A Guide to Bed Bug Safety
Protect your belongings!
Bed bugs like to ride on personal items like jackets and bags. Bed
bugs rarely climb onto a moving body.
Limit the number of items you carry with you. If you enter an area you
think might have bed bugs, do not place your belongings on the floor
or on furniture. Seal these items in plastic bags or plastic bins when
you stay in a suspected area for any length of time.
Place clothing and belongings in a clothes dryer when you get home
to kill any bed bugs and their eggs. Keep the dryer on high heat for at
least 20 minutes.
The Basics
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, or CDC, has information
about bed bugs here:
The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, has information about
bed bugs here:
For More Information
December 25, 2020
Bed bugs (Cimex Lectularius) are small insects that feed on human
and animal blood. They are most active when people are asleep. Bed
bugs can get into your home by attaching themselves to used
furniture and personal items like bags and clothing.
You may not notice bed bugs because they hide in cracks when they
are not feeding. Bug sprays and pesticides alone are not enough to
get rid of bed bugs. The best way to treat a bed bug problem is to use
both non-chemical and chemical methods.
About Bed Bugs
December 25, 2020
You can recognize bed bugs from their:
Droppings and blood stains on mattresses or furniture
Bed bugs have three basic life stages: egg, nymph, and adult.
An adult bed bug is about the size of an apple seed, oval shaped, rusty
brown in color, wingless, and as thin as a credit card. Bed bug nymphs
are smaller and clear or tan in color. Bed bugs that have just fed will
be swollen and stretched out. All bed bugs have six legs and two
Many common household insects can be mistaken for bed bugs.
Proper identification is required to provide the correct treatment.
How Do I Recognize Bed Bugs?
December 25, 2020
Despite their name, bed bugs do not live only in beds. They can be
found almost anywhere in your home that provides a place to hide.
Any crack or crevice with an opening as thin as a credit card can
provide a hiding place.
You can often find where bed bugs are hiding by looking for black or
brown spots on and around surfaces where they rest. Eggs and shed
skin casings will also be found near these areas. Bed bugs do not
hide in brightly lit areas. Be sure to use a flashlight, magnifying glass,
and crevice tool to help you with your inspection.
How Do I Inspect My Home For Bed Bugs?
December 25, 2020
Mattresses and box springs
Bed frames & head boards
Night stands and dressers
Window and door frames
Pictures and picture frames
Loose wallpaper and peeling paint
Hard and upholstered furniture
Behind baseboards and electrical outlets
Joints in hard wood floors
Crevices behind molding
Any other places that provide a dark, narrow crevice
Places Bed Bugs Are Commonly Found
December 25, 2020
Call several licensed and insured pest management companies
and get written estimates.
Insist on and check references.
Look for companies that offer both chemical and non-chemical
Insist on pre-inspection as part of the estimate process.
Technicians should be willing to talk with you about treatment
options and guarantees.
An effective bed bug control plan should take multiple treatments
and inspections. Make sure these are covered in the estimate.
Compare warranties and guarantees.
The best way to get rid of bed bugs is to hire a professional pest
control company with experience in bed bug control. If you do not
use a professional, you can use products or procedures described
on the following pages to control bed bugs.
How Do I Find A Reliable Pest Control
December 25, 2020
Vacuum cracks and crevices on a regular basis. Take your time. Use
the crevice tool attachment to remove the largest number of bugs
and eggs. Do not use a bristle attachment, which may transfer eggs
from one room to another. You should also vacuum mattresses
before you purchase mattress encasements (see below). Vacuums
do not kill bed bugs or their eggs, so be sure to empty the bag or
canister into a sealed trash bag after you vacuum.
Bed bugs can travel between row homes through small openings
and areas with wires and cables. Protect yourself by sealing wall/
floor junctures with caulk to prevent bed bugs from traveling
through. Install foam padding behind electrical outlet faceplate
covers to create a tight seal.
Mattress Encasements
It is a bad idea to throw out your mattress at the first sign of bed
bugs. Bed bugs will follow you wherever you sleep. It is a better idea
to use the money you would need to buy new mattress to hire a
professional pest management company. You can use bed bug
encasements to protect both mattresses and box springs.
Encasements reduce hiding spots and make it easier to detect an
infestation. Be sure to purchase an encasement made for bed bugs.
Allergen covers will not work. Always check the encasement from
time to time for any rips or tears.
What You Can Do to Help Your Pest Control
December 25, 2020
When you see a blood spot, clean it up right away. Cleaning up blood
spots will make it easier to detect new bed bugs and provide a more
sanitary home environment.
