Date of Public Notice: 03/22/2023
In accordance with the requirements of Section 158.23 and 158.37 of Federal Aviation Regulation (14CFR
Part 158), this letter is intended to serve as official notice by the Colorado Springs Airport of a
consultation meeting with the air carriers serving our Airport. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the
second amendment to our twenty-third (23) PFC application.
The City of Colorado Springs received approval from the FAA to “impose and use” PFCs for eleven projects
at the Colorado Springs Airport under PFC Application 19-23-C-00-COS on December 6, 2017. The total
PFC approved amount was $25,194,101.
The first amendment to this application was later submitted primarily to decrease the funding associated
with the relief of PFC indebtedness through the CARES grant and the reduction in actual expenses for
several of the projects. The first amendment decreased the collection authority from $25,194,101 to
This second amendment will request a decrease in PFC funding to change the application of funding from
pay-as-you-go to both pay-as-you-go and financing and interest. Except for the Deicing Pad, the Airport
funded these projects with another public fund and has been reimbursing that public fund with PFC funds.
Furthermore, the Taxiway B Rehabilitation Construction project expenses are higher than anticipated by
80%. The total PFC collection amount will decrease by $105,875. Per FAA Order 5500.1, an additional
Airline Consultation meeting is required due to these changes. COS is requesting to amend PFC #23
Application by decreasing the collection authority from $20,116,155 to $ 20,010,280, a difference of
The Airport plans to submit the proposed amendment to PFC #23 to the FAA for review and approval on
or about May 15, 2023.
If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact Aidan Ryan, Airport Marketing &
Communications Manager at (719) 550-1902.
FIDS and BIDS Infrastructure Upgrade
Project Description Physical
This project pertained to the replacement of the existing Flight Information Display System
(FIDS) and the Baggage Information Display System (BIDS) at the Colorado Springs Airport.
It involved removing of the existing infrastructure, servers and monitors, and replacing them
with newer, more reliable technology.
Project Description Financial
This project cost $171,953 of which $171,953 will be funded with PFCs ($163,765 through Pay-
Go and $8,188 through financing).
Project Justification
The system was running on end-of-life equipment as well as end of life Windows XP operating
system. The system required constant maintenance and was not stable due to the aging
hardware and operating system.
The FIDS and BIDS are available for use by all carriers and need to be reliable and perform well
in order to facilitate the movement of passengers and baggage at the Colorado Springs Airport.
Project Objective
The main objective of this project was the procurement of new Flight and Baggage Information
Display Systems in order to provide a more reliable means of passenger and baggage movement
at the Colorado Springs Airport.
Actual project start: April 2017
Actual completion date: May 2018
Terminal Facility Improvement (Phase I)
Project Description Physical
This is a phased, multi-year rehabilitation project of the Colorado Springs Municipal Airport
(COS) terminal building.
Phase I of this project consisted of the design for removing 5 escalators and replacing them with
new, more reliable ones.
This phase also involved the replacement of three (3) Roof top units in the East Terminal Unit of
COS Airport, which entailed the complete removal and replacement of the existing roofing
materials and roofing system components for those three particular units.
Project Description Financial
This project cost $107,170 of which $107,170 will be funded with PFCs ($102,067 through Pay-
Go and $5,103 through financing).
Project Justification
The Colorado Springs Airport terminal building was constructed in 1992, and no major
reconstruction or rehabilitation has been performed since initial construction.
As a result, the existing escalators were over twenty (20) years old and required constant
maintenance due to their aging equipment, thus inhibiting the efficient movement of
passengers throughout the terminal building.
The East Terminal Unit Modified Bitumen Roof was over twenty (20) years old and in need of
replacement, possibly with an EPDM roof system, which will ensure the safe movement of
passengers throughout the terminal building when the ETU is utilized for the purpose of
enplaning and deplaning passengers.
Project Objective
This project assisted in proactively rehabilitating aging systems and structures within the
terminal building to maintain the structural integrity of the building and prevent system failures
that could potentially cause flight delays or cancellations.
This was accomplished through the acquisition of new roofing equipment and design for new
escalator equipment in order to facilitate the efficient movement of passengers throughout the
COS Airport terminal building.
