User Guide
V 4.5.1
© 20022011 Bluebeam Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Protected by U.S. Patents 7,600,193; 7,600,198; 7,907,794; 7,971,149.
Other Patents Pending in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Copyright law and international treaties protect this computer software program.
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this software program, or any portion of it,
will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law and may result in civil
and criminal penalties.
Portions Copyright 2001/2009 Artifex Software Inc.
Portions Copyright 2005 LuraTech Imaging GmbH.
Portions Copyright 2004 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
Portions Copyright 1998 Soft Horizons.
Portions Copyright 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
Bluebeam®, Revu®, and Q™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Bluebeam Software, Inc. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property
of their respective owners.
All Rights Reserved.
Table of Contents
Section 1.0  Introduction ............................................... 4
Section 2.0  System Requirements .............................. 8
Section 3.0  Installation ............................................... 10
Section 4.0  Using the Setup Wizard .......................... 14
Section 5.0  Q Operation ............................................ 23
Section 6.0  The Q Manager Application .................... 25
Section 7.0  The Q Web Reporting Tool ..................... 41
Section 8.0  Using the Windows Selector Tool........... 44
Section 9.0  Network Printer ....................................... 47
Section 10.0  Under the Hood: Q Architecture ............. 50
Section 11.0  Script Engine & Conversion API ............. 52
Section 12.0  Troubleshooting Q .................................. 57
Section 13.0  Technical Support ................................... 59
Please check www.bluebeamq.com for the most uptodate version of
this manual.
Section 1.0  Introduction
Thank you for choosing Bluebeam Q
. Bluebeam Q (referred to in
this manual as simply “Q”) provides a centralized and powerful
method for converting numerous types of files in an automated
Figure 1 – Bluebeam Q Server
AutoCAD Drawings, SolidWorks and Microsoft Office files (Excel,
PowerPoint and Word) can be converted to a multitude of output
formats, including PDF, TIF, and JPG. Q also converts other
document types such as Visio and Microsoft Project via MIMEtype
associated printing. Additionally, Q can convert numerous raster (.tif,
.bmp, .png) or Postscript files to PDF.
Utilizing the Script Engine and Application Programming Interface
(API), PDF processing operations can be automated. In fact, the
functionality available through the Script Engine and the API provide
a complete solution for automating your entire PDF workflows.
There are 4 primary interfaces for interaction with Q:
1. Watched Folder Interface: Any number of “watched folders” can
be configured with specific conversion parameters. The watched
folders, which can be located on either the Q Server computer or on a
network shared filesystem, can be monitored by the Q watched folder
There are two ways to configure the watched folder monitoring. You
can point to an existing, “inplace” folder, or you can define a new
folder for the process to watch. In either case a conversion will trigger
when users place a source file in the watched folder.
Once a watched folder is defined, users can copy their native
AutoCAD (.dwg) or SolidWorks (.slddrw) drawings or Office
documents (.doc, .ppt, .xls) to any of the configured directories.
A folder may be configured such that all files dragged into the folder
will be ANSI D size. Some examples of typical watched folder
configuration options include:
Specification of output file types (PDF, TIF, and so on).
Page Size definition.
Application of a stamp to single or multiple pages.
Filtering to print specific layouts within AutoCAD.
Adding a text stamp to all pages.
Inserting a cover page.
When Q is configured to monitor existing folders, conversions are
triggered at defined time intervals. For example, existing folders can
be scanned every morning at 2:00 a.m.; any new or modified files
since the previous scan will be converted. The timing can be freely
configured. Typical examples would be to convert every day at a
certain time, once a week at a certain time, or every X number of
To learn more about using the Q Manager Application for configuring
watched folders, see Section 6.0.
2. Network Printer Interface: Q includes the Bluebeam Network
Printer. A printer driver can be installed onto each client computer
within your organization. Users can then select the Bluebeam Net
PDF printer when printing documents from their applications and,
after entering the name for the converted output file, Q will create the
file and store it in the designated location.
Figure 2 – Network Printer
Additional details about configuring and using the network printer
feature are provided in Section 9.0.
3. API: Q supports a .NET API which can be used to develop C# or
VB.NET (or any other .NET supported programming language)
applications to control both the conversion/creation process as well
as PDF processing. An extensive API help document is included with
the installation of Q, located in 
\file. A number of source code
examples are included in the Q distribution files to illustrate the
functionality. Section 11.0 describes the API in further detail.
4. The Script Engine: With Q, you can perform automated
operations on your existing PDF files by writing and executing scripts.
Scripts can be used to apply Headers & Footers, Stamps, PDF
Security, and much more. Within Q there are several ways to interact
with the Script Engine:
Configure a watched folder’s Script tab.
Write a custom program using the .NET API.
Write a standalone script in the Script Editor.
Run a script directly from the command line.
The Script Editor is a separate program which can be located by
exploring the  folder.
A help file describing the use of the Script Editor is located in: 
. Section
11.0 describes the API in further detail.
System Monitoring and Management
There are two interfaces for controlling and monitoring the
performance of the Q Server: Bluebeam Q Manager and the Q Web
Reporting Tool.
The Bluebeam Q Manager ( !"#) is a program
located on the Q Server in"$
%   folder. During the install process, an
option is available to create a shortcut to this program on the desktop.
The Bluebeam Q Manager is used to configure systemwide settings.
The Q Manager is also used to define the watched folder parameters
and to manually control the starting and stopping of the Server
Processes. Refer to Section 6.0 for further details regarding the use
of the Q Manager.
The Q Web Reporting Tool provides a web interface for monitoring
the status of conversions. Use the Q Web Reporting tool to view the
status of any conversion processed by placing a file in the watched
folders or sent through the print client. Failed jobs can be resubmitted
through this interface. Additionally reports can be run over user
defined time periods to determine usage. Refer to Section 7.0 for
further information regarding the Q Web Reporting Tool.
