Front cover
IBM DB2 for z/OS: Configuring
TLS/SSL for Secure
Client/Server Communications
Chris Meyer
Derek Tempongko
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2022. 1
IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL
for Secure Client/Server Communications
This IBM® Redpaper publication provides information about how to set up and configure IBM
Db2® for z/OS® with Transport Layer Security (TLS), which is the modern version of Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL). This configuration is accomplished by using the IBM z/OS
Communications Server Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) services.
This paper also describes the steps for configuring TLS/SSL support for the IBM Data Server
Driver Package (DS Driver) for IBM Data Server Provider for .NET, Open Database
Connectivity (ODBC), and Call Level Interface clients to access a Db2 for z/OS server. In
addition, this paper provides information about configuring that same support for the Java
Database Connectivity (JDBC) and Structured Query Language for Java (SQLJ for Type 4
connectivity) clients.
The information that is provided is applicable to Db2 12 for z/OS and Db2 11 for z/OS.
Although we use z/OS V2R4 as the referenced release in this paper, the instructions, except
for a TLSv1.3 configuration, are valid for releases as early as z/OS V2R1.
Throughout the paper, we reference z/OS Security Server or IBM Resource Access Control
Facility (IBM RACF®) in various contexts. It should be understood that anywhere we mention
RACF, it implies any System Authorization Facility (SAF)-compliant external security
The intended audience for this paper includes network administrators, security
administrators, and database administrators who want to set up and configure TLS/SSL
support for Db2 for z/OS.
This paper provides information about the following topics:
򐂰 Overview of AT-TLS
򐂰 Configuring Db2 for z/OS as a server with TLS/SSL support
򐂰 Configuring Db2 for z/OS as a requester with TLS/SSL support
򐂰 Configuring Java applications by using IBM DS Driver for JDBC and SQLJ to use TLS/SSL
򐂰 Configuring the IBM DS Driver non-Java interfaces: Command-line interface, ODBC, and
2 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
򐂰 Configuring remote client applications to use TLS/SSL through a Db2 Connect server for
Linux, UNIX, and Windows
򐂰 Client access to Db2 by using TLS/SSL client authentication
򐂰 Using Windows truststore and Windows keystore
This paper presents more information about the more general contents of Security Functions
of IBM DB2 10 for z/OS, SG24-7959.
Overview of AT-TLS
TLS is a client/server cryptographic protocol that is based on the SSL specifications that were
developed by Netscape Corporation in the 1990s for securing communications that use
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) sockets. Unless stated otherwise,
the terms TLS and SSL are used interchangeably in this document.
It is important to understand the basics of the TLS handshake and how digital certificates are
used in TLS/SSL before reading the rest of this paper. If you are not familiar with these topics,
see one of the many TLS/SSL primers that are available on the internet.
The TLS protocol runs at the application level (like its predecessor SSL). Therefore, an
application typically must be designed and coded to use TLS/SSL protection. On z/OS, the
System SSL component of the Cryptographic Services element implements the full suite of
TLS/SSL protocols (up to and including TLSv1.3 and TLSv1.2 at of the time of writing)
through a robust set of application programming interfaces (APIs) for z/OS C and C++
To make TLS/SSL more accessible to z/OS applications regardless of their source
programming language, z/OS Communications Server provides Application Transparent TLS
(AT-TLS). AT-TLS invokes TLS/SSL primitives in the TCP layer of the TCP/IP stack on behalf
of application programs based on policy rules that describe the application traffic and how to
protect it. With AT-TLS, applications that are written in almost any language that is supported
on z/OS can enjoy full TLS/SSL protection without requiring source code changes.
Db2 relies on AT-TLS to secure its TCP connections from and to remote systems.
AT-TLS policy is read, parsed, and installed into the TCP/IP stack by the z/OS
Communications Server Policy Agent (PAGENT), which implements policy-based networking
for the z/OS environment. For more information about policy-based networking, see z/OS
V2R4 Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide, SC27-3650.
Although this paper describes AT-TLS policies by using the underlying PAGENT syntax, the
preferred method for creating and maintaining AT-TLS policies is through the z/OSMF -based
IBM Network Configuration Assistant (NCA) web UI. For more information about the NCA,
see the IBM Network Configuration Assistant for z/OS Communications Server AT-TLS
tutorial, found at:
Because AT-TLS is largely transparent to Db2, Db2 continues to send and receive clear text
data over its sockets while an active AT-TLS policy directs TCP/IP to invoke the required
System SSL services to protect the data that is being transmitted over the network.
Figure 1 shows the flow of Db2 for z/OS acting as a server by using AT-TLS to protect the
data exchanges over the network with a remote client system that also supports TLS.
Figure 1 Flow of Db2 for z/OS as a server by using AT-TLS
The diagram in Figure 1 illustrates the following flow:
1. After the PAGENT successfully reads the AT-TLS policy and installs it into the TCP/IP
stack, the client’s TCP connection to the Db2 server is established by using a standard
TCP 3-way handshake.
2. After accepting the new connection, Db2 issues a read request on the socket. The TCP
layer checks the AT-TLS policy and sees that AT-TLS protection is configured for this
connection. Therefore, TCP prepares for the client-initiated TLS handshake.
3. The client initiates the TLS handshake, and the TCP layer invokes System SSL to perform
its portion of the TLS handshake under the identity of the Db2 server. System SSL and the
TLS software at the client exchange handshake messages according to the relevant
Requests for Comments (RFCs) to complete the TLS session.
4. The Db2 client sends data to the Db2 server under protection of the new TLS session.
5. The TCP layer receives the inbound data, where AT-TLS invokes System SSL to decrypt
the data, and then it delivers the clear text inbound data to the Db2 server.
Likewise, when the Db2 server sends data to the Db2 client, AT-TLS takes the clear text
outbound data, calls System SSL to encrypt it, and then the encrypted data is sent to the
4 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
Configuring Db2 for z/OS as a server with TLS/SSL support
There are two approaches to configuring AT-TLS and PAGENT on z/OS:
򐂰 The preferred approach is to use the z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) NCA for z/OS
Communications Server. The NCA is a GUI-based tool that greatly simplifies the setup,
configuration, and deployment of z/OS Communications Server policy-based
technologies, including AT-TLS.
For more information, see the tutorial and help windows in the Configuration Assistant
tool. For a complete example of configuring AT-TLS by using the Configuration Assistant,
see Chapter 12, “Application Transparent Transport Layer Security” in IBM z/OS V2R2
Communications Server TCP/IP Implementation: Volume 4 Security and Policy-Based
Networking, SG24-8363.
򐂰 The alternative approach is to hand-code all of the necessary job control language (JCL),
RACF directives, configuration files, and policy files. To provide you with greater insight
into the PAGENT and AT-TLS configuration, this approach is the one that we describe in
detail for the remainder of this document.
Security of REST service connections
Db2 supports HTTPS service requests by configuring Db2 for z/OS as a server with TLS/SSL
support. To accomplish this task, complete the following steps:
1. Configuring the PAGENT as a started task in z/OS.
2. Defining security authorizations for the PAGENT.
3. Defining the PAGENT configuration files.
4. Configuring AT-TLS.
5. Defining the AT-TLS policy rules.
6. Creating and configuring digital certificates.
7. Configuring a secure port for the Db2 for z/OS server.
We describe these steps in the following sections.
Configuring the PAGENT as a started task in z/OS
The PAGENT runs as a UNIX process, so it can be started either from the UNIX System
Services shell or as a z/OS started task. In our example, we use the z/OS started task
procedure to start the PAGENT.
To start the PAGENT as a z/OS started task, you can use the JCL procedure that is shown in
Example 1.
Example 1 PAGENT JCL procedure
//* For information on the above environment variables, refer to the
//* IP CONFIGURATION GUIDE. Other environment variables can also be
//* specified through STDENV.
//* Output that is written to stdout and stderr goes to the data set or
//* file specified with SYSPRINT or SYSOUT, respectively. But
//* normally, PAGENT doesn't write output to stdout or stderr.
//* Instead, output is written to the log file, which is specified
//* by the PAGENT_LOG_FILE environment variable, and defaults to
//* /tmp/pagent.log. However, when the -d parameter is specified
//* output is also written to stdout.
You can also find a sample started task procedure for PAGENT in
You can use environment variables that are either configured in an IBM Multiple Virtual
Storage (IBM MVS) sequential or partitioned data set, or a z/OS UNIX file that is specified by
the STDENV data definition (DD) to run with the required configuration. In our example, we
configured the environment variables for PAGENT in partitioned data set SYS1.TCPPARMS,
member PAENV, as shown in Example 2.
Example 2 SYS1.TCPPARMS(PAENV) data set containing PAGENT environment variables
The following environment variables are used in Example 2:
TZ Specifies the local time zone for the PAGENT process. Here, it
is set to PST8 (Pacific Standard Time GMT-08:00) and PDT7
(Pacific Daylight Saving Time GMT-07:00).
PAGENT_CONFIG_FILE Specifies the PAGENT configuration file to use. The
configuration file is the PAGENT member of the SYS1.TCPPARMS
data set in this example.
PAGENT_LOG_FILE Specifies the logging destination that is used by PAGENT. It is
set to log PAGENT messages to SYSLOGD.
Before you can start PAGENT, you must define the appropriate security authorizations, as
described in the next section.
Defining security authorizations for the PAGENT
The policies that are managed by the PAGENT can affect system operation significantly, s you
must restrict the list of z/OS user IDs (UIDs) under which PAGENT is allowed to run. To do
this task, you must define certain resources and controls in the system’s security manager
product, such as RACF.
To set up the PAGENT’s security definitions in RACF, complete the following steps:
1. Defining the PAGENT started task in RACF.
2. Defining the PAGENT UID.
3. Associating the PAGENT UID with the PAGENT started task.
4. Giving authorized users access to manage the PAGENT started task.
5. Restrict access to the pasearch UNIX command.
6 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
Defining the PAGENT started task in RACF
In this example, the PAGENT runs under z/OS as a started task that is named PAGENT. To
set up the PAGENT started task to RACF, you must define a profile for it in the RACF generic
resource class that is called STARTED by using the RDEFINE command.
Example 3 shows the RACF commands that are used to set up the PAGENT started task.
Example 3 RACF commands to define the PAGENT started task in RACF
If you also want to log messages through SYSLOGD, include an RDEFINE command to define a
profile for SYSLOGD to the STARTED class, as shown in the following example:
Defining the PAGENT UID
In this example, the PAGENT runs under the z/OS UID PAGENT. PAGENT often runs under a
UID with z/OS UNIX superuser authority (the z/OS UNIX UID for this user must be set to 0),
although this authority is not required. To run under a UID that does not have superuser
authority, see “Other considerations when starting the Policy Agent” in z/OS V2R4
Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide, SC27-3650. Additionally, you must assign a
default group (DFLTGRP) for the UID.
Example 4 shows the RACF command that is used to define a UID that is called PAGENT to
a default group that is called OMVSGRP with an OMVS segment with a UNIX UID of 0.
Example 4 RACF command to define a UID for the PAGENT started task
If your security administrator defined the SHARED.IDS profile in the UNIXPRV class, the UID
value must be unique. If you want to use a UID value that is already in use, add the SHARED
keyword to the UID parameter of the ADDUSER command to indicate that you intend to share
the UID value across z/OS UIDs.
If you are also going to log messages to SYSLOGD, define a UID with superuser authority for the
SYSLOGD started task, as shown in the following example:
SETROPTS: In Example 3, we include the SETROPTS commands for completeness.
Running these commands when the STARTED class is already activated has no effect.
Associating the PAGENT UID with the PAGENT started task
Use the RACF RALTER command to associate the PAGENT UID that was created to the
PAGENT started task, as illustrated in Example 5.
Example 5 RACF command to associate the UID with the PAGENT started task
If you are also going to log messages to SYSLOGD, you must associate the SYSLOGD UID with
the SYSLOGD started task, as shown in the following example:
Giving authorized users access to manage the PAGENT started task
To restrict management access to the PAGENT started task, you must define a profile that is
named MVS.SERVMGR.PAGENT in the RACF resource class OPERCMDS, and give only authorized
users access to this profile. Example 6 shows the RACF commands that are used to achieve
this access.
Example 6 RACF commands to give authorized users access to manage the PAGENT started task
Restricting access to the pasearch UNIX command
Use the pasearch UNIX command to display policy definitions. The output from this command
indicates whether policy rules are active, and it shows the parsed results of the policy
definition attributes.
The pasearch output can be used to verify that the policies are defined correctly. However,
only users with a specific need to know this information should be able to see the policy
definitions. To restrict access to the pasearch command, a profile is defined in the RACF
SERVAUTH resource class. This type of profile can be defined for each TCP/IP stack (TcpImage)
and policy type (ptype):
8 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
In this example, these variables have the following definitions:
sysname The z/OS system name.
TcpImage The name of the TCP/IP stack (its procedure name) to which policy
information is to be restricted.
ptype The type of policy that is being requested. The following types are
QoS Quality of service (QoS) policy
IDS Intrusion Detection Services (IDS) policy
IPsec IP packet filtering and IPsec protocol policy
TTLS AT-TLS policy
Routing Policy-Based Routing policy
CFGSERV TCP/IP profile information
Example 7 shows the RACF commands that are used to restrict access to the pasearch UNIX
command. In this example, only z/OS UIDs USRT001 and USRT002 are permitted to use
pasearch for all types of policies for the TCP/IP stack that is named TCPIP on the z/OS system
that is named UTEC224.
Example 7 RACF commands to restrict access to the pasearch UNIX command
Now that you set up all the security authorizations for the PAGENT, you must configure the
policy for AT-TLS.
Defining the PAGENT configuration files
The PAGENT is responsible for reading policies from MVS data sets or from z/OS UNIX file
system files. Before we can define the AT-TLS policies, we must configure certain operational
characteristics of the PAGENT in the main configuration file. The main configuration file can
contain the following statements:
򐂰 TcpImage statement
򐂰 LogLevel statement
The following two sections describe the configuration steps:
򐂰 Defining the TcpImage statements
򐂰 Defining the appropriate logging level
Tip: Wildcard use is supported in segments of RACF profiles. For example, the
EZB.PAGENT.UTEC224.*.* profile controls pasearch access to all policy types for all TCP/IP
stacks on the z/OS system that is named UTEC224.
Defining the TcpImage statements
The TcpImage statement specifies a TCP/IP stack and its associated stack-specific
configuration file. There can be one TcpImage statement for each TCP/IP stack on the z/OS
system. If a configuration file name is specified, it identifies the file that contains
image-specific configuration definitions for AT-TLS policies. If the file name is not specified,
the main configuration file contains the image-specific configuration for that stack.
Depending on your environment, you can define the TcpImage statement in the following
򐂰 If your environment is configured with multiple TCP/IP stacks, specify TcpImage
statements identifying an image-specific configuration file for each TCP/IP stack. Figure 2
shows this type of configuration.
Figure 2 Multiple TCP/IP stacks and multiple AT-TLS policies
򐂰 If your environment is configured with a single TCP/IP stack, only one AT-TLS policy
definition is needed. In this case, you specify the TcpImage statement for the single TCP/IP
stack, and omit the specification of the image-specific configuration file. The main
configuration file contains a TTLSConfig statement that identifies a single policy file for the
TCP/IP stack.
ure 2 Multi
le TCP/IP Stacks
gp ,p
// PARM=’…/’
TcpImage TCPIP1
TcpImage TCPIP12
TcpImage TCPIP12
TcpImage TCPIP13
Install different policies
into each TCP/IP stack
Policy configuration files
10 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
Figure 3 shows this type of configuration.
Figure 3 Single TCP/IP stack and a single AT-TLS policy
It is possible that TCP/IP stacks that are configured to the PAGENT are not started or even
defined. When this situation happens, the PAGENT logs an error when trying to connect to
those stacks for diagnostic purposes.
A TcpImage statement optionally can specify the parameters FLUSH/NOFLUSH or
PURGE/NOPURGE. These optional parameters determine whether policies are deleted from the
associated TCP/IP stack under the conditions that are detailed in Table 1.
Table 1 How policy agent FLUSH and PURGE parameters are used
When any (or all) TCP/IP stacks are shut down, the PAGENT continues to run. When the
TCP/IP stacks are restarted, active policies are reinstalled automatically.
The following example defines the main configuration file that installs an AT-TLS policy file
SYS1.TCPPARMS(TTLSPOL) to the TCP/IP stack that is named TCPIP after flushing the existing
policy data when the TCP/IP stack is restarted and ensuring that the policy is deleted from the
stack when PAGENT shuts down:
Defining the appropriate logging level
Use the LogLevel statement to control the amount of information that is logged by the
PAGENT. The default is to log only event, error, console, and warning messages. This level
might be an appropriate level of information for a stable policy configuration, but more logging
might be required to understand policy processing or debug problems when first setting up
policies or when making significant changes. Specify the LogLevel statement with the
appropriate logging level in the main configuration file.
