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DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
From: Commanding General, Marine Corps Installations Pacific
To: Distribution List
Ref: (a) DoD Instruction 6055.04, “DoD Traffic Safety Program,” April 20,
2009, Incorporating Change 2, January 23, 2013
(b) MCO 5110.1D
(c) MCO 5100.19F
(d) USFJ Instruction 31-205, “Motor Vehicle Operations and Traffic
Supervision,” latest edition
(e) USFJ Instruction 31-205, Addendum to Policy, February 14, 2011
(f) USFJ Instruction 24-100, “Transportation of Explosives,” April 15,
(g) Mutual Treaty between the U.S. and Japan (SOFA)(NOTAL)
(h) MCIPACO 5800.4
(i) MCBJ/III MEFO 1050.7A
(j) III MEF/MCIPACO 11240.1
(k) MCIPACO 5512.1
(l) MCIPACO 5560.2
(m) Japanese Road Traffic Law Number 105 (NOTAL)
(n) Uniform Vehicle Code and Model Traffic Ordinance (NOTAL)
(o) USFJ Instruction 31-203 “Law Enforcement Procedures in Japan,”
September 23, 2011
Encl: (1) Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision/Driving Safe and Licensing
1. Situation. The safe and legal operation of a motor vehicle in a foreign
duty environment requires an exceptional degree of responsibility. The
personal conduct of United States Forces Japan (USFJ) personnel has proven to
influence and significantly impact international relations and political ties.
The reduction of traffic related incidents through the strict enforcement of
established traffic regulations will have a positive effect on international
relations, health/safety of personnel, unit operational readiness. In order
to reduce the number of motor vehicle related incidents that occur on and off
military installations, it is imperative that effective motor vehicle
supervision directives be established.
2. Cancellation. MCBJO P11240.1C.
3. Mission. To publish policy, responsibilities, and procedures that ensure
safe and efficient movement of vehicles, material, and personnel over the
streets and highways of Okinawa in accordance with references (a) through
UNIT 35001
FPO AP 96373-5001
MCIPACO 5560.1
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4. Execution
a. Concept of Operations
(1) Commander’s Intent
(a) I intend to implement measures designed to promote a safe
environment for all members of our community who utilize roadways on and off
Marine Corps installations on Okinawa through a vibrant and effective traffic
safety program.
(b) I expect commanding officers, officers-in-charge, division
heads, civilian managers, supervisors, sponsors, and licensed operators to
support this Order to the fullest extent and ensure adherence to the
requirements outlined herein where applicable.
(c) Drivers will maintain a valid U.S. Forces Japan Operator's
Permit (USFJ Form 4EJ) for civilian vehicle in their possession at all times
when operating a private motor vehicle on and off military installations in
(2) Coordinating Instructions. Submit all recommendations concerning
this order to the Deputy Commander, MCIPAC, or via your chain of command.
5. Administration and Logistics. All USFJ personnel assigned onboard Marine
Corps installations and facilities on Okinawa, to include Master Labor
Contractor (MLC) and Indirect hire Agreement (IHA) employees, shall comply
with the provisions of this Order and applicable traffic laws of Japan. The
Provost Marshal and Installation Safety Office (ISO) share staff cognizance
for this order.
6. Command and Signal
a. Command. Chapters 1, 2, and 4 of this Order are punitive, violations
of which are punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Any
violation of the provisions thereof may result in judicial, non-judicial
and/or administrative action, as deemed appropriate. This Order will remain
in effect until superseded or cancelled. This Order is applicable to:
(1) All III MEF and MCIPAC personnel, including active duty service
members, civilian employees, contract employees, and family members
authorized to operate privately owned motor vehicles on Okinawa whether on
or off base.
(2) All other USFJ personnel when operating privately owned vehicles
within all Marine Corps installation boundaries throughout Okinawa.
(3) All Japanese National employees of USFJ, including those hired
under the Master Labor Contract (MLC) and Indirect Hire Agreement (IHA), and
residents of Japan authorized to operate privately owned vehicles within
Marine Corps installation boundaries throughout Okinawa.
(4) Retirees and their family members authorized to operate vehicles
within Marine Corps installation boundaries throughout Okinawa.
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MCIPACO 5560.1
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i Enclosure (1)
Chapter 1 OPERATOR’S PERMIT.................................... 1-1
1. USFJ Operator’s Permit for Civilian Vehicle
(USFJ Form 4EJ)...................................... 1-1
2. Requirements for Obtaining an Operator’s
Permit............................................... 1-1
3. Motorcycle Endorsements.............................. 1-5
4. Motorcycle Training.................................. 1-6
5. Restricted Permits................................... 1-6
6. Student/Learner’s Permit............................. 1-6
7. Duplicate Permits.................................... 1-7
8. Renewal for Operator’s Permits....................... 1-8
9. Permit to be Carried and Exhibited on Demand......... 1-8
10. Unlawful Use of Operator’s Permit.................... 1-8
11. Permitting Unlicensed Person to Drive................ 1-9
12. Permitting Person to Drive Under the
Influence (DUI)...................................... 1-9
13. Operator’s Permits for Unit Deployment Program
(UDP) Personnel ..................................... 1-9
14. Temporary Additional Duty (TAD)/Temporary
Duty (TDY)/Leave Status.............................. 1-9
Chapter 2 DRIVING PRIVILEGES................................... 2-1
1. Policy............................................... 2-1
2. Implied Consent...................................... 2-1
3. Suspension or Revocation of Driving
Privileges........................................... 2-1
4. Restrictions on Use and Operation of Motor
Vehicles............................................. 2-1
Chapter 3 POLICE TRAFFIC SUPERVISION........................... 3-1
1. Military Police Patrol and Investigative
Activities........................................... 3-1
2. Alcohol and Drug Countermeasures..................... 3-1
3. Refusal.............................................. 3-1
4. Sworn Statement...................................... 3-1
5. Vehicle Impound...................................... 3-2
6. Accidents and Accident Reporting Policy.............. 3-3
7. Duty to Investigate Traffic Accidents................ 3-4
8. Report of Accident to Insurance Company.............. 3-5
9. Government Wrecker Service........................... 3-5
10. Theft and Recovery of Vehicles....................... 3-5
Chapter 4 RULES OF THE ROAD.................................... 4-1
1. Alcohol Standards.................................... 4-1
2. Non-Motorized, Wheeled Transportation................ 4-3
3. Convoys.............................................. 4-4
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ii Enclosure (1)
4. Emergency Vehicles and Equipment..................... 4-5
5. General Provisions and Restrictions.................. 4-6
6. Lane Usage........................................... 4-8
7. Motorcycles.......................................... 4-10
8. Overtaking and Passing............................... 4-11
9. Stopping, Standing, or Parking Prohibited in
Specified Places..................................... 4-13
10. Passengers........................................... 4-15
11. Pedestrians.......................................... 4-16
12. Right of Way......................................... 4-17
13. Safety Standards..................................... 4-18
14. Speed Restrictions................................... 4-20
15. Traffic Signals and Signs............................ 4-22
16. Turning.............................................. 4-24
17. Use of Okinawa Expressway by Military
Vehicles............................................. 4-25
LEARNER’S/LIMITED PERMITS............................ D-1
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1-1 Enclosure (1)
Chapter 1
Operator’s Permit
1. USFJ Operator’s Permit for Civilian Vehicle (USFJ Form 4EJ). In
accordance with Article X of reference (g), the Government of Japan (GOJ)
will accept as valid, without a driving test or fee, the operator’s permit
issued by USFJ. An operator's license issued by the GOJ is not required, and
shall not be obtained by USFJ personnel. The USFJ Operator's Permit for
Civilian Vehicles (USFJ Form 4EJ), herein after referred to as the
“operator’s permit” is the only permit authorized for USFJ personnel
operating a Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) in Japan. The following conditions
a. The operator's permit will expire on the applicant’s rotation date or
upon loss of status under the SOFA.
b. College students visiting parents that have Status of Forces
Agreement (SOFA) status within Japan may apply for a USFJ Form 4EJ operator’s
permit under the following:
(1) Students’ name must be on sponsor’s original orders, letter of
employment, or area clearance to Japan.
(2) Student must have a valid armed forces dependent identification
(3) Student must have a valid operators permit from the United States
or approved country per reference (d). If a permit is not valid, a letter
from the issuing authority (Department of Motor Vehicles) stating the
operator’s permit is valid must be presented.
(4) Student must pass a written exam and sponsor must sign the
application card.
c. All visiting college students USFJ Form 4EJ licenses will expire on
the day they return to the continental United States (CONUS) or country they
attend college. A student will have to reapply for an operator’s permit each
time, retaking the test and showing supporting documentation.
d. Camp Adventure or other Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS)
sponsored programs that support military children during the summer months
are not authorized to receive an operator’s permit.
e. Operation of motorcycles, buses, and heavy trucks of SOFA status
organizations requires additional testing and endorsement of the operator's
2. Requirements for Obtaining an Operator’s Permit
a. All applicants shall provide a government-issued identification card,
have SOFA status, and shall present the following documents as required:
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1-2 Enclosure (1)
(1) Command sponsored active-duty members must provide a copy of
their travel orders and/or area clearance. Family members must be listed on
travel orders and/or area clearance.
(2) Department of Defense (DoD) civilian employees must provide one
of the following documents depending on status (CONUS or local hire) for
initial issuance of USFJ Form 4EJ operator’s permit:
(a) Letter of Employment with family members listed (CONUS and
local hire).
(b) Travel orders with family members names listed (CONUS hire).
(c) Area clearance with family members names listed (CONUS hire).
(3) Contractors must provide the following documents:
(a) Letter of Employment (i.e. contract).
(b) SJA SOFA status verification letter (see Appendix A).
(4) Non-command sponsored family members are not authorized to
receive a USFJ Form 4EJ operator’s permit.
(5) All new arrivals to Okinawa must show proof of attending the MCB
Newcomers’ Orientation and Welcome Aboard (NOWA) brief in order to apply for
and/or be issued a USFJ Form 4EJ operator’s permit. This policy applies to
all accompanied service members, all unaccompanied E-6 and above, all
civilian employees, all contractors, and all family members assigned to
Marine Corps commands and the U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa. All E-5 and below
unaccompanied personnel are required to attend the Joint Reception Center
(JRC) welcome aboard brief. Personnel that transferred from another
installation within Japan, excluding Okinawa specific installations, shall
attend the above mentioned training as applicable to get specific traffic
safety education in accordance with reference (d).
b. In order to be issued a USFJ operator’s permit, all applicants must
present one of the following:
(1) A valid operators permit issued by any state or territory of the
United States (U.S.) or the District of Columbia; if the applicant has an
expired state-side license, it will be the applicant’s responsibility to show
proof of his/her States validation requirements.
(2) A valid GOV operator’s permit for those that do not have a state
license and having a motor transport operator’s military occupational
specialty (MOS).
(3) Written proof of required training completion from a certified
formal driving course such as that offered at the Schilling Recreation Center
on Kadena Air Base (KAB).
(4) Instances in which personnel learned to drive at a USFJ
installation under previous requirements no longer utilized, and received a
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USFJ Form 4EJ as their first driver’s license, and have never possessed a
state license and remained continuously in Japan, will be “grandfathered” for
reissue of their USFJ operator’s permit as long as their driving record while
in Japan is acceptable. If transferring from one installation to another
within Japan, it is the applicants responsibility to provide written proof
that their driving record while at the former installation where they resided
was acceptable.
c. All active duty personnel under the age of 26 must complete an
accredited Driver’s Improvement Course or show proof of previous completion.
