Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
Standards for Stormwater Management and
Sediment Reduction
DHEC provides this copy of the regulation for the convenience of
the public and makes every effort to ensure its accuracy. However,
this is an unofficial version of the regulation. The regulation's most
recent final publication in the South Carolina State Register presents
the official, legal version of the regulation.
2600 Bull Street | Columbia, SC 29201
S.C. Code Sections 48-14-10 et seq.
72-300. Scope. ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
72-301. Definitions. ............................................................................................................................................ 1
72-302. Exemptions, Waivers and Variances from Law. ............................................................................... 5
72-303. Commission Responsibilities. ............................................................................................................. 8
72-304. Criteria for Delegation/Revocation of Programs. ............................................................................. 9
72-305. Permit Application and Approval Process. ..................................................................................... 12
72-306. Fees. ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
72-307. Specific Design Criteria, Minimum Standards and Specifications. .............................................. 15
72-308. Maintenance Requirements and Off-Site Damage Correction. ................................................... 23
72-309. Criteria for Designated Watersheds. ............................................................................................... 25
72-310. Criteria for Implementation of a Stormwater Utility. .................................................................... 27
72-311. Plan Review and Inspector Certification Programs. ...................................................................... 29
72-312. Review and Enforcement Requirements. ....................................................................................... 29
72-313. Hearings and Hearings Procedures. ................................................................................................ 32
72-314. Citizen Complaint Procedure on Delegated Program Components and Individual Sites. ....... 35
72-315. Penalties. ............................................................................................................................................. 35
72-316. Severability. ......................................................................................................................................... 36
June 26, 1992
June 28, 2002
6, Part 2
1 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
72-300. Scope.
A. Stormwater runoff is a source of pollution of waters of the State, and may add to existing flooding
problems. The implementation of a statewide stormwater management and sediment control program will
help prevent additional water quantity and quality problems and may reduce existing problems.
B. Stormwater management and sediment control plan approvals are necessary prior to engaging in any
land disturbing activity related to residential, commercial, industrial or institutional land use which are not
specifically exempted or waived by these regulations.
C. To the extent possible, the Commission intends to delegate the provisions of these regulations to local
governments. Those program provisions which are subject to delegation include stormwater management
and sediment control plan approval, construction and maintenance inspections, enforcement, and education
and training.
D. The Commission encourages the implementation of the Stormwater Management and Sediment
Reduction Act on a watershed basis by local governments. The Commission recognizes that all jurisdictions
may not have the resources available to implement this type of program immediately. However, the
comprehensive approach of implementing the program on the watershed basis will allow for planned,
orderly development in a watershed.
E. The implementation of a stormwater utility represents a comprehensive approach to program funding
and implementation. The activities which may be undertaken by a stormwater utility include not only
assessment, collection, and funding activities, but also carrying out provisions of adopted stormwater
management plans. These provisions may include contracting for such services as project construction,
project maintenance, project inspection, and enforcement of installation and maintenance requirements
imposed with respect to approved land disturbing activities.
72-301. Definitions.
As used in these regulations, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated below:
1. “Adverse Impact” means a significant negative impact to land, water and associated resources resulting
from a land disturbing activity. The negative impact includes increased risk of flooding; degradation of
water quality; increased sedimentation; reduced groundwater recharge; negative impacts on aquatic
organisms; negative impacts on wildlife and other resources; and threatened public health.
2. “Applicant” means a person, firm, or governmental agency who executes the necessary forms to obtain
approval or a permit for a land disturbing activity.
3. “Appropriate Plan Approval Agency” means the Commission, Local Government, or Conservation
District that is responsible in a jurisdiction for review and approval of stormwater management and
sediment control plans.
4. “As-Built Plans or Record Documents” means a set of engineering or site drawings that delineate the
specific permitted stormwater management facility as actually constructed.
5. “Best Management Practices” means a wide range of management procedures, schedules of activities,
prohibitions on practices and other management practices which have been demonstrated to effectively
control the quality and/or quantity of stormwater runoff and which are compatible with the planned land
2 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
6. “Certified Construction Inspector” means a person with the responsibility for conducting inspections
during construction and maintenance inspections after the land disturbing activity is completed as certified
by the Commission.
7. “Certified Plan Reviewer” means a person with the responsibility for reviewing stormwater
management and sediment control plans for an appropriate plan approval agency as certified by the
8. “Commission” means the South Carolina Land Resources Conservation Commission.
9. “Delegation” means the acceptance of responsibility by a Local Government or Conservation District
for the implementation of one or more elements of the statewide stormwater management and sediment
control program.
10. “Designated Watershed” means a watershed designated by a local government and approved by the
Commission, Department of Health and Environmental Control and the South Carolina Water Resources
Commission and identified as having an existing or potential stormwater, sediment control, or nonpoint
source pollution problem.
11. “Detention Structure” means a permanent stormwater management structure whose primary purpose
is to temporarily store stormwater runoff and release the stored runoff at controlled rates.
12. “Develop Land” means to change the runoff characteristics of a parcel of land in conjunction with
residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional construction or alteration.
13. “Developer” means a person undertaking, or for whose benefit, activities covered by these
regulations are commenced and/or carried out.
14. “District” means any soil and water conservation district created pursuant to Chapter 9, Title 48,
S.C. Code of Laws.
15. “Drainage Area” means that area contributing runoff to a single point.
16. “Easement” means a grant or reservation by the owner of land for the use of such land by others for
a specific purpose or purposes, and which must be included in the conveyance of land affected by such
17. “Erosion” means the wearing away of land surface by the action of wind, water, gravity, ice, or any
combination of those forces.
18. “Erosion and Sediment Control” means the control of solid material, both mineral and organic,
during a land disturbing activity to prevent its transport out of the disturbed area by means of air, water,
gravity, or ice.
19. “Exemption” means those land disturbing activities that are not subject to the sediment and
stormwater requirements contained in these regulations.
20. “Grading” means excavating, filling (including hydraulic fill) or stockpiling of earth material, or
any combination thereof, including the land in its excavated or filled condition.
3 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
21. “Implementing Agency” means the Commission, local government, or conservation district with
the responsibility for receiving stormwater management and sediment control plans for review and
approval, reviewing plans, issuing permits for land disturbing activities, or conducting inspections and
enforcement actions in a specified jurisdiction.
22. “Infiltration” means the passage or movement of water through the soil profile.
23. “Land Disturbing Activity” means any use of the land by any person that results in a change in the
natural cover or topography that may cause erosion and contribute to sediment and alter the quality and
quantity of stormwater runoff.
24. “Natural Waterways” means waterways that are part of the natural topography. They usually
maintain a continuous or seasonal flow during the year and are characterized as being irregular in cross-
section with a meandering course. Construction channels such as drainage ditches shall not be considered
natural waterways.
25. “Nonerodible” means a material, e.g., natural rock, riprap, concrete, plastic, etc., that will not
experience surface wear due to natural forces of wind, water, ice, gravity or a combination of those forces.
26. “Local Government” means any county, municipality, or any combination of counties or
municipalities, acting through a joint program pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
27. “Nonpoint Source Pollution” means pollution contained in stormwater runoff from ill-defined,
diffuse sources.
28. “One Hundred Year Frequency Storm” means a storm that is capable of producing rainfall expected
to be equaled or exceeded on the average of once in 100 years. It also may be expressed as an exceedence
probability with a 1 percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
29. “Person” means any State or federal agency, individual, partnership, firm, association, joint venture,
public or private corporation, trust, estate, commission, board, public or private institution, utility,
cooperative, municipality or other political subdivision of this State, any interstate body or any other legal
30. “Person Responsible for the Land Disturbing Activity” means
(a) the person who has or represents having financial or operational control over the land disturbing
activity; and/or
(b) the landowner or person in possession or control of the land who directly or indirectly allowed
the land disturbing activity or has benefitted from it or who has failed to comply with any provision of the
act, these regulations, or any order or local ordinance adopted pursuant to this act as imposes a duty upon
31. “Post-Development” means the conditions which exist following the completion of the land
disturbing activity in terms of topography, vegetation, land use and rate, volume or direction stormwater
32. “Pre-Development” means the conditions which existed prior to the initiation of the land disturbing
activity in terms of topography, vegetation, land use and rate, volume or direction of stormwater runoff.
4 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
33. “Redevelopment” means a land disturbance activity that alters the current use of the land but does
not necessarily alter the pre-development runoff characteristics.
34. “Responsible Personnelmeans any foreman, superintendent, or similar individual who is the on-
site person in charge of land disturbing activities.
35. “Retention Structure” means a permanent structure whose primary purpose is to permanently store
a given volume of stormwater runoff. Release of the given volume is by infiltration and/or evaporation.
36. “Sediment” means solid particulate matter, both mineral and organic, that has been or is being
transported by water, air, ice, or gravity from its site of origin.
37. “Single Family Residence-Separately Built” means a noncommercial dwelling that is occupied
exclusively by one family and not part of a residential subdivision development.
38. “Stabilization” means the installation of vegetative or structural measures to establish a soil cover
to reduce soil erosion by stormwater runoff, wind, ice and gravity.
39. “Stop Work Order” means an order directing the person responsible for the land disturbing activity
to cease and desist all or any portion of the work which violates the provisions of this act.
40. “Stormwater Management” means, for:
(a) quantitative control, a system of vegetative or structural measures, or both, that control the
increased volume and rate of stormwater runoff caused by manmade changes to the land;
(b) qualitative control, a system of vegetative, structural, or other measures that reduce or eliminate
pollutants that might otherwise be carried by stormwater runoff.
41. “Stormwater Management and Sediment Control Plan” means a set of drawings, other documents,
and supporting calculations submitted by a person as a prerequisite to obtaining a permit to undertake a
land disturbing activity, which contains all of the information and specifications required by an
implementing agency.
