AXA Travel Insurance
Your policy wording
Helpful phone numbers
We recommend that you save the following telephone numbers into your mobile phone:
Emergency medical assistance or repatriation:
All claims except legal expenses:
Legal expenses claims only:
Customer Services:
+44 (0)1737 815626
0844 874 0361*
0844 874 0362*
0844 874 0360*
Section Page no
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 5
General conditions applicable to the whole policy ............................................................................. 8
Emergency and medical service ....................................................................................................... 9
Claims conditions ................................................................................................................................ 10
Important conditions relating to health .......................................................................................... 11
What is not covered – applicable to all sections of the policy .................................................... 12
Sports and activities ................................................................................................................................ 13
Additional sports and activities ....................................................................................................... 13
Covered if the appropriate winter sports premium has been paid .................................................... 13
Section A – Emergency medical and repatriation costs ................................................................ 14
Section B – Personal accident ...................................................................................................... 15
Section C – Cancelling or cutting short your trip ............................................................................. 16
Section D – Missed departure ................................................................................................................... 17
Section E – Travel disruption ................................................................................................................... 18
Section F – Personal money, passport and documents ................................................................. 21
Section G – Personal Possessions and baggage ............................................................................. 22
Section H – Sports equipment ....................................................................................................... 23
Section I – Personal liability ................................................................................................................... 24
Section J – Legal expenses ................................................................................................................... 25
Making a complaint ................................................................................................................................ 26
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This is your travel insurance policy. It contains details
of what is covered, what is not covered and the
conditions for each insured person and is the basis
on which all claims will be settled. It is validated by the
issue of the policy schedule which should be read in
conjunction with the policy.
In return for having accepted your premium we will
provide insurance in accordance with the operative
sections of your policy as referred to in your
policy schedule.
The policy schedule and any endorsements are
all part of the policy. Your policy is evidence of the
contract of insurance.
United Kingdom residents
This policy is only available to you if you are permanently
resident in the United Kingdom and registered with a
medical practitioner in the United Kingdom.
The law which applies to this policy
English law will apply to this policy.
Annual multi trip
Age eligibility
This policy is not available to anyone aged 75 or over
at the start date of the policy if annual multi trip cover
is selected. If you are aged under 18 you are only
insured when accompanied by a responsible adult.
If you reach the age of 75 during the period of
insurance, cover will continue until the next renewal
date but not after that.
Automatic renewal
In order to ensure continuous cover, we will keep
your payment details so we can continue to deduct
premiums when we renew your policy. Each year we
will email you in advance to remind you that this is
happening. If you do not want to renew this policy, all
you need to do is call us on 0844 874 0360*
to let us know before the renewal date.
Single trip
Age eligibility
If single trip cover is selected, this policy is not
available to anyone aged 80 or over at the time of
purchase. If you are aged under 18 you are only
insured when accompanied by a responsible adult
Policy excess
Under most sections of the policy, claims will be
subject to an Excess. This means that you will be
responsible for paying the rst part of each and every
claim per incident claimed for, under each section by
each insured person. Your Excess is shown on your
policy schedule.
Emergency Assistance Helpline:
+44 (0)1737 815626
Please carry this policy with you in case of an emergency.
AXA Insurance
This policy is underwritten by AXA Insurance UK plc
who is authorised and regulated by the Financial
Services Authority. This can be checked on the
FSA’s register by visiting the FSA’s website at or by contacting them on
0845 606 1234.
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These denitions apply throughout your policy booklet.
Where we explain what a word means that word will
appear highlighted in bold print and have the same
meaning wherever it is used in the policy. We have
listed the definitions alphabetically.
See denition of Personal Possessions
and baggage.
Bodily injury
means an identiable physical injury caused
by sudden, unexpected, external and visible
means including injury as a result of unavoidable
exposure to the elements.
Business trip
means a trip taken wholly or in part for business
purposes but excluding manual work.
Close business associate
means any person whose absence from business
for one or more complete days at the same time
as your absence prevents the continuation of
that business.
Close relative
means mother, father, sister, brother, wife,
husband, civil partner, daughter, son, grandparent,
grandchild, parent-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-
law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, step parent, step
child, step sister, step brother, foster child, legal
guardian, domestic partner or ancé/ancée.
Curtailment / Curtail
means either:
a) cutting short the trip by direct early return
to your home area, in which case claims will
be calculated from the day you returned to
your home area and based on the number of
complete days of your trip you have not used,
b) attending a hospital outside your home area
as an in-patient or being conned to your
accommodation abroad due to compulsory
quarantine or on the orders of a medical
practitioner, in either case for a period in
excess of 48 hours. Claims will be calculated
from the day the ill/injured person was
admitted to hospital or conned to your
accommodation and based on the number of
complete days for which you were hospitalised,
quarantined or conned to your
accommodation. Cover only applies to ill/
injured persons.
means the amount of money you have to pay
for each claim. Excesses apply per person, per
incident and per each section of the policy. Your
excesses are shown on your policy schedule.
means your normal place of residence in the
United Kingdom.
Home area
For residents of the United Kingdom excluding
Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, your home
area means the United Kingdom excluding
Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. For residents
of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, your
home area means either the Channel Islands or
the Isle of Man depending on where your home is.
