February 2014
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................... 1
DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................. 1
PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................. 2
THE CITY LOGO ............................................................................................................ 2
Logo Size ..................................................................................................................... 3
Logo Use Restrictions.................................................................................................. 3
Official One Color Logo Usage .................................................................................... 4
Logo Minimum Size ..................................................................................................... 4
Logo Orientation .......................................................................................................... 4
TYPOGRAPHY AND TYPING FORMAT ........................................................................ 5
STATIONERY ................................................................................................................. 6
Format for Letters and Letterhead ............................................................................... 6
Full Block Business Letter Template ........................................................................... 6
Envelopes .................................................................................................................... 9
Business Cards ......................................................................................................... 10
Internal Documents: Memoranda and Staff Reports .................................................. 11
News Releases and Faxes ........................................................................................ 11
Email.......................................................................................................................... 12
Other Printed or Electronic Materials ......................................................................... 14
MARKETING COLLATERAL ....................................................................................... 14
Promotional or Specialty Items .................................................................................. 15
UNIFORMS ................................................................................................................... 15
VEHICLES .................................................................................................................... 15
QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................. 15
City of Tualatin
Standard Procedures and Graphics Manual
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Every representation of the City of Tualatin should consistently communicate the unique
benefits it offers to its residents, businesses, and visitors. Visual consistency helps
create recognition and differentiates Tualatin from other jurisdictions and entities. Our
graphic representation may be thought of as a piece of information that represents our
service to the public. Every physical representation of the City’s image that people
notice, whether it’s a letter written on City stationery, a brochure or report, a public
notice in the newspaper, a sign, graphics on a vehicle, or a name badge offers an
opportunity to communicate our excellent service. The consistent use of one distinctive
logotype and public information documents communicates who we are, with one voice,
to citizens and others.
To ensure that every representation of the City of Tualatin consistently
communicates the unique benefits it offers to its residents, businesses, and
visitors. Visual consistency helps create recognition and differentiates Tualatin
from other jurisdictions and entities.
To ensure that reasonable standards of quality are met in the creation and use of
public information materials.
To maximize economy and efficiency in the creation and use of public
information materials.
Public Information Materials include all of the following:
Promotional Items: supplemental items created or modified to carry a message about
or advertise any aspect of city government to internal or external public. Such items
include, but are not limited to, pins, pens, pencils, magnets, key chains, paperweights,
flags, banners, cups, hats, shirts, visors, and bumper stickers.
Collateral Pieces: text-based, supplemental items created or modified to carry a
message about or advertise any aspect of city government to internal or external
audiences. Such items include, but are not limited to, flyers, brochures, pamphlets,
booklets, newsletters, postcards, letterhead, business cards, and holiday cards.
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Promotional Messages: any slogans, tag lines, or other short summary statements
referring to any aspect of city government and used on internal or external promotional
items, collateral pieces or in advertising.
Initial proposals for public information materials should be directed to the Department
Director (DD) or Public Information Officer (PIO) designee of each department.
The DD or PIO will ensure that all standards, per the Graphics and Communication
Standards Manual are met. This will include, but is not limited to:
City approved font and font size
City approved letterhead
City approved logo
City approved envelopes
City approved business cards
City approved memorandums and staff reports
City approved emails
City approved news releases and faxes
City approved PowerPoint
No public information materials will be distributed without the proper City logo and
accompanying information as stated in the Graphics and Communication Standards
No City funds should be budgeted or used for public information materials without prior
approval of the City Manager or City Manager’s designee.
The City of Tualatin’s primary element of identification is the city logo. The logo must
appear on all materials produced by city departments unless otherwise instructed from
your Department Director, City Manager, or City Manager’s designee. Department
Directors are responsible for ensuring that logo rules are followed. The approved logo
can be found on the S (shared drive) in the LOGOS-Forms-Templates, LOGO-
LETTERHEAD templates folder.
The logo shown below is a graphic representation of a totem pole with arms curving up
on each side. The center bar is print color red (032) with the arms a more shaded level
of red. The logo is interspersed by darker shades, which makes it darker than color
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(032). The logo may be in color or one-color shaded (black and white). The logo may be
used in different colors if approved by your Department Director, City Manager, or City
Manager’s Designee. However, it is best to apply a consistent and discreet application,
as it will help convey a clear, coordinated, and effective image.