To define the appropriate logging level in the main configuration file, specify the LogLevel
statement keyword followed by an integer that represents the level of logging to be performed
by the PAGENT. The following levels are supported:
1 SYSERR: System error messages
2 OBJERR: Object error messages
4 PROTERR: Protocol error messages
8 WARNING: Warning messages
16 EVENT: Event messages
32 ACTION: Action messages
Parameter When used Results
FLUSH and NOFLUSH Used after policies are read without
errors when they are triggered by the
following events:
򐂰 PAGENT start.
򐂰 TcpImage statement added.
򐂰 MODIFY REFRESH command issued.
򐂰 All policies are deleted from
PAGENT and the TCP/IP stack
before installing new policies.
򐂰 QoS policy statistics are reset to 0.
򐂰 No policies are deleted from
PAGENT or the TCP/IP stack before
installing new policies.
򐂰 Policies that are removed from the
configuration file are not deleted
from the PAGENT or the TCP/IP
PURGE and NOPURGE 򐂰 PAGENT shutdown.
򐂰 TcpImage statement deleted.
All policies are deleted from the PAGENT
and the TCP/IP stack.
򐂰 All policies are deleted from
򐂰 No policies are deleted from the
TCP/IP stack.
12 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
64 INFO: Informational messages
128 ACNTING: Accounting messages
256 TRACE: Trace messages
To include more than one level of logging, specify the sum of all the selected log levels in the
LogLevel statement. For example, to request SYSERR messages (level 1) and EVENT messages
(level 16), you specify LogLevel 17.
Example 8 shows the definitions of the main configuration file for a single TCP/IP stack
environment. The AT-TLS policies are defined in a separate image-specific configuration file,
TTLSPOL, for the TCP/IP stack that is named TCPIP.
Example 8 PAGENT configuration file
# LogLevel statement
# SYSERR, OBJERR, PROTERR, and WARNING messages are logged.
LogLevel 15
# TcpImage statement
# TCP/IP image: TCPIP
# Path to image-specific configuration file: SYS1.TCPPARMS(TTLSPOL)
# FLUSH parameter specified to delete existing policy data in the
# stack on PAGENT start-up or when the configuration files change.
# PURGE parameter specified to delete active policy data from the
# stack when PAGENT is shut down normally.
Next, the steps to configure AT-TLS are described.
Configuring AT-TLS
AT-TLS support is enabled by the specifying TTLS parameter on the TCPCONFIG statement in
the TCP/IP profile data set. The information that is required to negotiate secure connections
is provided to the TCP/IP stack by AT-TLS policies that are read, parsed, and installed by the
When AT-TLS is enabled and a new TCP connection is established, the AT-TLS component in
the TCP layer of the stack searches for an AT-TLS rule in the policy that matches the
characteristics (local and remote IP addresses, local and remote ports, connection direction,
and so on) of the connection. If such a rule is found, TLS protection is applied to it according
to the details that are specified in the AT-TLS action that is associated with the rule. If no such
rule is found, the connection is not protected by TLS.
LogLevel: LogLevel 63 is sufficient for debugging the most common policy and certificate
errors that you might encounter during your initial AT-TLS setup. If this level is not sufficient,
we advise you to set the LogLevel to 511. However, this more detailed level of logging can
produce a significant amount of output. Consider the log size when the syslog daemon is
used as the log destination.
Setting up TTLS stack initialization access control for AT-TLS
This step is optional, but might be required depending on your local security requirements
and the services that run on your z/OS system. When AT-TLS is started during TCP/IP stack
initialization, there might be a delay between the time that the stack starts and when the
PAGENT successfully installs policy information into the stack. This situation can leave a
window of time where connections that are intended to be protected by AT-TLS can be
established without that protection.
To prevent such connections from being established while this window is open, define a
profile for the EZB.INITSTACK resource in the RACF SERVAUTH resource class. The profile
name can be defined by the TCP/IP stack (TcpImage):
The variables have these definitions:
sysname The system name that is assigned to the z/OS system.
TcpImage The TCP/IP procedure name for the TCP/IP stack to which access is
to be controlled.
With such a profile in place, you can control which applications are allowed to establish TCP
connections before the AT-TLS policy is installed by the PAGENT. To do so, provide READ
access to the EZB.INITSTACK.sysname, which is the TcpImage profile in the SERVAUTH class for
the z/OS UIDs under which such applications run. All other applications are forced to wait
until PAGENT has initialized and its policies are installed into the stack before connections
can be established.
Example 9 shows the RACF commands that are used to enable the z/OS UIDs OMVSKERN,
PAGENT, and SYSLOGD to establish TCP/IP connections before PAGENT has loaded the AT-TLS
Example 9 RACF commands to set up TCP/IP stack initialization access control for AT-TLS
Tip: To enable TTLS without modifying PROFILE.TCPIP and without stopping and starting
the TCP/IP stack, define a separate file that contains the TCPCONFIG TTLS statement, and
issue the VARY TCPIP OBEYFILE command, as shown in this example:
1. OBEYFILE calls TTLSON in the SYS1.TCPPARMS partitioned data set:
2. On the MVS console, issue this command:
disable TTLS, perform the following actions:
1. OBEYFILE calls TTLSOFF in the SYS1.TCPPARMS partitioned data set:
2. On the MVS console, issue this command:
14 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
This step is optional for Db2 because Db2 does not process any TCP/IP connections until the
TCP/IP stack is initialized. By then, all applicable AT-TLS policies are loaded into the TCP/IP
For more information about using EZB.INITSTACK profiles, see “TCP/IP stack initialization
access control” in the z/OS V2R4 Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide,
SC27-3650, which includes advice about the minimum set of applications that typically are
given access.
AT-TLS configuration is complete. We can now start and stop the PAGENT started task and
issue the commands to refresh policies in the PAGENT.
Starting and stopping PAGENT from the z/OS console
Use the MVS START command to start the PAGENT as a started task, for example:
To shut down PAGENT (normally), use the MVS STOP command, as shown in this example:
If the PURGE option is specified in the policy configuration files, PAGENT deletes all policies
from the TCP/IP stack when PAGENT shuts down.
Defining the AT-TLS policy rules
An AT-TLS policy configuration file contains AT-TLS rules that identify specific types of TCP
connections, along with the type of TLS/SSL protection to be applied to those connections. If
a matching rule is found, AT-TLS invokes System SSL to protect the connection that uses the
security attributes that are specified in the actions that are associated with the rule.
An AT-TLS policy is matched (referred to as
policy mapping) to a TCP connection the first
time one of the following socket API calls occurs in a z/OS TCP application:
򐂰 An outbound connect() for a TCP socket.
򐂰 A select() to see whether a socket is readable or writable.
򐂰 A poll() to see whether a socket is readable or writable.
򐂰 Any call that sends or receives data over a socket.
򐂰 An SIOCTTLSCTL input/output control (IOCTL) invocation in the case of AT-TLS-aware and
AT-TLS-controlling applications.
An AT-TLS rule is defined with the TTLSRule statement, which specifies a set of conditions that
are compared against the TCP connection attributes. Various attributes are considered in
TTLSRule conditions, including:
LocalAddr Local IP address or addresses.
RemoteAddr Remote IP address or addresses.
LocalPortRange Local port or ports.
RemotePortRange Remote port or ports.
Jobname Job name of the owning application or wildcard job name.
Userid UID of the owning process or wildcard UID.
Direction Inbound if applied to a passive socket (established by accept),
outbound if applied to an active socket (established by connect), or
The TTLSRule statement requires, at a minimum, the Direction condition and one other
condition from the previous list. These considerations apply to rules:
򐂰 If a condition is not specified, that condition is not considered when comparing the rule
and the connection for a match.
򐂰 Multiple values can be specified for the IP address and port conditions, either directly in
the condition or as a referenced group.
򐂰 IPv6 addresses are fully supported.
When creating TTLSRules, you should avoid defining rules of the same kind that overlap.
Example 10 shows two overlapping rules.
Example 10 Example of overlapping rules
{ {
LocalAddr LocalAddr
RemoteAddr RemoteAddr
LocalPortRange 11000 LocalPortRange 11000
RemotePortRange 15000 16000 RemotePortRange 15500 16500
... ...
} }
Although both rules are identical in terms of IP addresses and local ports, they define
different remote port ranges that overlap with each other. Avoid such overlaps unless they are
used to distinguish between policy statements for Db2 for z/OS acting as a client versus Db2
for z/OS acting as a server. When overlapping rules are necessary, you should specify a
Priority value on each of the overlapping rules to tell AT-TLS the order in which to evaluate
those rules relative to each other.
Priority values are integers 1 - 2,000,000,000, with 2,000,000,000 being the highest priority.
When assigning priorities, skip several values between rules to allow for future rule insertion
between existing rules.
Tip: If a connection can map to more than one rule, always use a priority, and leave priority
space between rules.
16 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
When a rule match is found, policy lookup stops, and the connection is assigned the actions
that are associated with the rule. A TTLSRule can reference up to three actions, where each
action represents a scope of control.
Table 2 describes these AT-TLS actions.
Table 2 AT-TLS actions
For more information about these AT-TLS actions, see z/OS V2R4 Communications Server:
IP Configuration Guide, SC27-3650.
Peer authentication models
The TLS and SSL protocols support two models of peer authentication during the handshake
phase, and AT-TLS and Db2 provide a couple of extra measures that build on one of those
The most basic model is called
server authentication. In this model, The TLS/SSL server
sends its X.509 certificate to the client so that the client can verify the server’s identity. So
when Db2 for z/OS is acting as a server, it sends its certificate to the client that is attempting
to connect to Db2.
Server authentication is appropriate in situations where the client must ensure that it is
communicating with the correct server but the server is willing to serve any client. Server
authentication is configured in the AT-TLS policy by coding HandshakeRole Server in the
TTLSEnvironmentAction statement.
In cases where proof of the client’s identity is also important, TLS/SSL supports
(sometimes called mutual authentication), which builds on server
authentication. With client authentication, after the server proves its identity to the client, the
client responds by sending its own X.509 certificate to the server so that the server can verify
the client’s identity.
Action reference Action statement Description
TTLSGroupActionRef N/A This statement is required, and it must specify
TTLSEnabled ON or TTLSEnabled OFF.
If TTLSEnabled OFF is specified, no additional action
references and statements are required.
If TTLSEnabled ON is specified, the AT-TLS environment
action is required, and the AT-TLS connection action is
TTLSEnvironmentActionRef N/A This statement is required only if the AT-TLS group
action specifies TTLSEnabled ON. If specified, this
statement requires a key ring name (either RACF or
gskkyman format), and the HandshakeRole (either Client,
Server or ServerWithClientAuth). Optionally, the
AT-TLS connection action can be specified if a subset of
connections must have separate parameters.
TTLSConnectionActionRef TTLSConnectionAction This statement is optional. It overrides
TTLSEnvironmentAction settings for specific
Client authentication is optional, and it is appropriate in situations where the server must
ensure the identity of the clients that it serves. Client authentication is configured in the
AT-TLS policy by coding HandshakeRole ServerWithClientAuth on the
TTLSEnvironmentAction statement. When client authentication is used, AT-TLS supports
several variations regarding the actual level of client authentication through the
ClientAuthType parameter of the TTLSEnvironmentAdvancedParms policy statement.
The most commonly used ClientAuthType values are:
Required This is the default ClientAuthType value. It requires the client to supply
its digital certificate during the TLS handshake. If no client certificate is
supplied, the handshake fails. If the certificate is supplied, the
handshake succeeds if System SSL successfully authenticates the
To successfully authenticate the client certificate, the server’s key ring
must contain a trusted signing certificate that can be used to verify the
client certificate’s authenticity. We describe different certificate
configurations in more detail later.
SAFCheck Adds z/OS -specific checking to the ClientAuthType Required
behavior. After System SSL successfully authenticates the client
certificate, AT-TLS queries RACF to ensure that the client certificate is
associated with a valid z/OS UID in RACF before allowing a secure
connection to be established.
If the certificate is associated with a z/OS UID, the connection is
enabled. If not, the connection is rejected.
When ClientAuthType SAFCheck is specified for IBM Db2 Distributed Relational Database
Architecture (IBM DRDA) connections, Db2 can add more authentication measures. After the
TLS/SSL handshake and the additional AT-TLS SAFCheck authentication succeed, a DRDA
handshake flows over the secured connection. This DRDA handshake might or might not
contain user credentials. In some cases, depending on the credentials sent (or not sent)
during the DRDA handshake, Db2 might query AT-TLS for the z/OS UID that is associated
with the client certificate.
The returned z/OS UID is checked to ensure that it has permission to access the relevant
d2sn.DIST resource in the RACF DSRN resource class (where d2sn is the Db2 subsystem
name to which the client is connecting). If the z/OS UID does not have permission to access
the resource, the DRDA connection is dropped. This Db2 feature, called
client certificate
, enables you to restrict remote client access to the Db2 subsystem based on
the client certificate mapping.
For more information about Db2 client authentication logic, see “Processing client access by
using digital certificates at a Db2 for z/OS server” on page 63.
18 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
Table 3 summarizes the Db2 client authentication options available with AT-TLS when the
policy covering the DRDA connection specifies HandshakeRole ServerWithClientAuth.
Table 3 Client authentication types for Db2 DRDA connections
Coding the AT-TLS policy rules for TLS/SSL server authentication
Because it is common for a single z/OS system to support multiple Db2 for z/OS subsystems,
we illustrate the AT-TLS configuration and associated digital certificate configuration by using
a scenario that supports two similar Db2 for z/OS subsystems: One is named DB2A, and the
other is named DB2B. The policies are built by using a method that makes it easy to add Db2
for z/OS subsystems.
Each Db2 for z/OS subsystem is assumed to run under its own dedicated z/OS UID. Your
environment might be simpler (a single Db2 subsystem) or more complex (multiple
subsystems, or scenarios where a subsystem must act as both a server and a client), but you
can use the same approach regardless of the number of Db2 for z/OS subsystems.
Example 11 shows a simple AT-TLS policy that protects connections to our DB2A and DB2B
subsystems by using TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3, strong cipher suites, and strong signature
Example 11 Simple AT-TLS policy for two similar Db2 for z/OS servers to support TLS/SSL
TTLSRule DB2ASecureServer
LocalPortRange 4801
Direction Inbound
Priority 1
DSRN class is
active and the
profile is
Certificate validation Notes
Passthru Optional N/A None. Not recommended.
Full Optional N/A If a client certificate is provided, it is
validated against the server’s key
ring. If not, the connection is
Not recommended for
Required Required N/A The certificate is validated against
the server’s key ring.
The default, which is
advisable when extra
z/OS UID-based
access controls are
not required.
SAFCheck Required Required The certificate is validated against
the server’s key ring and must be
associated with a UID in the security
product. In addition, Db2 adds client
certificate authentication in certain
cases depending on the user
credentials that are specified in the
DRDA handshake.
This level is the
strongest level of
authentication. For
more information, see
“Processing client
access by using digital
certificates at a Db2 for
z/OS server” on
page 63.
TTLSGroupActionRef DB2@GrpAct
TTLSEnvironmentActionRef DB2@SecureServerEnvAct
TTLSRule DB2BSecureServer
LocalPortRange 4802
Direction Inbound
Priority 1
TTLSGroupActionRef DB2@GrpAct
TTLSEnvironmentActionRef DB2@SecureServerEnvAct
TTLSGroupAction DB2@GrpAct
TTLSEnabled On
FIPS140 Off
Trace 15
TTLSEnvironmentAction DB2@SecureServerEnvAct
HandShakeRole Server
TTLSKeyRingParmsRef DB2@KeyRing
TTLSEnvironmentAdvancedParmsRef DB2@EnvAdvParms
TTLSCipherParmsRef DB2@CipherParms
TTLSSignatureParmsRef DB2@SigParms
TTLSKeyRingParms DB2@KeyRing
TTLSEnvironmentAdvancedParms DB2@EnvAdvParms
TLSv1.3 On
TLSv1.2 On
TLSv1.1 Off
TLSv1 Off
SSLv3 Off
SSLv2 Off
TTLSCipherParms DB2@CipherParms
# TLSv1.2: ECDSA or RSA peer auth with ephemeral DH, AES-GCM, and SHA-2
V3CipherSuites TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
V3CipherSuites TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
# TLSv1.3: Ephemeral DH, AES-GCM, or ChaCha-Poly1305 and SHA-2
V3CipherSuites TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
V3CipherSuites TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
V3CipherSuites TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
TTLSSignatureParms DB2@SigParms
20 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
# Allow digital signatures with hashes of 256 bits or more
The two TTLSRule statements define the rules that protect the Distributed Data Facility (DDF)
traffic. Each rule specifies three conditions that are matched against new TCP connections:
1. The connection is initiated by a remote peer to z/OS (it is an inbound connection).
2. The connection arrives on the respective local port (4801 and 4802).
3. The ports are owned by the Db2 DDF address spaces. DB2ADIST owns 4801 and
DB2BDIST owns 4802.