* d. All E-3 and below must attend the one-day-POV course at the
Installation Safety Office.
e. Applicants will present to the licensing office an Application for
USFJ-4 Driver’s Permit USFJ-4A, herein after referred to as the
“application”, signed by the appropriate authority. Appropriate authority is
as follows:
(1) Active duty military E-6 and above may sign their own
(2) Contractors and civilian employees may sign their own
(3) All SOFA family members (legal dependents) must have their
sponsor sign the application.
* (4) Commanding officers at the battalion and squadron level or
higher, or a person officially actingdue to the commander’s absence, must
sign the application for all E-5 and below. “By direction” is not
* f. Authorization for all NCOs to obtain a SOFA operator’s permit will be
at the discretion of the battalion/squadron level commanding officer or
higher. NCOs authorized to obtain a SOFA operator’s permit must demonstrate
consistent exceptional performance and a high degree of maturity.
* g. Authorization for all E-3’s and below must be based on the
individual’s need-to-drive. Restrictions may be applied to the operator’s
permit at the commanding officers discretion. Commanding officers will, at a
* (1) Closely screen applicants to ensure that personnel have met the
minimum time requirements on Okinawa before endorsing the application.
Unaccompanied E-3 and below must be on Okinawa for at least 60 days. Time
requirements may be extended or waived at the commander’s discretion.
1-3 Enclosure (1)
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1-4 Enclosure (1)
(2) Restrict or suspend the driving privileges of those service
members whose driving record is substandard or do not possess the maturity to
safely operate a motor vehicle in Japan. When suspending or restricting a
service members driving privileges the CO is required to turn the operator’s
permit into the ISO with a letter explaining reasons for the restriction or
g. All personnel applying for the USFJ Form 4EJ operator’s permit must:
(1) Have attained their 16th birthday by the date of application.
(2) Have no medical disabilities that would impair operation of a
motor vehicle in a safe manner. All applicants with physical disabilities
will consult with a physician and provide results to the ISO prior to being
issued an operator’s permit. Hearing impaired and physically challenged
applicants will follow Japanese traffic law regarding vehicle placarding.
Permits will not be issued to applicants with uncorrectable disabilities that
impair safe motor vehicle operation. All restrictions (e.g., corrective
lenses required, no night driving, etc.) placed on U.S., or other issued
permits used to support issuance of a USFJ Form 4EJ operator’s permit will be
(3) Achieve a minimum passing score of 80 percent on a written
examination covering Japanese traffic laws, road signs and symbols, base
traffic regulations administered by the ISO.
(4) Attend a NOWA brief as required under paragraph 2a(5) of this
(5) All first time drivers that have never possessed a valid
stateside or approved foreign country license must pass a visual acuity test
at the ISO and provide proof of completion of a driver’s education course.
Applicants that have not fully completed a stateside driver’s education
course/school must complete the training by contacting the Schilling
Recreation Center on KAB. Proof of completing an accredited 45-hour driving
school curriculum is required. The following apply for first time drivers
with a learners permit:
(a) All personnel that have proof of attending an accredited 45-
hour driving school and having an approved “Learner’s Permit” from the U.S.
or authorized country shall pass a written test and satisfactorily complete
the three hour driver training refresher course through the Schilling
Recreation Center on KAB.
1. Individuals that cannot show proof of attending a 45-hour
driving school curricula must attend the driving school on KAB.
Note: The Schilling Recreation Center on KAB provides driver courses for a
fee. Contact the Schilling Driving School at 634-1387 for more information.
h. All applicants are subject to background and records checks when
applying for an operator’s permit.
(1) Provost Marshal’s Office (PMO) will conduct checks through their
Consolidated Law Enforcement Operations Center (CLEOC) system.
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1-5 Enclosure (1)
(2) The ISO will conduct a records check through the National Driver
Registry (NDR) system on a case-by-case basis.
(3) Violations discovered as a result of the CLEOC and/or NDR checks
may result in disciplinary and/or administrative action (license revocation)
for both military and civilian personnel. Any negative issues will be
forwarded to the MCIPAC Command Inspector General (CIG) and the ISO for
i. Family members visiting in order to reduce hardship (illness,
deployment, or extenuating circumstances) on the command sponsored member may
be issued an official memo to operate the sponsor’s USFJ registered “Y” plate
private motor vehicle “On-Base Only” providing the following:
(1) Written requests for authorization shall be submitted to the
Safety Director, MCIPAC via the sponsored members Battalion/Squadron
(2) Must successfully pass a written exam and view the installation’s
“Drive Safe on Okinawa video administered at the ISO.
(3) Must possess a valid stateside or U.S. territory license.
(4) Must have written authorization from the vehicle owner to operate
the vehicle.
(5) Family members needing to operate the sponsor’s vehicle “Off-
Base” must follow the procedures in paragraph 2.i above and have a valid
International Driving Permit (IDP) from either the American Automoboile
Association (AAA) or National Auto Club. These are the only two
organizations the State Department recognizes for IDP’s.
j. The MCIPAC Safety Director will make the final determination on all
cases not specifically addressed in applicable directives and will forward
all adverse responses from the NDR to the MCIPAC CIG.
3. Motorcycle Endorsements. Applicants must have a valid USFJ Form 4EJ
operator’s permit and successfully complete a Basic Riders Course (BRC)
approved by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) or equivalent to qualify
for a motorcycle endorsement. The MCIPAC ISO, Motorcycle Training Facility
provides this training on KAB, however, completion of the BRC at other
military installations or state training facilities are authorized. For
Marine Corps active duty members, if the BRC completion certificate is more
than 120-days old, the applicant shall register for the appropriate refresher
training in the form of a Military Sport Bike Riders Course (MSRC) or
Advanced Riders Course (ARC) depending on style of motorcycle ridden. If the
applicants training is completeand less than three years old, a skills test
will be administered. The following restrictions on carrying passengers
a. Only those persons licensed to operate a vehicle off-base are
authorized to carry passengers.
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1-6 Enclosure (1)
b. Operators must have a minimum of one-year motorcycle experience prior
to having their permit designated as authorized to carry passengers.
Verification of experience will be validated by applicant’s stateside license
for motorcycle endorsement, BRC card, or other documents that can show length
of riding experience.
c. Operators must be at least 20 years of age and have three continuous
years of riding experience prior to having their permit designated as
authorized to carry passengers on the expressway.
4. Motorcycle Training. Individuals that own, ride, or wish to ride a
motorcycle on Okinawa must attend one of the following training classes
registering through their respective S-3 or G-3:
a. BRC. This is an introductory course and the first step for all new
riders. A new rider is defined as one who does not have proof of riding
experience. Proof is defined as having a motorcycle endorsement on a
stateside license and/or previous MSF training. This is a licensing course
and has a written and skills evaluation. Licensed riders are not required to
complete BRC; they are to proceed to the appropriate advanced course (MSRC or
ARC) per motorcycle ownership.
b. BRC-2. Designated for licensed riders to reinforce mental and
physical skills to safely operate a motorcycle. An experienced rider is
defined as having a motorcycle endorsement on a stateside license and/or
previous MSF training (BRC or BRC-2/MSRC or ARC). This is a licensing course
and has a written and skills evaluation.
c. MSRC & ARC. These courses are designed to enhance mental and skill
development in operating a motorcycle. This is NOT a licensing waiver
course and does not have a formal written or skills evaluation. Motorcycle
riders seeking licensing that have completed all training requirements must
conduct a skills test using their motorcycle. Those that do not pass will be
required to take the MSRC/ARC as refresher training.
5. Restricted Permits. Restrictions (i.e., On-Base Only, to and from
work, medical, dental, etc.) will be permanently marked on the back of the
USFJ operator’s permit. Personnel restricted to “On-Base Only” driving
privileges will be directed to the on-base Joint Services Vehicle
Registration Office (JSVRO) to have their POV decals modified. Removal of
restrictions imposed as a result of Traffic Court actions may only be
approved by the MCIPAC CIG’s office; the CIG is the only office authorized to
grant restricted privileges. Upon written approval by the MCIPAC CIG, a new
operator’s permit will be issued by the MCIPAC ISO. Any person found to be
in violation of paragraph 5 of this chapter shall have their driving
privileges revoked.
6. Student/Learner’s Permits. Student/learner's permits may be issued to
qualified individuals who successfully pass a written SOFA exam with a
minimum score of 80 percent. These permits will be valid for no more than 90
days. Once an initial learner’s permit has expired, renewal will be issued
on a case by case basis. Student/learner's permits are only valid aboard
U.S. military installations and only when the permit holder is accompanied by
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1-7 Enclosure (1)
a current USFJ 4EJ permitted operator. Driving School Student/learner’s
permits are issued in accordance with the following procedures:
a. Driving School for Military Personnel
(1) Proof of registration in a certified formal driving course such
as that provided at the Schilling Recreation Center on KAB.
(2) Learner’s permit for individuals registered at a certified formal
driving course will be delivered by the ISO to the driver’s school.
(3) Upon successful completion of the school, the applicant will be
issued a restricted permit, which will allow the individual to drive “On-Base
Only” for the first 30 days.
(4) After 30 days, the restriction may be lifted by the ISO.
b. Driving School for Family Members 16 Years Old and Older
(1) The applicant’s sponsor, parent, or legal guardian must show
proof of registration in a certified formal driving course such as that
provided at the Schilling Recreation Center on KAB.
(2) Upon passing an eye exam, an "On-Base Only" learner’s permit will
be issued for 90 days to a parent/spouse/guardian. The purpose of this
permit is to assist the applicant with becoming comfortable behind the wheel
before attending the certified formal driving course.
(3) If the parent, spouse or guardian does not wish to assist the
applicant with driving on-base for 90 days, the learner’s permit will be
delivered by the ISO directly to the certified formal driving course.
(4) Applicants who successfully complete the certified formal driving
course and have attained their 18th birthday will be issued a restricted 30-
day “On-Base Only” learner’s permit.
(5) Applicants who have not attained their 18th birthday will be
issued an “On-Base Only” restricted operator’s permit until they reach their
18th birthday after which the “On-Base Only” restriction may be lifted by the
(a) Applicants that will turn 18 years of age within 30-days of
license issuance will not be exempt from the “On-Base Only” requirement.
Upon completion of the 30-day requirement, the applicant can have the “On-
Base Only” restriction removed.
7. Duplicate Permits. Permits lost, stolen, or destroyed, will be replaced
under the following conditions:
a. All service personnel including U.S. civilians and family members
will obtain background check utilizing Appendix B. Applicants must take the
form to each respective branch PMO or Security Forces for a background check
to validate negative traffic issues are not pending. Upon verification, each
law enforcement agency will stamp the document with their seal. Once
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1-8 Enclosure (1)
complete, applicants will return the form to the ISO to have their operator’s
permit processed for reissue. Family members under 18 years of age must have
their sponsor accompany them to the ISO to complete a new application.
8. Renewal for Operator’s Permits. All applicants will present the ISO a
copy of their extension orders (BIR, OEPS message, IPCOTs, etc. will be
acceptable on a case-by-case basis) to show proof of their new rotation date
(RTD) and a valid armed forces military ID card. Individuals that have an
expired stateside license whose state does not permit an extension while
serving overseas or allow renewal by mail, may be granted a renewal by the
licensing authority (Safety Director, ISO) for their USFJ Form 4EJ provided
the individual’s driving record is in an acceptable state. It is the license
holder’s responsibility to show proof of their state’s requirements when
renewing their USFJ Form 4EJ. The following conditions apply:
a. Driving on an expired operator’s permit is unauthorized. Violators
shall be processed through the proper traffic court administrator.
b. All personnel with an expired operator’s permit shall retake the SOFA
license test.
c. Individuals on unit or Individual Augmentee deployment in support of
wartime or humanitarian efforts that have an expired operator’s permit must
renew their license immediately upon return from deployment. A copy of
deployment orders must accompany the application. All expired licenses will
be deleted from the ISO’s database weekly. It is the licensee’s
responsibility to ensure the license is valid and renewed in a timely manner.
d. Individuals on a unit deployment to support exercises or
contingencies (e.g., Cobra Gold, Keen Edge) can renew their licenses up to 60
days before deployment. If a renewal is completed before the license expires,
a SOFA test will not be required. However, proof of new RTD must accompany
the application.
