Residential New Construction
and Addition Permit Application | Phone: 311 (or 512 974 2000 outside Austin) For
submittal and fee information, see
- -
Download the application before entering information.
Property Information
Project Address:
Legal Description:
Zoning District:
Lot Area (sq ft):
Neighborhood Plan Area (if applicable):
Historic District (if applicable):
Required Reviews
Is the project participating in S.M.A.R.T. Housing? Y N
(If yes, attach signed certification letter from NHCD, and signed conditional
approval letter from Austin Energy Green Building)
Does the project have a Green Building requirement? Y N
(If yes, attach signed conditional approval letter from Austin Energy Green Building)
Is this site within an Airport Overlay Zone? Y N
(If yes, approval through Aviation is required)
Does this site have a septic system? Y N
(If yes, submit a copy of the approved septic permit. OSSF review required)
Does the structure exceed 3,600 square feet total under the roof? Y N (If yes, Fire review is required)
Is this property within 200 feet of a hazardous pipeline? Y N (If yes, Fire review is required)
Is this structure within the WUI? (Wildland Urban Interface) Y N (If yes, Fire review is required)
Will a NFPA 13D automatic sprinkler system be installed? Y N (If yes, Fire review is required)
Is this site located within an Erosion Hazard Zone?
Y N (If yes, EHZ review is required)
Is this property within 100 feet of the 100-year floodplain?
Y N (Proximity to floodplain may require additional review time.)
Was there a pre-development consultation for the Tree Review?
Y N If yes, how many? Y N
(Provide plans with a tree survey, tree review required)
Proposed impacts to trees: (Check all that apply)
Root zone Canopy Removal None/Uncertain
Is this project requ
esting an A
hod of Compliance
? Y N
Is this a single-family unit within the Residential Design and
Compatibility Standards boundary, Land Development Code
(LDC) Chapter 25-2, Subchapter F 1.2.1? Y N
Does this site currently have: water availability? Y N
(If no, contact Austin Water Utility to apply for water/wastewater taps
wastewater availability? Y N
and/or service extension request.)
Does this site have, or will it have an auxiliary water source? Y N (If yes, submit approved auxiliary and potable plumbing plans.)
(Auxiliary water supplies are wells, rainwater harvesting, river water, lake water, reclaimed water, etc.)
Does this site require a cut or fill or a retaining wall in excess of 4 feet?
(If yes, contact Land Development Information Services for a Site Plan Exemption)
Is this site within the Waterfront Overlay? Y N
(LDC 25-2, Subchapter C, Article 3)
Is this site within the Lake Austin Overlay?
(LDC 25-2-180)
Does this site front a paved street? Y N
(If no, contact Land Development Information Services for Site Plan
Is this site adjacent to a paved alley? Y N
(Public Works approval required to take access from a public alley.)
Does this site have a Board of Adjustment (BOA) variance? Y N Case # (if applicable)
(If yes, provide a copy of the decision sheet. Note: A permit cannot be approved within 10 days of approval of a variance from BOA.)
Description of Work
Is Total New/Added Building Area > 5,000 sq. Ft.? Y N (If yes, construction material recycling is required per LDC §25-11-39)
duplex residential two-unit residential three-unit residential
Proposed Use: duplex residential two-unit residential three-unit residential
Project Type: new construction addition addition/remodel other:
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ly residential
small lot single-family residential use
Existing Use: vacant
single-family residential
(For descriptions of uses, see LDC § 25-2-3)
small lot single-family residential use
Is this structure 45 years or older per records of the Travis Central Appraisal District (TCAD), contributing to a National Register
historic district, or zoned H for historic landmarks or HD for properties in locally designated historic districts? Y N
Historic review required: Provide photos of each side of structure. One photo must show the entire elevation visible from the street. Photos must be
two megapixels (1200 x 1600 pixels) or larger.
Will greater than 50% of exterior walls be demolished? Y* N
*If yes, submit a Demolition application in addition to this permit application.