Insured Person
See denition of You/Your/Yourself.
Medical condition
means any disease, illness or injury.
Medical practitioner
means a registered practising member of the
medical profession recognised by the law of
the country where they are practising, who is
not related to you or any person who you are
travelling with.
Period of insurance
means if annual multi trip cover is selected: the
period of 12 months for which we have accepted
the premium as stated in your policy schedule.
During this period any trip not exceeding 31 days
is covered, but limited to 17 days in total in each
period of insurance for winter sports (provided you
have paid the appropriate winter sports premium to
include this cover). Under these policies Section C
– ‘Cancelling your trip’ cover will be operative from
the date stated in the policy schedule or the time
of booking any trip (whichever is the later date) and
terminates on commencement of any trip.
means if single trip cover is selected: the period
of the trip and terminating upon its completion,
but not in any case exceeding the period shown
in the schedule. Under these policies Section C –
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‘Cancelling your trip’ cover will be operative from
the time you pay the premium.
For all other sections of the policy, whichever cover
is selected, the insurance starts when you leave
your home to begin the trip and ends at the time of
your return to your home on completion of the trip.
However any trip that had already begun when
you purchased this insurance will not be covered,
except where you renew an existing annual multi
trip policy which fell due for renewal during the trip.
The period of insurance is automatically extended
for the period of the delay in the event that your
return to your home area is unavoidably delayed
due to reasons beyond your control.
Personal possessions and baggage
means luggage, clothing, personal effects,
valuables and other articles (but excluding sports
equipment, personal money and documents of
any kind) which belong to you (or for which you
are legally responsible) which are worn, used or
carried by you during any trip.
Personal money
means bank notes, currency notes and coins in
current use, travellers’ and other cheques, postal
or money orders.
Public transport
means any publicly licensed aircraft, sea vessel,
train, coach or bus on which you are booked or
had planned to travel.
Secure baggage area
means any of the following, as and where
a) The locked dashboard, boot or luggage
compartment of a motor vehicle;
b) The locked luggage compartment of a
hatchback vehicle tted with a lid closing off
the luggage area, or of an estate car with a
tted and engaged tray or roller blind cover
behind the rear seats;
c) The xed storage units of a locked motorised or
towed caravan; or
d) A locked luggage box, attached to a roof rack
which is itself attached to the vehicle roof.
Sports Equipment
means articles that are usually worn, carried or held
in the course of participating in a recognised sport.
means an act, including but not limited to the use
of force or violence and/or the threat thereof,
of any person or group(s) of persons, whether
acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with
any organisation(s) or governments, committed
for political, religious, ideological or similar
purposes including the intention to inuence
any government and/or to put the public, or any
section of the public, in fear.
means any holiday, business or pleasure trip or
journey made by you within the area of travel
shown in the schedule which begins and ends in
your home area during the period of insurance,
but excluding one way trips or journeys.
If annual multi trip cover is selected any trip not
exceeding 31 days is covered, but limited to 17
days in total in each period of insurance for winter
sports (provided you have paid the appropriate
winter sports premium to include this cover). In
addition, any trip solely within your home area
is only covered where you have pre-booked at
least two nights accommodation in a hotel, motel,
holiday camp, bed and breakfast, holiday cottage
or similar accommodation rented for a fee. Each
trip under annual multi trip cover is considered
to be a separate insurance, with the terms,
denitions, What is not covered and conditions
contained in this policy applying to each trip.
Where we have agreed to cover your medical
condition, this applies to each trip during the
period of insurance.
means when you are not in full view of and not in
a position to prevent unauthorised interference
with your property or vehicle.
United Kingdom
means England, Scotland, Wales, Northern
Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
means jewellery, gold, silver, precious metal or
precious or semiprecious stone articles, watches,
furs, cameras, camcorders, portable satellite
navigation systems, photographic, audio, video,
computer, television and telecommunications
equipment (including MP3/4 players), computer
games and associated equipment.
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means rats, mice, squirrels, owls, pigeons, foxes,
bees, wasps or hornets.
means AXA Insurance UK plc. Registered in
England No. 78950. Registered Ofce: 5 Old
Broad Street, London, EC2N 1AD.
You/Your/Yourself/Insured person
means each person travelling on a trip whose
name appears in the policy schedule.
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You must comply with the following conditions to have
the full protection of your policy.
If you do not comply we may cancel the policy or
refuse to deal with your claim or reduce the amount of
any claim payment.
1. Dual insurance
If at the time of any incident which results in a
claim under this policy, there is another insurance
covering the same loss, damage, expense or liability
we will not pay more than our proportional share
(not applicable to Section B – Personal accident).
2. Reasonable precautions
At all times you must take all reasonable
precautions to avoid injury, illness, disease, loss,
theft or damage and take all reasonable steps to
safeguard your property from loss or damage and
to recover property lost or stolen.
3. Cancellation
Statutory cancellation rights
You may cancel this policy within 14 days of buying
the policy by phoning: 0844 874 0360*
Any premium already paid will be refunded to you
providing you have not travelled, no claim has
been made or is intended to be made and no
incident likely to result in a claim has occurred.
