Terminal Emulator
Microsoft Windows
Version 12.5
Mac Version 14
User's Guide
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User’s Guide
Important Notice
This guide is subject to the following conditions and restrictions:
This User's Guide provides documentation for the PowerTerm®
Series of products.
Some features documented in this guide may not be available in
the version of PowerTerm you are using. For example,
InterConnect for Mac does not include the FTP component.
The proprietary information belonging to Ericom® Software is
supplied solely for the purpose of assisting explicitly and properly
authorized users of PowerTerm
No part of its contents may be used for any other purpose,
disclosed to any person or firm, or reproduced by any means,
electronic and mechanical, without the express prior written
permission of Ericom® Software.
The text and graphics are for the purpose of illustration and
reference only. The specifications on which they are based are
subject to change without notice.
The software described in this document is furnished under a
license agreement. The software may be used or copied only in
accordance with the terms of that agreement.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Corporate and individual names and data used in examples herein
are fictitious unless otherwise noted.
Copyright© 1994 – 2019 Ericom
Software Inc.
and PowerTerm
are registered trademarks of Ericom
which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Other company and brand,
product and service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.
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1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 9
PowerTerm Features .....................................................................................................................................9
System Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 10
2 WINDOWS INSTALLATION .......................................... 11
Silent install - command-line: ..................................................................................................................... 11
Silent uninstall - command-line .................................................................................................................. 11
MSI and EXE installers not compatible .................................................................................................... 11
3 USING POWERTERM.................................................... 12
PowerTerm Setup ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Working with a Single Terminal Connection ............................................................................................ 12
Working with Multiple Terminal Connections .......................................................................................... 12
Getting Started Guide ................................................................................................................................. 13
Step 1: Start PowerTerm............................................................................................................................ 13
Step 2: Select a Terminal Emulation ......................................................................................................... 13
Step 3: Connect to Host ............................................................................................................................. 14
Step 4: Work with the Host ....................................................................................................................... 14
Step 5: Exit PowerTerm ............................................................................................................................ 14
4 POWERTERM: GENERAL REFERENCE ..................... 15
Menu Bar ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
File Menu .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Edit Menu .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Terminal Menu .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Communication Menu ............................................................................................................................... 21
Sessions Menu (Windows Only) ............................................................................................................... 23
Options Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 23
Script Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 24
Help Menu ................................................................................................................................................. 24
Toolbar ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Hot Keys ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
Connection Dialog ....................................................................................................................................... 29
Terminal Setup Dialog ................................................................................................................................ 32
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General Property Page ............................................................................................................................... 33
Non-IBM Emulations ................................................................................................................................ 33
IBM Emulations ........................................................................................................................................ 36
Display Property Page ............................................................................................................................... 37
Keyboard Property Page ............................................................................................................................ 41
Non-IBM Emulations ................................................................................................................................ 41
IBM 3270 Emulations .............................................................................................................................. 43
IBM 5250 Emulations ............................................................................................................................... 44
Sound: ........................................................................................................................................................ 46
Terminal Sound Setup ............................................................................................................................... 46
Printer Property Page ................................................................................................................................. 48
Advanced Printing Setup ........................................................................................................................... 50
Tabs Property Page .................................................................................................................................... 53
Colors Property Page ................................................................................................................................. 54
Non-IBM Emulations ................................................................................................................................ 54
IBM Emulations ........................................................................................................................................ 56
Preferences Property Page ......................................................................................................................... 57
Security Settings Dialogs ............................................................................................................................. 58
SSL Security .............................................................................................................................................. 58
SSH Security ............................................................................................................................................. 59
Kerberos Security (Windows Only, VT emulation only) .......................................................................... 59
5 STARTING AND STOPPING SESSIONS ..................... 61
Starting PowerTerm Using a Setup File .................................................................................................... 61
Starting PowerTerm Using a Script ........................................................................................................... 62
Starting PowerTerm with Auto Connect ................................................................................................... 62
Starting a New PowerTerm Session ........................................................................................................... 63
Ending a PowerTerm Session ..................................................................................................................... 63
6 DEFINING EMULATIONS .............................................. 66
General parameters .................................................................................................................................... 66
Non-IBM specific parameters ................................................................................................................... 67
IBM specific parameters ............................................................................................................................ 67
VT specific parameters .............................................................................................................................. 68
ASCII specific parameters ......................................................................................................................... 68
7 DEFINING CONNECTIONS ........................................... 69
Customizing Desktop Components ............................................................................................................ 73
Customizing Desktop Display ..................................................................................................................... 74
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Setting Fonts .............................................................................................................................................. 74
Setting Color .............................................................................................................................................. 75
Setting work area ....................................................................................................................................... 75
Selecting Text ............................................................................................................................................... 78
General selection techniques ..................................................................................................................... 78
VT emulations' specific techniques ........................................................................................................... 78
IBM emulations' specific techniques ......................................................................................................... 79
9 KEYBOARD SETTINGS ................................................ 80
Mapping Keys .............................................................................................................................................. 80
Saving and Opening Keyboard Mapping Settings .................................................................................... 82
Keyboard Behavior ..................................................................................................................................... 82
10 SOFT BUTTONS AND POWER PAD ............................ 86
11 PRINTING ....................................................................... 89
Advanced Printing ..................................................................................................................................... 89
General Printing Functions ........................................................................................................................ 90
LU Rules.................................................................................................................................................... 93
Automatic Name Generation according to User’s Rules ........................................................................... 93
IBM 5250 Printer Session Data Conversion .............................................................................................. 95
Graphic Mode ............................................................................................................................................ 95
Text Mode ................................................................................................................................................. 96
Host Print Transform ................................................................................................................................. 96
Non-IBM 5250 Printer Session Data Conversion ..................................................................................... 97
Graphic Mode ............................................................................................................................................ 97
Text Mode ................................................................................................................................................. 97
Escape Sequences......................................................................................................................................... 97
Printer Configuration Files (.prt) ............................................................................................................... 98
Typical Use ................................................................................................................................................ 98
Referencing alternative escape sequences ................................................................................................. 98
Modifying Printer Settings via the .PED file ............................................................................................. 98
Troubleshooting Printing Issues ................................................................................................................. 99
12 SCRIPTS ...................................................................... 101
HLLAPI (Windows Only) ......................................................................................................................... 104
13 SESSION MANAGER (WINDOWS ONLY) ................. 105
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Features and Benefits ................................................................................................................................ 106
Definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 106
PowerTerm FTP Client Window ............................................................................................................. 107
Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................................. 108
Toolbar .................................................................................................................................................... 108
Quick Guide for PowerTerm FTP Client ................................................................................................ 109
Step 1: Launch PowerTerm FTP client ................................................................................................... 110
Step 2: Connect to an FTP site ................................................................................................................ 110
Step 3: Transfer files ............................................................................................................................... 110
Step 4: Exit .............................................................................................................................................. 111
Configuration Settings .............................................................................................................................. 111
Defining PowerTerm FTP Client Preferences ......................................................................................... 111
Selecting a File Transfer Mode ............................................................................................................... 114
File Transfer Setup Options ..................................................................................................................... 115
Working with Configuration Files ........................................................................................................... 116
Defining Connection Parameters ............................................................................................................. 117
Connection Parameters ............................................................................................................................ 117
Firewall Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 118
Working with Connection Profiles ........................................................................................................... 119
Connecting to an FTP Site ........................................................................................................................ 120
Using the FTP Log Window ..................................................................................................................... 120
Working with Local and Remote Directories/Files................................................................................. 122
Transferring Files ...................................................................................................................................... 123
Automatic File Transfer ............................................................................................................................ 124
File Transfer Conventions ....................................................................................................................... 126
Disconnecting and Exiting ........................................................................................................................ 127
Troubleshooting the PowerTerm FTP Client ......................................................................................... 127
15 MAC OSX EDITION ..................................................... 128
Release Notes .............................................................................................................................................. 128
16 SILENT UNINSTALLER FOR WINDOWS ................... 129
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Usage ........................................................................................................................................................... 129
17 APPENDIX A : SUPPORTED CODE PAGES ............. 130
A.1. VT and other character mode emulations ....................................................................................... 130
7 bit character sets: .................................................................................................................................. 130
8 bit character sets: .................................................................................................................................. 130
A.2. IBM (EBCDIC) emulations............................................................................................................... 132
5250: ........................................................................................................................................................ 132
3270: ........................................................................................................................................................ 133
18 APPENDIX B: MENU ITEMS LIST .............................. 135
19 APPENDIX C: REQUESTING SUPPORT ................... 138
ABOUT ERICOM .............................................................. 140
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About this Document
This manual provides instructions on how to install and use PowerTerm.
PowerTerm is a feature rich terminal emulation application for Microsoft
Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms.
Some features documented in this guide may not be available in the version
of PowerTerm you are using. For example, PowerTerm InterConnect for Mac
does not include the FTP component.
This manual includes the following information:
Preparation and installation procedures
Usage instructions
Troubleshooting and FAQ
This manual assumes that the reader has knowledge of the following:
Microsoft Windows system conventions (file transfer, copy/paste
functions, etc.)
Basic operation of the remote terminal type to be emulated.
Firewall configuration
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1 Introduction
PowerTerm emulates various terminal types, including IBM, UNIX, HP, VMS
and Tandem. PowerTerm enables connections to a single or to multiple hosts
via both network and remote connections.
PowerTerm has two main features to simulate a traditional host terminal:
Terminal display emulation - PowerTerm emulates the exact
display of the chosen terminal. It presents host applications
precisely as they would appear on a traditional terminal. Once the
PC connects to a host computer, all host operations can be
performed similar to the actual host terminal.
Terminal keyboard emulation, PowerTerm emulates the selected
terminal's keyboard by mapping the PC keys to match the host
keys. Keyboard mapping definitions are stored in a .ptk file.
PowerTerm provides various features to customize and optimize the working
Power Pad, a programmable floating keypad. (Windows edition
Soft buttons, programmable buttons located at the bottom of the
PowerTerm window.
PowerTerm Script Language (PSL), a full-featured programming
language, which enables the user to create scripts for automating
tasks. For example, a PSL script can be created for automatic
login. Scripts can be used at startup of PowerTerm, or can be
utilized any time during a PowerTerm session. PSL commands can
also be assigned to the Soft buttons and the Power Pad to enable
additional functions with a click of the mouse.
PowerTerm supports the standard Microsoft OLE (COM) and DDE
mechanisms to communicate with other Windows applications.
PowerTerm Features
PowerTerm features include:
Lightweight and high performance application
File transfer for Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Kermit, Ascii,
Binary, IND$FILE, and FTP (compatibility depends on host)
Supports TCP/IP WinSock, DECnet (CTERM), and LAT
PowerTerm Script Language (PSL)
String functions, including sub-string, index and concatenation
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High-level API enables access from other environments, such as
C++, Visual Basic, and Power Builder. Supports HLLAPI, EHLLAPI,
and WinHLLAPI.
Session Manager to manage saved configurations
Multi-session capabilities
User programmable soft buttons
Floating Power Pad with programmable buttons
Control of color selection and screen attributes
Supports printing including Auto Print mode and Slave Printing.
Also supports Advanced Printing capabilities, including TN5250
Host Print Transform, specifying the orientation of the printed
output, setting values for CPI/LPI/FONT parameters, printer rows
and columns.
Supports Kermit get command
Easy to use keyboard mapping
OLE / ActiveX (COM) client
DDE communication as client or server
Supports TAPI (Not supported in Windows 7 and higher and
Windows 2008 and higher)
Supports RS-232 (both direct and via modem), PPP/SLIP, SNA,
and APPC connections
System Requirements
Windows: 7, 8, 10, 2008, 2008R2, 2012R2, 2016, 2019 (x64 and 32-bit
where applicable)
Windows 10 SAC: 1709, 1803, 1809
MacOS Intel-based: starting at version 14, the installer is x64 based
Linux: please contact Ericom sales for more information
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2 Windows Installation
PowerTerm 12.5 and later uses a new installer that is not compatible with
older versions. Please uninstall previous versions of PowerTerm before
installing 12.5 and later. EXE and MSI installers are available and both can be
installed and uninstalled silently.
The same installer is used for all three editions: InterConnect, Plus, and Lite.
The purchased edition is enabled when the serial number is entered. The
serial number may be entered during the installation or entered in the Help |
About after the application is installed.
Silent install - command-line:
Requires elevated privileges (i.e., Administrator) on the system to run:
PowerTermInterConnectProtected.exe /S
/v”USER_COMPANY=\”Ericom Software\” SN=<serial number>
/qn /log installation.log”
Silent uninstall - command-line
Requires elevated privileges (i.e., Administrator) on the system to run:
PowerTermInterConnectProtected.exe /x /s /v/qn
MSI and EXE installers not compatible
The MSI and EXE installers are not compatible in that if the product was
installed using the MSI installer, it cannot be uninstalled using the EXE
installer and vice versa. An error will be displayed if this is attempted:
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3 Using PowerTerm
PowerTerm Setup
Two types of settings are required:
Terminal parameters
Communication parameters
All parameters are saved in a Terminal setup file where the default file is
named ptdef.pts. Setup file extensions are:
pts for the Terminal setup file
ptc for the Communication setup file
ptk for the Keyboard definitions file
ptp for the Power Pad definitions file
PowerTerm provides the option to work with a single host or with
multiple hosts. Different setup configurations may be created for
working with each host. For more information about defining and
saving parameters, see chapters Defining Emulations and Defining
Working with a Single Terminal Connection
For connections to a single host connection, use the default terminal setup
and communication file. PowerTerm will automatically use the parameters in
the setup file to start the system.
Working with Multiple Terminal Connections
For connections to multiple terminal connections, create a different setup file
for each emulation session. To create a setup file, first define the terminal
setup and communication parameters, and then save these parameters to a
terminal setup file.
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Getting Started Guide
Step 1: Start PowerTerm
Select Start menu | Programs | Ericom Software | PowerTerm and click the
PowerTerm icon. The PowerTerm window opens.
When PowerTerm is used for the first time, the PowerTerm window
is automatically displayed together with the Connect dialog. After
the connection parameters have been defined, the Connect dialog
will be displayed according to the selected option.
PowerTerm opens with the default terminal setup file. The user can also open
PowerTerm using a customized setup file, or script.
The most important section of the PowerTerm window is its work area, which
emulates a host terminal screen. This section is where the user interacts with
the host and where the host returns display data. (For more information on
how to customize the desktop, see chapter Customize the Desktop and Selecting
Step 2: Select a Terminal Emulation
At the Connect dialog, the user can either configure a new session or open a
previously defined terminal setup file.
To select terminal settings:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Emulation tab.
3. Click one of the Terminal Types. The emulation type that is
selected changes the number of setup tabs and, for IBM
emulations, the PowerTerm windows display.
4. Define terminal settings by clicking the relevant Property page tab
and define setup parameters.
5. Click OK.
6. Save the settings by selecting File | Save Terminal Setup or Save
Terminal Setup As. The file is saved.
To open a previously defined Terminal setup file:
7. Select File | Open Terminal Setup. The Open File dialog appears.
8. Select the desired setup file and click OK.
1. Select Communication | Connect. The Connect dialog appears.
2. Click Setups. The Setup dialog appears.
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3. Type the desired setup file name or alternatively click the browse
button and select the desired file in the Select File dialog.
Step 3: Connect to Host
Once the terminal emulation is defined, specify the communication
parameters for the current session, or select a previously saved session from
the session list. PowerTerm also provides an option to run a script file before
connecting to a host
To connect to a host:
1. Select Communication | Connect. The Connect dialog appears.
2. Define communication parameters or select a session with
previously defined connection parameters from the Session list.
3. Click Connect. A connection is established to a host computer.
Step 4: Work with the Host
Once connected to a host, the session will emulate a traditional terminal.
Step 5: Exit PowerTerm
PowerTerm provides different options when exiting the application. The
session can automatically close, or be prompted with a confirmation message
prior to closing.
Select File | Exit or press both <Alt> and <X> on the keyboard.
If the terminal setting has changed, PowerTerm displays a warning
message asking if to update the terminal settings file. The
message will point to the name of the setup file currently loaded
(ptdef.pts is the default setting). Click OK to update the terminal
settings, or No to cancel the latest changes and restore the default
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4 PowerTerm: General Reference
The following table describes each PowerTerm window element.
Control Menu Box Provides standard Windows commands and configures
the Menu bar.
Title Bar Displays the application name. During a
communication session, the ID type and/or host name
is displayed next to the application name, for
example, (A) PowerTerm.
Minimize button Closes the window, but not PowerTerm.
Click the PowerTerm icon appearing
in the Taskbar to reopen the
PowerTerm window.
Maximize button Enlarges the window so that if fills the entire screen.
The button is then replaced with the Restore button.
This button is used to restore the window to its
previous size.
Close button Closes the application.
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Menu Bar Contains dropdown menus, which enable the user to
perform most PowerTerm operations.
Toolbar Contains icons, which can be used as shortcuts to
access frequently used menu commands.
