| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+
Study Pack
Contents Page
Preparing for the CELPIP Speaking Test 3
Speaking Test Overview 4
Speaking Performance Standards 5
CELPIP Score Comparison Chart 5
Level 9 Score Descriptors and Performance Profile 6
Task 1: Giving Advice 7-9
Overview and Strategies
Sample Questions, Response Transcripts, and Analysis
Task 2: Talking about a Personal Experience 10-12
Overview and Strategies
Sample Questions, Response Transcripts, and Analysis
Task 3: Describing a Scene 13-15
Overview and Strategies
Sample Questions, Response Transcripts and Analysis
Task 4: Making Predictions 16-18
Overview and Strategies
Sample Questions, Response Transcripts, and Analysis
Task 5: Comparing and Persuading 19-21
Overview and Strategies
Sample Questions, Response Transcripts and Analysis
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Contents Page
Task 6: Dealing with a Difficult Situation 22-24
Overview and Strategies
Sample Questions, Response Transcripts, and Analysis
Task 7: Expressing Opinions 25-27
Overview and Strategies
Sample Questions, Response Transcripts and Analysis
Task 8: Describing an Unusual Situation 28-30
Overview and Strategies
Sample Questions, Response Transcripts and Analysis
More CELPIP Webinars 31
Connect with Us! 31
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Preparing for the CELPIP Speaking Test
This package includes the most important information presented in Speaking Pro: Target 9+, Lessons 1
and 2. It also includes the sample responses we looked at, with their CELPIP Levels and analysis of their
strengths and weaknesses. The audio file for each sample response is included on the main Target
9+ Study Pack page (click here!).
Learning about the Speaking Test is important, but it’s even more important to spend some time practicing
your English speaking skills every day. Here are some suggested ways to use this Study Pack to build
your skills for the CELPIP Speaking tasks.
Review the sample responses from the webinar and consider how they could be improved in each
dimension (Content/Coherence, Vocabulary, Listenability, Task Fulfillment). Using the analysis as a
guide, edit the transcripts to make the responses stronger.
Record your own response to each of the practice questions covered in the webinar.
For each response that you record, look at the Performance Standards chart and consider what
you’ve done well and what you would like to improve.
Make a transcript of a recorded response and spend 20-30 minutes editing it to make it stronger.
You can correct your grammar, add strong transitions, add variety to your vocabulary, add specific
details, create some more complex sentence structures, etc. (Of course, you will not be able to revise
your responses like this on test day, but it’s a way to build your skills beforehand!)
For Speaking tasks that offer a choice (Tasks 5, 6, and 7), try recording a response for each choice.
For example, for Task 5, record a response focused on the option on the left, then go back to the
beginning and record a second response focused on the option on the right. For Task 6, record a
response to each of the two choices. For Task 7, try answering “yes” to the question, reset the timer,
and try answering “no.”
Practice giving yourself longer than the 30-60 seconds of prep time to come up with main ideas
and details before recording a response. Gradually shorten the amount of time you give yourself to
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Speaking Test Overview
Preparation Time
Speaking Time
Practice Task
30 seconds
60 seconds
Task 1: Giving Advice
30 seconds
90 seconds
Task 2: Talking about a Personal Experience
30 seconds
60 seconds
Task 3: Describing a Scene
30 seconds
60 seconds
Task 4: Making Predictions
30 seconds
60 seconds
Task 5: Comparing and Persuading
Part 1: 60 seconds
Part 2: 60 seconds
Part 1: none
Part 2: 60 seconds
Task 6: Dealing with a Difficult Situation
60 seconds
60 seconds
Task 7: Expressing Opinions
30 seconds
90 seconds
Task 8: Describing an Unusual Situation
30 seconds
60 seconds
The Speaking Test takes about 15-20 minutes to complete.
Speaking is the last part of the CELPIP Test.
The Practice Task is optional. You can complete it or not; it’s up to you. Nobody will listen to the
response. However, it is recommended that you take the opportunity to warm up your voice and
check that your speaking volume is good before the scored tasks begin.
For each task, when the preparation time is up, the screen will automatically move forward. You
will hear a prompt (“Start speaking now”) and recording will automatically begin.
Speak at your normal volume. Avoid speaking too loudly or too softly, as this can have a
negative impact on various factors of Listenability. Although there may be some background
noise in the room, don’t worry: the raters will be able to hear your response clearly as long as
you speak at a normal volume.
