2015 AFP
Payments Cost
Benchmarking Survey
Underwritten by
2015 AFP
Payments Cost
Benchmarking Survey
*Using median cost of $1.50
Underwritten by
of companies are transitioning
their B2B payments from paper
checks to electronic payments.
More would do so if
there was a cost benefit
to their organization.
Association for Financial Professionals
4520 East-West Highway, Suite 750
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone 301.907.2862
Fax 301.907.2864
2015 AFP
Payments Cost
Benchmarking Survey
Underwritten by
Dear Finance Professional/Corporate Practitioner,
Bottomline Technologies is proud to partner with the Association for Financial
Professionals® (AFP) to sponsor its inaugural Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey.
The results indicate the real payment costs incurred by organizations like yours, and
reinforce what you likely already know—that paper checks are significantly more
expensive than electronic payments. Key findings include:
79% of organizations surveyed are seeking to convert paper checks to
electronic payments.
88% of organizations say their primary driver for converting to electronics
payments is to increase efficiency; 82% to reduce costs, 60% for fraud prevention.
Sending a paper check is 10 times more expensive than the internal or external
cost of sending and receiving an ACH payment, and receiving a paper check is
more than 5 times as expensive.
The median cost of sending a paper check is $3.00; receiving a paper check
is $1.57.
The median internal cost for sending and receiving ACH payments is $0.29 and
the median external cost for sending and receiving ACH payments is $0.27.
In an economy where every competitive advantage helps an organization “get the
edge”, the cost savings, efficiencies, and improved control and security gained by
automating payments can no longer be ignored.
Thank you to AFP for providing these payment cost insights. We hope the information
is useful for your organization as you make the business case for improvement to your
mission-critical payment processes. Partnering with a trusted provider of cloud-based
and easy to use payment, invoice, digital banking and fraud prevention solutions can
help you create a plan for automation that will empower your business to innovate,
win and grow. We welcome the opportunity to work with you as you look to 2016.
Best regards,
Rick Booth
Chief Financial Officer
Bottomline Technologies
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 1
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
The payments industry faces a rapidly changing environment. Indeed, the gap between
technological advances in the payments eld and traditional payments methods is noticeably
widening. To help bridge that gap, many payments professionals are pursuing eorts to
improve those systems. Within the U.S. the Federal Reserve has initiated the Faster
Payments initiative with the ultimate goal of building a new, fast and pervasive payments
system. The Clearing House has undertaken a multi-year project to design a real-time pay-
ment system to address gaps in payment processing to enable consumers and businesses
to securely send and receive payments. In the spring of 2015, NACHA—the Electronic
Payments Association
—approved its Same-Day-ACH (automatic clearing house) product.
Such eorts aren’t conned to the U.S.: note the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) in the
Eurozone countries, and Faster Payments in the U.K.
However, even as payment technologies advance, in the U.S. paper checks continue to be
the most popular payment method. The 2013 AFP Electronic Payments Survey revealed that
although declining, the use of paper checks still accounted for about 50 percent of a U.S.-
based organization’s business-to-business (B2B) transactions. That relatively high share
of check payments can be attributed to the ubiquitous nature of checks, tradition, the
challenges of converting to electronic payment methods, and sometimes complacency.
Corporate systems and routines are set up to handle a large number of checks; consequently
there may be some reluctance to alter a process that “works.” Additionally, implementation of
new processes often requires organizations to purchase new technology and train personnel.
For those nance professionals who do want to shift their organizations’ payment systems
from paper checks to electronic payments, they will need to make a strong business case to
justify the investment required for such a shift. To gain approval from senior management,
they will need to have a solid grasp of various payment method costs. Determining those
costs with any accuracy is challenging; such calculations are dependent on a number of
variables including existing bank relationships and nancial systems, and may be interpreted
dierently by various organizations.
In order to provide treasury and other nance professionals with a tool to gain more
granular information regarding the costs of various payment methods, the Association
for Financial Professionals
(AFP) conducted its inaugural Payments Cost Benchmarking
Survey. Survey participants had the option of either selecting cost estimates within dened
cost ranges or providing their best estimated cost as a dollar value. The survey questions
also distinguish between external and internal costs for payments: external costs include all
payments to an external party such as bank/payment provider fees, reporting, interchange for
credit cards, etc.; internal costs include any internal organizational resources that a
company considers part of the cost of payments such as personnel, technical equipment,
IT support, etc.
The results of The 2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey are backed by data
from over 500 respondents and conrm what the industry has suspected for a while: that
paper checks are considerably more expensive than some electronic payment methods.
The estimated median cost of a check transaction is $3.00,
the estimated median external
cost range of each ACH (automatic clearing house) credit transaction is between $0.26
and $0.50 per ACH Credit transaction, and the estimated median cost of a purchasing card
transaction is $1.50. These ndings provide nance professionals with solid data to build a
business case showing that switching to electronic payments could result in real cost
savings for their organizations.
1. All dollar figures in this report are in USD.
2 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
A note on our cost indications for dierent payment methods in this report—some
assumptions regarding the survey data have been made in order to make the numbers
practically usable. These assumptions may step away slightly from the pure data, but
will assist in the benchmarking of costs for dierent payment methods. We hope this will
provide greater value to AFP’s corporate treasury members in business case assessments
of changes to their current payment processes and systems.
AFP thanks Bottomline Technologies for its underwriting support of the 2015 AFP
Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey. The Research Department of the Association for
Financial Professionals
designed the survey questionnaire, analyzed the survey results,
produced the report and is solely responsible for its content. The survey generated 534 re-
sponses which are the basis of this report. More details regarding the survey methodology
as well as respondent demographics can be found on page 24.
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 3
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Half of organizations deliver their payments from a single centralized corporate treasury
operation. While single centralized treasury operations are more prevalent among smaller
organizations (with annual revenues of less than $1 billion) than larger ones, even among
large companies they are more prevalent than other types of operations. Privately held
companies are also more likely than publicly owned ones to deliver payments via a
centralized operation. Centralized payments operations provide numerous benets such as
economies of scale, reductions in the number of bank connections and centralized payment
ows. They also have the added advantage of a skilled work force in a single location.
Fewer companies—13 percent—have established one or more specic Shared Service
Centers (SSCs). Larger organizations—those with annual revenues of at least $5 billion—
are more likely than smaller ones to use SSCs. This is not surprising since larger companies
have larger operations, generate larger payment volumes and have greater resources on
hand. Conversely, retaining functions such as payments systems at moderately sized
corporate headquarters may extend the same advantages without the added cost of a
shared service center.
An even smaller share of organizations—seven percent—has decentralized payments
operations. Often organizations have decentralized operations as a result of expansion
through acquisitions without incorporating and/or centralizing the various entities’ payment
functions. Maintaining these operations “as is” can be costly and may only provide
marginal benets; they may be ecient but also redundant across the organization as a
whole. Another rationale for having decentralized treasury operations may be changes in
business strategy. This can involve complicated treasury operations and internal payment
streams using more bank connections and payments systems than necessary.
Payment operations are not always viewed as a strategic business priority even though
they provide critical support to an organization. Nevertheless, it is important that these
processes run smoothly, securely and cost-eectively. Cost is one reason few organizations
(only one percent) outsource their payment operations. Smaller organizations may not
be able to justify any benets from outsourcing their payments. Real or perceived loss of
control is also a likely reason for some reluctance to having external parties handle pay-
ments. For large organizations with very complex payments systems and operations, the
cost for outsourcing may be justied, especially considering time savings and the potential
for maintaining a smaller payments sta. Outsourcing payments can provide benets to
any organization, including transition of payment risk to a third party and increased sta
productivity by moving non-core tasks outside of the business.