Each of these rules reference (and share) a common set of extra policy statements, which we
describe here.
The TTLSGroupActionRef parameter refers to the TTLSGroupAction statement that is named
DB2@SecureGrpAct, which is shared by both TTLSRule statements. This statement provides a
System SSL instance, enables AT-TLS protection for the specified TCP traffic, and specifies a
trace level of 15. This trace level enables the tracing of instances when a connection is
mapped to an AT-TLS rule, when a secure connection is successfully initiated, and for major
AT-TLS events.
Because TTLSEnabled ON is specified in the DB2@SecureGrpAct statement, a
TTLSEnvironmentAction statement, DB2@SecureServerEnvAct, is also required. The
environment action statement specifies HandshakeRole of Server, which implies that z/OS
acts as the server during the TLS/SSL handshake, and that the server authentication model
of peer authentication is used.
The TTLSEnvironmentAction statement also includes a reference to a TTLSKeyringParms
statement that defines a RACF key ring name, DB2@KEYRING (key ring definitions are
described in “Creating and configuring digital certificates” on page 31). Each Db2 for z/OS
DDF address space requires its own key ring, which is qualified by its UID. Because the
AT-TLS policy lists only the key ring name without a qualifying UID, it can be used by multiple
Db2 for z/OS subsystems. The only requirement is that a key ring of the same name must be
created for each Db2 for z/OS subsystem’s UID. As such, DB2A uses DB2AUSER/DB2@KEYRING
and DB2B uses DB2BUSER/DB2@KEYRING at run time.
Tip: TLSv1.3 and the RSA Signature Scheme with Appendix - Probabilistic Signature
Scheme (RSASSA-PSS) signature algorithm are supported beginning with z/OS V2R4. If
you are working with a z/OS version earlier than V2R4, you must remove the following
specifications from the example:
򐂰 The TLSv1.3 protocol specification from the TTLSEnvironmentAdvancedParms statement.
򐂰 The TLSv1.3 cipher suites from the TTLSCipherParms statement.
򐂰 All signature pairs containing the RSASSA-PSS algorithm from the
TTLSSignatureParms statement.
The TTLSEnvironmentAction also refers to the TTLSEnvironmentAdvancedParms statement that
lists which TLS protocol versions are acceptable. In this case, we allow only TLSv1.2 and
TLSv1.3 because the older protocol versions have weaknesses. At the time of writing,
TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 are generally accepted as providing strong TLS security, and all the
client implementations that are described in this paper support at least TLSv1.2. However, if
you are working with older Db2 client software, you might need to modify this list to match the
capabilities of your communications partners. For a TLS/SSL handshake to succeed, the
server and client must support at least one TLS protocol version in common, so you might
need to customize your server’s list of supported TLS protocols to include one that your client
TTLSEnvironmentAction also refers to the TTLSCipherParms statement that lists the cipher
suites that are allowed. In this case, we allow only cipher suites that use strong algorithms (at
the time of writing) for peer authentication, key exchange, symmetric encryption, and
message authentication. The TTLSCipherParms statement specifies the list of acceptable
TLS/SSL cipher suites in order of preference (top to bottom, most preferred to least).
If you do not specify a TTLSCipherParms statement, AT-TLS uses System SSL’s default cipher
list. In most cases (when z/OS Cryptographic Services Security Level 3 feature is installed),
that list contains the following ciphers in the order that is shown:
There are a few important points to note here:
򐂰 This default list does not contain the strongest suites that are available (the ones that are
using ephemeral elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman, Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES)-GCM, and SHA2-based message authentication), so we advise specifying a
TTLSCipherParms statement that enforces a minimum cryptographic strength that meets
your company’s security policies.
򐂰 If you must comply with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Special Publication SP800-131a, you must code a TTLSCipherParms statement that
includes only compliant cipher suites (the one that is shown in Example 11 on page 18
complies with NIST SP800-131a, with preference given to the strongest suites).
򐂰 If you must comply with NIST Special Publication SP800-52 as part of compliance with
Federal Information Processing Standards Security Requirements for Cryptographic
Modules (FIPS 140-2), you must change TTLSGroupAction from FIPS140 Off to FIPS140
On. This change ensures that Db2 for z/OS use only cipher suites that comply with
FIPS140-2 requirements.
Another reason that you might need to specify the list of cipher suites is to match the
capabilities of your communications partners. For a TLS/SSL handshake to succeed, the
server and client must support at least one cipher suite in common, so you might need to
customize your server’s cipher suite list to include a cipher that your client supports.
TTLSEnvironmentAction also refers to the TTLSSignatureParms statement that lists which
pairs of digital signature algorithms are acceptable. TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 both use this list to
determine whether the digital signatures that are used to sign the server, client (in the case of
client authentication), and certificate authority (CA) certificates that are used for peer
authentication are acceptable. TLSv1.3 also uses these pairs to determine how to sign some
of the TLS handshake messages.
22 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
In our case, we allow only signatures that use Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
(ECDSA), RSASSA-PSS, and Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) signatures with at least 256-bit
hashes, which conform with generally accepted practices at the time of writing. However, if
you are working with Db2, whose digital certificates were signed with shorter hashes or the
DSA algorithm, you might need to modify this list to match the capabilities of your
communications partners.
There are a few other AT-TLS policy statements that you should be aware of that we do not
expand upon in this document:
This action is optional and needed only when a subset of connections
in an AT-TLS environment requires different parameters.
TTLSConnectionAction serves the same purpose as
TTLSEnvironmentAction, but for a specific connection. When a
TTLSConnectionAction statement is associated with TTLSRule, its
settings override the setting in the TTLSEnvironmentAction statement.
This statement is also optional. TTLSConnectionAdvancedParms serves
the same purpose as the TTLSEnvironmentAdvancedParms statement,
but for a specific connection. If one of these statements is associated
with TTLSConnectionAction, its settings override the setting in the
associated TTLSEnvironmentAdvancedParms statement.
Specifies advanced attributes that are specific to System SSL. The
TTLSGskAdvancedParms statement can be contained in or referenced by
TTLSEnvironmentAction statements.
TTLSGskOcspParms, TTLSGskHttpCdpParms, and TTLSGskLdapParms
Specifies parameters that are related to the different certificate
revocation mechanisms that are supported by System SSL. These
statements can be contained in or referenced by
TTLSEnvironmentAction statements.
For more information about AT-TLS policy configuration, see Chapter 20, “Application
Transparent Transport Layer Security data protection”, in z/OS V2R4 Communications
Server: IP Configuration Guide, SC27-3650.
For the detailed syntax of each AT-TLS policy statement, see Chapter 16, “Policy Agent and
policy applications”, in z/OS V2R4 Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference,
Coding the AT-TLS policy rules for TLS/SSL client authentication
If you must verify the identity of each client that connects to Db2, use TLS/SSL client
authentication. To do this task, specify the HandshakeRole ServerWithClientAuth parameter
for the TTLSEnvironmentAction statement in the AT-TLS policy, as shown in Example 12.
Example 12 AT-TLS server policy for TLS/SSL client authentication
TTLSEnvironmentAction DB2@SecureServerEnvAct
HandShakeRole ServerWithClientAuth
TTLSKeyRingParmsRef DB2@KeyRing
TTLSEnvironmentAdvancedParms DB2@EnvAdvParms
TTLSCipherParmsRef DB2@CipherParms
TTLSSignatureParmsRef DB2@SigParms
TTLSEnvironmentAdvancedParms DB2@EnvAdvParms
ClientAuthType SAFCheck
TLSv1.3 On
TLSv1.2 On
TLSv1.1 Off
TLSv1 Off
SSLv3 Off
SSLv2 Off
Example 12 on page 22 specifies the HandshakeRole of ServerWithClientAuth, and adds a
parameter to the TTLSEnvironmentAdvancedParms statement to specify a client authentication
type (ClientAuthType) of SAFCheck. This level of client authentication requires the client
certificate identity to be associated with a z/OS UID in RACF (see “Registering a client
certificate with RACF (optional)” on page 40).
Additionally, depending on how your Db2 subsystem obtains the client user credentials, this
UID might also need to be given permission to access the relevant d2sn.DIST resource in
RACF, as described in “Peer authentication models” on page 16.
Refreshing policies
After you define the AT-TLS rules, if PAGENT is started, you must update or refresh the
PAGENT before the AT-TLS rules take effect. The MVS MODIFY command is used to refresh or
update the PAGENT. These commands use the following syntax:
F PAGENT,UPDATE The UPDATE command causes the PAGENT to reread and process the
policy files. With UPDATE, PAGENT installs or removes from the stack
any new, changed, or deleted policies (any unchanged policies are
unaffected). Therefore, we advise that you use this command in most
F PAGENT,REFRESH The REFRESH command causes the PAGENT to reread and process the
policy files. If the FLUSH parameter was specified on the TcpImage
configuration statement, the REFRESH command triggers FLUSH
Because FLUSH deletes and reinstalls all policies, you should use this
command only if you suspect that policies have somehow become out
of sync between the TCP/IP stack and the PAGENT. One
consequence of triggering FLUSH processing is that policy statistics
that are collected in the TCP/IP stack are reset.
24 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
Verifying policies
Use the z/OS UNIX pasearch command to query information from the PAGENT. The
command can be issued from the UNIX Systems Services shell or from the Time Sharing
Option Extensions (TSO/E) oshell command. The pasearch output in Example 13 was
produced by issuing the TSO/E oshell command to run the pasearch command specifying
the -t option to display all AT-TLS policy entries:
oshell pasearch -t
Example 13 Displaying AT-TLS policies by using the pasearch -t command
TCP/IP pasearch CS V2R4 Image Name: TCPCS
Date: 06/23/2021 Time: 13:56:36
TTLS Instance ID: 1624470892
policyRule: DB2ASecureServer
Rule Type: TTLS
Version: 3 Status: Active
Weight: 1 ForLoadDist: False
Priority: 1 Sequence Actions: Don't Care
No. Policy Action: 2
policyAction: DB2@GrpAct
ActionType: TTLS Group
Action Sequence: 0
policyAction: DB2@SecureServerEnvAct
ActionType: TTLS Environment
Action Sequence: 0
Time Periods:
Day of Month Mask:
First to Last: 1111111111111111111111111111111
Last to First: 1111111111111111111111111111111
Month of Yr Mask: 111111111111
Day of Week Mask: 1111111 (Sunday - Saturday)
Start Date Time: None
End Date Time: None
Fr TimeOfDay: 00:00 To TimeOfDay: 24:00
Fr TimeOfDay UTC: 04:00 To TimeOfDay UTC: 04:00
TimeZone: Local
TTLS Condition Summary: NegativeIndicator: Off
Local Address:
FromAddr: All
ToAddr: All
Remote Address:
FromAddr: All
ToAddr: All
LocalPortFrom: 4801 LocalPortTo: 4801
RemotePortFrom: 0 RemotePortTo: 0
JobName: DB2ADIST UserId:
ServiceDirection: Inbound
Policy created: Wed Jun 23 13:54:52 2021
Policy updated: Wed Jun 23 13:54:52 2021
TTLS Action: DB2@GrpAct
Version: 3
Status: Active
Scope: Group
TTLSEnabled: On
CtraceClearText: Off
Trace: 15
FIPS140: Off
SecondaryMap: Off
SyslogFacility: Daemon
Policy created: Wed Jun 23 13:54:52 2021
Policy updated: Wed Jun 23 13:54:52 2021
TTLS Action: DB2@SecureServerEnvAct
Version: 3
Status: Active
Scope: Environment
HandshakeRole: Server
SuiteBProfile: Off
Keyring: DB2@KEYRING
SSLv2: Off
SSLv3: Off
TLSv1: Off
TLSv1.1: Off
TLSv1.2: On
TLSv1.3: On
MiddleBoxCompatMode: Off
ApplicationControlled: Off
HandshakeTimeout: 10
ClientAuthType: Required
ResetCipherTimer: 0
TruncatedHMAC: Off
CertValidationMode: Any
ServerMaxSSLFragment: Off
ClientMaxSSLFragment: Off
ServerHandshakeSNI: Off
ClientHandshakeSNI: Off
Renegotiation: Default
RenegotiationIndicator: Optional
RenegotiationCertCheck: Off
3DesKeyCheck: Off
ClientEDHGroupSize: Legacy
ServerEDHGroupSize: Legacy
PeerMinCertVersion: Any
PeerMinDHKeySize: 1024
PeerMinDsaKeySize: 1024
PeerMinECCKeySize: 192
PeerMinRsaKeySize: 1024
ServerScsv: Off
0021 secp224r1
0023 secp256r1
0024 secp384r1
0025 secp521r1
0019 secp192r1
0029 X25519
0023 secp256r1
0023 secp256r1
0024 secp384r1
0025 secp521r1
0029 X25519
0030 X448
26 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
1302 TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
1301 TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
1303 TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
HttpCdpEnable: Off
HttpCdpProxyServerPort: 80
HttpCdpResponseTimeout: 15
HttpCdpMaxResponseSize: 204800
HttpCdpCacheSize: 32
HttpCdpCacheEntryMaxsize: 0
OcspAiaEnable: Off
OcspProxyServerPort: 80
OcspRetrieveViaGet: Off
OcspUrlPriority: On
OcspClientCacheSize: 256
OcspCliCacheEntryMaxsize: 0
OcspNonceGenEnable: Off
OcspNonceCheckEnable: Off
OcspNonceSize: 8
OcspResponseTimeout: 15
OcspMaxResponseSize: 20480
OcspServerStapling: Off
Policy created: Wed Jun 23 13:54:52 2021
Policy updated: Wed Jun 23 13:54:52 2021
policyRule: DB2BSecureServer
Rule Type: TTLS
Version: 3 Status: Active
Weight: 1 ForLoadDist: False
Priority: 1 Sequence Actions: Don't Care
No. Policy Action: 2
policyAction: DB2@GrpAct
ActionType: TTLS Group
Action Sequence: 0
policyAction: DB2@SecureServerEnvAct
ActionType: TTLS Environment
Action Sequence: 0
Time Periods:
Day of Month Mask:
First to Last: 1111111111111111111111111111111
Last to First: 1111111111111111111111111111111
Month of Yr Mask: 111111111111
Day of Week Mask: 1111111 (Sunday - Saturday)
Start Date Time: None
End Date Time: None
Fr TimeOfDay: 00:00 To TimeOfDay: 24:00
Fr TimeOfDay UTC: 04:00 To TimeOfDay UTC: 04:00
TimeZone: Local
TTLS Condition Summary: NegativeIndicator: Off
Local Address:
FromAddr: All
ToAddr: All
Remote Address:
FromAddr: All
ToAddr: All
LocalPortFrom: 4802 LocalPortTo: 4802
RemotePortFrom: 0 RemotePortTo: 0
JobName: DB2BDIST UserId:
ServiceDirection: Inbound
Policy created: Wed Jun 23 13:54:52 2021
Policy updated: Wed Jun 23 13:54:52 2021
TTLS Action: DB2@GrpAct
Version: 3
Status: Active
Scope: Group
TTLSEnabled: On
CtraceClearText: Off
Trace: 15
FIPS140: Off
SecondaryMap: Off
SyslogFacility: Daemon
Policy created: Wed Jun 23 13:54:52 2021
Policy updated: Wed Jun 23 13:54:52 2021
TTLS Action: DB2@SecureServerEnvAct
Version: 3
Status: Active
Scope: Environment
HandshakeRole: Server
SuiteBProfile: Off
Keyring: DB2@KEYRING
SSLv2: Off
SSLv3: Off
TLSv1: Off
TLSv1.1: Off
28 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
TLSv1.2: On
TLSv1.3: On
MiddleBoxCompatMode: Off
ApplicationControlled: Off
HandshakeTimeout: 10
ClientAuthType: Required
ResetCipherTimer: 0
TruncatedHMAC: Off
CertValidationMode: Any
ServerMaxSSLFragment: Off
ClientMaxSSLFragment: Off
ServerHandshakeSNI: Off
ClientHandshakeSNI: Off
Renegotiation: Default
RenegotiationIndicator: Optional
RenegotiationCertCheck: Off
3DesKeyCheck: Off
ClientEDHGroupSize: Legacy
ServerEDHGroupSize: Legacy
PeerMinCertVersion: Any
PeerMinDHKeySize: 1024
PeerMinDsaKeySize: 1024
PeerMinECCKeySize: 192
PeerMinRsaKeySize: 1024
ServerScsv: Off
0021 secp224r1
0023 secp256r1
0024 secp384r1
0025 secp521r1
0019 secp192r1
0029 X25519
0023 secp256r1
0023 secp256r1
0024 secp384r1
0025 secp521r1
0029 X25519
0030 X448
1302 TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
1301 TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
1303 TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
HttpCdpEnable: Off
HttpCdpProxyServerPort: 80
HttpCdpResponseTimeout: 15
HttpCdpMaxResponseSize: 204800
HttpCdpCacheSize: 32
HttpCdpCacheEntryMaxsize: 0
OcspAiaEnable: Off
OcspProxyServerPort: 80
OcspRetrieveViaGet: Off
OcspUrlPriority: On
OcspClientCacheSize: 256
OcspCliCacheEntryMaxsize: 0
OcspNonceGenEnable: Off
OcspNonceCheckEnable: Off
OcspNonceSize: 8
OcspResponseTimeout: 15
OcspMaxResponseSize: 20480
OcspServerStapling: Off
Policy created: Wed Jun 23 13:54:52 2021
Policy updated: Wed Jun 23 13:54:52 2021
Diagnosing AT-TLS problems
There are several useful tools for diagnosing AT-TLS problems. For a description of common
AT-TLS start-up errors, debugging steps and tools, and descriptions of AT-TLS return codes,
see Chapter 27, “Diagnosing Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS)”, in
z/OS V2R4 Communications Server IP Diagnosis Guide, GC27-3652. That document
explains how to diagnose TCP/IP problems and determine whether a specific problem is in
the z/OS Communications Server TCP/IP component. The document also explains how to
gather information for and describe problems to the IBM Software Support Center.
