Worksheet 3: Component Forces Section 4.4
1. A force of 100 N acts on an object. In which instance is the horizontal component closest
in magnitude to 100 N? The force acts at an angle of...
A) 10 above horizontal
B) 45 above horizontal
C) 80 above horizontal
D) 90 above horizontal
2. A force of 370 N is directed at an angle of 20° above the horizontal. What is the
magnitude of the vertical component of the force?
A ) 185 N
B ) 74 N
C ) 127 N
D ) 348 N
3. Suppose that a towing force of 100 N was applied to wagon. If the force was directed at
an angle of 30
above the horizontal then which statement would be correct?
A) The horizontal and vertical components would be equal.
B) The horizontal component would be greater than the vertical component.
C) The horizontal component would be less than the vertical component.
D) The horizontal component would be equal to 100 N
4. Given the information from the previous question, which action would increase the
horizontal component of the force?
A) Change the direction to 30
below the horizontal.
B) Change the direction to 40
above the horizontal.
C) Change the direction to 20
above the horizontal.
D) Change the magnitude to 50 N.
5. A force of 100 N acts on an object. In which instance are the horizontal and vertical
components equal? The force acts at an angle of...
A) 0 above horizontal
B) 45 above horizontal
C) 90 above horizontal
D) The horizontal and vertical components cannot be equal.
6. A force of 900.0 N is applied at an angle of
above the horizontal. Calculate the horizontal
force on the cart in the picture
A) 512 N
B) 630 N
C) 737 N
D) 3920 N
7. a) Snow pushers similar to the one shown are frequently
used to clear snow from driveways. Assume that a snow
pusher’s handle makes an angle of 52
with the horizontal
and that a force of 450 N is applied along the handle.
Determine the horizontal and vertical components
of the force.
b) Suppose that you could only apply a maximum of 450 N to the handle. How could
you set it so that more force was brought to bear to shove that stubborn snow out
of the way. Support your answer with a brief calculation.
c) In actuality, what is the effect of the vertical component of the force on the snow
8. A caretaker mows the lawn by pushing the mower with a force of 125 N along the line of the
handle. If the handle makes and angle of 65.0º with the ground, what is the force component
pushing the mower forward?
9. Find the horizontal and the vertical components of a 275 N force that makes an angle of
68.0º with the horizontal?
10. A car has become stuck and is to be towed using a cable that makes an angle of 55.0º above
the horizontal. The 3.00 x 10
N force from the winch is directed along the cable. Calculate
the horizontal and vertical components of the force.
11. A traffic sign hangs from two cables as shown.
If the tension in each cable is 220 N, what is the
weight of the sign?
12. For the suspended mass shown below, what is the magnitude
of the tension, T, in each cable?
13. A street lamp weighs 150 N. It is supported
equally by two wires that form a 120º angle.
What is the tension in each wire?
14. A 35 kg traffic light is suspended by two wires as shown. What is the tension in the left-
hand wire?