Lamar Consolidated Independent School District
McNeill Elementary
2023-2024 Campus Improvement Plan
McNeill Elementary
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Mission Statement
To inspire, educate, and enrich each individual, each day, using every opportunity no matter what it takes!
McNeill Elementary prepares students to become individuals who:
Show respect for all,
Demonstrate integrity in everything they do,
Possess the courage to go above and beyond,
Have ambition for a bright future,
And the ability to build friendships within a diverse community.
McNeill Elementary
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Table of Contents
Comprehensive Needs Assessment 4
Demographics 4
Priority Problem Statements 14
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation 15
Goals 17
Goal 1: Overall each grade level, Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade, will increase Meets Grade Level Expectations Standards by 7-10% on their reading end of year
assessment in the 2023-2024 school year as measured by STAAR ELAR (3rd-5th) , GRA (K-2nd) and Circle (Pre-K). 17
Goal 2: Overall each grade level 1st-5th grade will increase Meets Grade Level Expectations Standards of 7-10% on their math end of year assessment in the 2023-2024 school
year as measured by STAAR Math (3rd-5th) or the End of Year MAP Math Universal Screener (1st-2nd). 21
Goal 3: Grade 5 Science will increase Meets Grade Level Expectations Standards by 10% in the 2023-2024 school year as measured by STAAR Science assessment. 24
Goal 4: McNeill Elementary will attract, recruit, and engage staff, parents, guardians, and community organizations to maximize resources to enrich student learning. 27
Goal 5: Emergent Bilingual students in grades K-5 will increase their Advanced High Speaking proficiency by at least 10% as measured by the 2023-2024 TELPAS
assessment. 29
State Compensatory 30
Budget for McNeill Elementary 30
Personnel for McNeill Elementary 30
Title I Personnel 31
Campus Funding Summary 32
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Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Demographics Summary
Male - 50.67%
Female - 49.33%
Hispanic-Latino - 24.48%
American Indian - Alaskan Native - 0.12%
Asian - 21.19%
African American/Black - 32.16%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander - 0.12%
White - 18.03%
2 or more - 3.90%
Emergent Bilingual - 43.97%
Dyslexia - 1.46%
Gifted & Talented - 8.16%
Economically Disadvantaged - 46.77%
Special Education - 10.60%
McNeill had a total of 12 suspensions in 2022-23 which is a decrease of 2 suspensions.
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Student Achievement
2023 Overall 5
Reading STAAR 93% , Overall 5
Math STAAR 89% Overall 5
Science STAAR 74%
2023 Overall 4
Reading Reading STAAR 97%, Overall 4th Math STAAR 86%,
2023 Overall 3
Reading STAAR 89%, Overall 3rd Math STAAR 87%
Family and Community Involvement
McNeill has a need to form a community partnership to extend opportunities for students beyond the classroom.
McNeill has a very dedicated PTO that raises and contributes funds to support the educational goals, facility needs, social emotional well-being, and physical needs of the students.
McNeill parents are very involved and volunteer at the school to provide teachers and staff with support.
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
McNeill uses grade level common assessments school-wide to help teachers differentiate and meet students’ needs on objectives.
McNeill uses unwrapped TEKS, Lead4ward Field Guides, and District Roadmaps for planning to ensure teacher lessons are aligned with the level of rigor on the TEKS.
McNeill uses MTSS K-5 to focus on students’ strengths, weaknesses, and to design instruction around these areas.
McNeill implements sheltered-instruction strategies to address the needs of the EB and Immigrant student populations.
Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention
Currently all McNeill teaching staff is Highly Qualified.
McNeill strives to recruit the most qualified person for any position and retains them through coaching and staff development.
School Culture and Climate
McNeill staff has decided to implement the McNeill Essentials based off Ron Clark’s Essential 55 to help create a unified campus culture through the consistent
implementation of agreed upon campus norms and expectations. McNeill has also adapted the Ron Clark House System to build community amongst, staff, students, and
McNeill is a No Place for Hate Campus.
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McNeill staff has decided to implement the McNeill Essentials based off Ron Clark’s Essential 55 to help create a unified campus culture through the consistent
implementation of agreed upon campus norms and expectations. McNeill has also adapted the Ron Clark House System to build community amongst, staff, students, and
McNeill has a Girls Above Society and Men in the Making Mentoring programs to address the social emotional needs of tthe 5th grada girls and boys.
