* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(Amended by 72M2021, 75M2021, 36M2022)
WHEREAS the Municipal Government Act R.S.A. 2000 c. M-26 empowers a Council to
pass bylaws:
(a) respecting nuisances;
(b) respecting wild and domestic animals and activities in relation to them;
(c) regulating or prohibiting activities; and
(d) providing for a system of licences, permits or approvals;
1. This Bylaw may be cited as the “Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw”.
2. (1) In this Bylaw, unless context otherwise requires:
(a) Animal” means any bird, reptile, amphibian, or mammal excluding
humans and Wildlife;
(b) "Animal Services Centre" means the City facility established for the
holding of impounded Animals and where authority is provided to that
facility in this Bylaw that authority may be exercised by the City Manager
or the employee delegated the authority to exercise the powers, duties,
and functions of the City Manager under this Bylaw;
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(c) Attack” means force applied by an Animal to a Person or other Animal
consisting of more than one Bite, or more than one puncture, or more
than one laceration, resulting in bleeding, sprains, serious bruising, or
multiple injuries;
(d) Bite” means force applied by an Animal by means of its mouth and teeth
upon a Person or other Animal;
(e) Cemetery” means land within the City and managed and controlled by
The City that is set apart or used as a place for the burial of dead human
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bodies or other human remains or in which dead human bodies or other
human remains are buried;
(f) “Certified Professional Dog Trainer” means a person specializing in
training dogs who is certified by the Certification Council for Professional
Dog Trainers;
(g) DELETED BY 72M2021, 2022 JANUARY 01;
(h) City” means the municipal corporation of The City of Calgary or the area
contained within the boundary thereof as the context requires;
(h.1) "City Manager" means the Chief Administrative Officer of The City of
Calgary or the employee of The City of Calgary who has been delegated
the authority to exercise the powers, duties, and functions of the Chief
Administrative Officer under this Bylaw;
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(i) Court” means The Provincial Court of Alberta;
(i.1) "Director, Emergency Management & Community Safety" or "Director"
means the City Manager;
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(j) Former Owner” means the Person who at the time of impoundment was
the Owner of an Animal which has subsequently been sold or destroyed;
(k) Golf Course” means land which is set aside for the playing of the game
of golf and upon which the game of golf is played;
(l) Housing” includes all coops, enclosures, henhouses, runs, roosts, apiary,
nucleus hives, man-made hives and any other accessory building or
structure used for the purpose of housing Livestock;
(m) Justice” has the meaning as defined in the Provincial Offences
Procedure Act, R.S.A. 2000, c P.-34, as amended or replaced from time
to time;
(n) Leash” means material capable of leading or restraining the Animal on
which it is being used;
(o) Livestock” includes, but is not limited to:
i. a horse, mule, donkey, swine, camel, llama, alpaca, sheep or
ii. domestically reared or kept deer, reindeer, moose, elk, or bison,
iii. farm bred fur bearing animals including foxes or mink,
iv. animals of the bovine species,
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v. emus, ostriches, chickens, roosters, turkeys, ducks, geese,
peacocks, peahens, or pheasants, and
vi. all other animals that are kept for agricultural purposes including
bee colonies,
but does not include cats, dogs, or other domesticated household pets;
(p) Livestock Emotional Support Animal” means a companion Animal that a
mental health professional has determined provides a benefit for an
individual with a disability;
(q) Muzzlemeans a humane device of sufficient strength placed over an
Animal’s mouth to prevent it from Biting;
(r) Nuisance Animal” means an Animal declared to be a Nuisance Animal
by the Director under Part 5 of this Bylaw;
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(s) Officer” means a Bylaw Enforcement Officer appointed pursuant to
Bylaw 60M86, a peace officer appointed pursuant to the Peace Officer
Act, S.A. 2006, c P-3.5, or a police officer under the Police Act, R.S.A.
2000, c. P-17;
(t) Off Leash Area” means a Park or a portion of a Park which has been
designated as an off-leash area by the Director, Calgary Parks pursuant
to section 15(2) of the Parks and Pathways Bylaw 11M2019;
(u) Owner” means any Person or body corporate:
i. who is the licensed owner of the Animal;
ii. who has legal title to the Animal;
iii. who has possession, care and control, or custody of the Animal,
either temporarily or permanently; or
iv. who harbours the Animal, or allows the Animal to remain on that
Person’s premises;
(v) Park” means a public space controlled by the City and set aside as a
park to be used by the public for rest, recreation, exercise, pleasure,
amusement, cultural heritage, education, appreciation of nature, and
enjoyment and includes:
i. Playgrounds;
ii. Cemeteries;
iii. natural areas;
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iv. Sports Field;
v. Pathways;
vi. trails; and
vii. park roadways;
but does not include Golf Courses;
(w) Pathway” means a multi-purpose thoroughfare controlled by The City
and set aside for use by pedestrians, cyclists and Persons using wheeled
conveyances, which is improved by asphalt, concrete, brick or any other
surface, whether or not it is located in a Park, and includes any bridge or
structure with which it is contiguous;
(x) Person” means an individual or a business entity including a firm,
partnership, association, corporation or society;
(y) Playground” means land within the City and controlled by The City upon
which apparatus such as swings and slides are placed;
(z) Running at Large” means:
i. an Animal or Animals which are not under the control of a Person
responsible by means of a Leash and is or are actually upon
property other than the property in respect of which the Owner of
the Animal or Animals has the right of occupation, or upon any
highway, thoroughfare, street, road, trail, avenue, parkway, lane,
alley, square, bridge, causeway, trestleway, sidewalk (including
the boulevard portion of the sidewalk), Park or other public place
which has not been designated as an Off Leash Area, or
ii. an Animal or Animals which are under the control of a Person
responsible by means of a Leash and which cause damage to
Persons, property or other Animals;
(aa) School Ground” means that area of land adjacent to a school and that is
property owned or occupied by the Calgary Board of Education or the
Calgary Catholic Board of Education and includes property owned or
occupied with another party or The City;
(bb) Service Dog” has the same definition as set out in the Service Dog Act,
S.A. 2007 c.S-7.5 and includes a dog that is in training to become a
service dog but does not include dogs that are no longer actively being
used as a service dog;
(cc) Severe Injury” includes any injury to a Person or Animal that requires
medical attention such as wounds requiring sutures, or other wound
repair and closing, or surgery, disfiguring or scarring lacerations, broken
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bones, severe sprains, or any other similar serious injury, and any other
injury as determined to be severe by a Court, board, or Director upon
hearing the evidence;
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(dd) Sports Field” means land within the City and controlled by The City which
is set apart and used for the playing of a sport including baseball
diamonds, field hockey or cricket pitches, and rugby, soccer or football
(ee) Tag” means a permanent identification tag issued by the City showing
the licence number for a specific dog or cat and that is intended to be
worn on a collar or on a harness attached to the dog or cat at all times
when the dog or cat is off the Owner's property;
(ff) Urban Livestock” means the keeping of bee colonies, pigeons, or hens
within the City;
(gg) Vicious Animal” means an Animal declared to be a Vicious Animal by the
Director under Part 6 of this Bylaw or by the Licence and Community
Standards Appeal Board or an Animal that has been previously
determined to be a Vicious Animal under Bylaw 23M89 or Bylaw
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(hh) Wading or Swimming Area” means any area designated as an outdoor
wading or swimming area. This must include any decks surrounding such
facility and must include that area within twenty (20) metres in all
directions of the outside dimensions of such facility unless the Park
boundary is a lesser distance;
(ii) Wildlife” has the same meaning as that term is used in the Wildlife Act
R.S.A. 2000, c. W-10 and includes but is not limited to coyotes, cougars,
bobcats, deer, moose, elk, wild rabbits, porcupines, beavers and skunks.
(2) Each provision of this Bylaw is independent of all other provisions and if any
provision is declared invalid for any reason by a Court of competent jurisdiction,
all other provisions of this Bylaw remain valid and enforceable.
(3) Nothing in this Bylaw relieves a Person from complying with any provision of any
federal or provincial law or regulation, other bylaw or any requirement of any
lawful permit, order or licence.
(4) Any heading, sub-headings, or tables of contents in this Bylaw are included for
guidance purposes and convenience only, and shall not form part of this Bylaw.
(5) Where this Bylaw refers to another Act, Bylaw, regulation or agency, it includes
reference to any Act, bylaw, regulation or agency that may be substituted
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(6) All the schedules attached to this Bylaw shall form a part of this Bylaw.
(7) This Bylaw does not apply to the City in respect of Animals used by or on behalf
of the City for the purpose of land management, including weed control, on City-
owned lands.
Licences Required
3. (1) A Person must not own or keep any dog within the City without a valid and
subsisting dog licence for that dog.
(2) A Person must not own or keep any cat within the City without a valid and
subsisting cat licence for that cat.