Windows Selector Tool
Q includes a Windows Selector Tool, which automates user
interactions. A dialog window will often appear when an AutoCAD or
Microsoft Office file is opened, and will need some sort of user
intervention such as clicking an “OK” or “Cancel” button. The Window
Handler process monitors the progress of the conversion job and
looks for dialog windows that are waiting for user input in order to
keep the conversion process running. The Windows Selector Tool
configures the dialogs which the Window Handler will process. Details
on adding handled events are described in Section 8.0, which
provides additional information regarding the Window Selector Tool
Section 2.0  System Requirements
Q integrates with host applications on the Server computer. To
convert AutoCAD (.dwg) files to PDF or other supported output
formats, AutoCAD must be installed on the same computer that the Q
Server is installed on. The same concept applies for SolidWorks
(.sldpart, .sldasm, .slddrw) files and Office (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx,
.ppt, .pptx) files.
Operating Systems:
Windows XP SP2 or higher/Windows Vista/Windows7
Windows Server 2003/Server 2008
Most 32bit & 64bit OS configurations are supported. Please
refer to Bluebeam website (www.bluebeamq.com) for uptodate
supported configurations.
Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) must be installed in
order to use the Q Web Monitoring Tool.
Watched Folder or Programmatic Implementations:
AutoCAD Versions:
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
64 bit versions supported
Microsoft Office:
XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
SolidWorks Versions:
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
A workstationclass computer is sufficient for the installation of Q. Any
computer capable of running AutoCAD or SolidWorks is sufficient
hardware for Q. Graphics card requirements are minimal as the
applications run in a nondisplay mode.
If the Q Server will primarily be used for MS Office conversions, any
computer capable of running MS Office applications will be sufficient.
If the Bluebeam Q Server will be used as a Network PDF print host or
to run Q Script Engine applications, any modern hardware platform
will be sufficient. The Q Server has been tested with a wide range of
computing environments from Core 2 Duo processors to the latest
Core i7 processors. The minimal host OS memory requirements
typically are the minimum requirement for running the Q Server.
Generally, the more memory available, the better overall system
performance will be.
Section 3.0  Installation
1. If you are installing on a computer with a Windows Server OS,
ensure that it is not configured as a domain controller. Because Q
requires a local user account, it cannot be installed on a computer
that is configured as a domain controller.
2. Applications that are used for conversion must be installed on the
server computer: AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Office, etc. We recommend
that prior to starting the Q installation process, these applications be
3. As part of the installation, the Windows Installer will be upgraded to
version 3.1 and the Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1 framework will be
4. There are two primary modes for running Q, as a Windows Service
or in Standard (Interactive) mode. If the Q Server will be used for
performing source to PDF conversions (e.g. AutoCAD or Office to
PDF) Q will need to run in Standard mode. This is because the host
programs (AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Office) must start the applications
in a Windows context as part of the conversion process. If the Q
Server will be acting only as a print host or to run Q Script Engine
applications, it can be run either in Standard mode or as a Service.
If you choose to run as a service, a user account must be created on
the server computer, with the following settings:
The account should have administrative privileges.
The password should be set to never expire.
Add the user to  &'(
o ‘Log on as a service’; and
o ‘Increase quotas’ or ‘Adjust memory quotas for a
Note: If these privileges are not set, the installation
process will set these permissions for you.
NOTE: You should be the Administrator or have administrative
privileges on the server computer when performing the
1. Start the installation program.
It is recommended that you check the Bluebeam website
(www.bluebeamq.com) for the latest download of Q. If
you downloaded the software from the Bluebeam web
site, doubleclick: BluebeamQ400.exe (or
BluebeamQ400x64.exe for 64bit installs). Note the
latest shipping version number may be different; however
the setup program will be similarly named.
If you have the CD, load it in your CDROM drive. The
CD is set to autorun; if the installation does not start
automatically, run setup.exe on the CD.
NOTE: Depending on which version of the Windows Installer is
present on the system, the installation program may require that
Windows be restarted at this point.
2. Welcome
Click +# on the first screen to be guided through the remainder
of the installation process.
3. License Agreement
Please read the license agreement. Click , if you agree to the
license agreement and want to continue with the installation
process. Otherwise the installation will exit.
4. Setup Type
Choose the Standard Installation to run the server in an
interactive mode. Select Service Installation to run as a
Windows Service. Refer to the section Section 6.0 )"
!" for further details.
Reminder: Service mode should only be used for hosting the
network print clients or using the Script Engine only. When
using the plugins to convert AutoCAD, SolidWorks, or MS
Office files via a watched folder, the Q must be configured to
run in Standard mode.
Complete the setup dialog by choosing the destination directory
to store the Q installation and program files.
5. Install Options
As part of the Q Installation, Revu (Bluebeam’s PDF viewing and
editing application) will be installed on the Server. Check 
-$* on the desktop to add the
shortcut. The second checkbox should be checked to make Revu
the default viewer. Checking the third checkbox will place a
separate shortcut for the Q Manager on the Desktop. If you
choose not to place these shortcuts on the desktop, the
applications can be accessed later through the Start Menu. The
final checkbox “Install Internet Explorer plugin for viewing PDFs”
will add the PDF viewing plugin to IE on the server computer.
This setting is off by default.
6. Service Account
If the Service Mode is selected, enter the username and
password of the service account which will be used to run the
server (this is the user account defined as part of the
prerequisites). If you wish to use an existing account, enter the
existing account information. Select create new account if you
wish to create a new username and password based on the
information entered in this dialog.
7. Registration
At purchase time, you will be provided with a Serial Number and
Product Key. Please refer to the email that was sent to you for
licensing information.
Enter your Serial Number and Product Key and click *". If
you are evaluating the software, click the )& button to
Note: You can access the registration screen for the Q license
after installation via the Tools menu in the Bluebeam
Administrator (."..
Online Authorization
After you click *", online authorization will be attempted
automatically. This authorization process will activate the
software on your computer. If the authorization process
cannot connect to the Internet, you will be prompted to
authorize manually.
Manual Authorization
Click 0!(. The Manual Authorization screen
will appear. It will prompt you for an Authorization Code. You
can obtain an Authorization Code by selecting the 1
button or going to http://www.bluebeam.com/authorize.asp
Note that the installation will automatically attempt an online
authorization. If the online authorization fails, the manual
authorization dialog will be displayed. The manual option will
only appear if the online authorization fails.
If you cannot access the web page, contact Bluebeam by
clicking  A request is sent to
[email protected]om, and an Authorization Code will
be returned to you via email.
To obtain an Authorization Code, please reference your
Serial Number and Product Key.
