What is Temporary
Assistance to Needy Families
( ”TANF”)?
The TANF program is the time lim-
ited public welfare program which
assists families with children when
the parents or the responsible rela-
tives cannot provide for the fami-
lies’ basic needs.
What is Child Support?
Child Support is when the Non-
Custodial Parent (NCP) has an obli-
gation to make payments to the
Custodial Parent (CP) for the wel-
fare and benefit of the child. Child
Support includes financial support
and/or medical sup-
What is Medicaid?
The Medicaid Program provides
medical benefits to groups of low-
income people, some whom may
have no insurance or inadequate
medical insurance.
How does TANF/Medicaid &
Child Support work together?
When a parent receives TANF and/
or Medicaid, the District pays for the
benefits to be provided to the parent
and family. In return for paying the-
se benefits, the District is allowed to
keep child support payments to re-
imburse itself for the cost of the ben-
When I receive TANF/
Medicaid, what happens to my
child support payments?
Federal law says that every TANF
and/or Medicaid customer must
have a child support case. When
you apply for TANF and/or Medi-
caid, you assign your rights to re-
ceive child support to the child sup-
port program.
What does it mean to assign
your rights?
Assignment of rights means that a
parent transfers his/her rights to re-
ceive some or all of his/her child
support payments to the District as
payment for public assistance bene-
fits he/she received from the District
under TANF and/or Medicaid.
What is the Child Support
Pass Through Program?
The District of Columbia will pro-
vide additional income to IV-D
customers who receive TANF ben-
efits. The new law allows up to
$150 of a NCP’s child support pay-
ment to be distributed directly to
the CP. The pass-through payment
is provided to the CP in addition to
the TANF benefits.
Will I receive $150?
You will receive the entire $150 if
your current monthly obligation is
$150 or more and the NCP pays.
Will the child support office
find out I am receiving TANF?
What if I do not report that I
am receiving TANF to the
Child Support ?
YES! When you open a TANF and/
or Medicaid case, the TANF office
will automatically send your case
information to the child support
office to open a support case,
whether or not paternity has been
The non-custodial parent
does not know that I am re-
ceiving TANF, will the non-
custodial parent still be re-
sponsible for paying TANF
Yes, whether or not the non-
custodial parent has knowledge
that you are receiving TANF ben-
efits does not change their re-
sponsibility to pay TANF arrears.
If the non-custodial parent fails
to pay child support when you are
receiving TANF, the case will ac-
crue arrears, which are charges
for missed payments. The non-
custodial parent will be responsi-
ble for paying the current support
amount and the TANF arrears.
What if I haven't been re-
ceiving my child support
When the non-custodial parent,
who is ordered to pay child sup-
port, falls behind in paying the
child support obligation, he or
she accrues arrears. You may be
entitled to receive arrears de-
pending on when the arrears ac-
How Long Does an Assignment
of Rights Last?
The assignment ends when you no
longer receive public assistance.
When you are no longer receiving
public assistance, you will receive
your current support.
Rights to arrears that accrued
before I applied for TANF
TANF customers who apply for
TANF benefits on or after October 1,
2009 are not be required to as-
sign their rights to child sup-
port arrears that existed before
the customer applied for TANF.
For additional information: contact the
Customer Service Team at (202) 442-9900
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