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
CELPIP Speaking Performance Standards
Guiding Questions
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
Task Fulfillment
How well did you follow the
instructions? Did you use an
appropriate tone?
CELPIP Score Comparison Chart
We encourage test takers to check out the Score Comparison chart
on the CELPIP website (click here!). For each CELPIP Level from M to 12, you’ll find:
two sample Speaking responses with transcripts, and
detailed analysis of each response’s strengths and weaknesses in each dimension of the
Performance Standards.
The purpose of the Score Comparison Chart is to provide insight into CELPIP Speaking scores: what skills
are required to achieve each Level, what distinguishes a higher-level response from a lower-level one,
and so on. As each Speaking response is scored separately in each of the four dimensions, and your
Level is a product of your scores on all 8 tasks, there are many ways to achieve a particular CELPIP
Level. However, the responses included in the Score Comparison Chart will give you a good sense of
what a typical response at each Level consists of, and you’ll be able to see (and hear!) for yourself how
the fluency, accuracy, and complexity of the responses increases from Level to Level.
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Level Descriptors and Performance Profile
Along with your CELPIP Level for Speaking, your CELPIP score report will include:
ü Level Descriptors. For each Dimension (Content/Coherence, Vocabulary, Listenability, and
Task Fulfillment), there are 1-3 statements beginning with “I can,” indicating what a typical test
taker at that CELPIP Level is able to do in that Dimension.
ü a Performance Profile. This is a summary of the abilities of a typical test taker at a particular
CELPIP Level, based on the Level Descriptors.
ü Things to work on. This is a list of skills that a test taker at a particular CELPIP Level may benefit
from focusing on when working to improve his/her speaking.
Level Descriptors: CELPIP Level 9
At this level, I can…
Task Fulfillment
present information
and support ideas
with moderately
complex reasons
use common or
use some figures
of speech and
speak with some
control of complex
speak intelligibly
with mostly fluent
and intonation
adjust my
speaking style and
tone to a range of
audiences and
convey my ideas
to others when I
I speak with
peers or
authority figures
I speak face-to-
face, online, or
on the phone
the situation is
formal or
Level 9 Performance Profile
I can communicate complex details, feelings, and attitudes in familiar and less familiar contexts. I have
control of some complex grammar, and an adequate professional repertoire of precise and context-
specific vocabulary. My mistakes in grammar, word choice, and pronunciation rarely make it hard for
people to understand my meaning.
Level 9 Things to work on
Use a variety of complex grammatical structures.
Increase my ability to use context-specific vocabulary.
Reduce the number of grammar, word choice, and pronunciation errors.
Speak in a tone and style appropriate to the situation and audience.
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 1: Giving Advice
Overview and Strategies
Description: Help someone to either make a decision or prepare for something.
Prep Time: 30 seconds
Speaking Time: 90 seconds
Key Strategies à
1. Speak directly to the person.
2. Provide at least three suggestions.
3. Give a practical example or reason for each
4. Signal each new suggestion with a transition
word or phrase such as: “If I were you,…”
“Another thing you could do is…” “One final thing
5. Use a helpful and thoughtful tone.
Task 1, Response A
Task 1, Response A: Question
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 1, Response A: Transcript
Hey Mark, I heard um you’re interested in um um Sherry. Wow, that’s really good to know. Um, um she’s
a really awesome person. Um, so you’re really shy about it? Then, why don’t you just like ask for a
coffee, you know like during lunch break or something like that? Maybe you can just like initiate?
Maybe, uh “Hey, um do you wanna talk about project” or something like that. That would be actually,
it’s kind of smooth way. She won’t be really uh you know like uh creeped out by it you know. Sometimes
a female coworker is you know, when um male coworkers ask them out, you feel kind of like, they feel a
little bit creeped out you know. Especially, they just like approach in a kind of a little bit wrong way or
something like that. But if you ask for a coffee, you know to talk about project, you guys working
together, that would actually be really nice um you know uh to talk about. She would feel like you know,
you know maybe uh friendly about you. And maybe once you uh you know succeed in uh asking out for
a coffee, maybe you can start asking for lunch or something like that. Later on, maybe ask for like a drink,
you know after work, but very casually. That would be you know the key. So, good luck with it Mark and
I hope she likes it.
