The City of Calgary Cemetery General Rules and Guidelines
Revised 06/03/2021
The City of Calgary Cemeteries General Rules and Guidelines
The City of Calgary Cemeteries General Rules and Guidelines
The following General Rules and Guidelines are made pursuant to the Parks and Pathways Bylaw 11M2019. These rules and guidelines
are put in place to keep a consistent appearance and operation of The City of Calgary Cemeteries. The Cemeteries Management Lead
requests the assistance of all Titleholders to aid him/her in enforcing these General Rules and Guidelines by reporting any violation.
Any questions or concerns about these General Rules and Guidelines should be brought to the attention of the Cemeteries Management
Lead for further review.
“Burial Lot” means any Interment space (cremation, child, or adult) as identified on a plan of subdivision and shown on
record in the office of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
“Cemetery” means any Cemetery operated by and under the control of The City of Calgary.
Cemeteries Lead/Administrator” means the Administrator of Cemeteries for The City of Calgary and includes any person
authorized by the Lead/Administrator to carry out his/her duties.
“Certificate of Title” means a document issued by The City confirming ownership of an Interment Right.
Cityor “The Citymeans the municipal corporation of The City of Calgary, and where the context requires means the
area contained within the boundaries of The City of Calgary.
Columbarium” means a structure containing Niches for the placement of cremated human remains.
Crypt” means an individual compartment in a Mausoleum for the placement of human remains.
“Director” means the Director, Parks, of The City of Calgary and shall include any person authorized by the Director to
carry out his/her duties.
“Disinterment” means the removal of human remains, from a closed or sealed Burial Lot, or Crypt.
“Entombment” means the opening and closing of a Crypt for human remains, or the opening and closing of a Niche for
cremated human remains.
Embalm/Embalming” means to preserve human remains by treating them chemically to delay decomposition.
“Family Estate Lot” means an Interment space located in a Family Estate Lot designated section of the cemetery. Each
Family Estate Lot consists of a minimum of two standard casket burial lots that are located side by side as identified on a
plan of subdivision and shown on record in the office of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
“Family Representativemeans the immediate family of the deceased or a person(s) or designate(s) representing and acting
in accordance with the deceased’s wishes or through direction of the deceased’s executor or immediate family.
“Field of Honour” means an area set aside and reserved for the interment of service and ex-service men and women of the
Armed Forces.
“Foot Marker” means a memorial constructed of bronze, marble or granite or other approved material for memorial
purposes placed on any Burial Lot set level to the surrounding ground in the Marker/ Monument Space designated at the
foot end of the Burial Lot.
“Green Burial” means the interment of the body of a dead person in the earth in a manner that does not inhibit
decomposition (also known as “Natural Burial”).
“Immediate Family” means a person’s spouse or interdependent partner, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren,
brothers, sisters, mother in law, father in law, brothers in law, sisters in law, daughters in law, sons in law, and includes
adopted family members and step family members.
“Interment” means the opening and closing of a Burial Lot for human remains and includes the scattering of cremated
human remains.
“Interment Right” means the right to require or direct Interment, Entombment, or Disinterment of human remains or
cremated remains and associated Memorialisation indefinitely in a Burial Lot, Niche or Crypt as registered in the Cemetery
The City of Calgary Cemetery General Rules and Guidelines
Revised 06/03/2021
The City of Calgary Cemeteries General Rules and Guidelines
“Interment Space” means any Burial Lot (cremation, child, or adult) as identified on a plan of subdivision and shown on
record in the office of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
“Inurnment” means the opening and closing of a Burial Lot, or Niche for cremated human remains.
“Marker” or Flat Markermeans a memorial constructed of bronze, marble or granite or other approved material for
memorial purposes placed on any Burial Lot set level to the surrounding ground in the Marker/ Monument Space.
“Marker/Monument Space” means that portion of the Burial Lot(s) designated to contain the Marker or Monument.
“Mausoleum” an external free-standing building or structure constructed as a Monument, enclosing Crypts or Niches for
the placement of human remains and cremated human remains.
“Memorialization” means any Monument, Marker, or adornment placed on or adhered to any Burial Lot, Crypt or Niche
as a permanent or temporary tribute.
“Monument” includes a memorial bronze, marble, granite or other approved material which projects upright above ground
level of the surrounding ground installed in the designated Marker/Monument Space of a Burial Lot.