We reserve the right to charge a £15 cancellation fee.
4. Cancellation outside the statutory period
You may cancel this policy at any time after the
cancellation period by calling 0844 874 0360*.
If you cancel after the 14 day cancellation period
no premium refund will be made.
5. Payment of Premium
Your payment will be debited from your payment
card immediately and will appear on your
statement within 3 working days. This includes any
additional premium or related administration fees
that may arise from changes made to your policy.
Should you fail to make your payment(s) in full and
by the due date, we will seek to recover all monies
and may:
Cancel your policy subject to our £15
cancellation fee
Refuse to pay any pending claims on your
Refer details of your policy to our debt collection
agencies that will seek to recover all monies
on our behalf and may record this outstanding
debt. Should this action be taken, we reserve
the right to add an administration fee to the
value of your debt to cover costs incurred.
6. Administration fees
We reserve the right to charge an administration
fee of up to £20 should a change or correction be
made to your policy by a member of our team.
General conditions applicable to the whole policy
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You must contact the Emergency Assistance Service
in the event of an illness or accident which may
lead to in-patient hospital treatment or before any
arrangements are made for repatriation; or in the
event of curtailment necessitating your early return
home. The service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days
a year for advice, assistance, making arrangements for
hospital admission, repatriation (returning you to your
home area) and authorisation of medical expenses.
If this is not possible because the condition requires
emergency treatment you must contact the Emergency
Assistance Service as soon as possible. Private
medical treatment is not covered unless authorised
specically by the Emergency Assistance Service.
Medical assistance abroad
The Emergency Assistance Service has the medical
expertise, contacts and facilities to help should you
be injured in an accident or fall ill. The Emergency
Assistance Service will also arrange transport home
when this is considered to be medically necessary or
when you are told about the illness or death of a close
relative or a close business associate at home.
Payment for medical treatment abroad
If you are admitted to a hospital/clinic while abroad,
the Emergency Assistance Service will arrange for
medical expenses, covered by the policy, to be paid
direct to the hospital/clinic. To take advantage of
this benet someone must contact the Emergency
Assistance Service for you as soon as possible.
For out-patient treatment, you should pay the hospital/
clinic yourself and claim back medical expenses
from us on your return to your home area. Beware
of requests for you to sign for excessive treatment or
charges. If you are in doubt, please call the Emergency
Assistance Service for guidance.
Reciprocal health agreements with other
EU, EEA or Switzerland
If you are travelling to countries within the European
Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA)
or Switzerland you are strongly advised to obtain
a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) postal
application form from your local Post Ofce.
You can also apply either online through or by telephoning 0845 606
2030. This will entitle you to benet from the health
care arrangements which exist between countries
within the EU/EEA or Switzerland.
If we agree to pay for a medical expense which has
been reduced by more than the Excess because you
have used either a European Health Insurance Card
or private health insurance, we will not deduct the
Excess under Section A - Emergency medical and
repatriation costs.
If you need medical treatment in Australia you must
enrol with a local MEDICARE ofce. You do not need to
enrol when you arrive, but you must do this after the
rst occasion you receive treatment. In-patient and
out-patient treatment at a public hospital will then be
available free of charge. Details of how to enrol and
the free treatment available can be found in the Health
advice for Travellers booklet available from your local
Post Ofce or by visiting either or
the MEDICARE website on http;//
Alternatively please call the Emergency Assistance
Service for guidance.
If you are admitted to hospital you must contact the
Emergency Assistance Service as soon as possible and
get their authorisation for any treatment not available
Emergency and medical service
Contact the Emergency Assistance
Service on telephone number :
+44 (0)1737 815626
Contact the Emergency Assistance
Service on telephone number :
+44 (0)1737 815626
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Claims conditions
You must comply with the following conditions to have
the full protection of your policy.
1. Claims
The claim notication must be made within 31
days or as soon as possible after that following
any Bodily injury, illness, disease, incident, event,
redundancy or the discovery of any loss, theft or
damage which may lead to a claim under this policy.
You must also tell us if you are aware of any court
claim form, summons or impending prosecution.
Every communication relating to a claim must
be sent to us as soon as possible. You or anyone
acting on your behalf must not negotiate, admit
or repudiate (refuse) any claim without our
permission in writing.
You or your legal representatives must supply
at your own expense, all information, evidence,
details of household insurance, proof of ownership
and medical certicates as required by us. You
should refer to the section under which you are
claiming for further details of the evidence that we
need to deal with your claim.
We reserve the right to require you to undergo an
independent medical examination at our expense.
We may also request and will pay for a post
mortem examination.
You must retain any property which is damaged,
and if requested, send it to us at your own expense.
If we pay a claim for the full value of the property
and it is then recovered it will then become our
property. We may refuse to reimburse you for
any property which you cannot provide proof of
ownership such as an original receipt, a valuation,
user manual or bank or credit card statements.
If you do not comply we may cancel the policy
or refuse to deal with your claim or reduce the
amount of any claim payment.
2. Transferring of rights
We are entitled to take over any rights in the
defence or settlement of any claim and to take
proceedings in your name for our benet against
any other party.
