each
Other’s Roles (London: Foreign Policy Centre, 1999), pp. 1–3.
15. C. Hill, ‘Introduction’, The Image, the State and International Relations, EPU
Working Papers, no. 2001/2, London School of Economics and Political
Science, p. 9.
16. Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Challenges for the Finnish Foreign Service
in the Twenty-First Century (Helsinki: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 2001),
pp. 6 and 21.
17. M. Bruter, ‘Diplomacy without a State: The External Delegations of the
European Commission’, Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 6, no. 2, 1999,
pp. 183–205.
18. See J. Nye, Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power (New York:
Basic Books, 1990); and J. Nye, Soft Power: The Means to Success in World
Politics (New York: Perseus, 2004).
19. W. R. Mead, ‘America’s Sticky Power’, Foreign Policy, March/April 2004, p. 48.
20. Comment made by Waring Partridge, in D. Bollier, The Rise of Netpolitik:
How the Internet is Changing International Politics and Diplomacy, a report of
the eleventh annual Aspen Institute round table on Information Technology
(Washington DC: Aspen Institute, 2003), p. 17.
21. C. Grimes, ‘US Universities Failed by Visa Process’, Financial Times, 12 May 2004.
22. J. C. Cooper, ‘China has Discovered its Own Economic Consensus’, Financial
Times, 8 May 2004.
23. R. McGregor, ‘China’s Success Inspires Envy and Awe’, Financial Times,
28 May 2004.
24. N. Ferguson, ‘Power’, Foreign Policy, January/February, 2003, p. 21.
25. Ferguson, ‘Power’.
26. J. Nye, ‘America’s Power: The New Rome Meets the New Barbarians’, The
Economist, 23 March 2002, p. 24; J. Nye, The Paradox of American Power: Why
the World’s Only Superpower Can’t Go It Alone (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2002).
27. K. Reinhard and T. Miller, ‘A Business Problem’, International Herald Tribune
27 May 2004.
Rethinking the ‘New’ Public Diplomacy 43
28. Center for Strategic and International Studies, Reinventing Diplomacy in the
Information Age (Washington, DC: CSIS, 1998).
29. J. Manheim, Strategic Public Diplomacy and American Foreign Policy: The Evolution
of Influence (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994).
30. M. Leonard and V. Alakeson, Going Public: Diplomacy for the Information
Society (London: Foreign Policy Centre, 2000), pp. 86–98.
31. M. Woollacott, ‘“Soft Power” Can Win the Battle for Hearts and Minds’, The
Guardian, 2 August 2002.
32. See C. Ross, ‘Public Diplomacy Comes of Age’, Washington Quarterly, vol. 5,
no. 2, spring 2002; D. Hoffman, ‘Beyond Public Diplomacy’, Foreign Affairs,
vol. 81, no. 2, March/April 2002; Council on Foreign Relations, Finding
America’s Voice: A Strategy for Reinvigorating US Public Diplomacy, report of an
independent Task Force (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 2003).
33. Manheim, Strategic Public Diplomacy and American Foreign Policy, p. 7.
34. C. Hill, The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmil-
lan, 2003), p. 279.
35. D. Stone, Networks, Second-Track Diplomacy and Regional Cooperation: The
Role of Southeast Asian Think Tanks, paper presented to the 38th International
Studies Convention, Toronto, March 1997.
36. W. Reinecke, Global Public Policy: Governing without Government? (Washington
DC: Brookings, 1998); W. Reinecke, ‘The Other World Wide Web: Global
Public Policy Networks’, Foreign Policy, vol. 117, 2000, pp. 44–57.
37. In a recent book, Anne-Marie Slaughter argues the case for a network approach
to diplomacy but does so in the context of exclusively governmental networks.
See A-M. Slaughter, A New World Order (Princeton NJ: Princeton University
Press, 2004).
38. Bollier, The Rise of Netpolitik, p. 9.
39. B. Hocking, ‘Catalytic Diplomacy: Beyond “Newness” and “Decline”’, in
J. Melissen (ed.), Innovation in Diplomatic Practice (London: Macmillan,
1999), pp. 21–42.
40. Nye, ‘America’s Power’.
41. C. Bob, ‘Merchants of Morality’, Foreign Policy, March/April 2002, pp. 36–45.
42. Paschke Report: Report on the Special Inspection of 14 German Embassies in the
Countries of the European Union, Berlin, German Federal Foreign Ministry,
September 2000.
43. Many diplomats have noted how the ‘outreach’ function has dramatically
expanded. See, for example, K. Rana, Inside Diplomacy (New Delhi: Manas
Publications, 2000).
44. Livingston, ‘The New Media and Transparency’, p. 122.
45. Livingston, ‘The New Media and Transparency’.
46. R. Cohen, ‘Reflections on the New Global Diplomacy’, in J. Melissen (ed.),
Innovation in Diplomatic Practice (Houndmills: Macmillan, 1999), p. 16.
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Part II
Shifting Perspectives
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Power, Public Diplomacy, and the
Pax Americana
Peter van Ham
The empire, one might say,
is an engine that tows societies
stalled in the past into contemporary
time and history.
Introduction: an American Empire by default?
An idea is roaming the world, the idea of an American Empire. Like
Marx’s spectre of revolution, the possibility of a
Pax Americana
is either
welcomed, or looked at with great concern. Some states support the
United States because they consider it a particularly benign, liberal
power, whose values and policies they share. Others resent the US’s
power predominance, often violently. These states accuse the US of
playing ‘Globocop’, engaged in a dangerous and risky game of global
social engineering. The argument about the role of the United States in
the world has seldom been more controversial than today, both within
the US and outside. Since the US is the
primus inter pares
within the
international community, and also considers itself more equal than
others, the idea of ‘empire’ has again emerged as a metaphor and
model. ‘Empire’ has quickly turned into the infamous ‘e-word’ of US
foreign policy: hotly debated, but also often misread.
The US invasion of Iraq and the toppling of Saddam Hussein’s regime
in March 2003 have reinforced the image of US unilateralism driven by
realpolitik and based on military superiority. Washington seems to
follow Machiavelli’s dictum that it is far better to be feared than to be
loved, and better to compel than to attract. However, as history may
indicate, empires are not based solely – or perhaps even mainly – on the
exercise of military power. On the contrary, empires have relied on a
48 The New Public Diplomacy
broad range of tools, incentives, and policies to establish and maintain
dominance, ranging from political persuasion and cultural influence, to
coercion and force.
Most empires have sought domination rather than
direct and full control within their territories and dependencies. And
although military (‘hard’) power has often been instrumental in
empire-building, the ‘soft’ power of legitimacy, credibility, cultural
superiority, and related normative dominance has been essential in
maintaining that rule. Arguably, both the British and the Soviet Empires
fell into decline because they lost legitimacy among their own people.
Within the British Empire, the idea of ‘white superiority’ was no longer
deemed credible (as Mahatma Gandhi demonstrated), and the erosion
of communist ideology led to its ultimate decay under Mikhail Gorbachev,
who realized that no number of tanks could maintain Soviet control
over the central European ‘satellites’.
Imperial power is therefore based on a blend of military domination
and the legitimacy offered by ideology, or religion. The US’s emerging
‘empire’ follows a similar pattern. Especially today, policy-makers in
Washington sell the idea of US leadership-cum-hegemony as a godsend
and a guarantee for democracy, liberty and prosperity, not just for the
US but also for the world as a whole. US President George W. Bush
argued in November 2003 that ‘[l]iberty is both the plan of Heaven for
humanity, and the best hope for progress here on Earth . . . It is no
accident that the rise of so many democracies took place in a time when
the world’s most influential nation was itself a democracy’.
This would
imply that US ‘imperialism’ is not just to be considered altruistic, but
also inevitable. The United States’s ‘empire’ is not a quest for oil, but for
freedom, and those who oppose US foreign policy are either ‘evil’ or
misinformed, since they try to halt time’s unidirectional arrow of
This chapter examines two issues. First, what are the normative
assumptions on which the dominant discourse of the emerging
is based? What constitutes the normative (or ideological)
basis of US imperialist heritage? It also asks how the US’s soft power has
been instrumentalized for the cause of liberal imperialism since the
strategic revolution of ‘9/11.’
Second, this chapter examines the role of public diplomacy in the
debate about the US’s nascent empire. Public diplomacy is widely seen
as an essential tool to win over the ‘hearts and minds’ of foreign
audiences, and to convince them that their values, goals and desires are
similar to those of the US. Since ‘9/11’, the Bush administration has
therefore initiated a flurry of initiatives to rebrand the US from a ‘global
Power, Public Diplomacy, and the Pax Americana 49
bully’ to a ‘compassionate hegemon’. In an effort to touch ordinary
citizens of Muslim countries (and especially the so-called ‘Arab street’),
public diplomacy is considered crucial to exercise the US’s ample soft
power assets. The argument is thatmillions of ordinary people...have
greatly distorted, but carefully cultivated images of [the US] – images so
negative, so weird, so hostile that a young generation of terrorists is
being created’.
US policy towards the Muslim world is based on the
assumption that these negative ideas should be neutralized, and, in the
end, changed, by a focused effort of public diplomacy. This approach
has quickly become a central plank of the United States’s ‘war on
terror’. Washington now realizes that you cannot kill ideas with bombs,
however precision-guided they may be.
But how can soft power be exercised as public diplomacy? And how
important is public diplomacy to establish, or maintain, the liberal
empire, which is also known as
Pax Americana
Soft power, hard power, and the ‘indispensable nation’
Empire is obviously a complex phenomenon informed by power,
economic interests, as well as cultural and religious ideas. The imperative
of ‘progress’ has been especially forceful. Rudyard Kipling’s famous
poem about what he called ‘the white man’s burden’, illustrates this
mission civilisatrice
. In his poem, Kipling referred to the responsibilities
of empire, directing them at the United States’s decision to go to war
with Spain in 1898.
Although the US has been instrumental in
reducing the British, Dutch, and other imperial systems to the modest
size that they are today, Washington has always justified its own
foreign interventions in the classical imperial way, namely as a force for
good. As Max Boot writes in
The Savage Wars of Peace
, the United States
has been involved in the internal affairs of other countries since 1805
(so well before Kipling’s famed warning). This multitude of often small
interventions – which began with Jefferson’s expedition against the
Barbary Pirates, and was followed by small, imperial wars from the
Philippines to Russia – have played an essential role in establishing the
United States as a world power.
Ideologically, these many wars have (among others) been justified by
the so-called ‘Roosevelt Corollary’ to the US’s Monroe Doctrine, which
stated that ‘chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in a
general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may...ultimately
require intervention by some civilized nation’.
This is the historical
backdrop of the ‘Bush doctrine’ of pre-emptive (military) action, which
50 The New Public Diplomacy
was put forward in the US National Security Strategy of 2002. It illus-
trates that the US invasion-cum-liberation of Iraq has a long pedigree.
Today, however, no US policy-maker would go on record arguing
that Washington has explicit imperial ambitions. In January 2004,
Vice-President Dick Cheney claimed that the US is no empire, since ‘[i]f
we were an empire, we would currently preside over a much greater
piece of the Earth’s surface than we do. That’s not the way we operate’.
But as mentioned earlier, US history obviously has more imperialist
overtones than the United States’s self-image would like to accept. The
US’s role in Europe during the Cold War has also been hotly debated: in
the 1980s Geir Lundestad labelled the US-controlled ‘West’ an ‘empire
by invitation’;
whereas Paul Kennedy saw the US in decline due to
‘imperial overstretch’.
One could therefore call the US an ‘empire in
denial’, or (for want of a better name) a ‘liberal empire’.
Clearly, the age of formal empire is dead. Direct physical control of
territories outside one’s own, except as a temporary expedient in response
to crisis (as in Afghanistan and Iraq), is nearly always a burden, rather
than an asset. It might therefore be possible to recognize the US and its
sphere of influence as an empire, but deny that it is imperialist. Never-
theless, the naked facts must be recognized: the US is the only nation
policing the world through five global military commands; maintains
more than one million men and women under arms on four continents;
deploys carrier battle groups on watch in every ocean; guarantees the
survival of several countries, from Israel to South Korea; drives the
wheels of global trade and commerce; and fills the hearts and minds of
an entire planet with its dreams and desires. On top at that, Washington
sets the global economic, political and security agenda. If not a formal
empire, this certainly resembles a
Pax Americana
This implies that the contemporary international system is chan-
ging from an anarchical to a hierarchical structure, with the US
firmly in charge. But like imperial powers of the past, this new US-led
hierarchy is not only based on military power, but also by a new
narrative structure. The key question is therefore which normative
assumptions are at the basis of the discourse of an emerging
? The US follows a dual-track policy, using both performa-
tive and discursive means. The performative side concerns the US’s
behaviour, more particularly the long tradition of interventionism
that gives it the reputation and aura of
based on a ‘can-do’
mentality. By assuming responsibility as the global policeman, the
US establishes itself as
primus inter pares
, as ‘more equal than others’,
and as the
de facto
‘leader of the free world’. Moreover, the US tradition
Power, Public Diplomacy, and the Pax Americana 51
of (military) intervention sets it apart from its Western allies (such as
the European Union).
But as the ‘Roosevelt Corollary’ indicates, US leaders in general
consider these US interventions morally justified, and far from frivolous
or self-interested. The accepted discourse on US intervention focuses on
their legitimacy, derived from the understanding that US (military) actions
guarantee international order. The US considers itself the ‘lender of last
resort’ of law and order within the international system, providing the
public good of security for all, even for critical free-riders. Former US
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright therefore called the US the ‘indis-
pensable nation’, the only state that has both the military might and
political will to play the role of benign hegemon, offering stability,
predictability and transparency. US military interventions and wars – be
they fought in Korea in the 1950s, Vietnam in the 1970s or Iraq in the
1990s – are often put forward to confirm this critical role.
The United States’s current ‘war on terror’ offers Washington maximum
leeway for an invigorated campaign of liberal imperialism. President Bush
has indicated that terrorists are everywhere and nowhere. Hence, the US’s
‘war on terror’ ‘will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has
been found, stopped and defeated...From this day forward, any nation
that continues to harbour or support terrorism will be regarded by the
United States as a hostile regime’.
As the war against Iraq indicates, this is
not only a discursive process, but also a performative one. By embarking
upon this ‘war on terror’, the US has taken advantage of ‘9/11’ to widen
the scope of its hegemonic reach, using the justifiable cause of combating
international terrorism to garner support and legitimacy.
Using war to strengthen, or even alter, a state’s identity is not new. As
Erik Ringmar argues (taking Sweden’s interventions during the Thirty
Years War as a case study), states can fight wars mainly to get recognition
for a different identity, to be taken ‘seriously’ as a Great Power, rather
than for objective, rational, realist reasons of pre-established national
War – won, lost, or merely endured – often confronts states
with a new political reality, making a commensurate identity shift
appear reasonable, almost natural. European examples are the change
in Germany’s national identity after the Second World War, the United
Kingdom’s post-colonial identity after the dissolution of its Empire, as
well as, more recently, Russia’s shift towards a post-imperial identity
after the end of the Cold War and the demise of the USSR. War is a
critical juncture, making it both necessary and easier for elites to
promote different ideas about political order and the role of their own
state in a novel power constellation.
52 The New Public Diplomacy
The post-‘9/11’ wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are confirming the US’s
role of global hegemon. US foreign policy works on the assumption that
its military might and the guts to actually
it offer it the status and
credibility that constitutes the very basis for the US’s ample soft power.
This understanding that imperial interventionism is an essential basis
for US soft power, rather than undercutting its cultural and ideological
appeal, may well be considered counter-intuitive. Much of global anti-
Americanism feeds on the image of the US as a trigger-happy capitalist
crusader. It is frequently argued that hard and soft power are juxta-
posed, as if hardnosedness detracts from attractiveness. Indeed, soft
power can be defined as the ability to achieve the policy outcomes one
wants by attraction and persuasion, rather than by force and coercion.
However, in the case of the
Pax Americana
one could well argue that
the US’s hard and soft power are dialectically related: US interven-
tionism requires the cloak of legitimacy (morally or under international
law), and without it, coercion would provoke too much resistance and
be both too costly and ultimately untenable; vice versa, soft power
requires the necessary resources and commitment to put words into
actions. Without hard power, attractiveness turns into shadow-boxing,
and, at worst, political bimboism. In today’s world, loose lips no longer
sink ships. Instead, when we read President Bush’s lips, we are well
aware of the immense military machine backing up his words. Arguably,
US liberal imperialism requires both hard
soft power. Current US
foreign policy is therefore based on the assumption that without the
US’s hard power and its status as ‘the world’s only remaining superpower’,
its soft power would shrink promptly.
In today’s Washington, this is considered not just as an ideological
hypothesis, but instead is often framed as a ‘historical lesson’ of recent
US experiences in global politics. Two examples stand out. First, US
prestige in central Europe is closely related to the general consensus
that US military superiority, steadfastness, and moral clarity has ‘won
the Cold War’. This is put in start contrast with Europe’s wishy-washy
Ostpolitik. This was again illustrated by the depiction of the US’s Cold
War President Ronald Reagan in the obituaries after his death in June
2004 as ‘the man who beat communism’. Here, again, it is argued that
only hard power begets soft power. Second, it is claimed that the US
may be hated in the Middle East, but that it is also most certainly
respected. This, again, stands in sharp contrast with the marginal influence
of Europe (and the European Union in particular), which remains reluc-
tant to bring together
der Wille zur Macht
, which comes so naturally to
the US. This is not to say that hard power suffices to reach political
Power, Public Diplomacy, and the Pax Americana 53
results, and certainly not in the longer term. But it is important to recog-
nize that the use of coercion and force, even through military intervention,
may pay off in soft power by increasing a country’s credibility and reputa-
tion. The challenge for all imperial powers is to turn hard power into soft
power, to turn fear into respect, and to turn terror into legitimacy.
Obviously, this challenge is a difficult one. One may be reminded
here of the famous dialogue from
The Life of Brian
from the Monty
Python crew,
where a number of ‘revolutionaries’ debate the merits of
the Roman Empire:
They’ve bled us white, the bastards. They’ve taken everything
we had, and not just from us, from our fathers, and from our
fathers’ fathers.
And from our fathers’ fathers’ fathers.
And from our fathers’ fathers’ fathers’ fathers.
Yeah. All right, Stan. Don’t labour the point. And what have
they ever given us in return?!
The aqueduct?
The aqueduct.
Oh. Yeah, yeah. They did give us that. Uh, that’s true. Yeah.
And the sanitation.
Oh, yeah, the sanitation, Reg. Remember what the city used to
be like?
54 The New Public Diplomacy
Yeah. All right. I’ll grant you the aqueduct and the sanitation
are two things that the Romans have done.
And the roads.
Well, yeah. Obviously the roads. I mean, the roads go with-
out saying, don’t they? But apart from the sanitation, the
aqueduct, and the roads –
Huh? Heh? Huh.. .
Yeah, yeah. All right. Fair enough.
And the wine.
Oh, yes. Yeah . . .
Yeah. Yeah, that’s something we’d really miss, Reg, if the
Romans left. Huh.
Public baths.
And it’s safe to walk in the streets at night now, Reg.
Yeah, they certainly know how to keep order. Let’s face it.
They’re the only ones who could in a place like this.
Power, Public Diplomacy, and the Pax Americana 55
Heh, heh. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.
All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, educa-
tion, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system,
and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?
Brought peace.
Oh. Peace? Shut up!
This love-hate relationship is closely related to what Josef Joffe labelled
the ‘HHMMS’ – the ‘Harvard and Hollywood, McDonald’s and Microsoft
Syndrome’. Today, the US offers both ‘Harvard’ (which stands for
intellectual power) and ‘Hollywood’ (superiority in popular culture),
both ‘McDonald’s’ (US dominance in popular food chains), and ‘Microsoft’
(technological supremacy).
As Joffe indicates, this is a very powerful
and seductive concoction of power-tools. Yet, he claims, ‘seduction is
worse than imposition. It makes you feel weak, and so you hate the
soft-pawed corrupter as well as yourself’.
The argument that especially
Arab anti-Americanism is rooted in feelings of powerlessness and
humiliation is a strong one. It also touches upon the complex
psychology behind the practice of public diplomacy.
The United States now faces a unique challenge. Its hard (economic
and military) power is unparalleled and its soft power rules an ‘empire’
on which the sun truly never sets. But, as both history and political
psychology indicate, this supremacy may well spawn counter-power,
like a boomerang that may take some time to hit the US, but whose
arrival seems inevitable. Some may see the events of ‘9/11’ as a perverse
version of that boomerang, originating from Islamic frustration and
the United States’s steamrolling culture. In this context,
Isaiah Berlin once argued that ‘to be the object of contempt or patron-
izing one of the most traumatic experiences that individ-
uals or societies can suffer’. They will respond, Berlin suggests, ‘like the
bent twig of poet Schiller’s theory lashing back and refusing to accept
their alleged inferiority’.
The trend of mounting anti-Americanism within Europe, Asia, and
other parts of the world is an element of that same process.
polls conducted by the German Marshall Fund and the Pew Charitable
56 The New Public Diplomacy
indicate that the US’s image has declined precipitously in most
European countries because of Washington’s foreign policy conduct
since ‘9/11’. For example, less than half of the population of Germany
(45 per cent), France (43 per cent) and Spain (38 per cent) have a
favourable attitude towards the US. And, as the Pew report points out,
the bottom has fallen out of support for the US in the Muslim world.
Negative views of the US in the Muslim world – which had been
largely confined to the Middle East – are now echoed by Muslim
populations in Indonesia and Nigeria . . . [F]avorable ratings for the
US have fallen from 61 per cent to 15 per cent in Indonesia and from
71 per cent to 38 per cent among Muslims in Nigeria.
Furthermore, a CSIS report of May 2003 indicates that Latin American
attitudes follow a similar pattern of distrust and criticism towards the
US and its foreign policies.
Media research in the 1990s made much of the rise of public opinion
and the media and their potential to influence key decisions of global
politics. Terms such as the ‘CNN effect’ and ‘Gallup democracy’ testify
to these optimistic expectations.
However, in the emerging hierarchical
international order it is even less clear than before what impact external
public pressure may have on US foreign policy. But if US hard
power create resentment, how can the US ever be successful in winning
the ‘hearts and minds’ of its foes and rivals and keep the allegiance of
its allies? This is the serious challenge with which US public diplomacy
is confronted today.
Public diplomacy: wielding soft power
In this context, one could argue that the terrorist attacks of ‘9/11’ have
challenged – even provoked – the US’s identity as a superpower. Many
Americans were shocked to be confronted with such a violent hatred
against their country and everything it stands for: its foreign policies as
well as its values. Could anyone dislike the land that offers Harvard
Hollywood, McDonald’s
Microsoft? ‘Why do people hate us so
much?’ soon became a key question, not only for ordinary Americans,
but for policy-makers in Washington as well.
Several advisory committees, task forces and hearings have spurred
the debate about public diplomacy and its uses.
Elaborate public
opinion research ‘showed an Arab world that fears the United States
as a threat to its way of life, a Europe that largely does not trust the
Power, Public Diplomacy, and the Pax Americana 57
United States and wants to pull further away, and a dwindling support
for the US-led war on terror’.
The Bush administration has since
embarked upon a ‘war of ideas’, a ‘war’ in which public diplomacy plays
a central role. It was acknowledged that anti-Americanism endangers
US national security and compromises the effectiveness of its diplomacy.
Most reports argued that this anti-Americanism could not be ‘managed’
by a quick and easy fix. Instead, Washington should take the views,
politics, and cultural (as well as religious) beliefs of others into account
while formulating and communicating its own policies in order to
make US actions better understood, accepted, and hence more effective.
By its very nature, public diplomacy is an essentially contested
concept. A general consensus is emerging that it involves activities in
the fields of information, education and culture aimed at influencing a
foreign government through influencing its citizens. It also aims to
clarify (in our case: US) foreign policies by explaining why they are
beneficial to other nations and peoples. Public diplomacy is widely
considered an essential post-modern tool of statecraft, which generates
legitimacy and acknowledges that in our globalized world the state has
lost its monopoly on the processing and diffusion of information. It
recognizes that new communication technologies offer new (and argu-
ably unprecedented) opportunities to interact with a wider public by
adopting a network approach and making the most of an increasingly
multicentric global, interdependent system.
From the onset, the Bush administration has said to recognize the
importance of public diplomacy to win its ‘war on terror’. In the short
term, public diplomacy was considered an essential (and long-underrated)
tool to influence opinions and mobilize foreign publics in direct support
of US interests and policies. Initially, public diplomacy focused on
‘selling’ the war against Iraq, claiming that this was not just a war but a
‘just war’ that could not be avoided. Almost inevitably, some of the
‘selling’ of the upcoming war against Iraq could also easily be labelled
propaganda, information warfare, and most certainly perception
It was used to put pressure on foreign governments to
toe the US-line and accept its concept of preventive war. In the mid-term,
the focus of public diplomacy was more far-reaching and fundamental,
namely to build an open dialogue with key foreign publics, to open up
closed societies in the understanding and expectation that this would
strengthen support for shared ideas and values. With the stabilization
effort in Iraq facing serious problems, Washington now puts more
emphasis on the opportunities for a renewed and intensified democratic
dialogue between the US and the Muslim world. However, as the
58 The New Public Diplomacy
current situation in Iraq testifies, both aspects of US public diplomacy
seem to be failing dramatically.
To some extent, this debacle is surprising. US policy-makers could
have learned from their experiences in Yugoslavia and the Gulf Wars of
the 1990s that a political mandate from the ‘international community’
(preferably the UN Security Council) comes with the handy permission
to use foreign bases, allied troops, financial means to fund the operation,
and – most importantly – the credibility and status of legitimacy. If
anything, ‘Iraq’ indicates the limits of hard power and the value of soft
power. It recognizes that the old Thespian cliché that ‘acting is easy,
comedy is hard’ also applies here: military invasion is simple, but
changing ‘hearts and minds’ is rather more difficult.
US foreign policy-makers have worked on the mistaken assumption
that Saddam Hussein’s regime change and the democratization of Iraq
(and the rest of the Middle East) will sway doubters and silence critics.
Under the optimistic motto that ‘nothing succeeds like success’, the soft
power factor of legitimacy was ignored, expecting that the ‘smoking
gun’ of Iraqi WMD capabilities and facilities would compensate for this
afterwards. Moreover, the (then) dominant neo-conservative mood in
Washington gladly ignored words of advice and caution. What is more,
neo-conservatives seemed to imply that the very lack of a UN mandate
signalled the dawn of a new era of US supremacy, officially constituting
Pax Americana
for which they had been longing. This approach
assumes that the US ‘is strong enough to do as it wishes with or without
the world’s approval and should simply accept that others will envy
and resent it’.
However, the lack of legitimacy has turned into one of the main
obstacles for the US (and its coalition partners) to stabilize Iraq. The vast
majority of European and Arab public opinion already seriously ques-
tioned the rationale for a ‘preventive war’ on Iraq in the first place. But
now that no Iraqi WMD programme has been found, the argument for
intervention has become all the more flimsy and unconvincing. After
the speedy collapse of Saddam Hussein’s regime, the quest therefore
became to gain international support and legitimacy by making a
democratic Iraq a showcase of reform in the Middle East. President Bush
made it clear that ‘Iraqi freedom will succeed, and that success will send
forth the news, from Damascus to Tehran, that freedom can be the
future of every nation . . . America has put its power at the service of
principle. We believe that liberty is the design of nature; we believe that
liberty is the direction of history’.
Or, as US Secretary of State Colin
Powell defined the United States’s mission in the Middle East: ‘We’re
Power, Public Diplomacy, and the Pax Americana 59
selling a product. That product we are selling is democracy’.
policy has now been labelled a ‘forward strategy of freedom in the
Middle East’. It is part of a US strategy to build an ‘empire by invitation’,
where Washington intends to make offers that other states cannot refuse.
The limits of PR and spindoctoring
Selling the idea of a
Pax Americana
has thereby changed from a left-wing
allegation to a right-wing (or neo-conservative) prerogative, perhaps
even responsibility. As Charles Krauthammer argued (a few weeks
before ‘9/11’), ‘after a decade of Prometheus playing pygmy’, the US has
to reinstate itself as an empire.
Proponents of US ascendancy argue
that ‘9/11’ has proven the risks of passivity and meekness: ‘Weakness is
provocative’ is one of US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s
famous rules. They conclude that the US should protect and enlarge the
community of free and democratic states, building a
de facto
‘empire of
This new imperialism does not desire to rule permanently
over foreign countries, but only aspires to indirect and informal empire.
It may threaten, coerce and at times even invade, but it does so with the
claim to improve (that is, democratize) states and then leave.
In this strategy of liberal imperialism, both hard and soft power play
crucial roles. It can be claimed that preventive wars and interventions
(namely Iraq) liberate authoritarian regimes and create the very precon-
ditions for freedom and democracy to take root and flourish. Nevertheless,
the central question remains of what role public diplomacy plays in
establishing this ‘liberal empire’ throughout the ‘Greater’ Middle East,
as well as towards much less hostile European territory? How valid is
the claim that the (successful) use of military (hard) power generates the
requisite (soft) power of legitimacy? Looking at today’s Iraq and the
dismal standing of the US in public opinion polls across the Middle
East, the opposite argument seems much more likely, namely that
ostentatious (hard) power play simply eclipses low-profile public diplo-
macy. With the disclosure in June 2004 of images of abuse and torture
by US soldiers of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison, the already
tainted US image reached its nadir.
Only one conclusion can therefore
be drawn, namely that (as national-branding consultant Simon Anholt
has argued): ‘You can’t smash them with your left hand and caress them
with your right. It you’re going to war you should suspend diplomacy,
because if you’re attacking a nation that’s all there is to it’.
Staunch proponents of US liberal imperialism David Frum and
Richard Perle have been much more confident and sanguine, arguing in
60 The New Public Diplomacy
their book
An End to Evil
that a residue of opposition and even guerrilla
warfare is only to be expected after a US-led ‘liberation’. Referring to
post-Second World War experiences in Europe and Japan, they expect
this resistance to subside after the benefits of freedom and the effects of
public diplomacy hit home.
This process – following the above-
mentioned ‘what have the Romans ever done for us?’ cycle – was
expected to be a key element in the strategy to ‘win the peace’, in order
subsequently to ‘win the hearts and minds’ of people across the Middle
East. Clearly, and in retrospect recklessly, the Bush administration has
followed this ‘neo-con’ course. But with every new suicide bomb killing
US soldiers, Washington’s blue-eyed faith in the inevitability of a happy
Iraqi ending slowly dissipates.
This one-dimensional and overly optimistic approach to US policy
Iraq and the Middle East stands in sharp contrast to the bulk of
sophisticated and nuanced reports warning Washington of the
complexity, pitfalls, and risks of any attempt to modernize this region.
Given that public diplomacy is still predominantly an American
discipline, with the post-’9/11’ Middle East as the most obvious case
study, it is remarkable how little impact scholarly research has had on
the implementation of US foreign policy.
The most important failure has been that the practice of US public
diplomacy has gone little beyond the goal of ‘getting the American
message out’. The assumption has been that the United States’s image
problems are either because of envy of US power and prosperity, or
simply a basic misinterpretation of US foreign policy goals. Washington’s
post-’9/11’ public diplomacy initiatives reflect this approach. These
efforts included setting up American Corners (with libraries and
information) across Muslim-majority countries, the production of
documentary material, and the launching of Persian and Arab-language
radio stations (like Radio Farda and Radio Sawa), and an Arab-language
satellite TV station (Alhurra) that seeks to compete with the popular,
but rather anti-American Aljazeera. Most proposals to adjust the course
of US public diplomacy aim to make the American machinery to
communicate with the Arab and Muslim world more effective.
example, a new Arab youth initiative was started in 2004, together with
a so-called Partnership for Learning (P4L) encompassing a US high
school exchange programme with the Arab and Muslim world. Policy
suggestions have further included strengthening the coordination of
public diplomacy with the executive branch and stronger Presidential
leadership, recognizing that a ‘one size fits all’ approach is bound to fail
(since the public in Egypt, Indonesia and Senegal obviously differ
Power, Public Diplomacy, and the Pax Americana 61
markedly), and increasing the active support of Arab and Muslim
communities in a real dialogue with the US (and the West in general).
The key problem with this approach to public diplomacy, however, is
that it does not fully take into account a simple, basic rule of marketing:
‘It’s not what you
, but what others
, that is important!’ Whereas
US policy-makers say ‘freedom, justice, and opportunity’, the general
Arab population seems to hear ‘domination, chaos, and cynicism’.
When Washington says ‘liberation’, a majority of Arabs and European
see ‘occupation’. Obviously, the proof of the pudding is in the eating,
and for many Arabs US foreign policy just does not taste good. The
problem is that Arabs and Muslims will not attach credibility to US
public diplomacy as long as US policies in the Middle East and beyond
remain unchanged. Especially as long as US support to autocratic Arab
regimes and Israel continues unabated, Washington’s rhetoric about
freedom and democracy carries little conviction.
As long as US policy
and rhetoric are considered worlds apart for most Arabs, public diplomacy
is unlikely to create a better image for the US, either in the Arab and
Muslim world, or across Europe. Most official US public diplomacy
activities try to communicate the United States’s basic goodness (the
‘HHMMS’), but fail to clarify effectively what is so good about US
foreign policy per se.
The United States’s current practice of public diplomacy further
underestimates the central role of (extremist) Islam, which underpins
both anti-Americanism and offers a cultural filter that distorts the US’s
communications with the region. US public diplomacy seems to take
for granted that Muslim culture accepts the constituent elements of
modernity, and that all Muslims have an innate, be it repressed, desire
to support both liberal democracy and capitalism. This implies that
despite the obvious political differences between the US and (at least
some) Muslim countries, American and Muslim cultures do not ‘clash’
but are in agreement. It further assumes that although ordinary
Muslims may be opposed to US policies in the Middle East, they
continue to be drawn to ‘American values’ such as individual choice
and freedom. This distinction between hostile, extremist Islamic
governments and political groupings and the ‘silent majority’ of a wider
and larger Muslim community around the world is a central tenet of US
public diplomacy. It is also highly dubious, since it reduces a complex
set of political concerns and often confronting interests and values to
mere problems of poor communication and cleverer branding. It also
allows for the doubtful claim that ‘the peoples of the world, especially
those ruled by unelected regimes, comprise our true allies. We are allies
62 The New Public Diplomacy
because we share common aspirations – freedom, security, prosperity –
and because we often face common enemies, namely the regimes that
rule over them’.
Academic criticism of current US public diplomacy towards the Arab
and Muslim world has been harsh, at times even fierce. But the main
point of critique and disapproval is that the ‘Bush administration needs
to recognize that the elite Arab public can speak for itself. It deeply
resents being condescended to and ignored. Only by treating Arabs and
Muslims as equals, listening carefully and identifying points of conver-
gence without minimizing points of disagreement, will a positive
message get through’.
True dialogue, rather than mere one-way
communication, is therefore seen as the essential starting point to fix
the US’s serious – but probably not yet fatal – image problem around
the world. With the United States having
de facto
responsibility for the
economic and political transformation of Iraq, public diplomacy may
only be effective when the basic rules of marketing are followed, in
particular that the ‘product matches up to the promise’.
While a true dialogue is a good start, Washington should also pursue
a more even-handed policy towards the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and
understand that only credibility, responsibility and reliability may
restore a constructive relationship with the Arab and Muslim world.
The bottom line for US public diplomacy is that all PR and branding
efforts are only as good as the ‘product’ being sold. This means that the
jury is still out on the prospects for US public diplomacy winning the
‘hearts and minds’ of the global Muslim population. Since this is a
long-term effort, the prevailing reports about the death on arrival of US
public diplomacy still remain premature. However, without more
successful and forceful efforts to convince a sceptical Muslim populace
of the merits of US policies and the United States’s underlying good
intentions, the military battle may be won, but the real ‘war’ will most
certainly be lost.
This also seems to form the basis of the crisis of confidence that still
troubles the transatlantic relationship. In February 2003, US Secretary
of State Colin Powell expressed his fear that NATO was ‘breaking up’,
and Henry Kissinger concluded that the war over Iraq ‘produced the
gravest crisis in the Atlantic Alliance since its creation five decades
For the
Pax Americana
to build up and expand, the US requires
loyal allies and a wide circle of supporters around the globe, but espe-
cially in Europe. But since many European states and their respective
populations feel that they have been treated with contempt by
Washington during the Iraqi war, there is little sense of ‘ownership’
Power, Public Diplomacy, and the Pax Americana 63
over the ongoing crisis in Iraq. Europeans obviously follow the Pottery
Barn rule of international politics: ‘If you break it, you own it!’
However, because most Europeans consider the United States as the
clumsy elephant in the porcelain shop that remains deaf to Allied
words of caution and calm, the emerging civil war in Iraq is now
considered mainly a US problem (although unfortunately therefore also
ipso facto
a European problem . . .).
Conclusion: a tough sell for liberal imperialism
Marketing experience teaches that it is more important to
, than to
. For US public diplomacy, this implies that the United States’s
performance on the global stage will speak louder than any smooth
words that it may voice simultaneously. The war in Iraq and its after-
math reveal the limits of US power in general, both in its hard and soft
variety. They indicate that the scope of social engineering is limited,
both domestically and on the global scene. How influential was the US
when on 15 February 2003 over eight million people marched on the
streets of five continents against a war that had not even started yet?
This could be seen as one of the largest, most global, popular mobiliza-
tions against the US and its policies.
Against this popular anti-American
(or is it anti-Bush?) revolt, no public diplomacy effort can hold its own.
The failure to stabilize Iraq and turn it into a model for the region,
and the massive popular disapproval of the US and its foreign policies,
are the obvious indicators of the impracticality and unfeasibility of
establishing a
bona fide
‘liberal empire’. The global ‘public’ has obvi-
ously become sufficiently sophisticated to differentiate between the
upbeat message and fancy packaging of US rhetoric and the less fancy
reality of its foreign policies. US public diplomacy may only marginally
affect global opinion, and is unlikely to accomplish a swing vote in its
favour. This implies that the impact of soft power and public diplomacy
are real, without being decisive. Luckily,
Wag the Dog
is only a movie.
Clearly, ‘liberal imperialism’ is theoretically tilted towards liberalism,
whereas in practice it still feels like undiluted and conventional imperi-
alism. US public diplomacy today sets the very notion in a negative
light. Anholt was most likely right in claiming that no country can
effectively conduct a military offensive and a charm-offensive at the
very same time. No amount of soft power can sell a war to a reluctant
body of global political ‘consumers’.
For the United States as a political ‘brand’, the damage may well be
far-reaching and consequential. Because of clear policy failures in Iraq,
64 The New Public Diplomacy
the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, and the doubtful legality of the impris-
onment of Muslim detainees at Guantanamo Bay (just to mention the
most controversial issues), the United States’s moral authority has
eroded. In its ‘war on terror’, the US hardly leads by example. Quite the
contrary, human rights’ workers now argue that in some countries
(mainly in Asia and Africa), the United States has become a different
kind of model, since non-democratic governments now refer to the US
Patriot Act or the Guantanamo prison to justify their own judicial
crackdowns or extrajudicial detentions.
These dilemmas and the inherent problems of establishing and main-
taining a post-modern empire demonstrate the futility of the very idea
of a
Pax Americana
. If anything, they show that the soft power that can
be derived from legitimacy, authority, and perceived altruism is a
precondition for the effective use of military power. Neo-conservatives
within the Bush administration have wilfully ignored this to prove to
themselves (and the world) that US hard power can go it alone and
generate the legitimacy that comes with success. In this they have
failed miserably. However, one must also fear that they have set a trend
of new militarism that builds on power without authority, eventually
followed by chaos and disaster.
Pax Americana
may only have a future as (what Martin Walker
has called) a ‘virtual empire’.
Walker’s idea of empire is that of a
system led by a hegemon that is itself ‘open to argument and persua-
sion’, but also willing and able to offer valued public goods such as
international law and order. This Janus-faced empire – offering both
openness and resolve – is probably too good to be true. It is beyond
doubt that the hard power of military force remains important, perhaps
even essential, for any hegemon to do its job properly. But the wheels
of hard power can only function smoothly with the lubricant of soft
power, of which public diplomacy is a key element. As Iraq testifies,
there is probably not enough soft power around to compensate for the
friction of war. Perhaps this is an often-overlooked reason why all
empires eventually decline. It may also explain why the
Pax Americana
may not even be properly established in the first place.
1. Uday Singh Mehta, Liberalism and Empire: A Study in Nineteenth-Century British
Liberal Thought (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1999), p. 82.
2. Dimitri K. Simes, ‘America’s Imperial Dilemma’, Foreign Affairs, vol. 82, no. 6,
November/December 2003.
Power, Public Diplomacy, and the Pax Americana 65
3. Remarks by the President at the 20th Anniversary of the National Endowment for
Democracy, United States Chamber of Commerce, Washington DC, 6 November
2003, at–2.html,
30 March 2004.
4. Charlotte L. Beers, Prepared Testimony Before the Committee on Foreign Relations of
the United States Senate on ‘American Public Diplomacy and Islam’, 27 February 2003.
5. Monthly Review editors, ‘Kipling, the “White Man’s Burden”, and US Imperialism’,
Monthly Review, vol. 55, no. 6, November 2003.
6. Max Boot, The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American
Power (New York: Basic Books, 2003).
7. See For the full text, see of
28 July 2004.
8. ‘Cheney Exhorts Europe to Promote Diplomacy’, Los Angeles Times, 25 January
9. Geir Lundestad, The United States and Western Europe Since 1945: From
‘Empire’ by Invitation to Transatlantic Drift (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
new edition 2003).
10. Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers (New York: Random
House, 1987).
11. President George W. Bush, Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the
American People, Washington DC, 20 September 2001.
12. Erik Ringmar, Identity, Interest and Action: A Cultural Explanation of Sweden’s
Intervention in the Thirty Years War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
13. Joseph S. Nye, Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics (New York:
PublicAffairs, 2004).
14. For the full script, see
Brian.html of 27 July 2004.
15. Josef Joffe, ‘Who’s Afraid of Mr. Big?’, The National Interest, no. 64, summer
2001, p. 45.
16. Joffe, ‘Who’s Afraid of Mr. Big?’, p. 46.
17. For this argument, see Shibley Telhami, ‘History and Humiliation’, Washington
Post, 28 March 2003.
18. Isaiah Berlin, ‘The Bent Twig: A Note on Nationalism’, Foreign Affairs, vol. 51,
no. 1, October 1972, pp. 17–18.
19. Pew Global Attitudes Project, A Year After Iraq: A Nine-Country Survey
(Washington DC: The Pew Charitable Trusts, March 2004).
20. GMF Transatlantic Trends 2003 and the Pew Global Attitudes Project, http:// and of
27 July 2004.
21. See Sidney Weintraub, ‘US–Latin American Attitudes: Mistrust and Indiffer-
ence’, CSIS Issues in International Political Economy, no. 41, May 2003, http:// of 27 July 2004.
22. Timothy Luke and Gearoid Ó Tuathail, ‘On videocameralism: The Geopolitics
of Failed States, the CNN International and (UN)Governmentality’, Review of
International Political Economy, vol. 4, no. 4.
23. An Independent Task Force on Public Diplomacy was set up by the Council
on Foreign Relations; the US Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy is a
66 The New Public Diplomacy
long-standing bipartisan panel created by Congress and appointed by the
President; and hearings were conducted by the Committee on International
Relations in the House of Representatives in November 2001.
24. Finding America’s Voice: A Strategy for Reinvigorating US Public Diplomacy,
report of an Independent Task Force sponsored by the Council on Foreign
Relations, 2003, p. v.
25. Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber, Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of
Propaganda in Bush’s War on Iraq (London: Constable & Robinson, 2003).
26. Joseph S. Nye, ‘The Decline of America’s Soft Power’, Foreign Affairs, vol. 83,
no. 3, May/June 2004, p. 16.
27. President Bush Discusses Freedom in Iraq and Middle East, National Endowment
for Democracy, Washington DC, 6 November 2003.
28. See ‘Brand USA’, Foreign Policy, no. 127, 2001, p. 19.
29. Charles Krauthammer, ‘The New Unilateralism’, Washington Post, 8 June 2001.
30. Sebastian Mallaby, ‘The Reluctant Imperialist: Terrorism, Failed States, and
the Case for American Empire’, Foreign Affairs, vol. 82, no. 2, March/April
2002; and Boot, The Savage Wars of Peace, ch. 15.
31. Michael Mann, Incoherent Empire (London and New York: Verso, 2003), p. 13.
32. Jeremy Grant, ‘Middle America Meets the Middle East in a Battle for Hearts
and Minds’, Financial Times, 20 July 2004.
33. Quoted in Elen Lewis, ‘Branding War and Peace’, Brand Strategy, no. 167,
2003, p. 28.
34. David Frum and Richard Perle, An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror
(New York: Random House, 2003), pp. 12–13, and ch. 6.
35. Testimony of Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Margaret
Tutwiler to the Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States Senate, 26 February
of 4 May 2004.
36. Derk Kinnane, ‘Winning Over the Muslim Mind’, The National Interest,
spring 2004.
37. Henry J. Hyde, The Message is America: Rethinking US Public Diplomacy, hearing
before the Committee on International Relations, United States House of
Representatives, 14 November 2002, serial no. 107–54, p. 2.
