Dr. David E. Jacobs, Rebecca Morley, Thomas Neltner, National Center for Healthy Housing; Dr. Joe Ponessa,
Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Carpets and Healthy Homes
The impact of carpeting in home environments on health and safety is an active area of scientific research. The
current evidence shows that some aspects of carpets can benefit the health and safety of occupants, while other
aspects can contribute to illness and injury. Based on the currently available data and professional judgment, the
National Center for Healthy Housing offers the following recommendations regarding maintaining, cleaning,
and replacing carpets to promote a healthy home environment:
1) Avoid Wall-to-wall Carpets in Damp Areas and in Rooms of Individuals with Allergies
or Asthma.
Avoid installing wall-to-wall carpeting in bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, basements, or other
damp areas. Choose area rugs in these rooms instead and wash them frequently, or use hard flooring with
non-skid features. Choose water-resistant floors in basements, below-grade rooms or slab-on-grade
construction, where moisture is a potential problem.
Consider not installing wall-to-wall carpeting in a bedroom for a person who has asthma or allergies,
especially a person who is sensitive to pet dander and dust mites. It is better for people with allergies
(particularly those with dust mite allergies) to avoid wall-to-wall carpeting, especially in bedrooms, because
hard-surface floors are easier to clean than carpet. Flakes of human skin are the main food for dust mites.
Although dust mites can be removed by regular vacuuming, they will accumulate without thorough and
frequent cleaning. Once established, dust mites are difficult to remove from carpeting. Small area rugs can be
helpful, but need to be cleaned regularly and should have non-slip backings to avoid becoming a trip hazard.
There is emerging evidence that some hard flooring (such as vinyl flooring) containing phthalates (a type of
plasticizer) may also contribute to asthma,
and should either be avoided from a precautionary stand-point or
cleaned regularly with a damp mop to reduce dust. For those with asthma, discuss flooring options with your
physician as part of your asthma management program.
Mendell M.J. “Indoor residential chemical emissions as risk factors for respiratory and allergic effects in children: a review.”
Indoor Air. 2007; 17: 259-277.
National Center for Healthy Housing, 10320 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 500, Columbia, MD 21044
2) Select Less Toxic Materials and Installation Practices. 2) Select Less Toxic Materials and Installation Practices.
If you have wall-to-wall carpeting in bathrooms, kitchens, and damp rooms, consider replacing it with
a smooth, non-absorbent, non-skid surface at your next opportunity. Hard floors (like all floors) need to
be cleaned regularly. Examples of hard floors include but are not limited to wood, ceramic, linoleum, rubber,
marmoleum (a natural floor covering manufactured with linseed oil, wood flour, resin, jute, and finely
crushed limestone and mineral pigments), and wood laminate.
If you have wall-to-wall carpeting in bathrooms, kitchens, and damp rooms, consider replacing it with
a smooth, non-absorbent, non-skid surface at your next opportunity. Hard floors (like all floors) need to
be cleaned regularly. Examples of hard floors include but are not limited to wood, ceramic, linoleum, rubber,
marmoleum (a natural floor covering manufactured with linseed oil, wood flour, resin, jute, and finely
crushed limestone and mineral pigments), and wood laminate.
If you install wall-to-wall carpeting, allow the carpeting to thoroughly air out before using the area;
buying carpeting that has a Green Label from the Carpet Research Institute may also help. These
methods may reduce exposures to individual volatile organic compounds used in the carpet or adhesive,
which may be either directly related to occupant health, or which may react with other substances to produce
harmful exposures.
If you install wall-to-wall carpeting, allow the carpeting to thoroughly air out before using the area;
buying carpeting that has a Green Label from the Carpet Research Institute may also help. These
methods may reduce exposures to individual volatile organic compounds used in the carpet or adhesive,
which may be either directly related to occupant health, or which may react with other substances to produce
harmful exposures.
3) Maintain Carpets with Good Quality Vacuums, Preferably a HEPA Vacuum. 3) Maintain Carpets with Good Quality Vacuums, Preferably a HEPA Vacuum.