For your convenience, here is a summary of the tools that you can use to diagnose AT-TLS
problems in the order that you would usually use them:
򐂰 Commands:
–The pasearch command provides details about the AT-TLS policies that are installed.
–The TSO Netstat command and its z/OS UNIX counterpart netstat provide AT-TLS
information as it relates to specific TCP connections. The COnn/-c and TTLS/-x options
are especially useful for AT-TLS diagnosis.
For a complete description of these commands and their output, see z/OS V2R4
Communications Server IP System Administrator’s Commands, SC27-3661.
30 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
򐂰 Any errors that are detected by the policy agent when parsing the AT-TLS policy
statements are written to the PAGENT log, which can be either a z/OS UNIX file or
The specific PAGENT log destination is controlled by the PAGENT -L startup parameter.
Either SYSLOGD or a z/OS UNIX file can be specified. If SYSLOGD is specified, syslogd takes
the messages and writes them under the facility name daemon to a destination (typically a
z/OS UNIX file) that is specified in the /etc/syslog.conf file. The environment variable
PAGENT_LOG_FILE also specifies the destination of the log file by using the same format as
this option. The -L option overrides the PAGENT_LOG_FILE environment variable.
If the PAGENT log file destination is not specified by either the -L parameter or the
PAGENT_LOG_FILE environment variable, the default location is /tmp/pagent.log. For more
information about specifying the PAGENT log file destination, see “Starting Policy Agent
from the z/OS shell” in Chapter 16, “Policy Agent and policy applications”, in z/OS V2R4
Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference, SC27-3651.
򐂰 AT-TLS messages are written to syslogd under the facility name daemon. Syslogd takes
the messages and writes them to a destination (typically a z/OS UNIX file) that is specified
in the /etc/syslog.conf file.
AT-TLS messages begin with the prefix EZD. Most are in the range EZD1281I - EZD1290I.
Descriptions of the messages and suggested actions can be found in z/OS V2R4
Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 2 (EZB, EZD), SC27-3655.
AT-TLS error messages contain detailed return codes that are useful in isolating problems.
The following convention is used for AT-TLS return code values:
Return code values 1 - 5000 come directly from System SSL. These return codes,
including detailed descriptions and suggested actions, are described in Chapter 13,
“Messages and codes”, in z/OS V2R4 Cryptographic Services System Secure Sockets
Layer Programming, SC14-7495.
Return code values 5001 and higher are generated by AT-TLS code in the TCP/IP
stack. These return codes, including detailed descriptions and suggested actions, are
described in Chapter 27, “Diagnosing Application Transparent Transport Layer Security
(AT-TLS)”, in z/OS V2R4 Communications Server IP Diagnosis Guide, GC27-3652.
For more information about configuring syslogd, see the "Configuring the syslog daemon"
topic in Chapter 5, “TCP/IP Customization”, in z/OS V2R4 Communications Server: IP
Configuration Guide, SC27-3650.
򐂰 AT-TLS traces can be enabled through the AT-TLS policy Trace parameter of the
TTLSEnvironmentAction or TTLS ConnectionAction statements. AT-TLS trace records are
also written to syslogd under the facility name daemon. Depending on the level of tracing
that you choose, these trace records can provide many details of the internal AT-TLS
operation that can help you isolate errors.
򐂰 System SSL traces. In some cases, you might need to examine the details of System
SSL’s operation regarding a problem. To do this task, enable System SSL tracing. For
more information about setting up and using System SSL traces, see Chapter 12,
“Obtaining diagnostic information”, in z/OS V2R4 Cryptographic Services System Secure
Sockets Layer Programming, SC14-7495. When using AT-TLS,
you must enable System
SSL trace through the z/OS component trace facility
. AT-TLS does not support enabling
System SSL trace through environment variables.
Example 14 on page 31 shows a Db2 message that is often generated in the syslog when a
DRDA connection cannot be established because of an AT-TLS configuration error. In this
case, the error causes Db2 to fail while attempting to process a TLS/SSL message.
Example 14 Network policy issue
The following message is the corresponding client message that is generated in db2diaglog
on a non-Java client:
DIA3604E The SSL function "gsk_secure_soc_init" failed with the return code "410"
in "sqlccSSLSocketSetup".
For more information about the possible IBM Global Security Kit for SSL (IBM GSKit) return
codes, see the following website:
Creating and configuring digital certificates
There are numerous ways to create and manage digital certificates and their related key
pairs. On z/OS, these ways include the following options:
򐂰 z/OS Security Server RACF (and other SAF-compliant external security managers).
򐂰 The gskkyman tool that is included with System SSL.
򐂰 z/OS Cryptographic Services PKI Services.
The gskkyman tool and RACF are suited for smaller scale certificate deployments, and public
key infrastructure services (PKI Services) is a full-blown CA and management system that
can manage digital certificates on an enterprise level.
There are many facilities on other platforms from CLI tools to complete digital certificate
management systems (CMSs) that can be used too. When these tools are used, the
certificates and keys they generate must be imported onto z/OS by using either RACF or
If your company has an established PKI, the keys and certificates that you use for your secure
Db2 connections most likely come from that infrastructure. However, when you are
experimenting with the TLS/SSL protection of your Db2 connections, you probably want to
experiment with more localized tools. Likewise, if you do not have an established PKI, you
might choose to use a more localized facility to create and manage your certificates and keys.
In this paper, we use RACF exclusively to generate and manage certificates and keys in SAF
key rings on z/OS. We also show examples of a few different non- z/OS utilities that are
commonly used in some of the Db2 client environments.
For more information about gskkyman, see Chapter 10, “Certificate/Key management”, in z/OS
V2R4 Cryptographic Services System Secure Sockets Layer Programming, SC14-7495. For
more information about z/OS PKI Services, see z/OS V2R4 Cryptographic Services PKI
Services Guide and Reference, SA23-2286.
32 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
You can use RACF to perform the following tasks regarding X.509 digital certificates on z/OS:
򐂰 Create, register, store, and administer digital certificates and their associated private keys.
򐂰 Build certificate requests that can be sent to a CA for signing.
򐂰 Create and manage key rings of stored digital certificates.
Digital certificates and key rings are managed in RACF primarily by using the RACDCERT
command. In this section, we describe how to use the RACDCERT command to administer
digital certificates and key rings.
For a complete description of the RACDCERT command and all the functions that it supports,
see Chapter 5, “RACF command syntax”, in z/OS V2R4 Security Server RACF Command
Language Reference, SA23-2292.
The next sections describe the following topics:
򐂰 Setting up access controls for certificates and key rings
򐂰 Creating the keys, digital certificates, and key rings by using RACDCERT
򐂰 Registering a client certificate with RACF (optional)
򐂰 Creating and activating client certificate name filters
Setting up access controls for certificates and key rings
In “Coding the AT-TLS policy rules for TLS/SSL server authentication” on page 18, where we
defined the AT-TLS rules DB2ASecureServer and DB2BSecureServer, one of the conditions
that was specified was the JobName condition. The JobNames that were specified were
DB2ADIST and DB2BDIST (the started task job names of the respective Db2 DDF address
spaces), which indicates to AT-TLS that the rules apply only if a job with the specified name
owns the local socket for the TCP connection.
Because AT-TLS invokes System SSL under the UID of the application that owns the TCP
connection, we must grant sufficient authority to the Db2 started task UIDs to access their
own RACF key rings, certificates, and private keys.
In our example, the UID that is associated with the started task DB2ADIST is DB2AUSER,
and the UID that is associated with DB2BDIST is DB2BUSER.
We also assume that a separate administrative UID is used for creating and managing
certificates and key rings in RACF, which includes the certificates and keys that are owned by
to the two Db2 started task UIDs and the certificate authority (CERTAUTH) certificates.
For illustration purposes, we call this UID CERTMGR. In practice, the UID can be whatever UID
is appropriate in your environment.
All three of these UIDs require appropriate permissions to their own RACF certificate-related
Controlling Db2 access to key rings
There are two mechanisms for controlling an application's access to key rings at run time. The
preferred approach uses the RDATALIB class and the other approach uses the FACILITY
class. The RDATALIB approach is preferred because it provides granular authorization to a
specified key ring. In contrast, the FACILITY class allows global authorization to all key rings
and certificates. For more information, see z/OS V2R4 Security Server RACF Callable
Services, SA23-2293.
򐂰 Controlling access by using the RDATALIB class (recommended):
a. If they are not already defined, create the RDATALIB definitions that are required to
control access to the RACF key rings that belong to each of our Db2 instances by
issuing the following TSO commands:
b. To permit the Db2 instance UIDs to access the certificates and keys that are connected
to their respective key rings, issue the following TSO commands:
c. Refresh the RDATALIB class:
򐂰 Controlling access by using the FACILITY class:
a. If they are not already defined, create the definitions that are required to allow
certificates to be stored and accessed from the RACF database by issuing the
following TSO commands:
b. To permit the Db2 started task UIDs to access the required resources, issue the
following TSO commands:
c. Refresh the FACILITY class:
Controlling certificate administrator access to the RACDCERT command
The RACDCERT command is your primary administrative tool for managing digital certificates
and key rings in RACF. It is the command that the CERTMGR UID uses to perform its certificate
and key ring management tasks.
In our example, the authority to use the RACDCERT command is controlled through resources
that are defined in the FACILITY class. The RACDCERT command is used to manage resources
Tip: You do not have to activate the DIGTCERT and DIGTRING classes to use the
resources in these classes. However, performance is improved when you activate and
RACLIST these classes.
34 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
To control the use of the RACDCERT command, authority to the IRR.DIGTCERT.function
resource in the FACILITY class must be granted to a user unless the user has the SPECIAL
attribute. One of the following authorities must be granted to the user:
򐂰 READ access to the IRR.DIGTCERT.function to issue the RACDCERT command for
򐂰 UPDATE access to the IRR.DIGTCERT.function to issue the RACDCERT command for others
򐂰 CONTROL access to the IRR.DIGTCERT.function to issue the RACDCERT command for
SITE and CERTAUTH certificates (this authority also includes other uses)
In our scenario, the CERTMGR UID creates and manages the digital certificates, private keys,
and key rings that belong to the Db2 started task UIDs and any required CERTAUTH
certificates. CERTMGR must be authorized to use the RACDCERT command.
To define profiles and permit the CERTMGR UID to use the required RACDCERT commands,
complete the following steps:
1. If they are not already defined, define the following profiles to control access to the specific
RACDCERT commands that are needed by the CERTMGR UID by issuing the following TSO
2. Issue the following TSO commands to grant the required permission to the CERTMGR UID:
3. Refresh the FACILITY class:
4. If the RDATALIB class is being used to control access to the Db2 instance key rings, the
CERTMGR UID must also be permitted to access the RDATALIB profile for each of those key
Examples: Tying the certificate and key ring permissions together
Here are examples for setting up certificate and key ring permissions by using each of the
approaches that are described in “Setting up access controls for certificates and key rings” on
page 32:
򐂰 Controlling access by using the RDATALIB and FACILITY classes (recommended)
Example 16 on page 36 illustrates how to grant the appropriate authority to our three UIDs
by using the RDATALIB and FACILITY classes.
Example 15 Granting permission for RACF digital certificate resources by using the RDATALIB and
FACILITY classes
* Activate required SAF classes and define required resources
* Give Db2 for z/OS user IDs sufficient authority so System SSL can use RACF
cert APIs
* Give cert management user ID sufficient access to manage certificates and key
* on behalf of Db2 user IDs and for certificate authorities
* Activate all of the above changes
36 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
򐂰 Controlling access by using only the FACILITY class
Example 16 illustrates how to grant the appropriate authority to our three UIDs by using
only the FACILITY class.
Example 16 Granting permission to RACF digital certificate resources by using only the FACILITY
* Activate required SAF classes and define required resources
* Give Db2 for z/OS user IDs sufficient authority so System SSL can use RACF
cert APIs
* Give cert management user ID sufficient access to manage certificates and key
* on behalf of Db2 user IDs and for certificate authorities
* Activate all of the above changes
Creating the keys, digital certificates, and key rings by using
We are now ready to generate the necessary keys and digital certificates.
In this scenario, we use a local CA, which is the entity that is trusted by Db2 and the Db2
clients to ensure the identity of communication partners when new secure DRDA connections
are established. We use z/OS RACF to serve as that CA.
Tip: All the listed RACDCERT commands must be issued from the designated certificate
management UID (CERTMGR in our scenario). Those commands explicitly specify the
intended owner of those certificates and key rings.
To implement this scenario, we must generate the following public/private key pairs and X.509
1. A CA key pair and certificate. The CA private key is used to sign the Db2 for z/OS
subsystems’ certificates, and the CA certificate contains the CA’s public key so that the
Db2 clients can verify the Db2 for z/OS subsystems’ certificates.
2. Next, we generate a public/private key pair and certificate to identify each Db2 for z/OS
subsystem to its clients. Under the direction of AT-TLS, System SSL sends this certificate
(considered the server certificate) to the Db2 client during the TLS handshake. This
certificate is signed by using the CA's private key, and includes the Db2 for z/OS
subsystem’s public key.
All the key pairs will use 2048 RSA keys and the certificates will be signed using RSA with
SHA-256 signatures. For more information on key sizes and associated signature hash
sizes, see the RACDCERT GENCERT (Generate certificate) command reference.
System SSL uses the Db2 private key to sign TLS handshake messages that are sent by
the client to Db2 for z/OS. The Db2 clients use the server’s public key (obtained from
server certificate) to verify those signatures.
Figure 4 illustrates the required private key and certificate configuration for this scenario,
assuming that TLS/SSL server authentication is used. The red arrow illustrates that the
server sends its personal certificate to the client during the TLS/SSL handshake. For DB2B,
we would replicate this picture by using DB2B’s own key ring, private key, and certificate, but
with the same CA certificate because the same CA signed all the Db2 for z/OS personal
Figure 4 Private key and certificate configuration for CA-signed server certificate
38 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
To generate a CA key pair and certificate in RACF, use the RACDCERT command that is shown
in Example 17. The CA certificates are not associated with any UID, so the CERTAUTH keyword
is specified instead of ID(userid).
Example 17 Generating a CA key pair and certificate
RSA SIZE(2048) -
O('IBM') -
L('SVL') -
SP('CA') -
C('US')) -
NOTAFTER(DATE(2031-12-31)) -
To generate a key pair and certificate for each Db2 for z/OS subsystem (called
in RACF terms) that are signed by the CA private key that we created, use the
RACDCERT command that is shown in Example 18. Each key pair and certificate is owned by
the UIDs of the Db2 subsystems, allowing the Db2 subsystem and AT-TLS and System SSL
acting on the subsystem’s behalf to access the keys and certificate.
To support multiple Db2 subsystems with a streamlined AT-TLS policy, the same key ring
name is used by each Db2 for z/OS subsystem, and each one is owned by the UID that is
associated with the DB2xDIST address space. The RACF label and common name (CN) for
the certificate can include the Db2 for z/OS subsystem identifiers to more clearly link each
certificate to a specific Db2 subsystem. We also set a reasonable certificate expiration date,
which must be tracked carefully by the certificate administrator so that the certificate can be
renewed before the certificate expires.