Greater than 50% of exterior walls demolished will require compliance with the Demolition Notification requirements (Ordinance 20201001-040).
# existing bedrooms: # bedrooms upon completion: # baths existing: # baths upon completion:
Project Description:
(Note: Please provide thorough description of project. Attach additional pages as necessary.)
Trades Permits Required (Check as applicable): electric plumbing* mechanical (HVAC) concrete (R.O.W.)
*For projects with a proposed pool, will the pool have an autofill or heating system? Y N (If yes, this will trigger a plumbing permit)
Total Remodeled Floor Area (if applicable)
sq ft. (work within existing habitable square footage)
Job Valuation For Properties in a Floodplain Only
Total Job Valuation:
Note: The total job valuation should be the sum total of all valuations
noted to the right. Labor and materials only, rounded to nearest dollar.
Amount for Dwelling Unit(s): $
Elec: Y N | Plmbg: Y N | Mech: Y N
Amount for Accessory Structure: $
Elec: Y N | Plmbg: Y N | Mech: Y N
Site Development Information
Area Description
Note: Provide a separate calculation for
each distinct area. Attach additional sheets
as necessary. Measurements are to the
outside surface of the exterior wall.
Existing sq. ft. to
New/Added sq. ft. Total sq. ft.
Bldg. 1 Bldg. 2 Bldg. 1 Bldg. 2
Bldg. 3
Bldg. 1 Bldg. 2 Bldg. 3
a) 1
Floor conditioned area
b) 2
Floor conditioned area
c) 3
Floor conditioned area
d) Basement
e) Covered parking
(garage or carport)
f) Covered patio, deck, and/or porch
g) Balcony
h) Other covered or roofed area
i) Uncovered wood decks
Total Building Area (total a through i)
j) Pool
k) Spa
l) Remodeled Floor Area, excluding
Addition / New Construction
The Calculation Aid on page 9 is to be used to complete the following calculations and to provide additional information.
Building Coverage Information
Note: Building Coverage means the area of a lot covered by buildings or roofed areas, but excludes ground-level paving, landscaping, open recreational
facilities, incidental projecting eaves, balconies, and similar features. Pools, ponds, and fountains are not included in this measurement. (LDC § 25-1-21)
Total Building Coverage (sq ft): % of lot size:
Impervious Cover Information
Note: Impervious cover is the total horizontal area of covered spaces including building coverage, paved areas, walkways, and driveways. The term
excludes pools, ponds, fountains, and areas with gravel placed over pervious surfaces that are used only for landscaping or by pedestrians. For an
uncovered wood deck that has drainage spaces between the deck boards and that is located over a pervious surface, 50 percent of the horizontal area of
the deck is included in the measurement of impervious cover. (LDC § 25-1-23)
Total Impervious Cover (sq ft): % of lot size:
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Are any existing structures on this site a non-compliant structure based on a yard setback requirement? (LDC § 25-2-492) Y N
Does any structure (or an element of a structure) extend over or beyond a required yard?
(LDC 25-2-513) Y N
Is front yard setback averaging being utilized on this property?
(LDC 25-2, Subchapter F, § 2.3* or § 25-2-778) Y N
Height Information (LDC
25-1-21 or 25-2 Subchapter F, Section 3.4)
Building Height: ft in Number of Floors:
# of spaces provided:
Right-of-Way Information
Is a sidewalk required for the proposed construction? (LDC 25-6-353) Y N
*Sidewalks are to be installed on any new construction of a single family, two-unit, three-unit or duplex residential structure and any addition to an
existing building that increases the building’s gross floor area by 50 % or more.
