Building Design and Construction
450 Columbus Boulevard
Hartford, Connecticut 06103
0410 DAS-CS Design Documents
PDF Requirements
This How-To guide highlights specific DAS Construction Services PDF formatting
Complete DAS Construction Services design document PDF requirements are detailed in the Consultants
Procedure Manual (CPM), which be downloaded from the DAS CS Library website.
DAS Construction Services
Design Document PDF Requirements
Drawing Requirements
Project Manual
Other General DAS
DAS Construction Services
PDF Drawing Requirements
Department Standard
Cover Sheet
Department Standard
Title Block
Title Block
“Drawing Prepared By
PDF Page Number
Drawing Font
Drawing Packaging
DAS Construction Services
Department Standard Cover Sheet
Per CPM Section 5.2 Drawing Information, specifically Section, the Department Coversheet
shall be used for seals and approval signatures.
Templates are available from the DAS CS Library in PDF and DWG format. Click the links below to
PDF Coversheet Template
DWG Coversheet Template
Fill-in all template information exactly as shown
Ensure drawing numbers on the coversheets index of drawings are coordinated exactly with those
listed on each specific sheet.
For example, if a drawing is numbered “A1.01” on the sheet, it must not be listed as “A-1.01”,
A 1.01”, or A101” on the index of drawings
DAS Construction Services
Standard Title Block
Per CPM Section 5.2 Drawing Information, specifically Section, a standard Title Block shall be
used for all typical drawings.
Templates are available from the DAS CS Library in PDF and DWG format. Click the links below to
PDF Title Block Template
DWG Title Block Template
Fill-in all template information exactly as shown
Insert the DAS Project Number where required
Click here for more information regarding the “Drawing Prepared Byfield
DAS Construction Services
Title Block “Drawing Prepared By”
Per CPM Section 5.2 Drawing Information, specifically Section, refer to the following
requirements when completing the “Drawing Prepared By” field within the standard Title Block.
The firm name and address shall be of the single consultant or sub-consultant:
Who was responsible for preparation of that specific drawing and will subsequently stamp
and seal the sheet
Only this one firm shall be listed
There shall be no firm graphic logos (consultant or sub-consultant) inserted within the title block or
on the drawings
DAS Construction Services
PDF Page Number Requirements
Per CPM Section 5.2.4 Consultant Drawings, Minimum PDF Requirements, specifically Section,
drawing files shall have page numbers that match the sheet number.
This means the drawing number listed on each drawing sheet shall be embedded within the PDF
and recognized by PDF reading software.
Click to see screen shot examples from Adobe or Bluebeam PDF reading software.
Ensure drawing numbers on the coversheets index of drawings are coordinated exactly with those
listed on each specific sheet.
For example, if a drawing is numbered A1.01” on the sheet, it must not be listed as “A-1.01”,
A 1.01”, or A101” on the index of drawings
DAS Construction Services
PDF Page Number Requirements
Per CPM Section 5.2.4 Consultant Drawings, Minimum PDF Requirements, specifically Section,
drawing files shall have page numbers that match the sheet number.
This means the drawing number listed on each drawing sheet shall be embedded within the PDF
and recognized by PDF reading software.
Click to see screen shot examples from Adobe or Bluebeam PDF reading software.
Drawing Number
matches Page
Number listed in
Navigation Bar and
Page Label in
Thumbnail view
DAS Construction Services
PDF Page Number Requirements
Per CPM Section 5.2.4 Consultant Drawings, Minimum PDF Requirements, specifically Section,
drawing files shall have page numbers that match the sheet number.
This means the drawing number listed on each drawing sheet shall be embedded within the PDF
and recognized by PDF reading software.
Click to see screen shot examples from Adobe or Bluebeam PDF reading software.
Drawing Number
matches Page Label
in Thumbnail view
and Page Number
listed in Navigation
DAS Construction Services
PDF Drawing Font Requirements
Per CPM Section 5.2.4 Consultant Drawings, Minimum PDF Requirements, specifically Section,
all text shall be:
TrueType or OpenType font
Verify that the Text Settings in the CAD/BIM software used to produce drawings are using
TrueType fonts
How do I know if I am using TrueType fonts?
Unacceptable formats include
Vector based text
SHX fonts (AutoCAD)
RSC fonts (Microstation)
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) shall be used as a last resort
Searchable and selectable by typical PDF reading software
All notes, callouts, labels, etc. including Coversheet and Title Block text, etc. shall be
embedded as searchable font
How do I know if drawing text is properly embedded?