Work Area Displays the data entered on the PC terminal or
received from the host. During an emulation session,
this work area emulates a terminal display. For IBM
terminal types, the background of the work area is
displayed in black.
History Scroll Bar For non-IBM emulations only.
Enables the user to scroll up and down through the
PowerTerm window to view previously displayed data.
Default: displayed.
Soft Buttons Contains a series of buttons displayed above the
Status bar that the user can program to execute
specific script commands.
Communication LEDs Indicates communication activity.
Emulator Type Displays the current terminal emulation type selected
from the Emulation tab in the Terminal Setup dialog.
Cursor Position
Displays the current line and column position of the
text cursor in the work area.
Caps Indicates whether the keyboard is in Caps lock mode.
Hold Indicates whether the screen is in hold or frozen
Status Indicator – On
Line, Off Line, Printer,
Auto Prt
The status indicator reads On Line
when communication is established.
The indicator reads Printer when
data is transmitted with a printing
request to the slave printer. The
color of the indicator is the same as
when PowerTerm is in On Line mode,
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for example, the printer will appear
in red if the system was On Line
when the printing request arrived.
The data is sent to the screen and
printer, and the indicator reads Auto
Prt, when the terminal is in
Automatic Printing mode.
Display Area
Displays system messages or a script sequence, as it
is typed in the work area.
Window border and
Changes the size of the window. The characters that
appear in the work area are scaled up or down so that
all data always remain in view.
Menu Bar
The PowerTerm Menu bar displays the main PowerTerm functions in dropdown
menus. The following is a brief description of each menu and the functions
that it can perform.
File Menu
The File menu provides options to create, save and restore configuration files.
The File menu also provides selections to create an icon for the current
PowerTerm settings and open a new instance of the PowerTerm window.
New Terminal Setup Restores the default parameters including the
terminal display colors. If the terminal parameters
were changed since the last save, PowerTerm
displays a warning message asking whether or not to
save the latest changes. The message will refer to
the terminal settings file currently loaded.
Open Terminal Setup
Displays the Open File dialog, which allows the user
to open an existing setup file.
Save Terminal Setup Saves both terminal setup and communication
parameters to the current setup file.
Save Terminal Setup
Opens the Save File As dialog, which allows the user
to save the current configuration under a different
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Save as Icon
Opens the Save as Icon dialog to create an icon for
the current PowerTerm settings file. This enables the
user to start a session automatically with the desired
parameters either by accessing the icon from the
Windows Start menu or by double-clicking it on the
Open Keyboard File
Opens the Open Keyboard File dialog, this opens
keyboard mapping settings that have previously
been saved.
Save Keyboard file
Opens the Save Keyboard File dialog, which enables
the user to save separate keyboard mapping
settings in a separate file and open them at a later
Open Power Pad file
Opens the Open Power Pad File dialog, which enables
the user to open Power Pad settings that have
previously been saved.
Save Power Pad File
Opens the Save Power Pad File dialog, which enables
the user to save Power Pad settings in a separate file
and open them at a later date.
Print Screen Prints the contents of the work area, or the selected
Print Selection Prints only the selected text.
Print Setup
Displays the Print Setup dialog, which contains
printing parameters. Displayed parameters change
according to the printer selected.
The Default Printer parameter
enables the user to send the output
to the default printer selected.
The Specific Printer parameter
allows the user to select one of the
currently installed printers.
Print Setup for
Additional Printers
Displays the Print Setup dialog.
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Start/Stop Auto Print Prints all data displayed in the work area. This option
toggles between Start and Stop Auto Print.
Close Print Queue Closes the print queue manually.
Form Feed Executes a form feed on the printer.
Line Feed Executes a line feed on the printer.
New Terminal Window Opens a new instance of the PowerTerm window.
This enables the user to run several sessions
concurrently and simulate more than one terminal
type. After opening a new terminal window, the user
should define terminal and communication
parameters before connecting to a host.
Exit All Sessions Exits all PowerTerm sessions at once.
Exit Exits the current PowerTerm session.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu provides options to select, clear, and reverse text in the
PowerTerm window and delete the contents of the history buffer. The Edit
menu also provides standard editing commands (e.g. cut/copy/paste), in
addition to commands that enable the user to copy data to a file and copy
data automatically to the clipboard.
Select Screen Selects the contents of the entire work area.
Clear Screen Captures the entire PowerTerm screen and erases it.
Clear History Deletes the entire contents of the history or scroll
back buffer. This command is only available when
the history buffer is in use.
Reverse Screen For RTL languages only.
Reverses the text typing from left to right or right to
left, depending on the language chosen.
Cut For IBM emulations only.
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Cuts the selected text and places it on the clipboard.
Copy Copies marked text to the clipboard when the
Automatic Copy option in the Edit menu is not active.
Paste Pastes the clipboard contents into the work area.
Right-click sends data stored on the clipboard to the
host. Equivalent to actually typing the contents of
the clipboard on the host screen.
Copy Table Copies a table to a spreadsheet while maintaining
the contents of each of its individual cells.
Copy as Bitmap Copies the screen or screen selection as a bitmap.
By default the screen capture will appear in color but
it can also be saved it in black and white.
The screen capture can also be automatically copied
into an untitled email.
Copy to File Copies selected information to a file. If no text is
selected, the entire screen is written to the file.
Automatic Copy Automatically copies selected text to the clipboard
with no need to select the Copy option.
Copy Right to Left For RTL languages only.
Reverses the order of the letters in the work that
was copied to the clipboard when displayed.
Terminal Menu
The Terminal menu provides options to define and reset connection
parameters, set the system to be online or offline, and freeze or unfreeze the
screen. The user can select the fonts and languages (in versions that support
it) to be displayed in the PowerTerm window.
Opens the Terminal Setup dialog in which the user
can define settings for terminal emulation. This
dialog contains different tab pages to configure
different aspects of the terminal setup.
PowerTerm Fonts Displays the default PowerTerm fonts. These fonts
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are scalable so that if the window shrinks, the fonts
will shrink in relation to the size of the window.
System Fonts Displays the PowerTerm window with system fonts.
These fonts remain the same size, no matter what
the size of the window when Unscaled Screen (from
the Display Property page) is selected. When
selecting System fonts, only fixed size fonts are
Reset Resets the VT terminal defaults. This command does
not apply to PowerTerm's exclusive terminal
parameters (such as color).
Online Sets the system to be online or offline.
Hold Screen Stops communication and freezes the screen. To
unfreeze the screen, reselect the command.
Language option Selects the user interface language to appear in
English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, or
Communication Menu
The Communication menu provides options to define and modify the
communication (session) parameters, and to connect/disconnect a
communication session. The Communication menu also provides file transfer
options. It enables the user to set and clear Data Terminal Ready (DTR) and
Ready to Send (RTS) signals as well as select a modem from a list of existing
Displays the Connect dialog, which enables the user
to define session parameters and connect to a host.
Modify Connection
Displays the Connect dialog, which enables the user
to modify connection parameters for COM type
Disconnect Disconnects the communication session.
Modem Setup
Opens the Modem Setup dialog, which enables the
user to select a modem from a list of existing
modems and initialization strings. Customized
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modem definitions and initialization strings can also
be provided.
Reset Communication Resets the communication port for COM type
File Transfer Setup
Displays the File Transfer Setup dialog, which enables
the user to define host and PC data types for file
Receive File Receives a file from the host via Kermit, Zmodem,
Ymodem, Xmodem, Ascii or Binary.
Send File Sends a file to the host via Kermit, Zmode,
Ymodem, Xmodem, Ascii or Binary.
SSL Setup Enables SSL security in the connection. SSL must
be supported by the host.
Kerberos Manager Allows the user to configure advanced Kerberos
parameters and to perform advanced Kerberos
actions. Only supported in VT emulation.
Run FTP Launches the PowerTerm FTP client. (Only available
for the Windows edition).
Data File Transfer Specifies type of data on the PC and on the host
(Only available for the Windows edition).
Dial, dial a specific phone number for COM type
Break, sends a break for COM type communication.
Equivalent to <Ctrl>+<Break>.
Set/Clear DTR, sets/clears DTR (Data Terminal
Ready) signals.
Set/Clear RTS, sets/clears RTS (Ready To Send)
AUX: Modify Connection, enables two-way slave
printing to a serial printer.
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Sessions Menu (Windows Only)
The Session menu lists all of the active PowerTerm sessions and enables the
user to toggle between them. The first session generated is automatically
named Session A, the next Session B, and so on.
Display options Arranges the open sessions in different views.
Session Manager
Launches the Session Manager, a standalone
component that opens and closes a session by the
click of an icon.
Session… List of all active PowerTerm sessions.
Options Menu
The Options menu enables the user to map keyboard commands and define
the Power Pad display. It also enables the user to store a session in a log file
as well as provides options to customize the PowerTerm screen.
Keyboard Map
Displays the Keyboard Mapping dialog to map PC
keys to host keys on the terminal keyboard.
Power Pad Setup
Displays the Power Pad Setup dialog to adjust the
number of buttons in the Power Pad.
Start/Stop Trace
Stores received data in the Trace.log and Capture.log
files. These files are located in the PowerTerm
folder. The menu command toggles between Start
Trace and Stop Trace.
Capture.log stores raw data, as received from the
Trace.log stores formatted data with readable escape
Hide Menu Hides the Menu bar.
To restore it, select Restore Menu from the Control
Menu box.
Hide/Show Tool Bar Hides/Shows the Toolbar.
Hide/Show Buttons Hides/Shows the Soft buttons.
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Hide/Show Status Bar Hides/Shows the Status Bar.
Hide/Show Power Pad Hides/Shows the floating Power Pad.
Script Menu
The Script menu provides options to create and run PSL commands.
Run Script
Displays the Run Script dialog to select and run a
Edit Script
Displays the Edit Script dialog to edit an existing
script or create a new one.
Script Command
Displays the Script Command dialog to run individual
script commands.
Start/Stop Script
Records a script automatically. After requesting Start
Script Recording, the manual operations performed
in the emulation screen are recorded into a script
file until the user chooses the Pause or Stop Script
Recording command.
Pause/Continue Script
Pauses or resumes the script recording. Pausing will
exclude certain operations from recording.
Activate Recorded
Activates the script recorded in memory. The script
is kept in memory while the PowerTerm session is
Save Recorded Script Save a script loaded in memory to a specified file.
Help Menu
The Help menu provides options for accessing the PowerTerm online help and
product and license management information.
Contents Accesses the online help.
PowerTerm Scripting Accesses the PSL scripting online help.
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Ericom Software on
the Web
Links to Ericom Software's products.
About PowerTerm Product and contact information.
The PowerTerm Toolbar contains icons, which provide shortcuts to frequently
used menu options. The following is a brief description of the icons. Place the
cursor over the icon to display its description as a tool tip.
The displayed icons are based on the selected emulation type.
Hold Screen/Release Hold
For non-IBM emulations only.
Suspends and resumes
communication with the host.
When clicked, the Hold Screen
icon turns red. When clicked
again, it changes back to green
and update of the PowerTerm
window resumes.
Equivalent to Terminal | Hold
Opens the Connect dialog to define
session communication
parameters and connect to the
Disconnects an open session.
Equivalent to Communication |
Connect (Disconnect)
For 5250 emulations only.
Cuts the selected text.
Equivalent to Edit | Cut.
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Copy to Clipboard
Copies the selected data displayed
in the work area to the clipboard.
Equivalent to Edit | Copy.
Paste from Clipboard
Pastes data from the clipboard to
the host application.
Equivalent to Edit | Paste.
Prints selected text from the
history buffer or the entire
contents of the work area.
Equivalent to File | Print Screen.
Start/Stop Auto Print
For non-IBM emulations only.
Prints incoming data as it is
displayed on the screen. Click the
icon again and the automatic
printing stops.
Equivalent to File | Start Auto Print.
For non-IBM emulations.
Dials a specific telephone number
for COM type communication.
Equivalent to Communication |
Utilities | Dial.
Start/Stop Script
Records manual operations in
script form. Click the icon again
and the script recording stops.
Equivalent to Script | Start Script
Change to 80 Columns
For non-IBM emulations only.
Specifies an 80-column display for
the work area.
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Equivalent to Terminal | Setup |
Change to 132 Columns
For non-IBM emulations only.
Specifies a 132-column display for
the work area.
Equivalent to Terminal | Setup |
Terminal Setup
Displays the Terminal Setup dialog
in which terminal setup
parameters are defined.
Equivalent to Terminal | Setup.
Keyboard Mapping
Opens the Keyboard Mapping
dialog in which PC keys to host
keys are mapped.
Show/Hide Power Pad
Displays the Power Pad. Click the
icon again and the Power Pad
Equivalent to Options | Show Power
Help Contents
Displays product information.
Equivalent to Help | Contents. (On
request: Displays the PowerTerm
online help.)
New Terminal Window
Opens a new instance (window) of
Click the session's icon to bring it
to the front.
Hot Keys
Hot keys are keyboard shortcuts that are used instead of selecting menu
commands. These hot keys refer to the standard PC keyboard keys, before
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they are mapped to terminal keys. Once hot keys are mapped, they lose their
original function and reflect the newly mapped terminal key. For example, if
you map <Alt F4> to the <Backspace> key on the terminal keyboard, it
performs the function of a <Backspace> key.
The following table lists the default PowerTerm hot keys (Windows Only):
Alt F4 Exit
Alt F6 Open a new terminal window
Alt F9 Activate script
Ctrl+Alt+F9 Start/Stop script recording
Ctrl+Shift+P Activate recorded script
Alt F10 Select screen
Alt F11 Clear screen
Alt F12 Reverse screen.
IBM 5250 emulations not included.
Scroll Lock Hold screen
Pause Change the cursor shape
Ctrl Up Arrow Scroll up one line
Ctrl Down Arrow Scroll down one line
Ctrl Home Scroll to the beginning of the history
Ctrl End Scroll to the end of the history buffer
Ctrl Page Up Scroll up one page
Ctrl Page Down Scroll down one page
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Shift+Ctrl+X Switch focus to session X
X is the session letter (A…Z) displayed
in the PowerTerm windows Title bar.
Ctrl+Spacebar Switch to next active session
Connection Dialog
The parameter options change according to emulation and Session Type
(protocol) selected. Please note, only Telnet and COM are supported
protocols in non-Windows Edition.
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Session Type Parameters
TELNET Uses the Telnet protocol over TCP/IP for network
Specify the host computer name or the IP
address in the Host Name text box.
Specify the TELNET Port number (default
The winsock.dll file must be in the search
COM Uses serial communication with the PC's COM ports.
Define the Baud Rate, Port Number, Parity,
Stop Bits and Flow Control
Optionally, specify a telephone (Dial)
Optionally, specify to check for parity
BAPI For TCP/IP connections with parameters similar to those of
Verify that the BAPI support software is
installed before using this option.
CTERM Uses the DIGTAL CTERM protocol for network
communication with a remote or local VAX/Open VMS host
Specify the host computer name in the
Node Name field.
LAT Uses DIGITAL LAT protocol for network communication with
Specify Service and a Password (if
TN3270 TELNET for 3270 emulations.
Select Use TN3270 Protocol to work with
TELNET SNA extensions.
Specify the LU Name of the host (LU name
or LU pool).
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MS SNA Server For connection via Microsoft SNA Server.
Specify the LU Name (or LU pool).
NWSAA (IPX) For connection via IPX to Novel Netware for SAA. The
Service Name is the same as Novel's Profile.
Select an LU Category.
Specify an asterisk (*), as the Server
Name and PowerTerm will connect to the
appropriate Netware for SAA server.
Same as previous for TCP/IP connection.
Specify the server's IP address or host
name in the Server Name field.
TN5250 TELNET for 5250 emulations.
Specify the appropriate AS/400 names in
Host Name and Device Name fields.
Select Auto SignOn to skip the sign-on
RLOGIN Uses the RLOGIN protocol over TCP/IP for network
Specify the host computer name or IP
address in the Host Name field. The user
can also specify the port number in the
Host Name field.
Configures PCs running Microsoft Windows
to use telephone services. Not available in
Windows 7, Windows 2008 and newer
operating systems
SUPERLAT This is a version of the LAT protocol for network
communication with a VAX/Open VMS host, which requires
Meridian's SUPERLAT.
Specify Service Name and Password (if
NSVT For HP emulations.
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Terminal Setup Dialog
The emulation type that is selected changes the tabs (property pages)
displayed in the Terminal Setup dialog and their options.
Property Page Description
Emulation Displays supported terminal emulations and selects a
terminal type.
General Defines parameters for the terminal emulation type.
Display Defines display settings for the PowerTerm window.
Keyboard Defines keyboard setup parameters.
Printer Defines printer parameters.
Tabs For VT emulations only.
Defines tab stops in the work area.
Colors Defines color settings for the PowerTerm window.
Preferences Defines parameters that determine PowerTerm behavior
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and automate processes.