Task 1, Response A: Analysis (CELPIP Level 8)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Provides some main
ideas (ask her about the
project; go out for
coffee, lunch, or a drink)
Adds details for the first
main idea, but not others
Ideas are logical and
well-organized with
basic transitions
Uses suitable words and
phrases (
initiate, smooth,
creeped out, ask out,
Some awkward
expressions and incorrect
usage (
kind of a little bit
wrong way, start asking
for lunch, ask for a drink
Maintains a steady
rhythm and uses
intonation well
Interjections and self-
corrections sometimes
interfere with flow
Good control of simple
sentence structure
Understands the
questions and provides
relevant information
Tone is appropriate
(friendly, helpful,
Speaks for the full time
and includes a closing
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 1, Response B
Task 1, Response B: Question
Task 1, Response B: Transcript
Hey John, many many congratulations on getting selected to the university of your choice. Well, uh since
your university is where I’ve done all my college, I was, I was in Vancouver for five years, and I have uh
… I went to the private institutions but a lot of my friends went to this university and I know it’s a really
good university. What I’ve heard from my friend is there is in-house accommodation, so you don’t have
to go far. One … you know I know that it’s pretty expensive and one good thing about uh studying here is
you can do part time jobs. And uh you know when I was studying, I didn’t have an option to do part time
job, but since the immigration rules have changed, you’ll have an option to do 20 hours of part time
work or any number of hours if you get a job on campus. So, that might be a great help. And uh you
know, since I’ve been there … I was in that country for, that city, for five years, I know a lot of people. So,
once you land there, just let me know. I can uh give you some references, I can even forward your
resume to some of the employers I know. And I don’t think it should be a problem for you cuz you know
by working part time, you can at least afford your accommodation.
Task 1, Response B: Analysis (CELPIP Level 9)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Has only one main idea
(part-time job)
Provides many details
(job on campus,
immigration rules,
references, etc.)
More clarity needed at
times; introduction too
long and unclear
Uses many suitable and
precise phrases (
you land there, forward
your resume, afford
Word choice is
imprecise at times (
good university, pretty
expensive, good thing,
great help
Speaks clearly; no long
Minor grammar errors
Uses some complex
sentence structures (e.g.
Most content is relevant
Tone is friendly and
Addresses the friend
Speaks for the full time
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 2: Talking about a Personal Experience
Overview and Strategies
Description: Tell a story about a past experience.
Prep Time: 30 seconds
Speaking Time: 60 seconds
Key Strategies à
1. Quickly decide what story you will tell.
2. If you can’t think of a real experience from your
life, make one up.
3. Use past tenses.
4. Include descriptive details.
5. Try to get your listener to feel how you felt.
Task 2, Response A
Task 2, Response A: Question
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 2, Response A: Transcript
The one time that I had to teach someone, it was a couple of years ago when I had to teach my friend
Peter to ski. Because I’m an avid skier and I have a, a long-time experience. So, he asked me to teach
him. So, first I explained him the basics, how to mount the skis onto your boots, strap them down, and
everything. So, obviously I didn’t take him up to the highest peak. But I picked a moderate slope. So, we
just walked it up and … So, I went down. I showed him approximately how to, how to, go down a
moderate slope, how to brake, how to make the turns. So, he followed me after that. He was pretty
good at it, so we did it a couple of more times. And then, we went up to, a little bit more steeper slope so
that he can improve in a different condition, improve his skills in a different …
Task 2, Response A: Analysis (CELPIP Level 8)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Describes the main
aspects of what he
taught (e.g., how to
brake, mount boots to
Organizes response with
common transitions (
but, so, because
More development of
ideas and more specific
details needed to reach
Level 9+
Uses a range of context-
specific words and
phrases (
avid skier,
highest peak, mount skis,
moderate slope, steep
Some awkward phrases
long-time experience
Pronunciation is clear;
rhythm is fairly steady
Interjections and self-
corrections occasionally
interfere with flow
constructions (
I explained
him the basics, we
walked it up
Addresses all parts of the
task (though greater
development of ideas
would enhance
Speaks for the full time
Tone is appropriate
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 2, Response B
Task 2, Response B: Question
Task 2, Response B: Transcript
It’s been such a long time since I’ve taken a class, but I do, I do believe that algorithms was one of my
favourite classes. Um, I guess I really enjoyed the fact that uh we were always learning something new
and it was always making your brain work. Um, it was challenging and very interesting. Um honestly, I
have to admit that I loved correcting the professor um with the examples and so on, which is kind of a
touchy-feely, uh, touchy subject right now since I am the one teaching and the students are correcting
me. But uh, I, I’m hoping that uh my professors were taking it in the same way as I do now, as in it’s not a
big deal, it’s better to give a correct example than a mistaken one. Ah! I really should start looking at
algorithms again. I miss it. It’s a fun topic and I should do it again.
