Thermal Imaging Riflescope
Model: TS100
User Manual
Fusion Thermal, LLC
42411 Enterprise Lane
Hammond, LA 70403
(985) 375-1185
1. Description………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……..3
2. Exclusive Technology…………………………………………………………………………………………………3
3. Technical Specifications………..…………………………………………………………………………………..4
4. Buttons, Components, and Controls……………………………………………………………………………5
5. Operating the Boarmaster 40..........................………………………………………………..………..6
6. Inserting Batteries and Turning the Unit On/Off………………………………………………………..6
7. Getting Things into Focus…………………………………………………………………………………………..6
8. T3 Three Button Control System w/Center Tower……………………………………………………7
9. KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid) – Simplified Operators Menu………………………………………….8
10. Main Menu – Image Mode……………………………………………………………………………………..….9
11. Main Menu – Color Palette………………………………………………………………………………..………9
12. Main Menu – Sighting (Zeroing the Scope)....……………………………………………………………10
a. Select a Gun Profile…………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….…..….10
b. Zero the Scope……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….………….10
c. Reticle Type……………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……………….12
d. Reticle Color……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….…….12
e. Reticle Brightness……………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……...12
13. Main Menu – Settings……………………………………………………………………………………………….12
a. Automatic NUC……………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….………….12
b. Blind Pixel Correction………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……………….12
c. Auto Power Off……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….…………13
d. Menu Transparency……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….…………..13
e. Video Output……………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……………..13
f. Device Factory Reset……………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….…………..13
g. About the Device……………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….13
14. Other Functional Considerations……………………………………………………………………………...14
a. Digital Zoom……………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……..14
b. Status Bar……………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….………...14
c. Power Saver Mode……………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….…….14
d. Battery Power Requirements……………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….15
e. Battery Status Indicator……………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……...15
f. Storage and Transportation…………….……….……….……….……….……….……….…………….15
g. Important Notes & Warnings……………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….16
h. Warranty Registration……………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….………..16
i. Warranty Information …………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….….16
j. ITAR Control Statement…………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……..….17
k. Technical Support…………….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……….……..….17
The Boarmaster 40 is a state-of-the-art precision infrared rifle scope. The technology offered in
the scope delivers best-in-class performance in a compact lightweight design. It was purpose-
built for simplicity and ease of operation, so while this user manual explains everything in detail
it is likely you will never need to read it more than once. As the name implies the Boarmaster
40 was built for hunting, but it may also be used as an observation device for a variety of
applications including security, general observation, navigation, and search and rescue. The unit
has been equipped with an exceptionally high-quality quick release scope mount, so we
encourage you to remove it from your gun whenever and wherever you have an alternative
WAVE17 Premium IR Thermal Sensor
Enhanced Sensor for Best-In-Class Image Resolution
Arclight Ultra HD Germanium Lens
High Purity Objective for Maximum IR Transmission
T3 Three Button Control System w/Center Tower
Three Buttons Control Everything
KISS Menu “Keep It Simple Stupid”
Simplified English Language Operating Menu
Micro Click Focus
Click-by-Click Precision Target Focus
XGEN Next Generation Armor
Body Armor & Heat Dissipating Body Housing
FAST Compatible QD Mount
Easy Integrated Mounting of Available Offset Red Dot Mount
Thermal Sensor
Sensor Pixel Size
Objective Lens Diameter
Frame Refresh Rate
Base Level Magnification
Digital Magnification
Display Type/Resolution
Color Palette Modes
Reticle Design Options
Reticle Color Options
Multiple Gun Profiles
Detection Range
Recognition & Identification Range
Start-Up Time/Cold Start
Start-Up Time/Power Saver Mode
Auto Shutdown Battery Saver
On Board Video Record
Video Output
WIFI Equipped
Battery Type
Expected Battery Life
External Power Supply Capable
Recoil Rating
Nitrogen Purged
Front Lens Housing Outside Diameter
*Please know that there is no industry standardized test to determine a Recognition and/or Identification Range,
thus they are meaningless specifications for comparative shopping. Unfortunately, many companies take the
liberty of publishing fantasy numbers that only serve to mislead shoppers who are doing good faith research. We
do not to participate in this practice.
