SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 1
Secure Reliable Transport Protocol
Version 1.1 | Issue 01
Deployment Guide
Table of Contents
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 i
Table of Contents
About This Guide .............................................................................iv
About the SRT Alliance........................................................................................................... iv
About Haivision....................................................................................................................... iv
About Wowza .......................................................................................................................... iv
Document Conventions............................................................................................................. v
Introduction to SRT ..........................................................................1
Overview................................................................................................................................... 1
SRT Solutions ........................................................................................................................... 2
SRT Version History & Compatibility ..................................................................................... 4
Basic SRT Concepts ................................................................................................................. 5
Source & Destination ......................................................................................................... 5
SRT Call Modes ................................................................................................................. 6
SRT Call Mode Examples ........................................................................................................ 7
SRT and Firewalls .................................................................................................................... 9
Example 1........................................................................................................................... 9
Example 2......................................................................................................................... 10
Deployment Scenarios ....................................................................11
Scenario 1: Streaming over a LAN or private WAN.............................................................. 12
Scenario 2: Streaming using Caller & Listener modes........................................................... 14
Firewall Notes .................................................................................................................. 20
Scenario 3: Streaming using Rendezvous mode..................................................................... 21
Rendezvous Mode and Firewalls............................................................................................ 23
Configuring SRT Streams ................................................................25
Background............................................................................................................................. 25
Configuring an SRT Stream ................................................................................................... 26
SRT Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 28
Round Trip Time.............................................................................................................. 28
RTT Multiplier ................................................................................................................. 28
Packet Loss Rate .............................................................................................................. 28
Bandwidth Overhead........................................................................................................ 29
Sample Bandwidth Overhead Calculation ....................................................................... 29
Latency ............................................................................................................................. 30
Encrypting SRT Streams ........................................................................................................ 31
Optimizing SRT Performance ................................................................................................ 32
Table of Contents
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 ii
Statistics ........................................................................................................................... 32
SRT................................................................................................................................... 34
Delays............................................................................................................................... 37
Bandwidth Used ............................................................................................................... 38
Graph Sample Rates................................................................................................................ 40
SRT Logs ................................................................................................................................ 41
Appendix A: Additional Information
Frequently Asked Questions................................................................................................... 42
Terms and Definitions ............................................................................................................ 47
About the SRT Alliance.......................................................................................................... 49
©2017 Haivision. All rights reserved.
Document Number: HVS-ID-DG-SRT-1.1
Version Number: v1.1-01
This publication and the product it describes contain proprietary and confidential informa-
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The Haivision logo, Haivision, and certain other marks used herein are trademarks of
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registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
The SRT Alliance logo used herein is a trademark of the SRT Alliance. The SRT and
Makito X logos used herein are trademarks of Haivision. All other brand or product names
identified in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
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HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or regis-
tered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 iv
About This Guide
Welcome to the Deployment Guide. This guide describes the SRT protocol and how it is
configured and used between all supported devices.
About the SRT Alliance
The SRT Alliance, founded by Haivision and Wowza, is a commercially funded group
dedicated to managing and supporting the open source implementation of SRT, a transport
protocol for enabling the delivery of high-quality, low-latency video across the public
Internet. This alliance is accelerating interoperability of video streaming solutions and
fostering collaboration with industry leaders to achieve lower latency internet video trans-
port. The SRT Alliance is open to new members. For companies who want to participate
actively in growing the ecosystem of SRT in low latency video streaming workflows,
please contact us at [email protected].
About Haivision
Haivision is a global leader in delivering advanced video networking, digital signage, and
IP video distribution solutions. Haivision offers complete end-to-end technology for video,
graphics, and metadata to help customers to build, manage, and distribute their media
content to users throughout an organization or across the Internet. Haivision has specific
expertise in the enterprise, education, medical/healthcare, and federal/military markets.
Haivision is based in Montreal and Chicago, with technical centers in Beaverton, Oregon;
Austin, Texas; and Hamburg, Germany.
About Wowza
Wowza Media Systems™ is the recognized gold standard of streaming, that enables orga-
nizations to expand their reach and more deeply engage their audiences on any device,
anywhere in the world.
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 v
Document Conventions
The following document conventions are used throughout this guide.
TIP The light bulb symbol highlights suggestions or helpful hints.
NOTE Indicates a note, containing special instructions or information that may apply only
in special cases.
IMPORTANT Indicates an emphasized note. It provides information that you should
be particularly aware of in order to complete a task and that should not be
disregarded. IMPORTANT is typically used to prevent loss of data.
CAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
damage to data or equipment, or minor to moderate injury. It may also be used to alert
against unsafe practices.
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 1
Introduction to SRT
This document provides guidance on setting up and deploying SRT technology, which is a
feature of an increasing number of products.
For general information on creating and managing streams, please refer to the specific
documentation for your product(s).
Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) is a transport technology that optimizes streaming perfor-
mance across unpredictable networks, such as the Internet.
SRT is applied to contribution and distribution endpoints as part of a video stream
workflow to deliver the best quality and lowest latency video at all times.
As audio/video packets are streamed from a source to a destination device, SRT detects
and adapts to the real-time network conditions between the two endpoints. SRT helps
compensate for jitter and bandwidth fluctuations due to congestion over noisy networks,
such as the Internet. Its error recovery mechanism minimizes the packet loss typical of
Internet connections. And SRT supports AES encryption for end-to-end security, keeping
your streams safe from prying eyes.
Secure Encrypts video streams
Reliable Recovers from severe packet loss
Transport Dynamically adapts to changing network conditions
Introduction to SRT
SRT Solutions
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 2
SRT Solutions
SRT is a point-to-point, connection-oriented protocol. Each SRT stream is characterized by
the transport of one-way multimedia data and bi-directional control messages, with only
one UDP-based connection used per SRT stream. Nonetheless, it is possible to configure
SRT solutions that encompass a variety of situations.
Point to Point & Interactive
SRT can be easily provisioned for straightforward connections within and between facili-
ties to achieve a low latency, low cost video distribution.
It can be useful over noisy, unreliable local LANs. In large organizations with many users
on the same LAN, congestion and packet drops are common — video is very sensitive to
this. Even inside the same building on a controlled LAN, SRT can enhance the experience.
Some networks have VLANs with reserved bandwidth (where routers prioritize traffic) that
require a deep knowledge of routers and switches. SRT removes the need for IT interven-
tion to get your video through the network.
The low latency achievable with SRT is even suitable for interactive applications over the
Contribution & Aggregation
Multiple SRT source and destination devices can be configured to feed high-demand
video infrastructures.
Introduction to SRT
SRT Solutions
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 3
Multiple SRT streams can be aggregated and re-distributed via unicast and multicast into
recording, IPTV and digital signage services.
Point to Multi-Point
While SRT operates on point-to-point connections, some gateways are designed to support
multiple such connections. A single incoming SRT stream can de redistributed via such
gateways to multiple SRT destination devices.
SRT Stream Flipping
SRT destination devices support “stream flipping” — the ability to convert back and forth
between SRT streams and standard MPEG Transport Stream (TS). This is accomplished by
de-encapsulating an incoming SRT stream and re-streaming it as a TS/UDP stream (and
vice versa), and is typically done to allow devices (on a local LAN) that do not support SRT
to have access to incoming SRT stream content.
Introduction to SRT
SRT Version History & Compatibility
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 4
SRT Version History & Compatibility
SRT is designed to be backwards compatible, so that new or upgraded products will be able
to support SRT interactions with older ones. Note, however, that newer versions of SRT
may have features unavailable on older ones.
Introduction to SRT
Basic SRT Concepts
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 5
Basic SRT Concepts
Source & Destination
The SRT protocol relies on bi-directional UDP traffic to optimize video streaming over
public networks. In addition to the video data that is sent in one direction — from a content
source device to a destination — there is a constant exchange of control information
between the two endpoints, including “keep alive” packets (if needed) approximately every
10 ms, which enable SRT streams to be automatically restored after a connection loss.