Once you receive an Authorization Code, please enter it and
click 0. The system will authorize your computer.
8. Finish
Use this dialog to determine what actions to perform once the
installation is complete. It is recommended that you leave
Launch Getting Started Wizard checked. The wizard will guide
you through the watched folder and other configuration choices.
The wizard is explained in the following section.
Launch Q will start the server processes running.
Section 4.0  Using the Setup Wizard
The Getting Started Wizard starts after the initial installation of the Q
Server. If you wish to run this program at a later time, it can be
accessed under . "..
10. The wizard assists with configuring several of the
interfaces for normal Q operation.
The settings in this dialog are used to configure primary interfaces to
Q (the Watched Folders, the Network Printer, the Q Web Reporting
Tool), and to display further information about the API/Script Engine.
Setup Watched Folders
There is a 3 step process for configuring the watched folders. Use the
Q Manager after this initial setup to configure specific parameters for
the watched folders.
Step 1 of the Setup Wizard determines how the watched folders are
to be used.
Use existing folder for inplace conversion  Select this to point Q
to a set of folders which you currently have defined for your projects.
Press the  button to select the base directory to monitor. You
can point to an existing folder to actively monitor source files. As
source files are modified or added into the folders, Q will convert the
files to the specified output type (.pdf, .tif, .jpg, and so on). The source
files will remain in the same location after the conversion completes.
Create new folder for drag/drop conversion  Defines a new
location which will be monitored for conversions. Any time a source
file is dragged into the folder, an output file will be created and the
source file will be moved to an archive location. By moving the source
file used for conversion out of the source folder, the source folder
should generally remain empty, except for any file which has not yet
been converted.
Check the Scan Source Subfolders box to look in all subfolders for
files. If you want to monitor just the one folder indicated in the
directory box, leave this unchecked.
Include Sample Source Folders  Creates a default set of sample
preconfigured folders for drag and drop conversion. The watched
folders will be located in %21$. These
sample folders are included for illustrative purposes and may be
deleted if you do not need them. They do provide a good starting
point for learning about how the watched folders can be configured.
Step 2 of the Watched Folder setup wizard specifies the output
location for the converted files.
There are 4 options:
Same Folder as SourcePlaces the converted file in the same
location which the source file resides.
Subfolder under Source Selecting this option displays the folder
path window. The subfolder name entered here is where Q saves
converted files. Consider the following example:
Q is configured to monitor 23and the 
option is selected. These folders will be monitored:
If  is entered in the folder definition box (the text entry box to the
left of the  button), converted PDFs will be placed in the newly
created  folder under each actively monitored folder:
\pdf {output files placed here}
\pdf {output files placed here}
One Common Output Folder – Places all converted files from all
watched folders into one common output folder. If the “o:\output”
folder is defined with this option, all output files from all monitored
subfolders will be placed in this folder.
Mirrored Source Folder Tree – Creates a mirror image output tree
structure of the watch folders. If the watch folders are monitored
and “O:\output” is defined in the folder selection with this option
checked, the output files will be placed in the following locations
O:\output\projects\project101 {converted files here}
\project200 {and here}
Step 3 completes the watch folder configuration process
Launch Q Manager – Starts the Q Manager for additional watched
folder configuration options.
Explore the Watched Folder – Opens the root watched folder in a
separate explorer window.
Launch Bluebeam Q – Starts the Q server processes. The main
process for running the Q server is  #. The Q Manager
(see Section 6.0) application displays the active running Q processes
in the Processes > Mode tab. The typical processes running include:
Once your Watched Folder is selected you can Close the setup
wizard, or go Back to display information regarding the other
interfaces for Q.
Network Printer Information Setup Wizard
Choosing to set up the network printer displays the network printer
interface settings.
Open the Network Printer deployment README file – gives a
detailed procedure for setting up the network printer clients. The
README walks through the steps for performing an installation of the
network printer on your users’ computers within your organization. A
print client installation must be run on each user’s computer who will
send print jobs to Q. The README additionally describes techniques
for performing an automated client installation.
Explore Network Printer Folder – Opens the folder containing the
installation files needed to run on users’ computers. In addition to the
setup files, support files to aid in the automated installation are
included in this directory.
Launch Bluebeam Q – Starts the Q processes.
Once the options are applied you can Close the setup wizard or go
Back to display information regarding the other interfaces for Q.
API Information Wizard screen
Open API Help File – Displays the Windows help file describing the
API for interacting with Q.
Explore Code Samples Folder – Opens to the folder containing the
VB.NET and C# samples for interacting with the Q API. There are
also examples describing the Script Engine interface.
Launch Bluebeam Q – Starts the Bluebeam Q processes.
Once the options are applied you can Close the setup wizard, or go
Back to display information regarding the other interfaces for Q.
Configuring the Q Web Reporting Tool
The last option in the configuration tool is to install the Bluebeam Q
Web Reporting Tool. The Bluebeam Q Web Reporting Tool provides
a web interface for monitoring the status of conversions. Use the
Bluebeam Q Web Reporting tool to view the status of any conversion
processed by placing a file in the watched folders or sent through the
print client. Failed jobs can be resubmitted through this interface.
Additionally reports can be run over userdefined time periods to
determine usage.
This installation requires that Microsoft Internet Information Servers
(IIS) be installed on the same system with Q. If you do not wish to
install the Web Reporting Tool, press the Cancel button. If IIS is
currently not installed or enabled, this process will install IIS. During
the installation of IIS you may be prompted for your Operating System
installation CD. If you do not wish to install IIS, uncheck the Install
Internet Information Services checkbox.
The Q Web Reporting Tool provides the capability to remotely view
log files. If you wish to enable this feature, make sure the Enable
Remote Log Viewing is checked. Likewise, the Reporting Tool can
be configured to start and stop the Q processes. If you do not want to
enable this for security reasons, uncheck the Enable Remote
Process Control checkbox.
In Step 2 you will configure the accounts for access to the Q Web
Reporting Tool. There are other settings to encrypt the passwords
(optional). You can also use this dialog to add users to the system by
pressing the Add button.