Inserting Batteries and Turning the Unit On/Off
Unscrew the battery lid enclosure and insert two (2) CR123 batteries into the battery
compartment, make note of the correct polarity as the unit will not operate if polarity is
To turn the unit on, press and hold the Power Button until the Fusion Thermal logo appears,
about two seconds, and then release. To turn the unit off press and hold the Power Button until
the Power Off countdown appears and then release.
Special Note: The Power also has an important secondary function of activating the Power Saving mode,
explained later in this manual.
Getting Things into Focus
Display Focus: With the unit powered on you are now ready to set it up for your personal use,
and this begins with the Display Focus located on the eyepiece. Properly adjusting the Display
Focus is critical for best performance as you will want the reticle and information written on the
internal display screen to look perfect for your vision. Every user will need to make this
adjustment as the strength of everyone’s vision is different. Here’s how to do it: With the unit
powered on push your eye against the rubber eye cup far enough so you can see the entire
display screen and the information displayed. Next twist the eyepiece back and forth until the
reticle and other information displayed on the display screen comes into sharp focus.
Helpful Tip: If you leave the front objective lens cover in place when adjusting the Display Focus you will
not be distracted by images created by the thermal scope (which are adjusted with the Target Focus,
explained below), so keep it covered until you’ve completed the task of setting the Display Focus.
Target Focus: The Boarmaster 40 is equipped with our top-end Micro Click Focus, the most
advanced and precise focus system in the thermal industry. If you’ve used other thermal
scopes, especially ones with a collar focus design, you’ll soon find that this is a total game
changer. It is exceptionally easy to use and was designed with a large focus knob, so you won’t
have trouble finding it in complete darkness or have difficulty using it with a gloved hand.
Simple and easy to use, just twist directionally until your viewed subject comes into sharp
Special Note: The Boarmaster optical system was designed to provide an outstanding depth of field.
After initial focus you will find that near to far target focus will be achieved with only a few micro clicks.
The Boarmaster 40 features our acclaimed T3 - Three Button Control System, a highly intuitive
three button design with a center tower that makes using your thermal simple and easy. Every
command you need is right at your fingertips, and the Menu Button (center tower) evenly splits
the button control panel, so you always know where your fingers are even in the dark. It’s also
the perfect complement to our KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid) Simplified Operators Menu (see
page 8).
In addition to assisting your menu navigation each of our T3 buttons have Smart Button
assignments, which allow you to quickly execute important commands without the need to
enter the Main Menu.
Up Button (button closest to objective lens)
As a Smart Button the Up Button has two assignments:
1. Quick Press: Give the Up Button a quick press and it changes the current Color Palette
setting. The options are: White Hot, Black Hot, Red Hot, and Rainbow. Successive quick presses
will rotate thru each color palette option.
2. Long Press: If you press and hold the Up Button you will initiate the digital zoom feature. The
first long press will double your base level optical magnification of 2.5X to 5X digital. The next
long press and hold will double the 5X digital to 10X digital. The next long press and hold will
bring you back to your 2.5X base level optical magnification.
Menu Button Center Tower
As a Smart Button the Menu Button has two assignments:
1. Quick Press: Give the Menu Button a quick press and it will manually NUC the sensor. NUC
(Non-Uniformity Correction) is a process of sensor recalibration that keeps the thermal system
operating at peak performance. The Boarmaster 40 has an Automatic NUC feature that when
turned on (menu option) will cause the unit to automatically NUC the system when required
(see page 12). The manual NUC feature is provided so you can NUC the sensor anytime you
want, or if you would prefer not to utilize the Automatic NUC feature.
2. Long Press: If you press and hold the Menu Button you will enter the Main Menu which is
your access point for the full complement of Boarmaster 40 features and settings.
Special Note: When a NUC occurs, you will hear a clicking noise and observe a momentary screen freeze
caused by the activation of the internal shutter. This is completely normal and an indication that
everything is operating properly.
Down Button (button closest to eyepiece)
As a Smart Button the Down Button has one assignment:
1. Quick Press: Give the Down Button a quick press and it changes the current Reticle Type
setting. Successive quick presses will rotate thru each of the seven available Reticle Type
options and the eighth no reticle option.
Power Button
While the Power Button is not part of our control system it does have a Smart Button
assignment. If you give the Power Button a quick press the unit will enter a Power Saving mode
and turn off the display and other non-critical functions. A second quick press instantly brings
the unit back to full operational status. This feature is not only helpful for extending battery life
but also keeps the display from illuminating your surrounding environment while not being held
to your eye.
