* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(Amended by 40M2004, 42M2004, 34M2005, 23M2006, 39M2008, 40M2011, 52M2011)
WHEREAS The City of Calgary's Parks and Pathways are valued and treasured assets,
and protecting their value and quality is a high priority as is ensuring that they remain safe and
accessible for the enjoyment of all Calgarians.
AND WHEREAS The City of Calgary is committed to:
(a) maintaining the integrity of a high-quality and diverse Park and Pathway system;
(b) providing a safe, aesthetic and comfortable environment by:
(i) protecting our Parks and Natural Areas;
(ii) providing environmental stewardship, programs and services; and
(iii) prohibiting activities that damage City assets and jeopardize public safety.
AND WHEREAS the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000 C. M-26 empowers
Council for The City of Calgary to pass bylaws;
1. This bylaw may be cited as the "Parks and Pathways Bylaw".
2. In this Bylaw, where capitalized:
(a) "Amenity" means anything constructed or placed in a Park whether temporary or
permanent, excluding Park Vegetation and including any sign, building, wall,
bench, table, railing, stairs, wading pool, fire pit, barbeque stands, swing set,
compost bin, waste receptacle, planter, underground sprinkler, irrigation system,
fence, bridge, guardrail, headstone, memorial marker, vase or other similar thing;
(b) "Bicycle" means a cycle propelled by human power on which a Person can ride
regardless of the number of wheels it has;
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(c) "Calgary Parks" means the business unit of The City charged with the
responsibility of planning, protecting and caring for City Parks and Pathways;
(d) "Camp" means to live or take up quarters in a Park;
(e) "Cemetery" means land within The City that is managed and controlled by The
City and is set apart or used as a place for the burial of dead human bodies or
other human remains or in which dead human bodies or other human remains
are buried;
(f) "Centre Line" means a longitudinal division of a Pathway whether or not the
division is indicated on the surface of the Pathway;
(g) "City" means The City of Calgary, a municipal corporation in the Province of
Alberta and includes the area contained within the boundaries of the municipality
where the context requires;
(h) "Council" means the elected Mayor and Councillors for The City of Calgary;
(40M2011, 2011 July 05)
(i) "Cyclist" means a Person who rides or is in actual physical control of a Bicycle;
(j) "Director" means the City Manager or his designate;
(42M2004, 2004 June 21)
(k) "Natural Area" means City controlled land or water or both which contains native
plant or animal ecological or geographical systems including wetlands,
escarpments, riparian corridors, grasslands, wood lands and other wildlife
(l) "Officer" means a Bylaw Enforcement Officer of The City or a member of the
Calgary Police Service;
(m) "Park" means a public space controlled by The City and set aside as a Park to be
used for rest, recreation, exercise, pleasure, amusement, and enjoyment and
(i) Playgrounds;
(ii) Cemeteries;
(iii) Natural Areas;
(iv) Sports Fields;
(v) Pathways;
(vi) Trails; and
(vii) Park Roadways;
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but does not include golf courses;
(n) "Park Roadway" means, a road, including parking lots for Vehicles, in a Park
which is set aside specifically for use by Vehicles and Bicycles;
(o) "Pathway" means a multi-purpose thoroughfare controlled by The City and set
aside for use by pedestrians, Cyclists and Persons using Wheeled Conveyances,
which is improved by asphalt, concrete, brick or any other surface, whether or not
it is located in a Park, and includes any bridge or structure with which it is
(52M2011, 2011 September 19)
(p) "Permit" means the written permission of the Director to do something in or on a
Park or Pathway;
(q) "Person" means an individual or any business entity including a firm, partnership,
association, corporation or society, but does not include The City or the Calgary
Police Service or any of their employees, who are acting within the course and
scope of their employment;
(r) "Playground" means land within The City and controlled by The City upon which
apparatus such as swings and slides are placed;
(s) "Sports Field" means land within The City and controlled by The City which is set
apart and used for the playing of a sport including baseball diamonds, field
hockey or cricket pitches, and rugby, soccer or football fields;
(t) "Trail" means an established path within a Park, used by pedestrians or Cyclists,
or both which is not improved by concrete, asphalt or brick and includes any
bridge or structure with which it is contiguous;
(u) "Park Vegetation" means any fungus, plant or part thereof which grows in a Park;
(v) "Vehicle" means:
(i) cars, trucks, boats, all terrain vehicles, motorcycles, snowmobiles or other
devices which are or may be propelled by a motor; and
(ii) trailers, campers, non-power boats or other devices which may be towed
behind other vehicles; but
(iii) does not include Bicycles and Wheeled Conveyances;
(w) Waste” means anything that is discarded;
(x) "Wheeled Conveyance" means roller-skates, in-line-skates, roller skis,
skateboards, scooters, motorized 3 or 4 wheeled scooters designed for Persons
with infirmities, motorized wheelchairs, or other similar devices but excludes
Bicycles, Vehicles or any other motorized scooters.