If you have carpeting, purchase a quality vacuum that has a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA)
filter or high efficiency filter and use it weekly or at least every other week. Multiple passes with the
vacuum are recommended. One minute per square yard of carpet is a good starting point. More time may be
needed for very dirty carpet, shag carpet, or those with thick pile. In selecting a vacuum, price is not always a
good indicator of quality. Go to Consumer Reports at
If you have carpeting, purchase a quality vacuum that has a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA)
filter or high efficiency filter and use it weekly or at least every other week. Multiple passes with the
vacuum are recommended. One minute per square yard of carpet is a good starting point. More time may be
needed for very dirty carpet, shag carpet, or those with thick pile. In selecting a vacuum, price is not always a
good indicator of quality. Go to Consumer Reports at
to research your options.
Vacuums with a beater bar help loosen and remove particles that are held in the carpet. HEPA vacuums have
special filters that reduce dust emissions from the vacuum exhaust. They must also have a motor powerful
enough to make up for the added resistance of the HEPA filter (some HEPA vacuums do not).
If you steam clean carpet, be sure to dry it thoroughly. Steam cleaning may leave moisture behind that
could attract pests and could lead to mold in the carpet or carpet padding. When steam cleaning or
shampooing carpeting, use fans to dry it out, and open windows if it is a low-humidity day. On a high-
humidity day, run an air conditioner or a dehumidifier. If using “spot cleaners,” follow label directions.
These products are not intended for entire carpet coverage.
If carpeting is worn or heavily soiled, replace it. Carpet that is loose or has tears, folds, or bumps is a trip
hazard and may result in a fall. Make sure you know what’s under the carpet before removal. The floor
beneath may be in poor condition, or a finished floor may not even be present. Care must be taken when
removing carpets from homes built before 1978 to ensure that lead dust in or under the rug does not become
accessible to occupants. Clean walls and horizontal surfaces thoroughly after replacing wall-to-wall carpeting
to remove any contaminants released from the carpeting and padding. If you install new carpet, consider
using low pile carpeting, which is easier to clean than high-pile carpeting.
Clean second-hand area rugs before using them. These rugs may have lead dust and other contaminants
in them from previous uses.
If you are a renter or are planning to rent, compare the property to these recommendations and talk
with the property owner or manager if you have concerns.
Research Review:
In the past fifty years, carpeting has moved from a luxury item to commonplace. Carpets and rugs account for
65% of the floor covering market, although hard surface flooring, especially laminates, ceramic tile, and wood,
are becoming increasingly popular. See www.carpet-rug/pdf_word_docs/fact_sheets/IAQ_Consumers.pdf. This
National Center for Healthy Housing, 10320 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 500, Columbia, MD 21044
market transformation has affected both new and old homes. In a national survey, the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) found that 92% of homes had a carpet or rug in at least one of the
four rooms sampled.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that approximately 54
million housing units built prior to 1978 contain some wall-to-wall carpeting,
which is about 66% of homes.
Some property managers require carpeting on as much as 80% of the floor areas to reduce noise.
Limiting Wall-to-wall Carpet
It is estimated that about 40% of the population has been sensitized to allergens.
According to the National
Academy of Sciences, "The magnitude of the potential significance of carpeting as a source and reservoir of
indoor allergens indicates that it should be given consideration as a serious problem.”
Carpets accumulate dust
and dirt in the amount of approximately 5-25 grams per square meter of surface area, depending on type of
material, foot traffic, and other factors,
which is a far greater extent than hard flooring. People stir up a personal
cloud of dust not visible to the naked eye through normal indoor activities (such as walking and cleaning),
resulting in increased personal exposures to whatever is in the dust.
8, 9, 10
One nationwide study showed an
association between asthma severity and the total dust weight on floors, and showed that carpets had higher total
dust weights than hard floors.
Further research is underway to elucidate precisely how exposures to particulates
in carpet occur. New varieties of carpeted floor coverings are needed that accumulate less dust and dirt during
usage and are easier to clean.
Standards and Guidelines - Several local housing codes prohibit wall-to-wall carpet in bathrooms by requiring a
smooth, hard, non-absorbent surface.
The goal is to have a clean and cleanable surface to promote sanitary
conditions. However, the 2006 versions of the International Residential Code and the International Property
Maintenance Code do not prohibit carpets on bathroom floors.
13, 14
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Clickner R., Marker D., Viet S.M., Rogers D., and Broene P. National
Survey of Lead and Allergens in Housing: Final Report, Vol. 1: Analysis of Lead Hazards. Office of Lead Hazard Control, U.S.
