Determining the price of football: an analysis of matchday
ticket prices in the English Premier League
Tommy Kweku Quansah
, Babatunde Buraimo
and Markus Lang
Institute of Sport Sciences, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland;
Centre for Sport Business,
Management School, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Research question: Match day revenue is still an essential source of
income for many professional sports clubs worldwide. This paper
studies the determinants of ticket pricing in the English Premier
League and examines whether and to what extent stadium goers
pay a premium for sporting success and spending by clubs in the
players labour market.
Research methods: We estimate regression models for the
cheapest and most expensive tickets of clubs playing in the
English Premier League for the ve seasons between 2014/15 and
2018/19 inclusive.
Results and ndings: Our study shows that ticket prices are driven
by several variables including the opponent and local derbies. The
impact of team performance is asymmetric aecting only the most
expensive tickets. Capacity utilisation and total labour cost impact
the prices of both types of tickets.
Implications: This research provides insights for both leagues and
individual clubs. For example, the ndings can be used as a
benchmark to assess the magnitude of price increases that the
market may be willing to bear. Additionally, clubs can explore the
extent to which greater revenues can be extracted from dierent
types of consumers.
Received 28 February 2022
Accepted 10 March 2023
Ticket pricing; competitive
strategy; determinants of
The inux of commercial and broadcasting income for the most prominent sports
leagues in the world meant a gradual decline over the years in the share of match day
revenues as a proportion of total revenue. However, for many sports and leagues world-
wide, match day revenue is still the primary source of income, and even for the largest
sports organisation, the contribution of and size of match day revenue is essential. For
example, in the English Premier League (EPL), in which match day revenue is dominated
by that of broadcasting and represents just 13% of total revenue for the league in 2020,
the absolute value of match day revenue was 683 million, a non-trivial amount and of
great economic relevance (Deloitte, 2021).
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CONTACT Babatunde Buraimo [email protected]
With the end of the government-imposed restrictions on attendance after the Covid-
19 pandemic in the years 2020 and 2021, and the return of fans to stadia, questions of
how sports organisations price their tickets have re-emerged. Whilst the availability of
information on ticket pricing in North American major sports leagues allows empirical
analyses of the factors that inuence ticket prices (Rishe & Mondello, 2003, 2004), the
limited accessibility of match day pricing data for the most European sport make
similar analyses dicult.
The purpose of this paper is two-fold: rstly, the paper aims to address the question of
whether stadium visitors must pay a premium for the sporting success of teams. Sec-
ondly, whether stadium goers must pay for excesses in the player labour market.
Additionally, we explore other factors that drive ticket prices. From a managerial per-
spective, sports clubs may wish to explore the relationships between ticket prices and
assess how their pricing strategies conform with benchmarks. With additional research
and data, clubs can evaluate potential revenue improvements from changes in the deter-
minants that aect the price.
This data sets unique feature is the cheapest and the most expensive ticket prices for
each game. We performed the arduous task of collecting the most expensive and cheapest
ticket price data for each English Premier League game for ve years from 2014/15 to
2018/19 inclusive. These were sourced from individual websites and ticketing platforms
of the participating clubs. Accounting for missing observations, there were 3,040 obser-
vations across these two dierent prices.
To analyse the determinants of ticket prices in
the EPL, several possible inuencing factors are considered. These include economic
variables, variables capturing game attractiveness, quality of viewing variables, and
stadium capacity.
We nd that the relative average weekly earnings, capacity utilisation for the equival-
ent xture from the previous season, local derbies, total costs of labour, and playing
certain oppositions, the six biggest clubs (Manchester United, Manchester City,
Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, and Tottenham Hotspurs), aect the price of both the cheap-
est and most expensive tickets. The positive externalities on ticket prices for the six
biggest away teams are interesting in that their magnitudes reect their bigness.
Home teams use these opponents as an opportunity to freeride by signicantly increasing
ticket pricing for both the cheapest and the most expensive tickets. Additionally, we nd
that improvements in the home teams performance from the previous season positively
inuence the price of the most expensive ticket but not the cheapest.
The paper is structured as follows: rst, we review the relevant literature. Next, we
present the data and empirical model. We then discuss the explanatory variables and
present and analyse the results. We then provide insight into the managerial implications
of our ndings before summarising our conclusions and discussing limitations and
potential areas for future research.
Related literature and theoretical background
Ticket pricing
In 1998, an industry report on English Football noted that for most clubs in the EPL, gate
revenues remain the primary income source that ensures that the clubs nancial
backbone is maintained (Deloitte, 1998). Some 20 years later and as a direct consequence
of the growth in commercial and broadcasting income (see Figure 1), match day revenues
represented a mere 13.3% of the clubs total revenues (Deloitte, 2021). However, the
amounts of match day revenues are still of great importance to EPL clubs (Quansah
et al., 2021), even for the biggest clubs in the league, as can be seen in Figure 2, where
ve out of the big six
have a signicant dependency on match day revenues in the
season 2018/19.
Ticket pricing remains a key tool by which clubs can generate appropriate match day
revenue. Lovelock and Wirtz (2004) assert that club pricing objectives fall into three cat-
egories: revenue, operations, or patronage orientation. While revenue orientation aims to
improve revenues in pursuit of generating prots or accumulating surplus to be spent in
the players labour market, operations orientation tries to balance supply and demand to
ensure maximum utilisation of the available capacities at any given time. On the other
Figure 1. Evolution of revenues in the English Premier League.
Notes: Own gure based on Deloitte (1998, 2013, 2016, 2019 , 2021). The gure displays the evaluation of total revenues
for the three main revenue sources in the English Premier League from the season 2005/06 up to season 2019/20 in
addition to total revenues in the founding season of the EPL 1991/92. The three major revenue sources are match
day revenue, broadcasting revenue and commercial revenue.