4 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Payment Delivery Methods
(Percentage Distribution of Organizations)
Payment Methods Utilized at Organizations
(Percent of Organizations)
A vast majority (97 percent) of organizations uses checks, ACH Credit (93 percent) and
Wire/CHIPS (92 percent) for payments. Both ACH Credit and wire/CHIPS are used less
prevalently by smaller organizations with annual revenues of less than $1 billion. Credit
cards, though typically more expensive than other payment methods, are used at three out
of four companies; debit cards are the least popular, being used at 29 percent of organiza-
tions. Privately held organizations use credit cards to a larger extent (78 percent) than do
organizations that are publicly owned and only 18 percent of privately held organizations
accept debit cards compared to 26 percent of publicly owned companies.
2. NOTE: Total responses noted within tables include those from individuals who may not have provided their organizations’
revenue and/or ownership demographic information.
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
Single centralized corporate treasury operations
50% 56% 48% 39% 44% 61%
One/multiple centralized SSCs
13 10 15 17 17 11
Decentralized treasury operations
6 8 7 2 6 9
1 1 1 2 3 1
Mix of these methods
30 25 29 40 30 19
Total responses
503 243 143 117 117 86
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
Checks 97% 95% 93% 92% 94% 99%
ACH Credit
(including EDI/CTX) 93 87 93 92 95 94
Wire/CHIPS 92 88 90 93 96 94
ACH Debit
(including EDI/CTX) 84 81 79 82 84 83
Credit Card 76 74 72 75 70 78
Debit Card 29 24 28 36 26 18
Total responses 516 247 146 119 118 86
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 5
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Incoming Payments
A typical organization processes a greater number of checks than other payment methods. The
median range is between 1,000 and 1,999 incoming checks per month; 37 percent of companies
handle less than 500 incoming checks and 22 percent receive more than 20,000 checks.
The median range of both ACH Credit and credit card incoming transactions is between
500 and 999, and the median range of incoming ACH Debit, wire and debit card transac-
tions is between 100 and 499.
Checks ACH Credit ACH Debit Wire Credit Card Debit Card
Less than 100 20% 23% 41% 42% 34% 41%
100-499 17 20 14 26 12 9
500-999 9 12 6 8 6 4
1,000-1,999 12 9 6 5 5 5
2,000-4,999 8 6 6 5 5 6
5,000-9,999 6 9 5 3 5 4
10,000-19,999 7 5 3 3 8 6
Greater than 20,000 22 17 20 7 24 24
Total responses 363 337 272 364 260 160
Median 1,000-1,999 500-999 100-499 100-499 500-999 100-499
Outgoing Payments
A typical organization processes between 1,000 and 1,999 outgoing checks per month and
between 500 and 999 outgoing payments via ACH Credit. Over 40 percent of organiza-
tions handle less than 100 outgoing transactions via ACH Debit, wire and credit card. The
median number of these payment methods falls within the 100-to-499 range.
Incoming Payments Handled Monthly
(Percentage Distribution of Transaction Volumes of Payment Types)
Checks ACH Credit ACH Debit Wire Credit Card
Less than 100 10% 23% 45% 45% 41%
100-499 18 17 15 26 21
500-999 15 13 9 10 8
1,000-1,999 15 9 6 4 6
2,000-4,999 12 11 7 4 6
5,000-9,999 7 7 4 1 6
10,000-19,999 6 4 1 2 2
Greater than 20,000 16 16 13 7 9
Total responses 355 323 289 354 255
Median 1,000-1,999 500-999 100-499 100-499 100-499
Outgoing Payments Handled Monthly
(Percentage Distribution of Transaction Volumes of Payment Types)
6 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Survey results from corporate practitioners indicate that the median transaction cost for issuing
checks ranges between $2.01 and $4.00 per check; the median value for best estimated cost
of issuing a check is $3.00. But it’s important to note that when calculating the true cost of a
transaction, several variables are considered. The volume of checks is crucial to the calculation;
transaction cost per check is typically lower when processing a higher volume. Other factors
that can aect the total transaction cost for checks include costs for wages, check stock, print-
ing, postage and mailing and/or lockbox service fees, positive pay and escheatment tracking.
Consider this: 15 percent of organizations issue 20,000 or more checks per month. Using the
median $3.00 cost per check issued, the total cost to issue 20,000 checks per month is $60,000
or $720,000 per year. (The daily cost alone would total $2,000.) Of course, these “cost” num-
bers will dier depending on the volume of checks processed. [Additional tables showing more
granular breakout of the survey data can be found in the Appendix on page 24].
The 2013 AFP Electronic Payments Survey revealed that 50 percent of a U.S.-based organiza-
tion’s business-to-business (B2B) payments were made by check. However, the share of B2B
check payments has declined considerably from the 81 percent reported in the 2004 survey.
There was also a sharp decline in the share of organizations that relied on checks for over 60
percent of their payments—from 75 percent in 2004 to 41 percent in 2013.
Calculated Total Cost for ISSUING a Paper Check on a Per Item Basis
(Percentage Distribution of Cost of Issuing a Paper Check)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
$0.00 1% 1% 2% 2%
$0.01 - $0.50 10 11 11 8 9 14
$0.51-$1.00 15 18 13 11 12 17
$1.01 - $2.00 17 15 21 18 20 17
$2.01 - $4.00 17 15 19 21 20 12
$4.01 - $6.00 12 11 12 14 13 14
$6.01 - $10.00 11 11 13 10 13 12
$10.01 - $14.00 4 4 2 3 3 3
$14.01 - $18.00 3 4 1 3 3 3
$18.01 - $22.00 3 4 1 3 2 4
$22.01 -$26.00 4 3 2 6 4 5
Greater than $26.00 3 3 3 2 2 1
Total responses 320 159 92 63 101 78
Median Range $2.01-$4.00 $2.01-$4.00 $2.01-$4.00 $2.01-$4.00 $2.01-$4.00 $2.01-$4.00
Best Estimated Cost for ISSUING a paper check on a per item basis
Valid (N) 139
Mean $5.91
Median $3.00
Minimum $0.02
Maximum $50.00
2013 AFP Electronic
Payments Survey
Underwritten by
2013 AFP
Electronic Payments Survey
Report of Survey Results
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 7
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
The median cost of receiving paper checks is lower than that of issuing them. The median
cost range to receive checks is $1.01-to- $2.00 and a median best estimated cost of $1.57. Smaller
organizations with annual revenues of less than $1 billion report similar median costs to both
receive and issue checks—a median range of $2.01-to-$4.00.
For larger organizations, the median range is lower. A signicant share of those organizations,
22 percent, receives more than 20,000 checks per month. The median range for organizations
with annual revenues of at least $5 billion is between $1.01 and $2.00, indicating a best estimated
median cost per check of around $1.50. Using that median cost of $1.50, an organization receiv-
ing 20,000 checks per month is likely incurring a daily cost of around $1,000, a monthly cost of
$30,000 and an annual cost of $360,000. Combining the costs for both incoming and outgoing
check payments, organizations that process in excess of 20,000 checks per month may see total
transaction costs for checks in the neighborhood of $1 million per year.