3. Fraud
You must not act in a fraudulent manner.If you or
anyone acting for you
a) Make a claim under the policy knowing the
claim to be false or fraudulently exaggerated in
any way; or
b) Make a statement in support of a claim
knowing the statement to be false in any way;
c) Submit a document in support of a claim
knowing the document to be forged or false in
any way; or
d) Make a claim for any loss or damage caused by
your wilful act or with your connivance
i) we will not pay the claim
ii) we will not pay any other claim which has
been or will be made under the policy
iii) we may make the policy void from the date
of the fraudulent act
iv) we will be entitled to recover from you the
amount of any claim already paid under
the policy
v) we will not refund any premium
vi) we may inform the police of
the circumstances.
You must contact us by phone if you want to make a claim using the relevant number given below,
depending on the type of claim:
All claims except Legal expenses:
Legal expenses only:
0844 874 0361*
0844 874 0362*
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You must comply with the following conditions to have
the full protection of your policy.
If you do not comply we may cancel the policy or
refuse to deal with your claim or reduce the amount of
any claim payment.
1. It is a condition of this policy that you will not be
covered under Section A – Emergency medical
and repatriation costs, Section B – Personal
accident, and Section C – Cancelling or cutting
your trip short, for any claims arising directly or
indirectly from:
a) At the time of taking out this policy:
i) Any medical condition you have, or have
had, for which you are taking or have been
taking prescribed medication within the
last ve years
ii) Any medical condition you have, or have
had, for which you are waiting to receive,
or have received treatment (including
surgery, tests or investigations) within the
last ve years
unless you have declared your medical
conditions to us and we have agreed to cover
you. Covered medical conditions are shown on
your policy schedule.
iii) Any medical condition for which you have
received a terminal prognosis
iv) Any medical condition you are aware of
but for which you have not had a diagnosis
v) Any medical condition for which you are
on a waiting list for or have knowledge
of the need for surgery, treatment or
investigation at a hospital, clinic or
nursing home
vi) Any medical condition affecting you
a close relative or a close business
associate that you are aware of, that could
reasonably be expected to result in a claim
on this policy
b) At any time:
i) Any medical condition you have for which
a medical practitioner has advised you
not to travel (or would have done so had
you sought his/her advice), but despite this
you still travel
ii) Any surgery, treatment or investigations
for which you intend to travel outside
of your home area to receive (including
any expenses incurred due to the
discovery of other medical conditions
during and/or complications arising
from these procedures)
iii) Any medical condition for which you are
not taking the recommended treatment
or prescribed medication as directed by a
medical practitioner
iv) You travel against any health
requirements stipulated by the carrier,
their handling agents or any other public
transport provider.
If your health changes after the start date of your
policy and the date your travel tickets or conrmation
of booking were issued, you should check with your GP
that you are t to travel. You will not be covered under
Section A - Medical expenses and repatriation costs if
you travel against medical advice. You may be able to
claim under Section C – Cancelling your trip if this is
medically necessary.
You should also refer to What is not covered –
applicable to all sections of the policy.
Important conditions relating to health
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What is not covered
- applicable to all sections of the policy
We will not pay for claims arising directly or indirectly
1. War risks, civil commotion and terrorism
War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities
or warlike operations (whether war be declared
or not), civil war, rebellion, terrorism, revolution,
insurrection, civil commotion assuming the
proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military
or usurped power but this exclusion shall not apply
to losses under Section A – Emergency medical
and repatriation costs, Section B – Personal
accident , and Section E – Travel disruption unless
such losses are caused by nuclear, chemical or
biological attack, or the disturbances were already
taking place at the beginning of any trip.
2. Radioactive contamination
Ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity
from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste,
from combustion of nuclear fuel, the radioactive,
toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of
any nuclear assembly or nuclear component of
such assembly.
3. Winter sports
Your participation in winter sports unless the
appropriate winter sports premium has been paid.
Cover will apply for a period of no more than 17
days in total in each period of insurance under
annual multi trip policies and for the period of the
trip under single trip policies.
4. Professional sports or entertaining
Your participation in or practice of any professional
sports or professional entertaining.
5. Other sports or activities
Your participation in or practice of any other sport
or activity, manual work, driving any motorised
vehicle or racing unless:
a) specied in the list on page 13 or
b) shown as covered in your policy schedule.
6. Suicide, drug use, alcohol or solvent abuse and
putting yourself at needless risk
Your wilfully, self-inicted injury or illness, suicide
or attempted suicide, sexually transmitted
diseases, solvent abuse, alcohol abuse, drug
use (other than drugs taken in accordance with
treatment prescribed and directed by a medical
practitioner, but not for the treatment of drug
addiction), and putting yourself at needless risk
(except in an attempt to save human life).
7. Unlawful action
Your own unlawful action or any criminal
proceedings against you.
8. Additional loss or expense
Any other loss, damage or additional expense
following on from the event for which you are
claiming, unless we provide cover under this
insurance. Examples of such loss, damage or
additional expense would be the cost of replacing
locks after losing keys, costs incurred in preparing
a claim or loss of earnings following Bodily injury,
illness or disease.