“Natural Burial” means the interment of the body of a dead person in the earth in a manner that does not inhibit
decomposition. (also known as “Green Burial”)
“Niche” means an individual compartment in a Mausoleum or Columbarium for the placement of cremated human
“Purchaser” means the person, firm or corporation purchasing an Interment Right, product or service from The City.
“Scattering Area/Garden” means any defined area or garden as identified on a plan of subdivision and shown on record in
the office of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator, intended for the placement of cremated human remains without
excavation of the earth.
“Titleholder” means a person, firm or corporation holding an Interment Right.
“Transfer” means the change of Titleholder, and acknowledgment recorded in the Cemetery records (see “Certificate of
Title”, “Titleholder”, “Interment Right”)
“Vehicle” has the same meaning as it has in the Traffic Safety Act, R.S.A 2000,c. T-6
1. The City, its agents or employees shall not be responsible for any injury resulting to any person who enters a Cemetery, or any
third-party damage to any Burial Lot, Monument, or other structure located within a Cemetery.
2. All persons who purchase Interment Rights in a Cemetery shall be responsible for the cost thereof and for all charges in
connection therewith. Any person signing an order for Interment shall be responsible for all charges in connection with such
Interment. Such person shall, additionally be responsible for compliance with the rules and guidelines governing installation of
Monuments, decorative railings and ornaments, applicable to that part of the Cemetery where the Interment is made. (Reference
Section F of the Cemeteries General Rules and Guidelines)
3. The plans of subdivision of the lands made available by The City for Cemetery purposes now recorded in the office of the
Cemeteries Lead/Administrator, together with all subsequent plans of subdivision of such land approved by the Cemeteries
Lead/Administrator, shall be the plans of Cemeteries herein referred to and all Interments shall be made and records kept in
accordance with such plans. All such plans shall be open for inspection free of charge at the office of the Cemeteries Management
Lead during regular office hours.
4. The Cemeteries Management Lead shall, upon payment by a Purchaser of the full price of any Interment Right, provide the
Purchaser a receipt for the sum paid and a Certificate of Title for the Interment Right of such Burial Lot in the name of the
Purchaser or as otherwise designated by the Purchaser.
5. Interment Rights shall be sold and services in any Cemetery shall be rendered in accordance with the tariff of fees set forth in
The City of Calgary Council approved rates and fees for The City of Calgary Cemeteries.
6. On payment of the full price of any Interment Right, The City will, so far as funds are available for that purpose, do all that is
necessary to keep the associated Burial Lot in a neat and tidy condition. .
7. The Purchaser does not hold or maintain the right to request Interments, Entombments, or Memorialisation unless they are
registered as the Titleholder(s) and are so named on the Certificate of Title.
8. No person or corporation other than The City of Calgary shall sell a Cemetery Burial Lot, Crypt or Niche Interment Rights, to
any other person within a City Cemetery. However, a vacant Cemetery Burial Lot, Crypt or Niche Interment Right may be sold
back to The City of Calgary at 85% of its current value as set out in The City of Calgary Council approved rates and fees.
The City of Calgary Cemetery General Rules and Guidelines
Revised 06/03/2021
The City of Calgary Cemeteries General Rules and Guidelines
9. No person shall sell an Interment Right back to The City of Calgary without first a Disinterment (if applicable), removing all
Memorialisation items, which include Monuments, Markers, Foot Markers, memorial plaques, trees, shrubs, flowers and any
items placed on the associated Burial Lot for Memorialisation purposes. If Memorialisation items are not removed by the owner
and are removed by The City of Calgary, the cost of the removal of such items and repair of the Burial Lot by The City become
a debt due to The City by the Titleholder which may be deducted from the amount owed to the Titleholder upon transfer back
to The City.
10. No person shall further subdivide or alter any Burial Lot in any manner at variance with the subdivision of such Burial Lots as
shown on the plans in the office of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
11. No person shall accept any reward for the Interment of any body in a Burial Lot of which such person is the Titleholder or over
which they exercise any power of control.
12. Interment Rights may be transferred to an Immediate Family member, but no Transfers of any Interment Right or any interest
therein shall be binding upon The City, unless application for the Transfer has been submitted, including necessary supporting
documentation and statutory declaration. Upon receipt of such application, supporting documentation and payment of the
prescribed fee, the Transfer shall be made, and such revision documented.
13. In cases of Transfer by will or bequest the Cemeteries Management Lead reserves the right to require the production of a
notarized copy of the Will or Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee or other evidence sufficient to prove Interment Right
ownership or authority to deal with the Burial Lot.