Figure 2. Match day revenues as a percentage of total revenues by club, 2018/19.
Notes: Own gure based on Quansah et al. (2021). The gure displays match day revenues as a percentage of total rev-
enues for each club that played in the English Premier League in the season 2018/19.
hand, patronage orientation aims to maximise a clubs appeal among its supporter base.
Drayer et al. (2012) posit that clubs have maintained a focus on attendance maximisation
in the past without much consideration for revenue orientation, while other authors
suggest that football clubs have the motivation to under-price tickets to maximise attend-
ance and increase ancillary revenues from food and beverages, parking, merchandise and
to enhance the fan experience (Courty, 2003; Fort, 2004). For example, research from
North American intercollegiate athletics suggests a unique attendance-oriented pricing
objective not prominently found in professional sports (Morehead et al., 2021). Apart
from having to cope with heterogeneous stakeholder interests within a university, as
well as with the NCAAs attendance requirements, the athletic departments have to con-
sider attendance because of media attention, institutional reputation, school spirit, and
the recruitment of talent for their sports teams (Morehead et al., 2021).
In the early 2000s, football clubs in England started to implement advanced price
policies, such as price banding (i.e. the notion of premium pricing for match day
tickets against certain opponents) and price bundling (i.e. oering combinations of
two or more match day tickets in a package to be purchased together in one trans-
action) (Clowes & Clements, 2003). However, it is not so much the implementation
of demand-based pricing strategies that causes resentment among English football
fans but the perceived or actual excessive high ticket pricing, particularly in the EPL
(Conn, 2014).
Determinants of ticket pricing
We borrow from the rich tradition of demand studies but place ticket prices at the centre
stage therefore adopting an inverse demand function (Ferguson et al., 1991). The inverse
demand function has price as the dependent variable. The analysis of ticket prices as the
dependent variable and its determinants helps us explore several relationships. Research
on the determinants of ticket pricing compared with attendance is relatively new (Diehl
et al., 2016), and studies are relatively scarce, especially those focusing on ticket pricing in
European sports. Whereas pricing data on North American major league sports have
often been obtainable, historic match-by-match ticket price data for European football
have been challenging to acquire (Coates & Humphreys, 2007).
In an exploratory study on ticket prices in the NFL, Reese and Mittelstaedt (2001)
were the rst to explore the criteria used to establish pricing strategies in the North
American primary market. They found that the previous years team performance,
revenue needs, and socio-demographic factors, such as income, market size, population,
and having a new stadium, inuenced match day ticket prices in American Football.
Rishe and Mondello (2003) empirically investigated price determinants in the NFL
and the four major North American sports leagues, respectively. While their studies
suggest that the factors that inuence ticket prices in the NFL are the previous
seasons team performance, fan income, population, as well as stadium age, the exist-
ence of a new stadium was found to be the most important driver of ticket prices in
all four major league sports. Population size and the previous seasons capacity utilis-
ation were signicant and positively associated with ticket prices in three of the four
leagues, except for the NFL. Interestingly, their evidence suggests that a teams
payroll does not inuence ticket prices in the NFL or NHL but does so in the NBA
and MLB (Rishe & Mondello, 2004). Furthermore, prior season success only marginally
aects ticket prices in most North American major league sports. According to a more
recent study on football spectator attitudes in Brazil, club specics, the form of the
ticket purchase, and stadium quality further determined the price, according to a
more recent study on football spectator attitudes (Forti & De Lima, 2021).
While traditional sports demand studies have considered ticket pricing as one of many
variables aecting spectator demand, few studies have examined the factors inuencing
ticket pricing in European sports markets. Kemper and Breuer (2016a, 2016b) have
focused on dynamic ticket pricing applications in European sports, Kemper and Breuer
(2015) have studied the secondary ticket market in the German Bundesliga by analysing
ticket prices on, and Nufer and Fischer (2013) have conducted a descriptive
study on ticket prices in European football. In a sports marketing study, Woratschek
et al. (2020) analysed secondary ticket market premia for German womens national foot-
ball using conjoint analysis. Solberg (2001) examined ticket price optimisation strategies
during the 1999 World Hockey Championship in Norway by utilising price bundling.
To the best knowledge, the factors that determine ticket prices in the English Premier
League have not been previously investigated. Nor have the determinants of ticket
prices in the primary market of any other sports league in Europe been examined.
Another factor inuencing ticket pricing is the opponent. As Neale (1964) notes, the
production process in professional team sports diers from other industries. While the
elimination of competition can benetarm in most markets, in sports, a single team
is unable to produce a marketable product without opponents. This peculiarity necessi-
tates a joint production process where multiple teams participate in producing the nal
product. Furthermore, not only is the existence of other teams essential, but also their
relative strengths are crucial for the sports marketability. The relationship between the
quality of competition and a teams revenue is not linear in professional team sports
(Michie & Oughton, 2004). As the opposing teams strength increases, it can lead to
an increase in attendance and revenue as fans are drawn to more competitive and excit-
ing matches. However, if the opposing team becomes too dominant, it may result in a
decline in attendance and revenue, as fans may lose interest in one-sided matches.
According to Berri and Schmidt (2006):
Despite the joint nature of sports production, the compensation of talent in the industry is
organized as if the individual rms were largely independent [] teams negotiate with
players, and these negotiations result in a salary that is paid by the individual team.
Hence, if a player generates revenue for his opponent, such revenue generation is largely
uncompensated. Therefore, to the extent that individual team-revenue streams are increased
by the quality of players on other teams rosters, an externality exists.
