| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Useful Resources .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
The CELPIP-General Test ............................................................................................................................................... 5
The CELPIP-General LS Test .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Writing – Performance Standards ............................................................................................................................... 7
Writing Task 1 – Sample Response A ........................................................................................................................ 8
Writing Task 1 – Sample Response B ..................................................................................................................... 10
Speaking – Performance Standards ........................................................................................................................ 12
Speaking Task 1 – Sample Response ..................................................................................................................... 13
Speaking Task 3 – Sample Response ..................................................................................................................... 14
Summary – Listening ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Summary – Reading ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Summary – Writing ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Summary – Speaking .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Study Materials - Free ...............................................................................................
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Study Materials – Online Store ................................................................................................................................. 20
Contact information ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
CELPIP-General Overview
Participant Package
This package contains summaries of what was covered in the presentation as well as a number of useful
resources which you may find handy during your test preparation.
Useful Resources
For a variety of informative videos, check out the CELPIP Channel on YouTube. This channel includes the
following videos and more:
CELPIP Live is an ongoing YouTube series that engages test takers in live sessions where they can
ask questions to CELPIP experts.
CELPIP Webinars
Recordings of numerous webinars that discuss, study tips, test taking strategies, and format for
Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking.
CELPIP Accelerate
CELPIP Accelerate is a self-directed online course available on the CELPIP store. Several videos
from this product, detailing various skills and strategies, are available on YouTube.
Online Store
Browse the CELPIP store for a variety of study materials: celpip.ca/studymaterials
Free Practice Tests
Try two entire CELPIP tests for free! Create a CELPIP Account to access this starter set of practice tests.
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Other Useful Links
Test locations and fees: celpip.ca/test-locations-fees
Test day information: celpip.ca/test-day-information
Live online workshops and webinars: celpip.ca/webinars
Test format: celpip.ca/take-celpip/test-format/
Scoring: celpip.ca/test-scoring
Frequently asked questions: celpip.ca/faqs
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
The CELPIP-General Test
Component Sections
Number of
Practice Task
4755 minutes
Part 1: Listening to Problem Solving
Part 2: Listening to a Daily Life Conversation
Part 3: Listening for Information
Part 4: Listening to a News Item
Part 5: Listening to a Discussion
Part 6: Listening for Viewpoints
Unscored Items*
Practice Task
5560 minutes
Part 1: Reading Correspondence
Part 2: Reading to Apply a Diagram
Part 3: Reading for Information
Part 4: Reading for Viewpoints
Unscored Items*
Task 1: Writing an Email
5360 minutes
Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions
Practice Task
1520 minutes
Task 1: Giving Advice
Task 2: Talking about a Personal Experience
Task 3: Describing a Scene
Task 4: Making Predictions
Task 5: Comparing and Persuading
Task 6: Dealing with a Difficult Situation
Task 7: Expressing Opinions
Task 8: Describing an Unusual Situation
*Unscored Items: The Listening and Reading Tests may contain unscored items used for test development. These unscored
items can be found anywhere within each test and will have the same format as one of the other parts of each test. You will
not know which part of the test contains the unscored items.
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
The CELPIP-General LS Test
Component Sections
Number of
Practice Task
4755 minutes
Part 1: Listening to Problem Solving
Part 2: Listening to a Daily Life Conversation
Part 3: Listening for Information
Part 4: Listening to a News Item
Part 5: Listening to a Discussion
Part 6: Listening for Viewpoints
Unscored Items*
Practice Task
1520 minutes
Task 1: Giving Advice
Task 2: Talking about a Personal Experience
Task 3: Describing a Scene
Task 4: Making Predictions
Task 5: Comparing and Persuading
Task 6: Dealing with a Difficult Situation
Task 7: Expressing Opinions
Task 8: Describing an Unusual Situation
*Unscored Items: The Listening Test may contain unscored items used for test development. These unscored items can be
found anywhere within the test and will have the same format as one of the other parts of the test. You will not know which part
of the test contains the unscored items.
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Writing Performance Standards
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Writing Task 1 Sample Response A
Response – CELPIP Level 9:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you to question the current opening hours of the local public library. I am currently in
university studying English and law so as you can imagine the local library is a great resource for me.