McNeill students receive Character Counts as the Social Emotional Learning Curriculum.
School Organization
As a campus we are utilizing every part of the instructional day to increase student achievement by planning instruction that utilizes highly effective strategies and
through extending the school day to include morning and after school tutorials.
We have built in the schedule time during the day for teachers to implement interventions.
Students have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities including: National Elementary Honor Society, Library Helpers, Media Team, Safety Patrol, House Leaders,
Choir, Rhythm Club, Cheer, Intramural Club, Lego Club and Cinematography Club.
Students in grades 2-5 have the basic knowledge on how to use the internet and databases for research.
Students have access to at least 3 iPads per classroom. Teachers who have participated in Interact have more devices available to them.
There are at least 2 computers in each classroom. The school has 10 laptop carts with approximately 25 computers in each cart as well a computer lab with 25 desktop computers for
students to access in order to utilize technology in the classroom. Additional laptops were provided by the district to help with distance learning needs of families.
There is need for students to have access to more devices to prepare for the demands of all online testing for STAAR and TELPAS.
Students use Canvas as a learning management platform to access content.
Teaching and Learning
Identified Problems Proposed Strategies
Student Achievement
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Early Childhood Literacy Campus Outcome Goal
The percent of 3
grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Reading will increase from 74% to 87% by June 2024.
Yearly Target Goals
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
74% 77% 81% 84% 87%
Closing the Gaps Student Groups Yearly Targets
Hispanic White
Two or More
Special Ed Eco. Disadv.
Special Ed
EL Cont. Enrolled
2020 78% 68% 77% ** 74% ** 69% 31% 71% ** 67% 76% 69%
2021 81% 71% 80% ** 77% ** 72% 34% 74% ** 70% 79% 72%
2022 85% 75% 84% ** 81% ** 76% 38% 78% ** 74% 83% 76%
2023 88% 78% 87% ** 84% ** 79% 41% 81% ** 77% 86% 79%
2024 91% 81% 90% ** 87% ** 82% 44% 84% ** 80% 89% 82%
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Early Childhood Math Board Outcome Goal
The percent of 3rd grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Math will increase from 74% to 87% by June 2024.
Yearly Target Goals
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
74% 77% 81% 84% 87%
Closing the Gaps Student Groups Yearly Targets
Hispanic White
Two or More
Special Ed Eco. Disadv.
Special Ed
EL Cont. Enrolled
2020 73% 74% 74% ** 74% ** 77% 46% 61% ** 71% 76% 69%
2021 76% 77% 77% ** 77% ** 80% 49% 64% ** 74% 79% 72%
2022 80% 81% 81% ** 81% ** 84% 53% 68% ** 78% 83% 76%
2023 83% 84% 84% ** 84% ** 87% 56% 71% ** 81% 86% 79%
2024 86% 87% 87% ** 87% ** 90% 59% 74% ** 84% 89% 82%
Identified Problems Proposed Strategies
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K-2 Reading: 70% met or exceeded the End of the Year GRA
expectations. This is a negative 2% difference from last year of
72% student meeting or exceeding expected reading levels.
Train all K-2nd Reading Teachers and administrators on the Next Steps Forward
in Guided Reading model to ensure a consistent method of teaching guided reading
is being used vertically. Ensure that all K-2 teachers have the necessary resources
to implement the program from day one.
Provide Dyslexia Intervention for students who qualify through SPED.
All Pre-K -3
grade teachers will complete the Science of Reading Academies by the
end of the 2022-23 school year.
Increase student access to authentic literature in the library and the classroom libraries.
Utilize Countdown (K) and Phonics Blast (1-2) prescriptive phonics-based program for
all kindergarten through 2nd grade students. Ensure that this is the foundational priority
for the ELAR Block.
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Provide intervention for K-2nd grade students who are reading below level or who
demonstrated deficiencies through Merlin Time and additional support with the Reading
3rd-5th Grade students increased 8% (Approach) 13% (Meets) and
15% (Masters). However, 3rd grade has not met the Early Childhood
Outcome Goal set by TEA for the past two years for Meets
Expectations 2021 missed by 9% and 2022 missed by 5%).
