The Congress of the United States
Congressional Budget Office
Numbers in the text and tables may not add up to totals because of rounding.
All years referred to in this study are calendar years.
his study responds to a request from Congressman Richard H. Baker—in his capacity as
Chairman of the Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government
Sponsored Enterprises, House Committee on Financial Services—that the Congressional
Budget Office (CBO) update its May 1996 study
Assessing the Public Costs and Benefits of
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
. That study provided an estimate of the value of the federal
subsidy to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Congressman Baker also asked that CBO extend the
estimate to include the Federal Home Loan Banks and to update its estimate of the portion of
the subsidy that the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) retain.
Congressman John M. Spratt, Ranking Member, House Committee on the Budget,
separately requested an explanation of the methods and assumptions that CBO used in prepar-
ing its updated estimate. In addition, Senator Robert F. Bennett, Chairman, Subcommittee on
Financial Institutions, and Senator Wayne Allard, Chairman, Subcommittee on Housing and
Transportation, both of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, jointly
requested that CBO review two critiques of its previous work that were prepared under contract
for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This study also responds to those requests.
Deborah Lucas and Marvin Phaup prepared this study, with the assistance of David
Torregrosa and Lauren Marks and under the direction of Steve Lieberman and Roger Hitchner.
Barry Anderson, Charles Capone, Arlene Holen, Angelo Mascaro, John McMurray, Eric
Warasta, and Rae Roy of CBO also contributed to the report. Many people outside CBO
provided assistance, including staff of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Joe MacKenzie of the
Federal Housing Finance Board, Patrick Lawler and Robert Seiler Jr. of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, Edward
DeMarco and Mario Ugoletti of the Department of the Treasury, Wayne Passmore of the
Federal Reserve Board, Ron Feldman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Bill Shear
of the General Accounting Office, and Barbara Miles of the Congressional Research Service.
Under contract with CBO, Brent Ambrose and Arthur Warga prepared a report in support
of this study:
An Update on Measuring GSE Funding Advantages,
which is available from
CBO’s Microeconomic and Financial Studies Division. Also, David Torregrosa authored the
supporting CBO paper
Interest Rate Differentials Between Jumbo and Conforming Mortgages,
John Skeen edited this study, and Christine Bogusz proofread it. Kathryn Quattrone
prepared it for publication, Annette Kalicki prepared the electronic versions for CBO’s Web
site, and Lenny Skutnik did the initial printing. Kathryn Quattrone, with the assistance of Binh
Thai, designed the cover. This study and other CBO publications are available at CBO’s Web
site (www.cbo.gov).
Dan L. Crippen
May 2001
The Housing GSEs 1
Risk, Return, and Financial Structure 3
CBO’s Estimation Procedure 4
The Housing GSEs’ Borrowing, Investing,
and Lending 7
Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Guarantees
of Mortgage-Backed Securities 9
The Regulatory Environment 10
Direct Benefits from Special Legal Status 13
Indirect Benefits That Lower Borrowing Costs 14
The Subsidy to Mortgage-Backed Securities 14
The Direct Benefits of Regulatory and Tax Exemptions 15
The Subsidy to General Obligation Debt Securities 15
The Subsidy to Mortgage-Backed Securities 22
Putting the Elements Together: The Total Subsidy 23
A Responses to Analyses of the Congressional
Budget Office’s 1996 Subsidy Estimates 33
B Subsidy Estimates When Growth Is Permanent 37
1. Federal Subsidies to the Housing GSEs, 1995-2000 2
2. Balance Sheets for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and
the Federal Home Loan Banks, December 31, 2000 8
3. The Housing GSEs’ Outstanding Mortgage-Backed
Securities and Debt, Year-End 1985-2000 10
4. Annual Value of Tax and Regulatory Exemptions for
the Housing GSEs, 1995-2000 16
5. Subsidies to GSE Debt, 1995-2000 21
6. Subsidies to Mortgage-Backed Securities Guaranteed
by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, 1995-2000 22
7. Total Federal Subsidies to the Housing GSEs, 1995-2000 23
8. Distribution of Subsidies by Intermediary and
Beneficiary, 1995-2000 28
9. Sensitivity Analysis of CBO’s Base Case of Federal
Subsidies to the Housing GSEs 30
A-1. Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Estimated Share of
One- to Four-Family Mortgages, December 31, 2000 34
B-1. Federal Subsidies to the Housing GSEs Using a Perpetual
Horizon, 1995-2000 37
1. Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Ratio of Outstanding
Debt to Mortgage-Backed Securities, 1986-2000 3
2. Growth in the Housing GSEs’ Outstanding
Debt and Mortgage-Backed Securities, 1995-2000 4
3. Total Subsidies to the Housing GSEs Under
Three Scenarios, 1988-2011 24
4. Distribution of Subsidies by Beneficiary, 1996-2000 26
Introduction and Summary
annie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home
Loan Bank (FHLB) System were established
and chartered by the federal government, as
privately owned entities, primarily to facilitate the
flow of credit to mortgage borrowers. Their special
legal status as government-sponsored enterprises
(GSEs), which includes tax and regulatory exemp-
tions, enhances the perceived quality of the debt and
mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) that they issue or
guarantee and translates into a federal subsidy. By
the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO’s) esti-
mates, the total subsidy grew steadily from $6.8 bil-
lion in 1995 to approximately $15.6 billion in 1999;
it dropped slightly, to $13.6 billion, in 2000, reflect-
ing a slowdown in the growth of the GSEs’ activities
(see Table 1). Although the single largest source of
the subsidy is the implicit guarantee on the GSEs’
debt issues, in recent years the value of tax and regu-
latory exemptions has become significant, totaling an
estimated $1.2 billion in 2000.
The ultimate beneficiaries of that subsidy in-
clude conforming mortgage borrowers; the share-
holders of (and other stakeholders in) Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac; and the stakeholders in the FHLBs
and member institutions, including other borrowers at
member banks.
A little more than half ($7.0 billion)
of that total subsidy in 2000 passed through to con-
forming mortgage borrowers, CBO estimates.
The Housing GSEs
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home
Loan Banks—collectively, the housing GSEs—were
created to provide liquidity and stability in the home
mortgage market, thereby increasing the flow of
funds available to mortgage borrowers.
The oldest
of these enterprises, the FHLBs, were chartered in
1932 to provide short-term loans (called advances) to
thrift institutions to stabilize mortgage lending in lo-
cal credit markets. Fannie Mae was originally cre-
ated as a wholly owned government corporation in
1938 to buy mortgages, primarily from mortgage
bankers, and hold them in its portfolio. Although it
was converted into a GSE in 1968, Fannie Mae con-
tinued the practice of issuing debt and buying and
holding mortgages. Freddie Mac, created in 1970 as
part of the Federal Home Loan Bank System, bought
1. For Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, conforming mortgage borrowers
and shareholders are the primary beneficiaries of the subsidy. A
portion of the subsidy also accrues to other “stakeholders,” which
include any other party that benefits from those GSEs’ special sta-
tus. CBO has estimated the total subsidy and the subsidy accruing
to mortgage borrowers and therefore has not distinguished between
shareholders and other stakeholders. FHLB stakeholders are de-
fined as all beneficiaries of the subsidy that are not conforming
mortgage borrowers.
2. In general, GSEs are financial institutions established and chartered
by the federal government, as privately owned entities, to facilitate
the flow of funds to selected credit markets, such as residential
mortgages and agriculture. In addition to Fannie Mae, Freddie
Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks, the Farm Credit System
and Farmer Mac are GSEs. The Student Loan Marketing Associa-
tion (Sallie Mae) is in the process of converting from being a GSE
to being a fully private entity.
Table 1.
Federal Subsidies to the Housing GSEs, 1995-2000 (In billions of dollars)
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Subsidies by GSE and by Source
Fannie Mae
Debt 1.7 1.5 1.8 3.2 3.3 3.6
Mortgage-backed securities 1.5 1.7 1.7 2.3 2.1 1.9
Tax and regulatory exemptions 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6
Freddie Mac
Debt 0.8 1.1 0.8 3.3 2.4 2.4
Mortgage-backed securities 1.0 1.3 1.1 1.1 2.1 1.8
Tax and regulatory exemptions 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4
Debt 1.2 1.1 2.0 2.6 4.5 2.8
Tax and regulatory exemptions 0.2
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Total 6.8 7.4 8.1 13.5 15.6 13.6
Subsidies by Recipient
Conforming mortgage borrowers
3.7 4.1 4.0 7.0 7.4 7.0
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac 1.8 2.2 2.1 3.9 3.9 3.9
FHLB stakeholders
1.3 1.1 2.0 2.6 4.3 2.7
Total 6.8 7.4 8.1 13.5 15.6 13.6
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.
NOTE: The subsidies to GSE debt and mortgage-backed securities are present values. The annual savings from tax and regulatory exemp-
tions are for the current year only.
a. Conforming mortgages are loans that are eligible for purchase by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with an original principal amount no greater
than a stated ceiling, which is currently $275,000 for single-family mortgages.
b. The estimates assume that conforming mortgages financed by FHLB members were a constant share of members’ portfolios from 1995 to
mortgages primarily from thrifts. Rather than hold-
ing the mortgages in its portfolio, Freddie Mac
pooled them, guaranteed the credit risk, and sold in-
terests in the pools to investors—creating mortgage-
backed securities.
The debt issued and MBSs guaranteed by the
housing GSEs are more valuable to investors than
similar private securities because of the perception of
a government guarantee and because of other advan-
tages conferred by statute. That added value is the
primary means by which the federal government con-
veys a subsidy to those GSEs.
Because of competi-
tive forces, a large part of the subsidy passes through
them and other financial intermediaries to the in-
tended beneficiaries—primarily mortgage borrowers,
3. Alan Greenspan has noted that “The GSE subsidy is unusual in that
its size is determined by market perceptions, not by legislation.
Indeed the prospectuses of the debentures issued by GSEs explicitly
state that they are not backed by the full faith and credit of the
United States government. Accordingly, the extent to which the
subsidy is exploited is determined by the extent to which GSEs
choose to issue debt and mortgage-backed securities, not by legisla-
tion.” Letter to Congressman Richard H. Baker, August 25, 2000.
1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000
Ratio of Debt to MBSs
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
but also other borrowers of FHLB member institu-
tions. However, the shareholders and stakeholders of
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are able to retain a por-
tion of that subsidy because the special legal status of
those GSEs puts them at a competitive advantage
over other financial institutions in the market for
fixed-rate conforming mortgages. Similarly, to the
extent that competition is not perfect, stakeholders in
the FHLBs and member institutions retain a portion
of the subsidy to the banks.
Risk, Return, and
Financial Structure
The economic turmoil of the late 1970s and early
1980s demonstrated that the risks of financing a
mortgage portfolio can differ significantly from those
of guaranteeing MBSs or providing short-term loans.
High inflation, interest rate volatility, and recession
weakened Fannie Mae and the savings and loans.
Those conditions eroded the value of 30-year con-
forming mortgages held in portfolio and simulta-
neously drove up the cost of financing. Freddie Mac
and the FHLBs were much less exposed to the risk of
declines in the value of mortgages and, hence, were
less adversely affected than Fannie Mae.
Beginning in 1982 and continuing for the next
decade, Fannie Mae rapidly increased its reliance on
MBSs, reducing the growth of its exposure to the
types of risks that threatened its solvency in the early
1980s. Then in the early 1990s, Fannie Mae changed
its practices and again began to buy and hold mort-
gages (financed by debt issues) in addition to guar-
anteeing MBSs, and Freddie Mac subsequently fol-
lowed. Consequently, for both GSEs, the ratio of
mortgages held in portfolio to MBSs guaranteed but
held by other investors greatly increased (see Figure
1). To support their mortgage portfolios, Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac currently have $1.1 trillion of out-
standing debt at interest rates below those on compa-
rable private debt. Although the increased reliance
on portfolio holdings represents an increase in risk
taking, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac now hedge
many of those risks. Nonetheless, their portfolios
have become a large and growing source of profits
for both enterprises.