14. Where the Cemeteries Management Lead is faced with a dispute among a deceased’s family or others concerning the Titleholder
or ownership of Interment Rights of a Burial Lot, Crypt or Niche, the Cemeteries Management Lead shall recognize Titleholder
and Interment Right in the following order of priority:
To the person who has been designated by virtue of Transfer recorded in the office of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
To the person who has been designated as Titleholder in the will of the deceased.
The personal representative designated in the will of the Titleholder;
The spouse or adult interdependent partner of the Titleholder if the spouse or adult interdependent partner was living with
the Titleholder at the time of death;
The surviving children of the Titleholder;
The surviving grandchildren of the Titleholder;
The surviving brothers or sisters of the Titleholder;
The surviving nephews or nieces of the Titleholder;
An adult next of kin of the Titleholder on the basis provided by sections 8 and 9 of the Intestate Succession Act of Alberta;
The City of Calgary.
15. All funerals while within a Cemetery shall be under the supervision and control of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
16. Pursuant to these General Rules and Guidelines, it shall be deemed sufficient, if notice to Titleholders and Purchasers is in
writing and mailed postpaid to the last known address of such person as entered in the Cemetery records.
17. Pursuant to these General Rules and Guidelines, it shall be deemed the responsibility of the Titleholders and Purchasers to update
their contact information if changes occur to ensure accuracy in the cemetery records.
18. The City expressly reserves the following rights and privileges to be exercised from time to time in accordance with any
governing Provincial legislation at the time:
To resurvey, enlarge, construct a building or structure, alter, and/or diminish all or any portion of the Cemetery;
To layout, establish, close, eliminate, or otherwise modify or change the location of roads, walks, or drives;
To create or remove easements and rights of way, through all of the Cemetery premises for the purpose of installing,
maintaining, or operating utility or communication lines, drains, irrigation systems, or for any other Cemetery purpose
provided that no Interments or sale of Interment Rights have taken place in these areas;
No Interment Right is granted to any Titleholder in any road, drive or walk within the Cemetery, but such road, drive or
walk may be used as a means of access to Burial Lots as long as the Cemetery devotes such road, drive or walk to that
19. Burial Lots in a Cemetery shall only be used for the Interment of human remains.
20. No further Interment or Monument shall be permitted in or on any Burial Lot on which there are unpaid charges due.
The City of Calgary Cemetery General Rules and Guidelines
Revised 06/03/2021
The City of Calgary Cemeteries General Rules and Guidelines
21. The Cemeteries Management Lead shall have the authority to deny vehicle access to any Burial Lot.
22. No dogs, cats, or other pets shall be allowed in a Cemetery, except for service animals.
23. Any person whose actions, conduct, behavior, or attire disturbs the decorum of a Cemetery, or who violates these General rules
and guidelines may face penalties for offences as outlined under the Provincial Cemeteries Act and be required to leave the
Cemetery grounds by the authority of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
24. No person shall carry on work in the immediate vicinity of any Interment in progress.
25. Areas set aside in the Cemeteries known as “Field of Honour” and reserved for Interment of service and ex-service men and
women of the Armed Forces shall be subject to special provisions.
26. Areas set aside in the Cemeteries known as “RCMP Designated Burial Lots” and reserved for Interment of RCMP officers and
retired officers of the RCMP shall be subject to special provisions
27. Areas set aside in the Cemeteries known as “Green Burial Designated Lots” or “Natural Burial Designated Lots” and reserved
for the Interment of the bodies of dead persons in the earth in a manner that does not inhibit decomposition shall be subject to
special provisions.
28. Areas set aside in the Cemeteries known as “Family Estate Lots” and designated for multiple Interments of immediate family
members shall be subject to special provisions
29. Special events require prior approval of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
30. Cemeteries grounds will be open to public access daily from sunrise to sunset
31. Burial Lots, Crypts and Niches shall be opened and closed only by The City. All Interments will be under the supervision of
Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
32. No Interments or Entombments shall be permitted in the Cemetery unless a proper Burial Permit or Certificate of Cremation is
33. Cremated remains may be scattered in a designated Scattering Area, or on a Burial Lot, only under the direction of the Cemeteries
Management Lead and with approval of the Titleholder, proper documentation and paid service fees.
