Native English speakers learning Arabic:
The influence of novel orthographic informa tion
on second language phonological acquisition
Catherine E. Showalter
Indiana University, Department of Second Language Studies
EUROSLA, University of Amsterdam
August 2013
Orthographic input can hinder phonological acquisition (e.g., Bassetti,
2006; HayesHarb, Nicol, & Barker, 2010)
Orthographic input can aid phonological acquisition (e.g., Escudero,
HayesHarb, & Mitterer, 2008)
Unfamiliar orthographic symbols can also aid learners (Showalter &
HayesHarb, 2013)
Showalter & HayesHarb (2013)
Previous studies utilized familiar orthographic symbols and relied on
learners’ knowledge of existing L1 graphemephoneme correspondences
Can native English speakers use orthographic tone marks to remember
the lexical tones associated with new L2 words?
L1 English, L2 pseudoMandarin
Mandarin fourway lexical tone contrast (tones 1,2,3,4)
Pinyin: Romanized Mandarin writing with diacritic tone marks, e.g. <fiàn>
Experiment 1
Word Learning Phase Example: Hear [ɡitone1], See:
No Tone Marks Tone Marks
Test Phase Example: Hear [ɡitone2], See:
Respond: Matched or Mismatched
Showalter & HayesHarb, 2013
Experiment 2
Did subjects learn what tones are indicated by each tone mark or did
they simply pay better attention to the auditory forms because they
notice that tone marks differed across words?
Stimuli: all stimuli used were the identical to Experiment 1
Procedures: all procedures from Experiment 1 were the same except
the Final Test.
Orthographic representations NOT nonobject pictures
Same number of mismatched/matched items
Mismatched: [fian] tone 3
Showalter & HayesHarb, 2013
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Showalter & HayesHarb Findings
On items that probed sensitivity to tone contrasts, subjects who saw
tone marks significantly outperformed those who did not
The availability of orthographic tone marks can help learners
remember lexical tone
Learners can create novel tonetone mark correspondences to some extent
Even unfamiliar orthographic symbols can influence L2 word form
Showalter & HayesHarb, 2013
 
Present Study
We do not yet know whether learners can use an entirely unfamiliar
orthography to make inferences about the phonological structure of
L2 words…
Can learners use their knowledge that letters represent sounds to
infer phonological contrasts in new L2 words even when the
orthography is entirely unfamiliar?
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
>ططططControl Condition: meaningless Arabic sequence <
Experiment 1
L1 English, L2 pseudoArabic
Two conditions (n=15 in each)
Orthography Condition: Arabic script
Arabic velaruvular contrast /kq/
Words produced by two male native Jordanian Arabic speakers
6 nonword minimal pairs, e.g., [kubu][qubu]
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
Word Learning Task
Each of the nonwords was associated with a different picture
E.g., for the auditory forms [kubu] and [qubu], subjects in the Orthography
group saw:
And the control group saw:
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
Word Learning Task
Each auditory word and corresponding picture presented twice per
block (24 items per block)
Block presented four times, in a different random order each time
and for each subject
No response required of subjects; told to learn the words and their
meanings as well as possible
Word Learning: Auditory + Picture + Orthography
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
Criterion Test
Twoway forcedchoice auditory wordpicture matching test
48 items: 24 matched, 24 mismatched
Matched: e.g., see picture of [kita], hear [kita]
Mismatched: e.g., see picture of [kita], hear [qaʃu]
Tested only the ability to discriminate among very different words
(e.g., [kita][qaʃu]), not minimal pairs
Subjects repeated word learning until 90% accuracy reached
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
Final Test
Identical to Criterion Test, except:
Mismatched items were minimal pairs
e.g., see picture of [kubu], hear [qubu]
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
Experiment 1 Findings
Main effect of item type
sig. (p<.005)
Main effect of group not
sig. (p=.661)
Interaction of item type
and group not sig. (p=.867)
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
Experiment 1 Conclusions
Native Englishspeaking learners did not benefit from the availability
of the Arabic spelled forms when discriminating between /kq/
minimal pairs
Three possible explanations:
The Arabic script is too visually comple x
The novel auditory contrast is too difficult for learners to perceive
Some combination of the above
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