Special Note: When device is placed in Power Saver mode battery consumption is minimized but some
electronics are still operating and thus the device will completely drain the batteries if not turned off
prior to storing.
You’re going to love how easy the Boarmaster 40 is to operate. Our simplified layered menu
system uses words, not icons, and was written in English, for Americans by Americans. It is so
simple to use you could easily operate it without reading this manual. For access to everything
press and hold the Menu Button (Center Tower) until the Main Menu appears. You will note
that the Main Menu has four master categories, Image Mode, Color Palette, Sighting, and
Settings. Under each of these master categories reside sub menus, each of which lead to
functions that accomplishment specific tasks.
Main Menu > Image Mode
The Image Mode section of the menu is where you go to control all your sensor settings,
namely Brightness, Contrast, Sensitivity, and Detailing. Our extensive testing and experience
have led us to develop three preset sensor settings that will cover virtually all operational
situations you may encounter. They are Standard, Enhanced, and Search/Track/Rescue. We
also offer a User Defined option that will allow you, the thermal operator, to adjust and save up
to three different combinations of sensor settings that may be required for your unique
Standard: As expected the Standard image mode is perfect for most observation requirements.
Use this as your regular image mode as it offers the near perfect balance of all sensor settings
and results in maximum battery life.
Enhanced: The Enhanced image mode brings additional brightness to the scene and may be
helpful under adverse observation conditions such as rain, fog, or high humidity.
Search/Track/Rescue: This Fusion Thermal exclusive provides the thermal operator with a
super contrast mode that dramatically reduces the observation of noncritical items in favor of
displaying more important targets of interest. When you want to maximize your chances of
finding something important to you Search/Track/Rescue is how you get it done.
User Defined: Our operating system allows you to create your own personalized Image Mode
profiles to meet your unique operating requirements. To create your unique profile, go to the
User Defined menu option under the Image Mode section of the menu. There you will find the
three profile options, User 1, User 2, and User 3. You can enter each of them, one at a time,
and adjust the four available sensor parameters as desired. The sensor parameters available are
Brightness, Contrast, Sensitivity, and Detailing. To create a unique profile simply navigate to
each of the parameters and use the Up Button and/or Down Button to adjust. Press the Menu
Button to save your adjustment. Move from one parameter to the next. Once done simply exit
the menu and the device will save your adjustments.
Helpful Tip: For easy reference the Boarmaster 40 will display the current Image Mode setting in the
upper left-hand corner of the display screen, designated by an S for Standard, E for Enhanced, STR for
Search/Track/Rescue or U1, U2 or U3 for the user defined settings.
Special Note: The default setting for each User Defined image mode is the same as the Standard image
mode. If you want to return any User Defined Image Mode back to its default there is a Yes/No menu
option labeled Reset Image Mode for this purpose. Using this feature will only reset the current User
Defined profile to default settings.
Main Menu > Color Palette
The Boarmaster 40 offers four different color palette options: White Hot, Black Hot, Red Hot
and Rainbow. A color palette choice determines how hot and cold subjects appear when you
are using your thermal device. Which color palette works best for you is a personal choice and
something you will determine over time from using the device. However, we can offer a few
hints from our experience. White Hot and Red Hot (which is white hot with the hottest subjects
displaying in red) are generally best for detecting the presence of heat generating subjects.
These are the best choices for finding things quicky. Black Hot generally offers the greatest
resolution potential and may be helpful when you want to see the maximum amount of detail
on an observed target. Rainbow is helpful when there are many competing sources of heat in
the same scene. When this happens Rainbow will assign a unique color to each object with a
temperature differential.
Smart Button Accessible: While Color Palette may be adjusted from the Main Menu it is also easily
adjusted by quick pressing the Up Button during normal operation.
Main Menu > Sighting
The Sighting section of the Main Menu is where you go to set and control all subjects related to
shooting. The options are Select a Gun, Zero the Scope, Reticle Type, Reticle Color, and Reticle
Select a Gun Profile
When you start the zeroing process the first step is to select a Gun Profile.