Task 2, Response B: Analysis (CELPIP Level 9)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Provides several reasons
(learning something new,
making her brain work)
Organizes response with
transitions and other
linking devices (
It’s been
such a long time,
Develops some ideas
(e.g., why it’s okay to
correct the professor)
Uses a range of less
common words and
phrases (
algorithms, I
have to admit, touchy
Uses words accurately
and appropriately
Confuses one expression
but corrects the error
Rhythm is steady and
pronunciation is clear
Intonation adds feeling
to the response
Speaker demonstrates
some control over
complex grammatical
structures (e.g.,
hoping my professors
were taking it in the same
way as I do
Most information is
relevant to the question
Response has a good
opening and closing
Tone is excellent
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 3: Describing a Scene
Overview and Strategies
Description: Look at an illustration and describe what is happening.
Prep Time: 30 seconds
Speaking Time: 60 seconds
Key Strategies à
1. Start with a general statement.
2. Then focus on some details. You don’t need to
describe everything.
3. Build a picture.
4. Use descriptive words and phrases.
5. Describe the people’s appearance, actions, and
Task 3, Response A
Task 3, Response A: Question
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 3, Response A: Transcript
Well I can see a supermarket hall. Um, it’s quite large, not very busy, there are about nine people there. I
can see two cashiers. One of them is closed, so only one register is actually opened. Uh, there are three
rows at the supermarket. Um, there are a lot of vegetables, uh selling uh looks like oranges, and lemons
are on sale. There are two kids who are very excited. They are picking up uh the watermelons. Um, there
is also a boy with his mother who looks like he wants to buy, I’m not sure if it’s a book or it’s a bag of
cookies. Uh, another boy is asking his father to buy him something–
Task 3, Response A: Analysis (CELPIP Level 9)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Sets the scene and
provides some detail (
very busy, about nine
Provides accurate
descriptions of people
and objects
Response is organized
well with quite a few
details (
only one register
is opened, lemons are
on sale
Uses words and phrases
accurately to describe
people, objects, and
actions (
register, cashier,
picking up
A greater range of more
precise/complex words
and phrases would
further improve the
Rhythm is steady and
pronunciation is clear
Some hesitations and
self-corrections; these
have a minimal impact
on flow
Good control of
grammatical structures
Information is relevant
Response is quite
complete although the
final idea is cut off
Tone is appropriate, but
the speaker doesn’t
address another person
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 3, Response B
Task 3, Response B: Question
Task 3, Response B: Transcript
Some of the things that [are] happening in this picture that I’m looking at right now is, it’s actually a
movie, uh area, it’s movies um reception area where you purchase your tickets to go see a movies. There
are movie posters and there are a lot of patrons. There are the, are the, uh area. There are couple,
couples, some already bought their popcorn and is heading into the movies. Some are buying their
tickets. Some are now entering where there is the ticket attendant. And there are some now moving in.
While it’s not very busy at the counter –
Task 3, Response B: Analysis (CELPIP Level 8)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Describes the place
(movie theatre reception
and some objects and
Describes things
Doesn’t develop ideas
very much
Uses common words
and phrases accurately
Struggles to describe
overall scene and
hesitates when trying to
describe actions
Pronunciation is clear
Pauses and self-
corrections interfere with
Uses simple sentence
structures well; attempts a
moderately complex
sentence at the end
While it’s not very busy
at the counter…)
Information is relevant
Speaks for the full time
Rate of speech impacts
Does not address
another person directly
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 4: Making Predictions
Overview and Strategies
Description: Look at the same illustration from Task 3 and describe what you think will
happen next.
Prep Time: 30 seconds
Speaking Time: 60 seconds
Key Strategies à
1. Use your imagination, but be realistic. Your
predictions should be related to what you see the
people doing.
2. Ask yourself: What actions might the people do
next, and what feelings might they experience as
a result?