42. “Stormwater Runoff” means direct response of a watershed to precipitation and includes the surface
and subsurface runoff that enters a ditch, stream, storm sewer or other concentrated flow during and
following the precipitation.
43. “Stormwater Utility” means an administrative organization that has been created for the purposes
of planning, designing, constructing, and maintaining stormwater management, sediment control and flood
control programs and projects.
44. “Subdivision”, unless otherwise defined in an ordinance adopted by a local government pursuant to
Section 6-7-1010, means all divisions of a tract or parcel of land into two or more lots, building sites, or
other divisions, or parcels less than five acres, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale, legacy,
or building development, or includes all division of land involving a new street or a change in existing
streets, and includes resubdivision and, where appropriate, in the context, shall relate to the process of
subdividing or to the land or area subdivided.
45. “Swale” means a structural measure with a lining of grass, riprap or other materials which can
function as a detention structure and convey stormwater runoff without causing erosion.
5 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
46. “Ten-Year Frequency Storm” means a storm that is capable of producing rainfall expected to be
equaled or exceeded on the average of once in 10 years. It may also be expressed as an exceedence
probability with a 10 percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
47. “Twenty-Five Year Frequency Storm” means a storm that is capable of producing rainfall expected
to be equaled or exceeded on the average of once in 25 years. It also may be expressed as an exceedence
probability with a 4 percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
48. “Two-Year Frequency Storm” means a storm that is capable of producing rainfall expected to be
equaled or exceeded on the average of once in two years. It may also be expressed as an exceedence
probability with a 50 percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
49. “Variance” means the modification of the minimum sediment and stormwater management
requirements for specific circumstances where strict adherence of the requirements would result in
unnecessary hardship and not fulfill the intent of these regulations.
50. “Waiver” means the relinquishment from sediment and stormwater management requirements by
the appropriate plan approval authority for a specific land disturbing activity on a case-by- case review
51. “Water Quality” means those characteristics of stormwater runoff from a land disturbing activity
that relate to the physical, chemical, biological, or radiological integrity of water.
52. “Water Quantity” means those characteristics of stormwater runoff that relate to the rate and volume
of the stormwater runoff to downstream areas resulting from land disturbing activities.
53. “Watershed” means the drainage area contributing stormwater runoff to a single point.
54. “Watershed Master Plan” means a plan for a designated watershed that analyzes the impact of
existing and future land uses and land disturbing activities in the entire watershed and includes strategies
to reduce nonpoint source pollution, to manage stormwater runoff and control flooding. The plan must be
developed for the entire watershed, regardless of political boundaries, and must include appropriate
physical, institutional, economic and administrative data needed to justify the plan.
72-302. Exemptions, Waivers and Variances from Law.
A. The following activities are exempt from both the sediment control and stormwater management
requirements established by these regulations:
(1) Land disturbing activities on agricultural land for production of plants and animals useful to man,
including but not limited to: forages and sod crops, grains and feed crops, tobacco, cotton, and peanuts;
dairy animals and dairy products; poultry and poultry products; livestock, including beef cattle, sheep,
swine, horses, ponies, mules, or goats, including the breeding and grazing of these animals; bees; fur
animals and aquaculture, except that the construction of an agricultural structure of one or more acres, such
as broiler houses, machine sheds, repair shops and other major buildings and which require the issuance of
a building permit shall require the submittal and approval of a stormwater management and sediment
control plan prior to the start of the land disturbing activity.
(2) Land disturbing activities undertaken on forest land for the production and harvesting of timber
and timber products.
6 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(3) Activities undertaken by persons who are otherwise regulated by the provisions of Chapter 20 of
Title 48, the South Carolina Mining Act.
(4) Construction or improvement of single family residences or their accessory buildings which are
separately built and not part of multiple construction in a subdivision development.
(5) Land disturbing activities, other than activities identified in R.72-302A(6), that are conducted
under another state or federal environmental permitting, licensing, or certification program where the state
or federal environmental permit, license, or certification is conditioned on compliance with the minimum
standards and criteria developed under this act.
(6) Any of the following land disturbing activities undertaken by any person who provides gas,
electrification, or communications services, subject to the jurisdiction of the South Carolina Public Service
Commission, or corporations organized and operating pursuant to Section 33-49-10 et seq.:
(a) land disturbing activities conducted pursuant to a certificate of environmental compatibility
and public convenience and necessity issued pursuant to Title 58, Chapter 33, of the South Carolina Code,
or land disturbing activities conducted pursuant to any other certification or authorization issued by the
Public Service Commission;
(b) land disturbing activities conducted pursuant to a federal environmental permit, including
Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act, and including permits issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory
(c) land disturbing activities associated with emergency maintenance or construction of electric,
gas, or communications facilities, when necessary to restore service or when the Governor declares the area
to have sustained a disaster and the actions are undertaken to protect the public from a threat to health or
(d) land disturbing activities associated with routine maintenance and/or repair of electric, gas, or
communications lines;
(e) land disturbing activities associated with the placement of poles for overhead distribution or
transmission of electric energy or of communications services;
(f) land disturbing activities associated with placement of underground lines for distribution or
transmission of electric energy or of gas or communications services; or
(g) land disturbing activities conducted by a person filing environmental reports, assessments or
impact statements with the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Electrification Administration
in regard to a project.
Any person, other than a person identified in R.72-302A(6)(g) who undertakes land disturbing
activities described in R.72-302A(6)(d,e,f) must file with the South Carolina Public Service Commission,
in a Policy and Procedures Manual, the procedures it will follow in conducting such activities. Any person,
other than a person identified in R.72-302A(6)(g), who conducts land disturbing activities described in
R.72-302A(6)(b), must address the procedures it will follow in conducting the activities in the Policy and
Procedures Manual filed with the South Carolina Public Service Commission to the extent that the land
disturbing activities are not specifically addressed in the federal permit or permitting process. If any person,
other than a person identified in R.72-302A(6)(g), does not have a Policy and Procedures Manual on file
7 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
with the Public Service Commission, such manual must be filed with the Public Service Commission not
later than six months after the effective date of Chapter 14, Title 48 of the 1976 Code of Laws, South
Any person who undertakes land disturbing activities described in R.72-302A(6)(g) of this
subsection shall give the same written notice to the commission as given to agencies whose permits are
required for project approval by the regulations of the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural
Electrification Administration.
(7) Activities relating to the routine maintenance and/or repair or rebuilding of the tracks, rights-of-
way, bridges, communication facilities and other related structures and facilities of a railroad company.
(8) Activities undertaken on state-owned or managed lands that are otherwise regulated by the
provisions of Chapter 18 of this title, the Erosion and Sediment Reduction Act.
(9) Activities undertaken by local governments or special purpose or public service districts relating
to the repair and maintenance of existing facilities and structures.
B. Implementing agencies with responsibility for plan review and approval may grant waivers from the
stormwater management requirements of these regulations for individual land disturbing activities provided
that a written request is submitted by the applicant containing descriptions, drawings, and any other
information that is necessary to evaluate the proposed land disturbing activity. A separate written waiver
request shall be required if there are subsequent additions, extensions, or modifications which would alter
the approved stormwater runoff characteristics to a land disturbing activity receiving a waiver.
(1) A project may be eligible for a waiver of stormwater management for both quantitative and
qualitative control if the applicant can demonstrate that the proposed project will return the disturbed area
to a pre-development runoff condition and the pre-development land use is unchanged at the conclusion of
the project.
(2) A project may be eligible for a waiver or variance of stormwater management for water quantity
control if the applicant can demonstrate that:
(a) The proposed project will have no significant adverse impact on the receiving natural waterway
or downstream properties; or
(b) The imposition of peak control requirements for rates of stormwater runoff would aggravate
downstream flooding.
(3) The implementing agency will conduct its review of the request for waiver within 10 working
days. Failure of the implementing agency to act by end of the tenth working day will result in the automatic
approval of the waiver.
C. The implementing agency with responsibility for plan review and approval may grant a written
variance from any requirement of these regulations if there are exceptional circumstances applicable to the
site such that strict adherence to the provisions of these regulations will result in unnecessary hardship and
not fulfill the intent of these regulations. A written request for variance shall be provided to the plan
approval agency and shall state the specific variances sought and the reasons with supporting data for their
granting. The plan approval agency shall not grant a variance unless and until sufficient specific reasons
justifying the variance are provided by the applicant. The implementing agency will conduct its review of
8 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
the request for variance within 10 working days. Failure of the implementing agency to act by the end of
the tenth working day will result in the automatic approval of the variance.
72-303. Commission Responsibilities.
A. The Commission is responsible for the implementation and supervision of the stormwater management
and sediment control program which is established by Chapter 14, Title 48, S.C. Code.
B. The schedule for implementing the Stormwater Management and Sediment Control Act (48-14- 10,
et. seq.) has been established by the Commission as follows:
(1) These regulations are effective and applicable to all land disturbing activities of five acres and
greater on October 1, 1992 regardless of program status at the local level. Local governments with existing
local programs as of this date shall require that persons responsible for land disturbing activities on sites
with disturbed areas of five acres or greater comply with these regulations. Local governments may request
assistance from the Commission to implement these regulations on these sites. If a local government does
not have a local program on October 1, 1992, the Commission and others shall function as the implementing
(2) FY 1992-1993
(3) FY 1993-1994
(4) FY 1994-1995
C. This schedule may be modified by the Commission due to requests from local governments to develop
and implement a program prior to the scheduled implementation date. The Commission may also modify
this schedule due to personnel or financial resource limitations.
D. Local governments which adopted stormwater management and/or sediment control programs prior to
the effective date of these regulations may continue to administer the existing program until the scheduled
implementation date for the local government.