Dept of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. 2001.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Lead; Renovation, Repair and Painting Program; Proposed Rule.” January 10, 2006
Federal Register, Vol. 71, pp. 1587-1636, Docket #EPA-HQ-OPPT-2005-0049-0001. See page 1615.
Montgomery County, Maryland. Landlord-Tenant Handbook, p. 48. See
Roberts J.W., Dickey P. “Exposure of children to pollutants in house dust and indoor air.” Rev Environ Contam Toxicol.
National Academy of Sciences/Institute of Medicine. 1993. Indoor Allergens: Assessing and Controlling Adverse Health Effects.
Pope AM, et al. (eds), National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
Morey P. Personal communication.
Ferro A.R., et al. “Source Strengths for Indoor Human Activities That Re-suspend Particulate Matter.” Environmental Sci. Tech.,
38:1759-1764, 2004.
Ferro A.R., et al. “Elevated personal exposure to particulate matter from human activities in a residence.” J Exposure Analysis
and Epidemiology (14) S34-S40. 2004.
Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Indoor Particulate and Floor Cleaning. Research Highlight. Technical Series 03-
104. May 2003. Available:
Arbes S, et al. “Dust Weight and Asthma Prevalence in the National Survey of Lead and Allergens in Housing (NSLAH).”
Environmental Health Perspectives v.115 (2); Feb 2007.
See National Healthy Homes Training Center and Network summary of housing codes at
International Code Council, 2006 International Residential Code, Section 307.2, and the 2006 International Property
Maintenance Code, Section 503.4. The International Residential Code requires a smooth, hard, nonabsorbent surface only for the
bathtub and shower. The International Property Maintenance Code requires it for toilet rooms but excludes dwelling units.
National Center for Healthy Housing, 10320 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 500, Columbia, MD 21044
Green building standards generally discourage wall-to-wall carpeting in damp areas. According to NCHH’s
analysis of national green building program guidelines,
the following green building guidelines recommend
against wall-to-wall carpet in certain areas:
Enterprise Community Partners’ Green Communities Criteria: requires the use of materials that have
smooth, durable, cleanable surfaces in wet areas.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star with Indoor Air Package Pilot Specifications:
prohibits wall-to-wall carpet adjacent to toilets and bathing fixtures (i.e., tubs and showers).
National Association of Home Builders Green Builder Guidelines: prohibits carpets in bathrooms.
U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED for Homes: requires water-resistant flooring in kitchens, baths, and
spa areas and within 3 feet of exterior doors.
Potential Benefits of Carpeting on Dust Control - A few research studies have shown that airborne dust levels
can actually be lower in carpeted rooms as compared to non-carpeted rooms. This unusual finding has been
observed in situations where the carpet has been maintained with an aggressive vacuuming schedule. One such
study compared airborne dust levels in classrooms and found lower levels in carpeted rooms even after heavy foot
traffic, which would be expected to transfer particulates from carpet into air.
This reduction may be due to the
“sink” capacity of carpets to hold particulates as they settle from the air, and depends on a program of regular
carpet maintenance.
Other studies show that biological and chemical contaminants in settled dust were lower on carpeted floors than
bare floors. A recent pooled analysis found that when bedroom floors were at least 50% carpeted, cockroach
allergen concentrations were lower than when floors were less than 50% carpeted.
The U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) found that dust lead levels measured using the standard surface wipe
method were 25% lower on carpeted floors than smooth-cleanable hard floors and 75% lower than uncarpeted
floors that were not easy to clean (e.g., pitted or damaged),
although it is noteworthy that lead wipe samples
from carpets were still significantly correlated with children’s blood lead level.
One small intervention study (N=10) showed that steam cleaning of carpeted floors was more effective than
cleaning linoleum floors to reduce organophosphorus (OP) pesticide. The study assessed the effectiveness of
cleaning windowsills, floors, and carpets in farmworkers’ homes. Researchers collected measures of OP pesticide
residues before and 24-48 hours after a standardized cleaning intervention and 12 months later. House dust was
analyzed for six OP pesticides. All homes had detectable baseline levels of OP pesticides on floors and
windowsills. Cleaning of linoleum floors was ineffective in removing total pesticide residues, and cleaning
effectiveness varied among the pesticides; but steam cleaning carpets was successful in reducing OP pesticides to
National Center for Healthy Housing, “Comparing Green Building Guidelines and Healthy Homes Principles:
A Preliminary Investigation,” 2006. See
Foarde K , Berry M. “Comparison of biocontaminant levels associated with hard vs. carpet floors in nonproblem schools: results
of a year long study.” J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol. 2004; 14 Suppl 1:S41-8 (ISSN: 1053-4245).