3. Consider the surrounding people and objects in
the picture to help you think of ideas
Task 4, Response A
Task 4, Response A: Question
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 4, Response A: Transcript
Now from what I can see in this picture, what will happen next is the, the customer who is having the bar
code, uh item scanned bar code by the, by the cashier and the service staff, would pay for the item and
would be stepping out of the store. Um, so–, the father or the elderly com–, the elderly companion with
the two children playing with the watermelons [unintelligible] probably walking towards them, he will
probably tell them not to play with those watermelons and not to play with the fruit. Um, one lady that is
driving her cart between aisle seven and another number, uh she will probably go and shop and put
some stuff in her, in her cart. Um, the young boy wearing blue shirt who is uh showing an item to his
father, one possibility is that his father would allow to either buy the item or convince him for something
else. Same thing goes for this other young child who is showing something to his mother.
Task 4, Response A: Analysis (CELPIP Level 9)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Provides several
Provides details to
identify which
people/scenes from the
picture are being
Develops ideas with
some details
Uses a range of common
and situation-specific
words to accurately
describe the scene (
code, scan card, aisle,
stepping out
word choice (
some stuff,
driving her cart
Rhythm is usually steady
and pronunciation clear
Quick pace sometimes
makes response
challenging to
A few hesitations and
Demonstrates some
emerging control over
complex grammar (e.g.,
would allow to either
buy the item or convince
him for something else)
Information is relevant
Response is complete
Opening is effective
Closing could be
Tone is appropriate
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 4, Response B
Task 4, Response B: Question
Task 4, Response B: Transcript
So in terms of what is likely to happen next, there is a woman uh who is wearing a purple sweater and
white pants and her cart is empty. So, I would imagine that she will probably fill her cart as she goes
through the store. The couple who’s currently paying will exit the store. I don’t believe that the red-
headed child trying to persuade his mother to buy potato chips or some other kind of goodie will be uh
successful. She actually looks quite stern, whereas the coup–, two kids in the middle do seem like uh,
they are more likely to, to buy sweets. I also think that what’s likely to happen with the child, the two kids
looking at the watermelon, are most likely going to try and pick one up and have several of the
watermelons fall out of the display cuz they look quite small as compared to the very very large uh
watermelons that they’re trying to purchase. Um, so uh lots of, lots of activity in the grocery store today.
Task 4, Response B: Analysis (CELPIP Level 12)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Uses relevant details to
identify who she is talking
Organizes the response
Develops main ideas
with details
Includes an opening and
a closing
Uses a wide range of
precise, descriptive
words, phrases, and
expressions accurately
in terms of, I would
imagine, currently,
persuade, goodie, quite
stern, fall out of the
Quick rate of speech
doesn’t cause problems
as pronunciation and
intonation are excellent
Very few pauses and
Uses a very wide range
of complex grammatical
structures, including
different future
Describes almost
everything in the picture
thoroughly and precisely
Appropriate tone
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 5: Comparing and Persuading
Overview and Strategies
In Part 1, select an option from two choices. You will not speak in Part 1.
In Part 2, persuade someone that your chosen option is better than the one they are proposing.
Prep Time
Part 1: 60 seconds
Part 2: 60 seconds
Speaking Time
Part 1: No speaking
Part 2: 60 seconds
Key Strategies à
Part 1
1. Read and understand the situation.
2. Compare the information provided for the two options.
3. Quickly choose which one you prefer to talk about.
Part 2
4. Read the information about the new option.
5. Think of details and reasons to explain why your choice is
6. Use specific language to explain your choice, and
expand on the information included with the picture.
Task 5, Response A
Task 5, Response A: Question
Part 1 Part 2
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Task 5, Response A: Transcript (note: the test taker chose the food court franchise in Part 1)
Well, food court franchise is much better idea than delivery service. First of all, you already know how to
cook since you’ve been cooking food for five years now right? And um, um we both know that you have
back injury and you cannot lift heavy weights and delivery service includes larger items such as furniture
or TVs, so it’s not a good idea for your back, like, for mine too actually. Also, to start a food franchise
business we only need eight thousand dollars, and for delivery service we need forty-thousand dollars
and also we have to buy a large truck. We don’t have that kind of money, so it would be much more
satisfying to just open a food court franchise. It would be more fun to interact.