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3. This Bylaw shall apply to all Parks and Pathways in The City.
4. (1) All Parks shall be closed to the public between the hours of 11:00 o'clock in the
evening and 5:00 o'clock the next morning, except:
(a) the Park known as the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary which shall be closed
from one half (1/2) hour after sunset to one half (1/2) hour before sunrise;
(b) the Park known as Shaw Millennium Park which shall be open to the
public twenty-four (24) hours a day; and
(c) where otherwise designated by the Director pursuant to this Bylaw.
(2) (a) No Person shall enter or remain in a Park when it is closed to the public;
(b) No Person shall enter or remain in an area of a Park which is closed to
the public.
5. No Person shall ignite or allow a fire to burn in a Park except in a fire pit or other
receptacle intended for such use and provided by The City.
6. No Person in a Park shall burn:
(a) treated lumber;
(b) leaves or other dead fall from trees from within a Park;
(c) Park Vegetation, trees or parts thereof from within a Park, whether dead or alive;
(d) tires or rubber; or
(e) plastics or any other similar thing which may emit a noxious smell when burned.
7. (1) No Person, in a park, shall:
(a) allow a fire to get out of control;
(b) leave a fire unattended; or
(c) allow a fire to burn after 10:30 at night.
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(2) Every Person who has a fire in a Park must ensure that such fire is extinguished
completely, leaving only cold ashes, prior to leaving the site of the fire.
8. No Person shall operate a gas or charcoal fired barbeque or stove on or in a
Playground, Cemetery, Sports Field, Park Roadway, Pathway or area where such
activities are restricted by the Director pursuant to this Bylaw.
9. No Person shall, unless allowed by a Permit:
(a) Camp in a Park; or
(b) erect a tent or other structure in a Park.
10. No Person shall operate a Vehicle in a Park except on a Park Roadway.
11. No Person shall park a Vehicle in a Park except in areas set aside for Vehicle parking.
12. No Person shall leave a Vehicle in a Park between 11:00 o'clock in the evening and 5:00
o'clock the next morning.
13. No Person shall drive a Vehicle in a Park at a speed greater than twenty (20) kilometers
per hour, unless a higher or lower speed limit is posted.
14. No Person shall enter, wade, swim or skate in, or upon any body of water which flows
through, is adjacent to or is located within a Park unless such activity is specifically
allowed by the Director pursuant to this Bylaw.
15. No Person shall:
(a) jump, dive or otherwise propel themselves from or off any Amenity into any water
course or pond which flows through, is adjacent to, or is located within a Park;
(b) affix or secure themselves to any structure or Amenity for the purposes of water
16. No Person shall launch a boat, canoe, kayak or similar craft from or within a Park except
where specifically allowed by the Director.
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17. No Person shall:
(a) dig, disturb or remove any mineral substance including soil, sand, gravel or rock
from a Park;
(b) damage, dig, cut, disturb or destroy any Park Vegetation, whether alive or dead;
(c) damage, dig, disturb, deface, destroy or remove any fossils, bones or historical
artifacts from a Park;
(d) damage or destroy any wildlife habitat; or
(e) pester, feed or otherwise interfere with any animal in a Park.
18. No Person shall damage, deface, destroy, remove or use other than for its intended
purpose any Pathway, Trail or Amenity in a Park.
19. No Person shall perform or engage in any stunt, trick or reckless or unsafe activity on or
in any Amenity, Pathway, Trail, Park Roadway or Park.
20. No Person shall engage in any conduct or activity in a Park which may:
(a) injure any other user of a Park;
(b) disturb the use or enjoyment of the Park by any other user of a Park;
(c) damage a Park or an Amenity in a Park; or
(d) be inconsistent with the purpose of a Park.