NOTE It is important to understand that with an SRT stream, the source is the device that
is sending the content (audio and/or video data), while the destination is the device
receiving the content. Elsewhere, you may encounter references to an SRT sender and an
SRT receiver, but to avoid confusion in this document we will be using the terms source
and destination.
In some cases, a device can act as both the source and the destination. For example, a
gateway server may act as a destination while receiving an SRT stream from an encoder,
and then become a source device as it re-streams to a decoder.
Introduction to SRT
Basic SRT Concepts
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 6
SRT Call Modes
In order to establish a bidirectional stream, SRT employs a handshake mechanism where
each device identifies itself as a Caller or as a Listener. In certain cases, two devices can
simultaneously negotiate an SRT session in what is referred to as Rendezvous mode. As
you are configuring SRT streams, you should understand these handshaking modes and
when to apply them:
SRT Call Mode What it does When to use it
Caller Sets a source or destination device as the
initiator of an SRT streaming session. The
Caller device must know the public IP
address and port number of the Listener.
(1) To initiate point-to-point streaming (e.g.
set an encoder to Caller mode to stream to
a decoder over a private network, or vice
(2) On a source or destination device that
is behind a firewall; may require a network
administrator to configure the firewall
(3) On a source or destination device that
is not behind a firewall.
(4) On a source or destination device with
a dynamic IP address (e.g. a portable
encoder using DHCP).
Listener Sets a device to wait for a request to start
an SRT streaming session. The Listener
device only needs to know that it should
listen for an SRT stream on a certain port.
(1) To participate in a point-to-point
streaming session initiated by a Caller (e.g.
set a decoder to Listener mode to receive
an SRT stream from an encoder).
(2) On a source or destination device that
is behind a firewall over which you have
control and can open a port.
(3) On a source or destination device that
is not behind a firewall, or exposed directly
on the Internet.
(4) You know that another device will
initiate the session.
Rendezvous Allows two devices to negotiate an SRT
session over a mutually agreed upon port.
Both source and destination must be in
Rendezvous mode.
(1) When one or both devices are behind
firewalls. Once certain settings are in place
on the firewall, SRT sessions can be
initiated without further intervention by a
network administrator.
Introduction to SRT
SRT Call Mode Examples
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 7
SRT Call Mode Examples
In Figure 1 below, the SRT source device is in Caller mode, and the SRT destination
device is in Listener mode. The SRT source (Caller) initiates the handshake by sending a
series of control packets in a UDP stream (1). When the SRT destination (Listener)
receives these control packets, it responds by sending its own (2). Once the handshake has
successfully completed, the SRT source device begins adding media packets to the UDP
stream (3).
Figure 1 SRT source device initiates connection
NOTE Regardless of which device is in which mode, when the SRT handshake is
completed both source and destination continue to exchange control packets containing
information about network conditions, dropped packets, etc. Once communication is
established, the notion of which device is Caller and which is Listener becomes
unimportant. What matters is the source/destination relationship, which is decoupled
from the caller/listener relationship.
Introduction to SRT
SRT Call Mode Examples
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 8
In Figure 2 below, the roles are reversed — the SRT source device is in Listener mode, and
the SRT destination device is in Caller mode. The SRT destination (Caller) initiates the
handshake by sending a series of control packets in a UDP stream (1). When the SRT
source (Listener) receives these control packets, it responds by sending its own (2). Once
the handshake has successfully completed, the SRT source device begins adding media
packets to the UDP stream (3).
Figure 2 SRT destination device initiates connection
In Figure 3 below, both the SRT source device and the SRT destination device are in
Rendezvous mode. Both devices send a series of control packets in a UDP stream (1). Once
the handshake has successfully completed, the SRT source device begins adding media
packets to the UDP stream (2).
Figure 3 SRT connection initiated using Rendezvous
Introduction to SRT
SRT and Firewalls
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 9
SRT and Firewalls
In many real world situations, particularly those involving transmission over the Internet,
SRT streams will have to pass through a firewall at the source, at the destination, or at both
ends. In order to allow this, a network administrator may have to configure certain settings
on the firewall(s), specifically those for Network Address Translation (NAT) and packet
filtering. The settings will differ depending on whether the devices behind firewalls are in
Caller, Listener, or Rendezvous mode.
Example 1
The figure at right illustrates a simple example, where an
SRT source device is attempting to stream across the
Internet to an SRT destination behind a firewall. If we
consider the case where the SRT source device is in
Caller mode, and the destination device is in Listener
mode, then in order for the handshaking process described
earlier to be successfully completed (and an SRT
streaming session established) certain conditions must be
The SRT source device must “know” the public IP
address of the firewall, and the port number on which
the SRT destination device is “listening”.
The firewall must allow the specific destination port
used by SRT to be accessible from the Internet.
The firewall must allow bi-directional UDP traffic.
Port forwarding must be enabled on the firewall to
allow data to flow to the IP address and port of the
SRT destination device.
Packet filtering must be disabled (to allow the SRT
packets to pass through).
Introduction to SRT
SRT and Firewalls
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 10
Example 2
This figure illustrates a more complex example, where
an SRT source device behind a firewall is attempting to
stream across the Internet to an SRT destination, also
behind a firewall. If we consider the case where the SRT
source device is in Caller mode, and the destination
device is in Listener mode, then in order for the hand-
shaking process described earlier to be successfully
completed (and an SRT streaming session to be estab-
lished) certain conditions must be met:
The SRT source device must “know” the public IP
address of the destination firewall, and port
number on which the destination device is
“listening”. This information usually comes from
the IT Admin responsible for the firewall.
Both firewalls must allow bi-directional UDP
Port forwarding (NAT) must be configured on both
firewalls to allow data to flow between the SRT
source and destination devices.
Packet filtering must be disabled on both firewalls
(i.e. the SRT packets exchanged between the
source device and the destination device must be
allowed to pass through).
NOTE The order in which a firewall performs Network
Address Translation and packet filtering will have an
impact on how the packet filtering rules are configured.
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 11
Deployment Scenarios
This section describes three common scenarios for deploying SRT:
Scenario 1: Streaming over a private LAN and/or WAN, with no firewall
Scenario 2: Streaming over a public network with both the source and destination
behind a firewall (Caller/Listener mode)
Scenario 3: Streaming over a public network with both the source and destination
behind a firewall (Rendezvous mode)
In real-world applications, elements of these scenarios can be employed in various ways.
NOTE Some of the example values provided in these scenarios (IP addresses, port
numbers, etc.) are for illustrative purposes only.
NOTE The SRT open source project does not contain any web UI elements. For
illustrative purposes, this section contains examples of a web interface based on existing
SRT-enabled products.
Deployment Scenarios
Scenario 1: Streaming over a LAN or private WAN
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 12
Scenario 1: Streaming over a LAN or private WAN
In this scenario, an SRT source device (the Caller) initiates a point-to-point session with
an SRT destination device (the Listener) over a LAN (Local Area Network) or a private
WAN (Wide Area Network).
Step 1 — Configure the encoder
On the encoder (the SRT source device), do the following:
1. Using the settings in the table below, create and start an Output Stream on the encoder
(the SRT source device):
Step 2 — Configure the Decoder
On the decoder (the SRT destination device), do the following:
1. Using the settings in the table below, create an Input Stream on the decoder (the SRT
destination device):
The encoder and decoder will handshake and establish an SRT session. The encoder will
send the video stream to the decoder, which will process the stream and return control
packets that include congestion data, latency and other statistics. The encoder will use this
information to adapt its transmission (resend lost packets, adjust bit rate, etc.).