9. Permit to be Carried and Exhibited on Demand. Every operator shall have
their operator’s permit in their immediate possession at all times when
operating a motor vehicle, and shall provide their operator’s permit upon
demand of law enforcement personnel.
10. Unlawful Use of Operator’s Permit. It is unlawful for any person to:
a. Display or have in their possession any canceled, revoked,
suspended, expired, fictitious, or fraudulently altered operator's permit.
b. Lend their operator’s permit to any other person or knowingly permit
the use thereof by another.
c. Fail or refuse to surrender to military police upon lawful demand
any operator’s permit which has been suspended, revoked, expired, or canceled.
d. Use a false or fictitious name in any application for an operator's
permit, or to knowingly make a false statement or to knowingly conceal a
material fact, or otherwise commit a fraud in any such application.
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11. Permitting Unlicensed Person to Drive. No person shall authorize or
knowingly permit any person, to drive who is not authorized or who does not
possess an operator’s permit for the type of vehicle, to drive said vehicle.
12. Permitting Person to Drive Under the Influence (DUI)/Driving while
Intoxicated (DWI). No owner or passenger may authorize or knowingly permit
an individual to operate or be in control of a motor vehicle while that
individual is under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants, as defined
in Chapter 4, Section 1.
*13. Operator’s Permits for Unit Deployment Program (UDP) Personnel
a. Commanding Officers at the battalion and squadron level shall:
* (1) Submit a letter to the Operations Supervisor, ISO identifying all
personnel authorized to obtain a USFJ Form 4EJ operator’s permit. Signature
samples of commanding officers shall be provided in the form of the
assumption of command letter, along with the official acting designation
letter, or delegation of authority letter. All letters must be submitted to
the ISO prior to processing a license.
(2) Personally sign the application for all E-5 and E-4 service
members prior to authorizing driving privileges. Special attention must be
given to the individual screening of NCO’s. Officers and SNCO’s are
authorized to sign their own application.
(3) UDP personnel are not required to attend the Installations NOWA
or JRC brief due to receiving a modified brief from III MEF upon arriving in
(4) Establish adequate procedures to ensure POVs obtained by UDP
personnel while on Okinawa are properly transferred, sold, or disposed of
prior to units returning to permanent duty station.
* b. E-3 and below service members are only authorized to operate rented
or leased vehicles for official use in support of the commands mission and
must adhere to the requirements of paragraph 14 of this chapter.
*14. Temporary Additional Duty (TAD)/Temporary Duty (TDY)/Leave Status. In
accordance with reference (d), SOFA status personnel in a TAD/TDY status, are
authorized to operate Japanese registered rental vehicles only on or off-base
in Japan on an international driver’s permit (IDP) approved by the State
Department such as the American Automobile Association (AAA) or the American
Automobile Touring Alliance (AATA). Operation of SOFA registered POVs under
the stated circumstances is prohibited.
a. Personnel temporarily assigned within Japan less than 30 days will
not receive a USFJ Form 4EJ operator’s permit.
b. Personnel temporarily assigned duty longer than 30 days may receive a
USFJ Form 4EJ operator’s permit if the requirements listed in paragraph 2 of
this chapter and those of their service branch are met.
c. Personnel on leave visiting Japan will not be authorized to receive
USFJ Form 4EJ operator’s permit.
1-9 Enclosure (1)
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2-1 Enclosure (1)
Chapter 2
Driving Privileges
1. Policy. The operation of a POV on Okinawa is a conditional privilege
extended by the CG MCIPAC. Authorized individuals desiring the privilege
a. Comply with traffic laws and regulations, both on and off the
b. Comply with both GOJ and military registration requirements.
2. Implied Consent. Any person subject to this Order shall be deemed to have
consented to evidentiary tests of their blood, breath and/or urine. The
purpose of testing shall be to determine the alcohol or drug content of blood.
This consent applies when lawfully stopped, detained, apprehended or cited for
any driving offense committed while driving or in physical control of a motor
vehicle in Japan, whether on or off a military installation. If a person,
suspected of DUI, drugs or alcohol, refuses at anytime, whether verbally or in
writing, to give a sample of their blood, breath or urine, it will constitute
a refusal. No other opportunities will be afforded the suspect after this
decision. This includes the refusal to provide a breath sample on any device
used by Military Police that is approved by the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA). Any person who is dead, unconscious or
otherwise in a condition rendering them incapable of refusal, shall be deemed
not to have withdrawn their consent and such tests may be administered whether
or not such person has been told that their failure to submit to or complete
the test will result in the revocation of their driving privileges.
3. Suspension or Revocation of Driving Privileges
a. Driving a vehicle in Japan is a privilege that is subject to
administrative suspension or revocation for reasons both related and unrelated
to traffic violations and safe vehicle operations.
b. Procedures for suspension or revocation of driving privileges shall be
in accordance with reference (i).
4. Restrictions on Use and Operation of Motor Vehicles
a. Personnel subject to this Order will not rent, lend, or permit the
use or operation of their POVs by persons other than those who possess a
valid operator’s permit (USFJ Form 4EJ) except for the temporary convenience
of the owner or his or her family, such as when the vehicle is in any of the
following conditions:
(1) Being driven by the owner’s authorized chauffeur to implement
instructions received from the employer;
(2) Undergoing maintenance or repair;
(3) Being shipped into or out of Japan;
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(4) Stored in a parking lot or garage;
(5) Placed in temporary storage pending authorized disposition to a
resident of Japan (See reference (d));
(6) Undergoing inspection and processing at a GOJ Land and
Transportation Office (LTO); or
(7) Being driven by a properly licensed or authorized individual
while the owner/operator is incapable of driving (e.g., physically
incapacitated, too tired, or consumed any amount of alcohol).
b. Daiko Taxi Service. Use of Daiko Taxi Service by SOFA personnel is
authorized under this Order and per reference (j).
(1) Daiko Taxi Service allows a SOFA member who is incapable of
driving his/her vehicle (e.g., physically incapacitated, too tired, or
consumed any amount of alcohol) to employ a commercial driving service to
provide an additional driver for the purpose of returning an owner and POV to
the owner’s residence.
(2) Insurance regulations require the SOFA member to ride in the
Daiko taxi (not the SOFA member’s own vehicle) as a passenger while a Daiko
licensed operator drives the SOFA member’s vehicle behind the taxi to the
owner’s residence.
(3) The Daiko licensed operators providing this service shall operate
motor vehicles in accordance with the established provisions for motor
vehicle operation aboard Marine Corps installations, per the references, as
well as all applicable Japanese traffic laws.
c. Personnel, as described in paragraph 6a of the basic Order will not
operate a rented or borrowed motor vehicle, including any Japanese-owned
motor vehicle, unless the following requirements are met:
(1) Operators have a valid USFJ Form 4EJ for the type of motor
vehicle to be operated.
(2) If the owner is unavailable (e.g., deployed, TAD, leave, etc.),
operators have the owner’s written permission in their immediate possession
while operating the motor vehicle.
(3) The vehicle to be operated is covered by insurance as prescribed
in Chapter 3 of reference (d).
d. All personnel, as described in paragraph 6a of the basic Order
operating a motor vehicle in Japan must produce upon request from military or
Japanese law enforcement officials the following:
(1) Proof of vehicle ownership or registration as required by the
issuing authority;
(2) A valid USFJ Form 4EJ, operator’s permit supported by an official
DoD Identification Card or passport; and
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(3) Proof of Japanese Compulsory Insurance (JCI) and property damage
liability insurance (PDI) as directed by this Order.
e. Persons subject to this Order shall cooperate with U.S. law
enforcement authorities and GOJ law enforcement personnel when involved in a
traffic accident.
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Chapter 3
Police Traffic Supervision
1. Military Police Patrol and Investigative Activities. Per reference (o),
the maintenance of order and discipline of SOFA personnel, regardless of
location in Japan, is a function of USFJ law enforcing agencies. The GOJ has
agreed that USFJ law enforcement personnel, in the course of maintaining
order and discipline, will have access to such public areas as public streets
and highways, railroad stations, public entertainment buildings and areas,
and public recreation areas, provided that such law enforcement personnel
will not interfere substantially with the performance of business of any
individual. The sole mission of such patrol activities will be to maintain
order and discipline among SOFA personnel.
2. Alcohol and Drug Countermeasures. Enforcement will include measures for
detection, apprehension, and testing of personnel who are suspected of DUI of
alcohol or drugs. These measures will include employment of special patrols
during periods when DUI violations most frequently occur.
a. Detection and Apprehension. Law enforcement personnel normally
detect drunk driving violators by observing unusual, abnormal, or illegal
driving behavior. Drivers exhibiting such behavior will be stopped
immediately to determine the cause of the behavior. Any person suspected of
DUI will have their SOFA license confiscated by Law Enforcement personnel.
b. Testing. Under the Implied Consent policy of this Order, any person
who operates a motor vehicle is deemed to have given their consent to
chemical tests of breath, blood, and/or urine. Such testing will be
conducted in accordance with reference (b).
3. Refusal. With the exception of the provisions of paragraph 1a(9) of
Chapter 4, if a person suspected of DUI refuses the request of law
enforcement personnel to submit to a chemical test, none will be given. When
requesting consent for a chemical test, law enforcement personnel shall warn
the suspect that refusal to submit to a chemical test will result in the
revocation of driving privileges for three years. All persons may also be
advised that they do not have the right to have an attorney present before
stating whether they will submit to a test or during the administration of
the test. If such person refuses to submit to or fails to complete a
chemical test, law enforcement personnel will complete a sworn statement that
the officer had reasonable cause to believe:
a. That the suspect had been driving or was in physical control of a
motor vehicle; and
b. At the time driving, the suspect was under the influence of alcohol
or drugs; and
c. That the suspect refused to submit to or failed to complete a
chemical test after being requested to do so.
4. Sworn Statement. Upon receipt of the sworn statement, the Traffic Court
Officer hearing the case shall take action in accordance with reference (i).
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5. Vehicle Impound. Impounded vehicles will be stored at the Joint Services
Vehicle Impound Lot (JSVIL). Law enforcement personnel will impound POVs
registered to USFJ personnel found in violation of any of the following:
a. Implied Consent for Vehicle Impoundment. As a condition of
registering a POV, personnel give consent to the removal and temporary
impoundment of their POV when sufficient cause exists. Personnel are liable
for reimbursing the U.S. Government for the costs associated with the towing,
storage, and/or disposal of the POV.
b. Basis for Impound. Vehicles will be immediately impounded without
notice when any of the following criteria is met:
(1) The vehicle is illegally parked:
(a) On a street or bridge, in a tunnel, or is double-parked and
interferes with the orderly flow of traffic;
(b) On a sidewalk, within an intersection, on a crosswalk, on a
railroad track, in a fire lane, or is blocking a driveway or emergency exit
door, so that the vehicle interferes with operation of a facility; or
(c) In a “tow away” zone that is posted with proper signs or
(2) The vehicle interferes with:
(a) Street cleaning operations and reasonable attempts to contact
the owner have failed; or
(b) Emergency or clean-up operations associated with a
natural disaster or fire.
(3) The vehicle has been used in a crime or contains evidence of
criminal activity.