Example 18 Generating key pairs and personal certificates for the Db2 server for z/OS subsystems
RSA SIZE(2048) -
OU('UTEC224') -
O('SVL224') -
C('US')) -
NOTAFTER(DATE(2022-12-31)) -
RSA SIZE(2048) -
OU('UTEC224') -
O('SVL224') -
C('US')) -
NOTAFTER(DATE(2022-12-31)) -
Now that we have generated the CA and Db2 subsystem keys and certificates, we must
create key rings to hold the digital certificates and the subsystem private keys where the
DB2ADIST and DB2BDIST started tasks can access them. The name of the key rings must
match the value of the Keyring parameter that was specified in the TTLSKeyRingParms
statement within AT-TLS policy.
Additionally, each key ring must belong to the UID under which the respective DB2xDIST
address space will run. Finally, we identify each Db2 server certificate as the default
certificate for its respective key ring so it is selected by default during TLS handshakes.
Example 19 lists the RACDCERT commands to create the DB2@KEYRING key rings and connect
the required digital certificates and private keys.
Example 19 Creating the key rings and connecting the digital certificates and private keys
LABEL('DB2A Cert') -
LABEL('DB2B Cert') -
Now that the keys and certificates are created and available to the DB2xDIST started tasks,
the final step is to export the CA certificate (not the server certificates) into an MVS data set
so that it can be shared with the appropriate Db2 clients. Each client must add or import a
copy of this CA certificate to their key ring or keystore or truststore so it can be used to verify
the Db2 server certificate during the TLS/SSL handshake.
RACF supports various export formats, including Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER), DER
encoding with additional Base 64 encoding, Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #12,
and PKCS#7. Example 20 shows the RACDCERT command to export the CA certificate by using
the default format of Base64-encoded DER.
Example 20 Exporting the CA certificate
Important: The key ring name and the label names are case-sensitive.
Important: The export format that you use determines whether the exported certificate
must be transported to the client as binary or text data. Formats that use Base64 encoding
should be transported as text data, and formats that are DER encoded should be
transported as binary data. The default Base64-encoded DER takes the binary DER
encoded data and then encodes it by using Base64, so it should be transported as text
40 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
Now, the AT-TLS and certificate configuration that is required for TLS/SSL server
authentication is complete. If you plan to use client authentication, then continue reading. If
not, then you can skip to “Configuring a secure port for the Db2 for z/OS server” on page 43.
Registering a client certificate with RACF (optional)
If TLS/SSL client authentication is configured (HandshakeRole is ServerWithClientAuth), the
server must have a certificate on its key ring that can be used to verify the signature of the
client certificate during the TLS/SSL handshake.
If the client’s certificate is signed by a different CA than the one that signed the server
certificate, you must import that CA’s certificate into RACF and then add it to the server’s key
ring. If the same CA is used to sign both the server and client certificate, no additional
configuration is required because the server already has that CA certificate on its key ring.
Because you already saw an example of configuring a certificate that was signed by a CA, we
use the client certificate to illustrate another widely used concept:
self-signed certificates. For
brevity's sake, we illustrate these certificates only for the DB2A server, but the same
approach can be used for DB2B or any other Db2 for z/OS subsystems that you defined in
your environment.
When you are first learning about certificates or when you are first trying out certificate-based
authentication in a test environment, you might want to configure TLS/SSL sessions without
involving a CA. In these situations, you can use self-signed certificates. A
is signed by the private key that is associated with that certificate’s public key.
Essentially, the communications partner is vouching for its own identity without any third-party
trust. Self-signed certificates are not recommended for production environments or test
environment in which the two communicating partners do not belong to the same business
entity. However, due to their usefulness in testing, the illustrated configuration shows the Db2
for z/OS subsystem establishing secure DRDA sessions with a client that uses a self-signed
Figure 5 on page 41 illustrates our previous certificate configuration with a self-signed client
certificate added.
Figure 5 Adding a self-signed client certificate to our configuration
During the TLS handshake and after the client verified the server's certificate, the client sends
its own certificate to the Db2 server to identify itself. Usually, the server would use the client’s
CA certificate to validate the client certificate, which ensures the client’s identity.
Because the client signed its certificate with its own private key in this case, the client’s
personal certificate serves as the signing certificate. Therefore, a copy of the client certificate
is added to the server’s key ring as a trusted CERTAUTH certificate before any TLS
handshakes are attempted.
Example 21 illustrates the RACDCERT ADD command that adds a copy of the client’s self-signed
certificate to the RACF database. Assuming that the client certificate was uploaded to z/OS
into a data set that is named USRT002.CLIENT.SSCRT, this command reads the certificate from
that data set and adds it to the RACF database. The certificate in the database is classified as
a CA certificate and marked as
trusted so that System SSL trusts it to verify the client
certificate that is sent during the TLS/SSL handshake.
Example 21 Adding a copy of the self-signed client certificate to RACF as a trusted CA certificate
42 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
Next, we must add this self-signed client certificate to the appropriate server key rings. In this
case, we assume that the client connects only to DB2A, so we must connect the client
certificate to DB2AUSER/DB2@KEYRING. Example 22 shows you how to do this task by using the
RACDCERT CONNECT command. This command connects the client certificate in the RACF
database to the server key ring DB2@KEYRING, which is owned by z/OS UID DB2AUSER under the
label ‘SVLC SSCert’.
Example 22 Connecting a self-signed client certificate to a key ring
Because the certificate is being connected as a CA certificate, we do not specify an owning
UID for the certificate. Instead, we specify CERTAUTH, which also implies the certificate’s usage
(therefore, we do not have to specify USAGE(CERTAUTH)).
Now, you have completed the necessary configuration steps to create the key pairs, digital
certificates, and the key ring to hold the digital certificates in RACF for the TLS/SSL client
authentication scenario.
Creating and activating client certificate name filters
A RACF certificate name filter enables you to associate one or more client certificates with
one z/OS UID that is based on the unique user information in the certificate, such as the
organization to which the user belongs. You can create one or more certificate name filters to
map a many client certificates to a limited number of UIDs.
Certificate name filters are flexible in the way that certificate identities can be mapped to z/OS
UIDs. For more information, see the description of the RACDCERT MAP command in z/OS V2R4
Security Server RACF Command Language Reference, SA23-2292.
Another way to associate a z/OS UID with a client certificate is by storing the client certificate
in the RACF database and designating the associated z/OS UID as the certificate owner.
Using certificate name filters eliminates the need to store each client certificate in the RACF
database, which can reduce administrative costs.
AT-TLS ClientAuthType SAFCheck and Db2 client certificate authentication processing (as
described under “Peer authentication models” on page 16) use the z/OS UIDs mapped
through certificate name filters.
To create and activate a certificate name filter, complete the following steps:
1. Create a certificate name filter by issuing the RACDCERT MAP command, as shown in
Example 23.
Example 23 RACDCERT MAP command to create a certificate name filter
This command creates a new certificate name filter that is based on the subject
distinguished name (SDN) in the certificate. The filter associates the USRT001 UID to any
user presenting a certificate with an SDN that contains O=IBM.L=San Jose. SP=CA.C=US’.
2. Activate the SETROPTS RACLIST processing for the DIGTNMAP class. Using the RACDCERT
MAP command to create a certificate name filter automatically generates a mapping profile
in the DIGTNMAP class that represents the new filter. Both the DIGTNMAP class and the
SETROPTS RACLIST processing for the DIGTNMAP class must be active before the new
certificate name filter can be considered complete.
To activate the SETROPTS RACLIST processing for the DIGTNMAP class, run the following
3. Refresh the DIGTNMAP class.
When SETROPTS RACLIST processing for the DIGTNMAP class is active, you must refresh
the DIGTNMAP class for the certificate name filter to take effect. To refresh the
DIGTNMAP class, run the following command:
With these steps complete, all certificates with an SDN containing ‘O=IBM.L=San Jose.
SP=CA.C=US’ are mapped to the USRT001 z/OS UID (in these examples, it is the UID that
AT-TLS and Db2 find when ClientAuthType SAFCheck is specified).
Configuring a secure port for the Db2 for z/OS server
With Db2 for z/OS, DDF can (optionally) listen to a secondary secure port for inbound
TLS/SSL connections. The DDF SQL TCP/IP Listener accepts unprotected (clear-text)
connections on the DRDA port, but the secure port accepts only TLS/SSL connections to
provide secure communications with a partner that uses TLS/SSL. Therefore, Db2 cannot
accept a nonsecure TCP/IP connection through the secure port.
If an improper use of a secure port is detected, Db2 rejects the connection with a DSNL030I
message with reason code 00D31205. Therefore, client connections are ensured of getting
the TLS/SSL connection that they require when they connect to a Db2 for z/OS server
through a secure port. The system administrator specifies the secure port number. Using the
-DISPLAY LOCATION Db2 command shows which locations are using TLS/SSL connections.
To define a secure port to Db2, you can specify the secure port number during the Db2
installation by using the DISTRIBUTED DATA FACILITY PANEL 2 (DSNTIP5), or you can
specify the secure port by updating the DDF communication record in the bootstrap data set
(BSDS) by using the Change Log Inventory (DSNJU003) utility.
44 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
Specifying the secure port during Db2 installation
To specify the secure port during Db2 installation, specify the TCP/IP port number in the
example, if you want to configure the secure port number as 4801, you specify the value 4801
in the SECURE PORT field, as shown in Figure 6.
If the DRDA SECURE PORT field is left blank, TLS/SSL verification support is disabled, and
the DDF TCP/IP SQL Listener does not accept any inbound TLS/SSL connections on the
secure port.
Specifying the secure port by updating the DDF communication record
in the BSDS
To specify the secure port by updating the DDF communication record in the BSDS, use the
SECPORT parameter in the DDF statement that is used with the Change Log Inventory
(DSNJU003) stand-alone utility. The SECPORT parameter specifies the port number for the DDF
TCP/IP SQL Listener to accept inbound TLS/SSL connections. For example, to configure the
secure port with a value of 4801, you code the following line:
If the RESPORT value matches the value of either SECPORT or PORT, Db2 issues an error. If you
specify a value of 0 for the SECPORT parameter, TLS/SSL verification support is disabled, and
the DDF TCP/IP SQL Listener does not accept any inbound TLS/SSL connections on the
secure port.
Enter data below:
1 DRDA PORT ===> 446 TCP/IP port number for DRDA clients.
1-65534 (446 is reserved for DRDA)
2 SECURE PORT ===> 4801 TCP/IP port number for secure DRDA
clients. 1-65534 (4801 is reserved
for DRDA that uses SSL)
3 RESYNC PORT ===> 5001 TCP/IP port for 2-phase commit. 1-65534
4 TCP/IP ALREADY VERIFIED ===> NO Accept requests containing only a
User ID (no password)? YES or NO
5 EXTRA BLOCKS REQ ===> 100 Maximum extra query blocks when Db2 acts
as a requester. 0-100
6 EXTRA BLOCKS SRV ===> 100 Maximum extra query blocks when Db2 acts
as a server. 0-100
7 AUTH AT HOP SITE ===> BOTH Authorization at hop site. BOTH or RUNNER.
8 TCP/IP KEEPALIVE ===> 120 ENABLE, DISABLE, or 1-65534
9 POOL THREAD TIMEOUT ===> 120 0 - 9999 seconds
PRESS: ENTER to continue RETURN to exit HELP for more information
DRDA port and AT-TLS: If the secure port is disabled (that is, SECPORT=0), you can
configure AT-TLS to protect the DRDA PORT and clients can connect to it by using
TLS/SSL. However, if you do this task, Db2 is unaware of the protection and does not
validate whether the connection uses TLS/SSL.
Data sharing considerations
For a data sharing environment, each Db2 member with TLS/SSL support must specify a
secure port. The secure port for each Db2 member of the group must be the same port, and
the DRDA PORT for each member also needs to be the same port. If each Db2 member
specifies a unique secure port, the behavior is unpredictable. For example, sysplex member
workload balancing might not function correctly.
Similarly, for Db2 members that are defined as a subset of the data sharing group, each Db2
member that belongs to the subset must configure the alias secure port. Use the DSNJU003
stand-alone utility and specify the value of the alias secure port in the ALIAS keyword of the
DDF statement. For example, you might specify the following DDF statement to define an alias
secure port of 6448 for a Db2 member that belongs to a subset:
Db2 for z/OS provides an alternative method to define an alias secure port by using the
-MODIFY DDF command. For example, to specify the secure port dynamically for a defined
alias for a Db2 member that belongs to a subset, you can issue the following Db2 command:
If the alias is not ready to accept connections, issue the following Db2 command:
In a data sharing environment, your PROFILE.TCPIP contains PORT statements for DB2xDIST
job names. If these PORT statements also specify the BIND ipaddr option, you must remove
the BIND ipaddr specification from the PORT statement to configure Db2 to accept secure
connections through the secure port. The DDF SQL TCP/IP Listener listens for TLS/SSL
inbound socket requests only on an IP address that is bound to INADDR_ANY (IPv4) or
in6addr_any (IPv6).
If DDF detects that an IP address other than INADDR_ANY or in6addr_any is bound to the
secure port, DDF prevents the DDF SQL TCP/IP Listener from accepting secure connections
through the secure port. The message DSNL512I condition and the error message
BINDSPECIFIC NOT SUPPORTED WITH SECURE PORT” are issued on the system console.
If you must configure specific IP addresses for each Db2 member (for example, a dynamic
virtual IP address (DVIPA) configuration), you can use the BSDS DDF communication record
statements IPV4/GRPIPV4 or IPV6/GRPIPV6 to define the specific IP addresses for each
member. You can use the group IP address with the IP addresses that are specified for the
PORT statement from the TCP/IP profile (PROFILE.TCPIP). Then, you remove the specification
of the IP addresses from the PORT statement in PROFILE.TCPIP.
Configuring Db2 for z/OS as a requester with TLS/SSL support
A Db2 for z/OS subsystem can also act as a Db2 requester. In this case, Db2 for z/OS must
be able to initiate TLS-protected connections to certain servers. To ensure TLS-protected
connections, you can make communications database (CDB) changes that indicate that
TLS-protected connections are required to certain remote locations. If a secure connection is
required, DDF must determine whether an AT-TLS policy rule is defined and AT-TLS is
enabled for the outbound connection.
Tip: If you want to define a location alias name only for a Db2 member, you do not need to
define a separate unique secure port for the location alias.
46 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
DDF validates the secure status of the outbound connection by querying AT-TLS. Therefore, if
AT-TLS indicates that the status of the connection is not secure and a secure connection is
required, DDF does not establish the outbound connection with the target server. SQLCODE
-904 with reason code 00D31205 is returned to the application.
Changes in the Db2 communication database
To configure an outbound connection that requires a secure connection, insert a row in the
SYSIBM.LOCATIONS table and specify the value of Y in the SECURE column. You also must
specify a port number in the PORT column for the outbound connection to use. For secure
connections, the value of the PORT column must take the value of the configured secure port
at the target server. However, if the value of the PORT column is blank
and the value of the
SECURE column specifies Y, DDF uses the reserved secure port (4801) as the default.
LOCATION ALIAS name considerations for TLS/SSL support
Certain Db2 applications might require TLS/SSL protection and accept the performance cost
for this level of security. However, applications might be satisfied with unprotected
connections. You can achieve this flexibility by using the LOCATION ALIAS name feature.
Consider a Db2 server that is configured to support both nonsecure and secure connections.
At the Db2 requester, you can define two rows in the SYSIBM.LOCATIONS table:
򐂰 One row that specifies the location name and the nonsecure DRDA port of the server.
򐂰 One row that specifies a separate location name, the secure DRDA port of the server, and
At the Db2 server, you can define a LOCATION ALIAS name to provide an alternative name
for any Db2 requesters that need to access the server by using TLS/SSL protection, as
shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7 LOCATION ALIAS consideration
DBALIAS name considerations for TLS/SSL support
Using the LOCATION ALIAS name feature as described requires server changes. If your
system environment does not enable you to perform the server changes (to define an alias
name for the server), an alternative solution to using the LOCATION ALIAS name feature is to
use the DBALIAS name feature.
Using the same scenario, go to the Db2 requester and define two rows in the
SYSIBM.LOCATIONS table, as shown in Figure 8:
򐂰 A row that specifies the location name and the nonsecure DRDA port of the remote server.
򐂰 Another row that specifies a separate location name, which is the secure DRDA port
SECURE='Y' for the remote server, and a database alias (DBALIAS) name that refers to the
location name from the previous row.
Figure 8 LOCATION DBALIAS name feature
Configuring the PAGENT and AT-TLS
At the Db2 requester, the PAGENT and AT-TLS must be configured on the requester’s z/OS
system. A single Db2 for z/OS subsystem can act as both a server and requester
simultaneously, so we build on the sample policy from Example 11 on page 18 to illustrate
how to add a requester rule for DB2A.