Calculated Total Cost for RECEIVING a Paper Check on a Per Item Basis
(Percentage Distribution of Cost for Receiving a Paper Check)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
$0.00 3% 4% 1% 2% 1%
$0.01 - $0.50 18 15 20 22 16 21
$0.51-$1.00 19 18 23 16 19 22
$1.01 - $2.00 17 11 27 14 21 16
$2.01 - $4.00 16 16 13 21 15 21
$4.01 - $6.00 11 14 7 10 13 7
$6.01 - $10.00 7 8 2 8 7 7
$10.01 - $14.00 4 4 3 3 5
$14.01 - $18.00 1 1 2 2 2 1
$18.01 - $22.00 1 1 3
$22.01 -$26.00 5
Greater than $26.00 3 3 2 3 4 1
Total responses 310 151 92 63 102 73
Median Range $1.01-$2.00 $2.01-$4.00 $1.01-$2.00 $1.01-$2.00 $1.01-$2.00 $1.01-$2.00
Best estimated cost for RECEIVING a paper check on a per item basis
Valid (N) 129
Mean $5.01
Median $1.57
Minimum $0.05
Maximum $75.00
Initiating a paper check transaction
Reported total median cost range of $2.01—$4.00
Reported best estimated median cost of $3.00
Receiving a paper check transaction
Reported total median cost range of $1.01—$2.00
Reported best estimated median cost of $1.57
8 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
ACH Transactions
ACH (automatic clearing house) payments are electronic transactions that can be either
credit (push) or debit (pull). ACH Credit transactions send payments to a payee’s account
and include direct deposit. ACH Credit transactions are used primarily for payroll and
vendor payments. ACH Debit pulls payments from a payor’s account as directed by a
predetermined mandate. ACH Debit transactions are often used for mortgage payments,
insurance premiums, tax payments, etc. ACH transactions are aggregated and sent
through the operators (the Federal Reserve and The Clearing House) in batches at
predetermined intervals.
The total cost (sending and receiving) of processing ACH payments is dierent for debit
and credit transactions. The survey results reveal an external median cost range (including
bank/payment provider monthly fees, ACH fees, reporting, etc.) for ACH Credit transactions
of $0.26-to- $0.50. The internal median cost range (including personnel, service centers, IT
technology, etc.) is $0.11-to-$0.25.
It is important to note that the cost per ACH transactions varies wildly depending on vol-
ume because of the xed costs. Survey respondents report a median range for sending and
receiving ACH Credit transactions of 500-999 and 100-499 for ACH Debit transactions. The
cost per transaction can therefore be considerably lower for an organization with transaction
volumes in the 10,000 or higher range.
Initiating and Receiving ACH transactions:
Reported median total cost range
- External cost range of $0.26—$0.50
- Internal cost range of $0.11—$0.25
Best estimated median cost:
- External cost of $0.27
- Internal cost of $0.29
According to AFP’s Bank Pricing data, banks typically price ACH Credits and Debits at the
same level for external costs. Note that the added costs for corporate trade exchange (CTX)
and electronic data interchange (EDI) are included in these numbers which is important to
consider given the additional benets of extended remittance information, etc.
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 9
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Calculated EXTERNAL Costs (including bank/payment provider monthly fees,
ACH fees, reporting, etc.) and INTERNAL Costs (including personnel, service
centers, IT technology, etc.) for INITIATING and RECEIVING ACH Transactions
on a Per Item Basis (including EDI & CTX)
(Percentage Distribution of ACH Credit and ACH Debit External and Internal Costs)
Best Estimated EXTERNAL Costs for Initiating and Receiving ACH Transactions
ACH Credit ACH Debit
Valid (N) 90 83
Mean $0.96 $1.13
Median $0.27 $0.25
Minimum $0.01 $0.01
Maximum $12.00 $15.00
Best Estimated INTERNAL Costs for Initiating and Receiving ACH Transactions
ACH Credit ACH Debit
Valid (N) 78 75
Mean $1.38 $1.32
Median $0.29 $0.30
Minimum $0.01 $0.00
Maximum $20.00 $15.00
ACH Credit ACH Debit ACH Credit ACH Debit
$0.00 2% 5% 6% 8%
$0.01 - $0.10 20 22 25 24
$0.11-$0.25 21 24 19 22
$0.26-$0.50 15 16 10 10
$0.51-$0.75 7 5 7 7
$0.76-$1.00 5 4 8 7
$1.01-$1.50 6 5 3 3
$1.51-$2.00 4 3 4 3
$2.01-$3.00 6 4 5 4
$3.01-$4.00 4 3 4 2
$4.01-$5.00 4 4 3 4
Greater than $5 5 6 7 7
Total responses 248 221 202 198
Median $0.26-$0.50 $0.11-$0.25 $0.11-$0.25 $0.11-$0.25
10 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Like ACH transactions, wire transfers are electronic fund transfers from one bank account to another. But
unlike ACH, a wire system such as FedWire in the U.S. is a real-time gross system (RTGS) which provides
immediate and nal settlement that is irrevocable. Wire transfers are typically used for lower volume,
time-sensitive transactions, usually of higher monetary value. They are immediate and are conrmed upon
receipt, making them the payment method of choice for settling many capital markets activities, acquisition
payments, real estate closings, investment activity, foreign exchange settlements, etc.
But with that convenience and speed comes a higher cost that can vary widely. One organization may pay
over $50 for a wire transaction while others may pay only a fraction of that. The overall external median cost
for initiating a wire transaction ranges from $7.51 to $10.00. The median best estimated reported external
cost for initiating a wire transaction is $8.00.
The cost for wire transactions can dier depending on the size of an organization as well as the kind of
banking service agreement and the relationship an organization has with its banking partner(s). Smaller
organizations with annual revenues of less than $1 billion report an external median cost range for initiating
wires in line with the overall range cited above. Mid-sized organizations—those with annual revenues between
$1 billion and $4.9 billion—report a higher cost range of $10.01-to-$15.00. Large organizations with at least
$5 billion in annual revenues report a lower external median cost range for initiating wires of $5.01-to-$7.00.
Calculated Total Transaction EXTERNAL Cost (bank fees, etc.) for INITIATING Wire Payments on a Per Item Basis
(Percentage Distribution of External Costs for Initiating a Wire Transaction)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
$0.00 2% 1% 5% 2%
$0.01-$2.50 9 10 4 14 10 10
$2.51-$5.00 11 10 9 15 12 7
$5.01-$7.50 17 14 16 20 21 15
$7.51-$10.00 16 17 15 15 17 21
$10.00-$15.00 15 16 19 8 12 18
$15.01-$20.00 9 9 10 7 12 7
$20.01-$25.00 7 7 9 5 5 12
$25.01-$30.00 5 4 4 8 5 3
$30.01-$35.00 2 3 4 2 3
$35.01-$40.00 2 4 3 1
$40.01-$50.00 3 3 3 3 4
Greater than 50.00 2 2 1 2 1 1
Total responses 247 107 80 59 101 67
Median range $7.51-$10.00 $7.51-$10.00 $10.01-$15.00 $5.01-$7.00 $7.51-$10.00 $7.51-$10.00
The internal costs for initiating wire transactions are somewhat lower than the external costs. The
median overall range is between $5.01 and $7.00. There seem to be less dierence in the internal
costs ranges depending on the size of the organization. The best estimated reported internal cost for
initiating a wire transaction is $6.42 which is at the higher end of the range.
Initiating wire transactions
Reported range of median cost
- External cost range of $7.51—$10.00
- Internal cost range of $5.01—$7.50
Best estimated median cost
- External cost of $8.00
- Internal cost of $6.42
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 11
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
The external cost ranges for receiving wire transactions are fairly similar to those for
initiating wires. The overall median external cost range is between $7.51 and $10.00.
Small and large organizations report costs in the lower range of $5.01-to-$7.00. Given this
dierence, for benchmarking purposes it may be more appropriate to use the median best
estimated cost of receiving wire transactions: $7.64.