Figure 1.
Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Ratio
of Outstanding Debt to Mortgage-Backed
Securities, 1986-2000
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.
NOTE: MBSs = mortgage-backed securities.
The portfolios of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
may augment their government-legislated mission to
provide liquidity, although at the cost of greater risk
exposure than if they only guaranteed MBSs. By
buying and holding mortgages, especially those origi-
nated in distressed areas such as Texas in the late
1980s and New England in the mid-1990s, they di-
rectly enhanced liquidity in those markets. More
generally, the profits from their portfolios provide
funding for improving mortgage financing for con-
sumers. However, whether the costs of that growth
in their portfolios are commensurate with the addi-
tional contributions to the home mortgage market is
unclear. If the housing GSEs were to continue to
grow at the rate of gross domestic product (GDP),
their total subsidy would exceed $20 billion in 2011.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have demonstrated the
feasibility of increasing the liquidity and stability in
local housing markets by integrating them into a sin-
gle national system. In the process, they have at-
tracted private imitators, firms that pool mortgages
and sell MBSs without the benefit of federal backing.
The FHLBs also borrow at rates below those on
comparable private securities because of the market
perception of a government guarantee on their debt.
Originally, the FHLBs made advances directly to
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Annual Percentage Growth
members, which were mostly savings institutions that
specialized in mortgage lending. In so doing, the
FHLBs passed through most of the subsidy to their
members, who in turn distributed the subsidy primar-
ily to home buyers. The regulatory reform that fol-
lowed the savings and loan crisis broadened member-
ship in the FHLB System to include banks and thrifts
that operate the way banks do. Consequently, the
FHLBs’ subsidy is now spread more widely among
lending institutions and is not confined to housing
CBO’s Estimation Procedure
The total subsidy to the GSEs on their debt is esti-
mated using three steps. First, the yield advantage on
GSE debt is estimated by comparing GSEs’ yields
with the higher yields on comparable issues from
other financial institutions.
Second, that difference
is multiplied by the amount of new debt issued in the
current year. That yield advantage is also multiplied
by the amount of new debt estimated to remain out-
standing in future years. Those future annual reduc-
tions in borrowing cost represent subsidies secured in
the current year but expected to be realized in the
future. Finally, current and future annual subsidies
are capitalized at a discount rate equal to the GSEs’
borrowing cost, producing the current year’s total
This calculation produces a total subsidy to
debt issued in 2000 of $8.8 billion. An analogous
procedure yields a total subsidy to MBSs of $3.7 bil-
lion in 2000.
This capitalized subsidy measure recognizes
benefits when securities are issued and mortgages are
purchased or securitized. That measure of the incre-
mental benefit of new securities issued and mort-
gages financed is consistent with the objectives of
Figure 2.
Growth in the Housing GSEs’ Outstanding
Debt and Mortgage-Backed Securities, 1995-2000
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.
NOTE: MBSs = mortgage-backed securities.
generally accepted federal accounting principles and
budgetary practices but represents a methodological
change from previous estimates, including CBO’s
last estimate of the subsidy to the GSEs. The princi-
pal advantage of the current approach is that it ties
the measure of the subsidy to the GSEs’ new activi-
ties, not old commitments. For example, the current
measure of the subsidy rose sharply in 1998 and
1999, which were years of rapid growth in the vol-
ume of securities issued by Fannie Mae, Freddie
Mac, and the FHLBs, but declined in 2000, when the
rate of growth fell back to the pre-1998 pace (see Fig-
ure 2).
CBO has also estimated the division of the sub-
sidy among the major beneficiaries, including the
portion of the subsidy that reaches conforming mort-
gage borrowers in the form of lower interest rates.
On the basis of the estimated differential between
rates for jumbo fixed-rate single-family mortgages
(ones that are above $275,000 in 2001) and conform-
ing mortgages (ones that are $275,000 and below in
2001 and are eligible for purchase by Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac) and an adjustment for the FHLBs’
influence on the rates for jumbo mortgages, CBO
estimates that interest rates on mortgages are reduced
by one-quarter of one percentage point (0.25 percent-
age points, or 25 basis points) as a result of the fed-
eral subsidy. A small portion of that subsidy (3 basis
4. The comparison is based on debt issues by 70 of the largest
banking-sector firms rated either A or AA during the period of 1995
to 1999 and issues by the GSEs over the same period. For details,
see Brent Ambrose and Arthur Warga,
An Update on Measuring
GSE Funding Advantages
(prepared for the Congressional Budget
Office, November 6, 2000), Table 1.
5. CBO’s 1996 estimate applied the yield advantage to the total out-
standing debt, rather than to incremental debt, but only for a single
year. Therefore, the subsidy estimates here are not directly compa-
rable with those from the earlier study.
points) is provided on jumbo mortgages via the
FHLBs, which pass it through to their members, who
in turn pass it through to their customers. The sub-
sidy on jumbo mortgages is relatively small because
it is spread across the total business of FHLB mem-
bers and jumbo mortgages make up a small portion of
that business.
The estimated savings to conforming mortgage
borrowers are also expressed as a capitalized amount,
reflecting the fact that the benefit from lower mort-
gage rates lasts over the life of the mortgage. About
$7.0 billion of the total subsidy of $13.6 billion was
passed through to conforming mortgage borrowers by
the housing GSEs in 2000. Of that $7.0 billion, the
subsidy to borrowers from mortgages financed by
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was $6.7 billion. Be-
cause conforming mortgages are Fannie Mae’s and
Freddie Mac’s only major line of business, CBO as-
sumes that the portion of the subsidy not passed
through is retained by shareholders and other stake-
holders. Subtracting the amount of subsidy passed
through by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from their
total subsidy ($10.6 billion minus $6.7 billion in
2000) leaves $3.9 billion (or about 37 percent) as the
amount that they retained.
Determining the disposition of the subsidy to
the FHLBs is more complicated because their mem-
ber banks engage in a variety of lending and other
activities. CBO estimates that their conforming mort-
gage borrowers receive $0.3 billion out of the $3.0
billion total subsidy, assuming that the reduction in
rates passed through is the same as for loans pur-
chased by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac and recogniz-
ing that about 15 percent of member banks’ assets are
conforming mortgages. CBO assumes that the bal-
ance reduces borrowing rates on other types of loans
and accrues to other FHLB stakeholders.
As for all such calculations, data limitations and
the complexity of the issues about which judgments
must be made suggest that there is significant uncer-
tainty surrounding those point estimates. The sensi-
tivity analysis described in the last section of this
study shows that changing some of the key parame-
ters could significantly raise or lower the subsidy
estimates. An important question is whether the ap-
proximation errors in the sensitivity analysis are off-
setting. Certain assumptions that CBO has made may
result in a downward bias: analyzing short-lived
rather than long-lived subsidies; relying on an aver-
age funding advantage over time rather than acknowl-
edging that the GSEs adjust the amount of debt they
issue according to the size of the funding advantage;
and not attributing an advantage to the GSEs in the
derivatives markets. Other assumptions, such as bas-
ing the yield advantage largely on a sample of firms
that have a lower credit rating than Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac and attributing no borrowing advantage
to the efficiency of the GSEs’ operations, may result
in an upward bias. CBO believes that on balance its
estimates present a fair picture of the total subsidy,
its distribution, and its growth over time.
In preparing its estimates, CBO considered the
comments of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and their
consultants on CBO’s 1996 study. Some of their sug-
gestions were incorporated into the present analysis,
but disagreements remain on several fundamental
issues. Appendix A summarizes the main points
raised and CBO’s responses.
The Housing GSEs’ Structure
and Function
overnment-sponsored enterprises are financial
intermediaries, established and granted pref-
erential treatment by federal law to increase
the flow of funds to specific uses but owned by in-
vestors to whom they owe a fiduciary responsibility.
Three GSEs facilitate the financing of residential
housing: the Federal National Mortgage Corporation,
or Fannie Mae; the Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corporation, or Freddie Mac; and the Federal Home
Loan Bank (FHLB) System. Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac are publicly owned entities whose shares trade
on the New York Stock Exchange. The 12 Federal
Home Loan Banks are cooperatives, which operate
somewhat independently of one another, and are
owned by member institutions, primarily privately
owned savings and loans, savings banks, commercial
banks, and other lenders that finance home mortgages
and other household and business debt.
All of the housing GSEs are financial intermedi-
aries. They raise funds in the capital markets and
make the money available to retail lenders, who in
turn provide financing for their customers. Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac are largely restricted to financ-
ing conforming mortgages, which are high-quality
loans secured by residential real estate whose original
principal amount is no greater than the conforming
ceiling, currently $275,000 for single-family mort-
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac supply funds to
the conforming mortgage market in two ways: they
borrow money by selling debt securities and use the
funds to purchase mortgages from lenders. In addi-
tion to buying mortgages and holding them as invest-
ments, Fannie and Freddie also guarantee mortgage-
backed securities, which are then sold to investors.
The principal business activity of the FHLBs is to
borrow in the capital markets and make loans (called
advances) to member institutions. All three activities
affect the supply of funds available for mortgage
lending and are likely to reduce interest rates on
loans secured by residential real estate, but each does
so through different financial channels.
The Housing GSEs’
Borrowing, Investing,
and Lending
As their balance sheets show, Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac are heavily invested in mortgages and
depend on debt securities for funding. The FHLBs
have two-thirds of their assets invested in advances to
member banks and similarly depend on debt securi-
ties for funding (see Table 2). The GSEs’ second
1. For a discussion of the evolution of GSEs, see the Statement of
Thomas Woodward, Congressional Research Service, before the
Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Securities, and Government-
Sponsored Enterprises, House Committee on Banking and Financial
Services, and the Subcommittee on Government Management, In-
formation, and Technology, House Committee on Government Re-
form and Oversight, July 16, 1997.
2. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac adjust the conforming ceiling annu-
ally for the change in house prices. In 2000, the ceiling was
Table 2.
Balance Sheets for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks, December 31, 2000
(As a percentage of total assets)
Fannie Mae Freddie Mac FHLBs
Mortgage portfolio 90 84 2
Investments 8 11 29
Advances n.a. n.a. 67
Other assets 2
5 2
Total Assets 100 100 100
Liabilities and Capital
Debt securities 95 93 91
Other borrowing 2 4 4
Equity 3
3 5
Total Liabilities and Capital 100 100 100
Total Assets (In billions of dollars) 675 459 654
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.
NOTES: As of December 31, 2000, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had contingent liabilities for outstanding mortgage-backed securities of $707
billion and $576 billion, respectively.
n.a. = not applicable.
largest category of assets, investments, includes com-
mercial paper (a type of short-term corporate debt);
overnight bank loans; and, for the FHLBs, holdings
of mortgage-backed securities. (Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac report their investments in MBSs as a
part of their mortgage portfolios.)
The GSEs profit from simultaneously borrowing
and lending, because the income they earn from as-
sets is higher than the interest they must pay on debt
plus their other operating costs. In 1999, Fannie Mae
reported an average annual yield on its mortgage
portfolio of 0.90 percentage points, or 90 basis points
(bps), greater than the cost of its outstanding debt.
Freddie Mac reported a yield spread on mortgages
over debt of 80 bps. And the FHLBs, which special-
ize in making low-interest loans to members, reported
a spread on earning assets over debt securities of 22
bps. Thus, by selling general obligation debt to in-
vestors, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are able to
profitably hold large portfolios of mortgages that they
purchase from lenders.
The FHLBs earn a smaller,
but positive, yield based on the spread between the
higher rates on loans to members and the lower rates
that the banks pay on their debt.