The last step controls what to do after the Q Web Reporting Tool
completes installation. Checking the Open Web.config file box
displays this file for further editing. To view a document describing the
steps for manually configuring the Q Web Reporting Tool (not
required if the installation completed successfully), check View
manual web tools setup tutorial. And finally to launch Q after the
installation process is complete, check Launch Bluebeam Q.
Section 5.0  Q Operation
Q Server Modes
The Q Server can run in either an interactive/application (Standard)
mode or as a Windows service. If you intend to use watched folders
or the Conversion API specifically for converting files, the Q Server
should be run in Standard Mode. If the Q Server is to be run using
only the network printer, the server should be run in Service mode. If
the Script Engine will be used for processing PDFs, it is
recommended that the Service mode be used.
When the server is configured to run in Service mode, each time the
computer on which the Q Server is installed is restarted, the Server
processes will startup in the background. You can monitor the
process by starting the Task Manager (CtrlAltDel, Task Manager)
and looking for the   process.
.".contains the following:
To display a console window while the Server is running, click
4-(. To start the Server without displaying
the console window, click 4. In order to shut
down the Q Server, click . If the Q Server is set to
start as a service, it will automatically restart on the next server boot.
If Q is set to run in Standard mode, it will need to be restarted via the
shortcuts described above.
As files are converted, the original source files are moved to an
archive directory. By default, the archive directory is located at
!(-5. Each job is given a job ID. A
typical directory that has several converted archive directories would
appear like the following illustration.
It is recommended that periodically this directory be cleared out in
order to keep the disk usage down. The Q Manager provides a
mechanism for automatically clearing the archive folder on a regular
Section 6.0  The Q Manager Application
The Q Manager is the primary interface for configuring Q. Typical
settings that can be configured are:
Running the server in Standard or Service Mode.
Starting and stopping the Q server processes.
Creating and configuring watched folders.
Removing temporary and archive folders.
The following sections describe the configuration options.
General Settings
Default Folder Locations
Watched Folder  Specifies the top level location for the watched
folders. This may point to a preexisting location that has a repository
of source files for conversions, or it may be a new folder.
It is very important that if the watched folder is pointing to a pre
existing location, the Move input files after conversion (in the
Watched Folders > Advanced Settings dialog) not be checked, or
original source files will be relocated to the archive file.
Output Folder – The default output location for files that the Q Server
Archive Folder – Location where source files are archived after a
conversion takes place. Each time a conversion is performed the
source file will be moved to this location.
Database Folder – Location of the Q conversion history database
file. Each time a conversion is attempted, the information is logged to
this database. The Q Web Reporting Tool uses this data for reporting
job status and the Q Server uses this to determine which files to
attempt to reconvert. It is recommended that this database be
backed up on a regular basis.
Automated File Cleanup
These settings are used to automatically delete various files that may
remain during the course of normal conversion operations. The
Frequency setting determines how often to check for old files. The
Min File age deletes files older than the specified time. As an
example, if the Frequency setting is 24 hours and the Min. File age
is set for 12 hours, the process will check every 24 hours and remove
files that that are older than 12 hours. The 4 areas that are scanned
Temp folder – During the conversion process certain intermediate
files are created. These files are generally cleaned up automatically,
however sometimes certain files will remain. Often these files have a
.pxb or .mxb file extension in any one of several temporary
directories. These files will be removed if this cleaner is enabled.
Watched folders – Files may sometimes be placed in a watched
folder which the Q Server does not know how to convert. The files will
remain in the watched folder. Over time the watched folders will
accumulate these unconvertible files. Set this cleaner to remove files
older than a certain age. Note: the files, if they are removed, will
be deleted permanently from the filesystem.
Output Folder – Enable this cleaner to remove files placed in any of
the defined output folders. Any file that remains in any output folders
outside of the defined time parameters will be deleted.
Archive Folder – After a conversion successfully completes, the
source file is moved to the defined archive directory. The archive
directory is primarily meant to provide a means of recovering a source
file if a user accidentally moves a source file into the watched folder. If
the archive folder is not cleaned in a regular manner, it may get very
large due to all of the source files potentially being copied to this
Miscellaneous Settings
This area controls a number of other settings related to the operation
of the Q Server.
Timeout – Sets the system timeout for conversions. If a Conversion
has not completed within this specified time, the Q Server will move
on to the next Conversion job.
Overwrite output files – If this option is checked, output filenames
will be overwritten. If this is unchecked, each filename will have a
number appended to the filename. For example, if 36
 exists and a new version is created with this checkbox
unchecked, the new name will be 36778. If a
conversion occurs again, another file will be named 36
Log Conversions in DBEach time a file conversion is performed,
information is written to a database regarding the files converted and
the status of the conversion. If you wish not to store the conversion
information in the database, uncheck this option. If you do not store
conversion information, the Q Web Reporting Tool will not be able to
display report and statistical information for the conversions.
Allow Web Resubmit – Checking this option will allow failed
conversion jobs to be resubmitted through the Q Web Reporting tool.
Network Printer Port – Sets the default port that the Q Server listens
to for print job requests. Client workstations need to be configured to
connect to a specific port on the Q Server when using the Network
Printer Interface. Define the port for the Q Server to use by entering a
port number in this field. Refer to Section 9.0 for further details about
the Print client.
Global conversion filters
Ignore – Q will not attempt to convert any files with an extension type
present in this list. An example of why this is useful would be DWL
files. When AutoCAD opens a drawing file, it creates a lock file with
extension.dwl and the same name as the associated AutoCAD
drawing. When the .dwl extension is present in the Ignore list, the Q
Server will not attempt to convert this file if it exists in the watched
Include Only – Q will only convert filetypes with the extensions
specified in this list. Use this option if the Q Server needs to be
configured to only convert a few specific types of files.
Watched Folder Configuration
The Q Manager provides extensive tools for configuring watched
folders. There are 5 tabs in the Watched folder configuration. On the
lefthand side of the dialog is a folder tree indicating the currently
defined watched folders.
When a folder is selected, the settings currently defined for the
selected watched folder are displayed in the tabs (Input/Output, Page
Setup, Stamps, Filters, Advanced, Script) on the righthand side of
this dialog.
To create a new folder, rightclick the
parent folder to display a context menu,
then click New Folder. Copy Folder will
make a new folder with the same
properties as the source folder. Rename
Folder changes the name of the folder.