9. Armed Forces
Operational duties of a member of the Armed
Forces (other than claims arising from authorised
leave being cancelled due to operational reasons,
as provided for under sub section 4. of Section C –
Cancelling or cutting short your trip).
10. Travelling against FCO or WHO advice
Your travel to a country, specic area or event
when the Travel Advice Unit of the Foreign &
Commonwealth Ofce (FCO) or the World Health
Organisation (WHO) or regulatory authority in
a country to/from which you are travelling has
advised against all, or all but essential travel (other
than claims arising from you not being able to
travel and use your booked accommodation or
curtailing the trip before completion, as provided
for under Section E – Travel Disruption cover when
If you reach any of the ages mentioned above
during the period of insurance, cover will continue
until the next renewal date but not after that.
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Sports and activities covered
We automatically provide cover under Section A -
Emergency medical and repatriation costs and Section
B - Personal accident for the following activities.
Banana boating
Baseball (amateur)
Basketball (amateur)
Beach games
Body boarding (boogie boarding)
Bungee jump (1 jump)
Camel riding
Canoeing (up to grade 2)
Clay pigeon shooting (no personal liability cover)
Cricket (amateur)
Cycling / cycle touring (up to 2 days only)
Dinghy sailing
Elephant riding
Fell walking
Football (amateur)
GAA football (amateur)
Hiking (without the use of any climbing equipment)
Hockey (amateur)
Horse riding (up to 2 days)
Hot air ballooning (one balloon ride)
Jet skiing (one ride only)
Kayaking (up to grade 2)
Marathon running (amateur)
Mountain biking (2 days maximum)
Netball (amateur)
Non manual work (including professional
administrative or clerical duties only)
Outwardbound pursuits
Parachute jump (one jump only)
Parascending (over water)
Pony trekking
River canoeing (Up to Grade 2)
Roller blading
Roller skating
Running - sprint/long distance (amateur)
Sail boarding
Sailing within territorial waters
Scuba diving down to 18 metres (up to 2 dives only)
Sea canoeing/kayaking
Sea shing (2 trips maximum)
Skate boarding
Squash (amateur)
Surng (amateur, 2 days maximum)
Swimming (recreational)
Tennis (amateur)
Track events (amateur)
Trekking (without the use of any climbing equipment, 2
days maximum)
Volleyball (amateur)
Wakeboarding (amateur, and up to 2 days only)
War Games
Water Polo (amateur)
Water skiing (amateur, 2 days maximum)
White Water Rafting (Grade 1 to 4)
Windsurng (amateur, 2 days maximum)
Yachting (racing/crewing inside territorial waters)
Additional sports and activities
You are covered under Section A - Emergency Medical
and repatriation costs and Section B – Personal
accident for any additional sports and activities shown
on your policy schedule.
Any sports or activities not featured on your policy
schedule or the list above are not covered.
Covered if the appropriate winter sports
premium has been paid
Dry slope skiing
Ice hockey
Ice skating
Glacier walking
Kick sledging
Skiing - cross country
Skiing - mono
Skiing - Nordic
Skiing - off piste within resort boundaries
Sledging pulled by horse, reindeer or dogs as a
Snow biking
Snow boarding
Snow bobbing
Snow carting (no liability cover)
Snow mobiling (no liability cover)
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Snow shoe walking
You must pay the additional premium and the winter
sports must be shown as included within your policy
schedule in order for cover to be operative.
Winter sports cover is limited to 17 days on annual
multi-trip policies
What is covered
We will pay you up to the Emergency medical and
repatriation limit in your policy schedule for the
following expenses which are necessarily incurred
during a trip as a result of you suffering unforeseen
bodily injury, illness, disease and/or compulsory
1. Emergency medical, surgical, hospital, ambulance
and nursing fees and charges incurred outside of
your home area.
2. Emergency dental treatment for the immediate
relief of pain (to natural teeth only) up to a limit of
£500 incurred outside of your home area.
3. Costs of telephone calls:
a) to the Emergency Assistance Service notifying
and dealing with the problem for which you are
able to provide receipts or other reasonable
evidence to show the cost of the calls and the
numbers you telephoned
b) incurred by you when you receive calls on your
mobile phone from the Emergency Assistance
Service for which you are able to provide
receipts or other reasonable evidence to show
the cost of the calls.
4. The cost of reasonable travel costs for your travel
to or from hospital relating to your admission,
discharge or attendance for outpatient treatment
or appointments or for collection of medication
prescribed for you by the hospital.
5. If you die:
a) outside your home area the reasonable
additional cost of funeral expenses abroad up
to a maximum of £2,500 plus the reasonable
cost of returning your ashes to your home, or
the additional costs of returning your body to
your home
b) within your home area the reasonable
additional cost of returning your ashes or body
to your home up to a maximum of £750.
6. Reasonable additional transport and/or
accommodation expenses incurred, up to the
standard of your original booking (for example full
or half board, bed and breakfast, self catering or
room only), if it is medically necessary for you to stay
beyond your scheduled return date.