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the FHLBs issue
debt securities in both noncallable and callable forms
and with various maturities. In addition, the GSEs
use derivative instruments such as interest rate swaps
to alter the effective maturity of their debt. Noncall-
able, or “bullet,” issues pay interest semiannually, but
the principal is redeemed only at the stated maturity
of the debt. Callable debt securities differ from non-
callable debt in that the principal may be repaid at a
GSE’s option on or after a specified call date and
3. Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s contingent liabilities for guaran-
tees of outstanding MBSs are classified as “off-balance-sheet” and
disclosed elsewhere in their financial statements.
4. According to Fannie Mae’s 1999 annual report, the average yield
on its net mortgage portfolio was 7.08 percent, and the average cost
of outstanding debt was 6.18 percent.
5. The annual return on equity from 1995 to 2000 averaged 24.3 per-
cent for Fannie Mae and 23.5 percent for Freddie Mac.
before the maturity date. The GSEs offer debt across
the full range of maturities, from a few days to 30
years and with both fixed and variable interest rates.
The wide range of debt securities that the GSEs issue
is intended to appeal to a variety of investors and to
minimize funding costs to the enterprises. The need
to manage risk also affects the maturity composition
of the debt.
Fannie Mae’s and
Freddie Mac’s Guarantees
of Mortgage-Backed Securities
Mortgage-backed securities are created when a finan-
cial institution purchases individual mortgages but
then, rather than holding them on its balance sheet as
assets, bundles them into a pool of mortgages and
sells shares of the mortgage pool to investors. The
claims sold to investors are mortgage-backed securi-
ties. MBSs differ from traditional debt instruments
that promise a series of predetermined payments to
investors. Instead, MBSs pay a share of the often
uneven and somewhat unpredictable cash flows from
the underlying pool of mortgages. A third party’s
credit guarantee of an MBS provides assurance to the
investor of receiving payments when due, but actual
cash flows depend on the speed of underlying mort-
gage prepayments. If, for example, mortgage interest
rates fall sharply, mortgage borrowers are more likely
to prepay their mortgages, as a result of either selling
or refinancing their homes, than if rates had stayed
unchanged or risen. Investors in the MBSs will then
receive their payments of principal more quickly than
they may have expected. Thus, investors in MBSs,
like investors in insured whole mortgages, are subject
to a risk that investors in traditional debt instruments
avoid: the risk associated with the uncertainty of the
speed of repayment, or prepayment risk. Partly as a
consequence of that risk, interest rates on MBSs (and
whole mortgages) are higher than on debt securities
of comparable credit quality.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are actively in-
volved in the production of MBSs. (The Federal
Home Loan Banks issue only debt securities.) While
the operating details differ sufficiently to cause Fan-
nie Mae and Freddie Mac to describe their activities
variously as “credit guarantees” (Fannie Mae) and
“mortgage securitization” (Freddie Mac), both enti-
ties effectively provide a guarantee of timely pay-
ment on MBSs. In both cases, the GSE assumes the
credit or default risks (for a fee), and the investor ac-
cepts the prepayment risk (in exchange for a higher
rate of return than on a noncallable debt security).
Because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not re-
quired to report on their balance sheets the MBSs that
they guarantee but do not hold in portfolio, important
elements of risk and return are missing from those
balance sheets.
A more complete picture would in-
clude the substantial volume of liabilities for out-
standing guarantees of MBSs. Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac had more than $1.2 trillion in MBSs
outstanding at year-end 2000 (see Table 3). Those
guarantees are important sources of risk and of fee
income for the two enterprises.
In recent years, the housing GSEs have also be-
come major investors in MBSs guaranteed by them-
selves and others. By purchasing MBSs, the GSEs
increase their risk and potential returns. When Fan-
nie Mae and Freddie Mac purchase MBSs they have
already guaranteed, they transform off-balance-sheet
liabilities into on-balance-sheet assets and on-
balance-sheet liabilities for debt securities issued to
finance the purchase. In doing so, they take on the
prepayment, interest rate, and liquidity risks in addi-
tion to the credit risk they had already assumed.
When they invest in MBSs guaranteed by others, they
are taking on prepayment, interest rate, and liquidity
risks but little incremental credit risk.
6. Like other financial institutions, the GSEs are exposed to interest
rate risk when the effective duration of their assets and liabilities
does not match. The enterprises select debt maturities in part to
offset that risk.
7. Like other investors in debt, investors in MBSs also face interest
rate and liquidity risks. Interest rate risk is due to the effect of
changing market rates on the value of debt securities. Liquidity risk
is the risk that an active secondary market will not be available
when an investor wants to sell a security quickly.
8. However, the enterprises do disclose their guarantees of MBSs in
various financial statements.
Table 3.
The Housing GSEs’ Outstanding Mortgage-Backed Securities and Debt, Year-End 1985-2000
(In billions of dollars)
Fannie Mae Freddie Mac FHLBs’ Total Total
Debt MBSs
Debt Debt MBSs
1985 55 94 100 13 74 155 181
1986 96 94 169 15 90 265 199
1987 136 97 213 20 116 349 233
1988 170 105 226 27 137 396 269
1989 217 116 273 26 137 490 279
1990 288 123 316 31 118 604 272
1991 355 134 359 30 108 714 272
1992 424 166 408 30 115 832 311
1993 471 201 439 50 139 910 390
1994 486 257 461 93 200 947 550
1995 513 299 459 120 231 972 650
1996 548 331 473 157 251 1,021 739
1997 579 370 476 173 304 1,055 847
1998 637 460 478 287 377 1,115 1,124
1999 679 548 538 361 525 1,217 1,434
2000 707 643 576 427 592 1,283 1,662
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office based on data from the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Federal Housing
Enterprise Oversight.
a. MBSs = mortgage-backed securities; excludes holdings of the enterprise’s own MBSs held in its portfolio.
The Regulatory Environment
In common with commercial banks and savings insti-
tutions, the GSEs are subject to regulations that af-
fect their business operations, capital holdings, and
participation in lending to low-income borrowers, as
well as other activities. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
are regulated by the Department of Housing and Ur-
ban Development’s (HUD’s) Office of Federal Hous-
ing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO), and the Federal
Housing Finance Board oversees the Federal Home
Loan Banks.
In accord with their housing mission, Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac are limited primarily to financ-
ing conforming mortgages. That limitation, however,
excludes them from only about 10 percent to 20 per-
cent of the residential mortgage market. Lending by
the FHLBs is largely restricted to collateralized loans
to member institutions. Eligible collateral includes
home mortgages, mortgage-backed securities, Trea-
sury and agency securities, and deposits with the
Those collateral requirements are intended
to ensure that most lending by the FHLBs supports
targeted investment activities, but because member
institutions have more eligible collateral than ad-
vances from the FHLBs, the requirements are thought
to not be effective in targeting the use of those
The housing GSEs are subject to minimum capi-
tal requirements. OFHEO sets the capital standards
for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the Federal
9. For commercial member banks with less than $500 million in as-
sets, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 repealed a requirement
that 10 percent of their total assets be mortgage-related and revised
the definition of eligible collateral to include small business and
small farm loans. For the details and projected effects, see Robert
N. Collender and Julie A. Dolan, “Small Commercial Banks and the
Federal Home Loan Bank System” (paper presented at the North
American Regional Science Association International Meeting,
Chicago, Ill., November 2000).
10. At year-end 1999, FHLB member institutions held $1.1 trillion in
residential mortgages, while advances were $400 billion. There-
fore, members were able to borrow against existing excess collateral
and use the funds to finance the most attractive lending opportuni-
ties, which may or may not have been mortgages.
Housing Finance Board has responsibility for ensur-
ing that the Federal Home Loan Banks maintain the
mandated level of equity capital.
The housing GSEs are charged with increasing
the availability of mortgages for low- and moderate-
income borrowers. HUD establishes goals for fi-
nancing such mortgages for Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac, and the FHLBs are required by law to devote 10
percent of net income to the Affordable Housing Pro-
gram, which offers subsidized mortgages to targeted
borrowers. Any additional benefits to low-income
borrowers (beyond the estimated rate reduction on
their conforming mortgages) are not estimated here.
11. Mandated capital levels are lower for the GSEs than for commercial
banks, but interpreting those differences is difficult because the
risks borne by those two types of institutions also differ signifi-
Federal Subsidies
he housing GSEs receive two distinct, but re-
lated, benefits from the government. First, a
number of regulatory and tax exemptions re-
duce the GSEs’ operating costs. Second, federal
backing enhances the perceived credit quality of debt
issued and mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by
the GSEs. Those benefits result in lower borrowing
costs and higher profits than a similarly structured
enterprise without a GSE charter would realize.
CBO has estimated the costs of those subsidies
in two parts: First, there is the direct cost from the
fees and taxes that otherwise would be collected by
federal, state, and local governments. Second, there
is the opportunity cost of providing free credit en-
hancement to the GSEs, because competing financial
institutions would be willing to pay to receive similar
treatment. To the extent that the government as-
sumes credit risk, there is also the cost of expected
losses, but quantifying that potential exposure is be-
yond the scope of this estimate.
As requested by Congressman Baker, CBO’s
estimate breaks down the distribution of those subsi-
dies among various beneficiaries. They include the
GSEs’ stakeholders, conforming mortgage borrowers
who are financed via the GSEs, and other entities (for
example, nonmortgage borrowers at FHLB member
banks). The GSEs may indirectly affect borrowing
rates for other financial market participants as well.
For instance, rates on conforming mortgages obtained
from intermediaries that are not GSEs are lower than
they otherwise would be because of the competitive
presence of the GSEs, benefiting those borrowers. At
the same time, credit that is diverted from other mar-
kets to the conforming mortgage market tends to raise
costs to borrowers in those markets—for instance, for
the U.S. Treasury and for businesses investing in cap-
ital goods. The subsidies may also increase the price
of housing if home buyers use the savings on their
mortgages to bid more for houses. This study does
not include estimates of most of those indirect bene-
fits or costs because they are not directly related to
the size or distribution of the subsidies to the GSEs,
which is the focus of this analysis.
Direct Benefits from
Special Legal Status
The law treats the GSEs as instrumentalities of the
federal government, rather than as fully private enti-
ties. They are chartered by federal statute, exempt
from state and local income taxes, exempt from the
Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC’s) reg-
istration requirements and fees, and may use the Fed-
eral Reserve as their fiscal agent. In addition, the
U.S. Treasury is authorized to lend $2.25 billion to
both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and $4 billion to
1. Because investors value the perceived protection from credit risk,
its value is already largely reflected in the estimate of the borrowing
advantage on debt and MBSs. In any event, the estimated exposure
under current law would be small because there is no explicit com-
mitment to cover losses. More generally, the estimated exposure
would depend on assumptions made about the strength and extent
of any implicit guarantees.
the FHLBs. GSE debt is eligible for use as collateral
for public deposits, for unlimited investment by fed-
erally chartered banks and thrifts, and for purchase
by the Federal Reserve in open-market operations.
GSE securities are explicitly government securities
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and are
exempt from the provisions of many state investor
protection laws. Those advantages have not been
granted to any other shareholder-owned companies.
Some of those provisions of law result in direct mon-
etary savings to the GSEs, estimates of which are
reported below.
Indirect Benefits That Lower
Borrowing Costs
The special treatment of GSE securities in federal
law signals to investors that those securities are rela-
tively safe. Investors might reason, for instance, that
if the securities were risky, the government would not
have exempted them from the protective safeguards it
put in place to prevent losses of public and private
funds. This implied assurance appears to outweigh
the explicit disavowal of responsibility in every pro-
spectus for GSE securities.
The GSEs therefore en-
joy lower financing costs than would private finan-
cial intermediaries, were they to hold similar levels
of capital and take comparable risks.