(4) The vehicle is mechanically defective or is a hazard to others
using public roadways.
(5) The vehicle has been involved in a traffic accident and the
operator is either unavailable or incapable of having the POV removed.
(6) When it is determined that the registered owner had departed
Japan on permanent change of station (PCS) orders and there is no Power of
Attorney (POA) on file at the JSVRO, or the existing POA is expired.
(7) The vehicle has been used in black marketing activities.
(8) The vehicle does not have or has expired:
(a) Road Tax;
(b) JCI or PDI insurance; or
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(c) GOJ Inspection.
(9) The vehicle has been reported stolen.
(10) The vehicle displays a military or GOJ registration that has been
expired in excess of 30 days.
(11) The operator has been charged with:
(a) DUI, Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or DWI Refusal;
(b) Operating a vehicle while under suspension or revocation;
(c) Fleeing the scene of a traffic accident involving death,
major property damage or injuries;
(d) Racing or drifting;
(e) Reckless driving;
(f) Vehicular homicide; or
(g) Use of a motor vehicle to flee or elude law enforcement
c. Seventy-two Hour Notice. All other vehicles found in violation of
military or Japanese registration laws and found apparently abandoned on
Marine Corps installations will be given a 72 hour impound notice and/or a
traffic citation requiring the owner to take the necessary corrective action
within that period of time. Once notice has been given, the vehicle owner is
responsible for providing PMO with proof that the discrepancy has been
corrected. Failure to do so within the initial 72 hours shall result in
impoundment of the vehicle.
d. Disabled Vehicles. Owners shall remove disabled vehicles parked on-
base as soon as possible.
e. Impounded Vehicles. Vehicles which have been impounded for any of
the above reasons will remain in the JSVIL until either:
(1) Completion of investigation and/or case adjudication, if
applicable; or
(2) The registered owner, or a person appointed by a POA, can
retrieve and correct whatever discrepancy caused the vehicle to be impounded.
f. Abandoned Vehicles. Vehicles abandoned by USFJ personnel who have
permanently departed Japan without proper deregistration will be immediately
impounded and disposed of in accordance with reference (h).
6. Accidents and Accident Reporting Policy. Persons involved in a motor
vehicle accident shall immediately report the occurrence to the nearest
military law enforcement agency and, if off-base, to the Japanese police by
the most expeditious means.
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a. Whenever the driver of a vehicle fails, or is physically incapable of
reporting an accident as required above and there was another occupant in the
vehicle at the time of the accident capable of doing so, such occupant shall
make or cause the report to be given.
b. The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury
to, or the death of, any person, or property damage shall immediately stop
their vehicle at the scene of such accident (or as close thereto as possible)
and remain at the scene of the accident until they have fulfilled the
requirements of paragraph 6c below.
c. The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident shall give his/her
name, address, vehicle registration number, name of insurer, insurance policy
number, insurance expiration date, and, upon request, show his/her operator’s
permit to any person injured in such accident or to the driver, occupant, or
person attending any vehicle or other property damaged in such accident. The
same information shall be provided to any law enforcement personnel at the
scene of the accident or later investigating the accident. In the event that
none of the persons specified are present or are otherwise incapable of
receiving the information, the driver of any vehicle involved in such
accident shall attempt to locate such persons and shall notify the nearest
military law enforcement agency and, if off-base, the Japanese police by the
most expeditious means.
d. Duty of Witness to Remain at Accident Scene
(1) Witnesses to an accident shall not depart the scene of a traffic
accident until their identity has been furnished to law enforcement
(2) Witnesses to an accident shall give any assistance needed when
requested by law enforcement personnel.
7. Duty to Investigate Traffic Accidents
a. On-Base. PMO shall investigate all traffic accidents occurring on-
base within their area of responsibility.
b. Off-Base. PMO shall investigate all traffic accidents occurring off-
base within their area of responsibility that involve the following
(1) Upon request by the Japanese police;
(2) The death of, or injury to any person;
(3) Any criminal offense such as a violation of the Uniform Code of
Military Justice (UCMJ) or Japanese Criminal Law, (e.g., DUI/DWI, Hit and
Run, Reckless Driving, etc.);
(4) Any accident involving a government owned vehicle (GOV) or which
is likely to result in a claim for or against the U.S. Government;
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(5) Any accident involving POVs where the severity of the accident
will likely exceed the insurance policy limits of the SOFA driver;
(6) Accidents that will likely generate media interest, be viewed as
an international incident, or bring discredit to or present an unfavorable
image of USFJ; or
(7) Any accident, which in the discretion of military police
personnel, requires a formal report based on the unique circumstances of the
c. Other Off-Base Accidents. For other off-base accidents not listed in
paragraph 7b above, military police will respond to the scene upon
notification. In such accidents, military police personnel will assist
Japanese police and the parties involved in exchanging information and
instruct SOFA personnel to report the accident to their insurance company.
8. Report of Accident to Insurance Company
a. The owner and/or driver of every vehicle involved in a traffic
accident shall report the circumstances of such accident to the insurance
company that issued a policy on the vehicle involved.
b. The report shall be made within 72 hours, unless the owner and/or
driver are hospitalized or otherwise incapable of doing so.
9. Government Wrecker Service
a. A U.S. Government wrecker will not be used to tow POVs except upon
official request from the PMO. Most POVs requiring impoundment in accordance
with the requirements of this Order will be towed by MCCS personnel under the
direction of the JSVIL. On those occasions when MCCS equipment is not
adequate due to the physical disability or location of a particular vehicle,
U.S. Government wrecker service will be provided. Since the U.S. Marine
Corps is tasked with the administration of the JSVIL, this wrecker service
will be provided for vehicles located throughout Okinawa.
b. When commercial wrecking service is utilized, all costs of such
service(s) shall be paid by the legal/registered owner of the vehicle.
10. Theft and Recovery of Vehicles. Whenever a vehicle is stolen or
recovered, the individual discovering the theft or making the recovery will
report the following promptly to the military police:
a. Year, make, and model of vehicle;
b. License number and/or USFJ registration number;
c. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN);
d. Identifying marks;
e. Time, date, and exact location of the vehicle when stolen, or
recovered; and
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f. Circumstances surrounding the theft or recovery.
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Chapter 4
Rules of the Road
1. Alcohol Standards
a. Driving Under the Influence/Driving While Intoxicated
(1) No person subject to this Order may operate or be in physical
control of any motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants,
including intoxicating beverages, drugs, or any combination thereof.
(a) If a person’s blood alcohol content (BAC) is determined to be
less than 0.049 percent by weight of alcohol in the person’s blood, the
person shall be presumed to not be under the influence of intoxicants.
(b) If a person’s BAC is determined to be 0.05 to 0.079 percent
by weight of alcohol in the person’s blood, the person shall be presumed to
be “Driving Under the Influence (DUI).
(c) If a person’s BAC is determined to be .08 percent or more by
weight of alcohol in the person’s blood, or if tests reflect the presence of
illegal drugs, the person shall be determined to be Driving While
Intoxicated (DWI).
(2) The foregoing provisions shall not be construed as limiting the
introduction of any other competent evidence bearing upon the question
whether the person was under the influence of intoxicants (e.g., failure to
properly perform a Standardized Field Sobriety Test administered by a law
enforcement official). Supportive evidence may overcome the presumptive
weight of a chemical test.
(3) Percent by weight of alcohol in the breath shall be based upon
grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath. Percent by weight of alcohol in
the blood shall be based upon grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood.
(4) Chemical analysis of the person's blood, breath, or other bodily
substance is to be considered valid under the provisions of this chapter when
performed in accordance with reference (b).
(5) When a person submits to a blood test at the request of law
enforcement personnel under the provisions of Implied Consent, only a
physician, nurse, or other qualified person may withdraw blood for the
purpose of determining the alcohol or drug content therein. This limitation
shall not apply to collecting breath or urine specimens.
(6) The person tested may have a doctor, qualified technician,
chemist, registered nurse, or other qualified medical person administer a
chemical test or tests in addition to any administered at the direction of
law enforcement personnel. This separate test will not however, cause delay
in the administration of the test requested by law enforcement personnel.
Failure or inability to obtain an additional test requested by the suspect
shall not preclude the admission of evidence relating to the test or tests
requested by law enforcement personnel.
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(7) When a person submits to a chemical test or tests at the request
of law enforcement personnel, full information concerning the test or tests
shall be made available to that person and their commander.
(8) If a person refuses to submit to a chemical test under the
provisions of this Order, evidence of refusal shall be admissible in any
prosecution or proceeding arising out of acts alleged to have been committed
while the person was driving, operating, or in physical control of a motor
(9) An individual subject to the UCMJ, who was driving a vehicle
involved in an accident resulting in death, personal injury, or serious
property damage, may be involuntarily subjected to seizure of bodily fluids
(i.e., blood and/or urine) for the purpose of analysis for determination of
his/her BAC. Such involuntary seizure must be based on a valid command
search and seizure authorization and shall be undertaken per paragraph 4-15
of reference (b).
(10) In addition to the provisions listed above, persons under the
age of 20 years old are strictly prohibited from operating or being in
physical control of a motor vehicle after consuming alcohol. It is unlawful
for a person less than 20 years old to drive a motor vehicle on a highway or
public vehicular area while consuming alcohol or at any time while he/she has
remaining in his/her body any alcohol or controlled substance previously
(a) The measurement methods authorized are:
1. Preliminary Breath Test device;
2. Other instruments that are on the conforming products
list of evidential breath measurement devices under the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
(b) Refusal to submit to a chemical analysis of their breath,
blood, or urine will result in a mandatory revocation of their driving
privileges for three years.
b. Japanese Standard
(1) Japanese police determine the degree of intoxication by use of a
Kitagawa Balloon test, which measures milligrams of alcohol per liter of
expired breath. Under the provisions of reference (l), when a reading of
0.15 mg/l (the equivalent of .03% BAC) of expired breath is obtained, it
shall be presumed for the purposes of prosecution in Japanese courts that the
person was under the influence of intoxicating liquor.
(2) All personnel subject to this Order who are prosecuted by
Japanese courts for DUI (.03% BAC) or DWI shall be referred to the MCIPAC
Traffic Court for appropriate administrative action in accordance with
reference (i).
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c. Open Containers of Alcoholic Beverages. Operators and passengers of
motor vehicles are prohibited from having open containers of alcoholic
beverages in their possession.
2. Non-Motorized, Wheeled Transportation
a. Bicycles, Skateboards, Roller Skates, Roller Blades, and Heeleys-type
Shoes worn in the Wheeled Mode
(1) Traffic Laws. As a general rule, a bicycle must travel on the
road. However, bicycles may be ridden on the sidewalk under the following
(a) When specifically designated by a posted sign that permits
bicycle traffic;
(b) Where roadway vehicle traffic or construction conditions make
it dangerous to ride a bicycle on the road; or
(c) When bicycle riders are under 13 years of age, over 70 years
of age, or physically impaired.
(2) Bicyclist will have the right of way of motor vehicles except
where addressed in this chapter.
(3) No bicycle or scooter shall be used to carry more persons at one
time than the number for which it was designed and equipped. Children four
years of age and younger or children who weigh less than 45 pounds are
exempted from this provision, provided that they are adequately secured and
protected from moving bicycle parts while riding as passengers on a bicycle
operated by an adult.