Not only for the vast array of textbooks you carry but also as a quiet relaxing place to study. Currently
the library closes on Sundays and Mondays. As a full time student with lectures Monday to Friday, these
days are important to me because they are my only opportunity to study as i also have a part time job on
Saturdays. As you yourself know having attended university to achieve your position, the local library is a
very valuable resource for the local community. Just from discussing the current situation with some of the
local residents, i have found that there is a great interest in having the library open seven days a week. I
am looking forward to hearing your opinion on this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Write an email to the chief librarian in
about 150-200 words. Your email should
do the following things:
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Clear purpose, supported with a range of ideas and details
Many vocabulary words and phrases used accurately and appropriately (“to question,” “as you
can imagine,” “vast array,” “my only opportunity,” “I have found”)
Few grammatical errors; their impact on comprehension is minimal
Appropriate tone for the context
Lack of paragraphing, very narrow range of transitions
Readability is affected by numerous missing commas:
§ “As you yourself know [,]”
§ “I am currently studying English and law [,] so as you can imagine [,] . . .”
§ “. . . opportunity to study [,]”
Some repetitive word choice (“current/ly” x 4, “local” x5)
“As” used 5 times; somewhat repetitive sentence structure
Third task is not addressed
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Writing Task 1 Sample Response B
Response – CELPIP Level 12:
Dear Chief Librarian,
Since moving to the city several months ago one of the hidden gems has been Toronto's public library
system - specifically your branch on Elm Street. The range of books, both fiction and non-fiction, is
excellent. The addition of contemporary DVDs and CDs means all my entertainment needs are filled at
the library! Plus, your friendly staff who can always recommend me a great title!
However, one downside of your location is the operating hours. Like many people in the area I have a
relatively busy schedule and with your library closed on Sunday and Monday am often left with the
unenviable choice of waiting until Wednesday (as I have classes Tuesday) or driving 20 minutes to the
nearest open branch on Summit Street to collect my new novel for the upcoming week.
I'm sure you agree that reading is a thoroughly important activity and being open on Sunday, when most
people have free time would be a great opportunity to allow more people to enjoy it - with book clubs
and meet the author events.
Please consider my request to keep this important municipal service open seven days a week.
Warm Regards,
Write an email to the chief librarian in
about 150-200 words. Your email should
do the following things:
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Purpose is extremely clear
Main ideas consistently supported with relevant, precise details
Very wide range of specialized (“recommend me a great title,” “the nearest open branch,”
“meet the author events”), formal (“municipal service”), and common words and phrases used
correctly to express meaning precisely and concisely
Wide range of sentence structures, including complex sentences, hypothetical constructions, and
a parenthetical phrase
Tone is friendly, respectful, and persuasive: ideal for the context
All three tasks completed thoroughly
Occasional grammar and punctuation errors:
§ ”Plus, your friendly staff . . .”: sentence fragment
§ Missing “I” and lack of necessary punctuation in the long sentence in Paragraph 2
§ Missing comma after “free time” in Paragraph 3
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Speaking Performance Standards
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Speaking Task 1 Sample Response
Transcript – CELPIP Level 5:
First, I’d like to say uh congratulations to you for your uh graduation and I heard that you get offer from
uh overseas. Uh, I think it’s a good opportunity for you because uh it’s a, it’s a wide world and based on
my experience when I get uh offer from uh overseas, uh I start looking for the company make uh, do this
research and uh finds, uh as much as you can, information about the cities that you’re uh live in. And you
better uh find [unclear] the weather there. Uh you can’t uh, cause you need to buy uh clothes that
appropriate with the, the weather. And uh, also uh you need to information about how to open a bank
account there. And uh you need to know uh if you have any friends uh and—
Provides several suggestions (“research cities,” “weather,” “clothing,” “banking”)
Uses linking words and phrases to organize response (“first,” “and,” “because”)
Uses words and phrases appropriately (“wide world,” “based on my experience”)
Has some control over simple sentence structures (“I think it’s a good opportunity for you”)
Pace is somewhat slow, which reduces content
Several interjections and hesitations interrupt flow
Some tense errors (“I heard that you get offer”)
Some grammar errors (“appropriate with the weather”)
Your friend has just graduated with a business degree and has been offered a job overseas. Although the job
would be an excellent opportunity, she is not sure about moving so far away from her friends and family.