As a consequence of those provisions, GSE ob-
ligations are classified by financial markets as
“agency securities” and priced below U.S. Treasuries
and above AAA corporate obligations. The super-
AAA rating reduces borrowing costs for the GSEs, in
part by promoting institutional acceptance of the se-
curities. Decisions by portfolio managers to invest in
GSE securities do not have to be justified in terms of
credit risk. General acceptance of the securities in-
creases investors’ willingness to buy them and en-
hances their liquidity. Those characteristics of ac-
ceptability and liquidity contribute to the relatively
high price investors are willing to pay for GSE secu-
rities. CBO assumes that those advantages are cap-
tured in its estimate of the spread between the rates
on GSE debt and the rates on comparable debt from
other financial institutions, so CBO makes no sepa-
rate estimate of the value of liquidity.
The Subsidy to Mortgage-
Backed Securities
A similar combination of federal regulatory provi-
sions and implied guarantees enhances the credit
standing, market acceptance, and liquidity of MBSs
guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. For
example, risk-based capital requirements for banks
are lower for GSE-guaranteed MBSs than for pri-
vately guaranteed MBSs. Federal backing also en-
ables Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to offer a credit
guarantee that the market perceives as more valuable
than any similar guarantee by a private company.
The enhanced quality of the guarantee reduces the
rate of return that investors require on GSE-guaran-
teed MBSs below the rates required on similar pri-
vately guaranteed MBSs. That lower rate permits a
mortgage pooler to pay higher prices for mortgages
and pass along lower interest rates to borrowers.
That competitive advantage on GSE-guaranteed
MBSs also enables Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to
charge higher guarantee fees than private guarantors.
2. A typical disclosure from a Fannie Mae prospectus states, “The
Certificates, together with interest thereon, are not guaranteed by
the United States. The obligations of Fannie Mae are obligations
solely of the corporation and do not constitute an obligation of the
United States or any agency or any instrumentality thereof other
than the corporation.”
3. See Congressional Budget Office,
Government-Sponsored Enter-
prises and the Implicit Federal Subsidy: The Case of Sallie Mae
(December 1985) and Douglas O. Cook and Lewis J. Spellman, “A
Taxpayer Resistance, Guarantee Uncertainty, and Housing Finance
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
,” vol.
5, no. 2 (1992), pp. 181-195.
4. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have argued that the greater liquidity
is the result of operating efficiencies rather than a subsidy. To the
extent that this viewpoint is correct, the estimate of their subsidies
will be biased upward. However, the large financial institutions
with which they are compared also manage their debt to enhance its
Estimating the Subsidies
BO has estimated the total subsidy derived
from the special relationship that the GSEs
have with the federal government by combin-
ing the benefits provided directly through specific
exemptions and privileges with the benefits of re-
duced borrowing costs and higher guarantee fees re-
sulting from the market’s reaction to their special
status. CBO has then divided that total subsidy be-
tween the portion retained by GSE shareholders and
stakeholders and the portion benefiting the conform-
ing mortgage borrowers who are financed by the
The Direct Benefits of
Regulatory and Tax
By CBO’s estimate, the savings from the exemption
from state and local income taxes, the exemption
from SEC registration, and the lower cost of obtain-
ing credit ratings for debt and MBS issues had a com-
bined value of about $1.2 billion in 2000 (see Table
In general, the estimated value of those benefits
increases with the size of the GSE’s earnings. Other
special provisions of law, such as the right to use the
Federal Reserve as a fiscal agent or the line of credit
at the Treasury, may result in substantial savings to
the GSEs, but CBO has made no attempt to directly
estimate those savings here. Because investors value
GSE securities more highly as a result of those provi-
sions, some of their value is reflected in the borrow-
ing advantage on debt, which is calculated below.
The Subsidy to General
Obligation Debt Securities
The largest component of the total subsidy is the re-
duction in borrowing rates on the GSEs’ general obli-
gation debt securities. Estimating this rate differen-
tial requires comparing the rates paid by the GSEs
with the rates paid by comparable financial institu-
tions. Identifying a set of appropriate securities for
comparison is the first step in this calculation. Fac-
tors that CBO has taken into account include credit
rating, maturity, call features, and prevailing market
CBO assumes that without GSE status, the
housing enterprises would have a credit rating in the
range of AA to A. That assumption is based on the
o In 1997, Standard & Poor’s assigned a rating of
AA- to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as a mea-
sure of their risk to the government. In Febru-
ary 2001, Standard & Poor’s again assigned a
rating of AA- to both agencies. The Federal
Home Loan Banks have not been rated on a
1. Consistent with CBO’s standard practices, all estimates are on a
before-tax basis.
Table 4.
Annual Value of Tax and Regulatory Exemptions for the Housing GSEs, 1995-2000 (In millions of dollars)
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Fannie Mae
State and Local Taxes 239.6 312.4 347.0 371.6 435.2 478.6
SEC Registration 55.3 79.4 70.7 139.7 122.2 85.0
Rating Fees 5.3
6.7 8.0 9.3 11.0 12.7
Subtotal 300.2 398.5 425.7 520.6 568.4 576.3
Freddie Mac
State and Local Taxes 126.9 143.8 157.1 188.5 252.9 282.7
SEC Registration 39.9 53.0 44.8 92.7 96.4 66.5
Rating Fees 5.3
6.7 8.0 9.3 11.0 12.7
Subtotal 172.1 203.5 209.9 290.5 360.3 361.9
State and Local Taxes 104.0 106.4 119.4 142.2 170.2 176.9
SEC Registration 41.6 42.5 49.6 83.9 68.0 50.4
Rating Fees 5.3
6.7 8.0 9.3 11.0 12.7
Subtotal 150.9 155.6 177.0 235.4 249.2 240.0
Total 623.2 757.6 812.6 1,046.5 1,177.9 1,178.2
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.
NOTE: SEC = Securities and Exchange Commission.
comparable basis, but a higher credit rating for
them seems unlikely.
o Freddie Mac used an average of yields on AA
and A debt to calculate the funding advantage
for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in 1996.
o The U.S. Treasury assumed that Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac would be rated A in a 1996
study, noting that the rating is typical of large
high-quality fully private financial firms hold-
ing portfolios of residential mortgages.
The assumed credit rating provides an essential
benchmark for estimating the subsidy to GSE debt.
The interest rates paid on securities issued by other
financial intermediaries and rated AA and A are the
rates that Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal
Home Loan Banks would probably pay on their debt
in the absence of the federal government’s implied
A recent study commissioned by CBO of securi-
ties issued from 1995 through 1999 is the basis for
2. See Congressional Budget Office,
The Federal Home Loan Banks
in the Housing Finance System
(July 1993). For instance, the qual-
ity of FHLB capital is lowered by the right of member banks to
redeem shares at par (the price they initially paid) in anticipation of
financial trouble.
3. See Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation,
Financing Amer-
ica’s Housing: The Vital Role of Freddie Mac
(June 1996), p. 33.
4. See Department of the Treasury,
Government Sponsorship of the
Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home
Loan Mortgage Corporation
(July 11, 1996).
the agency’s estimate of the GSEs’ borrowing advan-
tage on debt issues with an original maturity of more
than a year.
According to that study, the housing
GSEs paid significantly less on noncallable debt with
a maturity of greater than 300 days than banking in-
stitutions rated AA and A paid on comparable debt.
Several features of the estimates in that study require
further elaboration. The study’s authors calculated
yield spreads:
o Largely on the basis of market rates on the day
when a GSE or comparison security was issued
and, hence, most liquid;
o For noncallable, or “bullet,” debt only;
o By averaging observed spreads over the entire
estimation period; and
o On the basis of a sample of high-quality
national financial institutions.
Timing of Issues
By calculating yield spreads from observed rates on
securities on the day when the securities were issued,
this study avoids the errors that can be introduced
from using indices, matrix prices, or yields observed
on secondary-market trades. Bond indices mix old
and new issues and therefore combine liquid with
illiquid issues; matrix prices (prices based on interpo-
lations by market participants from current transac-
tions) introduce approximation error; and secondary-
market trading reflects the effect of a loss of liquidity
from the aging of securities and, more importantly,
does not reflect the interest rates that borrowers actu-
ally pay.
Spreads Based on Noncallable Debt
CBO attributes the same funding advantage to bullet
and callable GSE debt.
There are some logical and
practical reasons to treat those securities similarly,
although doing so arguably introduces a downward
bias into the estimated spread. Financial market par-
ticipants view callable debt as a combination of
straight debt and a call option and generally calculate
the value of callable debt using that type of decompo-
sition. Because the GSEs may have only a small ad-
vantage in the options market (owing to their higher
credit quality, which enhances liquidity), the prices
that they pay for options should be only slightly
lower than those paid by other market participants.
Thus, the advantage on the callable debt is likely to
be dominated by the subsidy on its straight debt com-
ponent. The practical reason for approximating the
funding advantage of callable debt by the estimated
advantage of bullet debt is that data on comparable
callable bonds are difficult to obtain. There are few
private issues available for comparison, and the more
complicated structure of callable bonds tends to add
noise to any estimate of yield differentials. In sum,
although attributing the same funding advantage to
callable and noncallable debt probably has led to an
understatement of the subsidy, CBO chose to rely on
an estimate based on more reliable data.
Long-Term Average Spreads
The spread between GSE and comparable private
securities varies over time. For instance, in times of
market stress, there may be a “flight to quality,”
which reduces rates on U.S. Treasury and GSE secu-
rities relative to private rates. An increase in demand
for safe, government-backed securities, therefore,
increases the gross subsidy to the GSEs and widens
the spread between rates on GSE debt and conform-
ing mortgages. Such episodes—two have occurred
since mid-1998—provide the GSEs with highly prof-
itable opportunities to increase their portfolio hold-
ings of mortgages, and they appear to have done so.
Although yield spreads observed during a short pe-
riod are useful in gauging current conditions, an aver-
age of spreads observed over a wide range of market
conditions is a more statistically reliable, as well as a
more conservative, indicator of the long-term benefits
of GSE status.
5. See Ambrose and Warga,
An Update on Measuring GSE Funding
6. CBO’s 1996 estimates of the subsidy on GSE securities used a
higher subsidy estimate for the GSEs’ callable debt than for their
noncallable debt.
7. See, for example, Kenneth Posner,
Finance: Specialty and Mort-
, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, March 13, 2001, p. 5.
In fact, although the historical spread fluctuates,
it shows no apparent trend over time. On the basis of
that observation, CBO assumes that the spread was
fixed over the estimation period and going forward
will equal the average observed spread in the past.
With the supply of Treasury securities shrink-
ing, however, the demand for GSE debt securities
may rise in the future, further widening the spread
between GSE rates and those paid by AA and A
banking institutions. Furthermore, using a time-aver-
aged spread without adjusting for changes in the
amount of debt issued over time neglects the fact that
the GSEs tend to increase debt issuance when spreads
are high and decrease debt issuance when spreads are
They also adjust the volume of MBSs and debt
in response to changing market conditions. A more
accurate measure of the federal subsidy, therefore,
would calculate the funding advantage as the average
of observed spreads weighted by the volume of secu-
rities issued at each spread. That approach would
increase the contribution of the most favorable ob-
served spreads to the “average” benefit. Alterna-
tively, the funding advantage could be permitted to
vary for each period. However, the variance of the
estimated spreads is often large relative to the year-
to-year changes in the advantage. Accordingly, CBO
uses the unweighted average of observed funding
advantages for the period even though doing so is
likely to undervalue the benefits of GSE status.
Comparison Sample
The funding advantage for the housing GSEs is cal-
culated by comparing rates on GSE debt with rates on
debt issues from a sample of 70 large national finan-
cial institutions, eight of which were rated AA+, AA,
or AA- and 62 of which were A+, A, or A-. Both
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have obtained a hypo-
thetical rating of AA- under the assumption that they
would operate as they do currently and would hold an
unchanged amount of capital if they were fully pri-
vate. The FHLBs have not received a comparable
rating but it appears unlikely that they would receive
a higher rating than Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac or a
rating lower than A. Thus, all three GSEs are within
the range covered by the sample.