9 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
72-304. Criteria for Delegation/Revocation of Programs.
A. The Commission may delegate the following components of stormwater management and sediment
control programs to local governments or conservation districts as follows:
(1) Stormwater management and sediment control plan review and approval/disapproval.
(2) Inspections during construction and maintenance inspections.
(3) Enforcement.
(4) Education and training.
B. The Commission shall grant delegation of one or more program elements to any local government or
conservation district seeking delegation that is found capable and meets all of the criteria set forth herein
for delegation to comply with Chapter 48, Title 14, 1976 Code and these regulations.
C. Request for delegation of more than one program element may be accomplished by the submission of
one request for all the elements requested. A rejection by the Commission of one element will not jeopardize
delegation of other requested program elements.
D. To be considered capable of providing compliance with Chapter 14 and these regulations, applications
for delegation of program elements shall contain the following requisite items:
(1) Requests for delegation of stormwater management and sediment control plan review and
approval responsibility shall include the following information:
(a) Copy of enacted ordinance or program information detailing the plan approval process,
(b) Plan review check lists and plan submission requirements,
(c) Stormwater management and sediment control criteria, including waiver and variance
procedures, that meet minimum standards established by these regulations,
(d) Description of personnel allocations including qualifications and experience of personnel,
description of computer hardware and software resources and expected time frames for plan review which
meet the requirements of R.72-305B(2) and R.72- 305M, and
(e) Name of the Certified Plan Reviewer.
(2) Requests for delegation of inspection during construction and of maintenance inspection
responsibility shall include the following information:
(a) Inspection and referral procedures,
(b) Time frames for inspection of active land disturbing activities,
(c) Time frames for inspection of completed stormwater management structures,
(d) Inspection forms,
10 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(e) Description of adequate personnel allocations including qualifications and experience of
(f) Name of Certified Construction Inspector, and
(g) Procedures and time frames for processing complaints.
(3) Request for delegation of enforcement responsibility shall include the following information:
(a) Procedure for processing violations.
(b) Description of personnel allocations involved in enforcement actions including qualifications
and experience of personnel.
(c) Description of citizen complaint process.
(d) Description of applicant appeal process.
(4) Requests for delegation of education and training responsibility shall include the following
(a) Types of educational and training activities to be accomplished,
(b) Frequency of activities,
(c) Names and backgrounds of those individuals conducting the training, and
(d) Procedures and timetables to notify the Commission of educational programs.
E. Requests for delegation of program elements must be submitted by local governments or conservation
districts within six months of the effective date of these regulations, and by January first of subsequent
years if delegation is desired at a future date. The Commission shall approve, approve with modification,
or deny such a request on or before April first of the year for which delegation is sought.
F. The S. C. Coastal Council shall assist the Commission in reviewing all requests for delegation of
program elements from local governments in the counties of Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton,
Dorchester, Georgetown, Jasper and Horry to ensure that the delegated program elements are consistent
with the Coastal Zone Management Program.
The S. C. Coastal Council, in coordination with the Commission, will serve as the implementing agency
for these regulations in the jurisdictions of the local governments which do not seek delegation of program
elements in the counties of Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Horry and
G. If the Commission denies a request for delegation, the local government or conservation district may
appeal the decision of the Commission by requesting an administrative hearing within 30 days after receipt
of written notification as described in R.72-313.
H. Delegation of authority for one or more program elements may be granted for a maximum time frame
of three years. After three years a new application to the Commission must be made. Over the time frame
for which delegation has been granted, the Commission will evaluate delegation implementation,
11 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
coordinate review findings with the delegated authority, and determine if the new delegation should be
I. A delegated authority may sub-delegate program elements, with Commission concurrence, to a
conservation district, regional council of government or other responsible entity or agency.
J. The Commission shall maintain, and make available upon request, a listing of the current status of
delegation for all jurisdictions within the State.
K. Any local government that has adopted a stormwater management and/or sediment control program
prior to the effective date of these regulations may request approval of any, or all, components of its existing
program within six months of the effective date of these regulations. The Commission shall give priority to
the approval, approval with modification or disapproval of these requests. The local government shall
continue to administer the existing program during the review process by the Commission. Efficiency and
effectiveness of the existing program shall be considered in the review process.
(1) The Commission shall approve a delegation request upon determining that the implementation of
the existing program by the local government equal or exceed the requirements, criteria, standards and
specifications of these regulations.
(2) If the request for delegation of program components are disapproved, the local government may
appeal the decision of the Commission by requesting an administrative hearing within 30 days after
receiving written notification of the disapproval as described in R.72-313.
L. If the Commission determines that a delegated program falls below acceptable standards established
by these regulations, delegation may be suspended. During a period of suspension, the Commission shall
be responsible for implementation of the program element. The Commission shall collect fees based on
R.72-306 for use when the delegation is suspended.
The following actions may be cause for suspension if they represent a continuing pattern of action or in-
(1) Failure of implementing agency with the responsibility for enforcement to issue a violation in the
event of off-site sediment or stormwater damage resulting from non-compliance with the approved plan.
(2) Failure of the implementing agency to assess a fine when a violation has not been corrected within
the specified time frame.
(3) Failure of the implementing agency to stop work when a violation has resulted in off-site
(4) Failure of the implementing agency to force compliance with an approved plan.
(5) Failure of the delegated program to comply with the provisions of its application for delegation.
M. Upon suspension of the delegation, the implementing agency has the right to file an appeal within
30 days of the notification of the suspension following procedures listed in R.72-313. The Commission
shall administer the program during the appeal process.
12 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
72-305. Permit Application and Approval Process.
A. After the effective date of these regulations, unless a particular activity is exempted by these
regulations, a person may not undertake a land disturbing activity without an approved stormwater
management and sediment control plan from the appropriate plan approval agency that is consistent with
the following items:
(1) Chapter 14, Title 48, South Carolina Code, relating to erosion and sediment control and
stormwater management, and
(2) These regulations, or duly adopted county or municipal ordinances or programs that are adopted
as a part of the delegation process and set minimum standards equivalent to these regulations.
B. Specific requirements of the permit application and approval process are generally based on the extent
of the land disturbing activity. The permit application and approval procedure is as follows:
(1) For land disturbing activities involving two (2) acres or less of actual land disturbance which are
not part of a larger common plan of development or sale, the person responsible for the land disturbing
activity shall submit a simplified stormwater management and sediment control plan meeting the
requirements of R.72-307H. This plan does not require approval by the implementing agency and does not
require preparation or certification by the designers specified in R.72-305H and R.72-305I.
(2) For land disturbing activities involving more than two (2) acres and less than five (5) acres of
actual land disturbance which are not part of a larger common plan of development or sale, a simplified
permitting and approval process will be used meeting the requirements of R.72-307I. These activities are
required to utilize Best Management Practices (BMP’s) to control erosion and sediment and to utilize
appropriate measures to control the quantity of stormwater runoff. Plans and specifications for these
activities will be prepared by the designers cited in R.72-305H and R.72-305I. The implementing agency
will review these submissions within a ten working day period. If action is not taken by the end of the
review period, the plan will be considered approved.
(3) For land disturbing activities disturbing more than five (5) acres, the requirements of R.72-305
and R.72-307 will apply. However, the use of measures other than ponds to achieve water quality
improvement are recommended on sites containing less than ten (10) disturbed acres. Plans and
specifications for these activities will be prepared by the designers specified in R.72-305H or R.72-305I.
(4) These requirements may be modified on a case-by-case basis to address specific stormwater
quantity or quality problems or to meet S.C. Coastal Council or other regulatory requirements. Requests
for waivers or variances from these requirements will be made in accordance with the provisions of R.72-
(5) When the land disturbing activity consists of the construction of a pond, lake or reservoir which
is singly built and not part of a permitted land disturbing activity, the following procedures will apply:
(a) A stormwater management and sediment control plan will not be required if the pond, lake or
reservoir is permitted under the S.C. Dams and Reservoirs Safety Act or has received a Certificate of
Exemption from the S.C. Dams and Reservoirs Safety Act. Best management practices should be used to
minimize the impact of erosion and sediment.
13 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(b) A stormwater management and sediment control plan will be required for the construction of
all ponds, lakes or reservoirs not meeting the conditions in R.72- 305B(5)(a) that otherwise meet the size
requirements for stormwater management and sediment control plan approval.
C. A stormwater management and sediment control plan or an application for a waiver shall be submitted
to the appropriate plan approval agency by the person responsible for the land disturbing activity for review
and approval for a land disturbing activity, unless otherwise exempted. The stormwater management and
sediment control plan shall contain supporting computations, drawings, and sufficient information
describing the manner, location, and type of measures in which stormwater runoff will be managed from
the entire land disturbing activity. The appropriate plan approval agency shall review the plan to determine
compliance with the requirements of these regulations prior to approval. The approved stormwater
management and sediment control plan shall serve as the basis for water quantity and water quality control
on all subsequent construction.
D. All stormwater management and sediment control plans submitted for approval shall contain
certification by the person responsible for the land disturbing activity that the land disturbing activity will
be accomplished pursuant to the approved plan and that responsible personnel will be assigned to the
E. All stormwater management and sediment control plans shall contain certification by the person
responsible for the land disturbing activity of the right of the Commission or implementing agency to
conduct on-site inspections.
F. The stormwater and sediment management plan shall not be considered approved without the inclusion
of an approval stamp with a signature and date on the plans by the appropriate plan approval agency. The
stamp of approval on the plans is solely an acknowledgement of satisfactory compliance with the
requirements of these regulations. The approval stamp does not constitute a representation or warranty to
the applicant or any other person concerning the safety, appropriateness of effectiveness of any provision,
or omission from the stormwater and sediment plan.