Explore Folder opens the folder in
Windows Explorer.
This section explains the configuration settings available for the
watched folders. The settings are described by tab.
Trigger  The Server can run in Standard, Event, Interval or
Event/Interval Mode. Standard mode relies on Windows processes
to notify the Q Server that a file is ready to be converted. In Interval
mode the server scans the watched folders at specified times to
determine if there are any new or modified source files to convert. If
there are new or newly modified files since the last time the scan was
performed, Q converts the files to the specified output format. The
scan time is set by modifying the Interval field below Trigger. Event
mode uses Windows processes to indicate when a file is updated or
first placed in a watched folder. Event/Interval mode triggers a
conversion any time a new file is placed or an existing file in the
watched folders is modified. The “Event” in Event/Interval refers to
any Windows file system update that occurs within the watched
Using Event/Interval ensures the most rapid conversion from source
to output file since the watched folder structure will be continuously
scanned for new or modified folders.
Set the Interval period by pressing the Add button. The interval
setting works by scanning “at some point” per scan interval. For
example, if 2 AM under Hour is the only value entered in the interval
fields, Q will scan once per day at some point in the 2:00 AM hour. If
you need to make this time a closer constraint, set the minute value,
for example enter “10”. This will instruct Q to scan the watched folders
each day at some point between 2:10 and 2:11. It is recommended to
set the hour and minute interval for daily scans.
Set the Include subfolders checkbox to scan any subfolders for new
or modified files to convert. Enter any output folders in the Exclude
Paths to ignore the output file locations. Entering these paths will
prevent “conversion loops” from occurring.
Next specify the Output Location for the currently selected Watched
Folder. Use Source Folder places the output file in the same folder
as the source file location. Note that if you are going to use this
option, it is recommended that you filter the output file type by adding
the output file type to the Ignore list discussed in the previous
section. For example, if the Use Source location is checked and the
output file type is defined as PDF, make sure that PDF is in the
Watched FoldersFilters dialog so that the PDF file will not be re
converted. Note: If “.pdf” is added to the ignore list, and if scripting is
set, the PDF will not be processed. You should specify a separate
folder for processing PDFs if you want to apply scripting operations to
Use default folder to select the default folder as identified on the
General settings, Output Folder setting.
To specify a different output folder, click the Set folder button and
enter the path in the text box to the right of the button, or choose the
file selection button next to the file path text box.
To select an output file type other than PDF (including PDF/A for
archiving), click the Save As Type list under Output Options. To
overwrite existing files with the same name in the output folder, click
On in the Overwrite output file list. If the mode is set to Off, a
numeric value will be appended to the end of any duplicate file
names. Subsequent conversions will be saved with an incremented
number appended to the end of the filename. If [Use default] is
selected, the default Overwrite setting from the General tab will be
Check the Mirror source folder tree box to build up subfolders
similar to the source folder structure. If this is not selected, all
resulting converted files will be placed in one folder specified in the
Output Location.
Check the Line Merge Enabled box to created line merged PDFs
from the AutoCAD plugin.
Watched Folders – Page Setup
This tab is used to control the output (or converted) file parameters.
The left hand panel (Select watched folder) displays the currently
configured watched folders.
Once a particular watched folder has been selected, change the
parameters by editing the values on the righthand side of the
watched folders dialog. These parameters are described below.
DPI – sets the dots per inch (DPI) setting to use for graphics included
in files. If PDF is defined as the output filetype this is the down
sample resolution to use when converting files that have embedded
graphics. If a raster output file is chosen (JPG, TIF) this is the overall
DPI setting to use for the output file.
Color depth – Defines the number of colors to have available in the
output file. For black and white choose 1 bit.
Blend Mode – Enables or disables transparency in the output file.
When converting AutoCAD files, this setting enables or disables what
is often referred to as “line merge” on drawing files.
Page size  Select the page size to use for the output file. If the Page
size does not appear in the drop down, use the Bluebeam
Administrator to add a custom Page Size. The Administrator can be
started under.".
Orientation  Define the default orientation (Portrait/Landscape).
Scale – Scale factor of the source document.
Transfer Options  When Converting AutoCAD, SolidWorks,
Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Excel files, Bookmarks, (file)
Properties and Hyperlinks can be transferred into PDF files. Check
these boxes if you wish to transfer this information into the PDF.
Watched Directory – Stamps
Place a text stamp using the Stamps menu. Use the Stamp Editor
accessible under .".to define
custom stamps. A detailed help file describing the use of the Stamp
Editor is located at: 
Watched Directory – Filters
Conversion Filters  Use the Ignore/Include Only settings in this
tab to specify which file type to attempt to convert. Q will not attempt
to convert file types entered in the Ignore section. Alternatively
setting a file type in the Include Only field causes Q only to attempt
conversion of these specified file types.
When converting AutoCAD files, use the Include layouts setting to
specify Model and All Layouts, or just All Layouts. There are several
other settings to specify which layouts to use when converting the
source AutoCAD drawings. Setting the Date filter instructs Q to
ignore all source files before the given date. That is, if the date is set
for July 2, 2002, all source files older than this date will not be marked
for conversion.
By default Q will not convert a file if it has already been converted. If
the file has been modified since last conversion, it will be re
converted. If there has been no modification to the file and you wish
to force a conversion, leave the Only convert new and modified
files button unchecked. Otherwise conversions will only occur on
newly added files to the watched folders, or if a file has been updated.
Watched Directory – Advanced
Q uses Bluebeam plugin technology for converting AutoCAD,
SolidWorks, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel files to PDF and
the other output file formats. Use this tab to add parameters to the
watched folders for setting pluginspecific settings to control the
conversion. Additional settings can be configured by pressing the
Add button. Certain parameters depend upon other parameters to
also be defined. If a parameter is selected that depends upon another
parameter, the Q Manager will automatically add this additional
parameter to the Application settings.
Move input files after conversion will move the source files to the
Archive folder specified in the General Settings tab. If this watched
folder is pointing to a general projects folder this option should be
turned off since source files in folders may inadvertently be moved.
Watched Directory – Script
Use the script tab to enter commands for processing PDFs placed in
a watched folder. This panel contains an intelligent script editor which
assists in the entry of syntactically correct scripts. Scripts will not run
unless the Enable Scripts checkbox is checked in the tab.
