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With a few exceptions, Congressional offices in
Washington require a written appointment request.
Some Members of Congress do offer “walk-in
meeting times, but an appointment request is still
highly recommended. Appointment requests can be
mailed (to the local office), emailed or faxed, but
faxing them will get a faster response. Members
contact information, phone and fax numbers can be
found on their web sites, in your phone book oron
the DAV website, dav.org/can. Some offices have
special meeting request forms andyou can contact
your legislator’s local office to learn the best way to
submit your request or, ifyou have a contact person,
speak to your contact in the congressional office
The appointment request should be short and
simple. Be sure to include your name and, if applicable,
leadershiptitle at the chapter or department level.
Dear Senator (or Representative) [last name]:
I will be in Washington, D.C. on [date], participating
in DAV’s (Disabled American Veterans) Mid-Winter
Conference and would greatly appreciate the opportunity
to meet with you to discuss issues important to injured
veterans, their families and survivors.
If you are not available, I would be happy to meet
with the member of your staff who works on veterans
issues. Ihope your busy schedule will allow you to meet
with me/us [add any other names]. I am available at
[telephone number] or [email address] toaddress any
questions you or your staff may have.
Thank you for your consideration and I look
forward to hearing from your office.
Dear Senator (or Representative) [last name]:
I am writing to request an appointment with you
on[date]. I am a member of DAV (Disabled American
Veterans) in [your city], and I’m concerned about
issues affecting injured veterans and their families
I realize that your schedule is difficult to project
at this point, but it would be ideal if we could meet
between [time] and [time].
[I believe [issue] is important because [1–2 sen-
tences], if you know what issues you plan to discuss].
I can also be reached by phone at [phone number]
or email at [email address]. I will contact youroffice
duringthe week of [1–2 weeks before the visit] to
confirm the details of the appointment.
Thank you for considering my request to meet
with you.
Section B