34. The City may be required to designate the hour and manner in which Interments may be conducted.
35. All Cemetery services must conclude no later than 4:30 P.M. or be subject to overtime charges.
36. Weekend charges will apply on all Interments/Entombments scheduled on any day other than weekdays.
37. Normal office hours of all City of Calgary Cemeteries shall be 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday excluding statutory
38. Weekend hours shall be 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Saturday and Sunday excluding statutory holidays.
39. No Cemetery services will be scheduled on statutory holidays or outside normal office or weekend hours without approval from
the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
40. No human remains or cremated human remains will be held or stored within Cemetery properties pending Interments,
Entombment or Scattering without permission of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator
41. All orders for Interments must be signed by the Titleholder of the Burial Lot in which such Interment is to be made, or by legal
representatives of the Titleholder.
42. All applications for Interments shall be made at least forty-eight (48) hours before the time of Interment. Two business days is
generally required to arrange for site preparation.
43. All applications for Interments require a date and time for Interment services (no pending services)
44. No Interments, Entombments, Disinterment’s shall be permitted without a Family Representative.
45. All full-size Burial Lots will be 48” (122cm) by 120” (305cm)
46. All cremation in-ground Burial Lots will be no less than 36” (91cm) by 24” (61cm).
47. The City maintains all Fields of Honour in Cemeteries. The Burial Lots in the Fields of Honour shall always be under the
direction, control and supervision of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator. The Burial Lots in the “Field of Honour” are reserved
The City of Calgary Cemetery General Rules and Guidelines
Revised 06/03/2021
The City of Calgary Cemeteries General Rules and Guidelines
for the Interment of service and ex-service men and women of the Armed Forces, and one other immediate family member’s
remains. Burial Lots in a Field of Honour are subject to specific rules regarding Monuments and Markers as set out in this
48. The City maintains RCMP designated Burial Lots. The Burial Lots in these designated areas shall always be under the direction,
control and supervision of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator. The Burial Lots shall only be for the officer and one other
immediate family member’s remains. Burial Lots in the RCMP designated areas are subject to specific rules regarding
Monuments and Markers.
49. The City maintains Green or Natural Burial Designated Burial Lots. The Burial Lots in these designated areas shall always be
under the direction, control and supervision of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator. The Burial Lots shall be for one Interment
only in a manner that does not inhibit decomposition, no other family member’s remains shall be placed on or in the burial lot.
Burial Lots in the Green or Natural Burial designated areas are subject to specific provisions regarding Memorialization as set
out in this guideline.
50. The City retains the right of passage over every Burial Lot so that Cemetery operations may be performed effectively.
51. If due to inclement weather conditions, health and safety concerns, or conditions beyond The City’s control, an Interment cannot
be made at the scheduled time, The City reserves the right to reschedule at a later date and or time. The City does not provide
facilities for temporary storage or assume liability for charges related to the storage of human remains awaiting Interment under
these or other circumstances.
52. The opening of a Burial Lot for Interment necessitates the temporary mounding of earth on adjacent Burial Lots. The City
reserves the right to determine the location for the temporary mound and will make reasonable and best efforts to restore adjacent
Burial Lots to their original condition as soon as possible following the closing of the Burial Lot.
53. The City retains the right to temporarily relocate a Monument, Marker or memorialisation items so that Cemetery operations
including the opening and closing and maintenance of a Burial Lot may be performed.
54. Funeral flowers, delivered to a Cemetery at the time of Interment, will remain on the Burial Lot for a minimum of 5 Days and
will be removed at any time thereafter and disposed of by The City.
55. Human Remains must be delivered to a Cemetery for Interment in a closed rigid container. Under no circumstances will an
employee of The City open or close a casket or burial container without specific request from the Family Representative or
56. Pallbearers are required for all full casket Interments. If requested, and in extreme need, with no less than 48 hours or two
business days’ notice and at the discretion of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator, City of Calgary staff may be available to assist.
57. Cremated remains must be delivered to a Cemetery for Interment in a closed cremation urn or container, and the remains will
be buried in such cremation urn or container unless otherwise directed by the Family Representative or designate.
58. Caskets or urns may be interred without an outer container. Should an outer container of concrete, steel or other permanent
nature be used, a service charge may apply.
59. Due to the irreversibility of the scattering process, documentation for the scattering of cremated remains must be signed at the
Cemeteries Lead/Administrators office before scattering may take place.
Green or Natural Burial guidelines are enacted for the common good of all Green or Natural Burial Titleholders and to maintain
a standard format and high level of quality control. The guidelines that follow are based on practical considerations, with the
aim of minimizing the negative environmental impacts and presenting a natural appearance in and around the designated green
or natural burial sections within the cemetery at all times.