Braun, W.X., et al. “Indoor pollutant measuring and modeling comparing impact surface characteristics.” Proceedings of the 7
International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Monterey, CA. 2002.
Wilson J., et al. Unpublished Data. National Center for Healthy Housing.
Lanphear BP, Emond E, Weitzman M, Jacobs DE, Tanner M, Winter N, Yakir B, Eberly S. A Side-By-Side Comparison of Dust
Collection Methods for Sampling Lead-Contaminated House Dust, Environ Res 68, 114-123, 1995.
National Center for Healthy Housing, 10320 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 500, Columbia, MD 21044
non-detectable levels. Twelve months later, the OP levels in carpets had re-accumulated to one-third of the
baseline levels.
non-detectable levels. Twelve months later, the OP levels in carpets had re-accumulated to one-third of the
baseline levels.
Selecting Less Toxic Materials Selecting Less Toxic Materials
The chemicals used in the manufacturing of carpeting and padding may release volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) through a process known as off-gassing. Carpeting can release volatile organic compounds into the air,
especially when first installed. Some of these VOCs, both individually and in certain groups, can impact resident
health, especially the respiratory system. VOC levels tend to drop quickly over time. Recent research has focused
on specific volatile organic compounds, instead of “total” volatile organic compounds, because the latter includes
a large and poorly characterized number of other chemicals. Increased attention is being paid to the reaction
characteristics of individual VOCs or groups of VOCs (like aldehydes and alkenes) that are likely associated with
adverse health effects or irritation.
21, 22
The chemicals used in the manufacturing of carpeting and padding may release volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) through a process known as off-gassing. Carpeting can release volatile organic compounds into the air,
especially when first installed. Some of these VOCs, both individually and in certain groups, can impact resident
health, especially the respiratory system. VOC levels tend to drop quickly over time. Recent research has focused
on specific volatile organic compounds, instead of “total” volatile organic compounds, because the latter includes
a large and poorly characterized number of other chemicals. Increased attention is being paid to the reaction
characteristics of individual VOCs or groups of VOCs (like aldehydes and alkenes) that are likely associated with
adverse health effects or irritation.
21, 22
In response, the carpet industry has reformulated carpets to reduce VOC emissions and may air out the carpets
before installation. The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) sets voluntary industry standards for carpets and rugs.
In response, the carpet industry has reformulated carpets to reduce VOC emissions and may air out the carpets
before installation. The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) sets voluntary industry standards for carpets and rugs.
See Carpets with the Green Label (or Green Label Plus for more stringent criteria) may
have lower VOC levels and those VOCs may be less toxic. See
customers/selecting-the-right-carpet-or-rug/green-label.cfm for more information on the CRI Green Label
Concerns have also been cited about certain alternatives to carpet, specifically polyvinyl chloride (PVC) floor
coverings and other plastic floor coverings containing phthalates. A Finnish study found an association between
indoor air quality complaints and a high rate of new adult-onset asthma and wet, deteriorating polyvinyl chloride
floor coverings. Symptomatic improvement was measured after removal of the vinyl floor covering.
The Asthma Regional Council has prepared a detailed index of flooring options outlining health implications
particularly for asthma, costs, maintenance considerations, and pollution created during flooring production. See
Maintaining Carpets
Cleaning of carpets and bare surfaces contributes to improved indoor air quality by reducing airborne particulate,
allergen, bacteria, and fungi and perhaps other substances.
24, 25
Regular vacuuming can lower allergen levels in
carpets substantially,
and a HEPA vacuum has been shown to be more effective than a conventional vacuum.
McCauley L.A., Travers R., Lasarev M., Muniz J., and Nailon R. “Effectiveness of cleaning practices in removing pesticides
from home environments.” J Agromedicine. 2006;11(2):81-8.
Wolkoff, et al. Indoor Air 16. 7-19 2006.
Singer, et al. Indoor Air 16. 179-191. 2006.