Will a Type I driveway approach be installed, relocated, removed or repaired as part of this project? Y N
Width of approach (measured at property line): ft Distance from intersection (for corner lots only): ft
Are storm sewer inlets located within ten (10) feet of the end of any proposed driveway? Y N
(New driveways within ten (10) feet of an inlet with require additional review)
Requirements Applicable within the Subchapter F Boundary (LDC Chapter 25-2, Subchapter F § 1.2.1)
mily Residential | Gross Floor Area
is sectio
n is onl
y required for single-family residential projects located within the boundaries defined and illustrated in LDC Chapter
25-2, Subchapter F 1.2.
1). The Gross Floor Area of each floor is measured as the area contained within the outside edge of the
exterior walls.
Existing sq. ft.
to remain
sq. ft.
Proposed Exemption
(check article utilized)
Exemption sq. ft.
Total sq. ft.
Area w/ ceilings > 15’
Must follow article 3.3.5
Ground Floor Porch
(check article utilized)
Full Porch sq. ft. (3.3.3.A)
200 sq. ft. (3.3.3 A 2)
Must follow article 3.3.3B,
see note below
Must follow article 3.3.3C,
see note below
450 sq. ft. (3.3.2 A 1 / 2a)
200 sq. ft. (3.3.2 B 2a / 2b)
450 sq. ft. (3.3.2 A 3)
450 sq. ft. (3.3.2 A 1)
Accessory Building(s)
(Total Gross Floor Area ÷ Lot Area) x 100 = Floor-To-Area Ratio (FAR)
Is a sidewall articulation required for this project? Y N
(Yes, if: a wall, 15’ tall or higher, within 9 feet of a side property line extends further than 36 feet in length per article 2.7.1)
Does any portion of the structure extend beyond a setback plane/exemption exhibit (aka “tent”)? Y N
(If Yes, indicate applicable section of Subchapter F and length of protrusion on the drawings.)
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Single-Family Residential | Gross-Floor Area Exemptions
The following exemptions apply to the calculation of gross-floor area for single-family residential structures located within the boundaries
established in LDC Chapter 25-2. Subchapter F, 1.2.1 ) ONLY:
1. Ground Floor Porch exemption: A ground floor porch, including a screened porch, may be exempted, provided that the porch is not accessible
by automobile and is not connected to a driveway; and the exemption may not exceed 200 square feet if a porch has habitable space or a balcony
above it.
2. Garage and carport exemptions (in relation to primary structure): Exemptions must follow the code as outlined in Title 25-2 Subchapter F
3.3.2. Each amount listed (450 or 200) is the maximum exclusion allowed per the article designated. Note: Article 3.3.2 C, “An applicant may
receive only one 450-square foot exemption per site under paragraph A. An applicant who receives a 450-square foot exemption may receive an
additional 200-foot exemption for the same site under paragraph B, but only for an attached parking area used to meet minimum parking
3. Ordinance article 3.3.2 B 1 is 200 sq. ft. exemption may be combined with a 450 sq. ft. exemption. Otherwise only one 450 exemption or one 200
sq. ft. exemption may be taken.
4. Basement exemption: A habitable portion of a building that is below grade may be exempted if the habitable portion does not extend beyond the
first-story footprint and is below natural or finished grade, whichever is lower; and it is surrounded by natural grade for at least 50% of its
perimeter wall area and the finished floor of the first story is not more than three feet above the average elevation at the intersections of the
minimum front yard setback line and the side property lines.
5. Habitable Attic exemption: A habitable portion of an attic may be exempted if: 1) The roof above it is not a flat or mansard roof and has a
slope of 3 to 12 or greater; 2) It is fully contained within the roof structure; 3) It has only one floor; 4) It does not extend beyond the footprint of
the floors below; 5) It is the highest habitable portion of the building, or a section of the building, and adds no additional mass to the structure;
and 6) Fifty percent or more of the area over 5 feet has a
ceiling height of seven feet or less.