Task 5, Response A: Analysis (CELPIP Level 8)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Provides three main
ideas (knowing how to
cook, back injuries, and
Uses basic transitions to
organize the response
and, also, but, so
More development of
ideas (examples or
details) would improve
the content
Uses some uncommon
words and phrases
appropriately (
injury, interact, that kind
of money
A greater range of
words and phrases
would enable the
speaker to be more
Pronunciation is clear
and rhythm is steady
Mostly uses simple
grammar structures
Information is relevant
Addresses the other
person directly
Speaks for the full time
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Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 5, Response B
Task 5, Response B: Question
Part 1 Part 2
Task 5, Response B: Transcript (note: the test taker chose the large floor fan in Part 1)
I agree that we have choices, but I believe the large floor fan is the most suitable for our environment
because we require the fan to be installed in our basement. I agree that the ceiling fan is a good option
for our living room, but since we require the fan for the basement, I would say $49.99 is an affordable
option and we would not require any extra installation. The portable mini fan though just requires a
battery, it’s not a good option for our basement because it wouldn’t cover the area. It’s a good option
for outdoors, but since our requirement is for the basement, I would go with the large floor fan and it can
be moved around the house and used for different requirements later.
Task 5, Response B: Analysis (CELPIP Level 9)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Provides several main
ideas (needed for
basement, affordable,
Connects and develops
ideas (e.g., need a
portable fan for the
basement, an affordable
option that doesn’t
require installation):
coherence is strong
Uses common words
and phrases accurately
suitable for our
environment, cover the
area, moved around the
Uses some figures of
speech (
I would say, I
would go with
Pronunciation is clear
and rhythm is steady
Very few pauses,
interjections, or self-
Uses complex sentences
fairly well, but more
variety in sentence
structure would improve
this dimension
Provides relevant
suggestions and reasons
Uses time well and gives
a complete response
Establishes a friendly but
persuasive tone (e.g.,
agree that we have
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 6: Dealing with a Difficult Situation
Overview and Strategies
Description: Explain a decision to a friend, family member, acquaintance, or
Prep Time: 60 seconds
Speaking Time: 60 seconds
Key Strategies à
1. Speak directly to the person.
2. Be considerate but firm.
3. Speak in a respectful way.
4. Clearly outline the problem.
5. Explain your decision.
6. Provide effective reasons to support your
Task 6, Response A
Task 6, Response A: Question
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 6, Response A: Transcript
Hello Eugene, I’ve just heard that you had an argument with the customer regarding their ripped t-shirts. I
think we have to return this t-shirts because, because, as uh as per customer she just wore only one times
and it is, I guess, it clearly says that is, ah, poor quality. Well, uh, well and then and before the other time
I remember that the same thing happened with another customer, and there was uh my supervisor and
then the supervisor said we can, we can refund, refund the item when it, it clearly lacks some quality. And
then, and I think this brand has uh some warranties, so we can clearly check with the, double check with
the manager. But I believe that we have to provide uh warranty and provide the return for this customer
as based on our previous experience. Thank you.
Task 6, Response A: Analysis (CELPIP Level 8)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Provides three main
reasons to support her
choice (poor quality,
previous experience,
possible warranty)
Ideas are organized with
simple linking words
because, and, so
Uses common words
and phrases appropriate
to the situation (
brand, double check
A greater range of
vocabulary and phrase
use would improve
precision and accuracy
Pronunciation is clear
and rhythm is fairly
Interjections and self-
corrections sometimes
interfere with flow
Uses a variety of
sentence structures, but
makes some grammatical
errors (
this t-shirts, only
one times, as based on
Relevant information
Appropriate tone
Speaks for the full time
Saying “Thank you” at
the end is awkward for
this context
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 6, Response B
Task 6, Response B: Question
Task 6, Response B: Transcript
I strongly agree with the husband because I believe buying a cat is much easier for the couple to take, to
for them, it’s much easier for them to take care of the, the pet because the, uh of course uh the cat is
smaller and uh it need uh less care than the, the dog. Uh it’s not noisy at night uh given that the, the dog
keeps uh barking, and keeps uh barking, and uh you know he keeps doing uh certain uh stuff that are
annoying to some people. Uh cats are more friendly and uh they are uh not harmful. Uh otherwise, or or
uh nevertheless sometime dogs can be really aggressive, uh especially when they see, when they see
other dogs. When they see other dogs, they become very aggressive and sometimes they can bite.