38. Marc Lynch, ‘America is Losing the Battle For Arab Opinion’, International
Herald Tribune, 23–24 August 2003.
39. Quoted in Ivo H. Daalder, ‘The End of Atlanticism’, Survival, vol. 45, no. 2,
summer 2003, p. 147.
40. This ‘rule’ was put forward by Bob Woodward in his book Plan of Attack
(New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004). However, the firm of Pottery Barn
actually denies that such signs exist in their shops. They claim that they just
write off any broken merchandise as a ‘loss’. Unfortunately, such an option
is not open to the world community.
41. Tariq Ali, Bush in Babylon: The Recolonization of Iraq (London and New York:
Verso, 2003), especially ch. 6.
42. Thomas Fuller and Brian Knowlton, ‘US is seen Losing its Moral Authority’,
International Herald Tribune, 5 July 2004.
43. Mann, Incoherent Empire, p. 252.
44. Martin Walker, ‘America’s Virtual Empire’,
World Policy Journal, vol. 19, no. 2,
summer 2002.
Niche Diplomacy in the World
Public Arena: the Global ‘Corners’
of Canada and Norway
Alan K. Henrikson
Niche diplomacy, although often associated with very small countries,
has in fact been more fully developed by countries that have sufficient
size and capacity to play notable roles on the international stage but
that are not strong enough to impose their positions or solutions. They
can sometimes exercise persuasive influence, but rarely deciding force.
Even if not considered ‘middle powers’ in terms of military or other
basic strength or in terms of international rank, they can sometimes
play significant roles as intermediaries, as key providers of assistance, or
in other precise ways. Very large powers too, it should be noted, may
develop niche diplomatic and other particular capabilities. The differ-
ence is that great powers, unlike small or middle-sized countries, lack
either the necessity or the incentive to do so. They can usually exert
influence, as well as exercise power, across the board. Sometimes,
however, even they fail, and have to defer to others – with less strength
but, perhaps, even more favourable vantages.
It was Gareth Evans, when serving as foreign minister of ‘middle-
power’ Australia, who gave ‘niche diplomacy’ its name. For Evans, the
term essentially meant specialization. It suggested ‘concentrating resources
in specific areas best able to generate returns worth having, rather
than trying to cover the field’.
Evans’s concept of niche diplomacy,
although probably for the most part political in inspiration, relied on
the logic and language of economics, and more particularly of business.
The ability of a nation’s diplomacy to ‘generate returns’, primarily for
the country itself, depends on very careful selection of the policy-
product lines to be developed and also on an accurate reading of global
68 The New Public Diplomacy
political-market conditions. According to this calculus, there is no point
in adopting policy positions that will not ‘sell’ – either at home to the
domestic public (the sphere of ‘public affairs’); or abroad to foreign
publics (the sphere of ‘public diplomacy’).
There is something else, less conspicuous in Evans’s brief definition,
that merits attention: this is his further phrase, ‘worth having’, which
implies not just ordinary ‘returns’, but truly meaningful ones. To
pursue objectives ‘worth having’ suggests a different and higher crite-
rion than usually applied even in the formal realm of foreign policy. If a
country carries out measures for the international good, even what
might be deemed the ‘global public good’, then it is seeking something
that is ‘universalizable’, extending well beyond national self-interest.
is sometimes possible for a country to do very well by doing good. To
support ‘good’ works, to perform ‘good’ deeds, to use ‘good’ words, and
to project ‘good’ images can pay off in terms of international prestige,
and in even more practical expressions of others’ appreciation. A country
can become known, admired, and also rewarded for its ‘goodness’ –
which becomes a kind of niche in itself.
Two countries that have, remarkably and also consequentially, often
acted in this ‘altruistic’ way, for genuinely noble purposes as well as for
self-advancing, are Canada and Norway. Canada was once described by
former US Secretary of State Dean Acheson in Wordsworth’s phrase
(from ‘Ode to Duty’) as the ‘Stern Daughter of the Voice of God’.
Indeed, it has become a model of good international citizenship. Owing
partly to its dual English and French heritage, it is an active member of
many international organizations, including the Commonwealth and
la Francophonie
. Perhaps most notably, it has pioneered in the field of
peacekeeping. Canada has also been a major contributor of assistance to
developing countries, including the poorest. It is also known for leading
the international effort to ban anti-personnel landmines – the ‘Ottawa
process’. Meanwhile, Norway, which is long known for the Nobel Prize
for Peace, is also a generous aid donor to poor countries. Its giving level,
as a percentage of national income, is the highest in the world. Even
more remarkable in the realm of diplomacy is its work in peace facilita-
tion, its most famous effort being focused on the Middle East – the
‘Oslo process’.
Canada and Norway, although on different continents and disparate
in size, make a pair. They have frequently collaborated in international
undertakings, both bilaterally and in formal and informal multilateral
settings. They are among the ‘like-minded’ in their common approaches
to global and regional issues. Canada and Norway, together with four
Niche Diplomacy in the Public Arena: Canada and Norway 69
Nordic neighbours (Iceland, Denmark, Sweden and Finland), vote the
same way in the United Nations 90 per cent of the time. Both are active
in the UN system and are also long-time allies in the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO), of which they were founding members.
Having a common interest in northern environmental and socio-economic
as well as geostrategic issues, they have recently joined to help form the
new Arctic Council. They even share a northern artistic perspective.
For Canada, Norway is probably the most intimately ‘allied’ of all the
northern countries. It is its largest trading partner in the Nordic region.
Their officials often meet.
Not surprisingly, their diplomacies as well as
their foreign policies are very similar. In the field of public diplomacy,
however, there is a marked difference, of which both Canadian and
Norwegian officials are aware. A senior Canadian official indicated
increasing internal dissatisfaction within his ministry, and perhaps
Canada generally, with Canada ‘trying to be all things to all people’.
The Canadians observe that Norway does not attempt such broad
appeal, and appears to be succeeding. Norwegian officials are aware of
the Canadians’ interest in their experiences with more concentrated
approaches. They perceive other differences too. One is that the instru-
ments of Canadian foreign policy seem much less ‘integrated’ than are
the Norwegian, and also less flexible in their use. The Canadian govern-
ment cannot so easily deploy or adjust its aid programme, for example,
as an incentive and a support for peace negotiations in which it may
take an interest. Norway can act more quickly, and with sizeable funds,
in part because both the minister of foreign affairs and the minister
of development cooperation are together in the foreign ministry.
Another difference is that the Canadian government seems to feel a
greater political need to ‘take credit’ at home for its foreign policy and
diplomacy. It is this mutual awareness of the two countries’ official
communities that makes a comparison of their public diplomacies
especially interesting.
The power of ‘the better argument’
Both Canada and Norway have been adroit users of public opinion, for
they have had to rely on the goodwill of others, far as well as near, rather
than on their own physical might, to maintain their national independ-
ence and wider influence. Goodwill is, of course, something that has to
be cultivated over time. Canada’s and Norway’s public diplomacy, in
which both countries invest heavily, appears to be exemplary, for both
have long enjoyed high international regard. The sources of their
70 The New Public Diplomacy
favourable reputations are many. Michael Ignatieff explains the standing,
and the sway, of his own country, Canada, as follows: ‘The idea of influence
derives from three assets: moral authority as a good citizen, which we
have got some of; military capacity which we have got a lot less of; and
international assistance capability’. With regard to Canada’s neighbour,
the United States, he observes, probably with Canada’s UN and other
multilateral relationships in mind: ‘We have something they want.
They need legitimacy’.
Norway, being a smaller country and with
nothing so grand as legitimacy to offer, thinks of itself more modestly
as offering, basically, utility. A smaller country is not in a position ‘to
impose its views on others’, acknowledges Norway’s foreign minister,
Jan Petersen. ‘However, smaller countries can sometimes offer useful
advice and contribute to creative solutions where multilateral efforts
have not produced results or others have failed.’
Usefulness – of the
kind that Norway, in its independent way, wishes to provide – is one of
the keys to its present high international standing, which in the area of
‘peace mediation and reconciliation’ is perhaps second to none.
While much of the diplomacy involved in Canada’s and Norway’s
work over the years was and remains hidden, or at least out of the inter-
national limelight, important elements of very publicly oriented
diplomacy have been involved. For both the Canadian and Norwegian
governments, diplomatic success has involved close collaboration with
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and direct engagement with
civil society. Canadian and Norwegian officials and diplomats are
master networkers, and they have used their contacts to considerable
advantage. Canada’s own NGOs, anglophone and francophone, have
been very active in foreign fields, receiving support from the Canadian
International Development Agency (CIDA). So, too, the government of
Norway has partnered NGOs, often assisted by the Norwegian Agency
for Development Cooperation (NORAD). ‘Norwegian NGOs have over
several decades gained wide international experience’, attests Foreign
Minister Petersen. ‘As a result, we have a number of contact points with
non-governmental actors in many countries.’
Networking is a quiet, methodical business. To have a ‘niche’ – or
privileged or protected corner – in diplomacy, as in business or any other
activity, requires wide recognition as well as a secured position. Creating
and maintaining a niche in a globalizing competitive world of
attention-seeking entities requires publicity. Some of a nation’s
publicity effort must be straightforward and forthright. The indirect
shaping of the political environment through international public
relations may not be sufficient. Outright advocacy by officials and
Niche Diplomacy in the Public Arena: Canada and Norway 71
diplomats themselves may be required. Vigorous argumentation is
sometimes called for, and controversy may be the result.
Public diplomacy should therefore be thought of as a form of
engagement intellectual engagement, as well as political and social
engagement. Minds, as well as hearts, must be won. The ‘power of the
better argument’ should thus be considered integral to the concept
of public diplomacy. It is not just, or even mainly, a matter of imagery,
or positive branding. Diplomatic argumentation should be a matter of
conviction, resulting from and resulting in the transference of genuine
belief grounded in understanding of the issues and knowledge of the
facts. A certain fundamental level of honesty and consistency is expected.
When a leader, government or country takes actions or adopts positions
that are manifestly incompatible with previous acts or stances, especially
high-minded or ‘altruistic’ ones, credibility can easily be lost. Those
who live by public diplomacy can die by public diplomacy.
‘Niche diplomacy’ in the public arena
Much of Canada’s and Norway’s success lies in the high regard in which
they are held by other countries, including interested segments of these
countries’ populations. The diplomacy of a nation, no matter how ener-
getic, cannot be separated from the international community’s expecta-
tions. In the cases of Canada and Norway, how have these expectations
been created? What methods of diplomacy have helped to generate
them? Is ‘niche diplomacy’ a key factor?
A primary implication of the ‘niche’ term is that the advantage, or
‘corner’, that a country may have by virtue of its favoured situation,
special competence or unique product is more or less permanent. Such
an advantage might be considered as being
– or some combination thereof. It may be locational because
it is based on geographical realities – such as Canada having the world’s
second largest land area, with all its natural resources, and also because
it shares with the United States, a friendly superpower, the globe’s longest
‘unguarded’ (although currently highly sensitive) border. Canada’s
relationship with the United States is, in the words of one Canadian
diplomat, ‘the envy of the world’.
A country’s niche advantage may
alternatively be traditional, because it is inherited from past commitments
and is reconfirmed by years of faithful observance, as with Norway’s
administration and awarding of the Nobel Prize for Peace. ‘Although
other similar prizes are given by other institutions all over the world’, a
Norwegian government publication points out, ‘the Nobel prizes have
72 The New Public Diplomacy
maintained a unique position since the first one was awarded in 1901’.
A country’s niche advantage may also be consensual, because it is
reflective of deep social interest and responsive to the prevailing public
sentiment of a country, irrespective of political partisanship – so much
so that its very identity becomes involved. Canada’s and also Norway’s
long support for and active involvement in international peacekeeping
is illustrative. The welcome that Canadian and Norwegian peacekeepers
have generally received around the world reinforced both countries’
self-identification with peacekeeping.
To maintain a distinct national niche over a long period is becoming
more and more difficult, especially in the present circumstances of a
changing post-Cold War political structure and the dynamic flux of
globalization. As in Darwin’s evolutionary world, old niches disappear
and new ones appear. Organisms must constantly adapt – or perish.
Circumstantial forces, however, are not the only determinant. ‘Niches’
today are not just given externally, or decided by factors beyond
national control. They are also deliberate
. Some international
roles are written by their authors – political leaders and policy planners –
and by those who perform them – a country’s officials and diplomats,
including public diplomats. So might public diplomacy, imaginatively
conceived and cleverly conducted, actually transform the very environ-
ment within which a nation’s foreign policy is carried out?
There are obviously limits to the extent at which promulgation of a
national self-image, brand idea or mission statement can alter the
fundamental political circumstances or even the ephemeral climate of
opinion within which a national government conducts its affairs. Even
when carried out by the government of a well-to-do middle power such
as Canada or wealthy smaller country such as Norway, a state’s foreign
policy is unlikely to prosper without very close attention to the current
pattern of, and particularly the shifts in, the wider geopolitical equilibrium –
especially the international military balance at local, regional, and
global levels. This is the multi-tiered ‘public arena’ – a kind of Roman
Colosseum for public-diplomatic performance – within which foreign
policy today must be conducted. Realists may still consider it to be the
dominant world in which we live. Even the militarily-oriented analyst,
however, must also recognize the ‘hard power’ of massed, organized
public opinion. The new ‘Roman’ gallery that watches diplomacy can
be fickle, and can even turn vicious – as some of the violent protests
against Group of Eight (G8) and other advanced-country summit meet-
ings have demonstrated. Henry Kissinger fears that ‘attacks on globali-
zation could evolve into a new ideological radicalism, particularly in
Niche Diplomacy in the Public Arena: Canada and Norway 73
countries where the governing elite is small and the gap between rich
and poor is vast and growing’. In the last analysis, Kissinger, despite
being a traditional realist, recognizes that ‘world order requires
Soft power and political strategies
The currently fashionable notion of ‘soft power’, as explained by Joseph
S. Nye, overemphasizes the pervasiveness of the phenomenon of power
and also makes much too simple a distinction between forms of power,
as well as the resources that underlie it – those that involve coercion in
contrast with those that rely instead on attraction, or ‘co-optation’, as
he calls it. Nye himself writes: ‘Hard and soft power are related because
they are both aspects of the ability to achieve one’s purpose by affecting
the behavior of others. The distinction between them is one of degree,
both in the nature of the behavior and in the tangibility of the resources’.
Nonetheless he is certainly correct to emphasize the importance of non-
military expressions and the subtler uses of power, for it is these that are
usually manifested in diplomacy – which, however, also embodies and
expresses much more than power. ‘Political leaders’, he writes, ‘have
long understood the power that comes from attraction’.
It should be
stressed that what comes first is the attraction. This can be generated
and also expressed in completely non-power-related ways.
To assimilate
-conducted diplomacy in particular to ‘soft power’
would be a conceptual mistake, and far too reductionist, because a diplo-
macy that is expected to have public appeal and to win favour for a
country must rely on the moral, political and intellectual assent of the
populations addressed by it. Most publics cannot be entirely won over –
either coerced or co-opted – by intimations of power, however sublim-
inal or politely veiled. ‘Power’ is a misnomer in diplomacy. A country’s
foreign policy goals are in any case rarely stated today in such terms –
those of power-seeking or other kind of aggrandizement. This is very
certainly true of Canada and Norway, whose declared purposes tend to
be either quite specific, concrete and internally motivated (to bring
benefits home) or more general, abstract and externally intended (to
bring benefit to the world). To be sure, their policy goals can be stated
in ways that blur the difference. Citing Canada and Norway as exam-
ples, Joseph Nye observes: ‘Sometimes countries enjoy political clout
that is greater than their military and economic weight would suggest
because they define their national interest to include attractive causes
such as economic aid or peacemaking’.
74 The New Public Diplomacy
The sphere of power politics and the sphere of public diplomacy are
not, of course, completely separate. They do overlap. What may be
perceived by the United States or other large countries as a geostrategic
or other power imperative – such as winning the current ‘War on
Terror’ – can fill the American and also wider international public
space. This can have the effect of driving the various protagonists and
practitioners of ‘niche diplomacy’ back into their corners, forcing them
to reconsider both their outlook upon the world and the outreach that
their countries can or should wish to have within it. Canada, because of
its physical adjacency to the United States, and to a lesser extent
Norway, because of its desire to remain close as a NATO ally, have both
felt the inhibiting effects of the present militancy of the world’s sole
surviving superpower. The security arena tends today to be the central
or main world arena, especially in the international circumstances
following the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001.
Here is where smart political strategies can come into play. The role of
diplomacy, as conducted by non-great-power but nonetheless
resourceful and influential nations in such circumstances, could be one
of the following: (1) to try to shift the terms of international debate
away from realism, if necessary through direct and open ideological
with the superpower and cooperating countries; (2) to
attempt gently to foster a more ‘enlightened’ version of realism through
parallel action
alongside the superpower and its coalition partners; or (3)
to engage in active
with the dominant power, perhaps with
some differentiation of roles, or specialization, on a realistic footing.
Canada, through its Ottawa process and other initiatives in which it
has participated (such as the movement to establish an International
Criminal Court and the promotion of ‘human security’), has at times
attempted the first, or confrontational, strategy. Norway, with its Oslo
process and other peace-facilitation efforts in the Philippines, the
Balkans, Colombia, Guatemala and Sri Lanka, has often favoured the
second, or parallel action, strategy. Both Canada and Norway have also
long practised partnership – the third strategy – with the United States
and their European allies within NATO. In the post-11 September inter-
national situation, the theme of partnership has increased saliency in
official thinking in Ottawa and Oslo, as well as in many other capitals.
By ‘going public’ with their foreign-policy preferences, the Canadian
and Norwegian governments can to some degree escape the constraints of
US and European Union power, which could exert a kind of gravitational
control over them. Public diplomacy is to an extent an equalizer – even
a negator – of power. Without subscribing fully to the thesis of ‘the
Niche Diplomacy in the Public Arena: Canada and Norway 75
death of realism’, one can nonetheless accept the observation of the
French political scientist Bertrand Badie that in today’s global condi-
tions major states are required ‘to compromise with ordinary actors
their powers and their private strategies in the international arena’.
Strong states as well as weak states, argues Badie, are ‘increasingly under
scrutiny in an “international public space” constituted by a large
number of non-state actors’.
In this more highly populated inter-
national public space, how best can middle-sized and smaller countries
act to secure themselves and their interests, both within their national
‘niches’ and throughout the global arena?
From the Canadian and Norwegian experiences, it would seem that
the most effective overall public-diplomatic approach, whichever
particular political strategy is chosen, is to present national policy as
serving the ‘global good’ – that is, benefiting humanity as a whole – even
if prompted by a country’s self-interest or reflecting its self-concept. To
the extent that such national identification with international betterment
is widely accepted abroad as well as at home, well-focused diplomatic
efforts can then proceed with a reasonable chance of success, if supported
with sufficient funding and enough personnel. The United States and
other large powers may find in dismay that whatever reservations they
may have about initiatives taken by Canada or Norway are
. Their actual or potential opposition may effectively be
neutralized by the endorsement that Canadian or Norwegian moves
receive from world public opinion – the international community. By
the same token, if the battle for control of ‘international public space’ is
not won by non-great countries – that is, middle or rich and small –
through the aggressive exercise of diplomacy, including open advocacy
as well as public relations activities, then their ambitions beyond mere
national survival may well fail.
Canada: risks and rewards of open confrontation
The beginning of Canada ‘going public’ in its ordinary diplomacy occurred
not in the wider international arena but within the more limited,
continental public forum of the Canadian–US relationship. The precipi-
tant was acid rain, but the deeper cause was the systemic influence of
US domestic processes in general – political as well as economic – on
Canada. The country had to defend itself. Rather than restricting its
representations to the US State Department or other departments of the
US administration, by the early 1980s the Canadian embassy in
Washington also began addressing members of Congress, which without
76 The New Public Diplomacy
its old seniority system was less susceptible to executive-branch leadership
and was becoming more and more decentralized and media-oriented.
The Canadian embassy also engaged in PR activities using private firms
and collaborated with environmentalist and other like-minded NGOs
throughout the United States. The primary reason for the Canadians’
resort to ‘public diplomacy’, as Canadian officials frankly called it, was
that US domestic legislation and administrative regulations were adversely
affecting so many of Canada’s interests that ‘classical diplomacy’ had to
be supplemented with a new approach.
If ‘American foreign policy toward Canada is largely an aggregation of
domestic economic thrusts’, reasoned Canadian Ambassador Allan Gotlieb,
the result is that ‘Canadian foreign policy is the obverse side of
American domestic policy affecting Canada’. Although the US federal
administration – which would remain ‘our principal interlocutors’ –
would not be left ‘off the hook’, Gotlieb stressed that Canadians must
‘recognize, realistically, that a great deal of work has to be done ourselves’.
That meant dealing directly with the American public, and not relying
on the US federal government to do so for Canada. Gotlieb stated the
logic of the new, tough Canadian strategy: ‘public diplomacy, which is
the only possible antidote, is meant to impress the constituents of
legislators of the wisdom in not taking action against Canadian inter-
ests. Not because such action is not nice, but because it hurts specific
American interests’.
By 1995, in a Canadian government foreign policy review, public
diplomacy was recognized as a ‘third pillar’ of Canadian foreign policy
on the global level.
The formal rubric was ‘Projecting Canadian Values
and Culture’.
One of these values – preservation of natural resources
and the environment – carried differences between Canada and the
United States to the world, over the head of the US government, so to
speak. It is the landmine issue, however, that has most clearly brought
the Canadian government into confrontation with US officials. The
lines were drawn by the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use,
Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on
Their Destruction, signed in Ottawa on 3–4 December 1997, with more
than 120 countries participating. The Convention was the result of a
coalition of like-minded non-governmental organizations and activist
individuals (the NGO elements being mostly coordinated by the Inter-
national Campaign to Ban Landmines) as well as national governments –
particularly Austria and Norway, both of which had provided venues
for some of the negotiations, and also other members of a ‘core
group (including Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, the Philippines,
Niche Diplomacy in the Public Arena: Canada and Norway 77
South Africa and Switzerland). But Canada was the leader. This was an
autonomous diplomatic development, arranged entirely outside any
international organization. It was driven by a humanitarian sense of
urgency and by ferocious publicity – a non-bureaucratic communica-
tions effort that relied innovatively on fax messages and then electronic
The Ottawa Convention – the ‘most rapidly ratified’ such inter-
national treaty ever – came into force on 1 March 1999. The US govern-
ment, mainly for reasons relating to the military status quo on the
Korean peninsula, did not join in the ratification.
The Ottawa process, as it came to be called, was accompanied by a
high justifying (and ‘good’ internationalist) idea: Foreign Affairs
Minister Lloyd Axworthy’s somewhat dogmatic, but very well articu-
lated, ‘human security’ concept. Out of it an extensive Human Security
Network (HSN) has developed of some 12 well-placed smaller countries
around the world.
Axworthy’s concept was radical in its implications,
for it placed the safety of the individual rather than the security of the
state (‘national security’) at the centre of concern. ‘It’s not a position
that makes me very popular with the striped pants crowd’, admitted
Axworthy, ‘but I think it has resonance with the public.’ A
New York
reporter agreed: ‘The striped pants crowd of traditional diplo-
mats, backed by academics and conservative columnists, indeed has
trouble swallowing Mr Axworthy’s brand of pulpit diplomacy’.
The destruction of the World Trade Center and damage inflicted on
the Pentagon on 11 September 2001 changed the entire situation of
Canadian diplomacy. Unconfirmed reports in the US press that the
perpetrators had come – or could have come – through Canada were
alarming to Ottawa, as to all of Canada. Corrective advocacy as well as
precautionary measures were called for. The Canadian Department of
Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) realized that it was on
the front line: ‘The September 11 terrorist attacks had a significant
effect on all international operations of the Department, and on the
Public Diplomacy program in particular’, a DFAIT assessment stated.
The department’s focus quickly shifted to ‘new national security priori-
ties’: Afghanistan; the Canadian–US border; and anti-terrorism planning.
The Bush administration’s declaration of its ‘war on terror’ was filling
the international public space, displacing Canada’s messages. ‘Promoting
Canada externally was increasingly demanding in the face of intense
image promotion by other countries and some adverse foreign media
coverage of Canadian security capacity’, DFAIT recognized. Different,
more continentally focused messages were needed. It was obviously
necessary, by means of targeted communications and outreach activities,
78 The New Public Diplomacy
‘to promote Canada as a good neighbor and reliable partner of the
United States’.
DFAIT officials did not wish, however, to give up their longer-term
efforts to ‘strengthen Canadian identity and social cohesion’ by
continuing to represent Canada abroad as a culturally diverse, techno-
logically advanced, federally balanced democracy ‘with extensive links
to the rest of the world’ – in short, to show that Canada was still a
global player, in its own eyes as well as in the eyes of others. ‘Long-term
strategies aimed at projecting Canadian values’ through arts promotion
and academic relations had continued to produce ‘good returns’, the
department pointed out, without specifying the ‘returns’ however,
except to note that demand for Canadian ‘educational and cultural
goods and services exports’ had grown.
Being the Department of
Foreign Affairs
International Trade (whereas until 1982 it had been
the Department of External Affairs alone) meant that the economic
‘returns’ as well as the political rewards of DFAIT’s work, such as the
Ottawa Convention, could comprehensively be taken into account.
On 12 December 2003 – in order ‘to better serve Canadians’ – DFAIT
was somewhat abruptly divided into two departments: Foreign Affairs
Canada, which ‘promotes peace, prosperity and Canadian values
around the world’; and International Trade Canada, which ‘works to
position Canada as a business leader for the twenty-first century’.
logic behind the move was not entirely clear from the outside. This
formal separation of the foreign political and trade functions of the
Canadian government was plainly associated, however, with the
replacement of Prime Minister Jean Chrétien by his long-time Liberal
Party rival, Paul Martin – an internationally experienced former finance
minister with a different style, and his own ideas of how to provide
good government.
A consequence of the change in leadership – and the increased need
for the prime minister to provide coordination – was a higher reliance
on public diplomacy. During an early trip to Washington, Prime
Minister Martin announced the establishment of a new public advocacy
and legislative secretariat in the Canadian embassy building in
Washington – a monumental structure of modern design prominently
situated on Pennsylvania Avenue near the Capitol. This unprecedented
step would, he said, improve the ‘management and coherence’ of
Canada’s relations with the United States, adding that Canadians are
best served by ‘a more sophisticated approach’ that recognizes and
respects ‘the valuable role of legislators and representatives from various
levels of government’.
Further innovative steps would be the joint
Niche Diplomacy in the Public Arena: Canada and Norway 79
location of provincial and territorial representatives at the embassy and
the extension of assistance to Canadian parliamentarians visiting the
US capital and other US cities. These non-diplomats could also be advo-
cates and defenders of Canadian interests. ‘The new secretariat’, which
would be headed by Colin Robertson who had been serving as Canada’s
Consul General in Los Angeles, ‘will enhance Canada’s overall advocacy
in the United States, while supporting a single Canadian voice’, Prime
Minister Martin said.
Norway: a parallel and still independent course
‘Norway’ is an unusually mobile presence in the world. The reputation
of its shipping fleet – one of the world’s largest – for efficiency, safety
and cleanliness enhances the generally positive image of the Atlantic-
oriented Scandinavian country. There are negatives to be sure, one
being Norway’s continued involvement in whaling, which poses a
small but serious problem for the Norwegian government in its public
diplomacy, because of the apparent incompatibility of Norway’s
whaling tradition with its modern, deeply ecological commitment to
the preservation of natural life. The Brundtland Commission on
Sustainable Development – a major new ‘good’ idea – contributed what
is still the dominant comprehensive rationale for adjusting economic
growth to the laws of nature and to human requirements for resources.
Norway’s international peace work, which is the particular focus here,
is legendary. Some of its present peace activities originated long ago in
the Lutheran Church’s missionary work overseas in Africa and else-
where around the world. As Norway’s ambassador in the United States,
former foreign minister and chairman-in-office of the Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe, Knut Vollebaek, has pointed out
by way of historical explanation, Norway was the country in Europe
with ‘the highest number of missionaries per capita’. Returning
missionaries brought home ‘a global, social awareness’.
This mentality
provides consensual ground for the already-noted Nobel Prize for Peace,
which has been awarded in Oslo since 1901. The Swedish industrialist
Nobel’s gift has enabled Norway to construct a powerful instrument of
peace advocacy, implicit as well as explicit. It is a very active and
incomparable ‘niche’.
The aforementioned Oslo peace process – Norway’s effort at peace
mediation between the Israelis and Palestinians expressed in the Oslo
Accord of 1993 – is perhaps Norway’s most distinctive national diplo-
matic effort.
It developed partly outside the official sphere. Norwegian
80 The New Public Diplomacy
politicians, particularly from the labour movement and also from
Christian circles, had long maintained close and friendly relations with
their Israeli colleagues. These links, and others involving academic
researchers, resulted in the opening of the so-called highly secret Oslo
channel. Confidentiality was assured, almost physically, by the geographical
remoteness of the Norwegian ‘niche’ in Europe’s northern periphery.
The Oslo Accord, which was publicly announced at the end of August
1993, laid down basic principles for the gradual establishment of peace
between Israel and the Palestinians. ‘When the negotiations became
known’, recalls one participant, Marianne Heiberg, wife of then foreign
minister Johan Jørgen Holst, ‘there was a collective Norwegian pride’.
Norway had demonstrated an international influence that seemed in
power terms quite incongruous – a feeling that was captured in the
book title of another participant, Jan Egeland:
Impotent Superpower –
Potent Small State
The ‘Oslo process’ touched off, as
New York Times
correspondent Frank
Bruni records in a vivid account that includes many of the elements of
Norway’s present international image, ‘a frenzy of Norwegian peace-
making, or at least peacetrying, that has put peace somewhere alongside
oil and timber as one of this country’s signature exports’. He writes: ‘Over
the last decade, Norwegians have had a hand in peace talks between
Communist rebels and the Philippine government; Croatia and Yugoslavia;
and Colombia’s government and the FARC rebel movement. Norwegians
have ventured into Cyprus and Somalia and Sudan’. Most notably,
Norwegian negotiators were able in February 2002, their quiet efforts
going back to 1998, to broker a power-sharing agreement, albeit tenuous,
between the government of Sri Lanka and the Tamil Tigers. Norway’s
claim to global fame through peacemaking, Bruni comments, is ‘rarer’
than its ‘tenacious winter’, its ‘awful lot of herring’, or anything else
about it, including its economic assets, vacation attractions, or culinary
skills. ‘Now, more than ever, Norway seems to be the international
capital of peace.’
This somewhat caricatured portrait inevitably conceals as well as
reveals. It does, however, suggest what might be further publicized.
Mark Leonard and Andrew Small in their commissioned study,
Public Diplomacy
, have observed that Norway’s problem is not so much
one of ‘rebranding’ as it is of ‘invisibility’. One of the unheard national
‘stories’ that the Norwegian government could and should tell is that of
Norway as a ‘
humanitarian superpower
’, they propose. ‘Norway might be
only 115th in the world in terms of its size, but it is leading the world as
a humanitarian power, outperforming all other countries in terms of its
Niche Diplomacy in the Public Arena: Canada and Norway 81
contributions to aid, its role in peacekeeping and peace processes and
its commitment to developing new kinds of global governance. This
commitment goes far beyond the activities of the Norwegian state –
infusing every aspect of Norwegian society from NGOs and business to
ordinary citizens.’
Are there structural factors at work to support the role of Norway in
such a ‘humanitarian superpower’ niche? Phrasing the question differ-
ently, Bruni asks ‘what makes Norway such a welcome interloper and
lulling force?’ Norwegian deputy foreign minister Vidar Helgesen has
given a partial answer: ‘We’re small, we’re way up here and we have no
colonial past’. Because Norway does not have and really cannot have
any grand designs to impose on others, this reasoning goes that it will
not engender suspicion. Moreover, being separated (unlike Canada)
from the United States by several thousand miles, and being detached
from the main body of integrated Europe too, ‘Norway is not perceived
to be doing the bidding of larger, more muscular and more meddlesome
nations’, Bruni writes. ‘While it belongs to NATO, it does not belong to
the European Union. It has alliances, but wears them lightly.’ But, being
disconnected, Norway can also be disregarded.
‘To gain influence, we have to be noticed’, then Norwegian state
secretary Thorhild Widvey said at Images of Norway: A Conference on
Public Diplomacy, held in Oslo in March 2003. ‘We need partnerships’,
she declared frankly.
Partnerships result from dialogue, which is a
more effective way to build relationships than logo manipulation or
branding, which do not involve real reciprocity. Partnerships, which for
Norway tend to be specialized rather than general and mass-market-
oriented, do not have to be only with other governments. They could
also be with companies and civil society. And they could be formed
with people all around the world. In an address in Canada to the
Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce, Widvey emphasized the
point that ‘visibility and image-building through dialogue is important
to a nation, for political and ethical as well as economic reasons’.
A key to Norway’s success in forming useful as well as durable rela-
tionships has been that it has something to offer, and that it can offer it
quickly, quietly, and, if in financial or material form, unconditionally
and in significant quantity. It is also able to coordinate with others. The
Utstein Group partnership that Norway’s minister for development
cooperation Hilde Frafjord Johnson formed with her counterparts from
Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, with Sweden and
now Canada joining, is an example.
By these means and methods,
Norway is able to be ‘an interesting and reliable partner’.
‘We gain
82 The New Public Diplomacy
some access’, Petersen explains, by being at so many negotiating tables.
Norway’s niche knowledge of many of the world’s crisis areas elevates
its relevance – utility – for the larger countries with which it trades.
Thus there can be advantageous political and other by-products of
Norway’s idealistically motivated mediatory and humanitarian diplo-
macy. According to Petersen, Norway got the ears of European countries
to which it exports seafood because it had privileged insight into
elections in Africa that those countries wanted to monitor. ‘You can put
it this way’, he said, ‘we talked about Zimbabwe and fish.’
These are, however, not Norway’s only stocks in trade. The country’s
main asset is not its ‘brand’ but its reputation. Thorhild Widvey
acknowledges that Norway is sometimes portrayed in the press as ‘a
rich, self-centred and rather self-sufficient country’, and is also seen by
the world as ‘a tradition-bound country of mountains, fjords, Vikings
and the midnight sun’.
It is also recognized, however, as an honest
broker, a generous giver and a reliable partner.
Conclusion: lessons from northern corners?
Can other countries, particularly medium-sized and smaller, profit from
the examples of Canada’s and Norway’s experiences in projecting them-
selves, and their values and images, abroad? In both cases, it has been
seen that geography – that is, location and resources – has been a defining
precondition. Canada and Norway good-naturedly compete for the top
spot in the United Nations Development Programme’s annual ranking
of ‘the best countries in which to live’.
Their somewhat isolated, northern-
peripheral situations, combined with their considerable natural
endowments and skill in exploiting them, including petroleum reserves,
have permitted but also required extensive diplomatic outreach. Although
militarily weak, they are global players. It has been said that each ‘punches
above its weight’ in the world public arena. Whether hard or soft,
impact is not the issue. It is the Canadians’ and Norwegians’ influence,
not power, that is so remarkable.
How have they done it? In both the Canadian and Norwegian cases,
there has been an overarching ideology: ‘good’ ideas, such as well-
articulated concepts of ‘sustainable development’; more recently ‘human
security’; and now also ‘the responsibility to protect’.
These notions
were conceived as being for the global public good as well as for the
benefit of the sponsoring countries. And this has been recognized.
Both countries have very effectively used public diplomacy, including
the ‘power of the better argument’. Canada has done so by lobbying, as
Niche Diplomacy in the Public Arena: Canada and Norway 83
well as through open advocacy, sometimes confrontational in style.
Norway has concentrated on performing high-profile acts in faraway
places, rather than using high-profile words close by. Its verbal expressions,
although characteristically straightforward, have been much quieter. It
has tended to move in parallel with power, rather than to oppose
proposals and policies that it does not like. Its greater physical distance
from the United States has given it much more freedom of international
manoeuvre, although its growing closeness to the enlarged and constituted
European Union may increasingly require vociferous defences of its
domestic and international interests (and not only relating to fisheries).
Both Canada and Norway have used networks to great advantage, for
themselves and for others. The multilateral context of the United
Nations, NATO and the OSCE, and for Canada the Commonwealth and
la francophonie
, and for Norway the Council of Europe (which it chaired
in late 2004), have given the two countries organizational scope for
forming friendships (Norway’s non-membership of the EU is, however,
a disadvantage). Their NGO, civil society and corporate relationships
also keep them in close working partnership with the world. Although
some of Canada’s and Norway’s affiliations derive from who and where
they are (for example, the Canadian humanitarian involvement in Haiti),
such networking methods are not peculiar or exclusive to themselves.
They can be replicated by almost any country in any part of the world.
Some of their closest allies in the diplomatic world are from the ‘South’.
The largesse that both Canada and Norway can bestow, however, is a
privilege – as well as a responsibility – that arises from their nations’
wealth, including their own peoples’ energy and inventiveness.
In Gareth Evans’ and Bruce Grant’s formulation of the ‘niche diplomacy’
idea, both countries, but more especially Norway, have also concen-
trated resources ‘in specific areas best able to generate returns worth
having, rather than trying to cover the field’.
The crucial ‘worth
having’ standard consists not just of external criteria, including
universal moral principles, but also of serious political requirements.
Some of these are internal. In the case of Canada, as Evan Potter has
pointed out, ‘a considerable number of activities identified as “public
diplomacy” in official DFAIT documents are, in fact, communications
and consultation programmes directed at domestic audiences’.
A unifying
foreign policy helps to produce a united nation, and even to define a
national identity. Canada’s prime ‘niche’ activity – peacekeeping – has
long served exactly this role, within as well as outside Canada. Embar-
rassing setbacks, however, not to mention entry into the peacekeeping
sphere of many new countries, have put into question this traditional
84 The New Public Diplomacy
Canadian identifier. Bangladesh now contributes more personnel to
peacekeeping than does Canada.
Norway’s particular emphasis on peace mediation and reconciliation,
as demonstrated in Sri Lanka, has also generated resistance, with the
Norwegian peace facilitators being called ‘salmon-eating busybodies’ by
a Sri Lankan political critic.
As Thorhild Widvey observes, ‘a national
image must satisfy three requirements. It must be genuine and trust-
worthy, it must be internally anchored, and it must be perceived as
attractive in those markets we wish to target’.
Especially given the
distance and the differences between countries like Norway and Sri
Lanka, these are very difficult criteria to meet.
To be known for one thing or a single ‘niche’ role, even if practised
over a long period of time and in many places, is very risky in diplo-
macy – as it is in nature. ‘For small countries like Norway, which people
in most countries have no idea of at all, it is a special challenge to avoid
being stereotyped’, said Widvey.
It is too easy for a country to be
discredited, and soon forgotten about, even though its efforts are inher-
ently worthwhile and are made for the best of motives. For this same
reason, national ‘branding’ is an especially dangerous idea. It creates
rigidities. Instead, countries that choose to specialize, as most smaller
countries must now do to some degree in a globalizing economy with so
many competitors active, should maintain maximum possible flexibility
and the highest possible economic and political ‘market’ awareness.
For smaller countries that are situated geographically in the very middle
of regions – a military–strategic centre, an industrial–financial core, or a
transportation–communications crossroads – omni-directional thinking
may come more easily than for Canada and Norway. If the centrally
located country – Belgium or the Netherlands, for instance – has a simi-
larly high level of competence and wealth on which to draw, it may be
able to play an active intermediary role, taking part simultaneously and
constantly in many games that are political as well as economic. As
hypothesized, this would come largely by virtue of location. In other
regions of the world too, certain centrally placed smaller countries –
one thinks of Singapore, Jordan or Costa Rica – can play important
intermediary roles, with their fingers in many pies. The more distinctive
and specialized ‘niche’ functions seem to be reserved, however, for the
world’s corners, although not exclusively. It may be easier to concen-
trate resources if located on the periphery – as in Ottawa or Oslo. Yet in
an age of globalization, the diplomacy that accompanies ‘niche’ special-
ization need not, as the examples of Canada and Norway demonstrate,
be confined to any margin. It can cross, if not fill, the world public arena.
Niche Diplomacy in the Public Arena: Canada and Norway 85
1. Gareth Evans and Bruce Grant, Australia’s Foreign Relations in the World of
the 1990s (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1991), p. 323. For
applications of the idea to the foreign policy behaviour of other middle-sized
countries, see Andrew F. Cooper (ed.), Niche Diplomacy: Middle Powers after
the Cold War (London: Macmillan, 1997).
2. For an explanation of the concept of ‘global public goods’ in various fields,
see Inge Kaul, Pedro Conceição, Katell Le Goulven and Ronald U. Mendoza
(eds), Providing Global Public Goods: Managing Globalization (New York:
Oxford University Press, published for the United Nations Development
Programme, 2003).
3. Roald Nasgaard, The Mystic North: Symbolist Landscape Painting in Northern
Europe and North America (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984).
4. During the 16 months prior to July 2004, for example, all four of the state
secretaries of Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs visited Canada, some of
them twice.
5. In conversation with Alan Henrikson, Cambridge MA, 13 April 2004.
6. Michael Ignatieff, ‘Canada in the Age of Terror: Multilateralism Meets a
Moment of Truth’, Policy Options, February 2003, pp. 16 and 17, quoted in
Joseph S. Nye, Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics (New York:
PublicAffairs, 2004), p. 10.
7. Jan Petersen, ‘Peace Mediation and Reconciliation’, joint Belgian-Norwegian
seminar on the occasion of the Norwegian state visit to Brussels, 21 May
2003, Utenriksdepartementet,
8. Petersen, ‘Peace Mediation and Reconciliation’.
9. ‘Welcome Message from Colin Robertson, Consul General’, Canadian
Consulate General, Los Angeles CA,
en.asp?mid = 9.
10. ‘Editorial – The Accidental Peace Awarder’, News of Norway, November 2001.
The Peace Prize is given by the Norwegian Nobel Committee, an independent
body whose members are appointed by the Storting (Norwegian parliament)
on the basis of the relative strengths of the political parties in the Storting.
Members of the government or parliament do not serve on the Norwegian
Nobel Committee, however.
11. Henry Kissinger, Does America Need a Foreign Policy? Toward a Diplomacy for
the Twenty-First Century (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2001), pp. 227 and 230.
12. Nye, Soft Power, p. 7.
13. Nye, Soft Power, p. 6.
14. Nye, Soft Power, p. 9.
15. Bertrand Badie, ‘Realism under Praise, or a Requiem? The Paradigmatic
Debate in International Relations’, International Political Science Review/Revue
internationale de science politique, vol. 22, no. 3, July 2001, p. 258.
16. Allan E. Gotlieb, ‘Canada–US Relations: Some Thoughts about Public
Diplomacy’, address to The Empire Club of Canada, 10 November 1983, The
Empire Club of Canada Speeches 1983–1984 (Toronto: The Empire Club
Foundation, 1984), pp. 101–15,
asp?SpeechID = 2120&FT =
yes. Allan Gotlieb, ‘I’ll Be with You in a Minute, Mr
86 The New Public Diplomacy
Ambassador’: The Education of a Canadian Diplomat in Washington (Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 1991), colourfully describes the Canadian shift
towards new influence channels and the use of public diplomacy.
17. Evan H. Potter, ‘Canada and the New Public Diplomacy’, International Jour-
nal, vol. 58, no. 1, winter 2002–03, p. 51. See also Evan H. Potter, Canada
and the New Public Diplomacy, Clingendael Discussion Papers in Diplomacy,
no. 81 (The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations
‘Clingendael’, 2002).
18. Canada and the World: Canadian Foreign Policy Review 1995, www.dfait-maeci.
19. Partly as an outgrowth of the landmines’ ban communication experience,
Canadian foreign minister Lloyd Axworthy launched a comprehensive
national public diplomacy plan: the Canadian International Information
Strategy (CIIS). This was based on a Task Force report, Connecting with the
World: Priorities for Canadian Internationalism in the Twenty-First Century
(November 1996). The ambitious CIIS scheme never made it to the table
of the Canadian Cabinet for full discussion and government decision. It
did, however, encourage a vanguard of Canadian officials to bring public
diplomacy into the institutional mainstream. The multilingual Govern-
ment of Canada ‘Canada International’ website is, in effect, a derivative of
the CIIS.
20. Human Security Network, The first
ministerial meeting of the HSN took place at Lysøen in Norway on 20 May
1999, with South Africa, a somewhat larger country, participating as an
21. Anthony DePalma, ‘A Canadian Routs Diplomacy (and Ruffles the US)’, New
York Times, 10 January 1999. The ‘pulpit diplomacy’ characterization is from
two Canadian scholars, Fen O. Hampson and Dean F. Oliver. See their
‘Pulpit Diplomacy: A Critical Assessment of the Axworthy Doctrine’, Inter-
national Journal, vol. 53, no. 3, summer 1998, pp. 379–406.
22. Departmental Performance: Public Diplomacy, 7 February 2003, Department of
Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada,
23. Departmental Performance: Public Diplomacy.
24. Foreign Affairs Canada, 14 June 2004,; and
Information about the Changes, 1 April 2004,
25. Larry Luxner, ‘Canadian Embassy Planning Legislative Secretariat in
Washington’, The Washington Diplomat, August 2004, p. A-18.
26. Luxner, ‘Canadian Embassy Planning Legislative Secretariat in Washington’,
p. A-18.