For instance, Hausman and Leonard (1997 ) found that Michael Jordan generated US$53
million for teams other than his team, the Chicago Bulls. The evidence for such extern-
alities also extends to Major League Soccer (Jewell, 2017; Lawson et al., 2008).
Our study addresses the presence of externalities by incorporating the six most
popular teams as dummy variables and evaluating their eect on ticket prices. Using
ticket prices as a measure, home teams can take advantage of the positive externalities
of popular opposing teams. Neglecting to do so may result in the home team not fully
realising the potential benets.
Data and empirical model
Our unit of observation is the match day, and we consider two dependent variables: the
cheapest and most expensive price for a match day ticket. We manually collected data on
weekly ticket prices charged for games to the EPL for the ve seasons between 2014/15
and 2018/19 inclusive. Due to promotion and relegation, the number of dierent clubs
observed over the observed period is 26, with some clubs appearing in the dataset only
once and others in every single season. Every one of the 20 eligible clubs in a given
season had 19 home and 19 away matches, with a season comprising 380 matches, bring-
ing the total to 1,900 matches for the ve seasons. As the prices collected for each match
were the cheapest and the most expensive, the total number of observations across both
types of tickets was 3,800. However, some ticket prices were unavailable: Manchester City
and Everton for all ve seasons; Newcastle Uniteds most expensive tickets for four
seasons; and Hull Citys ticket for the 2014/15 season. After omitting these and account-
ing for other missing data, the observations were further reduced to 1,520 for each of the
cheapest and the most expensive tickets. During the sample period, all but four teams:
Hudderseld Town; AFC Bournemouth (2015/16, 2016/17); Swansea City (2014/15,
2015/16); and West Bromwich Albion (2014/15, 2016/17) applied a seat-location
approach, a price discrimination strategy based on the perceived quality of seat.
Dierences between the lowest and the highest match day ticket prices reveal substan-
tial disparities in the additional premium per match charged by each club. Watford, for
example, demanded another £6 for tickets based on seat location. Chelsea charged an
additional £26.00, while Arsenal charged £31.50 more for their most expensive ticket
price than the cheapest seat.
The principles of price banding price discrimination based on the perceived attrac-
tiveness of the opponent are an integral part of most clubs pricing decisions. Only six
out of the 26 teams in the sample Manchester United (all seasons), AFC Bournemouth
(2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19), Watford (2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19),
Liverpool (from 2016/17 onwards), Burnley (2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19), and Hudder-
seld Town (2017/18, 2018/19) abstain from applying price banding. Everton aban-
doned price banding in the season 2019/20 to reduce and simplify ticket pricing
(Everton, 2019 ). As noted earlier, price banding potentially extracts any additional
surplus consumers are willing to pay and leads to higher income for a club (Rascher
et al., 2007). According to a survey by Clowes and Clements (2003), most clubs that
do not apply price discrimination based on opponents do so consciously as they
believe it is unfair to discriminate between teams in the Premier League or because
they do not see the need to do so. There are also likely to be administration costs associ-
ated with price discrimination.
Of the clubs that applied price banding, there are dierences in the number of cat-
egories, the opponents that trigger a premium, and the magnitude of the premium
charged. While most clubs divide the opponents into three categories (e.g. A, B, and C
or A+, A and B), clubs like Fulham, Middlesbrough, Swansea City, and Wolverhampton
Wanderers prefer only two categories. On the other hand, Norwich City had ve dierent
categories for the 2015/16 season.
But there are also considerable dierences concerning the magnitudes of price premia
based on the opposition. Arsenal charged £27 for the cheapest ticket category in a game
against AFC Bournemouth in 2018/19, while the price for the same seat was £65.50
against Chelsea. On the other hand, Chelsea charged £52 for the cheapest ticket
against AFC Bournemouth and £61 for the same seat against Arsenal. The ticket price
range of EPL clubs during the 2018/19 season is displayed in Table 1.
To procure the option of buying match day tickets early, membership is required at
many clubs, with only limited discounts for these tickets, if any. Several clubs also
oer top category A or A+ match tickets contingent on either being a club member,
having collected bonus points in previous games, or buying the tickets as price-
bundles together with tickets for other less popular games. There is no publicly available
data on the number of seats provided at these prices or within these schemes.
To model ticket prices, the dependent variables are the logarithm of prices. The log
values are preferred as the coecients can be interpreted as a proportional rather than
an absolute change. This approach is an obvious choice since the impact of a change
in any of the explanatory variables will likely have dierent eects at dierent price
levels. Additionally, the use of logarithms will mitigate against any skewness in the dis-
tribution of prices which range from a low of £9 (£25) to a high of £70 (£97) for the
cheapest (most expensive) ticket. The models are estimated using linear regressions esti-
mated by ordinary least squares (OLS) and xed eects, with each home club-season
having its own intercept term. The values of each intercept term do not vary across a
home club-season and capture a set of unobserved factors that are constant within
each panel.
For the two types of ticket prices, the models can be presented as
+ 1
The subscripts i, j, and t denote home club, away club, and season respectively; type rep-
resents the two types of tickets being modelled. LogP
is the log of ticket price,
is a
constant, and
is a vector of coecients to be estimated with respect to X
, a vector of
explanatory variables. The subscript t-1 is highly relevant as the prices of tickets for the
current season are modelled on information from the previous season that just
Table 1. EPL ticket price range for the 2018/19 season (in £).