4. It is a defence to a charge under section 3 that the dog or cat is a puppy or kitten under
3 months old, has not been found Running at Large, and has not been declared a
Nuisance Animal or a Vicious Animal.
Administration of Licences
5. The Director is authorized to issue, renew, or revoke:
(a) Altered and unaltered dog licences;
(b) Altered and unaltered cat licences;
(c) Nuisance Animal licences; and
(d) Vicious Animal licences;
and corresponding Tags, to Persons who apply for one or more of these licences in
accordance with the requirements of this Bylaw.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
6. Persons applying for one or more of the licences referred to in section 5 must:
(a) demonstrate that they are at least eighteen (18) years of age;
(b) provide an accurate description of the cat, dog, Nuisance Animal, or Vicious
Animal including breed, name, gender and age;
(c) provide the name, address, and telephone number of the Owner and where the
Owner is a body corporate, provide the name, address and telephone number of
the natural person responsible for the cat, dog, Nuisance Animal, or Vicious
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(d) establish to the satisfaction of the Director, when applying for an altered Animal
licence, that the cat, dog, Nuisance Animal, or Vicious Animal, is neutered or
(e) provide any other information required by the Director;
(f) make payment in full of the licence fee for each altered or unaltered cat, dog,
Vicious Animal, or Nuisance Animal, as set out in Schedule “A” of this Bylaw.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
7. (1) A Person must not give false information when applying for a licence under this
(2) An Owner must notify the Director forthwith of any change with respect to any
information provided in an application for a licence under this Bylaw.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(3) Licences are not transferable.
(4) The Owner of a Service Dog, or a guide dog qualified pursuant to the Guide Dog
Qualifications Regulation A.R. 108/79, must apply for a dog licence but are
exempt from the payment of fees for such a licence.
(5) Upon losing a Tag, an Owner of a licensed Animal must contact the Animal
Services Centre in order to obtain a new Tag and must pay the fee set out in
Schedule “A” of this Bylaw for that replacement Tag.
(6) No Person is entitled to a licence rebate under this Bylaw except that the Director
may issue two-year termed licences at double the annual fee specified in
Schedule “A” for the year within which the purchase is made.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(7) Subsection (6) does not apply to Nuisance Animal licences or Vicious Animal
(8) The Director may prescribe the form of applications for licences and the manner
of the payment of licence fees and may refuse to renew a licence for an Animal if
there are outstanding fees owed by the Owner.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
Responsibility of Owners to Ensure Proper Licensing
8. (1) For clarity, in subsection (2) below, the term “licensed Animal” refers to an
Owner’s licensed altered or unaltered cat, dog, Nuisance Animal or Vicious
(2) An Owner of a licensed Animal must:
(a) ensure that such Animal wears a Tag whenever the Animal is taken by
the Owner off the property of the Owner as evidence of the valid and
subsisting licence purchased for that Animal;
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(b) ensure that such Animal has a valid and subsisting licence at all times by
applying for and renewing the licence in accordance with this Bylaw;
(c) obtain a licence on the first day on which the Animal Services Centre is
open for business after becoming the Owner of the Animal;
(d) obtain a licence for the Animal notwithstanding it is under the age of three
months where the Animal is found Running at Large; and
(e) obtain a licence on or before the day specified by the Animal Services
Centre as the expiry date of the licence that corresponds to that Animal.
(3) An Owner of an Animal may, in place of ensuring the Animal wears a Tag
pursuant to subsection 2(a) above, ensure that the Animal bears a visible tattoo
or microchip that identifies the Animal and Owner.
(4) An Owner of a licensed Animal must notify the Animal Services Centre forthwith
of any changes to the Owner’s mailing address and phone number so that this
contact information is kept current at all times.
Limits on Cats and Dogs
9. (1) A Person must not own more than six (6) dogs and six (6) cats that are more
than three months of age.
(2) A Person must not permit more than six (6) dogs and six (6) cats that are more
than three months of age to reside in one dwelling unit.
(3) A valid and subsisting Excess Animal Permit issued by the Director is a defence
to a charge under subsections (1) and (2).
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(4) It is also a defence to a charge under subsections (1) and (2) that the Owner
owned the Animal and had them licensed prior to this Bylaw coming into force
and provided that the Owner does not foster, adopt, breed, or purchase more
(5) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to veterinarian clinics and not-for-profit
animal rescue organizations incorporated under the laws of Alberta.
10. (1) The Director may issue Excess Animal Permits to:
(a) breeders;
(b) a Person fostering an Animal under the supervision of a not-for-profit
organization that rescues and adopts out Animals; or
(c) any other Persons who, in the opinion of the Director, reasonably requires
a permit.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
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(2) The Director may revoke an Excess Animal Permit at any time.
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Keeping Animals under Control
11. (1) The Owner of an Animal must ensure that the Owner’s Animal is not Running at
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), an Owner of a dog that is not a Vicious Animal is
not required to have the dog on a Leash in a Park or a portion of a Park which
has been designated as an Off Leash Area.
(3) Unless a visible sign indicates that the area has been designated as an Off
Leash Area an Owner must keep the Owner’s dog on a Leash.
(4) An Owner must not allow an Animal other than a dog to enter into or remain in an
Off Leash Area.
(5) The Owner of a dog in an Off Leash Area must ensure that such dog is under
control at all times.
(6) Whether a dog is under control is a question of fact to be determined by a Court
hearing a prosecution pursuant to this Section of the Bylaw, having taken into
consideration any or all of the following:
(a) Whether the dog is at such a distance from its Owner so as to be
incapable of responding to voice, sound or sight commands;
(b) Whether the dog has responded to voice, sound or sight commands from
the Owner;
(c) Whether the dog has Bitten, Attacked, or done any act that injures a
Person or another Animal;
(d) Whether the dog chased or otherwise threatened a Person;
(e) Whether the dog caused damage to property.
(7) An Owner must not have more than 6 dogs off Leash in an Off Leash Area at one
(8) An Owner who fails to immediately restrain and remove a dog upon it engaging
in any of the activities listed in Section 22 (threatening behaviour), by restraining
the dog on a Leash not exceeding two (2) metres in length and removing the dog
from the Off Leash Area, is guilty of an offence.
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(9) Nothing in this Section relieves an Owner from complying with any other
provisions of this Bylaw.
Professional Dogwalker Permits
11.1 (1) Section 11(7) does not apply to a Person who holds a valid and
subsisting Dogwalker Permit.
(2) The Director may issue a Dogwalker Permit to a Person who has either the
experience, the education, or a certification that would prepare that Person to
walk large groups of dogs safely in an Off Leash Area.
(3) The Director may refuse to issue a Dogwalker Permit to a Person who does
not meet the eligibility criteria in subsection (2), or who has previously
committed a bylaw offence under Part 3 of this Bylaw or a similar offence
under Bylaw 23M2006.
(4) The following conditions apply to all Dogwalker Permits:
(a) Permit holders must carry an adequate number of leashes to restrain all
of the dogs they are walking in an Off Leash Area;
(b) Permit holders must carry an adequate number of bags to collect the
defecation of all the dogs they are walking in an Off Leash Area;
(c) Permit holders must ensure the dogs they have off leash in an Off
Leash Area have good recall;
(d) Permit holders must ensure the dogs they walk are wearing their
Tags at all times while being walked in an Off Leash Area; and
(e) Permit holders must review this Bylaw and acknowledge in writing that
they will comply with its provisions.
(5) The Director may limit the number of dogs a permit holder is permitted to walk in
an Off Leash Area, either on or off leash, as a condition of that Person’s
Dogwalker Permit.
(6) The Director may revoke a Dogwalker Permit where the permit holder has either:
(a) failed to comply with a condition of the permit;
(b) misrepresented information when applying for a permit; or
(c) has failed to comply with a provision in this Bylaw while walking dogs that
created a safety or nuisance concern.
(7) There is no fee for a Dogwalker Permit.
(75M2021, 2021 December 22)
Dogs Not Permitted
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12. An Owner of Vicious Animal must not permit such Animal to be in an Off Leash Area at
any time whether Leashed or not.
13. (1) The Owner of a dog must ensure that such dog does not enter or remain in or on:
(a) a School Ground, Playground, Sports Field, Golf Course, Cemetery,
Wading or Swimming Area; or
(b) any other area where dogs are prohibited by posted signs.
(2) The Owner of a dog must ensure that such dog does not enter or remain in a
Park, or any part thereof, where the dog is within five (5) meters of a Play
Structure, a Wading or Swimming Area, a Sports Field, a Golf Course or a
(3) The Owner of a dog must ensure that such dog does not leave a Pathway or trail
while in the following Parks:
(a) Griffith Woods;
(b) the Weaselhead Park;
(c) the area of Nose Hill Park as designated by the Director, Calgary Parks;
(d) any other Park or portion of Park as designated by the Director, Calgary
Parks as a Park where a Person must not leave a Pathway or trail
pursuant to Bylaw 11M2019.