Note that when the SRT handshake is completed both source and destination continue to
exchange control packets. Once communication is established, the Caller or Listener desig-
nation becomes unimportant. What matters is the source/destination relationship, or video
flow, which is decoupled from the caller/listener relationship.
Setting Example Description
Protocol TS over SRT SRT is based on the UDP protocol.
Mode Caller Encoder will initiate the SRT session.
Address The target address for the SRT stream, which is the IP address of the
20000 The UDP source port for the SRT stream, which is the unique port over
which the encoder will be sending the SRT stream. You can (optionally)
specify the UDP source port. If not filled in, an ephemeral source port will
be assigned (between 32768 and 61000).
Destination Port 30000 The port over which the decoder will be listening.
Setting Example Description
Mode Listener The decoder will wait for the source device to initiate the SRT session.
Destination Port 30000 This is the port on which the decoder will be listening (the port to which
Firewall B will be forwarding SRT packets).
Deployment Scenarios
Scenario 1: Streaming over a LAN or private WAN
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 13
Deployment Scenarios
Scenario 2: Streaming using Caller & Listener modes
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 14
Scenario 2: Streaming using Caller & Listener modes
In this scenario, an SRT source device (an encoder in Caller mode) behind a firewall
initiates a point-to-point session over the Internet with an SRT destination device (a
decoder in Listener mode), also behind a firewall.
Step 1 — Configure the Encoder
On the encoder (the SRT source device), do the following:
1. Using the settings in the table below, create and start an Output Stream on the encoder
(the SRT source device):
Setting Example Description
Protocol TS over SRT SRT is based on the UDP protocol.
Mode Caller Encoder will initiate the SRT session.
Address The target address for the SRT stream, which is the public IP address of
Firewall B (at the destination).
20000 The unique UDP source port for the SRT stream; you can leave the default
value (Auto-assign), in which case an ephemeral port is assigned, or, if required
by your organization’s IT policies, enter a specific (static) port number. If you
use Auto-assign, then Firewall A must be configured to map ANY source port
from its local side to a specific port on its public side so that return traffic can be
directed to the encoder.
30000 The port over which the decoder will be listening. This is the publicly mapped
port number for the SRT destination device (i.e. the port Firewall B opens for
the SRT session).This port must be known (it can’t be “any”).
Deployment Scenarios
Scenario 2: Streaming using Caller & Listener modes
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 15
We are using the same port assignments (20000) for both Caller and its firewall
to simplify the scenario. The Caller could, in fact, be using any other port, as
long as its firewall had the appropriate mapping to allow return traffic back to
the encoder.
Deployment Scenarios
Scenario 2: Streaming using Caller & Listener modes
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 16
Step 2 — Configure the firewall at the source
On Firewall A (at the source), do the following:
1. Using the settings in the table below, create an outbound NAT rule that allows
bi-directional UDP traffic, with a port forwarding entry for incoming traffic on the
firewall’s public IP address/port that forwards it to the encoders IP address/port num-
Here is an example of an outbound NAT rule for Firewall A:
Step 3 — Configure the firewall at the destination
On Firewall B (at the destination), do the following:
1. Using the settings in the table below, create an inbound NAT rule to enable forward-
ing of SRT traffic to the decoders IP address/port number:
Setting Example Description
Protocol UDP SRT is based on the UDP protocol.
Source IP The encoder’s IP address
Source Port 20000 In this case, we are using a static port assignment.
for the source port, but if auto-assigned it can be
anything within the ephemeral port range
(typically 32768 to 61000 on Linux devices).
Destination IP This is the public IP address of Firewall B
Destination Port 30000 This is the port over which the decoder will be
Outbound NAT
Source Port
20000 Your firewall must support Outbound NAT Source
Port (which disables outbound NAT port
rewrite).Otherwise, Rendezvous mode may be
required (see Scenario #3).
Setting Example Description
Protocol UDP SRT is based on the UDP protocol.
Source IP This is the public IP address of the firewall at the
source (Firewall A).
Source Port 20000 This must match the Outbound NAT Source Port
on the firewall at the source (Firewall A).
Deployment Scenarios
Scenario 2: Streaming using Caller & Listener modes
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 17
NOTE The Redirect Target IP and Port are the internal IP and port number that the
destination device is using. Destination IP and Port are the firewall’s external interface.
The port numbers don’t have to be the same. For clarity, it may be useful to always use the
same port number, but this is up to your Firewall Administrator to decide.
Here is an example of an inbound NAT rule for Firewall B:
2. Using the settings in the table below, create a packet filtering rule to allow SRT
packets to pass freely to and from the decoders IP address/port number:
Destination IP This is the public (external) IP address of the
firewall at the destination (Firewall B).
Destination Port 30000 This is the public (external) port of the firewall at
the destination (Firewall B), which in this
example is also the port over which the decoder
will be listening (dstport).
Redirect Target IP This is the address of the decoder (the internal
destination IP).
Redirect Target
30000 This is the port over which the decoder will be
listening (the internal destination port, or dstport).
Setting Example Description
Protocol UDP SRT is based on the UDP protocol.
Source IP This is the public IP address of the firewall at the
Source Port 20000 This must match the Outbound NAT Source Port
on the firewall at the source.
Destination IP or
Depending on your firewall, the NAT rules may be
applied before or after the packet filtering rules.
This will impact the filtering rule definition. If the
NAT is applied before, you have to specify the
Firewall B internal IP address. If the NAT is
applied after, you have to specify the Firewall B
public IP address.
Setting Example Description
Deployment Scenarios
Scenario 2: Streaming using Caller & Listener modes
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 18
Here is an example of packet filtering rule for Firewall B:
Step 4 — Configure the Decoder
On the decoder (the SRT destination device), do the following:
1. Using the settings in the table below, create an Input Stream on the decoder (the SRT
destination device):
Once all settings have been applied, the encoder and decoder will handshake and establish
an SRT session. The encoder will send the video stream to the decoder, which will process
the stream and return control packets that include congestion data, latency and other statis-
tics. The encoder will use this information to adapt its transmission (resend lost packets, adjust
bit rate, etc.).
Destination Port 30000 This is the port over which the decoder will be
listening (dstport).
Policy Accept/Pass Allows packets to pass freely between source
and destination.
Setting Example Description
Mode Listener The decoder will wait for the source device to initiate the
SRT session.
Destination Port 30000 This is the port on which the decoder will be listening (the
port to which Firewall B will be forwarding SRT
packets). If you have a NAT translation rule on Firewall
B, the Destination Port is the port to which the rule will be
forwarding packets.l
Setting Example Description
Deployment Scenarios
Scenario 2: Streaming using Caller & Listener modes
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 19
We are using the same port assignments (30000) for both Listener and its
firewall to simplify the scenario. The Listener could, in fact, be using any other
port, as long as its firewall had the appropriate mapping (i.e. how to redirect
traffic received on port 30000 to the decoder).
Deployment Scenarios
Scenario 2: Streaming using Caller & Listener modes
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 20
Firewall Notes
If the source device’s port is auto-assigned, the firewall at the source must have an
outbound NAT rule for [source port] set to “any”.
If the source device’s port is specified, then the same value should be used in the
outbound NAT rule.
If a destination firewall has a filtering rule that matches a source port with a source
IP, you must disable outbound port rewrite on the source firewall. Disabling this
option allows the source firewall to map any port from the SRT source device to a
unique, pre-defined port after the NAT rules have been applied.
Depending on your firewall, the NAT rules may be applied before or after the packet
filtering rules. This will affect the filtering rule definition. If the NAT rules are applied
before, you have to specify the firewall’s internal IP address. If the NAT rules are
applied after, you have to specify the firewall’s public IP address.