This includes, with the prior authorisation of the
Emergency Assistance Service, reasonable additional
transport and/or accommodation expenses for a
travelling companion, friend or close relative to stay
with you or travel to you from the United Kingdom or
escort you. Also additional travel expenses to return
you to your home or a suitable hospital nearby if you
cannot use the return ticket
7. With the prior authorisation of the Emergency
Assistance Service, the additional costs incurred
in the use of air transport or other suitable means,
including qualied attendants, to repatriate
you to your home if it is medically necessary.
These expenses will be for the identical class of
travel utilised on the outward journey unless the
Emergency Assistance Service agree otherwise.
Special conditions relating to claims
1. You must tell the Emergency Assistance Service
as soon as possible of any bodily injury, illness
or disease which necessitates your admittance
to hospital as an in-patient or before any
arrangements are made for your repatriation.
2. If you suffer bodily injury, illness or disease we
reserve the right to move you from one hospital
to another and/or arrange for your repatriation to
the United Kingdom at any time during the trip.
We will do this, if in the opinion of the medical
practitioner in attendance, or the Emergency
Assistance Service, you can be moved safely and
/or travel safely to your home area or a suitable
hospital nearby to continue treatment.
What is not covered
1. The excess of each and every claim, per incident
claimed for, under this section by each insured
2. Normal pregnancy, without any accompanying
bodily injury, illness, disease or complication. This
section is designed to provide cover for diseases
Section A – Emergency medical and repatriation costs
15 of 27
and normal childbirth would not constitute an
unforeseen event.
3. Any claims arising directly or indirectly for:
a) The cost of treatment or surgery, including
exploratory tests, which are not related to the
bodily injury or illness which necessitated your
admittance into hospital.
b) Any expenses which are not usual, reasonable
or customary to treat your bodily injury, illness
or disease.
c) Any form of treatment or surgery which in
the opinion of the medical practitioner in
attendance and the Emergency Assistance
Service can be delayed reasonably until your
return to your home area.
d) Expenses incurred in obtaining or replacing
medication, which you know you will need at
the time of departure or which will have to be
continued outside of your home area
e) Additional costs arising from single or private
room accommodation.
f) Treatment or services provided by a health
spa, convalescent or nursing home or any
rehabilitation centre unless agreed by the
Emergency Assistance Service.
g) Any costs incurred by you to visit another
person in hospital.
h) Any expenses incurred after you havereturned
to your home area.
i) Any expenses incurred in England, Scotland,
Wales or Northern Ireland which are:
i) for private treatment or
ii) are funded by, or are recoverable from the
Health Authority in your home area.
j) Expenses incurred as a result of a tropical
disease where you have not had the
recommended inoculations and/or taken the
recommended medication.
k) Any expenses incurred after the date on which
we exercise our rights under this section to
move you from one hospital to another and/or
arrange for your repatriation but you decide not
to be moved or repatriated.
4. Anything mentioned in ‘What is not covered -
applicable to all sections of the policy’.
You should also refer to the ‘Important conditions
relating to health’.
Claims evidence
We will require (at your own expense) the following
evidence where relevant:
Receipts or bills for all in-patient/out-patient
treatment or emergency dental treatment received.
In the event of death, the original death certificate
and receipts or bills for funeral, cremation or
repatriation expenses.
Receipts or bills for taxi fares to or from hospital
claimed for, stating details of the date, name and
location of the hospital concerned.
Receipts or bills or proof of purchase for any other
transport, accommodation or other costs, charges
or expenses claimed for, including calls to the
Emergency Assistance Service.
Any other relevant information relating to your
claim under this section that we may ask you for.
To make a claim under this section please
call: For medical assistance and/or
repatriation claims +44 (0)1737 815626 or
other claims 0844 874 0361*
Special denitions relating to this section
(which are shown in italics)
Loss of limb
means loss by permanent severance of an entire
hand or foot or the total and permanent loss of
use of an entire hand or foot.
Loss of sight
means total and irrecoverable loss of sight which
shall be considered as having occurred:
a) in both eyes, if your name is added to the
Register of Blind Persons on the authority of a
fully qualied ophthalmic specialist and
b) in one eye if the degree of sight remaining after
correction is 3/60 or less on the Snellen scale.
What is covered
We will pay one of the Personal accident benets
shown in your policy schedule if you sustain bodily
injury which shall solely and independently of any
other cause, result within two years in your death, loss
of limb, loss of sight or permanent total disablement.
Special conditions relating to claims
1. Our medical practitioner may examine you as often
as they consider necessary if you make a claim.
1. Benet is not payable to you:
a) Under more than one section.
b) Under permanent total disablement, until one
year after the date you sustain bodily injury
c) Under permanent total disablement, if you
Section B – Personal accident
16 of 27
are able or may be able to carry out any any
occupation after one year.
2. The Death benet will be paid to the deceased
insured person’s estate.
What is not covered
1. Anything mentioned in What is not covered
applicable to all sections of the policy.
Claims evidence
We will require (at your own expense) the following
evidence where relevant:
In the event of death, the original death certificate.
A medical certificate or report in relation to
claims for loss of limb, loss of sight or permanent
total disablement.
Any other relevant information relating to your
claim under this section that we may ask you for.