In order to maintain a visual space around the logo and enhance its legibility, a
minimum of white space should be observed between the logo and all other graphic
elements. The objective is to avoid crowding the logo. Use your best judgment when
looking at white space around the logo in your specific document.
The logo may not bleed off the edge of the page, cutting off a portion. No part of the
logo may be omitted.
Logo Size
To convey a clean, professional image, the logo should not appear too large. The image
should not appear blurry or out of proportion. When re-sized, the logo must be
proportional so as not to appear distorted. It can be used as a watermark on pages,
such as the budget and in PowerPoint presentations, as appropriate.
Below is an example of the correct logo in proportion and color to use:
Below is an example of an incorrect logo in proportion and color to use:
Logo Use Restrictions
The logo may not be displayed as a primary or prominent feature on any non-City of
Tualatin materials. Other companies must display their own logos, business name,
product names, or other branding in the primary or prominent position.
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The logo must be used as provided by the City of Tualatin electronically, with no
changes, including but not limited to, changes in the color, proportion, or design, or
removal of any words, artwork, or trademark symbol. The logo may not be animated,
morphed, or otherwise distorted in perspective of appearance. The logo should not be
scanned from printed sources or harvest from web pages or email.
You must maintain visible “white space” around the logo and not combine the logo with
any words, logos, icons, graphics, photos, slogans, numbers, or other design elements.
You may not take any action that would interfere with or diminish City of Tualatin’s rights
in the City of Tualatin marks or the logo.
City of Tualatin and/or the logo may not be included in any non-City of Tualatin trade
name, business name, domain name, product or service name, logo, trade dress,
design, slogan, or other trademark.
The logo may not be imitated or used as a design feature.
Official One Color Logo Usage
When using the logo, we prefer you use the color version. For occasions when the
primary City colors cannot be used, the one-color version of the City logo is preferred
for single-color applications. When producing materials with dark-colored backgrounds,
always choose the reversed (white) logo. Please note that these versions of the logo,
just as the color version, may not be altered in any way.
Logo Minimum Size
Do not display the logo smaller than a height of one-half inch.
Logo Orientation
This logo should always be used if the words “City of Tualatin” do not appear anywhere
else on a document. The approved logo can be found on the S (shared drive)
S:\LOGOS-Forms-Templates\LOGO-LETTERHEAD templates.
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Recommended point size is 12. Point size 14 may be used in titles and headings. Other
point sizes may be used depending on the type and style, such as brochures or flyers.
Always check with your Department Director, Public Information Officer, or City
Manager’s designee if you have questions.
Full justification should not
be used for any letters or memoranda. (Full justification is
when it spaces out your sentences to make both sides even and it often makes the
document look odd.)
In typesetting, whether it is a memorandum or a brochure, legibility is very important.
Specific point sizes and paragraph styles are recommended.
Point sizes of 9, 10, 11, and 12 are generally considered the most legible for text. Font
point size 12 is recommended for all memoranda and correspondence. Font point sizes
9 and 10 should only be used in special circumstances (i.e. flyers, brochures, and
As a general rule, do not use more than two different fonts in any one document, but
there may be exceptions. More creative fonts may be used than the fonts listed here.
However, they should be limited to titles or artistic flyers and brochures. The approved
font for the City of Tualatin is Arial, which is also ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
Single spacing should be used for all documents except press releases, rough drafts, or
specialty items.
Capitalization should follow the current practice of “less is better.”
Document formatting should remain as simple as possible (i.e. underlining, italics, bold).
Too much formatting can appear unprofessional and chaotic.
Avoid italics in subheadings, try to use underlining instead.
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Standard Procedures and Graphics Manual
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Stationery specifications are intended to produce uniform materials, easily recognizable
and identifiable as an official communication from the City of Tualatin. Templates and all
stationery are available from your department Office Coordinator. If you have questions
on the appropriate letterhead, call the City Manager’s office at 503.691.3011.
Format for Letters and Letterhead
Departments will use the approved City letterhead. Department names are not on City
letterhead and will not have their own letterhead. The Police Department is the
exception. An example of approved letterhead is included on the next page.
The following recommendations are offered to help make the most effective use of
letterhead and envelopes, and to ensure continuity in the city correspondence:
Letters should be full block, single-spaced, point size 12, Arial font.
