One of the most important tasks in the management of a contract is to identify the goals, the
expectations and the reasons for entering into a contract. Having them clearly determined
makes it easier to assess risks and to then put mechanisms in place for mitigation.
Insurance and indemnification clauses are fundamental to a well-drafted contract. The
indemnification clause identifies the party that must pay damages. The insurance clause
supports the promise made in the indemnification by providing the indemnifier the financial
resources for losses that may result from a claim. Insurance requirements should be clear
and fair, appropriate to the risks, and the limits adequate for the claims that may arise. This
Risk Note addresses insurance provisions and provides an example of an insurance clause
while another risk note addresses the indemnification clause and provides an example.
Refer to related Risk Notes for further details:
Contracts – Important Clauses
Contracts – Indemnification with Hold Harmless and Defense Provisions
Contracts – Insurance Clauses
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The indemnification of risks
in the contemplated activity
is an important part of
the process in managing
contract risks
Careful review of insurance
limits and specifications is
Per occurrence limit of liability - The per occurrence
limit is the maximum amount of money the policy will pay
for any one insured loss.
Aggregate limit of liability - The maximum amount the
insurance policy will pay in one year notwithstanding the
number of claims.
Certificate of insurance - Evidence of insurance
attesting to the currency of the coverage; usually
sufficient proof that adequate, appropriate and current
insurance is in place.
Certified copy of the policy - Is the most recent copy
of the policy, stamped and signed, which includes the
declaration page, wordings and any endorsements.
Occurrence coverage - A policy covering claims that
arise out of damage or injury that took place during
the policy period, regardless of when claims are made
(International Risk Management and Insurance).
Claims-made coverage - A claims-made policy applies
when a claim is made against an insured for the first
time during the policy period, regardless of when the
loss actually took place. If the policy has a retroactive
clause, the loss must occur on or after the retroactive
Error and omission insurance – Insurance that protects
professionals against liability for committing an error or
omission while performing their duties.
Waiver of subrogation – An agreement between two
parties where one party agrees to waive their rights to
recover against the other party in the event of a loss.
Insurance Requirements
Different specifications are required for different contracts.
Review the scope of work and consider the types of losses
or harm that could arise from the activities contemplated
in the contract. The insurance requirement portion of
the contract must clearly state the types of insurance
coverage, per occurrence limit of liability, aggregate limit
of liability, additional insured if any, evidence of insurance
and days of notice. Be as specific as possible. Consider
reviewing these provisions with your insurer.
Types of Insurance
General Liability Coverage
Designed for bodily injury and property damage
arising from the insured’s operation, general liability
coverage is often sufficient for contracts involving the
provision of services (e.g. maintenance of premises
or equipment), or liability for non-clinical operations
(e.g. fundraising events or a gift shop on hospital
premises) but is insufficient against liability arising out
of professional work (e.g. clinical work).
Watch for gaps in coverage that can occur in general
liability policies. For example, personal injury can be
excluded by endorsement, which in turn exposes the
insured to threats such as invasion of privacy.
Professional Liability Coverage
Designed to protect professionals against liability
arising from errors and omissions in the performance
of their duties.
© 2018 HIROC. For quality assurance purposes.
Contracts – Insurance Clauses
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Should there be even a very small exposure to
professional liability, ensure professional liability
coverage is required in the contract.
Products Liability Coverage
Exposure may arise out of a defect in a product sold,
distributed, manufactured or made available to the
This may be part of a general liability policy, but it can
be subject to an aggregate limit of liability.
Though the figure is often the same, most policies will
indicate a per occurrence limit and an aggregate limit,
which has different uses. However, it is preferable not
to have an aggregate limit.
Other types of Insurance
Other types of insurance may apply under specific types
of circumstances including:
Clinical Trials Insurance: This type of insurance
provides a financial resource for those who
sponsor or conduct clinical trials;
Data Liability: This type of insurance covers
electronic data incidents that result in damage to,
loss of, loss of use of, corruption of and failure to
access electronic data;
Crime insurance: This provides coverage for the
insured’s loss of money, securities, and other
property caused by employee dishonesty, forgery,
loss inside and outside the premises, computer
fraud, counterfeit money, credit card fraud and
social engineering.
Limit of Liability
Limits should reflect the risk and loss exposure, not the
value of the contract. The following should be considered
when establishing the limit of liability: risks involved in the
services provided by the contractor; contractor’s past loss
history; losses from similar services; experience of other
facilities with the same provider or with the same type of
Certificate of Insurance
Most contracts require evidence of current insurance to
be submitted in the form of a certificate or memorandum.
Request certificates of insurance from all contractors,
professionals, tenants and parties to a contract and during
the entire term of the contract. Make note of insurance
expiry dates.