General Property Page
Non-IBM Emulations
Option Description
Terminal ID Determines the ID returned by the emulation program to
the host. Verify that the ID selected is one that the host
application/system recognizes.
NRC Set Determines the communication and keyboard character set
for 7-bit data.
UPS Set Determines the communication and keyboard character set
for 8-bit data.
8 bit Controls Enables when UPS Set is specified as Code Page 437 and
Disable, determines if 0x80 to 0xAF are displayed
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Enable, determines if 0x80 to 0xAD are control characters.
0x9B, all characters are displayed characters except 0x9B,
which is a control character.
Online Equivalent to Terminal | On Line (Off Line).
New Line
Determines whether the <Enter> key generates only a
carriage return or a carriage return/line feed combination.
Use 8 Bit Data
Select this parameter if the communicated data is in 8-bit
character format. Clear it for 7-bit characters. When
cleared, the 8
bit is truncated. If receiving 7-bit data, it
can converted to 8-bit data for printing on the slave
User Defined
Keys (UDK)
Determines whether applications on the host system can
override user-defined keys (UDKs) when a defined function
key conflicts with how the host uses the key. UDKs lets the
user use a single key for multiple keystrokes. To program
the 15 UDKs, 256 bytes are available. The key definitions
are loaded sequentially (from F6 to F20) so that if the 256-
byte limit is reached, more definitions cannot be loaded.
Locked, prevents UDKs from being overridden.
Unlocked, allows UDKs to be overridden.
Cursor Keys For VT emulations only.
Determines the behavior of the four arrow keys.
Normal, generates ANSI-standard control sequences for
moving the cursor.
Application, generates customized application program
Keypad For VT emulations only.
Determines the effects of the numeric keypad on the
Numeric, keypad keys insert numbers. For example,
pressing <7> on the numeric keyboard is the same as
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typing '7' on the keyboard.
Application, keypad keys generate control sequences that
can be used by some applications.
(Use) NumLock, enables or disables the NumLock keyboard
function in respect to the above Numeric and Application
"NumLock" checkbox not checked, the NumLock key is a
regular emulation key that has been mapped/defined as
PF1 (default) or any other key. The NumLock key will not
change the NumLock keyboard status.
"NumLock" checkbox checked:
Numeric Keypad Mode, the NumLock key toggles between
function states: enabling numeric keys (when lit) or arrow
keys (when not lit).
Application Keypad Mode, the NumLock key toggles between
function states. Enabling numeric keys (when lit) or
application keys (when not lit).
Cursor coupling
Vertical, determines whether the user window pans with the
cursor when the cursor moves past the top or bottom
border of the user window.
Page, determines if a new page appears in the display when
the cursor moves to a new page.
Status Line None, displays an emulation screen without the status line.
Indicator, displays the status line.
Host Writeable, displays the status line sent by the host.
Label Line For ASCII emulations only.
Displays a status line on the top and bottom line of the
emulation screen.
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IBM Emulations
Option Description
ID, determines the ID returned by the emulation program to
the host. Make sure an ID that the host application recognizes
is selected.
Unscaled Screen, when this parameter is cleared, the
characters appearing in the work area are scaled. A change in
the size of the desktop causes the fonts to shrink in relation to
the size of the window. Select this parameter to disable this
Show Response Time, displays the number of seconds that
elapsed between the time data was sent to the host and the
host response time.
Cursor Ruler
Select Visible to display full-screen, vertical or horizontal lines
as a cursor ruler (cross hair guide).
Cross Hair, displays the cursor ruler as a horizontal and vertical
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Horizontal, displays the cursor ruler as a horizontal line only.
Vertical, displays the cursor ruler as a vertical line only.
Cursor Controls the cursor appearance and functionality:
Block/Underline/Visible/Blink, controls the cursor appearance.
Ins Change, when selected it enables toggling the cursor
between underline and block appearance, by clicking the Ins
(insert) button.
Power GUI, displays data in a window with 3D look & feel. Use
system fonts larger than 10 pt. for optimized results.
Show Frame, places a frame around the text area of the
HLLAPI Names The names of an HLLAPI session can either be short or long.
Short and Long, specify the short and long HLLAPI names.
Code Page Specifies the host and PC (keyboard) character sets.
Alternate Size
Enable, select to override the terminal alternate size with a
specific size.
Rows/Columns, type the required number.
Display Property Page
For non-IBM emulations only.
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Option Description
Reverse Display Colors, reverse the text
and background colors in the work
Unscaled Screen, when this parameter
is cleared the characters appearing in
the work are scaled. A change in the
size of the desktop causes the fonts to
shrink in relation to the size of the
window. Select this parameter to
disable this feature.
Autowrap Characters, wraps words at
the end of a line and the cursor moves
to the next line.
History Scroll Bar, displays the vertical
history scroll bar along the right edge
of the PowerTerm screen. This enables
the user to scroll through the data
displayed previously on the screen. If
the host transmits during scrolling, the
display automatically scrolls back to its
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current position.
NOTE Selecting Clear History from the
Edit menu can erase the History buffer.
Cursor Ruler
Select Visible to display full-screen,
vertical or horizontal lines as a cursor
ruler (cross hair guide).
Cross Hair, displays the cursor ruler as
a horizontal and vertical line.
Horizontal, displays the cursor rules as
a horizontal line only. Vertical, displays
the cursor ruler as a vertical line only.
Cursor Controls the cursor appearance and
Block/Underline/Visible/Blink, controls
the cursor appearance.
Ins Change, when selected, it enables
toggling the cursor between underline
and block appearance by pressing the
Insert key.
Ctrl Characters
Display, displays the control
Interpret, performs the regular terminal
behavior as affected by control
Power GUI Displays data in a window with 3D look
& feel. Use System fonts larger than
10 pt for optimized results.
Show Frame Places a frame around the text area of
the emulation.
Dimensions Determines the number of characters
(columns) per displayed line, and the
number of lines to be displayed in the
work area. Characters are scaled
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according to the selected values. Type
a different value in the Other box
instead of choosing one of the
standard options (80 and 132).
Limit Font Size
Allows PowerTerm fonts to use only
the optimal font size, especially for
Note: Not recommended for normal
text on large screens.
Scrolling Determines the pace at which data is
displayed in the work area as it
arrives. If Jump is selected, set the
Jump Scroll Speed - this is measured in
number of line units. The higher the
value, the faster the scrolling.
Unlimited, displays data without
delaying communication.
Page, scrolls data by full screens.
Smooth, is equivalent to a Jump Scroll
Speed of 1.
Enable Soft fonts Enables VT soft fonts. The fonts will be
loaded from the host application.
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Keyboard Property Page
Non-IBM Emulations
Option Description
Capslock Mode Determines the behavior of the Caps Lock key.
Caps (Unix), locks alphabet keys on main keypad in
Shift, locks alphabet and numeric keys on main keypad in
shift setting. Pressing the shift button on the keyboard will
release shift-lock mode.
Reverse (Win), Same behavior as Caps Lock, however
pressing the shift button on the keyboard reverses the caps
Always On, Caps Lock will always be on in PowerTerm. This
will not be applied to other non-PowerTerm windows.
Backspace Key
Sends Delete
Determines whether the <Backspace> key sends Delete or
Backspace key.
Auto Repeat Repeatedly displays the character whose key is being
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continuously pressed down.
Decimal sends
Specifies that the Numeric Pad's decimal key sends a
comma instead of a decimal.
Use Emulator Alt
Select to make an <Alt> key perform the terminal
operation even if Windows OS has an operation mapped to
the same key.
Local Echo Determines whether keyboard input is displayed (echoed)
on the screen.
Select, to display the keyboard input even if the host
system does not echo the input.
Clear, to send the keyboard input to the host system
without being displayed on the screen (unless, invariably,
the host system automatically echoes the characters).
Use VT
Keyboard Mode
Changes the keyboard into a Digital VT keyboard mode. In
this mode, the PC keyboard operates as close to a VT
keyboard as possible, and takes full advantage of LK450
Digital keyboards.
Specifies an answerback message and its display.
Clear, deletes the message.
Conceal, hides the message without being deleted.
Determines whether the terminal automatically sends the
message to the host system after the connection. This is
useful if the answerback message is a command to the host
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IBM 3270 Emulations
Option Description
Capslock Mode Determines the behavior of the Caps Lock key.
Caps (Unix), locks alphabet keys on main keypad in
Shift, locks alphabet and numeric keys on main keypad in
shift setting. Pressing the shift button on the keyboard will
release shift-lock mode.
Reverse (Win), Same behavior as Caps Lock, however
pressing the shift button on the keyboard reverses the caps
Always On, Caps Lock will always be on in PowerTerm. This
will not be applied to other non-PowerTerm windows.
Select to delete characters by pressing the Backspace key on
the keyboard.
Auto Repeat Repeatedly displays the character for which its key is being
continuously pressed down.
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Lock Numeric
Determines whether the keyboard is locked when the user
tries to enter non-numeric data.
Typeahead Types data ahead, before the host responds.
Automatic reset
If the Keyboard is locked, a reset key sequence is generated
prior to when the user click on the tab key to advance to the
next field.
Numpad Decimal
Sends Comma
Determines whether the Numeric Pad sends a comma instead
of a decimal.
Use Emulator Alt
Select to make an <Alt> key perform the terminal operation
even if Windows OS has an operation mapped to the same
Non SNA System
Determines whether the System Wait in the IBM 3270
emulation will act as a System Wait in a non-SNA terminal.
IBM 5250 Emulations
Option Description
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Capslock Mode Determines the behavior of the Caps Lock key.
Caps (Unix), locks alphabet keys on main keypad in
Shift, locks alphabet and numeric keys on main keypad in
shift setting. Pressing the shift button on the keyboard will
release shift-lock mode.
Reverse (Win), Same behavior as Caps Lock, however
pressing the shift button on the keyboard reverses the caps
Always On, Caps Lock will always be on in PowerTerm. This
will not be applied to other non-PowerTerm windows.
Select to delete characters by pressing the Backspace key
on the keyboard.
Auto Repeat Repeatedly displays the character for which its key is being
continuously pressed down.
Typeahead Types data ahead, before the host responds.
Automatic reset
If the Keyboard is locked, a reset key sequence is
generated prior to when the user clicks on the tab key to
advance to the next field.
Decimal Sends
Determines whether the Numeric Pad sends a comma
instead of a decimal.
Use Emulator Alt
Select to make an <Alt> key perform the terminal
operation even if Windows OS has an operation mapped to
the same key.
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Terminal Sound Setup
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Option Description
Sound Events Determines the behavior of the sound.
Key Click, Emits a click sound when a key on the keyboard is
Warning Bell, Determines whether the terminal sounds a bell
tone when receiving the "bell" (ASCII 7) character. For
operating errors, mail messages, etc.
Margin Bell, Determines whether the terminal sounds a bell
tone when the cursor reaches the right margin.
Allows the user to choose whether to play sound through the
sound card (speakers) or through the internal PC speaker.
Use Sound Card, will play sounds through the speakers using
the sound card. When using the sound card, PowerTerm will
play keyclick.wav and warning.wav.
Async, determines whether to use synchronic and asyncronic
sound. Asynchronic sound allows the application to continue
executing while the sound is being generated. If the sound is
not played asynchronously (that is, sychronously) the
application will wait until the entire sound has finished
playing before executing the next statement.
Use Internal Speaker, will play sound through the internal
Key Click
Specifies the sound duration and pitch for the Key Click.
Duration (ms), determins the length of time the Key click
sound will be played (in Mili- seconds)
Pitch (Hz), determines the perceived frequency of a sound
between 1 to 10000 Hertz).
* For playing the warning bell, PowerTerm will always use
the following settings:
Duration: 750
Pitch (frequency): 150
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Printer Property Page
Option Description
Print Device
None, no destination was assigned. The Device Name is
disabled. Printer data is received by the terminal, but
discarded (not printed).
Device, sends printing to the device designated in the
Device Name text box. This can be a device such as COM1,
COM2, COM3, etc. in the Device Name text box, the user
can also specify communication parameters. For example:
COM 1:9600,8.
Network, sends printing to the network printer. the user
must then perform the following:
1. Select File | Print Setup.
2. Select Network from Port field.
3. Type UNC (Universal Naming Convention) in the Net
Path. For example, \\net1\hp4000
File, sends printing to the file specified in the File Name text
AUX, sends printing to the auxiliary port.
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Device Name The available printing devices are: LPT1: (default) COM x:
File Name Specify Append or Overwrite mode.
NOTE: lpt1 is a saved word and cannot be used as a file
Use Form Feed Adds a form feed (page eject) after each printing job. This
depends upon the available connections on the PC.
Print Line
Graphics As Text
Converts line graphics to text. This speeds up printing on a
slow dot-matrix printer.
LF->CRLF Adds a line feed after each single carriage return (one that
has no line feed following it) when in slave printing mode.
Print Screen
Data Conversion
Converts data to Host or UTF-8 character sets or prints in
Graphics mode.
None, does not convert data.
NOTE: Text mode is designated by selecting Host, UTF-8
character sets or None.
Slave Printer
Data Conversion
Converts data to Host or UTF-8 character sets or prints in
Graphics mode.
None, does not convert data.
NOTE: Text mode is designated by selecting Host, UTF-8
character sets or None.
Slave Printer
Job Delimiter
For non-IBM emulations only.
Specifies the job delimiter character that will divide the
data into print jobs, thus disabling the escape sequences
arriving from the host application.
Delay for Print
The command to close the printer queue is delayed by the
number of seconds defined here. This command only takes
effect if no open command is issued at the same time.
Important for printing to cut sheet printers (for example,
inkjets/lasers) and network printers. When pages are being
printed improperly, try different values here.
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Advanced Printing Setup
Option Description
Printer Type For text printing only.
Specifies the destination printer. Edit enables the user to
edit the printer configuration file.
Margins Specifies the space between the edge of the printout page
and the border of the printing.
Font For text printing only.
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Printer default font and size will be applied to the output
when Ignore is selected. Otherwise, User input will be
Use Host Value (5250 printer only) – AS/400 selects the
CPI (Characters
per Inch)
User defined, the user selects the CPI.
Use Host Value, (5250 printer only) AS/400 selects the font
CPI. Select None for Slave Printer Data Conversion.
Ignore, Does not send escape, i.e. prints in the printer
default font (typically 10 CPI).
, Default printer values are used.
Auto (Printer sizes),
Fits to page but uses only the predefined
printer font sizes (i.e. 5,10,10,12,15,17,20 CPI).
LPI (Lines per
User defined, the user selects the LPI.
Use Host Value, (5250 printer only) AS/400 selects the font
Ignore, Does not send escape, i.e. prints in the printer
default font (typically 6 LPI).
Default printer values are used.
Auto (Printer sizes),
Fits to page but uses only the predefined
printer font sizes (i.e. 2,3,4,6,8,10 LPI).
For graphic printing only.
Determines the number of printer columns/rows in the
output. Select Ignore to apply the number of columns on
the emulation screen to the output.
Page Type for
Text Printing
Specifies the page type (for example, A3, A4, A5 etc.)
Form Feed Defines the form type of the printer. PowerTerm provides
the following three types:
AUTOCUT, single-cut sheets are automatically fed into the
printer. Most printers require a sheet feed attachment.
CONT, continuous sheets are used by printers that have a
tractor feed attachment on the device.
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CUT, single-cut sheets are manually fed into the printer.
Orientation Specifies the orientation of the printed output. The default
depends on the printer's settings. Options are:
Host, receives escape sequence from the host about the
page orientation.
Auto, if the width is greater than the length then it will
print in Landscape otherwise in Portrait orientation.
Ignore, does not send any escape sequence.
Portrait, A vertical page orientation in which the page
height is greater than the page width.
Landscape, A horizontal page orientation in which the
page width is greater than the page height.
Enable AS/400
Host Print
For IBM 5250 printer emulations only.
Enabled, pass through (transparent) mode. The host sends
(ASCII) command and text directly to the printer. Non-
graphic printing only. Disabled, the host sends (EBCDIC)
5250 SCS format commands and text to the emulation.
The emulation, in turn, translates to printer specific
Specifies the object name that the user has previously
defined on the AS/400. Enabled only for "Other" printer
Library Specifies the customizing object's library on the AS/400.
Enabled only for "Other" printer models.
Drawer 1 Specifies the size for the paper in Paper Source 1.
Drawer 2 Specifies the size for the paper in Paper Source 2.
Envelope Hopper Specifies the size of the envelope.
Supports ASCII
Code-Page 899
Specifies whether the printer has Code Page 899 installed.
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Tabs Property Page
For VT emulations only.
Options Description
Tabs Stops
Click anywhere within the Tab Stops
area to set tab stops manually.
Set Every Sets a tab stop in increments of a
number typed in the adjacent text
Clear All Clears all tab stops.
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Colors Property Page
Non-IBM Emulations
Option Description
Preview Box Shows the result of the selections.
Enables underlined characters.