Calculated Total Transaction INTERNAL Cost (personnel, IT support, etc.) for INITIATING
Wire Payments on a Per Item Basis
(Percentage Distribution of Internal Costs for Initiating Wire Payments)
Best Estimated All-In Costs for INITIATING Wire Payments
Wire Wire
Valid 88 84
Mean $12.06 $9.58
Median $8.00 $6.42
Minimum $0.00 $0.00
Maximum $50.00 $50.00
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
$0.00 5% 8% 3% 4% 1% 8%
$0.01-$2.50 20 19 20 21 23 15
$2.51-$5.00 13 16 15 6 9 15
$5.01-$7.50 14 12 12 19 22 11
$7.51-$10.00 13 14 8 19 14 15
$10.00-$15.00 10 9 14 6 9 11
$15.01-$20.00 10 7 14 9 11 9
$20.01-$25.00 5 8 5 2 2 8
$25.01-$30.00 4 2 5 8 5 3
$30.01-$35.00 2 4 2 2 3
$35.01-$40.00 1 2 2
$40.01-$50.00 1 2 4 2
Greater than 50.00 2 2 4 1 2
Total responses 220 101 65 53 93 66
Median range $5.01-$7.50 $5.01-$7.50 $5.01-$7.00 $5.01-$7.00 $5.01-$7.00 $7.51-$10.00
12 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
The overall internal cost for receiving a wire transaction is a somewhat lower median
cost range of $5.01-to-$7.00. However, for large organizations the range is between $7.01
and $10.00. The median best estimated internal cost for receiving a wire transaction is
$4.25, below the reported median range.
Receiving wire transactions:
Reported median cost range
- External cost range of $7.51—$10.00
- Internal cost range of $5.01—$7.50
Best estimated median cost
- External cost of $7.64
- Internal cost of $4.25
Calculated Total Transaction Cost EXTERNAL (bank fees, etc.) for RECEIVING
Wire Payments on a Per Item Basis
(Percentage Distribution of Total Transactions Costs for Receiving Wire Payments)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
$0.00 6% 7% 6% 2% -- 9%
$0.01-$2.50 14 15 6 23 13% 13
$2.51-$5.00 14 16 15 9 16 10
$5.01-$7.50 14 12 14 18 15 12
$7.51-$10.00 18 16 18 23 22 19
$10.00-$15.00 17 19 20 11 18 25
$15.01-$20.00 6 4 8 9 7 6
$20.01-$25.00 4 6 4 2 4 1
$25.01-$30.00 2 2 3 1 1
$30.01-$35.00 1 1 3 1
$35.01-$40.00 1 1 3
$40.01-$50.00 2 1 1 5 3 1
Greater than 50.00 1 1 1
Total responses 247 109 80 57 97 68
Median range $7.51-$10.00 $5.01-$7.50 $7.51-$10.00 $5.01-$7.50 $7.51-$10.00 $5.01-$7.50
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 13
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Calculated Total Transaction INTERNAL Cost (personnel, IT support, etc.) for RECEIVING
Wire Payments on a Per-Item Basis
(Percentage Distribution of Total Transaction Internal Costs for Receiving Wire Payments)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
$0.00 8% 13% 3% 5% 2% 13%
$0.01-$2.50 27 24 27 29 29 20
$2.51-$5.00 11 12 16 4 10 14
$5.01-$7.50 11 10 13 9 14 8
$7.51-$10.00 13 13 10 18 16 16
$10.00-$15.00 13 14 13 13 9 20
$15.01-$20.00 8 4 13 9 10 5
$20.01-$25.00 4 4 2 5 5 2
$25.01-$30.00 1 2 2
$30.01-$35.00 1 1 3 2
$40.01-$50.00 2 7 2 2
Greater than 50.00 1
Total responses 216 98 62 55 92 64
Median range $5.01-$7.50 $5.01-$7.50 $5.01-$7.50 $7.51-$10.00 $5.01-$7.50 $5.01-$7.50
Best Estimated All-in Costs for RECEIVING Wire Payments
Wire Wire
Valid 74 74
Mean $10.45 $7.67
Median $7.64 $4.25
Minimum $0.05 $0.00
Maximum $100.00 $45.00
14 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Organizations use a variety of credit cards for numerous business purposes. As reported in
the 2015 AFP Payments Fraud and Control Survey the use of corporate/commercial cards
for B2B payments has been uctuating over the past couple of years. In the rst two years
of this decade, the use of credit cards for B2B transactions started to gain momentum and
peaked in 2012. However, in the past two years it has declined dramatically. One reason
behind the decline could be related to the large security breaches in late 2012 that height-
ened awareness of the potential for card fraud and the reaction of the card industry to those
breaches. A new and more secure standard is being implemented, EMV or Smart Chip
cards. But that transition is still in progress.
Transaction costs for credit cards have long been debated—interchange and assessment
fees especially in recent years. The increased cost and handling of PCI compliance are also
notable factors. In addition, the complexities of interchange and the various qualication
methodologies of how transactions are received can play a role when considering credit card
payments. While merchants are naturally looking to minimize their costs, at the same time
they realize they need to accept card transactions in order to maintain their businesses.
For a majority of organizations (56 percent), their typical incoming credit card transaction
is less than $300 and only eight percent report their average size of incoming credit card
transactions is greater than $10,000. Larger organizations with annual revenue of at least
$5 billion and publicly owned companies have a larger share of transactions less than $25
compared to other companies.
2015 AFP Payments Fraud
and Control Survey
2015 AFP
Payments Fraud
and Control Survey
Underwritten by
Approximate Average Size of the Typical INCOMING Credit Card Transaction on a Per Item Basis
(Percentage Distribution of Average Size of Incoming Credit Card Transactions)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
Less than $25 16% 17% 7% 22% 20% 15%
$25-$49 7 8 7 6 4 5
$50 -$99 9 5 13 10 11 6
$100- $199 12 13 11 12 11 13
$200-$299 12 16 7 10 6 19
$300 - $499 7 7 9 6 8 2
$500 - $699 7 8 9 2 5 6
$700 - $999 4 5 4 2 4 5
$1,000- $1,499 9 8 11 10 9 13
$1,500 - $1,999 1 2 2 2
$2,000- $2,999 2 1 4 2 4
$3,000 - $4,999 3 3 4 2 4 3
$5,000 - $9,999 2 1 4 2 2 3
Greater than $10,000 8 8 7 10 10 10
Total responses 195 92 54 49 81 62
Median Range $200-$299 $200-$299 $300-$499 $200-$299 $200-$299 $200-$299
The external median cost range for receiving credit card transactions (including issuer/
acquirer/processor interchange, assessment, monthly fees, etc.) is between 1.50% and
1.99% per transaction. This range is fairly consistent for organizations of dierent sizes with
the exception of smaller ones for which the range is reported as 1.00%-to-1.49%.
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 15
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
The internal median cost range—which includes costs for personnel, IT Technology, PCI
DSS Compliance, etc.—for receiving credit card transactions is 0.50%-to- 0.99% per trans-
action. For smaller organizations this cost range is somewhat higher at 1.00%-to-1.49%.