General cleaning will also remove bed bugs and eggs. Cleaning can
also help you to tell the difference between roaches and bed bugs.
Bed bug excrement will smear reddish brown before washing away.
Laundering items on the hottest setting will kill bed bugs and eggs.
You should allow items to dry on the hottest setting for at least 20
minutes after they appear to be fully dry. Pillows, comforters and
other thick items may take longer. After laundering, store items in
airtight bags to prevent re-infestation.
What You Can Do To Help Your Pest Control
Professional (continued)
December 25, 2020
Do not bring discarded bed frames, mattresses, box springs or
upholstered furniture found on the street into your home.
Check all used or rented furniture for bed bugs.
While traveling, inspect the bed and furniture.
Keep suitcases off the floor and bed, and inspect them before you
If you suspect you have been around bed bugs, immediately wash
and dry your clothing on the hot settings.
How Do I Control Bed Bugs?
December 25, 2020
Do not relocate to another area of the house. Bed bugs will follow
their host and may infest new areas of your house.
Do not use a total release fogger for bed bug control. Foggers will
spread an infestation to other areas of your home and possibly to
neighboring properties.
Do not turn up the thermostat to kill bed bugs. A home furnace
will not reach the required temperatures to kill bed bugs.
Do not bag up furniture and leave it outside during winter
months. Freezing temperatures may not kill all bed bugs and their
Do not throw out your furniture at the first sighting of bed bugs.
Most furniture can be treated by a professional to remove bed
bugs and eggs.
What Not To Do When Dealing With Bed Bugs
December 25, 2020
If you are a landlord, to rent a property in Philadelphia you must:
Develop a written Bed Bug Control Plan that follows best practices as
defined by the National Pest Management Association and follow it;
Give this brochure to your tenant before you enter into a new lease;
Inform the tenant in writing before you enter into a new lease about
any bed bug infestation in the rental unit in the previous 120 days
and what steps were taken to remediate it. If there was no
infestation during that time, you must inform the tenant of this in
If you are a landlord and you receive a complaint that one of your
rental units is (or is reasonably suspected to be) infested with bed
bugs, you must:
Acknowledge the complaint within five days;
Have a pest management professional investigate the rental unit for
the presence of bed bugs within 10 days;
If there is an infestation, remediate the rental unit until a pest
management professional determines that there is no evidence of
bed bugs in the unit;
In buildings with four or more units, have a pest management
professional investigate the rental units above, below, and adjacent
to the unit about which you received the complaint;
(continued on next page)
What Must Landlords Do?
December 25, 2020
What Must Landlords Do? (continued)
December 25, 2020
Provide tenants with at least 24-hours notice before entering a unit
to inspect, remediate or monitor it for bed bugs;
Provide any tenants in units affected by a bed bug complaint a
written notice of the pest management professionals determination
of whether there is a bed bug infestation within five business days of
when you receive it;
Provide all tenants in a building notification of results of an
investigation of the presence of bed bugs in common areas of that
Obtain bed bug monitoring services for 12 months after an
infestation has been remediated, and if the unit is leased to a new
tenant during the monitoring period, explain the monitoring
activities to the new tenant and continue monitoring; and
Maintain a written record for two years of all bed bug complaints
and control measures provided, including reports of chemicals and
other remedies used by the pest management professional and any
other reports prepared by the pest management professional.
Who Must Pay for Remediation?
The landlord is responsible for hiring pest control professionals to investigate bed bug
complaints and eliminate infestations. The landlord is responsible for the full cost if the
infestation is reported within 365 days after “lease commencement” (the first day you are
permitted to live in the rental unit) or within 180 days after bed bugs were found in an
adjoining unit. After this time period, the landlord and tenant share in reasonable costs
for the pest control services.
Exception: A tenant who lives in housing managed by the Philadelphia Housing Authority
or who pays rent with government vouchers or subsidies is not responsible for a share of
the costs.
In Philadelphia, if you are a tenant, you must:
Not knowingly bring into the building furniture or other personal
items that are infested with bed bugs;
Notify your landlord in writing within five business days if you
suspect that your unit or a building common area is infested with
bed bugs;
Cooperate with any reasonable recommendations made by a pest
management professional hired by the landlord to investigate and
remediate a bed bug infestation, including:
Allowing the pest management professional to come into your
rental unit at reasonable times to inspect for bed bugs or
remediate the bed bugs;
Not interfering with the pest management professionals
inspections or remediation efforts;
Preparing your unit for treatment, such as cleaning or moving
furniture, as recommended by the pest management
professional; and
Carrying out other reasonable recommendations of the pest
management professional.
What Must Tenants Do?
December 25, 2020