21. No Person, while in a Park, shall:
(a) swing a golf club;
(b) propel a golf ball or plastic golf ball of any kind in any manner;
(c) engage in any form of archery;
(d) play lawn darts, horseshoes or disc golf;
(e) operate an amplification system;
(f) do anything which is likely to attract a crowd;
(g) take part in any procession, drill, performance, ceremony, concert or public
gathering; or
(h) ride downhill on a toboggan, sleigh, carpet or other sliding device;
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except in an area where such activity is specifically allowed by the Director.
22. No Person shall play hockey, whether on skates or not, or bring hockey sticks or pucks
onto any:
(a) tennis court controlled by The City;
(b) Park Roadway; or
(c) on any of the following skating rinks:
(i) Olympic Plaza;
(ii) Prairie Winds Park;
(iii) Bowness Park;
(iv) Marlborough Park; or
(v) Prince’s Island Lagoon.
23. (1) No Person shall, in a Park:
(a) plant, grow, place or modify any plant, flower or other Park Vegetation;
(b) build, erect, place, remove or modify any Amenity, Pathway or Trail;
(c) cut, irrigate, spray or apply any substance, including pesticides and
fertilizers, to any grass or other Park Vegetation, or otherwise disturb or
damage the Park Vegetation;
(d) leave, place, store, deposit or hoard anything; or
(e) build, erect or create a jump or ramp.
(2) No Person shall drain or re-direct any water from a private parcel of land onto or
into a Park.
24. No Person shall set off, launch or operate, while in a Park:
(a) any fireworks, explosive devices or rockets;
(b) any glider or hot air balloon; or
(c) any remote control device including boats, planes, helicopters or cars;
except where such activity is specifically allowed by the Director.
25. (1) No Person shall disobey a sign placed in a Park.
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(2) No Person shall, other than where authorized pursuant to this Bylaw, place a
sign of any kind, commercial or otherwise, in a Park.
26. No Person shall disobey a flagger, City Employee or Officer who is directing traffic within
a Park or on a Pathway or Trail.
27. (1) In a Park, no person shall leave or dispose of Waste except in receptacles
specifically provided for Waste disposal.
(2) In a Park, no person shall leave or dispose of Waste from a vehicle except in
receptacles specifically provided for Waste disposal.
(3) In a Park, no person shall leave or dispose of Waste that is burning.
(39M2008, 2008 September 08)
28. No Person shall urinate or defecate in a Park except in a public washroom or portable
facility provided for that purpose.
29. No Person shall:
(a) make available, offer or give away free goods or services;
(b) make available for sale goods or services;
(c) carry on any business of any kind or nature whatsoever or solicit for any
business, trade or occupation;
(d) place a sign or device of any kind advertising or publicizing any commercial
venture or facility; or
(e) place or leave any goods or merchandise in order to display the same for sale;
anywhere in a Park, unless specifically allowed by the Director.
30. (1) Unless otherwise authorized pursuant to this Bylaw, no Person in a Park shall
use or ride:
(a) a Bicycle except on a Pathway, Trail or Park Roadway; or
(b) any Wheeled Conveyance except on a Pathway or Trail.
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(2) It shall not be an offence to use or ride any Wheeled Conveyance to cross a Park
Roadway where a Pathway or Trail crosses that Park Roadway.
31. (1) No Person shall ride a Bicycle or use a Wheeled Conveyance or Vehicle on a
Park Roadway, Pathway or Trail which is closed, or where such use is prohibited.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Bylaw, no Person shall leave a
Pathway or Trail while in the following Parks:
(a) the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary;
(b) Griffith Woods;
(c) the Weaselhead; or
(d) the escarpment zone in Nose Hill compromising that area from the Nose
Hill Park Boundary up to but not including the multi use Pathway or Trail.
(34M2005, 2005 August 08)
32. Unless otherwise posted no Person shall operate a Bicycle or Wheeled Conveyance in a
Park at a speed greater than twenty (20) kilometers per hour.
33. No Person using a Pathway or Trail shall travel at a rate of speed that is unreasonable
having regard to all the circumstances, including but not limited to:
(a) the nature, condition and use of the Pathway or Trail;
(b) any conditions, including weather, that may affect visibility; and
(c) the volume and type of traffic on the Pathway or Trail
regardless of whether that person is travelling at the applicable speed limit.
34. When entering onto a Pathway from other than a Park Roadway, Pathway or Trail, all
Persons shall yield the right of way to users already on the Pathway.