Requirements Applicable to Duplexes, Two-Unit Residential, and Three-Unit Residential
Gross Floor Area
(Total Gross Floor Area ÷ Lot Area) x 100 = (A) Floor-To-Area Ratio (FAR) for Building 1
(Total Gross Floor Area ÷ Lot Area) x 100 = (B) Floor-To-Area Ratio (FAR) for Building 2
(Total Gross Floor Area ÷ Lot Area) x 100 = (C) Floor-To-Area Ratio (FAR) for Building 3 (if applicable)
(Total Gross Floor Area ÷ Lot Area) x 100 = (A+B+C) Floor-To-Area Ratio (FAR) for entire site
(Total Gross Floor Area ÷ Lot Area) x 100 = (A+B) Floor-To-Area Ratio (FAR) for Buildings 1 & 2
(Total Gross Floor Area ÷ Lot Area) x 100 = (A+C) Floor-To-Area Ratio (FAR) for Buildings 1 & 3 (if applicable)
(Total Gross Floor Area ÷ Lot Area) x 100 = (B+C) Floor-To-Area Ratio (FAR) for Buildings 2 & 3 (if applicable)
Gross Floor Area Exemptions
Per LDC 25-2-773(F), exemptions from Gross Floor Area may be available where existing structures are preserved through use of the Preservation
Bonus. Please consult with staff for information on requirements and eligibility for using the Preservation Bonus.
Are you requesting to utilize the Preservation Bonus? Y* N
*Gross Floor Area proposed for Preservation, which must have been legally permitted at least 20 years prior to the date of application:
Contact Information
Owner Applicant/Agent
Mailing Address Mailing Address
Phone Phone
Email Email
General Contractor Design Professional
Mailing Address Mailing Address
Phone Phone
Email Email
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This section is only required for residential duplex, two-unit residential, and three-unit residential projects located within the boundaries
established in LDC
Chapter 25-2, Subchapter F 1.2.1 . Per LDC 25-2-773(E), Gross Floor Area for these uses is the total enclosed area
of all floors in a building with a clear height of more than six feet, measured to the outside surface of the exterior walls.
I understand that in accordance with Sections 25-1-411 and 25-11-66 of the Land Development Code (LDC), non-compliance
with the LDC may be cause for the Building Official to suspend or revoke a permit and/or license.
I further understand that no portion of any roof structure may overhang in any public utility or drainage easement. I acknowledge
that the customer will bear the expense of any necessary relocation of existing utilities to clear this driveway location and/or the
cost to repair any damage to existing utilities caused during construction. Water services, meters, and wastewater cleanouts are not
permitted within or beneath driveways or sidewalks. Private plumbing appurtenances will not be located in public right-of-way or
public easements. Private plumbing lines will not cross lot lines.
I agree that t
his application is good for twelve (12) months after the date it is filed and will expire if not approved for
compliance within that time frame. If the application expires, a new submittal will be required and compliance with
the current code may be required. A one-time extension may be granted if requested in writing prior to the
application expiration date.
I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information provided in this application is complete and
accurate. I further acknowledge that, should any information contained herein prove incorrect, the building official may suspend
or revoke any resulting permit and/or license. As the owner or the authorized agent, my signature authorizes staff to visit and
inspect the property for which this application is being submitted. I understand that without consent the review process may be
I also understand that if there is a septic system located on the property, I am required to complete an On-site Sewage Facility
(a.k.a. an OSSF or septic system) application by contacting Austin Water at (512) 972-0050 or . This
initiates the septic system permitting requirement needed to proceed with the development review process.
Erosion and Sedimentation Controls are required per Section 25-8-181 of the LDC. Failure to comply with this requirement
may result in a Stop Work Order and/or legal action by the City of Austin including criminal charges and fines of up to
$2,000.00 per day.
I am the record owner of this property and authorize the agent/applicant listed above to apply for and acquire a permit on my
I have checked for any property-specific information that may affect the review and/or construction of this project, including but
not limited to: any subdivision notes, deed restrictions, restrictive covenants, zoning conditional overlays, and/or other
requirements specific to proposed development on this property (collectively, the “Property Information”), located at:
I understand that the review of this project by the City of Austin will not include a review of any private restrictive covenants or
deed restrictions that may apply to this property.
