Commercial &
Residential Landlords
tenant type
We have provided a full list of residential occupant types and premises use below. Please check the
definitions carefully and contact your insurance adviser if the tenant occupant details, premises use
or if any other information in your Statement of fact or Quote summary, need changing.
This insurance is suitable for landlords who have full control over the selection of the tenant, or use the
services of a professional letting agency, and have a tenancy agreement with the tenant. In England and
Wales the tenancy agreement will be referred to as an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) and in Scotland
this is a Private Residential Tenancy (PRT).
If any of the residential tenant information is incorrect, we may change the terms and conditions,
or withdraw this insurance.
Not all of the occupant types and premises uses shown below are acceptable under this product and failure to
select the most accurate description could result in this insurance not protecting you in the event of a claim.
We have used the information detailed in your Statement of fact and your Quote
summary to provide this insurance. Those documents should be read alongside
this guidance document to ensure that you have declared the most accurate
‘residential occupant type’ and ‘premises use’ for your property.
AXA Insurance does not and will not discriminate on the basis of Race, Colour, Religion, Gender,
Age, National, ethnic or social origin, Disability, Marital status, Income, Employment status or
Sexual orientation in our approach to pricing or acceptance of tenant occupancy type.
AXA Non-discrimination statement
Asylum seeker
Accommodation occupied by a person who has
le their home country as a political refugee and
is seeking asylum in another. Under the Immigration
Act 2014 as updated by the Immigration Act 2016
asylum seekers do not have the right to rent in
England unless they have obtained special permission
to do so from the Home Oice. As with other types
of rented property, we can only provide cover in
circumstances where the law is being complied
with i.e. where special permission to rent has been
Anyone under a contract of service or apprenticeship
with you who works under your control or
Family members
Accommodation which is occupied by tenants who
are either your child, stepchild, grandchild, parent,
stepparent, grandparent, spouse, former spouse,
sibling, niece, nephew, mother-in-law, father-in-law,
son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law,
or sister-in-law, including adoptive relationships.
(Where the family member is a student, the occupant
type of student(s) should be selected).
Non-working occupant(s), benefits assisted
Accommodation occupied by tenants that
receive financial assistance from the government
or local authority and who are not currently
in paid employment.
Non-working occupant(s), not benefits assisted
Accommodation occupied by tenants who are not
currently in paid employment.
Accommodation occupied by tenants who have
retired from employment and are in receipt of
a pension.
Accommodation occupied by students. In many
instances, properties occupied by students will
be classified as Houses in Multiple Occupancy.
Note: AXA is unable to accept properties occupied
by Student tenants on this policy.
Unknown occupant(s) (let to local authority)
Accommodation occupied by tenants where the
Council or Local authority are responsible for placing
and managing the tenancy.
Note: AXA is unable to accept properties where the
tenant is an Unknown occupant(s) or Let to local
authority on this policy.
Working occupant(s), benefits assisted
Accommodation occupied by tenants in employment
who are also in receipt of some form of benefit to
support their own income.
Working occupant(s), not benefits assisted
Accommodation occupied by tenants in employment.
Our definition of occupant types
Bed and breakfast accommodation
Not to be confused with bedsits and typically a small
business that derives its income from the short term
letting of individual rooms and the possible provision
of meals, that may or may not include breakfast.
AirBnB and other types of internet lettings should also
use this description.
Holiday home letting
A holiday home may be for the exclusive benefit of
the owner for occasional use as a second home or
a business that derives its income from short term
letting of individual rooms or a whole house or flat.
Dormitory style accommodation where guests rent a
bed and share other facilities such as the living area,
bathroom and kitchen.
Hotel, boarding or guest house
A business that derives its income from short
term lettings.
House in multiple occupation
A HMO is a property occupied by 3 or more people
forming 2 or more households and where toilet,
bathroom or kitchen facilities are shared with
other tenants.
Military accommodation
On-base residential accommodation for military
personnel and their families.
Private dwelling only
A residential property that is leased out on a private
basis under an AST or PRT.
Private dwelling with short term holiday letting
A residential property which may be for the benefit
of the owner for occasional use as a second home
or a business that derives its income from short term
letting of individual rooms or a whole house or flat.
Residential or nursing care
A property used to provide accommodation and
residential care or nursing care to the elderly
or infirm.
Second home
A second property which is mainly for the
exclusive benefit of the owner for occasional
use as a second residence.
Secure residential institution
Properties which may be used as prisons, young
oender’s institutions, detention centres, secure
training centres, custody centres, short term holding
centres, secure hospitals, secure local authority
accommodation and / or military barracks.
Short term business accommodation
A residential property for short terms use
by company employees.
Our definition of premises
AXA Insurance UK plc Registered in England and Wales No 78950.
Registered Oice: 20 Gracechurch Street, London, EC3V 0BG.
A member of the AXA Group of companies. AXA Insurance UK plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation
Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Telephone calls may be monitored and recorded.
This document is available in other formats.
If you would like a Braille, large print or audio
version, please contact your insurance adviser.
CLLR0001-A (06/20) (391245)