35. When approaching an uncontrolled intersection between a Park Roadway, Pathway or
Trail a Person using a Park Roadway, Pathway or Trail shall:
(a) when on a Trail, yield the right of way to users on a Pathway or Park Roadway;
(b) when on a Pathway, yield the right of way to users on a Park Roadway;
(c) when on a Pathway, approaching an uncontrolled intersection with another
Pathway, yield the right of way to the user on the right; and
(d) when on a Trail, approaching an uncontrolled intersection with another Trail, yield
the right of way to the user on the right.
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36. A Person using a Pathway or Trail shall:
(a) exercise due care and attention to avoid colliding with any other user;
(b) exercise reasonable consideration for any other user;
(c) give an audible signal by voice, bell or other signaling device before overtaking
another user; and
(d) ensure they are visible to other users.
37. No Person using a Pathway shall travel left of the Centre Line of a Pathway except:
a) when overtaking another Person travelling in the same direction;
b) when the Pathway to the right of the Centre Line is obstructed;
c) when the Pathway to the right of the Centre Line is closed to Pathway users; or
d) when turning left off the Pathway.
38. No Person using a Pathway shall pass or attempt to pass another Person travelling in
the same direction when:
(a) it is unsafe to do so;
(b) on a curve in the Pathway, when that Person’s vision is obstructed;
(c) Pathway lanes are separated by double solid lines; or
(d) passing beneath a bridge or through a tunnel of any kind.
39. No Person overtaking another Person on a Pathway shall return to the right-side of the
Centre Line of a Pathway until it is safe to do so.
40. No Person shall operate a Bicycle or Wheeled Conveyance on a Pathway, Trail or Park
Roadway in a manner that is unsafe to that Person or other people in the Park.
41. No Person using a Pathway shall use poles or other hand held aids while wearing in-line
skates, roller skis or similar conveyances.
42. No Person riding a Bicycle or Wheeled Conveyance on a Park Roadway, Pathway or
Trail shall use the Bicycle or Wheeled Conveyance to carry more Persons than the
number for which it is designed and equipped.
43. No Person operating or riding as a passenger on a Bicycle or Wheeled Conveyance on
a Park Roadway, Pathway or Trail shall:
(a) hold onto; or
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(b) be attached to;
any other Bicycle, Wheeled Conveyance or Vehicle unless that person is riding in a child
or animal trailer designed for such use.
44. A Bicycle operated on a Pathway, or Trail shall be equipped with:
(a) at least one (1) working brake;
(b) a horn, bell or other signaling device; and
(c) if operated during the period beginning one half hour (1/2) after sunset and
ending one half hour (1/2) before sunrise;
(i) at least one (1) functioning headlamp with a lens and bulb which are clear
in colour;
(ii) at least one (1) functioning red tail lamp which is capable of emitting a
flashing or steady mode; and
(iii) at least one (1) red reflector mounted at the rear.
45. No Person shall operate a Bicycle or In-line skates on a Pathway or Trail during the
period commencing one half hour (1/2) after sunset and ending one half (1/2) hour
before sunrise unless:
(a) in the case of a Bicycle, the headlamp, tail-lamp and reflector required pursuant
to Section 44 are activated; or
(b) in the case of a person operating in-line skates, a device or devices which emit
either a clear or red light, in either a flashing or steady mode, is affixed to the
person’s body or clothing and is both activated and visible from both the front and
the rear of the Person.
46. The Director may, in writing, delegate any or all of the powers conferred on the Director
by this Bylaw to any Person or Persons the Director considers advisable.
47. The Director may, as the designated officer for and on behalf of The City authorize the
formalization and execution of:
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(a) contracts for the operation of concessions in a Park, or in a building within a
Park, selling anything or providing services deemed appropriate by the Director
of Parks;
(b) contracts engaging the services of a Person or Persons who provide services
which enhance or augment programs or services offered by Calgary Parks;
(c) contracts for the rental of equipment by Calgary Parks or to Calgary Parks;
(d) contracts for the display or exhibit of information to the public by Calgary Parks or
in a Park;
(e) contracts with volunteers providing services to Calgary Parks, including any
necessary indemnifications;
(f) contracts related to programs put on by Calgary Parks including leases and
licences, and any necessary indemnifications;
(g) contracts for the sponsorship of Calgary Parks programs, Parks or parts of
Parks, or the sponsorship of programs, events or items such as maps and
calendars which are undertaken by others; and
(h) contracts for festivals or special events taking place in Parks.