Youminen and Seuri. “Indoor Air Quality and health problems associated with damp floor coverings.” Int Arch Occup Environ
Health. 2004; 77(3): 222-6.
Cole E.C., Dulaney P.D., Leese K.E., Hall R.M., Foarde K.K., Franke D.L., Myers E.M., and Berry M.A. (1996) “Biopollutant
samples and analysis of indoor surface dusts: Characterizing sources of indoor air pollution and related sink effects.” In: Technor
BA (ed.) “Characterizing sources of indoor pollution and related sink effects.” ASTM STP 1287, American Society of Testing
Material, Philadelphia, PA, pp 153–164.
Franke DL, Cole EC, Leese KE, Foarde KK, Berry MA (1997) Cleaning for improved air quality: an initial assessment of
effectiveness. Indoor Air 7:41–54.
Adilah N., Fitzharris P., Crane J., and Siebers R.W. “The effect of frequent vacuum cleaning on the house dust mite allergen,
National Center for Healthy Housing, 10320 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 500, Columbia, MD 21044
A recommended frequency of vacuuming is once or twice a week.
White and Dingle
showed that intensive
carpet cleaning resulted in a 50% reduction in airborne fine particles, similar to levels seen outdoors. This
reduction was accomplished by one intense cleaning, defined as vacuuming with a HEPA vacuum for four
minutes per square meter (m
), followed by moderate intensity cleanings (one minute/m
) every other week.
Despite the potential benefits of regular vacuuming, recent research has demonstrated that both vacuuming and
mechanical agitation (resulting from the physical contact and movement of the vacuum cleaner with flooring
surfaces) result in significant increases in coarse particulate matter (PM10) both during and following
Although coarse particulate matter concentrations began to decline slowly when the vacuuming
ceased, the study demonstrated that, on average, particulate concentrations remained higher than pre-
background level for two hours after vacuuming had stopped. The same study also confirmed previous research
that suggests that vacuum cleaner design plays an integral role in particle emissions. The use of a 12-amp
vacuum with a triple filter system and brush roller resulted in statistically significant differences in the particulate
concentrations generated during vacuuming. Thus, while vacuuming can help to lower allergen levels,
individuals sensitive to dust should stay out of the room both during and directly following vacuuming and
should use HEPA vacuums whenever possible.
Another adjunct to vacuuming alone is steam cleaning. Steam cleaning is likely to be more effective against dust
mites and does not require the use of pesticides. It also leaves minimal moisture behind, thereby minimizing
chances for mold growth, although steps to completely dry the carpet should still be used. Yiin et al found that
slow and steady HEPA vacuuming with the help of a dust “indicator” reduces surface and overall lead dust in
carpets, and dry steam cleaning further reduces surface lead contamination, compared to HEPA vacuuming
Dry steam cleaning may be a better choice than a standard hot water extraction cleaning method. It applies hot
steam (180 °F) so that the surface of the carpet dries within a shorter period of time. Moreover, the carpet
backing remains dry throughout the procedure. In a study by Vojta et al, both dry steam-cleaning plus
vacuuming and vacuuming alone resulted in a significant reduction in carpet dust mite allergen concentration
and load
(p < 0.05). However, allergen levels approached pretreatment values by four weeks post-treatment in the
intensive vacuuming group, whereas the effects of steam cleaning persisted for up to eight weeks.
Der p 1 in carpets: a pilot study.” Department of Medicine, Wellington School of Medicine. 1: N Z Med J. 1997 Nov 28;
Popplewell E.J., Innes V.A., Lloyd -Hughes S., Jenkins E.L., Khdir K., Bryant T.N., Warner J.O., and Warner J.A. “The effect
of high-efficiency and standard vacuum-cleaners on mite, cat and dog allergen levels and clinical progress.” Pediatr Allergy
Immunol. 2000; 11(3):142-8 (ISSN: 0905-6157).
EPR-3. “Expert Panel Report 3: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma.” National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute; National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. US Dept. of Health and Human Services. Bethesda, MD. 2007.
White, K. and Dingle, P. “The Effect of Intensive Vacuuming on Indoor PM Mass Concentration.” Proceedings, Indoor Air
2002: 9
International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Pp. 92-97. Monterey, CA.