Use the CTRL+Space keyboard shortcut to get a list of available
commands for the Script Engine. As you are entering commands,
pressing Tab will enter default values for the script to assist in rapidly
developing the scripts. Refer to the 1$
* as part of the Q Server software distribution for a
complete description of available commands. The Save PDF after
running script should be checked in order to save the PDF after it
has been processed by the script.
When processing files in the Watched Folders, Bluebeam Q
automatically handles the opening, saving, and closing of the PDF
files taking into account the source and destination folders already
associated with the Watched Folders. Therefore, Watched Folder
scripts are very simple, and in many instances are only one line.
There can be more than one command in a script file, for example
you could write one script to insert a cover page, add headers and
footers, flatten and apply security.
One additional note, the Script Editor is actually an embedded version
of the full Script Editor application available under .".
. This same editor can be used to edit Scripts that
can be sent to the command line for processing by the Script Engine.
&* included with the Q Server
distribution provides more information regarding running Scripts in
this manner. This document is located in the directory under
Server Manager – Processes/Modes
This tab controls the starting and stopping of Q and provides a
convenient display of process status as the Q runs. The display is
similar to the Processes window in the Windows Task Manager.
There are 2 modes in which to run Q:
Standard Mode – Runs in a “live” or interactive user account. In this
state Q runs as a loggedin user. This is the most reliable setting for
using the watched folder interface when converting AutoCAD,
SolidWorks or MS Office documents. Because of Windows security
and application requirements, this is the only mode that the Server
should be run in if the watched folder interface is being utilized.
Service Mode – Starts Q as a set of Windows services. This will run
AutoCAD, SolidWorks and Office applications in a service mode when
converting these native document types. This is not a recommended
configuration due to limitations of Windows security. This mode can
be used if you are primarily using the Bluebeam Network printer or
the Script Processing Engine.
You can switch between the modes by selecting corresponding radio
button and pressing the Apply button. Press the Restart Server
button to stop and automatically restart the server in the new mode.
Q Manager – Converters
Converters Enabled allows you to take advantage of multiplecore
modern computer hardware. The number should only be increased
above 1 if Q is running on a multiplecore or multiprocessor
workstation. If multiple converters are started, use the Windows Task
manager to set the affinity of each worker to different processors on
the server to maximize throughput of conversions.
Check the Close Existing Processes to ensure that conversion jobs
will not get attached to currently running sessions of applications.
It is possible to restart the host applications after a certain number of
conversions have occurred by setting the values in the Conversions
Before Reload for each application. If this value is set to ‘10’ for the
AutoCAD converter, the Q server process will launch AutoCAD and
the AutoCAD process will remain open for 10 conversions. After the
conversion a restart of AutoCAD will occur. It is recommended to
set values for restarting the applications because oftentimes, when
applications remain open too long, they will tend to consume more
and more memory and resources. These resources are freed when
the application restarts.
Section 7.0  The Q Web Reporting Tool
The Q Web Reporting Tool is an application to provide status
information that is accessible via a web browser. To access the Web
Reporting Tool, simply enter  into an open web browser on
the workstation running Q. The default login is user: ;
password: . Once you log in, the overview will be displayed.
The overview gives summary information about the number of jobs
configured over the past several days; a list of the last jobs converted;
jobs that are currently in queue and current Q system processes.
If a job failed, a red icon will be next to the job in the Last 10 Jobs
box. Click the line to see further detail about the job. Jobs may be re
submitted if conversions fail. To see the active conversions taking
place, click on a line in the Conversion Queues box. For example, to
see the current AutoCAD conversions taking place, click the AutoCAD
job conversion queue.
The colored circle next to the line indicates progress: red indicates
failed, yellow means inprocess and green indicates the job has
finished. Clicking the Details link will display more information.
There are additional pages accessible through the navigation bar at
the top of the overview. Use the Graphing page to obtain reports
about completed and failed conversion jobs over a user definable
date range.
Processes shows processes currently running related to the server.
Q can be stopped and restarted and individual processes can be
stopped on this screen.
The Jobs page shows recent conversion jobs. Reports can be run by
specifying the date criteria at the top of the page. Reports can also be
run on failed or successful jobs.
Any jobs sent through the network print client are listed on the Client
Print job list page. If the client IP address name can be resolved by
the server, the name of the host will be displayed in the source
column, otherwise the client IP address is displayed.
Statistics provides a lifetime summary of the total conversions
performed by Q.
Section 8.0  Using the Windows Selector Tool
This section describes the process for configuring the Window
Selector Tool to catch additional Windows dialogs which may pop up
when a source file is opened. The Window Selector Tool will
automate button pressing, simulating user input so that the
conversion can complete conversions. Without utilizing the Window
Selector Tool, conversion jobs will get “hung” as the Q Server will be
waiting for user input. There are 3 main steps for adding a new
window handler event to Q:
1. Trigger the dialog box which you want to automate.
2. Teach the Window Selector Tool to handle the dialog.
3. Save the changes.
We will now walk through the steps for a specific example.
We want to add a window handler event to automatically press the
“Disable Macros” button each time the following window appears
when an AutoCAD drawing is opened.
Start AutoCAD on the Q workstation and open a drawing for
which the preceding popup appears.
Load the Window Selector Tool program:
o On the Start menu, click All Programs.
o Click Bluebeam Software.
o Click Bluebeam Conversion Server.
o Click Window Selector Tool.
Teach the server to handle the new window:
o Click the red Teach button. (See following
o The Window Selector Tool will vanish momentarily so
you can focus on the target AutoCAD window. Click
the Disable Macros button to record the action.
Now you will save the changes.
o In the Macro Action Selector, type in a name for the
new macro, and click OK.
o The Window Selector dialog will reappear and display
the new macro.
o On the File menu, click Save. This will write the new
window handler macro to the server.
Finally, let’s test the updated Window Handler.
o Open a drawing that previously triggered the “Disable
Macros” dialog. You should see the dialog pop up
briefly, then disappear.
If you no longer wish to automate the handling of a window, select the
Macro in the Application tree, rightclick on the macro you wish to
remove, and select Delete.