All Burials Shall,
Have only one interment per designated burial plot
Take place in the next available burial plot, as determined by the operational requirements and at the discretion of the
Cemeteries Lead /Administrator (no pre-selection or reservation of burial plots)
Use only biodegradable caskets/containers or suitable burial shrouds
Meet ecological minimums, all clothing items used for burial purposes must be of natural fibers such as (cotton, linen,
hemp wool) with the removal of all non-biodegradable metal or plastic items such as (clasps, zippers, buttons).
If so, desired. Memorialize in the designated communal areas found within the boundaries of the Green burial section.
(see restrictions below)
The City of Calgary Cemetery General Rules and Guidelines
Revised 06/03/2021
The City of Calgary Cemeteries General Rules and Guidelines
No Person shall,
Inter human remains that have been embalmed. Any treatment of the body prior to interment must reflect
environmentally friendly practices.
Place or install a burial vault of any composition into the Burial Lot.
Place memorialization, decorative railings, ornamental lamps, vases or personal items on or around the Burial Lot
Plant trees, decorative shrubs, flowers or any plant materials on or around the Burial Lot
Scatter or bury cremated remains on, in or around the designated burial plot
60. Human remains may be removed from a Burial Lot only by court order or by written consent of the Titleholder(s) or their
designate and after Disinterment fees are paid in full. (also see item58)
61. No person shall disinter or remove a dead human body from a Cemetery or Mausoleum for any purpose unless that person first
obtains a permit for Disinterment issued by the Director of Vital Statistics and delivers it to the Cemeteries Management Lead
62. Disinterments will be completed at a day and time designated by the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
63. There will be no more than one casket Disinterment scheduled per day or at the discretion of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
64. The lowering and raising of human remains within the Burial Lot is considered Disinterment.
65. The City will not be responsible for damage to any casket, urn, vault or container which occurs during the course of the
Disinterment. A new casket, urn or container may be required to facilitate a Disinterment for which an additional charge will
66. The City may require any casket, outer container, cremation urn or cremation outer container that has been replaced to be
removed from a Cemetery for disposal. All cost shall be borne by the party authorizing the Disinterment.
67. The City requires all Memorialisation to be removed from the Burial Lot prior to any Disinterment. All costs shall be borne by
the party authorizing the Disinterment
68. The City reserves the right to disallow any witnessing of the Disinterment if it feels at its sole discretion that the health or safety
of anyone present may be at risk.
69. The City reserves the right to disallow the re-Interment/Entombment of an outer container or casket deemed unacceptable for
70. The Cemeteries Management Lead must be notified if a death is the result of a contagious disease, prior to arrangements being
made for the Interment.
71. In the event that a contagious disease has been confirmed, The City reserves the right to adhere to recognized health and safety
practices as outlined in the Public Health Act under the Bodies of Deceased Persons Regulations.
72. The remains of persons who have died from a contagious disease may be disinterred only with the consent of the local medical
officer of health or other public official having authority who has obtained a permit for Disinterment issued by the Director of
Vital Statistics and delivers it to the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
73. All Markers and Monuments placed upon a Burial Lot shall be of granite, marble, non-sedimentary stone, bronze or other like
material approved by the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
74. All new or replacement standalone foundations shall be of granite and must be a minimum of 4” (10cm) thick.
75. All persons employed in the construction of Burial Vaults, erection of Monuments or doing any other work in a Cemetery,
whether employed by The City or not, shall be subject to the direction and control of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
76. Memorialisation of any Burial Lot must be approved by the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
77. No Titleholder or his or her Immediate Family members shall allow any Marker, Monument, or vault to be in a state of disrepair.
The City of Calgary Cemetery General Rules and Guidelines
Revised 06/03/2021
The City of Calgary Cemeteries General Rules and Guidelines
78. Where a Burial Lot is occupied by an Interment for 25 years or more and is unmarked or without a Monument the Cemeteries
Management Lead or any person authorized by the Cemeteries Management Lead may mark or memorialize the Burial Lot in a
manner consistent with these General Guidelines and Rules.
79. No Monument or Marker work shall be delivered to the Cemetery until the area of the Burial Lot is sufficiently developed for
placement until the foundation is completed and after all necessary permits are completed.