G. When the local conservation district is not the plan approval agency, the conservation district may
request to review and comment on stormwater management and sediment control plans. Failure of the
conservation district to provide comments by the date specified by the local implementing agency will not
delay the approval of the stormwater management and sediment control plans by the implementing agency.
H. All stormwater management and sediment control plans submitted to the appropriate plan approval
agency for approval shall be certified by the designer. The following disciplines may certify and stamp/seal
plans as allowed by their respective licensing act and regulations:
(1) Registered professional engineers as described in Title 40, Chapter 22.
(2) Registered landscape architects as described in Title 40, Chapter 28, Section 10, item (b).
(3) Tier B land surveyors as described in Title 40, Chapter 22.
I. Pursuant to Title 40, Chapter 22, Section 460, stormwater management and sediment control plans
may be prepared by employees of the federal government and submitted by the person responsible for the
land disturbing activity to the appropriate plan approval agency for approval.
J. These regulations do not prohibit other disciplines or Certified Professionals, including, but not limited
to, Certified Professional Erosion and Sediment Control Specialists, which have appropriate background
14 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
and experience from taking active roles in the preparation of the plan and design process. All plans and
specifications submitted to the appropriate plan approval agency for approval shall be stamped/sealed by
those listed in R.72-305H or prepared by employees of the federal government under R.72-305I.
K. Approved plans remain valid for 5 years from the date of an approval. Extensions or renewals of the
plan approvals will be granted by the plan approval agency upon written request by the person responsible
for the land disturbing activity.
L. Approvals of land disturbing activities which were approved prior to the effective date of these
regulations shall remain in effect for the original term of the approval. For land disturbing activities which
were not initiated during the original term of approval, the person responsible for the land disturbing activity
shall resubmit the stormwater management and sediment control plan to the appropriate plan approval
agency for review and approval subject to the requirements of these regulations.
M. Upon receipt of a completed application for sediment and stormwater management, the appropriate
plan approval agency shall accomplish its review and have either the approval or review comments
transmitted to the applicant within 20 working days. If notice is not given to the applicant or if action is not
taken by the end of the 20 working day period, the applicants plan will be considered approved.
N. One year after the effective date of Chapter 14, Title 48 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, a
federal agency or facility may not undertake a land disturbing activity unless the agency has submitted a
stormwater management and sediment control plan for the specific activity to the Commission and the plan
has been approved.
In lieu of submitting individual plans for approval, the federal agency or facility may submit an
application for a general permit to the Commission for approval.
O. A local government or special purpose or public service district may request a general permit for its
regulated activities from the Commission. If a local government’s or special purpose or public service
district’s request is approved, individual stormwater management and sediment control plans for regulated
land disturbing activities will not be required.
72-306. Fees.
A. The fees associated with the plan review and approval process inspection and enforcement shall be set
by the implementing agency. If permit fees are established, they shall be established in accordance with the
following items:
(1) Delegation of program elements will depend, to a large extent, on funding and personnel
commitments. If the delegated jurisdiction has a source of funding that is provided through local revenues,
then the implementation of the delegated component will not necessitate the imposition of a permit fee to
cover the cost of the delegated program component.
(2) In the event that one component of an overall stormwater management and sediment control
program is not funded through the use of general or special funds, a non- refundable permit fee may be
collected at the time that the stormwater management and sediment control plan or application for waiver
or variance is submitted or approved. The permit fee will provide for the unfunded costs of plan review,
administration and management of the permitting office, construction review, maintenance inspection, and
education and training. The plan review or permit approval agency shall be responsible for the collection
of the permit fee. Unless all program elements in a county or municipality have been delegated to a single
15 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
agency, the funds collected not supporting the plan review function shall be distributed to the appropriate
(3) The number of needed personnel and the direct and indirect expenses associated with those
personnel shall be developed by the agencies requesting delegation in a specific jurisdiction. Those
expenses will then form the basis for determining unit plan approval costs by the local government.
B. Where the Commission is the implementing agency, the Commission may assess a fee not to exceed
$100.00 per disturbed acre up to a maximum of $2000.00. No fee will be charged for land disturbing
activities which disturb two acres or less. A fee of $100.00 will be charged for permit modifications.
C. A maintenance fee may be required on approvals granted for stormwater management structures that
will be maintained by a local government.
72-307. Specific Design Criteria, Minimum Standards and Specifications.
A. General submission requirements for all projects requiring stormwater management and sediment
control plan approval will include the following information as applicable:
(1) A standard application form,
(2) A vicinity map indicating north arrow, scale, and other information necessary to locate the
property or tax parcel.
(3) A plan at an appropriate scale accompanied by a design report and indicating at least:
(a) The location of the land disturbing activity shown on a USGS 7.5 minute topographic map or
(b) The existing and proposed topography, overlayed on a current plat showing existing and
proposed contours as required by the implementing agency. The plat and topographic map should conform
to provisions of Article 4, Regulations 400-490.
(c) The proposed grading and earth disturbance including:
1. Surface area involved; and
2. Limits of grading including limitation of mass clearing and grading whenever possible.
(d) Stormwater management and stormwater drainage computations, including:
1. Pre- and post-development velocities, peak rates of discharge, and inflow and outflow
hydrographs of stormwater runoff at all existing and proposed points of discharge from the site,
2. Site conditions around points of all surface water discharge including vegetation and method
of flow conveyance from the land disturbing activity, and
3. Design details for structural controls.
(e) Erosion and sediment control provisions, including:
16 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
1. Provisions to preserve top soil and limit disturbance;
2. Details of site grading; and
3. Design details for structural controls which includes diversions and swales.
(4) Federal Emergency Management Agency flood maps and federal and State wetland maps, where
(5) The appropriate plan approval agency shall require that plans and design reports be sealed by a
qualified design professional that the plans have been designed in accordance with approved sediment and
stormwater ordinances and programs, regulations, standards and criteria.
(6) Additional information necessary for a complete project review may be required by the
appropriate plan approval agency as deemed appropriate. This additional information may include items
such as public sewers, water lines, septic fields, wells, etc.
B. Specific requirements for the erosion and sediment control portion of the stormwater management and
sediment control plan approval process include, but are not limited to, the following items. The appropriate
plan approval agency may modify the following items for a specific project or type of project.
(1) All plans shall include details and descriptions of temporary and permanent erosion and sediment
control measures and other protective measures shown on the stormwater and sediment management plan.
Procedures in a stormwater and sediment management plan shall provide that all sediment and erosion
controls are inspected at least once every seven calendar days and after any storm event of greater than 0.5
inches of precipitation during any 24-hour period.
(2) Specifications for a sequence of construction operations shall be contained on all plans describing
the relationship between the implementation and maintenance of sediment controls, including permanent
and temporary stabilization and the various stages or phases of earth disturbance and construction. The
specifications for the sequence of construction shall, at a minimum, include the following activities:
(a) Clearing and grubbing for those areas necessary for installation of perimeter controls;
(b) Installation of sediment basins and traps;
(c) Construction or perimeter controls;
(d) Remaining clearing and grubbing;
(e) Road grading;
(f) Grading for the remainder of the site;
(g) Utility installation and whether stormdrains will be used or blocked until after completion of
(h) Final grading, landscaping, or stabilization; and
(i) Removal of sediment controls.
17 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
Changes to the sequence of construction operations may be modified by the person conducting the
land disturbing activity or their representative and do not constitute a violation unless measures to control
stormwater runoff and sediment are not utilized.
(3) The plans shall contain a description of the predominant soil types on the site, as described by the
appropriate soil survey information available through the Commission or the local Conservation District.
(4) When work in a live waterway is performed, precautions shall be taken to minimize
encroachment, control sediment transport and stabilize the work area to the greatest extent possible during
(5) Vehicle tracking of sediments from land disturbing activities onto paved public roads carrying
significant amounts of traffic (ADT of 25 vehicles/day or greater) shall be minimized.
C. Specific requirements for the permanent stormwater management portion of the stormwater
management and sediment control plan approval process include, but are not limited to, the following items.
The appropriate plan approval agency may modify the following items for a specific project or type or
(1) It is the overall goal of the Commission to address stormwater management on a watershed basis
to provide a cost effective water quantity and water quality solution to the specific watershed problems.
These regulations will provide general design requirements that must be adhered to in the absence of
Designated Watershed specific criteria.
(2) All hydrologic computations shall be accomplished using a volume based hydrograph method
acceptable to the Commission. The storm duration for computational purposes for this method shall be the
24-hour rainfall event, SCS distribution with a 0.1 hour burst duration time increment. The rational and/or
modified rational methods are acceptable for sizing individual culverts or stormdrains that are not part of a
pipe network or system and do not have a contributing drainage area greater than 20 AC. The storm duration
for computational purposes for this method shall be equal to the time of concentration of the contributing
drainage area or a minimum of 0.1 hours, whichever is less.
(3) Stormwater management requirements for a specific project shall be based on the entire area to
be developed, or if phased, the initial submittal shall control that area proposed in the initial phase and
establish a procedure and obligation for total site control.
(4) Water quantity control is an integral component of overall stormwater management. The
following design criteria for flow control is established for water quantity control purposes, unless a waiver
is granted based on a case-by-case basis:
(a) Post-development peak discharge rates shall not exceed pre-development discharge rates for
the 2-and 10-year frequency 24-hour duration storm event. Implementing agencies may utilize a less
frequent storm event (e.g. 25-year, 24-hour) to address existing or future stormwater quantity or quality
(b) Discharge velocities shall be reduced to provide a nonerosive velocity flow from a structure,
channel, or other control measure or the velocity of the 10-year, 24-hour storm runoff in the receiving
waterway prior to the land disturbing activity, whichever is greater.
18 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(c) Watersheds, other than Designated Watersheds, that have well documented water quantity
problems may have more stringent, or modified, design criteria determined by the local government that is
responsive to the specific needs of that watershed.