(4) Scooters (non-motorized), Heeley’s, roller skates/blades, and
skateboards are not considered legal modes of transportation and are not
authorized to be on the roadways. These items may only be used on sidewalks
when not interfering with pedestrian traffic or in designated areas, such as
MCCS skate parks.
b. Riding on Roadways. Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway
(1) Ride on the left side of the roadway as practicable;
(2) Exercise due care when passing a standing vehicle or one
proceeding in the same direction;
(3) Not ride two abreast except on parts of roadways set aside for
the exclusive use of bicycles; and
(4) Not wear headphones.
c. Riding on Sidewalks. In the unusual circumstance that a person
operates a bicycle on a sidewalk, the person shall obey all pedestrian
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traffic signals and remember that pedestrians always have the right of way on
a sidewalk.
d. Clinging to Vehicles. No person riding upon any bicycle, skateboard,
roller skates, toy vehicle, roller blades and Heeleys-type shoes worn in the
wheeled mode, or other device shall in any way attach the same or themselves
to any vehicle upon a roadway.
e. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
(1) Knee and elbow pads, gloves, and properly fastened helmet
approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or Snell
Memorial Foundation shall be worn when riding scooters, Heeley’s, roller
skates/blades, and skateboards.
(2) In accordance with ref (c), Bicycles shall have the following:
(a) Red reflector visible from distances between 100 and 600 feet
when illuminated by head lamps of a vehicle. A red lamp on the rear emitting
a red light visible from a distance of 500 feet may be used in addition to
the red reflector. A white lamp on the front shall be used to emit a white
light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet;
(b) Spoke or wheel mounted reflectors visible from the side; and
(c) Proper brakes that will enable the operator to stop abruptly
on dry and wet surfaces.
f. Carrying Articles While Operating a Bicycle. No person operating a
bicycle shall carry any article which prevents the driver from keeping at
least one hand upon the handlebars and otherwise maintaining safe operation
of the bicycle.
g. Violations. Violations of paragraphs 2a through 2f will be treated
as misconduct and enforced by PMO. Minor Offense Reports will be issued for
violations and forwarded to appropriate Commanders or the MCIPAC CIG.
Military police may temporarily impound recreational equipment (e.g.,
skateboards, scooters, bicycles, etc.) when they determine such immediate
action is necessary to prevent additional misconduct or protect the
violator’s safety and welfare. Military police shall secure any impounded
equipment and return it to the sponsors as soon as practicable.
3. Convoys
a. Definition. A military convoy is a group of three or more GOVs, the
movement of which is organized for the purpose of control and orderly
movement over streets and highways with or without escort.
b. Convoy Commanders. Outside of military installations, a convoy of
five or more tactical vehicles shall be accompanied by an officer or SNCO
acting as Convoy Commander.
c. Convoy Restrictions - Off-Base. Except in an emergency or while
conducting tactical missions:
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(1) A convoy outside of military installations shall not exceed 20
vehicles, shall travel in series of no more than five vehicles, and shall be
driven no faster than the posted maximum speed limit or at a lower speed as
the Convoy Commander deems necessary.
(2) Convoys moving outside of military installations will only use
primary roads or highways between the hours of 2200 and 0600.
(3) The following convoys or single vehicle movements will be
coordinated with the G-3 of the convoy’s originating unit:
(a) Convoys consisting of five or more vehicles;
(b) Movement of oversized vehicles, (e.g., tank retrievers and
lowboys moving heavy equipment, cranes), and vehicles transporting cargo, any
portion of which extends more than 12 inches from the left side of the
(c) Movement of vehicles bearing oversized loads;
(d) Movement of double-towed vehicles;
(e) Movement of vehicles, vehicle combination, or vehicle and
load combination in excess of 60 feet overall length; or
(f) Movement of explosives.
d. Restrictions of Convoy Movement
(1) Convoys shall use the center lane of multilane highways except
when preparing for a turn, or when otherwise directed by a supervisor or
(2) Convoys will obey all traffic regulations, signs, and signals
applicable to single vehicles unless specific clearance is granted by
appropriate authority.
e. Police Escort. Military police escorts will be furnished only for
reasons of protocol or security when it is necessary for a person or unit to
proceed from one point to another with the least possible loss of time. Such
escorts will abide by local civil traffic laws, provisions of this Order, and
references (d) and USFJI 31-203 when traveling outside of U.S. Military
installations. Routine classified military convoys are included in this
f. Transporting Explosives. In areas outside of military
installations/camps, explosives shall be transported in strict compliance
with requirements set forth in reference (f) governing transportation and
handling of munitions and explosives.
4. Emergency Vehicles and Equipment
a. Operation of Emergency Vehicles. The driver of an authorized
emergency vehicle, when responding to an emergency call or when in the
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pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law, may exercise the
privileges set forth in this paragraph, but subject to the following
(1) The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle may:
(a) Park or stand, irrespective of the provisions of this chapter.
(b) Proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, but only
after slowing down as is necessary for safe operation.
(c) Exceed the maximum speed limits so long as doing so does not
endanger life or property.
(d) Disregard regulations governing direction of movement or
turning in specified directions, so long as doing so does not endanger life
or property.
(2) The exemptions herein granted to an authorized emergency vehicle
shall apply only when such vehicle is making use of audible and/or visual
(3) The foregoing provisions shall not relieve the driver of an
emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of
all persons.
b. Operation of Vehicles Upon Approach of an Emergency Vehicle. Upon
the approach of an emergency vehicle making use of audible and/or visual
signals, vehicle drivers shall yield the right of way, drive parallel to and
as close as possible to the closest edge or curb of the roadway, and
immediately stop unless doing so would be unsafe. Drivers shall stop clear
of any intersection and remain in such position until the emergency vehicle
has passed, except when otherwise directed by a law enforcement personnel.
c. Following Emergency Vehicles Prohibited. No vehicle driver shall
follow any emergency vehicle making use of audible and/or visual signals
closer than 500 feet or park within 500 feet of where an emergency vehicle
has stopped to answer a call.
d. Crossing Fire Hose. No vehicle shall be driven over any unprotected
hose of a fire department when laid down on any surface, without the consent
of the fire department official in command.
5. General Provisions and Restrictions
a. Obedience to Police Officers and Other Authorities. All persons
subject to this Order shall comply with any lawful order or direction of any
police officer, fireman, or uniformed adult school crossing guard appointed
by competent authority to direct, control, or regulate traffic.
b. Persons Working on Highways Exceptions. Unless specifically made
applicable, the provisions of this Order, shall apply to persons, teams,
motor vehicles and other equipment while actually engaged in work upon the
surface of a highway.
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c. Drivers to Exercise Due Care. Every driver shall exercise due care
to avoid colliding with any pedestrian or any person operating a human-
powered vehicle. Drivers shall give an audible signal when necessary and
shall exercise proper precautions upon observing any child, pedestrian, or
any obviously confused, incapacitated, or intoxicated person.
d. Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Law Enforcement Personnel. It is
unlawful for any driver of a motor vehicle to willfully fail to bring their
vehicle to a stop, otherwise flee, or attempt to elude a pursuing police
vehicle, when given visual or audible signal to bring the vehicle to a stop.
The signal given by law enforcement personnel may be by hand, voice,
emergency light, or siren. The officer giving such signal shall be in
uniform, and their vehicle shall be appropriately marked showing it to be an
official police vehicle.
e. Unattended Motor Vehicle. No person driving or in charge of a motor
vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended without first stopping the
engine, locking the ignition, removing the key from the ignition, effectively
setting the brake, and when standing upon any grade, turning the front wheels
to the curb or side of the highway.
f. Unattended Children. Children nine years old or younger will not be
left unattended in a vehicle at any time.
g. Limitations on Reverse Direction. The driver of a vehicle shall not:
(1) Drive in a reverse direction unless such movement can be made
safely and without interfering with other traffic;
(2) Drive in a reverse direction upon any shoulder or roadway of any
controlled access highway; or
(3) When driving a 3/4 metric ton or larger GOV in a reverse
direction, fail to use a dismounted guide if any person is available in the
vicinity for that purpose. The dismounted guide will be responsible to
insure that prior to, and during the reverse movement of the vehicle there
are no obstacles to interfere with the safe backing of the vehicle.
h. Driving on Mountainous Highways. The driver of a motor vehicle
traveling through gorges or canyons or on mountain highways shall:
(1) Hold such motor vehicle under control and as near the left-hand
edge of the highway as reasonably possible.
(2) Upon approaching any curve where the view is obstructed within a
distance of 200 feet along the highway, give audible warning with the horn of
such motor vehicle.
i. Coasting Prohibited. When traveling upon a downgrade, a driver shall
not coast with the gears or transmission of such vehicle in neutral or
disengaged, or with the clutch disengaged.
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j. Littering. No person shall unlawfully dispose of any trash, litter,
cigarette, or other debris on or along any parking lot, roadway, sidewalk, or
other location.
k. Towing of Vehicles. In all cases requiring that a vehicle be towed,
the towed vehicle shall be attached to the lead vehicle by a rigid tow bar,
wrecker hoisting assembly, or any device specifically manufactured for towing
l. Careless Driving. It is unlawful for any person to drive any vehicle
in a careless and heedless manner. No person shall drive without:
(1) Giving full time and attention to driving;
(2) Maintaining sufficient clearance from other vehicles,
pedestrians, roadside objects, or structures with due regard for the width,
grade, and curves of roadways; and
(3) Maintaining proper control of their vehicle with due regard for
traffic, weather, and road conditions and all other circumstances.
m. Following Too Closely. The driver of a motor vehicle shall not
follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having
due regard for the speed of such vehicles, traffic congestion, and condition
of the highway.
n. Professional Negligence. A person who fails to use such care as is
required in the operation of a motor vehicle and thereby kills or injures
another is punishable under Article 211, Japanese Penal Code for professional
negligence. The same shall apply to a person who, by gross negligence,
injures or causes the death of another.
6. Lane Usage
a. Exceptions to Driving on Left Side of Roadway. Upon all roadways of
sufficient width a vehicle shall be driven upon the left half of the roadway,
except as follows:
(1) When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the
same direction;
(2) Upon a roadway divided into three marked lanes for traffic under
the rules applicable thereon; or
(3) Upon a roadway restricted to one-way traffic.
b. Slow Vehicles to be Driven in the Left-Hand Lane. Upon all roadways,
any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic shall be
driven in the left-hand lane, or as close as practicable to the left-hand
curb or edge of the roadway. This shall not apply when overtaking and
passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing
for a right turn at an intersection, private road, or driveway.
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c. Driving Right of Centerline Prohibited. Upon any roadway having four
or more lanes for moving traffic and providing for two-way movement of
traffic, no vehicle shall be driven to the right of the centerline of the
roadway except when authorized by official traffic control devices. This
subsection shall not be interpreted as prohibiting the crossing of the
centerline in making a right turn at an intersection, private road, or
d. One-Way Roadways and Rotary Traffic Islands. Upon a roadway
designated for one-way traffic by an official traffic control device:
(1) A vehicle shall be driven only in the designated direction.
(2) When no road markings exist to indicate a separation of two or
more lanes of travel, then only one lane shall be presumed to exist and
passing is prohibited.
(3) A vehicle proceeding around a rotary traffic island shall be
driven only in a clockwise direction.
e. Driving on Roadways with Two or More Lanes. Wherever any roadway has
been divided into two or more clearly marked lanes, the following rules
consistent here within shall apply in addition to all others set forth in
this Order:
(1) A vehicle shall be driven as nearly as practicable entirely
within a single lane and shall not be moved from such lane until the driver
has first ascertained that such movement can be made safely.
(2) Drivers shall obey the directions of official traffic control
devices erected to direct traffic into a lane ordinarily used by traffic
moving in the opposite direction.