Lowest ticket price Highest ticket price
Arsenal 27 97
Chelsea 52 87
West Ham United 30 80
Tottenham 20 75
Fulham 25 75
Brighton 30 65
Liverpool 37 59
AFC Bournemouth 32 55
Manchester United 31 53
Crystal Palace 38 53
Southampton 33 52
Newcastle United 34 50
Leicester City 26 50
Cardi City 27 42
Watford 36 42
Wolverhampton Wanderers 22 40
Burnley 30 40
Hudderseld 30 30
concluded. Finally, 1
is the error term, which is independent, normally distributed with
a mean value of 0 and constant variance. As an additional robustness check, we also esti-
mate the models using a xed eect with the home club-season panel. In this instance, the
is eectively replaced by
, a vector of intercepts representing a home club
Our choice of explanatory variables captures a range of categories. The rst relates to
the economic wealth of the clubs locations and the labour costs faced by clubs. The
second category captures a range of sporting factors, including, for example, matches
involving local rivals, club brands, and sporting performances. Finally, time elements
are also used, including weekends and public holidays. Each of the explanatory variables
is described in more detail below:
Following Reese and Mittelstaedt (2001), we include relative average weekly workplace
earnings, which is calculated as the average weekly workplace earnings over the previous
season, as an indicator of the regions economic conditions where the home club is
located. The data source is the Centre for Cities, an independent, non-partisan urban
charity-registered policy research unit in England. Lower values of weekly workplace
earnings may indicate lower purchasing power (Solberg & Turner, 2010). However,
the nature of supporting a team can often mean a lifelong following irrespectively of
income (Cox, 2012). Fans from economically challenged, working-class regions are
often considered the most loyal. To account for the impact of ination on earnings
over time, we use relative values, which are calculated as the average weekly earnings
divided by the mean value for that season. As such, the mean value of this variable
during any given season is 1. Additionally, we include the square of the term to
capture any non-linear relationship between relative average weekly workplace earnings
and ticket price.
In contrast to research that focuses on the inuences on stadium demand, where
stadium quality is a determinant (Quansah, 2022) and the stadium capacity is a limiting
factor (Borland & Macdonald, 2003), capacity utilisation from the previous season might
actually be a determinant of ticket pricing. Stadium capacity determines the maximum
number of seats a club can oer, which might lead to a market shortage in the face of
excess demand. As a response to the demand, clubs might raise ticket prices to
manage excess demand. For this reason, the study investigates the impact of stadium
capacity on ticket prices. For each match, the capacity utilisation from the equivalent
match from the previous season is used. Arguably, this gives the decision-makers insights
into the likely demand. The quadratic of capacity utilisation from the previous season is
also included to capture non-linearity. One might expect prices to increase at an increas-
ing rate. For those matches that cant be paired with the prior seasons equivalent because
of promotion to the league, capacity utilisation takes a value of 0, and a dummy variable,
home promoted, is used to capture this phenomenon.
Studies by Forrest and Simmons (2002) and Forrest et al. (2004), among others, indi-
cate that games of historical and local rivalry tend to generate higher demand, ceteris
paribus. Such matches take on a special status over and above regular league matches,
with teams and supporters vying for local bragging rights. To test whether derby
matches signicantly aect ticket prices, the data capture 19 historical rivalries among
the 26 clubs, which occurred in 86 matches in the ve seasons observed. The variable
derby match takes the value of 1 for such matches and 0 otherwise.
Undoubtedly, prices for the biggest clubs in the EPL, based on revenue, reputation,
and league success, are greater than their smaller counterparts. As noted above, such
clubs have a stronger legacy, and their cumulative performances over past seasons are
likely to aord them greater popularity which will be reected in ticket prices. Taking
the six biggest teams can be viewed as somewhat arbitrary. We could have easily con-
structed a variable capturing the biggest four. However, in the following analysis,
dummy variables for away clubs registered signicance for the top six clubs, with the
seventh biggest club not signicantly dierent from the others. Therefore, it seemed
appropriate to choose the six biggest clubs and test their pricing behaviours relative to
the rest. Furthermore, in a list of signicant club dummies for televised matches in the
EPL study by Buraimo et al. (2022), these were the top six clubs that attracted the greatest
audiences. For this reason, we include a dummy variable, Big Six at home, for Arsenal,
Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, and Tottenham Hotspur
home matches.
Like other sports labour markets, the market for football players follows the rule of
supply and demand. The best players are highly sought-after, with the consequent
eects on the clubs wage bills and the high transfer fees in many instances. Assuming
ecient or quasi-ecient markets, a clubs wage bill is likely to be a predictor of a
teams strength and a proxy for team quality (Szymanski, 2003). However, the value of
the contract last for a specied period. A club may acquire a player for a high salary
and transfer fee, only to realise that the player does not quite full expectations.
Changes in form and injuries are likely to weaken the relationship between labour
costs and player quality. However, the motivation is not to test or assert the strength
of the relationship between labour costs and quality but to test whether higher total
labour costs lead to higher ticket prices, or in other words, to what extent do clubs
pass on their player expenses to fans? Besides the club wage bill, we also considered
net transfer fees deriving total labour costs. A clubs wage bill will also include non-
playing sta. However, the proportion of total labour costs for non-playing sta is
likely to be minor, and regardless, such costs are part of the clubs overheads. The
measure used for this explanatory variable, ln(adjusted total labour costs), is the log of
clubs ination-adjusted total labour costs (sum of the wages and net transfer fee).
There is evidence in favour of positive eects on demand for games in which teams
with widespread national and international reputation participate (Forrest et al., 2005).