Use of TrueType Fonts
Q: How do I know if I am using TrueType fonts?
A: Click here to see a short list of examples of TrueType fonts. Note that many more do exist.
For AutoCAD users, TrueType fonts
display a TrueType icon in front of
their names as shown:
For Adobe’s technical definition, refer to the link to their Font FAQ.
TrueType Font Symbol.
Use these fonts.
SHX Font Symbol.
Do not use these fonts.
Partial List of TrueType Fonts
Arial Black
Arial Narrow
Book Antiqua
Century Gothic
Century Schoolbook
Comic Sans MS
Courier New
Franklin Gothic Book
Futura Heavy BT
Futura Light BT
Furuta Medium BT
Gill Sans MT
Letter Gothic MT
Lucida Console
Lucida Sans Regular
Lydian BT
Monotype Corsiva
News Gothic MT
Swiss 721 Black Bt
Tahoma Bold
Times New Roman
Trebuchet MS
Tw Cen MT
Examples of TrueType Fonts
Note that this is a very limited list shown for example purposes.
More comprehensive lists are available on the internet.
Verifying Searchable/Selectable Text
Q: How do I know if drawing text is properly embedded?
A: With the drawings opened in PDF reading software, all text on all sheets will be selectable and all
characters will highlight when selected.
In Adobe:
Right-click the document, and choose Select Tool from the pop-up menu.
Then, Press CTRL+A or choose Select All from the Edit menu.
In Bluebeam:
Press CTRL+SHIFT+A, or alternatively
Right-click the document, and choose Select All Text from the pop-up menu
If all characters highlight (likely in “blue”) then the drawings have been created properly with
searchable and selectable TrueType or OpenType font
Click for screen shot examples of properly and improperly prepared drawings
Proper Text Embedding Example
Home Back
General Notes,
Legends, Detail
Callouts, Plan and Title
Block text is all
After a “Select All” has
been performed:
Incomplete Text Embedding Example
Home Back
Only the text within
the Title Block and one
single note is
General Notes,
Legends, Detail Title, or
Floorplan text is not
After a “Select All” has
been performed:
Click here for
for proper
exporting in
AutoCAD PDF Export Suggestions
Home Back
In the Options window,
Check “Capture fonts used in the drawing
Uncheck “Convert all text to geometry
Then, in the window that
pops-up, select Options
Try “Export to PDF”
instead of Printing to PDF
DAS Construction Services
Drawings Packaging Requirements
Per CPM Section, drawings submitted for review shall be assembled into a single PDF.
Do not separate into multiple volumes. Respectively, only one index of drawings shall be included,
containing a list of all sheets within the drawing package.
Navigation of the drawing sheets during a digital review is generally enhanced when working with a
single file as opposed to multiple volumes.
*Note that DAS Procurement requirements for Contract Document packaging at bid solicitation may differ.
DAS Construction Services
Project Manual PDF Requirements
Per CPM Section 5.1 Project Manual Information, specifically Section, Bookmarks are
required to be placed on the assembled PDF Project Manual.
Bookmarks shall have a hierarchal
arrangement by Division, then by
Bookmarks below the section
level are not permitted.
Bookmarks shall be saved as full page,
zoom-fitted view.
Clicking a bookmark should not
display a zoomed-in portion of
destination page.
The Project Manual shall be assembled into
a single PDF per CPM Section
Do not separate into multiple volumes.
*Note that DAS Procurement requirements
for Contract Document packaging at bid
solicitation may differ.
DAS CS Contract Drawings and Project Manuals shall include or adhere to the below information and
requirements. These topics represent some of the more common sources of error.
The information provided is intended to serve as additional assistance, not as a comprehensive set of DAS
Click on any
listed to see
Listing of three (3) manufacturers, basis-of-design products, and the termor-equal”
Prohibited use of the terms “new” and “proposed”
Clarification of the term “by others”
Avoiding terms which refer exclusively to another discipline for specific work/items
Use of “similar” or “sim” details
Project-specific specifications at Contract Document Phase
Utility incentive program participation
Code and Statutory Requirements
DAS Construction Services General
Contract Document Requirements
Contact DAS Technical
Services for Assistance
Refer to Consultant's Procedure Manual (CPM) Section 5.4.1 regarding the listing of at least three equal
products from separate manufacturers when specifying a basis-of-design (BOD).
Per Section, the use of or approved equal” terminology is not permitted within the Contract
Documents. Substitution procedures for products other than those listed are defined in DAS Division 01
Specification 01 25 00.