For data transmitted from the host with the Underline
attribute, clear to disable displaying data with the
Enable Blink Enables blinking.
For data transmitted from the host with the blink attribute,
clear to disable blinking data.
Coloring method
dropdown list
Default, uses the default color type for each emulation
VT and Siemens – Attribute & ANSI colors
ANSI and HP – ANSI colors
All others – Attribute colors (i.e. not affected by setting to a
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different value).
Attribute, colors based on the attributes. For example, the
user can select different colors for bold, for underline, and
for bold/underline.
ANSI, colors based on host-defined colors. For example, the
host sends "red foreground on blue background" however
the user can select the default ANSI color. Different
attributes do not affect colors.
Attribute & ANSI, uses both Attribute and ANSI colors as
explained above.
ANSI 8 Color
For ANSI emulations only.
A regular terminal has 16 colors (8 colors with the Bold
attribute applied to them and 8 colors without the Bold
attribute applied to them). The Background color never has
the bold attribute (therefore it is "dark") while the Text
(foreground) is always mapped to the color with the Bold
(bright, light) attribute.
Non-selected, each entity (text, background) can have any
of the 16 colors mapped to them.
Selected, each entity (text, background) can have any of
the 8 colors mapped to them.
Color Frame Select to draw a color frame on the screen.
Select Attribute Select the attribute to define foreground and background
colors. Attributes change according to the emulation type
selected in the Connection properties dialog. Generally, the
attribute of the entire screen is Normal. The color for the
Normal attribute determines the color of the entire work
Text Select the color that will apply to the text (foreground) of
the display.
Background Select the color that will apply to the background of the
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IBM Emulations
Option Description
Preview Box Shows the result of the selections.
Enables underlined characters.
For data transmitted from the host with the Underline
attribute, clear to disable displaying data with the
Enable Blink Enables blinking.
For data transmitted from the host with the blink attribute,
clear to disable blinking data.
For IBM 5250 emulations only.
Displays a period as a column separator in fields with the
column separator attribute.
Color Frame Select to draw a color frame on the screen.
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Select Attribute Select the attribute to define foreground and background
colors. Attributes change according to the emulation type
selected in the Connection properties dialog. Generally, the
attribute of the entire screen is Normal. The color for the
Normal attribute determines the color of the entire work
Text Select the color that will apply to the text (foreground) of
the display.
Background Select the color that will apply to the background of the
Preferences Property Page
Option Description
On Terminal
Setup File Open
Auto Connect, establishes a connection immediately with
the parameters saved in the terminal parameters file.
Show Connect Dialog Box, does not establish a connection
immediately, rather the Connect dialog opens and enables
the user to select required connection.
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Do not Connect, opens only the PowerTerm window.
Window Title Specifies a customized name that appears on the title bar.
History Buffer Specifies the size of the buffer in which data is stored, by
selecting an option from the dropdown list.
On PowerTerm
Save Terminal Setup, the new terminal parameters (if the
user changed them during the session) are saved to the
current terminal setup file.
Confirm Save, terminal parameters are not saved
automatically. PowerTerm displays a dialog where the user
can decide whether or not to save any changes applied
during the session.
Confirm Disconnect Session, if the user closes PowerTerm
during a session, the user will be required to confirm
Save Window Size & Position, saves the size and position of
the emulation window. The next time the user opens
PowerTerm, the window appears with the desired size at
the set position.
Inactivity Timeout, specifies the time limit for keyboard
inactivity, after which PowerTerm shuts down.
On Session Exit
Auto Reconnect, re-establishes communication if the line
was disconnected.
Auto Exit PowerTerm, closes PowerTerm altogether on
Security Settings Dialogs
SSL Security
In the SSL Security Setup dialog the user will specify the SSL security type.
The user may select to accept only certificates that exist in the certificates
path or any incoming certificate. The user can also specify to display unknown
certificates at connection time and whether to save them.
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SSH Security
In the SSH Security dialog the user can specify what type of SSH to use.
Kerberos Security (Windows Only, VT emulation only)
In the Kerberos Manager dialog the user can configure advanced Kerberos
parameters and perform advanced Kerberos actions.
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Menu Description
Actions Change Password
Get, opens the Kerberos Login dialog where the user can
request to get tickets.
Delete, removes all the Kerberos Tickets.
Renew, enables the user to prolong time limited tickets.
Import, searches for Window Kerberos Tickets and imports
Realm Configuration, opens the Realm configuration dialog
where the user can specify with which domain the
computer is associated to.
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5 Starting and Stopping Sessions
When PowerTerm is used for the first time, the PowerTerm window is
automatically displayed together with the Connect dialog. After the connection
parameters have been defined, the Connect dialog will be displayed according
to the user’s selected options.
The user can set PowerTerm behavior and automate processes in the
Preferences property pages. These remain active until changed. For example, if
the user selects to connect automatically at PowerTerm startup, it will always
be connected when PowerTerm launches. Other settings can also be
customized, for example auto-reconnect and keyboard inactivity time limit.
PowerTerm opens with the default terminal setup file. The user can also open
PowerTerm using a customized setup file, or a script file.
Once the user has defined terminal and communication parameters,
PowerTerm will be ready to connect to a host. For more information on
connections, see chapter Defining Connections.
The communication mode appears beside the application name on the
PowerTerm window title bar. When communication ends, the mode name
disappears from view.
When working with more than one host, PowerTerm enables the user to
connect to a host using customized PSL scripts. The user will need to define a
different script with the name of each host. This option provides a Windows
shortcut to a host. For more information about scripts, see chapter Scripts.
PowerTerm also provides the option to modify connection parameters for COM
type communications. This option is only available when connected to a host.
To start PowerTerm:
1. Click the Start button in the Task bar.
2. Select Programs | Ericom Software | PowerTerm | PowerTerm. The
application is launched.
To define preferences:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Preferences tab. The Preferences property page is
3. Select the parameters that are required.
Starting PowerTerm Using a Setup File
PowerTerm can be started using a default or customized setup file. A setup
file contains both communication session parameters and terminal setup
parameters. It is in text format and can be edited using a text editor.
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The Default Setup file, called ptdef.pts, is used with single host connections.
When the user opens PowerTerm, it automatically uses this file to initiate
terminal setup and connection parameters.
A customized setup file is used to start PowerTerm with predefined
communication and terminal setup parameters for a specific connection. This
can be done by using a command or creating a Windows shortcut. Before
creating a shortcut to a setup file, create and save the setup file in
PowerTerm. For more information about creating and customize setup files,
see chapter Defining Connections.
To start PowerTerm with a customized setup file:
Double-click the PowerTerm shortcut icon on the desktop or access it from the
Start menu. The session starts automatically with the predefined parameters.
To use a setup file during PowerTerm session:
A terminal setup file can also be opened during a PowerTerm session to run a
session using predefined terminal setup and communication parameters.
There are two options to use a setup file:
Select File | Open Terminal Setup. The Open File dialog appears
and a setup file may be selected.
Select Communication | Connect. The Connect dialog appears and
a setup file may be specified for the connection.
Starting PowerTerm Using a Script
The user can also launch PowerTerm and run a script immediately upon
launching. Scripts are created with PowerTerm Script Language (PSL) and
enable The user to automate tasks. For example, use a script to automatically
connect to a specific host. For more information about scripts, see chapter
Starting PowerTerm with Auto Connect
The Auto Connect option enables the user to automatically connect to a
specific terminal using the parameters in the default setup file.
To access the Auto Connect option:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Preferences tab. The Preferences Property page is
3. Select Auto Connect.
4. Click OK.
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Starting a New PowerTerm Session
PowerTerm can run two or more sessions concurrently by opening a new
instance of the PowerTerm window. Each session is identified by a letter
(starting with A), which appears in the session window title bar. A session is
assigned the first available letter. For example, if A, B and D are opened the
next session opened is assigned C.
To open a new instance of the PowerTerm window:
Select File | New Terminal Window. A new instance of the PowerTerm window
To toggle between open sessions:
Press <Ctrl>+<Spacebar>.
To switch to a specific session:
Press <Shift>+<Ctrl>+<X>, where X is the session letter. For
example, to work in session C, press <Shift>+<Ctrl>+<C>.
Click the desired session's icon in the Toolbar.
Select Sessions | the desired session.
Ending a PowerTerm Session
There are a few options to end a session:
Automatic closing - close PowerTerm automatically when the user
closes a session. If terminal parameters were modified during a
session, a message displays asking if to save the setup file before
User-initiated closing – Manually closes a session at any time.
User-initiated fast exit – Sometimes a fast exit is needed while
communication is in progress. PowerTerm then reacts according to
the parameters selected in the Preferences property page in the
Terminal Setup dialog.
The user can enable the option to prompt a confirmation when closing
PowerTerm during a session and to immediately re-connect again
automatically (for non-IBM emulations only).
To manually close a session:
Select Communication | Disconnect.
To exit PowerTerm:
1. Select File | Exit. If the terminal settings changed, PowerTerm
displays a warning message asking to update the terminal settings
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file. The message will point to the name of the setup file currently
2. Click OK to update the file, or NO to cancel the latest changes and
restore the original settings of the current setup file.
To fast exit the current session: Press <Alt>+<F4> on the keyboard.
To confirm disconnect:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Preferences tab.
3. Select Confirm Disconnect Session.
4. Click OK.
To define parameters for automatic closing PowerTerm when disconnecting
a session:
Close PowerTerm altogether on disconnect.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Preferences tab.
3. Select Auto Exit PowerTerm in the On session exit section.
4. Click OK.
To manually reconnect to a PowerTerm session after exiting the current
PowerTerm displays the following message at session termination when Auto
ReConnect and Auto Exit PowerTerm in the Preferences tab are cleared:
"Session Closed (0)
Hit ENTER to Restart Session"
where the exit code (in this example '0') may have one of the following
Zero (0) Communication ended successfully.
Any number (other than 0) Communication aborted. The exit code
points to the error that caused the
Press Enter on the keyboard.
To automatically reconnect a PowerTerm session after exiting the current
Re-establish communication if the line was disconnected.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Preferences tab.
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3. Select Auto Reconnect in the On Session Exit section.
4. Click OK.
To specify keyboard inactivity timeout:
Specify the time limit for keyboard inactivity, after which PowerTerm shuts
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Preferences tab.
3. Enter the amount of minutes for Inactivity Timeout.
4. Click OK.
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6 Defining Emulations
PowerTerm enables the user to define terminal settings for connecting to a
host. Once the terminal settings are defined, they can be saved as a setup
file. This file can be activated at startup or opened manually during a
PowerTerm session.
The Emulation property page displays the emulation terminal types available to
the user. The emulation type that is selected changes the tabs (property
pages) displayed in the Terminal Setup dialog. Some emulation types also
change the look of the PowerTerm desktop. For example, for IBM 3270 and
5250 terminal types the work area is black and the toolbar contains fewer
The General property page enables the user to define parameters for the
selected emulation type, such as:
The ID returned by the emulation program to the host.
Communication and keyboard character sets for both 7-bit and 8-
bit data.
The behavior of the <Enter> key.
Whether applications on the host system can override user-defined
keys (UDKs).
Determines the effects of the numeric keypad on the keyboard.
(VT emulations only.)
The selected host application will usually determine the default option.
To define emulation parameters:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Emulation tab. The Emulation property page is displayed.
3. Select the desired terminal type from the list of emulations.
4. Select the General tab. The General property page is displayed.
5. Select the emulation parameters.
6. Click OK.
General parameters
To define host's ID response:
This option is disabled when connected to a host.
In the General tab, select Terminal ID from the dropdown list.
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To specify type of Cursor coupling:
In the General tab, select Vertical to move the cursor past the top or bottom
border of the user window, or Page to move the cursor to a new page.
Non-IBM specific parameters
To define communication and keyboard character set:
The available character sets change according to emulation type selected.
In the General tab, select the NRC/UPS set required from the dropdown list.
To prevent the host from overriding function keys:
In the General tab, select User Defined Keys Locked.
To set the terminal to be online/offline:
In the General tab, select or clear Online.
To define the Enter key behavior:
In the General tab, select New Line.
To show a status line:
Specify whether the session's or the host's status line is displayed.
In the General tab, select Indicator or Host Writable.
IBM specific parameters
To define scaled/unscaled screen:
In the General tab, select or clear Unscaled Screen.
To display host response time:
In the General tab, select Show Response Time.
To define cursor appearance:
In the General tab, select Block or Underline display.
To define GUI appearance:
In the General tab, select Power GUI or Show Frame to display a "different"
look of the work area.
To define the code page:
In the General tab, select Host and PC Code Pages in the dropdown lists.
To specify the alternate size:
In the General tab, select Enable and enter the Rows and Cols (columns)
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VT specific parameters
To define the numeric keypad mode:
The Num Lock key toggles between numeric keys or arrow keys.
In the General tab, select Numeric and Numlock.
To define the application keypad mode:
The Num Lock key toggles between numeric keys or application keys.
In the General tab, select Application and Numlock.
ASCII specific parameters
To show the labels line:
Display a status line at the top and the bottom of the emulation screen.
In the General tab, select Labels Line.
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7 Defining Connections
The connection parameters that are defined will remain active only for the
current session, unless saved.
The default setup name is the name of the connection. Customized settings
should be saved with a name other than its current name when the
PowerTerm session is running.
Connections that are no longer in use should be deleted.
To define a connection:
1. Select Communication | Connect. The Connect dialog appears.
2. Select Session Type and enter required parameters.
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3. Select the Terminal Type and ID.
4. Select the desired Security to be employed in the connection.
5. Specify, if necessary, the Script and/or Setup files to be run upon
6. Click Connect.
To specify SSL Security parameters:
1. Select SSL in the Security Type dropdown list and click Details. The
SSL Security dialog is displayed:
2. Select the desired SSL Version and click OK. SSL-2, SSL3, TLS
1.0, and TLS 1.2 are supported.
To specify SSH Security parameters:
1. Select SSH in the Security Type dropdown list and click Details. The
SSH Security dialog is displayed:
2. Select the desired SSH Version.
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3. Specify the SSH properties.
4. Click OK.
To specify Kerberos Security parameters (Windows only, VT emulation
1. Select Kerberos in the Security Type dropdown list and click Details.
The Kerberos Login dialog is displayed:
2. Specify User ID and select the desired options.
3. Click OK.
To save a connection:
1. Select Communication | Connect. The Connect dialog appears.
2. Select Session Type and enter required parameters.
3. Select the Terminal Type and ID.
4. Select the desired Security to be employed in the connection.
5. Specify, if necessary, the Script and/or Setup files to be run upon
6. Click Save As. The Save Session dialog appears.
7. Enter a Session Name and click OK. The connection is displayed in
the Sessions List.
To use an existing connection:
1. Select Communication | Connect. The Connect dialog appears.
2. Select the desired session from the Sessions List.
3. Click Connect.
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To modify connection parameters:
1. Select Communication | Connect. The Connect dialog appears.
2. Select the desired session from the Sessions List.
3. Make desired changes in the parameters.
4. Click Modify.
To rename a session:
1. Select Communication | Connect. The Connect dialog appears.
2. Select the desired session from the Sessions List.
3. Click Rename. The Rename Session dialog appears.
4. Enter a new Session Name and click OK.
To delete a connection:
1. Select Communication | Connect. The Connect dialog appears.
2. Select the desired session from the Sessions List.
3. Click Delete. A confirmation notification is displayed.
4. Click OK. The connection is deleted.
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8 Customize the Desktop and Selecting Text
Customize the PowerTerm window by displaying or hiding desktop
components and changing the display colors for different text attributes. The
color attributes change according to the emulation type selected.
This chapter also presents specific text selection techniques useful in different
Customizing Desktop Components
Most components are displayed or hidden according to the settings in the
Options menu.
To show/hide the Menu bar:
1. Select Options | Hide Menu. This conceals the Menu bar.
2. Click the Control menu and select Restore Menu. The Menu bar is
shown again.
Map a Soft button with the following PSL command: menu restore
To show/hide the Soft buttons:
Select Options | Hide Buttons. The menu option becomes Show
Select the option again to redisplay the Soft buttons bar.
To show/hide the Status bar:
Select Options | Hide Status Bar. The menu option becomes Show
Status Bar.
Select again to redisplay the Status bar.
To show/hide the Power Pad:
Select Options | Show Power Pad. The menu option becomes Hide
Power Pad.
Select again to hide the Power Pad.
To show/hide the History Scroll bar:
For non-IBM emulations only.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Display tab. The Display property page is displayed.
3. Select or clear History Scroll Bar in the General section.
4. Click OK.
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Customizing Desktop Display
Customize the desktop display in various ways, for example change colors of
background and/or text, change the cursor display, change the work area
dimensions, as well as select fonts and GUI language.
To change the GUI language:
In the Terminal menu, select the desired language.
Setting Fonts
Use standard system fonts or select special PowerTerm fonts to be displayed
in the PowerTerm window.
System fonts are standard general-purpose fonts, which different
attributes can be set.