Corsi R.L., Siegel J.A., and Chiang C. “Particle Resuspension During the Use of Vacuum Cleaners on Residential Carpet.”
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 2008 Apr; 5:232-238.
Lih-Ming Yiin, Chang Ho Yu, Peter Ashley, and George Rhoads. “Cleaning Efficacy of High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filtered
Vacuuming and ‘Dry Steam’ Cleaning on Carpet.” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 5: 94-99.
Vojta PJ, Randels S.P., Stout J., Muilenberg M., Burge H.A., Lynn H., Mitchell H., O'Connor G.T., Zeldin. “Effects of physical
interventions on house dust mite allergen levels in carpet, bed, and upholstery dust in low-income, urban homes.” Environ Health.
Perspect. 2001 Aug; 109(8):815-9.
National Center for Healthy Housing, 10320 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 500, Columbia, MD 21044
The use of mite-killing agents (acaracides) has yielded mixed results. One study found an acaracide to be
ineffective at reducing mite allergen levels over time.
Other studies have shown acaracides to be effective, at
least for short periods.
The use of acaracides is generally discouraged for consumers, and states will usually
require only licensed pesticide applicators to use such products in homes. Other studies found that using a
solution of alum, sprayed on carpet, together with weekly vacuuming, was more effective than vacuuming alone
in reducing mites and mite allergen levels.
35, 36
Regarding lead poisoning, many studies show a positive
correlation between lead levels in carpet and children’s blood lead levels.
Chronically lead-contaminated carpets
may show increased lead levels compared to hard flooring if vacuuming is not thorough, because embedded lead
from the depths of the carpet may be brought to the surface and may remain there.
The use of mite-killing agents (acaracides) has yielded mixed results. One study found an acaracide to be
ineffective at reducing mite allergen levels over time.
Other studies have shown acaracides to be effective, at
least for short periods.
The use of acaracides is generally discouraged for consumers, and states will usually
require only licensed pesticide applicators to use such products in homes. Other studies found that using a
solution of alum, sprayed on carpet, together with weekly vacuuming, was more effective than vacuuming alone
in reducing mites and mite allergen levels.
35, 36
Regarding lead poisoning, many studies show a positive
correlation between lead levels in carpet and children’s blood lead levels.
Chronically lead-contaminated carpets
may show increased lead levels compared to hard flooring if vacuuming is not thorough, because embedded lead
from the depths of the carpet may be brought to the surface and may remain there.
Selecting a Vacuum - The best vacuums will have HEPA filters to reduce dust that is emitted by the vacuum
exhaust. The cost for vacuums containing such filters ranges from less than $100 to more than $1,000. Some of
the difference may be due to the various features and accessories that come with the vacuum. At the low end of
costs, the difference may reflect the use of a relatively small motor that creates the vacuum’s suction. Vacuums
with relatively weak motors may not deliver satisfactory performance, because the suction will not be sufficient to
adequately pull dust and debris from the depths of the carpet. At the other end of the spectrum, costly vacuums
may be “overqualified” for the task and not appropriate for those on limited budgets.
Selecting a Vacuum - The best vacuums will have HEPA filters to reduce dust that is emitted by the vacuum
exhaust. The cost for vacuums containing such filters ranges from less than $100 to more than $1,000. Some of
the difference may be due to the various features and accessories that come with the vacuum. At the low end of
costs, the difference may reflect the use of a relatively small motor that creates the vacuum’s suction. Vacuums
with relatively weak motors may not deliver satisfactory performance, because the suction will not be sufficient to
adequately pull dust and debris from the depths of the carpet. At the other end of the spectrum, costly vacuums
may be “overqualified” for the task and not appropriate for those on limited budgets.
How does one select a vacuum that is up to the task of removing small particles embedded in carpet? The best
approach is to refer to organizations such as Consumers Union, which conducts laboratory testing of various
products. In a recent series of tests, the top five performing vacuum cleaners costing between $150 and $500
actually outperformed a unit costing $1,350.
You can find references to articles and consumer information on
the Consumer Reports website at
How does one select a vacuum that is up to the task of removing small particles embedded in carpet? The best
approach is to refer to organizations such as Consumers Union, which conducts laboratory testing of various
products. In a recent series of tests, the top five performing vacuum cleaners costing between $150 and $500
actually outperformed a unit costing $1,350.