According to Czarnitzki and Stadtmann (2002), in a study on the determinants of
match attendance in the German Bundesliga, reputation and allegiance appear to be
more critical determinants of demand than the uncertainty of outcome. The EPL is
characterised by a small number of teams that dominate the league in areas such as
playing success, wage bills, team revenues, and market size. In a recent study by
Buraimo et al. ( 2022), in which they explore television audiences in the EPL, they nd
that audiences have strong preferences for teams in a particular order, having controlled
for other factors, including player quality. We thus test for the possibility that these clubs,
considered the largest clubs in the league (Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton, Liverpool, Manche-
ster City, Manchester United, and Tottenham Hotspur), might drive prices by including
dummy variables, big six (as visiting teams), for games played against any of them.
In contrast to club brand and reputation built over time, a teams position in the pre-
vious season is used to measure its short-term performance. Following the
reected-glory phenomenon (Cialdini et al., 1976), the home- and away teams short-
term success could spark demand, which might inuence the home teams pricing
policy (Reese & Mittelstaedt, 2001). As such, the models use the home and away
teams positions at the end of the previous season as explanatory variables denoted by
the previous seasons performance. The expectation is that better performances in the
last season may positively impact the prices charged for tickets in the coming season.
In contrast to weekends, where people tend to have more leisure time, weekday games
are usually played in the evening and attract fewer attendees (Carmichael et al., 1999). To
capture these eects, a dummy variable, weekend, is included and is set to 1 if the match is
scheduled for the weekend and 0 otherwise. Similarly, people tend to have more leisure
time during Bank Holidays. A dummy variable, public holiday, is included and takes the
value of 1 if the match is scheduled on a public holiday and 0 otherwise. The greater
leisure time will induce greater demand, all things being equal. However, football
clubs may respond to this expected increase in demand with increased prices. This
may, in turn, depend on the stadiums capacity. Descriptive statistics for the variables
are presented in Table 2.
Finally, we check for collinearity by inspecting the correlation coecient matrix. The
correlation coecient values, presented in Table 3, do not cause concern and collinearity
is not considered to be an issue in the modelling.
Results and discussion
In this section, we present the ndings of our empirical analysis, and we discuss the
results by highlighting the key takeaways and their implications for the research question
and the broader eld of study. Table 4 displays the results from the models.
Models (1) and (2) are linear models estimated by ordinary least squares (OLS),
whereas Models (3) and (4) are estimated using xed eects with home club-season as
the panel. In the models estimated using xed eects, variables that are constant
across home club-season panels are omitted, and the explanatory variables that remain
Table 2. Summary Statistics for continuous and dummy variables (n = 1,520).
Variable Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum
Ticket price low (in £) 35.039 9.164 9.000 65.500
Ticket price high (in £) 48.295 14.376 25.000 97.000
Relative mean weekly workplace earnings 0.997 0.192 0.747 1.283
Capacity utilisation from previous season 0.656 0.438 0 1.000
Derby matches 0.057 0.231 0 1.000
Adjusted total labour costs (2015 prices in millions) 162.638 100.714 39.756 490.810
Previous seasons home performance (league position) 11.388 6.723 1.000 25.000
Previous seasons away performance (league position) 10.970 6.557 1.000 25.000
Away team is Manchester United 0.049
Away team is Liverpool 0.049
Away team is Arsenal 0.049
Away team is Chelsea 0.049
Away team is Manchester City 0.053
Away team is Tottenham Hotspur 0.049
Away team is Everton 0.053
Weekend 0.794
Public holiday 0.037
Notes: The variable capacity utilisation from previous season includes 0s for promoted club in which there are no match-
ing matches from the previous seasons.
Table 3. Correlation matrix for independent variables (n = 1,520).
Variable number
1 234567891011121314151617
1 Relative average
2 Capacity
utilisation from
0.105 1.000
3 Home promoted 0.135 0.689 1.000
4 Big Six team at
0.460 0.229 0.311 1.000
5 Derby matches 0.130 0.118 0.083 0.277 1.000
6 ln(adjusted total
labour costs)
0.301 0.217 0.280 0.782 0.240 1.000
7 Away team is
0.007 0.065 0.007 0.023 0.076 0.028 1.000
8 Away team is
0.000 0.067 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.000 0.054 1.000
9 Away team is
0.007 0.069 0.007 0.023 0.076 0.019 0.052 0.054 1.000
10 Away team is
0.022 0.059 0.007 0.023 0.076 0.000 0.052 0.054 0.052 1.000
11 Away team is
0.022 0.061 0.007 0.023 0.168 0.022 0.052 0.054 0.052 0.052 1.000
12 Away team is
0.022 0.060 0.007 0.023 0.141 0.019 0.052 0.054 0.052 0.052 0.052 1.000
13 Away team is
0.068 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.000 0.054 0.056 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.054 1.000
14 Previous seasons
0.330 0.526 0.742 0.713 0.182 0.620 0.015 0.000 0.015 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.000 1.000
Table 3. Continued.
Variable number
1 234567891011121314151617
15 Previous seasons
0.018 0.457 0.040 0.038 0.171 0.034 0.216 0.315 0.214 0.252 0.241 0.240 0.093 0.054 1.000
16 Weekend 0.016 0.015 0.016 0.039 0.005 0.039 0.011 0.033 0.034 0.004 0.034 0.018 0.004 0.022 0.032 1.000
17 Public holiday 0.011 0.008 0.004 0.025 0.041 0.025 0.020 0.014 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.001 0.014 0.026 0.028 0.252 1.000
Table 4. Regression results: dependent variable is ln(ticket prices).