(4) The Owner of a dog may allow such dog to pass along or across a Pathway,
including a Pathway that runs through an area designated as an Off Leash Area,
only if such dog:
(a) is secured by a Leash of no greater length than two (2) metres; and
(b) remains under the Owner’s control at all times ensuring that the dog does
not interfere with or obstruct any other Pathway user.
(5) Whether or not a dog is interfering or obstructing another Pathway user pursuant
to subsection (4) is a question of fact to be determined by a Court hearing a
prosecution pursuant to this section of the Bylaw, having taken into consideration
one or more of:
(a) whether the Owner kept such dog on the right-hand side of the Pathway
to avoid oncoming traffic of other users of the Pathway; and
(b) whether the Owner ensured that the dog did not sit or stand still on the
Pathway, whether in an Off Leash Area or not.
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(6) The Owner of a dog or any other Animal must ensure that such dog or other
Animal does not enter or remain in the Park known as Prince’s Island Park, or on
the pedestrian bridges to the Park whether on or off Leash at any time on the
following two (2) designated days of each year:
(a) July 01 Canada Day; and
(b) the first Monday of August Heritage Day.
14. The Owner of any Animal must ensure that such Animal does not enter or remain
in the water or upon the ice of the Glenmore Reservoir at any time.
Cycling, skateboarding, e-scootering etc. with Animals
15. (1) An Owner must not operate a wheeled conveyance such as a bicycle, e-bicycle,
skateboard, roller-skates, scooter, e- scooter, Segway, or other similar vehicle on
a Pathway, with any Animal on a Leash.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to Owners operating a device designed for
Persons with disabilities.
Unattended Animals
16. (1) The Owner of an Animal must ensure that such Animal is not left
unattended while tethered or tied on premises where the public has access,
whether the right of access is express or implied.
(2) The Owner of an Animal must ensure that such Animal is not left tethered or tied
up in a residential yard unless the Owner is outside with the dog at all times or
the Owner is able to maintain visual view of the dog at all times.
(3) The Owner of an Animal must not allow the Animal when tethered or tied up in a
residential yard to get closer than 1.5 metres to the property line.
(4) The Owner of an Animal left unattended in a motor vehicle must ensure:
(a) the Animal is restrained in a manner that prevents contact between the
Animal and any member of the public; and
(b) the Animal is not confined in such a manner that places it in a life or
health threatening situation by exposure to a period of extreme heat or
cold, without proper ventilation or other protection from such heat or cold.
Securing Animals in Vehicles
17. (1) For the purpose of this section, “roadway” means any street or highway, whether
publicly or privately owned, any part of which the public is ordinarily entitled or
permitted to use for the passage or parking of vehicles.
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(2) An Owner must not allow an Animal to be outside of the passenger cab of a
motor vehicle on a roadway, regardless of whether the motor vehicle is moving or
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), an Owner may allow an Animal to be outside
the passenger cab of a motor vehicle, including riding in the back of a pick up
truck or flat bed truck if the Animal is:
(a) in a fully enclosed trailer;
(b) in a topper enclosing the bed area of a truck; or
(c) contained in a ventilated kennel or similar device securely fastened to the
bed of the truck.
(4) The owner of a vehicle involved in an offence referred to in this section is guilty
of the offence, unless that vehicle owner satisfies the Court that the vehicle was:
(a) not being driven or was not parked by the vehicle’s owner; and
(b) that the Person driving or parking the vehicle at the time of the offence did
so without the vehicle owner’s express or implied consent.
Animals Suspected of Having Rabies
18. (1) An Owner of an Animal suspected of having rabies must immediately report the
matter to The Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Alberta’s Medical Officer of
Health, or to the Director.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(2) An Owner of an Animal suspected of having rabies must confine or isolate the
Animal, in such a manner as prescribed so as to prevent further spread of the
(3) An Owner of an Animal suspected of having rabies must keep the Animal
humanely confined for not less than ten (10) days at the cost of the Owner.
Removing Excrement
19. If an Animal defecates on any public or private property other than the property of its
Owner, the Owner must remove such feces immediately.
20. (1) The Owner of an Animal must ensure that such Animal does not bark, howl, or
otherwise make or cause a noise which disturbs any Person.
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(2) Whether any sound annoys or disturbs a Person, or otherwise constitutes
objectionable noise, is a question of fact to be determined by a Court hearing a
prosecution pursuant to this section of the Bylaw.
Scattering Garbage
21. The Owner of an Animal must ensure that such Animal does not upset any waste
receptacles or scatter the contents thereof either in or about a street, lane, or other
public property or in or about premises not belonging to or in the possession of the
Owner of the Animal.
Threatening Behaviours
22. The Owner of an Animal must ensure that such Animal does not:
(1) Bite, bark at, or chase stock, Animals, bicycles, automobiles, or other vehicles;
(2) chase or otherwise threaten a Person or Persons, whether on the property of the
Owner or not;
(3) cause damage to property or other Animals, whether on the property of the
Owner or not;
(4) do any act that injures a Person or Persons, whether on the property of the
Owner or not;
(5) Bite a Person or Persons, whether on the property of the Owner or not;
(6) Attack a Person or Persons, whether on the property of the Owner or not;
(7) Attack another Animal causing Severe Injury, whether on the property of the
Owner or not;
(8) cause death to another Animal; or
(9) Attack a Person or Persons, whether on the property of the Owner or not,
causing Severe Injury.
23. No Owner must use or direct an Animal to Attack, chase, harass or threaten a Person or
Duty to Report Bite
24. An Owner must make a report within twenty-four (24) hours if the Owner’s Animal
Bites a Person or another Animal by:
(a) providing the Owner’s name and the Animal’s licence number to the
Person who was Bit or whose Animal was Bit or providing that information
to an Officer; or
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(b) using The City’s 311 service by phone or online to provide the information
requested by that service in response to a Bite report.
Keeping of Livestock Prohibited
25. (1) A Person must not keep Livestock in any area of the City.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to:
(a) a Person keeping Livestock in an area where the keeping of Livestock is
allowed under The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw;
(b) a Person who has a valid and subsisting Livestock licence or permit
issued by the Director for that Livestock;
(c) horses ridden in a Park which has been designated for horseback riding
by the Director, Calgary Parks; or
(d) the Calgary Humane Society or the Alberta Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(3) A Person must not keep pigeons, bee colonies, or hens within the City without a
valid and subsisting Urban Livestock licence.
(4) A Person must not keep roosters in the City.
(5) A Person must not feed or lure Wildlife in the City.
(6) Subsection (5) does not apply to the feeding of birdseed to songbirds.
Horses in Prohibited Area
26. (1) Except in a Park or parts of a Park which have been designated for horseback
riding by the Director, Calgary Parks, a Person must not allow a horse owned or
controlled by him to be in a Park;
(2) Sections 25(1) and 26(1) do not apply to horses owned and ridden by the
Calgary Police Service.
Applicants for Licences and Permits
27. (1) A Person may apply to the Director for the following Livestock licences and
(a) an Urban Livestock licence that permits that Person to own bee colonies,
hens, and pigeons;
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(b) a Livestock Emotional Support Animal Permit; or
(c) a Temporary Livestock Permit.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(2) An applicant for a Livestock licence or permit must provide the following
information in the form required by the Director:
(a) A site plan for where the Livestock will be kept;
(b) Details of any Housing that will be placed and maintained for Livestock to
demonstrate the ability to maintain their physical well-being including
details of the positioning of the entrance of any hives;
(c) Proof of ownership of the property where the Livestock is kept or proof of
consent of the property’s owner;
(d) Proof of completion of any training or mentoring required by the Director;
(e) A signed declaration that the applicant will adhere to generally accepted
good husbandry or beekeeping practices and complete any necessary
provincial registration.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(3) In addition to the information in subsection (2), an applicant for a Livestock
Emotional Support Animal Permit must provide information demonstrating that a
mental health professional has determined that the companion Animal provides a
benefit for that applicant’s disability.