(5) Water quality control is also an integral component of stormwater management. The following
design criteria is established for water quality protection unless a waiver or variance is granted on a case-
by-case basis.
(a) When ponds are used for water quality protection, the ponds shall be designed as both quantity
and quality control structures. Sediment storage volume shall be calculated considering the clean out and
maintenance schedules specified by the designer during the land disturbing activity. Sediment storage
volumes may be predicted by the Universal Soil Loss Equation or methods acceptable to the Commission.
(b) Stormwater runoff and drain to a single outlet from land disturbing activities which disturb ten
acres or more shall be controlled during the land disturbing activity by a sediment basin where sufficient
space and other factors allow these controls to be used until the final inspection. The sediment basin shall
be designed and constructed to accommodate the anticipated sediment loading from the land-disturbing
activity and meet a removal efficiency of 80 percent suspended solids or 0.5 ML/L peak settable solids
concentration, whichever is less. The outfall device or system design shall take into account the total
drainage area flowing through the disturbed area to be served by the basin.
(c) Other practices may be acceptable to the appropriate plan approval agency if they achieve an
equivalent removal efficiency of 80 percent for suspended solids or 0.5 ML/L peak settable solids
concentration, which ever is less. The efficiency shall be calculated for disturbed conditions for the 10-year
24-hour design event.
(d) Permanent water quality ponds having a permanent pool shall be designed to store and release
the first ½ inch of runoff from the site over a 24-hour period. The storage volume shall be designed to
accommodate, at least, ½ inch of runoff from the entire site.
(e) Permanent water quality ponds, not having a permanent pool, shall be designed to release the
first inch of runoff from the site over a 24-hour period.
(f) Permanent infiltration practices, when used, shall be designed to accept, at a minimum, the first
inch of runoff from all impervious areas.
(g) For activities in the eight coastal counties of Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton,
Dorchester, Georgetown, Jasper and Horry, additional water quality requirements may be imposed to
comply with the S.C. Coastal Council Stormwater Management Guidelines. If conflicting requirements
exist for activities in the eight coastal counties, the S.C. Coastal Council guidelines will apply.
(6) Where ponds are the proposed method of control, the person responsible for the land disturbing
activity shall submit to the approving agency, when required, an analysis of the impacts of stormwater flows
downstream in the watershed for the 10-and 100-year frequency storm event. The analysis shall include
hydrologic and hydraulic calculations necessary to determine the impact of hydrograph timing
modifications of the proposed land disturbing activity, with and without the pond. The results of the analysis
will determine the need to modify the pond design or to eliminate the pond requirement. Lacking a clearly
defined downstream point of constriction, the downstream impacts shall be established, with the
concurrence of the implementing agency.
19 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(7) Where existing wetlands are intended as a component of an overall stormwater management
system, the approved stormwater management and sediment control plan shall not be implemented until all
necessary federal and state permits have been obtained.
(8) Designs shall be in accordance with standards developed or approved by the Commission.
(9) Ease of maintenance must be considered as a site design component. Access to the stormwater
management structure must be provided.
(10) A clear statement of defined maintenance responsibility shall be established during the plan
review and approval process.
(11) Infiltration practices have certain limitations on their use on certain sites. These limitations
include the following items:
(a) Areas draining to these practices must be stabilized and vegetative filters established prior to
runoff entering the system. Infiltration practices shall not be used if a suspended solids filter system does
not accompany the practice. If vegetation is the intended filter, there shall be, at least a 20 foot length of
vegetative filter prior to stormwater runoff entering the infiltration practice;
(b) The bottom of the infiltration practice shall be at least 0.5 feet above the seasonal high water
table, whether perched or regional, determined by direct piezometer measurements which can be
demonstrated to be representative of the maximum height of the water table on an annual basis during years
of normal precipitation, or by the depth in the soil at which mottling first occurs;
(c) The infiltration practice shall be designed to completely drain of water within 72 hours;
(d) Soils must have adequate permeability to allow water to infiltrate. Infiltration practices are
limited to soils having an infiltration rate of least 0.30 inches per hour. Initial consideration will be based
on a review of the appropriate soil survey, and the survey may serve as a basis for rejection. On-site soil
borings and textural classifications must be accomplished to verify the actual site and seasonal high water
table conditions when infiltration is to be utilized;
(e) Infiltration practices greater than three feet deep shall be located at least 10 feet from basement
(f) Infiltration practices designed to handle runoff from impervious parking areas shall be a
minimum of 150 feet from any public or private water supply well;
(g) The design of an infiltration practice shall provide an overflow system with measures to provide
a non-erosive velocity of flow along its length and at the outfall;
(h) The slope of the bottom of the infiltration practice shall not exceed five percent. Also, the
practice shall not be installed in fill material as piping along the fill/natural ground interface may cause
slope failure;
(i) An infiltration practice shall not be installed on or atop a slope whose natural angle of incline
exceeds 20 percent.
(j) Clean outs will be provided at a minimum, every 100 feet along the infiltration practice to allow
for access and maintenance.
20 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(12) A regional approach to stormwater management is an acceptable alternative to site specific
requirements and is encouraged.
D. All stormwater management and sediment control practices shall be designed, constructed and
maintained with consideration for the proper control of mosquitoes and other vectors. Practices may
include, but are not limited to:
(1) The bottom of retention and detention ponds should be graded and have a slope not less than 0.5
(2) There should be no depressions in a normally dry detention facility where water might pocket
when the water level is receding.
(3) Normally dry detention systems and swales should be designed to drain within three (3) days.
(4) An aquatic weed control program should be utilized in permanently wet structures to prevent an
overgrowth of vegetation in the pond. Manual harvesting is preferred.
(5) Fish may be stocked in permanently wet retention and detention ponds.
(6) Normally dry swales and detention pond bottoms should be constructed with a gravel blanket or
other measure to minimize the creation of tire ruts during maintenance activities.
E. A stormwater management and sediment control plan shall be filed for a residential development and
the buildings constructed within, regardless of the phasing of construction.
(1) In applying the stormwater management and sediment control criteria, in R.72-307, individual
lots in a residential subdivision development shall not be considered to be separate land disturbing activities
and shall not require individual permits. Instead, the residential subdivision development, as a whole, shall
be considered to be a single land disturbing activity. Hydrologic parameters that reflect the ultimate
subdivision development shall be used in all engineering calculations.
(2) If individual lots or sections in a residential subdivision are being developed by different property
owners, all land-disturbing activities related to the residential subdivision shall be covered by the approved
stormwater management and sediment control plan for the residential subdivision. Individual lot owners or
developers may sign a certificate of compliance that all activities on that lot will be carried out in accordance
with the approved stormwater management and sediment control plan for the residential subdivision.
Failure to provide this certification will result in owners or developers of individual lots developing a
stormwater management and sediment control plan meeting the requirements of R.72-307.
(3) Residential subdivisions which were approved prior to the effective date of these regulations are
exempt from these requirements. Development of new phases of existing subdivisions which were not
previously approved shall comply with the provisions of these regulations.
F. Risk analysis may be used to justify a design storm event other than prescribed or to show that rate
and volume control is detrimental to the hydrologic response of the basin and therefore, should not be
required for a particular site.
(1) A complete watershed hydrologic/hydraulic analysis must be done using a complete
model/procedure acceptable to the implementing agency. The level of detail of data required is as follows:
21 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(a) Watershed designation on the 7.5 minute topo map exploded to a minimum of 1” = 400’.
(b) Inclusion of design and performance data to evaluate the effects of any structures which effect
discharge. Examples may be ponds or lakes, road crossings acting as attenuation structures and there may
be others which must be taken into account.
(c) Land use data shall be taken from the most recent aerial photograph and field checked and
(d) The water surface profile shall be plotted for the conditions of pre-and post- development for
the 10-, and 100-year 24-hour storm.
(e) Elevations of any structure potentially damaged by resultant flow shall also be shown.
(2) Based on the results of this type of evaluation, the certified plan reviewer representing the
implementing agency shall review and evaluate the proposed regulation waiver or change.
G. The general permit application for use by federal, local governments, or special purpose or public
service districts shall contain, as a minimum, standard plans and specifications for stormwater management
and erosion and sediment control; methods used to calculate stormwater runoff, soil loss and control method
performance; staff assigned to monitor land disturbing activities and procedures to handle complaints for
off-site property owners and jurisdictions.
This general permit will be valid for a period of three years and will be subject to the same review criteria
by the Commission as that of the delegated program elements.
The use of the general permit classification does not relinquish a land disturbing activity from the
requirements of these Regulations. Rather, the general permit precludes that activity from the necessity of
a specific plan review for each individual project.
Approval of a general permit does not relieve any agency from the conditions that are part of the general
permit approval regarding the implementation of control practices as required by the general permit. Failure
to implement control practices pursuant to conditions included in the general permit may result in the
revocation of the general permit and the requirement of the submission of individual plans for each activity.
H. The stormwater management and sediment control plan required for land disturbing activities of two
(2) acres or less which are not part of a larger common plan of development or sale shall contain the
following information, as applicable:
(1) An anticipated starting and completion date of the various stages of land disturbing activities and
the expected date the final stabilization will be completed;
(2) A narrative description of the stormwater management and sediment control plan to be used
during land disturbing activities;
(3) General description of topographic and soil conditions of the tract from the local soil and water
conservation district;
(4) A general description of adjacent property and a description of existing structures, buildings, and
other fixed improvements located on surrounding properties;
22 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(5) A sketched plan (engineer’s, Tier B surveyor’s or landscape architect’s seal not required) to
accompany the narrative which shall contain:
(a) A site location drawing of the proposed project, indicating the location of the proposed project
in relation to roadways, jurisdictional boundaries, streams and rivers;
(b) The boundary lines of the site on which the work is to be performed;
(c) A topographic map of the site if required by the implementing agency;
(d) The location of temporary and permanent vegetative and structural stormwater management
and sediment control measures.