48. (1) The Director may as the Director deems necessary for the administration of
Calgary’s Parks, preservation and protection of Parks and Amenities, and to
ensure public safety:
(a) close or restrict the use, or type of use of a Park, Pathway, Trail,
Playground, Cemetery or Sports Field, or a portion of a Park, Pathway,
Trail, Playground, Cemetery or Sports Field;
(b) prohibit all kinds of fires otherwise permitted pursuant to this Bylaw;
(c) vary the time that a Park, Pathway, Trail, Playground, Cemetery or Sports
Field, or a portion of a Park, Pathway, Trail, Playground, Cemetery or
Sports Field, is open to the public;
(d) designate speed limits on Pathways and Trails;
(e) designate wading and swimming areas in water courses or ponds which
flow through, are adjacent to or are located within a Park;
(f) designate boat launching areas within Parks;
(g) designate areas within Parks where tobogganing and sliding are allowed;
(h) designate areas within Parks where horse riding is allowed;
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(i) (i) subject to subsection 48(1)(i)(ii), designate areas within Parks
where dogs are permitted to run when off leash, where organized
and controlled canine events may be held and where dogs are
(ii) not designate or allow to be designated any off leash areas within
Glenmore Park;
(iii) notwithstanding subsection 15(4) of Bylaw 23M2006, the
Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw, designate specific off Leash
areas or areas within off Leash areas in which the Owner of a dog
is not required to secure such dog on a Leash while the dog is on
a Pathway;
(j) designate areas within Parks where busking or public speaking is
allowed, including the use of amplification systems;
(k) designate areas within Parks where kites, hot air balloons or gliders may
be launched and where remote controlled Vehicles, planes, and boats
may be operated;
(l) designate areas within Parks where Bicycles and Wheeled Conveyances
can be ridden off Park Roadways, Pathways or Trails;
(m) designate the content, use and placement of signs other than traffic
control devices in Parks;
(n) establish the conditions and locations of the sale of goods and services in
a Park;
(o) establish rules and operating procedures regarding the use, maintenance
and operation of Cemeteries;
(p) set rates and fees for services and sales within Cemeteries, with the
exception of:
(i) the sale of burial lots, mausoleum crypts or niches, and
columbarium niches;
(ii) fees for interment and disinterment services;
(iii) mausoleum fees; and
(iv) the sale of concrete grave liners and burial vaults.
(q) set rates for fees for Permits the Director is allowed to grant;
(r) designate areas in Parks where dogs are allowed to swim or are not
allowed to swim, where such activity is otherwise prohibited or allowed;
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(s) in cases where the playing of ice hockey is otherwise prohibited by this
Bylaw, designate ice surfaces where ice hockey may be played; and
(t) designate areas within a Park or on a Pathway where activities otherwise
prohibited by this Bylaw are allowed.
(2) The exercise of powers conferred on the Director in this Section shall be:
(a) made in writing;
(b) in effect when signed by the Director; and
(c) made available for viewing by the public.
(40M2004, 2004 June 21)
(23M2006, 2006 March 20)
49. The Director may grant Permits allowing any activity within a Park which is otherwise
prohibited by this Bylaw including:
(a) allowing open fires and barbeques in a Park;
(b) allowing parades, events or public gatherings in a Park;
(c) allowing Vehicles to operate in a Park at locations other than Park Roadways;
(d) allowing the sale of goods and services in a Park;
(e) allowing commercial guiding and interpretative tours in a Park;
(f) allowing the cutting or planting of Park Vegetation in a Park;
(g) allowing the use of Sports Fields for sporting events;
(h) allowing the removal of fossils or artifacts from a Park;
(i) allowing the placement of temporary signs or banners;
(j) allowing fireworks displays from a Park; and
(k) allowing the exclusive use of a Park or Pathway, or Trail, or a part of a Park or
Pathway or Trail.
50. A Permit is not valid unless it is in writing and signed by the Director.
51. The Director may place any conditions the Director considers reasonable on any Permit.
52. A Permit is valid only for the period of time it is granted.
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53. The Director may amend, vary or revoke a Permit at any time.
54. A Permit holder shall have the Permit available for review and inspection at all times
when exercising the rights granted under the Permit and shall produce the Permit upon
the demand of an Officer.