27. ‘Peace Prize for Norway’, News of Norway, February 2004. Ambassador Vollebaek
was presented with the Peacemaker/Peacebuilder Award by the National
Peace Foundation in Washington on 30 January 2004.
28. ‘Norway’s Involvement in the Middle Eastern Peace Process’, News of Norway,
November–December 1999.
29. Andy Altman-Ohr, ‘In Oslo, Home of the ‘93 Accords, Collective Frustration
Pervades’, Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 27 October 2000, www.jewishsf.
Niche Diplomacy in the Public Arena: Canada and Norway 87
30. Jan Egeland, Impotent Superpower – Potent Small State: Potentials and Limitations of
Human Rights Objectives in the Foreign Policies of the United States and Norway
(Oslo: Norwegian University Press, 1988, distributed by Oxford University
31. Frank Bruni, ‘A Nation That Exports Oil, Herring and Peace’, New York Times,
21 December 2002.
32. Mark Leonard and Andrew Small, Norwegian Public Diplomacy (London:
Foreign Policy Centre, 2003), pp. 1 and 3. The other ‘stories’ that Leonard
and Small suggest stressing are ‘living with nature’, ‘equality’, and ‘inter-
nationality/spirit of adventure’ (pp. 3–4).
33. Thorhild Widvey, ‘Opening Speech’, Images of Norway: A Conference on
Public Diplomacy, Oslo, 7 March 2003,
taler/p10001532/bn.html. She has subsequently been appointed minister of
petroleum and energy.
34. Thorhild Widvey, ‘Public Diplomacy’, address to Norwegian-American
Chamber of Commerce, Ottawa, 7 November 2003,
35. For more on the Utstein Group partnership, see
36. Norwegian foreign minister Jan Petersen, ‘Norwegian Public Diplomacy’,
address at the Nordic Heritage Museum, Seattle, 12 April 2004,
37. Bruni, ‘A Nation that Exports Oil, Herring and Peace’.
38. Widvey, ‘Opening Speech’ at Images of Norway conference.
39. ‘Norway Heads Quality of Life Index; Canada Miffed’, Reuters, 8 July 2003.
40. The Responsibility to Protect: A Report of the International Commission on Inter-
vention and State Sovereignty (Ottawa: International Development Research
Centre, 2001). The ICISS joint chairs were Gareth Evans (Australia) and
Mohamed Sahnoun (Algeria). The chairman of the Advisory Board was
Canada’s Lloyd Axworthy.
41. Evans and Grant, Australia’s Foreign Relations in the World of the 1990s, p. 323.
42. Potter, ‘Canada and the New Public Diplomacy’, p. 47.
43. ‘Norway Suspends Peace Role in Sri Lanka’, Financial Times, 14 November
44. Widvey, ‘Public Diplomacy’.
45. Widvey, ‘Opening Speech’ at Images of Norway conference.
Public Diplomacy in the People’s
Republic of China
Ingrid d’Hooghe
Public diplomacy may not be a current term in China, yet China has
certainly developed a remarkable array of activities that together form a
consistent and quite effective public diplomacy policy. Perceptions and
the behaviour of both China’s domestic and international publics are
having a growing impact on China’s foreign policy. Rising to play a
more substantial role in world politics and economics, and often feeling
misjudged by the international community, the Chinese leadership is
increasingly making effective use of public diplomacy tools to project
an image of China that in their view does more justice to reality: China
as a trustworthy, cooperative, peace-loving, developing country that
takes good care of its enormous population. Examples of this are
China’s role as honest broker and responsible world power in the North
Korean nuclear crisis, China’s campaign to win the 2008 Olympic
Games, and its policy to convince neighbouring countries that they do
not have to fear a rising China.
This chapter looks at how China has discovered and developed its
public diplomacy. It gives an overview of China’s actions in this field,
on a large-scale global level as well as on a small-scale bilateral level. It
also addresses a dimension to which the regime does not pay a great
deal of attention, but which has enormous potential from a public
diplomacy perspective: China’s culture. Cinema, painting and calligraphy,
literature (the Nobel Prize), traditional medicine, acupuncture, martial
arts and Chinese cuisine have conquered the world without deliberate
action by the Chinese government, but are powerful assets in creating a
positive image abroad.
Public Diplomacy in the People’s Republic of China 89
Two factors make China’s public diplomacy especially interesting: the
fact that China is a one-party state with a centralist authoritarian
regime that has far-reaching control over public diplomacy instruments;
and the fact that China can build on a tradition of political propaganda.
These characteristics explain both China’s strengths and weaknesses
with regard to its public diplomacy. As illustrated later, China’s leaders
understand and address the importance of both domestic and foreign
audiences, but the focus of their foreign policy strategy is solely on
formal intergovernmental contacts. This makes the Chinese case an
outstanding example of what Hocking calls the ‘state-centred, hierarchical
model of diplomacy’ and Manheim terms ‘strategic public diplomacy’:
when the government of one country uses strategic political communica-
tion to influence opinion in another.
Playing an active role in a global
policy network with public and private actors is something for a distant
future, as China’s civil society is only cautiously developing and China’s
leaders do not allow independent actors to engage in foreign policy.
China’s foreign policy and diplomacy
The development of China’s public diplomacy cannot be detached
from the rapid development of China’s diplomacy as a whole during
the last decade, which, in its turn, cannot be detached from the enormous
economic and political changes that have taken place and that are still
taking place in China. Today’s China is a booming economic power
with a pragmatic outlook on the world. It is the world’s sixth largest
economy and the fourth largest trading nation. China is a country in
rapid transition, halfway on the road from a poor, backward and
isolated country with a centrally planned economy to a rapidly devel-
oping, outward-looking country with a (socialist) market economy,
integrating into the world economy and largely working within the
international system of multilateral organizations. At the same time it is
a growing political power, deploying an ever more proactive, assertive
and effective diplomacy to achieve its goals. Over the last few years
China has become an important player in world affairs, and its diplo-
macy has moved from the back to front stage. Deng Xiaoping’s adage of
the early 1990s – ‘keep a low profile and never take the lead’ – in world
affairs has largely been abandoned. While former Chinese leaders
hardly ventured abroad, President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao and
Minister of Foreign Affairs Li Zhaoxing make innumerable visits to all
continents. In 2002 China knocked on NATO’s door and in June 2003
President Hu Jintao attended an informal Enlarged Dialogue meeting
90 The New Public Diplomacy
between G8 leaders and heads of eleven developing countries, whereas
in the past China had always kept its distance from what it used to call
the ‘rich man’s club’.
China’s foreign policy, however, is subordinate to the country’s
primary aim: attaining rapid domestic growth and modernization.
China’s leaders realize that their regime is legitimized by China’s
economic growth. At the sixteenth Chinese Communist Party Congress
in 2002, a blueprint for China’s long-term national goal was presented:
to transform the current Chinese society by 2020 into a ‘little prosperity’
) society where people enjoy a comfortable life. To reach that
goal China’s gross domestic product would have to quadruple by 2020.
A stable international environment is necessary for China’s economic
growth and in practice this means that China will do its best to avoid
conflicts or dependency on one country or region. China’s New Security
Concept, launched in the late 1990s but firmly established in 2002,
promotes the idea that in the post-Cold War period, nations are able to
increase their security through diplomatic and economic interaction
instead of through competing and antagonistic blocs. Beijing now
actively seeks to boost its influence in the region, but at the same time
aims for a ‘full strategic partnership’ with the European Union in areas
including trade, culture, technology, defence and space exploration, as
well as a stable relationship with the United States. It is against this
background of further opening up and stepping into global politics that
China has become more active in the field of public diplomacy.
China’s political and economic successes on the international stage
are evident and spark applause as well as fears. In the United States the
‘China Threat’ debate
flares up regularly and in many Asian capitals
policy-makers are concerned that China’s economic strength will
sooner or later encourage it to dominate the region or even to assert its
power militarily. To succeed in sustaining its economic growth and
convince other countries that China only seeks peaceful development,
mutual prosperity and no hegemony, Beijing has looked at how it could
improve its diplomacy and image abroad and has developed an answer
to the American ‘China Threat’ debate and Asian worries. In doing so, it
has come up with the concept of ‘China’s Peaceful Rise’ (
Zhongguo de
heping jueqi
). Wherever and whenever Chinese leaders get the chance,
they stress to regional audiences that China envisages a mutually bene-
ficial growth leading to co-prosperity. The concept of ‘China’s Peaceful
Rise’ – or ‘Peaceful Development of China’ as it has recently been
named by some to avoid the threatening connotation of the word ‘rise’ – is
now a cornerstone of China’s public diplomacy.
Public Diplomacy in the People’s Republic of China 91
Before further exploring China’s current public diplomacy, a brief
overview of China’s past handling of international perceptions will be
described, as it illustrates that reaching out to foreign audiences has
always been on China’s Communist Party’s agenda.
Targeting foreign audiences from 1949 onwards
China is deeply sensitive to foreign perceptions of China and its
policies abroad. Both foreign appraisals of China’s diplomatic perform-
ance and negative perceptions of China’s domestic situation are often
mentioned and quoted in articles in the Chinese press. Chinese govern-
ment officials hold the Western media responsible for creating a negative
image of China. Minister Zhao Qizheng of the State Council Information
Office, while on a visit to Moscow in August 2003, lashed out at Western
media coverage of China. He complained that the Western media not
only controls public opinion but also damages China’s image in the
world: ‘Using their media dominance, they are stressing the negatives
in China without pointing out recent positive developments’.
Understanding the importance of creating a positive image abroad is
nothing new in China. The Chinese Communist Party has long under-
stood the power of good foreign press, examples of which can be found
throughout its history. For example, in the mid-1930s the Chinese
Communist Party invited American journalist Edgar Snow to China to
report on the civil war. The book that Snow later wrote on Mao Zedong’s
struggle with the Nationalist forces,
Red Star Over China
, depicted the
Communist leader as a hero. The book was a worldwide success. After
founding the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the regime kept inviting
selected journalists and academics to visit (selected parts of) China and
write about it. Furthermore, they soon created English-, French-, Spanish-
and Japanese-language publications to inform foreigners about develop-
ments in China and to propagate the blessings of Communism. The latter,
of course, dominated the contents of these publications; problems or
drawbacks were never mentioned. Even during the Cultural Revolution,
magazines such as
Beijing Review
China Reconstructs
China Pictorial
found their way to foreign readers all over the world. The images projected
over the decades by these magazines and other publications include those
of China as a peace-loving country, a victim of foreign aggression, a
socialist country (stressed in the Maoist era), an anti-hegemonic force, a
developing country and – especially from 1978 onwards – a cooperator.
In the early 1970s, when the Chinese leaders wanted to end China’s
international isolation, they started to propagate ‘ping-pong diplomacy
92 The New Public Diplomacy
and pandas, thus making way for the new image of a more outward-
looking China. A real new image, however, only began to emerge in the
late 1970s, after China’s new and charismatic leader, Deng Xiaoping,
introduced the ‘open-door policy’ and economic reforms. His pragmatic
approach, summarized by the now famous one-liner ‘it doesn’t matter if
the cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice’, appealed to foreign
audiences all over the world. Deng’s public diplomacy was very effective,
all the more so because it was supported by actions to open up and
modernize China. Foreign businessmen and tourists crowded to China’s
door and investments surged. In 1985 Deng was chosen as ‘Man of the
Year’ by the international
TIME Magazine
But in 1989 the Tiananmen crisis severely damaged China’s new and
favourable reputation abroad. The predominant image from Tiananmen
was that of a lone protester, standing in front of a row of tanks, clinging
on to a handbag – a strong, long-lasting image, all the more so when it
was chosen as the World Press Photo of 1989. Immediately after
Tiananmen, Chinese leaders were not very interested in what the outside
world was thinking of them. They were too busy stabilizing the country.
Soon, however, they understood that they had to break through the
isolation and they hired one of the largest public-relations firms in the
world – Hill & Knowlton – to help repair China’s image. Two years later,
the internal situation seemed under control and China’s new leader,
Jiang Zemin, sat firmly in the saddle. The Chinese regime began to step
up its efforts to sway international opinion by increasingly reaching out
to foreign audiences in order to promote trade and investment and to
further China’s standing in the world.
In sum, one could say that the concept of public diplomacy – their
proponents would call it propaganda
– was a well-established part of
the Chinese Communist Party’s diplomatic handbook. With the exception
of the immediate post-Tiananmen period, and parts of the Cultural
Revolution period, China has used the instrument to create a favourable
impression with foreigners of China and its achievements.
China’s present public diplomacy goals
In the pre-Deng Xiaoping period, public diplomacy had the relatively
limited goal of creating a favourable image of an otherwise autarkic
country. However, the task of public diplomacy since Deng put forward
his ‘open door policy’ at the end of the 1970s has become more
complex and demanding. Current public diplomacy still has to boost
the legitimacy of the Communist Party as China’s central ruler, but in
Public Diplomacy in the People’s Republic of China 93
addition has to lure foreign investment to the country and make
China’s rise palatable to the region and the world at large. On top of
that, negative news and images have to be redressed. China’s leaders
seem to understand that their public diplomacy efforts need to be
supported by corresponding actions in order to be credible and thus
successful. That does not stop them, however, from propagating images
that they cannot live up to, such as in the field of human rights.
Looking in more detail at China’s public diplomacy, three major goals
can be distinguished.
First, China wants to be seen as a country that works hard to give its
people a better future and seeks understanding for its political system
and policies. The image stressed is that of a developing country in the
middle of a slow but fundamental economic transition, confronted
with enormous challenges to which no easy responses exist. In other
words, the world may not expect China’s leaders to take radical steps in
political and economic reform, as rash policies will destabilize the
country and bring misery to the people. China’s efforts to inform the
public of its policies via websites, white papers, magazines and scholarly
exchanges should be seen in this light.
Second, China wants to be seen as a stable, trustworthy and responsible
economic partner, a rising economic power that does not have to be
feared. This is the crux of China’s policy of good neighbourliness, part
of the ‘Peaceful Rise of China’ strategy and well illustrated by its
balanced diplomacy in South-East Asia. With its charm offensive during
the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit meeting
in Indonesia in October 2003, China clearly strove to convince neigh-
bouring countries that both sides will gain from an economically strong
China, that they will all attain ‘co-prosperity’.
At the same time it
wanted to show the West that China is trusted in the region. In this
field the Chinese government clearly supports its public diplomacy
with actions. Over the last decade, China has doubled its foreign direct
investment to ASEAN, initiated a road map to a Chinese-ASEAN Free
Trade Area by 2010, and concluded a bilateral swap agreement with
ASEAN countries. Furthermore, it has softened its stand on the dispute
over the Spratley Islands in the South China Sea.
Third, China’s leaders want China to be seen as a trustworthy and
responsible member of the international community, capable of and
willing to contribute actively to world peace. The most recent and obvious
illustration of this policy is Beijing’s current role as host and chair of
the six-party talks on North Korea. China’s increasing multilateralist
cooperation is another example. But there are opposing actions as
94 The New Public Diplomacy
well: until recently China traded nuclear technology with countries such
as Iran, North Korea and Pakistan; and Beijing still threatens to use military
force against Taiwan if the island takes steps towards independence.
Last but not least, China wants to be respected as an ancient culture
with a long history. The increasing number of international cultural
events that China organizes all over the world should strengthen this
image. Beijing’s contribution to the closing ceremony of the 2004
Olympic Games in Athens was another illustration. The act was mainly
composed of traditional cultural images such as dragons, the figure of
the monkey king and Chinese opera, stressing the image of China as an
ancient culture.
Assets and liabilities
China’s biggest liabilities that hamper ‘selling’ the country are: its
human rights’ records (including the Falungong issue); its minority
policies (including the Tibet issue); and China’s unification (the Taiwan
issue). China recognizes them as liabilities and addresses them by
public diplomacy: policies are explained in white papers, articles, on
websites and during press conferences. Although public diplomacy with
regard to these issues does not seem to be very successful – all the more
as it is hardly supported by positive policies or actions – it is nevertheless
considered internationally as a big step forward that the authorities no
longer keep silent about these sensitive issues as they used to until the
early 1990s. In that sense, the simple step of making these issues
discussable, thus creating the hope that they will also be negotiable, has
already yielded profit for the Chinese side.
China’s biggest assets when selling the country are its (ancient)
culture and its economic success. Beijing is well aware of the latter, and
as discussed earlier has developed careful public diplomacy to allay
suspicions of a rising China. Looking at how China exploits its culture
or ‘soft power’, one finds an ambiguous approach. Joseph Nye defines
‘soft power’ as ‘the influence and attractiveness a nation acquires when
others are drawn to its culture and ideas’.
China’s policy-makers
certainly use the popularity of Chinese culture outside their borders to
promote international relations and tourism, but mainly focus on
harmless, apolitical, traditional culture, including Chinese cuisine and
acupuncture. At the same time, however, a new generation of Chinese
artists, writers, filmmakers and actors, combining traditional arts with
modern ideas and developments, are conquering the world. They are
attracting and dazzling foreign audiences and winning international
Public Diplomacy in the People’s Republic of China 95
prizes. In 2000, the Chinese author Gao Xinjian was the first Chinese to
win the Nobel Prize for Literature. The Chinese film
Crouching Tiger,
Hidden Dragon
has become one of the biggest non-English-language box
office successes. The Chinese actress Gong Li is celebrated at major film
festivals. Chinese painters such as Fang Lijun and Zhang Xiaogang are
invited to exhibit in major galleries and museums around the world.
Many cultural expressions, however, such as books, poems, films, visual
art works as well as theatre performances are considered subversive by
the regime and are subsequently denounced and domestically forbidden.
This part of China’s growing soft power thus seems ignored by China’s
It is not only the Western world that is attracted by China’s cultural
expressions. South-East Asian youths in particular are fascinated by
Chinese films, fashion and pop music. Furthermore, mainland Chinese
consumer brands have become popular in the region, as has the study
of the Chinese language.
Related to this growth of China’s soft power
in South-East Asia is the rise of ethnic Chinese groups in the region.
Formerly often anti-Beijing, these communities have now come to
accept a modernizing and successful China.
Target groups
The Chinese distinguish between target countries and target groups and
fine-tune their message or tone accordingly. During a conference of the
Information Office of the State Council in 1991, it was already acknowl-
edged, for example, that foreigners and overseas Chinese are ‘different’
and that ‘publicity should not be carried out the same way that it is at
Each of the above-mentioned goals involves one or more
specific target group. The ‘China’s Peaceful Rise’ message is aimed prima-
rily at the Asian region, whereas public diplomacy with regard to
China’s human rights situation mainly targets Europe and the
United States.
One of the more general target groups on which China is focusing is
the enormous group of overseas Chinese communities. In the US alone
there are 2.4 million overseas Chinese. They play a role in promoting
Chinese culture and lobbying for political interests. Over the past three
years China has set up more than 80 pro-China associations among
overseas communities across the world and has supported the
convening of regional conferences in a drive to form a united global
network of such organizations.
Beijing sponsors and promotes a great
number of economic, educational and cultural activities through such
96 The New Public Diplomacy
organizations, with the aim of keeping these groups on China’s side
and stimulating them to invest in China.
The instruments
China uses the same public diplomacy instruments as other countries:
the media, internet, events and projects, celebrities and publications,
but the way that they are used sometimes differs, if only for the fact
that in the Chinese case many of the ‘instruments’ are state-controlled.
This is a particularly important factor when we look at the domestic
media as an instrument.
China’s domestic media were until recently the main instruments to
inform the outside world about China. There have been English-language
Chinese newspapers and journals targeted at foreign audiences since
the early years of the People’s Republic of China. China also has an
English-language television channel that can be received all over the
world. The Chinese have their own ‘Voice of China’, called China Radio
International, with broadcastings in all of the major world languages.
The official Chinese news agency, Xinhua, has an English-language
service. These organizations are all state-owned and controlled, and
although in some cases the possibilities for journalists and editors to
bring their own news and messages has somewhat increased, much of
the content of the programmes, newspapers and magazines is still
dictated by official policy lines.
Nowadays, in addition to its own media, China’s public diplomacy
makes more and more use of international media. A large number of
foreign correspondents are accredited to Beijing, Chinese leaders often
give press conferences during foreign visits and a new generation of
Chinese diplomats has started to address the foreign press.
A good
example of the latter is China’s Ambassador to the Netherlands, Mrs
Xue Hanqin. Shortly after her arrival in The Hague she gave several
interviews to the Dutch press and wrote a week-long diary for one of the
Netherlands’ major newspapers.
The interviews and diary favourably
impressed people, with the result that for the first time a wider audience
than just the diplomatic community in The Hague knows a Chinese
Ambassador to the Netherlands.
The Chinese are learning fast about how to deal with the press. In
February 2000, for example, a suicide bomber killed himself in
Tiananmen Square. A few years earlier silence would have followed, but
this time it took only a few hours for the police to hand out press
releases describing the bomber as a deranged farmer who was angry
Public Diplomacy in the People’s Republic of China 97
about a tax-dodging fine. This way they anticipated Western specula-
tions that the man would be a political dissident or Falungong
supporter. Chinese leaders also go out and talk to the Western editors
and press agencies. When meeting Ted Turner of CNN, Minister Zhao
expressed his concerns about biased news coverage of China: ‘I told him
that CNN is not objective – that it spends seven minutes showing trash
on the streets of China and only three minutes on the flowers we plant’.
Furthermore, China makes effective use of the possibilities of the
internet. You do not have to speak Chinese to spend an afternoon
surfing the Chinese internet, visiting accessible and sometimes beauti-
fully designed websites in English or even several other languages.
Newspaper archives are easily accessible and you can download new
and old articles for free. Many of these websites are developed specifically
for the purpose of propaganda/public diplomacy and are controlled by
the Information Office. The Tibet website and the three-dimensional
x3dChina website for showcasing China’s culture opened in October
2003 in New York by Minister of the State Council Information Office
Zhao Qizheng, are good examples of this policy.
The importance of publications as a means to reach out to a wide
audience has decreased with development of the internet. Once in a
while you will still find little English booklets – for free – on Chinese
topics, ranging from the Chinese Constitution or marriage law to big
construction projects, but their share in the information flow has
almost dissolved. As mentioned earlier, China devotes much attention
to explaining its policies in white papers, the most remarkable being
China’s EU Paper, which was published in October 2003, making China
the first non-European country to publish a serious and official vision
on the European Union and to take Europe seriously as an entity.
Not to be underestimated is the power of the fourth instrument that
China increasingly uses: events. With the aim of increasing its visibility
in the world, China has become an eager organizer of big events. In the
1990s China hosted the Asian games and the UN International
Women’s Conference. In 2001 Shanghai spared no expense to impress
participants in the APEC Summit, and in 2001 Beijing finally won its
bid for the Olympic Games of 2008, which the regime, as well as outside
observers, see as a major chance for China to show its capabilities to the
world. It will also offer an ideal opportunity to capitalize on worldwide
interest in China’s ancient culture. The same will be true of the World
Exhibition of 2010, to be held in Shanghai.
At the same time, China organizes many smaller events that are
dedicated to Chinese culture or international trade. Examples for
98 The New Public Diplomacy
culture are Chinese Culture Weeks in the US (2000), Berlin (2001), and
in St Petersburg (August 2003), the latter carefully planned on the
occasion of the 300th anniversary of St Petersburg, to which many
international guests and press were invited. A good example for interna-
tional trade is the 2001 ten-city tour of the Chinese Ambassador to
Washington under the banner ‘A National Conversation with the
Chinese Ambassador’. The tour was sponsored by US firms and the US
Chamber of Commerce and was supposed to be about ‘the many oppor-
tunities to do business in China’, but some complained that it was just
as much used as a platform to present Chinese views on political issues
to the audiences.
Another instrument that should be mentioned consists of the
Chinese gardens and theme parks that have opened in many Western
countries. They are usually of a non-political character and owned by
Western companies or institutions. In the US, however, a ‘Splendid
China’ theme park was opened, which is supposedly owned by the
Chinese government and should convey the message that China
attaches great value to the Tibetan and Uyghur cultures within its
Finally, there are innumerable exchanges among schools, universities,
chambers of commerce, twin cities and so on.
The inner working of China’s public diplomacy system
In developing and deciding upon China’s public diplomacy activities, a
major role is reserved for the State Council Information Office. In late
1991 at a National Work Conference on External Propaganda, the State
Council Foreign Propaganda Office – or External Publicity as the
Chinese nowadays prefer to call it – was established. Propaganda and
publicity work had previously been the task of the Foreign Propaganda
Office of the Chinese Communist Party. The declared task of the new
State Council Foreign Publicity office was:
to promote China as a stable country in the process of reform, a
China that takes good care of its population, including the minorities,
and works hard to reduce poverty.
The creation of this new office coincided with the end of the period of
post-Tiananmen isolation. The Chinese government started issuing a
steady flow of white papers clarifying China’s policies on such critical
issues as ethnic minorities, human rights and national defence, and
Public Diplomacy in the People’s Republic of China 99
educational and cultural exchanges were resumed. But China’s public
diplomacy only got a real kick-start when Zhao Qizheng became
Minister of the Information Office of the State Council and started his
‘information’ and ‘publicity’ work in 1998. He called upon China’s
overseas information officials:
to publicize China’s economic and social achievements and explain
China’s official positions and policies on issues more fully to foreigners,
to create a more favourable image of China in world opinion.
Since Zhao took over, a sea change in the way that Beijing deals with
official information has occurred. A few examples of his change of style:
he more than doubled the frequency of press conferences;
he urged Chinese officials to be more accommodating towards
he reinstated the use of English at press conferences;
he introduced in Beijing the risky Western-style approach of
speaking off the record.
Zhao’s unorthodox style as official spokesman on foreign policy was
marked at once, but he made a lasting impression when in 1999 he
decried the US
Cox Report
that accused China of stealing military
technology. During the press conference he used a computer to show
the audience how all of the information that China was accused of
having stolen from the US could be found on the internet.
Apart from the State Council Information Office and Foreign
Publicity Office, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the other major
player in the field of public diplomacy. In 2000, China’s Foreign Ministry
established its first media centre to smooth relations with an interna-
tional press, which it knows is critical for how the world perceives
China’s policies. It also operates an extensive and accessible website.
Even more important, however, is that the Ministry is gradually giving
the diplomats at its embassies more freedom to get involved with
foreign audiences. The Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Li Zhaoxing,
mentioned a series of ‘innovations and breakthroughs’ in Chinese
diplomacy in March 2004, among them the awareness of being active
and creative in foreign work and ‘assuming a deeper hue of emotion’,
examples being China’s aid to Algeria and Iran after the earthquakes
that shook these countries in 2003 and its aid in cash and medicine to
Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia. According to Minister Li, ‘it conveyed
100 The New Public Diplomacy
China’s sincerity in its policy of “good neighbourliness and partnership”
towards its Asian neighbours’.
Besides drawing closer to foreign audiences, the Chinese Foreign
Ministry is also keen to reach out to domestic audiences. Within the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the term ‘public diplomacy’ is even used for
publicity work aimed at domestic audiences. In order to shorten the
distance between Chinese diplomats and the ordinary Chinese people,
the Foreign Ministry gives lectures, organizes internet discussions and
invites people to visit the Foreign Ministry. In spring 2004 the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs organized a (domestic) public diplomacy conference,
which was attended by diplomats and scholars.
China’s public diplomacy strategies: the case of Tibet
Do these examples of public diplomacy activities by China mean that
the Chinese government has developed a grand public diplomacy
strategy, or, to speak in Chinese terms, a five-year plan for public
diplomacy? Nothing points in that direction, but it is evident that the
Chinese government does devote serious attention to the issue and that
it has developed rather comprehensive plans for action. First, it makes
choices: the government has identified a number of issues on which it
wants to focus, such as human rights, Tibet, minorities, being a trust-
worthy power, environment, culture, and so on. Second, it selects target
groups for each topic and fine-tunes its message to a specific audience.
Third, it uses various instruments to get the message across, such as the
press (radio, newspapers, TV), the internet, white papers, cultural events
and theme parks.
A good example of a comprehensive strategy to influence international
public opinion is the strategy on the issue of Tibet. This is a relatively well-
documented case, as classified documents on the external publicity
strategy regarding Tibet were leaked from Beijing and various pro-Tibet
organizations follow developments closely.
In documents prepared for a
meeting of Chinese government officials to review the external publicity
strategy regarding Tibet in 1993, the following statement was made:
Looking at it in a bigger picture, the external propaganda work on the
question of Tibet has bearing not only on the progress and develop-
ment of Tibet, but also on the image of China as a whole in the world,
as well as the creation of a good international environment for the
reform, open policy and the construction of the modernization of all
Public Diplomacy in the People’s Republic of China 101
Public diplomacy on the issue of Tibet was thus considered to serve
multiple domestic and international goals. The 1993 documents identi-
fied the US and France as the two nations that were most hostile to
China on Tibet, and then went on carefully to list target groups.
Appropriate actions and activities were developed for each target group.
Target groups were listed as:
1. Tibetans living abroad: the campaign played upon the ‘deep feeling
for their homeland’;
2. reporters, diplomats, international scholars and Tibetologists: for
these groups the (then) External Propaganda Office annually organized
visits to Tibet;
3. the foreign media: the documents advised to: ‘select some relatively
objective and fair-minded persons and journalists to visit Tibet and
only request them to report objective facts. Being truthful to facts is
very convincing. The number of people doesn’t have to be large, but
the selection must be well made’;
4. decision-makers, intellectuals and scholars: they were to be reached
by a white paper;
5. the general public: the Office planned to send abroad Tibetan
singing and dancing troupes, exhibitions and lectures by Chinese
Tibetologists, to publicize important Tibetan religious events
internationally, and to publish books.
Ten years later, the strategy is not that different: foreigners are still
invited to visit Tibet; Tibetan cultural groups still go abroad; and websites
and publications still try to win support for China’s Tibet policy. The tone
of China’s public diplomacy with regard to Tibet, however, has been
adjusted. Minister Zhao Qizheng of the Information Office of the State
Council now stresses the importance of non-politicized publicity and has
called for Tibetologists to play an important role in publicity work.
This case serves to illustrate that China devotes much time and
money to developing well thought-out and detailed public diplomacy
strategies to tackle problems with regard to its international image. The
strategy with regard to Tibet has been carried out for more than ten
years and is reviewed and adjusted on a regular basis.
The limits of China’s public diplomacy
No matter how well China is doing in transforming its traditional
diplomacy and developing public diplomacy, sometimes things still
102 The New Public Diplomacy
go utterly wrong. This is when China gets into the old Communist
cramp of maintaining full control of society and concealing unfa-
vourable information from the public, thus not only hampering the
growth of China’s soft power but also damaging cautious interna-
tional impressions that China is moving towards a more open
society. The most recent example was the SARS crisis in summer
2003, when China hoped to limit the damage by playing down the
gravity of the situation. This seriously backfired: international and
domestic indignation was enormous and criticism was severe and
put pressure on the Chinese leadership. But China learned fast and
in April 2004, when new SARS cases occurred, China’s leaders imme-
diately disclosed the state of affairs and took swift and effective
The limits of China’s public diplomacy are defined by the fact that
diplomacy is a highly centralized and state-controlled affair – a form of
modernized propaganda. In that sense the case of China seems to fit
Manheim’s idea of strategic public diplomacy perfectly: ‘It is, within the
limits of available knowledge, the practice of propaganda in the earliest
sense of the term, but enlightened by half a century of empirical
research into human motivation and behaviour.’
Connected to this
notion, but not within the scope of this chapter, is the interesting question
of to what extent China owes its relatively successful performance in
the field of public diplomacy to the fact that the authorities can build
on a long tradition of domestic and international publicity work and
In developing its public diplomacy, China seems trapped between its
aim at perfection in image projection and the structural lack of open-
ness of its society, as well as its inability to give up control. Furthermore,
the Chinese regime will need to match its words with actions. As long
as political dissidents are arrested and detained for their political ideas
or liberal newspapers and magazines are shut down, no public diplo-
macy will be able to change China’s image as a country where human
rights are violated.
For the time being there do not seem to be many possibilities for
developing public diplomacy in the modern or ‘network’ sense. That
is not to say that people-to-people exchange does not take place at
all. The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign
Countries (CPAFFC) and the Institute of Foreign Affairs (IFA), for
example, organize all kinds of activities labelled ‘People-to-People
In a speech on the occasion of the fiftieth birthday of
CPAFFC in May 2004, Chinese President Hu Jintao said:
Public Diplomacy in the People’s Republic of China 103
The Chinese government will always support non-governmental
efforts to promote mutual understanding between its people and
other peoples.
In reality, however, organizations such as CPAFFC are not yet
independent, although their freedom of action may gradually increase.
In sum, one could say that the room for dialogue and the engagement
of China’s own population is expanding along with the slowly but
steadily increasing number of non-governmental organizations and the
need and freedom for people to speak out on international issues.
China may not (yet) have a ‘grand public diplomacy strategy’, but
looking at the scope and variety of Chinese public diplomacy and
considering how well-thought-out many of the actions are, one cannot
but conclude that China is doing well and is even ahead of many
Western countries in public diplomacy. China, however, needs public
diplomacy more badly: China is ‘suspected’ for many reasons in many
parts of the world. Asia worries about China’s economic and political
rise; Europe mainly about China’s violations of human rights; and the
US worries about both. China’s leaders are concerned about China’s
image and standing in the rest of the world and devote much attention
to creating more understanding for China’s policies. They distin-
guish between themes, target groups and instruments and attune one
to the other. They learn from their mistakes – as in the SARS case – and
they are aware of their limitations: if something big is at stake, they
enlist the help of international companies, as with the 2008 Olympic
Games bid.
Most of China’s diplomacy, including its public diplomacy is, if
not government-directed, at least government-controlled. Further-
more, it seems to build on decade-long experiences with domestic
propaganda. These experiences and the state’s command of public
diplomacy instruments lie at the root of both China’s successes and
shortcomings with regard to public diplomacy. On the one hand,
they enable China’s leaders carefully to design and attune messages
and actions and make sure that they are carried out as dictated. On
the other hand, they hamper the development of a modern model of
public diplomacy that is based on open dialogue and the policy
networks of independent actors.
104 The New Public Diplomacy
1. See the chapter in this book by B. Hocking; and Jarol B. Manheim, Strategic
Public Diplomacy and American Foreign Policy: The Evolution of Influence
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1994).
2. This debate varies from the question of to what extent a rising China will
harm the economy of the United States, to the question of whether or not
China has a long-term strategic plan to defeat America; named after the
book by Bill Gertz, The China Threat: The Plan to Defeat America (Washington
DC: Regnery Publishing, 2000).
3. ‘Beijing Lashes Out at Western Media Coverage of China’, Agence France
Presse, 22 August 2003.
4. For a first step in the analysis of national images projected by The Beijing
Review in the period 1958–2002 and the Government Work Reports in the
period 1954–2000, see Hongying Wang, ‘National Image-Building and Chi-
nese Foreign Policy’, China: An International Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, March
2003, pp. 46–72.
5. It could be argued that every message put forward to influence others is
propaganda, but in this chapter the word ‘propaganda’ is used to refer to
China’s publicity work of the early decades of the People’s Republic of
China until the late 1980s, when the information put forward by the Chi-
nese government was most of the time false.
6. See, for example, Evelyn Goh, ‘A Chinese Lesson for the US: How to Charm
South-East Asia’, The Straits Times, 31 October 2003; and Jane Perlez, ‘The
Charm from Beijing’, New York Times, 9 October 2003.
7. Joseph S. Nye, Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics (Cambridge
MA: Perseus Publishing, 2004).
8. Jane Perlez, ‘Chinese Move to Eclipse US Appeal in South [corrected as
‘South-East’ on 19 November 2004] Asia’, New York Times, 18 November 2004;
and Eric Teo Chu Cheow, ‘China’s Rising Soft Power in South-East Asia’,
PacNet 19A, 3 May 2004,
9. Cheow, ‘China’s Rising Soft Power in South-East Asia’.
10. Xinhua News Agency, 2 November 1991.
11. ‘Beijing Wooing Overseas Chinese Away from Taiwan: Officials’, Taiwan
Security News, 30 May 2002.
12. See, for example, Liu Xiaoming, ‘Remarks at Farewell Reception for Ambassador
Li’, 29 January 2001,
13. See, for example, interview of Xue by Garrie van Pinxteren, ‘Xue praat ook
over mensenrechten’ [Xue also discusses human rights], NRC, 30 August 2003;
and interview of Xue by Anne Meydam, ‘In China is een hoop te verbeteren’
[There is much to be improved in China], Trouw, 9 September 2003. The diary
(Hollands Dagboek) by Han Xueqin was published in NRC during autumn 2003.
14. Agence France Presse, ‘Beijing Lashes Out at Western Media Coverage of
China’, 22 August 2003.
15. See ‘Partnership Formed on Chinese Culture’, China Daily, 22 October 2003, and
16. See, for example, William R. Hawkins, ‘Chamber of Commerce Needs a
Philosophy Seminar, US Business and Industry Council, 15 May 2001,
Public Diplomacy in the People’s Republic of China 105
17. See ‘The Case Against Florida Splendid China’, update of 17 March 2003,
18. Xinhua News Agency, 2 November 1991.
19. ‘Biographic Profile: Zhao Qizheng’, 11 July 2003,
20. ‘China’s Diplomacy has Drawn Closer to Ordinary People in Recent Years’,
People’s Daily, 19 March 2004.
21. ‘China’s Diplomacy has Drawn Closer to Ordinary People in Recent Years’.
22. ‘Academic Seminar on China’s Public Diplomacy’, 19 March 2004,
23. See, for example, the websites of China Information Network, www.tibet-; and Tibet Online, www.
24. ‘China’s Public Relations Strategy on Tibet: Classified Documents from the
Beijing Propaganda Conference’,, doc no. 8, p. 36.
25. ‘China’s Public Relations Strategy on Tibet’, Summary Speech, p. 45.
26. ‘More Great Study Works on Tibet Demanded’, Peoples Daily, 13 June 2000,; see also Tibet Information Network, ‘Propa-
ganda and the West: China’s Struggle to Sway International Opinion on the
“Tibet issue”’, TIN Special Report, 16 July 2001; and Jeremy Page, ‘China
Buffs Image in Tibet with Beauty Contest’, Reuters, 24 August 2002.
27. Manheim, Strategic Public Diplomacy and American Foreign Policy, p. 7.
28. ‘Diplomacy with Foreign Dignitaries: Personalities Build Up China’s New
Image’, People’s Daily, 1 January 2004.
29. Speech of 21 May 2004,
30. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bid Committee hired Weber Shandwick
Worldwide to promote Beijing to the International Olympic Committee. For
more information, see ‘Beijing 2008’, case studies,
Revolutionary States, Outlaw
Regimes and the Techniques of
Public Diplomacy
Paul Sharp
Public diplomacy, the process by which direct relations are pursued
with a country’s people to advance the interests and extend the values
of those being represented, appears to be an idea whose time has come.
The consensus is that it is made necessary by economic interdepend-
ence, possible by the communications revolution, and desirable by the
rise in democratic and popular expectations. Even the emerging civili-
zational wars, which some argue are disrupting this picture, do not tell
against public diplomacy, in fact quite the reverse. In the aftermath of
the events of 11 September 2001, governments, it is now customary to
argue, will have to conduct more public diplomacy and become better
at it.
However, this consensus about the importance of public diplo-
macy is not matched by a similar consensus regarding the consequences
of its use for what remains an international society of states. Are govern-
ments merely to work harder at getting their message out to target
markets in the same way that private enterprises seek to boost their
sales? Or, in so doing, are they participating in the further disaggrega-
tion of existing social structures and the replacement of the constricted
and constraining communications of states by real conversations between
This chapter will try to shed light on these questions by noting a
simple point and then examining some of its implications. The point is
that many of the techniques associated with public diplomacy today
have their origins in the activities and antics of the revolutionary diplo-
macy conducted by those who wished to live outside the prevailing
international order or to overthrow it. The
by which Nazi
Germany absorbed Austria in 1938, for example, can be seen as a spec-
tacularly successful example of public diplomacy operating at all levels
Revolutionary States and Outlaw Regimes 107
of a society and employing a mix of official, semi-official and unofficial
agents to convince a people and their government that their political
destiny lay in a radically new direction. Similarly, Bolshevik public
diplomacy in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, through a
process of collaboration with sympathetic locals in other states, sought
to get a variety of messages to different targets within their respective
societies. Indeed, targeting or appealing to the people (or some people)
rather than to their governments lay at the heart of early Bolshevik
Accordingly, this chapter looks at some examples from the ‘dark side’
of public diplomacy: the Bolsheviks’ efforts to secure peace between the
October Revolution and the end of the First World War; the Libyan
search for unions and followers after the 1969
coup d’état
and through
consolidation of the
in 1980s; Iran’s attempt to ignite a
revolution of the pious against blasphemy in the Khomeini years; and,
finally, some public diplomacy aspects from the other side of the hill of
what has become known as ‘the war on terror’. These snapshots will
make the following points. First, that at the level of ambition at which
revolutionaries usually function, public diplomacy is effective primarily
in expressive and destructive terms. This should give pause to those
who advocate a greater place for public diplomacy in wars on terror and
the democratic state-building projects associated with them. Counter-
revolutionary public diplomacy is likely to be ineffective and even
counter-productive, not least because of the illiberal assumptions about
human beings on which much of it seems to rest. Second, however, we
should not expect any decline in public diplomacy. In an era where
identity projection and social network creation are both becoming
cheaper, while the execution of substantive policies is getting more
expensive, governments will increasingly be drawn to public diplo-
macy, even in great contests like the war on terror. They scarcely dare
do otherwise but, if they are wise and good, their public diplomacy will
be reactive and defensive, not creative and assertive.
The public diplomacy of the Bolsheviks and the
Berne mission
If there is an archetypal image of revolutionary, public diplomacy, it is
that of Karl Radek hurling stacks of leaflets and newspapers onto the
platform at German soldiers, in their own language, exhorting them to
desert, revolt and insist that their commanding officers make peace, as
the train carrying the Bolshevik delegation to the peace talks between
108 The New Public Diplomacy
Russia and the Central Powers pulled into the station at Brest-Litovsk in
1918. It was one aspect of a diplomacy designed to precipitate a general
and simultaneous peace among the great powers as an overture to
world revolution, simply by going public. Other elements of this revo-
lutionary diplomacy are well known. In addition to establishing
contacts and relationships with key focus groups, local leaders and
organizations that might share their values in the army and society as a
whole on the other side of the trenches, the Bolsheviks ensured, if only
just, that their own delegation reflected revolutionary Russian society
from the top to the bottom. A worker, a peasant and an ordinary soldier
were all added at the last minute.
In line with the decision to publish
all of the secret treaties with Russia’s former allies, the Bolsheviks
presented their own part in the negotiations at Brest as an exercise in
openness, directed not only at the Central Powers’ delegations and the
governments and peoples that they represented, but at the govern-
ments of Russia’s former allies and their peoples. Thus, reports of the
negotiations on the Russian side were accompanied by class analyses
and commentaries about what was going on, the ‘real’ motives of the
other side, and how this all fitted into the big picture of unfolding
world historical events.
Brest, however, was a failure for both the revolutionary and public
aspects of Bolshevik diplomacy. When he could not reach agreement
with the Central Powers, Trotsky attempted to withdraw Russia unilat-
erally from the war.
This was, indeed, revolutionary in terms of estab-
lished diplomatic practice, but it was a useless piece of statecraft. As
Lenin had expected all along, Germany and its allies merely resumed
their advance and Russia was sucked back into the dance of the Great
Powers, negotiating terms for military assistance from its former allies.
As an exercise in public diplomacy, the results of Brest were no better.
Wheeler-Bennett maintains that the Central Powers’ initial willingness
to allow fraternization among ordinary soldiers and circulation of
newspapers containing Bolshevik propaganda allowed the ideological
contagion that destroyed Germany one year later into the heart of the
Given the performance of German troops on the eastern front
for the balance of the war and for some months after, however, this
seems unlikely. Exhaustion precipitated Germany’s collapse and rendered
it susceptible to a number of contagions, of which Bolshevism was only
one. What Brest best illustrates is the pressures on revolutionary states
to resocialize into ‘business as usual’ at high political levels.
More interesting is Senn’s account of the Bolshevik mission in Berne
between the October Revolution and the end of the war, because it
Revolutionary States and Outlaw Regimes 109
provides a glimpse of public diplomacy activities that bear more than a
family resemblance to those being advocated today, and it provides a
useful sense of their significance in the overall scheme of things. The
Berne mission was one of four that the Bolsheviks succeeded in estab-
lishing after the revolution, aided by the decision of the other Great
Powers to retain their representation in Russia.
Although the least
important, it was valuable because of Switzerland’s position in the
centre of Europe as a neutral and because of the large community of
revolutionaries established there. From the start, the mission’s focus
was not on bilateral relations and what Lenin called ‘purely diplomatic
work’, since not much could ‘be accomplished in that direction’.
official’s characterization of relations with the host government was:
‘They ignore us. We also ignore them’.
This was not quite true, but
bilateral relations were largely confined to the issue of who should
control the Tsarist legation and its archives, and handling complaints
about the mission’s conduct made by the Swiss and other, usually
Entente, embassies. The main challenge was to inform Europe about
events in Russia without being accused of conducting propaganda. The
latter had been a Swiss condition for the mission’s acceptance. As a
result, one of the officials noted later that informational work had
always been ‘more important. We did not appear at meetings and we
did not publish under our own names’. Rather, members of the mission
tried to keep the Swiss and others informed about what was going on in
Russia: ‘This was the real purpose of our representation’.
