Accessibility of Simple Tables in Microsoft Products,
Adobe PDF, and HTML
Definition and Applicability
The definition of a simple data table is one in which each data cell relates to only one row and/or
column header and applies across several content types: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, or HTML.
Note: Data must be contained in separate data cells. The use of merged data cells changes a simple
table to a complex table.
HHS ID(s) /
Do not use table structure to design the visual layout of text. An example
would be columns of unrelated information. This includes not using spaces
or the TAB key to simulate the appearance of a table.
4N / PDF
4F / WebApps
Create data tables using the built-in Insert Table feature (Microsoft Office).
Use the <Table> tag (PDF and HTML) for data tables. Note: If formatting in
Excel, it is imperative that tables are created using the Insert Table feature;
the default spreadsheet is not in table format.
4E / Excel
4I / PDF
4E / PowerPoint
4B / WebApps
4H / Word
Identify data table headers.
4F & 4H / Excel
4J & 4K / PDF
4F / PowerPoint
4J & 4K / WebApps
4I / Word
All header cells must contain content. If necessary, header cells can use “-
to indicate empty header cells.
4G / Excel
4G / PowerPoint
4J / Word
Do not wrap text around tables. The order of the content that is interpreted
by Assistive Technology (AT) may combine table data with a portion of
the wrapped text.
4N / Word
Do not insert pictures of data tables. Each cell must be navigable.
4I / Excel
4H / PowerPoint
4K / Word
Accessibility of Simple Tables in Microsoft Products,
Adobe PDF, and HTML
HHS OS Accessibility Program [email protected] Revised October 2021
Best Practices
Develop an accessible simple table in the authoring/source format before converting to PDF.
Provide captions and descriptions of a table, if necessary, to provide additional information
about the purpose and what is contained in a table. Captions provide all users an opportunity
to determine whether the contents of a table are relevant to the user’s needs.
Render data in separate cells within the rows and columns.
When possible, convert complex tables to simple tables as in the example below:
Complex Table:
Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)
Data Cell 1
Data Cell 2
Data Cell 3
Data Cell 4
Data Cell 5
Data Cell 6
Data Cell 7
Data Cell 8
Complex Table Converted into Simple Table:
HHS - StaffDiv
HHS - OpDiv
Congress - Senate
Congress - House
Data Cell 1
Data Cell 2
Data Cell 3
Data Cell 4
Data Cell 5
Data Cell 6
Data Cell 7
Data Cell 8
How To’s
Instructions are based on inserting a simple table into a Microsoft Word or PowerPoint document and
then converting the completed Word or PowerPoint document into a PDF using Adobe Acrobat Pro
Inserting a Simple Table in Word / PowerPoint
How to insert a simple table in Word / PowerPoint:
1. Navigate to the Insert tab from the ribbon.
2. Select the Table menu item and activate Insert Table.
3. Enter the desired Number of rows and Number of columns.
4. Highlight the top row, which is identified as the columns header row.
5. Activate (or right click) the context menu and select Table Properties.
6. Select the Row tab and check “Repeat as Header Row at the top of each page.”
7. Activate the OK control when finished.
8. Highlight the entire table.
9. Activate (or right click) the context menu and select Table Properties.
10. Select the Row tab and uncheck “Allow row to break across pages.”
11. Activate the OK control when finished.
12. Enter data into the table.
Why is using the Insert > Table function important?
Using the Insert > Table function makes the table structurally accessible for AT users. If using the
TAB key or spacing to create the table, AT will not read the table appropriately and it will not be
considered accessible. Additionally, designated header rows make it easier for AT (such as a Screen
Reader) to navigate through the table, associating the data to a particular header element.
Refer to the OS Microsoft Word Accessibility Reference and the OS Microsoft PowerPoint
Accessibility Reference for further information about inspecting simple tables for conformance.
Accessibility of Simple Tables in Microsoft Products,
Adobe PDF, and HTML
HHS OS Accessibility Program [email protected] Revised October 2021
Converting Microsoft Office Content to PDF
How to convert a document to PDF:
1. Navigate to File > Save As.
2. Choose PDF from the “Save as type” drop down.
3. Navigate to and activate the Options control.
4. In Options ensure the following are checked:
a. Create bookmarks using > Headings.
b. Document properties.
c. Document structure tags for accessibility.
5. Navigate to and activate OK.
6. In the Save As dialog, enter a name in the File Name field.
7. Navigate to and activate Save.
Important: Never use Print to PDF! This option will not bring over necessary structure.
Why is converting a Microsoft Office document to PDF important?
It prevents user edits to the document. Additionally, when the Word document becomes more
complex (i.e., includes text boxes, graphics, text wrapping, etc.), it is easier to make the document
conformant when it is in PDF format.
Table Structure
Table structure for simple tables in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC must include the following tags:
1. Table (Main Table tag)
2. TR (Table Row tag)
3. TH (Table Header tag)
4. TD (Table Data tag)
Why is table structure important?
Using accessible table structure allows AT to convey the data associations as the author intends.
Additionally, using table captions (shown above the table and in bold below) identify the purpose of
the table.
Example of a Simple Table:
Note: Avoid using a table to design the visual layout of text. Tables are used for displaying data and
contain relationships between headers and cells.
Refer to the OS Adobe PDF Accessibility Reference to learn more about inspecting tables for
Table Header Cell 2
Table Data Cell 2
Table Data Cell 4
Accessibility of Simple Tables in Microsoft Products,
Adobe PDF, and HTML
HHS OS Accessibility Program [email protected] Revised October 2021
Table Editor
How to set table scope:
1. Highlight a <Table> tag in the Tags Pane.
2. Activate the context menu (or right click) and select Table Editor. Confirm the entire table is
3. Activate (or right click) on a cell that is intended to be a header cell and select Table Cell
4. Ensure the Header Cell radio button is selected.
5. In the Scope drop-down, select Column (or Row if there are also row headers).
6. Repeat steps 3-5 for each column and/or row header cell.
7. Activate the OK control when finished.
Why is setting table scope important?
Simple data tables must provide the proper cell type and scope. This allows AT users to properly
identify table headers versus table data and correctly associate the data cells to the appropriate
header cells.
Proper Tag Structure
The tag structure for the earlier “Example of a Simple Tableis as follows:
<TR> (Child of <Table>) First Row = Table Row 1
<TH> (Child of <TR>)
Text of Table Header Cell 1
<TH> (Sibling of <TH>)
Text of Table Header Cell 2
<TR> (Sibling of <TR> tag above) = Table Row 2
<TD> (Child of <TR>)
Text of Table Data Cell 1
<TD> (Child of <TR>)
Text of Table Data Cell 2
<TR> (Sibling of <TR> tag above) = Table Row 3
<TD> (Child of <TR>)
Text of Table Data Cell 3
<TD> (Child of <TR>)
Text of Table Data Cell 4
Why is proper tag structure important?
Proper tag structure ensures that the table’s data is delivered in a clear and succinct manner.
Proper tag structure must also be considered for tables that flow on to another page or pages. The
tag structure for tables that span across pages should maintain one <Table> tag for the entire table.
For example, when a table spans from page one to pages two and three, the Tsags pane should
show one <Table> tag containing all the table rows (<TR>) for the table content from page one
through page three. The tags for the visually repeated table row headers on pages two and three
must be hidden (or changed to artifacts). For more information about artifacts, refer to the OS Adobe
PDF Accessibility Reference.