The Boarmaster 40 allows you to select and save up to five different Gun Profiles. Each of the
profiles is designated as a G number: G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5. Having multiple profiles is very
helpful for anyone wanting to use their Boarmaster 40 on multiple guns as it creates an easy
way to save your zero settings for each gun under its own unique profile. Profiles may also be
used to save zero settings when you want to shoot a different ammunition out of the same gun.
In addition to zero settings, the selected reticle type, reticle color and reticle brightness will be
saved under your gun profile.
Helpful Tip: For easy reference the Boarmaster 40 will display the current gun profile in the upper left-
hand corner of the display screen. You can always quickly observe to confirm you operating on the
correct gun profile.
Zeroing the Scope
With the Boarmaster 40 zeroing the scope is very easy. To make things simple and straight
forward we split the vertical (Up-Down) adjustment from the horizontal (Left-Right)
adjustment. When you sight in your scope you start with one type of adjustment and then
move to the other. After each adjustment a quick or long press of the Menu Button will save
your current adjustment and bring you up one level in the menu so you can continue with
additional adjustments if needed. There is another menu option called Back to Center if you
want to bring all adjustments back to 0.00 and start over.
Up-Down: To make a vertical point-of-impact adjustment enter the Up-Down adjustment
function by quick pressing the Up-Down menu option.
Special Note: When you enter this area, you will notice two sets of red numbers in the center of the top
status bar, one at the very top and one just below. The numerical display at the very top shows your
current session adjustment, it displays the adjustments you are making now. The second set of numbers,
the lower set, displays the cumulative result of all adjustments.
From this screen aim at your target and fire a shot. Note the point-of-impact as compared to
your original aiming point. If your bullet struck the target above your original aiming point you
will need to lower the bullets point-of-impact. To accomplish this simply quick press the Down
Button while taking note of the adjustment amount in the top status bar. You will also notice
that a downward pointing directional arrow will appear on the top status bar that confirms the
direction you are moving the bullets point-of-impact. The adjustment value for each button
press is .285” at 50 yards (rounded to .29”). Make your adjustments as needed, and when you
are finished quick press the Menu Button to save and exit up to the next level. If you need to go
back and tweak an adjustment you will notice that the software will restore your current
session values to 0.00 while keeping your cumulative adjustment values exactly as you left it
during your last session. This feature is very helpful so you can keep up with your overall
cumulative adjustments, while observing your current adjustments.
Left-Right: The process of sighting-in for Left-Right point-of-impact errors is the same as
described above for Up-Down with expected substitutions. The Up Button is used to move the
bullet point-of-impact to the right, and the Down Button is used to move the bullet point-of-
impact to the left.
Back to Center: This Sighting menu option acts like a reset button and if selected will bring the
sight-in adjustments for both Up-Down and Left-Right back to 0.00. The reset only applies to
the currently selected gun profile and will only reset sight-in adjustments. It will not reset
reticle type, reticle color, or reticle brightness. Nor will it reset any information in other gun
Helpful Tip: While our system will allow you to sight-in at any distance, we highly recommend sighting-in
for a 50 yard zero. Why? The Boarmaster 40 mounting system was optimized for the AR Style Weapon
platform and as such a 50 yard zero will provide a Point-Blank-Range (PBR) for a 5” target radius up to
and beyond 300 yards for many common AR cartridges. (PBR denotes the distance over which a certain
firearm can hit a given size target without the need to compensate for bullet drop.) Additionally, all
thermal scopes, as compared to traditional day scopes, are handicapped by limited target resolution,
and a 50-yard sight-in distance makes things easy. Our favorite target is a small Hot Hands hand warmer
packet taped to a political yard sign. The Hot Hands hand warmer packet creates the necessary heat
differential needed to achieve an easy to see target, and using a political sign gives a meaningful use to
an otherwise nuisance item.
Digital zoom MAY be used during the sighting in process. The software will keep up with all adjustments
necessary to keep everything aligned. However, you will need to engage the digital zoom before entering
the Zeroing the Scope menu section and Up-Down or Left-Right adjustment areas.
Reticle Type
The Boarmaster 40 offers seven different reticle options and an eight “no reticle” option. The
no reticle feature is helpful when the Boarmaster 40 is used as an observation device. The
reticle options are Mil-Hash, Plex Solid, Plex-Open, Fine Cross, German 4 Dot, Dot, and Pro
Smart Button Accessible: While Reticle Type may be adjusted from the Main Menu it is easy adjusted by
quick pressing the Down Button during normal operation.