Recommended margins are 1 inch on the left, right, and bottom.
The date should be spelled out instead of using the number style (January 31, 2009
instead of 1/31/09).
Reference line is optional. If the recipient has specifically requested information, or if
you would like to draw attention to a topic in the letter, use the reference line.
The salutations that are appropriate for use include:
Dear Mr. /Ms. ____:
Dear Sir/Madame:
Full Block Business Letter Template
When writing a letter using City of Tualatin letterhead, see an example below:
Replace the text in brackets [ ] with the component indicated. Don't type the brackets.
Try to keep your letters to one page.
How many blank lines you add between lines that require more than one, depends on
how much space is available on the page.
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The same goes for margins. One and one-half inch (108 points) for short letters and one
inch (72 points) for longer letters are standard. If there is a letterhead, its position
determines the top margin on page 1.
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Standard Procedures and Graphics Manual
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[Recipient’s Name]
[Company Name]
Dear [Recipient’s Name]:
The main characteristic of full block letters is that everything (except maybe a preprinted
letterhead) is flush with the left margin. Full block letters are a little more formal than
modified block letters.
If your letter is only one page, type the complimentary close and the optional
components as shown below. Otherwise, type them on the last page of your letter.
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Identification Initials]
Enclosures: [Number]
cc: [Name for Copy]
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All City letters should be sent with an approved City envelope. City envelopes are
available from your Office Coordinator.
Regular #10 City logo envelope:
** always include your acct number for postage charges in the upper right hand corner
Larger envelope using a City logo address label:
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Business Cards
Business cards are ordered from a single vendor through an arrangement made by the
Finance Department. Staff may choose from four approved styles. Business card style
samples can be found in the sample section of this document. See the Office
Coordinator in your department for business cards.
Choice # 1 - Standard 3 lines at bottom: (not to scale & different font used for actual bus. card)
City of Tualatin
18880 SW Martinazzi Ave Direct 503.691.xxxx
Tualatin, Oregon 97062-7092 Main 503.692.2000
[email protected] Fax
Choice # 2 - Include department name & different physical address - 4 lines at bottom:
City of Tualatin
Title Department Name
Located at
18880 SW Martinazzi Ave Direct 503.691.xxxx
Tualatin, Oregon 97062-7092 Main 503.692.2000
[email protected] Fax
Choice # 3 - Include department name & extra # - 4 lines at bottom:
City of Tualatin
Title Department Name
xxxx SW xxxxxx Road Main 503.691.4800
Tualatin, Oregon 97062-7092 Fax
[email protected] Dispatch 503.629.0111
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Choice # 4 Include department name on left - 4 lines at bottom:
City of Tualatin
Department Name Direct
xxxx SW xxxxxx Road Main 503.691.4800
Tualatin, Oregon 97062-7092 Fax
[email protected] Dispatch 503.629.0111
Internal Documents: Memoranda and Staff Reports
Documents that are composed for City Council must follow the approved formats below:
A memorandum should be used for all reports and informational pieces (generally for
Council Work Session) unless otherwise instructed by the City Manager. The memo
template is on the S drive in the Administration folder: S:\LOGOS-Forms-
Templates\Staff Reports-Memorandums. Select the City of Tualatin Memorandum.
A staff report is used for all Council Session reports and items that request action from
the Council such as road name changes, etc.
The staff report template is found on the S drive in the Administration folder: S:\LOGOS-
Forms-Templates\Staff Reports-Memorandums. Select the City of Tualatin Staff
Font: Arial is the approved font for all memos.
Line spacing: Single-spacing is the approved line spacing with double space between
Main headings should be bolded, point size 12.
Subheadings should be underlined.
Italics may be used if deemed necessary.
News Releases and Faxes
All faxes from the City should be sent on the approved fax cover sheet. The exception is
the Police Department. The fax cover sheet can be found on the S drive in the
Administration folder: S:\LOGOS-Forms-Templates\Fax Cover Sheet.
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Standard Procedures and Graphics Manual
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News releases are issued by the Police Department on a routine basis. Other citywide
news releases will be issued by the City Manager’s Office and department Public
Information Officers (PIO). News releases will be composed in Flash News
(, the City’s news release program. News releases discussed here
are different from the News and Notes on the City’s website. Departments should
continue to post News and Notes of their own accord.