To this end, the Bolshevik diplomats were well funded. Lenin had
told the Berne legation:You have much money...We will give
and more without accounting
Full- and part-time staff were hired from
reliable people among the Russian and the international revolutionary
communities to establish a press office. They translated official state-
ments, speeches and press articles from Russian into the major
languages of Switzerland and Western Europe, and they collected
information from the West European press to be relayed back to Russia
in direct reports, digests and summaries. Brochures were produced
based on materials being sent from Russia and the other missions, using
nominally independent agencies that had been set up to avoid
annoying the Swiss.
Staff also sought opportunities to give interviews
to sympathetic papers and journals, and funding was provided for Swiss
trade union members to visit and study in Russia. With the possible
exception of the ‘front’ organizations for publications, most of the
mission’s activities would be regarded as normal public diplomacy
today. Even the publication fronts reflected the best practices of the
110 The New Public Diplomacy
time and circumstances, for all of the belligerent powers’ missions used
this device and the Swiss tolerated it.
The Bolshevik mission’s achievements, however, were modest.
Revolution might have been in the air, but the Bolshevik diplomats had
little role in supporting, never mind coordinating, it. Rather, they
played the role of observers, even in the final days when a general strike
was called, partly to protest at a proposal to close the mission. Their
days were absorbed by the routine of what was broadly consular work,
for example, securing permission for a variety of nationals to enter and
leave the country, and seeking information on behalf of expatriates
regarding their families back home. The mission’s most tangible public
diplomacy success occurred when pieces from the German version of its
digest began to appear regularly in the Swiss press and occasionally in
other European newspapers. In his final report, however, the head of
mission ranked this below a far more conventional triumph: securing
control of the Tsarist legation and the standing associated with that.
The public diplomacy of Qaddafi’s Libyan Jamahiriya
The Bolsheviks, for all their radicalism, were of our world. By this, I mean
that the world of states and their system of relations was not alien to
them. Both were to be transformed and transcended from within, for,
in the Bolsheviks’ understanding, the same history that had produced
the states and nations by which classes were divided and exploited had
also produced the forces and consciousness that would overturn them.
Trotsky thus appeared at Brest, not as a stranger trying to make sense of
an alien world, but as someone who believed that he understood that
world better than its upholders. The Bolsheviks would play its diplo-
matic game and exploit it to their own advantage even as they worked
to loosen its underpinnings. The same cannot be said about Qaddafi’s
Libya for, until recently at least, the modern state system did not
interest him. Qaddafi is a wilful and volatile individual from a minor
tribe, for whom the idea of states was an alien and comparatively recent
imposition. His own state – Libya – was one of the more obviously arti-
ficial manifestations of that imposition, and the idea of Libya coexisted
uneasily with other conceptions of identity: tribal; religious; and,
indeed, national. It helps to keep all of this in mind when examining a
foreign policy that otherwise seems eccentric and, at times, irrational.
The most obvious manifestations of this eccentricity were Qaddafi’s
attempts to unite Libya with richer, larger and more powerful neigh-
bours that would have absorbed it.
To a point, he may have felt like
Revolutionary States and Outlaw Regimes 111
Mussolini, cursing the gods for placing a leader such as he at the head
of a people such as they. His offer to assume the Egyptian vice-presidency
with full responsibility for the armed forces certainly suggests that he
was interested in a broader platform for his ambitions.
However, the
expectation that anyone should accept such an offer was unusual in
itself and was compounded by the volatility of Qaddafi’s efforts in this
regard. The failures of merger attempts with states of the Arab Mashraq,
with which Libya shared a radical orientation, were accompanied by
intense recriminations and followed by attempts at mergers with far less
sympathetic states in the Arab Maghrib.
Failures here were followed
by renewed attempts in the east, and, as a backdrop to both, Libya
worked steadily to create some sort of Islamic community of interest
with the non-Arab states in the Sahara and to its south. These initiatives
may be seen as emanations of Qaddafi’s personality as he scrambled to
become a bigger player. However, if one takes as Qaddafi’s starting
point, not the attempt to build bigger blocks of power by combining
states, but his sense that all of the Arab states were in some sense arbi-
trary creations that stood in the way of Arab unity, then this sheds a
different light on his efforts. His challenge was not to build lasting alli-
ances or mergers of Arab states, but to loosen the political framework
within which Arabs found themselves and to build new relations
between them based on Qaddafi’s conception of the
Dar ul Islam
of the
Such an interpretation is particularly helpful in making sense of
Libya’s public diplomacy. Qaddafi is well known for his own theatrical
contributions in this regard, arriving, for example, exotically garbed
and escorted at meetings of the Arab League, the Organization of the
Islamic Conference and what was then called the Organization for
African Unity. During a state visit, he appeared unannounced on the
stage of a cinema in Tunis to announce the union of Libya and Tunisia,
forcing his hosts into a hurried explanation of what was really meant by
On a visit to the former Soviet Union, he asked to pray in
Moscow’s great mosque, which was closed, and to recite Koranic verses
in a local Muslim cemetery.
On one occasion, at an international
conference on ‘Combating Imperialism, Zionism, Racism and Fascism’,
he threatened to resign his position as the guide of the
become the commanding officer of a revolutionary army that would
liberate the entire world.
Eccentric though these interventions undoubtedly were, they were
also all measures directed not so much at governments as at foreign
publics and, of course, people at home. More conventionally, Libya
112 The New Public Diplomacy
used the proceeds of its oil wealth to buy influence and to create a reser-
voir of sympathy and support for its own projects, not just among the
populations of neighbouring countries, but in the United States,
Europe, and among the camps of the Palestinians scattered around the
Levant and in Libya itself. The assistance agreements that Libya concluded,
especially with African states, would typically include funding for
centres of Arabic and Islamic learning. Qaddafi also provided financial
support for movements such as black Muslim organizations in the US,
Islamic groups in the Philippines, and radical Palestinian groups,
offering to bring their members to Libya for education and training.
Particular individuals and institutions were also targeted, including the
brother of a US president, the head of the Los Angeles Police Department’s
bomb squad, and Georgetown University.
The targeting of publics, which most of these efforts entailed, cannot
be separated from Libya’s use of terror. However, they were also bound
up with Qaddafi’s larger project of transforming the political relations
of Arabs, Muslims and indeed all people, both within Libya and in the
wider world. The transformation that he sought rested on a vision of
Arab tribal relations stiffened by the pieties of a particular brand of
Islam and strengthened by Western technologies. To achieve them,
however, required the sustained mobilization of people into new forms
of political life, which bypassed older, alien and traditional sources of
authority and power.
Qaddafi thus sought to replace government by
involving everybody in the consideration of public questions through a
system of local committees and congresses that reported and made
submissions upwards to a general congress at the national level.
Within this system, distinction between domestic and foreign relations
was intentionally broken down. In their local committees, people were
invited to discuss foreign policy issues and submit resolutions on them
to higher bodies. They were called upon to demonstrate against embas-
sies and in support of policies and, on at least two occasions, people
marched (or rode in motorcades) to Libya’s borders and threatened
unsanctioned crossings in support of unions with their neighbours. The
Libyan Foreign Ministry was increasingly sidelined by a new body, the
Foreign Liaison Bureau, which in its turn was forced to compete for
influence over Libya’s foreign policy with still later creations like the
Secretariat of Justice, the Islamic Call Society, divisions of General and
Military Intelligence, and the Secretariat for External Security. Echoing
the putative seizure of power by people’s committees at home in 1973,
in 1979 Libyan nationals abroad were called upon to seize their embassies
and to transform them into People’s Bureaus, a process that came full
Revolutionary States and Outlaw Regimes 113
circle when American nationals in Tripoli were, that same year, invited
to march on the American embassy and transform it along the lines of
the Libyan model.
In its form, Libyan efforts matched the most recent thinking on what
public diplomacy should involve, namely attempts by multiple govern-
ment and quasi-government agencies to target peoples and people, at
home and abroad, with a view to engaging them with one another and
mobilizing them for common projects.
People were to be won over to
Libyan values, by working with them and recruiting them, rather than
merely broadcasting at them, with a view to making the world a friend-
lier place for Libyan interests. In fact, it was almost a complete fraud. In
the trinity of ‘freedom, socialism and unity’ for which Libyans, Arabs
and Muslims were being mobilized, unity came first.
When popular
sentiment, as expressed through the committees, showed the slightest
sign of getting out of line, Qaddafi insisted on either reasserting his
control or scrapping the process in favour of another way of mobilizing
people. When individuals, organizations or countries that he had
formerly supported began to disagree with, or stand in the way of, his
own shifting sense of strategic direction, Qaddafi could turn quickly
and violently against them. Such flexibility made for poor public diplo-
macy in the sense of creating anything like stable constituencies of
sympathy, and there is little in its recent diplomatic ‘revolution’ to
suggest that Libya’s commitment to the technique has evolved beyond
its essentially instrumental and shallow origins.
To judge Libyan public diplomacy, however, is not the same as to
assess its effectiveness. One clear success in conventional foreign policy
terms was Libya’s contribution to the roll-back of Israeli influence in
Africa in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Offers of Libyan assistance in
return for breaking relations with Israel were accepted by several states
south of the Sahara. Each of these agreements included a request to
establish and fund centres of Islamic and Arabic learning. The contribu-
tion of these centres to the basic objectives of Libyan policy, however, is
problematic. Their success in recruiting and mobilizing host nationals
into organizations such as the Islamic Legion sometimes caused a break
in relations with the host governments. And there is no example of a
state, with the partial exceptions of Sudan and Chad, being won over to
Qaddafi’s camp for any period of time, or with any appreciable benefit
to Libya and its people. Such an assessment, however, ignores the more
revolutionary priorities informing Libyan foreign policy. Revolution-
aries are not driven by reasons of state alone, even when they find
themselves in charge of states. At least three achievements may be
114 The New Public Diplomacy
noted in this regard. First, Qaddafi’s struggle to mobilize the Libyan
people and keep them mobilized, while failing in terms of his declared
objective of creating a unified Arab nation as the bearer of Islam to the
world, have helped to keep him in power for over 35 years. It did so in
the way that all authoritative requests to keep busy, try harder and stay
engaged discipline people by wearing them down. The public diplomacy
of Green Marches and embassy takeovers played its part in maintaining
this control. Second, Libyan public diplomacy provided compensation
for its lack of substantive success by allowing the regime in general and
Qaddafi in particular to express themselves. Like the Bolsheviks,
Qaddafi was burdened with a great message about how the world
should be, but, unlike them, he lacked the resources for putting it into
practice through a more substantial foreign policy. Describing his
vision, acting it out, and getting those he controlled to do likewise
served as a substitute for some of these deficiencies.
Finally, the 35 years that Qaddafi has been in power have witnessed
continuing pressure on the sort of shared assumptions and values that
help sustain the international society of states. Qaddafi, the Arab
nationalist and romantic revolutionary, did not subscribe to these
assumptions, even though he greatly benefited from some of them. His
survival, after indirectly admitting Libya’s direct responsibility for at
least two terrorist outrages and directly admitting that Libya has tried to
develop nuclear weapons, for example, is testimony to the continuing
vitality of diplomacy’s prudential ethic and governments’ continuing
respect for internal sovereignty. Nevertheless, insofar as Libyan public
diplomacy helped to mobilized all sorts of people into taking part in
international affairs in new and sometimes terrible ways, it has also
played its part in maintaining pressure on international society. It will
be an irony, but not a surprise, if the prodigal is successfully rehabili-
tated, but the role of future Libyan public diplomacy in that exercise
remains to be seen.
Iranian public diplomacy under Khomeini
The similarities between Libyan and Iranian public diplomacy are
apparent, but superficial. Both operated in Islamic idioms and aspired
to transform the entire world into a pious community living according
to God’s will. Both sought to mobilize people at home and abroad in
pursuit of this end and possessed the sort of financial resources that
made efforts in this regard possible. And both – the Iranians in
particular – shared with the Bolsheviks the problem of what to do once
Revolutionary States and Outlaw Regimes 115
the wider revolutions of which they saw themselves as part of had failed
to materialize. Whatever the Ayatollah Khomeini thought about states
as the products of man’s limited ideas that would have to be ruled by
until the twelfth imam arrived, Iran, however, was a real country
(certainly by the standards of Libya) with a material and cultural power
of its own based on its historic identity and geographical circum-
It had Iranian interests separate from those of its new masters.
It also had specifically Iranian ambitions as a great power, and the
potential to achieve them.
Iran’s advantage over Libya in terms of external weight, however, was
diluted by three factors. First, the intense relationship between foreign
and domestic affairs that was common to both was less easily controlled
in Iran than Libya. From the embassy seizures to the recent demonstra-
tions both for and against reform, the sentiments of Iran’s mobilized
population – young people, the bazaar, and religious tendencies –
always had the potential to exert their own influence upon events.
Second, the Iranian leadership never aspired to the sort of personalized
regime achieved by Qaddafi. Even in Khomeini’s heyday, the opacity of
his pronouncements gave plenty of opportunities for argument. He
might declare the contest with America to be ‘a struggle between Islam
and blasphemy’, but factions around him could argue about whether
this called for the export of the Islamic revolution under the guidance
of one man, or its consolidation at home by a collective leadership.
Iranian diplomacy, and its public diplomacy in particular, was
frequently driven by the need to hold a circle around the most bitter of
arguments about doctrine, and hence policy, at home. Finally, there
existed a disjuncture between the actual distribution of Iran’s external
cultural influence and the area where it wished most to be influential.
Qaddafi could plausibly present himself as one of the Arabs and
Muslims that he aspired to lead. Iran, in contrast, shared neither the
cultural identity nor the denominational identity of most of the people
that it sought to influence in the Levant and the Arabian peninsula. Its
cultural community lay in the other direction and, with the important
exception of Iraq, Shi’ite communities abroad were nearly always
The net result of this particular combination of assets and constraints
was that Iranian public diplomacy was more restrained than that of
Libya, fitting, as it did, into a much more conventional, albeit revi-
sionist, statecraft. The imperative to export the revolution or perish was
thus customarily expressed in terms of the example set by Iranian
nationals in their conduct abroad and by the latter’s inherent powers of
116 The New Public Diplomacy
attraction. In a 1980 New Year message, Khomeini spoke of Iran
exporting Islam:
through the youth, who go to other countries where a large number
of people come to see you and your achievements. You must behave
in such a way that these large gatherings are attracted to Islam by
your action.
Ali Khamenei, the current Ayatollah, spoke of Iranian diplomats in the
same terms, as ‘apostles of the revolution’ who would best ‘demonstrate
the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran’ by adopting ‘an Islamic
approach’. Iran had no intention of intervening in the internal affairs
of other countries, claimed the Iranian Foreign Minister, Mir-Husayn
Mussavi, for what was happening in other Islamic countries was a revolt
of the Muslim masses.
What the rhetoric of restraint in practice
entailed was relatively low levels of support for the terrorist, religious,
cultural and social service arms of subnational groups of co-religionists
like Hezbollah and Amal in the Lebanon. Local religious leaders were
invited to congresses of the network of Friday prayer leaders in Tehran,
but the objective of these and other activities was to increase potential
clients’ local influence, to demonstrate that Iran was in the fight against
Israel and the US, and to make life difficult for those two opponents of
the Iranian revolution. It was not to mobilize these clients for some
grander project of Iranian or Shia provenance; still less to provoke spec-
tacular propaganda of the deed in the Qaddafi mould. Indeed, the most
spectacular activity in these terms – the kidnapping of Western hostages
in the Lebanon in the late 1980s – exposed a rift between those like Ali
Akbar Mohtashemi, who saw the publicity value of the hostages in
terms of keeping them, and those like Hashemi Rafsanjani, who sought
a demonstration of Iranian power and goodwill by letting them go.
The two major exceptions to this relative restraint were the riots and
armed assaults undertaken throughout the 1980s by Iranians performing
the pilgrimage to Mecca – the
– and Khomeini’s
calling for
Salman Rushdie’s execution. The tone for the former was set by
Khomeini’s reply to Saudi King Khaled’s complaint about disturbances
in 1981. The demonstrations, in the king’s view, had been inconsistent
with the requirements of both Muslim piety and Iranian interests.
Khomeini is reported to have replied that the pilgrimage had always
been linked to politics, and that the separation of politics and religion
was a device of the two superpowers that had no place in Islam.
However, the extent to which these eruptions were actually orchestrated
Revolutionary States and Outlaw Regimes 117
by Iran remains unclear. Given the decline in such incidents after
Khomeini’s death, it is reasonable to suppose that it was on this one,
and exceptionally painful, issue of the holy places that Khomeini was
prepared to put his personal stamp upon Iran’s public diplomacy, to the
extent of seeking radical consequences from it in the region. The
Rushdie affair, in contrast, continued long after Khomeini had died,
serving as a rallying point for defenders of his revolution in its purist
form and their supporters abroad. As a matter of public diplomacy,
however, it was a disaster that forced both the Iranian government and
its diplomats to tie themselves in knots explaining how the death
sentence in the
did not entail that anyone had to be killed, while
senior clerics promptly contradicted them.
Conclusions: public diplomacy and the ‘war on terror’
What, then, do these three snapshots of three very different revolutionary –
and hence outlaw – states have to tell us about their public diplomacy
and perhaps public diplomacy in general? Rather than provide answers,
they illuminate two related problems. First, there is always a great deal
going on in the international relations of such regimes about which
students and practitioners of diplomacy in the West know very little.
We focus on how these regimes present themselves towards us on the
issues in which we are interested and in terms with which we are
familiar. We occasionally obtain glimpses of political and cultural
competitions of which we are barely aware, such as Iran’s competition
with Turkey over the lingua franca and alphabet to be adopted in the
former Soviet republics in Asia, or the appearances of Taliban diplomats
at prayer meetings in the Gulf states. More recently, we have been
confronted by the spectacle of horrific images posted on the internet by
shadowy organizations of uncertain standing that seek to shock ‘us’ and
credential themselves before potential supporters. The extent to which
this may be regarded as public diplomacy, let alone effective public
diplomacy – there is already talk of decapitation ‘fatigue’ – remains
unclear. What is clear is that a better understanding of this wide range
of glimpsed activities requires more intelligence work and the develop-
ment of greater area expertise. However, we are all familiar with how
difficult it is to get people to pay attention to intelligence and expertise,
even when they are available, both on matters that they judge to be
peripheral and on those that seem to demand an instant and dramatic
response. One of the fundamental challenges facing public diplomacy
118 The New Public Diplomacy
therefore remains that of getting one’s own people to take seriously the
terms in which others see the world.
Second, however, the extent to which all this activity should be char-
acterized as public diplomacy, to be countered as such, is by no means
clear. In the current ‘war on terror’, the US and its friends have claimed
that Iran, the Taliban, Al Jazeera and at times practically every other
government and media outlet in the Middle East are conducting a
purposeful battle for the hearts and minds of a variety of stylized
entities ranging from ‘the Arab street’ and the Pashto village
, to
American liberals and European anti-Semites. It is a battle in which
public diplomacy, propaganda, subversion and intimidation all play
their part, and the West is said to be losing. More resources for and
attention to the struggle at hand are needed.
An internet search on
public diplomacy, however, will yield a host of entries from Western
governments, institutes, retired foreign service officers’ (FSO) associa-
tions, journalists and academics discussing the need for more public
diplomacy, but one sees little evidence of public diplomacy from the
‘other side’ directed at ‘us’. Iraq’s public diplomacy before the recent
war, for example, adopted an obfuscatory, legal and forensic approach
at the UN, coupled with point-by-point refutations and expressions of
defiance at news conferences. There was little to report until the Iraqi
information minister began his virtuoso performance in the final days
of the regime. In their exchanges with the US over nuclear weapons and
delivery systems, North Korea and Iran have almost entirely restricted
themselves to the traditional conception of public diplomacy as public
reporting of official positions.
The relative absence of these countries
from the internet reminds us both of the great imbalance of power that
exists in this dimension of public diplomacy and the low tolerance of
the strong for feelings of insecurity.
In fact, the glimpses that we do get of public diplomacy on the other
side of the hill suggest a similar concern about the difficulties of getting
their views of the world across to us and shaping our attitudes on, for
example, the relative merits of the positions of the Palestinians and
the Israelis in their conflict.
A more extended, yet still brief, view of
the problems faced by the other side was provided by the efforts of the
Taliban’s mission in Islamabad to conduct public diplomacy in the weeks
between the al-Qaeda attacks of 11 September 2001 and the destruction
of the Taliban regime by the US and its allies a few months later.
idea of Taliban diplomacy, let alone public diplomacy, has the quality
of an oxymoron to Western sensibilities, but in fact the Taliban were
highly adept at both when they were conducted on friendly territory
Revolutionary States and Outlaw Regimes 119
and directed at sympathetic audiences. Their Islamabad embassy, together
with other Afghan political, religious and social service agencies, directed
their efforts not merely at the Pakistani government and diplomatic
corps, but also at provincial and tribal authorities, religious schools,
political parties and other non-state bodies. In other words, they exem-
plified the sort of multilevel engagement with coalitions and constitu-
encies about values as well as projects that are advocated in recent
studies of public diplomacy and its potentials.
And on familiar territory,
the Taliban’s public diplomacy was, as far as we can judge, as effective
as anyone else’s.
However, domestic outrages and the onset of war increasingly required
the Islamabad mission to present a public face of the Taliban to the
wider world in general, and the West in particular. Background inter-
views and open-air press conferences achieved some transitory success
in arousing interest in, and perhaps sympathy for, the mission itself, if
not for those that it represented. The Taliban ambassador reputedly
suffered from stage fright until he got into his stride, and the first
secretary was famously reported as wishing that the media would go
away so that the mission could get on with its work. Diplomats are
diplomats everywhere, it would seem, even if they have only recently
ceased to be
. The impression, however, is that like many
governments and diplomatic missions elsewhere, the Taliban diplomats
felt under pressure to respond to something, the demands of the mass
media as articulated by the Islamabad press corps, which they did not
particularly equate with the world of publics and their opinions.
Meetings with students, appearances at the Friday prayers of distin-
guished clerics to take up collections, and discussions with Afghan refugees
and their leaders in the frontier zone were far more to their liking.
If this broad range of activities that is to be countered by the ‘war on
terror’ is not revolutionary or outlaw public diplomacy, however, then
the question becomes, what is it? The possibility exists that it is nothing
less than a dimension of life – human relations in all their subnational,
national, international and transnational forms – and life only, rolling
along in these different regions of the world. If this is so, then what
needs to be countered is not the efforts of outlaws and revolutionaries
to shape our publics, but the friendly milieu of ideas and beliefs in
which they make their respective cases at home. This, however, is a tall
order, for such an effort would have to be directed not at the policy of
another country or movement, but at the dense patterns of life and
ideas that sustain it. This would be hard to accomplish, even by revolu-
tionaries from within who are part of the way that life is lived and
120 The New Public Diplomacy
understood in a particular country. Our historical examples suggest that
the revolutionary use of public diplomacy is effective primarily in
shaking belief in existing social structures and hindering the operations
of their institutions. Furthermore, efforts in this regard seem to have
been effective only as multipliers of corrosive forces already acting, and
even then they have required deception and coercion to be fully
effective. For revolutionaries, there appears to be sufficient encourage-
ment in all of this for them to try public diplomacy, at least until they
acquire a stake in existing power arrangements. Until then, they are
playing against the odds and for very high stakes on the basis of their
certainties about how the world works and what ought to be done
about it.
However, these ought not to be sufficient grounds for those opposing
revolutionaries to attempt a similar sort of public diplomacy on these
sorts of issues. In addition to being overly ambitious, an emphasis on
what we might call counter-revolutionary public diplomacy may get in
the way of more conventional diplomacy. By emphasizing the presenta-
tional aspects of an encounter or negotiation, the search to discover
substantive positions and opportunities for accommodation may be
hindered. The actual motives, reasons and intentions of an adversary
may be interpreted as tactics, and publics that were not paying a great
deal of attention may be alienated by clumsy attempts to attract their
attention and shape their world-view.
By taking a multilevel approach
to contacts, a counter-revolutionary public diplomacy will reduce the
chances of identifying, working with, or building up anyone who can
negotiate authoritatively.
Most importantly, such attempts at public diplomacy will undermine
the very values that they purportedly seek to advance among a wider
global audience. There is something fundamentally illiberal about
regarding human beings in terms of great lumps of humanity that can
be nudged and shaped into beliefs, values and patterns of behaviour
that accord with some conception of our own values and interests. This
is not to say that such attempts cannot be effective, still less that
governments can always resist the demand to make such attempts.
When they try them, however, governments do not replace conven-
tional diplomacy with opportunities for genuine dialogue between
peoples, but with the techniques of mass marketing and political warfare.
The pressures to do so are a symptom of broader trends in international
relations and world affairs, over which revolutionaries, governments
and even the agents of mass media and information technology exer-
cise little control. Faithful to the revolution though they undoubtedly
Revolutionary States and Outlaw Regimes 121
were, even the ‘devoted specialists’ of the Taliban diplomatic service found
that people were knocking on their door and they had to respond, for
like us they lived in an era in which no response is a response and may
even be newsworthy.
However, at least on the new ‘high’ politics of international terrorism –
the public diplomacy of states – while being aware of and taking account
of these trends, it should not serve as an agent of them. The similarities
of what the Bolshevik mission in Berne attempted, Libyan diplomacy
espoused, and the Taliban mission in Islamabad became rather good at,
and what some proponents of public diplomacy that goes beyond the
high-impact/low-reach strategies of traditional public diplomacy are
advocating, is striking. In adapting the techniques of revolutionaries
and outlaws to their own purposes, the governments of liberal demo-
cratic states would do well to keep in mind the purposes for which these
techniques were originally developed. Unlike revolutionaries and outlaws,
governments and those that they represent share a stake in the legitimacy
and authority of institutions being respected, not in these institutions
being undermined.
1. See, for example, Margaret D. Tutwiler, ‘US Image Abroad Will Take Years to
Repair, Official Testifies’, The New York Times, 5 February 2004; and the US
government’s attempts to coordinate public diplomacy, first through the
State Department (1999) and more recently through the White House Office
of Global Communications,
2. See John W. Wheeler-Bennett, Brest-Litovsk: The Forgotten Peace, March 1919
(London: Macmillan, 1966); Alfred Erich Senn, Diplomacy and Revolution:
The Soviet Mission to Switzerland, 1918 (Notre Dame IN: University of Notre
Dame Press, 1974); and Arno J. Mayer, Political Origins of the New Diplomacy,
1917–1918 (New York: Yale University Press, 1959).
3. Wheeler-Bennett, Brest-Litovsk, p. 84.
4. Statement by Trotsky at the Brest-Litovsk Peace Conference on Russia’s With-
drawal from the War, 10 February 1918.
5. Lenin, Decree on Peace, delivered at the second All-Russia Congress of Soviets
of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies, 26 October 1917, published in Izvestiia,
27 October 1917.
6. Wheeler- Bennett, Brest-Litovsk, p. 93.
7. The Bolshevik missions were found in Berlin, Stockholm, London and
8. Lenin in Senn, Diplomacy and Revolution, p. 111.
9. Holzman in Senn, Diplomacy and Revolution, p. 47.
10. Berzin in Senn, Diplomacy and Revolution, p. 181.
11. Senn, Diplomacy and Revolution, pp. 16 and 112.
12. Senn, Diplomacy and Revolution, p. 125.
122 The New Public Diplomacy
13. Senn, Diplomacy and Revolution, p. 145.
14. Berzin in Senn, Diplomacy and Revolution, p. 181.
15. In 1969 a group of army officers known as the Revolutionary Command Council
seized power in Libya and established the Libyan Arab Republic. Muammar
Qaddafi soon established himself as the leader of the new regime. In 1977
the country’s title was changed to the Socialist People’s Arab Libyan Jamahiriya.
The term Jamahiriya suggests a state ruled by and for all of its people.
16. Libya attempted union with Egypt, Syria and Sudan by the Tripoli Charter
in 1969; Egypt again by the Benghazi Declaration in 1972; Tunisia in 1973;
Syria again in 1981; Syria and Egypt in 1984; and, following the failure of
that, Morocco, also in 1984.
17. Martin Sicker, The Making of a Pariah State: The Adventurist Politics of Muammar
Qaddafi (New York: Praeger, 1987), p. 50.
18. Mashraq, land in the east, or where the sun rises; Maghrib, land in the west,
or where the sun sets.
19. Dar ul Islam means the abode of Islam or peace; Umma is the community of
all Muslim believers.
20. Sicker, The Making of a Pariah State, p. 69.
21. Sicker, The Making of a Pariah State, p. 107.
22. Ronald Bruce St John, Qaddafi’s World Design: Libyan Foreign Policy, 1969–
1987 (London: Saqi Books, 1987), p. 45.
23. Sicker, The Making of a Pariah State, p. 113.
24. Bruce St John, Qaddafi’s World Design, p. 128; and three volumes of Qaddafi’s
own Third Universal Theory or Green Book.
25. For details see Bruce St John, Qaddafi’s World Design, p. 126.
26. Sicker, The Making of a Pariah State, p. 113.
27. B. Scarcia Amoretti, ‘Libyan Loneliness in Facing the World: The Challenge
of Islam?’, in Adeed Dawisha (ed.), Islam in Foreign Policy (Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press, 1983), p. 54.
28. The original slogan of the Revolutionary Command Council, which had
seized power.
29. See US News and World Report, 25 May 2004, for British Prime Minister Blair’s
visit to Libya.
30. R. K. Ramazani, ‘Khumayni’s Islam in Iran’s Foreign Policy’, in Dawisha,
Islam in Foreign Policy, p. 16. A faqih is an expert in Islamic jurisprudence.
31. All quotes from R. K. Ramazani, Revolutionary Iran: Challenge and Response
in the Middle East (Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986),
pp. 19–20.
32. Ramazani, ‘Khumayni’s Islam in Iran’s Foreign Policy’, p. 26.
33. See, for example, White House Office for Global Communications, Apparatus
of Lies: Saddam’s Disinformation and Propaganda 1990–2003, White House,
http://www.whitehouse.go/ogc/apparatus/printer.html; and Iraqi Propaganda
Targets Citizens, ABC World Today, 27 February 2003,
34. See, for example, Boris Johnson’s interview with the Iranian ambassador to
Britain, ‘It’s Simple, No Democracy, No Nukes’, in The Daily Telegraph
, 24
June 2004.
35. David Hoffman, ‘Beyond Public Diplomacy’, Foreign Affairs, vol. 81, no. 2,
March/April 2002, p. 85.
Revolutionary States and Outlaw Regimes 123
36. Paul Sharp, ‘Mullah Zaeef and Taliban Diplomacy: An English School
Approach’, Review of International Studies, vol. 29, no. 4, October 2003.
37. See, for example, Mark Leonard and Vidhya Alakeson, Going Public: Diplomacy
for the Information Society (London: Foreign Policy Centre, 2000).
38. See, for example, reactions to the new US government-funded Arabic-language
satellite TV channel, Al Hurra, on BBC News, 13 February 2004, http://
39. Iranian Foreign Minister Mir-Husayn Mussavi’s phrase, cited in Ramazani,
‘Khumayni’s Islam in Iran’s Foreign Policy’, p. 21.
The EU as a Soft Power: the Force of
Anna Michalski
The intra-European row that broke out in the build-up to the war in
Iraq brought home the fragility of the European foreign policy regime.
Existing and future member states publicly demonstrated their
diverging positions regarding the appropriate stance to take in relation
to the United States. For outside observers, this seemed to prove the
futility of seeking to establish a common foreign and security policy
among the member states of the EU, which continue placing national
priorities before shared European objectives. From this perspective, the
EU would forever remain a political dwarf despite its status as an
economic giant.
However, in December 2003 at the summit in Brussels, EU member
states, albeit with different intensity and emphasis, showed by adopting
the European Security Strategy
that they are still willing to reaffirm the
EU as a formidable international actor. On the same occasion, they also
displayed a remarkable resolve (despite frequent displays of differences
in perceptions of aims and structure) to their commitment to beef up
the Union’s defence potential by adding real military capabilities to the
nascent European Security and Defence Policy through the establish-
ment of the European armament agency and an ‘EU cell’ in NATO.
However, despite the recent emphasis on the military dimension, the
EU will remain above all a civilian ‘soft’ power, arguably the first of its
kind, and definitely the foremost international actor that is not a state
in the traditional meaning, yet that is much more than an international
organization or regime.
The EU as a Soft Power: the Force of Persuasion 125
Scope of analysis
This chapter builds on a well-known thesis of the EU as a ‘post-modern’
polity which, because of its particular constitutional construction and
historical evolution, has developed into a political regime based on a
strong normative component. It analyses the implications of the EU’s
specific ‘post-modern’ nature, which forces it to base any policy regime
on transnational negotiation and consensus-building governed by insti-
tutional rules and procedures, on a particular mix of conventional and
European public instruments and, above all, on strong compatibility
with deeply-seated values and attitudes among the European public and
elites. In this context, the power of persuasion becomes an existential
requirement for the EU’s popular legitimacy and credibility. Used well,
it can contribute to the EU’s ‘meta-narrative’
by providing a sense of
belonging to the same community of values. It is argued here that the
normative component of the EU’s ‘constitutional’ construction (values,
norms and principles) constitute, within the constraints of its institu-
tional and political structure, the backbone of the European foreign
policy doctrine. Despite this shared foundation, the effectiveness of
the EU’s external activities has until now been hampered by its
comparative inability to persuade both domestic (national) audiences
and the international community of the nature of its existence and
its vision of world order. In other words, although there is no doubt
about the EU’s capacity and know-how in a number of individual areas
(such as development assistance, humanitarian aid, international
trade, peacekeeping and reconstruction), it is seen as a weak actor (and
sometimes non-existing) in the domain of international politics and
an easy target for external pressure or diverging national interests of
the member states.
This chapter analyses the strategies
– primarily of the European
Commission and, to a lesser extent, the Council Secretariat – in
communicating with national elites and publics and external audi-
ences. Because of the evolution of the Common Foreign and Security
Policy (CFSP) and the increasingly louder public claims for transparency
and accountability, the Commission is increasingly also turning to
domestic EU audiences in addition to its traditional external interlocu-
tors to explain and argue in favour of EU external action, ultimately
seeking broader support for an independent European external policy.
Analysis therefore concerns two dimensions of public diplomacy: one
concerning a domestic European audience; and one directed to audiences
in countries outside the EU.
126 The New Public Diplomacy
In their efforts to convince the outside world of the strengths of the
normative foundations of European foreign policy, the Commission
and the Council employ strategies of cognitive persuasion that are
reminiscent of concepts and methods used within public diplomacy.
Despite this, the concept of public diplomacy is not employed, not
even recognized, among the majority of officials who were interviewed
for this research, nor is it found in any of the Commission’s or Council
Secretariat’s policy papers or other types of communication. Notwith-
standing, these two institutions’ endeavours to create a basis of legitimacy
and international identity for the EU by persuading external and
internal audiences of the strength of the normative component of its
policy objectives and actions fit neatly into the conceptual framework
of public diplomacy. This chapter focuses on how these values, norms
and principles are integrated into policies and how they are instrumen-
talized in the EU’s information and communication strategy. It analyses
the strategy’s significance in the internal political dynamics of the EU
and in the creation of an independent European identity in the context
of international politics.
External policy and normative power
In the absence of clearly stated ‘interests’, the EU’s external relations
policies are often designed to correspond to values and principles
underlying the European integration process and to forward norms that
are vital to EU policy regimes. Indeed, the expression of shared values,
principles and norms for a long time represented a kind of political
settlement among the EU member states – a kind of substitute for a
proper constitution. This ‘constitutional’ settlement is formulated in
the following terms:
basic principles
, such as peace, democracy, the rule
of law, respect for human rights, the member states’ right to equitable
institutional representation and diversity;
conceptualized ideas
ning European policy regimes, such as sustainable development, social
market economy, the single market, the area of freedom, security and
justice or more recently in the neighbourhood policy; and
and rule-based norms
, such as good governance and institution-building.
The normative element of the EU has been studied by scholars
argue that the EU, besides being a civilian power with the capacity to
wield economic and remunerative instruments, is also developing into
a normative power where its ability to shape conceptions of what is
‘normal’ in international relations by the force of ideas and normative
principles is decisive for its influence on world politics.
The EU as a Soft Power: the Force of Persuasion 127
In the same line of thinking, the EU constructs the foundation of its
foreign policy on the basis of principles and norms in order to employ
them in a variety of contexts: in
strategic policy doctrines
such as Agenda
making the Copenhagen criteria operational and the
in the framework of enlargement, or the European security
strategy in the area of security and defence; in the form of
in regional partnerships around the world (such as with
Mercosur and with the Cotonou agreement); or in terms of
and institutional rules
of the game in various contractual relations with
third countries. The ‘normative’ component is important in legitimizing
the EU’s soft power, but unless it is effectively communicated to external
and internal audiences, much of its potential impact will be lost. In fact,
the ability of the EU to diffuse its norms, thus influencing what is
considered ‘normal’ in international politics, is decisive for the impact
of the EU’s normative ‘soft’ power. The strength of the EU’s normative
power is decided by its ability to shape other actors’ perceptions of the
appropriate cognitive content of international politics. Scholars have
pointed to several different modes of diffusion of the EU’s normative
The internal dimension of EU communication and
By virtue of its position as the framer and executor of EU policies and
on the receiving end of most of the criticism levelled against EU institu-
tions, the Commission undertook to reform its communication and
information policy in 1999 under the incoming Prodi administration.
The first step was to reorganize the Directorate-General, DGX, which
was responsible for all communication and information activities and
opinion surveys, into a leaner service, DG ‘Press’, whose activities were
to focus on the spokesman service and its target audience, the Brussels
press corps (one of the world’s largest, counting some 1000 journalists).
Reform was set to concentrate on some centralized functions, such as
coordination of the activities of the representations in the member states,
and to seek a coherent approach to communication and information
within the Commission. Above all, reform was based on decentraliza-
tion to the services (line DGs) and the Commission’s representations
and delegations in the member states and third countries, which should
have a direct stake in the elaboration and implementation of the commu-
nication and information strategy. As a consequence of the successful
public information campaign preceding introduction of the new currency,
128 The New Public Diplomacy
the euro, on 1 January 2002, the Commission also realized that only in
partnership with other European institutions (mostly the European
Parliament) and in particular with the member states would it be
possible to reach out to large sections of the European public.
In 2002, DG ‘Press’ published a report on an information and
communication strategy for the EU.
The report reads as an invitation
to the member states to join the Commission in its efforts to bridge the
European public’s scepticism and lack of knowledge about the EU. The
Commission argues that ‘the time is now right for a coherent and
comprehensive information and communication policy for the EU
which will improve public perceptions of the Union and of its role’.
This strategy aims at improving the ‘perceptions of the EU, its institutions
and their legitimacy by enhancing familiarity with and comprehension
of its tasks, structure and achievements and establishing a dialogue with
the general public’. Information and communication should no longer
be regarded as a sort of ‘secondary appendage to or supplementary
constraint on the EU’s activities’ and a strategy to this end is a ‘precon-
dition for the success of the EU’s policies and initiatives’. For this
reason, services preparing a new initiative should assess the communi-
cation needs and requirements at an early stage and no major initiative
should be designed without a communication plan. The Commission
recognizes, however, that the implementation of a strategy of this kind
would not be easy, since it amounts to no less than a ‘genuine cultural
revolution’, and that the ‘acquisition of a new communication culture
will depend on a coherent and methodical reconstruction of the EU’s
image’. In this critical assessment the Commission refers both to its
own record of putting more emphasis on dimensions other than
communication in various kinds of policy initiatives and on the
member states’ habit of not recognizing their own input and responsi-
bility for EU legislation or other measures on the European level.
In operational terms, the strategy relies on voluntary partnerships
with the member states to which the Commission allocates resources
from the Prince Fund to four annual policy priority areas: enlargement
(2001); the future of the EU (2002); the area of freedom, security and
justice (2003); and the role of the EU in the world (2004). In return, the
member states commit themselves to formulate national campaigns
around a central storyline based on three central messages:
(1) ‘the EU
is a pledge of greater liberty, prosperity and security for Europeans; (2)
the EU promotes a model of society inspired by solidarity and dyna-
mism and respecting diversity; and (3) the EU enables us to play a world
role matching our values and commensurate with our weight’.
The EU as a Soft Power: the Force of Persuasion 129
Today, some time after the launch of the EU information and
communication strategy, the experience is thus far positive in relation
to those member states that have chosen to enter into partnership with
the Commission.
Other members, for instance Sweden, have not yet
opted for partnership, often because of the perceived incompatibility in
the Commission’s approach with the national tradition of public
communication. One lesson that the Commission has drawn both on
the basis of existing partnership agreements and on the euro campaign
is that cooperation with member states implies loss of control over
formulation of the central ‘European message’. Messages become ‘national-
ized’ to fit the domestic arena. DG ‘Press’ assesses, however, that this
risk is worth taking, since without cooperation with national author-
ities and a certain deformation of the original message the impact on
national public opinion will be very limited. The decentralized partner-
ship strategy is therefore here to stay, at least for some time, and will be
adapted to changing national circumstances and evolving European
policy priorities.
DG ‘Press’ expresses more concern regarding the reluctance of
national politicians to include a European dimension into their communi-
cation with domestic audiences. There is a feeling in the Commission
that their reluctance to admit the full extent of the European dimen-
sion of their work is a great hurdle for building public legitimacy of the
EU. The national political level is often seen as the stumbling block for
enhancing the EU’s legitimacy and credibility. This can partially be
explained by the national concentration of audio-visual media, which
reports European news from a domestic angle, often reinforcing the
sentiment of competition or conflict rather than cooperation and
longer-term commitment. National politicians, being dependent on the
audiovisual sector’s coverage of news and political commentaries, play
into this, making nuanced and factual reporting of ‘European’ news less
appealing. The weakness of the European dimension of broadcasting is
recognized by the Commission, but attempts to create European televi-
sion channels have up to now met with only modest success, and those
that do exist concentrate on news coverage, such as EuroNews, or have
a specific cultural/intellectual content such as Arte. National regula-
tions for broadcasting and language barriers are the most cited reasons
for lack of progress in this area. The EU has until now concentrated its
effort on encouraging cooperation in the production of audiovisual
material and the technological aspects of broadcasting. It is interesting
to note in this context that the internet has emerged as a medium that
is suitable for European-wide news coverage and a number of providers
130 The New Public Diplomacy
of news and commentaries have emerged in recent years (European
Voice, EU Observer and New Europe, to mention a few).
The Commission recognizes that it has only weak instruments to
influence national public opinion and is therefore dependent on existing
national channels and opinion formers. Its strength lies in its know-
ledge about European affairs and policies, which it tries to offer to the
member states through partnerships. DG ‘Press’ is slowly building
relations of trust with the information and communication authorities
of the member states, which could with time bring about more fruitful
and closer cooperation in the endeavour to reach out to European
EU external communication
Political and institutional paradoxes
The EU, being an unfinished political system, displays an uneven,
sometimes seemingly arbitrary, division of competences that defy tradi-
tional political models. This is particularly salient in the area of foreign
and security policy and in defence, in which integration was for a long
time considered taboo. In the early 1990s, the common foreign and
security policy (CFSP) was formally added to the EU’s competences and
is still considered very sensitive for national sovereignty as it has
remained firmly in the hands of the member states. The logic in CFSP is
therefore intergovernmental, implying that the Commission has to
share the right of initiatives with the member states and has a much
weaker stake in the implementation of EU action than in the common
policies, while member states have no obligation other than procedural
and moral to comply with actions or stances adopted.
In the common policies, which also include external trade, humani-
tarian assistance and development policy, the Commission has a special
role as the institution responsible for putting forward proposals for EU
initiatives, managing programmes and budgets, as well as ensuring the
external representation of the Union (primarily in external trade) in
international organizations (such as the WTO) or in negotiations with
third parties. To assist it in drawing up policy initiatives and imple-
menting policies, the Commission has created around it many policy
networks that range from technical expert committees, to administra-
tive and diplomatic networks, NGOs and socio-economic interest
groups. In the area of development and humanitarian assistance in
particular, interaction with NGOs and civil society fulfils a number of
The EU as a Soft Power: the Force of Persuasion 131
functions: (1) as a source for expertise and opinion different from that
of the member states, driven by values and societal concerns rather
than national interests. Consultation between the Commission and
NGOs is a two-way process where both parties try to influence each
other, and constitutes for the Commission, at least in certain cases, an
alternative source of support; (2) as a symbiotic relationship – an episte-
mological community – through which ideas and values can be
diffused, as well as making the implementation smoother and more
efficient by anchoring new or revised policy approaches prior to their
formal adoption. Member states’ experts, civil servants and the
academic community are also part of these networks; (3) as an interloc-
utor with third-country governments, thereby facilitating the imple-
mentation of policies. It is significant that the Commission’s experience
of establishing longstanding epistemological communities and civil
society networks of this kind in the member states has led it to seek a
similar development in third countries, in Africa through the Cotonou
agreement, in the Mediterranean region through the Barcelona process,
and in Central and Eastern Europe prior to accession.