Provide intervention before school, during school, and after school for students who
demonstrate deficiencies or disengagement due to virtual learning, who are identified
At-Risk, HB4545 or underperforming throughout the year to increase student
achievement and meet the TEA Early Childhood Literacy Outcomes.
The Literacy Coach will provide staff development sessions to facilitate the
improvement of teacher's Tier I instruction. Topics include but not limited to Guided
Reading Assessment, TX-KEA, TPRI, differentiated instruction, small group, effective
guided reading instruction, running records, instructional centers, and balanced literacy.
3rd-5th Grade students overall did not meet the 90-60-30 for
STAAR Math. McNeill missed the 90% approaches by 6%.
McNeill Missed the Early Childhood Meets Expectations
PErformance Outcome for 3rd grade in 2022. THe expected level
was 81% of 3rd grade students would Meet STAAR
Expectations. McNeill achieved 57% Meetins for 3rd Grade.
THis is a -24% discrepancy.
Train teachers on Number Talks and number fluency to increase student mental
Ensure that all K-3rd grade teachers are following the district guided math protocol as
they learned from the Guided Math Cadre.
Purchase manipulatives for students to use to build their concrete math skills.
All Pre-K -3rd grade teachers will complete the Science of Reading Academies by the
end of 2023.
Ensure teachers are using the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract model to build student
understanding on math concepts.
Provide intervention for students who do not demonstrate understanding of the
prerequisite math skills assessed on the screener at the beginning of the year through
MAP , who are identified as a student who needs HB4545 Tutorials and who are At-
Risk of not meeting STAAR criteria.
Utilize Dreambox Learning consistently K-5 to help build students' conceptual
understanding of mathematical content.
Purchase First in Math online math tool as a a supplement to math instruction to help
students build numerical fluency K-5.
Train teachers to use language acquisition strategies to help students acquire academic
language of the discipline.
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5th Grade science students did not meet the 90-60-30 benchmark
for STAAR. Students were 81% Approaches, 54% Meets, and
31% Masters.
Provide intervention before school, during school, and after school for students
who demonstrate deficiencies or disengagement in science due to virtual learning,
who are identified At-Risk or underperforming throughout the year to increase
student achievement.
Sheltered strategies will be used to teach science academic vocabulary and materials
will be purchased to address these needs.
Teachers of At-Risk and Economically Disadvantaged, and SPED students will receive
training on differentiating science instruction through a variety of strategies and
Provide field experiences to students to expose them to real-world application of science
At-Risk Student Services / Drop-Out Prevention
Students identified At-Risk, Economically Disadvantaged, LEP, and SPED have
gaps in performance on STAAR compared to all students across content areas.
Provide training on frontloading vocabulary, ESL sheltered strategies, Unwrapping
the TEKS, and increasing student engagement.
Provide teachers training on differentiation strategies for diverse student groups (LEP,
SPED, and Immigrant student)
Provide training for teachers using sheltered instruction strategies.
Provide MTSS tutorials for students who demonstrated deficiencies or disengagement due
to virtual learning, identified At-Risk or underperforming throughout the year to increase
student achievement.
Utilize a collaborative planning structure (PLC) to ensure equitable learning opportunities
for all students.
Provide resources for teachers to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of their student
Provide technology for students to ensure equitable access to resources that support
scaffolding their learning to close discrepancy.
School Culture, Climate, and Leadership Effectiveness
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Identified Problems Proposed Strategies
The K12 Survey indicates that staff, students, and parents feel that children are not
free from being bullied at school.
Increase bully awareness activities through the Character Counts, No Place for
Use the House Points System as a vehicle to build a positive community and campus
There is a need to provide students/staff with mental health and socio- emotional support
to decrease stress anxiety.
Provide Socio-Emotional support using MTSS to students based on tier-level needs
including but not limited to Memorial Herman.
Refer staff to the EAP as needed.
Provide opportunities for staff to participate in regular wellness activities.
Survey the staff to see how they can better be supported to ensure teacher/staff retention.
Recruit teachers and staff members that reflect the cultural identity of the diverse student
population at McNeill.
Attend recruiting events across the region to broaden the candidate pool.
Regular consistent time for highly effective collaborative teams.
Train key staff to help establish effective PLC processes. Chunk the process to ensure
effective implementation and sustainability.
Teacher Quality and Retention
Identified Problems Proposed Strategies
With the largest ELL population in the district, McNeill’s goal is to increase the
percentage of ESL Certified teachers from 94% to 100%.