80. No stationary in ground vases will be left in an upright position from September 30
to May 1
81. Due to winter conditions, installation of Markers may not occur from September 30
to May 1
82. No person shall deliver Monuments to a Cemetery from September 30
to May 1
, without prior approval from the Cemeteries
83. No person shall deliver Monuments to a Cemetery without appropriate approved permits, manifest of delivered items, delivery
reported and without approval of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
84. No person shall modify, alter or change any cemetery developed foundations without prior approval of the Cemeteries
85. No person shall erect:
A Monument, Marker or vault in a Cemetery until the design and description has been approved by the Cemeteries
Management Lead and a permit for the erection of such Monument has been issued. The Cemeteries Management Lead
may refuse consent if such Monument, vault, or monumental structure is, in his or her opinion, prejudicial to the general
appearance of the Cemeteries or to the interests of the Titleholders of other Burial Lots.
A Monument which projects above the level of the ground in any section of a Cemetery designated by the Cemetery as
Flat Marker section.
86. No work shall be done upon any Monument nor shall any Monument be removed from any Burial Lot without the permission
of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
87. No cornerstones or Markers to indicate the boundaries of a Burial Lot shall be erected as an enclosure to the Burial Lot unless
approved by the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
88. Where designated the permitted maximum size including foundation of Markers and Monuments for single full-size Burial Lots
shall be as follows:
Flat Marker Section: 42”(106cm) X 18”(46cm) X 4”(10cm)
Foot Marker: 42”(106cm) X 18”(46cm) X 4”(10cm)
Upright Monument Section: 42”(106cm) X 14”(36cm) X 10”(25cm)
Upright Monument Estate Lot 90”(229cm) X 18”(46cm)X 10”(25cm)
Cremation Upright 28”(71cm) X 14”(36cm) X 10”(25cm)
Cremation Upright (Squared Base) 28”(71cm) X 14”(36cm) X 10”(25cm)
Cremation Flat 24”(61cm) X 18”(46cm) X 4”(10cm)
Infant Upright 28”(71cm) X 14”(46cm) X 10”(25cm)
Infant Flat 24”(61cm) X 18”(46cm) X 4”(10cm)
Field of Honour (Stanstead Grey) 20”(51cm) X 12” (30cm) X 4”(10cm)
Granite Foundation (if required) 42”(106cm) X 18”(46cm) X 4”(10 cm)
89. All Monuments and Markers must be a minimum of 4” (10cm) thick.
90. Height of upright Monuments must not exceed 50” (127cm) unless approved by the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
91. Width of upright Monuments placed on 2 or more adjoining Burial Lots must not exceed 90” (229 cm) or as to span more than
2 Burial Lots.
92. Height of an upright monument on a designated Family Estate Lot must not exceed 65” (165cm) unless approved by the
Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
93. Width of an upright monument on a designated Family Estate Lot on two or more Estate Burial lots must not exceed 180” (457
cm) or as to span more than 3 Estate Burial Lots.
94. The permitted maximum size of decorative rails for single full size upright Monument section Burial Lot is as follows:
Single Burial Lot 42”(106cm)X16”(40cm)X10”(25cm)
95. Width of decorative rails placed on 2 or more adjoining Burial Lots must not exceed 90” (229cm) or as to span more than 2
Burial Lots.
96. No Burial Lot shall be covered in its entirety by a slab of cement or other similar material.
97. An owner of a Marker, Monument or decorative railing shall have 30 days to make repair after written notice of disrepair has
been sent from the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator. After which time the Cemeteries Management Lead shall have the ability to
remove or repair such Marker, Monument or decorative railing and charge the cost thereof to the Titleholder which may be
recovered as a debt due the City.
The City of Calgary Cemetery General Rules and Guidelines
Revised 06/03/2021
The City of Calgary Cemeteries General Rules and Guidelines
98. No decorative railings, ornamental lamps or vases shall be placed on or around the Burial Lot until the design and description
have been approved by the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator, and a permit for the erection of such Monument has been issued.
The Cemeteries Management Lead may refuse consent if such railing, ornamental lamp, or vase(s) is, in his or her opinion,
prejudicial to the general appearance of a Cemetery or to the interests of the Titleholders of other Burial Lots.
99. The owner of the decorative rail shall be responsible for maintenance inside the area of a decorative rail and 2” (5cm) outside
the railing, maintained to the same standard as the rest of the Cemetery. (Reference Section B,(2) General Provisions)
100. The height of a decorative ornamental installation shall not be more than 50(127cm) or 4” (10cm) higher than the height of
the Monument, whichever is greater.