To make a claim under this section please
call 0844 874 0361*
What is covered
We will pay you up to the amount shown in your
schedule for any irrecoverable unused travel and
accommodation costs (including excursions up to
£250) and other pre-paid charges which you have paid
or are contracted to pay, together with any reasonable
additional travel expenses incurred if:
a) cancellation of the trip is necessary and
unavoidable or
b) the trip is curtailed before completion
as a result of any of the following events:
1. The death, bodily injury, illness, disease, or
complications arising as a direct result of
pregnancy of:
a) you
b) any person who you are travelling or have
arranged to travel with
c) any person who you have arranged to stay with
d) your close relative
e) your close business associate.
2. You or any person who you are travelling or
have arranged to travel with being quarantined,
called as a witness at a Court of Law or for jury
service attendance.
3. Redundancy of you or any person who you are
travelling with or have arranged to travel with
(which qualies for payment under current United
Kingdom redundancy payment legislation, and at
the time of booking the trip there was no reason to
believe anyone would be made redundant).
4. You or any person who you are travelling or
have arranged to travel with, are a member of
the Armed Forces, Territorial Army, Police, Fire,
Nursing or Ambulance Services or employees of
a Government Department and have your/their
authorised leave cancelled or are called up for
operational reasons, provided that the cancellation
or curtailment could not reasonably have been
expected at the time when you purchased this
insurance or at the time of booking any trip.
5. The Police or other authorities requesting you
to stay at or return to your home due to serious
damage to your home.
If the same costs, charges or expenses are also
covered under Section E – Travel Disruption, you
can only claim for these under one section for the
same event.
Special conditions relating to claims
1. You must get (at your own expense) a medical
certicate from a medical practitioner and the
prior approval of the Emergency Assistance Service
to conrm the necessity to return home, prior to
curtailment of the trip due to death, bodily injury,
illness, disease or complications arising as a direct
result of pregnancy.
2. If you fail to notify the travel agent, tour operator or
provider of transport or accommodation as soon as
you nd out it is necessary to cancel the trip, the
amount we will pay will be limited to the cancellation
charges that would have otherwise applied.
3. If you cancel the trip due to:
a) stress, anxiety, depression or any other mental
or nervous disorder that you are suffering
from you must provide (at your own expense)
a medical certicate from a consultant
specialising in the relevant eld or
b) any other bodily injury, illness, disease or
complications arising as a direct result of
pregnancy, you must provide (at your own
expense) a medical certicate from a medical
practitioner stating that this necessarily and
reasonably prevented you from travelling.
What is not covered
1. The excess of each and every claim, per incident
claimed for, under this section by each
insured person.
Section C – Cancelling or cutting short your trip
17 of 27
2. The cost of Airport Departure Duty/Tax recoverable
from elsewhere.
3. Any claims arising directly or indirectly from:
a) Redundancy caused by or resulting from
misconduct leading to dismissal or resignation
or voluntary redundancy, or where you received
a warning or notication of redundancy before
you purchased this insurance or at the time of
booking any trip
b) Circumstances known to you before you
purchased this insurance or at the time of
booking any trip which could reasonably
have been expected to lead to cancellation or
curtailment of the trip.
4. Anything mentioned in What is not covered applicable
to all sections of the policy. You should also refer to
the Important conditions relating to health.
Claims evidence
We will require (at your own expense) the following
evidence where relevant:
A medical certificate from the treating medical
practitioner (or in the case of stress, anxiety,
depression or any other mental or nervous
disorder, a consultant specialising in the relevant
field) explaining why it was necessary for you to
cancel or curtail the trip.
In the case of death causing cancellation or
curtailment of the trip, the original death certificate.
Booking confirmation together with a cancellation
invoice from your travel agent, tour operator or
provider of transport/accommodation.
In the case of curtailment claims, written details
from your travel agent, tour operator or provider of
transport/accommodation of the separate costs of
transport, accommodation and other pre-paid costs
or charges that made up the total cost of the trip.
Your unused travel tickets.
Receipts or bills for any costs, charges or expenses
claimed for.
In the case of compulsory quarantine, a letter
from the relevant authority or the treating
medical practitioner.
In the case of jury service or witness attendance,
the court summons.
The letter of redundancy for redundancy claims.
A letter from the commanding officer concerned,
confirming cancellation of authorised leave or call
up for operational reasons.
In the case of serious damage to your home a
report from the Police or relevant authority.
Any other relevant information relating to your
claim under this section that we may ask you for.
To make a claim under this section please
call: For curtailment claims +44 (0)1737
815626 or other claims 0844 874 0361*
Section D – Missed departure (only operative if indicated in the schedule)
What is covered
We will pay you up to the amount in your policy schedule
for reasonable additional accommodation (room only)
and travel expenses necessarily incurred in reaching
your overseas destination or returning to the United
Kingdom, if you fail to arrive at the departure point in
time to board the public transport on which you are
booked to travel on for the initial international outbound
and return legs of the trip as a result of:
1. the failure of other public transport or
2. an accident to or breakdown of the vehicle in
which you are travelling or
3. an accident or breakdown happening ahead of you
on a public road which causes an unexpected delay
to the vehicle in which you are travelling or
4. strike, industrial action or adverse weather conditions.