Give her advice on what she should consider when making her decision.
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Speaking Task 3 Sample Response
Transcript – CELPIP Level 8:
The picture that I am looking at is very colourful, there is a lot going on. Um, there is an older couple
holding hands and looking at each other. You can see the blue sky, you can also see a father with his
daughter, the daughter is in a blue dress and she’s pointing at a puppy who is chasing some kind of
food. Um, there is this older lady that is trying to buy food so she’s reaching into her pocket to get her
wallet for some money and she’s standing in front of a Curry Bowl. There is also a smoothie shop and
these two ladies seem to be very happy serving this little boy that seems so excited. Um, there is this
mother and son and they’re just walking, she’s wearing this pink t-shirt and shorts.
Provides several accurate descriptions of people, objects, and actions
Has good control over simple and complex sentence structures
Uses several words/phrases accurately (“pointing at a puppy,” ”reaching into her pocket”)
Pronunciation is clear, rhythm is steady, and intonation is appropriate for the task
Does not directly address and describe the scene to another person
Does not provide an overview of the scene before describing details
More complex vocabulary and a closing would improve this response
Describe some things that are happening in the picture below as well as you can. The person
with whom you are speaking cannot see the picture.
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Summary Listening
General notes:
Audio passage plays once.
Questions come after audio.
Paper and pen are provided.
Timers help you manage your time.
Passages and questions get gradually
The “Next” button:
You don’t have to click on it to move
forward. The test will move forward
If you do click
, you will not be able
to go back to a previous screen.
If you click
before your time for a
particular question is up, you will not be
able to add this time to other parts of the
If you do find that you have additional
time left after answering the question, it’s
better to use that time to check your
Use abbreviations and symbols.
Organize your notes.
Use point form.
Identify main ideas and important
supporting details (names, dates,
sequences of events, etc.).
Listen for verbal cues.
Write down key words and phrases only.
Basic things to listen for:
Who are the speakers?
How do they know each other?
What are they talking about?
If there is a problem, what is it? How do
they each feel about it?
What is the solution to the problem?
Basic things to watch for (in Listening Part 5):
Facial expressions
Body language
Type of clothing (formal? informal?)
You don’t need to worry about details
such as what someone looks like or how
they’re dressed.
Listen for these clues:
Stressed words
Listen for this information:
Main topic
Key details
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Listening question types
General meaning
questions will ask you
to identify the topic, theme, or main ideas
of a listening passage.
Specific information
questions will ask you
to identify key information, supporting
details, opinions, or examples.
question will ask you to identify
implicit information, including a speaker’s
purpose, tone, or attitude.
Listening strategies:
Focus on what you understand rather
that what you don’t understand.
Take useful notes.
Listen for main points.
Recognize key details.
Listen for intonation and pauses.
Look for paraphrased ideas in answer
Eliminate incorrect answers.
Answer every question, even if you’re
not sure.
Summary Reading
General notes:
Main reading passage is on left side.
Instructions and work area are on right
Countdown timer helps you manage your
Passages and questions get gradually
All questions appear onscreen at the
same time. Select answers from the drop-
down options presented.
Use the scroll bars to move through the
Reading passage and questions for each
Reading question types:
Same as for Listening . . .
General meaning
questions will ask you
to identify the topic, theme, or main ideas
of a reading passage.
Specific information
questions will ask you
to identify key information, supporting
details, opinions, or examples.
question will ask you to identify
implicit information, including an author’s
purpose, tone, or attitude.
Reading strategies:
Preview the test screen.
Skim the passage (30–40 seconds max).
Read the questions.
Watch for main ideas and key details to
be paraphrased in answer choices.
Scan the passage for answers.
Eliminate incorrect answers.
Answer every question, even if you’re not
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Summary Writing
Task 1:
27 minutes to complete.