Email format
Emails should be left justified in black, Arial, 11 pt. font. Emails should contain a
signature block selected from the options below.
Signature Block
Signature blocks should be left justified in black, Arial, 11 pt. font. Do not include
pictures, logos, backgrounds, colors, personal quotes, themes, additional hyperlinks or
insert business cards to the signature block. The name/signature may be from 11 - 16
pt. in your choice of the following three fonts; Script MT Bold, Arial, or Calibri (bold and
italics are optional with Arial and Calibri). Select your signature block from the following
Option 1 Standard Email Signature Block
Name (optional font choice)
City of Tualatin | Department
Phone: 503.691.xxxx | Fax: 503.692.xxxx
(Optional to use the city’s website address or your email address.)
Example of Option 1
Lynette Sanford
Office Coordinator
City of Tualatin | Planning
503.691.3026 | Fax: 503.692.0147
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Option 2 Extended Email Signature Block
Name (optional font choice)
City of Tualatin | Department
18880 SW Martinazzi Avenue | Located at xxxx (optional)
Tualatin, OR 97062-7092
503.691.xxxx | Fax: 503.692.xxxx
(Optional to use the city’s website address or your email address.)
Example of Option #2
Alice Rouyer
Community Development Director
City of Tualatin | Community Development
18880 SW Martinazzi Avenue
Tualatin, OR 97062-7092
503.691.3018 | Fax 503.692.0147
Option 3 Condensed Email Signature Block
Name (optional font choice)
City of Tualatin | Department
503.691.xxxx |
Example of Option 3
Sherilyn Lombos
City Manager
City of Tualatin | Administration
503.691.3010 |
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The reply signature should contain the following information:
Reply Email Signature Block
Name (optional font choice)
Title | Department
Other Printed or Electronic Materials
Brochures, newsletters, handbills or flyers, videos, electronic communications material
and any other printed, electronic or video items produced by a City department should
prominently display the City logo. Only city approved fonts (see the Typography and
Typing Format section) should be used on all printed materials. The City Manager, City
Manager’s designee, Department Director, or Department PIO may allow an exception.
Marketing collateral or printed materials should be used to present clear information
about the City of Tualatin and its services. That includes brochures, flyers, fact sheets,
direct mail pieces, and other communications pieces that are created by the City. All
pieces should be in tune with our overall marketing message and company image, with
content that is spelled correctly and contains concise and clear information.
Brochures, Flyers, Posters
Size of brochure varies based on department needs. It may be appropriate to
place all of this information in one brochure or to create a family of brochures for
individual products. Individual department businesses and budgets guide this
Slip sheets
Mini-flyers/ mailing insert or a take-one counter display to be consistent with City
branding guidelines.
Direct mail
Advertising pieces that vary in shapes and sizes depending on department
needs. A direct mail package may include a marketing letter and/or brochure.
Typical recipients of direct mail are customers, individuals on purchased mailing
lists, or individuals on mailing lists the business itself has developed.
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Promotional or Specialty Items
The City, at times, uses promotional items such as pens, pencils, t-shirts, mugs, and
other items emblazoned with the logo. It is the department’s responsibility to ensure that
vendors follow logo rules as specified in this document. Promotional materials should
use the City logo with colors, proportions, and size to be determined at the department’s
discretion. Department names may not appear on these materials unless approved by
the City Manager.
All City uniforms will depict the logo. Logos may be embroidered or silk-screened in
color as close to the official color as possible (visual spot check). The department name
may be embroidered or screened beneath the logo and without the word “department.”
When centering the department name beneath the logo take care to maintain clear
space, visual balance, and proportional size relationship. It is preferred that the logo be
embroidered in color. If the color of the garment makes it impractical, acceptable
options are black or white depending on the color of the garment. Other exceptions may
be allowed, but check with the City Manager or City Manager’s designee first.
Note: Some departments, such as Police, have different rules regulating their uniforms
and are exempt from these guidelines.
All City vehicles will be marked with the City logo at the discretion of the City Manager.
All vehicle decals will be printed in colors as close to the official logo colors as possible.
If you have any questions regarding this manual, please see the Office Coordinator
(OC) or OC Representative for your Department.