101. Decorative ornamental installations shall not protrude more than 1.5” (4cm) from the front of the headstone.
102. All changes or additions to decorative installations will require approval of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator
103. Only Monument permit approved stationary in ground vases shall be permitted in Flat Marker sections of any Cemetery. No
other decorative installations shall be permitted in Flat Marker sections of any Cemetery.
G. Mausoleum and Columbarium
Mausoleum and Columbarium guidelines are enacted for the common good of all Crypt and Niche Titleholders and to maintain a
standard format and high level of quality control. The guidelines that follow are based on practical considerations, with the aim of
presenting a neat appearance in and around the Mausoleum and Columbarium structures at all times.
104. No food or drink is permitted in the Mausoleum at any time, without the consent and supervision of the Cemeteries
105. Entombment-Inurnment:
Only human remains can be placed in the Crypts and Niches.
The remains of only one person per Crypt or Niche will be permitted unless the Crypt or Niche is designed to accommodate
more than one remains.
106. Any unauthorized adornment or emblem will be removed and disposed of without notice and at the expense of the Titleholder(s).
No person other than the Cemeteries Management Lead shall remove or alter Crypt fronts.
107. No items may be affixed to the granite or marble without approval by the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
108. Inscriptions must be approved by the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
109. Urns placed in glass front Niches must be constructed of approved non- degrading materials.
110. Mementos other than those supplied through the Cemetery are not permitted without permission of the Cemeteries
111. Fresh cut flowers or wreaths are not allowed in the Mausoleum. The placement of artificial or silk flowers is restricted to Crypt
or Niche flower vases with arrangements not to infringe on any neighboring Crypt or Niche.
112. No person shall burn incense or candles or other flammable products inside the Mausoleum at any time.
113. Crypt/Niche Titleholders shall not sell their Crypt/Niche Interment Right in whole or part. However a Crypt/Niche Interment
Right may be sold back to the City at 85% of its current value as set out in The City of Calgary Council approved Cemetery
rates and fees.
114. No person shall place or maintain any artificial floral decorations on or outside Columbarium structures between May 1
September 30
115. To ensure quality control, desired uniformity and standard of workmanship, The City reserves the right to inscribe all Crypt and
Niche fronts or install all bronze lettering, bronze vases, bronze adornments, bronze emblems, and ceramic or photoplex pictures
within bronze frames on Crypt fronts. Approved samples are available in the Cemeteries Administrative office.
116. The Certificate of Title must be presented before opening of a Crypt/Niche for Entombment and the Titleholder or his/her next
of kin must sign an authorization for Crypt/Niche opening prior to Entombment.
117. Only The City may open and seal Crypts and Niches for Entombments. This applies to the inside sealer and Crypt/ Niche front.
118. The Entombment of remains may be witnessed by those present at the funeral service with notification no less than 48 hours or
two business days; however, The City reserves the right to disallow any witnessing if it is felt the health and safety of anyone
present would be at risk.
The City of Calgary Cemetery General Rules and Guidelines
Revised 06/03/2021
The City of Calgary Cemeteries General Rules and Guidelines
119. There are no Sunday or Statutory Holiday Entombments. Saturday Entombments may take place only with approval of the
Cemeteries Management Lead and will be subject to additional fees.
120. If in the opinion of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator, any approved floral pieces, trees, shrubs, plants or other items on any
Burial Lot become detrimental to the general appearance and operation of the Cemetery, the Cemeteries Management Lead may
direct the removal of these items, or any parts thereof.
Adhering to the above statement and respecting Parks and Pathways Bylaw 11M2019, no person shall:
erect plant or maintain borders, copings, walls, curbs, or hedges in or around any Burial Lot;
hang, tie or attach by any means, any items to trees, bushes or benches in or around any Burial Lot;
place or erect any fence or railing used for the framing of an approved flower bed, without the design and description approved
by the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator. Fences or railings must be made of an approved material, and a permit for the erection
of such fence or railing has been issued. Approved materials are iron, steel or any other material deemed by the Cemeteries
Management Lead as acceptable;
plant any trees or shrubs in any Cemetery unless he/she is an employee of Parks or has consent and supervision of the
Cemeteries Lead/Administrator;
plant flowers on any Burial Lot without the consent, supervision and permission of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator;
care for or cultivate any Burial Lot without the consent and supervision of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator;
place or deposit any glass encased wreath or any stand, holder, vase, receptacle, jar, bottle, or pot made of glass on any Burial
place or maintain any artificial floral decorations on turf areas of Burial Lots between May 1
and September 30
place or construct any item of any kind which the Cemeteries Management Lead deems to be unsightly or otherwise unsuitable;
remove, destroy, prune, or otherwise interfere with any trees, shrubs, plants or flowers in any Cemetery without consent from
the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator
destroy, deface, damage or write upon any Monument or other structure or object in a Cemetery;
deposit any soil, paper, sticks, or refuse of any kind on any road or landscaped area in a Cemetery;
remove any object erected, maintained, planted or placed in a Cemetery. (with the exception of the Cemeteries
121. Commercial photographing, filming, or video taping of any part of a Cemetery and or City staff, may only take place with prior
approval of the City staff members and the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator, and is subject to any conditions the Cemeteries
Management Lead considers appropriate.