(6) Stormwater management and sediment control plans shall contain certification by the person
responsible for the land disturbing activity that the land disturbing activity will be accomplished pursuant
to the plan.
(7) All stormwater management and sediment control plans shall contain certification by the person
responsible for the land disturbing activity of the right of the Commission or implementing agency to
conduct on-site inspections.
The requirements contained above may be indicated on one plan sheet.
I. The stormwater management and sediment control plan for land disturbing activities of greater than
two (2) acres but less than five (5) acres which are not part of a lager common plan of development or sale
shall contain the following information, as applicable:
(1) An abbreviated application form;
(2) A vicinity map sufficient to locate the site and to show the relationship of the site to its general
surroundings at a scale of not smaller than one (1) inch to one (1) mile.
(3) The site drawn to a scale of not smaller than one (1) inch to 200 feet, showing:
(a) The boundary lines of the site on which the work is to be performed, including the approximate
acreage of the site;
(b) Existing contours and proposed contours as required by the implementing agency;
(c) Proposed physical improvements on the site, including present development and future
utilization if future development is planned;
(d) A plan for temporary and permanent vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control
measures which specify the erosion and sediment control measures to be used during all phases of the land
disturbing activity and a description of their proposed operation;
(e) Provisions for stormwater runoff control during the land disturbing activity and during the life
of the facility, including a time schedule and sequence of operations indicating the anticipated starting and
completion dates of each phase and meeting the following requirements:
23 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
1. Post-development peak discharge rates shall not exceed pre-development discharge rates for
the 2- and 10- year frequency 24-hour duration storm event. Implementing agencies may utilize a less
frequent storm event (e.g. 25-year, 24- hour) to address existing or future stormwater quantity or quality
2. Discharge velocities shall be reduced to provide a nonerosive velocity flow from a structure,
channel, or other control measure or the velocity of the 10-year, 24- hour storm runoff in the receiving
waterway prior to the land disturbing activity, whichever is greater.
(f) A complete and adequate grading plan for borrow pits and material processing facilities where
applicable, including restoration and revegetation measures;
(g) A general description of the predominant soil types on the site;
(h) A description of the maintenance program for stormwater management and sediment control
facilities including inspection programs.
(4) All stormwater management and sediment control plans submitted for approval shall contain
certification by the person responsible for the land disturbing activity that the land disturbing activity will
be accomplished pursuant to the approved plan.
(5) All stormwater management and sediment control plans shall contain certification by the person
responsible for the land disturbing activity of the right of the Commission or implementing agency to
conduct on-site inspections.
(6) All stormwater management and sediment control plans submitted to the appropriate plan
approval agency for approval shall be certified by the designer. The following disciplines may certify and
stamp/seal plans as allowed by their respective licensing act and regulations:
(a) Registered professional engineers as described in Title 40, Chapter 22.
(b) Registered landscape architects as describe in Title 40, Chapter 28, Section 10, item (b).
(c) Tier B land surveyors as described in Title 40, Chapter 22.
(7) Pursuant to Title 40, Chapter 22, Section 460, stormwater management and sediment control
plans may be prepared by employees of the federal government and submitted by the person responsible
for the land disturbing activity to the appropriate plan approval agency for approval.
72-308. Maintenance Requirements and Off-Site Damage Correction.
A. The Commission will provide technical assistance to local governments who choose to assume the
maintenance responsibility for stormwater management structures on, at least, residential lands.
B. The person responsible for maintenance shall perform or cause to be performed preventive
maintenance of all completed stormwater management practices to ensure proper functioning. The
responsible inspection agency shall ensure preventive maintenance through inspection of all stormwater
management practices.
C. Inspection reports shall be maintained by the responsible inspection agency on all detention and
retention structures and shall include the following items (as applicable):
24 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(1) The date of inspection;
(2) The name of the inspector;
(3) The condition of (if applicable):
(a) Vegetation,
(b) Fences,
(c) Spillways,
(d) Embankments,
(e) Reservoir area,
(f) Outlet channels,
(g) Underground drainage,
(h) Sediment load, or
(i) Other items which could effect the proper function of the structure.
(4) Description of needed maintenance.
D. Responsible inspection agencies shall provide procedures to ensure that deficiencies indicated by
inspections are rectified. The procedures shall include the following:
(1) Notification to the person responsible for maintenance of deficiencies including a time frame for
(2) Subsequent inspection to ensure completion of repairs; and
(3) Effective enforcement procedures or procedures to refer projects to the Commission if repairs are
not undertaken or are not done properly.
E. The following criteria shall be used by the appropriate implementing agency in evaluating and for
correcting off-site damages resulting from the land disturbing activity:
(1) Determine the extent of damage by sediment resulting from non-compliance with the approved
stormwater management and sediment control plan,
(2) Determine the classification of the impaired waterbody, if any,
(3) Determine the impact and severity of the damage resulting from non-compliance with the
approved stormwater management and sediment control plan,
(4) Develop an agreement with landowners for cleanup and corrections, including a schedule of
25 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(5) Evaluate the alternatives for correction of the damage and prevention of future damage, and
(6) Failure to implement the agreement in the required schedule will constitute a violation of these
72-309. Criteria for Designated Watersheds.
The concept of designated watersheds is intended, not only to prevent existing water quantity and water
quality problems from getting worse, but also to reduce existing flooding problems and to improve existing
water quality or meet State Water Quality Standards through a reduction of the impacts of NPS pollution
in selected watersheds. Further, the designation of watersheds under this section may also be used to protect
watersheds which do not currently have significant water quality or quantity problems, but which require
protection in order to avoid or mitigate the occurrence of future problems which might impair current or
protected multiple water uses or important water resources within the watershed. Criteria is established for
designated watersheds and these criteria will depend on whether the specific problems of the watershed are
water quantity or water quality oriented. Water quantity and water quality concerns will be considered in
all designated watersheds, but the overall emphasis for each designated watershed will depend on its
existing and future water quality and quantity issues as well as consideration of the multiple offstream and
instream water uses within the watershed.
A. To initiate consideration of a watershed for Designated Watershed status, a watershed shall be
recommended by a local government or combinations of local governments through the passage of a local
ordinance to the Commission. Upon recommendation to the Commission, the Commission shall publish
the request in the State Register and contact all involved agencies at the local and state level within 30 days
after receipt of the designation request and their input received prior to any consideration of the designation
is made.
B. Included with the recommendation of a watershed for Designated Watershed status to the Commission
shall be an identification of the specific problems that exist in the watershed so that the pursuit of a
watershed study is warranted. Designation as a Designated Watershed requires approval by the
Commission, the South Carolina Water Resources Commission and the South Carolina Department of
Health and Environmental Control. A significant water quantity or water quality problem must exist that
would support this designation. Also, inclusion of a watershed as a Designated Watershed will necessitate
a public hearing process. The process of designating a watershed shall be based on the following
(1) An estimate of the potential for land disturbing activities to be initiated in the basin which would
be regulated under this regulation. This estimate could utilize historical and projected population growth,
land use data, and other such appropriate measures to estimate the nonpoint source pollution contribution
or stormwater runoff which could be reduced or avoided,
(2) An inventory of the offstream and instream water uses in the watershed to quantify and
characterize the benefits associated with reducing current or avoiding future water resources problems in
the watershed. These could include water supply intakes, State navigable waters, recreational resources,
fisheries resources, wetlands, or other such important uses,
(3) Water quality data, collected through either the statewide water quality inventory, or other special
studies inclusive of benthic macroinvertebrate data,
26 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(4) Historical and estimated flood damage and/or estimated flood protection benefits to both private
and public property in the watershed,
(5) Status of current or description of proposed State and Federal flood protection and flood plain
management program(s) and activities in the watershed, and
(6) Dangers to public health and welfare.
C. Following an adequate review of the recommendation, staff of the Commission, South Carolina Water
Resources Commission, and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control shall
meet to review and discuss their decision regarding designation. The staff shall prepare a statement in
support of, or objection to, the proposed designation within 120 days following receipt of the
recommendation by the Commission. The statement shall be voted upon by the appointed commissioners
of each respective agency. Ex-officio members of the South Carolina Water Resources Commission
representing the Land Resources Conservation Commission and the South Carolina Department of Health
and Environmental Control shall abstain from voting regarding designation at the meeting of the South
Carolina Water Resources Commission. Approval by each of the three agencies shall constitute designation.
D. Upon approval of designation, a Watershed Advisory Committee shall be established to advise and
provide guidance in the development and conduct of the watershed master plan. The Commission, South
Carolina Water Resources Commission, and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental
Control will appoint the Watershed Advisory Committee which shall include State, District, local
government representatives, and also representatives of the regulated community within the watershed and
other persons which may be affected by the plan.
E. The general components contained in the actual watershed study shall be the following items:
(1) Stormwater quantity or water quality problem identification,
(2) The overall needs of the watershed including the additional impacts of new land disturbing
(3) Alternative approaches to address the existing and future problems,
(4) A selected approach that includes the overall costs and benefits,
(5) An economic impact analysis of the selected approach,
(6) Schedule for implementation,
(7) Funding sources that are available for the actual implementation of study recommendations, and
(8) A public hearing prior to final Commission, S.C. Water Resources Commission and S.C.
Department of Health and Environmental Control approval of the watershed study.
F. The following goals are to be obtained through the implementation of the Designated Watershed
(1) Reduction of existing flooding or water quality impacts,
(2) Prevention of future flooding or water quality impacts, and
27 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(3) Minimization of economic and social losses.
G. Specific plan components of a watershed study shall include, but not be limited to, the following items:
(1) The limits of the watershed.