Recruit teachers who are ESL Certified.
Teachers who are not certified will participate in the ESL Exam Preparation Cohort to
prepare them for the examination.
Provide embedded on-going professional development to support ESL Certified teachers.
Retain effective teachers and develop them professionally.
We retained 72% of the staff from the prior year. This is a 14% decrease in retention
from the year prior.
Ensure new teachers are supported by highly qualified mentors.
Meet monthly with new to McNeill teachers and provide them with support.
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With the largest ELL population in the district, McNeill’s goal is to increase the
percentage of ESL Certified teachers from 94% to 100%.
Recruit teachers who are ESL Certified.
Ensure that teachers know that there are open lines of communication to voice their
concerns through communication.
Continue to hire teachers, paraprofessionals, and supplemental staff including an
Academic Facilitator to assist At-Risk students achieve academic success.
Community and Student Engagement
Identified Problems Proposed Strategies
With McNeill having students who speak 40 different languages other than
English, there is a need to be able to effectively communicate and engage with
parents from a multilingual community
Use the Parent Engagement facilitators and Project Learn to provide training to
parents of our EBs.
There is a need to increase partnerships with local
businesses/ community organizations to help fund or
provide access to educational opportunities for students.
Seek partnerships through social media and/or business owners in the community to sponsor
educational opportunity extension activities build student background knowledge and
enhance the student educational experiences. Utilize fundraising opportunities through the
PTO to expand student educational opportunities.
There is a need to increase opportunities for families to
engage with staff and the community to improve student
Provide at least one family engagement activity per semester (Math/Science, Literacy,
Healthy Living, and Cultural Diversity).
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Priority Problem Statements
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Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation
The following data were used to verify the comprehensive needs assessment analysis:
Improvement Planning Data
District goals
Campus goals
HB3 CCMR goals
Performance Objectives with summative review (prior year)
Campus/District improvement plans (current and prior years)
State and federal planning requirements
Accountability Data
Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) data
Student Achievement Domain
Student Progress Domain
Closing the Gaps Domain
Accountability Distinction Designations
Student Data: Assessments
State and federally required assessment information
STAAR current and longitudinal results, including all versions
STAAR Emergent Bilingual (EB) progress measure data
Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) and TELPAS Alternate results
Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI), Tejas LEE, or other alternate early reading assessment results
Local diagnostic reading assessment data
Local benchmark or common assessments data
Student Data: Student Groups
At-risk/non-at-risk population including performance, progress, discipline, attendance, and mobility data
Dyslexia data
Response to Intervention (RtI) student achievement data
Student Data: Behavior and Other Indicators
Attendance data
Discipline records
Employee Data
State certified and high quality staff data
Parent/Community Data
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Parent surveys and/or other feedback
Support Systems and Other Data
Processes and procedures for teaching and learning, including program implementation
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Goal 1: Overall each grade level, Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade, will increase Meets Grade Level Expectations Standards by 7-10% on their reading end
of year assessment in the 2023-2024 school year as measured by STAAR ELAR (3rd-5th) , GRA (K-2nd) and Circle (Pre-K).
Performance Objective 1: Improve Tier 1 Instruction in all ELAR classrooms.
Summative Evaluation: Significant progress made toward meeting Objective
Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: The Instructional Coach will provide staff development sessions to facilitate the improvement of all students' Tier I instruction in
all sub-populations by using balanced literacy and guided reading with fidelity. Appropriate instructional resources will be provided to meet
expectations and improve both teaching and learning.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Running Records, Walkthrough/Observations, Lesson Plans, Student Artifacts
Summative- GRA/TX-KEA End of Year Reports will demonstrate students meeting grade level expectations.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
TEA Priorities:
Recruit, support, retain teachers and principals, Build a foundation of reading and math
Funding Sources: Pre-K Personnel - 199 PIC 24 State Compensatory Ed (SCE) Accelerated - $149,021.94
Nov Feb June
Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Vertical teams will be implemented to align campus reading comprehension strategies across grade levels including writing
strategies to compose both extended constructed responses (ECR) and short constructed responses (SCR).