Experiment 2
Is the Arabic script too difficult? (see, e.g., Abdelhadi, Ibrahim &
Eviatar, 2011)
Attempt to moderate this difficulty with explicit instruction about the
Arabic writing system
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
Experiment 2
Procedures identical to Experiment 1, except:
Prior to the word learning phase, learners presented with information about
the Arabic script
Only the Orthography condition (n=8)
Subjects were told that Arabic is written from righttoleft and not
lefttoright like English and were shown examples with arrows
pointing to the distinguishing letters
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
Experim ent 2 Findings
Orthography condition only
Matched items: .90 (E1: .87)
Mismatched items: .42 (E1: .47)
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
Experiment 2 Conclusions
Explicit instruction (of this type) does not appear to have been helpful
Did instruction add too much new information for English speakers to
New orthography, new contrasts, and instructions to keep in memory
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
Experiment 3
Alleviate script difficulty by using Romanized Arabic script
Procedures the same as Experiment 1, except:
Orthographic forms presented in the Roman alphabet (e.g., <kashu>, <qashu>)
But note novel graphemephoneme correspondence : <q>/q/
Only the Orthography condition (n=8)
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
Experim ent 3 Findings
Orthography condition only
Matched items: .84
(E1: .87, E2: .90)
Mismatched items: .26
(E1: .47, E2: .42)
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
Experiment 3 Conclusions
Difficulty associating with the novel Arabic orthography did not fully
explain native English speakers’ performance in Experiment 1
Less accurate performance in Experiment 3
The auditory/kq/ contrast may be too difficult
Showalter MA Thesis, 2012
Experiment 4
Alleviate auditory contrast difficulty by reducing the number of talk ers
to one
In pilot studies, word learning was enhanced by reducing number of talkers
Procedures the same as Experiment 1, except:
Auditory stimuli produced by only one talker
Orthography condition (n=15)
Control condition (n=15)
Showalter & HayesHarb, in prep
Orthography condition
Matched items: .87
Mismatched items: .62
(performance sig. above
chance; p=.037)
Control condition
Matched items: .89
Mismatched items: .52
Experiment 4 Findings
Matched Mismatched
Showalter & HayesHarb, in prep
Showalter & HayesHarb, in prep
Dprime values per experiment
Arabic script may be too difficult for learners to utilize
How is performance accuracy on Experiment 3 (Roman representations)
Is the /k//q/ contrast too difficult?
Even with the aid of orthographic representations?
Easier contrast?
General Conclusions:
Role of orthographic input in L2 word learning
Orthographic information can be a powerful source of information
about the phonological structure of L2 words
Orthographic information may override” auditory information when…
Auditory and orthographic information conflict (HayesHarb et al. 2010); and
Auditory information is unusable because learners cannot perceive the
auditory contrast (Escudero et al. 2008)
Orthographic input may cause learners to
Misremember the phonological forms of newlylearned L2 words
(HayesHarb et al. 2010); and
Create nontargetlike phonological representations for L2 syllables
(Bassett i 2006)
General Conclusions:
Influence of orthographic familiarity in moderating role
of orthographic input
Orthographic information can help learners to associate novel
phonological contrasts with L2 words when…
The letters are familiar (Dutch/English; Escudero et al., 2008); and
When the orthographic forms involve unfamiliar symbols (English/Mandarin;
Showalter & HayesHarb, 2013)
However, orthographic information may not always be helpful to the
acquisition of targetlike L2 forms
It may have no significant beneficial eff ect when…
The orthographic and/or auditory contrasts are too difficult for learners to
perceive (Showalter 2012)
When a novel script is utilized‐‐how do learners interpret a novel script?
General Conclusions:
Talker variability in novel word learning
Both Showalter and HayesHarb (2013) and Showalter (2012) found
that reduction in number of speakers aided performance
Pilot studies indicate that L2 word form learning may be more difficult
when input comes from multiple talk ers
Note: contrary to benefits of talk er variability attested in other domains of L2
phonological acquisition (e.g., work by Pisoni et al., Barcroft and Sommers
Rachel HayesHarb
Jane Hacking
Aaron Kaplan
Brian Cragun
Speech Acquisition Lab at the University of Utah
Thank you.