You can find references to articles and consumer information on
the Consumer Reports website at Full online articles are available to subscribers
and at most public libraries.
Implementing Cleaning and Other Home Intervention Protocols - Residents are not always likely, willing,
or able to adhere to a regular vacuuming schedule. When researchers incorporated social marketing principles
into the educational process to promote a cleaning regimen in urban households, parental compliance improved
and allergen and asthma reductions were achieved for carpeted and non-carpeted floors. Moreover, residents
experienced fewer asthma symptoms over an extended period.
Moira C.Y., Ferguson A., Dimich-Ward H., Watson W., Manfreda J., Becker A. “Effectiveness of and compliance to
intervention measures in reducing house dust and cat allergen levels.” Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2002; 88(1):52-8 (ISSN:
Insert acaracide reference on effectiveness.
Codina R., Lockey R.F., Diwadkar R., Mobly L.L., Godfrey S. “Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT) application and
vacuum cleaning, a combined strategy to control house dust mites.” Allergy. 2003; 58(4):318-24 (ISSN: 0105-4538).
Sevki C., Levent A., Ender G., Firdevs M. “Reduction of house-dust mite allergen concentrations in carpets by aluminium
potassium sulfate dodecahydrate (alum).” Allergy Asthma Proc. 2006; 27(5):350-3 (ISSN: 1088-5412).
USEPA.(b) Summary and Assessment of Published Information on Determining Lead Exposures and Mitigating Lead Hazards
Associated with Dust and Soil in Residential Carpets, Furniture, and Forced Air Ducts. USEPA 1997. EPA 747-S-97-01.
Washington, DC.
Consumers Union. “Vacuums: Cleaning vs. Allergy Claims.” 2007; Consumer Reports, Mt Vernon, NY. October: 39-41.
Morgan W. J., Crain E.F., Gruchalla R.S. et al. “Results of a home-based environmental intervention among urban children with
asthma. ” New England J. Med. 2004; 351(11): 1068 – 1080.
National Center for Healthy Housing, 10320 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 500, Columbia, MD 21044
For allergy or asthma sufferers, carpet is not the only important furnishing to be maintained and kept clean.
Bedding, drapes, upholstered furniture, and pets are also sources of exposure. In addition to vacuuming and
cleaning, moisture management, clutter control, and pest management are important allergen avoidance
strategies. Elimination of a single or “most important” trigger may not provide improvement.
As demonstrated in the Inner City Asthma Study,
an effective approach relied on community-based educators
to teach exposure avoidance behaviors. For each mitigation behavior recommended for a particular household,
training was designed to “…provide information to the caretaker on the efficacy of the behavior, model the
targeted behavior, have the caretaker rehearse the behavior with feedback, establish that the caretaker had
mastered the behavior, and increase the caretaker’s outcome expectancies and self-efficacy for the behavior.” The
study showed declines in asthma symptoms among atopic children as a result of reducing allergens in the home.
Specifically, an intervention costing in the range of $1,500 to $2,000 per child resulted in 2.1 fewer unscheduled
doctor visits per year, 21.3 fewer days with symptoms per year, and 4.4 fewer missed school days per year.
Additional studies have demonstrated the ability of asthma interventions to reduce urgent health care utilization
and generate medical cost savings. A study by Karnick et al sought to identify potential cost-savings to the
Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (the state’s Medicaid administrator) generated from the
provision of asthma case management to their pediatric clients with asthma.
The program provided 70 children
with full case management services, which included asthma trigger identification and the development of an
action plan for the child’s family. The study estimated that total healthcare costs, measured in reimbursement
dollars by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, decreased from $6,905 per child per year
to $1,739. Taking into account the intervention program costs, the study estimated total program cost savings
per person at $4,503 annually.
In a study by Krieger et al., community health workers provided participants with allergy control pillow and
mattress encasements, low-emission vacuums, commercial-quality door mats, cleaning kits, referrals to smoking
cessation counseling, roach bait, rodent traps, assistance with roach and rodent eradication, and advocacy for
improved housing conditions. This high-intensity group improved significantly more in its pediatric asthma
caregiver quality-of-life score (P=.005) and asthma-related urgent health services use (P=.026) than its
counterparts in the low-intensity group, which received a single community health worker visit, a home
environmental assessment, an action plan, limited education, and bedding encasements.