Calculated EXTERNAL costs (including issuer/acquirer/processor interchange, assessment,
monthly fees, etc.) for Receiving Credit Card Transactions as a Percentage per Transaction
(Percentage Distribution of External Costs for Receiving Credit Card Transactions)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
Less than 0.50% 20% 21% 17% 20% 19% 16%
0.50% - 0.99% 12 16 9 9 14 13
1.00% - 1.49% 13 14 15 9 16 9
1.50%-1.99% 14 9 17 22 15 14
2.00%-2.49% 13 15 13 11 8 18
2.50%-2.99% 16 16 13 17 11 16
3.00%-3.49% 7 6 11 4 10 11
3.50%-3.99% 4 2 4 7 4 2
Greater than 4% 2 1 2 2 3 2
Total responses 174 81 47 46 73 56
Median Range 1.50%-1.99% 1.00%-1.49% 1.50%-1.99% 1.50%-1.99% 1.50%-1.99% 1.50%-1.99%
Calculated INTERNAL Costs (including personnel, IT technology, PCI DSS compliance, etc.)
for Receiving Credit Card Transactions as a Percentage per Transaction
(Percentage Distribution of Internal Costs for Receiving Credit Card Transactions)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
Less than 0.50% 34% 34% 33% 34% 32% 34%
0.50% - 0.99% 21 14 28 17 19 19
1.00% - 1.49% 13 13 14 10 11 15
1.50%-1.99% 13 16 5 17 19 11
2.00%-2.49% 7 7 7 7 6 6
2.50%-2.99% 3 1 2 5 3 2
3.00%-3.49% 4 3 7 2 3 4
3.50%-3.99% 4 3 2 7 3 8
Greater than 4% 3 5 2 2 2
Total responses 160 76 43 41 62 53
Median Range 0.50% - 0.99% 1.00% - 1.49% 0.50% - 0.99% 0.50% - 0.99% 0.50% - 0.99% 0.50% - 0.99%
Receiving credit card transactions
Reported total external median cost range of 1.50%—1.99%
Reported total internal median cost range of 0.50%—0.99%
16 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Unlike credit cards, debit cards provide the holders electronic access to their bank
accounts at their nancial institution(s). Payments are immediately transferred from a
bank account instead of being paid at a later date. Debit cards can be either domestic or
international and can also be used to withdraw funds from bank accounts through ATM
networks. Typically, debit cards are used primarily by consumers and therefore aect the
retail industry more than other sectors.
The payments cost calculations for debit cards dier from those for credit cards due to
new regulatory rules. The Durbin Amendment—part of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform
Act—requires the Federal Reserve to limit fees charged to retailers for debit card processing
and caps the interchange and assessment cost for accepting debit card payments. That
cap is set at 21 cents plus 1 cent for fraud prevention adjustment. There is an additional
fee of 0.05 percent of the transaction value. Consequently, the cost for debit card
transactions—again measured as a percentage per transaction—diers depending on the
size of the transaction.
Since the cost for debit card transactions is capped, it is not surprising that organizations
report lower external cost ranges. The median external cost range—including issuer/
acquirer/processor interchange, assessment, monthly fees, etc.—is 1.00%-to-1.49% per
transaction. There are no dierences based on organization size. The median internal cost
range (including personnel, IT Technology, PCI DSS Compliance, etc.) is 0.50%-to-0.99%
per transaction, with a lower range of less than 0.50% for smaller organizations.
Receiving debit card transactions
Reported total external median cost range of 1.00%—1.49%
Reported total internal median cost range of 0.50%—0.99%
Calculated EXTERNAL Costs (including issuer/acquirer/processor interchange, assessment,
monthly fees, etc.) for Receiving Debit Card Transactions as a Percentage per Transaction
(Percentage Distribution of External Costs for Receiving Debit Card Transactions)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
Less than 0.50% 34% 33% 39% 31% 38% 22%
0.50% - 0.99% 10 13 14 8 17
1.00% - 1.49% 13 12 11 17 13 14
1.50%-1.99% 15 15 11 17 15 14
2.00%-2.49% 9 10 14 6 9 14
2.50%-2.99% 9 12 11 6 4 14
3.00%-3.49% 5 4 7 6 9 3
3.50%-3.99% 3 2 4 3 4
Greater than 4% 2 4 3 2 3
Total responses 116 52 28 36 47 36
Median Range 1.00% - 1.49% 1.00% - 1.49% 1.00% - 1.49% 1.00% - 1.49% 1.00% - 1.49% 1.00% - 1.49%
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 17
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Calculated INTERNAL Costs (including personnel, IT technology, PCI DSS compliance, etc.)
for Receiving Debit Card Transactions as a Percentage per Transaction
(Percentage Distribution of Internal Costs for Receiving Debit Card Transactions)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
Less than 0.50% 46% 51% 41% 43% 47% 51%
0.50% - 0.99% 14 14 21 9 7 11
1.00% - 1.49% 13 12 17 11 13 14
1.50%-1.99% 10 8 3 17 16 9
2.00%-2.49% 7 8 7 9 9 3
2.50%-2.99% 3 4 3 2
3.00%-3.49% 3 2 7 3 2 3
3.50%-3.99% 4 4 3 6 4 9
Greater than 4%
Total responses 115 51 29 35 45 35
Median Range 0.50%- 0.99% Less than 0.50% 0.50%- 0.99% 0.50%- 0.99% 0.50%- 0.99% Less than 0.50%
18 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Purchasing cards—including Procurement, Travel and Entertainment (T&E) and Virtual
cards—have typically been used by organizations for lower-value goods and services.
However, in recent years the use of purchasing cards has increased dramatically, even
expanding into areas where paper checks have traditionally been used and thus eliminating the
need to process checks. In some cases purchasing cards have become part of the overall
disbursement strategy for organizations; those companies recognize the potential benets
of electronic statements rather than purchase orders and the opportunity to capture any
rebates associated with this payment method.
For two-thirds (64 percent) of organizations, the transaction cost for outgoing card
payments made via a purchasing card is less than $2.00. The median range is $1.00-to-
$1.99 for all segments. A greater share of smaller organizations (with annual revenues less
than $1 billion) than larger ones (annual revenues of at least $5 billion) report per transaction
costs via such cards card range from $2.00 to $10.00 (39 percent versus 29 percent,
respectively). Organizations with larger operations benet from economies of scale and
thus can spread their costs more eciently than can smaller ones.
Total Calculated cost for OUTGOING Payments Made (including personnel, IT technology, compliance,
Audit, etc.) via a Card (Procurement, T&E and Virtual) Per Transaction
(Percentage Distribution of Outgoing Purchasing Card Payments)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
Less than $1.00 34% 36% 31% 32% 31% 31%
$1.00-$1.99 30 25 33 39 31 33
$2.00-$3.99 22 26 22 11 22 22
$4.00 -$5.99 7 6 3 11 6 3
$6.00 -$10 8 7 10 7 10 10
Total responses 199 97 58 44 83 63
Median Range $1.00-$1.99 $1.00-$1.99 $1.00-$1.99 $1.00-$1.99 $1.00-$1.99 $1.00-$1.99
Transaction Costs for Outgoing Card Payments
Reported median cost range $1.00—$1.99
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 19
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
One incentive for using cards is the potential for earning rebates. Factors that typically
determine the size of rebates are the purchasing volume and the speed of payment to the
card issuer. The full scope of the card program, including the annual cost, reporting,
remittance and other technological capabilities should be taken into consideration.
A majority of organizations (55 percent) are awarded rebates on their annual card spend.
They range from 10 to 50 basis points (bps). However, the median range is reported at
26-to-50 bps for smaller organizations and 51-to-75 bps for larger organizations with
annual revenues of over $1 billion. Only six percent of organizations receive rebates of
greater than 150 bps.
Reported Rebates Awarded on Annual Card Spend
(Percentage Distribution of Organizations)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
10-25 bps 34% 43% 27% 21% 30% 33%
26-50 bps 21 20 20 23 20 23
51-75 bps 12 12 7 19 15 13
76-100 bps 10 10 11 7 9 12
101-125 bps 9 8 11 9 4 15
126-150 bps 9 3 13 14 11 3
More than 150 bps 6 3 11 7 11
Total responses 188 90 55 43 80 60
Median Range 26-50 bps 26-50 bps 51-75 bps 51-75 bps 26-50 bps 51-75 bps
20 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Nearly 80 percent of organizations are currently in the process of transitioning their B2B
payments from paper checks to electronic payments. A greater share of companies with annual
revenues of at least $1 billion is doing so than smaller companies. Depending on the approach
selected, transitioning to electronic payment methods may require a signicant nancial
investment; those organizations with larger operations will be able to spread the costs of such
an outlay more eciently than will smaller companies, and so may be more inclined to make
the shift to electronic payments.