IMPORTANT Point-to-point sessions through firewalls can be done in reverse, with
the SRT source device in Listener mode and the SRT destination device in Caller
Deployment Scenarios
Scenario 3: Streaming using Rendezvous mode
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 21
Scenario 3: Streaming using Rendezvous mode
In this scenario, an encoder in Rendezvous mode behind a firewall and a decoder, also in
Rendezvous mode and behind a firewall, mutually establish a point-to-point SRT streaming
session over the Internet.
Step 1 — Configure the Encoder
1.Using the settings in the table below, create and start an Output
Stream on the encoder (the SRT source device):
Setting Example Description
Protocol TS over SRT SRT is based on the UDP protocol.
Mode Rendezvous Encoder will attempt to initiate the SRT
session, and listen for incoming SRT
connection requests.
Address This is the target address for the SRT
stream, which is the public IP address of
the firewall at the destination.
20000 For Rendezvous mode, source and
destination ports are the same.
20000 This is the port over which the decoder will
be listening
Deployment Scenarios
Scenario 3: Streaming using Rendezvous mode
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 22
Step 2 — Configure the firewall(s)
Make sure that the firewalls between the source and destination devices have port
rewriting turned off (i.e. static port mapping must be allowed). In this scenario, for
example, this is necessary to allow the encoder and decoder to establish an SRT session
over 20000.
Step 3 — Configure the Decoder
On the decoder (the SRT destination device), do the following:
1. Using the settings in the table below, create an Input Stream on the decoder (the SRT
destination device):
Once all settings have been applied, the encoder and decoder will handshake and establish
an SRT session. The encoder will send the video stream to the decoder, which will process
the stream and return control packets that include congestion data, latency and other statis-
tics. The encoder will use this information to adapt its transmission (resend lost packets, adjust
bit rate, etc.).
Setting Example Description
Protocol TS over SRT SRT is based on the UDP protocol.
Mode Rendezvous Decoder will attempt to initiate the SRT session, and
listen for incoming SRT connection requests.
Address This is the public IP address of the firewall at the source.
Source Port 20000 In Rendezvous mode, the source port must be the same
as the destination port.
Destination Port 20000 This is the port over which the encoder will be listening.
Deployment Scenarios
Rendezvous Mode and Firewalls
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 23
Rendezvous Mode and Firewalls
Rendezvous mode allows SRT traffic between the source and destination to traverse a
firewall without the need for an IT administrator to open a port, as long as the firewalls are
Even if there is no rule to explicitly allow an SRT destination device to communicate with
the outside world, its control packets will nonetheless be able to return to the SRT source
device because of the “connection tracking” feature of stateful firewalls. Rendezvous mode
uses this behavior to create “holes” through both firewalls.
Connection Tracking
Stateful firewalls maintain a connection tracking table, which is dynamically built based on
actual traffic passing through the firewall.
In a connection tracking table a typical entry might consist of UDP traffic from a device
with a source IP and port number, which is converted by NAT, and then connected to the
public IP of a firewall on that destination port:
If you have a call coming in from the other endpoint, then you would see the same entry in
reverse in the connection tracking table:
Typically, an encoder would start an SRT session in Caller mode, with a decoder in
Listener mode waiting for control packets. In Rendezvous, both are sending control packets
to initiate the session. The outgoing packets create an entry in the table. When the incoming
packets arrive, they create a complementary entry. This tricks the firewall into thinking that
the inbound packets are the responses to the outbound ones, and so it permits the packets
to pass through for the duration of the streaming session.
Rendezvous mode allows the source and destination devices to “punch out” holes from the
inside of their respective firewalls. The only conditions are that both devices must be in
Rendezvous mode, both must be using the same port number, and there must be an
outbound entry set up on each firewall so that the source port number is preserved (i.e. so
that there is no need to create input entry rules).
Protocol Source Router Destination
UDP --> -->
Protocol Source Router Destination
UDP --> -->
Deployment Scenarios
Rendezvous Mode and Firewalls
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 24
Other Considerations
It is important that the port number used is unique. Using a firewall’s option to accept
any (ephemeral) port may be problematic in a scenario where there are multiple
encoders sending out streams.
If the firewall at the source is set to allow the source device to use any (ephemeral)
port, then outbound port re-writing must be disabled for Rendezvous mode. The port
assignment must be static so the SRT participants can meet.
If either the SRT source or destination device is behind a firewall that does not allow
outgoing traffic, you will need to configure the firewall to allow outgoing traffic.
There are still occasions where it would be necessary (or better) to manually configure
Caller and Listener settings to traverse firewalls at each end. For example, in high
security environments that employ “egress filtering”, firewalls are often configured to
prevent arbitrary outbound ports from being assigned. An internal address cannot send
to a random outbound port. In such cases, both the source and destination devices
would be registered at the firewall, which would block everything else.
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 25
Configuring SRT Streams
NOTE This section describes how to configure and tune an SRT stream. For complete
details on how to configure a stream, please refer to the User’s Guide for your device.
The SRT open source project does not contain any web UI elements. For illustrative
purposes, this section contains screen shots from Haivsion’s SRT-enabled products.
Along with the standard parameters associated with any streaming output, there are other
important values you must specify for an SRT stream
.To introduce you to these parameters,
let’s take a look at a hypothetical example of an SRT stream being sent to a destination
device, and see what happens over time.
The diagram below depicts a stream being sent over a channel of some kind, such as a LAN
or Internet connection, with a certain capacity. Packets being sent from a source are stored
at the destination in a buffer. Let’s say at some point there is a total link failure, and then,
shortly after, the connection is re-established. So, for a short period of time, the destination
is receiving no data.
SRT deals with such situations in two ways. The first is that the destination relies on its
buffer to maintain the stream output at its end. The size of this buffer is determined by the
Configuring SRT Streams
Configuring an SRT Stream
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 26
SRT Latency setting. Once the link is re-established, the source is able to resume sending
packets, including re-sending the packets lost during the link failure. To handle this extra
“burst” of packets, an SRT stream allows for a certain amount of overhead. This Bandwidth
Overhead is calculated such that, in a worst case scenario, the source can deliver the number
of packets “lost” during the link failure (area A) over a “burst time” (area B), where area B
must be equal to area A. The maximum time period for which a burst of lost packets can be
sustained without causing an artifact is:
SRT Latency (ms) * Bandwidth Overhead (%) ÷ 100
Configuring an SRT Stream
With your source and destination devices set up (including having established call modes
and any firewall settings), follow these steps to configure an SRT stream:
1. Measure the Round Trip Time (RTT) using the
ping command.
ping does not work or is not available, set up a test SRT stream and use the RTT
value from the Statistics page.
If the RTT is <= 20 ms, then use 20 ms for the RTT value. This is because SRT
does not respond to events on time scales shorter than 20 ms.
2. Measure the Packet Loss Rate.
A channel’s Packet Loss Rate drives the SRT Latency and Bandwidth Overhead
calculations. This loss rate can be extracted from
iperf stats.
If using
iperf is not possible, set up a test SRT stream, and then use the resent
bytes / sent bytes (as reported on the SRT stream’s Statistics page) over a 60
second period to calculate the Packet Loss Rate as follows:
Packet Loss Rate = Resent Bytes ÷ Sent Bytes * 100
3. Using the following table*, find the RTT Multiplier and Bandwidth Overhead
values that correspond to your measured Packet Loss Rate:
* This table takes into account constant loss and burst loss. See
“Packet Loss Rate” on
page 28 for more information.
4. Determine your SRT Latency value using the following formula:
SRT Latency = RTT Multiplier * RTT
If RTT < 20, use the Minimum SRT Latency value in the table above.