Conditions on Licences and Permits
28. The following are conditions on all Livestock licences and permits:
(a) A licence or permit holder must not keep Livestock in a manner that causes or
permits a nuisance or is reasonably likely to disturb the peace of any other
(b) A licence or permit holder must keep all Housing consistent with what was
approved in the application for a licence and in a state of good repair;
(c) A licence or permit holder must not keep less than two (2) or more than four (4)
hens without approval of the Director;
(d) A licence or permit holder must not keep more than two (2) bee colonies without
approval of the Director except that the licence or permit holder may keep more
than two (2) bee colonies for a one month period of time when splitting an
existing colony for hive management;
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(e) A licence or permit holder must not fly more than thirty (30) pigeons at a time and
must not fly pigeons that have been fed within two (2) hours prior to flying unless
exempt from this requirement by the Director;
(f) A licence or permit holder keeping pigeons must maintain membership in good
standing of either the Canadian Pigeon Fanciers’ Association Inc./Association
Canadienne du Pigeon de Fantaisie Inc. or the Canadian Racing Pigeon Union
Incorporated, and must band all pigeons kept under the licence or permit with a
seamless Club or Association band on their legs;
(g) A licence or permit holder must not slaughter a hen or a pigeon within the City;
(h) A licence or permit holder must not sell or give away the licensed or permitted
Livestock to another Person within the City without the approval of the Director;
(i) A licence or permit holder must notify the City if the Livestock is being relocated
or moved within the City and must agree to an inspection of any new location.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
29. Despite subsection 28(g) a licence or permit holder may take hens or pigeons to be
euthanized by a licenced veterinarian or slaughtered at a licensed slaughterhouse in the
30. Nothing in this Part exempts or relieves from requirements arising under any land use
bylaw and building regulations requirement that may apply to Livestock or their Housing.
Authority of Director
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
31. (1) The Director is authorized to issue, renew, and revoke Livestock
licences and permits in accordance with this Part.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(2) The Director must charge a fee, as set out in Schedule “A”, when granting
Livestock licences and permits pursuant to this Part unless, in the Director’s
opinion, there are compassionate reasons to waive or reduce the fee.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
32. Without limiting section 31, the Director may refuse to issue a Livestock licence or permit
(a) the application is incomplete;
(b) the site plan does not provide for sufficient setbacks, or proper sitting of a hive, in
relation to neighbouring properties or otherwise would not conform to any other
requirements under the Land Use Bylaw;
(c) the proposed site plan places the Housing in the front yard or front setback of the
lot; or
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(d) the applicant has previously committed offences under this Bylaw, the
Community Standards Bylaw, or provincial Animal welfare or husbandry
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
33. In approving or renewing a Livestock licence or permit the Director may:
(a) limit or increase the number of bee colonies, pigeons or hens a licence or permit
holder is permitted to keep to an amount different than provided for in section 28
above based on the size or shape of the property and/or houses in relation to
neighbouring lots and houses; and
(b) exempt licence and permit holders from the condition in subsection 28(e) where
that requirement is not reasonable due to the type of species of pigeon being
kept under the licence or permit.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
34. The Director may revoke, or refuse to renew any Livestock licence or permit where:
(a) the licence or permit holder has failed to abide by a condition of the licence;
(b) the licence or permit holder has filed a false or misleading application;
(c) the licence or permit holder has failed to complete a program of training or
mentoring required by the Director; or
(d) the licence or permit holder has kept Livestock in a manner that causes a
nuisance or is reasonably likely to disturb the peace of any other Person.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
35. In determining if Livestock is a nuisance or is reasonably likely to disturb the
peace of any other individual the Director may consider one or more of:
(a) a demonstrated impact on the health or well-being of others;
(b) repeated incidents of unruly behaviour such as swarming in bees;
(c) repeated complaints of offensive odours, or messy, untidy or unkempt Housing;
(d) repeated complaints of the Livestock defecating while off property of the licence
or permit holder;
(e) repeated complaints of the Livestock Running at Large;
(f) demonstrated damage to neighbouring properties; and
(g) whether the Livestock is being kept in a manner that is contrary to a condition of
the Livestock licence or permit or is contrary to generally accepted pigeon, hen,
or beekeeping standards.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
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36. In administering Livestock licences and permits under this Bylaw the Director is
authorized to:
(a) inspect Livestock and Housing kept by a licence or permit holder at any time to
ensure the requirements in this Bylaw are being met;
(b) limit the number of Urban Livestock licences issued, where done in a fair
and equitable manner, in the following circumstances:
i. to create and manage an initial pilot program for urban hens; and
ii. to ensure the density of bee colonies in any part of the City does
not exceed available resources for the health of existing colonies;
(c) require licence and permit holders to complete a program of training or mentoring
related to the type of Livestock being kept;
(d) consider the standards set out in guidelines and publications of beekeeping,
pigeon, and hen associations; and
(e) consult with The City’s planning and development offices.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
37. Where a Person has contravened a condition of a Livestock licence or permit the
Director may issue a remedial order pursuant to Part 9 of this Bylaw that directs that
Person to:
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(1) change how that Person keeps the Livestock;
(2) restricts how that Person may keep Livestock on land the Person owns or
occupies in a manner directed by the Director;
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(3) limit the number of bee colonies, hens or pigeons kept by the Person to a
number below what is permitted by this Bylaw;
(4) modify, repair, or relocate any Housing including any property fences used to
keep the Livestock contained on the property;
(5) change practices in caring for the Livestock to conform with generally accepted
beekeeping or husbandry standards; or
(6) any other action similar to the above that is in the opinion of the Director
reasonably necessary to ensure the Livestock is not a nuisance or not
reasonably likely to disturb the peace of others.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
38. The Director may issue a remedial order prior to, or in place of, revoking or refusing to
renew a licence or permit.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
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Temporary Livestock Permit
39. (1) The Director may grant a permit allowing an Owner to keep Livestock in the City
on a temporary basis where, in the opinion of the Director, it would be in the
public interest to do so.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(2) The Director may place conditions on permits issued pursuant to subsection (1)
including limiting the place and time the Livestock may be kept and the duration
the permit is valid.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
40. A Person who owned bee colonies or pigeons prior to the date this Bylaw is passed will
be granted a Temporary Livestock Permit at the time this Bylaw is passed and such
permit will expire after a duration of twelve (12) months at which time the Person must
apply for an Urban Livestock licence under this Bylaw to continue keeping the bee
colonies or pigeons.
41. A Person who owns hens and had a valid and subsisting Livestock Emotional Support
Animal Permit for such hens prior to the date this Bylaw is passed may be granted an
Urban Livestock licence under this Bylaw by the Director without making an application
for one at the time this Bylaw comes into force.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
42. A Person can appeal to the Licence and Community Standards Appeal Board, within the
timeframe stated in that bylaw, a decision of the Director:
(a) to refuse to issue a Livestock licence or permit;
(b) made pursuant to section 33; or
(c) to revoke a Livestock licence or permit.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
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43. A Person must not own or keep a Nuisance Animal in the City without a valid and
subsisting Nuisance Animal licence.
Designating an Animal a Nuisance Animal
44. The Director may designate an Animal to be a Nuisance Animal, and require an Owner
to obtain a Nuisance Animal licence for such an Animal where:
(a) the Animal has engaged in repeated threatening or aggressive behaviour;
(b) the Animal has been found Running at Large more than once;
(c) the Animal is a dog that repeatedly barks, howls, or otherwise makes or
causes noise which disturbs any Person; or
(d) the Owner has demonstrated an inability to control the Animal in an Off Leash
Area or any other public area on more than one occasion.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
Notice and Submissions
45. Where the Director is considering designating an Animal as a Nuisance Animal, the
Director must:
(a) send written notice to the Owner of the reason why the designation is being
(b) provide an opportunity to the Owner to make written submissions within fourteen
(14) days of receiving the notice on whether such Animal should be designated
as a Nuisance Animal; and
(c) consider any written submissions made by the Owner and any information
provided from an Officer obtained from any investigation conducted pursuant to
this Bylaw involving such Animal, whether for the incident precipitating the
consideration of the designation or an earlier incident involving such Animal.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
Designation Decision and Conditions on Nuisance Animals
46. (1) Where the Director has decided to designate an Animal as a Nuisance Animal
the designation decision must be sent to the Owner, with the reasons for that
decision, along with notice of any conditions imposed by the Director pursuant to
subsection 47(1).
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
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(2) A Nuisance Animal designation continues to apply if the Animal is sold, given
away or transferred to a new Owner.
(3) An Owner must disclose that an Animal has been designated a Nuisance Animal
when selling, giving away, or transferring that Animal to a new Owner.
(4) An Owner must disclose a Nuisance Animal designation to any Person the
Owner asks to take temporary care and control of the Nuisance Animal,
such as dogwalkers, groomers, kennel operators, and veterinarians.