Section 9.0  Network Printer
Users can access Q by installing the network printer on a client
machine. After installing Q, the network printer installation files will be
located in $%  %. Refer to
the %*-!file for examples of how to do a silent
install (for network deployment).
Installing the Network Printer Client
The Bluebeam print client installs a Windows system printer device
(Bluebeam Network PDF) on each user’s computer who will be
printing to the Bluebeam Q server. Note the print client is not needed
if you wish your users to interface with Bluebeam Q via the Watched
Folder, API, or Script Engine interfaces.
The Print Client interface follows a ClientServer model. The Q server
is installed centrally on a workstation and any number of print clients
can access the Q server through the Network PDF printer. This
interface utilizes a network connection to communicate between the
client computer and the Q workstation.
The Server is running a process “listening” for print jobs from any
number of clients. By default Q listens on port number 4041. If the
workstation running Q is using a firewall, you need to open this port.
In order to add the Network Printer client to the client workstations, a
setup program needs to be run. When Bluebeam Q is installed, this
setup program is placed in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Bluebeam Software\Conversion
You should either copy the contents of this file to the client
workstations, or make this folder a network share that can be
accessed from the client computers. Then follow this procedure:
Run the +:;9# program (or +:#<=#
for 64bit operating systems) to begin the install on the client.
Once the install is complete, a new printer will be added to
the user’s workstation called Bluebeam Net PDF.
Configure the printer by starting the Administrator.
o On the Start menu, click All Programs.
o ClickBluebeam Software.
o ClickPrint Client Administrator.
o Enter the name of the server (or IP Address) in the
If you have multiple servers running Q, you can add additional server
name / port combinations via the Manage Servers dialog. The client
will try to connect to each server in the list from the top down. If none
of the servers can be contacted, the print job will fail. There is also a
setting to randomize the order for each print job (for load balancing).
Press Test to ensure that the client can connect to the
Bluebeam Q server. If there is a timeout, verify that:
o If a firewall is running on the Bluebeam Q computer,
it has been configured to allow connections to port
o Open a Windows command prompt and attempt to do
a network ping of the Q workstation.
Try to print from the print client.
o On the print client workstation, when you print from
an application, you should see a “Save As” dialog
prompting for the name to give to the PDF and the
location to store the file.
o If the “Save As” dialog does not appear, verify that
“BBNetPrint” is running in the Task Manager. If it is
not, explore the following path.
C:\Program Files\Bluebeam Software\Client
Once there, doubleclick on the +# file.
This process should normally start on its own each time you reboot
the workstation. The Registry key >,:'?%':!%+
?$&1*!1%@*, should have an
entry, BBClientStart, which should point to the EXE:
C:\Program Files\Bluebeam Software\Client\BBNetPrint.exe
Section 10.0  Under the Hood: Q Architecture
Q is built upon a component architecture. The two components which
are of interest to the Administrator are the Converter and Listener.
The Listener component shepherds the conversion process through
the 4 other components of Q. This process manifests itself through
the Windows Handler application. For example, the Listener monitors
conversion jobs. If a conversion process is waiting for user input (i.e.,
an AutoCAD file is opened and a user prompt is displayed asking
whether or not the drawing should be regenerated), the Window
Handler automates the process of clicking the OK button to continue
to the process of conversion.
The Converter component is where the file type is tied to the
mechanism for performing the conversion. There are four paths for
converting from an input or source file into an output file. This concept
is demonstrated in the diagram below:
The source input file type determines what converter will get called for
performing the transformation. Each converter has different
capabilities for performing conversions.
Plugin: This is the most powerful conversion path. Q leverages
plugins to various host applications and because of this, can interface
with the host application at a lower level than is typical. Bluebeam Q
currently directly integrates with AutoCAD, SolidWorks, MS Word,
PowerPoint and Excel. Any file types which can be natively handled
by these applications can be converted through this mechanism.
What this means is that when Q encounters a DWG, SLDDRW, DOC,
XLS, or PPT file, Q can call the appropriate plugin to process the
conversion. Via the plugin, Q can set parameters such as whether or
not to transfer file properties, bookmarks and hyperlinks, set pen
tables and page sizes to use within AutoCAD and specify named
layout sheets to convert. The linking of associating files types to
specific plugins are set in the "#
Mime: There is a MIME printing path for those applications which Q
does not directly integrate with. Using this path, Q issues the
equivalent of a File > Print command to the application. An example
of this would be a Microsoft Visio file. Q can be instructed to take any
VSD file and, so long as the Visio application is installed on the Q
server, will launch Visio, open the document and issue a print
command to save the file in the specified output format. There are no
mechanisms for controlling the page setup in applications using the
MIME printing path; that is, the page setup (page size, scaling factor,
etc.) in the mode which the files were last saved will be used when
converted using the MIME conversion path.
Postscript: Any encountered postscript (.ps) file can be handled
natively by Q. A postscript file will be converted to the specified output
Graphics: A set of standard raster based graphics formats can also
be handled natively by Q. TIF, BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF are valid
Section 11.0  Script Engine & Conversion API
Q provides a powerful set of automation functionality, enabling both
the conversion of source documents (AutoCAD, SolidWorks) to PDF
as well as the processing of PDFs in order to combine, flatten, stamp
and perform up to 50 other functions. There are 2 sets of API function
calls: one focused on the source file to output file creation (e.g.,
AutoCAD to PDF, Word to PDF); and the other available through the
Script Engine interface for automating the processing of PDFs. The
following figure depicts the API at a high level.
The Bluebeam Q distribution includes many examples of using the
API in the% 
 %directory. A readme.txt file describes the
sample projects included with the distribution.
The Script Engine
With Q, performing automated operations on your existing PDF files is
now possible. The possibilities include applying Headers & Footers,
Stamps, PDF Security and much more. Scripting is the mechanism
that enables this functionality. Within Q there are several ways to
utilize scripting. The following diagram depicts the interfaces to the
Scripting Engine.