Worst Case
Loss Rate (%)
Overhead (%)
Minimum SRT Latency
(for RTT <= 20 ms)
<= 1 3 33 60
<= 3 4 25 80
<= 7 5 20 100
<= 10 6 17 120
Configuring SRT Streams
Configuring an SRT Stream
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 27
5. Measure the nominal Channel Capacity available to the SRT stream using the iperf
iperf does not work or is not available, set up a test SRT stream and use the Max
Bandwidth or Path Max Bandwidth value from the Statistics page.
6. Determine the stream bitrate.
The steam bitrate is the sum of the video, audio and metadata essence bit rates, plus
an SRT protocol overhead. It has to respect the following constraint:
Channel Capacity > SRT Stream Bandwidth * (100 + Bandwidth
Overhead) ÷ 100
If this is not respected, then the video/audio/metadata bitrate must be reduced until
it is respected.
It is recommended that a significant amount of headroom be added to cushion
against varying channel capacity, so a more conservative constraint would be:
0.75 * Channel Capacity > SRT Stream Bandwidth * (100 +
Bandwidth Overhead) ÷ 100
7. Determine if the SRT stream has been set up correctly.
The best way to determine this is to set up a test SRT stream and look at the SRT
Send Buffer graph on the Statistics page of the source device. The send buffer val-
ue should never exceed the SRT Latency bound. If the two plot lines are close, in-
crease the SRT Latency.
Configuring SRT Streams
SRT Parameters
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 28
SRT Parameters
This section describes the various parameters that have an effect on an SRT stream’s
Round Trip Time
Round Trip Time (RTT) is the time it takes for a packet to travel from a source to a desti-
nation and back again. It provides an indication of the distance (indirectly, the number of
hops) between endpoints on a network. Between two SRT devices on the same fast switch
on a LAN, the RTT should be almost 0. Within the Continental US, RTT over the Internet
can vary depending on the link and distance, but can be in to 60 to 100 ms range. Trans-
oceanic RTT can be 60-200 ms depending on the route.
RTT is used as a guide when configuring Bandwidth Overhead and Latency. To find the
RTT between two devices, you can use the
ping command. For example:
Response (RTT = 6.633 ms):
56 data bytes 64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=6.633 ms
You can also find the RTT for an active SRT streaming session displayed on the Statistics
RTT Multiplier
The RTT Multiplier is a value used in the calculation of SRT Latency. It reflects the rela-
tionship between the degree of congestion on a network and the Round Trip Time. As
network congestion increases, the rate of exchange of SRT control packets (as well as
retransmission of lost packets) also increases. Each of these exchanges is limited by the
RTT for that channel, and so to compensate, SRT Latency must be increased. The factor
that determines this increase is the RTT Multiplier, such that:
SRT Latency = RTT Multiplier * RTT
The RTT Multiplier, then, is an indication of the maximum number of times SRT will try
to resend a packet before giving up.
Packet Loss Rate
Packet Loss Rate is a measure of network congestion, expressed as a percentage of packets
lost with respect to packets sent.
Constant loss refers to the condition where a channel is losing packets at a constant
rate. In such cases, the SRT overhead is lower bound limited, such that:
Minimum Bandwidth Overhead = 1.65 * Packet Loss Rate
Configuring SRT Streams
SRT Parameters
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 29
Burst loss refers to the condition where a channel is losing multiple consecutive
packets, up to the equivalent of the contents of the SRT latency buffer. In such cases,
the SRT overhead is lower bound limited, such that:
Minimum Bandwidth Overhead = 100 ÷ RTT Multiplier
Burst losses that last longer than the SRT Latency will result in stream artifacts. SRT
Latency should always be set to a value above your worst case burst loss period.
Bandwidth Overhead
The control packets associated with an SRT stream do, of course, take up some of the
available bandwidth, as do any media packet retransmissions. When configuring an SRT
stream, you will need to specify a Bandwidth Overhead value to allow for this important
The portion of audio and video content in the stream is determined by their respective bit
rate settings, which are configured on the audio and video encoders themselves. SRT
Bandwidth Overhead is calculated as a percentage of the A/V bit rate, such that the sum of
the two represents a threshold bit rate, which is the maximum bandwidth the SRT stream is
expected to use.
The SRT Bandwidth Overhead is a percentage you assign, based in part on the quality of
the network over which you will be streaming. Noisier networks will require exchanging
more control packets, as well as resending media packets, and therefore a higher percentage
NOTE SRT Bandwidth Overhead should not exceed 50%. The default value is 25%.
Sample Bandwidth Overhead Calculation
Let’s say you are streaming video at a bit rate of 1000 kbps, and audio at 128 kbps. This
gives a total of 1128 kbps, which we will round up to 1200 kbps to account for any metadata
and other ancillary data. This is the Average Bandwidth, which is calculated automatically
based on your actual output settings. If you accept the default Bandwidth Overhead setting
of 25%, then the total bandwidth reserved for the SRT stream will be:
1200 + (25% * 1200) = 1500 kbps (1.5 Mbps)
The Bandwidth Overhead is the percentage
of the Average Bandwidth used to
accommodate SRT controls.
The Average Bandwidth is calculated based
on the video and audio encoder settings.
Configuring SRT Streams
SRT Parameters
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 30
This is the maximum bandwidth SRT will use. If there is no loss, only a slight overhead for
control is used. As long as this total SRT bandwidth is less than or equal to the bandwidth
available between the SRT source and destination devices, the stream should flow from
one to the other without incident.
There is a time delay associated with sending packets over a (usually unpredictable)
network. Because of this delay, an SRT source device has to queue up the packets it sends
in a buffer to make sure they are available for transmission and re-transmission. At the other
end, an SRT destination device has to maintain its own buffer to store the incoming
packets (which may come in any order) to make sure it has the right packets in the right
sequence for decoding and playback. SRT Latency is a fixed value (from 20 to 8000 ms)
representing the maximum buffer size available for managing SRT packets.
An SRT source device’s buffers contain unacknowledged stream packets (those whose
reception has not been confirmed by the destination device).
An SRT destination device’s buffers contain stream packets that have been received and
are waiting to be decoded.
The SRT Latency should be set so that the contents of the source device buffer (measured
in msecs) remain, on average, below that value, while ensuring that the destination device
buffer never gets close to zero.
The value used for SRT Latency is based on the characteristics of the current link. On a
fairly good network (0.1-0.2% loss), a “rule of thumb” for this value would be four times
the RTT. In general, the formula for calculating Latency is:
SRT Latency = RTT Multiplier * RTT
SRT Latency can be set on both the SRT source and destination devices. The higher of the
two values is used for the SRT stream.
Latency (50 ms)
Send Buffer
RTT (<5 ms)
Configuring SRT Streams
Encrypting SRT Streams
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 31
Encrypting SRT Streams
SRT streams can be encrypted using AES cryptographic algorithms, and decrypted at their
destination. To implement encryption on an SRT stream, you must specify the type of
encryption on the source device, and then a pass phrase on both source and destination.
Encryption This parameter specifies the AES (Advanced Encryption
Standard) encryption key length and cipher.
Range: AES-128, AES-256
Passphrase This specifies a string used to generate the AES encryption key
wrapper via a one-way function such that the encryption key
wrapper used cannot be guessed from knowledge of the
Range: 10-79 UTF-8 printable characters
If encryption is enabled,
the Passphrase entered
on both source and
destination devices
must match.
Configuring SRT Streams
Optimizing SRT Performance
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 32
Optimizing SRT Performance
SRT source and destination devices exchange a variety of information about network
conditions and packet transfer, which allows them to negotiate the best possible delivery of
the main audio/video content.
NOTE The open source SRT project contains all the underlying functionality necessary to
create a graphical representation of this exchange, which could then be made available
from the web interface of any SRT device.
Monitoring and understanding the statistics data can help you to tune and optimize your
SRT streaming performance.