Currently Moving Business to Business (B2B) Payments Away from Paper Check to
Electronic Payment Methods
(Percentage Distribution of Organizations)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
Yes 79% 76% 84% 80% 83% 81%
No 21 24 16 20 17 19
Total 246 113 73 60 105 79
More than two out of three nance professionals report that their organizations would replace
paper checks with electronic payments if there was a cost benet of doing so. More than one-third of
organizations would shift to electronic payments if the cost savings was 10 percent; an additional 32
percent would move to electronic payments if the cost savings was greater than 10 percent.
While results are consistent across organization size categories, they dier based on owner-
ship type. Nearly half of nance professionals from publicly owned companies (46 percent)
indicate they would consider replacing paper checks with electronic payments with up to a
10 percent cost benet. This is not surprising as publicly owned companies are more sensitive to
costs. Only 25 percent plan to continue using checks regardless of costs. One-third of privately
held organizations would continue to use checks regardless of costs, but 37 percent would
transition if checks saved them at least 10 percent.
It is worth noting that 32 percent of all organizations would continue to use checks regardless
of any cost savings. While 21 percent indicate they are not making an eort to transition B2B
payments from paper checks to electronic alternatives, they are also likely to be unaected by
increased costs for handling and processing checks.
Replacing Paper Checks with Electronic Payment Methods
(Percentage Distribution of Organizations)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
Regardless of costs, we will continue to use paper checks
32% 34% 30% 31% 25% 33%
Electronic Payments up to 10% less expensive than paper checks
36 36 37 36 46 37
Electronic Payments 11 - 20% less expensive than paper checks
13 17 9 11 11 12
Electronic Payments over 20% less expensive
19 14 24 22 19 18
Total responses
229 107 67 55 94 76
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 21
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
A vast majority of nance professionals (88 percent) cite increased eciency as the primary
reason for transitioning to electronic payments from paper checks; 82 percent would make
the shift to minimize costs. They are understandably concerned about the uptick in fraud
impacting organizations globally and three out of ve would move to electronic payments
to prevent fraud. Given how prone paper checks are to fraud, this number is still somewhat
on the lower end.
Primary Reason for Moving Away from Paper Checks to Electronic Payment Methods
(Percent of Organizations)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
Increase efficiency
88% 37% 43% 42% 75% 77%
Reduce cost
82 35 38 42 75 72
Fraud prevention
60 23 31 31 55 49
Facilitate Straight-Through-Processing
38 14 22 19 34 34
Enhance Remittance Information Handling
34 12 18 19 29 27
Total responses
232 247 146 119 118 86
22 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Determining the costs of making payments can be very challenging. Dierent businesses use
dierent methods and calculations. Often arbitrary values are used to calculate the costs of
dierent payment methods. Sometimes organizations only consider tangible items like postage
and paper, and neglect to consider time, positive pay, escheatment tracking, etc. Indeed, it has
been dicult for organizations to know what their true payment costs have been, especially
compared to those of their peers.
This inaugural AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey was conducted in order to more
accurately determine what the costs are for dierent payment methods. All surveys present
challenges (for example, limitation on the number of questions to obtain a large enough sample
size), and the payments cost survey was no dierent. Because the limited number of questions
may oversimplify or “merge” some variables aecting payment method costs, the conclusions
from the survey data are reported mostly in the form of cost ranges.
In order to obtain cost estimates that can be used for benchmarking purposes, some assump-
tions have been made. These assumptions include combining external and internal costs by
simply adding the survey results. The results of such practice may be somewhat skewed, but may
still provide a more manageable number when comparing costs for dierent payment methods.
Key Takeaways:
Initiating paper checks
Total median cost range mid-point of $3.00; best estimated median cost of $3.00
Receiving paper checks
Total median cost range mid-point of $1.51 ($1.505); best estimated median cost of $1.57
Initiating and Receiving ACH transactions
Reported median total cost range
- ACH Credit External median cost: $0.26—$0.50
- ACH Credit Internal median cost $0.11—$0.25
- ACH Debit External median cost: $0.11—$0.25
- ACH Debit Internal median cost: $0.11—$0.25
Initiating wire transactions
Reported range of median cost
- External cost $7.51—$10.00
- Internal cost $5.01—$7.00
Best estimated median cost
- External cost of $8.00
- Internal cost of $6.42
Receiving wire transactions
Reported median cost range
- External cost range of $7.51—$10.00
- Internal cost range of $5.01—$7.50
Best estimated median cost
- External cost of $7.64
- Internal cost of $4.25
Receiving credit card transactions
Reported total external median cost range of 1.50%—1.99%
Reported total internal median cost range of 0.50%—0.99%
Receiving debit card transactions
Reported total external median cost range of 1.00%—1.49%
Reported total internal median cost range of 0.50%—0.99%
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 23
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Additional findings
Nearly 80 percent of organizations are currently in the process of transitioning their
B2B payments from paper checks to electronic payments.
More than two out of three nance professionals report that their organizations would
replace paper checks with electronic payments if there was a cost benet of doing so.
A vast majority of nance professionals (88 percent) cite increased eciency as the
primary reason for transitioning to electronic payments from paper checks
It is clear that the use of paper checks is a more expensive payment method than
electronic alternatives such as ACH. At the same time the cost of wire transactions is much
higher than other electronic methods, although it varies considerably depending on bank
relationships and product packages. Overall, wires do seem to be a fairly expensive
alternative, but is a very useful payment method when speed is essential. The use of credit
and debit cards can be convenient for organizations, but since the costs of card transactions
are reported as percentages, comparisons are dicult. The median external cost for
receiving a credit card transaction ranges from 1.50% to 1.99% while the range for debit
cards is 0.50%-to-0.99%. The cost of using purchasing cards ranges from $1.00 to $1.99
for all categories. The mid-point of $1.50 may therefore be appropriate to use for these
transactions. This could possibly facilitate the move of some payments away from checks
to electronic payments, assuming vendors support such a transition.
When making cost comparisons among dierent payment methods it is important to
consider the natural limitation of survey data and analysis, as well as organization-specic
conditions that may aect the nal outcome. Even so, the results of this initial AFP Payments
Cost Benchmarking Survey provides some detailed information treasury and other nance
professionals can use as they continue to improve payment processes at their organizations.
24 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
In April 2015, the Association for Financial Professionals
(AFP) conducted its inaugural
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey. The survey gathered cost information about
key payment methods to facilitate accurate benchmarking. AFP received 286 responses from its
corporate practitioner members. After adjusting for undelivered emails, the response rate was
approximately six percent. An additional 248 responses were received from corporate practitioners
who are not AFP members. The combined 534 responses are the basis of this report.
AFP thanks Bottomline Technologies for its underwriting support of the 2015 AFP Payments
Cost Benchmarking Survey. The survey questionnaire and report were produced by the Research
Department of the Association for Financial Professionals, and is solely responsible for the
content of the report.
The following tables summarize the characteristics of the survey respondents’ organizations
where organization-level demographics are provided.