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Walkthrough/Observations, Lesson Plans, Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Nov Feb June
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Strategy 3 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Data protocols will be implemented to monitor instruction in order to improve student progress.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Title I:
2.5, 2.6
- TEA Priorities:
Build a foundation of reading and math
Nov Feb June
No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue
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Goal 1: Overall each grade level, Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade, will increase Meets Grade Level Expectations Standards by 7-10% on their reading end
of year assessment in the 2023-2024 school year as measured by STAAR ELAR (3rd-5th) , GRA (K-2nd) and Circle (Pre-K).
Performance Objective 2: Provide intervention during and after school for students who demonstrate deficits, disengagement , and/or are identified At-Risk
throughout the year to increase student achievement.
Summative Evaluation: Significant progress made toward meeting Objective
Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Tutoring will be provided to students in grades 3-5 who are identified At-Risk of failing the STAAR exam. Appropriate
instructional resources will be provided to meet expectations and improve learning.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Lesson Plans, Student Artifacts
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Literacy Coach, and Academic Facilitator, Tutor
Funding Sources: Tutoring Salary - 199 PIC 24 State Compensatory Ed (SCE) Accelerated - $8,000, Tutoring Materials - 199 PIC 24
State Compensatory Ed (SCE) Accelerated - $4,000
Nov Feb June
Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Enhance academic language supports for Emergent Bilingual (EB) students. Professional development and instructional resources
will be provided to meet expectations and improve learning.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Nov Feb June
No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue
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Goal 1: Overall each grade level, Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade, will increase Meets Grade Level Expectations Standards by 7-10% on their reading end
of year assessment in the 2023-2024 school year as measured by STAAR ELAR (3rd-5th) , GRA (K-2nd) and Circle (Pre-K).
Performance Objective 3: Analyze student data to make informed instructional decisions.
Summative Evaluation: Significant progress made toward meeting Objective
Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Item analysis will be completed after campus and district assessments using data from Eduphoria Aware and MAP during PLCs to
determine areas requiring instructional shifts and students who will require additional support.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Eduphoria, MAP
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach, Teachers
Nov Feb June
Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Data protocols will be implemented to monitor instruction in order to improve student progress.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Nov Feb June
No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue
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Goal 2: Overall each grade level 1st-5th grade will increase Meets Grade Level Expectations Standards of 7-10% on their math end of year assessment in the
2023-2024 school year as measured by STAAR Math (3rd-5th) or the End of Year MAP Math Universal Screener (1st-2nd).
Performance Objective 1: Improve Tier 1 Instruction in all math classrooms.
Summative Evaluation: Significant progress made toward meeting Objective
Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: The Instructional Coach will provide staff development sessions to facilitate the improvement of all students' Tier I instruction in
all sub-populations by using guided math and district resources with fidelity. Appropriate instructional resources will be provided to meet
expectations and improve both teaching and learning.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Walkthrough/Observations, Lesson Plans, Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
TEA Priorities:
Recruit, support, retain teachers and principals
Funding Sources: Math materials - 199 PIC 24 State Compensatory Ed (SCE) Accelerated - $1,005
Nov Feb June
Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Vertical teams will be implemented to align high-yielding instructional strategies that impact Tier I instruction for student learning
by discussing and defining grade-level Learning Intentions and Success Criteria across all grade levels.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Walkthrough/Observations, Lesson Plans, Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Nov Feb June
Strategy 3 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Data protocols will be implemented to monitor instruction in order to improve student progress.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Nov Feb June
No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue
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Goal 2: Overall each grade level 1st-5th grade will increase Meets Grade Level Expectations Standards of 7-10% on their math end of year assessment in the
2023-2024 school year as measured by STAAR Math (3rd-5th) or the End of Year MAP Math Universal Screener (1st-2nd).
Performance Objective 2: Provide intervention during and after school for students who demonstrate deficits, disengagement , and/or are identified At-Risk
throughout the year to increase student achievement.
Summative Evaluation: Significant progress made toward meeting Objective
Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Enhance academic language supports for Emergent Bilingual (EB) students. Professional development and instructional resources
will be provided to meet expectations and improve learning.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Funding Sources: Professional Development and Instructional Resources - 263 Title III, LEP - $4,000, Professional Development and
Instructional Resources - 199 PIC 25 State Bilingual/ESL - $9,964
Nov Feb June
Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Tutoring will be provided to students in grades 3-5 who are identified At-Risk of failing the STAAR exam. Appropriate
instructional resources will be provided to meet expectations and improve learning.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Student Artifacts
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Funding Sources: Tutor Pay - 199 PIC 24 State Compensatory Ed (SCE) Accelerated - $2,000
Nov Feb June
No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue
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Goal 2: Overall each grade level 1st-5th grade will increase Meets Grade Level Expectations Standards of 7-10% on their math end of year assessment in the
2023-2024 school year as measured by STAAR Math (3rd-5th) or the End of Year MAP Math Universal Screener (1st-2nd).