(3) Drivers shall obey the directions of official traffic control
devices installed to prohibit the changing of lanes or sections of roadway.
f. Driving on Divided Highways. Whenever any highway has been divided
into two or more roadways by an intervening space, physical barrier, or
clearly indicated dividing section constructed to impede vehicular traffic;
every vehicle shall be driven only upon the left-hand roadway unless directed
or permitted to use another roadway by official traffic control devices or
law enforcement personnel. No vehicle shall be driven over, across, or
within any such intervening space, physical barrier, or dividing section;
except through an opening in such intervening space, physical barrier, or
dividing section; at an established cross-over or intersection; or otherwise
authorized by public authority.
g. Restricted Access. No person shall drive a vehicle onto or from any
controlled access roadway except at such entrances and exits as are
established by competent authority.
h. Driving Upon Sidewalk. No person shall drive any vehicle upon a
sidewalk or sidewalk area except upon a permanent or duly authorized
temporary driveway.
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i. Bus Priority and Exclusive Lanes
(1) In lanes designated by signs or pavement markings as a priority
lane for public buses, school buses and taxi cabs:
(a) Other vehicles are required to move out of the priority lane
immediately when a bus or taxi approaches from the rear; and
(b) No other vehicle may travel in the priority lane when moving
out of the priority lane for an approaching bus or taxi would be difficult.
(2) Bus exclusive lanes are for buses, taxi cabs with passengers, and
motorcycles exclusively. Other vehicles are only authorized to use these
lanes to make a left turn.
7. Motorcycles
a. Motorized Scooter Operations. All Motorized stand-up scooters are
prohibited for use.
b. Riding on Motorcycles
(1) A person operating a motorcycle shall ride only upon the
permanent and regular seat attached. Operators shall not carry any
passengers unless that motorcycle is designed to carry more than one person
and the operator is properly endorsed to carry passengers.
(2) Operators and passengers shall ride sitting astride the seat,
facing forward, with one leg on each side of the motorcycle.
(3) No person shall operate a motorcycle while carrying any article
which prevents the operator from keeping both hands on the handlebars.
c. Operating Motorcycles on Roadways
(1) All motorcycles are entitled to full use of a lane.
(2) The operator of a motorcycle shall not overtake and pass in any
lane currently occupied by another vehicle. Driving on the shoulder of the
roadway in order to overtake a vehicle is prohibited. This specifically
prohibits “white-lining.”
(3) No person shall operate a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or
between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles.
(4) Motorcycles shall not be operated more than one abreast in a
single lane.
d. Equipment for Motorcycle Riders and Passengers. All personnel
operating or riding a motorcycle on-base and all SOFA personnel operating or
riding a motorcycle off-base shall wear the appropriate PPE consisting of:
(1) A properly fastened (under the chin) protective helmet, which
meets American National Standards Institute standard number ANSI 290.1-1971,
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Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard #218, or Department of Transportation
standards. It is strongly recommended that the helmet be of a reflective
material or have a reflective design. Designs or ornaments on helmets will
not be offensive in nature.
(2) Impact or shatter resistant goggles or full-face shield attached
to the helmet. A windshield, eyeglasses, sunglasses or fairing alone is not
considered to be proper eye protection. Devices used at night will not be
(3) Clothing must cover the upper torso and legs. "T" shirts and
shorts are prohibited. Footwear will be boots of leather or leather like
material that cover the ankles. Sneakers, "tennis" shoes, or other athletic-
type footwear are prohibited. Full-fingered gloves or mittens shall be worn
on the hands.
8. Overtaking and Passing
a. Passing Vehicles Proceeding in Opposite Directions. Drivers of
vehicles proceeding in opposite directions shall pass each other to the left.
On roadways having width for not more than one line of traffic in each
direction, each driver shall give to the other at least one-half of the main
traveled portion of the roadway.
b. Overtaking a Vehicle on the Right. The following rules shall govern
the overtaking and passing of vehicles proceeding in the same direction:
(1) The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in
the same direction shall pass to the right thereof at a safe distance and
shall not again drive to the left side of the roadway until safely clear of
the overtaken vehicle.
(2) Except when overtaking and passing on the left is permitted, the
driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give way to the left in favor of the
overtaking vehicle and shall not increase the speed of the driver's vehicle
until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle.
c. When Overtaking on the Left is Permitted
(1) The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass upon the left of
another vehicle only under the following conditions:
(a) When the vehicle overtaken is making or about to make a right
(b) Upon a street or highway with unobstructed pavement not
occupied by parked vehicles of sufficient width for two or more lines of
moving vehicles in each direction.
(2) The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle
upon the left only when conditions permit doing so safely. In no event shall
such movement be made by driving off the pavement or main-traveled portion of
the roadway.
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d. Limitations on Overtaking on the Right
(1) No vehicle shall be driven to the right side of the center of the
roadway in overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same
direction unless such right side is clearly visible and is free of oncoming
traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to safely permit such overtaking and
passing. In every event, the overtaking vehicle must return to an authorized
lane of travel as soon as practicable. In the event the passing movement
involves the use of a lane authorized for vehicles approaching from the
opposite direction, the overtaking vehicle must return to an authorized lane
of travel before coming within 200 feet of any approaching vehicle.
(2) No vehicle shall be driven on the right side of the roadway when:
(a) Approaching or at the crest of a grade or curve in the
roadway where the driver's view is obstructed;
(b) Approaching within 100 feet of or traversing any
intersection; or
(c) The driver is within 100 feet of any bridge or tunnel.
(3) The foregoing limitations shall not apply upon a one-way roadway,
nor under the conditions described in paragraph 16b(1) of this chapter, nor
to the driver of a vehicle turning right at an intersection, private road, or
e. No-Passing Zones
(1) Where signs or markings are in place to define a no-passing zone,
no driver shall at any time drive on the right side of the roadway within
such no-passing zone or on the right side of any pavement striping designed
to mark such no-passing zone.
(2) This paragraph does not apply upon a roadway restricted to one-
way traffic, nor to the driver of a vehicle turning right at an intersection,
private road, or driveway.
f. Overtaking and Passing Buses
(1) Upon meeting or overtaking from either direction any school bus
which has stopped on the roadway all drivers shall:
(a) Stop their vehicle before reaching the school bus when there
is a visual signal in operation; and
(b) Not proceed until the school bus resumes motion, the driver
is signaled by the school bus driver to proceed, or the visual signals are no
longer actuated.
(2) Every bus used for the transportation of school children shall
bear upon the front and rear thereof plainly visible signs containing the
words "SCHOOL BUS." Such buses shall also be equipped with visual signals
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which shall be actuated by the driver of the school bus whenever such vehicle
is stopped to receive or discharge school children.
(3) When a school bus is being operated upon a roadway for purposes
other than the actual transportation of children either to or from school,
all markings thereon indicating "SCHOOL BUS" shall be covered or concealed.
(4) The driver of a vehicle upon a highway with separate roadways
need not stop for school bus on a different roadway.
g. Overtaking and Passing Buses Operated by The Green Line (TGL)
(1) Upon meeting or overtaking from either direction any bus operated
by TGL stopped on the roadway of an installation all drivers shall:
(a) Stop their vehicle before reaching the TGL bus when there is
a visual signal in operation; and
(b) Not proceed until the TGL bus resumes motion, the driver is
signaled by the TGL bus driver to proceed, or the visual signals are no
longer actuated.
(2) Every bus used for TGL shall bear unique blue paint scheme with
distinctive markings. Each bus shall be marked in the front with wording
“The Green Line” and rear with wording “Do not pass when lights are flashing.”
Such buses are equipped with visual signals (four way flashing yellow and red
lights) which shall be actuated by the driver of a TGL bus whenever such
vehicle is stopped to receive or discharge passengers.
(3) The driver of a vehicle upon a highway with separate roadways
does not stop for a TGL bus on a different roadway.
9. Stopping, Standing, or Parking Prohibited in Specified Places
a. Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, law,
directions of law enforcement personnel, or official traffic control device,
no person shall:
(1) Stop, stand, or park a vehicle:
(a) Upon the paved or main-traveled part of the highway unless it
is impractical to move the vehicle off that part of the highway;
(b) Unless the vehicle can be clearly seen from 200 feet in each
direction of the highway;
(c) Unless there is sufficient space on the highway for the
unobstructed passage of other vehicles;
(d) On the roadway side of any vehicle or row of vehicles already
stopped or parked next to the curb (i.e., “double parking”);
(e) On a sidewalk;
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(f) Within an intersection;
(g) On a crosswalk;
(h) Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb, or within 30
feet of the ends of a safety zone, unless a different length is indicated by
signs or markings;
(i) Upon any bridge, other elevated highway structure, or within
a highway tunnel;
(j) At any place where signs prohibit stopping, standing, or
(k) In a handicap parking space unless the driver or passenger is
disabled and the vehicle displays appropriate stickers or placards; or
(l) In a fire lane.
(2) Stand or park a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except
momentarily to load or unload passengers or merchandise:
(a) In a loading zone;
(b) In front of a public or private driveway;
(c) Within 16-1/2 feet (5 meters) of a fire hydrant;
(d) Within 16-1/2 feet (5 meters) of a crosswalk at an
(e) Within 33 feet (10 meters) of any flashing signal, stop sign,
slow sign, or traffic control signal;
(f) Fire station entrance:
1. On the fire station side of the roadway: Within 16-1/2
feet (5 meters) of the driveway; and
2. On the opposite side of the roadway: Within 75 feet of
the driveway entrance.
(g) Alongside any curb that has been painted red, yellow or with
curb markings which state "no parking" painted in black; or
(h) At any place where signs prohibit standing or parking.
(3) Move a vehicle not lawfully under their control into any such
prohibited area, or away from a curb an unlawful distance.
b. Law Enforcement Personnel Authorized to Remove Vehicles. Law
enforcement personnel are hereby authorized to remove or cause to be removed
to a place of safety any unattended vehicle when:
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(1) The vehicle was illegally left standing upon any highway, bridge,
causeway, or in any tunnel, under such circumstances as to obstruct the
normal movement of traffic;
(2) A report has been made that such vehicle has been stolen or taken
without the consent of its owner; or
(3) The person in charge of such vehicle is unable to provide for its
custody or removal.
c. Additional Parking Regulations
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, every vehicle
stopped or parked upon a two-way roadway shall have the left-hand wheels
parallel to and within 12 inches of the left-hand curb or edge of the
(2) Except when otherwise provided, every vehicle stopped or parked
upon a one-way roadway shall be parallel to the curb or edge of the roadway,
in the direction of authorized traffic movement, with its left-hand wheels
within 12 inches of the left-hand curb or edge of the roadway, or its right-
hand wheels within 12 inches of the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.
10. Passengers
a. Passenger Restrictions. No passenger will be carried in a vehicle,
which does not have an adequate seat belt for that passenger.
(1) Seatbelts must be installed and properly worn by all occupants
whenever a vehicle is being operated on and off the installation; this
applies to all vehicles, including Daiko Service and taxis.
(2) Children four years of age or under or not exceeding 45 pounds in
weight must be in an infant/child restraint device, properly affixed to the
seat where it is located.
(3) Fire Department or similar vehicles equipped with standing
stations and handrails, or as otherwise provided by pertinent military
directives are exempt.
b. Driver to Ensure Passenger Safety and Lawful Conduct
(1) No operator of a cargo vehicle shall permit a passenger to ride
in the cargo compartment of the vehicle with unsecured cargo.
(2) No operator of a vehicle shall drive or move the vehicle in any
manner until all personnel are properly fastened with a seatbelt.
(3) The driver of a vehicle is responsible for all passengers and
actions that take place within the operated vehicle.
c. Passengers Prohibited in U.S. Government Vehicles. Non-USFJ
personnel will not be transported in a GOV except in conjunction with
official business with U.S. Government activities.