Role of Business
(Percentage Distribution of Organizations)
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Less Than Between At Least Publicly Privately
All $1 Billion $1-4.9 Billion $5 Billion owned held
75% 76% 76% 72% 79% 76%
Shared services center/centralized processing center
15 12 18 19 12 16
Manufacturing/operating/business unit
9 12 6 9 9 8
Industry Sector
(Percentage Distribution of Organizations)
Number of Employees at Organization
(Percentage Distribution of Organizations)
Organization’s Total Annual Revenue (USD)
(Percentage Distribution of Organizations)
Type of Ownership
(Percentage Distribution of Organizations)
1-49 3%
50-99 3
100-249 7
250-499 9
500-999 12
1000-4999 33
5000-9999 10
10,000 or more 24
Banking/Financial Services 12%
Business services/Consulting 6
Construction 1
Energy (including utilities) 10
Government 6
Health services 7
Hospitality/Travel 3
Insurance 9
Manufacturing 20
Non-profit (including education) 5
Real estate 2
Retail (including wholesale/distribution) 11
Software/Technology 2
Telecommunications/Media 1
Transportation 1
Less than $50 million 15%
$50 - 99.9 million 1
$100 - $249.9 million 8
$250 - $499.9 million 11
$500 - $999.9 million 13
$1 - $ 4.9 billion 29
$5 - $9.9 billion 9
$10 - 20 billion 6
Greater than $20 billion 8
Publicly owned 44%
Privately held 32
Not-for-profit 16
Government 8
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 25
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Number of INCOMING Payments (Checks) per month and Costs incurred for RECEIVING Paper Checks
(Percentage Distribution of Transaction Volume of Incoming Check Payments)
Less than 100- 500- 1,000- 2,000- 5,000- 10,000- Greater than
100 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 19,999 20,000
$0.00 5% 6% – – – – 3%
$0.01-$0.50 23% 13% 19% 11% 7% 15% 24% 32%
$0.51-$1.00 10% 30% 26% 14% 15% 25% 19% 18%
$1.01-$2.00 21% 11% 19% 14% 22% 30% 14% 14%
$2.01-$4.00 10% 15% 22% 20% 22% 15% 19% 11%
$4.01-$6.00 16% 9% 7% 20% 11% 5% 10% 6%
$6.01-$10.00 10% 7% 4% 6% 11% 5% 5%
$10.01-$14.00 3% 4% 9% 5% 2%
$14.01-$18.00 2% – – – 4% 2%
$18.01-$22.00 – 4% –
$22.01-$26.00 2% 2% 3% 5% 6%
Greater than
$26.00 – 4% 3% 7% 5% 5% 3%
Total 62 54 27 35 27 20 21 66
Median $1.01-$2.00 $1.01-$2.00 $1.01-$2.00 $2.01-$4.00 $2.01-$4.00 $1.01-$2.00 $1.01-$2.00 $0.51-$1.00
Number of OUTGOING Payments (Checks) per month and Costs incurred for ISSUING Paper Checks
(Percentage Distribution of Transaction Volume of Outgoing Check Payments)
Less than 100- 500- 1,000- 2,000- 5,000- 10,000- Greater than
100 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 19,999 20,000
$0.00 – – 5% – – 2%
$0.01-$0.50 3% 12% 6% 14% 11% 8% 10% 13%
$0.51-$1.00 29% 14% 6% 14% 19% 32% 7% 13%
$1.01-$2.00 13% 22% 21% 11% 16% 12% 13% 17%
$2.01-$4.00 10% 14% 25% 16% 14% 16% 17% 13%
$4.01-$6.00 13% 8% 13% 14% 11% 16% 10% 11%
$6.01-$10.00 16% 12% 17% 14% 11% 4% 3% 11%
$10.01-$14.00 13% 4% 4% 2% 5%
$14.01-$18.00 – 6% 5% 3% 7% 2%
$18.01-$22.00 3% 2% 4% 5% 5% 2%
$22.01-$26.00 – 2% 4% 5% 11%
Greater than
$26.00 – 4% 2% 12% 33% 6%
Total 31 50 48 44 37 25 30 47
Median $2.01-$4.00 $2.01-$4.00 $2.01-$4.00 $2.01-$4.00 $2.01-$4.00 $1.01-$2.00 $2.01-$4.00 $2.01-$4.00
26 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
EXTERNAL Costs for Receiving Wire Payments on a per item basis and Incoming Wire Payments
(Percentage Distribution of Transaction Volume of Incoming Wire Payments)
INTERNAL Costs for Receiving Wire Payments on a per item basis and Incoming Wire Payments
(Percentage Distribution of Transaction Volume of Incoming Wire Payments)
Less than 100- 500- 1,000- 2,000- 5,000- 10,000- Greater than
100 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 19,999 20,000
$0.00 12% 4% 6% 8% 8%
$0.01-$2.50 23% 31% 31% 42% 25% 13% 33% 19%
$2.51-$5.00 10% 15% 6% 8% 17% 13% 6%
$5.01-$7.50 7% 18% 8% 8% 13% 17% 13%
$7.51-$10.00 18% 7% 13% 8% 13% 13%
$10.01-$15.00 14% 20% 6% 13% 19%
$15.01-$20.00 9% 4% 19% 17% 17% 13% 17% 6%
$20.01-$25.00 2% 6% 17% 8% 13% 17% 19%
$25.01-$30.00 2% – – – – –
$30.01-$35.00 1% – – – 8% 13%
$35.01-$40.00 – – – – –
$40.01-$50.00 1% 2% 6% 17%
Greater than
$50.00 – 6% – 6%
Total 90 55 16 12 12 8 6 16
Median $5.01-$7.50 $2.51-$5.00 $7.51-$10.00 $0.01-$2.50 $2.51-$5.00 $7.51-$10.00 $5.01-$7.50 $7.51-$10.00
Less than 100- 500- 1,000- 2,000- 5,000- 10,000- Greater than
100 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 19,999 20,000
$0.00 6% 2% 11% – – – – 6%
$0.01-$2.50 10% 19% 17% 23% 8% 13% 17% 19%
$2.51-$5.00 14% 12% 33% 8% 23% 22% 17% 6%
$5.01-$7.50 10% 15% 31% 15% 13% 17% 25%
$7.51-$10.00 24% 15% 6% 15% 38% 13% 6%
$10.01-$15.00 21% 25% 11% 8% 8% 26% 17% 19%
$15.01-$20.00 7% 7% 11% 8%
$20.01-$25.00 3% 6% 8% 17% 13%
$25.01-$30.00 2% 2% – – – –
$30.01-$35.00 1% – – – 13%
$35.01-$40.00 1% – – – 8%
$40.01-$50.00 – 3% 6% 17%
Greater than
$50.00 – – – – – 6%
Total 97 59 18 13 13 8 6 16
Median $7.51-$10 $7.51-$10.00 $2.51-$5.00 $5.01-$7.50 $7.51-$10.00 $7.51-$10.00 $5.01-$7.50 $5.01-$7.50
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 27
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
EXTERNAL Costs for Initiating Wire Payments on a per item basis and Outgoing Wire Payments
(Percentage Distribution of Transaction Volume of Outgoing Wire Payments)
INTERNAL Costs for Initiating Wire Payments on a per Item Basis and Outgoing Wire Payments
(Percentage Distribution of Transaction Volume of Outgoing Wire Payments)
Less than 100- 500- 1,000- 2,000- 5,000- 10,000- Greater than
100 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 19,999 20,000
$0.00 8% 4% 4% – – – –
$0.01-$2.50 17% 25% 12% 44% 25% 50% 21%
$2.51-$5.00 13% 13% 16% 11% 13% 33% 14%
$5.01-$7.50 9% 18% 16% 22% 21%
$7.51-$10.00 14% 16% 4% 11% 38% 7%
$10.01-$15.00 15% 2% 8% 13% 33% 14%
$15.01-$20.00 9% 13% 16% 13%
$20.01-$25.00 5% 2% 8% – – – – 7%
$25.01-$30.00 5% 4% 4% 50%
$30.01-$35.00 4% 2% 11% 33%
$35.01-$40.00 1% – – – – –
$40.01-$50.00 2% 8% – – – –
Greater than
$50.00 2% 4% – – – – 14%
Total 93 56 25 9 8 3 2 14
Median $7.51-$10.00 $5.01-$7.50 $7.51-$10.00 $2.51-$5.00 $7.51-$10.00 $10.01-$15.00 $0.01-$2.50 $5.01-$7.50