The use of a performance specification that does not identify any specific manufacturer is an acceptable
alternative to listing a BOD.
Click on any
listed to see
Listing of three (3) manufacturers, basis-of-design products, and the termor-equal”
Prohibited use of the terms “new” and “proposed”
Clarification of the term “by others”
Avoiding terms which refer exclusively to another discipline for specific work/items
Use of “similar” or “sim” details
Project-specific specifications at Contract Document Phase
Utility incentive program participation
Code and Statutory Requirements
DAS Construction Services:
Basis-of-Design Products
Contact DAS Technical
Services for Assistance
Per CPM Section, do not use the terms “new” or “proposed” to describe Contract work.
All work depicted in the contract documents is assumed new and included unless clearly identified as
existing” or “not in contract (NIC)”. Thus, it is imperative to clearly note or otherwise identify all items
that are existing.
The term “proposed” suggests that an item is merely for consideration or discussion and therefore unclear
whether it is intended to be included in the Contract work.
Click on any
listed to see
Listing of three (3) manufacturers, basis-of-design products, and the termor-equal”
Prohibited use of the terms “new” and “proposed”
Clarification of the term “by others”
Avoiding terms which refer exclusively to another discipline for specific work/items
Use of “similar” or “sim” details
Project-specific specifications at Contract Document Phase
Utility incentive program participation
Code and Statutory Requirements
DAS Construction Services:
Prohibited Use of “New” & “Proposed”
Contact DAS Technical
Services for Assistance
Per CPM Section, note the specific responsible party when work is to be performed “by others”.
This term can introduce confusion if the intent is not well established. Further define and clarify whether
the work or item is included within the Contract and therefore the ultimate responsibility of the General
Contractor, or concurrent with, but not part of the contract work, etc. Provide additional specific
information as needed regarding any required coordination.
Click on any
listed to see
Listing of three (3) manufacturers, basis-of-design products, and the termor-equal”
Prohibited use of the terms “new” and “proposed”
Clarification of the term “by others”
Avoiding terms which refer exclusively to another discipline for specific work/items
Use of “similar” or “sim” details
Project-specific specifications at Contract Document Phase
Utility incentive program participation
Code and Statutory Requirements
DAS Construction Services:
Clarification of the term “By Others”
Contact DAS Technical
Services for Assistance
Per CPM Section, avoid terms which refer exclusively to another discipline for that scope of work.
The construction Contract is between the owner and the General Contractor (GC). Therefore, the Contract
Documents are the owners instruction to the GC, who is ultimately responsible for all work and the
means and methods used to accomplish the construction. Assigning work execution responsibility to a
subcontractor could circumvent the GCs means and methods responsibility.
In addition, scope may be inadvertently left out of the final bid, and/or out of construction as other
related disciplines may not be aware of the work or item(s).
Click on any
listed to see
Listing of three (3) manufacturers, basis-of-design products, and the termor-equal”
Prohibited use of the terms “new” and “proposed”
Clarification of the term “by others”
Avoiding terms which refer exclusively to another discipline for specific work/items
Use of “similar” or “sim” details
Project-specific specifications at Contract Document Phase
Utility incentive program participation
Code and Statutory Requirements
DAS Construction Services:
References to Other Disciplines
Contact DAS Technical
Services for Assistance
Per CPM Section, when referencing details and noting “similar” or “sim” construction, clearly
identify the differences to the detail such that the designers intent is accurately conveyed to the
constructor with minimal risk of varying interpretation.
Click on any
listed to see
Listing of three (3) manufacturers, basis-of-design products, and the termor-equal”
Prohibited use of the terms “new” and “proposed”
Clarification of the term “by others”
Avoiding terms which refer exclusively to another discipline for specific work/items
Use of “similar” or “sim” details
Project-specific specifications at Contract Document Phase
Utility incentive program participation
Code and Statutory Requirements
DAS Construction Services:
Use of Similar Details
Contact DAS Technical
Services for Assistance
Per CPM Section and, final specifications shall be individually tailored to the project scope,
fully developed, and complete. Include all needed information yet limited to that which is project specific.
Edit all specification language from master guides and writing software to be concise, avoiding ambiguity
from unnecessary information and requirements. Canned manufacture’s language and specifications are
not acceptable.