PowerTerm fonts are scaleable fonts, automatically calculated
according to the screen size of the host application and whether
the Unscaled screen option is selected or not.
To work with PowerTerm fonts:
Select Terminal | PowerTerm Fonts. The PowerTerm window will now display
PowerTerm fonts.
To work with system fonts:
1. Select Terminal | System Fonts. The Font dialog appears.
2. Select the font, style, and size as desired.
3. Click OK. The PowerTerm window will now display the selected
system font.
To work with VT soft fonts:
For VT emulations only.
The fonts will be loaded from the host application.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Display tab. The Display property page is displayed.
3. Select Enable soft fonts.
To lock font size:
Characters appearing in the work area are scaled and their size will change
proportionally when changing the desktop size.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Display tab for non-IBM emulations and the General tab
for IBM emulations.
3. Select Unscaled Screen to lock the font size.
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To wrap words at the end of a line:
For non-IBM emulations only.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Display tab. The Display property page is displayed.
3. Select Autowrap Characters.
Setting Color
To change the display color of the PowerTerm window:
The color for the Normal attribute determines the color of the entire work
area. The box above the Select Attribute parameter shows the result of any
selections. The Select Attribute of the entire screen is generally Normal for
non-IBM emulations.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog is displayed.
2. Click the Colors tab. The Color property page is displayed.
3. Select the attribute to define foreground and background colors.
Notice that the attributes change according to the emulation type
selected previously.
In the Text area, select the color to apply to the text (foreground)
of the display.
In the Background area, select the color to apply to the
background of the text. The preview box above the Select
Attribute parameter shows the result of the selections.
4. Click OK.
To reverse display colors:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Display tab. The Display property page is displayed.
3. Select Reverse Display Colors.
To specify ANSI/Attribute colors:
For non-IBM emulations only.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Colors tab. The Colors property page is displayed.
3. Select preferences in the Default Colors drop down list.
Setting work area
To specify dimensions of screen:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Display tab. The Display property page is displayed.
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3. Configure 80 or 132 Columns or enter desired number of columns in
4. Select how many Lines per screen from the dropdown list.
The Limit the font size can also be configured.
To change the appearance of the PowerTerm window:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Display tab for non-IBM emulations and the General tab
for IBM emulations.
3. Select Power GUI or Show Frame as desired.
To specify pace at which data is displayed:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Display tab. The Display property page is displayed.
3. Select Smooth or Jump scrolling.
4. Select Jump Scroll Speed from the dropdown list.
To set tabs in the work area:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Tabs tab. The Tabs property page is displayed.
3. Click on the ruler where a tab should be set. A 'T' will appear.
4. Click the 'T' to clear it.
Specify a certain interval between the tabs by entering a number and
then clicking Set Every.
To set cursor coupling:
For non-IBM emulations only.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the General tab. The General property page is displayed.
3. Select Vertical and/or Page for when the cursor moves past the top
or bottom border of the user window or to a new page
To display a cursor ruler:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Display tab for non-IBM emulations and the General tab
for IBM emulations.
3. Select Visible to display the cursor ruler.
4. Select Crosshair/Horizontal/Vertical appearance of the cursor ruler.
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To change cursor appearance:
For IBM 3270 and 5250 display emulations only.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Display tab for non-IBM emulations and the General tab
for IBM emulations.
3. Select in Cursor the desired appearance (Block or Underline).
4. Select Ins Change to enable toggling the cursor between underline
and block appearance. This will impact the behavior of the Ins
(Insert) button on the keyboard.
To display the status line in the emulation window:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the General tab. The General property page is displayed.
3. Select desired option in the Status Line dropdown list.
To display the Labels line in the emulation window:
For ASCII emulations only.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the General tab. The General property page is displayed.
3. Select Labels Line.
To show host response time:
For IBM emulations only.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the General tab. The General property page is displayed.
3. Select Show Response Time.
To disable/enable underlined data:
If data is transmitted with the underline attribute, the user can disable the
underline by clearing this parameter.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Colors tab. The Colors property page is displayed.
3. Select/Clear Enable Underline as desired.
To disable/enable blinking data:
Choose whether to enable blinking of data, which was received from the host
with the blinking attribute.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Colors tab. The Colors property page is displayed.
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3. Select/Clear Enable Blink as desired.
To set column separator:
For IBM 5250 emulations only.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Colors tab. The Colors property page is displayed.
3. Select Column Separator.
Selecting Text
General selection techniques
To select a word:
In the work area, just click a word to select it.
<Ctrl> + clicking the word will select the word and any
punctuation marks or other symbols, up to the first space that
follows them.
If the Automatic Copy option in the Edit menu is active (default), selecting
text also copies the selection to the clipboard.
To select full lines:
Point to a line, hold down the <Shift> key on the keyboard and drag the
mouse to the last line to include in the selection.
To select a string:
1. Point to the first character to include in the selection.
2. Drag the mouse to the last character to include in the selection
and release the mouse button.
To select the entire screen:
Select Edit | Select Screen.
VT emulations' specific techniques
To select a block:
A block is any rectangular section or the work area.
Point to one corner of the block, hold down the <Ctrl> key on the
keyboard and drag the mouse to the opposite corner of the block
to include in the selection.
To select a menu entry:
Double-clicking on a word sends that word to the host followed by an
<Enter> signal. Use this feature to select a menu entry. For example, if the
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emulation screen displays the menu of an application residing on the host,
click a menu entry to activate the program that the menu entry represents.
IBM emulations' specific techniques
To select a block:
A block is any rectangular section or the work area.
Point to one corner of the block and drag the mouse to the
opposite corner of the block to include in the selection.
To map arrow keys that enable Shift + arrow key combination to perform text
1. Run psl command 'set select-key-highlight on'.
2. Click on the Shift key in the PC keyboard.
3. Click on the Shift key in the 3270 keyboard. The SelUp, SelDN,
SelLf and SelRt keys are visible.
4. Drag the SelUp, SelDN, SelLf and SelRt keys on the 3270/5250
keyboard to their respective arrow key positions on the PC
keyboard as shown below:
To activate light pen support:
For IBM 3270 emulations.
In certain fields double-click on the screen is equivalent to touching the
screen with a light pen.
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9 Keyboard Settings
PowerTerm enables the user to map PC keys to host keys in order to emulate
the host terminal keyboard. The keyboard mapping definitions are stored in a
file with the same name as the current terminal setup file, with the extension
.ptk. For example, the default keyboard mapping definitions are stored as
Mapping Keys
The Keyboard Mapping dialog is presented in three colors:
Gray, is a virtual (terminal) key
White, is an OS character
Yellow, is an OS dead character
To view the keyboard mapping:
1. Select Options | Keyboard Map. The Keyboard Mapping dialog
2. Slide the mouse pointer over the different keys. The bottom line of
the dialog shows the corresponding PC and terminal keys. For
example, if you point to the "t" key of the VT keyboard, you see
that the corresponding PC key is "T".
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To map a PC key:
Drag a key from the upper terminal keyboard to a PC key on the
lower keyboard.
Click the <Shift> or <Ctrl> keys on the terminal keyboard to display
additional key functions. For example, if you click the <Shift> key,
the alphabet keys on the terminal keyboard are displayed in upper
case. You can then map (drag) these keys to your PC keyboard
To assign a script command to a PC key:
1. Right-click a key on the PC keyboard to assign a command and
select Enter Script Commands. The PC Button dialog appears.
2. Enter the desired script command and click OK. The PC key has
now been assigned a script command.
To map combinations of keys that include Alt, Ctrl, and Shift:
Click the <Alt>, <Ctrl> or <Shift> key (or any combination of them)
on the PC keyboard. Then map keys by following the procedure
described previously.
Click the required <Alt>, <Ctrl> or <Shift> key (or any combination
of them) to view the mapped keys.
To cancel a key definition:
Drag the PC key definition to be cancelled to . This restores the default
function of the PC key.
To replace a PC key with another PC key:
The user can move the functionality of a mapped PC key to another PC key.
For example, drag the F6 key on the PC keyboard to the spacebar on the PC
keyboard to give it F6 functionality.
Drag the desired PC key onto the PC key that it will replace. The
functionality of the PC key has been replaced.
Drag the original key back to its initial position to restore the
To copy a PC key to another PC key:
PowerTerm enables the user to copy the functionality of one PC key to
another PC key.
1. Select the PC key whose function is to be copied and right-click
2. Select the destination PC key to copy the function to and right-
click Paste. Both keys now have the same functionality.
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To restore the default keyboard mapping of all mapped keys:
Click Defaults in the Keyboard Mapping dialog.
Saving and Opening Keyboard Mapping Settings
PowerTerm enables the user to save keyboard-mapping settings separately.
To save keyboard mapping settings:
1. Select File | Save Keyboard File. The Save Keyboard File dialog is
2. Enter a File Name.
3. Click Save.
To open a predefined keyboard mapping settings:
1. Select File | Open Keyboard File. The Open Keyboard File dialog is
2. Select the required keyboard settings from the list.
3. Click Open. Parameters defined in the selected keyboard settings
are now applied to the current session.
Keyboard Behavior
To customize the keyboard layout:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Keyboard tab. The Keyboard property page is displayed.
3. Select the desired settings and click OK.
To lock alphabet keys in uppercase:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Keyboard tab. The Keyboard property page is displayed.
3. Select Caps (Unix).
To lock alphabet and numeric keys in shift setting:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Keyboard tab. The Keyboard property page is displayed.
3. Select Shift.
To reverse the Caps Lock:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Keyboard tab. The Keyboard property page is displayed.
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3. Select Reverse (Win). Pressing Shift on the keyboard reverses the
caps operation.
To keep Caps Lock mode On:
Turn Caps Lock Off in a different application and keep it On in PowerTerm.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Keyboard tab. The Keyboard property page is displayed.
3. Select Always On.
To set the Backspace key:
The Backspace key can either send Delete or an actual Backspace.
1. Select Terminal | Setup and click the Keyboard tab.
2. Select or clear Backspace Key Sends Delete as desired and click OK.
To automatically repeat a character:
1. Select Terminal | Setup and click the Keyboard tab.
2. Select Auto Repeat and click OK. The character will display
repeatedly when pressed.
To emit a sound when certain actions are taken:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Click the Keyboard tab. The Keyboard property page is displayed.
3. Select Key Click to emit a click sound when a key is pressed.
4. Select Margin Bell to emit a bell tone when the cursor reaches the
right margin.
5. Select Warning Bell to emit a bell tone when receiving the "bell"
(ASCII 7) character.
To set the effects of the numeric keypad:
For VT emulations only.
1. Select Terminal | Setup and click the General tab.
2. Select Numeric to set the keypad to insert numbers.
3. Select Application to set the keypad to generate control
4. Select or clear Numlock to set the NumLock key behavior:
Cleared, the NumLock behaves as a regular emulation key. It will
not change the NumLock keyboard status.
Selected, the NumLock will toggle between function states,
enabling either numeric keys or arrow keys.
5. Click OK.
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To set the numpad decimal:
The numeric pad's decimal key can send either a decimal or a comma.
1. Select Terminal | Setup and click the Keyboard tab.
2. Select or clear Numpad Decimal Sends Comma as desired and click
To use emulator Alt key:
Let the <Alt> key perform the terminal operation even if Windows OS has an
operation mapped to the same key.
1. Select Terminal | Setup and click the Keyboard tab.
2. Select Use Emulator Alt Keys and click OK.
To display keyboard input:
Display the keyboard input even if the host system does not echo input. The
input will not be displayed if this option is cleared unless the host system
echoes the characters.
1. Select Terminal | Setup and click the Keyboard tab.
2. Select Local Echo and click OK.
To set an LK450 Digital keyboard:
For non-IBM emulations only.
Change the keyboard to work in Digital VT keyboard mode.
1. Select Terminal | Setup and click the Keyboard tab.
2. Select Use VT Keyboard Mode and click OK.
To display an answerback message:
1. Select Terminal | Setup and click the Keyboard tab.
2. Specify the desired Answerback Message.
3. Clear to delete the message.
4. Conceal to hiding the message without erasing it.
5. Select Auto Answerback to let the terminal automatically send the
message to the host system.
6. Click OK.
To lock numeric fields:
For IBM 3270 emulations only.
Lock the keyboard to avoid entering non-numeric data.
1. Select Terminal | Setup and click the Keyboard tab.
2. Select Lock Numeric Fields and click OK.
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To unlock numeric fields:
For IBM 3270 emulations only.
Enter non-numeric data in numeric fields in two ways.
1. Select Terminal | Setup and click the Keyboard tab.
2. Select Lock Numeric Fields twice so it becomes selected but grayed
out. Non-numeric data can be typed in the field only if <Shift> is
pressed at the same time.
3. Clear Lock Numeric Fields. All data can be typed in the field.
To type ahead:
For IBM emulations only.
Continue to type data before the host responds.
1. Select Terminal | Setup and click the Keyboard tab.
2. Select Typeahead and click OK.
To set automatic reset:
Generate a reset key sequence prior to advance to the next field.
1. Select Terminal | Setup and click the Keyboard tab.
2. Select Automatic Reset Key and click OK.
To set SNA system wait:
For IBM 3270 emulations only.
1. Select Terminal | Setup and click the Keyboard tab.
2. Select Non SNA System Wait and click OK.
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10 Soft Buttons and Power Pad
Along the bottom of the PowerTerm window are twelve programmable Soft
buttons, by default named from F1 to F12. These can be renamed and
programmed to execute customized scripts or to send individual commands to
the host. For example, clicking the F1 Soft button is equivalent to sending F1
to the host.
Soft buttons settings are saved automatically in the terminal setup file.
The Power Pad is a floating keypad that contains buttons, which can be
programmed to execute customized PSL scripts. The user can also change the
names and adjust the number of buttons displayed in the Power Pad. Power
Pad buttons are named by default F1, F2, F3 and so on, with a few default
function names, such as Clear, Enter, and Insert. For example, clicking on the
F1 button is equivalent to sending F1 to the host.
Power Pad settings are saved in separate files with the .pad extension.
To program Soft buttons:
1. Right-click the Soft button to be programmed. The Function Button
dialog is displayed:
2. Enter the Function Description (the new name that will appear
on the button).
3. Enter a Script Command, or script commands separated by
4. Click OK. The Soft button is now displayed with its new name.
Clicking on it will execute the newly defined script command.
To program the Power Pad:
1. Select Options | Show Power Pad or click . The Power Pad is
2. Right-click the Power Pad button to be programmed. The Power
Pad Button dialog is displayed:
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3. Enter Button Description (the new name that will appear on the
Power Pad button).
4. Enter a Script Command, or script commands separated by
5. Click OK. The Power pad button is now displayed with its new
name. Clicking on it will execute the newly defined script
To adjust the number of buttons in the Power Pad:
Display a maximum of 10 rows and 10 columns in the Power Pad. The default
number of buttons is 9 rows and 4 columns.
1. Select Options | Power Pad Setup. The Power Pad Setup dialog is
2. Click the dropdown list to select the number of rows and columns
that the Power Pad will contain.
3. Click OK. The Power Pad is displayed with the specified number of
rows and columns.
To save the Power Pad settings:
1. Select File | Save Power Pad File. The Save Power Pad File dialog is
2. Enter a File name and click Save.
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To open predefined Power Pad settings:
1. Select File | Open Power Pad File. The Open Power Pad File dialog is
2. Select the required Power Pad file and click Open. Parameters
defined in the selected Power Pad setup are now applied to the
current session.
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11 Printing
Printer emulation is the printing of data from a host to personal printers
connected to personal computers (PC). Host applications generate print jobs
that can be printed on host attached printers or printers attached to PCs. The
actual location of the printer is transparent to the host application. Print
emulation is the receiving of data in host format or languages and converting
it to printer format and languages.
PowerTerm InterConnect enables the user to define print parameters in order
to print the terminal screen or data transferred from the host application.
PowerTerm InterConnect supports three methods of printing host information
to local or network-accessible printer resources:
Screen printing, allows printing what is on the display using ‘print
screen’ features of the client operating system. Direct the printer
output to a printer attached to the client computer or to a
network-accessible resource.
Client-redirected printing, delivers a host printer data stream to
the appropriate emulation application running on a client
computer. The client software converts the data stream into data
that can be output to a locally attached or network-accessible
printer resource.
Server-based redirected printing, uses a server process to convert
SNA host printer data streams into data that can be redirected to
a locally attached or network-accessible printer resource defined
with the Windows NT Server Printer Manager.
In most cases, the user does not have to modify the standard printer stream
before sending it to a defined printer. The Printer property page and Advanced
Printing setup dialogs enables the user to define printing parameters.
Printing can be done in either Text or Graphic mode. For IBM 5250 printing
emulations there is also the option to enable Host Transform printing.