Nuisance Animal Conditions
47. (1) The Director may impose one or more of the following conditions on
an Owner of a Nuisance Animal:
(a) Require the Owner to keep the Nuisance Animal indoors between 10:00
pm and 7:00 am;
(b) Require the Owner to keep the Nuisance Animal, when outdoors on the
Owner’s property, in a secure pen or secure fence;
(c) Require the Owner to ensure the Nuisance Animal is Muzzled while
outdoors, either on the Owner’s property or off the Owner’s property,
and in plain view of the Owner at all times while Muzzled;
(d) Require that the Owner undertake repairs to the property where the
Nuisance Animal resides to ensure compliance with this Bylaw;
(e) Require the Owner to retain the services of a Certified Professional Dog
Trainer to provide the Owner with a specific type of education and
training, for a specified number of hours, and require that the Owner
provide proof of completion of such education and training hours;
(f) Prohibit the Nuisance Animal from entering or remaining in an Off Leash
Area; and
(g) Any other additional condition that is similar to the above, and in the
opinion of the Director is reasonably necessary to reduce the
nuisance posed by such Nuisance Animal.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(2) The Owner of a Nuisance Animal must comply with any conditions imposed by
the Director pursuant to this section.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(3) The Director can add or remove any conditions at any time after designating an
Animal as a Nuisance Animal on written notice to an Owner.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
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(4) An Owner may apply to have the Nuisance Animal designation lifted no more
than once per year by written appeal to the Director.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
48. (1) An Owner who disagrees with:
(a) a decision of the Director to designate the Owner’s Animal a Nuisance
(b) a decision of the Director to confirm the designation of an Animal as a
Nuisance Animal following an annual written appeal; or
(c) a condition imposed by the Director under section 47(1);
may appeal that decision to the Licence and Community Standards Appeal
Board in accordance with the timelines set out in Bylaw 50M2011.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(2) The Owner of a Nuisance Animal must comply with the responsibilities imposed
by this Bylaw despite any pending appeal before the Licence and Community
Standards Appeal Board except that the Owner is not required, pending a final
decision of that Board, to comply with a condition imposed by the Director
pursuant to subsection 47(1).
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
49. In this Part (Vicious Animals), Part 5 (Nuisance Animals) and Part 7 (Animal Control
(a) secure pen” means a pen or other structure meeting the following specifications:
i. has secure sides and a secure top, and if it has no bottom secured
to the sides, the sides must be embedded in the ground to a minimum
depth of thirty (30) centimeters;
ii. provides the Vicious Animal with shelter from the elements;
iii. is of the minimum dimensions of one and one-half (1.5) metres by
three (3) metres and be a minimum one and one-half (1.5) metres in
height; and
iv. is not within one (1) metre of the property line or within five (5)
metres of a neighbouring dwelling unit;
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(b) secure fence” means a secured fenced enclosure meeting the following
i. is at least six (6) foot high, reaching to the ground;
ii. has a self-closing mechanism on all gates; and
iii. must have the ability to lock in a way to prevent any Persons from outside
the Owner’s household gaining access to the Animal.
50. A Person must not own or keep a Vicious Animal in the City without a valid and
subsisting Vicious Animal licence.
Designating an Animal a Vicious Animal
51. The Director may designate an Animal to be a Vicious Animal, and require an
Owner to obtain a Vicious Animal licence for such an Animal where:
(a) the Animal has caused a Severe Injury to a Person, whether on public or private
(b) the Animal has, while off its Owner’s property, caused Severe Injury to another
Animal or the death of another Animal; or
(c) there are reasonable grounds to believe the Animal poses a risk to the health
and safety of Persons in the City.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
Notice and Submissions
52. Where the Director is considering designating an Animal as a Vicious Animal, the
Director must:
(a) send written notice to the Owner of the reason why the designation is being
(b) provide an opportunity to the Owner to make written submissions within
fourteen (14) days of receipt of the notice on whether such Animal should be
designated as a Vicious Animal; and
(c) consider any written submissions made by the Owner and any information
provided from an Officer obtained from any investigation conducted pursuant to
this Bylaw involving such Animal, whether for the incident precipitating the
consideration of the designation or an earlier incident involving such Animal.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
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Seizure Pending a Decision
53. The Director may order the Owner of an Animal alleged to be a Vicious Animal to
surrender the Animal to an Officer to be impounded at the Animal Services Centre
pending the outcome of the Director’s decision on whether the Animal should be
designated a Vicious Animal and any related appeal.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
Designation Decision
54. (1) Where the Director has decided to designate an Animal as a Vicious Animal the
designation decision must be sent to the Owner, with the reasons for making that
decision, along with notice of any additional conditions imposed by the Director
pursuant to section 57(1).
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(2) A Vicious Animal designation continues to apply if the Animal is sold, given away
or transferred to a new Owner.
(3) An Owner must disclose that an Animal has been designated a Vicious Animal
when selling, giving away, or transferring that Animal to a new Owner.
(4) An Owner must disclose a Vicious Animal designation to any Person the
Owner asks to take temporary care and control of the Animal, such as
dogwalkers, groomers, kennel operators, and veterinarians.
55. (1) An Owner of an Animal that was declared a Vicious Animal pursuant to Bylaw
23M2006 continues as a Vicious Animal under this Bylaw and the Owner must
continue to comply with all conditions, orders, and restrictions imposed on such a
Vicious Animal pursuant to Bylaw 23M2006.
(2) The Director may impose conditions pursuant to section 57(1) of this Bylaw on a
Vicious Animal designated as such pursuant to Bylaw 23M2006 and the Owner
must comply with all responsibilities set out in this Bylaw on Owners of Vicious
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
Conditions on Vicious Animals
56. (1) Where the Director has designated an Animal a Vicious Animal the Owner must:
(a) within ten (10) days of receiving the notice of the designation:
(i) ensure that a licenced veterinarian tattoo the Vicious Animal
with a visible tattoo; or
(ii) implant an identifiable microchip in the Vicious Animal;
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and provide the information contained on the tattoo or microchip to the
(b) if the Animal is in an unaltered state, within 10 (ten) days of receiving the
notice of the designation, have the Vicious Animal neutered or spayed at
the Owner’s expense;
(c) ensure the Vicious Animal is kept under control at all times by;
(i) keeping the Vicious Animal indoors when on the Owner’s property
and under the control of a Person over the age of eighteen (18);
(ii) keeping the Vicious Animal in a secure pen or contained by a
secure fence when outdoors on the Owner’s property; or
(iii) keeping the Vicious Animal under the control of a Person over the
age of eighteen (18) years when outdoors, whether on the
Owner’s property or not, and securely Muzzled and harnessed or
Leashed on a lead which length must not exceed one (1) metre, in
a manner that prevents such Vicious Animal from chasing, injuring
or Biting other Animals or people as well as prevent damage to
public or private property;
(d) not permit the Vicious Animal to enter in or remain in an Off
Leash Area; and
(e) The Owner of a Vicious Animal must, within ten (10) days of the date of
the notice designating the Animal to be a Vicious Animal, display a sign
on the Owner’s premises warning of the presence of the Animal in the
form illustrated in Schedule “E” and must ensure that:
(i) the sign is placed at each entrance to the premises where the
Vicious Animal is kept and on the pen or other structure in which
the Vicious Animal is confined; and
(ii) the sign is posted to be clearly visible and capable of being seen
by any Person accessing the premises;
(f) The Owner of a Vicious Animal must ensure that such Animal wears a
Tag at all times.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(2) An Owner must permit an Officer to inspect a secure fence, secure pen or any
outdoor portion of that Owner’s property where a Vicious Animal may be
Additional Conditions on Owners of Vicious Animals
57. (1) The Director may impose one or more of the following conditions on
the Owner of a Vicious Animal:
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(a) Require the Owner to modify the Owner’s property in some manner in
order to reduce the risk of the Vicious Animal leaving the property and
Running at Large;
(b) Require the Owner to retain the services of a Certified Professional Dog
Trainer to provide the Owner with a specific type of education and
training, for a specified number of hours, and require that the Owner
provide proof of completion of such education and training hours;
(c) Require that the Owner obtain liability insurance in a specified amount for
the Vicious Animal; and
(d) Any other additional condition that is similar to the above, and in the
opinion of the Director is reasonably necessary to ensure the health and
safety of Persons in the City.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(2) The Owner of a Vicious Animal must comply with any conditions imposed by
the Director pursuant to this section.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(3) The Director can add or remove any conditions at any time after
designating an Animal as a Vicious Animal on written notice to an Owner.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
Selling, Transferring, or Gifting Vicious Animals
58. The Owner of a Vicious Animal must:
(a) notify the Director should the Animal be sold, gifted, or transferred to
another Person or is deceased; and
(b) remain liable for the actions of the Animal until formal notification of sale,
gift or transfer is given to the Director.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
Offences involving Vicious Animals
59. (1) The Owner of a Vicious Animal must ensure that such Animal does not:
(a) chase a Person or other Animals;
(b) injure a Person or other Animals;
(c) Bite a Person or other Animals; or
(d) Attack a Person or other Animals.
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(2) The Owner of a Vicious Animal must ensure that such Animal does not damage
or destroy public or private property.
(3) The Owner of a Vicious Animal must ensure that such Animal is not Running at
(4) The Owner of a Vicious Animal must notify the Animal Services Centre if the
Animal is Running at Large.