Named Insured vs. Additional Insured
A named insured owns the policy, manages the coverages,
pays the premium, oversees claims and has access to
confidential information. The named insured also has rights
in the policy, e.g. receiving return premiums and payment
for damages that it would not want to share. Therefore, be
very careful about adding an entity as an additional named
Additional insured is defined as person/entity not
automatically covered as an insured under an insurance
policy that is added as an insured at the request of the
insured person/entity. As a rule, additional insureds are
insured only in relation to a specific event, services,
agreements or contracts related to the insured’s
operations.( (International Risk Management and Insurance)
An additional insured enjoys the protection of the policy
but only as the additional insured’s work relates to the
operation of the named insured. This additional layer
of protection provides organization coverage under the
vendors policy and allows the organization to greatly
improve their ability to obtain a legal defense for any
potentially covered claims. It is potentially broader
indemnity than a Hold Harmless agreement alone and
should be required in addition to the Hold Harmless
clause ( – Indemnification Clause with Hold Harmless and
Defense Provisions Risk Note for further details) If the
organization is an “Additional Insured”, the evidence of
coverage should clearly state this and for what purpose.
When considering adding a party to the insurance, ensure
that liability is not assumed for operations that may cause
unexpected problems. Be sure that you know why a person
or an entity is being included as an additional insured. It
is possible that the requestor is unable to get his own
insurance and is relying on his additional insured status for
For example, a company providing fireworks for a special
event may not be added as an additional insured unless
it can provide the subscriber with proof of current,
appropriate and adequate insurance to which the
subscriber has additional insured status as well.
An additional insured may not be added to Workers
Compensation policies or some professional Errors and
Omissions policies
Auto Insurance
The vendor should be required to provide evidence of
automobile insurance if there is an automobile used in
any phase of the work performed. If employees use their
personal automobiles for work purposes and if leased or
hired vehicles are used, the insurance should include non-
owned and hired automobiles. Proof of personal liability
insurance should be required for the sole proprietor of the
Workers Compensation
Request the vendor or contractor to provide evidence
of Workers Compensation unless the vendor is a sole
practitioner. If Workers Compensation coverage is
© 2018 HIROC. For quality assurance purposes.
Page 3 of 3
Devaney P. (2012). How to maximize indemnity clauses-an important risk management tool.
Kent N. (2006). The CGL policy and the additional insured endorsement in Canada.
Keyes C., Donnelly T. (2011). Getting it right before the loss: indemnity, additional insured, and waiver of
subrogation issues.
International Risk Management and Insurance. (n.d.). Insurance glossary.
The Canadian Medical Protective Association. Medical-legal issues to consider with individual contracts.
This is a resource for quality assurance and risk management purposes only, and is not intended to provide
or replace legal or medical advice or reflect standards of care and/or standards of practice of a regulatory
body. The information contained in this resource was deemed accurate at the time of publication, however,
practices may change without notice.
Date last reviewed December 2018
© 2018 HIROC. For quality assurance purposes.
not required by the Province/Territory, obtain written
confirmation from the consultant before waiving coverage
In the absence of worker’s compensation coverage, a
vendor, contractor or another party to the contract may be
asked to purchase Employers Liability Insurance, which
could pay compensation and legal costs of an employer if
an employee or former employee sues for illness or injury
resulting from his or her employment.
As some employers may not be required to purchase
worker’s compensation coverage, there could be an
exposure to injury and illness from the work being done on
the subscriber’s behalf.
Property Insurance
Responsibility for property owned by one of the parties is
often dictated in the contract. There are two significant
situations where responsibility for property should be
spelled out clearly including: i) buildings in course of
construction and ii) installations and leases involving
tenant’s improvements.
Specifications should include appropriate limits of coverage
and usually “all-risks” form loss payee-by being named
as loss payees have the right under the policy to be
reimbursed for a loss to your property.
It is important to include a Waiver of Subrogation on
property risks in any Landlord tenant situation to eliminate
any dispute over cause of loss.
Other Insurance Considerations
Ensure the contract’s insurance coverage requirements
specify that:
Your organization is to be given at least thirty (30) days’
Notice of Cancellation prior to a material change in the
insurance coverage, cancellation or non-renewal;
Insurance must be maintained for the duration of the
contract and failure to maintain insurance may be
considered a breach of contract. (Note: for construction
projects and claims-made polices, ensure the duration
of the coverage extends a number of years past the end
of the project).
Contracts – Insurance Clauses
Sample Insurance Requirements,
Certificate of Insurance and
Additional Insured Clause
Please note that
this is only a sample wording and
your own insurance clause will
vary according to the requirements
involved and after final discussion
with the other party. Please refer to
your legal counsel before proceeding.
During the term of this agreement XXXX shall maintain in full force and eect
general liability insurance (and professional liability insurance, if required) for
a minimum of XXXX any one occurrence. Such insurance shall name XXXX
as additional insured but only with respect to this agreement.
e general liability insurance shall include at least the following:
Products and completed operations;
Personal injury;
Cross liability;
Contractual liability;
irty (30) days’ prior written notice of material change to, cancellation,
or non-renewal of the policy.
XXX shall provide XXX (hospital) with evidence of insurance upon request.