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Cheapest Most expensive Cheapest Most expensive
Coecient t Coecient t Coecient t Coecient t
Relative average weekly workplace earnings 0.438*** (15.115) 0.393*** (15.481)
Capacity utilisation from previous season 0.864*** (7.314) 0.250** (2.418) 0.047 (0.418) 0.006 (0.062)
Capacity utilisation from previous season squared 0.928*** (7.946) 0.289*** (2.829) 0.038 (0.330) 0.019 (0.179)
Home promoted 0.001 (0.040) 0.165*** (6.572)
Big Six team at home 0.032 (1.427) 0.080*** (4.108)
Derby matches 0.105*** (4.490) 0.115*** (5.649) 0.084*** (5.979) 0.108*** (8.433)
ln(adjusted total labour costs) 0.057*** (3.469) 0.158*** (11.035)
Away team is Manchester United 0.149*** (5.647) 0.146*** (6.327) 0.159*** (10.002) 0.148*** (10.173)
Away team is Manchester City 0.142*** (5.118) 0.140*** (5.785) 0.147*** (8.817) 0.142*** (9.373)
Away team is Liverpool 0.116*** (4.386) 0.125*** (5.425) 0.144*** (9.052) 0.133*** (9.160)
Away team is Tottenham Hotspur 0.136*** (5.032) 0.120*** (5.042) 0.132*** (8.098) 0.123*** (8.248)
Away team is Chelsea 0.112*** (4.121) 0.115*** (4.829) 0.143*** (8.706) 0.128*** (8.537)
Away team is Arsenal 0.101*** (3.717) 0.102*** (4.299) 0.109*** (6.657) 0.100*** (6.728)
Away team is Everton 0.017 (0.714) 0.017 (0.835) 0.024* (1.690) 0.019 (1.507)
Previous seasons home performance 0.003* (1.655) 0.012*** (8.271)
Previous seasons away performance 0.002 (1.445) 0.001 (1.002) 0.002** (2.401) 0.001 (1.493)
Weekend 0.019 (1.488) 0.020* (1.766) 0.012 (1.510) 0.016** (2.232)
Public holiday 0.029 (1.049) 0.025 (1.053) 0.026 (1.582) 0.022 (1.432)
Season 201516 0.036** (2.244) 0.066*** (4.671)
Season 201617 0.088*** (5.547) 0.104*** (7.459)
Season 201718 0.102*** (6.220) 0.100*** (6.974)
Season 201819 0.112*** (6.856) 0.059*** (4.093)
Constant 2.033*** (6.530) 0.538** (1.975) 3.449*** (158.715) 3.740*** (188.806)
Observations 1520 1520 1520 1520
Adjusted r
0.422 0.646 0.318 0.335
Season dummies Yes Yes
Home-season xed eects Yes Yes
Notes: Models (1) and (2) use linear regression estimated using OLS whilst models (3) and (4) are xed eects with home club-season as the panel. Absolute t statistics in parenthesis. * p < 0.10,
** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.
are those that vary within the panel. Comparing the coecients of these variables from
the xed eects models with the OLS equivalent reveals that the coecients are statisti-
cally similar. As such, much of the attention of this section will be on the OLS model.
Each of the explanatory variables is discussed in turn across the two models.
The rst of the explanatory variables is the relative average weekly workplace earnings.
The quadratic for the variable was not signicant and thus dropped. The earnings vari-
able is statistically signicant and suggests that earnings over the examined period aect
pricing. Higher earnings positively impact the prices of both the cheapest and most
expensive tickets for all clubs. This result suggests that clubs are aware of the level of
wealth in their market and adjust their prices accordingly. The coecient for the most
expensive ticket is greater than that of the cheapest ticket, which is to be expected.
However, the two coecients are not substantially dierent at the 5% level. Still, the
greater coecient for the most expensive ticket is suggestive that the more auent con-
sumers are asked to pay a greater increase in ticket prices.
The results demonstrate that stadium utilisation matters and that the capacity utilis-
ation of the same match in the previous season aects prices in the following season. The
quadratic value suggests that the relation with ticket prices is a U-shape. However, the
turning point of the curve is below the minimum values for capacity utilisation. This
result suggests that the negative portion of the curve is redundant and that as capacity
increases, prices increase but at an increasing rate. This result highlights that as
demand increases (measures taken from last seasons match) and fewer seats remain,
prices rise at an increasing rate, and the asking prices for both types of tickets are
For those teams who are newly promoted to the EPL, there is no capacity utilisation
since the equivalent match did not occur last season. The ticket prices for these clubs,
based on the coecient of the home promoted variable, is an increase of 17.9% for the
most expensive tickets. For the cheapest ticket, there is no signicant impact.
However, this is based on the utilisation of 0, given that there was no equivalent
match from the previous season. However, for an incumbent club with mean capacity
utilisation, the price increase for the most expensive ticket would be 25.4%. Thus, the
price increase by promoted teams for the most expensive tickets is 7.5% less than the
average incumbent team. This result suggests that newly promoted teams are looking
to extract surplus from the most auent part of their markets but do not do so to the
same extent as incumbent teams (Dietl et al., 2015). Perhaps they lack the commercial
condence to increase prices to the same degree, or such increases are likely to be too
high, given that the previous seasons prices are for the division below.
The coecient for the variable Big Six at home is signicantly dierent from 0 for the
most expensive tickets. For the cheapest tickets, the prices of the Big Six are not dissimilar
to other clubs, although what is unclear is the proportion of seats available at dierent
prices. For Big Six clubs, the most expensive tickets are 8.3% more expensive than
their non-Big Six counterparts, controlling for other factors, which is expected, given
their historical success, commercial might, and global strength. This result complements
that of Buraimo et al. (2022), who highlight the big teams generate the bulk of the interest
in televised football in the EPL.