Advanced Printing
Under the Advanced Printing setup, if the user wants to format line data in a
format other than that which was originally generated by the application,
additional information must be provided in the page format. This additional
information defines the following:
Locations and lengths of fields in the input record
Placement, direction, and font for each field, as it is mapped into
page format
Suppression of fields, which is usually specified if multiple-page
copies are printed with field suppressions on selected copies.
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The two different modes, Text and Graphic, impact which fields are functional
in the Advanced Printing Setup dialog:
Text mode is designated in the Printer property page by setting the
two data conversion combo boxes (Print Screen or Slave Printer) to
non-graphic values (Host/None/UTF-8). Either the host instructs
the printer or the user specifies the desired print escape
sequences in a .ped file.
Graphics mode is graphic printing. It is designated in the Printer
property page by setting the two data conversion combo boxes
(Print Screen or Slave Printer) to Graphics.
General Printing Functions
To define a printer via the Windows Print Manager:
1. Select File | Print Setup. The Print Setup dialog appears with a set of
printing parameters. The displayed parameters change according
to the printer selected. For details, consult the printer
2. Specify desired printer parameters and click OK.
To define multiple printers via the Windows Print Manager:
1. Select File | Print Setup for Additional Printers | Printer X. The Print
Setup dialog for that printer appears.
2. Specify desired printer parameters and click OK.
To configure an additional printer for Slave Printing:
This is accomplished by setting the appropriate properties on both the local
computer and the central host.
Local Computer:
1. Select File | Print Setup for Additional Printer.
2. Select the desired printer. The desired Printer Setup is displayed.
3. Make any necessary modifications and click OK.
Central Host:
Configure the host to send the appropriate escape sequence before sending
any output to a slave printer.
CSI 10 i (open main printer - same as CSI 5 i)
CSI 11 i (open second printer)
CSI 15 i (open 6th printer)
CSI 4 i close as usual.
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(CSI == esc [ )
To print accumulated data displayed in the work area:
1. Select File | Start Auto Print. The Start Auto Print command starts
accumulating incoming data while it is displayed on the screen,
and the menu option changes to Stop Printing.
2. Select File | Stop Printing. The Stop Printing command prints all the
data accumulated in the printing buffer of the slave printer, or in
the auto print buffer. If data was buffered with a printing request
and communication failed before the data was sent to the slave
printer, select this command to print the accumulated data.
To manually close the print queue:
Select File | Close Print Queue.
To print the terminal screen:
1. Mark the desired text or the entire contents of the work area.
2. Select File | Print Screen or click .
To define printing parameters:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Printer tab. The Printer property page is displayed.
3. Select the parameters that are required.
To select a specific device or file as the printing output channel:
When Graphics is selected for Print Screen Data Conversion/Slave Printer
Data Conversion, the Print Manager is automatically used as the printing
output channel, regardless of the Print Device that has been selected.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Printer tab, and from the Print Device dropdown list
select Device or File.
3. Enter the print communication port or file in the Device Name
field and click OK.
To configure the OS default printer as the printing output channel:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Printer tab, and from the Print Device dropdown list
select Print Manager.
To add a form feed after each printing job:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Printer tab, and select Use Form Feed.
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To define the form type of the printer:
PowerTerm provides three types of form type:
Autocut Single-cut sheets are automatically fed into the printer. Most
printers require a sheet feed attachment.
Cont Continuous forms are used by the printers that have a tractor feed
attachment on the device.
Cut Single-cut sheets are manually fed into the printer.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Printer property page.
3. Click Advanced Printing. The Advanced Printer Setup dialog
4. Select the desired Form Feed.
To add a line feed after each carriage return:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Printer tab, and select LF->CRLF.
To convert line graphics to text:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Printer tab, and select Print Line Graphics as Text.
To specify the character or symbol to separate one printing job from
For non-IBM emulations only.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Printer tab, and select Slave Printer Job Delimiter.
To delay print closing:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Printer tab, and select Delay for Print Closing.
To change page orientation:
Default orientation depends on the printer's settings. The options are: Ignore,
Portrait and Landscape.
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Printer property page.
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3. Click Advanced Printing. The Advanced Printer Setup dialog
4. Select desired page Orientation in the dropdown list.
To set an LU/Device name:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. From the Emulation tab, select either IBM 3270 or 5250
Display, and click OK.
3. Select Communication | Connect. The Connect dialog appears.
4. Select the Session Type and enter the IBM Host Name.
5. In the LU/Device Name field, specify the device name for the
emulation session. The maximum length of the assigned LU name
is 8 characters, while that of Device name is 10 characters.
When using multiple sessions, enter a plus sign (+) after the name
(e.g. John+) and each session will automatically be assigned a
new name (John1, John2, etc.).
LU Rules
"lu-rule" is any valid data that can be put in the lu/device-name field such as
DEV*, DEV+++, DEV3-, etc. These rules can be applied for multiple hosts as
Maximum of 10 lu-rules for each host.
Automatic Name Generation according to User’s Rules
TN3270 LU Name and TN5250 Session Device Name Options
Device Name
Entered Assigned
DEV-- DEV00 to DEV99 And so on …
DEV++ DEV01 to DEV99 And so on …
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Session Pool device name (3270 and 5250)
DEV** DEV01 to DEV99 And so on …
DEV-3 DEV0 to DEV3 DEV-30
DEV-30 DEV00 to DEV30 And so on …
DEV+3 or DEV*3 DEV1 to DEV3
DEV+30or DEV*30 DEV01 to DEV30 And so on …
The difference in behavior between specific LU/Device naming, specific
LU/Device naming by Session ID and pool LU/device naming can be
demonstrated in the following examples:
Specific LU/Device Naming
A specific name like SALES1 is entered. If it is not available, the connection
attempt fails.
Specific LU/Device Naming by Session ID
DEV+ (a session ID) was entered as the device name when session E (a local
non-unique identifier) was opened. It will try to connect only as DEV5, and
will fail if that LU/device name is not available since each session has its own
unique name.
DEV- (a session ID) was entered as the LU/device name when session E (a
local non-unique identifier) was opened. It will try to connect only as DEV4,
and will fail if that LU/device name is not available since each session has its
own unique name.
Pool LU/Device Naming
DEV** was entered as the LU/device name when session E (or any other
session) was opened. It will try to find an available LU/device name between
DEV01 and DEV99, starting with DEV01, then DEV02, etc. Only if none of
these LU/device names are available will it fail.
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IBM 5250 Printer Session Data Conversion
Graphic Mode
A graphic is a pictorial representation of data which is processed differently
than text by the emulation.
To achieve the best fit for the page:
1. Set Slave Printer Data Conversion to None.
2. Set CPI to Auto/Auto Printer.
Note: Whenever the CPI or LPI field is set to Auto/Auto Printer
- specify the desired page type for text printing.
3. Select desired Page Type for Text Printing.
To use the host's CPI value:
For 5250 Printer emulations only.
Set Slave Printer Data Conversion to Graphics.
Select Use Host Value in the CPI field.
3. Verify that Enable AS/400 Host Print Transform is not selected.
To set the margins:
Printout margins are the space between the edge of the printed page and the
border of the printing. Modifying the top and left margins will determine the
position at which printing will begin.
Minimize/maximize the margins or alternatively shift the print margins (i.e. 30
in the right margin and -30 in the left margin).
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Printer tab.
3. Select Graphics for Slave Data Printer Conversion.
4. Click the Advanced Printing button. The Advanced Printer Setup
dialog box is displayed.
5. From the Printer/Type Model drop down list, select the desired
6. Note If the manufacturer Printer Type and Model are not listed,
then choose one that is compatible.
7. Define the Margins. For example, to shift the margin 1 cm type in
Note When Auto/Auto (Printer Sizes) is selected (the default printer
values are used) for CPI, then the right margin field is enabled.
When either of these values is selected for LPI, the bottom margin
field is activated.
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Text Mode
Text mode is designated in the Printer Property Page by setting the two data
conversion combo boxes (Print Screen or Slave Printer) to non-graphic values
In text mode, a printer selection is useful since PowerTerm requires the
printer specific escape sequences to instruct it how to format the document to
be printed.
Page orientation is relevant to non-graphic mode, as long as the correct
printer under Advanced Printer Setup is selected. This mode is recommended
for dot matrix printers.
Host Print Transform
The Host Print Transform feature allows the SCS-to-ASCII data stream
conversion to take place on the host server instead of by PowerTerm
The Printer settings/properties impact the data stream prior to reaching
the output destination. Therefore any changes following this made in
Windows will have no effect on the PowerTerm printer settings.
When Host Print Transform is enabled, SCS data is transformed to ASCII data
and passed through PowerTerm to the specified ASCII printer. If the data
stream is ASCII, the data is sent directly to the printer, and not converted by
PowerTerm. This is relevant when printing to a specific printer such as
barcode or in an environment which has limited memory. Insufficient memory
could be due to several factors, for example there is no Print Manager
installed, the .ped files cannot be installed, or Graphic mode is not functional.
To set values for IBM 5250 host print transform:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Printer tab.
3. Select a text mode (Host/None/UTF-8) for Slave Data Printer
4. Click Advanced Printing. The Advanced Printer Setup dialog appears.
5. Select Enable AS/400 Host Print Transform and select the
To use the host's CPI value:
For 5250 Printer emulations only.
1. Set Slave Printer Data Conversion to None.
2. Select the correct printer.
3. Select Use Host Value in the CPI field.
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The AS/400 sends the CPI escapes to the terminal, however, if "Other
Printer" is selected, then create "other.ped" file with all the relevant
4. Verify that Enable AS/400 Host Print Transform is not selected.
Non-IBM 5250 Printer Session Data Conversion
Graphic Mode
A graphic is a pictorial representation of data which is processed differently
than text by the emulation.
To achieve the best fit for the page:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog appears.
2. Select the Printer tab.
3. Set Slave Printer Data Conversion to Graphics.
4. Set CPI to Auto.
Note Selection of Auto is the best fit for the page, while Auto
(Printer Sizes) is best fit for the page using only the pre-defined
printer font sizes.
5. Select the desired Page Type for Text Printing.
Text Mode
Text mode is designated in the
Printer Property Page
by setting the two data
conversion combo boxes (Print Screen or Slave Printer) to non-graphics value
Page orientation is relevant to non-graphic mode if the correct printer under
Advanced Printer Setup is selected.
Escape Sequences
An escape sequence is a series of characters used to trigger some sort of
command state in computers and their attached peripherals. A text editor
(like VI) can display lines of text in a terminal window by simply writing those
characters to the window. However, in order to perform such functions as
moving the cursor, making text the brighter, or erasing part (or all) of the
screen: escape sequences must be sent to the host; these are special strings
of characters meant to control the terminal. A terminal observes each input
character and if it is a part of an escape sequence, it interprets that character
string as a command instead of displaying it as text.
Escape sequences may be recorded in a number of ways:
.prt files
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.ped files
keyboard mapping
Printer Configuration Files (.prt)
The Printer Configuration Files (.prt) enables the user to manipulate the
printer output (for example: bold, italic, underline). Use the escape sequences
in the PowerTerm supplied prt file. However, there are circumstances that
would warrant looking up alternative escape sequences.
Typical Use
1. Verify the existence of the .prt file in the folder where ptw32.exe
2. Create a PSL file with the following name: open-printer file
Referencing alternative escape sequences
There are times when the printer will print an unnecessary escape sequence.
To avoid this, force the emulation program to reference an alternative
sequence, thus replacing it with a more effective sequence.
The source.prt and customized prt files be located in the same folder as the
PowerTerm product executable.
1. Edit the source.prt file in the following manner: blank = X1B
escapesequence (which the emulation should ignore)
2. Save the file.
3. Create the file ignore.prt with the following line: blank =
4. Save the file ignore.prt to the PowerTerm folder.
5. Create a PSL file with the following line: open-printer file ignore.prt
6. Save the PSL file to the PowerTerm folder.
7. Edit the PowerTerm InterConnect shortcut by adding the newly
created PSL file name after the exe (preceded by a space).
8. Double-click the shortcut icon.
Modifying Printer Settings via the .PED file
The .ped files are useful when modifying a particular print setting: page
orientation, LPI (Lines Per Inch) or CPI (Characters Per Inch).
The .ped files are located in C:\Program Files\Ericom
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Insure that the Printer Properties Page parameters are set correctly before
applying the .ped settings:
To Print Screen:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog is displayed.
2. Select the Printer tab. The Printer properties page is displayed.
3. Set Print Screen Data Conversion to "None".
To use Slave Printing:
1. Select Terminal | Setup. The Terminal Setup dialog is displayed.
2. Select the Printer tab. The Printer properties page is displayed.
3. Set Slave Printer Data Conversion to "None".
If the value "Graphic" is left in the above fields then OS Print manager takes
control and decides how to print the job.
To change the default (if necessary):
1. Open up the desired PED file in a text editor such as Notepad.
2. Locate the section entitled "[Printer Escapes]".
3. Add a line starting with "init = ". Note: This will initialize the
printer for this specific setting which may be overwritten by a
subsequent modification in the user interface.
4. Type list of desired escape sequences (separating each one with a
5. Save the PED file. The new escape sequences will be applied to
future outputs.
Troubleshooting Printing Issues
Refer to the following checklist for printing related problems:
‘Timeout on printer’ message Select File | Print Setup, and set the
‘device’ as ‘Print Manager’ or
Unsuccessful printing to default printer Employ the use-default-printer PSL
Prints end of line text onto the next
Open Terminal | Setup | Display and
click the General tab.
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Clear the Autowrap Characters box.
Click the OK button.
Click File | Save Terminal Setup
132 column reports are resulting in 80
column format.
Changing CPI as well as print columns
with no result.
In the Printer properties page, assign
the following values:
Print Screen Data Conversion –
Slave Printer Data Conversion –
Delay for Print Closing – 5
In the Advanced Printing dialog, assign
the following values:
CPI – user defined 17, 132 columns
LPI – auto
The user requires 13x11 inches paper
size for an Oki Microline 3321 printer.
This is for slave printing where Print
Device is defined as File and Device
name as lp1.
The print output is only letter size (8.5
In the Advanced Printing dialog, select
the printer which is most compatible to
the desired printer, and set CPI and
LPI to ‘Auto (paper size)’.
The user’s printer name does not
appear in the Print Setup.
Delete the ptw_prt1.cfg and
ptw_prt2.cfg files from the Windows
directory and restart PowerTerm.
Lines are printed on top of each other. Change the End-of Medium parameter
CR to CRLF in the pts file.
Cannot open the print setup file. Delete *.prt files in the Working
directory and *.cfg files in the
Windows directory.
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12 Scripts
PowerTerm supports scripts for automating tasks. For example, you can
create a script to login to a PowerTerm session, execute a file, display a
message, etc. Scripts can be run upon startup or during a PowerTerm session.
Scripts can be written in any standard text editor, like Notepad, and are saved
with a .psl extension. This chapter describes how to create, edit, run, save
and activate script in PowerTerm.
The PowerTerm Script Language (PSL) is PowerTerm's own programming
language. For a full description of the different PSL commands, see the
"PowerTerm Script Language, Programmer's Reference".
PowerTerm provides the following script options:
Create a Script, creates a script to run upon startup or at any time
during a PowerTerm session.
Edit a Script, edits and modifies an existing script file.
Record a Script, creates a script by recording all actions that are
performed in the PowerTerm window. Actions can include selecting
a menu option, typing an entry on the screen, making selections
in a dialog, and so on.
Run Scripts, runs specific scripts or individual commands upon
startup, connection to a host, or during a PowerTerm session.
Only run saved scripts can be run.
Activate a Recorded Script, executes a non-saved script from the
current memory.
Save a Recorded Script, saves the current script to a file.
Assign Scripts, to the Power Pad and Soft buttons.
To create a script file:
1. Select Script | Edit Script. The Edit Script dialog appears.
1. Type a name for the new script in the script Name text box.
2. Click Edit. The PowerTerm Script Editor appears.
3. Type the script and click Save from the File menu to save the new
script. This new file will appear in the Scripts List.
4. Select File | Exit to exit the editor.
To edit a script file:
1. Select Script | Edit Script. The Edit Script dialog appears.
2. Select the required script file and click OK. The PowerTerm Script
Editor appears.
3. Edit the script and click Save from the File menu to save changes.
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4. Select File | Exit to exit the editor.
To record a script:
1. Select Script | Start Script Recording or click . All actions start
will be recorded and the menu option changes to Stop Script
2. Perform the manual operations to be recorded. For example, select
a menu option, enter parameters in a dialog, or type a password.
3. Select Script | Pause Script Recording to stop recording in
order to omit recording of certain operations. The script recording
process pauses and the menu option changes to Continue Script
4. Select Script | Continue Script Recording to resume the
5. Select Script | Stop Script Recording or click when all the
operations are complete, and ready to be stored in the script. Save
the script so that it may be used in the future.
To activate a recorded script:
Select Script | Activate Recorded Script (<Alt>+<F9>). The script
currently recorded in memory is now activated.