122. All filming proposals to be submitted for approval to Cemeteries Management Lead at least 48 hours prior to a scheduled
shoot. This will allow avoidance of conflicts with any scheduled Interments.
123. A site meeting to discuss shooting locations and access concerns is to be arranged prior to scheduled shoot. Requests for the
use of any City assets such as burial devices, Burial Lot drapes, etc. are to be presented at this time. Charges will apply for the
use of such assets.
124. Dependent on the scope and scale of the proposed shooting, The City shall, at its discretion, require that a representative from
The City be present during setup and filming in order to liaise with the production crew and protect the interests of The City.
Charges including overtime pay for City staff will be payable by the production company.
125. Wherever possible Vehicles, trailers, and equipment are to be parked outside the Cemetery boundaries to avoid congestion
within the Cemetery.
126. Priority will be granted to allow access to Burial Lots by visiting families during the course of shooting.
127. No disruption of any Interment service scheduled within a Cemetery is to take place. If an Interment is taking place within
close proximity to the film site, all activities must cease until the Burial Lots service is completed.
The City of Calgary Cemetery General Rules and Guidelines
Revised 06/03/2021
The City of Calgary Cemeteries General Rules and Guidelines
128. Steps shall be taken to prevent damage to any turf areas, Monuments, trees, etc. within the Cemetery. Production crews will
be held liable for any damages to City and private property within the Cemetery resulting from the activities of the production
129. Absolutely no physical damage is to be done to any Burial Lot site (i.e. digging, staking, etc.)
130. Any equipment and materials required during filming are to be removed by the production crew immediately after filming is
131. All steps must be taken to protect the privacy of those interred within City Cemeteries and their families. No identifiable
names are to be recorded from existing Monuments unless approvals for specific person are given by the Cemeteries
Lead/Administrator. False monuments, removable coverings, editing, etc. can be used to address this concern.
Wreath laying guidelines are enacted for the common good of all Cemetery patrons in an effort to provide guidance respecting
ceremonies for those that have served our country. The guidelines that follow are based on practical considerations, with the aim of
presenting a respectful ceremony. A guide to Commemorative Service can be found at www.vac-acc.gc.ca
132. Events must be booked and approved by the Cemeteries Management Lead a minimum of 30 days prior to the date of ceremony.
133. No disruption of any Interment service scheduled within a Cemetery is to take place.
134. Steps shall be taken to prevent damage to any turf areas, Monuments, trees, etc. within the Cemetery.
135. Wherever possible Vehicles, and equipment are to be parked on roadways to avoid congestion within a Cemetery.
136. All attempts will be made to allow access to Burial Lots by visiting families during the course of the ceremony.
137. Ceremony services must conclude no later than 4:30 P.M.
138. Cleanliness of the ceremony area is the responsibility of the organizer. All wreaths must be removed from a Cemetery within 5
days of the ceremony. If ceremony items and wreaths are not removed by the organizer and are removed by The City, removal
of such items and cleanup of the Cemetery become the cost thereof to the organizer which may be recovered as a debt due The
City by the organizer.
139. The City recognizes a wreath laying precedence: according to the Royal Canadian Legion, depending on who is present, the
order of precedence is:
a representative of the Queen (Governor General, Lieutenant Governor)
a representative of the Government of Canada (highest ranking official present)
a representative of a provincial government
a representative of a municipal government
a Silver Cross Mother
a representative of the Canadian Forces
a representative of the Royal Canadian Legion
representatives of other organizations and individuals
The order in which wreaths are laid may vary to suit the ceremony at a local level. However, it is imperative that a wreath
representing Canada be laid before all others.