Defining AT-TLS policy rules
The steps to define the AT-TLS policy rules are the same as the steps that are described in
“Defining the AT-TLS policy rules” on page 14 for defining AT-TLS policy rules for the Db2
server role, except for these TTLSRule conditions:
򐂰 RemotePortRange = 4801
򐂰 Direction = Outbound
򐂰 HandshakeRole = Client
Example 24 provides a simple AT-TLS rule that can be added to the policy in Example 11 on
page 18 to allow DB2A to initiate secure outbound connections to remote servers listening on
port 4801.
Example 24 AT-TLS policy statements to allow Db2 requester traffic from DB2A
TTLSRule DB2ASecureRequester
RemotePortRange 4801
Direction Outbound
TTLSGroupActionRef DB2@GrpAct
TTLSEnvironmentActionRef DB2@SecureClientEnvAct
TTLSEnvironmentAction DB2@SecureClientEnvAct
HandshakeRole Client
TTLSKeyRingParmsRef DB2@KeyRing
48 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
TTLSEnvironmentAdvancedParmsRef DB2@EnvAdvParms
TTLSCipherParmsRef DB2@CipherParms
TTLSSignatureParmsRef DB2@SigParms
Digital certificate and key ring considerations
To complete any TLS/SSL handshake with a server, the client system must have a key ring
that contains a certificate that can be used to authenticate the server’s certificate, which in
this example is the server’s CA certificate. For illustration purposes, we assume that the
remote Db2 server to which DB2A will connect uses a certificate that is signed by a different
CA, and that CA’s certificate was exported into a data set that is named
USRT050.RTP853.CACERT and transferred by using FTP to the local z/OS system by using the
same data set name.
Use the RACDCERT command to store the server’s CA certificate in the local RACF database,
and add that certificate to the DB2AUSER’s key ring. Example 25 shows the RACDCERT
commands to perform these tasks.
Example 25 Storing and adding the remote Db2 server’s CA certificate
LABEL('RTP853 CA Cert') -
The final step is to update the PAGENT at the client system by using the MVS MODIFY
command or by using the MVS START command if the PAGENT is not started.
If the server to which DB2A will connect is configured for TLS/SSL server authentication, then
our configuration is complete.
If the server is configured for TLS/SSL client authentication, it needs a copy of DB2A's CA
certificate added to its key ring or truststore if it is not already there. In this scenario, DB2A,
which is the TLS/SSL client, must present its own certificate to the remote server during the
TLS/SSL handshake. Because DB2A’s personal certificate is already present on its key ring
(with label “DB2A Cert”), it is already configured correctly.
Configuring Java applications by using IBM DS Driver for JDBC
and SQLJ to use TLS/SSL
In this section, we describe the steps to configure a Java application that uses IBM DS Driver
for JDBC and SQLJ (Type 4 connectivity) to access a Db2 10 for z/OS (or later versions)
server by using TLS/SSL. Two configuration steps are necessary:
򐂰 Configuring connections under the IBM DS Driver for JDBC and SQLJ to use TLS/SSL
򐂰 Configure the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to use TLS/SSL
Keystore and truststore versus z/OS key rings
Before we get into the details of Java-based certificate configuration, we briefly must explain
some terminology and concepts that are behind storing the relevant certificates and keys.
On z/OS, we stored all our digital certificates and private keys on a RACF key ring. There are
two purposes that are served by these key rings:
򐂰 Storage of one’s personal certificate and the private key that is associated with that
certificate. We send our personal certificate to a remote peer during a TLS/SSL
handshake to prove our identity to that remote peer. Our private key (which is only known
to us) is used to sign certain TLS/SSL handshake messages and decrypt messages that
are encrypted by remote peers by using our public key, which they find in the personal
certificate that we send during the TLS/SSL handshake.
򐂰 Storage of certificates that we trust for verifying the authenticity of the remote peer’s
personal certificate during a TLS/SSL handshake, which can be CA certificates,
self-signed peer certificates, or both.
Although a RACF key ring fulfills both of these purposes, Java’s TLS/SSL implementation
uses two separate repositories to do so:
򐂰 A
keystore contains a Java application’s personal certificate and private key.
򐂰 A
truststore contains the certificates that will be used to verify the authenticity of peer
certificates (CA certificates and self-signed peer certificates).
As we see, the configuration of the keystore and truststore is as critical to the Java TLS/SSL
configuration as key ring configuration is to z/OS TLS/SSL configuration.
Configuring connections under the IBM DS Driver for JDBC and SQLJ to use
To configure connections under the IBM DS Driver for JDBC and SQLJ to use TLS/SSL, you
must set the DB2BaseDataSource.SetSslConnection property to true.
The code sample in Example 26 shows how to set the sslConnection property on a
Connection instance.
Example 26 The sslConnection property
java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
props.put( "user", user ID );
props.put( "password", passwd );
props.put( "sslConnection", "true" );
java.sql.Connection con =
java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);
Optional: Set DB2BaseDataSource.SetSslTrustStoreLocation on a Connection or
DataSource instance to the location of the truststore. Setting the sslTrustStoreLocation
property is an alternative to setting the Java property. If you set
DB2BaseDataSource.SetSslTrustStoreLocation, the property
is not used.
50 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
Configuring the Java Runtime Environment to use TLS/SSL
Before you can use TLS/SSL with your JDBC and SQLJ applications, you must configure the
JRE to use TLS/SSL. Consider these prerequisites:
򐂰 The JRE must include a Java security provider. You must install either the IBM Java
Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) provider or the Sun JSSE provider. The IBM JSSE
provider is automatically installed with the IBM Software Development Kit (SDK) for Java.
򐂰 TLS/SSL support must be configured at the target server.
We show a configuration for server authentication and a configuration for client
Configuring the JRE to use TLS/SSL server authentication
The following steps demonstrate how to set up the JRE to use TLS/SSL server
1. Obtain the Db2 for z/OS server’s CA certificate and store it in a Java truststore. One
method is to use the FTP command to GET the file. Recall that because we exported the
certificate in Example 20 on page 39 into Base64-encoded DER format, we must perform
the FTP GET command in ASCII mode.
Use the Java keytool command and specify the -import option to import the certificate
into the truststore. If you want to create your own truststore, use the -genkey option with
the Java keytool command to create your keystore before you import the certificate. For
example, to create a truststore named
myTrustStore, run the following command:
keytool -genkeypair -keystore myTrustStore
Creating your own truststore is an optional step. The default truststore that is included with
JSSE is named <java-home>/lib/security/jssecacerts or
<java-home>/lib/security/cacerts. To create your own truststore, let’s assume you
downloaded the server’s CA certificate from the USRT001.SVL224.CACERT dataset
created in Example 20 on page 39 to a file named svl224.cacert on the client system. To
import the server’s CA certificate into the truststore just created and assign it the alias
(analogous to the RACF certificate label) svl224_ca, use the following command:
keytool -importcert -file svl224.cacert -trustcacerts -keystore myTrustStore
-alias svl224_ca
If you do not specify the -keystore option on the keytool command, the server’s CA
certificate is stored in the default truststore.
2. To verify that the server’s CA certificate was imported correctly into the truststore, you can
display the contents of the truststore by using the -list option for the keytool command.
For example, to display the contents of the truststore for the alias svl224_ca, run the
following command:
keytool -list -alias svl224_ca -keystore myTrustStore -v
Restriction: You cannot use the Sun JSSE provider with the IBM JRE. If you use the
Sun JSSE provider, it works only with the Sun JRE.
Important: Do not use BINARY mode transmission to get the certificate if it is exported
in BASE64-encoded DER format.
3. If you defined your own truststore, you can use these Java system properties to specify
the truststore for your Java application to use: Specifies the name of the customized truststore that you
specified with the -keystore parameter in the keytool utility. (optional): Specifies the password for the
truststore. We advise you to specify a password for the truststore. If not, you cannot
protect the integrity of the truststore.
You can set these system properties either statically or dynamically:
To set these system properties statically, use the -D option of the java command. For
example, to run an application that is named and set the system property to specify a truststore that is named
myTrustStore, run the following command:
java testssl
To set these system properties dynamically, call the java.lang.System.setProperty
method in your code:
System.setProperty("", "myTrustStore");
Important: If the IBM DS Driver for JDBC and SQLJ
IDB2BaseDataSource.SetSslTrustStoreLocation property is set, its value overrides
the property value.
Important: If the IBM DS Driver for JDBC and SQLJ
DB2BaseDataSource.SetSslTrustStorePassword property is set, its value overrides
the property value.
52 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
Tip: The default TLS protocol is determined by the Java SE Development Kit. The JCC
driver does not modify or change the default TLS protocol set by the Java SE Development
Kit. You can override this Java SE Development Kit default by using either of two ways:
򐂰 Modify the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms property in the
%JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/ file to disable/enable the required TLS
򐂰 Explicitly set the system property https.protocols by using the -D option from the java
Example: Change the file on your local workstation to disable the TLS
a. Create a local file in your working directory.
b. Add the following statement:
jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3
The single equal sign means that this statement appends this
statement to the master file when you run your client application. If
you want to override the master file, then you can specify double
equal signs instead.
c. Run your Java client application by specifying the -D option of the java command to
specify the local file to use. For example:
java myApp
An alternative to using the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms security property is to use the
jdk.tls.client.protocols property to set the default TLS protocol for the JVM to use
when running your Java client application.
Example: Set the default client TLS protocol by using the jdk.tls.client.protocols
property by specifying the -D option of the java command. For example:
java -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.1 myApp
Important: If you do not set the TLS protocol when you use JDBC driver 4.31.10 or later
and the AT-TLS policy of the z/OS server does not support TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3, your
connection will be unsuccessful, and your client application will receive ERRORCODE -4499
SQLSTATE(08001). For example:
[jcc][t4][2030][11211][4.31.10] A communication error occurred during
operations on the connection's underlying socket, socket input stream, or
socket output stream. Error location: Reply.fill() -
(-1). Message: The server selected protocol version TLS11 is not accepted by
client preferences [TLS13, TLS12]. ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=08001
Configuring the JRE to use TLS/SSL client authentication
To configure the JRE to use TLS/SSL client authentication, complete the following steps:
1. Complete all the steps in “Configuring the JRE to use TLS/SSL server authentication” on
page 50.
2. Enable IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ certificate authentication by specifying
DB2BaseDataSource.TLS_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_SECURITY as the value of the
securityMechanism Connection or DataSource property. There are three options:
a. Setting the DataSource property:
b. Setting the global properties file: db2.jcc.securityMechanism=18
c. Setting the connection string: securityMechanism=18;
3. Use the Java keytool command to generate a self-signed client certificate. For example,
the following keytool command generates an RSA algorithm key pair and self-signed
certificate in the keystore that is named myKeyStore by using an alias of clnt_cert:
keytool -genkeypair -alias clnt_cert -keyalg rsa -keystore myKeyStore
-storepass aSecurePassWord
This example uses the -keyalg RSA, which defaults to a key size of 2048 bits and a sigalg
of SHA256withRSA.
The keystore is password-protected, which is important because the private key is stored
in this file.
Follow the prompts to complete the generation of the client certificate.
4. Export the client certificate by using the Java keytool command. For example, use this
keytool -exportcert -rfc -alias clnt_cert -file -keystore myKeyStore
-storepass aSecurePassWord
The output from this command produces a file that is called, which contains the
client certificate in Base64-encoded format (the -rfc parameter causes this encoding
5. You might want to verify the client certificate by using the keytool -printcert Java
command. For example, to verify the exported file, issue the following Java
keytool command:
keytool -printcert -v -file
Figure 9 shows a sample of the output from this command.
Figure 9 Sample output from the keytool -printcert command
C:\Dev\JCC>keytool -printcert -v -file
Owner: CN=Bob, OU=DB2, O=IM, L=San Jose, ST=CA, C=US
Issuer: CN=Bob, OU=DB2, O=IM, L=San Jose, ST=CA, C=US
Serial number: 4dfc050d
Valid from: Fri Jun 17 18:53:17 PDT 2021 until: Thu Sep 15 18:53:17 PDT 2021
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5: C5:84:FA:0E:CD:CB:17:9B:B4:1F:0F:4E:90:AA:0C:F4
SHA1: EC:4F:88:BC:FA:A8:C7:17:4F:B6:9C:5B:87:6C:8D:2B:8D:9A:CA:2C
Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
Version: 3
54 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
6. Transfer the exported client certificate file to the z/OS system and register it
with RACF. One method is to use the FTP command to PUT the file ( in ASCII
To register the client certificate with RACF, see “Registering a client certificate with RACF
(optional)” on page 40.
7. Use these Java system properties to specify the keystore for your Java application to use: Specifies the name of the customized keystore that you
specified with the -keystore parameter in the keytool utility. (optional): Specifies the password for the keystore.
Specify a password for the keystore. If not, you cannot protect the integrity of the
keystore or your private key.
You can set these system properties either statically or dynamically:
To set the system property statically, use the -D option of the java command. For
example, to run an application that is named and set the system property for the named myKeyStore, issue the following java
java testssl
To set the system property dynamically, call the java.lang.System.setProperty
method in your program:
System.setProperty("", "myKeyStore");
Configuring the IBM DS Driver non-Java interfaces:
Command-line interface, ODBC, and .NET
Starting with Db2 9.5 Fix Pack 2 or later, you can configure non- Java Db2 clients for Linux,
UNIX, and Microsoft Windows, such as .NET Data Provider, command-line processor (CLP),
and command-line interface (CLI) to use TLS/SSL for communications with a Db2 10 for z/OS
(or later) server. Both Java and non- Java interfaces are delivered together by the same
product. We describe the following configuration steps in the next sections:
򐂰 Ensuring that the IBM Global Security Kit is available
򐂰 Obtaining the server’s CA certificate and adding it to your client key database
򐂰 Configuring the appropriate client configuration parameter to use TLS/SSL
Important: Do not use BINARY mode transmission to PUT the certificate.
Important: If the IBM DS Driver for JDBC and SQLJ
DB2BaseDataSource.SetSslKeyStoreLocation property is set, its value overrides the property value.
Important: If the IBM DS Driver for JDBC and SQLJ
DB2BaseDataSource.SetSslKeyStorePassword property is set, its value overrides the property value.
With Db2 10.5 Fix Pack 5 or later, the IBM Global Security Kit runtime libraries (not the CLI
executable files) are included and installed with the driver installation. Therefore, you do not
need to download and install the IBM Global Security Kit separately. Furthermore, you do not
need to create explicitly the keystore database and add the server certificate into a keystore
database manually because the driver takes care of this task for you automatically by creating
a keystore database internally and adding the server certificate that is provided through the
SSLServerCertificate keyword to the created keystore database.
For Db2 or later, the embedded SQL driver and CLP work by using this method. For
more information, see the following IBM Documentation:
Configuring the IBM DS Driver non- Java interface to use TLS/SSL client
If you want to use SSL client authentication, you must ensure that the IBM Global Security Kit
is downloaded and installed in your client environment because you manually must create the
keystore database and add the server CA certificate and client certificate with a private key
into the keystore database by using the GSKCapicmd tool. Then, you must specify and
configure the following two keywords along with the keydb name and keydb stash keywords:
򐂰 authentication=certificate (for more information, see
򐂰 SSLClientLabel=<label for the client certificate> (for more information, see
Ensuring that the IBM Global Security Kit is available
For non- Java Db2 clients for the Linux, UNIX, and Windows environments, you use the
IBM GSKit to administer digital certificates and key databases. The IBM GSKit is installed
automatically on the computer system during the installation of the IBM Db2 Connect server.
If you do not have the IBM GSKit installed, you can install the IBM GSKit libraries from the
IBM Db2 Support Files for SSL Functionality DVD. Alternatively, you can install the
IBM GSKit libraries from an image that you download from IBM Passport Advantage®.
You also must ensure that these environment settings are configured, depending on the client
򐂰 On a Windows (32-bit or 64-bit) platform, verify that the path to the IBM GSKit libraries is
included in the PATH environment variable. For example, on Windows, add the IBM GSKit
bin and lib directories to the PATH environment variable:
set PATH="C:\Program Files\IBM\gsk8\bin";"C:\Program Files\IBM\gsk8\lib";%PATH%
򐂰 On Linux and UNIX platforms, the IBM GSKit libraries are in sqllib/lib or sqllib/lib64.
To set the LIBPATH, SHLIB_PATH, or LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables, you run the
following commands:
export LIBPATH=$INSTHOME/sqllib/lib:$LIBPATH:.
export SHLIB_PATH=$INSTHOME/sqllib/lib:$SHLIB_PATH:.
56 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
Alternatively, if you want to use the IBM Key Management tool iKeyman, you must set the
JAVA_HOME environment variable before you start iKeyman. For information about how to
navigate the IBM Key Management tool to create a client key database and add the server’s
CA certificate to the client key database, see the following resource:
The keys, certificates, and key database always must conform to FIPS 140 mode (which is
specified by the -fips parameter on the gsk8capicmd command) when they are used for
TLS/SSL communication.