To save a recorded script:
1. Select Script | Save Recorded Script. The Save Recorded Script dialog
2. Enter a script name.
3. Click OK. The script will be saved with the specified name.
To run a specific script:
1. Select Script | Run Script. The Run Script dialog, which lists all the
saved scripts, appears.
2. Double-click the script to be run and it will launch.
To run individual script commands:
1. Select Script | Script Command. The Script Command dialog
2. Type the name of the script command to run. Include parameters
if necessary.
3. Click OK. The specified script command is executed at once.
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To run a script at startup:
This option creates a Windows shortcut to PowerTerm and a specific script file.
It can be used to connect to different hosts using different scripts.
The following procedure describes one method to create a shortcut. Consult
Windows documentation for a description of other available options.
1. Locate the file ptw23.exe on the computer.
2. Right-click and select Create Shortcut. The Shortcut to
ptw32.exe appears in the current folder.
3. Right-click the created shortcut and select Properties. The
Shortcut to ptw32.exe Properties dialog appears.
4. In the Target field, add a space after the .exe file name and then
type the name of the required script (.psl) file. If needed, add
parameters to the script file. These determine communication
parameters, for example the name of the host to connect to, or
the Port number.
In the Target field, add a space after the .psl script file and then
type the required parameters. Parameters should be separated by
a space.
\PTW32\PTW32.EXE COMM.PSL 1 9600 xonxoff
PowerTerm recognizes Windows file naming conventions, including
spaces in a file name. If a setup file name includes a space
character, PowerTerm ignores the space and looks directly for the
.psl extension.
5. Click OK. When PowerTerm starts, the script file is automatically
executed and PowerTerm will be connected to the host specified in
the setup file.
To run a script file upon connecting to a host:
1. Open the Connect dialog.
2. Click the browse button next to Script File in Upon Connection Run.
3. Select the desired file.
4. Click OK. The designated script will be executed upon connection.
To run a script file during a PowerTerm session using Soft buttons:
Click the Soft button that has the desired script assigned. The
script is executed. For more information, see chapter Soft Buttons
and Power Pad.
To run a script file during a PowerTerm session using the Power Pad:
Click the Power Pad button that has the desired script assigned.
The script is executed. For more information, see chapter Soft
Buttons and Power Pad.
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HLLAPI (Windows Only)
PowerTerm InterConnect supports hllapi, ehllapi, and winhllapi. They all use
the hllapi.dll file. This file can be renamed if necessary.
For more information about how to use the different APIs’ commands please
refer to “PowerTerm Script Language Reference” for DDE and COM and to
m.ibm.pcomm.doc/books/html/emulator_programming07.htm for hllapi.
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13 Session Manager (Windows Only)
PowerTerm standard edition features a Session Manager that provides quick
access to a list of user-configured sessions. The list includes both active and
non-active sessions and the user can determine which of the non-active
sessions to activate. The Session Manager enables the user to conveniently
modify the connection parameters or setup of a desired connection.
Activated sessions are also represented by lettered icons on the toolbar.
Clicking on the desired active session will bring it to the foreground.
To activate all or some of the sessions:
1. Select Sessions | Session Manager. The PowerTerm Session Manager
toolbar appears.
2. Select the desired session(s) to activate and click Activate
Session. The selected emulation session is displayed.
To modify the connection parameters or setup of a desired connection:
When modifying connection parameters, the Connection Name cannot be
1. Select the desired connection.
2. Right-click the appropriate action.
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14 PowerTerm FTP Client (Windows only)
For Mac users we recommend Classic FTP for Mac which can be downloaded
from the Apple website.
The PowerTerm FTP client is a client-server application, which uses the File
Transfer Protocol (FTP). It provides an easy to use graphic user interface to
define how to transfer files between the local computer (client) and remote
computers (servers), across a wide variety of platforms like Unix, Windows,
and more.
PowerTerm FTP client provides direct access to any FTP server site. The server
site only requires a user name and password before it will respond to
Features and Benefits
PowerTerm FTP client
Provides access to an FTP host
Saves connection parameters in a configuration file.
Uses prompt messages to confirm actions.
Provides detailed on-screen connection information.
Provides a choice of Binary or ASCII data transfer modes.
Provides a variety of data conversion options.
Creates, removes and changes directories, as well as deletes and
renames files.
Automates connection and transfer operations.
FTP Site The remote site to which the user is connecting to. In this
guide this term is also known as a host or remote
Contains the PowerTerm FTP client preferences and
selected data transfer mode. These parameters only
remain active for a current transfer session, unless they
are saved in a configuration file.
Creates a connection profile for an FTP site to be saved.
This profile contains login, system, and directory and
firewall information. The connections profile, along with
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configuration information, is saved in a configuration file.
Connection List Displays, in the Connection dialog, the saved connection
Contains the connection’s profiles and configuration
settings. Configuration files are saved with a .cfg extension.
Default configuration file is ftp.cfg which is loaded at
Current Session Refers to the current connection between the PC and the
remote computer.
PowerTerm FTP Client Window
The PowerTerm FTP client window consists of the following components:
Control Menu
Provides standard Windows commands.
Title Bar Displays the application name and the Configuration File
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currently in use.
Menu Bar Contains drop-down menus, which enables the user to
access PowerTerm FTP client functions.
Toolbar Contains icons, which can be used as shortcuts to access
frequently used menu commands.
Display Area Displays information about a selected file, like file size,
date and time for compilation etc. when the user selects
more than one file, the combined size of files is shown. The
Display Area also shows the current button, menu or
toolbar option selected.
Status Icon
Displays the activity status of PowerTerm FTP client. The
icon is active while the client is running.
Menu Bar
File Menu Provides options to create, open, and save a configuration
file, as well as exit the client.
Settings Menu Provides options to select preferences for file transfer and
define the data translation mode.
Services Menu Provides options to connect and display connection
information in a log window. This menu also enables the
user to refresh the file list in both the local and remote
Help Menu Provides online help and product information.
Creates a new configuration file.
Equivalent to File | New
Opens an existing configuration file.
Equivalent to File | Open
Saves a configuration file.
Equivalent to File | Save
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Opens the FTP - Preferences dialog
which enables the user to select
preferences for file transfer.
Equivalent to Settings | Options
File Transfer Setup
Opens the Data Conversion dialog
which enables the user to select
options for data conversion.
Equivalent to Settings | File Transfer
Opens the Connect dialog which
enables the user to enter connection
parameters for file transfer.
Equivalent Services | Connect
Log Windows
Opens the Log – FTP window.
Equivalent Services | Log
Refreshes the display of directories
and file names shown in the
PowerTerm FTP client window.
Equivalent to Services | Refresh
Exits the PowerTerm FTP client
Equivalent to File | Exit
Quick Guide for PowerTerm FTP Client
The following workflow is a quick guide for using PowerTerm FTP client. This
quick guide is intended for users who are familiar with FTP applications.
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Step 1: Launch PowerTerm FTP client
1. Select in the PowerTerm window, Communication | Run FTP. The
PowerTerm FTP Client window opens.
2. Click Connect. The Connect dialog appears.
Step 2: Connect to an FTP site
1. To define connection parameters for the current session, enter the
required parameters in the Connect dialog.
2. To save the connection profile for future sessions, type a profile
name in the Description field and click Add. The connection profile
is displayed in the Connection List.
3. To select a connection profile, click on a profile in the Connection
4. To connect to the specified FTP site, click Connect.
Step 3: Transfer files
Select Copy or Append in the lower part of the PowerTerm FTP client window.
Downloading files:
1. Select the files to transfer in the Remote/Files field.
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2. Click the left arrow button.
Uploading files:
1. Select the files to transfer in the Local/Files field.
2. Click the right arrow button.
Step 4: Exit
1. Click Disconnect. A confirmation message is displayed.
2. Click OK.
3. Select File | Exit.
Configuration Settings
To set up the PowerTerm FTP client working environment, define the
PowerTerm FTP client preferences and select the required file transfer mode.
PowerTerm FTP client also provides an option to select the data transfer
conversion. The user can save their own settings to a configuration file so that
they can be used in later sessions.
The parameters that are defined will only remain active for the current
session, unless they are saved.
Defining PowerTerm FTP Client Preferences
PowerTerm FTP client provides various options to customize the working
environment. Specify which actions will prompt with a confirmation message
(e.g. removing a file) and specify the information displayed when connecting
to an FTP site.
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Confirm Before Determines the actions which display a confirm message:
Remove Directory, prompts the user for confirmation before
deleting directories from the computer or the remote FTP
Append to File, prompts the user for confirmation before
appending (adding) a file to an existing file in the computer
or the remote FTP site.
Delete File, prompts the user for confirmation before
deleting a file from the computer or the remote FTP site.
Replace File, prompts the user for confirmation before
overwriting a file in the computer or the remote FTP site.
On Connection Determines the connection information displayed when
connecting to an FTP site.
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Open Log Window, opens a temporary Log-FTP window,
which displays the messages exchanged by the computer
and the FTP site while connecting. This window enables the
user to monitor the status of the current FTP connection.
Write to Log File, saves connection details to a file.
Clear Log File on Connect, clears the log file when
connecting to an FTP site. Only the current connection
information is saved in the log file.
Include Files List in Log, displays a list of remote file in the
Log-FTP window. To access this option select Open Log
General Determines general information displayed when using the
PowerTerm FTP client.
Keep Version No. of VMS File Names, retains the version
number of the VMS file names.
Show File Size, displays the size of files in the lower part of
the PowerTerm FTP client window. Use standard windowing
Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple files and see the
combined size of the selected files.
Ignore Remote Files and Directories List, refrains from
displaying the remote files and directories list.
Save Settings on Exit, automatically saves the current
configuration settings when exiting PowerTerm FTP client,
without prompting to save settings. If this option is not
selected, PowerTerm FTP client will always prompt to save
the current configuration file when exiting the application.
Preserve Case of File Names,
Copies the original case of the file names.
Password for Anonymous Login, provides PowerTerm FTP
client with a specified password for anonymous login. Type
in the e-mail address in the Password field.
To define PowerTerm FTP client preferences:
1. Select Settings | Options. The FTP-Preferences dialog appears.
2. Select the option.
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3. Click OK.
Selecting a File Transfer Mode
PowerTerm FTP client distinguishes between transferring Binary data and
transferring a text (ASCII) file. It is important to select the right transfer
mode to obtain the correct information, when accessing files on host
computers. By default, PowerTerm FTP client transfers files in Binary mode.
In Binary mode, data is copied bit by bit so that the original and
the copy are identical. This mode is appropriate when transferring
files between computers of the same type. Programs are usually
transferred in Binary mode, for example, .doc, .exe, and .dll files.
In Ascii mode, data is treated as a set of characters (seven bit
plus one bit for parity checking). The characters transferred have
the same meaning on the target computer as they have on the
source computer. This mode is appropriate for transferring textual
data between two different systems, for example UNIX and
Windows. Text files are usually transferred in ASCII mode, for
example, a file with the .txt extension.
The following is a list of common file types and their recommended mode of
Type of File Mode
Text (.txt) Ascii
Spreadsheet Usually Binary
Database Usually Binary
Word Processor Ascii
Program source code Ascii
Electronic mail message Ascii
UNIX shell archives (shar) Ascii
Compressed files (zip, tar, lzh, arc,
Binary arj)
Unencoded Ascii
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Executable Binary
Executable script (bat, etc.) Ascii
PostScript Usually Ascii
Hypertext (html) documents Ascii
Pictures (tiff, jpeg, mpeg) Binary
Rich Text Format (rtf) Ascii
When transferring files between UNIX FTP servers and Windows
computers, select Binary mode when unsure about the kind of file being
To select the data transfer mode:
Click the Binary/Ascii button.
File Transfer Setup Options
Setup the Data Conversion mode and Data Type for both the computer and
the remote computer (host).
Data Translation Defines the mode of transferring files: no translation, Ascii
mode translation, and Ascii and binary translation.
Host Data Type Defines the data type for the FTP site: 7-bit, 8-bit (DOS-
Ascii), and 8-bit (Windows-Ansi).
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PC Data Type Defines the data type: DOS-Ascii and Windows-Ansi.
To select file transfer options:
1. Select Settings | File Transfer Setup. The Data Conversion dialog
2. Select the required file transfer setup parameters and click OK.
Working with Configuration Files
A Configuration file consists of the configuration settings that are defined and
the connection profiles. Save configuration settings to the default ftp.cfg
configuration file, create a new configuration file, or save the configuration file
under a different name. All configuration files are saved with a .cfg extension.
Use previously defined configuration settings by opening an existing
configuration file, or by starting PowerTerm FTP client with a customized
configuration file. To do this, create a shortcut and add the name of the
configuration file to it. For more information about creating a shortcut, see
paragraph Automatic File Transfer
To create a new configuration file:
Select File | New. A new configuration file called noname.cfg is created where
desired parameters can be saved to.
To open an existing configuration file:
1. Select File | Open. The Open Configuration File dialog appears.
2. Select the configuration file.
3. Click Open. The configuration file opens with the settings that
were previously defined.
To save a configuration file:
1. Define configuration settings and connection profiles as required.
2. Select File | Save.
The file is saved without any confirmation prompt, if the current
configuration is already in use. The Save File As dialog appears if
the current configuration files is not noname.cfg.
To save a file under a different name:
1. Select File | Save As. The Save File As dialog appears.
2. Specify a name in the File Name field.
3. Click Save. The file is saved with a .cfg extension.
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Defining Connection Parameters
When using the FTP client, set parameters for the destination FTP site. These
parameters include login, system and directory information. The last
parameters that are specified in the Connect dialog are stored and displayed
when the application is reopened (excluding the password).
The parameters that are defined will only remain active for the current
session, they are saved.
Connection Parameters
Host Name, the remote computer that to be accessed. Use
the host computer's domain name or its IP address.
User Name, the account to be used to access the remote
computer. Use anonymous if necessary, or enter the user
name if a personal account exists on the remote computer.
Password, enter the password
Account, optional, may be required for personal FTP, in
addition to the user name and password.
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Port, a number that identifies an Internet application.
Default port is 21.
Type, the operating system used by the remote computer.
Default type is Auto.
Directory Optional parameters:
Local, the local directory located on the PC where
PowerTerm is installed.
Remote, the remote directory located on the host
Description A name for the connection profile.
Connection List Displays a list of the existing connection profiles.
PASV Mode Specifies that the program will work in PASV mode.
Use Firewall Select this option to enable the Firewall button.
Firewall Parameters
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Host Name The computer that will act as a "security guard" prior to
granting access to a remote computer.
User Name The account on the computer that will perform the security
Password Enter the password that was assigned to the computer that
will perform the security check.
Port A number that identifies an Internet application, which
performs the security check. Default port is 21.
Type The Firewall type.
If unsure about which type of firewall is being used, choose
the default (the most popular) or contact the firewall
manufacturer to verify the type.
To define connection parameters:
1. Select Services | Connect or click . The Connect dialog appears.
2. Specify connection parameters.
To specify Firewall parameters:
1. Open the Connect dialog and select Use Firewall to enable the
Firewall button.
2. Click Firewall. The Firewall dialog appears.
3. Enter required parameters and select a firewall type.
4. Click OK.
Working with Connection Profiles
If the user frequently connects to a specific remote computer, create a
Connection Profile for this computer to use again for other PowerTerm FTP
client sessions. This profile contains the connection parameters for the specific
FTP site, for example the host name, user name and password. The
connection profile that is created is displayed in the Connection List, which is
saved in the current Configuration File along with the configuration settings.
PowerTerm FTP client enables the user to modify, delete, and reset (clear) the
parameters of a Connection Profile. the user can use Reset to introduce new
parameters and create a new Connection Profile.
The linked image cannot b e
displayed. The file may have
been moved, ren amed, or
deleted. Verify that the link points
to the correct file and location.
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To create a profile:
1. Enter parameters in the Connect dialog.
2. Type a profile name in the Description field.
3. Click Add. The profile is created and displayed in the Connection
To modify a profile:
1. Select the desired profile from the Connection List.
2. Modify the parameters as required.
3. Click Modify. The profile is modified.
To delete a profile:
1. Select the desired profile from the Connection List.
2. Click Delete. The profile is deleted.
To reset (clear) a profile:
1. Select the desired profile from the Connection List.
2. Click Reset. Parameters are cleared.
Connecting to an FTP Site
Once the connection parameters are defined or a connection profile is
selected, the client will be ready to connect to an FTP site. After the
connection is established, the PowerTerm FTP client window displays
directories and files of the remote computer in the lower part of the window. A
log window is displayed if the Open Log Window option selected under the FTP
- Preferences dialog.
To connect to an FTP site:
1. Display the Connect dialog.
2. Specify connection parameters or select a profile from the
Connection List.
3. Click Connect or double-click a profile in the Connection List.
Using the FTP Log Window
To open a temporary log window to display messages exchanged (connection
information) by the PowerTerm FTP client and the remote server. The user
can automatically display the log window every time the FTP is connected, or
open it just for a specific session.
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Start/Stop Toggles between start/stop displaying
connection information.