60. (1) An Owner who disagrees with a decision of the Director to designate the Owner’s
Animal a Vicious Animal or who disagrees with any condition imposed by the
Director pursuant to section 57(1) may appeal that decision to the Licence and
Community Standards Appeal Board in accordance with the timelines set out in
Bylaw 50M2011.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(2) The Owner of a Vicious Animal must comply with the responsibilities imposed by
this Bylaw despite any pending appeal before the Licence and Community
Standards Appeal Board except that the Owner is not required, pending a final
decision of that Board, to comply with the requirement to spay or neuter the
Animal pursuant to section 56(1)(b) or any condition imposed by the Director
pursuant to section 57(1).
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(3) Nothing in this Bylaw precludes the Director from applying for a Vicious Animal to
be destroyed pursuant to the Dangerous Dogs Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. D-3.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
Authority of Animal Services Centre
61. (1) The Animal Services Centre may impound and hold any Animals that have been
surrendered or seized pursuant to this Bylaw until such time as they are
reclaimed by their Owners in accordance with the provisions of this Bylaw or are
deemed by this Bylaw to be unclaimed.
(2) The Animal Services Centre may receive Animals into protective care pursuant to
fire, flood, or other reasons and retain such Animals temporarily and at the end of
the protective care period, if no other arrangements are made between the
Owner and the Animal Services Centre, treat such Animals as impounded
(3) The Animal Services Centre may charge Owners of any Animals that are being
held fees for costs of impoundment and may charge fees to an Owner for the
care of that Owner’s Animal while such Animal is at the Animal Services Centre
pursuant to Schedule “B”.
Page 29 of 48
(4) An Animal is deemed by this Bylaw to be unclaimed when:
(a) It has been retained in the Animal Services Centre for seventy-two (72)
hours after the Owner has acknowledged receiving the notice of
impoundment, or 7 days after the Owner is deemed to have received
such notice under Section 75 of this Bylaw, and the Owner had failed to
reclaim the Animal in accordance with the provisions of this Bylaw; or
(b) It has been retained in the Animal Services Centre for seventy-two (72)
hours, if the name and address of the Owner is not known.
(5) The Animal Services Centre may retain an Animal for a longer period if in its
opinion the circumstances warrant the expense or there are reasonable grounds
to believe that the Animal is a continued danger to Persons, Animals, or property.
(6) The Animal Services Centre may implant a microchip in any Animal found
Running at Large more than once in the City or any Animal that has become the
property of The City under this Bylaw.
(7) The Animal Services Centre may offer for sale, euthanize, or adopt out all
unclaimed Animals which have been received at the Centre.
(8) The Animal Services Centre must not sell, euthanize, or adopt out an impounded
Animal, including any Nuisance Animal or Vicious Animal, until such Animal is
deemed unclaimed.
Seizure and Impoundment
62. (1) An Officer may capture and impound any Animal including any Nuisance Animal
or Vicious Animal:
(a) found Running at Large;
(b) which has Attacked or Bit or an Officer believes on reasonable and
probable grounds has Attacked or Bit a Person or Animal pending either:
i. the outcome of the Director’s determination on whether the Animal
should be designated as a Vicious Animal and pending any
related appeal to the Licence and Community Standards Appeal
Board; or
ii. pending a Court’s determination as to whether the dog should be
destroyed pursuant to the Dangerous Dogs Act, R.S.A. 2000, c D-
(c) where the Animal has been previously designated a Vicious Animal and
the Owner has failed to abide by one or more condition(s) imposed on
such Vicious Animal which creates, in the Officer’s opinion, a threat to
public safety; or
Page 30 of 48
(d) which is required to be impounded pursuant to the provisions of any
statute of Canada or of the Province of Alberta, or any Regulation made
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1)(b)(i), an Officer may allow an Owner of an Animal
alleged to be a Vicious Animal to keep the Animal in place of seizure provided
the Owner agrees to contain and control conditions, which in the opinion of the
Officer, ensures the safety of the public pending that designation decision and
any further appeal.
(3) Conditions to contain and control an Animal under subsection (2) may include
one, or more, or all of:
(a) When outdoors, whether on the Owner’s property or not, such Animal
i. be under direct control of an adult, by means of a harness, Muzzle
and a two point of contact Leash; or
ii. contained by a secure fence;
(b) The Owner is prohibited from taking the Animal to an Off Leash Area;
(c) That the Owner be required to retain the services of a Certified Professional
Dog Trainer to provide the Owner with education and training on how to
better control the Animal for a minimum number of hours specified by the
Officer and require that the Owner provide proof of completion of such
education and training hours; and
(d) any other condition that is similar to the above and that in the opinion of the
Officer will ensure the public’s safety pending a designation decision and
any related appeal.
63. A Person who takes control of any stray dog or cat, Nuisance Animal or Vicious Animal,
must notify the Animal Services Centre or the Director immediately and provide any
required information.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
Notice of Impoundment
64. If an Officer knows or can ascertain the name of the Owner of an impounded
Animal, the Officer must serve the Owner with notice that such Animal is impounded,
either personally or by ordinary mail and such notice must advise the Owner of:
(a) a description of the Animal including any licensing information;
Page 31 of 48
(b) the conditions the Owner must meet in order to reclaim such Animal including the
payment of fees; and
(c) the consequences of failing to reclaim the Animal by the date set out in the
notice including that such Animal may be adopted out or euthanized by the
Animal Services Centre.
Reclaiming Animal
65. (1) The Owner of any impounded Animal, Nuisance Animal or Vicious Animal may
reclaim the Animal, Nuisance Animal or Vicious Animal by:
(a) paying the costs of impoundment as set out in Schedule “B” to this Bylaw;
(b) where a licence is required under this Bylaw, obtaining the licence for
such Animal, Nuisance Animal or Vicious Animal; and
(c) demonstrating compliance with any conditions on such Animal’s licence
imposed by the Director or the Licence and Community Standards Appeal
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(2) Where an Animal, Nuisance Animal or Vicious Animal is claimed, the Owner
must also provide proof of ownership of the Animal.
(3) The Owner of an Animal, Nuisance Animal or Vicious Animal who has been
found not guilty of committing an offence under this Bylaw may request the return
of any fees paid by that Owner for reclaiming such Animal.
Unclaimed Animals
66. The Animal Services Centre may, before selling an unclaimed Animal, require that the
Animal be spayed or neutered.
67. Where the Animal Services Centre agrees to euthanize an Animal the Owner must pay a
fee as set out in Schedule “B” of this Bylaw.
68. The purchaser of an Animal from the Animal Services Centre pursuant to the provisions
of this Bylaw will obtain full right and title to it and the right and title of the Former Owner
of the Animal ends.
Bylaw Investigations
69. An Officer may at any time:
(a) require that the Owner of an Animal provide such Animal’s name and licence
(b) order that a dog be put on a Leash; or
(c) order that a dog be removed from an Off Leash Area.
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70. Subject to the entry notice provisions of the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000
c.M-26, a designated officer of the City, bearing proper identification, may enter a
premises to conduct an inspection in order to determine whether or not this Bylaw or an
order issued pursuant to this Bylaw is being complied with.
Obstructing an Officer
71. A Person must not, whether or not that Person is the Owner of an Animal, Nuisance
Animal or Vicious Animal which is being or has been pursued or captured:
(a) interfere with or attempt to obstruct an Officer who is attempting to capture or
who has captured an Animal which is subject to impoundment or seizure;
(b) open the vehicle in which Animals have been captured for impoundment
or seizure;
(c) remove, or attempt to remove, any Animal from the possession of an Officer;
(d) refuse to comply with an Officer’s order to put an Animal on a Leash or to
leave an Off Leash Area;
(e) refuse to surrender an Animal to an Officer that is subject to seizure or
impoundment under this Bylaw; or
(f) provide a false name or licence number for an Animal or Owner to an
72. A Person must not interfere with or attempt to obstruct an Officer who is attempting to
conduct an inspection pursuant to section 70.
Interfering with an Animal
73. A Person must not:
(a) untie, loosen or otherwise free an Animal which has been tied or otherwise
(b) negligently or willfully open a gate, door or other opening in a fence or
enclosure in which an Animal has been confined and thereby allow an
Animal to Run at Large in the City;
(c) entice an Animal to Run at Large;
(d) tease an Animal caught in an enclosed space; or
(e) throw or poke any object into an enclosed space when an Animal is
caught or confined therein;
74. Section 73 does not apply to an Officer who is attempting to capture or who has
captured an Animal which is subject to impoundment or seizure pursuant to this Bylaw.