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11. Pedestrians
a. Pedestrian Obedience to Traffic Control Devices and Regulations. A
pedestrian shall obey the instructions of any official traffic control device
applicable to pedestrians, unless otherwise directed by law enforcement
b. Pedestrian’s Use of Crosswalks
(1) The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right of way to any
pedestrian utilizing a crosswalk.
(2) No pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of
safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close as to
constitute an immediate hazard.
(3) No vehicle shall overtake or pass any other vehicle stopped at a
marked crosswalk or at any other location to permit a pedestrian to cross the
c. Crossing Roadways at Points Other than Crosswalks
(1) Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than
within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection
shall yield the right of way to all vehicles upon the roadway.
(2) Pedestrians shall not cross the roadway between intersections
where traffic control signals are in operation. Pedestrians shall only cross
at either intersection in an appropriate crosswalk, whether marked or
(3) No pedestrian shall cross a roadway intersection diagonally
unless authorized by traffic control devices or law enforcement officer.
d. Pedestrians on Highway
(1) All pedestrians shall use the sidewalk when provided and
practicable. It is unlawful for any pedestrian to move along or upon an
adjacent roadway when a sidewalk is provided and its use is practicable.
(2) Where a sidewalk is not available, pedestrians shall walk only on
the shoulder, as far as practicable from the edge of the roadway.
(3) Where neither a sidewalk nor a shoulder is available, pedestrians
shall walk as near as practicable to the outside edge of the roadway, and if
on a two-way roadway, shall walk only on the extreme right side of the
roadway (i.e. facing oncoming traffic).
(4) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, any pedestrian upon
a roadway shall yield the right of way to all vehicles upon the roadway.
(5) No person shall let a child under the age of ten play along or on
a roadway or allow the child to walk along or on a roadway without being
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(6) No person shall lie down or sit on a roadway. No person shall
stand on a roadway in such a way as to impede traffic.
e. Pedestrians Soliciting Rides. No person shall stand in a roadway for
the purpose of soliciting a ride.
f. Pedestrians Right of Way on Sidewalks. The driver of a vehicle
crossing a sidewalk shall yield the right of way to any pedestrian and all
other traffic on the sidewalk.
g. Running and Jogging
(1) Organized unit physical training conducted in formation will:
(a) Not exceed three abreast.
(b) Remain on the left side of roadways, traveling in the same
direction as vehicular traffic.
(c) Have both front and rear road guards wearing reflective vests
for increased visibility and carry flashlights during hours of reduced
(d) Not enter any family housing areas.
(2) All personnel running or jogging during the hours of reduced
visibility will wear light, bright colored clothing and a reflective vest or
belt. Additionally, runners or joggers will:
(a) Run or jog facing oncoming traffic and obey traffic rules and
(b) Carry DoD identification card for security and medical
(c) Not wear headphones while running on-base except when running
on approved track locations as required by references (c) and (i).
12. Right of Way
a. Right of Way at Intersections. Except when directed otherwise by a
traffic control device or law enforcement personnel, drivers shall yield the
right of way to:
(1) Any vehicle on a priority road;
(2) Any vehicle traveling on a wider road;
(3) Any vehicle approaching the intersection from the left; and
(4) Any vehicle on a roadway with a centerline or vehicle traffic
lanes provided through the intersection.
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b. Vehicle Entering Intersection with Stop or Slow (Yield) Signs
(1) Preferential right of way may be indicated by stop signs or yield
signs as authorized in this chapter.
(2) Except when directed to proceed by law enforcement personnel,
every driver of a vehicle approaching a stop sign shall stop before the stop
line or crosswalk. When there is no stop line or crosswalk, the driver must
stop before entering the intersection. After stopping, the driver shall
yield the right of way to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching so
closely as to constitute an immediate hazard.
(3) The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign shall slow down
to a speed reasonable for the existing conditions and, if required for
safety, stop before entering the crosswalk. When there is no crosswalk, a
driver required to stop for safety, must do so before entering the
intersection. After slowing or stopping, the driver shall yield the right of
way to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching so closely as to
constitute an immediate hazard.
c. Vehicle Prohibited From Blocking Intersection. No driver shall enter
an intersection unless his/her vehicle will be capable of clearing the
d. Entering Roadway from Alley, Private Road, Driveway, or Building.
When entering a roadway, drivers shall stop immediately prior to driving onto
a sidewalk or sidewalk area. In the event there is no sidewalk area, the
driver shall stop at the point nearest the roadway to be entered where the
driver has a view of approaching traffic. The driver shall then yield the
right of way to all approaching vehicles on the roadway.
e. Protection of Public Buses Leaving Bus Stops. When a public bus is
signaling to leave a bus stop, no vehicle will interfere with the bus doing
so unless the vehicle will be required to change its speed or direction of
travel unsafely.
13. Safety Standards
a. Use of Headphones, Earphones, or Cellular Phones
(1) Wearing portable headphones, earphones, or other listening
devices while operating a motor vehicle is prohibited.
(2) Using a cellular phone while operating a motor vehicle is
prohibited unless the vehicle is safely parked or unless the operator is
using a hands-free device. A hands free device is defined as a device that
does not require the use of either hand, does not take away from the safe
operation of the vehicle, and does not cause the attention of the driver to
be diverted. Holding a cellular phone in one’s hand, even if on
speakerphone, is prohibited. When using a cellular phone to report
emergencies, drivers must pull off to the side of the roadway and stop their
vehicle prior to making such call.
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b. Driving Through Safety Zone Prohibited. No vehicle shall, at any
time, be driven through or within a safety zone.
c. Obstruction to Driver’s View or Driving Mechanism
(1) No person shall drive a vehicle when it is loaded to obstruct the
view of the driver or as to interfere with the driver's control of the
(2) No passenger in a vehicle shall ride in such position as to
interfere with the driver's view or control of the vehicle.
d. Opening and Closing Vehicle Doors. No person shall open the door of
a motor vehicle on the side of moving traffic unless it is safe to do so.
Vehicle doors shall not remain open longer than required to load or unload
e. Safeguarding of Construction Areas
(1) Materials, equipment, vehicles, excavators, dirt, and other
hazards left on the roadway, or shoulder of the road, must be guarded by
construction signs, barricades, lights, and signalmen as appropriate.
(2) Warning signs shall precede all road hazards by a minimum of 400
feet and be clearly lettered to state, in English and Japanese, the nature of
the hazard and motorists' action necessary to insure safe passage. Subsequent
signs placed between the advance warning sign and the hazard will be
instructional in nature and provide information necessary to insure smooth
and safe movement past the hazard.
(3) During the hours of darkness, all warning signs will be properly
illuminated and easily detectable. Warning devices will be placed on all
hazards remaining on the road or shoulder. These will be placed a maximum
distance of 100 feet apart between the road surface, and such hazards, which
closely paralleled the roadway.
(4) Flagmen will be used in all instances where opposing lanes of
traffic meet on one side of the center of the roadway, or when the
construction hazard has caused traffic to deviate from its normal flow.
(5) Lights used in operations shall be shielded and placed so as to
prevent glare into the eyes of approaching motorists.
(6) Dirt, materials, and equipment will be kept off the road to the
maximum possible extent, and maintained as nearly as possible in a straight
line to eliminate unnecessary swerving of passing vehicles.
(7) Suitable pads shall be laid on the roadway to protect the surface
when heavy equipment must cross the road, and when such crossing would damage
an unprotected road. Pads will be removed when not in actual use, and
flagmen will be used to warn traffic. Dirt and debris tracked or spilled on
the road by construction equipment and vehicles will be removed as soon as
possible to prevent development of hazardous road conditions.
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(8) Engineer earthmoving equipment shall not operate on a military
maintained road except when moving from one construction site to another. In
such cases, the equipment shall move no faster than ten miles per hour, be
empty, and be escorted by a vehicle displaying warning signs and/or lights.
f. Glass and Debris on Highway
(1) No person shall throw or deposit upon any highway any glass
bottles, glass, nails, tacks, wire, cans or any other substance likely to
injure any person, animal, or damage a vehicle.
(2) Any person who drops, or permits to be dropped or thrown, upon
any highway any destructive or injurious material shall immediately remove
the same or cause it to be removed.
(3) Any person removing a wrecked or damaged vehicle from a highway
shall remove any glass or other injurious substance dropped upon the highway
from such vehicle.
g. Vehicle Lights
(1) When any vehicle is on a roadway, its headlights, side lights and
tail lights shall be turned on during the hours of darkness and when:
(a) Passing through a tunnel;
(b) Passing through a densely fogged area and any other area
where vision is limited; or
(c) During inclement weather that requires the use of windshield
(2) The above restrictions apply even in the daytime and when stopped
or parked.
(3) Highbeams will be dimmed within 500 feet when approaching an
oncoming vehicle, within 100 feet when following another vehicle, or dim
headlights whenapproaching a gate, police or guard checkpoint.
h. Use of Horn. The driver of a vehicle shall sound the vehicle’s horn
when intending to travel upon, or pass any place where the driver’s view is
i. Driving of Defective Vehicles Prohibited. The driver or owner of a
vehicle shall not drive, or let any other person drive, any defective vehicle
which might cause a traffic hazard or is in such a condition that it does not
meet the requirements and standards of reference (d).
14. Speed Restrictions
a. Basic Rule. No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed greater than
is reasonable and prudent under the conditions (e.g., weather, visibility,
traffic, road surface, and road width), having regard for the actual and
potential hazards then existing. Every person shall drive at a safe and
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appropriate speed when approaching and crossing an intersection, when
approaching and going around a curve, when approaching a hillcrest, when
traveling upon any narrow or winding roadway, and when special hazards exist
with respect to pedestrians, other traffic, weather, or other highway
b. Maximum Speed Limits. No person shall drive a vehicle in excess of
the maximum posted speed limit. Except when a special hazard exists that
requires lower speed for compliance with paragraph 15a of this chapter, the
limits hereinafter specified shall be maximum lawful speeds:
(1) For all trucks under five tons and all passenger vehicles
(including buses and motorcycles with 251cc engine displacement and higher) -
60 kilometers per hour (kph) (37 miles per hour (mph)) (80 kph on the
expressway (50 mph)).
(2) For trucks over five tons, all special vehicles (e.g., wreckers),
and motor scooters and motorcycles under 251cc - 50 kph (31 mph).
(3) For all vehicles in housing areas and in troop areas - 35 kph (22
(4) For all vehicles in a posted school zone during normal school
hours 25 kph (15 mph).
(5) When passing foot troops information on roadways - 15 kph (9
(6) When driving in parking lots 15 kph (9 mph).
(7) When moving in reverse - 10 kph (6 mph).
c. Establishment of Base Speed Zones
(1) Upon completion of an engineering and/or traffic investigation,
the CG MCB Camp Butler may declare the speed limit to be any speed which is
reasonably safe under the existing conditions of that location. The declared
speed limit is effective when appropriate signs giving notice are erected.
(2) Such a maximum speed limit may be declared to be effective at all
times, or at such times as indicated upon signs. Differing limits may be
established for different times of day, different types of vehicles, varying
weather conditions, and other factors bearing on safe speeds. Differing
speed limits shall be effective when posted upon appropriate fixed or
variable signs.
d. Minimum Speed Regulations. No person shall drive a motor vehicle at
such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic
except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or in compliance
with the law.
e. Special Speed Limitations. No person shall drive a vehicle over any
bridge, or other elevated highway structure, at a speed which is greater than
the maximum speed that can be safely maintained.
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
4-22 Enclosure (1)
f. Racing on Highways
(1) Except at a place specifically designated by official authority
(GOJ) for that purpose, no person shall drive any vehicle in any race, speed
competition, speed contest, drag race, acceleration contest, drifting
competition, exhibition of speed, exhibition of acceleration, or for the
purpose of making a speed record.