The easiest way to use scripting is with the Watched Folders (shown
in green in the above diagram). Using the Bluebeam Q Manager, a
batch script can be written that is executed on any file that is dragged
into the specified folder. The Script Editor within the Bluebeam Q
Manager has autocomplete and integrated help to make authoring
scripts as simple as possible. Additionally, the scripting can be run in
conjunction with the conversions that the Watched Folders already
support. For instance, a watched folder can be set up to convert
AutoCAD files to PDF, and then a script could run that adds PDF
Security to the newly converted PDF file. The Watched Folders
support a subset of the scripting commands that work in a batch
For users with .NET programming capabilities, all of the script
commands are included in the Bluebeam Q API. This is represented
in the preceding diagram by the blue area. Using the API makes more
commands available, and, in contrast to the basic batching done with
watched folders, logic can be applied to the operations done to the
PDF. For instance, with the API, file properties could be queried from
the PDF, and based upon the file properties present in the PDF,
particular stamps could be applied.
Finally, for users who do not use .NET, but still want full access to the
scripting capabilities, scripts can be run directly from the command
line. This is shown in the red “User Application” area of the diagram
on the prior page. The script engine supports two modes: normal and
interactive. The normal mode simply runs the script and then exits.
The interactive mode listens to the standard input for commands, and
then writes the results back to the standard output. Using the
interactive mode allows for the same capabilities as the API, but
supports any language that can read and write to standard in and
standard out. Also, a standalone version of the Script Editor is
included with Q to help users write and debug standalone scripts.
The Script Editor resides in 
 folder. A help file describing the use of the Script
Editor is located in: 
The Q Conversion API
This section gives a brief overview of the Q API. The complete API
help is part of the Q installation and is located in the following default
folder on the installed system:
C:\Program Files\Bluebeam Software\Help\Bluebeam Q API Help.chm
Q is built on the Microsoft .NET framework v3.5,sp1, however the API
supports .NET 2.0 and later. It is recommended that Visual Studio
2005, 2008 or 2010 be used for development. Bluebeam has supplied
code samples for both C# and VB.NET. Getting started with either
environment is very similar. One important point to note is that using
the API will connect to an existing instance of the server. To use any
of the examples, be sure that the server is already running.
Creating a new Project and adding Reference paths
Any Project type should work with Q, however for the purpose of this
guide, create a Console Application. To do this open Visual Studio
and click$.+3, then select Console Application from
either Visual Basic Projects or from C# Projects. The Q API is located
in the file BBServerAPI.dll which is installed into%2"
$%  . After creating the new
project, add a reference to BBServerAPI.dll, then Add the appropriate
include statement as follows:
Visual Basic
Imports Bluebeam.Hydra.LightProgrammaticInterface
using Bluebeam.Hydra.LightProgrammaticInterface;
Simple Example
The following code example should be entered into the Main()
function. It illustrates the most basic usage of Q. Refer to the included
sample projects under %2"$
%  %.
Visual Basic
Dim task As ITask = TaskManager.CreateNewTask()
Dim inputFile As IInputFile =
task.OutputFullPath = "c:\Test\colorwh.pdf"
ITask task = TaskManager.CreateNewTask();
IInputFile inputFile =
task.OutputFullPath = @"C:\Test\colorwh.pdf";
A slightly more complicated VB.NET example is shown next.
Imports Bluebeam.Hydra.LightProgrammaticInterface
Module AdaptorExVB
Sub Main()
Dim task As ITask = TaskManager.CreateNewTask()
Dim inputFile As IInputFile =
task.OutputFullPath = "c:\Test\colorwh.pdf"
Dim controller As ITaskController = task.Controller
While controller.MoveNext()
If controller.CurrentConverterName = "AutoCAD.plugin" Then
Dim conv As ITaskConverter = controller.CurrentConverter
conv.Adapter.PageSizeEnum = PageSizeEnum.ANSI_D
conv.Adapter.ScaleType = BbScaleType.ScaleToFit
End If
End While
End Sub
End Module
The following illustration depicts another annotated example. Please
refer to the API samples and help on the Q server for further details.
Section 12.0  Troubleshooting Q
This section provides further background information regarding initial
setup and troubleshooting of Q.
Q has several prerequisites; please verify that you have performed
these actions before/during the install:
Validating the Q Installation
1. Q leverages the Bluebeam plugin integrations to AutoCAD,
SolidWorks and MS Office (Word, Excel & PowerPoint). In order to
make the installation run as smoothly as possible, it is recommended
that you install these applications before installing Q. If you will be
converting AutoCAD drawings, make sure AutoCAD is installed. If you
are converting MS Office drawings, make sure that you have installed
MS Office apps.
2. If intending to run in service mode, identify the account which you
want to run the Q processes as. At install time you will be prompted
for username and password for this account. This account should
have local administrator privileges and the following permissions
should be allowed:
log on as a service
adjust memory quotas for a process
replace a process level token
Note: As part of the installation process, these above permissions will
be automatically set on the user account.
3. You should log in as the user defined in Step 2 and start Word,
Office, Excel and AutoCAD and verify that the applications start up
and are initialized.
4. Log in and perform the Q Install as local System Administrator, or
local user with Administrative privileges.
5. Once you have installed the Q software, you should log in as the
account identified in Step 2 and start AutoCAD and the Office
applications to verify that the integration with these applications has
completed successfully. The easiest way to tell if the integration has
happened is if you see the Bluebeam PDF creation buttons in the
source applications (AutoCAD, SolidWorks and MS Office). You
should also click the Create PDF button in the application to ensure
that the PDF is created successfully through the plugin interface.
6. To make sure that the desired services start on login, reboot the
Files dragged into Watched Folder not converting
Q maintains a database of converted jobs. If a file is dragged to a
particular watched folder it will convert once. The second time the
same file is dragged to the watched folder, it will not reconvert
because there is logic in the server to only convert a particular file
one time. In order to make the file convert again, the file will have to
be modified. Modifying the source file will trigger the server to convert
the file again.
Alternatively you can force Q to reconvert an unmodified source file
regardless of whether or not it has been converted before. In the Q
Manager, check the do not reconvert files which have not been
updated checkbox in the 1$.$ tab.
Section 13.0  Technical Support
If you require further assistance, please contact your authorized
Bluebeam reseller, or contact Bluebeam directly by one of the
methods below. Technical support is available through our website or
email at:
Other Contact Information
Bluebeam Software, Inc.
766 E. Colorado Blvd.
Suite 200
Pasadena, CA 91101
Main: 626.296.2140
Fax: 626.398.9210