However, the Commission’s relations with NGOs are not always
harmonious, as the breakdown of the Doha development round in
September 2003 shows. In the run-up to the summit, the EU was
accused of pursuing a self-interested and contradictory agenda by
arguing in favour of extending global free trade while not opening up
its agricultural markets or limiting agricultural subsidies with a trade-
distorting impact. In terms of communication, the breakdown of the
Doha development round in Cancun clearly shows the difficulty in
getting across a message internationally, which seems to involve the
EU’s complex policy compromises working at counter-purposes.
Over the last ten years, the Commission’s role in external relations
has widened as a result of the creation of the CFSP, but perhaps even
more as a result of the internationalization of many Community policy
areas, such as the environment or consumer protection, and because of
enlargement of the EU. The Commission shares the task of shaping EU
foreign policy with the Secretary-General of the Council and High
Representative (HR) of the CFSP, Javier Solana. Upon his arrival to the
post in October 1999 hopes were high that the EU would agree on clear
foreign policy strategies with which member states would consistently
comply. Despite increased resources in terms of staff, infrastructure and
great personal involvement, a potent and coherent CFSP is still lacking,
as member states are reluctant to give up national prerogatives and
traditional positions in international politics.
The most glaring recent
132 The New Public Diplomacy
example of disunity was the Iraq crisis, but the problem of an obvious
discrepancy between lofty ideals as expressed in EU declarations and
concrete action is notorious. For instance, despite having a human rights’
clause in free trade agreements with developing countries, the EU has
never invoked it against Tunisia, Egypt or Israel, as its member states’
traditional ties and sensitivities with these countries have hitherto
blocked any move towards sanctions.
On the political level, the task
of communicating an EU foreign and security policy is obviously under-
mined by incoherence of policies and inconsistency in the application
of rules.
As the High Representative’s task is to represent the member states in
the framework of the CFSP and to work towards reaching consensus
among them, the Council Secretariat has not seen the need in the same
way as the Commission to communicate with audiences outside the
circle of member states’ diplomats and experts. In accordance with their
respective mandates, the Commissioner for external relations (Relex),
Chris Patten, and the CFSP’s High Representative, Javier Solana, have
cooperated closely in order to draw up strategies and action plans in the
framework of CFSP, the latter responsible for presenting the political
dimension of the undertaking and the former for committing financial
resources and planning implementation on the ground. This coopera-
tion has proven that the considerable experience of the Commission in
terms of reconstruction (social, economic, institution-building, civil
society, and so on) is indispensable to the diplomatic efforts of the High
The Commission has also brought with it know-how
about managing the EU’s budget and drawing up legislation in order to
get large-scale projects approved by the European Parliament. In addi-
tion, knowledge, instruments and networks built up and employed by
the Commission in other areas, such as development, humanitarian aid
and trade have assisted the EU’s foreign policy undertakings in various
parts of the world. Incentives to bridge the institutional separation
between the communitarian and the intergovernmental dimensions of
the EU’s external relations’ competences are strong. To that end the
draft constitutional treaty of the European Convention proposed the
creation of the office of a European foreign minister who would be
appointed by and receive instructions from the EU member states in the
European Council, but would at the same time be a vice-president of
the Commission, overseeing all external relations policies.
Since the
failure of the member states to agree to treaty reform at the European
Council in December 2003, the unified institutional representation of
the CFSP remains an unresolved issue, and so does the problem of
The EU as a Soft Power: the Force of Persuasion 133
finding a solution to the EU’s inability to speak with one voice in inter-
national politics.
Communication in the field of external relations
Since the arrival of a new college in the second half of 1999, the Commis-
sion has sought to make its internal organization more coherent and
efficient in the area of external action. The Relex Commissioner, Chris
Patten, was made responsible for coordinating the Commission’s activities
in this field and for streamlining management of Community funds
and programmes. There was also a general drive towards decentralization
as part of the Commission’s internal administrative reform. This drive
included efforts to decentralize the communication and information
policy away from a centralized function down to the relevant services.
In the case of external relations, this meant that DG ‘Relex’ was given
an overall coordinating role for drawing up a communication strategy
and liaising with other services in the external relations’ field, including
the Council Secretariat (although cooperation has remained quite
noncommittal between the two). It also meant that the Commission’s
delegations abroad (123 in third countries and representations in five
international organizations) were charged with enhanced responsibility
in the fields of communication and information, by being given the
task of identifying external target audiences, designing communication
and information programmes and actions, and reporting back to head-
quarters on the impact of these efforts and the general image of the EU
in the country. In recent years, officials have observed a trend towards
increasing interest and queries about EU policies directed to the
Commission delegations abroad, which have become the central contact
points for foreign interests and coordination among member states in
the fields directly related to EU policies. On a more general level, the
Commission has noted the imperfect knowledge about the EU, its insti-
tutions, functioning and policies in third countries. It has therefore
reconfirmed the major role played by the delegations in terms of informa-
tion and explanation, which they often carry out in conjunction with
member states’ diplomatic representations.
However, apart from various
examples, mostly from Africa, of cooperation between the Commission
and the member states in terms of joint representations and national
diplomats seconded to Commission delegations, there are as yet no real
attempts among the member states’ embassies and representatives of
the European institutions (the Commission and representatives of the
High Representative (when applicable)) to streamline contacts with
third countries according to an EU-inspired communication policy.
134 The New Public Diplomacy
A new structural element in the Commission’s approach is the
importance given to the communication dimension at an early stage of
the elaboration of policy initiatives – today no new initiative is contem-
plated without also integrating this aspect. Communication is much
more than before considered a strategic dimension of any policy initiative.
Besides aiming for greater coherence between policy areas, communica-
tion should be coordinated in order to fit into a larger framework, to
help overcome the impression of fragmentation and oversegmentation
that sometimes appears in the Commission’s policy initiatives because
of strong administrative barriers between Directorates-General and the
wish of Commissioners to enforce their own profiles.
Values and norms
With the significance of European values and norms at the heart of this
chapter, it is time to take a closer look at their central function in the
formulation of the EU’s external relations policy.
On the principled declaratory level, the EU treaties proclaim that the
CFSP should have as its objective to develop and consolidate ‘democracy
and the rule of law, and respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms’, and that development policy should be guided by the same
principles. The constitutional treaty adopted by the European Convention
in July 2003 similarly refers to the values and interests of the Union –
peace, security, sustainable development, free and fair trade, human
rights and the observance of rule of law in the international system –
which it should seek to uphold in its relations with the wider world.
These and other basic documents such as the various declarations on
human rights and democratization constitute the normative content
on which the Union’s external relations are built and which it seeks to
promote externally in contractual arrangements with third countries,
with strings of conditionality attached. These normative concepts are
also used internally as policy tools to achieve coherence between policy
areas and geographical regions, by mainstreaming contractual relations
(such as regional cooperation agreements) and strategic communication
(country strategy papers) and in dialogue with third country govern-
ments, NGOs, EU member states and international organizations.
In terms of communication, this normative, value-based component
permeates the Commission’s activities in the external relations’ field,
with slight variations according to the policy area in question. DG ‘Relex’,
with the overall responsibility for coherence, puts emphasis on the EU
as a peace project, which has brought prosperity and stability to Europe
and acts as an anchor for democracy and human and fundamental
The EU as a Soft Power: the Force of Persuasion 135
rights in the world. The historical reasons behind European integration,
its foundation on a voluntary transfer of sovereignty from its member
states, its success in forging common policies on the basis of institu-
tional and procedural principles, despite its imperfect and incremental
constitutional structure, tell a story that invites others to emulate it.
Being founded on the political will of historically warring nation-states,
and having developed an approach to institutions and policy-making
based on law, provide it with a notion of universality that is attractive
to other countries and peoples. Presenting it as a transferable concept of
postmodern political governance based on universal ‘benign’ values
and soft power instruments, it is felt inside DG ‘Relex’ that European
integration is regarded with increasing interest and benevolence by
third countries as an alternative to balance other, more aggressive
models of power in the new world order – there is a demand for ‘more’
DG ‘Relex’ recognizes that communication with the general public in
member states is the weak element of the Commission’s strategy and
realizes that the ‘fact-and-figures’ approach that prevailed in the past is
not the appropriate way to carry out public communication. In view of
the focus of the EU’s information and communication strategy in 2004
on the external relations’ dimension, the Commission aims at presenting
concrete and people-focused ‘success stories’ to the European public.
These are often presented in information material, building on examples
from successful development projects in the third world or human relief
efforts throughout the world in order to raise awareness of the impact
of EU policies and to demonstrate that tax payers’ money is well spent.
As Pascal Lamy took office as Commissioner for external trade in
autumn 1999,
he prompted DG ‘Trade’
to reflect on its communica-
tion strategy in order to elaborate a set of values and principles that the
Commission would like the Union to promote abroad through regional
or bilateral trade agreements with third countries and by defending
them in international fora and organizations. Simultaneously, vocal
public concerns concerning globalization and the impact of inter-
national trade on domestic policy areas prompted DG ‘Trade’ to reach
out to a larger public than the customary audience of trade experts. DG
‘Trade’ has therefore set itself a twin objective, on the one hand to make
the European public aware of the EU’s position as the foremost
commercial power in the world and to inform it about the purpose of
the common commercial policy, while on the other it seeks to explain
the EU’s positions on globalization and its responses to the challenges
that globalization poses to European societies. On the basis of quantitative
136 The New Public Diplomacy
and qualitative opinion surveys, DG ‘Trade’ therefore decided to pursue
the following themes: (1) the EU as the foremost commercial power in
the world has an interest in forwarding global free trade; (2) it works for
‘controlled’ globalization by encouraging sustainable development,
protecting shared European values and supporting multilateral negotia-
tions on the international level; and (3) it promotes the inclusion of
developing countries into the international trade system in order to help
them benefit from globalization. On this basis, DG ‘Trade’ developed
the following messages destined for the European public: (a) the EU has
a responsibility to support the formalization of rules aiming at regu-
lating the effects of globalization, by giving support to WTO-based
regulation of international trade; (b) the EU’s stance in international
trade aims at promoting the European model of society by protecting
Europeans’ interests in public services, the environment, public health,
consumer protection and cultural diversity; and (c) the EU endeavours
to open markets for European companies and to defend their commer-
cial interests by managing trade disputes on the international level.
The Cancun experience of September 2003 constituted something of
a communication failure for DG ‘Trade’, since its messages to external
audiences about the benefit of international trade for all countries and
the importance of a multilateral trading system were not persuasive
enough to dispel the criticism that was brought against the EU by certain
countries and NGOs. An appraisal of the current approach to multilat-
eral trade is currently under way and might result in the Commission
suggesting that the regional approach be given priority in the future
while still pursuing multilateral negotiations where appropriate.
In development policy,
the value-based content is centred on
respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law. In this area,
through the Cotonou agreement – the EU’s framework agreement with
countries in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP) – the Commission
has put in practice a number of elements of principle, such as using
trade as a means to bolster economic development and insisting on
institution-building, good governance, the participatory approach to
bolster civil society and measures to fight against corruption and
poverty. Despite administering substantial funds on the basis of a more
altruistic approach than the United States and most EU member states,
DG ‘Dev’s’ activities are not known to the large majority of the European
public. Part of this lack of visibility can be explained by the wish of
Commissioner Nielsen, supported by Commissioner Patten as concerns
external relations in general, to keep a low profile until the administra-
tive and management failures that caused the Santer Commission’s fall
The EU as a Soft Power: the Force of Persuasion 137
had been sorted out. Now, as many necessary steps have been taken,
DG ‘Dev’ is ready to adopt a more self-assertive approach to communi-
cation with the European public, focusing on presenting successful
projects. Against this backdrop, DG ‘Dev’ is concerned that with politi-
cization of the EU, it will be increasingly difficult to resist the pressure
to turn development policy into a strategic foreign policy instrument.
The message of the EU’s humanitarian aid is highly normative,
representing ‘an expression of the values of humanity on which the
EU is founded and is a concrete demonstration of worldwide solidarity
to the people in need’.
It is conducted on the principles of imparti-
ality, non-discrimination and neutrality, by giving aid to whoever is
in need, including ‘forgotten crises’. Arguing his opposition to the
proposals of the constitutional draft treaty on these principled lines,
the Commissioner for humanitarian aid, Poul Nielsen, tried to coun-
teract what he saw as a dangerous juxtaposition of foreign policy and
humanitarian aid that might endanger the impartial nature of the
EU’s aid effort.
This normative component is reflected in the efforts of the Humani-
tarian Aid Office (ECHO)
to step up a major communication opera-
tion in 2004 directed to the European public, in particular young
people. ECHO argues that this normative, principled stance is in
accordance with the expectations of the public, which supports EU
action in the humanitarian field, although ECHO as such remains little
ECHO was previously reluctant to communicate directly with internal
or external public audiences and had little direct access to them, as it
acts as a donor, letting NGOs take care of the actual distribution of aid.
Recently, however, ECHO decided to add an obligation to recognize the
origin of aid in its contractual arrangements with partners, by including
a ‘visibility’ budget line to prompt the use of EU logos and other forms
of symbols indicating the Union as benefactor. This measure was taken
in order to make beneficiaries aware of the origin of aid and as a duty to
inform European taxpayers where their money is going. ECHO’s insist-
ence on impartiality and neutrality is central to human relief opera-
tions, as the safety of aid workers depends on the donor’s reputation
and trust. It considers recent incidents where soldiers have been
involved in the distribution of aid as a dangerous and deplorable devel-
opment, resulting in a clear risk to future humanitarian activities. As a
matter of policy, ECHO’s officers in the field refrain from making polit-
ical statements in public and pronounce themselves only on matters of
a practical or functional nature.
138 The New Public Diplomacy
Audiences, channels, instruments of communication
All DGs active in the field of external relations have in recent years
widened the scope of their information and communication activities
from targeting almost exclusively expert-oriented audiences to addressing
also the European public. The theme of the EU’s communication strategy
‘Europe and the World’ is acting as a stimulus for Commission services
to undertake activities in this field. This major drive is grounded in the
realization that in order to enhance the EU’s popular legitimacy, the
Commission must actively try to explain and justify to the European
public EU action in all areas, including external relations. In adjusting
its message to fit the European public, DGs active in the field of
external relations attempt, on the basis of opinion surveys and other
sources, to address public concerns, such as the fear of globalization and
its (negative) influence on social justice and the environment, in order
to pursue them in addition to the normative component of European
foreign policy (human rights, democratization, rule of law, and so on).
Another reason for reaching out to the public at this point in time is the
sentiment among the Commissioners that their efforts to ‘clean up the
house’ have resulted in more efficient management and implementa-
tion of EU policies and programmes that justifies a more assertive style
of communication. However, despite recent advances, several officials
in the Commission still think that the Commission could be even more
proactive in its communication, ‘selling its case’ more confidently, in
particular on the political level.
In their public communication efforts, all DGs make increasing use of
modern information and communication tools, primarily by improving
their websites. For instance, DG ‘Trade’s’ website attracts more than
2.27 million consultations per month (November 2001). Electronic
mailings are also used to contact numerous correspondents: through its
database DG ‘Trade’ can reach at least 75,000 addresses, and in the year
2001 it sent out at least 100 different messages to these recipients. DGs
also aim at targeting multipliers (such as journalists, civil servants,
academics and the organized civil society) in third countries through
conferences, seminars or organized visits. The European Union Visitors’
Programme (EUVP), set up jointly by the Commission and the European
Parliament, is dedicated to enhancing knowledge about and goodwill
towards the EU among opinion formers from countries outside the
Union. Created in 1974, the programme administers study tours in the
EU (to EU institutions and two member states of choice) for over one
hundred visitors per year (in 2003 the EUVP managed 165 visits).
journalists are considered particularly important multipliers, and to
The EU as a Soft Power: the Force of Persuasion 139
that effect dedicated study tours and seminars are organized every year
for groups of journalists. The Commission’s delegations play a specific
role in this process, since they recommend which journalists should be
invited and follow up on coverage of the EU in the national press or
television that might result from the visit.
In terms of building cognitive awareness and support for the ideas
and world-views of the EU, the Commission seeks to encourage dialogue
with civil society within as well as outside the EU through a variety of
different kinds of links and networks. They can take the shape of interest-
based networks with groups that have a direct stake in a policy (such as
the environment, social rights, trade, or humanitarian aid), with which
the Commission interacts in a two-way communication process. Other
networks act as implementing agents for the Commission (such as with
humanitarian aid and development), while others again are encouraged
directly by the Commission as part of international trade and coopera-
tion agreements that stipulate dialogue with civil society (for instance,
the Cotonou agreement). The Commission also influences international
debates on issues such as economic development, international trade
and finance, which take place in international organizations such as the
UN, the World Bank, WTO, the OECD and so on. The nature of the
Commission’s influence in these bodies is directly dependent on the
form of policy competence that it holds in the EU, so the Commission
has much stronger influence in the elaboration of the EU’s stance on
international trade, environmental protection or development than in,
for instance, international finance (although with the introduction of
the euro, a common international representation of the EU could be
envisaged in the future). With regard to the political dimension of foreign
policy and defence, the High Representative has not yet achieved a
similarly central position for the EU in, for instance, NATO or in the UN
Security Council, but again in view of recent developments, common
positions on issues such as proliferation and armament, or in view of
relations with certain countries such as Iran, will be increasingly likely
in the future.
The evolving European foreign policy and the significance of
Despite many efforts in the last 15 years to forge a genuine European
foreign and security policy, the failure of EU member states to speak
with one voice in international political settings compromises the
Union’s ambitions to become an independent power in the world. The
140 The New Public Diplomacy
lack of overall coherence and commitment to European interests that
have hampered the elaboration of policy responses, instruments and
resource deployment is the most serious impediment to the EU’s
external identity and further demonstrates Europe’s weakness in the
context of serious international crises.
As a response to the failure to adopt a European position in the political
posturing in the run-up to the war in Iraq, the EU member states
adopted the European Security Strategy in December 2003. The strategy
is influenced by the perceived need for the Union to become a ‘hard’
soft power in order to be able to hold its own in international politics
and present a credible alternative to counteract (by persuasion) the
prevailing world order influenced by aggressive unilateralism. However,
in order to become a foremost international actor carrying a message of
multilateralism founded on universal values, the Union will impera-
tively have to communicate coherently and forcefully to the outside
world and match its good intentions with concrete action (including
military if necessary). This requires a degree of political will and
commitment on behalf of the member states, and mutual trust among
them, that is not present in the current state of affairs in Europe.
Until now, the EU has built credibility within various functional areas
of external action (such as trade, development, humanitarian aid, and,
in a different fashion, enlargement), mostly because of the non-political
character of these policies. There is a striking paradox in that as the EU
seeks to politicize foreign policy by increasing the coherence between
the functional areas and the ‘political’ CFSP, endowing itself with ‘hard’
power capabilities and enhancing its international profile, it will at the
same time put the credibility of the ‘functional’ policies at risk. None-
theless, it is beyond doubt that the confusion surrounding the EU’s
foreign policy objectives reduces its overall credibility as an actor and
makes the task of communicating its wider intentions difficult, both in
regard to the international community and to domestic EU audiences.
The EU therefore seems to have no other choice than to politicize its
international identity further.
In terms of public legitimacy, the EU is dependent on ‘earning’ the
goodwill and support of the European public by demonstrating its capa-
city to speak with one voice on the international scene and matching
its good intentions with concrete action. There is no underlying legiti-
macy for the EU to tap into (as is the case for most nation-states) and
the permissive consensus from earlier decades is wearing thin among
increasingly sceptical publics. The challenge is to make the normative
content of European integration match the European interests that will
The EU as a Soft Power: the Force of Persuasion 141
first have been agreed among the member states. These interests need
not cover all areas of international affairs, but should concentrate on
some important issues where agreement on a common position is
possible, where a European stake is clearly demonstrable and where the
EU’s involvement makes a difference. If the EU member states were
ready to agree on European interests, and from there derive shared foreign
policy objectives and priorities, communication with the European
public and audiences abroad would be more effective and its identity
greatly enhanced.
Rather than drawing any firm conclusions on a policy area that is
bound to undergo profound political and material transformations in
the near future, we will return to the initial subject matter of this
chapter, namely the EU and public diplomacy.
It is an obvious statement to make today that the EU (the member
states and the European institutions) does not have a shared public
diplomacy strategy in the American sense, primarily because of the lack
of political consensus on the EU’s overall objectives and interests. If, on
the other hand, we regard public diplomacy as a novel form of commu-
nication with different groups of society, then the EU is abound with
examples – we could argue that the EU already possesses many of the
required ingredients to mount a viable public diplomacy strategy. From
this perspective it is interesting to note that the EU, in particular the
Commission, has used the normative content of the Community pillar
in building cognitive communities to persuade internal and external
audiences of its ideas and perceptions of world order – much as it did to
justify the creation of the common policies. The Commission has
been quite successful in building credible functional regimes in trade,
development policy and humanitarian aid, supporting them with an
increasingly sophisticated normative content and techniques of diffu-
sion. But the EU as a whole (the High Representative, the Commission
and the member states) has not succeeded in forging a credible over-
arching foreign policy regime, or speaking with one voice, which is an
obvious requirement for any political entity wanting to promote its
values on the international scene. From this perspective, the EU there-
fore seems far from being politically capable of conceiving and
upholding a coherent public diplomacy strategy, and there are also
question marks surrounding the member states’ willingness to commit
to such a strategy, since it would entail limitations on the pursuit of
142 The New Public Diplomacy
national interests and priorities and would certainly raise questions of
democratic accountability.
From the functional, sector-specific perspective, however, the picture
is quite different, as the normative content of the existing functional
regimes is quite strong and reflects directly the EU’s own constitutional
set-up. In the past, however, the Commission was reluctant to commu-
nicate beyond the quite narrow circles of experts, interest groups and
NGOs active in the related areas. Faced with an increasingly sceptical
public, the Commission has realized that it needs to justify its actions
and policies in the area of external relations with the populations of the
member states, as well as with publics in third countries, in order to
build a positive public image, promote European values and ultimately
enhance the EU’s legitimacy. The impact of the EU institutions’ efforts
is, however, dependent on the willingness of national political elites to
support European interests and positions, both in the national arena
and in international settings. If member states could agree on a set of
European ‘interests’ and bring coherence to European policy competences
and representation, the EU would be able to forge a proper inter-
national identity. It has enough ‘actorness’ to communicate principles
and ideas about the nature of international relations and to persuade
others of its perceptions. Were it to endow itself with enough instru-
ments and resources to live up to its principles and objectives, the EU
could become a strong international actor as well as earning the
popular legitimacy at home on which it is so dependent. A public diplo-
macy strategy could be put in place using many of the techniques
already deployed in the Community policy areas, but adding the
endorsement at the national political level that is missing so badly
today. Closer cooperation in third countries between member states’
embassies and representations of EU institutions (Commission delega-
tions or the High Representative’s representatives) in communicating
European objectives and policies would also greatly assist in enhancing
the EU’s international identity.
1. A Secure Europe in a Better World: European Security Strategy, presented to the
European Council, Brussels, 12 December 2003.
2. See Peter van Ham, European Integration and the Postmodern Condition: Govern-
ance, Democracy, Identity (London: Routledge, 2001).
3. This chapter does not discuss the activities undertaken by the European Par-
liament in this field.
The EU as a Soft Power: the Force of Persuasion 143
4. It is beyond the scope of this research to investigate the effects of these strategies
on either internal or external audiences, or to evaluate the Commission’s
actions in the field of communication from the perspective of professional-
ism of the trade.
5. Ian Manners, ‘Normative Power for Europe: A Contradiction in Terms?’,
Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 235–58.
6. Ian Manners argues that there are five ‘core’ norms (peace, liberty, democracy,
the rule of law, and human rights and fundamental freedoms) and four
‘minor’ norms associated to the constitution and practices of the EU (social
solidarity, anti-discrimination, sustainable development and good govern-
ance); see Manners, ‘Normative Power for Europe’, pp. 242–3. It would be
possible to add ‘market economy’ to the last category [own remark].
7. European Commission, Agenda 2000: For a stronger and Wider Union,
COM(97)2000 final, Brussels, 1997.
8. Manners notes six different ways to diffuse, by: 1) contagion (unintentional
diffusion); 2) the informational mode through strategic communications; 3)
the procedural mode through institutionalized contractual agreements with
third parties; 4) transference through exchanges of goods, aid, trade or tech-
nical assistance; 5) overt diffusion through the physical presence of the EU
abroad; and 6) a cultural filter leading to the construction of knowledge by
third parties on the basis of EU norms; see Manners, ‘Normative Power for
Europe’, pp. 244–5.
10. European Commission, Communication from the Commission to the Council,
the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee
of the Regions on an Information and Communication Strategy for the European
Union, COM(2002) 350 final/2, Brussels, 2 October 2002.
11. These messages are derived from the Treaty on the EU, articles 2 and 6.
12. European Commission, Information and Communication Strategy for the
European Union, p. 12.
13. The following assessment is based on an interview in the Commission’s DG
‘Press’, Brussels, 7 October 2003.
14. See for instance, ‘Follow my Leaders’, Financial Times, 12–13 July 2003.
15. Judy Dempsey, Financial Times, 3–4 April 2004.
16. The EU has had some clear policy success, for instance in Macedonia and in
the reconstruction of the former Republic of Yugoslavia. Common European
positions have also been adopted on Iran and the Middle East.
17. It is, however, noticeable that the two incumbents argued in hearings orga-
nized by the Convention that coherence and effectiveness can be achieved
through close cooperation between the Relex Commissioner and the High
Representative without a formal merger of the two offices.
18. European Commission, Communication from the Commission to the Council
and the European Parliament concerning the Development of the External Service,
COM(2000) 456 final, Brussels, 18 July 2000.
19. The Commission has sought to take the lead in the EU troika in countries
where the Presidency has a weak representation and the High Representative
has no personal envoy.
20. See, for instance, Communication from the Commission to the Council and the
European Parliament: The European Union’s Role in Promoting Human Rights
144 The New Public Diplomacy
and Democratization in Third Countries, COM(2001) 252 final, Brussels,
8 May 2001.
21. Interview at DG ‘Relex’, 7 October 2003.
22. Interview at DG ‘Trade’, Brussels, 7 October 2003.
23. Under article 133 of the treaties on European Union (TEU), the Commission
is responsible for conducting negotiations with third parties on trade-related
issues in order to conclude bilateral, regional or multilateral agreements.
Although the Council of trade ministers remains the ultimate decision-
maker, the Commissioner for trade and DG ‘Trade’ have great influence in
defining the Union’s trade interests and the direction of trade policy and
ensure a unified voice for the EU in international fora.
24. Interview, DG ‘Dev’, Brussels, 18 September 2003.
25. The European Convention, the Secretariat, Note from Commissioner Nielsen
on Humanitarian Assistance: Working Group VII – ‘External Action’, Brussels,
21 November 2002.
26. Interview at ECHO, Brussels, 9 October 2003.
27. Giles Scott-Smith, Mending the Unhinged Alliance: Public Diplomacy, the
European Community Visitor Programme, and Transatlantic Relations in the
1970s, unpublished manuscript, Middelburg, 2004.
Part III
Improving Practice
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Culture Communicates: US
Diplomacy That Works
Cynthia P. Schneider
The State Department has discovered jazz
It teaches folks like nothing ever has
Like when they feel that jazzy rhythm
They know we’re really with ’em
That’s what we call cultural exchange
No commodity is quite so strange
As this thing called cultural exchange
From the earliest days of the American republic, diplomats have recog-
nized the value of cultural diplomacy. In a letter to James Madison
penned from Paris, Thomas Jefferson described its goals in words that
still apply today: ‘You see I am an enthusiast on the subject of the arts.
But it is an enthusiasm of which I am not ashamed, as its object is to
improve the taste of my countrymen, to increase their reputation, to
reconcile to them the respect of the world and procure them its praise’.
Cultural diplomacy, ‘the exchange of ideas, information, art and other
aspects of culture among nations and their peoples to foster mutual
forms an important component of the broader
endeavour of public diplomacy, which basically comprises all that a
nation does to explain itself to the world. Since much of cultural diplo-
macy consists of nations sharing forms of their creative expression, it is
inherently enjoyable, and can therefore be one of the most effective
tools in any diplomatic toolbox. Cultural diplomacy is a prime example
of ‘soft power’, or the ability to persuade through culture, values and
148 The New Public Diplomacy
ideas, as opposed to ‘hard power’, which conquers or coerces through
military might.
It is not difficult to understand the potency of cultural diplomacy.
What is more persuasive: a démarche delivered by an Ambassador to a
foreign minister urging greater liberalization and emphasis on human
rights, or films or music that express individuality and freedom?
Compare the impact of Michael Moore’s
Fahrenheit 9/11
to the impact of
John Kerry’s stump speeches. For Vaclav Havel, music was ‘the enemy of
totalitarianism’: in 2000 at a White House Millennium evening devoted
to jazz, Havel described how listening to jazz kept hopes of freedom
alive in the darkest days of oppression in communist Czechoslovakia.
A consensus has emerged that American public diplomacy is in crisis.
At least that is what the numerous task forces convened since ‘9/11’ to
study the dilemma of how to improve US public diplomacy would
Surprisingly, these studies give little attention to the category
of cultural diplomacy. Given the success of cultural diplomacy during
the Cold War, one might have expected the United States to turn to
cultural diplomacy in the wake of ‘9/11’ to increase understanding
between America and the Arab/Muslim world. But the early success of
cultural programmes sowed the seeds for their demise. Without the
threat of the former Soviet Union, cultural and public diplomacy
programmes suffered increasing cutbacks until the home of cultural
diplomacy, the United States Information Agency (USIA), was dissolved
and its functions and people absorbed into the State Department.
Cultural diplomacy is not a partisan issue; it has both Republican and
Democratic supporters and detractors. Walter Laqueur, among others,
warned of the long-term danger of diminishing cultural diplomacy:
Nor can it seriously be argued – as some have – that these tools of US
foreign policy are no longer needed now that the Cold War is over
and America no longer faces major threat...far from being on the
verge of a new order, the world has entered a period of great disorder.
In facing these new dangers, a re-examination of old priorities is
needed. Cultural diplomacy, in the widest sense, has increased in
importance, whereas traditional diplomacy and military power...are
of limited use in coping with most of these dangers.
Laqueur’s warning was heeded neither by the Clinton nor the
George W. Bush administration. Short-sighted cost cutting and
euphoria over the crumbling Berlin wall led to drastic reductions in the
scope and effectiveness of cultural and public diplomacy programmes.
Culture Communicates: US Diplomacy That Works 149
The integration of all public diplomacy activities into the State
Department in 1999 dealt cultural diplomacy a near-death blow. By
2000 the total budget for all public and cultural diplomacy activities
amounted to less than eight per cent of the State Department budget, or
approximately one-third of one per cent of the Pentagon budget.
This chapter examines the reasons behind the decline of cultural diplo-
macy in the United States from the 1990s to the present. Following a brief
history of cultural diplomacy in the US, a comparison is made between US
practices in cultural diplomacy and those of other countries. Successful
and failed strategies for cultural diplomacy are analysed. Finally, there is
a discussion of the specific challenges facing the United States in the
post-’9/11’ world, as anti-Americanism peaks all over the globe, and the
potential and limitations of cultural diplomacy in meeting them.
American culture and understanding America until
the Cold War
Long before cultural diplomacy was employed by the US government,
American cultural expression was influencing audiences throughout the
world. Invariably, non-Americans have recognized the power of American
culture more than have Americans. The Dutch historian Johan Huizinga
identified art and literature – specifically Walt Whitman and film – as
the strongest bearers of America’s message.
Anyone who wishes to understand America must first carry over his
concept of Democracy from the political and social field to the cultural
and generally human. The best way to do this continues to be reading
Walt Whitman...There is no stronger promoter of democracy in
this sense than the cinema. It accustoms the nation, from high to
low, to a single common view of life.
Through both his use of language and his themes, Walt Whitman, the
so-called ‘bard of democracy’, trumpeted the values of equality and
individual freedoms in verses such as ‘One’s Self I Sing’. Whitman’s
distinctive combination of lyricism and blunt honesty created a poetic
voice, whose no-nonsense language matched his favourite theme, the
common man. In his preface to
Leaves of Grass
(1855), Whitman
addressed the fundamental principle of equality in America.
Other states indicate themselves in their deputies...but the genius
of the United States is not best or most in its executives or legislatures,
150 The New Public Diplomacy
nor in its ambassadors or authors or colleges or churches or parlors,
nor even in its newspapers or inventors...but always most in the
common people.
If Whitman’s poetry revealed the essence of American democracy, the
novels of two of his contemporaries, Mark Twain and Harriet Beecher
Stowe, revealed its dark underbelly – slavery. In
Huckleberry Finn
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
, these authors bring to light one of the greatest
strengths of creative expression generally and cultural diplomacy specif-
ically – dissent. A critical role of the artist in any society is to question
the status quo, but for the United States, grounded in the protection of
civil liberties, dissent and opposition to government policies have
special meaning. Huckleberry Finn embodied civil disobedience in
choosing to protect the runaway slave Jim, a principled stand that set
him at odds with the law. In
Huckleberry Finn
, Mark Twain created the
prototype for countless heroes who buck the system, from Gary Cooper
High Noon
, to Will Smith in
Enemy of the State
Like all great works of literature,
Huckleberry Finn
has provoked
multiple interpretations and controversy. It was banned in the northern
states in the 1870s for ‘racism’ (the word ‘nigger’ appears over 200
times), and in the southern states for being too sympathetic to blacks.
In the former Soviet Union,
Huckleberry Finn
was used as an example of
the injustice and inequalities in America. After the fall of the Iron
Curtain, the interpretation of
Huckleberry Finn
in the new democratic
Russia seamlessly evolved to one that resembled the traditional American
view of Huck as the hero struggling against an unjust world.
Probably the most influential book of the nineteenth century, Harriet
Beecher Stowe’s
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
, first published in 1852, came to
epitomize the cruel oppression and degradation of slavery. A best seller
with more one million copies in circulation,
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
was later
adapted to protest colonial imperialism in Asia in one of the master-
pieces of American cultural interpretation, Rogers’ and Hammerstein’s
The King and I
. The musical included the play within the play,
The Small House of Uncle Thomas
, based on Eliza’s flight, one of the most
dramatic scenes from Stowe’s novel. What was this poignant scene from
the 1850s doing in a musical about Thailand produced in the 1950s?
During the Cold War, ‘slavery’ was a buzzword used to refer to commu-
nism. In the context of the King of Siam’s court, the vignette about
family reunification from
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
renounced the practice of
slavery in the King’s harem, specifically the bondage that prevented the
King’s wives from marrying for love and having their own families.
Culture Communicates: US Diplomacy That Works 151
the same time,
The King and I
, despite its patronizing tone of Western
superiority, opposed colonization and Western imperialism, and
defended the independence of Siam. Identified with the cause of freeing
slaves and reuniting families, America appears as a progressive power
that champions both modernity and freedom.
Diplomacy that worked: cultural diplomacy during
the Cold War
The works of Whitman, Twain and Stowe give a taste of how creative
expression can help to shape the image of a nation and to communicate
its values, but it was during the Cold War that America harnessed the
power of culture as the stealth weapon against the US’s enemy – the
former Soviet Union – and its ideology – communism. The US govern-
ment, through the State Department and other agencies, among them
the CIA, orchestrated an unprecedented dissemination of American
thought and creative expression throughout the world. The revelation
of CIA funding for cultural initiatives, a story broken in
magazine in April 1967, contributed to the eventual demise of signi-
ficant cultural programming by the US government.
Despite some
tainted funding – a mistake that should not be repeated – cultural
programmes, from the huge gathering of intellectuals—the Congress for
Cultural Freedom
– to more intimate artists’ and writers’ exchanges
and to music programmes on Radio Free Europe, helped to turn
Europeans away from socialism and communism and opened the door
of Western culture and lifestyle to Soviet artists and citizens.
In general the Cold War cultural programmes were brilliantly adapted
to their targets. For example, the exchanges of both people and works
among American and Russian writers, artists, and scholars that began
shortly after Stalin’s death in 1953 appealed to the inherent Russian
respect for the intelligentsia and for cultural expression, while challenging
some basic beliefs about their own society and ours. The best and the
brightest from the two countries, including Arthur Miller, Joyce Carol
Oates, and John Steinbeck from the US, and Aleksander Kushner, Vasily
Aksyonov, and Yevgeny Yevtushenko from the former Soviet Union,
met to discuss their art and the environments in which it was created.
American writers who participated recalled that their counterparts
seemed most impressed – and amazed – by the freedom of speech
accorded them as official representatives of their government. When
Norman Cousins was asked at one meeting if the American writers
would not get into trouble for criticizing the government openly, he
152 The New Public Diplomacy
astounded his Soviet interlocutor by replying that any government official
who complained would be more likely to encounter difficulties.
Another American writer recalled the impact of the exchanges as
What I sensed they got out of visiting American writers was, to them,
our spectacular freedom to speak our minds. I mean, there we were,
official representatives of the US – sort of the equivalent of their
Writers Union apparatchiks who had no party line at all...and
who had the writers’ tendency to speak out on controversial issues. ..
In other words, the exchanges enabled Soviet writers, intellectuals,
et al
., to see that the ‘free world’ wasn’t just political cant.
In addition to the exchanges, Americans in both private and public
capacities helped to distribute and translate dissident works within the
Soviet Union and outside. USIA published the popular, coveted
magazine which, despite Soviet efforts to limit its distribution, revealed
the American lifestyle in images and text to the Soviet public.
groups and the US government translated and distributed Russian dissi-
dent writers and English-language classics, as well as political commentary
by experts such as Brzezinski and Kissinger. Prominent dissidents such
as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn relied on these book programmes to receive
literature and commentary from the West as well as the works of
Russian dissidents banned in the Soviet Union.
Cold War cultural diplomacy contains valuable lessons for today’s
challenges. Like many Middle Eastern countries, notably Iraq and Iran,
Russia had a distinguished literary tradition that was closely identified
with its national identity. By honouring Russia’s literary giants of the
past and dissident writers of the present, the US government gained
important allies in Soviet society and through them was able to
communicate broadly with the Soviet people. All of this was possible
because US diplomats understood the importance of cultural expression
to the Russians and respected their literary and artistic achievements.
As the United States seeks avenues for communicating with the Arab/
Muslim world, literary and scientific publications provide ideal vehicles.
But the potential for ‘book diplomacy’ has barely been tapped. The
State Department sponsors the translation of only about 20 books a
year into Arabic, at a cost of a mere US$5000 per book for editions of
about 3000.
The ‘Book Program’ that distributed to Solzhenitsyn and
others was funded at up to one million dollars per year, but through the
Although such a funding source is unacceptable, the sum and the
Culture Communicates: US Diplomacy That Works 153
source demonstrate a commitment to cultural diplomacy that is absent
today. While security risks prohibit American writers and artists from
visiting Iraq at present, Iraqi writers and artists could be invited to the
United States and other Western countries for frank exchanges
modelled after those in the 1950s. The US tour by the Iraqi symphony
orchestra in December 2003 and the visit of Michael Kaiser, President of
the Kennedy Center, to Iraq to help rebuild Iraqi cultural institutions
represent good first steps.
Arguably even more potent than literature in revealing the cracks in
the communist façade and communicating the freedoms of the West
was music, particularly jazz and rock ‘n’ roll. Western music penetrated
the Iron Curtain through the nightly programming of
Music USA
, hosted
by Willis Connover from 1955 until his death in 1996. Little known in
the United States, Willis Connover truly
the ‘voice of America’ for
much of the world. A Russian listener described the experience: ‘Every
night we would shut the doors and windows, turn on Willis Connover,
and have two hours of freedom’.
Connover himself brilliantly
described why jazz is the music of freedom:
Jazz is a cross between total discipline and anarchy. The musicians
agree on tempo, key, and chord structure but beyond this everyone
is free to express himself. This is jazz. And this is America...Its a
musical reflection of the way things happen in America. We’re not
apt to recognize this over here, but people in other countries can feel
this element of freedom.
In addition to the music itself, jazz’s power as a cultural ambassador
stemmed from the inherent tension created by black musicians travelling
the globe trumpeting American values during the Jim Crow era. The
musicians themselves did not shy away from exposing this hypocrisy.
When summoned to the State Department for a pre-tour briefing,
Dizzy Gillespie declined, noting that ‘I’ve got three hundred years of
briefing. I know what they’ve done to us and I’m not going to make any
excuse...I liked the idea of representing America, but I wasnt going to
apologize for the racist policies of America’.
As was true of the authors
who freely criticized aspects of America to their Soviet counterparts,
musicians such as Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker
brought abstract concepts of liberty to life by democratizing their
concerts and insisting that ordinary people, not just elites, be allowed
to listen. In addition, African American bands and dance companies
toured Africa, forging close bonds with local performers and artists and
154 The New Public Diplomacy
igniting cross-fertilizations that benefited both.
Although jazz is
widely recognized to have been an extremely effective tool for diplomacy,
its presence has dramatically declined from its heyday during the 1960s
when the State Department toured Ellington, Armstrong and Brubeck
and their bands for weeks at a time, sending them to countries all
over Africa, Asia and the Middle East, as well as to the Soviet Union
and Eastern Europe. Today, the greatly diminished annual budget of
US$840,000 for the Jazz Ambassadors programme funds concerts by
eight jazz quartets.
Like jazz, rock ’n’ roll enabled people living under repressive regimes
to experience moments of freedom while listening, and it provided a
unifying bond for young people all over the globe. Unlike jazz, it was
not an American phenomenon, but rather English-speaking, with the
Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and other British groups garnering world-
wide followings. Andras Simonyi, the current Hungarian Ambassador to
the United States and a guitarist, was profoundly influenced by rock ’n’
roll, which he first experienced when he heard a recording of the
Beatles’s ‘All My Loving’ 40 years ago at the age of 11. In a speech enti-
tled ‘Rocking for the Free World: How Rock Music Helped Bring Down
the Iron Curtain’, delivered in various venues across America, beginning
in the Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ambassador Simonyi has
tried to make Americans understand the strength of their own culture,
and also to appreciate their freedoms. ‘Rock ’n’ roll was the internet of
the 1960s and early 1970s. It was the carrier of the message of
freedom . . . Rock ’n’ roll, culturally speaking, was a decisive element in
loosening up communist societies and bringing them closer to a world
of freedom.’
Simonyi’s opinion is widely shared, and commentators of
various nationalities and ages credit popular culture, especially rock ’n’
roll, with helping to precipitate the collapse of communism.
Jazz and rock ’n’ roll had visual counterparts in abstract expressionist
art; in films, such as
On the Waterfront, Rebel Without a Cause
Dr Strangelove
; and in the plays of Arthur Miller.
The inventor of
‘action painting’, Jackson Pollock, became an unlikely poster boy for
American freedom of expression. The image of the man from Wyoming
who took New York by storm with his new invention of paint hurled
and dripped on a canvas fit perfectly, but Pollock was also an abusive
alcoholic, an aspect of his biography that was omitted as his paintings
toured Europe in exhibitions organized by the Museum of Modern Art.
Until the fall of the Soviet Union and its empire, both public and
private entities contributed to the shaping of the image of the US
abroad. The jazz tours were organized by the State Department, but the
Culture Communicates: US Diplomacy That Works 155
exhibitions of modern art were toured by the Museum of Modern Art,
and the films were distributed in Europe by their studios. Whatever
their origin, these various modes of creative expression formed part of
an overall portrayal of the United States as a country of individual
freedoms, opportunity and tolerance. That visiting Americans exposed
the cracks in the façade of the US, such as racism and McCarthyism,
made the message of freedom all the more powerful. Given the earlier
successes of cultural diplomacy, how can its virtual demise be
explained? Arguably, cultural diplomacy has never recovered from the
dual blow of the revelation of CIA support, and, with the fall of the Iron
Curtain, the loss of the ‘evil empire’ against whose culture that of the
United States was projected. Another problem has been confusion and
disagreement over where responsibility for cultural diplomacy belongs
within the US government.
The role(s) and position(s) of cultural diplomacy in the US
government or ‘déjà vu all over again’
From the first US government efforts at disseminating information
about America abroad with the Creel Committee of 1917–19 until the
present, there has been a consensus about the importance of promoting
understanding of the United States to other countries, but how to
accomplish that goal has been the subject of countless debates and
The critical question is: how to separate or integrate the functions
of diplomacy, information, cultural expression, and exchanges? Not
long after cultural diplomacy was given its own agency – USIA, founded
in 1953 – questions arose about the wisdom of separating cultural
programmes designed to promote understanding of the United States
and its policies from the State Department, where the policies were
promulgated. Nonetheless, during the peak of the Cold War, both
government and private initiatives flourished under President Eisenhower,
who was personally committed to cultural diplomacy.
Soon after his
inauguration in 1961, President Kennedy chose to maintain the separa-
tion between the state and USIA.
USIA’s brilliant director at the time,
Edward R. Murrow, exerted more influence than anyone in his position
before or since, but even he expressed frustration with his famous plea
to be ‘present at the take off, as well as the crash landings’ of foreign
policy. A panel convened by the Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS) in response to concerns in the foreign policy community
about the efficacy of public and cultural diplomacy recommended that
cultural, informational and educational functions be united in a single
156 The New Public Diplomacy
agency, the Information and Cultural Affairs Agency, and that the
Voice of America break off into a separate agency.
The panel’s recom-
mendations echoed those in the USIA Appropriations Authorization Act
of 1973.