I am responsible for any conflicts between the Property Information and the request submitted to the City of Austin. I further
acknowledge that I understand the implications of use and/or development restrictions that are a result of the Property
Information. Additionally, I understand that the issuance of a City permit for this project does not affect the enforceability of any
private restrictive covenants applicable to the property.
I understand that if requested I must provide copies of any and all of the Property Information that may apply to this property.
Owner’s name & signature:
Applicant’s name & signature:
Design Professional’s name & signature:
General Contractor’s name & signature:
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Residential New Construction
and Addition Permit Application
Additional Information | Phone: 311 (or 512 974 2000 outside Austin)
For submittal and fee information, see
- -
Application Process
For instructions of digital submissions, please visit Digital Development:
Completed application
Permit exhibits
Austin Energy Building Service Plan Application (BSPA)
Note: AE will review the BSPA concurrent with Plan Review. Please note per the fee schedule a BSPA review fee will be assessed per each
Austin Water W&WW Service Plan Verification, if water demand is to increase or a dwelling is added. (e.g. addition of a bath)
Note: The AW form and the plot plan must be stamped approved by AW prior to submittal. Please submit WWWSPV by email to
Required documentation if any portion of an exterior wall or roof is to be removed or modified for structures that are 45 years of age
or older per records of the Travis Central Appraisal District (TCAD), contributing to a National Register historic district, or zoned
historic (H zoning for historic landmarks or HD zoning for properties in locally designated historic districts). If submitting for a total
demolition for new construction, demolition application must be submitted separately.
All drawings must be to a City of Austin verifiable scale, see Building Criteria Manual
for additional details and a list of acceptable scales.
Check for expired permits. If there are expired permits associated with this property, they must be resolved. This can be done in the
following ways:
Submit an Acknowledgement of Expired Permits form with this application if the work is not related to the work being permitted. OR
Include it in the description of work on this application and reference expired permits to be resolved
If the Acknowledgement of Expired Permits form is used for this project, information about what will be required to resolve the expired
permit(s) can be obtained by making an appointment with Residential Review staff.
All new construction must comply with the Visitability Ordinance.
For submittal and additional information, go to the Residential Plan Review Website.
About the Review Disciplines
Technical Review
Any permit exhibits not sealed and signed by a Texas-registered architect or certified building designer will be subject to a limited
technical review. The technical review is not intended to be exhaustive of all possible building code requirements.
Erosion Hazard
There is a review of structural design if a property is located in the Erosion Hazard Zone, as defined by the boundaries located on the City
of Austin GIS map. These zones align with locations where water flow and watershed could lead to erosion damage of the surrounding
land features (e.g creeks, stream beds, etc).
Fire Review
There is additional review of a project if the square footage of a structure exceeds 3,600 square feet in area. The 3,600 sq. ft. includes the
total gross building area: all first, second, and additional floor areas; attached covered porches, patios, decks, and balconies; attached
garages; and any other attached roofed areas. The review ensures adequate proximity to fire hydrants and sufficient water supply to the
hydrants based on the total gross area of the structure. Properties within 200 feet of a hazardous pipeline may also require additional
review. Projects within the Wildland Urban Interface will require a fire review. Projects that will have NFPA 13D automatic sprinkler
system installed will require a fire review. All 3-unit projects will require a Fire review.
Floodplain Review
Any work requiring a permit on property located within 100 feet of the 100-Year floodplain will require additional review. If review is
anticipated, include supporting information such as FEMA elevation certificate form 086-0-033 and/or topographic surveys referencing
NAVD88. To check your property for proximity to a flood plain visit or the City’s
Floodplain Development
Information website.