Actual project start: July 2017
Actual completion date: May 2018
Rehab TWY C, G, Terminal Connectors (Phase II Construction)
Project Description Physical
This was a multi-phased project which entailed the full depth reconstruction of Taxiway G and
Terminal connectors.
Phase II of this project included full depth reconstruction of the existing PCC Pavement structure
at Taxiway G from Taxiway M through Taxiway P. The work included new Taxiway Edge Lights,
new underground cabling and conduit, new illuminated location and guidance Signs, installation
of a sub-drainage system, pavement markings and bituminous paved shoulders. Additionally,
the project included geometric changes at Taxiway intersections to comply with current FAA
Design standards.
Project Description Financial
This project cost $11,542,174 of which $10,378,218 was funded with Airport Improvement
Program (AIP) funds, $150,000 was funded with Colorado Department of Transportation
Division of Aeronautics (CDOT) funds and $1,013,956 will be funded with PFCs ($355,329
through Pay-Go and $658,627 through debt financing).
Project Justification
Taxiway G between Taxiway M through Taxiway P was originally constructed in 1992 and had
not had any major rehabilitation or reconstruction work completed since original construction.
Based on the June 2015 pavement management field inspection and subsequent report
prepared by the Colorado Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics, an overall
Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 42 was assigned to the section of Taxiway G between TW M
through TW P. PCI values are assigned for pavement management on a 1-100 scale, with ranges
that identify maintenance, major rehabilitation and replacement. PCI assigned values of 41-55
indicate need for major rehabilitation / reconstruction. PCI values below 41 indicate need for
pavement reconstruction.
Taxiway G supports both primary runways for commercial, military and general aviation flights.
Over the past several years, the Taxiway G concrete pavement deterioration had become
increasingly problematic. A variety of pavement distresses had been identified that include joint
failures, moderate to severe corner spalls and longitudinal map cracking due to material related
distresses attributed to Alkali Silica Reactivity (ASR) and Disintegration cracking from freeze
thaw susceptible aggregate materials.
ASR is a chemical reaction between aggregate (course and fine) and the cement. It causes a gel-
like substance to form that weakens the structure of the pavement, ultimately causing failure
and creates Foreign Object Debris (FOD) that requires significant repairs and frequent
maintenance to maintain a safe operating pavement structure. Not all aggregates and sands are
reactive. ASR accelerates the deterioration of the pavement surfaces.
The rehabilitation project was proposed in order to provide a safe surface for continued Aircraft
Operations on Taxiway G.
Project Objective
The full depth reconstruction of the portion of Taxiway G, as described in this phase, preserves
the safety of passenger carriers and other aircraft utilizing the Airport’s primary taxiway system
(TWY’s E, G and H). It replaced the ASR-affected pavement with new Portland Cement Concrete
Pavement (PCCP).
This reconstruction allows for continuous access to Runway 17L/35R, the Airport’s primary
runway and mitigate hazards to aircraft caused by FOD resulting from ASR-affected pavement
Actual project start: August 2018
Actual completion date: April 2020
Rehab TWY G, Terminal Connectors (Phase III Design)
Project Description Physical
This is a multi-phased project which entailed the full depth reconstruction of Taxiway G and
Terminal connectors.
This project included engineering design services for Phase III of the rehabilitation of Taxiway G
and adjacent Terminal Connectors, which involved the reconstruction of PCC Pavement structure
at Taxiway G from Taxiway P to Taxiway C and was constructed in 2019.
Project Description Financial
This project cost $448,491 of which $401,634 was funded with Airport Improvement Program
(AIP) funds and $46,857 will be funded with PFCs ($44,626 through Pay-Go and $2,231 through
debt financing).
Project Justification
Taxiway G between Taxiway P through Taxiway C was originally constructed in 1992 and has not
had any major rehabilitation or reconstruction work completed since original construction. Based
on the June 2015 pavement management field inspection and subsequent report prepared by the
Colorado Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics, an overall Pavement Condition
Index (PCI) of 61 was assigned to the section of Taxiway G between TW P through TW C. PCI values
are assigned for pavement management on a 1-100 scale, with ranges that identify maintenance,
major rehabilitation and replacement. PCI assigned values of 41-55 indicate need for major
rehabilitation / reconstruction. PCI values below 41 indicate need for pavement reconstruction.
Taxiway G supports both primary runways for commercial, military and general aviation flights.