The hypothetical AA- rating for Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac lies between the A and AA ratings of
those comparison firms. Very few AA-rated finan-
cial firms are available to be included in a compari-
son sample because most financial companies find it
advantageous to operate in a way that results in an A
rather than an AA rating on their long-term debt.
Taken together, the handful of private AA financial
institutions issued fewer than four comparable bonds
in four of the five years studied; and in one of those
years, there were no comparable AA issues. Infer-
ences about funding advantage drawn from such a
small sample would be subject to large errors.
Hence, CBO chose to base the analysis on the
broader sample.
CBO also performed a sensitivity
analysis based on the full sample of firms, giving
equal weight to the small number of AA issues and
the large number of A issues. This weighting re-
duced the estimated funding advantage on debt by
considerably less than the bounds reported in the sen-
sitivity analysis in the last section of this study.
The Subsidy Rate on Effective
Short-Term Debt
The rate reduction on GSE securities may vary with
the maturity of the security issued, in part because
default risk is lower over a short horizon than over a
longer time period. Even though the Ambrose and
Warga study found no systematic pattern in spreads
as a function of maturity for debt issues with a matu-
rity of more than 300 days, spreads could be lower
for issues with a shorter maturity. For example, a
study commissioned by Freddie Mac estimates the
advantage on short-term debt to be between 10 and
20 bps, relying on index value data.
CBO uses an estimate of the spread on effective
short-term debt of 15 bps.
Determining the fraction of effective short-term
debt issued by the GSEs is not a straightforward cal-
8. This approach follows Freddie Mac’s own example in calculating
the GSEs’ funding advantage based on both A and AA issues in its
Financing America’s Housing: The Vital Role of Freddie
9. See James Pearce and James C. Miller III,Freddie Mac and Fannie
Mae: Their Funding Advantage and Benefits to Consumers” (pre-
pared for Freddie Mac, January 9, 2001), available at
culation because of their extensive use of derivative
securities such as swaps, which effectively transform
short-term borrowing into long-term borrowing and
vice versa. In order to calculate the
of the GSEs’ short-term debt, their positions in deriv-
ative securities also must be analyzed. That informa-
tion is not publicly available, nor would it be easy to
interpret if it were. However, Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac report that the percentage of total debt
that was effectively short-term after “synthetic exten-
sion” at year-end 1999 was, respectively, 13 percent
and 7 percent.
Those amounts contrast with the
figures for nominal short-term debt of 41 percent and
49 percent reported on their respective balance
sheets. Percentages of effective short-term debt re-
ported for earlier years are higher—between 20 per-
cent and 30 percent. In its estimate, CBO sets the
fraction of effective short-term debt at 20 percent, in
line with past practice but weighted toward current
practice, and assumes that it remains at 20 percent
going forward in time.
Computation of an Average Spread
CBO estimates an overall funding advantage of 41
basis points on all GSE debt securities. A weighted
average, the estimate considers effective short-term
debt to be 20 percent of outstanding debt and to have
a 15 bp advantage, and effective long-term debt to be
80 percent of outstanding debt and to have a 47 bp
Converting Yield Spreads
to Subsidy Values
CBO’s calculation of the total benefit from lower
borrowing costs employs a methodology designed to
capture the total subsidy associated with new credit
extended in a given year, or the “capitalized sub-
sidy.” It contrasts with a “subsidy-flow” calculation,
a single-year subsidy calculated by multiplying the
reduction in borrowing costs by the total amount of
outstanding GSE debt, which CBO used in its 1996
As a measure of the federal benefit and its
change over time, the subsidy-flow methodology suf-
fers significant shortcomings. First, it recognizes
subsidies conferred today only gradually over many
years, rather than in the year that the commitment to
funding is made. Second, it records subsidies today
for funding from years earlier. When GSE debt is
priced and sold, the benefits of a lower interest rate
are secured for each year the financing is expected to
be outstanding, not just for the current year. Simi-
larly, a mortgage borrower locks in the benefit of
lower rates over the life of the mortgage. The sub-
sidy flow, therefore, understates the value that has
been transferred by the government in the current
year, while including some of the benefits of previous
years’ transactions. A more timely measure would
recognize all of the current and future benefits of this
year’s transactions but exclude subsidies from past
A related shortcoming of the subsidy-flow mea-
sure is bias: downward when the GSEs are growing
rapidly, upward when they are expanding slowly. In
recent years, the debt issued by the housing GSEs has
been growing at an annual rate of more than 20 per-
cent, although that growth slowed to 12 percent in
2000. Throughout this high-growth period, the
subsidy-flow method would have underestimated the
size of the benefits conferred. Conversely, if the
GSEs were to stop growing, the subsidy-flow mea-
sure would continue to show net new subsidies to the
GSEs, even though they would primarily be receiving
deferred benefits from past transactions.
10. As an example of the synthetic extension process, a GSE may bor-
row $100 million by issuing a one-year security and intend to main-
tain that $100 million outstanding over five years using a succes-
sion of one-year securities. That short-term borrowing is trans-
formed to long-term borrowing using an interest rate swap. Under
the swap contract, the GSE agrees to make five years of fixed-rate
interest payments based on a $100 million principal value in ex-
change for receiving five years of floating rate payments. The GSE
can use the floating rate payments received from the swap to pay its
obligations in the one-year market and in effect it is left with a
fixed-rate interest obligation.
11. CBO assumes that the funding advantage on effective long-term
debt equals the funding advantage on original-issue long-term debt.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have asserted, to the contrary, that the
funding advantage on synthetically extended debt is no greater than
that on short-term debt because the GSEs have no advantage in the
swap market. If so, however, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac finance
the synthetically extended portion of their debt at only a 15 bp ad-
vantage, when a 47 bp advantage is available on otherwise similar
securities that they could issue. Although it is possible that Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac do not always choose the most advantageous
funding, such behavior is implausible in the face of such large rate
differentials. Accordingly, CBO’s estimates of the funding advan-
tage are based on the assumption that the GSEs fully exploit their
funding advantage.
CBO's decision to use the capitalized subsidy
measure is also consistent with the objective of the
Credit Reform Act of 1990, which is to recognize and
disclose the costs of long-lived credit transactions
when the commitment to that assistance is made.
Through law and generally accepted accounting prin-
ciples, the federal government requires that the pres-
ent value of all future benefits conveyed by new
loans and guarantees issued in the current year be
The subsidy estimates here differ in
some respects from the treatment of financial guaran-
tees under the Credit Reform Act to reflect that there
is no explicit guarantee to the GSEs. Instead, the cal-
culations closely follow private-sector capital budget-
ing practices, which were similarly designed to re-
flect the present value of future commitments.
The more forward-looking approach to measur-
ing subsidies adopted in this study has been recom-
mended by several observers.
That method can be
illustrated by a familiar example. If a home buyer
obtains a 30-year fixed-rate $100,000 mortgage at
7.75 percent, rather than 8 percent, the first year’s
savings is $250 (0.25 percentage points times
$100,000). But the borrower will also enjoy interest
savings each year thereafter until the mortgage is
paid off. The sum of lower interest payments in all
years is sometimes (incorrectly) used as the savings
from the lower mortgage rate, but that figure over-
states the benefit to a borrower because it treats a
future dollar saved as equal in value to a dollar saved
To adjust for differences in the value of
money over time, future interest savings must be dis-
counted with an appropriate interest rate. Capitaliza-
tion refers to the process of discounting and summing
annual benefits.
Although the basic procedure is straightforward,
its use raises the question of the life of the subsidy
benefit. The GSEs finance mortgages with initial
maturities that are usually 15 or 30 years but that may
be shorter, with debt ranging in maturity from a few
days to 30 years. Maturing or prepaid mortgages are
almost always replaced with new mortgages, extend-
ing the effective life of the subsidy.
CBO has considered two maturity horizons—
seven years and perpetuity—that provide lower and
upper bounds, respectively, for the subsidy estimates.
However, to link the subsidy more explicitly to the
mortgages acquired or guaranteed in a given year, all
subsidy estimates reported in this study use the lower
bound estimate unless otherwise indicated.
maturity is considerably shorter than the 15- or 30-
year term of a typical new mortgage because a large
fraction of mortgages are paid off early through refi-
nancing or the sale of houses. Because the GSEs
structure their debt financing to match expected mort-
gage cash flows, it is reasonable to expect that the
borrowing advantage on debt is also locked in on av-
erage over that seven-year period.
For the seven-year horizon, incremental borrow-
ing in a given year has two components. One compo-
nent is the increase in the total debt that is outstand-
ing. The second component is an estimate of new
mortgages that are replacing mortgages maturing in
the current year, called the “rollover amount” (which
is absent when the maturity horizon is considered to
be perpetuity). The subsidy estimate therefore re-
flects the average life of new mortgages acquired in a
given year, incorporating the sum of new growth and
the rollover of maturing mortgages. To calculate the
rollover amount, CBO assumes a distribution of life-
times for new mortgages and uses this distribution to
12. Credit Reform Act of 1990 and Statement of Federal Financial Ac-
counting Standards 2.
13. Robert S. Seiler Jr., “Estimating the Value and Allocation of Fed-
eral Subsidies to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac” (paper presented at
the American Enterprise Institute conference “Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac: Public Purposes and Private Interests,” Washington,
D.C., March 24, 1999), revised April 1, 1999, and Alden L. Toevs,
“A Critique of the CBO’s Sponsorship Benefit Analysis” (report
submitted by First Manhattan Consulting Group to Fannie Mae,
September 6, 2000).
14. A dollar in 30 years is equivalent to only $0.23 today because $0.23
invested at 5 percent today would grow to $1 in 30 years.
15. Over time, the anticipated average life of a mortgage varies because
of variations in the interest rate environment that affect prepayment
rates. In recent years, the average life of a typical mortgage has
been less than seven years. Using seven years as the basis for the
subsidy calculations is conservative, however, because the high
probability that maturing mortgages will be replaced by new mort-
gages implies a much longer effective life of new commitments.
16. Conceptually, the focus is on the life of the mortgages financed,
rather than on the life of the supporting debt, because mortgage
borrowers are the intended beneficiaries of the estimated subsidy
and that subsidy is received over the life of the mortgages. The
average maturity of liabilities rather than of assets could be used to
determine the subsidy horizon and would lead to similar results.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac maintain that their interest rate risk is
limited by their hedging strategies. Accordingly, the effective ma-
turity of their liabilities is close to that of their assets.
Table 5.
Subsidies to GSE Debt, 1995-2000 (In billions of dollars)
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Capitalized Subsidies
Fannie Mae 1.7 1.5 1.8 3.2 3.3 3.6
Freddie Mac 0.8 1.1 0.8 3.3 2.4 2.4
FHLBs 1.2
1.1 2.0 2.6 4.5 2.8
Total 3.7 3.7 4.5 9.1 10.2 8.8
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.
a. The subsidies to GSE debt are present values.
update the assumed maturity distribution of debt-
financed mortgages.
An assumption of perpetual life for new obliga-
tions implies only that the GSEsassets do not de-
cline over time.
If there is no growth, the GSEs
retire individual securities as they come due and issue
new securities to replace those that are maturing. In
fact, GSE securities consistently have shown year-
over-year increases in recent decades,
while the
overall conventional mortgage debt secured by one-
to four-family houses has increased every year in the
United States since World War II. The continuous
addition of new stock and the rollover of existing
properties ensure that even without inflation, total
mortgage debt will grow. If the GSEs merely main-
tained a constant share of housing finance, they
would grow indefinitely, as this case assumes.