(2) Drag racing is defined as:
(a) The operation of two or more vehicles starting from a point
side by side and accelerating speeds in a competitive attempt to outdistance
each other; or
(b) The operation of one or more vehicles over a common selected
course, from the same point to the same point, for the purpose of comparing
the relative speeds or acceleration power of such vehicle or vehicles.
(3) Racing is defined as the use of one or more vehicles in an
attempt to:
(a) Out gain, outdistance, or prevent another vehicle from
(b) To arrive at a given destination ahead of another vehicle or
vehicles; or
(c) To test the physical stamina of drivers over long distance
driving routes.
g. Reckless Driving
(1) Any person who drives any vehicle in a willful or wanton
disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless
(2) Speeding of 35 kph (21 mph) over the posted speed limit will
constitute reckless driving when other conditions (i.e., rain, wet road,
pedestrian traffic, vehicular congestion, poor visibility, etc.) exist which
increases the degree of danger posed by the excessive speed.
15. Traffic Signals and Signs
a. Obedience to and Required Traffic Control Devices
(1) Drivers shall obey the instructions of any traffic control
device, unless otherwise directed by law enforcement personnel.
(2) Design and placement of traffic control devices will conform to
the laws of Japan and international standards.
b. Traffic Control Signal Legend. Whenever traffic is controlled by
traffic control signals exhibiting different colored lights, the lights shall
have the following meaning:
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
4-23 Enclosure (1)
(1) Steady Green Indication
(a) Proceed through the intersection at a safe speed.
(b) Turn right or left unless a sign at such place prohibits
either turn.
(c) Yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within a
crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection.
(2) Green Arrow
(a) Proceed in the direction indicated at a safe speed.
(b) Yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within a
crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection.
(3) Steady Yellow Indication. Stop before entering the intersection,
if such stop can be made safely.
(4) Steady Red Indication. Stop before entering the intersection and
remain stopped until an indication to proceed is shown.
(5) Left Turn on Red Light
(a) Not permitted on MCIPAC installations unless otherwise
(b) Prohibited off-base or at installation exits.
c. Flashing Signals. Flashing red or yellow signals have the following
(1) Flashing Red (Stop Signal). Stop before entering the
intersection. The right to proceed shall be subject to the rules applicable
after making a stop at a stop sign.
(2) Flashing Yellow (Caution Signal). Proceed through the
intersection or past such signal with caution.
d. Lane Direction Control Signals. When lane direction control signals
are placed over the individual lanes of a street or highway, vehicular
traffic may travel in any lane over which a green signal is shown, but shall
not enter or travel in any lane over which a red signal is shown.
e. Display of Unauthorized Signals, Signs or Markings
(1) No person shall place, maintain, or display upon, or in view of,
any highway an unauthorized sign, signal, marking, or device which:
(a) Purports to be, is an imitation of, or resembles an official
traffic control device;
(b) Attempts to direct the movement of traffic; or
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
4-24 Enclosure (1)
(c) Hides from view, or interferes with the effectiveness of, an
official traffic control device.
(2) Every such prohibited sign, signal, or marking shall be removed
without notice.
f. Interference with Official Traffic Control Devices. No person shall
alter, twist, deface, knock down or remove any official traffic control
16. Turning
a. Vehicle Turning Right. The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to
the right at an intersection, alley, private road, or driveway shall yield
the right of way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which
is within the intersection or so close as to constitute an immediate hazard.
b. Required Position and Method for Turning at an Intersection. The
driver of a vehicle making a turn shall do so as follows:
(1) Left Turns. The approach for a left turn shall be made as close
as practicable to the left-hand curb or edge of the roadway. Drivers must be
observant for and yield the right of way to all bicycles, mopeds,
motorcycles, other vehicles, and pedestrians traveling along the left-hand
shoulder of the roadway.
(2) Right Turns. The driver shall approach the intersection in the
extreme right-hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in such
direction. Drivers must be observant for and yield the right of way to all
bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, other vehicles, and pedestrians traveling in
the oncoming lanes and along the right-hand shoulder of the roadway.
(3) Exception. Larger vehicles (i.e. trucks, passenger busses, etc.)
may require a wider radius in order to safely complete a turn. Drivers of
these types of vehicles will ensure they utilize their turn signals, are
alert of their surroundings, and exercise extreme caution during such
c. Limitations on Turning Around (“U” Turns)
(1) The driver of any vehicle shall not turn such it to proceed in
the opposite direction unless such movement can be made safely, and without
interfering with other traffic.
(2) No vehicle shall be turned to proceed in the opposite direction
upon any curve, or upon the approach to or near the crest of a grade, where
such vehicle cannot be seen by the driver of any other vehicle approaching
from either direction within 500 feet.
(3) For tactical vehicle movement, “U” turns are prohibited at the
tollgates on the expressway. In the event a motor vehicle must proceed in
the opposite direction on the expressway, drivers will execute a safe turn
after exiting the tollgate and ensuring visibility of 500 feet of an
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
4-25 Enclosure (1)
approaching vehicle in either direction. For tactical vehicle movement, the
“A” Driver will assist in the motor vehicle movement.
d. Turning Movements, Lane Changes, and Required Signals. No person
shall turn a vehicle or move right or left upon a roadway unless such
movement can be made with reasonable safety. Such movements shall only be
made after giving an appropriate signal in the following manner:
(1) A signal of intention to turn or move right or left when required
shall be given continuously displayed for not less than the last 100 feet
traveled by the vehicle before turning.
(2) A signal of intention to change lanes shall be given for 100 feet
continuously before changing lanes.
(3) No person shall stop or suddenly decrease the speed of a vehicle
without first giving an appropriate signal to the driver of any vehicle
immediately to the rear when there is an opportunity to give such signal.
Operable brake lights will satisfy this requirement.
(4) The signals provided in this section shall be used to indicate an
intention to turn, change lanes, or start from a parked position. Such
signals shall not be flashed on only one side of a parked or disabled
vehicle, nor flashed as a courtesy ("do pass") signal to operators of other
e. Signals by Hand and Arm or Signal Lamps. Any stop or turn signal
when required shall be given either by means of the hand and arm or by signal
f. Method of Giving Hand and Arm Signals. All signals required to be
given by hand and arm shall be given from the right side of the vehicle in
the following manner:
(1) Right turn - Hand and arm extended horizontally.
(2) Left turn - Hand and arm extended upward at a 90-degree angle
from the elbow.
(3) Stop or decrease speed - Hand and arm extended downward.
17. Use of Okinawa Expressway by Military Vehicles. U.S. Marine Corps
commercial and tactical vehicle operators will use the expressway to the
maximum extent possible.
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
A-1 Enclosure (1)
UNIT 35001
FPO AP 96373-5001
From: Staff Judge Advocate
To: Installation Safety Office
1. This letter certifies that Sponsor is employed with Employer, and is
serving exclusively with the U.S. Armed Forces in Okinawa, Japan, effective
date. Accordingly, he is recognized under Article 1(a)/1(b) of the Status of
Forces Agreement between the Government of Japan and the United States.
2. The following named individual is his legal family member.
Name Relationship Date of Birth
3. Therefore, his family member is recognized as a dependent under Article
1(c) of the Status of Forces Agreement between the Government of Japan and
the United States of America.
4. Please contact me at 645-7461/2 if you have any questions.
By direction
Copy to:
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
B-1 Enclosure (1)
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
C-1 Enclosure (1)
1. The road signs shown in this appendix are currently used in Japan and
what driver’s will mostly see when behind the wheel. These signs are not all
Road Closed
Road Closed
for Vehicles
Prohibited to
Road Close
for Motor
Road Closed
for Large
Sized Trucks
and Special
Duty Vehicles
Road Closed
for Large
Road Closed
Road Closed
for Motor
Road Closed
for Bicycles
Left Turn
Left or
Traffic Only
Right & Left
Turns Only
Proceed Only
in Designated
Proceed on
the Left
Traffic Only
No “U” Turn
No Right Turn
No Parking
or Stopping
applies from
8:00 a.m. to
8:00 p.m.)
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
C-2 Enclosure (1)
No Passing
No Parking
applies from
8:00 a.m. to
8:00 p.m.)
Road for
Road for
Bicyclist &
Width Limit
(2.2 meters
Limited to 60
minutes Only
applies from
8:00 a.m. to
8:00 p.m.)
Road for
Weight Limit
(5.5 tons)
Height Limit
(3.3 meters)
Vehicles Only
Speed Limit
50 KPH
Speed Limit
for the Type
of Vehicles
on the Sign
Bus Exclusive
One Way
Bus Priority
Right Turn for
Sound Horn
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
C-3 Enclosure (1)
No Pedestrian
Parking Area
or May Park
Main Road
Has Right of
Main Road
Has Right of
Cross Walk
Cross Walk
(refers to the
route, facility
or place
indicated by
the sign)
Forked Road
Right Turn
Followed by a
Left Turn
Sharp Right
Right Turn
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
C-4 Enclosure (1)
School Zone
Signal Ahead
Caution, Side
Number of
Width of
Two Way
Upgrade 10%
No U-turn
No Entry on the Right-
Hand Part of the Road for
(1) and (2) indicate
vehicles passing the lanes
A and B must not enter the
right-hand part of the road
for overtaking.
(3) Indicates vehicles
passing the lane B must
not enter the right-hand
part of the road for
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
C-5 Enclosure (1)
Lane Change
No Parking or Stopping
No Parking
Maximum Speed Limit
No Entry Zone
No Stopping Zone
Exclusive Vehicular
Right of Way Designation
Indicates the through lane
ahead has the right of way
when two through lanes
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
C-6 Enclosure (1)
Vehicular Lane
1. Vehicular lane
established at a section
of road other than main
through lane of national
(1) Indication by
painted pavement
(2) Indication by raised
2. Vehicular lanes
established on the main
through lane of national
Right (Left) Turn Route
Route Bus Priority
Designated Lane for Tow
Trucks on Motorways
Pedestrian Crossing
Lane Direction
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
C-7 Enclosure (1)
Diagonal Crossing
1. Permitted during
designated hours.
2. Permitted throughout
the day.
MCIPACO 5560.1
3 APR 2013
D-1 Enclosure (1)
From: Parent, Guardian and/or Sponsor
To: Director, Installation Safety Office, Marine Corps Installations
Ref: MCIPACO 5560.1
1. Per the reference, I acknowledge that limited driving privileges will be
granted to family members under the age of 18 provided written consent is
provided by the parent or guardian. Additionally, only limited privileges
will be extended to all first time drivers for at least 30 days, regardless
of age.
2. Driving with Learner’s/Limited permit is restricted to driving aboard
military installations only.
3. The parent, guardian, and/or sponsor signing this form must always
accompany the driver with the learner’s permit.
4. Driving a POV off-base with a learner’s/limited permit will result in the
revocation of driving privileges for up to one year or longer.
5. Driving is a privilege and can be suspended or revoked by the CG MCIPAC,
Command Inspector General, Provost Marshal’s Office, or sponsors commanding
officer in the event of misuse or abuse.
6. Under the provisions of MCIPACO 5560.1, I request that my
son/daughter/spouse ______________________, SSN________________ be issued a
Learner’s/Limited permit. I understand that I am responsible for his/her
training and will instruct him/her of all responsibilities pertinent to
driving aboard Okinawa.
Parent/Guardian/Sponsor’s Signature
Printed name, date, relationship
7. I have been briefed and understand my limits and responsibilities while
operating a vehicle under a Learner’s/Limited permit.
Applicant’s Signature
Applicant’s printed name & date