Historic Review
There is additional review of exterior changes if property is a City Landmark or located in a Local Historic District, National Register
Historic District, H or HD zoned district, or partial demolition of exterior features on property over 45 years old
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Tree Review
All design proposals must abide by the Tree Preservation Criteria set forth in Section 3.5.2 of the City of Austin’s Environmental Criteria
Manual. Cut and fill is limited to 4” within ½ Critical Root Zones (foundations cannot adhere to this), canopy removal is limited to 25% or
less per tree, and 50% or more of the full Critical Root Zone must be kept at natural grade with natural ground cover. If proposing to
remove a tree that is dead, diseased or an imminent hazard, please provide a Tree Risk Assessment from a Certified Arborist and/ or
photographic evidence.
Austin Energy Review
All overhead and underground electrical facilities need to be clearly shown and labeled on the plot plan including: pad mount transformer
and pad, pull boxes, all underground electric wires on site including service wire, utility poles, all overhead wires on subject property and
adjacent properties including service wires, down guy wires, existing electric meter location. All electric easements and public utility
easements need to be shown and labeled on the plot plan. AE will review based on current Austin Energy Design Criteria
for required
safety clearance per section 1.10. Any construction not listed in this application will NOT be considered part of the review. Please note if
your project has existing transmission facilities and or transmission easements this BSPA and plot plan will be reviewed by our AE
Transmission group. The Transmission review is separate from the Distribution review. The Transmission review group may require
additional documentation than the Distribution review.
Documentation Explanations and Definitions
Permit Exhibits
Plot Plan
Plot Plans must be drawn to a standard scale and are to include but are not limited to the following items: property address and legal
description, north arrow, drawing scale, trees within the ROW or trees equal to or greater than 19 inches in diameter located on the
property and immediately adjacent to the property, property lines, building lines for both existing and proposed improvements, easements,
required zoning setbacks and roof overhangs, water meter and wastewater cleanout locations, clearly shown all overhead and underground
electrical facilities (see Austin Energy Review Discipline), and water and/or wastewater line size and material.
Floorplans must be drawn to a standard scale and are to include (but are not limited to) the following items: drawing scale, room labels,
new wall measurements, new ceiling heights, new door and window schedule, smoke detector* and carbon monoxide detector**
specifications and locations, dimensioned locations of new plumbing fixtures, handrail/guardrail locations and room square footages.
Please provide an Existing and Proposed Floor plan if part of the improvements includes removing or adding any wall, window, door,
plumbing fixtures, etc. Clearly differentiate between existing, demolished, and new items, as applicable.
*provide smoke detector system (hardwired, interconnected, battery back-up) at each sleeping room and vicinity in accordance with IRC
**provide carbon monoxide detector in immediate vicinity of sleeping rooms in accordance with IRC R315.
Exterior Elevations
Elevation plans must be drawn to a standard scale and are to include front, rear, and sides of the structure. For additions, elevations are
required of all sides of the new portion of the structure. Height dimensions are required on all elevations. If a building height exceeds 20’
or building is multi-story include dimensions of high, low, and average elevations at grade.
Setback Plane Compliance Plan
If subject to Subchapter F, separate exhibit must be submitted showing topographic elevations on 1-foot intervals on the property, including
the top of foundation spot elevation and intersections of the property boundary with the building line segments per Subchapter F, Section
2.6. All topographic information must be prepared and sealed by a Texas-registered professional land surveyor.
Structural Drawing(s)
Foundation plan of sufficient detail to show conformance to the provisions of the currently adopted IRC including but not limited to:
1) size, spacing and strength of reinforcing steel
2) foundation requirements for braced wall panels required in braced wall plan.
Wall and floor/ceiling/roof sections and details, framing plans and/or framing design information as follows:
General lumber size, grade, species and spacing of all wood elements.
Wood framed floors spans and intermediate girders.
Wood framed walls wall type (e.g. 2x4’s @ 16 in. o.c.), wall height, headers.
Wood Framed roofs roof framing plan to include rafters and girders as a minimum.