The capitalized subsidy is calculated in two
steps. First, the annual incremental benefit is ob-
tained by multiplying the net increase in debt out-
standing during a year plus any assumed rollover of
debt by the reduction in interest rates from the federal
subsidy. Second, the present value of the annual ben-
efit is determined by discounting those annual flows
over the assumed horizon, using the cost of funds to
the GSEs.
For example, the subsidy from lower borrowing
costs on the debt issued by the housing GSEs in 2000
is calculated as follows:
1. Multiply the interest rate reduction (0.0041) by
the net increase in debt that remains outstanding
in a given year, plus any assumed rollover
amount: this increase in subsidized debt is $375
billion if the maturity horizon is assumed to be
seven years and $227 billion over a perpetual
In the latter calculation, the figure
implies an annual interest savings of $0.93 bil-
lion in every future year. Similarly, in the for-
mer calculation, the figure implies a benefit of
$1.54 billion in the first year and a decreasing
amount over the next 30 years (consistent with
an average life of seven years), because the
17. More precisely, CBO’s calculations are based on the assumption
that mortgages are paid off at 275 percent PSA, which implies an
average life of just under seven years. The PSA scale, devised by
the Public Securities Association, is an industry standard used to
describe the rate and pattern of prepayments over time.
18. Assuming a perpetual horizon does not lead to an infinite subsidy
value because of the effect of discounting. As a result, the esti-
mated subsidy based on a 30-year horizon differs by only a few
percentage points from a subsidy based on a perpetual horizon.
19. There have been years in which the outstanding debt of an individ-
ual GSE has declined (for example, Freddie Mac’s dropped slightly
in 1992), but the growth of total GSE debt has been consistently
positive since 1990. The growth of total outstanding MBSs has
been positive in every year since 1980.
20. Using a discount rate that does not reflect risk would be consistent
with standard government accounting practices but at variance with
the standard capital budgeting practice of using risk-adjusted dis-
count rates. A risk-free rate would increase the estimated value of
the subsidy. The rate selected reflects the reasoning that the risk of
the subsidy is similar to that of GSE debt, and, hence, that the debt
rate is appropriate for discounting.
21. The difference in the two cases is the estimated rollover amount,
which is based on reported assets in past years and the assumed
distribution of repayments.
Table 6.
Subsidies to Mortgage-Backed Securities Guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, 1995-2000
(In billions of dollars)
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Capitalized Subsidies
Fannie Mae 1.5 1.7 1.7 2.3 2.1 1.9
Freddie Mac 1.0
1.3 1.1 1.1 2.1 1.8
Total 2.5 3.0 2.8 3.4 4.2 3.6
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.
a. The subsidies to MBSs guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are present values.
principal that is outstanding is reduced by amor-
tization and prepayment.
2. Convert those annual flows into a present value
by discounting at the GSEs’ average cost of
debt financing: that rate is estimated to be 6.3
percent in 2000. Thus, when a perpetual hori-
zon is assumed, the capitalized subsidy is $14.6
billion. With a seven-year horizon, it is $8.8
The gross value of federal subsidies on GSE debt
securities, calculated using the capitalized measure
with a seven-year horizon, ranged from $3.7 billion
in 1995 to $10.2 billion in 1999, before dropping in
2000 (see Table 5).
The Subsidy to Mortgage-
Backed Securities
The advantage conferred to MBSs guaranteed by the
GSEs over MBSs guaranteed by private financial
firms is difficult to measure with precision. In princi-
ple, the noncredit cost of providing a guarantee
should be similar for the GSEs and for private guar-
antors, although the two types of guarantees are often
structured differently.
The cost of providing a
credit guarantee, however, is lower for the GSEs be-
cause of the perceived government backing. In par-
ticular, the market requires greater capital backing for
a fully private guarantee, and providing that capital is
costly to private firms. Consequently, Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac have the latitude to charge fees in
excess of guarantee costs. CBO uses a point estimate
of 30 basis points in calculating the total capitalized
subsidy value on MBSs, and that total is divided be-
tween the portion retained by the GSEs and the bene-
fit passed through to borrowers.
CBO’s approach to estimating the subsidy rate
on MBSs is largely deductive. Calculations de-
scribed below show that the advantage passed
through to conforming mortgage borrowers is ap-
proximately 25 bp. Because borrowers whose mort-
gages are eventually sold into an MBS compete for
the most favorable rates with borrowers whose mort-
gages are held by the GSEs, the advantage passed
through should be approximately equal in both cases.
That benefit to borrowers is one component of the
total subsidy to MBSs. The second significant com-
ponent is the amount retained by the GSEs because of
the higher guarantee fees that they can charge as a
result of their special status. Currently, the GSEs
charge approximately 20 bp for that guarantee, which
puts an upper bound on the benefit that they can re-
tain from this line of business. CBO assumes, fol-
lowing the analyses by Treasury and by Toevs (both
cited earlier), that the GSEs retain 5 bps. Overall,
22. Other financial firms usually enhance the credit of their MBSs
through a structure of senior (guaranteed) and subordinated (guar-
antor) claims on income from the mortgage pool. The value of the
guarantee is therefore a function of the extent of overcollaterali-
zation and the quality of the underlying assets. Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac, by contrast, issue blanket assurance (for a fee) that
payments will be made to all MBS holders when due.
Table 7.
Total Federal Subsidies to the Housing GSEs, 1995-2000 (In billions of dollars)
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Subsidies to Debt and MBSs
Fannie Mae 3.2 3.2 3.5 5.5 5.4 5.5
Freddie Mac 1.8 2.4 1.8 4.4 4.5 4.2
FHLBs 1.2
1.1 2.0 2.6 4.5 2.8
Subtotal 6.2 6.7 7.3 12.5 14.4 12.4
Tax and Regulatory Subsidies
Fannie Mae 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6
Freddie Mac 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4
FHLBs 0.2
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Subtotal 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.2
Total 6.8 7.4 8.1 13.5 15.6 13.6
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.
a. The subsidies to GSE debt and mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) are present values.
b. The tax and regulatory subsidies are savings for the current year only.
then, CBO estimates that the total subsidy to MBSs is
30 bps.
Several earlier studies estimated the federal sub-
sidy to GSE-guaranteed MBSs by comparing the
yield on senior guaranteed private securities with the
yield on GSE MBSs. (The compared yields did not
include the guarantee and other associated fees.) Ac-
cording to those studies, over the last several years,
MBSs guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
have paid investors 20 to 40 bps less than the rates
paid on privately guaranteed MBSs. In part, that
broad range is due to the fact that the private and
GSE securities often differ in other characteristics
such as the quality of the underlying assets and the
precise structure of the securities and guarantees.
In CBO’s calculations, the gross subsidies to
MBSs guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
are capitalized in the year of issue for the same rea-
son that subsidies are capitalized for GSE debt issues.
By CBO’s estimates, gross subsidies to MBSs grew
from $2.5 billion in 1995 to $4.2 billion in 1999 (see
Table 6). That increase corresponds to the growth in
MBSs outstanding plus any rollover amount guaran-
teed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac during this pe-
riod. Slowed growth in 2000 reduced the estimated
subsidy in that year to $3.6 billion.
Putting the Elements
Together: The Total Subsidy
The estimated capitalized value of subsidies provided
to all securities issued or guaranteed by the housing
GSEs rose from $6.2 billion in 1995 to $14.4 billion
in 1999, before falling back to $12.4 billion in 2000
(see Table 7). Combined with the current value of
23. Although CBO’s estimate of a 30 bp advantage lies in the center of
the range, such comparisons are a less satisfactory way to estimate
the subsidy to MBSs because the estimate reflects only one source
of difference, the interest rate required by investors. It neglects
other differences that affect the total size and distribution of the
subsidy, including differences in guarantee fees, rating fees, and
operating costs.
1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Billions of Dollars
Growth at GDP
Plus 2 Percent
Growth at GDP
No Growth
Figure 3.
Total Subsidies to the Housing GSEs
Under Three Scenarios, 1988-2011
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.
the tax and regulatory exemptions provided to the
enterprises—$1.2 billion
in 1999 and 2000—the
total estimated subsidy was $15.6 billion in 1999 and
$13.6 billion in 2000, up from $6.8 billion in 1995.
The capitalized subsidy in any year depends
critically on the growth rate of GSEs’ borrowing and
issuance of MBSs in that year. The total subsidy (in-
cluding tax and regulatory benefits) would evolve
differently in the next 10 years under three different
scenarios for the growth of debt and MBSs: no
growth, growth at nominal GDP (estimated by CBO
to average 5.8 percent annually), and growth at nomi-
nal GDP plus 2 percent (see Figure 3). Under the no-
growth scenario, there is a continuing subsidy be-
cause of the rollover of old mortgages. Under the
high-growth scenario, the total subsidy would exceed
$28 billion in 2011. Even the high-growth scenario
assumes a growth rate that is significantly lower than
the GSEs’ growth in the last two decades and, hence,
is conservative. Such conservatism is sensible be-
cause over the long term, growth that is significantly
higher than nominal GDP is unsustainable under cur-
rent policy, as the supply of conforming mortgages is
24. This number is not capitalized because it is more closely related to
current operating costs than to future commitments. Such treatment
is consistent with that of administrative costs of credit programs
under federal accounting standards.
25. CBO’s current estimates are not directly comparable to its 1996
estimates because of methodological and other technical changes.
Estimated Distribution of Benefits
ot all of the subsidy is passed through to mort-
gage borrowers in the form of lower interest
rates and fees on mortgages. The GSEs’
stockholders and other stakeholders retain a portion
of the subsidy from GSE status, and a portion of it
also accrues to nonmortgage borrowers through
FHLB member institutions. To quantify this division
of benefits, CBO estimates the pass-through to con-
forming mortgage borrowers and assumes that the
balance of the total estimated subsidy is retained by
the publicly traded GSEs and the stakeholders of the
FHLBs (see Figure 4).
The actual distribution of the subsidy is difficult
to determine deductively. Shareholders of the GSEs
presumably provide management with incentives to
retain as much of the subsidy as is feasible. Al-
though Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have a domi-
nant position in the conforming mortgage market that
confers considerable market power, competition be-
tween the two can force benefits to pass through to
mortgage borrowers and originators.
Determining the distribution of the subsidy to
Federal Home Loan Banks is also complicated. The
banks are cooperatively owned by retail financial
institutions that have elected to become members of
the FHLB System and are eligible to borrow from the
FHLBs. Because members are both owners and cus-
tomers of the FHLBs, it is likely that almost all of the
benefit of GSE status is passed through to them, ei-
ther in the form of concessions on advances or via
Because retail lending is a highly com-
petitive industry, members may be forced to pass
most of the benefit through to their own customers.
More specifically, CBO assumes that FHLB mem-
bers use the benefit to match the subsidy that Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac pass through on conforming
mortgages, and allocate the remainder in equal shares
across the other assets they hold. Those assumptions
lead to the conclusion, explained at greater length
below, that the FHLBs reduce interest rates on jumbo
mortgages by 3 basis points.
To the extent that
1. Because the estimate of the pass-through is based on the amount of
new debt and because the new debt is used in part to finance multi-
family mortgages and some other assets, the estimate reflects the
subsidy received by other borrowers as well as by conforming mort-
gage borrowers.
2. See Benjamin E. Hermalin and Dwight Jaffee, “The Privatization of
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Implications for Mortgage Industry
Structure,” in Department of Housing and Urban Development,
Office of Policy Development and Research, Studies on Privatizing
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (May 1996), pp. 225-302.
3. In 1999, interest rates on FHLB advances averaged 8 basis points
above the interest rate on FHLB debt, and the banks paid an aver-
age dividend to members of 6.65 percent of paid-in capital.