55. Any Person who relies on a Permit has the onus of proving that they were the holder of a
valid and subsisting Permit.
56. No Person shall interfere with the use and enjoyment of Persons holding a valid and
subsisting Permit for the exclusive use of a Park or portion of a Park, during the times
and in the areas for which the Permit is granted.
57. (1) Where an Officer observes a Person using or operating a Bicycle or Wheeled
Conveyance in contravention of this Bylaw, the Officer may impound the Bicycle
or Wheeled Conveyance for a period not exceeding 60 days
(2) Where a Bicycle or Wheeled Conveyance has been impounded by an Officer, the
owner or operator of such Bicycle shall, aside from any fine or penalty to which
the owner may be subject, be liable for all reasonable costs incidental to the
58. In a prosecution for contravening this Bylaw the evidence that a sign was posted is
prima facia proof that the sign was properly erected by the proper authority without other
or further proof thereof.
59. (1) Any Person who contravenes any provision of this Bylaw by:
(a) doing any act or thing which the Person is prohibited from doing; or
(b) failing to do any act or thing the Person is required to do;
is guilty of an offence.
(2) Any Person who is convicted of an offence pursuant to this Bylaw is liable on
summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000.00 and in default of payment
of any fine imposed, to a period of imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months.
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60. (1) Where an Officer who also has the powers of a designated officer believes that a
Person has contravened any provision of this Bylaw the Officer may:
(a) in accordance with the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, C. M-26
issue to the Person an Order to remedy the infraction;
(b) issue to the Person a violation ticket in accordance with the Provincial
Offences Procedures Act, R.S.A. 2000 C. P-24; or
(c) do both (a) and (b).
(2) If the Person to whom an Order has been issued pursuant to Subsection (1) fails
to comply with the Order within the time specified in the Order:
(a) that Person commits an offence under this Section and an Officer may
issue a violation ticket pursuant to the Provincial Offences Procedures
Act, R.S.A. 2000 C. P-24; and
(b) The City may take whatever steps are necessary to remedy the breach of
the Bylaw and The City may recover the costs of taking those steps, in
accordance with the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, C. M-26.
(3) Any items removed, if deemed of value, will be removed to a place of safe
keeping and will:
(a) be assessed a daily fee for storage costs as may be determined from
time to time by the Director; and
(b) if unclaimed within ninety (90) days, be disposed of or sold at public
61. (1) Where authorized by legislation, where an Officer believes that a Person has
contravened Section 11 or 12 of this Bylaw, he may serve upon such Person a
parking tag allowing payment of a penalty as set out in Schedule “A” in lieu of
prosecution of the offence.
(2) A tag may be:
(a) personally served; or
(b) attached to any Vehicle in respect of which any parking offence is alleged
to have been committed.
(3) If the Person upon whom a tag is served fails to pay the required sum within the
time specified, a violation ticket may be issued to that Person.
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(4) Nothing in this Section shall:
(a) prevent any Person from exercising his right to defend any charge of
committing a breach of the Sections referred to in Subsection (1); or
(b) prevent any Officer, in lieu of serving a tag, issuing a violation ticket
pursuant to the Provincial Offences Procedures Act, R.S.A. 2000 C. P-24.
62. (1) Where an Officer believes that a Person has contravened any provision of this
Bylaw, the Officer may commence proceedings against the Person by issuing a
violation ticket pursuant to the Provincial Offences Procedures Act, R.S.A. 2000
C. P-24.
(2) The specified penalty payable in respect of a violation of a provision of this Bylaw
shall be the amount shown as the specified penalty in Schedule “A“ of this Bylaw
in respect of that provision.
(3) If a Person commits the offences set out in Sections 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 25,
26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, or 40 in an area that is undergoing construction or
maintenance, the specified penalty for that offence is double the specified
penalty set out for that offence in Schedule “A”.
(4) This section shall not prevent any Officer from issuing a violation ticket requiring
a court appearance of the defendant, pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial
Offences Procedures Act, R.S.A. 2000 C. P-24, or from laying an information in
lieu of issuing a violation ticket.
63. Schedule “A”, attached, shall form part of this Bylaw.
64. The minimum penalty which may be imposed for:
(a) a first offence in respect of a violation of any provision of this Bylaw shall be
(b) a second offence of the same provision of this Bylaw within a twenty-four month
period shall be $50.00; and
(c) a third or subsequent offence of the same provision of this Bylaw within a twenty-
four month period shall be $150.00.