Brace wall plan showing compliance with the currently adopted IRC. The plan shall clearly indicate the braced wall lines and the braced
wall method use for compliance to expedite review.
Additional Requirements
Non-complying Structures (applicable to all work types)
A separate exhibit must be submitted showing the existing building footprint location in relation to the property boundaries and required
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setbacks. Exterior walls and supporting structural elements must be clearly labeled and dimensioned showing walls to be removed per Land
Development Code Section 25-2-963.
Setback Averaging
If using setback averaging, one copy of the Contextual Site Plan showing four adjacent properties with location of existing buildings and
existing front yard setbacks identified for front yard setback averaging per the provisions of Subchapter F, Residential Design and
Compatibility Standards, Section 2.3.
Surveys must be provided by a Texas-registered professional land surveyor showing existing buildings and their distance from the front lot
Design Professionals
For any project exceeding 20 feet in height or more than one-story within the Subchapter F boundaries, all permit exhibits must be sealed
and signed by a Texas-registered architect or certified building designer (National Council of Building Designers or Texas Institute of
Building Design).
Localized flooding
If there is a storm drain inlet or pipe, drainage ditch, or drainage easement on or near the property or the property is at the low point of a
roadway, there may be a chance of flooding from the local drainage system. The proposed development cannot cause additional flooding
on other property nor have an adverse impact on the existing local drainage system. Contact Land Development Information Services for
more information.
Tree Survey
Provide a tree survey per ECM 3.3.2
that labels the ¼, ½ and full Critical Root Zones and provides the diameter and species of each
protected tree (a Tree Legend is recommended). Depict proposed access routes and material staging. Show all proposed and existing
utilities. Show specific locations of tree protection fencing and mulching per requirements of ECM 3.5.2.
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Calculation Aid
Area Description
Note: Provide a separate calculation for each distinct area. Attach additional sheets as
necessary. Measurements are to the outside surface of the exterior wall.
Existing Sq Ft
Sq Ft
Total Sq Ft
a) 1
floor conditioned area
b) 2
floor conditioned area
c) 3
floor conditioned area
d) Basement
e) Attached Covered Parking
(garage or carport)
f) Detached Covered Parking
(garage or carport)
g) Covered Wood Decks (counted at 100%)
h) Covered Patio
i) Covered Porch
j) Balcony
k) Other Specify:
Total Building Area (TBA) (add: a through k)
Total Building Coverage (TBC)
(from TBA subtract, if applicable: b, c, d, and j)
l) Driveway
m) Sidewalks
n) Uncovered Patio
o) Uncovered Wood Decks (counted at 50%)
p) AC pads and other concrete flatwork
q) Other (Pool Coping, Retaining Walls)
Total Site Impervious Coverage (add: TBC and l through q)
r) Pool
s) Spa
Building Coverage Information
Note: Building Coverage means the area of a lot covered by buildings or roofed areas, but excludes ground level paving, landscaping,
open recreational
facilities, incidental projecting eaves, balconies, and similar features. Pools, ponds, and fountains are not included in this measurement. (LDC 25-1-
Lot Area (sq. ft.):
Existing Building Coverage (see above A, sq. ft.):
Existing Coverage % of lot (A ÷ Lot Area) x 100 : %
Final Building Coverage (see above B, sq. ft.): ____________
Final Coverage % of lot (B ÷ Lot Area ) x 100 : %
Impervious Cover Information
Note: Impervious cover is the total horizontal area of covered spaces including all building coverage, paved areas, walkways, and driveways. The term
excludes pools, ponds, fountains, and areas with gravel placed over pervious surfaces that are used only for landscaping or by pedestrians. (LDC 25-1
Existing Impervious Coverage (see above C, sq. ft.): ____________
Existing coverage % of lot (C ÷ Lot Area ) x 100 : %
Final Impervious Coverage (see above D, sq. ft.): ____________
Final coverage % of lot (D ÷ Lot Area ) x 100 : %
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