4. Similarly, the assumption that mortgage borrowers rather than orig-
inators receive the subsidy passed through by Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac rests on the assumption that the origination business is
highly competitive. To the extent that FHLB members or mortgage
originators have market power, some of the subsidy assigned to
nonmortgage borrowers is retained by members or originators.
5. In CBO’s estimates, the subsidy to FHLBs is assumed to be spread
over assets held by the member banks. To the extent that some of it
benefits liability holders (for example, depositors and stockholders)
through more branches and ATMs (automated teller machines) or in
higher deposit rates, the pass-through estimated to accrue to bor-
rowers of jumbo mortgages would be reduced. It has also been
suggested that jumbo loan rates may be reduced by borrowers’ sub-
stitution of conforming mortgages for jumbo loans, but a possibly
offsetting effect is that the liquidity of the market for jumbo loans is
reduced by the dominance and special status of conforming mort-
Total: 13.5
Total: 7.4
Total: 8.1
Total: 15.6
Total: 13.6
Conforming Mortgage
Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac
Federal Home Loan
Bank Stakeholders
Figure 4.
Distribution of Subsidies by Beneficiary, 1996-2000 (In billions of dollars)
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.
FHLB members are able to retain part of that benefit.
CBO’s method overestimates the pass-through to
jumbo borrowers. However, that potential overesti-
mate is unlikely to have a significant influence on the
estimated benefit to conforming mortgage borrowers.
The traditional approach to estimating the distri-
bution of the subsidy to the GSEs has been to com-
pare interest rates on loans eligible for financing by
them (that is, conforming mortgages) with rates on
mortgage loans that are not eligible (that is, jumbo
loans) and to attribute the difference to a pass-
CBO continues to use a variant of that ap-
proach, which incorporates statistical controls that
reduce the biases inherent in a raw comparison of
rates on jumbo and conforming loans.
CBO esti-
mates that effective interest rates on jumbo mort-
gages averaged 18 to 25 bps higher than the rates on
conforming mortgages during the period of 1995
through the second quarter of 2000; the point esti-
mate is 22 bps.
The influence of subsidies to the FHLBs on the
rates on jumbo mortgages must be factored into the
analysis to accurately measure the subsidy passed
through to conforming mortgage borrowers. To do
that, CBO assessed the extent to which the banks re-
duce the rate on jumbo mortgages and thus cause the
jumbo/conforming spread to understate the pass-
through to conforming mortgage borrowers. The
logic is that the subsidy to the FHLBs passes through
to member institutions and to users of the financial
system. At year-end 1999, members held $1.13 tril-
lion in residential mortgages and $3.7 trillion in total
assets. Using Pearce and Miller’s estimate that 52
percent of members’ mortgages are jumbo mortgages,
CBO estimates that conforming mortgages accounted
for $542 billion. Relying on the 22 bp estimate of the
observed jumbo/conforming spread and calculating
the reduction in rates on all other assets (including
jumbo mortgages) that fully exhausts the FHLBs’
subsidy, CBO concludes that the subsidy to the
FHLBs reduces the rates on jumbo loans by 3 bps.
Combining that reduction with an estimated jumbo/
conforming differential of 22 bps produces an esti-
mate of 25 bps for the pass-through on conforming
If Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are passing
through 25 basis points of subsidy to borrowers, then
they are retaining 16 bps (of the total 41 bps) of sub-
sidy received on each dollar of debt. For MBSs,
CBO assumes the same pass-through of 25 bps.
Thus, a larger portion of the benefit, 25 of the total
30 bps, goes to borrowers, and Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac retain only 5 bps. One explanation for a
lower retained benefit on MBSs is that the risk as-
sumed by the GSEs is considerably less than on mort-
gages held in their portfolios. Because of risk con-
siderations, the GSEs may be equating the marginal
benefit of issuing debt and MBSs, even though the
subsidy on debt is greater. Nevertheless, the differ-
ence in the subsidy may help to explain Fannie Mae’s
and Freddie Mac’s increased use of debt relative to
MBSs over recent years.
As is the case with subsidies to debt and to
MBSs, the value of the subsidies provided to borrow-
ers in a single year is measured by capitalizing future
interest savings rather than a single year’s savings.
The capitalized subsidy going to the GSEs’ conform-
ing mortgage borrowers rose from $3.7 billion in
1995 to $7.4 billion in 1999 and fell back to $7.0 bil-
lion in 2000 (see Table 8).
Because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are re-
stricted to operating in the conforming mortgage mar-
ket, CBO assumes that the portion of the subsidy not
passed through is retained by shareholders and other
stakeholders. Subtracting the amount of subsidy
passed through by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from
their total subsidy ($10.6 billion in 2000) leaves $3.9
billion as the amount that they retained. For the
6. See Patric H. Hendershott and James D. Shilling, “The Impact of
the Agencies on Conventional Fixed-Rate Mortgage Yields,”
nal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
, vol. 2, no. 2 (June
1989), pp. 101-115; Robert F. Cotterman and James E. Pearce,
“The Effects of the Federal National Mortgage Association and the
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation on Conventional Fixed-
Rate Mortgage Yields,” in Department of Housing and Urban De-
Studies on Privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
pp. 97-168.
7. See Congressional Budget Office, “Interest Rate Differentials Be-
tween Jumbo and Conforming Mortgages, 1995-2000," CBO paper
(May 2001).
8. CBO’s estimate is close to the range of 18 to 23 bps recently esti-
mated by Wayne Passmore, Roger Sparks, and Jamie Ingpen,
Mortgage Rates, and the Long-Run Effects of Mortgage Securitiza-
, Finance and Economics Discussion Series, Federal Reserve
Board (December 2000). The estimate is somewhat higher than the
estimate of 19 bps reported in Toevs, “A Critique of the CBO’s
Sponsorship Benefit Analysis.” One possible source of difference
is that this CBO study uses nationwide data, including areas where
the market for jumbo loans is small and inactive and jumbo rates
tend to be higher.
Table 8.
Distribution of Subsidies by Intermediary and Beneficiary, 1995-2000 (In billions of dollars)
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Passed Through to Conforming
Mortgage Borrowers
Fannie Mae 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.9 3.7 3.8
Freddie Mac 1.3 1.7 1.4 2.9 3.2 2.9
0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3
Subtotal 3.7 4.2 4.0 7.0 7.4 7.0
Retained by
Fannie Mae 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.2 2.2 2.3
Freddie Mac 0.7 0.9 0.7 1.7 1.7 1.6
FHLB stakeholders
1.3 1.1 2.0 2.6 4.3 2.7
Subtotal 3.2 3.3 4.1 6.5 8.2 6.6
Total 6.8 7.4 8.1 13.5 15.6 13.6
Percentage of Subsidies Retained by
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac 35 36 35 37 36 37
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.
a. The subsidies passed through to conforming mortgage borrowers are present values.
b. The estimates assume that conforming mortgages financed by FHLB members were a constant share of members’ portfolios from 1995 to
c. Retained subsidies are gross subsidies less the amounts passed through to conforming mortgage borrowers.
d. Includes member institutions, the federal government, non-conforming-mortgage borrowers, and other borrowers.
FHLBs, CBO estimates that their conforming mort-
gage borrowers received $0.3 billion out of the $3.0
billion total subsidy. Presumably, the balance re-
duced borrowing rates on other types of loans, in-
cluding jumbo mortgages, and accrued to other
FHLB stakeholders.
Because other market participants must offer
terms that are competitive with the GSEs in order to
attract borrowers, interest rates on mortgages eligible
for financing by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are
reduced even if those mortgages are financed by
others. Because that effect is costless to the GSEs, it
is not part of CBO’s subsidy estimates. Nevertheless,
CBO has estimated its size, finding that in terms of a
capitalized amount, there is no pass-through to mort-
gage borrowers that can be attributed to other inter-
mediaries. The result reflects the fact that the GSEs
have increased their share of conforming mortgages
to the point at which no new conforming mortgages
are being made that are not subsidized by the GSEs.
That is, the net increase in outstanding fixed-rate
conforming mortgages for one- to four-family hous-
ing ($228 billion in 1999) is less than the net increase
in conforming mortgages financed or guaranteed by
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ($256 billion). There-
fore, the calculation of the pass-through to borrowers
from the GSEs reflects the entire benefit to new bor-
9. Appendix A includes further discussion of how much of the mort-
gage market is served by other financial institutions.
Sensitivity Analysis
s with all such calculations, data limitations
and the complexity of the underlying pro-
cesses imply that uncertainty surrounds
CBO’s point estimates. By consistently adjusting all
of the parameter values in a single direction, the esti-
mates can be forced significantly higher or lower. In
assessing those estimates, therefore, it is important to
note that when missing or insufficient data necessi-
tate judgments about parameter values, those judg-
ments are not consistently in one direction or the
other. CBO has endeavored to balance those judg-
ments so as to arrive at point estimates that are free
of systematic bias.
Certain assumptions may have lowered the esti-
mated subsidy. They include using a short time hori-
zon over which to measure the benefit from securities
issued in the current year; using a risk-adjusted dis-
count rate, rather than a Treasury rate to convert sav-
ings into present values; attributing no benefit to the
GSEs’ ability to adjust their security sales and mort-
gage purchases to changes in yield spreads; and as-
signing a zero value to the benefit of federal backing
for derivatives and call options.
Other assumptions may have raised the esti-
mated subsidy. They include basing the funding ad-
vantage on GSE debt on a sample of non-GSE securi-
ties more heavily weighted toward A than toward AA
issues (an approach made necessary by data limita-
tions); assuming that the funding advantage is based
solely on government backing rather than on an ad-
vantage in operating efficiency; and assigning the
same funding advantage to short-term debt that is
“effectively long” as assigned to long-term debt.
Exactly how all of those approximations have
affected the estimated subsidy is impossible to deter-
mine, but it is possible to look at the sensitivity of the
estimates to several of the key parameters. Those
include assumptions about the horizon over which the
subsidy to this year’s activity continues, the borrow-
ing advantage on debt, the rate differential between
GSE-guaranteed and privately guaranteed MBSs, the
discount rate, and the rate used to calculate the sub-
sidy passed through to mortgage borrowers.
The effects of varying those factors within plau-
sible bounds on the total subsidy estimates (or in one
case the pass-through amount) are summarized in
Table 9. The results show the effect of changing one
factor at a time, while holding all other variables at
their assumed values in the base case. The ranges
chosen for each variable are based on the following
Borrowing advantage on debt
. The variation
in the borrowing advantage on long-term debt of
15 bps is based on standard errors reported in
Ambrose and Warga’s analysis. CBO assumes
that the same uncertainty applies to the advan-
tage on short-term debt. A plus or minus one
standard deviation range implies a borrowing
advantage of between 26 and 56 bps.
Table 9.
Sensitivity Analysis of CBO’s Base Case of Federal Subsidies to the Housing GSEs (In billions of dollars)
Basis Points per Year 1999 2000
Changes in Total Subsidy
(Base case = $15.6 billion in 1999 and $13.6 billion in 2000)
Borrowing Advantage on Debt
(Base case = 41 bps)
26 -3.74 -3.21
56 3.74 3.21
Discount Rate
(Base case = 660 bps on average)
610 0.28 0.23
710 -0.28 -0.23
Borrowing Advantage on Mortgage-Backed Securities
(Base case = 30 bps)
25 -0.70 -0.61
40 1.40 1.22
Changes in Pass-Through to Conforming Mortgage Borrowers
(Base case = $7.4 billion in 1999 and $7.0 billion in 2000)
Rate of Pass-Through
(Base case = 25 bps)
15 -3.90 -3.36
30 1.95 1.68
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.
a. Assumes no change in the total subsidy.
Discount rate
. The variation in the discount
rate is plus or minus 50 bps, which is approxi-
mately the spread between Treasury and AAA-
rated securities.
Advantage on MBSs.