Performance Objective 3: Analyze student data to make informed instructional decisions.
Summative Evaluation: Significant progress made toward meeting Objective
Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Item analysis will be completed after campus and district assessments using data from Eduphoria Aware and MAP during PLCs to
determine areas requiring instructional shifts and students who will require additional support.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Eduphoria, MAP
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach, Teachers
Nov Feb June
Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Data protocols will be implemented to monitor instruction in order to improve student progress.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Nov Feb June
No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue
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April 5, 2024 12:05 PM
Goal 3: Grade 5 Science will increase Meets Grade Level Expectations Standards by 10% in the 2023-2024 school year as measured by STAAR Science
Performance Objective 1: Improve Tier 1 Instruction in all science classrooms.
Summative Evaluation: Significant progress made toward meeting Objective
Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Sheltered strategies will be used to teach science academic vocabulary and skills. Appropriate instructional resources will be
provided to meet expectations and improve both teaching and learning.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Walkthrough/Observations, Lesson Plans, Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Nov Feb June
Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Teachers will increase the number of investigations for students to provide real-world applications with their learning.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Walkthrough/Observations, Lesson Plans, Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Nov Feb June
Strategy 3 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Vertical teams will be implemented to align science writing strategies to compose effective Claim Evidence Reasoning (CER)
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Walkthrough/Observations, Lesson Plans, Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Nov Feb June
No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue
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Goal 3: Grade 5 Science will increase Meets Grade Level Expectations Standards by 10% in the 2023-2024 school year as measured by STAAR Science
Performance Objective 2: Provide intervention during and after school for students who demonstrate deficits, disengagement , and/or are identified At-Risk
throughout the year to increase student achievement.
Summative Evaluation: Significant progress made toward meeting Objective
Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Tutoring will be provided to students in grades 3-5 who are identified At-Risk of failing the STAAR exam. Appropriate
instructional resources will be provided to meet expectations and improve learning.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Student Artifacts
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Funding Sources: Tutor Pay - 199 PIC 24 State Compensatory Ed (SCE) Accelerated - $1,000
Nov Feb June
Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Utilize the student review modules from s3strategies in preparation for Science STAAR assessment.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Walkthrough/Observations, Lesson Plans, Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Nov Feb June
No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue
McNeill Elementary
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Campus #079901123
April 5, 2024 12:05 PM
Goal 3: Grade 5 Science will increase Meets Grade Level Expectations Standards by 10% in the 2023-2024 school year as measured by STAAR Science
Performance Objective 3: Analyze student data to make informed instructional decisions.
Summative Evaluation: Significant progress made toward meeting Objective
Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Item analysis will be completed after campus and district assessments using data from Eduphoria Aware and MAP during PLCs to
determine areas requiring instructional shifts and students who will require additional support.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Eduphoria, MAP
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach, Teachers
Nov Feb June
Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Data protocols will be implemented to monitor instruction in order to improve student progress.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Nov Feb June
No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue
McNeill Elementary
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April 5, 2024 12:05 PM
Goal 4: McNeill Elementary will attract, recruit, and engage staff, parents, guardians, and community organizations to maximize resources to enrich student
Performance Objective 1: Provide opportunities for students to have a well-rounded education.
Summative Evaluation: Significant progress made toward meeting Objective
Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Students will have the opportunity to participate and be recognized for their participation in extra-curricular activities. These
activities may include but are not limited to: Choir, Library Helpers, Media Team, National Elementary Honor Society, Cinematography
Club, Science Olympiad , and UIL.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative: Attendance sheets
Summative: End of Year Awards
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach, Teachers, Librarians, Counselors
Nov Feb June
Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Continue to implement the House System to provide opportunities for team building, collaboration and problem-solving.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Positive student interactions resulting in a decrease in student discipline referrals
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach, Teachers,
Counselors, Librarian
Nov Feb June
No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue
McNeill Elementary
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Campus #079901123
April 5, 2024 12:05 PM
Goal 4: McNeill Elementary will attract, recruit, and engage staff, parents, guardians, and community organizations to maximize resources to enrich student
Performance Objective 2: Develop community and parent partnerships that enrich the educational outcomes for students.