(2) An inventory of existing water quality data.
(3) An inventory of areas having significant natural resource value as defined in existing State or
local studies as they may be impacted by the construction of location of stormwater control structures.
(4) An inventory of areas of historical and archaeological value identified in existing State or local
studies as they may be impacted by the construction or location of stormwater control structures.
(5) A map or series of maps of the watershed showing the following information:
(a) Watershed topography,
(b) Significant geologic formations,
(c) Soils information,
(d) Existing land use based on existing zoning,
(e) Proposed land use based on expected zoning or comprehensive plans,
(f) Locations where water quality data were obtained,
(g) Locations of existing flooding problems including floor and corner elevations of structures
already impacted, and
(h) 100-year floodplain delineations, water surface profiles, and storm hydrographs at selected
watershed location.
(6) An inventory of the existing natural and constructed stormwater management system.
(7) An inventory of historic flood damage sites, including frequency and damage estimates,
72-310. Criteria for Implementation of a Stormwater Utility.
The implementation of a stormwater utility will necessitate the development of a local utility ordinance
or special taxing assessment prior to its implementation, pursuant to Chapter 9, Title 4, 1976 Code of Laws
as amended by Act 114 1991. There are essential components that an ordinance must contain to function
as a funding mechanism for stormwater management and those components shall include, but not be limited
to, the following items:
A. The financing of a stormwater utility with a user charge system must be reasonable and equitable so
that each user of the stormwater system pays to the extent to which the user contributes to the need for the
stormwater system, and that the charges bear a substantial relationship to the cost of the service. The use of
28 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
county and municipal taxpayer rolls and accounting systems are allowed for the assessment and collection
of fees.
B. The intent of the utility must be clearly defined regarding program components that are to be funded
through the utility. Those components may include but not be limited to the following activities:
(1) Preparation of comprehensive watershed master plans for stormwater management,
(2) Annual inspections of all stormwater management facilities, both public and private,
(3) Undertaking regular maintenance, through contracting or other means, of stormwater
management structures that have been accepted for maintenance.
(4) Plan review and inspection of sediment control and stormwater management plans and practices,
(5) Retrofitting designated watersheds, through contracting or other means, to reduce existing
flooding problems or to improve water quality.
C. The authority for the creation of the stormwater utility and the imposition of charges to finance
sediment and stormwater activities is conferred in Chapter 14, Title 48, South Carolina Code. The
application of a stormwater utility by means of a local ordinance or other means shall not be deemed a
limitation or repeal of any other powers granted by State statute.
D. The creation of a stormwater utility shall include the following components:
(1) The boundaries of the utility, such as watersheds or jurisdictional boundaries as identified by the
local governing body,
(2) The creation of a management entity,
(3) Identification of stormwater problems,
(4) Method for determining utility charges,
(5) Procedures for investment and reinvestment of funds collected, and
(6) An appeals or petition process.
E. As established by local ordinance or special election or petition, the local government shall have
responsibility for implementing all aspects of the utility including long range planning, plan
implementation, capital improvements, maintenance of stormwater facilities, determination of charges,
billing, and hearing of appeals and petitions. The local government also will have responsibility for
providing staff support for utility implementation.
F. With the respect to new stormwater management facilities constructed by private developers, the local
government shall develop criteria for use in determining whether these will be maintained by the utility or
by the facility owner. Such criteria may include whether the facility has been designed primarily to serve
residential users and whether it has been designed primarily for purposes of stormwater management. In
situations where it is determined that public maintenance is not preferable, standards shall be developed to
ensure that inspection of facilities occurs annually and that facilities are maintained as needed.
29 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
G. The use of charges is limited to those purposes for which the utility has been established, including
but not limited to: planning; acquisition of interests in land including easements; design and construction
of facilities; maintenance of the stormwater system; billing and administration; and water quantity and
water quality management, including monitoring, surveillance, private maintenance inspection,
construction inspection, and other activities which are reasonably required.
72-311. Plan Review and Inspector Certification Programs.
A. The Commission shall require that local governments which request delegation of stormwater
management and sediment control plan review and approval/disapproval shall have a Certified Plan
Reviewer representing the implementing agency. Certified Plan Reviewers shall obtain certification from
the Commission by successfully completing a Commission sponsored or approved training program.
Exceptions to this requirement are limited to Registered Professional Engineers, Registered Landscape
Architects and Registered Tier B Land Surveyors who can receive initial certification by demonstrating to
the Commission a minimum of three (3) years experience in stormwater management and sediment control
planning and design. For a period of one year after the effective date of these regulations, local governments
may receive interim certification for plan reviewers during the period before attendance at a Commission
sponsored or approved training course by submitting an enrollment form to the Commission. Interim
certification shall be valid until the scheduled date of attendance.
B. The Commission shall require that local governments which request delegation of the construction and
maintenance inspection component of the stormwater management and sediment control program shall
have a Certified Construction Inspector representing the implementing agency. Certified Construction
Inspectors shall obtain certification from the Commission by successfully completing a Commission
sponsored or approved training program.
For a period of one year after the effective date of these regulations, local governments may receive
interim certification for construction inspectors during the period before attendance at a Commission
sponsored or approved training course by submitting an enrollment form to the Commission. Interim
certification shall be valid until the scheduled date of attendance.
C. Initial certification as a Certified Plan Reviewer or Certified Construction Inspector is good for a period
of five years. Recertification is contingent on attending and successfully completing a Commission
sponsored or approved recertification program. This continuing education requirement applies to all
Certified Plan Reviewers, including, Registered Engineers, Landscape Architects, Tier B Land Surveyors
and Construction Inspectors.
72-312. Review and Enforcement Requirements.
A. Items listed in this section are activities by the Commission in the event the Commission serves as the
implementing agency. When the Commission is requested to assist the implementing agency, these are
suggestions the Commission may submit to the implementing agency.
B. The person responsible for the land disturbing activity shall notify the appropriate inspection agency
before initiation of construction and upon project completion when a final inspection will be conducted to
ensure compliance with the approved stormwater management and sediment control plan.
C. The person responsible for the land disturbing activity shall, if required by the implementing agency
during the plan approval process, submit “As Built or Record Documentplans. In addition, the person
responsible for the land disturbing activity may be required to submit written certification from the
30 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
professional engineer, landscape architect, or Tier B land surveyor responsible for the field supervision of
the land disturbing activity that the land disturbing activity was accomplished according to the approved
stormwater management and sediment control plan or approved changes.
D. The responsible inspection agency shall, for inspection purposes, do all of the following items:
(1) Ensure that the approved stormwater management and sediment control plans are on the project
site and are complied with;
(2) Ensure that every active site is inspected for compliance with the approved plan on a regular basis;
(3) Provide the person responsible for the land disturbing activity, a written report after every
inspection that describes:
(a) The date and location of the site inspection;
(b) Whether the approved plan has been properly implemented and maintained;
(c) Approved plan or practice deficiencies; and
(d) The action taken.
(4) Notification of the person responsible for the land disturbing activity in writing when violations
are observed, describing the:
(a) Nature of the violation;
(b) Required corrective action; and
(c) Time period for violation correction.
E. The Commission may investigate complaints or refer any complaint received to the local inspection
agency if the activity is located in a jurisdiction that has received delegation of inspections during
construction and maintenance inspections. In conjunction with a referral, the Commission may also initiate
an on-site investigation after notification of the local inspection agency in order to properly evaluate the
complaint. The Commission shall make recommendations on enforcement action when appropriate, and
notify the local implementing agency in a timely manner of any recommendations.
F. The Commission, at its discretion and upon notification to the person responsible for the land
disturbing activity may visit any site to determine the adequacy of stormwater management and sediment
control practices. In the event that the Commission conducts site inspection, the appropriate section agency
shall be notified of the inspection. The appropriate inspection agency shall establish a time frame to obtain
site compliance. This notification shall in no way limit the right to the Commission to take action subsequent
to any provision of these regulations or Chapter. Formal procedures for interaction between the Commission
and the appropriate inspection agency on-site inspection and referral will be developed on an individual
G. The appropriate plan approval agency may require a revision to the approved plans as necessary due
to differing site conditions. The appropriate plan approval agency shall establish guidelines to facilitate the
processing of revised plans where field conditions necessitate plan modification. Where changes to the
approved plan are necessary those changes shall be in accordance to the following:
31 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(1) Major changes to approved stormwater management and sediment control plans, such as the
addition or deletion of a sediment basin, shall be submitted by the applicant to the appropriate plan approval
agency for review and approval.
(2) Minor changes to stormwater management and sediment control plans may be made in the field
review report. The appropriate inspection agency shall develop a list of allowable field modifications for
use by the construction inspector.
H. Stormwater management construction shall have inspections accomplished as needed.
I. The agency responsible for construction inspection may, in addition to local enforcement options, refer
a site violation to the Commission for review.
J. Referral of a site violation to the Commission may initiate a Commission construction inspection of
the site to verify site conditions. That construction inspection may result in the following actions:
(1) Notification through appropriate means to the person engaged in a land disturbing activity to
comply with the approved plan within a specified time frame; and
(2) Notification of plan inadequacy, with a time frame for the person engaged in a land disturbing
activity to submit a revised sediment and stormwater plan to the appropriate plan approval agency and to
receive its approval with respect thereto.
The Commission shall notify the local inspection agency within five working days of what
recommendation for enforcement action should be taken on the site.
K. Failure of the person engaged in the land disturbing activity contractor to comply with Commission
requirements may result in the following actions in addition to other penalties as provided in Chapter 14.
(1) The Commission shall have the power to request the implementing agency to order any person
violating any provision of Chapter 14 and these regulations to cease and desist from any site work activity
other than those actions necessary to achieve compliance with any administrative order.