Derby matches of local interest have a positive impact on the cheapest and most
expensive tickets, which are estimated to be 10.5% and 11.5%, respectively. Clubs in
the EPL are keen to charge a premium for local rivalry, and this is to be expected since
such matches tend to be anticipated by fans and oer the chance to gain local bragging
rights. Whilst the increase for the most expensive ticket prices is higher than that of the
cheapest ticket, the dierence is not statistically signicant, but the magnitude indicates
that the more expensive tickets experience a higher price increase because of derby
matches. Furthermore, whilst the percentage increase is equivalent, the absolute increases
will be higher for the most expensive tickets, given the higher mean price. This result is
interesting since many studies of football demand (e.g. Buraimo et al., 2011) show that
derby matches positively inuence stadium attendance. As such, there may be greater
scope for increasing prices for derby matches since the price increases do not seem to
diminish the additional stadium attendance. The ndings also support observations
made on the pricing eects of derbies in intercollegiate athletics (Sanford, 2016).
As noted earlier, labour costs are the most signicant costs faced by football clubs,
and these generally take the form of transfer fees needed to acquire players and their
wages once recruited.
We note that the labour costs of clubs are associated with a
change in price for the most expensive tickets and the cheapest ones. The positive
and signicant signs of the coecient of ln(adjusted total labour costs) for both
ticket types suggest that clubs look to recoup at least some of the costs they face in
the labour market; much of these are passed on to those fans paying the highest
prices. The magnitude of the coecient for the most expensive tickets is nearly three
times that of the cheapest ticket highlighting the extent to which the more expensive
tickets are used to generate more revenue. However, we again highlight that without
knowledge of how the seats are apportioned across dierent price points, it is imposs-
ible to explore which tickets generate greater revenue. Of important note is that most of
the revenue to EPL comes from the broadcast market. For the 20192020 season, the
revenues from the broadcast market for the league made up 52% of total revenue
(Deloitte, 2021). Hence, clubs are likely to pass on a more modest but signicant
amount of the players labour costs to fans in the stadium, given that the broadcast
market can bear most of these costs.
The next set of explanatory variables is the visiting teams. In the analysis, we nd that
the six clubs, Manchester United, Manchester City, Liverpool, Tottenham Hotspur,
Chelsea, and Arsenal, as visiting teams on average elicit price increases for the most
expensive tickets, and in that descending order of magnitude. However, the dierences
across the clubs are negligible and not statistically dierent. The club next on the list
was Everton, however, matches in which Everton was the visiting team did not generate
price increases that were any dierent from those other clubs in the sample. In essence,
any of the Big Six clubs as the visiting team elicit price increases by the host clubs for both
types of tickets. Additionally, the price increases were consistently applied across the two
types of tickets indicating that clubs adopt a consistent approach to extracting surplus
from the cheapest and most expensive tickets when based on the visiting Big Six clubs.
However, since the coecients can be interpreted as percentage changes, a greater absol-
ute amount will come from the most expensive tickets. For example, the coecients for
Liverpool as the away team for the cheapest and most expensive prices are 12.3% and
13.3%, respectively. Given the mean prices of £40 and £58 charged for the cheapest
and most expensive tickets, respectively, by a team hosting Liverpool in the 20182019
season, the additional increases in prices are estimated to be £4.64 and £7.25 for the
cheapest and most expensive tickets respectively and clearly a higher margin for the most
expensive ticket in contrast to what the coecients might suggest.
Furthermore, it is evident that host clubs take advantage of the positive externalities
oered to them, which means that fans not only get to see well-known teams, but also
high-level players, as elite clubs and superior player quality tend to go hand in hand. Fur-
thermore, this underlines the tension between the Big Six clubs and their failed attempt to
establish a European Super League. The positive externalities that arise from hosting
these clubs are high. Any threat to the current setting will most likely be met with resist-
ance from the clubs accruing these externalities, which is a relevant issue. Still, any dis-
cussions and analyses of the European Super League are outside the scope of this study.
The performances of the teams in the previous season oer some interesting results.
That of the home team has no (meaningful) signicant impact on the cheapest tickets but
inuences the most expensive ones. An improvement in home team performance of one
place in the league standings from the previous season increases prices for the most
expensive tickets by 1.2%. To put this into context, if we take two hypothetical identical
home teams with the only dierence being their nishing position last season and that
dierence being a one standard deviation dierence (6.7 places), the home club is esti-
mated to charge an extra £3.88 for the most expensive ticket. The impact on revenue
will depend on the number of tickets available at this price. These results can be put
in contrast to ndings from the North American sports market, where team performance
was one of the most critical drivers of primary and secondary ticket pricing (Diehl et al.,
2016; Reese & Mittelstaedt, 2001; Rishe & Mondello, 2003 ).
The coecient of the variable weekend is not signicantly dierent from 0 for the
cheapest tickets. However, there is a hint of signicance for the most expensive tickets,
especially in the xed eects model. One can generally assume that the prices of
tickets across the weekend, weekdays and public holidays are very similar.
Managerial implications
There are some lessons and implications from these results for managers at clubs and
similarly at the league level. From the perspective of clubs, the results from the model
can be used as a benchmark when considering price increases. Whilst the prices set by
rms can be determined using dierent approaches, as mentioned earlier in this study,
the extent to which fans can bear and are willing to accept price increases is a factor.
In conventional markets, rms can readily increase prices, and consumers can either
accept such increases or stop consumption, presumably to seek an alternative. Football
attendance, however, is not a conventional market since fans and supporters have
strong anities and such anities spill over into ownership even if such ownership is
not legal and more psychological. As such, there are limits to price increases that consu-
mers will nd acceptable. Beyond this limit, relations between clubs and their fans and
supporter can become strained. In some instances, the outcomes can be unpalatable.