Task 6, Response B: Analysis (CELPIP Level 9)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Provides several reasons
(cats are easier to care
for, less noisy, more
friendly, and less harmful)
Clearly states opinion
and provides details and
Organizes ideas fairly
Uses many suitable
words and phrases (dog
keeps barking, annoying
to some people, become
very aggressive)
Attempts to use some
more precise transition
words but uses them
incorrectly (
Pronunciation is usually
clear and rhythm is fairly
Interjections and self-
corrections interfere with
Few grammar errors;
some complex sentence
structures (
When they
see other dogs, they
Relevant information
Speaks for the full time
Friendly but firm tone is
appropriate for the
Does not follow the
instruction to address the
customers directly
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 7: Expressing Opinions
Overview and Strategies
Description: Answer a “Do you think…?” question with your opinion.
Prep Time: 30 seconds
Speaking Time: 90 seconds
Key Strategies à
1. Read the question carefully; be sure your
response is on topic.
2. Quickly decide whether you will answer yes or
3. Give about three reasons to support your
4. Support each reason with specific details.
5. Present your ideas logically, and use transitions to
signal new ideas.
Task 7, Response A
Task 7, Response A: Question
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 7, Response A: Transcript
This is a very difficult question, uh I do think that government should limit how much money company
bosses make for at least two main reasons. The first one is ethical. If uh you provide uh bosses no limit in
their earning, this will raise significant [unclear – likely social] disparities and will create more friction
among the society. However, the limit that the government should put on the earning is not easy to
determine. Competition, willingness to improve our position and career, is often uh moved by money and
earning and salary. Why someone should aim for a higher and more responsible job with more
difficulties, more duties, when the money is not so significant than someone else’s limit? The governments
will have to find solution to promote this cutting salaries, maintaining a significant benefit for the bosses.
Task 7, Response A: Analysis (CELPIP Level 8)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Contradicts himself: starts
off arguing for the yes
side, gives one reason to
support it (ethics), but
then seems to switch to
the noside
competition, willingness
to improve our position
Uses the transition phrase
The first one is,
introduces no further
Accurately uses a range
of words and phrases
throughout the response
ethical, disparities,
friction, position, career,
cutting salaries
Some imprecise and
unnatural word and
phrase use (
provide no
limit, among the society
Pronunciation creates
occasional challenges
for the listener (
Reducing pauses would
improve rhythm
Uses a variety of
sentence structures, but
some constructions are
awkward (
not so
significant than someone
elses limit
Spends more time
describing the problems
his choice would cause
than giving reasons why
its the best choice
Tone is appropriate
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 7, Response B
Task 7, Response B: Question
Task 7, Response B: Transcript
Yes, I think it’s very beneficial for high school students to be required to learn a second language,
especially here in Canada to learn French. I’ve seen it in the workplace, it’s very beneficial for, um, for
workers to have a second language, especially French. Um because uh first thing, more compensation if
you’re bilingual, French bilingual, right, that’s first thing for me. And of course it opens up a whole new
like field of work where you, if you’re not bilingual or you don’t have a second language, you will never
be able to enter. So that opens up like yeah different opportunities, also, not even in Ca—, just not
opportunities in Canada. Uh oh yes, you also have the, keep a option to work for the Federal
government, which is very good as well. And also yeah, if you have plans of going abroad, going out of
the country to work or to study, it’s very beneficial if you know, at least understand a little bit the second
language, right? Not um, some of course if you’re gonna be working and you’re gonna be using a
second language, it’s very beneficial if you’re uh fluent in it. But some people if you’re just like visiting uh
other countries, going on vacations, it’s uh beneficial if you at least learn the basics or know the basics.
Task 7, Response B: Analysis (CELPIP Level 9)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Gives three clear
reasons (compensation,
work opportunities and
travel abroad)
Develops some of the
reasons with supporting
details or examples
Organizes ideas with
common linking words
first thing, so, also, but
Uses a range of common
words and phrases
accurately (
field of work, fluent
Uses some expressions
appropriately (
opens up,
learns the basics
More precision and
variety would strengthen
the response
Pronunciation is clear
and rhythm is fairly
Self-corrections have a
minor impact on flow
Uses some complex
sentence structure (e.g.,
clauses), but could
include more variety
Information is relevant
Tone is appropriate
Speaks for the full time
Has a good opening;
lacks a closing
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 8: Describing an Unusual Situation
Overview and Strategies
Description: Describe a picture of an unusual item or situation to someone who can’t
see what you’re looking at.
Prep Time: 30 seconds
Speaking Time: 60 seconds
Key Strategies à
1. Start by setting up the role-play scenario (“Hi,
2. Describe the unique aspects of the picture.
3. Focus on the things that you can describe well.
4. If you can’t think of accurate and specific
vocabulary, create phrases using common words
to express your meaning.