IBM GSKit key database versus z/OS key rings
On z/OS, we v stored all our digital certificates and private keys on a RACF key ring. There
are two purposes that are served by these key rings:
򐂰 Storage of one’s personal certificate and the private key that is associated with that
certificate. Recall that we send our personal certificate to a remote peer during a TLS/SSL
handshake to prove our identity to that remote peer. Our private key (which is known only
to us) is used to sign certain TLS/SSL handshake messages and to decrypt messages
that are encrypted by remote peers by using our public key (which they find in the personal
certificate that we send during the TLS/SSL handshake).
򐂰 Storage of certificates that we trust that are used to verify the authenticity of the remote
peer’s personal certificate during a TLS/SSL handshake (CA certificates and self-signed
peer certificates).
Like RACF, the IBM GSKit key fulfills both of these purposes by using a single repository that
is called a
key database. Configuration of the IBM GSKit key database is as critical to Db2
TLS/SSL configuration on Linux, UNIX, and Windows as key ring configuration is to z/OS
TLS/SSL configuration.
Obtaining the server’s CA certificate and adding it to your client key database
To prepare a Db2 client for Linux, UNIX, and Windows to access Db2 for z/OS by using
TLS/SSL, complete the following steps:
1. Obtain the server’s CA certificate from the target Db2 server. One method is to use the FTP
command to GET the file. Recall that because we exported the certificate in Example 20 on
page 39 into Base64-encoded DER format, we must run the FTP GET command in ASCII
2. On the Db2 client computer, use the gsk8capicmd tool to create a client key database of
the CMS type. The gsk8capicmd tool is a non- Java -based CLI tool. Therefore, it does not
require Java to be installed on your computer to run it.
For example, to create a client key database named “mydbclnt.kdb” with a password of
“myClntPw0rd” of type CMS in the directory $DB2PATH\security\keystore, run the
following command:
gsk8capicmd -keydb -create -db "mydbclnt.kdb" -pw "myClntPw0rd" -type CMS
-stash -fips
Important: Do not use BINARY mode transmission to get the certificate if it is exported
in Base64-encoded DER format.
Specifying the -stash option creates a stash file for storing the password to the key
database after creation. A
stash file is an automatic way of providing the password to
access the key database. Also, the password is encrypted when stored in the stash file so
that when access to the key database is required, the system decrypts the password from
the stash file and uses it as input to access the key database. The stash file name has the
following format:
<key database>.sth
You must specify the location of the stash file when accessing the key database.
3. To add the server’s CA certificate to the key database that was created in step 2 on
page 56, run the gsk8capicmd command.
For example, to add the server’s CA certificate from the ec754.cacert rile into the key
database that is named mydbclnt.kdb, run the following command:
gsk8capicmd -cert -add -db "mydbclnt.kdb" -pw "myClntPw0rd" -file
"ec754.cacert" -label "EC754 CA" -format ascii
To verify that the server’s CA certificate was added into the key database successfully, run
the following command:
gsk8capicmd -cert -details -db "mydbclnt.kdb" -pw "myClntPw0rd" -label "EC754 CA"
Configuring the appropriate client configuration parameter to use TLS/SSL
Complete the following steps:
1. Set the appropriate connection strings or configuration parameters for your client
a. CLP clients:
i. For CLP clients, you run the CATALOG TCPIP NODE statement with the SECURITY
keyword set to SSL to specify SSL for the connection, as shown in the following
db2 catalog tcpip node tcp754as remote server
4801 security ssl
db2 catalog db db754as as stl754as at node tcp754as authentication server
db2 catalog dcs db db754as as stlec1
ii. Define the ssl_clnt_keydb configuration parameter with the complete path name of
the client key database file (.kdb) and the ssl_clnt_stash configuration parameter
with the fully qualified path name of the client key database stash file (.sth).
iii. Update the Database Manager Configuration, as shown in the following example:
db2 update dbm cfg using SSL_CLNT_KEYDB "c:\program
files\ibm\sqllib\security\keystore\mydbclnt.kdb" SSL_CLNT_STASH
"c:\program files\ibm\sqllib\security\keystore\mydbclnt.sth"
iv. Connect to the server by using TLS/SSL from the CLP client:
db2 connect to stl754as user <userid> using <password>
Important: The port value for the SERVER keyword must identify the target
server’s secure port. If not, the connection fails and error SQL30081N is
58 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
b. Alternatively, an embedded SQL client can use the following statement to connect to
the server:
c. CLI/ODBC applications:
i. Depending on which environment your CLI application runs, you can use either the
connection string parameters (ssl_client_keystoredb and ssl_client_keystash)
or Db2 configuration parameters (ssl_clnt_keydb and ssl_clnt_stash) to specify
the fully qualified path to the client key database and the stash file.
For example, if your CLI application uses the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and
CLI, use the connection string parameters to specify the client key database and
stash file.
ii. Call SQLDriverConnect with a connection string that contains the SECURITY=SSL
"Database=stl754as; Protocol=tcpip;;
Servicename=4801; Security=ssl; Ssl_client_keystoredb=c:\program
For example, if your CLI application uses the IBM Data Server Client or IBM Data
Server Runtime Client, you can use either the connection string parameters or Db2
configuration parameters to specify the fully qualified path to the client key database
and stash file.
To set the connection string parameter in the db2cli.ini file, use the following
SSL_client_keystash= c:\program
d. Db2 Data Provider for .NET Framework applications
A Db2 Data Provider for .NET Framework application can establish a TLS/SSL
connection to a remote server by specifying the SECURITY connection string keyword
with the value SSL to use TLS/SSL for the connection to the remote server. With Db2
9.7 and later, you also can specify the fully qualified path for the client key database file
(.kdb) and for the stash file (.sth) by using the SSLClientKeystoredb and
SSLClientKeystash connection string parameters.
Parameters: If the connection string parameters are used, these values override
the values of the Db2 configuration parameters.
Configuring remote client applications to use TLS/SSL through
a Db2 Connect server for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
In this section, we describe the configuration steps to set up remote client applications (Java
applications or non- Java Db2 applications) to use TLS/SSL to access a Db2 for z/OS server
through a Db2 Connect server for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
In certain client environments, remote client applications that must access a Db2 for z/OS
server system can do so only through a Db2 Connect server. Furthermore, the remote client
applications might be required to use TLS/SSL to connect to the Db2 Connect server
because data transmission can occur over an open network.
However, if the Db2 Connect server and the Db2 for z/OS server communicate with each
other over a closed network (that is, behind a secure firewall), the connections between the
Db2 Connect server and the Db2 for z/OS server do not necessarily require TLS/SSL. The
network is protected by a firewall or other sufficient network security technologies. As a result,
in this type of environment, we must perform the following configuration steps, which are
described in the next sections:
1. IBM GSKit key database versus z/OS key rings
2. Configuring TLS/SSL support in a Db2 Connect server for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
3. Configuring Java or non- Java applications to use TLS/SSL to access the Db2 Connect
IBM GSKit key database versus z/OS key rings
On z/OS, we stored all our digital certificates and private keys on a RACF key ring. There are
two purposes that are served by these key rings:
򐂰 Storage of one’s personal certificate and the private key that is associated with that
certificate. Recall that we send our personal certificate to a remote peer during a TLS/SSL
handshake to prove our identity to that remote peer. Our private key (which is known only
to us) is used to sign certain TLS/SSL handshake messages and to decrypt messages
that are encrypted by remote peers by using our public key (which they find in the personal
certificate that we send during the TLS/SSL handshake).
򐂰 Storage of certificates that we trust that are used to verify the authenticity of the remote
peer’s personal certificate during a TLS/SSL handshake (CA certificates and self-signed
peer certificates).
Like RACF, IBM GSKit key fulfills both of these purposes by using a single repository that is
called a
key database. Configuration of the IBM GSKit key database is as critical to the Db2
TLS/SSL configuration on Linux, UNIX, and Windows as key ring configuration is to the z/OS
TLS/SSL configuration.
Configuring TLS/SSL support in a Db2 Connect server for Linux, UNIX, and
In this example, we illustrate how to configure the Db2 Connect server to support TLS/SSL to
create a secure connection between the remote client and the server. In practice, the
connection between the Db2 Connect server and the Db2 for z/OS server also should be
protected by using AT-TLS.
60 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
In a Db2 Connect server for Linux, UNIX, and Windows environment, use the IBM GSKit to
administer digital certificates and key databases. The IBM GSKit is installed automatically on
the computer system during the installation of the Db2 Connect server. If you do not have the
IBM GSKit installed, you can install the IBM GSKit libraries from an image that you
downloaded from Passport Advantage.
Before we can proceed, ensure that the following environment settings are configured:
򐂰 On Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) platforms, verify that the path to the IBM GSKit libraries is
included in the PATH environment variable. For example, on Windows, add the IBM GSKit
bin and lib directories to the PATH environment variable:
set PATH="C:\Program Files\IBM\gsk8\bin";"C:\Program Files\IBM\gsk8\lib";%PATH%
On Linux and UNIX platforms, the IBM GSKit libraries are in sqllib/lib or sqllib/lib64.
So, to set the LIBPATH, SHLIB_PATH, or LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables, you issue
the following commands:
export LIBPATH=$INSTHOME/sqllib/lib:$LIBPATH:.
export SHLIB_PATH=$INSTHOME/sqllib/lib:$SHLIB_PATH:.
򐂰 Ensure that the connection concentrator feature is disabled. TLS/SSL support is not
enabled in the Db2 instance if the connection concentrator feature is enabled.
To determine whether the connection concentrator feature is enabled, issue the GET
DATABASE CONFIGURATION command. If the max_connections configuration parameter is set
to a value greater than the value of max_coordagents, the connection concentrator feature
is enabled.
To configure TLS/SSL support for a Db2 Connect server, you must create a server key
database to manage the digital certificates. Next, the Db2 instance owner must configure the
Db2 instance for TLS/SSL support. Complete the following steps:
1. Create a server key database and the associated digital certificates by using the
GSKCapiCmd tool:
a. Use the GSKCapiCmd tool to create a server key database of the type CMS. The
GSKCapiCmd tool is a non- Java -based CLI tool. Java does not need to be installed on
your system to use this tool.
The path to the GSKCapiCmd tool is C:\Program Files\IBM\gsk8\bin on a 32-bit
Windows platform. On 64-bit Windows platforms, the IBM GSKit executable files and
libraries are also present, in which case the path for the command is C:\Program Files
(x86)\IBM\GSK8\bin, and sqllib/gskit/bin on Linux and UNIX platforms.
For example, to create a key database that is called myserver.kdb and a stash file that
is called myserver.sth, issue the following command:
gsk8capicmd -keydb -create -db "myserver.kdb" -pw "myServ3rPwd" -type cms
Specifying the -stash option creates a stash file for storing the password to the key
database after creation. A stash file is an automatic way of providing the password to
access the key database. The password is also encrypted when stored in the stash file
so that when access to the key database is required, the system decrypts the
password from the stash file and uses it as input to access the key database.
b. Add or create a server certificate and private key in the server key database that we
created in step a. This certificate is used by the remote clients to authenticate the
server during the TLS/SSL handshake phase. You can obtain a certificate by using the
GSKCapiCmd tool to create a certificate request and submit it to a CA to be signed, or
you can create a self-signed certificate for testing purposes.
For example, to create a key pair and self-signed certificate with a certificate label of
“myselfsigned”, a key size of 2048 bits, and the signature algorithm SHA256withRSA,
run the following command:
gsk8capicmd -cert -create -size 2048 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -db
"myserver.kdb" -pw "myServ3rPwd" -label "myselfsigned" -dn
c. Extract the server certificate from the server key database and distribute this certificate
to all the remote clients that connect to this server by using TLS/SSL.
For example, to extract the server self-signed certificate that you created from step b
on page 60, run the following command:
gsk8capicmd -cert -extract -db "myserver.kdb" -pw "myServ3rPwd" -label
"myselfsigned" -target "myserver.arm" -format ascii -fips
The extracted certificate is saved in Base64-encoded form in the file that is called
myserver.arm. Because Base64-encoding is used, the file must be transferred to
remote clients in text (ASCII) mode, not as binary data.
2. Configure the Db2 Connect server for TLS/SSL support. You might need to log in as the
Db2 instance owner before you can set the SSL configuration parameters and DB2COMM
registry variables.
a. For example, specify the fully qualified path to the server key database in the
SSL_SVR_KEYDB database configuration parameter:
db2 update dbm cfg using SSL_SVR_KEYDB C:\SSLServer\myserver.kdb
b. For example, specify the fully qualified path to the server key database stash file in the
SSL_SVR_STASH database configuration parameter:
db2 update dbm cfg using SSL_SVR_STASH C:\SSLServer\myserver.sth
c. For example, specify the label of the server certificate in the SSL_SVR_LABEL database
configuration parameter:
db2 update dbm cfg using SSL_SVR_LABEL myselfsigned
d. Specify, as an example, the secure port number for the Db2 Connect server to accept
secure connections in the SSL_SVCENAME database configuration parameter:
db2 update dbm cfg using SSL_SVCENAME 50088
SSL_SVR_STASH: If the SSL_SVR_STASH database configuration parameter is NULL
(unspecified), SSL support is disabled.
SSL_SVR_LABEL: If the SSL_SVR_LABEL database configuration parameter is NULL
(unspecified), the default certificate label in the server key database is used. If there
is no default certificate label in the server key database, SSL support is disabled.
Important: If the DB2COMM registry variable specifies both TCP/IP and SSL (that is,
DB2COMM=TCPIP,SSL), the port number that you specify for the SSL_SVCENAME must
differ from the port number that is associated with SVCENAME. If the port number that
you specify for the SSL_SVCENAME is the same as the port number for the SVCENAME,
TCP/IP and SSL support are
not enabled. Also, if the SSL_SVCENAME is set to NULL
(unspecified), SSL support is disabled.
62 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
e. (Optional) You can specify the set of cipher suites for the server to use for TLS/SSL by
setting the SSL_CIPHERSPECS database configuration parameter. The list of suites
should conform to your local TLS standards. If you do not specify a list of suites, then
IBM GSKit automatically picks the strongest cipher suite that is common to the server
and the client.
f. Set the SSL communication protocols for the Db2 instance in the DB2COMM registry
variable. For example, use the db2set command to set DB2COMM with the value of
db2set -i db2instdef DB2COMM=TCPIP,SSL
In this example, db2instdef is the Db2 instance name. If you want to start Db2 with
only SSL support, you can set DB2COMM=SSL.
g. Restart the Db2 instance:
Configuring Java or non- Java applications to use TLS/SSL to access the Db2
Connect server
To configure Java applications by using the IBM DS Driver for JDBC and SQLJ (Type 4
connections) to use TLS/SSL, see “Configuring connections under the IBM DS Driver for
JDBC and SQLJ to use TLS/SSL” on page 49.
To configure non- Java Db2 clients for Linux, UNIX, and Windows to use TLS/SSL, see
“Configuring the IBM DS Driver non-Java interfaces: Command-line interface, ODBC, and
.NET” on page 54.
For either type of client, you must import the server’s certificate that you created, the
myserver.arm file, to your client keystore or key database. Transfer the file from the server to
the client in text mode. You also must specify the correct port number of the server that
accepts secure connections.
Client access to Db2 by using TLS/SSL client authentication
With Db2 for z/OS, a remote client application can access a Db2 for z/OS server by using the
TLS/SSL client authentication model, which is described in “Coding the AT-TLS policy rules
for TLS/SSL client authentication” on page 22 and “Registering a client certificate with RACF
(optional)” on page 40.
The Db2 for z/OS server can perform advanced client authentication checking, which builds
on the basic TLS/SSL client authentication model. With this support in place, the Db2 for
z/OS server uses the z/OS user ID that is associated with the client’s digital certificate, in
addition to the user ID that is provided during the DRDA handshake, to decide whether to
allow the DRDA connection.
Before we proceed with the steps to configure the client and server to use the client login by
using digital certificates, we briefly explore the Db2 for z/OS processing to authenticate a
remote client accessing Db2 by using digital certificates.
Processing client access by using digital certificates at a Db2 for z/OS server
The Db2 for z/OS server completes a sequence of authentication tasks when handling a
remote client connection request, as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10 Processing of an inbound TCP/IP connection request at a Db2 for z/OS server
The following numbers correspond to the steps in Figure 10:
1. If the connection is accepted to a secure port, TLS/SSL protection of the connection must
be verified. For Db2 to determine whether the connection is secure, Db2 issues the AT-TLS
SIOCTTLSCTL IOCTL command to query the AT-TLS policy information for the connection:
If the IOCTL returns a policy status of TTLS_POL_ENABLED and a connection status of
TTLS_CONN_SECURE, a matching policy rule is found, and TLS/SSL is enabled for the
connection. Furthermore, if the policy type is configured with the HandshakeRole
parameter set to ServerWithClientAuth and the ClientAuthType parameter is set to
SAFCheck, the IOCTL also returns the UID that is associated with the client certificate,
which is registered with RACF.