Page 33 of 48
Service of Documents
75. Where this Bylaw requires the Director or the Animal Services Centre to provide an
Owner with a notice or a decision, that notice or decision may be served by ordinary mail
to the last known address of the Owner and the Owner is deemed to have received that
notice or decision seven (7) days from the date it was mailed.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
Trap Neuter Release Program Permits
76. The Director may permit a not-for-profit entity to operate a trap, neuter and release
program for cats or other Animals in the City on such terms and conditions that the
Director considers appropriate and such permit exempts the entity:
(a) from the requirement to license Animals and pay the fees in Schedule “A”; and
(b) from the prohibition in this Bylaw against allowing an Animal to Run At Large
when releasing Animals pursuant to the program.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
77. The Director may delegate any of the powers granted to the Director in this Bylaw at any
time to any other employee of The City.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
Offences and Penalties
78. If an Animal is involved in a contravention of this Bylaw, the Owner of that Animal is
guilty of an offence.
79. (1) Every Owner of an Animal who contravenes any of the provisions of this Bylaw
(a) doing any act or thing which the Person is prohibited from doing, or
(b) failing to do any act or thing the Person is required to do,
is guilty of an offence.
(2) Any Person who is convicted of an offence pursuant to this Bylaw is liable on
summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000, and in default of payment of
any fine imposed, to imprisonment for not more than six (6) months.
Violation Tickets and Penalties
Page 34 of 48
80. (1) Where an Officer believes that a Person has contravened any provision of this
Bylaw, that Officer may commence proceedings by issuing a summons by means
of a violation ticket in accordance with Part 2 of the Provincial Offences
Procedure Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.P-34.
(2) The specified penalty payable in respect of a contravention of a provision of this
Bylaw is the amount shown in Schedule "C" of this Bylaw in respect of that
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2):
(a) where any Person has been convicted of a contravention of the same
provision of this Bylaw twice within one twelve (12) month period, the
specified penalty payable in respect of the second conviction is double
the amount shown in Schedule "C" of this Bylaw in respect of that
provision, and
(b) where any person has been convicted of a contravention of the same
provision of this Bylaw three or more times within one twelve (12) month
period, the specified penalty payable in respect of the third or subsequent
conviction is triple the amount shown in Schedule "C" of this Bylaw in
respect of that provision.
Nuisance and Vicious Animal Fines
81. (1) Subsections 80(2) and (3) do not apply to Vicious Animals.
(2) The specified fines on summary conviction in respect to a contravention of this
Bylaw with respect to Vicious Animals shall be the same amounts as shown in
Schedule "D" regarding Vicious Animals.
(3) The specified fines on summary conviction in respect of a contravention of
sections 43, 46(3), 46(4), 47(1)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) of this Bylaw shall
be the same amounts shown in Schedule “D” regarding Nuisance Animals.
Increased Fines for Unaltered Animals
82. The early payment and specified fines in Schedule “C” in respect of a contravention of
Sections 11(1) and 22(1)-(9) of this Bylaw are increased by one hundred dollars
($100.00) where the Animal involved in the offence was unaltered.
Continuing Offences
83. In the case of an offence that is of a continuing nature, a contravention constitutes a
separate offence in respect of each day, or part of a day, on which the offence continues
and any Person guilty of such an offence is liable to a fine in an amount not less than
that established by this Bylaw for each such day.
Mandatory Court or Information
Page 35 of 48
84. Part 9 of this Bylaw does not prevent any Officer from issuing a violation ticket requiring
the court appearance of the defendant, pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial
Offences Procedure Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.P-34, or prevent any Officer from laying an
information instead of issuing a violation ticket.
Liability for Fees
85. The levying and payment of any fine or the imprisonment for any period provided in this
Bylaw shall not relieve a Person from the necessity of paying any fees, charges or costs
from which that Person is liable under the provisions of this Bylaw.
Orders by a Justice
86. A Justice, after convicting an Owner of an offence under this Bylaw may, if the Justice
considers the offence sufficiently serious, direct, order, or declare one or more of the
(a) that the Owner prevent the Animal from doing mischief or causing the
disturbance or nuisance complained of; or
(b) that the Owner be prohibited from owning any Animal for a specified period of
Onus of Proof
87. (1) The onus of proving a Person has a valid and subsisting licence is on the Person
alleging the licence.
(2) The onus of proving the age of an Animal is on the Person alleging the age.
(3) The onus of proving that an Animal is altered is on the Owner of the Animal.
88. (1) A Person must not contravene a condition of any licence issued under this
(2) Licences are not transferable from one Person to another and attach to a Person,
not the Animal.
Early Payment Option
89. (1 Where an Officer believes that a Person has contravened a section of
this Bylaw, the Officer may commence proceedings against the Person by
issuing a Penalty Tag to the Person.
(2) A Penalty Tag must set out a specified penalty for the contravention,
and may provide for early payment amounts.
(3) If a Person who contravened a section of this Bylaw pays the early
payment amount or the specified penalty amount, within the times and in
Page 36 of 48
the manner set out on the Penalty Tag, that payment will be accepted in place of
prosecution under the Provincial Offences Procedures Act R.S.A 2000 c. p- 34.
(4) If payments referred to in subsection (3) are not made within the times and in the
manner set out on the Penalty Tag, a Violation Ticket may be issued to the
Person who was issued the Penalty Tag in accordance with the Provincial
Offences Procedures Act R.S.A 2000 c. p-34.
(5) Nothing in this section shall:
(a) prevent any Person from exercising their right to defend any charge
of committing a breach of a section of this Bylaw; or
(b) prevent an Officer, in lieu of serving a Penalty Tag, from issuing
a Violation Ticket to a Person
pursuant to the Provincial Offences
Procedures Act R.S.A 2000 c. p-34.
(6) The specified penalties and early payment amounts for a contravention of
a section of this Bylaw, are as set out in Schedule “C” and “D”, which shall
form part of this Bylaw.
Remedial Orders
90. (1) Where a Person
has contravened any provision of this Bylaw, a remedial order
may be issued by the Director requiring the Person to remedy the contravention
pursuant to section 545 of the Municipal Government Act R.S.A. 2000 c. M-26.
(72M2021, 2022 January 01)
(2) A remedial order issued pursuant to section 545 of the Municipal Government
Act R.S.A. 2000 c. M-26 must include the following:
(a) indicate the Person to whom it is directed;
(b) identify the property to which the remedial order relates by municipal
address or legal description;
(c) identify the date that it is issued;
(d) identify how the Person fails to comply with this or another bylaw;
(e) identify the specific provisions of the Bylaw that is being contravened;
(f) identify the nature of the remedial action required to be taken to bring the
property into compliance;
(g) identify the time within which the remedial action must be completed;
(h) indicate that if the required remedial action is not completed within the
time specified, the City may take whatever action or measures are
necessary to remedy the contravention;
Page 37 of 48
(i) indicate that the expenses and costs of any action or measures taken by
the City under this section are an amount owing to the City by the Person
to whom the order is directed pursuant to section 549(3) of the Act;
(j) indicate that the expenses and costs referred to in this section may be
attached to the tax roll of the owner’s property if such costs are not paid
by a specified time;
(k) indicate that the remedial order may be appealed to the License and
Community Standards Appeal Board, if a notice of appeal is filed in
writing with the City Clerk within fourteen days of the receipt of the
remedial order.
(3) A remedial order issued pursuant to this Bylaw may be served:
(a) in the case of an individual:
i. by delivering it personally to the individual;
ii. by leaving it for the individual at their apparent place of residence
with someone who appears to be at least 18 years of age;
iii. by delivering it by ordinary mail to the individual at their apparent
place of residence; or
iv. by delivering it by ordinary mail to the last address of the individual
who is to be served as shown on the records of the Registrar of
Motor Vehicle Services in Alberta;
(b) in the case of a corporation:
i. by delivering it personally to a director or officer of the corporation;
ii. by delivering it personally to any Person apparently in charge of
an office of the corporation at the address held out by the
corporation to be its address; or
iii. by delivering it by ordinary mail addressed to the registered office
of the corporation.
(4) If, in the opinion of a Person serving a remedial order, service of the remedial
order cannot be reasonably effected, or if the Person serving the remedial order
believes that the owner of the property is evading service, the Person serving
the remedial order may post the remedial order:
(a) at a conspicuous place on the property to which the remedial order relates;
(b) at the private dwelling place of the owner of the property to which the
remedial order relates, as shown on a certificate of title pursuant to the
Land Titles Act R.S.A. 2000, c. L-4 or on the municipal tax roll; or
Page 38 of 48
(c) at any other property owned by the owner of the property to which the
remedial order relates, as shown on a certificate of title pursuant to the
Land Titles Act R.S.A. 2000, c L-4 or shown on the municipal tax roll;
and the remedial order shall be deemed to be served upon the expiry of 3 days
after the remedial order is posted.
(5) A Person who fails to comply with a remedial order within the time set out in the
remedial order commits an offence.
(6) Where the City effects a remedial order, City employees and agents may enter
an owner’s property upon reasonable notice to undertake the removal and
restoration work.
Validity of Existing Licences
91. All licences issued under Bylaw 23M2006, the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw,
remain valid until the term of such a licence expires unless revoked earlier.