Twenty-five years later, in 1999, USIA was integrated into the State
Department. Although the rationale was efficacy, the drastic cuts in
USIA’s budget once cultural activities joined the State Department indi-
cated that economy also played a role.
The abolition of USIA as an
independent agency was part of a larger restructuring: the Foreign
Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998, which also integrated the
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and some functions of AID
into the State Department.
Although public diplomacy was described
as a ‘national security imperative’ by then Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright at the ceremony marking the consolidation, the precipitous
decline in funding during the 1990s indicated that others in the govern-
ment did not share her commitment.
After the 1994 Republican
landslide, USIA and public diplomacy were caught in the crossfire
between Senator Jesse Helms, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, and the Clinton administration over reductions in govern-
ment expenses. Senator Helms targeted both the State Department and
USIA, with requests for accountability and quantifiable evidence of
their value.
The reduction in budget, personnel and effectiveness of public and
cultural diplomacy that resulted from the consolidation reflected a
profound misunderstanding of diplomacy in the post-Cold War
world. In a world made smaller by globalization, and one in which
non-governmental actors and organizations (NGOs) exert increasingly
greater influence, public opinion matters more, not less. With the
collapse of the Soviet Union and the opening up of the communist
bloc, the need to communicate democratic values and ideas with
people at all levels of society was greater than ever. Yet it was precisely
at this moment that the United States shut the doors to its libraries and
‘America Houses’, and drastically cut the number of public and cultural
affairs’ officers all over the world, eliminating some posts entirely.
In a
misguided effort to join the information age, libraries were replaced by
‘Information Resource Centers’. In reality, this meant that books were
thrown or given away to make way for multiple computer stations for
internet research.
While access to the internet adds value, especially in
totalitarian societies, it does not fully compensate for the thousands of
books that filled the shelves of US embassies all over the world.
Lamenting the closing of US libraries and cultural centres, Samer
Culture Communicates: US Diplomacy That Works 157
Shehata, Georgetown University Assistant Professor and specialist in
Arab Studies, recalled that ‘The American Cultural Center in Alexandria
[Egypt] was where I learned about Jefferson and Lincoln’.
Confusion and disagreements over where to house cultural diplomacy
within the US government point to fundamental questions about its
role in foreign affairs. The establishment of USIA as a separate agency
reflected the belief that cultural diplomacy should have independence
from foreign policy. The consolidation of USIA into the State Department
responded to the opposite impetus – the guiding rule of cultural diplomacy
at present – namely that it should be linked to increasing understanding
and support for US policies.
Comparative practices of other countries
While the United States has struggled with the issue of culture in the
service of government policy, other countries have separated the two
both philosophically and bureaucratically. For example, the British
Council, created in 1934, and the Goethe Institut, founded just after
the Second World War, which are the cultural diplomacy agencies for
the United Kingdom and Germany respectively, are subsidized by
government, but exist as autonomous agencies.
In other cases, such as
France and Mexico, for example, the cultural attaché is housed within
the embassy structure, but nonetheless focuses on long-term relationship
building, and not trouble-shooting for particular policies.
In Mexico, a
country with a long, distinguished cultural history, the Fox government
has linked cultural diplomacy and foreign policy more tightly than
before in an effort to open Mexico up to the democratizing influences
of international cultural figures and NGOs.
The former Soviet Union
provides a prime example of cultural diplomacy that is explicitly linked
to government policy. The goal of Soviet cultural offensives, however,
was not to win America over to communism, but, with artists such as
the dancers of the Bolshoi and Kirov ballets, to establish links in spite of
the profound differences between the systems of the two countries.
George Kennan, the renowned Russian expert, strongly advocated
artistic and cultural exchanges between the United States and former
Soviet Union, as a means of counteracting isolationism and increasing
understanding between the two countries.
From the start, the United States has eschewed the ‘culture for
culture’s sake’ approach that often governs cultural diplomacy else-
where. Culture for culture’s sake has no place in the US Information
and Education Exchange Program. The value of international cultural
158 The New Public Diplomacy
interchange is to win respect for the cultural achievements of our free
society, where that respect is necessary to inspire cooperation with us in
world affairs’,
according to a 1950 memorandum from the Bureau of
the Budget that differs little from the utilitarian approach that governs
US cultural diplomacy today. In contrast, some countries, such as the
Netherlands, select arts professionals for the cultural outreach positions,
but even in countries such as France, where the position of cultural
counsellor at the French embassy in Washington is a coveted foreign
service post, potential cultural initiatives are evaluated on the basis of
quality, not political efficacy.
In general, other countries have recognized the long-term, non-
quantifiable nature of relationship building through cultural diplomacy to
a greater degree than the United States. The former Soviet Union
understood its value in establishing links even in an adversarial political
situation, and Germany turned to culture to help restore relationships
after the Second World War. France has deftly used its language and
learning to reach peoples all over the world, including in the Middle
East. Finally, for countries such as France and the Netherlands, culture
provides a means to expand upon ideas and images created by the
market. ‘Tulips and wooden shoes’ might attract tourists to the
Netherlands, but Dutch cultural counsellor Jeanne Winkler enlarges
upon that stereotype by showcasing avant-garde artists to emphasize
the modern, creative dimensions of the Netherlands.
Other countries have also matched their commitment to cultural
diplomacy with significant funding. In a recent survey of cultural diplo-
macy in nine countries, the United States ranked last in per capita
spending, lagging behind not only France and the United Kingdom, but
also Sweden and Singapore.
France leads in spending on cultural
diplomacy, with an annual budget of over one billion dollars.
total sum of the US budget varies, depending on what activities are
included. Estimates range from one billion US dollars
to 600 million
to US$184,359,000.
The latter figure, which excludes all
broadcasting expenditures, compares unfavourably with budgets in the
United Kingdom and Japan.
Cultural diplomacy in the twenty-first century
After the demoralizing abolition of USIA, the future of cultural diplomacy
began to look brighter at the end of the Clinton administration. In late
November 2000, Clinton’s White House and the State Department
convened a star-studded gathering that sought to match the rhetoric
Culture Communicates: US Diplomacy That Works 159
about cultural diplomacy with more visible support. Opening with
speeches by President Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton,
followed by remarks by Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka, former US Poet
Laureate Rita Dove, Doris Duke Foundation President Joan Spero,
Italian Cultural Minister Giovanna Melandri, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, and His
Highness the Aga Khan, the White House Conference on Cultural
Diplomacy reasserted the value and importance of cultural diplomacy.
Unfortunately, however, even though the attendees included business
leaders, government members, academia and the arts, the conference
did not stem the tide of reduced funding, nor did it validate cultural
diplomacy within the State Department ethos. As Edmund Gullion,
former Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, predicted,
the State Department’s culture subordinated public diplomacy, valuing
the traditional ‘cones’ (fields of specializations) of politics and economics
more highly.
Anecdotal evidence further attests to the gradual diminution in
importance of cultural programmes and those who promoted them.
When I first spoke with my public affairs officer in August 1998, soon
after I assumed the position of US Ambassador to the Netherlands, she
proudly told me, ‘We (the public affairs section) don’t do culture; we do
policy’. When I explained that with 150 other people doing policy, I
wanted the public affairs division to concentrate on cultural diplomacy,
she looked disappointed and confused. Her rejection of cultural diplomacy
as a viable undertaking reflected the toll taken by years of demands for
quantifiable results, with no compensatory appreciation for the
long-term value added of increased understanding and relationship
Around the same time, US Ambassador John O’Leary had an analogous
experience in Chile. When Ambassador O’Leary suggested that the
American embassy in Chile provide transportation for Poet Laureate
Rita Dove while she participated in a poetry festival in Santiago, he was
told that such a gesture would violate regulations since Ms Dove was
not travelling on official US business.
Yet in Chile, where literature
and poetry are revered, Rita Dove, Poet Laureate, was an American hero.
Even if Dove’s visit had no official connection to the US embassy, the
embassy and American presence in Chile would have gained by associ-
ating themselves with the Poet Laureate.
With only 2.7 million US dollars budgeted for cultural presentations
in 2004, embassies only can achieve a viable cultural programme by
leveraging private visits such as those of Ms Dove. Without an ethos
inside the State Department that values such initiatives, and that
160 The New Public Diplomacy
rewards them through the promotion process, embassies will not take
advantage of the opportunities afforded by private visits. Furthermore,
without institutional support, cultural diplomacy is not systematic, but
capricious and sporadic, reflecting the interests of individual ambassadors.
Those chiefs of mission with an understanding of and commitment to
cultural diplomacy will create a favourable climate within the embassy,
and will encourage personnel to capitalize on opportunities presented
by cultural leaders visiting the country or area. For example, during my
tenure in The Hague (from 1998–2001), I hosted Michael Graves, Frank
Gehry, Al Green and other jazz musicians, Dennis Hopper, as well as
academic, business, and political leaders, none of whom were funded
by the US government.
The challenges of cultural diplomacy today
Never have the challenges of cultural diplomacy for America been
greater than today, when public opinion about the United States stands
at its lowest ebb. Opinion polls indicate that favourable views in Europe
of the US have dropped by 40 percentage points or more in the United
Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
Negative views previously
held in the Middle East have spread to other Muslim populations, such
as in Indonesia and Nigeria, where favourable ratings for the United
States have dropped from 61 per cent to 15 per cent and 71 to 38 per cent
The negative opinions reflect views about the policies of
the US government, most notably the war and occupation in Iraq, not
the American people or the ideals of American society. While cultural
initiatives can never compensate for opposition to policies, they can
help to keep alive appreciation for American ideals, values, and
contributions to culture and learning. Despite the opposition to American
policies, most Muslim populations still believe a Western-style
democracy would work in their country.
The interest in democratic
society and in Western culture (and also science and technology)
remains high: ‘80 per cent of Arabs and Muslims disagree with your
policy, not your values’, commented Hafez Al-Mirazi, bureau chief of
Aljazeera satellite channel in January 2004.
Post-‘9/11’ cultural diplomacy has had both successes and failures.
The television spots created under Under-Secretary of Public Diplomacy
Charlotte Beers, a former advertising executive praised by Colin Powell
for having convinced him to buy Uncle Ben’s rice, fall into the latter
category. Middle Eastern distributors and audiences recognized as prop-
aganda the sunny view of lives of Arab Americans in the United States
Culture Communicates: US Diplomacy That Works 161
portrayed in the clips, and chose not to show the films. Senator Richard
Lugar, among others, understood the fallacy of applying a Madison
Avenue approach to public diplomacy. At a hearing on public diplomacy
and Islam, he noted,
The missing ingredient in American public diplomacy between the
fall of the Berlin Wall and the September 11
attacks was not advert-
ising cleverness. It was a firm commitment by the American people
and the American leadership to all the painstaking work required to
build lasting relationships overseas and advance our visions of fair-
ness and opportunity.
After a brief tenure of just over one year as Under-Secretary of Public
Diplomacy, Charlotte Beers left the position for health reasons, to be
succeeded by Margaret Tutwiler, former US Ambassador to Morocco and
a veteran of Bush Senior’s administration. Having stated in Congressional
testimony in February 2004 that it will ‘take us many years of hard,
focused work’ to restore America’s standing in the world, Under-Secretary
Tutwiler quit the top public diplomacy position after only a few
months to accept a Wall Street offer.
Despite multiple hearings and studies stressing the importance and
the inadequacy of American public and cultural diplomacy, resources
have not begun to match rhetoric. Less than three million US dollars
per year is allocated to send American performers abroad, compared
with France’s budget for performances and exhibitions of over 600
million dollars.
Even smaller countries such as the Netherlands or
Singapore dedicate larger funds to these activities.
The miniscule sum
dedicated by the US government to performances can be explained
only if one believes that the free market distribution of US popular
culture does the work of cultural diplomacy. But the free market will
not ensure that American artists reach target populations, such as those
in the Middle East, nor will it guarantee that the US is even represented
at major international arts festivals such as the Venice Biennale, where
the US exhibition is funded privately. Furthermore, the tightening of
visa requirements with the Patriot Act has thwarted hundreds of
cultural exchanges, and is significantly diminishing the number of
foreign students at US universities.
While popular culture contributes – sometimes positively, sometimes
not – to communicating American ideas and values, the most effective
interface between government-sponsored cultural diplomacy and the
free flow of popular culture has yet to be determined, or even analysed.
162 The New Public Diplomacy
The recent initiatives by the US Broadcasting Board of Governors
represent attempts to merge cultural diplomacy with popular culture.
The United States has dedicated a disproportionate amount of its
cultural diplomacy budget – hundreds of millions of dollars – to broad-
casting, with mixed results. The Broadcasting Board of Governors has
used the funds to launch new stations in the Middle East, both on radio –
Radio Sawa – and TV – Alhurra. Broadcast on FM transmitters in Arabic
and local dialects throughout the Middle East, including in Iraq, Radio
Sawa alternates between contemporary Arab and Western music, with
periodic news spots, aiming to appeal to the 60 per cent of the Middle
East’s population that is aged under 30. By giving Middle Eastern music
equal billing, Radio Sawa implicitly signals its respect for local culture.
Although Sawa has been criticized by some for being too commercial
and too ‘light’, by all accounts it has a wide following.
Sawa’s success,
however, has come at the expense of traditional Voice of America
(VOA) programming, which targeted a different audience – opinion-
makers and the intelligentsia. This shift in broadcasting priorities was
criticized by more than 500 VOA employees, who protested the reduction
of quality news programming in a petition to Congress.
The recently launched television station Alhurra is struggling harder
to establish itself, partially because of the more competitive television
market (over 100 cable channels), and partially because of inherent
suspicion in the Middle East of government-sponsored media.
an interview with President Bush as the inaugural event of the station
did not help to alleviate these suspicions, but when Alhurra broadcast
the Senate Armed Services Committee grilling Donald Rumsfeld over
the scandal at Abu Ghraib, viewers witnessed a level of accountability
uncommon in the Middle East.
Whether the 62 million US dollars
invested in Alhurra were well spent remains to be seen; indeed, whether
media can alleviate or compensate for unpopular policies is unproven.
A less costly alternative to creating a new television station in a market
that is already flooded would be to provide programming for the
numerous extant stations, a dire need met by private ventures such as
Layalina Productions. Layalina will offer both news and content
programmes, including a series targeted towards youth in which an
Arab and a Western boy travel back in time to famous events in Arab
and Western history.
Despite minimal funding, there have been successful cultural initiatives
launched in recent years. Examples are the Culture Connect programme,
the Ambassador’s Fund, and American Corners. The effective Culture
Connect programme sends the best in American culture to places off
Culture Communicates: US Diplomacy That Works 163
the beaten path for an intense programme of concerts and master
classes. In 2003, Culture Connect brought Yo-Yo Ma to Lithuania and
Denise Graves to Venezuela and Poland. Funded at only one million US
dollars per year, the Ambassador’s Fund for cultural and historical
preservation has had a positive impact that is disproportionate to its
Together with colleagues from their host countries, ambassadors
serving in the developing world select historical preservation projects
that meet local needs and priorities and finance them with monies from
the Ambassador’s Fund.
One of the many lessons since ‘9/11’ has been that the closing of
libraries and cultural centres was a mistake, but perhaps ultimately a
fortuitous one. Access to libraries inside embassies is no longer possible
in today’s security climate, and American centres would be prime
terrorist targets. Turning adversity to advantage, the State Department
has launched American Corners. Numbering more than 130 and
located primarily in the former Soviet Union, these pockets of America
placed inside local libraries and cultural institutions offer access to the
internet, plus videos, CDs and books about the US. The drawback of
their small size is more than compensated for by the virtues of conven-
ience and discretion. Visitors can drop into an American Corner any
time that the host library is open – no need to make an appointment
and no risk of exposure from visiting an American embassy. In addition
to these three examples, individual ambassadors and public affairs
officers continue to make ‘cultural diplomacy lemonade’ by squeezing
the last drops of funding and creatively leveraging every opportunity.
No amount of cultural diplomacy, however skilfully deployed, can win
back world opinion in the face of policies that are resented and
despised. Vigorous cultural diplomacy, however, can sustain appreciation
for the values and ideals that are characteristic of America. Launching a
forceful, energetic policy of cultural diplomacy would require leadership
from the White House and the State Department as well as partnerships
with the private sector, not to mention adequate funding. Soft power
requires hard dollars. Even though such significant foreign policy experts
as Walter Laqueur, George Kennan and Thomas Pickering have all
argued for the importance of cultural diplomacy, in the current climate
of insecurity about national security, cultural diplomacy is easily
dismissed as too soft and peripheral to the real issues of security.
164 The New Public Diplomacy
In addition, sufficient thought has yet to be given to the right balance of
‘market’ and public sector forces in using culture to shape world
opinion. Previously, when aerospace products were the US’s number
one export, their sales were strategically targeted and supported by the
US government, but the same is not true today of the current top export –
cultural products.
Strategically investing in popular culture by
targeting the distribution of desirable products would reap rewards in
the court of world opinion.
Whether the United States will heed the advice of multiple panels about
the importance of public and cultural diplomacy remains to be seen. As
long as public diplomacy funding amounts to only one-third of one per
cent of the military budget, Jefferson’s vision of ‘increasing the reputation’
of his ‘countrymen’ and ‘reconciling to them the respect of the world’ will
remain out of reach. But there may still be hope. After all, an American,
Michael Moore, won the
Palme d’Or
at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival.
1. Iola Brubeck’s lyrics for the satirical musical revue The Real Ambassadors,
performed in 1962, from Penny M. von Eschen, ‘Satchmo Blows Up the
World: Jazz, Race, and Empire during the Cold War’, in Reinhold Wagnleitner
and Elaine Tyler May (eds), Here, There, and Everywhere: The Foreign Politics of
American Popular Culture (Hanover and London: University Press of New
England, 2000), p. 168.
2. Letter dated 20 September 1785, in John P. Kaminski, Citizen Jefferson: The
Wit and Wisdom of an American Sage (Madison WI: Madison House, 1994), p. 6.
3. Milton C. Cummings, Cultural Diplomacy and the United States Government:
A Survey (Washington DC: Center for Arts and Culture, 2003), p. 1,
4. Joseph Nye coined the phrase ‘soft power’. See Joseph S. Nye, The Paradox of
American Power (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 8–9; and Joseph
S. Nye, Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics (New York: PublicAf-
fairs, 2004).
5. For example, Finding America’s Voice: A Strategy for Reinvigorating US Public
Diplomacy, report of an independent task force sponsored by the Council on
Foreign Relations, chaired by Peter G. Peterson, 2003; Changing Minds, Winning
Peace: A New Strategic Direction for US Public Diplomacy in the Arab and Muslim
World, report of the Advisory Group on Public Diplomacy for the Arab and
Muslim World, chaired by Edward P. Djerejian, 1 October 2003; Stephen
Johnson and Helle Dale, How to Reinvigorate US Public Diplomacy (Washington
DC: The Heritage Foundation, 23 April 2003).
6. Walter Laqueur, ‘Save Public Diplomacy’, Foreign Affairs, September/October
1994, vol. 73, no. 5, p. 20.
7. David J. Kramer,No Bang for the Buck: Public Diplomacy Should Remain a
Priority’, Washington Times, 23 October 2000, http://www/
Culture Communicates: US Diplomacy That Works 165
adcompd/kramer.html; and Ambassador Kenton Keith, ‘US Public Diplo-
macy from MAD to Jihad’, CERI conference on US Public Diplomacy, Paris,
3 June 2004.
8. Johan Huizinga, America: A Dutch Historian’s Vision, from Afar and Near (New
York: Harper & Row, 1972), pp. 240–41.
9. Information from Russian students in my ‘Diplomacy and the Arts’ seminar,
autumn 2001.
10. Christina Klein, Cold War Orientalism: Asia in the Middlebrow Imagination,
1945–61 (Berkeley CA: University of California Press, 2003), pp. 204–8.
11. Frances Stonor Saunders, The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of
Arts and Letters (New York: The New Press, 1999), pp. 381–3.
12. Frank A. Ninkovich, The Diplomacy of Ideas: US Foreign Policy and Cultural
Relations, 1938–1950 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981),
pp. 166–7.
13. Yale Richmond, Cultural Exchange and the Cold War (University Park PA:
Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003), p. 158. On Soviet reactions to
encounters with American freedoms, see also Frederick C. Barghoorn, The
Soviet Cultural Offensive: The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in Soviet Foreign Policy
(Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1960).
14. Richmond, Cultural Exchange and the Cold War, p. 154, quoting Ted Solotaroff.
15. Richmond, Cultural Exchange and the Cold War, p. 148.
16. Richmond, Cultural Exchange and the Cold War, p. 137.
17. Information from Christopher Datta, Office Director for Special Projects,
Bureau of International Information Programs, 13 July 2004.
18. Information from Christopher Datta, as before.
19. Ambassador Kenton Keith, in comments on the panel ‘Keeping Culture on
the International Stage’, panel at the National Performing Arts Convention,
Pittsburgh PA, 12 June 2004.
20. Richmond, Cultural Exchange and the Cold War, p. 207, citing Connover’s
statement in John S. Wilson’s, ‘Who is Connover? Only We Ask’, New York
Times Magazine, 13 September 1959.
21. Armstrong and Brubeck’s 1962 musical revue The Real Ambassadors satirized
the contradiction; see von Eschen, ‘Satchmo Blows Up the World’, p. 168.
22. Von Eschen, ‘Satchmo Blows Up the World’, p. 170.
23. Ambassador Thomas Pickering described the mutual benefits of the visit of
the Alvin Ailey dance company to Tanzania when he was Ambassador there
during the late 1960s in a speech delivered at Georgetown University at the
conference ‘Communicating with the World: Diplomacy that Works’, 30
April 2003, available on the website
24. Bill Nichols, ‘How Rock ’n’ Roll Freed the World’, USA Today, 6 November
25. For example, James G. Herschberg, ‘Just Who Did Smash Communism?’,
Washington Post, Sunday 27 June 2004, pp. B1 and B5; Thomas Fuchs, ‘Rock
’n’ Roll in the German Democratic Republic, 1949–1961’, in Reinhold
Wagnleitner and Elaine May (eds), Here, There, and Everywhere: The Foreign
Politics of American Popular Culture (Hanover and London: University Press of
New England, 2000), pp. 192–206.
26. On film, see Lary May, The Big Tomorrow: Hollywood and the Politics of the
American Way (Chicago IL: University of Chicago Press, 2000), especially
166 The New Public Diplomacy
pp. 175–265. On the propagandistic anti-communist films of the 1940s and
1950s, see Stephen J. Whitfield, The Culture of the Cold War (Baltimore MD:
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996), pp. 127–51.
27. Saunders, The Cultural Cold War, pp. 252–78. Saunders elaborates the con-
nections between leaders at the Museum of Modern Art and the CIA, but no
proof of direct CIA support for MOMA’s exhibitions in the 1950s is known.
28. Ninkovich, The Diplomacy of Ideas; Charles Frankel, The Neglected Aspect of
Foreign Affairs (Washington DC: Brookings Institution, 1965); Hans Tuch,
Communicating with the World in the 1990s (Washington DC: USIA Alumni
Association and the Public Diplomacy Foundation, 1994). See also footnote 5.
29. Cummings, Cultural Diplomacy and the United States Government, pp. 8–9.
30. International Information, Education and Cultural Relations: Recommendations
for the Future (Washington DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies,
1975), p. 77.
31. International Information, Education and Cultural Relations.
32. Dated 22 May 1973, cited from International Information, Education and
Cultural Relations, pp. 50–2.
33. On the decline in public diplomacy funding, see Juliet Antunes Sablonsky,
‘Recent Trends in Department of State Support for Cultural Diplomacy:
1993–2002’, white paper in the Cultural Diplomacy Research Series, Center
for Arts and Culture, 2003, See also Rosaleen
Smyth, ‘Mapping US Public Diplomacy in the Twenty-First Century’, Australian
Journal of International Affairs, vol. 55, no. 3, 2001, pp. 421–44.
34. ’The Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Missions’,
offdocs/pdd/pdd-68-docs.htm, accessed 24 June 2004; see also http://, accessed 29 June 2004.
36. House Report 105–207 on the 1998 appropriations for USIA calls for elimi-
nating 22 American and 96 foreign national positions, making a reduction
of 1488 personnel since 1994. In addition, the budget dictates the closure of
America Houses in Munich and Hamburg, and the USIA sections in the
embassies in Nigeria and Papua New Guinea; see
cgibin/cpquery/?&dbname=cp105&&r_n=hr207.105&sel=TOC. On the
founding and value of the America Houses, see Manuela Aguilar, Cultural Diplo-
macy and Foreign Policy: German–American Relations, 1955–1968, Studies in
Modern European History, vol. 19 (New York: Peter Lang, 1996), pp. 156–70.
37. John. N. Berry III, ‘Librarians are Public Diplomats’, National Journal,
vol. 128, issue 12, 15 July 2003, p. 18.
38. Comments during speech at the conference ‘Communicating with the
World: Diplomacy that Works’, held at Georgetown University, 30 April
39. Foreign service officer Joe Merante in a presentation on cultural diplomacy
to my Georgetown seminar, ‘Culture and Diplomacy’, on 29 March 2004.
40. Arts and Minds: A Conference on Cultural Diplomacy, report of conference held
from 14–15 April 2003, New York, Columbia University, pp. 35–44, http:// On German cultural
diplomacy, see also Aguilar, ‘Cultural Diplomacy and Foreign Policy’,
pp. 79–217.
41. Arts and Minds, pp. 35–39.
Culture Communicates: US Diplomacy That Works 167
42. Arts and Minds, p. 39.
43. George F. Kennan, ‘International Exchange in the Arts’, Perspectives USA, no.
16, 1956, pp. 6–14, cited in Barghoorn, The Soviet Cultural Offensive, p. 342.
44. Aguilar, Cultural Diplomacy and Foreign Policy, p. 54.
45. Arts and Minds, p. 33.
46. Arts and Minds, p. 38.
47. Margaret J. Wyszomirski, Christopher Burgess and Catherine Peila, Interna-
tional Cultural Relations: A Multi-Country Comparison (Washington DC:
Arts International and Center for Arts and Culture, 2003), p. 24; see and
48. Wyszomirski, Burgess and Peila, International Cultural Relations, Table 2, p. 3.
49. Joseph S. Nye, ‘Today, It’s a Question of Whose Story Wins’,, 21
July 2004.
50. Christopher Marquis, ‘US Image Abroad Will Take Years to Repair, Official
Testifies’, New York Times, 5 February 2004.
51. Wyszomirski, Burgess and Peila, International Cultural Relations, p. 24.
52. Wyszomirski, Burgess and Peila, International Cultural Relations, pp. 24–5.
53. Letter from Edmund Gullion to Frank Stanton, in International Information,
Education and Cultural Relations, p. 81.
54. Oral communication, March 2003.
55. Cynthia P. Schneider, Diplomacy that Works: ‘Best Practices’ in Cultural Diplo-
macy (Washington DC: Center for Arts and Culture, 2003),
56. Pew Research Center, America’s Image Further Erodes, Europeans Want Weaker
Ties, 18 March 2003, pp. 1–2,
57. Pew Research Center, Views of a Changing World 2003, 3 June 2003, pp.1–2,
58. Pew Research Center, Views of a Changing World 2003, p. 5.
59. Delinda C. Hanley, ‘Secretary’s Open Forum Examines Public Diplomacy’,
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, January/February 2004, vol. 23,
pp. 75–6.
60. Carl Weiser, ‘Report Lists Public Diplomacy Failures’, USA Today, 16 September
2003, p. 13a; and John A. Paden, ‘America Slams the Door (on its Foot)’, Foreign
Affairs, May/June 2003, vol. 82, pp. 8–15.
61. Richard Lugar, Opening Statement on Public Diplomacy and Islam, Senate Foreign
Relations Committee Press Release, 27 February 2003, p. 2.
62. Christopher Marquis, ‘US Image Abroad Will Take Years to Repair’, New York
Times, 4 February 2004.
63. Information on performances from Karen L. Perez and Joe Merante Bureau
of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department of State; and correspond-
ence with Joe Merante, 29 June 2004. See also Wyszomirski, Burgess and
Peila, International Cultural Relations, Table 2, pp. 3–5. On radio and TV, see
Peter Slevin, ‘Changes in US Diplomacy Sought: Efforts to Influence Islamic
World Inadequate, Panel Says’, Washington Post, 2 October 2003, p. A16.
64. Wyszomirski, Burgess and Peila,
International Cultural Relations, Table 2, pp. 3–5.
65. Paden, ‘America Slams the Door (on its Foot)’.
66. See; Michael Dobbs, ‘America’s Arab Voice:
Radio Sawa Struggles to Make Itself Heard’, The Washington Post, 24 March
168 The New Public Diplomacy
2003, p. C01; Eli Lake, ‘Pop Psychology: How Lionel and J. Lo Can Help
Bridge the Gap Between Us and the Arabs’, Washington Post, 4 August 2002,
p. B03; Jan Perlez, ‘US is Trying to Market Itself to Young, Suspicious Arabs’,
New York Times, 16 September 2002.
67. Brian Faler, ‘VOA Staff Members Say Government Losing Voice’, Washington
Post, 14 July 2004, p. A17.
68. ‘Live from Virginia, It’s Alhurra’, NPR All Things Considered, 7 February 2004, + 1658915, 23 June 2004.
69. Steven A. Cook, ‘Hearts, Minds, and Hearings’, New York Times, 6 July 2004.
70. Hafez Al-Mirazi, bureau chief of Aljazeera satellite channel, in Hanley, ‘Sec-
retary’s Open Forum Examines Public Diplomacy’.
71. Conversation with Leon Shahabian, Vice-President and Treasurer of Layalina,
14 July 2004.
72. The Ambassador’s Fund was launched by Bonnie Cohen during her tenure
as Under-Secretary for Administration at the State Department (1998–2001).
73. Schneider, Diplomacy that Works.
74. Cynthia P. Schneider, ‘There’s an Art to Telling the World about America’,
Washington Post, 23 August 2002, p. B3.
Making a National Brand
Wally Olins
‘If we were looking at the US as a brand we would say this is the time to
relaunch the brand
says Keith Reinhard, group leader of Business for
Diplomatic Action (BDA). Reinhard is Chairman of DDB, an advertising
agency within Omnicom – the world’s largest marketing and communi-
cations business. BDA is very concerned that ‘political developments –
including opposition to the Iraq war – are eroding the global appeal of
US brands from McDonald’s to Microsoft and MTV’. So senior image-
makers have embarked on an experiment in private sector foreign policy
that is designed to rehabilitate the US national brand. Arguing that
business can do things that governments cannot, the group is seeking
to create a corporate united front that would counter anti-Americanism
through means including the promotion of higher-quality cultural exports,
says the
Through the appointment of Charlotte Beers (Under-Secretary for
public diplomacy and public affairs until 2003), the US government has
already tried and failed once recently to deal with what it sees as a rising
tide of anti-Americanism, and now in traditional American fashion the
private sector is having a whirl. According to the
article, one of Keith
Reinhard’s private sector ideas is to create a ‘public diplomacy’ portal
on the internet, which some people might perhaps see as a contradic-
tion in terms.
This initiative, whether successful or not, underlines the new signifi-
cance of branding as part of the national promotional programme.
When I first talked and wrote about branding the nation and the nation
as a brand in the 1980s, most commentators could barely conceal their
bile. The idea they had was that branding the nation was the equivalent
170 The New Public Diplomacy
of treating the nation like a washing-up liquid in a supermarket. When
Blair’s government launched a hastily prepared, ill-thought-through
initiative on national branding in the late 1990s it was publicly pillo-
ried: ‘Cool Britannia’ was difficult to live down and is still used by
critics of national branding programmes as a model of ‘how and why
not to do it’. And yet the truth of the matter is that nations have always
tried to create and modulate their reputations in order to create
domestic loyalties and coherence and promote their own power and
influence in neighbouring countries. There is in reality nothing new
about national branding, except the word ‘brand’ and the techniques
that are now used, which derive from mainstream marketing and
branding techniques.
France and nation-branding
Elsewhere I have written about the way in which national branding as
we know it today began with the French Revolution. It was the French
who really started national branding in a big way. France’s five republics,
two empires and about four kingdoms (depending on how you count them)
offer a fascinating case study of how creating and establishing identities
has been highly influential in establishing their internal legitimacy,
their hold on power and their influence on their neighbours.
In the kingdom of the Bourbons nobody was more glorious an auto-
crat than
le Roi Soleil
– Louis XIV. Versailles was erected as the physical
embodiment of absolute power. Then, in 1789, came the first and most
significant Revolution. Not only was the traditional nobility exiled and
dispersed, the royal family executed, a Republic proclaimed, religion
excoriated, and an entire social and cultural system turned on its head,
but every little detail changed too. The tricolour replaced the fleur-de-
lis, the ‘Marseillaise’ became the new anthem, the traditional weights
and measures were replaced by the metric system, a new calendar was
introduced, God was replaced by the Supreme Being and the whole lot
was exported through military triumphs all over Europe. France was quite
consciously and overtly rebranded, the first nation to enter on so self-aware
a course. And the whole of Europe was profoundly influenced by it.
Only a very few years later another rebranding operation took place.
General Napoleon Bonaparte made himself First Consul, then Emperor.
Empire was a concept entirely new and hitherto completely alien to
France. Napoleon crowned himself Emperor at his own coronation just
like Charlemagne. He introduced new titles, rituals, uniforms, honours
and decorations, not to speak of a new legal and educational system
Making a National Brand 171
that was exported to all his dominions and that has had pretty remarkable
staying power. The Napoleonic legal code remains the legal structure in
much of Europe today. All this was commemorated and memorialized
by a number of artists and writers, of whom Jacques-Louis David was
perhaps the most gifted. Under Napoleon France wasn’t big enough –
the whole of Europe was rebranded. The accepted view among most
historians is that this was Napoleon’s idea. He may not have been
concerned with all the detail, but his was the master plan.
The rebranding of France has proceeded sporadically and often violently
ever since. Napoleon’s Empire gave way to the restored Bourbons, who
were overthrown and replaced by a bourgeois monarchy, which was
followed by the Second Republic, which turned itself into a Second
Napoleonic Empire. By the time the Third Republic emerged from the
ashes of Napoleon III’s defeat at the hands of Prussia, French politicians
had become the world’s specialists at branding and rebranding the
nation. The Third Republic collapsed in defeat in 1940 and was replaced
by Petain’s Vichy. Under Vichy, France was rebranded yet again: the
Republican slogan, or as branding experts would put it ‘strapline’, of
liberté, egalité, fraternité
was replaced with
travail, famille, patrie
. Although
the Vichy regime is now regarded as an humiliating and shameful
period in French history, there is no doubt that it was yet another
national brand with, for a short time, a powerful and popular, political,
cultural and social ideology.
After Vichy came the Fourth Republic and then the Fifth, which is
France’s current political and cultural incarnation. Of course it’s true
that there is continuity underneath the change. The French people and
France itself continue to demonstrate many traditional characteristics.
Nevertheless, the brand changes are not superficial, cosmetic or mean-
ingless; they are real and profound. I cite the example of France because,
of all the countries in the world, France is probably the one that has
been most influential in the branding and rebranding of other nations.
But similar observations can be made about almost but not quite every
The reason why nations continue both explicitly and some-
times implicitly to shape and reshape their identities, or if you prefer
explicitly and implicitly to rebrand themselves, is because their reality
changes and they need to project this real change symbolically to all
the audiences with whom they relate. They want, as far as they can, to
align perception with reality.
The French experience is far from unique. Almost every country you
can think of from nineteenth-century Germany under Bismarck to
twentieth-century Turkey under Ataturk has gone through a similar
172 The New Public Diplomacy
branding process – only nobody ever called it that. The dissolution of
European colonial empires gave further impetus to the development of
national brands. The Dutch East Indies, for example, became Indonesia,
its capital Batavia became Jakarta, and a new language, Bahasa Indonesia,
was constructed that was intended to enable the people of the different
Indonesian islands to communicate with each other. New or newish
nations such as Indonesia, and for that matter those even newer
nations that have emerged since the dissolution of the former Soviet
Union, have the same problems as the then new European nations of
the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: they have to build a
national consensus – around language, presumed ethnicity, religion
(sometimes), culture, sporting, artistic, commercial and military achieve-
ments. Some nations have a long but interrupted history, like Georgia,
while others, such as Tajikistan or for that matter Iraq, have been carved
out of the former imperium and therefore have difficulty in establishing
However they have emerged, it is evident that the urge to create
nations remains extremely powerful. There were 51 nations in the UN
in 1945 – now there are 191. So despite increasing globalization, the
power of corporations, the increasing size and influence of super regions
like NAFTA and more particularly the EU, the nation is a thriving
entity. But nations now live in an increasingly competitive commercial
environment. They do not simply compete on issues of political influence
any more, but also compete commercially.
Projecting the national brand
There are now three areas in which nations are in direct and overt
competition with each other. In each of these there are winners and
losers, and each nation depends to a very considerable extent for its
success on the clarity, emphasis and enthusiasm with which it projects
its national brand. The three areas are: brand export; foreign direct
investment; and tourism.
It is, of course, a truism that we associate particular products and brands
with certain nations. For cars, Mercedes, Audi and BMW are Germany
and Germany is cars. VW, the initials of Volkswagen whose particularly
unpleasant origins are now largely forgotten, is perhaps the ultimate
symbol of the intense and long-lived relationship between Germany
and the automobile. It was the Führer who early in 1934 commissioned
Making a National Brand 173
Dr Ferdinand Porsche to create a people’s car (literally, a
that would cruise along the new
conveying the German
working classes towards their various recreational pursuits. The extent
to which Germany and automobiles are currently perceived as a single
entity is really quite astonishing. In a series of interviews as part of a
study on national branding carried out in the early 1990s,
over 500
quite sophisticated and experienced purchasing directors of companies
from all over the world were so overwhelmed by the automobile
imagery of Germany that they barely mentioned any other types of
German products and services. It appears that banking, pharmaceuti-
cals, chemicals and even other kinds of engineering products exist – at
least in terms of perceptions – only in the shadow of Germany’s great,
global motor industry.
If Germany for the world is the motor industry and the motor
industry is Germany, is this advantageous or disadvantageous for
German brands? Well, it seems that it is a bit of both. On the credit
side, anything to do with engineering, efficiency, and a particular kind
of stripped down quasi-Bauhaus style gets a boost. So apart from the
world famous motor companies and organizations like Siemens and
Bosch, other technical companies also benefit. There is a halo effect for
organizations that make products, such as Braun, Miele and Gaggenau.
On the debit side, however, German brands are disassociated from
fashion – Jil Sander and Hugo Boss – from cosmetics and personal prod-
ucts – Lancaster and Nivea – from banking and financial services –
Deutsche Bank and Allianz – and even, curiously, from high tech – SAP.
Not surprisingly, none of the companies in these sectors go out of their
way to emphasize their German origins. On the contrary, Hugo Boss talks
about its European style, SAP half-heartedly pretends to be American,
and so on. They all avoid an association with Germany because Germany
means cars, and that, they believe, will disadvantage them commercially.
So a reasonable conclusion to draw is that if the nation’s leading
brands are based around too narrow a sphere of activity, those flagship
brands in the sector may flourish, but the other brands in different
sectors may find life more difficult. They will certainly not be able to
wrap themselves in the national flag, and they may even decide to
distance themselves entirely from their national origins. Where the
perceived range of national brands is broader, the situation may be a bit
different. France, Italy and Britain all have a wider range of perceived
expertise in products than Germany. Gucci comes from Italy, but so
does Ferrari. Jaguar comes from Britain, but so do Burberry and Scotch
whisky. France has the TGV and Renault in engineering, it dominates
174 The New Public Diplomacy
perceptions of Airbus even though Airbus also has German, British and
Spanish participation, yet France also dominates nuclear technology
and of course an entire panorama of names in fashion, food and drink;
Louis Vuitton, Hennessy, Dior and so on. This means that French high-
profile brands can exploit the national brand of France over a much
broader range of activities than their German counterparts.
In this context at least, the United States is like France, only more so.
America, much the best-known nation in the world, although currently
not necessarily the most popular, excels and is seen to excel over a very
wide range of products and services, many of which are overtly associ-
ated with the nation. In technology, Apple, Hewlett Packard, Intel,
Google and all the rest of them are clearly seen to be American in
origin, although they are specifically related to Silicon Valley. Curiously
we do not necessarily know or care where the products created in
Silicon Valley are made – Apple computers are made in Cork, Ireland,
among other places – but we do care where they originate. There is no
doubt that American, specifically Silicon Valley, technology is highly
regarded. Another kind of American product, the demotic, popular,
perhaps populist products of Main Street USA – Coca-Cola, McDonald’s,
Wrigleys, Pepsi, Hollywood movies, Disney, CNN, MTV, Blockbuster
and the rest – are also seen to be quintessentially American, even though
some of them try hard to adapt to the local situation wherever they go.
These products are perceived to be so much part of the American world
that they are attacked or boycotted as an integral part of anti-US propa-
ganda. Mecca Cola is a French-based Muslim cola brand deliberately
intended to undermine Coke. It is an attempt to subvert the American
way by mocking as well as emulating its American original. But an
unintended by-product of Mecca Cola may be actually to reinforce the
image of Coke, which remains ‘The Real Thing’.
Certain American fashion products – Hilfiger, Gap, Levis (all three
perhaps a bit tarnished now), Nike, Converse, Ralph Lauren, Donna
Karan, Marc Jacobs and many others—derive part of their brand power
from being seen to be American, at least in origin.
Foreign direct investment
An increasingly interdependent global environment means that companies
have to look outside their own borders to find cheaper places to get
their products built. The first place to look is of course next door. That
is why US companies built
– US-financed Mexican
companies paying Mexican wages for products shipped a few miles back
across US borders for sale. A few years ago European companies did the
Making a National Brand 175
same thing in southern Europe. Renault and other car companies set up
factories in Spain and Portugal. Now that wages have gone up in the
south, eastern Europe has come into fashion. Tiny Slovakia, which had
never built a car, is now becoming home to French, Japanese and
Korean motor companies. By 2010 Slovakia will be the world’s largest
car producer judged by head of population.
At one level this kind of investment policy is, of course, influenced by
local legislation, tax breaks, regional funding, education level of
employees, central and local government attitudes, transport infrastruc-
ture and so on; but at another, more emotional, level, is also to do with
follow-my-leader, keeping up with the Jones’s and just being fashionable.
Like anything else, fashion plays a large, although unacknowledged,
part in foreign direct investment, and this means that countries that
promote themselves well can beat countries that do not – assuming that
the hygiene factors are more or less equal.
Tourism, the world’s fourth largest industry and growing at about 9 per
cent per year, is even more subject to whim. Some countries depend
largely on tourism for their earnings and have developed a sophisti-
cated tourist infrastructure. Many of the most unlikely countries are
highly reliant on it. For instance, New Zealand’s largest foreign exchange
earner is tourism. The danger for countries that rely heavily on tradi-
tional tourism is that sun, sea and sand are in danger of becoming a
commodity, driven by fierce competition on price, into attracting more
and more people who often spend less and less money individually. So
a country can end up getting large numbers of tourists that it cannot
effectively cope with and who spend very little money per head. The
alternative is for countries to trade up, differentiating themselves like
consumer brands – emphasizing their art, culture, history, food, architec-
ture, landscape and other unique characteristics through sophisticated
imagery. That way the nation will aim to get fewer tourists, each of
whom will individually spend more money.
All this points to a national branding programme coordinating brand
export, foreign direct investment and tourism, backed by a cultural,
sporting and commercial programme and all associated with political
influence – public diplomacy in fact. And that is what the US-based
Business for Diplomatic Action private initiative, mentioned in the
introduction, is trying to achieve. Now, that the United States has
suddenly become profoundly unpopular in many parts of the world
and there is a real danger that American brands are suffering as American
176 The New Public Diplomacy
influence declines, a view seems to be emerging that all aspects of the
national brand, including brand export, foreign direct investment and
tourism, which are palpable, tangible and quantifiable, can be linked to
those other factors such as culture, sporting and artistic activity and
influence that do not lend themselves so easily to quantification – and
that the whole should be promoted collectively. There are a few countries
that through a combination of dramatic political change and the
imperative to develop economically have demonstrated the massive
impact that this kind of rebranding can achieve.
Spain, once a world power of the first rank, went into a long, self-
destructive decline, culminating in the hideous Civil War in the 1930s.
It degenerated into an isolated, autarkic, poverty-stricken, authoritarian
anachronism, hardly part of modern Europe at all. Since Franco’s death
in 1975, it has transformed itself into a modern, well-off, European
democracy. The reality has changed but so have perceptions. Spain
appears to have carefully orchestrated and promoted its re-entry into
the European family. The extent to which this has been explicitly
managed is difficult to determine. Success always makes it easy to post-
rationalize and rewrite history, but it certainly did not happen only
through serendipity. The Joan Miró sun symbol was an identifier for a
massive promotional programme that was closely linked to national
change and modernization. Institutional and tourist advertising on a
national and regional level, the creation of successful international
business schools, the growth, privatization and globalization of Spanish
companies like Repsol, Telefónica and Union Fenosa, the rebuilding
and beautifying of major cities such as Barcelona and Bilbao, the self-
mocking, sexually explicit, tragicomic films of Pedro Almodóvar and his
contemporaries, political devolution, the Barcelona Olympics and the
Seville International Exhibition of 1992 all underlined and exemplified
the change and helped to alter perceptions.