65. (1) If a Vehicle is involved in an offence referred to in this Bylaw, the owner of that
Vehicle is guilty of an offence.
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(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the owner of the Vehicle satisfies the Court that
the owner did not park the Vehicle, and that the Person who parked the Vehicle
did so without the owner’s express or implied consent.
(3) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), if the owner was not at the time of the offence
driving the Vehicle, that owner is not in any event liable to imprisonment.
66. The levying and payment of any fine or the imprisonment for any period provided in this
Bylaw shall not relieve a Person from the necessity of paying any fees, charges or costs
from which that Person is liable under the provisions of this Bylaw or any other bylaw.
67. Nothing in this Bylaw relieves a person from complying with any federal or provincial law
or regulation, other bylaw or any requirements of any lawful permit, order, consent or
other direction.
68. Where this Bylaw refers to another Act, Regulation or agency, it includes reference to
any Act, Regulation or agency that may be substituted therefore.
69. Every provision of this Bylaw is independent of all other provisions, if any provision of
this Bylaw is declared invalid for any reason by a Court of competent jurisdiction, all
other provisions of this Bylaw shall remain valid and enforceable.
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70. Upon third Reading of this Bylaw the following Bylaws are repealed:
(a) Parks Bylaw 36/76;
(b) Closing of Bowness Park for Certain Hours 132/78;
(c) Bylaw to Designate Hours of Closing for Various Parks and Cemeteries in The
City of Calgary 39M87; and
(d) Control and Regulation of Cemeteries Bylaw 7798.
71. This Bylaw comes into force on the date it is passed.
(Sgd.) D. Bronconnier
(Sgd.) D. Garner
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Remain in a Park or area of a Park when closed
$ 100.00
Unauthorized fire in a Park
$ 100.00
Using trees, leaves Park Vegetation for fire
$ 100.00
Fire: improper hours, care and control
$ 100.00
Operate barbeque or stove where prohibited
$ 100.00
Camp or erect tent or structure in a Park
$ 100.00
Operate a Vehicle in a Park off Roadway
$ 200.00
Park a vehicle outside authorized areas
$ 50.00
Park a Vehicle overnight
$ 50.00
Speeding in a Vehicle in a Park
$ 100.00
Swimming or wading where prohibited in a Park
$ 100.00
Jump off Amenity into water in a Park
$ 200.00
Launch boat where prohibited in a Park
$ 100.00
Damage or interfere: Park, contents or animals
$ 200.00
Damage or use an Amenity, Pathway or Trail for other than
intended purpose
$ 200.00
Stunting or unsafe activity on a Pathway Park Roadway, Trail or
$ 100.00
Activity which may injure, disturb or damage Park, Amenity or Park
$ 100.00
Activities prohibited in a Park
$ 50.00
Play hockey where prohibited
$ 50.00
Bring, plant, build, apply prohibited things in a Park
$ 100.00
Operate prohibited things in a Park
$ 100.00
Disobey or place a sign in a Park
$ 100.00
Disobey a Flagger, City Employee or Officer
$ 100.00
Improper Waste disposal in a Park
$ 500.00
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Improper Waste disposal from a vehicle
Dispose of burning Waste in a Park
Urinate or defecate in a Park
$ 100.00
Commercial venture in a Park
$ 100.00
Ride a Bicycle or Wheeled Conveyance off a Pathway or Trail or
Park Roadway
$ 100.00
Ride where closed or prohibited
$ 100.00
Speed on a Pathway or Trail
$ 50.00
Unsafe Speed on Pathway or Trail
$ 100.00
Failure to yield right of way when entering Pathway
$ 100.00
Failure to yield right of way at uncontrolled intersections
$ 100.00
Unsafe activities on Pathway
$ 100.00
Travelling left of Centre Line of Pathway where prohibited
$ 100.00
Unsafe passing on Pathway
$ 100.00
Unsafe return to right side of Pathway
$ 100.00
Cyclist or in-line skater, unsafe operation
$ 100.00
Use of poles on a Pathway
$ 100.00
Riding with more passengers than intended (double riding)
$ 50.00
$ 50.00
Improperly equipped Bicycle
$ 50.00
Operate at night without lights
$ 100.00
Failure to produce Permit on demand
$ 50.00
Interference with use of a Permit holder
$ 100.00
Failure to comply with an Order
(39M2008, 2008 September 08)