For illustrative purposes, what follows are descriptions of the various sections of the
Statistics page using images from an SRT exchange between a Makito X Encoder
(source) and Makito X Decoder (destination). These are intended to show how, by
comparing the related sections between SRT source and destination devices, you can
determine performance characteristics and identify opportunities to optimize the stream.
The Statistics section provides an overview of an SRT stream’s condition: its current state,
the packets and bytes sent and received, the current bit rate, and (in the case of the source
device), how long the stream has been active.
Makito X Encoder (SRT source device) Makito X Decoder (SRT destination device)
Configuring SRT Streams
Optimizing SRT Performance
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 33
What to look for:
Make sure the connection state is not SCRAMBLED or STOPPED.
Src Dest Parameter Description
X State The current operating status of the stream (STREAMING,
X Up Time The length of time the stream is actively streaming (e.g.,
1d22h5m41s); only available when State is STREAMING.
X Sent Packets Number of UDP packets sent for that stream.
X Sent Bytes Number of bytes sent for that stream.
X Unsent Packets Number of UDP packets not sent for that stream (displayed
only when not 0).
X Unsent Bytes Number of bytes not sent for that stream (displayed only
when not 0).
X Received Packets Number of UDP packets received for that stream.
X Received Bytes Number of bytes received for that stream.
X Last Error The last error reported by the SRT subsystem. All errors are
recorded in a log file (see “SRT Logs” on page 41).
X Occurred The time elapsed since Last Error was reported
X Source Address IP address of the SRT source device
X X Bitrate The stream bitrate (in kbps).
X X Reset Click to reset the Statistics page.
Configuring SRT Streams
Optimizing SRT Performance
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 34
The SRT section provides a detailed look at the SRT traffic.
Src Dest Parameter Description
X X Reconnections Number of reconnections since the stream started. Severe
network congestion may cause the connection to drop, but it will
be automatically reconnected.
X AES Encryption Indicates status of AES Encryption (if enabled)
X Key Length Indicates the specified key length for AES encryption.
X Peer Decryption Indicates whether or not the SRT stream is being successfully
X Decryption Indicates whether or not the SRT stream is being successfully
X Resent Packets Number of packets retransmitted based on reports from the
destination device (or lack thereof).
X Resent Bytes Total bytes retransmitted.
X Dropped Packets Number of packets reported missing by the destination device.
This is the raw number of packets dropped by the network.
These packets may be recovered by retransmission by the
source device, and so do not necessarily result in any video
Makito X Encoder (SRT source device) Makito X Decoder (SRT destination device)
Configuring SRT Streams
Optimizing SRT Performance
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 35
X Dropped Bytes Number of dropped bytes.
X Lost Packets Number of packets reported missing by the decoder.
X Skipped Packets Packets that have arrived at the destination device too late, or
that never arrive at all. If the “time to play” for a packet has
passed, and it is either not at the decoder or arrives after the
content it is associated with has already played, that packet is
reported as “skipped” on the destination device. Usually this
results in some type of video artifact (a replayed frame or video
X Received ACKs Total number of acknowledgment and feedback packets
received from the destination device (this is a measure of
transmission progress).
X Received NAKs Total number of negative acknowledgment packets received
from the destination device.
X Link Bandwidth Estimated maximum bandwidth available as viewed from the
destination device.
X Max Bandwidth Maximum bandwidth used by the source device for this SRT
stream (i.e. the current total of audio/video bit rate plus ancillary
data plus the SRT Bandwidth Overhead).
X Path Max Bandwidth The same value as Link Bandwidth. The destination device
sends the value to the source device with an acknowledgment
X X RTT Round Trip Time (RTT) is the time required for a packet to travel
from a specific source to a specific destination and back again.
Src Dest Parameter Description
Configuring SRT Streams
Optimizing SRT Performance
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 36
What to look for:
If you start to see lots of reconnections, this is an indication that there is a problem with
the communication channel between devices.
A steadily increasing number of NAKs indicates a problem.
It’s normal to see a few dropped packets, but there should not be too many. A low
number of dropped packets indicates you are using your bandwidth optimally.
If the number of Skipped Packets increments slowly, the best thing to do is increase
the SRT Latency. If it increments in large jumps, the best thing to do is to lower the
video bitrate, or to increase the Bandwidth Overhead % if you have available capacity.
TIP When adjusting the SRT parameters, ignore any spikes or other variations that
appear on the Statistics charts at the time of the change.
X X Buffer Size of the SRT buffer (in milliseconds).
The SRT source device’s buffers contain unacknowledged
stream packets (those whose reception has not been confirmed
by the decoder). The size of the source device buffer, in the
absence of congestion or packet loss, is around the RTT value.
In the presence of recoverable packet loss, the value should be
between those for RTT and Latency.
The SRT destination device’s buffer contains stream packets
received and waiting to be forwarded or decoded. This statistic
shows the portion of the destination device’s buffer up to the
first missing packet (i.e. the time remaining to transmit the
missing packet before it’s too late). The value of the destination
device buffer in the absence of packet loss is just below the
latency value. In the presence of packet loss, it is between 0 and
the latency value.
Note that if you change the bit rate from 6 to 2 Mb/s, the byte
count will change but a 2 second buffer will remain 2 seconds.
X X Latency A fixed value (from 20 to 8000 ms) representing the maximum
buffer size available for managing SRT packets.
Values can be entered on both the source and destination
devices. When the handshake occurs at the initiation of an SRT
streaming session, the higher of the two values is implemented
on both devices.The destination default is set to the minimum
(20 ms) so that the value can be controlled from the source. The
default latency value on the source is 125 ms.
Src Dest Parameter Description
Configuring SRT Streams
Optimizing SRT Performance
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 37
The Delays section provides a graphical overview of how the SRT stream buffers are
handling the traffic.
What to look for:
The value for Buffer (blue line) on the source device should normally not exceed the
Latency value (orange line). If the Encoder Send Buffer spikes above the latency line,
then increase the SRT Latency. You may see occasional spikes (with corresponding
anomalies in the display). But if these are few and far between, and the impact on the
display of the stream is tolerable, you may choose to ignore these spikes as you tune
the stream parameters.
Ideally, the destination device buffer level should be just below the latency value. If
the Decoder Receive Buffer goes to 0 often, then there is most likely insufficient BW
Src Dest Parameter Description
X X Last X Minutes Choose a time frame (5 minutes, 60 minutes, or 24 hours)
for the data to be displayed in the DELAYS and
X X Download CSV file Click to download a CSV file.
X Encoder Send Buffer Check this box to view a plot of the contents (in ms) of the
encoder buffer over time (blue line in the graph).
X Decoder Receive Buffer Check this box to view a plot of the contents (in ms) of the
decoder buffer over time (blue line in the graph).
X X Round Trip Time Check this box to view a plot of the RTT value over time
(white line in the graph).
X X Latency Check this box to view a plot of the Latency value over time
(orange line in the graph).
Makito X Encoder (SRT source device) Makito X Decoder (SRT destination device)
Configuring SRT Streams
Optimizing SRT Performance
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 38
to support the desired bitrate (which should therefore be lowered). If the Decoder
Receive Buffer only occasionally goes to 0, then the SRT Latency should be increased.
On the source device, if the Encoder Send Buffer often reaches or exceeds the Latency
value, then there is most likely insufficient bandwidth to support the desired bitrate
(which should therefore be lowered). If the Encoder Send Buffer only occasionally
goes to or above the Latency value, then the SRT Latency should be increased.
Bandwidth Used
The Bandwidth Used section provides a graphical overview of how the network
bandwidth available to the SRT stream is actually being used, in terms of the rate at which
packets are sent, received, resent and lost, as well as the data volume (rate × time).
Src Dest Parameter Description
X Send Rate Check this box to view a plot of the SRT source device’s
outbound bitrate over time (blue line in the graph).