Less than 100- 500- 1,000- 2,000- 5,000- 10,000- Greater than
100 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 19,999 20,000
$0.00 2% 2% 8%
$0.01-$2.50 6% 13% 11% 33% 20%
$2.51-$5.00 9% 7% 19% 8% 33% 33% 14%
$5.01-$7.50 13% 17% 19% 25% 20% 36%
$7.51-$10.00 17% 25% 7% 8% 22%
$10.01-$15.00 22% 13% 15% 8% 22% 20% 14%
$15.01-$20.00 10% 8% 11% 22% 33% 7%
$20.01-$25.00 6% 10% 4% – – – – 14%
$25.01-$30.00 6% 2% 4% 40%
$30.01-$35.00 2% 2% 33%
$35.01-$40.00 4% – – – – –
$40.01-$50.00 2% 2% 7% – – – –
Greater than
$50.00 – 4% – 14%
Total 93 60 27 12 9 3 5 14
Median $10.01-$15 $7.51-$10.00 $7.51-$10.00 $5.01-$7.50 $7.51-$10.00 $15.01-$20.00 $10.01-$15.00 $5.01-$7.50
28 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
INCOMING Payments (Credit Card) Handled per month by Average Size of Typical INCOMING
Credit Card Transaction
(Percentage Distribution of Transaction Volume of Incoming Credit Card Payments)
Number of INCOMING Payments by calculated EXTERNAL costs for receiving Credit Cards
Transactions as a Percentage per Transaction
(Percentage Distribution of Transaction Volume of Incoming Credit Card Payments)
Less than 100- 500- 1,000- 2,000- 5,000- 10,000- Greater than
100 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 19,999 20,000
Less than
0.50% 21% 15% 9% 25% 22% 10% 9% 10%
0.50%-0.99% 19% 10% 9% 13% 10% 18% 10%
1.00%-1.49% 9% 15% 13% 10% 27% 23%
1.50%-1.99% 17% 15% 9% 11% 10% 9% 23%
2.00%-2.49% 13% 5% 27% 13% 22% 40% 9% 10%
2.50%-2.99% 13% 10% 18% 25% 33% 20% 27% 20%
3.00%-3.49% 4% 10% 18% 13% 11%
3.50%-3.99% 2% 20% – – – – 3%
Greater than
4.00% 2% – 9% –
Total 47 20 11 8 9 10 11 30
Median 1.50%-1.99% 1.50%-1.99% 2.00%-2.49% 1.00%-1.49% 2.00%-2.49% 2.00%-2.49% 1.00%-1.49% 1.50%-1.99%
Less than 100- 500- 1,000- 2,000- 5,000- 10,000- Greater than
100 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 19,999 20,000
Less than $25 17% 11% 8% 6%
$25-$49 4% 5% 8% 13% 22% 10% 17% 16%
$50-$99 4% – 8% – 22% 20% 17% 16%
$100-$199 12% 10% – – 10% 17% 38%
$200-$299 8% 10% 25% 38% 11% 30% 8%
$300-$499 6% 10% 8% 25% 11% 8% 9%
$500-$699 6% 15% 17% 13% 11% 10% 3%
$700-$999 6% – 17% – 17%
$1,000-$1,499 15% 20% 13% 11% 3%
$1,500-$1,999 5% – – – – 8%
$2,000-$2,999 6% 5% – – – –
$3,000-$4,999 2% 10% 8% – – – –
$5,000-$9,999 4% – 8% – 10%
Greater than
$10,000 12% 10% – – 10% 9%
Total 52 20 12 8 9 10 12 32
Median $200-$299 $500-$699 $500-$699 $200-$299 $50-$99 $200-$299 $100-$199 $100-$199
©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.AFPonline.org 29
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Number of INCOMING Payments by Calculated INTERNAL Costs for Receiving Credit Cards
Transactions as a Percentage per Transaction
(Percentage Distribution of Transaction Volume of Incoming Credit Card Payments)
Less than 100- 500- 1,000- 2,000- 5,000- 10,000- Greater than
100 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 19,999 20,000
Less than
0.50% 33% 26% 18% 25% 44% 38% 20% 35%
0.50%-0.99% 22% 11% 9% 63% 22% 25% 50% 12%
1.00%-1.49% 12% 16% 18% 11% 38% 19%
1.50%-1.99% 14% 16% 27% 11% 10% 19%
2.00%-2.49% 12% 5% 11% 10% 4%
2.50%-2.99% 5% – – – – 10% 4%
3.00%-3.49% 2% 11% 9% 13%
3.50%-3.99% 4% 5% – – – – 4%
Greater than
4.00% 5% 18% – – – – 4%
Total 49 19 11 8 9 8 10 26
1.50%-1.99% 0.50%-0.99% 0.50%-0.99% 0.50%-0.99% 0.50%-0.99% 1.00%-1.49%
Number of INCOMING Payments by Calculated EXTERNAL Costs for Receiving
Debit Card Transactions as a Percentage per Transaction
(Percentage Distribution of Transaction Volume of Incoming Debit Card Payments)
Less than 100- 500- 1,000- 2,000- 5,000- 10,000- Greater than
100 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 19,999 20,000
Less than
0.50% 48% 38% 20% 20% 33% 20% 29%
0.50%-0.99% 12% 13% 40% 20% 40% 21%
1.00%-1.49% 3% 13% 40% - 20% 17% 20% 14%
1.50%-1.99% 18% 20% 20% 40% 14%
2.00%-2.49% 12% 20% 33% 7%
2.50%-2.99% – 13% 20% 17% 20% 14%
3.00%-3.49% 3% – – 20% – –
3.50%-3.99% 3% 25% – – – –
Greater than
4.00% – – – – –
Total 33 8 5 5 5 6 5 14
0.50%-0.99% 0.50%-0.99% 1.00%-1.49% 1.50%-1.99% 1.00%-1.49% 1.00%-1.49% 0.50%-0.99% 0.50%-0.99%
30 www.AFPonline.org ©2015 Association for Financial Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey
Number of INCOMING Payments, Calculated INTERNAL Costs for Receiving Debit Card Transactions
as a Percentage per Transaction
(Percentage Distribution of Transaction Volume of Incoming Debit Card Payments)
Less than 100- 500- 1,000- 2,000- 5,000- 10,000- Greater than
100 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 19,999 20,000
Less than
0.50% 48% 25% 20% 20% 50% 50% 40% 54%
0.50%-0.99% 15% 25% 20% 20% 25% 33% 40% 8%
1.00%-1.49% 18% 13% 20% 20% 25% 17% 8%
1.50%-1.99% 9% 13% 20% 20% 23%
2.00%-2.49% 3% 13% 20% – – – –
2.50%-2.99% – 13% 20%
3.00%-3.49% – – 20% – –
3.50%-3.99% 6% – – – – – 8%
Greater than
4.00% – – – – –
Total 33 8 5 5 4 6 5 13
0.50%-0.99% 0.50%-0.99% 1.00%-1.49% 1.00%-1.49% 1.00%-1.49% 1.00%-1.49% 0.50%-0.99% Less than 0.50%
AFP Research
AFP Research provides nancial professionals with proprietary and timely research that
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About the Association for Financial Professionals
Headquartered outside Washington, D.C., the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP)
is the professional society that represents nance executives globally. AFP established and
administers the Certied Treasury Professional
and Certied Corporate FP&A Professional
credentials, which set standards of excellence in nance. The quarterly AFP Corporate
Cash Indicators
serve as a bellwether of economic growth. The AFP Annual Conference
is the largest networking event for corporate nance professionals in the world.
AFP, Association for Financial Professionals, Certied Treasury Professional, and
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2015 Association for Financial
Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Phone 301.907.2862
2015 AFP Payments Cost Benchmark Survey
For more than 25 years, leading
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