For example, in a Premier League xture in 2016 between Liverpool and Sunderland at
Aneld, over 10,000 Liverpool supporters left the match in protest over proposed
increases in ticket prices. The club announced that prices for the most expensive
match day ticket for the following season would be increased to £77, up from £59.
The supporters duly got up and walked out of the stadium in the 77th minute; this
was in addition to ying black ags, rather than the usual red ones, and chants accusing
the owners of greed (Press Association, 2016). The club owners apologised, and the price
increase was cancelled. Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur have also, in the past, retreated
over price increases.
The relevance of the models in this study is that the prices used are actual prices borne
by attendees, and therefore, the coe cients of the variables capture price increases that
the market is willing to pay. Thus, the models can be used to benchmark acceptable price
increases. This is not to suggest that fans and supporters will not accept price increases
that are even greater but to suggest that beyond these, there is the risk of conict. The
extent of any proposed price increases will depend on the magnitude of the signicant
variables in the models and the initial prices at which the increases are being applied.
Furthermore, this study has implications for sports leagues regarding revenue allo-
cation and distribution. While some leagues redistribute revenues, particularly from
broadcast markets, they may struggle to nd the optimal distribution mechanism. Its
important to note that clubs have the ability to design their own pricing strategies,
which can serve as a form of quasi-redistribution. Since all clubs host every member
of the Big Six (except the Big Six, who will have just ve such occasions), the positive
externality imposed by the Big Six eectively reassigns resources from the bigger, weal-
thier teams to the smaller ones. This type of revenue redistribution is desirable in sports
leagues and can be achieved through eective pricing strategies, with success depending
on the clubs in-house management expertise. This quasi-redistribution approach to
stadium revenue has the advantage of not requiring league intervention and allowing
clubs to retain their own stadium revenue.
This paper examines the factors inuencing ticket pricing in the English Premier League
(EPL). It nds that the cheapest and most expensive ticket prices are inuenced by factors
such as local earnings, stadium capacity utilisation from the previous season, whether the
team is a Big Six club, the status of the opponent and team rivalries. These variables
perform as expected in the models. The study shows that clubs set prices based on the
markets ability and willingness to pay higher prices. Clubs are responsive to local pros-
perity, which is reected in ticket prices. Additionally, clubs take advantage of limited
stadium capacity by increasing prices as capacity decreases, forcing consumers to
compete on price and pay higher premiums as capacity approaches zero.
While the Big Six clubs of the league are the driving force behind the EPLs popularity
in international markets and its high broadcasting income, positive externalities accrue to
smaller teams who can freeride within both the broadcast and stadium markets. In
response to the takeover of Newcastle United in 2021 by the sovereign wealth fund of
Saudi Arabia, the remaining Premier League clubs passed a temporary ban on related
party transactions, a move to restrict clubs from agreeing on sponsorship deals with com-
panies linked to their owners. As Financial Fair Play regulations oblige clubs to balance
football-related expenditures, such as transfer fees and wages, with income, the rule
hinders clubs with wealthy shareholders, such as Newcastle United, in buying the best
players, building up a strong reputation through sporting success, and becoming a big
club. Paradoxically, restricting or limiting clubs from transitioning from small and
medium to big clubs constrains the extent to which other clubs will be able to generate
additional revenue and freeride, given the ndings from this study.
Clubs look to charge stadium attendees a price premium for short-run home sporting
success (at least for the most expensive tickets). The studys results also suggest that clubs
tend to recoup some player costs by passing these on to the cheapest and most expensive
ticket prices (and possibly on all ticket prices in between). Whist the broadcast market for
the EPL does an extraordinary job of providing resources to clubs to spend in the labour
market, clubs are still compelled to extract resources from fans given their labour costs.
We further conclude that ticket prices and, consequently, match day revenues serve as
a means of redistributing resources from larger to smaller clubs. This is because clubs
adjust their prices based on the reputation and recent success of the teams they are sched-
uled to play against.
There are limitations and assumptions associatedwith this study. First, the study uses only
two price points: the lowest and the highest available ticket prices of the home club in a par-
ticulargame.The numberof price points will dieramongclubs, and this is oftennot publicly
available. Thus, clubs can use ticket prices as a marketing tool, oering very limited seats in
their cheapest advertised category. Second, the study focuses on how EPL clubs price their
match day tickets. While this reveals the relationship between covariates and prices, the
analysis does not provide an answer to how much fans are willing to pay. Third, the study
cannot answer the question of whether price decisions by clubs are well-founded or
whether clubs copy pricing methods from each other. For this reason, there is scope for com-
bining the research with a qualitative angle by including interviews with club managers to
examine the nature of their decision-making process, objective-setting, and pricing tools.
1. Wage costs and ticket prices of a few teams were not available for all years, such as those for
Manchester City and Everton for all ve seasons, Newcastle Uniteds most expensive match
day tickets for the four seasons they played in the EPL, as well as Hull Citys ticket match day
pricing data for the 2014/15 season.
2. There is empirical logic to the notion of Big Six. In a study of television audience demand by
Buraimo et al. (2022), the six biggest clubs boosted demand signicantly compared with the
others. As such, the reputation of the Big Six can be supported empirically.
3. Additionally, we check for multicollinearity using variance ination factors for each vari-
able. The results suggest that multicollinearity is not an issue, as the highest value is 5.49,
well within the threshold value of 10. Furthermore, we use the condition index. The con-
dition number of 28.61 again conrms that the models perform well against this test.
4. See Quansah et al. (2021) for an examination of the importance of club revenues for player
salaries and transfer expenses in the EPL.
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the author(s).
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