X Receive Rate Check this box to view a plot of the SRT destination
device’s inbound bitrate over time (blue line in the graph).
X Retransmit Rate Check this box to view a plot of the rate at which the SRT
source device is resending packets (orange line in the
X Lost Rate Check this box to view a plot of the rate at which SRT
source device is reporting lost packets (orange line in the
X X Link Bandwidth Check this box to view a plot of bandwidth available to the
SRT stream (white line in the graph). This is a plot of the
Link Bandwidth (or equivalent Max Path Bandwidth on the
source device) shown in the SRT panel.
Makito X Encoder (SRT source device) Makito X Decoder (SRT destination device)
Configuring SRT Streams
Optimizing SRT Performance
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 39
What to look for:
The use of encryption has an impact on the processing resources of the source device,
which may have an effect on streaming capacity overall.
If the SRT destination device shows too many skipped or dropped frames, increase
the SRT Latency, lower the video bit rate, and/or increase the Bandwidth Overhead %.
Configuring SRT Streams
Graph Sample Rates
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 40
Graph Sample Rates
The information presented in the graphs on the Statistics page is based on continuous
samples taken every 5 seconds over a 24 hour period (sampling does not occur during
pauses or disconnects).
The data is displayed in either 60 or 120 columns (depending on the time span being
displayed), where each column represents an average value based on the time span being
For example, if the graph is showing data from the last 5 minutes (300 seconds), then it will
contain 300 ÷ 5 sec. = 60 samples over 60 columns (this works out nicely to one sample per
If the graph is showing data from the last 24 hours (86400 seconds), then it will contain
86400 ÷ 5 sec. = 17280 samples over 120 columns. Each column contains the average value
of 144 samples (17280 ÷ 120).
Graph Time Span # Columns (Data Points) Displayed
Last 5 minutes 60
Last 60 minutes 60
Last 24 hours 120
Configuring SRT Streams
SRT Logs
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 41
SRT Logs
Data associated with an SRT stream is continuously logged (one log per stream). The log
file will contain time-stamped entries at 5 second intervals for up to a maximum of 24 hours
The sampling is non-contiguous (no log entries are made when the stream is inactive). For
example, the log might contain data covering 4 days, but only for 6 hours per day.
From the Statistics page, you can download the log file in CSV format, which may be used
with applications such as Microsoft Excel or 3rd party log analysis software. It can be
useful to examine logs to help with troubleshooting, or to determine how available
bandwidth is being used over time, which may allow you to better control associated costs.
The table below shows a sample log with a few rows of data:
DateTime SendRate ReSnRate DropRate MaxBw AvailBw RTT SendBufs PdDelay
2016-06-09T10:54:30-0400 3479 0 0 4226 140504 74.417 72 125
2016-06-09T10:54:35-0400 3334 0 0 4226 155224 74.304 77 125
2016-06-09T10:54:40-0400 3385 0 0 4226 92273 74.514 87 125
2016-06-09T10:54:45-0400 3377 0 0 4226 66601 74.248 91 125
2016-06-09T10:54:50-0400 3493 0 0 4226 56608 74.204 81 125
2016-06-09T10:54:55-0400 3358 0 0 4226 156397 74.214 73 125
2016-06-09T10:55:00-0400 3391 0 0 4226 176659 74.338 73 125
2016-06-09T10:55:05-0400 3397 0 0 4226 302024 74.512 70 125
2016-06-09T10:55:10-0400 3460 0 0 4226 72274 74.341 97 125
2016-06-09T10:55:15-0400 3334 0 0 4226 51725 74.264 43 125
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 42
APPENDIX A: Additional Information
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the underlying SRT protocol structure?
SRT is based on the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), but has its own mechanisms to
ensure real-time delivery of media streams over noisy networks, such as the Internet.
What ports are required to be open through a firewall?
The source and destination device UDP ports are configurable. Each stream only re-
quires a single port. The port is user-defined and can be between 1025 and 65,535. Spe-
cific port requirements for firewalls may depend on the security policies of your
organization. Consult with your network system administrator.
What is the bandwidth overhead requirement for a connection traversing the
BW Overhead specifies the maximum stream bandwidth overhead that can be used
for lost packet recovery. The default BW Overhead is 25%. Depending on your set-
tings, SRT will either retransmit lost packets quickly (thereby using more bandwidth)
or over a longer period (requiring less bandwidth but resulting in higher latency).
How does encryption affect the bandwidth?
Encryption does not affect the bandwidth. However, applying encryption is a proces-
sor-intensive task, and may have an impact on the number and bit rate of the streams
an encoder is able to output.
Is SRT compatible with wireless networks?
SRT can be used over wireless networks, WiMANs (Wireless Metro Area Networks),
LANs, private WANs, or the public Internet.
Does the number of “Lost Packets” increment even when an SRT retransmit
is successful? Would lost packets result in visual artifacts or quality issues?
“Lost Packets” and the related “Skipped Packets” are statistics reported by an SRT de-
Lost Packets: A hole in the packet sequence has been detected. A request to re-trans-
mit the lost packet has been sent to the source device. This lost packet may (or may
not) be recovered by the re-transmit request.
Additional Information
Frequently Asked Questions
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 43
Skipped Packets: The time to play the packet has arrived and the lost packet was not
recovered, so the decoder will continue playing without it. A video or audio artifact
may result from a skipped packet.
How can I determine the SRT bandwidth requirements from a decoder back
to an encoder?
SRT back-channel control packets from the decoder to encoder take up a minimum of
~40 Kbps of bandwidth when the channel conditions are perfect. If there are lost pack-
ets on the link, then the SRT decoder will generate more signal traffic, proportional to
the lost packet rate. A single lost packet will consume about 400 bps of the available
bandwidth on the decoder side.
From the decoder back to the encoder, bandwidth usage will increase linearly with the
packet loss rate.
How can I determine the bandwidth available between two endpoints before
starting an SRT stream?
If you have established an SRT stream, you can view bandwidth information in the sta-
tistics from the source and destination devices.
If no SRT stream is currently running, you can use the
Iperf bandwidth measurement
utility to get bandwidth and jitter information. You need to specify the port number as
well as stop any streaming before using
Iperf (to release the ports).
On the destination device, make sure any streams are stopped, and then enter the fol-
lowing commands:
iperf -s -u -i 1 -p “port#”
where “port#” is the same as the port opened on the firewall. The “-u” parameter
specifies the use of UDP packets (using TCP would cause the measured available
bandwidth value to be lower).
On the source device, make sure any streams are stopped, and then enter the following
iperf -c “IP ADDRESS OF DESTINATION” -u -b “BW” -i 1 -p “Port#”
where “BW” is the appropriate bandwidth in Mbps, and “IP ADDRESS OF
DESTINATION” is the IP address of the destination device (use the public facing IP if
traversing firewalls).
iperf -c -u -b 5.5m -i 1 -p 20000
0.0-10.1 sec 6.50 MBytes 5.41 Mbits/sec 0.247 ms 38/ 4678 (0.81%)
where 5.41 Mbits/second is the real bandwidth, 0.247 ms is the jitter, and 0.81% is the
percentage of lost packets.
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Frequently Asked Questions
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 44
Note that when using Iperf in a UDP client/server configuration, the “server” listens
for connections from clients, but it is the “client” that generates the traffic.
Can I stream from one encoder to multiple decoders?
No. SRT is for point-to-point connections. It does not support multicast. If you need to
have an SRT stream delivered to multiple decoders, you can use a gateway server.
I’m seeing a “sawtooth” pattern on the Statistics page for my encoder. What
does that mean?
It means the decoder is not acknowledging that it has received the packets sent from
the encoder. The encoder keeps the packets it has sent in its buffer until it receives a
response (this takes at least the equivalent of the round trip time). If the encoder re-
ceives acknowledgments promptly from the decoder, the buffer remains relatively
empty. Otherwise, the buffer gradually fills until it reaches a point where it must drop
the unacknowledged packets, creating the characteristic sawtooth pattern.