If the IOCTL returns a policy status of TTLS_POL_NO_POLICY (no matching policy rule is
found for the connection) or TTLS_POL_NOT_ENABLED (a matching policy rule policy is
found, but it is not enabled for the connection), the connection is not secure.
If the connection is not secure and the remote connection is trying to access Db2 by using
the secure port, Db2 rejects the connection request. Otherwise, Db2 enables the
connection long enough to perform the next steps.
2. Db2 checks to see whether the client sent an authentication token (RACF-encrypted
password, RACF PassTicket, DRDA-clear text password, DRDA-encrypted password, or
Kerberos ticket) during the DRDA handshake, which flows immediately after the TLS/SSL
handshake completes.
Step 1:
Verify secure nature of connection?
Verify remote connections
TCP/IP request from remote client system
Step 2:
Is authentication information present?
Step 3:
Does the serving subsystem accept
remote requests without verification?
TCPALVER=YES or connection is secure
and security type indicates Server with client
authentication, ClientAuthType = SAFCheck
Activity at the DB2 for z/OS server
Step 4:
Verify user identity.
Check ID for connections
Not authorized;
reject request
Step 5:
Authenticate the user ID by RACF,
verify ID can access DB2, and run
connection exit routine (DSN3@ATH).
Step 7:
Check local privilege at the server.
No trusted
context; reject
Connection processing
Step 6:
Check for trusted context at server.
Non-secure connection trying to
access DB2 via secure port, reject
64 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
3. If no authentication token is supplied, Db2 checks the TCPALVER subsystem parameter to
see whether Db2 accepts IDs without authentication information:
If TCPALVER=NO or TCPALVER=SERVER, Db2 requires the minimum of a UID and a
If TCPALVER=SERVER_ENCRYPT, Db2 requires a UID and a password. In addition, Db2
requires that the security credentials are AES-encrypted or that the connection is
accepted on a port that ensures AT-TLS policy protection, such as a Db2 Security Port
(SECPORT). Kerberos tickets are accepted. RACF PassTickets or nonencrypted
security credentials are accepted only when the connection is secured by the IP
If TCPALVER=YES or TCPALVER=CLIENT, Db2 accepts TCP/IP connection requests that
contain only a UID.
If the connection is secure, as described in step 1 on page 63, and the UID that is
associated with the client certificate is known, Db2 also accepts TCP/IP connection
requests that contain only a UID.
4. Db2 calls RACF to verify the UID. The UID is one of the following values:
The ID is a Kerberos principal that is validated by the Kerberos Security Server if a
Kerberos ticket is provided.
The ID is a RACF UID that is authenticated by RACF together with the password or
PassTicket, if provided.
The ID is a distributed ID if the presence of a distributed registry name is provided by
the connection. When a distributed registry name is provided, the RACF UID is derived
from a distributed name filter that is defined in RACF.
To use distributed name filters in this situation, Db2 starts the RACF distributed identity
propagation function to retrieve the RACF UID that is associated with the distributed
identity and registry name. To use distributed identity propagation, ensure that you
define a distributed identity filter, which maps the distributed identity and the distributed
registry name with a RACF UID.
If RACF cannot find a distributed identity name filter for the distributed identity and
registry name pair, Db2 treats the distributed identity as a RACF UID and starts RACF
to verify it together with the password, if provided.
5. The UID is verified and authenticated in the following manner:
When Kerberos tickets are used, the RACF UID is derived from the Kerberos principal
identity. To use Kerberos tickets, ensure that you map Kerberos principal names with
When the remote client accesses Db2 by using a secure connection and a RACF UID
is associated with the client certificate, Db2 compares the remote client UID with the
certificate UID.
Assuming that the remote client UID and the UID that is associated with the client
certificate differ, extra authentication processing by Db2 is required to authenticate the
remote client accessing Db2 by using a certificate.
If the remote client UID and the UID that is associated with the client certificate are the
same, Db2 authenticates the UID (and password, if provided) with RACF.
Trusted connection: The DRDA UID takes precedence over the certificate UID.
Db2 uses the UID that is obtained from the certificate to search for a trusted context.
If it exists, Db2 processes the DRDA UID as a trusted context switch-user request.
Extra authentication is required to authenticate the remote client connection when the
remote connection request accesses Db2 by using a digital certificate and the remote
client UID differs from the RACF UID that is associated with the client certificate. Db2
performs more steps:
The UID that is associated with the client certificate is authenticated by RACF. This UID
is also verified by RACF to ensure that it can access Db2 and that the connection exit
routine started.
Assuming that the authentication is successful, Db2 searches for a matching trusted
context that is defined for the UID that is associated with the client certificate. If the
trusted context exists, an implicit trusted connection is now established between the
remote connection request and the Db2 server.
When the trusted connection is established, Db2 authenticates the remote client UID
that is associated with the remote connection request. This UID also is verified by
RACF to ensure that it can access Db2 and that the connection exit routine started.
Assuming that the authentication is successful, Db2 determines whether the primary
UID is enabled to use the trusted connection. If the trusted connection can be used, the
remote client is allowed access into Db2 by using a digital certificate.
If authentication is unsuccessful for the remote client UID or the remote client UID is
not allowed to use the trusted connection, the remote connection request is rejected.
If authentication is unsuccessful for the client certificate UID or a trusted connection
cannot be established for the client certificate UID, the remote connection is rejected.
If special consideration to authenticate the remote client connection request is not
required, the UID together with the password or RACF PassTicket, if provided, is
authenticated by RACF
. Db2 calls RACF to check the UID’s authorization against the
ssnm.DIST resource (in the DSNR resource class) and starts the Db2 connection exit
routine (DSN3@ATH). The parameter list that is passed to the routine describes where the
remote request originated.
In addition, depending on your RACF environment, the following RACF checks might also
be performed. If the RACF APPCPORT class is active, RACF verifies that the ID is
authorized to access z/OS from the port of entry (POE).
The POE that RACF uses in the RACROUTE VERIFY call depends on whether all the
following conditions are true:
The IP network access control is configured.
The RACF SERVAUTH class is active.
If all these conditions are true, RACF uses the remote client’s POE security zone name
that is defined in the IP network access control definitions in the TCP/IP profile. If one or
more of these conditions are not true, RACF uses the literal string TCPIP.
If this request is to change a password, the password is changed.
6. The remote request has a primary authorization ID, possibly one or more secondary IDs,
and an SQL ID. (The SQL ID cannot be converted.) If the remote connection request
originated from a Db2 for z/OS client, the plan or package owner ID also accompanies the
request. Privileges and authorities that are granted to those IDs at the Db2 server govern
the actions that the request can take.
66 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
Db2 searches for a matching trusted context. If Db2 finds a matching trusted context, it
validates the following attributes:
If the SERVAUTH attribute is defined for the identified trusted context and TCP/IP
provides a RACF SERVAUTH profile name to Db2 during the establishment of the
connection, Db2 matches the SERVAUTH profile name with the SERVAUTH attribute
If the SERVAUTH attribute is not defined or the SERVAUTH name does not match the
SERVAUTH that is defined for the identified trusted context, Db2 matches the remote
client’s TCP/IP address with the ADDRESS attribute that is defined for the identified
trusted context.
If the ENCRYPTION attribute is defined, Db2 validates whether the connection uses the
proper encryption, as specified in the value of the ENCRYPTION attribute.
If the DEFAULT SECURITY LABEL attribute is defined for the system authorization ID, Db2
verifies the security label with RACF. This security label is used for verifying multilevel
security for the system authorization ID. However, if the system authorization ID is also
in the ALLOW USER clause with SECURITY LABEL, that ID is used.
If the validation is successful, Db2 establishes the connection as trusted. If the validation
is not successful, the connection is established as a normal connection without any
additional privileges, Db2 returns a warning, and SQLWARN8 is set.
When the trusted connection is established, Db2 enables the trusted connection to be
reused by a separate UID on a transaction boundary. Then, a sequence of tasks is
performed by Db2 when the remote connection requests to switch the UID on a trusted
Db2 determines whether the primary authorization ID is allowed to use the trusted
connection. If the WITH AUTHENTICATION clause is specified for the user, Db2 requires
an authentication token for the user. The authentication token can be a password, a
RACF PassTicket, or a Kerberos ticket.
Assuming that the primary authorization ID is allowed, Db2 determines the trusted
context for any SECURITY LABEL definition. If a specific SECURITY LABEL is defined for
this user, it becomes the SECURITY LABEL for this user. If no specific SECURITY LABEL is
defined for this user but a DEFAULT SECURITY LABEL is defined for the trusted context,
Db2 verifies the validity of this SECURITY LABEL for this user through RACF by issuing
the RACROUTE VERIFY request.
If the primary authorization ID is allowed, Db2 performs a connection initialization. This
connection initialization results in an application environment that truly mimics the
environment that is initialized if the new user establishes the connection in the normal
Db2 manner. For example, any open cursor is closed, and temporary table information
is dropped.
If the primary authorization ID is not allowed to use the trusted connection or if the
SECURITY LABEL verification fails, the connection is returned to an unconnected state.
The only operation that is allowed in this context is to establish a valid authorization ID
to be associated with the trusted connection. Until a valid authorization is established
and if any SQL statement is issued, an error (SQLCODE -900) is returned.
Configuring client access to Db2 by using TLS/SSL client authentication
To implement client access to a Db2 for z/OS server by using digital certificates, complete the
following steps:
1. Configure the AT-TLS policy rules for the Db2 server to use TLS/SSL client authentication,
as described in “Coding the AT-TLS policy rules for TLS/SSL client authentication” on
page 22 and “Registering a client certificate with RACF (optional)” on page 40.
2. Optionally, create a trusted context definition for the client certificate RACF UID as the
system authorization ID and allow any DRDA UID to be used by the trusted context.
Example 27 shows how to create a trusted context for the UID, USRT001, which is associated
with the registered client certificate, and allow UIDs USRT020, USRT021, and ADMF002 to
use this trusted context.
Example 27 Sample trusted context definition for client access to Db2 by using certificates
Db2 is now ready to accept remote client access by using a digital certificate that is registered
to RACF, which has a UID, USRT001, that is associated with it.
In Example 27, where a connection is established from an application server originating from
IP address that is authenticated with the certificate that is associated with user
USRT001, the connection can switch the Db2 primary authorization ID to either UIDs
USRT020, USRT021, or ADMF002 without requiring any credentials.
In the case where the UID that is specified by the remote client application is a distributed
UID, which is registered to a distributed registry name (the UID is not defined in RACF), you
must configure Db2 support for z/OS identity name filters.
Configuring z/OS identity name filters for the Db2 server
A distributed identity filter is a RACF mapping association between a RACF UID and one or
more distributed UIDs. You can use the RACF RACMAP command to associate a distributed
UID with a RACF UID. RACF distributed identity filters are implemented through z/OS identify
propagation. Distributed identity filters are supported on z/OS V1R11 and later releases.
Db2 supports z/OS identify propagation and distributed identity filters. You must create
distributed identity filters to take advantage of this support.
UID: With client access to Db2 that uses a digital certificate, the UID that the client
application specifies for the connection must also be a RACF-defined UID. It does not have
to be the same UID as the certificate UID, but the UID must be known to RACF and have
access to Db2 resources (DSNR class).
68 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
To create a distributed identity filter, complete the following steps:
1. Activate the RACF general resource IDIDMAP class and enable it for RACLIST processing
by running the following command:
2. Define a distributed identity filter and associate the distributed username with a RACF UID
by issuing the RACF RACMAP command. To define a filter for a non-LDAP username,
specify the username as a simple character string to be defined in a non-LDAP registry.
Suppose that the distributed username is ‘MARY’, which is defined in user registry
‘Registry01’. If you want to map this username to RACF UID “USRT021”, you can run
the following command:
REGISTRY(NAME('Registry01')) -
WITHLABEL('Filter for MARY from Registry01')
3. Refresh the IDIDMAP class profile by running the following command:
4. If necessary, review the distributed identity filter by running the following command:
If the new filter is successfully created, the following output is returned:
Mapping information for user USRT021:
Label: Filter for MARY from Registry01
Distributed Identity User Name Filter:
Registry name:
The new filter assigns the RACF UID, USRT021, when the distributed identity is user MARY
from Registry01. When user MARY authenticates her ID at her distributed application server
and performs tasks that access a remote Db2 server system, Db2 passes distributed
username MARY and registry name Registry01 as character strings to RACF.
During Db2 remote connection processing, Db2 calls the RACF RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY
ENVIR=CREATE macro service. RACF uses these data values to search the IDIDMAP profiles
for a matching filter. RACF finds the matching filter labeled “Filter for MARY from
Registry01”and assigns it the USRT021 UID. Because the remote client accesses Db2 by
using a digital certificate, Db2 performs a switch user with the trusted context, CTX1, to allow
USRT021 to become the primary authorization ID for the connection.
The remote connection then runs its transactions with the authority of the USRT021 UID.
Audit records for this transaction contain RACF UID USRT021, distributed user MARY, and
registry name Registry01, which Db2 pass to RACF.
Using the Microsoft truststore
If the application is in a Windows environment and wants to use Microsoft Certificate Store
(MSCS), also known as the Windows truststore) for authentication, you can use MSCS by
setting up one of the following configurations:
򐂰 Using settings in your Java application.
If you have access to the source code, the following system properties can be set in the
򐂰 Using settings as Java runtime options.
If you have access to the script that starts your application, you can add the properties as
a Java runtime options:
java <java application to run>
򐂰 Using JCC driver settings.
JCC properties for SSL can be configured to use the MSCS. Parameters can be set by
using the DataSource or global properties file or though a URL:
Setting the property by using the DataSource method:
Setting the property by using the global properties file method:
Setting the property by using the URL method:
Using the Windows keystore
If the application is running in a Windows environment and it wants to use the Windows
keystore for SSL authentication, you can use the keystore by setting up one of the following
򐂰 Using settings in your Java application.
If you have access to the source code of your application, you can set the following Java
properties within your application:
򐂰 Using settings as the Java runtime options by using the CLI.
If you have access to the script that starts your Java application or you want to run your
Java application by using the CLI, you can use the -D option to set the Java properties: <java
application to run>
70 IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
򐂰 Using JCC driver settings.
JCC properties for SSL can be configured to use the MSCS. Parameters can be set either
through the DataSource, global properties, or the connection URL:
Setting the JCC property by using the DatasSource:
Setting the JCC property by using the global properties file:
Setting the JCC property by using the URL:
For more information, see the following resources:
򐂰 DB2 9 for z/OS: Distributed Functions, SG24-6952
򐂰 IBM z/OS V2R1 Communications Server TCP/IP Implementation Volume 1: Base
Functions, Connectivity, and Routing, SG24-8096-00
򐂰 IBM z/OS V2R2 Communications Server TCP/IP Implementation: Volume 2 Standard
Applications, SG24-8361
򐂰 IBM z/OS V2R2 Communications Server TCP/IP Implementation: Volume 4 Security and
Policy-Based Networking, SG24-8363
򐂰 Security Functions of IBM DB2 10 for z/OS, SG24-7959
򐂰 Db2 12 for z/OS Administration Guide, SC27-8844-02
򐂰 z/OS V2R4 Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide, SC27-3650
򐂰 z/OS V2R4 Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference, SC27-3651
򐂰 z/OS V2R4 Communications Server IP Diagnosis Guide, GC27-3652
򐂰 z/OS V2R4 Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 2 (EZB, EZD), SC27-3655
򐂰 z/OS V2R4 Security Server RACF Command Language Reference, SA23-2292
򐂰 z/OS V2R4 Security Server RACF Security Administrator’s Guide, SA23-2289
򐂰 z/OS V2R4 Cryptographic Services System Secure Sockets Layer Programming,
򐂰 Db2 11.5 Java Applications development for IBM data servers:
򐂰 Db2 11.5 Introduction to Db2 Call Level Interface and ODBC:
򐂰 IBM GSKit return codes:
This paper was produced by a team of specialists working at the IBM Research® Triangle
Park Laboratory in Research Triangle Park, NC and the IBM Silicon Valley Laboratory in San
Jose, CA.
Chris Meyer is an IBM Senior Technical Staff Member and the network security architect for
the z/OS operating system. He has over 35 years of experience developing IBM operating
systems and security-related software products.
Derek Tempongko is an IBM Advisory Software Engineer on the Db2 for z/OS development
team. He specializes in the area of the DDF component. He has over 18 years of experience
with IBM and the Db2 database product.
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Martin Keen
IBM Research Triangle Park, NC
Jim Pickel and Hugh Smith
IBM Silicon Valley Laboratory, CA
Tejaswini Papanna and Shilu Mathai
Rocket Software
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