Save Saves the connection information in a
log file.
Clear Clears the log window.
Close Closes the log window.
To automatically display connection information for all sessions:
1. Select Settings | Options. The FTP-Preferences dialog appears.
2. Select Open Log Window and click OK. The log window will
automatically open and display connection information each time
the user connects to an FTP site.
To display connection information for a specific session:
1. Select Services | Log. The Log-FTP window opens with no
2. Click Connect in the PowerTerm FTP client window and enter
connection parameters.
3. Click Connect. The log window now displays each step in the
connection process.
To stop/start displaying connection information:
Click Stop/Start to toggle between stopping and resuming the display.
To save the connection information to a log file:
1. Click Save. The Save As dialog appears.
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2. Select the directory and specify the name of the file to save the
connection information.
3. Click Save. The file is saved with the .log extension.
To clear the log window:
Click Clear. All connection information displayed is cleared.
To close the log window:
Click Close.
Working with Local and Remote Directories/Files
The PowerTerm FTP client enables the user to manipulate directories and files
in both to local computer and in the remote computer. It also provides options
to select, create, and remove directories and files, as well as rename and view
the contents of a file in the format that it was created.
Some FTP sites may restrict access to certain functions, for example,
removing a directory or deleting a file.
Use standard windowing keys, e.g. Shift and Ctrl, to select multiple files.
To select a directory:
There are several ways to select a directory and display its files.
Select the required directory and click Change.
Double-click the required directory.
Type the directory name in the Directory field and press Enter on
the keyboard.
To create a directory:
1. Double-click the required drive.
2. Type the new directory name in the Directory field and click Create.
To remove a directory:
Select the directory to be removed and click Remove.
To view a file:
The file will be displayed in the format in which it was created, i.e. a file with
a .doc extension will be opened in Word, and a file with a .txt extension will
be opened in Notepad.
Select the desired file and click View.
Double-click the desired file.
To delete a file:
Select the file to be deleted and click Delete.
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To rename a file:
1. Select the desired file and click Rename. The Rename dialog
2. Type the new file name and extension (if necessary), and click OK.
The file is displayed in the file list with the new name.
To refresh the directory display:
Select Services | Refresh. All changes that were made to directories and/or
files are displayed.
Transferring Files
The user can download and upload files between the local computer and an
FTP site. Files can be copied to a directory or appended to an existing file.
Most menu options and toolbar icons are inactive during the transfer of files.
However, the user can still perform informative operations such as view
directory and file information, and access online help. The user can minimize
the PowerTerm FTP client window while file transfer is in progress.
Use standard windowing keys, e.g. Shift and Ctrl to select multiple files.
To download file(s) from an FTP site:
The name(s) of the file(s), which is to receive the downloaded file, must be
specified. If the receiving file does not exist, the PowerTerm FTP client will
create it. The downloaded file is copied into the directory under this file name.
If the receiving file already exists, the new file will overwrite it.
Copying file(s) to the local computer:
1. Select the target local directory.
2. Select the file(s) to download from the FTP site.
3. Select Copy.
4. Click the left arrow. The FTP Transfer dialog graphically displays the
progress of downloading the selected file(s).
Appending file(s) from the local computer:
1. Select the target local file(s).
2. Select the file(s) to download from the FTP site.
3. Select Append.
4. Click the left arrow. The FTP Transfer dialog graphically displays the
progress of downloading the selected file(s).
To upload file(s) to an FTP site:
Copying file(s) to an FTP site:
1. Select the target remote directory.
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2. Select the file(s) to upload from the computer.
3. Select Copy.
4. Click the right arrow. The FTP Transfer dialog graphically displays
the progress of uploading the selected file(s).
Appending file(s) to an FTP site:
1. Select the target remote file(s).
2. Select the file(s) to upload from the computer.
3. Select Append.
4. Click the right arrow. The FTP Transfer dialog graphically displays
the progress of uploading the selected file(s).
Automatic File Transfer
It is possible to automate connection and transfer options by creating a
shortcut which specifies the necessary parameters to perform these
operations. Once the shortcut is created, activate it by double-clicking its icon.
The following parameters can be specified:
Connection parameters for connecting to an FTP site. They include
the host site, user name, and password.
File transfer parameters for connecting to an FTP site and
transferring files to or from the computer. The transfer parameters
include the location of the PowerTerm FTP client and the host site,
file transfer direction, and file path of the local or remote file to be
received or sent. Use file transfer conventions to transfer all files,
or all files of a single type, to and from a directory.
IMPORTANT The PowerTerm FTP client uses a set sequence of parameters
to transfer files. This sequence cannot be modified.
Example of Connection parameters (P):
Example of File Transfer parameters (P):
Parameter 1 Host site name
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Parameter 2 User name
Parameter 3 Password
Parameter 4 File transfer direction:
Get for downloading
Put for uploading
Parameter 5 File transfer mode:
Parameter 6 Path and name of the local or remote
file that to be transferred, according to
the file transfer direction specified in
parameter 4.
Parameter 7 Path and name of the local or remote
file that received the transferred file,
according to the file transfer direction
specified in parameter 4.
IMPORTANT The PowerTerm FTP client will display an error message
informing the user of missing parameters if there is no password. Enter " "
as the password parameter rather than leaving it empty.
To create a shortcut:
The following procedure describes one method to create a shortcut. Consult
Windows documentation for descriptions on other methods.
1. Locate the file ftpc32.exe on the computer. It resides in the
PowerTerm installation folder.
2. Right-click and select Create Shortcut. The shortcut to ftpc32.exe
appears in the current folder.
3. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties. The Shortcut to
ftpc32.exe Properties dialog appears.
4. Enter after the Target file path, the required parameters.
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5. Click OK. The next time that the PowerTerm FTP client is launched,
it will open with the defined parameters.
File Transfer Conventions
Use wildcards and combinations in parameters 6 and 7 to transfer groups of
files. The symbols used for wildcards are:
* Any character combination
? Any single character
To transfer all files with the same extension:
Type * and the file extension to upload or download all files of this type in a
All files with the .cpp extension will be copied to /usr/pub/Ericom
C:\*.cpp /usr/pub/Ericom/
To transfer all files of one type and save them with a different extension:
Type * and the extension to be used for the transferred files.
All files with the .cpp extension will be copied to the folder /usr/pub/Ericom
receiving the same name, but with a .txt extension
C:\*.cpp /usr/pub/Ericom/*.txt
To append all files of one type to a specific file:
Type the name of the file to be appended with the transferred files.
All files with the .cpp extension will be appended to the file
C:\*.cpp /usr/pub/Ericom/aaa.txt
To transfer a file to another unknown file:
Type ? for the unknown letter in the file name.
The file aaa.log will be copied to the file /usr/pub/Ericom/babcc.txt
C:\aaa.log /usr/pub/Ericom/b?b*.txt
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Disconnecting and Exiting
Before exiting the PowerTerm FTP client, disconnect from the current FTP site.
Changes to the preferences are either saved automatically upon exit of the
client: if Save Settings on Exit is selected, or the user is prompted to save
To disconnect from an FTP site:
Click Disconnect.
To exit the PowerTerm FTP client:
Select File | Exit.
Troubleshooting the PowerTerm FTP Client
Refer to the following checklist to resolve FTP related issues:
cannot be
Ensure that the remote system provides an FTP server,
which is running.
Ensure that the system type is entered correctly. Select
Auto if unsure about which system type to use.
PowerTerm FTP
client reports a
login failure
Ensure that the User name and Password were entered
Files cannot be
transferred or
Ensure that the correct transfer type (Binary or Ascii) is
selected. Transferring a file in the incorrect mode may
corrupt that file. Select Binary, unless transferring text files
to or from a UNIX FTP server
Ensure that the necessary permission for specific operations
is entered, like write access to a directory.
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15 Mac OSX Edition
Starting at version 14, the Mac Edition installer is x64 based and is supported on
macOS 10.13 and 10.14.
There are two PKG installers for the Mac Edition:
Trial installer
Production installer (requires a valid serial number)
Release Notes
Version 14
Available now as x64 application (32-bit version discontinued)
Changed default font to be the system font: Monaco
Updated SSH library – compatible with the latest OpenSSH
Fixed various bugs
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16 Silent Uninstaller for Windows
Starting with version 12, a silent uninstaller application is available for PowerTerm
for Windows and is named PowerTermUninstall.exe. This utility is used to silently
uninstall PowerTerm using tools such as Microsoft SCCM. The utility is available
from Ericom Technical Support.
PowerTermUninstall.exe [/verbose] [/log:uninstall.log]
Requires .Net4.5.2 installed on the system.
The application must run with Administrator elevation on the
Run the command with /help to see all the command-line options
After the uninstaller completes, reboot the system so that any files running in
memory is cleared after the restart.
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17 Appendix A : Supported Code Pages
A.1. VT and other character mode emulations
7 bit character sets:
French Canadian
Norwegian Danish
8 bit character sets:
DEC Multinational
ISO Latin 1 (USA)
ISO Latin 2 (East European)
ISO Latin 4 (North European)
ISO Latin 5 (Turkish)
ISO Latin 6 (Nordic)
ISO Latin 7 (Baltic)
ISO Latin 9 (western with Euro sign instead of the international currency
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DEC Cyrillic
ISO Cyrillic
DEC Greek
ISO Greek
HP Roman 8
DGI (Data General International)
Code Page 437 (PC USA)
Code Page 620 - Polish (Mazovia)
Code Page 737 Greek IBM PC de facto Standard (Greek 437)
Code Page 775 (Baltic)
Code Page 808 Russia (866 with Euro)
Code Page 848 (Cyrillic, Ukrainian with Euro)
Code Page 850 (Multilingual)
Code Page 851 (Greek)
Code Page 852 (Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Czech, Croatia,
Code Page 855 (Bulgaria, Serbia-Montenegro, FYR Macedonia)
Code Page 857 (Turkish)
Code Page 858 (850 with the Euro character)
Code Page 860 (Portuguese)
Code Page 863 (Canadian French)
Code Page 865 (Nordic)
Code Page 866 (Cyrillic)
Code Page 872 Bulgaria, Serbia-Montenegro, FYR Macedonia (855 With Euro)
Windows 1250 (Windows Eastern/Central European)
Windows 1251 (Windows Cyrillic)
Windows 1252 (Windows Latin 1 (US, Western Europe)
Windows 1253 (Windows Greek)
Windows 1254 (Windows Turkish)
Windows 1257 (Windows Baltic)
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A.2. IBM (EBCDIC) emulations
037 (USA/Canadian)
273 (German)
277 (Danish, Norwegian)
278 (Finnish, Swedish)
280 (Italian)
284 (Spanish, Latin American)
285 (UK English)
297 (French)
423 (Greek)
500 (Belgian (New), Swiss (French and German))
836 (People's Republic of China)
870 (Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Czech, Croatia, Slovenia)
871 (Icelandic)
875 (Greek)
880 (Cyrillic)
924 USA, Canada (French), Netherlands, Portugal, France, Finland
1025 (Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia-Montenegro, FYR Macedonia)
1026 (Turkish)
1047 USA, Canada (French), Netherlands, Portugal (Latin-1/Open System)
1140 USA, Canada (French), Netherlands, Portugal, Brazil, Australia, New
Zealand (same as 037 but with Euro sign instead of the international currency
1141 Germany, Austria (same as 273 but with Euro sign instead of the
international currency symbol)
1142 Denmark, Norway (same as 277 but with Euro sign instead of the
international currency symbol)
1143 Finland, Sweden (same as 278 but with Euro sign instead of the
international currency symbol)
1144 Italy (same as 280 but with Euro sign instead of the international
currency symbol)
1145 Latin America (Spanish), Spain (same as 284 but with Euro sign instead
of the international currency symbol)
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1146 United Kingdom (same as 285 but with Euro sign instead of the
international currency symbol)
1147 France (same as 297 but with Euro sign instead of the international
currency symbol)
1148 Belgium, Switzerland (French), Switzerland (German) (same as 500 but
with Euro sign instead of the international currency symbol)
1149 Iceland (same as 871 but with Euro sign instead of the international
currency symbol)
1153 Latin 2 Multilingual (870 with Euro)
1154 Cyrillic, Multilingual (880 with Euro)
1155 Turkey (1026 with Euro)
1158 Cyrillic, Ukraine with Euro
Cyrillic (same as 880)
Danish (same as 277)
English-UK (same as 285)
English-USA (same as 037)
Finnish (same as 278)
French (same as 297)
German (same as 273)
Greek (same as 423)
Icelandic (same as 871)
Italian (same as 280)
Spanish (same as 284)
Swiss (same as 500)
Turkish (same as 1026)
Latin-1/Open System (same as 1047)
274 (Belgian)
870 (Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Czech, Croatia, Slovenia)
875 (Greek)
924 USA, Canada (French), Netherlands, Portugal, France, Finland
1025 (Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia-Montenegro, FYR Macedonia)
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1140 USA, Canada (French), Netherlands, Portugal, Brazil, Australia, New
(same as 037 but with Euro sign instead of the international currency symbol)
1141 Germany, Austria (same as 273 but with Euro sign instead of the
international currency symbol)
1142 Denmark, Norway (same as 277 but with Euro sign instead of the
international currency symbol)
1143 Finland, Sweden (same as 278 but with Euro sign instead of the
international currency symbol)
1144 Italy (same as 280 but with Euro sign instead of the international
currency symbol)
1145 Latin America (Spanish), Spain (same as 284 but with Euro sign instead
of the international currency symbol)
1146 United Kingdom (same as 285 but with Euro sign instead of the
international currency symbol)
1147 France (same as 297 but with Euro sign instead of the international
currency symbol)
1148 Belgium, Switzerland (French), Switzerland (German) (same as 500 but
with Euro sign instead of the international currency symbol)
1149 Iceland (same as 871 but with Euro sign instead of the international
currency symbol)
1153 Latin 2 Multilingual (870 with Euro sign instead of the international
currency symbol)
1154 Cyrillic, Multilingual (880 with Euro sign instead of the international
currency symbol)
1155 Turkey (1026 with Euro sign instead of the international currency
1158 Cyrillic, Ukraine with Euro sign instead of the international currency
1160 Thai 838 with FE = Euro (€)
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18 Appendix B: Menu Items List
PrinterN (where N represents one of the supplementary printers from 2-6)
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19 Appendix C: Requesting Support
Ericom Software’s Technical Support team can better assist you when the
required diagnostic information is provided upfront
If there is an issue with the data that is being displayed by the remote
application, create a capture log, provide screenshots of the issue, and clearly
explain the nature of the issue and the desired behavior.
To create the necessary captures and log files to send to support:
1. Open PowerTerm InterConnect.
2. Perform the following:
Press key combination Appears on the Status bar
ctrl+shift+s "capture.log with send with keys"
ctrl+shift+k "capture.log with send"
ctrl+shift+t "tcpip.log"
Warning: The user’s password may be recorded, open the log file after it
is created and search for the password to delete it or replace it with a
generic string, such as “abc”.
1. Connect to host and arrive at the troubleshoot.
2. Continue with the following:
Press key combination Appears on the Status bar
*ctrl+shift+s "capture file end"
ctrl+shift+t "tcpip.log end"
ctrl+shift+v View the log file before it's sent.
Click Send and CAB file is sent to Ericom Software’s Technical Support.
These files may also be manually sent via email to Ericom. In order to receive
technical support a valid Support contract is required. For prospective
customers, please send the information to your account manager who will
allocate an appropriate resource to investigate the issue.
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20 Appendix D: Windows Release Notes
Version 12.5 (October 2018)
New installer for Windows edition
Windows edition supports Windows 2019
Windows edition supports Windows 10 SAC 1809
Fix bug with PSL web manual on Chrome
PowerTerm edition is automatically selected upon activation, no
longer needed to be configured during installation
“Administrator” installation mode has been removed
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About Ericom
Ericom Software is a global leader in securely connecting the unified workspace.
Ericom empowers today’s connected workforce and the IT organizations that
support them by securing and optimizing desktop, application, and web content
delivery to any device, anywhere. Founded in 1993, Ericom provides enterprise-
grade secure remote access, desktop virtualization (VDI), and web security
solutions to a global customer base of more than 30,000 midsize to Fortune 500
organizations. With a focus on application delivery, cloud enablement, and secure
browsing, Ericom advances secure connectivity—providing end users with a
superior work experience and optimizing enterprise productivity. With over 10
million end users, Ericom has offices in the United States, United Kingdom and
EMEA and an extensive network of distributors and partners throughout North
America, Europe, APAC, and Africa.
For more information about Ericom and its products, please visit
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Ericom Software Inc.
Ericom Software (UK) Ltd.
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Har Hotzvim Technology Park
Tel +1 (201) 767 2210
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Fax +1 (201) 767 2205
Tel +44 (0)
845 644 3597
Tel +972 (2) 591 1700
free 1 (888) 769 7876
Fax +44
845 644 3598
Fax +972 (2) 571 4737