Write 150–200 words.
Write an email about an everyday
matter, in which you’ll usually be asked to
do around 3 things.
Formality should be neither too formal nor
too informal. This is not an email to a
friend or family member, but also not to a
member of the government.
Task 2:
26 minutes to complete.
Write 150–200 words.
Respond to an opinion survey, choose
between two options, and explain your
choice (why is it better?).
No need to use email format here.
General notes:
Background information is on the left side.
Specific instructions are on the right side.
Basic editing tools.
Automatic word count.
150–200 words per task.
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Summary Speaking
General notes:
Some tasks are text only.
Some tasks have text with an image.
For text-only tasks, you may have to
come up with your own ideas and/or
Make sure you pay close attention to the
instructions; stay on topic during your
response; and provide as much
supporting information as you can.
Each task has preparation time and
speaking time.
Responses are recorded and rated later.
When you begin speaking, a blue
progress bar in the centre of the screen
will show you how much time you’ve got
left. Once the bar is completely blue,
your time will be up.
As you speak, the grey bar behind the
microphone icon will move up and down.
It’s important that the grey bar not fall too
low or the recording may not be audible.
Text and image
Imagine the listener cannot see the
When describing an image, start with
overview of the scene.
Choose things in the image you are
comfortable talking about.
Use strong, descriptive vocabulary.
Speaking Task 5:
Read the instructions especially closely in
this task.
There are two separate screens.
On the first screen, you will simply make a
choice between options; you will not
On the second screen, you will have
another preparation time, and finally a
speaking time.
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Study Materials Free
To access these free resources, please visit: celpip.ca/prepare-for-celpip/free-resources/
CELPIP Sample Tests
2 complete, free tests available on our website
A helpful way to learn about the test
CELPIP Study Tips
Available on our website
Available for each test component
CELPIP Score Descriptors
Detailed score descriptors for each CELPIP Level for Speaking
and Writing
Multiple sample responses for two tasks for each level
In-depth analysis for each sample response
Available in interactive form and PDF download online:
o celpip.ca/prepare-for-celpip/test-scores/
CELPIP Webinars
Live 2-hour lessons; join online from anywhere in the world
CELPIP-General Overview introduces test features and format
Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking Pro sessions include
sample questions and opportunities for practice
Ask questions about CELPIP and interact with the presenter
Free PDF study packs with tips, strategies, and sample responses
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Study Materials Online Store
To access these materials, please visit: https://www.celpip.ca/prepare-for-celpip/study-materials/
CELPIP Study Guides (EBOOK)
Two study guides, each covering two skills on the test
In-depth discussion of strategies required for each part of the test,
framed around a practice test
Each book contains complete practice test for its respective skills
Online component for Listening sections
CELPIP Practice Tests (ONLINE)
9 sets, each with 2 complete tests (=18 tests total)
1 test in each set contains sample Speaking and Writing
responses at multiple levels
Instant results for the Listening and Reading Tests
Writing and Speaking performance standards
CELPIP Accelerate (ONLINE)
Self-directed online course
30+ instructional videos in each version
Numerous interactive quizzes and PDF downloads
Analysis of sample responses
1 complete practice test for each skill
CELPIP Practice and Analysis (ONLINE)
Self-directed online course
Test-taking tips and strategies
Analyses of Listening and Reading answer choices
Sample responses at multiple levels
1 complete practice test
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Common CELPIP Errors (EBOOK)
Thorough discussion of 30 common errors made by CELPIP test
15 grammar errors, 5 punctuation errors, 5 word choice errors,
5 speaking errors
Explanation of error, practice examples, and quiz for each error
Reading Your Way (EBOOK)
Contains collection of essays on Canadian subject matter (history,
geography, culture, natural history, etc.)
Each essay accompanied by relevant vocabulary, writing and
grammar strategies, and comprehension activities
| CELPIP-General Overview | Copyright © 2022 Prometric
Contact information
ü Customer Service: 1-800-958-5186
ü Homepage: celpip.ca (FAQs, online chat when available)
ü Bookstore Website: celpip.ca/studymaterials