92. Bylaw 23M2006, the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw, is hereby repealed on the date
this Bylaw comes into force.
Page 39 of 48
Coming into Force
93. This Bylaw comes into force on January 1, 2022 except for section 11(7) and
section 11.1 which both come into force on September 30, 2022.
(75M2021, 2021 December 22)
(Sgd.) N. Nenshi
(Sgd.) T. Mowrey
Page 40 of 48
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Male or Female Unaltered Dogs $68 $69 $70 $70 $71
Neutered Male or Spayed
Female Dogs
$43 $43 $44 $44 $45
All Unaltered Dogs Under the
Age of 6 Months at the Time the
Licence is Purchased
$43 $43 $44 $44 $45
Vicious Animal Licence Fee $300 $305 $310 $310 $315
Nuisance Animal Licence Fee $119 $121 $123 $123 $125
Male or Female Unaltered Cats $41 $42 $43 $43 $44
Neutered Male or Spayed
Female Cats
$20 $20 $21 $21 $22
All Unaltered Cats Under the Age
of 6 Months at the Time the
Licence is Purchased
$20 $20 $21 $21 $22
Replacement Tag $5 $5 $5 $5 $6
Urban Livestock Licence Bee
$10 $10 $11 $11 $12
Urban Livestock Licence - Hens $69 $69 $70 $70 $72
Urban Livestock Licence -
$10 $10 $11 $11 $12
Livestock Emotional Support
Animal Permit
$69 $69 $70 $70 $72
Temporary Livestock Permit $69 $69 $70 $70 $72
(36M2022, 2023 January 01)
Page 41 of 48
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Dog Impoundment
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
Cat Impoundment
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
Vicious Animal
Impoundment Fees
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
Dogs/Vicious Animals -
Care and Sustenance
(per day or portion
thereof. To
Commence at Midnight
on the Day of
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
Cats / Animals - Care
and Sustenance (per
day or portion thereof.
To Commence at
Midnight on the Day of
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
Veterinary Fees and
Services (including
microchips and other
medical item costs)
Amount Expended
Destruction of Dog or
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
plus GST
(36M2022, 2023 January 01)
Page 42 of 48
Early Payment
Amount 1
(if paid within
15 days after
the date of the
Amount 2
(if paid 16 to
45 days after
the date of the
Unlicensed dog
$ 100.00
$ 150.00
$ 250.00
Unlicensed cat
$ 100.00
$ 150.00
$ 250.00
Give false information when
applying for licence
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Dog or Cat not wearing Tag
$ 50.00
$ 60.00
$ 75.00
9(1), (2)
Own more than 6 Animals or
permit more than 6 in one
dwelling unit
$ 100.00
$ 150.00
$ 250.00
Animal Running at Large
$ 75.00
$ 110.00
$ 150.00
Animal other than dog in Off
Leash Area
$ 50.00
$ 70.00
$ 100.00
Dog not under control at Off
Leash Area
$ 50.00
$ 70.00
$ 100.00
More than 6 dogs off Leash in
Off Leash Area
$ 50.00
$ 70.00
$ 100.00
Fail to restrain/remove dog
from Off Leash Area
$ 50.00
$ 70.00
$ 100.00
13(1), (2),
(3), or (6)
Dog in prohibited area
$ 50.00
$ 70.00
$ 100.00
and (b)
Dog interfere or obstruct
Pathway users or in-
appropriate Leash length on
$ 50.00
$ 60.00
$ 75.00
Page 43 of 48
Animal in or on Glenmore
$ 200.00
$ 250.00
$ 350.00
Dog on Leash while operating
conveyance on Pathway
$ 50.00
$ 60.00
$ 75.00
Leave Animal unattended
while tethered in a public
$ 100.00
$ 130.00
$ 200.00
Leave Animal unattended or
out of sight while tethered on
private property
$ 100.00
$ 130.00
$ 200.00
Tethered Animal too close to
property line
$ 100.00
$ 130.00
$ 200.00
Animal left unattended in
vehicle improperly
$ 100.00
$ 130.00
$ 200.00
Animal outside cab of vehicle
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Fail to report suspected case
of rabies
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Fail to confine Animal
suspected of having rabies
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Fail to confine Animal
suspected of having rabies
for 10 days
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Fail to remove Animal feces
$ 300.00
$ 375.00
$ 500.00
Animal disturbing the peace
$ 100.00
$ 175.00
$ 250.00
Animal scatter garbage
$ 50.00
$ 60.00
$ 100.00
Bite, bark at, or chase stock,
Animals, bicycles or vehicles
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
$ 200.00
Chase or threaten a Person
$ 125.00
$ 150.00
$ 250.00
Cause damage to property or
other Animal
$ 150.00
$ 200.00
$ 300.00
Page 44 of 48
Animal injure a Person
$ 150.00
$ 200.00
$ 300.00
Animal Bite a Person
$ 350.00
$ 400.00
$ 500.00
Animal Attack a Person
$ 750.00
$ 850.00
$ 1000.00
Animal Attack another Animal
causing Severe Injury
$ 750.00
$ 850.00
$ 1000.00
Cause death to Animal
$ 1000.00
$ 1300.00
$ 1750.00
Animal Attack a Person
causing Severe Injury
$ 1000.00
$ 1400.00
$ 2000.00
Direct Animal to Attack,
chase, harass or threaten a
Person or Animal
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Fail to report Bite
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
25(1), (3),
Keep Livestock in prohibited
area or without a licence or
$ 100.00
$ 130.00
$ 200.00
Feed or lure Wildlife
$ 200.00
$ 230.00
$ 300.00
Horse in prohibited area
$ 50.00
$ 70.00
$ 100.00
(c), (d), (e),
(f), (g), (h)
and (i)
Failure to abide by condition
of Urban Livestock licence
$ 100.00
$ 130.00
$ 200.00
Failure to abide by condition
of Temporary Livestock
$ 100.00
$ 130.00
$ 200.00
Obstruct or interfere with
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Open van or vehicle
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Page 45 of 48
Remove or attempt to remove
impounded Animal
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Refuse to comply with
Officer’s order
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Refuse to surrender Animal
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Provide false name or licence
number to an Officer
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Interfere or obstruct Officer
conducting inspection
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Unite, loosen, or free
restrained Animal
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Open gate, door or opening
allowing Animal to Run at
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Entice an Animal to Run at
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Tease an Animal in an
enclosed space
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Throw or poke object at
Animal in an enclosed space
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Page 46 of 48
Amount 1
(if paid within
15 days after
the date of the
Amount 2
(if paid 16 to
45 days after
the date of the
Unlicensed Nuisance
$ 200.00
$ 300.00
$ 500.00
Failure to disclose
Nuisance Animal
designation when selling,
giving away or transferring
$ 200.00
$ 300.00
$ 500.00
Failure to disclose
Nuisance Animal
designation to Person
providing temporary care
$ 200.00
$ 300.00
$ 500.00
47(1)(a), (b),
(c), (d), (e),
(f), and (g)
Failure to comply with a
Nuisance Animal condition
$ 500.00
$ 700.00
$ 1000.00
Unlicensed Vicious Animal
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
Failure to disclose Vicious
Animal designation when
selling, giving away or
transferring Animal
$ 500.00
$ 700.00
$ 1000.00
Failure to disclose Vicious
Animal designation to
Person providing temporary
$ 500.00
$ 700.00
$ 1000.00
Fail to tattoo or implant
Vicious Animal with
$ 500.00
$ 700.00
$ 1000.00
Fail to neuter/ spay Vicious
$ 500.00
$ 700.00
$ 1000.00
Page 47 of 48
Fail to keep a Vicious
Animal confined indoors or
otherwise properly under
$ 500.00
$ 700.00
$ 1000.00
12, 56(1)(d)
Vicious Animal in Off Leash
$ 500.00
$ 700.00
$ 1000.00
Fail to post Vicious Animal
$ 500.00
$ 700.00
$ 1000.00
Vicious Animal not wearing
$ 250.00
$ 325.00
$ 500.00
57(1)(a), (b),
(c), (d)
Fail to abide by Vicious
Animal condition
$ 500.00
$ 700.00
$ 1000.00
Fail to notify Animal
Services Centre of sale,
gift, transfer or death of
Vicious Animal
$ 500.00
$ 700.00
$ 1000.00
Vicious AnimalChase
$ 1500.00
Vicious AnimalInjure
$ 2000.00
Vicious AnimalBite
$ 2500.00
Vicious AnimalAttack
$ 3000.00
Vicious AnimalDamage
or destroy property
$ 1500.00
Vicious AnimalRunning
at Large
$ 1500.00
Fail to notify Animal
Services Centre of Vicious
Animal Running at Large
$ 250.00
$ 300.00
$ 500.00
Page 48 of 48
Form required for a Vicious Animal sign pursuant to the Bylaw