Over the past several years, the Taxiway G concrete pavement deterioration had become
increasingly problematic. A variety of pavement distresses had been identified that include joint
failures, moderate to severe corner spalls and longitudinal map cracking due to material related
distresses attributed to Alkali Silica Reactivity (ASR) and Disintegration cracking from freeze thaw
susceptible aggregate materials.
ASR is a chemical reaction between aggregate (course and fine) and the cement. It causes a gel-
like substance to form that weakens the structure of the pavement, ultimately causing failure and
creates Foreign Object Debris (FOD) that requires significant repairs and frequent maintenance to
maintain a safe operating pavement structure. Not all aggregates and sands are reactive. ASR
accelerates the deterioration of the pavement surfaces.
The rehabilitation project was proposed in order to provide a safe surface for continued Aircraft
Operations on Taxiway G.
Project Objective
The objective behind the full depth reconstruction of the portion of Taxiway G as described in this
phase is to preserve the safety of passenger carriers and other aircraft utilizing the Airport’s
primary taxiway system (TWYs E, G and H) by replacing ASR-affected pavement with new Portland
Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP).
This reconstruction allows for continuous access to Runway 17L/35R, the Airport’s primary
runway and mitigate hazards to aircraft caused by FOD resulting from ASR-affected pavement.
Actual project start: April 2018
Actual completion date: September 2021
Rehab TWY C, G, Terminal Connectors (Phase III Construction)
Project Description Physical
This is a multi-phased project which entailed the full depth reconstruction of Taxiway G and
Terminal connectors.
Phase III of this project included full depth reconstruction of the existing PCC Pavement
structure at Taxiway G from Taxiway P through Taxiway C. The work included new Taxiway Edge
Lights, new underground cabling and conduit, new illuminated location and guidance Signs,
install of a sub-drainage system, pavement markings and bituminous paved shoulders. The
project also included geometric changes at Taxiway intersections to comply with current FAA
Design standards.
Project Description Financial
This project cost $10,868,413 of which $9,803,475 was funded with Airport Improvement
Program (AIP) funds, $250,000 was funded with Colorado Department of Transportation
Division of Aeronautics (CDOT) funds and $814,938 will be funded with PFCs ($776,132 through
Pay-Go and $38,807 through debt financing).
Project Justification
Taxiway G between Taxiway P through Taxiway C was originally constructed in 1992 and has not
had any major rehabilitation or reconstruction work completed since original construction.
Based on the June 2015 pavement management field inspection and subsequent report
prepared by the Colorado Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics, an overall
Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 61 was assigned to the section of Taxiway G between TW P
through TW C. PCI values are assigned for pavement management on a 1-100 scale, with ranges
that identify maintenance, major rehabilitation and replacement. PCI assigned values of 41-55
indicate need for major rehabilitation / reconstruction. PCI values below 41 indicate need for
pavement reconstruction.
Taxiway G supports both primary runways for commercial, military and general aviation flights.
Over the past several years, the Taxiway G concrete pavement deterioration has become
increasingly problematic. A variety of pavement distresses have been identified that include
joint failures, moderate to severe corner spalls and longitudinal map cracking due to material
related distresses attributed to Alkali Silica Reactivity (ASR) and Disintegration cracking from
freeze thaw susceptible aggregate materials.
ASR is a chemical reaction between aggregate (course and fine) and the cement. It causes a gel-
like substance to form that weakens the structure of the pavement, ultimately causing failure
and creates Foreign Object Debris (FOD) that requires significant repairs and frequent
maintenance to maintain a safe operating pavement structure. Not all aggregates and sands are
reactive. ASR accelerates the deterioration of the pavement surfaces.
The rehabilitation project was proposed in order to provide a safe surface for continued Aircraft
Operations on Taxiway G.
Project Objective
The objective behind the full depth reconstruction of the portion of Taxiway G as described in
this phase is to preserve the safety of passenger carriers and other aircraft utilizing the Airport’s
primary taxiway system (TWY’s E, G and H) by replacing ASR-affected pavement with new
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP).
This reconstruction allows for continuous access to Runway 17R/35L, the Airport’s primary
runway and mitigate hazards to aircraft caused by FOD resulting from ASR-affected pavement.
Actual project start: February 2019
Actual completion date: April 2020