The decline in urgent
health services demonstrated in the high-intensity intervention was estimated to result in a cost savings of $201-
$334 per child in the two month study period.
A recent study conducted by English researchers examined whether a household intervention aimed at reducing
exposure to house dust mites could reduce the incidence of asthma in high-risk children or reduce severity of
Danov Z. and Guilbert T.W. “Prevention of asthma in childhood.” Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007:7(2). 174-179.
Crain et al. “Home and Allergic Characteristics of Children with Asthma in Seven U.S. Urban Communities and Design of an
Environmental Intervention: The Inner City Asthma Study.” Environ. Health Perspect. 2002; 101(9):939-945.
Karnick P., Margellos-Anast H., Seals G., Whitman S., Aljadeff G., and Johnson D. “The Pediatric Asthma Intervention: A
Comprehensive Cost-Effective Approach to Asthma Management in a Disadvantaged Inner-City Community.” Journal of
Asthma. 2007 January; 44:39-44.
Krieger JW, Takaro TK, Song L, Weaver M. Krieger JW, Takaro TK, Song L, Weaver M. The Seattle-King County Healthy
Homes Project: a randomized, controlled trial of a community health worker intervention to decrease exposure to indoor asthma
triggers. Am J Public Health. 2005 Apr;95(4):652-9.
National Center for Healthy Housing, 10320 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 500, Columbia, MD 21044
asthma in people already diagnosed. The results showed a significant reduction in physician diagnosed asthma
and a reduction in asthma symptom days as a result of the interventions.
Carpeting provides a soft surface that can reduce slips, which in turn can help to reduce the severity of injuries
from falls. Carpeting absorbs noise; however, carpets also trap dirt, pet dander, pollen, pesticides, lead-dust, food,
moisture, and can harbor pests associated with asthma, such as cockroaches and dust mites.
46, 47
contaminants can be re-released into the home environment, especially when vacuuming with a low-quality
vacuum, when carpeting is removed, when a child is playing on it, or when it is otherwise disturbed.
48, 49, 50
Some types of hard flooring are easier to clean and are likely to accumulate less dust, yet may also contain certain
plasticizers (phthalates), which have been linked to asthma and disruption of endocrine function. In high traffic
areas and heavy use homes, carpet may need replacement every five to seven years. As such, although carpet may
be less expensive initially, it may be more expensive to maintain over time. Carpet is typically not recommended
for individuals with asthma or allergies. However, if carpet cannot be replaced, careful cleaning can reduce the
risks from allergens, asthma triggers, and other contaminants.
Many thanks to these individuals, who provided expert feedback on this document:
Dr. Peter Ashley, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Ms. Karen Cohn, San Francisco Department of Health
Dr. Dorr Dearborn, Case Western Reserve University
Dr. David Miller, Carleton University
Dr. Philip Morey, Boelter and Associates
Ms. Sharon Pendleton, Housing Consultant
Dr. Richard Shaughnessy, University of Tulsa
Dr. Tim Takaro, Simon Fraser University
Mr. Jonathan Wilson, National Center for Healthy Housing
National Center for Healthy Housing, 10320 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 500, Columbia, MD 21044
Russell C, Sternberg A., and Hunter P.R. “A systematic review and meta analysis of interventions aimed at reducing exposure to
house dust on the development and severity of asthma.” Available at
. Online 25 September 2007.
Simpson A, Hassall R, Custovic A, Woodcock A. “Variability of house-dust-mite allergen levels within carpets.” Allergy
National Academies Press, 2000. Clearing the Air: Asthma and Indoor Air Exposures. Executive Summary Institute of Medicine.
ISBN 0-309-06496-1. See
Cho SH, Reponen T, Bernstein DI, Olds R , Levin L, Liu X , Wilson K, Lemasters G. “The effect of home characteristics on
dust antigen concentrations and loads in homes.” Sci Total Environ. 2006; 371(1-3):31-43 (ISSN: 0048-9697).
USEPA.(a) Lead Exposure Associated With Remodeling Activities. USEPA 1997 EPA 747-R-96-005. Washington, D.C.
Platts-Mills, T.A.E., et al. “The Role of Intervention in Established allergy: Avoidance of Indoor Allergens in the Treatment of
chronic Allergic Disease.” J. Allergy Clin. Immunol.2000:106:787-804.