This programme of activities, much based around individual initia-
tives, has rehabilitated and revitalized Spain, both in its own eyes and
in the eyes of the world. Spain is among the best examples of modern,
successful national branding because it keeps on building on what truly
exists. It incorporates, absorbs and embraces a wide variety of activities
to form and project a loose and multifaceted yet coherent, interlocking,
mutually supportive whole. Many countries have examined the Spanish
example and have taken notice of what has been done and how.
Poland is currently working on a major national branding programme.
This is not a quick fix. It is a serious long-term effort to project the
changing reality of Poland and to bring perceptions of Poland into line.
Making a National Brand 177
Until very recently most western Europeans were unable to distin-
guish clearly the accession countries to the EU from each other. They
did not know which was big, which was small, which was highly
industrialized, which was relatively agricultural. They had difficulty
in naming national figures and even in naming outstanding cities or
tourist attractions. They could not say which countries were demo-
cratic. They could not even spontaneously name global leaders. In
other words, not to put too fine a point on it, Poland together with
most other central and east European countries were seen as a grey
undifferentiated splodge. Very few people can spontaneously name
Polish products or even Polish creative works let alone famous
contemporary Poles.
Curiously this situation is not so different from Spain just a gen-
eration ago. Around the time of Franco’s death in 1975 Spain was
seen solely as a country for cheap holidays and wine, a poverty-
stricken country of no cultural or commercial influence with an
authoritarian leader.
Like Spain in 1975, Poland in 2004 has staggering potential. It has
beautiful cities like Wroclaw and Krakow; it has prime tourism sites
such as the Mazurian lakes and Zakopane; it has a dynamic creative
tradition in theatre, films, the arts, music and so on; it has the potential
to produce global businesses; and above all it has the critical mass, with
40 million people, to make a real difference in Europe.
The reality of Poland is changing fast, but to win, Poland’s image has
to change so that perceptions are linked with reality. Poland the nation
and Polish companies must invest money and time in creating brands
that demonstrate to the world that in commerce, industry, the creative
arts and sport, Poland is world class, and that is what the branding
programme for Poland is intended to do. Have a look in ten years time
to see if it works.
Poland is not the only former communist country seeking to project a
new national brand. Virtually every country in central and eastern
Europe is thinking about it, discussing it, planning it. Other countries
are involved too: from New Zealand to Scotland national branding is on
the agenda and, as pointed out at the beginning of this chapter, even
the US is having a go at it. It is clear that over the last few years
branding has emerged as a serious issue on the national agenda. But as
178 The New Public Diplomacy
nations are finding out, doing it is far from easy. Charlotte Beers in the
US is not the only one who has tripped up. Peter Mandelson in the UK
made the same kinds of mistakes a few years earlier. Trying to do too
much too quickly is, however, only one of the issues.
If the national brand embraces tourism, foreign direct investment,
brand exports, sport, the arts, cultural activities and so on, who runs it?
Private sector or public sector – or both? Who in the public sector is in
charge – the foreign ministry, the industry ministry, tourism, or the
Prime Minister’s office? Who pays for it? How are the different activities
coordinated? The simple fact of the matter is, and I write here on the
basis of much experience, that launching and managing a national
branding programme is infinitely more complex, sophisticated, difficult
and above all long term than managing a similar activity for a commer-
cial organization. It takes years, and the pay-off is slow and not readily
measurable. Politicians like quick, measurable results that get them
votes, and that is one of the reasons why so many national branding
programmes are taken up enthusiastically and then dropped.
In my experience, national branding programmes need to be managed
between the public and private sectors through small, dedicated and
highly coordinated groups that take a long-term view. It is essential to
remember that the national/domestic audience has to understand and
support the programme, and that means engaging and getting support
from the media. There has to be a will on the part of significant organi-
zations representing specific segments to take part in the programme.
Cultural, tourist, sport, fashion, arts and other organizations must be
prepared to cooperate with chambers of commerce and government, so
that the national promotional effort is properly coordinated. All this
takes time, money, enthusiasm and tenacity.
The focus for a national branding programme is usually a visual
symbol, which is adopted by all of the organizations taking part in the
programme that use it as an endorsing tool. Sometimes the visual symbol
is immensely powerful – like Joan Miró’s sun for Spain. But the symbol
alone is not enough. It is the core idea that lies behind the symbol that
has the real significance. What makes the country different? Many
countries have difficulties in finding a core idea that is sufficiently clear
and individual. Most nations in the West want to claim that they are
tolerant, multicultural, friendly, welcoming and so on – but what else
are they? What is it that actually makes them different? What is their
personality or, as I prefer to put it, what is their core idea? Then there
are technical issues. Who are the key audiences? What are the key areas
of focus? Should the launch be low or high profile, should coordination
Making a National Brand 179
among different bodies be close or loose? How much variation in
messages should there be for different audiences? To what extent should
there be overlap?
All these and the hundreds of other issues involved are highly
contentious. National branding is now on the agenda. Its significance
as a tool for promoting the nation is now understood. But nobody can
really claim that we have sufficient experience to make it work effec-
tively. It is all trial, error and experience. There is no doubt that a few
countries have got it right – Spain and New Zealand come readily to
mind. But many more have not made it work. Some countries, such as
Paraguay, are only known by their neighbours, and for them an attractive
national brand is important but not mandatory. For other countries,
however, an attractive national image is an asset beyond price. Losing
it, as the US has found, can happen quickly and easily, almost without
anyone noticing. Getting it back, as the US will find, will not be easy.
1. ‘America’s New Brand of Anger and Resentment’, Financial Times, 24 June
2. Wally Olins, Wally Olins On Brand (London: Thames & Hudson, 2004).
3. The company Wolff Olins and Financial Times, Made in...’ series of studies
about perceptions of the UK, Italy and Germany.
4. Wally Olins, ‘Polish Brands and the European Union’, Harvard Business Review
Polska, 2004.
5. My company, Saffron, is working on this project.
6. Wally Olins, Wally Olins O Marce (Warsaw: Fundacja Promocja Polska-Instytut
Marki Polskiej, 2004).
Dialogue-based Public Diplomacy:
a New Foreign Policy Paradigm?
Shaun Riordan
As the earlier chapters of this book have made clear, public diplomacy is
increasingly seen as a central element of broader diplomatic activity in
the twenty-first century. But it remains controversial. Debate remains
about whether it is really new, or whether it is merely a fancy name for
traditional propaganda activities. This chapter does not directly address
these issues, but rather focuses on more practical aspects of how public
diplomacy can be undertaken. It argues that the new security agenda
requires a more collaborative approach to foreign policy, which in
return requires a new dialogue-based paradigm for public diplomacy. In
the process, some of the theoretical issues may also be clarified. To get a
handle on the practical aspects, the chapter begins by looking at two
concrete cases: the struggle against international terrorism; and
Building bridges to moderate Islam
Leaving aside issues such as the wisdom of declaring a ‘war against
international terrorism’, for the purposes of this chapter the key
of the confrontation with international Islamic terrorism
might be defined as: the disruption of attacks, detention or killing of
terrorists and the dismantling of networks; the reduction of the capacity
to recruit; the reduction of the capacity to secure financing; and marginali-
zation within Islamic society. Examination of these four objectives will
clarify the centrality of public diplomacy to broader policy, and will
elucidate something of its nature and the tools on which it must draw.
Dialogue-based Public Diplomacy 181
At first sight, the first of these objectives appears to relate primarily to
security, military and policing policies. Yet it has an important element
of public diplomacy. The successful disruption of terrorist operations
and networks and the detention or killing of terrorists requires the
collaboration of a broad range of foreign governments, and particularly
governments in Islamic countries. These governments must be convinced,
and not only coerced, to collaborate. But the effort to convince must
extend beyond governments, and even political elites, if the collaboration
is to be effective, stable and long lasting. The extent of collaboration
will inevitably be constrained by what even non-democratic or semi-
democratic governments perceive as acceptable to their broader societies.
For example, the government of Pakistan has clearly had to balance its
collaboration with the US in the ‘war against terrorism’ with what is
acceptable to its broader society, including its own military and security
elite. Furthermore, full collaboration by an Islamic government serves
Western interests little if the price is a rise in Islamic fundamentalism
among the broader society and a consequent weakening of the govern-
ment, or even its ultimate substitution by an extremist alternative.
Effective long-term collaboration against Islamic terrorism thus requires
public diplomacy to win the support, or at least the acquiescence, of
broader Islamic societies.
The other objectives – recruitment, finance and marginalization – are
more obviously centred on public diplomacy, and are closely related.
While there have been surprisingly few studies of why young men and
women are willing to become terrorists, and in particularly suicide
bombers, simplistic answers like poverty, poor education or the Israel/
Palestine dispute are clearly inadequate. Studies have shown, for example,
that Hamas suicide bombers tend to come from above-average income
families with above-average education.
Similarly, while al-Qaeda has
sought to make capital out of the plight of the Palestinians, it has never
been a core objective, nor does al-Qaeda recruit Palestinians. Rather,
there is a complex of reasons and motives relating both to the perception
of the West and of existing Middle Eastern regimes. Similar complexes
of factors explain the ability of groups affiliated to al-Qaeda to secure
financing and the necessary level of tolerance, if not active support, in
Islamic societies. While we need far more effective and rigorous studies
of what these factors are, it should be clear that a key element is the
perception of the West – both of Western governments and society – in
Islamic societies.
Thus the shared public diplomacy aim of the four objectives outlined
above is to engage with broader Islamic societies in a way that changes
182 The New Public Diplomacy
their perception of the West. In blunt terms, a public diplomacy
strategy that can convince them that the West is not the enemy and
that Osama is; that democracy and market economies are neither
incompatible with Islam, nor are tools of neo-imperialism; and that
constructive co-existence with the West is possible, and is in the
interest of all. This engagement with the ‘Islamic street’ will not be easy,
and raises important issues of the form and content of the message and
the tools and actors of the strategy.
Simply asserting the primacy of Western values – whether human
rights, democracy or free markets – or of good intentions is unlikely to
work. On the contrary, it runs the risk of provoking a reaction in which
Western values are rejected because they are Western, and in which
Islamic values are defined against those of the West. This does not
imply that Western values must be abandoned in some form of moral
relativism, or that all Western values are inherently incompatible with
Islam. A series of polls, for example, have demonstrated that a majority
of Arabs do favour democracy.
But the same polls also demonstrate
deep attachment to ‘Islamic values’. This implies that successful engage-
ment must be built upon a genuine dialogue that accepts that Islam is
different and has its own values and historical and cultural traditions;
that the West does not have all the answers and that, while maintaining its
own values, it accepts that not all of them are universally valid for
everyone everywhere; and that there are many paths to democracy and
civil society.
However, if the dialogue is to be successful in engaging with broader
Islamic society and promoting a moderate approach to Islam, the agents of
the dialogue must enjoy credibility and access. At first sight this may be
the hardest part. Neither Western governments nor their agents
(namely, diplomats) have either the necessary credibility or access.
Their need to maintain good relations with existing Islamic governments
and political elites further constrains their freedom of action. More
credible agents will need to be found among non-governmental agents
in broader Western civil society. The credibility of such non-governmental
agents will be enhanced by the extent to which they are perceived to be
independent of, and even critical of, Western governments. Equally
important will be the extent to which they are able to build on existing
relationships, or shared interests or problems between Western and
Islamic societies. They will thus include non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) and universities, which already have exchange programmes or
relationships with local universities and NGOs. Associations of small
and medium enterprises (SMEs) and chambers of commerce can develop
Dialogue-based Public Diplomacy 183
relationships through promoting and fostering good commercial practice,
including advising on lobbying for legislation to protect the SME sector
in Arab countries against corrupt state-owned corporations. Sports clubs
and associations can also be important, particularly given the shared
passion for football.
Of particular potential in building bridges to moderate Islam are the
Islamic communities in Western societies. But they also point to another
aspect of successful public diplomacy. Many potential agents are reluc-
tant to be associated with government. In as far as they are perceived to
operate under government direction, or with government funding,
their credibility and effectiveness can be undermined. Their involvement
in a public diplomacy strategy can therefore be highly problematic. In
the particular case of Western Islamic communities, these communities
may have significant differences with their governments, not only on
foreign but also on aspects of domestic policy, and differences between
their own standing and the broader communities. Governments may
therefore need to engage in a prior dialogue with their own Muslims
about shared values and the basis of co-existence. Aside from the need
to do this in any case in the interests of domestic racial and ethnic
harmony, and its value in bringing domestic Islamic communities
within a broad public diplomacy strategy, it could provide a powerful
preparation for the dialogue with overseas Islamic communities, and a
demonstration of the genuineness of the intent behind that dialogue.
The more general point is that an effective overseas public diplomacy
strategy may often have to be preceded by an equally effective domestic
public diplomacy strategy.
Thought must also be given to the tools of public diplomacy.
Government-sponsored conferences and seminars can be effective with
existing political elites, but are unlikely to reach broader Islamic societies
(although they can be effective tools for non-governmental agents).
New technology, and in particular the internet and its offshoots
such as email and chat rooms, offer cheaper and easy techniques for
networking and building relationships to all public diplomacy agents,
both governmental and non-governmental. But so far extremist Islamic
groups may be making more effective use of them. For example, there is
that extremist groups are using cookie and other e-commerce
techniques to build profiles of visitors to their websites, with a view to
identifying and recruiting potential agents of influence, or even terrorists.
While there may be privacy concerns about Western governments
using similar techniques to recruit agents of influence in Arab countries
(although this should not be excluded in particularly difficult or hostile
184 The New Public Diplomacy
environments), such techniques, combined with more traditional polling
techniques where these are available, can be of value in assessing the effec-
tiveness of online public diplomacy. Greater sophistication is also needed
in engagement with the media. While television and radio stations
sponsored by Western governments, playing Western popular music,
may attract audiences among younger sections of the population, there
is evidence that their audience gives no credibility to, and even switches
off, their news broadcasts. They also run the risk of reinforcing prej-
udices about Western popular culture (that it is corrupt, decadent, and
so on). A more effective approach could be to use the media, and
especially the Arab media such as Aljazeera, to launch dialogue and
engagement. Once again this will be more effective if taken on by
non-governmental agents rather than government spokesmen.
Promoting civil society
Another example that shows the power of alternative and more imagi-
native approaches to public diplomacy is nation-building. The West’s
record in this area is mixed. In what might be called ‘soft nation-building’,
primarily in Eastern Europe where the state was in transformation
rather than collapse, where the West had not been forced to intervene
militarily and where civil society already existed, at least to some extent,
there has been considerable success. A broad range of good-government,
education, training and economic/commercial promotion programmes
played a significant role in bringing these countries to the brink (and
beyond) of EU membership. In what might be called ‘hard nation-
building’, where the West has been forced to intervene militarily and
subsequently to become an occupying power, where the state has
effectively disintegrated, and where existing civil society is scarce on
the ground, the West has been far less successful. Even in its European
protectorates of Bosnia and Kosovo, the West has failed to create politi-
cally stable and economically successful states. Its pro-consuls, far from
passing political power to local institutions, frequently feel compelled
to seize it back, and the military presence looks set to continue for years
yet. The situation in Afghanistan and Iraq is, of course, even worse.
Without going into a detailed critique of Western efforts to nation-build
in these countries, part of the problem has been the failure to recognize
that democracy, respect for human rights and successful market economies
emerge from concrete historical, social, economic and cultural conditions.
Thus Western diplomats and international civil servants have put
excessive emphasis on a top-down imposition of democratic and liberal
Dialogue-based Public Diplomacy 185
values and practices, institutional and constitutional arrangements and
physical security and policing. An alternative ‘public diplomacy’ approach
would instead focus on the creation of civil society, the promotion of a
stable and secure middle or professional class, giving people ‘ownership’ of
both the economy and political institutions and creating the conditions
in which indigenous political institutions could emerge.
Some of the building blocks in this approach should be obvious:
exchange programmes and networking between universities and schools;
promotion of an independent media, especially one that is critical of
the West and thus more credible (to this end, exchanges and networking
between journalists and journalists’ associations); cultural events; sporting
links; promotion of civil society activities that develop social capital;
links and networking among political parties; and the role of religious
organizations. An area that is often neglected, but that gives a flavour of
the broader approach, is the promotion and protection of a vibrant
SME sector. SMEs are, of course, important economically: some 60 to
70 per cent of new job creation in Britain is in the SME sector (the
figures are similar in other countries). But they have a broader political
and social importance as well. SMEs promote a feeling of ownership of
the economy and its institutions in the broader society. Even those
employed by SMEs, as opposed to their owners, have a greater sense of
responsibility and interest in economic decisions than those employed
by large corporations. Thus SMEs can also have an important role in
promoting civil society and political participation, and an independ-
ently minded middle/professional class. They can be particularly
important in motivating younger generations. However, in unstable
societies, or those emerging from failure, SMEs are highly vulnerable to
political elites that are primarily intent on promoting large corporations,
whether multinational corporations promising foreign investment or
corrupt local corporations linked to political and personal interests.
Diplomats and international civil servants do too little to protect them,
often under pressure themselves to focus on the interests of multina-
tionals. The alternative approach would focus not only on greater insti-
tutional and regulatory protection of SMEs, but also on more active
strategies to promote them, including roles as sources of information
and advice, or even as ‘guardians/tutors’ for Western SME associations
or even individual SMEs.
Once again, diplomats and international civil servants may not be
the ideal agents for these activities. As government representatives, they
are no more trusted in nation-building societies than they are in Islamic
(or even their own) societies. Their bureaucratic and hierarchical
186 The New Public Diplomacy
working structures and cultures are poor preparation for the innovation
and creativity that are needed (what might be described as the ‘entre-
preneurial spirit’ of public diplomacy). An example of where this spirit
was sadly lacking arose during the NATO bombing of Serbia. Hundreds
of thousands of Kosovars were sitting for six weeks in refugee camps in
Macedonia, a captive audience with nothing to do, and yet it occurred
to nobody to initiate classes in citizenship or democratic political
practice as preparation for their return. Diplomats also frequently lack
knowledge of key areas or the practical skills needed (for example,
economics and programme management).
What effectively amounts to the promotion of civil society in failed
states requires the engagement of agents from the broader civil society
in the West (with the incidental advantage of strengthening Western
civil society), reinforced by the effective use of the new technology.
Some will already be active (for example, NGOs and to some extent
universities) and their activities primarily need coordination within a
broader strategy. Other agents that have much to offer will never have
thought of doing so and will need encouragement (such as SMEs,
chambers of commerce, sports associations or schools). Others may
need technical or even financial support to realize their potential. Key
roles for governments will therefore be as coordinators, catalysts and
advisers/supporters. Many relevant agents will be suspicious of govern-
ments’ motives (if not perhaps as suspicious as in the case of Islamic
societies) and will be reluctant to be seen as too close. Diplomats will
therefore need to demonstrate tact and subtlety. Once again, a public
diplomacy strategy abroad will require a prior public diplomacy strategy
at home. This does not mean that diplomats and other government
officials have no direct role. They should continue to engage with
existing elites and training programmes aimed at civil servants, police,
the military and the judiciary. But they need to realize that these activities,
while necessary, are not sufficient, and that they need to collaborate
with, and to bring into their thinking and decision-making, a broader
coalition of non-governmental agents.
Beyond selling policies, values, and national image
On the base of these two brief case studies, we can now consider the
lessons for the broader approach to public diplomacy in the twenty-first
century. First, these are not the only issues that require a public
diplomacy approach. Recent years have seen the emergence of a new
international security agenda, including non-traditional issues such as
Dialogue-based Public Diplomacy 187
environmental degradation, the spread of epidemic diseases, financial
instability, organized crime, migration, and resource and energy issues.
These issues are all interrelated. The threat that they pose to Western
societies has been enhanced by the extent of interconnectedness and
interdependence and changes in technology and human behaviour in a
globalized world.
No single country, however powerful, or even
regional grouping of countries, is powerful enough to tackle these issues
alone. The threats that these issues pose can only be contained through
collaboration with a broad range of partners from a broad range of
different cultures. As with international terrorism, collaboration with
governments and political elites will not be sufficient. Not only will the
level of collaboration that these can offer be limited by the attitudes of
their publics, but in some cases the key issues do not lie within their
control or competences, while in others they require changes in societal
attitudes. For example, reducing the threat from epidemic diseases both
requires the collaboration of medical professionals, who may not be
directly linked to government, and changes in social attitudes and
behaviour in the wider population. Similarly, tackling environmental
degradation requires the collaboration of NGOs and commercial
companies, as well as of governments. Thus a public diplomacy strategy
aimed beyond governments to broader civil societies will be essential.
If this is so, then public diplomacy must move from being an optional
‘bolt-on’ to a central part of the foreign policy decision-making process.
Ed Murrow, Kennedy’s head of the US Information Agency (USIA),
famously demanded to be in at the ‘take-off’, not only at the ‘crash-
Murrow meant that he wanted public diplomacy, or better
described presentational aspects, to be taken into account during the
policy development stage. In other words, policy formulation should
take account of how the policy could be sold later. The argument here is
stronger. If tackling the major security issues requires collaboration at
the global level with both governmental and non-governmental agencies,
and if stable and effective collaboration can be secured only through
engagement with broader foreign societies, public diplomacy becomes
an integral and substantive, not just presentational, part of the policy-
making process. Increasingly in the twenty-first century, diplomacy will
be public diplomacy. There is little evidence so far of this move of
public diplomacy to the centre of the decision-making process. The
British Foreign Office (FCO), for example, has made a great show of
taking public diplomacy seriously. It has created a Public Diplomacy
Policy Department, which has produced a public diplomacy strategy.
All policy recommendations must include a section on public diplomacy
188 The New Public Diplomacy
implications. But the changes are bureaucratic rather than the profound
change of attitude that is needed. In as far as these changes do bring
public diplomacy into the ‘take-off’ in Murrow’s sense, they are
welcome. But it remains essentially a bolt-on, invoked only in the sense
of how to sell policy better, rather than a substantive and integral part
of the policy-making process.
The idea that public diplomacy is about selling policy and values, and
national image, remains central to much theoretical and practical work
on the issue. Seminars and conferences are organized on promoting
Western values or ‘selling democracy’.
President Bush appointed an
expert from the marketing industry to head up US public diplomacy
following ‘9/11’. Even authors like Joseph Nye treat ‘soft power’ as an
exercise in winning the battle of ideas.
Brand consultants are making
significant profits from advising governments on how to improve and
sell their national image (‘national branding’ is becoming a research
theme in its own right). But the examples observed of engagement with
Islam and nation-building suggest that this may be a seriously mistaken
approach. It is, for example, highly questionable whether a ‘national
brand’ can be created, and whether efforts to do so are credible. The
attempts to rebrand Britain in the late 1990s collapsed in the fiasco of
the much-derided ‘Cool Britannia’.
The strength of a country’s image
emerges from its cultural, political and economic plurality. Attempting
to impose an artificial coherence, and to spin it to the rest of the world
in the way that policy-makers or their consultants think profitable, risks
undermining both richness and credibility. In the case of Britain, the
effort to promote its modernity and youthfulness contradicted its
traditional image that is so important to its valuable tourist industry.
The FCO’s public diplomacy strategy is reduced to meaningless platitudes
such as that Britain ‘is building dynamically on [its] traditions’. The
national branding approach constantly wavers between overly simplified
and non-credible claims and blandness, in which all countries (and
regions and cities) seek to present themselves as combining innovation
and tradition.
But the issue goes beyond applying inappropriate marketing tools to
national promotion. Many commentators now recognize that public
diplomacy, and indeed diplomacy as a whole, will increasingly be about
ideas and values. We have seen that values and ideas are crucial both to
engagement with Islam and nation-building. They are equally crucial to
the other security issues identified above. But we have also seen that
assertion of Western values as possessing unique and universal validity
could be counter-productive. There has been a progressive breakdown
Dialogue-based Public Diplomacy 189
of the consensus on universally accepted and applicable political,
economic and social values, even among elites. To some extent this
reflects the decline of political and intellectual domination by Western
Europe. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, for example, was a
European document, written by Europeans at the end of what was
essentially a European civil war (the Second World War) that was notable
primarily for its non-respect for human rights. Non-Europeans were
unable to participate because at the time they remained under the
control of European colonies. It is questionable whether the same
document would today be accepted as universal. Instead the association
of Western values with US hegemony, and the perception by many in
developing countries that these values are used as a tool to secure
Western political and economic domination, lead to their rejection.
Thus in the wake of the recent war, we have seen the resurgence of
Islamic Sharia – rather than Western democratic – values in some parts
of Iraq. In Africa we have seen African states prioritizing sovereignty
and African solidarity over human rights in Zimbabwe. In a related
phenomenon, the simple assertion of values, when such values are no
longer universally accepted without question, risks provoking automatic
rejection and the assertion of alternative value systems. Even where
core Western values are clearly in the interests of the individual – such
as right to life, freedom of expression, and equality of the sexes or
ethnic groups – the perceived need of a group or nation to identify itself
in opposition to the West can lead to their rejection.
If tackling the new agenda of security threats requires the collaboration
of other governments and their broader civil societies, a successful public
diplomacy must be based not on the assertions of values, but on engaging
in a genuine dialogue. The messages of public diplomacy need to be more
sophisticated and subtle. Public diplomacy must engage in dialogues with
a broad range of players in foreign civil societies. This requires a more
open, and perhaps humble, approach, which recognizes that no one has a
monopoly of truth or virtue, that other ideas may be valid and that the
outcome may be different from the initial message being promoted. If the
aim is to convince, rather than just win, and the process is to have credi-
bility, the dialogue must be genuine. This does not amount to abandoning
core values. The aim remains to convince other publics of these values. But
the effort to convince is set in a context of listening. Just as no individual
will long suffer, or be convinced by, an interlocutor who endlessly asserts
his views while never listening to those of others, so other governments
and societies will not engage in collaboration if they feel that their ideas
and values are not taken seriously.
190 The New Public Diplomacy
Collaboration with non-governmental agents
As earlier chapters of this book have explained, governments and
diplomats have progressively lost their monopoly over international
relations. New ICT, by radically reducing the costs and increasing the
speed of communication, has allowed a broad range of new actors to
participate in the debate over, and implementation of, foreign policy,
including subnational governments, global NGOs and less formal
groupings of citizens. Not only does new technology allow these new
actors to communicate and collaborate more efficiently, but it has also
opened up a treasury of sources of information through the World
Wide Web, which means that they are frequently as well, if not better,
informed on key policy issues and geopolitical developments than
governments and their officials. This is reinforced through the increasing
privatization of technology that formally remained under exclusive
government control. For example, the launch of commercial monitoring
satellites means that these new actors can access the kind of keyhole
imagery that was once the preserve of the Western military.
those who argue that these developments imply the ‘end of the state’
in international relations may protest too much, states have little
option but to engage with these new actors in the formulation and
implementation of foreign policy. As international relations increasingly
operate not at a single inter-state level but through complex, multi-level
and interdependent networks, governments and their diplomats must
learn to operate in these networks.
But as we have seen, involving non-governmental agents in public
diplomacy strategies is not just accepting an inevitable development
in international relations, but relates to the most effective way of
developing and implementing such strategies. While diplomats
retain an important role in engaging in debate with other govern-
ments and political elites, they are often not the ideal, or are even
counter-productive, agents for engaging with broader foreign civil
societies. As government representatives, they can lack credibility.
They often lack detailed expert knowledge of the key issues. Their
key role of maintaining relations with existing governments can
conflict with engaging with broader civil society, especially if the
government concerned is corrupt or repressive and does not like the
direction or possible implications of the engagement. Diplomats
may not have natural ways of engaging with key elements of civil
society: creating artificial channels of approach can increase suspi-
cion of their motives, both with foreign governments and their civil
Dialogue-based Public Diplomacy 191
society. In many countries, being seen as too close to foreign
diplomats can be dangerous, either in career terms, or even
Engaging with foreign civil societies is often best done by the non-
governmental agents of our own civil societies. Unlike diplomats, they
do have credibility, often to the extent to which they are seen as critical
of their own governments. Many do have specialist knowledge of the
key areas. They also have more natural ways of engaging with their
opposite numbers, which arouse less suspicion of their motives. They
are deniable in a way that diplomats are not, meaning that their
engagement with civil society can be pursued in parallel to maintaining
normal diplomatic relations with existing governments. Many of these
potential non-governmental agents of public diplomacy have already
been identified: universities and individual academics can be highly
effective public diplomacy agents and already have highly effective
networks; schools/colleges can engage foreign citizens during the
formative years; NGOs, national and international, which provide a
vivid example of the plurality and freedom of debate in Western society
and many of which are already well plugged in to counterparts in other
countries; journalists; political parties, which have already developed
effective networks among themselves at a European level (the role of
German political parties in promoting democracy in Spain was particu-
larly notable), but have been more limited elsewhere in the world;
citizen groups, ranging from babysitting collectives to local issue
lobbies and parent–teacher associations; business associations and
individual companies, especially at the SME level; youth movements,
such as the scouts, girl guides or boys’/girls’ brigade, which pioneered
international networking in the first half of the twentieth century, and
their modern counterparts; sports clubs; and offshoots of the internet
such as chat rooms and usernets. The role of government and diplomats
in relation to these non-governmental agents will be more as catalysts,
coordinating their activities within a broader strategy, encouraging
those not already engaged in such activities, and, on occasion,
providing discreet technical and financial support. But governments
must bear in mind that many potential agents will be reluctant to be
seen as too close to, or acting at the behest of, government. Indeed,
being seen to do so could undermine the very credibility that otherwise
represents much of their added value. Governments will therefore need
tact, openness and understanding. As noted above, effective public
diplomacy at home may be an essential precursor to successful public
diplomacy abroad.
192 The New Public Diplomacy
A public diplomacy strategy along the lines outlined above has signi-
ficant implications for the structure and culture of foreign ministries.
Dialogue-based public diplomacy needs time to work; it does not
produce instant results. Foreign ministries therefore need to develop a
capacity for long-term policy thinking and geopolitical analysis. Western
foreign ministries are notably weak in both. Overly hierarchical
decision-making processes, and the consequent administrative burdens
and premium on conformism rather than innovation or creativity,
condemn officials to short-termism, both of policy-making and
Foreign ministries should learn from the experience of the
private sector, which makes extensive use of the scenario planning
techniques developed by Shell in the 1960s and 1970s,
as well as
newer modelling techniques derived from network and complexity
Drawing on these techniques, foreign policy machines should
be restructured to allow the development of medium- to long-term
objectives against various future possible scenarios, which can provide
the framework in which a public diplomacy strategy to secure these
objectives can in turn be developed. This will need a change of culture
as well as structure. Western foreign ministries remain tied to a ‘closed’
paradigm of decision-making, in which policy is decided and then
‘sold’ to other governments. Policies once decided may indeed be
changed, but only as a result of ‘defeat’ by foreign governments. This
paradigm largely holds true even between close allies. But it is inade-
quate, and even counter-productive, if the aim is to secure the collabo-
ration of a broad range of partners and their civil societies. Dialogue-
based public diplomacy requires a more open decision-making process,
in which broad policy objectives are set, but in which detailed policies
emerge as part of the dialogue process. To return to an earlier point,
dialogue means listening as well as talking, and accepting that you do
not have all the answers and that others might have alternative valid
The move to a more open culture will also be required if foreign
ministries are to collaborate with non-governmental agents of public
diplomacy. Some moves have been made in this direction. The Director
of the British Foreign Office’s Human Rights Department has been
seconded from Amnesty International. The FCO also created a Panel
2000, bringing together experts from a wide range of backgrounds to
advise on its public diplomacy strategy.
A task force in the US has
suggested establishing an independent, not-for-profit Corporation for
Public Diplomacy to coordinate the activities of non-governmental
But these steps will serve little if the hermetic, almost monastic,
Dialogue-based Public Diplomacy 193
culture of foreign services is not broken open. Officials should also
beware their almost instinctive tendency to respond to a problem by
creating yet new coordinating committees. Apart from the risk of
creating yet more bureaucratic structures, where the aim should surely
be to create less, membership of formal government committees may
cause significant ethical or political problems for many potential public
diplomacy agents, while their bureaucratic nature may turn off others.
Less formal network structures may prove more effective, cost-efficient
and less politically sensitive. But network, as opposed to hierarchical,
structures will again pose significant cultural and structural challenges
to foreign ministries.
Practitioners as public diplomacy entrepreneurs
A major part of the new public diplomacy will fall to non-governmental
agents, but embassies and diplomats abroad will continue to play an
important role. They too will need radical changes of culture and structure,
neither of which has significantly changed in the last 50 years.
Diplomats will continue to have an important role in engaging political
elites, in many cases including key journalists and commentators. To do
so they will need to be more open and willing to go ‘off-message’ and to
engage in genuine dialogue and debate. Their knowledge of the countries
in which they are posted, which will remain of enormous importance,
will need to be augmented by greater expert knowledge of the key issues
to give them credibility. To perform this role successfully, they need to
be encouraged to take, and rewarded for taking, risks. In the engagement
with broader civil society, their key role will be as ‘public diplomacy
entrepreneurs’, looking for and identifying opportunities for engagement,
communicating them to the relevant non-governmental agents and,
where necessary, facilitating the first steps in engagement. They will
only be able to do this effectively if they are part of the informal
network established with the non-governmental agents at home. They
will also need to get out and about, and not only in capital cities. The
current departmentalized embassies, and increasing micro-management
from foreign ministries, pose serious obstacles to these public diplo-
macy roles. Larger Western embassies tend to spend too much time in
self-administration, managing both personnel and large embassy
estates, and talking to other diplomats. Premium is placed on the ability
to handle the paperwork sent from headquarters, rather than local
networking. Future embassies need to be slimmer and more flexible,
less tied to prestigious buildings and with more structures around
194 The New Public Diplomacy
functional networks. In the future, five or six well-prepared and
well-motivated diplomats with clear objectives, travelling constantly
and linked to the foreign ministry network through their mobiles and
laptops, will be far more effective than the current 30 to 40 diplomats
bound to their desks. As RAND analysts have put it, we need a revolu-
tion in diplomatic affairs to match that in military affairs.
1. For a similar list of objectives, see Niall Burgess and David Spence, ‘The EU:
New Threats and the Problem of Coherence’, in Alyson Bailes and Isabel
Frommelt (eds), Business and Security: Public – Private Sector Relationships in a
New Security Environment (Stockholm and Oxford: SIPRI and Oxford Univer-
sity Press, 2004).
2. Alan B. Krueger and Jitka Malecková, ‘Education, Poverty and Terrorism: Is
there a Causal Connection?’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 17, no. 4,
autumn 2003.
3. Joseph Nye, Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics (New York: Perseus,
2004); Civility Programme,
4. Michele Zanini and Sean Edwards, ‘The Networking of Terror in the Informa-
tion Age’, in John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt (eds), Networks and Netwars:
The Future of Terror, Crime and Militancy (Santa Monica CA: RAND, 2001).
5. For an analysis of this in relation to epidemic disease, see Jennifer Brower
and Peter Chalk, The Global Threat of New and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases
(Santa Monica CA: RAND, 2003).
6. Independent Task Force on Public Diplomacy of the Council of Foreign
Affairs, Public Diplomacy: A Strategy for Reform 2002,
7. Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Public Diplomacy Strategy,
8. For example, a British Council Conference entitled ‘Selling Democracy’ in
February 2004. In the words of George Kennan:Democracy has, in other
words, a relatively narrow base both in time and space, and the evidence has
yet to be produced that it is the natural form of rule for peoples outside
these narrow parameters’, cited in Philip Bobbitt, The Shield of Achilles
(London: Penguin, 2002).
9. Nye, Soft Power; and Joseph Nye, The Paradox of American Power (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2002).
10. Mark Leonard, Britain TM (London: Demos, 1997).
11. Stephen Livingston, ‘Diplomacy and Remote Sensing Technology’, iMP
Magazine, July 2001,
12. Jean-Marie Guéhenno, The Decline of the Nation State, translated by Victoria
Elliott (Minneapolis MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2000).
13. Shaun Riordan, The New Diplomacy (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2003).
14. Kees van der Heiden, Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation (Chichester:
Wiley, 1996).
15. Paul Ormerod and Shaun Riordan, ‘A New Approach to Geo-Political Analysis’,
Diplomacy and Statecraft, vol. 15, no. 4, December 2004; Robert Lempert, Steven
Dialogue-based Public Diplomacy 195
Popper and Steven Bankes, Shaping the Next One Hundred Years: New Methods
for Quantitative Long Term Policy Analysis (Santa Monica CA: Rand, 2003).
16. Mark Leonard, Going Public (London: Foreign Policy Centre, 2000).
17. Independent Task Force (2002).
18. John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt, The Emergence of Noopolitik: Towards an
American Information Strategy (Santa Monica CA: RAND, 1999).
Training for Public Diplomacy: an
Evolutionary Perspective
John Hemery
Introduction: training in transition
In his chapter of this book, and elsewhere, Brian Hocking has distin-
guished between two phenomena in the contemporary international
system: a state-centred group of actors operating in a more or less
ordered hierarchy; and a more amorphous set of networks between
peoples and institutions co-existing and interpenetrated with the first
group. It is a system in transition, and governments are adapting their
diplomacy to the change, with increasing attention being paid to public
diplomacy. Training regimes are similarly in transition.
Public diplomacy – in the sense of engaging with publics – is as old as
governance. All governments have programmes of national self-promotion
built on distinct culture, geography, trading opportunities or other
niche specializations. All are aware of the power of the media and the
internet, and grapple with how best to use them to their advantage. All
encourage their diplomats to get out into the society of the country to
which they are posted and especially beneath its surface, where the
beginnings of understanding can be found. Thus all governments, to
the extent that they can afford it, train their diplomats to contribute
to that essentially national effort.
Fewer foreign ministries yet prepare their diplomats to be players in
or facilitators of the amorphous transnational networks. Those at the
cutting edge of the profession recognize that they have to deal effectively
with this emerging parallel universe in order to get the whole diplomatic
job done. For many, however, this is not the proper work of a diplomat,
or is only a subordinate part of the job. For some, lack of resources may
prohibit any serious attempts at public diplomacy. Governments are thus
at different stages in the evolution of their thinking on public diplomacy.
Training for Public Diplomacy: an Evolutionary Perspective 197
Training for public diplomacy varies accordingly. The conclusions
presented here are drawn from a survey of diplomatic training
programmes in some 20 countries on all continents, large states and
small, developed and developing.
The results demonstrate a pattern of
sorts, an evolutionary path in training for public diplomacy that is
defined partly in terms of resources and partly of intellectual and
professional approach. Interestingly, there appears to be no direct corre-
lation between the sophistication of the approach to public diplomacy
and scale of resources devoted to it, and the specific training – if any – of
diplomats for the task.
Barriers to training
The principal obstacle for the poorest states is lack of resources, both
human and financial. There may simply be no budget for training in
the foreign ministry at all, much less for a programme of strategic
outreach. Missions abroad are typically small, with perhaps only two or
three diplomats to cover the whole range of diplomatic tasks. Without
training or plan they can simply do their best, learning on the job. One
counsellor from a small developing country observed that ‘Nobody
knows about our countries. We are not being heard, because we do not
know how to use the system to reach out’.
The public diplomacy effort may also be hampered by limited
communications’ infrastructure at home, with only intermittent elec-
tricity and overloaded telephone exchanges. As this study has shown,
making effective contact with the foreign ministries of a number of
countries by telephone, email or post can be a long, arduous and ulti-
mately fruitless process. If reaching in is difficult, reaching out is likely
to be comparably problematic. Physical handicaps of this order relegate
such states to an obsolescent and partial diplomacy, when just to
promote their development they need to be fully and dynamically
engaged in
diplomacies – state-centred and network-orientated.
Even where physical communication is not an obstacle, attitudes can
erect effective barriers. The design of a mission’s foyer can offer
welcome or signal unwelcome; diplomatic staff can be made accessible,
or hidden behind a defensive wall. Without encouragement from the
ministry or training in dealing with the public and the media, hard-
pressed staff in small missions may simply put up the shutters because
it is the easiest way to contain political risk and limit the workload.
But where there is the will to communicate – that is, in the large
majority of developing countries – so also there is enthusiasm for
198 The New Public Diplomacy
professional training to counter prevailing negative perceptions, and to
project what is strong and positive about them. Providers of technical
assistance might usefully offer developing countries’ missions profes-
sional advice and training in public diplomacy strategy, media skills and
marketing, in order to help them to deal as effectively as possible with
the international media in the capital cities to which they are posted.
Effectiveness in this sphere can be as much a matter of organization
and management as of skill or flair in public relations. It involves
practical details, targeting and prioritization, such as making the most
of national leaders’ and other experts’ visits to a foreign capital by plan-
ning and coordinating the timing and content of their speeches, and
ensuring that they are connecting with the right audiences.
Conveying messages widely and coherently is an important multiplier
for a poor country in competing for development assistance, as well as
for international recognition. But programme design and training can
be costly, and few donors regard foreign ministries as priorities for funding.
Governments themselves consequently have to decide whether the
opportunity cost of invisibility is greater than the cost of developing an
effective public diplomacy.
Changing attitudes: flexible approaches
Further along the evolutionary path of public diplomacy are states,
both rich and poor, that offer diplomatic training but that have not
traditionally regarded strategic outreach as a necessary or appropriate
part of the diplomat’s task. The Thais, for example, with an ancient and
distinctive diplomacy, do not yet include public diplomacy in their
training programme, although departments within the Thai Foreign
Ministry have responsibility for mobilizing the culture and beauty of
Thailand in pursuit of tourism, trade and investment.
Similarly, the Turks have not traditionally placed great emphasis on
diplomacy to publics, although now with a new law on transparency
and accessibility the Turkish government is encouraging greater openness
in all ministries, including the foreign service. The Turkish Diplomatic
Academy is actively looking at how to support the strikingly energetic
public diplomacy effort launched by the Turkish government in EU
member states.
Interestingly, in some states with relatively traditional concepts of
diplomacy, training nevertheless includes engaging with
publics. For example, in the diplomatic academies of Chile, Mexico and
Paraguay public diplomacy does not appear in the curriculum at all.
Training for Public Diplomacy: an Evolutionary Perspective 199
Yet all three academies conduct workshops at
-national levels, in
their countries’ regions, both to convey government ideas on foreign
policy and to receive feedback from the locals on foreign policy
issues. (Canadian trainees, too, go out to schools and colleges to
explain and to listen.) In the case of Chile, each trainee diplomat
also has to take part in a group research project on a domestic issue
that has international implications, and to establish links with
private-sector and non-governmental organizations in developing a
policy strategy.
Similarly, the Indian Foreign Service Institute ostensibly does not
teach public diplomacy, but it has a three-pronged programme that
effectively equips Indian diplomats with public diplomacy skills:
The first component of the Indian programme is a module on
communication skills, both written and verbal, including presenta-
tion and public speaking.
Second, trainees are given solid grounding in the work of the media
and of parliament. This includes short secondments to the External
Publicity Department of the Foreign Ministry and to the Bureau of
Parliamentary Studies.
So far, so standard. After all, most states train their diplomats in
communication and media skills. But the third element of the
programme is the most interesting, in that Indian
is an inte-
gral part of the diplomatic curriculum, especially the range and
variety of classical Indian dance and music. Trainees are sent to the
Indian Council of Cultural Relations for cultural orientation as well
as familiarization with the administration of cultural exchanges. They
are also taught the history of classical Indian diplomatic thought as
contained in the epics and literature so that ‘Indian values’ are inter-
nalized in their diplomacy.
The Indian Foreign Ministry is keenly aware of the transformation of
India’s global image since the late 1990s with the upswing of the Indian
economy, particularly the global success of India’s software and finan-
cial services industries. This has been further reinforced by the growing
economic and political influence of the Indian diaspora. Indian diplo-
mats are thus being equipped to build on this wider affinity for Indian
culture and values, consciously connecting with
as well as
The French place similar emphasis on cultural relations in diplomacy.
One month of the ten-month course offered to foreign diplomats by
200 The New Public Diplomacy
Ecole Nationale d’Administration
is given to communication – both
government-to-government and government-to-publics.
By contrast, the Germans have maintained a clear distinction between
the formal diplomatic work of press and public affairs on the one hand,
and cultural relations and education policy on the other.
The separa-
tion of the two functions is reinforced in Germany in so far as foreign
relations is a federal matter, while the
are responsible for educa-
tion and culture. Painful recent experiences of state propaganda
channelled the German public diplomacy effort primarily into the
cultural and educational sphere, as exemplified by the work of the
Goethe Institute. The
Auswärtiges Amt
’s (German Foreign Ministry) own
training in this sphere is principally limited to highly advanced one-
week language courses in communicating with the public in writing, on
the telephone, in speeches and through the media.
Formal public diplomacy training
One branch further up the evolutionary tree are the foreign ministries
offering training in public diplomacy as such – although mainly still in
the service of the national interest.