5. End by finishing the phone call.
Task 8, Response A
Task 8, Response A: Question
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 8, Response A: Transcript
Here we go, how are you? Here, I’m exactly near to your house, but I’m really not sure where I need to
move. It’s on the right si–, I have to take the right street or the left street. I’ll just explain you a little bit so
you have an idea where exactly I am. Um, I can see a board on which it’s written S-L-O-W, it’s a yellow
board with a black uh [unclear] written on it, and there’s one garbage bin near to it and uh its open. And
I can see there’s a big townhouse, and down the townhouse is a parking lot, and there’s so many trees
across the road which I can see. So really feel just tell me or is it the right place I am on or do I need to
take a different street? Um, and I can tell you this road goes exactly uh toward the right and there are–
Task 8, Response A: Analysis (CELPIP Level 8)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
States the reason for the
Provides basic
description of some
objects in the scene
Uses simple linking
words (
and, but, so
Uses common words
accurately (
garbage bin,
Uses some inaccurate
and imprecise phrases
right or left street, Ill
explain you, down the
Pronunciation is usually
clear and rhythm is fairly
Interjections and self-
corrections occasionally
disrupt flow
Uses mostly simple
sentence constructions;
most grammatical errors
dont interfere with
Some details are
unnecessary (e.g., the
garbage bin is open)
Tone is appropriate
(friendly, confused, and
seeking help)
No closing
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Task 8, Response B
Task 8, Response B: Question
Task 8, Response B: Transcript
Hi Katia, do you hear this uh music behind me? Uh, I’m in a park somewhere downtown, I don’t know
basically, and uh these uh street performers are actually having a really good band. And the instruments
are of course glasses filled to different volumes and uh a percussion set made of garbage cans, or you
know buckets, plastic ones and metal ones, and it actually, you wouldn’t believe it, sounds very good. I
hope you can hear something, anything. They’ve been going at it for hours, we actually passed through
here three hours ago and they were doing the same thing. And it, it’s such a good soundtrack actually
for the entire city, for a day uh in the city. It’s great, check them out! Probably, there’s a YouTube or
Task 8, Response B: Analysis (CELPIP Level 9)
Task Fulfillment
How well are your ideas
organized and developed?
What is the range of your
vocabulary and can you use it
How easy is it to listen to and
understand your response?
How well did you follow the
Describes several objects
with some precision
Organizes ideas by
using linking words and
giving additional context
Uses a range of
situation-specific words
and phrases (
set, soundtrack, theyve
been going at it for
hours, you wouldnt
believe it, check them
Some inaccurate
expressions (
having a
good band
Pronunciation is usually
clear; rhythm and
intonation are used
Uses a range of
sentence structures
Gives relevant
information and uses the
time effectively
Tone is very friendly and
Speaks directly to the
| CELPIP Speaking Pro: Target 9+ Study Pack
Copyright © 2020 Paragon Testing Enterprises
More CELPIP Webinars
CELPIP: Get the Facts
A general overview of the features and format of the CELPIP Test
90 minutes
Reading Pro
Format, strategies, and sample questions for Reading Parts 1 – 4
2 hours
Listening Pro
Format, strategies, and sample questions for Listening Parts 1 6
2 hours
Writing Pro: Target 9+
Achieving Level 9 or higher on the Writing Test
2 hours
Writing Pro: Target 5
Achieving Level 5 or higher on the Writing Test
2 hours
Speaking Pro: Target 5
Achieving Level 5 or higher on the Speaking Test
2 hours
Speaking Pro: Target 9+
Achieving Level 9 or higher on the Speaking Test
2 lessons,
2 hours each
Everyone at all language levels is welcome at all CELPIP webinars! The information we provide about
test format, question types, and useful strategies applies to everyone, no matter what CELPIP Level you’re
trying for.
You can participate and ask questions to the instructor in all sessions.
Speaking Pro and Writing Pro Target 5 sessions include sample responses in the CELPIP Level 4-5
range. Target 9 sessions include sample responses in the Level 8-12 range.
Everyone who attends a Pro session receive a free Study Pack containing the most important content
from the webinar, including sample responses, analysis, checklists, and strategies.
You can attend the same session more than once, but please be aware that the content will be the
same. We repeat these webinars monthly to help new test takers learn about the test!
A recording of each webinar is posted on our YouTube channel.
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