Reticle Color
The Boarmaster 40 offers five different reticle color options: Red, Green, Blue, White, and
Black. The best color selection often depends upon the color palette selected and individual
vision considerations.
Reticle Brightness
The Boarmaster 40 offers five different reticle brightness settings with Bright 1 being the lowest
level of brightness, and Bright 5 being the highest. The operator simply needs to select the
brightness level best suited to their needs.
Main Menu > Settings
The Settings section of the main menu is where you go to set and control many of the
operational features of the Boarmaster 40, namely Automatic NUC, Blind Pixel Correction, Auto
Power Off, Menu Transparency, and Video Output.
Automatic NUC
To maintain peak performance thermal devices will occasionally need to perform a sensor
temperature recalibration commonly referred to as NUC (Non-Uniformity Correction)
pronounced “nuke”. This required function maintains top performance and eliminates image
defects such as vertical bars and phantom images. When the Automatic NUC feature is set to
the “On” position the Boarmaster 40 software will detect when a NUC is required and
automatically perform the calibration for you, no user action will be required. Keeping the
Automatic NUC setting in the “On” position is the factory default and highly recommended.
Special Note: When a NUC occurs, you will hear a clicking noise when the internal shutter
deploys, and the user may observe a momentary screen freeze. This is completely normal and an
indication that everything is operating properly.
Helpful Tip: A manual NUC can be performed at any time by a quick press of the Menu Button.
Blind Pixel Correction
There are hundreds of thousands of pixels of the face of every thermal sensor. Occasionally one
or more of these pixels strays out of calibration and needs to be corrected, causing a white or
black dot to suddenly appear on your screen that cannot be removed by performing a NUC.
These small dots (blind pixels) are normal, harmless, and are to be expected with all thermal
devices. Fortunately, they are easily fixed with our built-in correction feature. Here is how you
fix it: Go to the Blind Pixel Correction section of the Settings menu and enter the function. A
small targeting reticle will appear with a flashing dot in the middle. Move the flashing dot so
that it is directly over the blind pixel using the Up Button and Down Button to move the reticle,
quick pressing the Menu Button to change between horizontal and vertical movement. Once
the flashing dot is directly over the blind pixel long press the Menu Button to recalibrate and
exit the function. You will get a message in the status bar that confirms the system is saving
your recalibration.
Special Note: While moving the reticle into position holding the Up or Down button will move the reticle
quickly, while quick pressing will allow you to slowly fine tune the position.
Auto Power Off
The Boarmaster 40 software includes an automatic turnoff feature. When set to the “On
position the Boarmaster 40 will automatically power down every 30 minutes.
Menu Transparency
To keep the top Status Bar and Main Menu as unobtrusive as possible the user can change the
transparency of the menu background from very dark to nearly transparent. To make a
transparency adjustment go to the Settings section of the Main Menu and navigate to Menu
Transparency. Setting 1 makes the menu background dark black and non-transparent, setting 5
makes the menu nearly transparent, or more “see-through”.
Video Output
While the Boarmaster 40 has no onboard video storage capabilities it does have the ability to
export a video signal and may be connected to an external video recorder. If exporting a video
signal is desired simply turn this feature to the “On” position. To minimize power consumption,
it is recommended that the setting remain in the “Off” position when not being used.
Device Factory Reset
As the name implies this feature will completely reset all software settings back to their factory
default positions. This includes all modified user preferences and sighting adjustments. Be sure
you want to reset everything before you use this feature. If you do navigate to this feature and
select “Yes”.
About the Device
This section of the menu contains specific information about the device including software
Digital Zoom
The Boarmaster 40 has a base level magnification of 2.5X. It also has two additional digital
magnification steps that can be accessed by a long press of the Up Button. The first long press
will double your base level optical magnification of 2.5X to 5X. The next long press will double
the 5X to 10X. The next long press will bring you back to your 2.5X base level optical
Helpful Tip: We are often asked if digital zoom may be used during the sighting in process and the
answer is yes. The software will keep up with all adjustments necessary to keep everything aligned.
However, you will need to engage the digital zoom before entering the Zeroing the Scope menu section
and UP-Down or Left-Right adjustment areas.