Summative Evaluation: Some progress made toward meeting Objective
Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Host a career day to spotlight various career opportunities for students.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased awareness of post-graduation career opportunities
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselors
Nov Feb June
Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Provide a minimum of two (2) family engagement activities per semester.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Sign -in sheets
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach, Teachers, Librarians, Counselors
Nov Feb June
No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue
McNeill Elementary
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Campus #079901123
April 5, 2024 12:05 PM
Goal 5: Emergent Bilingual students in grades K-5 will increase their Advanced High Speaking proficiency by at least 10% as measured by the 2023-2024
TELPAS assessment.
Performance Objective 1: Increased opportunities in all emergent bilingual classrooms for students to speak using academic language.
Summative Evaluation: Significant progress made toward meeting Objective
Strategy 1 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Teachers of emergent bilingual students will receive professional development including the speaking ELPS into everyday lessons
, academic vocabulary instruction, and culturally proficient teaching for multi-lingual learners by the ALP Department.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - PLC, Lesson Plans, Walkthroughs/Observations
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Nov Feb June
Strategy 2 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: All emergent bilingual students will receive an online Summit K-12 account to focus on speaking and academic vocabulary
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased student performance on TELPAS.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Nov Feb June
Strategy 3 Details Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Vertical teams will be implemented to align instructional strategies according to student proficiency levels to improve emergent
bilingual student writing.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Formative - Walkthrough/Observations, Lesson Plans, Student Artifacts, PLC
Summative - Campus, District, and State level assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Emergent Bilingual Coach
Nov Feb June
No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue
McNeill Elementary
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Campus #079901123
April 5, 2024 12:05 PM
State Compensatory
Budget for McNeill Elementary
Total SCE Funds: $47,654.46
Total FTEs Funded by SCE: 3
Brief Description of SCE Services and/or Programs
Personnel, Reading/Math Materials, Tutor Pay (Teachers), Tutor (staff)
Personnel for McNeill Elementary
Name Position FTE
Dawnyel Gaines Pre-Kindergarten Aide 1
Fariha Shere Pre-Kindergarten Aide 1
Robyn Talley Pre-Kindergarten Teacher 1
McNeill Elementary
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April 5, 2024 12:05 PM
Title I Personnel
Name Position Program FTE
Mario Temporal Academic Facitlitator Title I 1.0
McNeill Elementary
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April 5, 2024 12:05 PM
Campus Funding Summary
199 PIC 24 State Compensatory Ed (SCE) Accelerated
Goal Objective Strategy Resources Needed Account Code Amount
1 1 1 Pre-K Personnel $149,021.94
1 2 1 Tutoring Salary $8,000.00
1 2 1 Tutoring Materials $4,000.00
2 1 1 Math materials $1,005.00
2 2 2 Tutor Pay $2,000.00
3 2 1 Tutor Pay $1,000.00
Sub-Total $165,026.94
Budgeted Fund Source Amount $165,026.94
+/- Difference $0.00
199 PIC 30 State SCE Title I-A, Schoolwide Activit
Goal Objective Strategy Resources Needed Account Code Amount
Sub-Total $0.00
Budgeted Fund Source Amount $0.00
+/- Difference $0.00
199 PIC 25 State Bilingual/ESL
Goal Objective Strategy Resources Needed Account Code Amount
2 2 1 Professional Development and Instructional Resources $9,964.00
Sub-Total $9,964.00
Budgeted Fund Source Amount $9,964.00
+/- Difference $0.00
263 Title III, LEP
Goal Objective Strategy Resources Needed Account Code Amount
2 2 1 Professional Development and Instructional Resources $4,000.00
Sub-Total $4,000.00
Budgeted Fund Source Amount $4,000.00
McNeill Elementary
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April 5, 2024 12:05 PM
263 Title III, LEP
Goal Objective Strategy Resources Needed Account Code Amount
+/- Difference $0.00
Grand Total Budgeted $178,990.94
Grand Total Spent $178,990.94
+/- Difference $0.00
McNeill Elementary
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Campus #079901123
April 5, 2024 12:05 PM