Click on any
listed to see
Listing of three (3) manufacturers, basis-of-design products, and the termor-equal”
Prohibited use of the terms “new” and “proposed”
Clarification of the term “by others”
Avoiding terms which refer exclusively to another discipline for specific work/items
Use of “similar” or “sim” details
Project-specific specifications at Contract Document Phase
Utility incentive program participation
Code and Statutory Requirements
DAS Construction Services:
Project-Specific Specifications
Contact DAS Technical
Services for Assistance
CPM Section 3.4.4 describes energy conscious design standards and requirements. DAS actively
participates in the numerous utility programs available that provide financial incentives for energy efficient
equipment and systems incorporated into construction and renovation projects.
Consultants shall participate in all programs applicable to the specific project. This requires early
Consultant coordination with the utilities, attendance at all related meetings, and providing all data and
analysis requested by the utilities to ensure the maximum incentive for the State is realized.
Click on any
listed to see
Listing of three (3) manufacturers, basis-of-design products, and the termor-equal”
Prohibited use of the terms “new” and “proposed”
Clarification of the term “by others”
Avoiding terms which refer exclusively to another discipline for specific work/items
Use of “similar” or “sim” details
Project-specific specifications at Contract Document Phase
Utility incentive program participation
Code and Statutory Requirements
DAS Construction Services:
Utility Incentive Program Participation
Contact DAS Technical
Services for Assistance
DAS CS Contract Drawings shall include or adhere to the below
Code and Statutory information and requirements.
Click on any
listed to see
Delegated Designs
Building Information for Code Analysis
Energy Code Information Requirements
Fire-Flow Test Data
Digital Seals and Signatures
DAS Construction Services
Code and Statutory Requirements
Contact DAS Technical
Services for Assistance
Home Back
CPM Section 5.5 defines Delegated Design, Design-assist, and Deferred Submittals. The use of a delegated
design results in deferred submittals. The Building Official can not review or approve deferred submittals
under the original permit as they are not yet available during the permit application.
The Consultant shall submit Department Form 3050 “Delegated Design Approval” as a deliverable at the
conclusion of the DD Phase. The purpose of this document is to identify to the Building Official those
items of the Contract which will require post-permit review, as well as allow for DAS review of the
proposed list of items.
The Code Sheet within the Contract Documents shall include the final approved list of deferred submittals.
Click on any
listed to see
Delegated Designs
Building Information for Code Analysis
Energy Code Information Requirements
Fire-Flow Test Data
Digital Seals and Signatures
DAS Codes and Statutes:
Delegated Designs
Contact DAS Technical
Services for Assistance
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The Building Information for Code Analyses Form 3011 shall be completed at the SD phase, and its
information (not the Form itself) shall be included on the Code Sheet within the Drawings.
Refer to CPM Sections and for more information.
Click on any
listed to see
Delegated Designs
Building Information for Code Analysis
Energy Code Information Requirements
Fire-Flow Test Data
Digital Seals and Signatures
DAS Codes and Statutes:
Building Information Form
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Services for Assistance
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DAS Codes and Statutes:
Energy Code Information Requirements
The Drawings shall include a statement describing the compliance path(s) used to meet applicable energy
and sustainable construction code requirements. In addition, include a summary of the methods used and
results of applicable code required heating and cooling calculations and associated equipment sizing that
clearly demonstrates such compliance.
Refer to CPM Sections, and the adopted model energy and sustainability codes for more
Click on any
listed to see
Delegated Designs
Building Information for Code Analysis
Energy Code Information Requirements
Fire-Flow Test Data
Digital Seals and Signatures
Contact DAS Technical
Services for Assistance
Home Back
For applicable projects defined in CPM Section 4.1.2, obtain the latest available water flow test
information from the local water authority for use in the design of fire protection systems during, or
before, the end of schematic design.
Include flow test data on the Fire Protection Drawings’ note sheet per CPM Sections
Click on any
listed to see
Delegated Designs
Building Information for Code Analysis
Energy Code Information Requirements
Fire-Flow Test Data
Digital Seals and Signatures
DAS Codes and Statutes:
Fire-Flow Test Data
Contact DAS Technical
Services for Assistance
Home Back
Refer to, and ensure compliance with, State Statute Sec. 20-289-7a Seals regarding architectural seals and
permitted digital versions defined in part (d).
Note that all design firms shall comply; each providing digital certification, with the Architect of Record
providing final signature.
Click on any
listed to see
Delegated Designs
Building Information for Code Analysis
Energy Code Information Requirements
Fire-Flow Test Data
Digital Seals and Signatures
DAS Codes and Statutes:
Digital Seals and Signatures
Contact DAS Technical
Services for Assistance
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