Status Bar
When the unit is powered on you will notice a small Status Bar across the top of the viewing
screen. This status bar is always visible and was designed to provide constant communication of
important information while operating the unit.
The status bar displays the following information:
Currently Selected Gun Profile (top left corner – first line)
Color Palette (top left corner – first line, second from left)
Image Profile (top left corner – second line)
Magnification Level (top right) – [1X= 2.5X optical magnification, 2X= 5X digital magnification,
4X= 10X digital magnification]
Battery Status Icon (top right corner-first line)
Battery Status Indicator Percentage (top right corner – second line)
Power Saving Mode
This device is equipped with a special Power Saving feature that allows the operator to turn off
non-essential device operations during periods of inactivity without completely shutting down
the unit. This has the advantage of saving power with the ability to instantaneously return the
unit to full operating function with a single quick press of the Power Button. This feature is not
only helpful for extending battery life but also keeps the display from illuminating your
surrounding environment while not being held to your eye.
Special Note: Please familiarize yourself with this feature as sometimes operators mistakenly think their
device is off when it is in Power Saver mode. When device is placed in Power Saver mode battery
consumption is minimized but some electronics are still operating, and thus will completely drain the
batteries if not turned off prior to storing.
Battery Power Requirements
The Boarmaster 40 is typically powered by (2) two disposable CR123A 3-Volt Lithium Batteries.
This is the simplest and most direct way to power the device, providing an average minimum
run time of four hours from each new set of quality batteries. A longer run time may be
achieved by diligent use of the Power Saving mode.
The second method of powering your device is use a rechargeable 3.7 Volt version of the
CR123. These rechargeable batteries are often sold in combination with a charging station and
are commonly available on the internet. This is an economical way to power your device,
especially if you use your device often.
The third method is with the use a Fusion Thermal sourced external battery pack connected to
the USB-C interface. These external battery packs can be used alone (no CR123 batteries
installed), or in conjunction with installed CR123 batteries. If you use both the device will utilize
the power from the external battery source first, and once depleted, rely on the internal CR123
batteries. When the device is pulling its power from an external battery source a green icon
with the letters USB will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the status bar.
Helpful Tip: Never mix old and new CR123A batteries, or batteries from different manufacturers
as this will result in diminished run time and potentially damage the unit.
Battery Status Indicator
When two new CR123 batteries are inserted into the device the Battery Status Indicator will
show a solid blue icon in the top right corner of the status bar. As the unit depletes the battery
power the icon will switch to green and additionally display a remaining capacity with a
percentage indicator. If the batteries fully deplete the unit will flash a red message, Change
Batteries, on the status bar just prior to shutting down.
Helpful Tip: AWAYS remove batteries before storing, even if the storage is short-term. Leaving batteries
inside the unit while not in use will completely deplete them in short order and potentially cause
corrosion and damage to the unit not covered by warranty. All user settings will be retained even if
batteries are removed.
Storage and Transportation
The device should be stored in a dark, dry, and well-ventilated environment. Always utilize the
objective lens cover when not in use.
Helpful Tip: Store this unit as you would your firearms.
The Boarmaster 40 is a precision infrared electro optical device that was designed and
constructed to the highest industry standards. It will provide decades of reliable service if
properly cared for and maintained. Below are important notes and warnings that should be
observed to achieve the longest and most productive useful life.
Never attempt to modify, alter, or repair your device.
Only use batteries from know manufactures that are purchased from reliable sources.
Never knowingly use counterfeit or off-branded batteries.
Never intentionally expose to direct sunlight or other high intensity light sources.
After turning off wait five seconds before turning back on.
Protect the device from strong side impacts.
Only use high grade lens cleaning cloths to clean lens surfaces.
Warranty Registration
To register your warranty please visit
registration/ or scan the QR Code directly below.
Warranty Information
For complete information about our Fusion Thermal Qualified Thermal Products/Devices
Consumer Warranty please visit or scan
the QR Code directly below.
ITAR Control Statement
This product is subject to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). You may not
export, re-export, resell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of this product to any other country
without first obtaining approval from the U.S. Department of State, Directorate of Defense
Trade in accordance with the ITAR, Title 22, and Code of Federal Regulations Part 120-130.
Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.
Technical Support
Questions about your unit? Need technical support? We’re ready to help. We are United States
based and available Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM CST. Please call us at 985-375-