(2) The Commission may request that the appropriate plan approval agency refrain from issuing any
further building or grading permits to the person having outstanding violations until those violations have
been remedied.
(3) The Commission may recommend fines to be levied by the implementing agency.
L. If the Commission or the implementing agency utilizes “stop work orders” as a part of its inspection
and enforcement program, the following procedure shall be followed:
(1) The implementing agency may issue a stop work order if it is found that a land disturbing activity
is being conducted in violation of this Act or of any regulation adopted or order issued pursuant to this Act,
that the violation is knowing and willful, and that either:
(a) Off-site sedimentation resulting from non-compliance with the approved stormwater
management and sediment control plan has eliminated or severely degraded a use in a lake or natural
waterway or that such degradation is imminent.
32 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(b) Off-site sedimentation resulting from non-compliance with the approved stormwater
management and sediment control plan has caused severe damage to adjacent land.
(c) The land disturbing activity which requires an approved plan under these regulations and is
being conducted without the required approved plan.
(2) The stop work order shall be in writing and shall state what work is to be stopped and what
measures are required to abate the violation. The order shall include a statement of the findings made by
the implementing agency pursuant to (1) of this section and shall list the conditions under which work that
has been stopped by the order may be resumed. The delivery of equipment and materials which does not
contribute to the violation may continue while the stop work order is in effect. A copy of this section shall
be attached to the order.
(3) The stop work order shall be served by the sheriff of the county in which the land disturbing
activity is being conducted or by some other person duly authorized by law to serve process, and shall be
served on the person at the site of the land disturbing activity who is in operational control of the land
disturbing activity. The sheriff or other person duly authorized by law to serve process shall post a copy of
the stop work order in a conspicuous place at the site of the land-disturbing activity. The implementing
agency shall also deliver a copy of the stop work order to any person that the implementing agency has
reason to believe may be responsible for the violation.
(4) The directives of a stop work order become effective upon service of the order. Thereafter, any
person notified of the stop work order who violates any of the directives set out in the order may be assessed
a civil penalty as provided in R.72-315. A stop work order issued pursuant to this section may be issued for
a period not to exceed three calendar days.
(5) The implementing agency shall designate an employee to monitor compliance with the stop work
order. The name of the employee so designated shall be included in the stop work order. The employee so
designated shall rescind the stop work order if all the violations for which the stop work order are issued
are corrected, no other violations have occurred, and all measures necessary to abate the violations have
been taken. The implementing agency shall rescind a stop work order that is issued in error.
(6) The issuance of a stop work order shall be a final agency decision subject to judicial review in
the same manner as an order in a contested case pursuant to Title 1, Chapter 23, Section 380 of the Code of
Laws of South Carolina, 1976. The petition for judicial review shall be filed in the circuit court of the county
in which the land-disturbing activity is being conducted.
(7) The Commission shall file a cause of action to abate the violations which resulted in the issuance
of a stop work order within three calendar days of the service of the stop work order. The cause of action
shall include a motion for an ex parte temporary restraining order to abate the violation and to effect
necessary remedial measures. The resident circuit court judge, or any judge assigned to hear the motion for
the temporary restraining order, shall hear and determine the motion within two days of the filing of the
complaint. The clerk of circuit court shall accept complaints filed pursuant to this section without the
payment of fining fees. Filing fees shall be paid to the clerk of circuit court within 30 days of the filing of
the complaint.
72-313. Hearings and Hearings Procedures.
A. An administrative hearing is available, following a timely request, to determine the propriety of:
(1) The denial of delegation of a program component.
33 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
(2) A revocation of a delegated program component.
(3) A denial or revocation of a permit for stormwater management and sediment control.
(4) A citizen complaint concerning program operation.
(5) The requirements imposed by the implementing agency for approval of the stormwater
management and sediment reduction plan.
(6) The issuance of a notice of violation or non-compliance with the approved stormwater
management and sediment reduction plan.
(7) The issuance of fines by an implementing agency.
(8) The issuance of a stop work order by an implementing agency.
B. Requests for administrative hearings and appeals may be made to local governments when program
elements are delegated by the Commission or to the Commission when the Commission functions as the
implementing agency. In addition, administrative hearings and appeals may be held by the Commission
regarding decisions or actions of local implementing agencies. Procedures for acting on appeals and
conducting administrative hearings by local implementing agencies will be specified in their request for
delegation of program element. The Commission procedures for conducting administrative hearings is
specified in R.72-313C through R.72-313Q.
C. A hearing may be requested by any person. If an adverse action is involved, the hearing may be
requested provided that the written request is received within thirty (30) days after the notice is given to the
D. All hearings shall be initiated via correspondence approved by the Commission which shall give notice
to all parties of the hearing.
(1) All parties must receive notice of the hearing of not less than thirty (30) days;
(2) The notice shall be sent by the designated hearing officer(s);
(3) The notice shall include:
(a) A statement of the time, place, and nature of the hearing;
(b) A statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held;
(c) A reference to the particular sections of the statutes and rules involved;
(d) A short and plain statement of the matters asserted. If the hearing officer(s) is/are unable to
state the matters in detail at the time the notice is served, the initial notice may be limited to a statement of
the issues involved. Thereafter, upon application, a more definite and detailed statement shall be furnished.
E. All hearings shall be conducted by a hearing officer(s) appointed by the Commission.
34 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
F. All hearings shall be conducted in accordance with Section 1-23-10 et seq. of the 1976 South Carolina
Code of Laws.
G. The hearing officer(s) shall issue a proposal for decision which shall be mailed to the parties.
H. Within twenty (20) days after mailing of the proposal for decision, any party may file exceptions to
the hearing officer’s proposal for decision.
(1) Such exceptions shall be in written form, addressed to the Chairman of the Commission, and
served upon all adverse parties;
(2) The exceptions shall list all the grounds upon which the exceptions are based.
I. If no exceptions are received by the Commission within the twenty (20) day period following the
mailing of the proposal for decision, the Commission shall issue a final decision.
J. If timely exceptions are received, the Commission shall send notice to the parties that the appealing
party(s) has thirty (30) days to submit a brief. Following the service of the appealing party’s brief, or upon
the expiration of the thirty (30) day period, whichever shall occur first, the other party shall have thirty (30)
days to submit a brief. All briefs must be served on the opposing parties and filed with the Commission.
K. Following receipt of all briefs, the Commission shall schedule an oral argument if requested to do so
by either party.
L. The request for an oral argument must be in writing, addressed to the Chairman of the Commission,
and submitted with that party’s brief.
M. The oral argument shall be scheduled for the next regular Commission meeting following the filing
of the last brief.
N. The oral argument shall be heard by the members of the Commission present at the Commission
meeting and shall be held in accordance with the following format:
(1) The appealing party shall be given twenty minutes to present his case;
(2) The opposing party shall be given twenty minutes to present his case;
(3) The appealing party shall be given a rebuttal period of five minutes.
O. The parties by written stipulation may agree that the hearing officer’s decision shall be final and
binding upon the parties.
P. The final order shall be issued by the Commission, and the decision of the Commission shall represent
the view of a majority of the Commission members voting on the appeal.
Q. The final order shall be written and shall comply with the provisions of Section 1-23-10 et. seq. of the
1976 South Carolina Code of Laws.
35 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
72-314. Citizen Complaint Procedure on Delegated Program Components and Individual Sites.
A. Persons may become aggrieved by land disturbing activities and program implementation. The
following describes the procedure for a person to complain concerning program operation:
(1) If the program component in question has been delegated to a local implementing agency, the
complaint shall be registered first in writing with that agency. An attempt to resolve the problem shall be
made with the local implementing agency.
(2) In the event a solution can not be reached, the citizen may forward the complaint to the
Commission for review. The Commission shall attempt to resolve the problem with the implementing
agency and notify the citizen of the outcome of these efforts.
(3) If the Commission determines, based on complaints indicating a continuing pattern, that
implementation of delegated program elements falls below the acceptable standards established by these
regulations, the Commission may suspend or revoke the delegation in accordance with R.72-304L.
(4) All complaints filed with the Commission shall be held for a period of three years and will be
considered when delegation renewal is requested by the local government.
B. Persons may complain about individual site problems or damages. The procedure is as follows:
(1) The complaint will be registered in writing with the appropriate implementing agency.
(2) If the implementing agency is not the Commission and a solution can not be reached with the
local implementing agency, the complaint should be filed with the Commission. The Commission will
follow procedures listed in R.72-312E.
72-315. Penalties.
A. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter or any ordinance or regulation promulgated,
enacted, adopted, or issued pursuant to this chapter by the Commission or other implementing agency, or
who initiates or continues a land disturbing activity for which a stormwater management and sediment
control plan is required except in accordance with the terms, conditions, and provisions of an approved
plan, is subject to a civil penalty of not more than one thousand dollars. No penalty may be assessed until
the person alleged to be in violation has been notified of the violation. Each day of a violation constitutes a
separate violation.
B. The implementing agency shall determine the amount of the civil penalty to be assessed under this
section for violations under its jurisdiction. It shall make written demand for payment upon the person
responsible for the violation and set forth in detail the violation for which the penalty has been invoked. If
payment is not received or equitable settlement reached within thirty days after demand for payment is
made, a civil action may be filed in the circuit court in the county in which the violation is alleged to have
occurred to recover the amount of the penalty. If the implementing agency is the commission, the action
must be brought in the name of the State. Local governments shall refer the matters under their jurisdiction
to their respective attorneys for the institution of a civil action in the name of the local government in the
circuit court in the county in which the violation is alleged to have occurred for recovery of the penalty.
36 | Regulation 72-300 through 72-316
72-316. Severability.
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of these regulations are for any reason held
invalid or unconstitutional by any court or competent jurisdiction, such provision and such holding shall
not affect the validity of the remaining portions of these regulations.