The rate differential be-
tween GSE-guaranteed and privately guaranteed
MBSs varies between 25 and 40 bps.
Rate of pass-through to borrowers
. Under
CBO’s assumptions, the lower bound for the
rate passed through to mortgage borrowers is 15
bps, and the upper bound 30 bps.
That range
reflects the uncertainty in direct estimates based
on jumbo/conforming spreads and the diver-
gence of views on how much competition af-
fects the subsidy passed through.
As discussed earlier, the GSEs’ credit
expansion appears to be permanent, providing
an infinite upper bound on the lifetime of incre-
mental debt and MBSs. Subsidy estimates us-
ing a perpetual horizon are reported in Appen-
dix B. The lower bound assumes that the cur-
rent commitment extends only seven years. The
lower-bound estimates are the ones provided in
the body of this report.
Among the variations considered, the greatest
sensitivity is to the borrowing advantage on debt and
to the pass-through to borrowers. Changes in the dis-
count rate or the advantage on MBSs have less effect
on the subsidy calculations.
1. The range is not symmetric around the base case because the upper
bound of a symmetric range would imply a larger pass-through than
the total subsidy to MBSs.
Appendix A
Responses to Analyses of the
Congressional Budget Office’s
1996 Subsidy Estimates
annie Mae and Freddie Mac have questioned
several aspects of the subsidy estimates re-
ported by the Congressional Budget Office
(CBO) in its mandated study Assessing the Public
Costs and Benefits of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
released in 1996. Those objections are summarized
below, along with CBO’s responses.
Questions Addressed
In that 1996 study, CBO estimated:
o The total subsidy accruing to Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac from their special status and
o The division of that total subsidy among those
government-sponsored enterprises’ (GSEs’)
shareholders, mortgage borrowers, and other
The current study revisits those same issues, as re-
quested by Congressman Baker.
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and their contractors
have suggested that CBO focus on a different ques-
tion: how big is the benefit to GSEs compared with
the benefit to mortgage borrowers?
In their critiques
of CBO’s estimates, they often respond to that alter-
native question, stating that the benefit to borrowers
exceeds the benefit to the GSEs.
CBO believes that the questions addressed in its
studies not only reflect the questions asked by the
Congress but also are a better way to look at the ben-
efit provided by the federal government. The ques-
tion that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose and an-
swer assumes that if the estimated benefit to borrow-
ers exceeds the benefit to the GSEs, then the current
distribution of the benefits is somehow appropriate.
As CBO’s approach emphasizes, the subsidy to the
GSEs has two distinct components, the portion pass-
ing through to mortgage borrowers and the portion
retained by shareholders and to a lesser extent other
stakeholders. It is not clear what question can be an-
swered by comparing the estimated gross benefit to
the GSEs, which includes most of the subsidy to bor-
rowers, with an estimate of the total subsidy to bor-
rowers, which for some years includes a small num-
ber of additional borrowers who benefit from lower
conforming rates but whose mortgages are not inter-
mediated by the GSEs. One interpretation is that
1. See, for example, Pearce and Miller, “Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae:
Their Funding Advantage and Benefits to Consumers”; Toevs, “A
Critique of the CBO’s Sponsorship Benefit Analysis”; and Federal
Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Financing America’s Housing:
The Vital Role of Freddie Mac, p. 33.
Table A-1.
Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Estimated Share of One- to Four-Family Mortgages,
December 31, 2000 (In trillions of dollars)
All One- to Four-Family Mortgages
Total mortgages 5.2
Minus federally insured mortgages -0.8
Equals conventional mortgages 4.4
Minus jumbos -0.9
Equals conforming conventional mortgages 3.5
Minus adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) -0.7
Equals fixed-rate conforming conventional mortgages 2.8
One- to Four-Family Mortgages Financed or Securitized
by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Portfolio holdings of conforming mortgages 0.9
Plus mortgage-backed securities 1.3
Minus federally insured and multifamily mortgages, and ARMs -0.2
Equals fixed-rate conforming conventional mortgages 2.0
Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s share of fixed-rate conforming mortgages (Percent) 71
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.
NOTE: Conventional mortgages are those not guaranteed by a federal agency.
they believe it is appropriate for shareholders to re-
tain a dollar for every dollar provided to home buy-
A better question for the stockholder-owned
GSEs would be the following: could the same bene-
fits be delivered to home buyers even if shareholders
received less? Many mechanisms (restrictions on the
size of the GSEs’ portfolios, charter auctions under
which other financial institutions could bid for the
same set of benefits, or guarantee fees) would reduce
the share of the subsidy accruing to shareholders but
leave the function of the GSEs largely unchanged.
Although the GSEs have contributed to the efficiency
of the mortgage market, future efficiency does not
depend on shareholders’ receiving dollar-for-dollar
compensation for providing benefits to home buyers.
Another issue is whether the GSEs should be
credited with “passing through” subsidies that are
paid by other lenders. Through market dominance,
the presence of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has re-
duced rates on all conforming mortgages, not just
those that they hold in portfolio or have securitized.
Because the market rate for fixed-rate conforming
mortgages has been reduced about 25 bps by the
GSEs, all lenders must accept a 25 bp reduction in
yield on those mortgages.
However, Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac do not give up any of their retained
2. The figure of 25 bps may overestimate the amount by which the
GSEs lower rates on conforming loans. The measurement is based
on current spreads between the rates for fixed-rate jumbo loans and
those for conforming loans but does not take into account that the
GSEs may crowd out some other market participants. Any rate
reduction that would have been achieved by those other participants
is attributed to the GSEs in this calculation.
subsidy to pay for the benefit of lower rates on mort-
gages financed by others. Those benefits come at the
expense of lower income to non-GSE lenders. Ac-
cordingly, no credit is given for “passing through” a
benefit whose cost has been shifted to others. As a
practical matter, this argument is less important than
in the past. As discussed earlier, non-GSEs have a
shrinking share of the conforming market and, hence,
provide no incremental subsidies to mortgage bor-
rowers at this time.
Competition in the Secondary
Market for Conforming
Fannie Mae asserts that intense competition forces
the pass-through of all subsidies and that none is re-
tained by the GSEs. As evidence, Fannie Mae cites
its estimate that—as of December 31, 2000—it and
Freddie Mac together held only 22.7 percent of the
fixed-rate single-family mortgages that are outstand-
ing in the United States. However, the market that
Fannie Mae uses for comparison includes jumbo
mortgages—those whose original principal is above
the conforming ceiling and therefore are not eligible
for purchase by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It also
includes mortgages explicitly guaranteed by agencies
of the federal government—the Federal Housing Ad-
ministration, the Veterans Administration, and the
Department of Agriculture’s Rural Housing Service
—that are eligible for securitization by the federally
owned Ginnie Mae, which guarantees most securities
backed by those mortgages. Removing the fixed-rate
mortgages that are either ineligible or already feder-
ally insured reduces the size of the market in which
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac operate by one-third.
Adding the GSEs’ outstanding MBSs to their portfo-
lio holdings increases Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s
share to 71 percent of the market (see Table A-1).
Subsidies on Callable Debt
In the 1996 study, CBO estimated subsidy rates for
callable and noncallable (or bullet) debt separately.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have argued that the
subsidy rates applied to callable debt were implausi-
bly high (105 basis points), especially in relation to
the estimated subsidy rate on noncallable debt (46
basis points).
The ability to issue large amounts of callable
debt, at interest rates that apparently decline as the
volume of issues increases, is one of the advantages
of GSE status. Indeed, according to market observ-
ers, issues of callable debt by private financial firms
are sufficiently unusual that the liquidity advantage
on GSE callables is greater than their liquidity advan-
tage on bullet debt. Nonetheless, for the reasons
cited earlier, CBO now makes the conservative as-
sumption that the GSEs receive no more subsidy on
callable debt than on noncallable debt and attributes
the same funding advantage to all long-term debt.
Subsidies on Short-Term Debt
CBO’s 1996 study used the same subsidy rate for
short-term and long-term debt. Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac have asserted and CBO agrees that their
funding advantage is lower on short-term debt. In the
current estimate, CBO uses a lower funding advan-
tage for short-term debt than long-term debt.
Adjustment for Liquidity
Although the GSEs’ contend that liquidity is a major
source of their funding advantage, CBO does not esti-
mate the value of liquidity separately. Rather, it is
assumed that the value of greater liquidity is reflected
in the spreads used to estimate the subsidies on debt
securities and MBSs; investors are willing to pay
more for more liquid securities. More fundamentally,
CBO attributes the greater liquidity of GSE securities
over those of other financial firms to the implicit
3. According to Department of Housing and Urban Development,
Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight,
2000 Report to
(June 15, 2000), p. 10, “The enterprises dominate the
secondary market for conventional mortgages.” Further analysis of
the structure of the secondary mortgage market can be found in
Hermalin and Jaffee, “The Privatization of Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac: Implications for Mortgage Industry Structure,” pp. 225-302.
guarantee, much as the government guarantee of
Treasury securities is often cited as the reason for
their liquidity. To the extent that the greater liquidity
is a result of operating efficiencies that exceed those
achieved by other financial institutions, this assump-
tion imparts an upward bias to the subsidy estimate.
It seems likely, however, that the sophisticated finan-
cial institutions with which the GSEs compete also
manage their debt operations so as to capture any
available gains from enhanced liquidity.
Subsidies to MBSs
In its 1996 study, CBO referred to the lower rates on
GSE-guaranteed MBSs as “cost savings to the
GSEs,” some of which were characterized as “passed
on to borrowers” and some as retained by the GSEs.
Fannie Mae objected to that characterization on the
grounds that the savings from lower interest rates on
GSE-guaranteed MBSs pass directly from lenders to
borrowers without going through a GSE.
The current study describes federal subsidies to
securities issued or guaranteed by the housing GSEs
and then categorizes those subsidies by their final
recipient, either one of the GSEs or borrowers. That
approach avoids the implication that Fannie Mae re-
ceives a benefit on its guarantees that exceeds its
guarantee fee, but it has no effect on the estimated
size or distribution of the subsidies.
Appendix B
Subsidy Estimates When Growth
Is Permanent
s discussed earlier, over the past two decades
the housing GSEs’ year-by-year credit expan-
sion appears to be permanent, suggesting that
assuming an infinite upper bound on the lifetime of
incremental debt and MBSs provides a useful mea-
sure of the subsidies to the GSEs. The value of total
subsidies and their distribution under this assumption
are presented in Table B-1.
Table B-1.
Federal Subsidies to the Housing GSEs Using a Perpetual Horizon, 1995-2000
(In billions of dollars)
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Subsidies by GSE and by Source
Fannie Mae
Debt 2.7 2.1 2.5 6.7 6.3 6.2
Mortgage-backed securities 1.3 1.7 1.5 3.1 2.2 1.3
Tax and regulatory exemptions 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6
Freddie Mac
Debt 1.7 2.4 1.0 8.5 5.3 4.3
Mortgage-backed securities -0.1 0.7 0.1 0.1 3.1 1.8
Tax and regulatory exemptions 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4
Debt 2.0 1.3 3.5 5.3 10.7 4.3
Tax and regulatory exemptions 0.2
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Total 8.3 9.0 9.4 24.7 28.8 19.1
Subsidies by Beneficiary
Conforming mortgage borrowers 3.8 4.8 3.8 12.4 12.4 9.4
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac 2.5 2.8 2.2 7.2 6.5 5.6
FHLB stakeholders
2.0 1.4 3.4 5.1 9.9 4.1
Total 8.3 9.0 9.4 24.7 28.8 19.1
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.
NOTE: Subsidies to GSE debt and mortgage-backed securities are present values over a perpetual horizon. The annual savings from tax and
regulatory exemptions are for the current year only.
a. The estimates assume that conforming mortgages financed by FHLB members were a constant share of members’ portfolios from 1995 to