What is insured?
The main cover includes loss of damage to your Buildings
and/or Contents including personal possessions caused by-
Fire, smoke, lightning, explosion or earthquake
Storm or ood,
Riot, civil commotion, malicious damage,
Escape of oil,
Stealing or attempted stealing,
Falling trees or branches,
Impact by vehicle or aircra,
The policy also covers
Under the Buildings Section (if you have chosen this cover)
Accidental damage to underground services,
Debris removal & rebuilding fees (up to 10% of the building
sum insured)
Breakage of xed glass or sanitary ware
Loss or rent receivable (up to 20% of the building sum
Replacement locks (up to €750)
Fire brigade charges (up to €2600)
Finding a leak (up to €750)
Alternative accommodation (up to 20% of the building sum
Your Legal Liability to the Public as the property owner and/
or as occupier (if Contents cover selected) up to €3m
Under the Contents Section (if you have chosen this cover)
Contents in the open (up to €750)
Your legal liability to domestic employees up to €3m
For an additional premium can be extended to include
Accidental damage to Buildings and/or Contents
The information provided in this document is a summary of the key features and exclusions of the policy and does not form part of the
contract between us. Complete pre contract and contractual information about the product is provided in your policy documents and policy.
What is this type of insurance?
This is a holiday home insurance policy. It provides cover for loss or damage to your holiday property and/or any Contents
or personal possessions.
What is not insured?
The principle exclusions include loss or damage caused by
escape of water from any installation or apparatus
Wear and tear
Any act of fraud or collusion
The rst portion of any claim (known as an excess). The
excess will depend on the type of loss as follows;
Escape of water €500
Subsidence €5000
All other claims (where an excess applies) €250.
AXA Holiday Home Insurance
Insurance Product Information Document
Company: AXA Insurance dac
Product: Holiday Home Insurance
Are there any restrictions
on cover?
! A limit of 10% of the Contents sum insured applies to
property kept in garages or outbuildings
Where am I covered?
Normal policy cover will apply within the insured property
Cover is provided for Contents temporarily removed from
your home (but within Ireland or the UK and up to 20% of
the Contents sum insured)
AXA Insurance dac is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland Ref. No C713
AG223 08/18 OMG20664
What are my obligations?
You must turn o the mains water whenever your holiday home is unoccupied and you must appoint a responsible person to check
the property regularly.
If the building is unoccupied between the months of October to March, you must turn o the water and/or gas & electricity
You must disclose all facts likely to inuence the acceptance of your application (including previous home insurance losses)
Your application must be accurate and truthful
You must ensure your sums insured represent replacement costs (to avoid the eects of under-insurance)
You must keep your property in good order
You must pay your premium
All claims or incidents must be reported to us immediately.
You must tell us if you have been convicted of any indictable criminal oence, any oence involving dishonesty or fraud, or any
oence against property.
When and how do I pay?
If you are a Direct customer you can pay by cash, debit/credit card or avail of monthly instalments
If you are a Broker customer, please ask your Insurance Broker for payment option information
When does the cover start and end?
The cover will start on the date your application or renewal is accepted and will end one year later. This will be shown on your schedule.
How do I cancel the contract?
You must give your Broker a written instruction.
If you cancel your policy within 14 days of purchase, we will refund your entire premium provided there are no claims.
If you cancel during the period of insurance, we will refund the premium (less an administration charge) on a proportionate basis
provided there are no claims.
AXA Holiday
Home Insurance