The pre-eminent exemplar, with enviable resources, is the US State
Department’s Foreign Service Institute (FSI). The FSI has a set of 13 public
diplomacy courses ranging in length from one day to eight weeks. The
core of the programme comprises two eight-week courses, one for Infor-
mation Officers, the other for Cultural Affairs Officers, which offer
comprehensive coverage of the tasks of public diplomacy and training
in relevant skills. The course outlines provide a useful quarry for those
devising their own (and with more limited resources, perhaps shorter)
programmes. Both courses largely comprise presentation, demonstra-
tion and discussion. In addition, there are individual research projects,
visits to other agencies and hands-on practice with computer-based
tasks. The relatively few simulation exercises are short and concerned
with the practice of skills rather than modelling in one simulation the
whole public diplomacy task from strategic planning to implementa-
tion and evaluation. In addition to the two core courses, the FSI offers
short courses introducing the concept of public diplomacy, and
explaining the respective roles of the four main US government bodies
that are responsible for the American programme: the Office of Global
Communications; the Office of International Information Programmes;
the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs; and the Bureau of Public
Training for Public Diplomacy: an Evolutionary Perspective 201
As in most countries, the formal training of America’s diplomats
concentrates almost exclusively on the transmission of policy, on
‘managing the message’. Diplomats are trained to manage and make the
most of government programmes of educational and cultural exchange,
such as the Fulbright and Humphrey Fellowships. Participants under-
take individual research on the countries or regions in which they will
serve, but the balance between equipping diplomats to send rather than
to receive is reflected in the fact that only one presentation hour in 16
weeks is devoted to cultural sensitivity and only two hours to under-
standing another culture.
The Canadian Foreign Service Institute (CFSI) offers three types of
public diplomacy course. The first is a two-day course in Advocacy
(advocacy being defined as the systematic exercise of influence in
support of Canadian interests), when some 40 to 50 officers are trained
each year. Each course focuses on specific issues in particular socio-
economic contexts, and is designed to support a major public diplomacy
campaign. It includes drafting a real strategy that can then be imple-
mented. As with much of their diplomatic training (in which Canada
leads the world in e-learning for diplomacy), the Canadians have developed
an online advocacy course, complete with case studies in different
socio-economic contexts.
The second course is a two-week programme in Ottawa for locally
engaged staff serving as public affairs officers at post, promoting Canada
through information, education, academic relations, media and cultural
means. In 2003 this programme of training for public diplomacy tasks
was expanded to include locally engaged political-economic officers
as well.
The third element comprises two one-day pre-posting courses on how
to manage and coordinate public diplomacy programmes abroad. These
courses promote the idea that public diplomacy is a ‘mission critical’
function at post, and that a high degree of cooperation is required
among the various programmes to deliver on mission objectives. These
courses are also supported by an internet site offering guidance in mobi-
lizing an integrated public diplomacy programme.
Meanwhile, the United Kingdom is perhaps the first state to have
adopted a government-wide approach to contemporary public diplo-
macy (as distinct from the all-embracing totalitarian confections of the
Nazi and Soviet eras). A Public Diplomacy Strategy Board was created in
2002 to coordinate government policy and practice. It includes senior
representatives from the eight key internationally orientated ministries
and agencies, as well as non-governmental specialists in foreign affairs,
202 The New Public Diplomacy
marketing, design and broadcasting. The Board is chaired by the Perma-
nent Under-Secretary at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).
The aim is to maximize effectiveness through coherence. A Public
Diplomacy Policy Department has also been created, within a new
Strategy and Information Directorate, drawing together the work of the
formerly separate Cultural Relations and Information Departments. The
emphasis has changed from administration from the centre to the
provision of programme budgets into which posts bid for project
funding – thus facilitating appropriate focus on local priorities and
rapid response to change. (Every post has its own Public Diplomacy
Committee, responsible for developing its own strategy and project
programme.) The primary medium and direction of communications
have changed as well – from print to electronic, from push (via publication)
to pull (via direct access through continuously updated websites).
Fully one-quarter of the FCO’s budget is devoted to public diplomacy,
the bulk given to the BBC World Service (£220 million p.a.) and to the
British Council (£180 million p.a.), which are independent of the FCO,
with their own boards of governors and carefully guarded political
neutrality. Their task is to facilitate networks, to ‘connect futures’ – to
use a British Council phrase – especially among the young of all socie-
ties. In comparison with the often short-term, specific policy-orientated
activities of formal diplomacy, their objectives are long term, building
relationships within the UK but also willy-nilly among individuals,
groups and peoples across the world.
A good example may be seen in the work of the British Council in
Uganda. Some of its activities are traditional – educational exchanges,
inward visits, teaching English. But many of its activities are new –
facilitating contacts between Ugandans, and between Ugandans and
neighbouring countries. Examples include the funding of meetings of
female politicians from the states of the Great Lakes region so that they
can share experiences and help to empower one another, or funding
the conferences of African business managers to build networks of small
and medium enterprises in Africa, and to discuss best practices, thus
facilitating ‘mutual partnerships for change’.
Here, however, two issues are confronted. First, there is a fine but
important line between facilitating the creation of worthwhile new
organs and linkages within civil society, and establishing what in effect
would be ‘front’ organizations. Trainee diplomats would need to be
alerted to the political dangers of straying into the world and covert
mindset of the intelligence agencies. The second issue is that long-term
network-building is a job already being undertaken, often with real
Training for Public Diplomacy: an Evolutionary Perspective 203
excellence, by governmental international development agencies such
as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID),
the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the UK’s
Department for International Development (DFID), as well as by orga-
nizations separate from foreign ministries, such as the British Council
and the Goethe Institute. In one respect they are all promoters of the
national interest, and hence an arm of state diplomacy, simply through
their national identity. But they also extend beyond the state into the
realm of transnational networks.
Public diplomacy as a profession
A key question for both overall policy and training policy is whether –
as Shaun Riordan and others argue – this work should be part of the
core task of the professional diplomat, or whether it is a
role to
be carried out by professional network-builders, a form of para-diplomacy
that builds bridges between cultures, acts as a catalyst for reform and
development, and promotes peace and prosperity through
Network diplomacy, it is said, addresses the ways in which people are
the same, building bridges between those who share the same human
goals, while state-centred diplomacy facilitates relations between
groups of people who by definition see themselves as being distinct.
There may be something in this differentiation, but for the profes-
sional diplomat it is a misleading dichotomy. So much of international
interaction is now non-governmental that the diplomat simply has to
inhabit both dimensions in order to seek to represent effectively the
national interest (however widely that may now be defined) in the
complex web of governmental and non-governmental relationships
that comprise the contemporary international system.
The British approach reflects the assumption that the British Foreign
Ministry is responsible for both elements – even if largely at one remove
in respect of the work of the quasi-autonomous network-builders.
Diplomats acquire an operational understanding of public diplomacy
principally on the job, and specialist training is available both in public
diplomacy and in the management and budgetary control of projects
funded by the FCO itself.
The British programme is similar to but – constrained by budget
pressures – is not as extensive as that offered at the FSI. The core course
is a one-week programme entitled Public Diplomacy, which is princi-
pally designed for Press and Public Affairs Officers. It is offered eight
times a year. Significantly, just over half of the participants on each
204 The New Public Diplomacy
course are locally engaged staff from posts abroad. In addition, there is a
counterpart course conducted in a different region of the world every
three months – responsibility for getting the British message out is
devolved (as for the Canadians) largely to those who understand the
local culture from within.
The course commences with a broad overview of the nature of public
diplomacy, and of the government-wide interministerial strategy. It
addresses core national messages and key operating principles (research-
based, evaluation-based, priority-targeted in regional groupings, engaging
the successor generation as well as the ‘authority’ generation). It also
reviews the range, scope and sources of funding available for both long-
and short-term activities. The course syllabus combines presentations
from all FCO departments offering services to public diplomacy in the
field, with study visits to the British Council and BBC World Service.
There is as yet, however, little or no cross-fertilization of ideas, experience
or organizational culture through the joint training of staff from all of
the ministries and agencies engaged in the collective public diplomacy
The FCO’s public diplomacy course offers practical training in personal
presentation and media skills, principally delivered by outside profes-
sionals under contract.
There are also simulation exercises in key public
diplomacy tasks at post, including project identification, design and
management. While comprehensive in scope, this course is short, and is
not yet compulsory for all officers taking up appointments abroad.
Heads and Deputy Heads of Mission have specific pre-post training in
media skills and personal presentation, and the FCO offers two- and
three-day courses in political work and project management that
inter alia
public diplomacy objectives. But these useful elements
do not add up to a coherent programme. The all-embracing approach to
the public dimension of diplomacy at the strategic level is not quite yet
reflected in the training programme of individual British diplomats.
The way forward for training?
At the top of the evolutionary tree in training for public diplomacy – at
least of the countries covered in this survey – is the Republic of Korea.
Like others, the Korean programme deals in communication and media
skills and promoting the national interest. But in addition to these
staples, Korea has a programme for mid-career and senior diplomats
that seeks to understand how the practice of diplomacy itself is being
affected by changes in the international system, how the concept of
Training for Public Diplomacy: an Evolutionary Perspective 205
national interest is changing, and how civil society and international
NGOs contribute to transnational relations. The Republic of Korea
conducts sociological analysis of the impact on diplomacy of mass
democracy and what it terms ‘over-communication syndrome’.
This seems an appropriate way forward for training in public diplo-
macy. At present, despite all the varied and impressive attempts at
public diplomacy training, which in their different ways address the
national priorities of the states that they serve, what is clearly missing
from almost all of them is comprehensive and conscious engagement
with the expanding and changing nature of the international environ-
ment in which the professional diplomat operates. No one yet has
developed a core syllabus that confronts the young diplomat with his or
her two universes – the state-centred and the network – and that
provides them with the twin toolboxes necessary to engage with both
universes at the same time and in coherent synergy. (The middle states
are perhaps closest to it: those such as Australia, Canada and South
Africa, much of whose international clout is built on the public aspects
of diplomacy.) This is not surprising, as there is more than enough for
any diplomat to do just to fulfil the state-centred part of the job, the
mundane real world of visas, line management, speechwriting and
ministerial deadlines. And it will still be necessary to train people rigor-
ously to carry out their traditional tasks well: to observe with alert political
antennae, to analyse dispassionately, to advise from a depth of knowledge,
to manage efficiently.
But to these traditional tasks it is now essential to add – and to train
for – thinking flexibly, imaginatively and strategically about public
diplomacy, pulling together all of the tools and resources of formal
diplomacy to get key national messages
– a compre-
hensive approach to ‘winning people over’. And beyond this essentially
national perspective, it is now equally important for training departments
to help raise the eyes of the trainee from the email inbox to the horizon,
preparing them to operate effectively in the parallel diplomatic world of
transnational civil society, without the skills for which they and their
ministries will be progressively left behind.
Designing the perfect course
What might such a course look like? It might comprise some of the
elements that are there in embryo already: starting with the analytic
approach of the South Koreans to the changing playing field; encour-
aging trainees to grapple with the evolving roles of state and non-state
206 The New Public Diplomacy
entities and to assess the extent to which their own profession (and
ministry) is adapting successfully to the changes. In addressing the
nature of contemporary diplomacy, the course would offer insights into
the interpenetration of formal diplomacy and public diplomacy.
The course might then focus on the nature of public diplomacy itself –
objectives, targets, tools, strategies and operating principles – giving
trainees a comprehensive grasp of the concept and the several roles
that public diplomacy plays both in promoting national interest and in
connecting people.
The extent to which it will be possible to include some or all of the
practical training offered in the long American courses will for each
government largely be dependent on staff time, training time and
funding available. But the relevant categories are fairly well recognized:
personal presentation, media skills, computer and software skills,
website management, marketing, project management and budget,
research and evaluation. Most of these might be offered most effectively
(and cost-effectively) by consultant professionals rather than by foreign
service officials, although course design and content need to be focused
on the realities of diplomacy rather than drawn from often-irrelevant
commercial business experience.
However, as diplomacy is no longer the sole province of a foreign
ministry or even of government, the course might usefully embrace
participants from as wide as possible a cross-section of the constituen-
cies engaged in the country’s international life: foreign ministry and
line ministries, civil society organizations, business and banking,
minority groups, and locally engaged staff from posts abroad, bringing
other cultural perspectives to bear. For obvious practical reasons, not all
might be represented in every course, but an attempt could be made to
maximize the mix across the training programme as a whole.
Given such a cross-cutting approach, the course might focus specifi-
cally on training for
(in the sense used by Shaun Riordan in
his thoughtful chapter on the network model of diplomacy.) This
would entail training young diplomats (by simulation and case study)
to work with civil society organizations and manage the foreign ministry’s
or embassy’s relations with them; to manage also the interaction with
international aid and development agencies, and with the field opera-
tions of other ministries in one’s own and other governments.
Beyond the mechanics of linkage and management, the course would
include a module on cross-cultural communication, supported by studies
of country, region, religion and culture, as appropriate to each individual
or group. This should not be a modest bolt-on, but an essential organizing
Training for Public Diplomacy: an Evolutionary Perspective 207
principle and core theme of each course: focusing on the target, thinking
about needs, priorities and perceptions in order to understand better,
then to be able to communicate more effectively both in transmitting
and in receiving messages. Different courses might be offered at intervals,
each focussing on a particular region or culture.
As for methodology, individuals clearly learn in different ways and a
mixture of learning activities – passive, active and interactive – would
be appropriate. That aside, as much course time as possible might be
given to active simulation, engaging participants directly in the process
for which they are being prepared, through exercises approximating
real tasks and addressing current issues. Trainees would thus have the
dual benefit of learning in some depth about the substance of a live
issue in their field, while practising dealing with it. If the course gives
trainees enough time to prepare, case studies of successful strategies and
operations might be offered. Effective case methodology ideally entails
drawing perceptions and conclusions from students, on the basis of
their own prior study, rather than simply relating success stories. But
any example of best practice would be better than none.
The course should embrace the practice in Latin America and Canada
of taking trainees out to talk to the locals, if possible away from the
capital city and up country, offering practice both in explaining
national policy and in listening to the ideas and concerns of citizens,
including importantly those of minority groups. These conversations
should include school and university students, ensuring that trainees
have experience of connecting with young people and their genera-
tional perspective.
In the end, the overall course design will hinge on whether the foreign
ministry decides to prepare its diplomats for essentially traditional
diplomacy, for ‘tradition plus’ incorporating strategic outreach to win
minds in the wider public, or for ‘wider diplomacy’, including both
traditional and network diplomacy. Conservative diplomats, especially
those in administrative cultures in which authority and the right to
speak for the government are still the prerogative of only a few, might
welcome cutting public diplomacy loose from the foreign ministry:
leave the image-making to the admen and the tourist board; leave the
network-building to the cultural and development gurus; and let the
pros in the green eye-shades get on with the hard-nosed, still vital
business of managing state-to-state relations in a still state-centred,
even if increasingly multilateral, system.
Yet all three specialisms are clearly integral components of contemporary
diplomacy. And all three need to be drawn together within the embrace
208 The New Public Diplomacy
of the foreign ministry, whose task it is to coordinate a government’s
activities abroad – including that of helping to facilitate non-governmental
activities by non-government bodies.
Consequently all three functions –
and the way in which they mutually support each other – need to be
fully understood by any young diplomat.
This chapter has concentrated only on the public diplomacy of nation
states. There is another study to be made on preparing officials for the
public diplomacy of multilateral institutions, as complex bodies such as
the European Union think through what it is that they represent and
how they should be represented. As networks in themselves they might
be expected to embrace – and to train for – network diplomacy, while
continuing to provide their officials with the essential tools for oper-
ating effectively in the Westphalian system.
However, as in the case of governments, while multilateral institu-
tions devote considerable resources to self-promotion, specialist
training for strategic outreach lags behind. The United Nations, for
example, has highly sophisticated and well-funded programmes to
influence public attitudes, but has no training in public diplomacy for
its international officers. The European Commission, similarly, has
128 delegations worldwide and significant resources given to making
known the EU’s work, but has no programme of training in public
It may simply be a matter of time. The concept of public diplomacy is
for many – even for enthusiasts – still a trifle blurred. State diplomacy
and network diplomacy coexist, but as yet in uneasy harness. It is
perhaps for these reasons that most programmes of training for public
diplomacy, where they exist at all, are packages of disparate skills devel-
opment without much of a central core. It is difficult to generate a
training programme of any intellectual coherence without clearly defined
The trainers may thus have a substantive contribution to make to the
profession that they serve: in the process of course design they simply
have to clarify what it is that they are preparing young diplomats to do.
In so doing they will be forced to make choices about what to include,
and why. And in answering the ‘why’ they may help to bring into
sharper focus the elusive double helix of contemporary diplomacy: the
relationships between states and the inchoate networks that public
diplomacy has emerged to address.
Training for Public Diplomacy: an Evolutionary Perspective 209
1. The author is grateful to the foreign ministries of Australia, Botswana,
Canada, Chile, France, Germany, India, Israel, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia,
Mexico, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Paraguay, South Africa, Thailand,
Tunisia, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States, and to UNITAR
and the European Commission, for their assistance to the research underpin-
ning this chapter.
2. Dr Albert Spiegel, Head of the German Federal Foreign Office Directorate for
Cultural and Educational Policy,’Public Diplomacy: The German View’, Brit-
ish Council Staff Conference, 18–19 March 2002.
3. ‘...the disastrous hijacking of German culture for political purposes...’, in
Spiegel, ‘Public Diplomacy’.
4. The FCO has created its own Film Unit, which produces training films as well
as productions in six languages for exhibitions and for general release on
topical issues. It is staffed by former media professionals.
5. Foreign ministries face a double challenge: of ensuring coherence in the public
diplomacy effort of government as a whole, including that of quasi-autonomous
bodies; and of securing the agreement of other parent ministries involved
that it is the foreign ministry’s proper role to serve as coordinator-in-chief,
forging a functional link between state-centred and network diplomacy.
6. A new training programme in European diplomacy is being developed for the
nascent European External Action Service, which will incorporate a specialist
course in public diplomacy. The European Diplomatic Training Initiative
comprises contributions from leading providers of diplomatic training in
(thus far) 12 European countries.
Note: ‘n’ following a page number indicates a reference from the notes.
Acheson, Dean, 68
Afghanistan, 50, 52
civil society, 184
Pakistan, 10
United States security priorities, 77
Africa, 77, 189
cultural diplomacy, 153–4
elections, 82
EU (European Union), 131, 133, 136
human rights, 64
Libya’s foreign policy, 113
Norway’s peace work, 79
Public diplomacy training, 202,
205, 209
see also public diplomacy training
Aksyonov, Vasily, 151
Al Jazeera, 60, 118, 160, 168, 184
Albright, Madeleine, 51, 156
Al-Qaeda, 118, 181 see also terrorism,
public diplomacy, 11
Anholt, Simon
Brand management, 20
‘hard’ and ‘soft power’, 59
public diplomacy, 19
Annan, Kofi, 12
ASEAN (Association of South-East
Asian Nations)
China, 93 see also China
Aspen Institute
power, 33, 37
Atatürk, Kemal, 3
Germany, 106
Norway, 76
public diplomacy, 9
Axworthy, Lloyd, 77, 86, 87n
Barcelona process, 131
Barroso, José, 12
Beecher, Harriet, 150
Beers, Charlotte, 38, 65n, 160–1,
169, 178
Black, Jay, 27n
propaganda, 19
Blair, Tony, 14
Boot, Max, 49, 65n
see nation branding
‘negative branding’, 14
Britain see United Kingdom
Bruni, Frank, 80, 81, 87n
Bruter, M., 32, 42n
Brzezinski, 152
Bulgaria, 9
Bush, George W., 7, 15, 38, 48, 49, 51,
52, 60, 64, 65n, 66n, 67n, 77,
148, 161, 162, 188
public diplomacy, 57–8
Carr, E.
power, 4
see also Henrikson, Alan
see also Norway
CIDA (Canadian International
Development Agency), 203
identity and image, 78
lessons from, 82–5
niche diplomacy, 13, 68
9/11 see terrorism
strength and weakness of public
diplomacy, 75–9
peacekeeping, 71–2
public diplomacy, 13, 69–71,
73, 78
Ottowa process, 76–7
United States, 71, 75–8
Canning, George, 29
Carr, E. H., 4
Cato Institute
public diplomacy, 6
Index 211
CFSP (Common Foreign and Security
see also European Union
benefits of cooperation, 132
objectives, 134
Solana, Javier, 132
Cheney, Dick, 50, 65
Chile, 13, 159, 198–9, 209
diplomatic training, 198, 199, see
also Hemery, John
China see also D’Hooghe, Ingrid
Ambassador’s public diplomacy, 96
China’s peaceful rise, 90
CNN coverage, 97
Communist Party Congress, 90
Communist Party diplomatic
handbook, 92
‘Co-Prosperity’ see ASEAN
domestic media, 96–7
foreign policy, 89–91
foreign publics, 91–2, 95–6
image, 88, 91–2
international media, 96–7
limits of public diplomacy, 102–3
nation branding, 94–5
new security concept, 90
power of foreign press, 91
public diplomacy, 90
goals, 92–3
strategies, 100–1
system, 98–100
tools, 96–8
public opinion and western media,
SARS case, 102
State Council Information office, see
Zhao Qizheng
target countries, 95–6
target group, 95–6
Tiananmen crisis, 92
Tibet, 100–1
visibility, 97–8
Chrétien, Jean, 78
citizen diplomacy see diplomacy
United States, 8
civil society, 8
creation of, 185–6 see also Riordan,
‘interconnectedness’, 10
Clinton, Bill, 148, 156, 158
Clinton, Hillary, 159
Cohen, Raymond, 40
Cohen, Bonnie, 168
Cold War, 17, 29, 72
communication, 4
cultural diplomacy, 148–52
public diplomacy, 6, 8–10, 156
United States and Europe, 50–2
Communism, 4, 91, 165
Connover, Willis see also United States
music of freedom, 153
consular services
public diplomacy, 32
Finnish foreign service, 32
Cooper, Robert.
success in diplomacy, 5
corporate social responsibility
public diplomacy, 12
Coombs, Timothy see also Signitzer,
public relations, 21, 27
Cooper, Gary, 150
Cotonou agreement, 127, 131, 136, 139
country identity see national identity
public diplomacy, 9
Cull, Nick
propaganda, 18
cultural diplomacy
compare ‘hard power’
see also culture
see also
public diplomacy
see also United States
American corners, 163
‘book diplomacy’, 152
broadcasting board of governors,
challenges of, 160–3
CIA, 151
definition, 147
demise, 148
developments, 21–2
Cold War, 151–5 see also Cold War
France, 157–8
Germany, 157–8
Mexico, 157–8
music, 153–5, see also Connover,
212 Index
cultural diplomacy – continued
Netherlands, 158, 159, 161
Patriot Act, 161
practices, 157–8
present rules, 156–7
public diplomacy, 20–3, 159
see also Gullion, Edmund
Singapore, 158
Soviet Union, 157
success and failures, 158–60, 162–3
Sweden, 158
traditional, 22
United Kingdom, 157, 158
United States, 155–7
United States and Arab Muslim
world, 152
United States and Iraq, 153
United States and Soviet Union, 152
White House see White House
cultural relations see cultural
United States until the Cold War,
information activities, 22
public diplomacy, 15–16
the West and the Islamic world, 13
Czechoslovakia, 148
D’Hooghe, Ingrid, 8
public diplomacy in China, 88–103
diplomacy, 23
‘book diplomacy’ see cultural
‘catalytic’ diplomacy, 37–8
citizen-consumer diplomacy, 23
citizen diplomacy, 7
collaborative model, see Riordan,
counter-revolutionary public
diplomacy, 120
cultural diplomacy see cultural
cyber diplomacy, 30
definitions, 5
hierarchical model, 23, 35
network model of, 12, 23, 35, 37, 203
niche diplomacy see niche
non-great-power nations, 74–5
open diplomacy, 29
people-to-people diplomacy, 102
‘ping-pong’ diplomacy, 91
public diplomacy see public
pulpit diplomacy, 77
requirements of, 5
revolutionary diplomacy see
revolutionary diplomacy
traditional diplomacy, 5, 11, 35
diplomatic culture, 5, 24
diplomatic practice, 23–5, 39–41
public diplomacy, 39–41
diplomatic relations, 5, 11, 30, 191
diplomatic services, 25
diplomatic training see also Hemery,
Chile see Chile
Mexico see Mexico
Paraguay see Paraguay
Thailand see Thailand
Turkey see Turkey
Eastern Europe
civil society, 184
cultural diplomacy, 154
European Union, 131
Propaganda, 17
nation branding, 20
European Commission
see also European Union
communication and information,
DG (Directorate General)
EUVP (European Union Visitors
Programme), 138
information technology, 138
target groups
DG ‘Dev’, 144n
approach to communication, 137
lack of visibility, 136
DG ‘Press’
authorities of the member states,
coordination and
communication, 127, 129
domestic audiences, 129
Index 213
DG ‘Relex’
focus, 134–5
Patten, Chris, 132
role and tasks, 132–4
DG ‘Trade’
example of communication
failure, 136
Lamy, Pascal, 135
messages to the European public,
objectives of, 135–6
themes, 136
diplomatic niche, 32
Doha development, 131
domestic audiences, 125
ECHO (Humanitarian Aid Office)
communication efforts, 137
policy of, 137
non-state actors, 130–1
policy networks, 130–1
policy priority areas, 128
Prodi administration, 127
public diplomacy, 125–6
role in international relations, 131
voluntary partnerships, 127, 129
Egeland, Jan, 80, 87
American cultural centre, 157
Europena Union, 132
limits of public relations, 60
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 155
European integration, 126, 135, 140
Europeans, 63, 128, 136, 151, 167,
177, 189
European Union
see also European Commission
see also Michalski, Anna
Agenda 2000, 127, 143
broadcasting networks see media
‘constitutional’ settlement, 126
communication strategy see external
discrepancy between ideals and
actions, 132
external communication
see also European Commission DG
see also European Commission
see also European Union
Commission for external relations see
European Commission DG ‘Relex’
communication in external relations,
instruments of, 138–9
political and institutional paradoxes,
values and norms, 134–8
see also CFSP
see also European Commission DG
external policy and normative
power, 126–7
external relations policies, 126
development policy, 136 see also
European Commission DG ‘Dev’
foreign policy, 124–7
significance of communication,
see also CFSP
see also external communication
image, 128, 142
influence of national politicians, 129
information and communication
strategy, 135
public diplomacy, 9–11, 141–2
public legitimacy, 140
Iraq crisis, 132
security strategy, 124, 127, 140
strategic policy doctrines, 127
transition countries, 9–10
values and interests of, 134
Evans, Gareth, 83, 85, 87
niche diplomacy, 67–8
FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)
see nation branding
Ferguson, Niall
power, 34
Finland, 9
foreign services, 32
First World War, 4, 107
cultural diplomacy see cultural
diplomatic training, 199 see also
Hemery, John
nation branding, 3, 170–2
politique d’influence, 9
214 Index
French Revolution, 29, 170
Frum, David see also Richard Perle
US liberal imperialism, 59–60
G8, 72, 90
Germany, 17, 39, 51
attitude towards the United States,
cultural diplomacy see cultural
diplomatic training, 200 see also
Hemery, John
nation branding, 171–3
Utstein Group partnership, 81
Paschke Report, 20, 26,
40, 43n
politische Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, 9
Gillespie, Dizzy, 153
Global Governance Initiatives
Ottawa convention, 12
International Criminal Court, 12
Goethe Institute, 200, 203
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 48
Gotlieb, Allan, 76, 85, 86
Gulf Wars, 58
Gullion, Edmund, 6, 167
public diplomacy, 159
see also cultural diplomacy
Gutenberg, 3
Hanqin, Xue, 96
Havel, Vaclav, 148
Heiberg, Marianne, 80
Helgesen, Vidar, 81
Helms, Jesse, 156
Hemery, John
see public diplomacy training
training for public diplomacy,
Henrikson, Alan
see also Canada and Norway
niche diplomacy, 67–84
Hertz, John
image making, 31
Hocking, Brian, 12, 28, 43, 89,
104n, 196
public diplomacy, 28–43
Holbrooke Richard, 17
Holst, Johan, 80
Huizinga, Johan, 149, 165n
Hussein, Saddam, 47, 58
Ignatieff, Michael
Canada and the US, 70
imperialism, 65, 111 see also Van Ham,
Indian diaspora, 199
Indian diplomatic thought, 199
Indian diplomats, 199
Indian Foreign Ministry, 199
Indian Foreign Service Institute, 199
Indian values, 199
see also Hemery, John
public diplomacy, 10
Bali-bombing see terrorism
branding process, 172
China, 93, 99
cultural diplomacy, 160
limits of public relations, 60
public diplomacy strategies, 10, 13
US television commercials, 7
view of the United States, 56
information technology, 30, 120, 196
Iran see also Libya
cultural diplomacy, 152
China, 94, 99
European Union, 139
public diplomacy see revolutionary
Iraq, 7, 35
civil society, 184
cultural diplomacy, 152, 153, 160,
162, 169
European Union, 124, 132, 140
nation branding, 172
revolutionary diplomacy, 115, 118
United States, 47, 50, 51, 52, 57, 58,
59, 60, 62, 63, 64
Ireland, 9
cultural diplomacy, 161
engagement with, 180, 182, 183, 188
revolutionary diplomacy, 111, 112,
114, 115, 116
Islamic communities in Western
societies, 183
Index 215
Islamic Sharia, 189
Islamic society, 180, 182
public diplomacy in, 181–2
tools of public diplomacy, 183–4
Islamic terrorism, 180, 181
Islamic values, 182
Islamic world, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15
European Union, 132
Oslo Accord, 80
Palestine dispute, 181
public diplomacy under Khomeini,
113, 116
United States, 50
nation branding, 173
Jefferson, Thomas, 49, 147, 157, 164
Jiabao, Wen, 89
Jintao, Hu, 89, 102
Joffe, Josef
‘HHMMS-syndrome’, 55
Johnson, Hilde, 81, 123, 164
Kaiser, Michael, 153
Kennan, George, 157, 163, 167, 194
Kennedy, Paul, 50, 65
Khaled, King, 116
Khamenei, Ali, 116
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 107, 114, 115,
116, 117
Kipling, Rudyard, 49
Kissinger, Henry , 62, 85, 152
anti-globalization , 72–3
Krauthammer, Charles, 59, 66n
Kushner, Aleksander, 151
Lamy, Pascal, 135
Laqueur, Walter, 148, 163, 164n
see also Schneider, Cynthia
cultural diplomacy, 148
Lebanon, 116
Lending, Mette
public diplomacy, 22
Lenin, 4, 108, 109, 121
Leonard, Mark, 14, 26, 31, 80, 87, 123,
194, 195
Norwegian public diplomacy, 80–1
public diplomacy, 31
see also Iran
public diplomacy see revolutionary
nation branding, 20
Lijun, Fang, 95
Livingston, Stephen, 31, 40, 42, 43,
Lobbying, 82, 95, 183
aims of, 15
Louis XIV, 3, 31, 153, 170, 171,
Lugar, Richard
public diplomacy and Islam, 161
see also Cultural diplomacy
Madison, James, 147, 161, 164n
Mahatma Gandhi, 48
Mandelson, Peter, 178
Manheim, Jarol B., 43n, 89, 102,
104n, 105n
‘strategic public diplomacy’, 36–7
Manners, Ian see also European Union
normative power for Europe, 143n
Marketing see branding
Martin, Paul
Canada’s public diplomacy, 78–9
Mead, W.
power, 33
Melandri, Giovanna, 159
‘CNN-effect’, 30–1
domestic media see China
European television, 129
international media see China
public diplomacy, 96
Melissen, Jan, 3, 25n, 27n, 43n
public diplomacy, 3–25
Middle Ages, 3
Middle East
cultural diplomacy, 154, 160, 161,
‘Oslo process’ see
public diplomacy and ‘the war on
terror’, 118
public diplomacy in, 59–63
United States, 7, 15, 52, 56, 58, 59,
60, 61
216 Index
cultural diplomacy see cultural
diplomatic training, 198
see also Hemery, John
Michalski, Anna see also European
EU as a soft power, 124–42
European public diplomacy see
European Union
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Canada and 9/11 see Canada
challenges facing, 209
change in culture and structure,
see also Riordan, Shaun
China and public diplomacy
public diplomacy, 8–9, 15
public diplomacy training, 200–3
see also Hemery, John
reputation at home, 23–4, 32
Mohtashemi, Ali Akbar, 116
Moore, Michael, 148, 164n
Murrow, Edward, 155, 187, 188
Muslim world, 49, 61
cultural diplomacy, 148, 152
Muslim organizations, 13, 112
United States, 49, 56, 57, 60,
61, 62
Mussavi, Mir-Husayn, 116, 123n
Mussolini, Benito, 111
NAFTA, 172
Napoleon, 31, 170, 171
national identity, 31
Canada see Canada
nation branding, 20
Norway see Norway
wars, 51
see also Riordan, Shaun
‘hard nation-building’, 184
‘soft nation-building’, 184
nation branding see also Olins,
Canada see Canada
China see China
Estonia see Estonia
export, 172–4
FDI (Foreign Direct Investment),
174, 175
France see France
Germany see Germany
image management, 31
image ‘dissonance’, 39
national self-image, 72, 84
public relations, 21
Italy see Italy
Liechtenstein see Liechtenstein
national brand, 172–7
national identity see national
New Zealand see New Zealand
Norway see Norway
see Poland
public diplomacy, 19–21
re-branding, 20
risks of, 84
Spain see Spain
tourism, 175–7
United Kingdom see United
United States see United States
Canada and Norway, 69
China, 89
European Union, 124, 139
Norway, 81, 83
partnerships, 74
Poland, 9
Powell, Colin, 62
Serbia, 186
Netherlands, 209
China’s Ambassador, 96
cultural diplomacy see Cultural
Dutch diplomats and propaganda, 17
‘negative branding’, 14
niche diplomacy, 81, 84
Publieksdiplomatie, 9
networking, 83, 153, 183, 185,
191, 193
New York Times, 60, 87, 104, 121,
167, 168
Norway, 80
New Zealand
nation branding, 175, 177, 179
public diplomacy, 8
Index 217
see also Canada and Norway
see also Evans, Gareth
see also Henrikson, Alan
international environment, 71–3
‘niches’, 72
origins, 67
small countries, 70
Nicholson, Harold, 29
Nielsen, Poul, 136, 137, 144n
non-governmental organizations, 7
Canada and Norway, 70
collaboration with, 190–3 see also
Riordan, Shaun
converging interest with states, 12, 75
credibility in the Islamic World,
see also Islamic society
cultural relations, 23
foreign publics, 12
European Commission see European
non-state actors see non-governmental
North Korea
China, 93, 94
public diplomacy see revolutionary
targeting foreign audiences, 10
Norway see also Canada
foreign policy, 74
image, 79–82
lessons from, 82–5
‘niche diplomacy’, 68
‘Oslo process’, 79–80
peace keeping, 72–3
public diplomacy, 69–71, 73
Nye, Joseph
country appeal, 4
‘hard’ and ‘soft’ power, 33, 38, 73, 94
Canada and Norway, 73
O’Leary, John, 159
October Revolution, 107, 108
Olins, Wally, 20, 25, 26, 42, 169, 179n
nation branding, 169–79
Olympic Games
China, 94, 97
Ottoman Empire, 3
China, 94
communication with foreign
audiences, 10
‘war against terrorism’, 181
Paraguay, 209
diplomatic training, 198 see also
Hemery, John
nation branding, 179
Parker, Charlie, 153
Paschke Report, 11, 26, 40, 43n
Perle, Richard, 59, 66n
see also Frum, Davis
Pétain, Marshal, 171
Petersen, Jan, 70, 82, 85n, 87n
Islamic groups, 112
Norway, 74, 76
United States, 49
Pickering, Thomas, 163, 165n
Poland, 9
cultural diplomacy, 163
nation branding, 176–7
public diplomacy, 9
Pollock, Jackson, 154
Portugal, 175
Potter, Evan H., 26, 30, 41n,
42n, 83, 86n,
Powell, Colin, 58, 62, 160
power see also Nye, Joseph
imperial power, 47–49
see also Van Ham, Peter
normative power, 126
see also Michalski, Anna
persuasion, 125
see also
Michalski, Anna
power politics, 74
see also soft power
‘sticky’ power, 33
see also Mead, W.
‘washington consensus’, 34
Prodi, Romano, 127
compare Public diplomacy, 11,
16–19, 21, 24, 36
see also Hocking, Brian
see also Melissen, Jan
anti-US, 160, 174
218 Index
Propaganda – continued
Bolshevik propaganda, 108
see also Sharp, Paul
China, 89, 97, 100–3
see also D’Hooghe, Ingrid
definitions of, 16–19
Iraq see Van Ham, Peter
public affairs
compare public diplomacy, 8, 13,
17, 31
see also Melissen, Jan
cultural diplomacy, 159 see also
Schneider, Cynthia
Germany, 200
public diplomacy
approaches to, 32–4, 75, 186
bilateral, 14
Canada see Canada
challenges facing see Sharp, Paul
characteristics of good practices in,
China see China
compare propaganda
compare public affairs
consular services see consular
cultural relations see cultural
culture see culture
current developments in, 6–10
‘dark side’ of, 107
see also Sharp, Paul
definitions of, 11, 17, 32, 11–16
dialogue-based see Shaun, Riordan
diplomatic practice see diplomatic
diplomatic relations, 11
entrepreneurial spirit of, 186
see also Riordan, Shaun
European Commission see European
European Union see European
imperfections, 11
Indonesia see Indonesia
in Global South countries, 10
initiatives, 9–10
Iran see revolutionary diplomacy
Islamic society see Islamic society
Libya see revolutionary diplomacy
lobbying see lobbying
media see Media
multilateral, 14
national, 14
nation branding
see nation
North Korea see revolutionary
Norway see Norway
9/11 see terrorism
origins of, 6, 29–33
power politics see power
practice of see Riordan, Shaun
practitioners of, 23
propaganda see propaganda
public affairs see public affairs
public relations see public relations
range of objectives, 14, 21
redefinition, 30
related concepts, 16–25
‘rogue states’, 10
‘soft power’ see soft power
‘strategic’ public diplomacy see
Manheim, Jarol B.
success stories in, 9–10
Taliban see revolutionary diplomacy
terror, see war
tools, 183
see also Riordan, Shaun
traditional diplomacy see diplomacy
training for public diplomacy,
see Hemery, John
see Public diplomacy training
‘two worlds of’, 35
unconventional forms of, 14
United States see United States
United Nations see United Nations
public diplomacy training
approaches to training for public
diplomacy, 196–200
barriers to training for public
diplomacy, 197–8
future of training for public
diplomacy, 204–5
public diplomacy training, 200–3
public diplomacy, 12
public diplomacy as a profession,
Index 219
training for public diplomacy,
training course for public diplomacy,
public relations
public diplomacy, 21
Qaddafi, Colonel, 14, 110, 111, 112,
113, 114, 115, 116, 122
Qizheng Zhao, 91, 97, 99, 101, 105n
State Council Information Office, 99
US Cox report, 99
on Tibet see China
Radek, Karl, 107
Rafsanjani, Hashemi, 116
Reagan, Ronald, 52
Reineke, W.
global public policy networks, 37
Reinhard, Keith
Omnicom, 169
Renaissance, 3
revolutionary diplomacy
Berne mission, 108–10
examples of, 106–7
Khomeini’s Iran, 114–17
North Korea, 118
Qaddafi’s Libya, 110–14
Taliban, 118–19
Bolsheviks, 107–10
Richelieu, Cardinal, 3
Ringmar, Erik, 65n
national identity, 51
Riordan, Shaun, 16, 25, 203, 206
dialogue-based public diplomacy,
Roman Empire, 53
Romania, 9
Roosevelt, Theodore, 49, 51
Rose, Martin see also Nick
on diplomacy, 23
Rumsfeld, Donald, 59, 162
Russian Revolution, 107
SARS case, 103
Schneider, Cynthia, 6, 147, 167, 168
on US diplomacy and culture,
Schröder, Gerhard, 14
Scotland, 177
Second World War, 9, 39, 51, 60, 157,
158, 189
Sharp, Paul, 11, 106, 123
see also Revolutionary Diplomacy
public diplomacy and revolutionary
states, 106–21
Signitzer, Benno see also Timothy
public relations, 21
Simonyi, Andras
American culture, 154
see also cultural diplomacy
cultural diplomacy see cultural
niche diplomacy, 84
public diplomacy, 8
nation branding, 20, 175
Small, Andrew see Leonard, Mark
socialism, 113, 151
soft power, 4 see also power
Aspen Institute, 33
China, 95, 96, 103 see also
D’Hooghe, Ingrid
country reputation, 53 see also
nation branding
cultural diplomacy, 148, 164 see also
Schneider, Cynthia
diplomats, 24
European Union, 125–45, 128 see
Michalski, Anna
DG ‘Relex’, 136
European Security Strategy, 141
‘hard power’, 49
Hocking, Brian, 28
‘image dissonance’, 39
Ministry of Foreign affairs, 5
nation branding, 189 see also Olins,
Nye, Joseph, 25n, 27n, 42n, 65n,
66n, 86n, 105n, 165n, 195n
political strategies, 74
public diplomacy, 35, 36, 38, 41, 49,
soft power paradigm, 37
‘sticky’ power, 34
220 Index
soft power – continued
United States, 7
US imperialism and ‘hard power’,
48, 49, 52, 55, 59, 63, 64
see also van Ham, Peter
Woollacott, M., 43n
Solana, Javier, 131, 132
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 152
Soviet Union (incl. Former)
cultural diplomacy see cultural
attitude towards the United States, 56
collaboration with NGO’s, 191
European transition countries, 9
nation branding, 175, 176, 177,
178, 179
United States, 49
view of the United States, 160
Spero, Joan, 159
Steinbeck, John, 151
supranational actors
see European Commission
see United Nations
cultural diplomacy see cultural
Pakistan, 10
public diplomacy see revolutionary
public diplomacy and ‘the war on
terror’, 117, 118, 119, 121
Talleyrand, 29
terrorism, 10, 66, 194
see also war
Al-Qaeda see Al-Qaeda
Bali-bombing, 10, 32–3
extremism, 10
Fahrenheit 9/11, 148 see also
cultural diplomacy
Hamas, 181
Hezbollah, 116
9/11, 6–8, 77, 106
objectives of the confrontation
with, 180–4
see also Shaun, Riordan
radicalism, 72, 110
China, 99
cultural diplomacy, 150
diplomatic training, 198 see also
Hemery John
China, 94, 97, 100, 101, 105
Trotsky, 108, 110, 121
Tuch, Hans, 166n
public diplomacy, 11, 12, 26n
Tunisia, 122, 209
European Union, 132
Qaddafi, Colonel, 111
Turkey, 3, 209
branding process, 171
diplomatic training, 198 see also
Hemery, John
Iran, 117
targeting foreign audiences, 9
Tutwiler, Margaret, 66, 121, 161
see also cultural diplomacy
Twain, Mark, 150, 151
United Nations
Canada and Norway, 69, 70
China, 97
European Union, 139
nation branding, 172
public diplomacy, 12, 118
United States, 58
United Kingdom, 209
see also cultural diplomacy
British Counsel in Uganda, 202
British Foreign Office, 13,
187, 192
Cool Britannia, 170, 188
(DFID) Department for International
Development, 203
Mandelson, Peter, 178
nation branding, 173
public diplomacy, 33
FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth
Office), 187, 188, 192, 202,
203, 204, 209n
public diplomacy training, 201–2
United States
Abu Ghraib, 7, 59, 64, 162
American values, 61, 153
anti-Americanism, 35, 55–9, 149, 169
Index 221
Arab Muslim World see cultural
‘Arab-Street’, 49
Business for Diplomatic Action, 35,
169, 175
see also nation branding
Canada see Canada
CIA, 151, 152, 155, 165, 166
culture see culture
cultural diplomacy see cultural
expressions of culture until the Cold
War, 149–51
foreign perceptions, 9
foreign policy, 52–3
Foreign Service Institute, 200 see also
Hemery, John
Guantanamo Bay, 64
image of, 47, 52, 55–6
imperialism, 50
‘indispensable nation’, 51
in Iraq, 58–9
see also cultural diplomacy
‘Liberal Empire’, 50
nation branding in, 48–9, 174
9/11 see terrorism
opinion polls, 160
Pax Americana, 47–66
public diplomacy, 7–8, 47–9, 57,
59–64, 148, 161
see also Van Ham, Peter
see also Schneider, Cynthia
Soviet Union see cultural diplomacy
‘sticky’ power, 33
Voice of America see Connover,
USIA (United States Information
origins and role of, 6, 148, 152,
155–8, 166, 187
Van Ham, Peter, 142n
imperial power see power
US public diplomacy, 47–66
Versailles, 31, 170
China, 99
United States, 51
Vollebaek, Knut, 79, 87
Wadham-Smith, Nick
see also Martin Rose
diplomacy, 23
Walker, Martin, 64, 67
war see also terrorism
of ideas, 57
war on terror, 7, 9, 15, 51,
57, 64, 77, 107,
Monroe doctrine, 47–8
‘Roosevelt Corollary’, 47–8, 51
Welch, David
propaganda, 16–17
Western Islamic communities, 183
Western values, 182, 188, 189
White House
cultural diplomacy, 148, 158,
159, 163
public diplomacy, 36, 121
Whitman, Walt, 149, 150, 151
Widvey, Thorhild, 81, 82,
84, 87n
national image see nation branding
Wilson, Laurie, 21, 27
Winkler, Jeanne, 158
World Trade Organization
(WTO), 30
European Union, 130, 136, 139
Xiaoping, Deng, 89, 92
‘open-door policy’, 92
Xinjian, Gao, 95
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny, 151
European Union, 143
Norway, 80
United States, 58
Zemin, Jiang, 92
Zhaoxing, Li, 89, 99