This typically occurs when you don't have enough bandwidth to transmit. The buffer
value will increase up to the point where it can no longer keep up, and then will drop
in a classic sawtooth pattern. In such cases, try increasing the SRT overhead, or low-
ering your video bit rate.
What does it mean when I see the blue line drop below the white line on the
Statistics page for my decoder?
The decoder has a buffer (blue line) that it uses to hold on to what it has received to
allow time for retransmission of missing packets. Normally the contents of this buffer
(measured in milliseconds) should be between the latency (orange line) configured for
the SRT stream, and the round trip time value (white line). If it falls below the RTT,
this means the decoder has no packets to play, and not enough time to ask for more. So
the video output will be a black screen. It could be that the encoder hasn't given any
packets to the decoder, indicating a problem at the source or in the intervening net-
work. But it might just be because there is nothing to display.
When should I start to worry about a rising number of dropped packets?
If the rate is going up constantly, it means that you haven’t configured enough band-
width overhead or latency. Check to see if you are streaming too far above the latency
value on the encoder.
How about skipped packets on the decoder?
Sometimes a packet arrives at the decoder ahead of time and sits in the queue, ready to
play. But the packet that should be played immediately before arrives late (or never),
so the decoder skips the packet sitting in the queue. In other words, the time to play for
the associated packet has passed, and it is either not at the decoder or arrives after any
associated content has already played. Usually this means some type of video artifact
also occurs (a replayed frame or video blocking artifacts).
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Frequently Asked Questions
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 45
You could think of a skipped packet as a packet that the decoder drops, except that it
doesn’t tell the encoder. The decoder sends a positive ACK, even though the packet is
“lost” from the point of view of the decoder. It might drop an entire frame because it
is corrupted, but the encoder doesn't know it. This is because when things are going
badly, the last thing you want to do is to increase the handshake traffic. A packet has a
certain time-to-live, and if it doesn't play after that time then it is skipped.
You might see the number of skipped packets increasing on the decoder, without a cor-
responding effect on the number of dropped packets seen on the encoder. If the number
of skipped packets on the decoder increases slowly, you should increase the SRT La-
tency. If the number of skipped packets on the decoder increments in large jumps, the
best thing to do is lower your video bitrate, or increase your Bandwidth Overhead % if
you have available capacity.
Do I control the latency value at the source or destination?
You can control the latency, the bit rate, and the overhead percentage on the source de-
vice. But you can configure the latency on the destination device as well. The two de-
vices will settle on the maximum value.
How do I decide whether to boost the latency or lower the bit rate?
You have to decide what is most important for you: quality or latency. If low latency
is more important to you, then you may see that you are not using your bandwidth as
effectively, and image quality may not be optimal. If you want more quality, you need
to use the maximum available bandwidth, with minimal overhead, and therefore more
latency. An SRT transmission needs either bandwidth or time. So if you are using your
maximum bandwidth at a higher bit rate because you want higher quality, you’ll have
to allow more time to recover from faults.
What happens if I set my latency value too low?
If the delay/latency setting is too low, you will see blue lines (Send Buffer) climbing
up past the orange line (Latency) in the graph on the encoder. This will be reflected at
the destination as visible artifacts, corresponding to skipped packets on the decoder.
If I see my Send Buffer repeatedly spiking by one or two seconds, by how
much should I increase my latency?
In early SRT versions, there was little tolerance. The Send Buffer values had to remain
below the Latency to obtain good results. With the most recent SRT version the Send
Buffer can occasionally go over one second without being dropped. However, this can
cause a problem at the other end, because while the packets are shown as “delivered”
on the encoder, they may not arrive at the other end.
Does SRT support Pro-MPEG Forward Error Correction:
No, SRT does not support PRO-MPEG error recovery at this time. Its error recovery
mechanism is based on retransmission requests, in the form of NAK (Negative Ac-
knowledgment) packets. The destination device sends NAKs back to the source device
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Frequently Asked Questions
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 46
whenever missing packets are detected. The source device responds by re-sending the
packets identified in the NAKs.
What are “keep alive” packets?
To maintain an SRT connection, control packets must be sent at an interval of 10 ms
(max). When a destination device receives a media packet, it acknowledges the recep-
tion by returning an “ack” control packet. If the interval between “ack” packets is
greater than 10 ms, “keep alive” packets are sent to keep the connection open.
Note that, unlike with TCP, if an SRT connection is broken, the source device will be
unaware that the destination is not receiving packets for up to several seconds before
the connection is re-established.
For more information, please visit
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Terms and Definitions
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 47
Terms and Definitions
The following terms are used in this guide:
Term Abbreviation Description
Bandwidth BW The data exchange rate (measured in bps, Kbps, or Mbps) of a
communications channel, such as an SRT stream.
The portion of the total bandwidth of a stream that is required for
the exchange of SRT control and recovery packets. This value is
usually calculated as a percentage of the base (TS) output bitrate
of an encoder (video + audio + metadata + ancillary data). The sum
of the base output rate plus the bandwidth overhead determines
the maximum bandwidth that can be used by the SRT protocol.
Jitter Jitter (measured in milliseconds) is the undesired deviation from
true periodicity of an assumed periodic signal in electronics and
telecommunications, often in relation to a reference clock source.
In a computer network context, jitter is the variation in latency as
measured in the variability over time of the packet latency across a
Local Area
LAN A computer network that interconnects computers within a limited
area such as an office building.
Latency The amount of time between the capture and display of a video
frame, including the time it takes to encode, transmit and decode.
With SRT, latency is a parameter that can be adjusted to increase
the buffers at source and destination to allow those devices to
adapt to network conditions.
Network Address
NAT A functionality that remaps one IP address to another. Network
Address Translation allows a device, such as a router or firewall, to
redirect traffic between the Internet and a private network.
Packet Loss Packet loss occurs when data packets fail to reach their
destination. It can be caused by a number of factors including
signal degradation over a network, channel congestion, corruption,
faulty networking hardware, faulty network drivers, or normal
routing routines (such as DSR, Dynamic Source Routing, in ad hoc
networks). Packet loss is measured as a percentage of packets
lost with respect to packets sent
Packet Delay
PDV Packet Delay Variation is the difference in the end-to-end, one-way
delay between selected packets in a flow, with any lost packets
being ignored. [RFC 3393]
Round-trip Time RTT Also called round-trip delay, RTT (measured in milliseconds) is the
time required for a packet to travel from a specific source to a
specific destination and back again.
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Terms and Definitions
SRT Deployment Guide, v1.1, Issue 01 48
Secure Reliable
SRT A transport technology developed by Haivision that optimizes
streaming performance across unpredictable networks such as the
Virtual Private
VPN A mechanism for connecting to a private network over a public
network like the Internet. Most commonly, a VPN is used to provide
a secure, encrypted tunnel through which a remote (authorized)
user can access a company network.
Additional Information
About the SRT Alliance
About the SRT Alliance
The mission of the SRT Alliance is to support the free availability of the open-source SRT
video transport protocol in order to accelerate innovation through collaborative develop-
ment. Furthermore, the SRT Alliance will promote industry-wide recognition and adoption
of SRT as a common and de facto standard for all low latency internet streaming.
One of the important goals of the SRT Alliance is to make new features available to the
open-source community, whether submitted for inclusion by community developers, or
coming directly from Haivision or Wowza development teams. Community-contributed
open source SRT functionality will be available to any developer, and new developments
by SRT Alliance members will migrate back into open source SRT on a regular basis.
If you're interested in contributing to this initiative and joining the SRT Alliance, please
contact the contact the alliance at [email protected].