If the same expenses are also covered under Section
E – Travel Disruption cover you can only claim under
one section for the same event.
Special conditions relating to claims
1. You must allow enough time for the public
transport or other transport to arrive on schedule
and to deliver you to the departure point.
What is not covered
1. The excess of each and every claim, per incident
claimed for, under this section by each
insured person.
2. Claims arising directly or indirectly from:
a) Strike or industrial action existing or being
publicly announced by the date you purchased
this insurance or at the time of booking
any trip.
b) An accident to or breakdown of the vehicle in
which you are travelling when a repairers report
or other evidence is not provided.
c) Breakdown of any vehicle owned by you which
has not been serviced properly and maintained
in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
d) Your failure to arrive at the departure point in
time to board any connecting public transport
18 of 27
after your departure on the initial international
outbound and return legs of the trip.
3. Additional expenses where the scheduled public
transport operator has offered reasonable
alternative travel arrangements.
4. Anything mentioned in What is not covered
applicable to all sections of the policy.
Claims evidence
We will require (at your own expense) the following
evidence where relevant:
A letter from the public transport provider
detailing the reasons for failure.
A letter from the relevant public transport provider,
carrier or authority confirming details of the strike,
industrial action or adverse weather conditions.
Your unused travel tickets.
Receipts or bills or proof of purchase for any
transport, accommodation or other costs, charges
or expenses claimed for.
Any other relevant information relating to your
claim under this section that we may ask you for.
To make a claim under this section please call
0844 874 0361*
Section E – Travel Disruption (only operative if indicated in the schedule)
Special denitions relating to this section
Pre-paid charges
means charges you have paid before you travel,
or are contracted to pay, for car hire, car parking,
airport accommodation, airport lounge access,
kennel and cattery fees, excursions, green fees
and ski passes and/or lessons.
What is covered
Before you reach your destination
1. We will pay you up to the Travel Disruption limit
in your policy schedule for your unused travel,
accommodation (including excursions) and other
pre-paid charges that you cannot claim back from
any other source if you cannot travel and have to
cancel your trip as a result of:
a) The public transport on which you were
booked to travel from your home area being
cancelled or delayed for at least 12 hours from
the scheduled time of departure; or
b) You being involuntarily denied boarding
(because there are too many passengers for
the seats available) and no suitable alternative
ight could be provided within 12 hours; or
c) The Travel Advice Unit of the Foreign &
Commonwealth Ofce (FCO) advise against all
travel or all but essential travel to the country
or specic area you are travelling to providing
the advice came into force after you purchased
this insurance or booked the trip (whichever is
the later); or
d) The insolvency of the scheduled airline or
accommodation providers or booking agents,
re, ood, earthquake, explosion, volcanic
eruption, tsunami, landslide, avalanche,
hurricane, storm or an outbreak of food
poisoning or an infectious disease meaning
you cannot travel or use your booked
2. We will pay you up to the Travel Disruption limit in
your policy schedule for your reasonable additional
travel and accommodation costs (room only) which
are of a similar standard to that of your pre-booked
travel and accommodation that you cannot claim
back from any other source if you have to make
alternative arrangements to reach your destination
as a result of:
a) The public transport on which you were
booked to travel from your home area being
cancelled or delayed for at least 12 hours,
diverted or re-directed after take-off; or
b) You being involuntarily denied boarding
(because there are too many passengers for
the seats available) and no suitable alternative
ight could be provided within 12 hours.
3. We will pay you up to the Travel Disruption limit in
your policy schedule for your reasonable additional
travel and accommodation costs (room only) which
are of a similar standard to that of your pre-booked
travel and accommodation you have to pay to
reach your overseas destination that you cannot
claim back from any other source if you fail to
arrive at the departure point in time to board any
onward connecting public transport on which you
are booked to travel as a result of:
a) The failure of other public transport; or
b) Strike, industrial action or adverse weather
conditions; or
c) You being involuntarily denied boarding
(because there are too many passengers for the
seats available) and no other suitable alternative
ight could be provided with 12 hours.
19 of 27
While you are at your destination
4. We will pay you up to the Travel Disruption limit
in your policy schedule for your unused travel,
accommodation (including excursions) and other
pre-paid charges that you cannot claim back from
any other source together with any reasonable
additional travel and accommodation costs (room
only) which are of a similar standard to that of
your pre-booked travel and accommodation if you
have to:
a) Move to other accommodation at any point
during your trip as a result of the insolvency
of the providers or booking agents, re, ood,
earthquake, explosion, tsunami, landslide,
avalanche, hurricane, storm or an outbreak
of food poisoning or an infectious disease
meaning you cannot use your booked
accommodation; or
b) Curtail your trip with prior authorisation
of the Emergency Assistance Service as
a result of the insolvency of the providers
or booking agents, re, ood, earthquake,
explosion, volcanic eruption, tsunami,
landslide, avalanche, hurricane, storm or an
outbreak of food poisoning or an infectious
disease meaning you cannot use your booked
accommodation and you need to be repatriated
to your home; or
c) Curtail your trip with prior authorisation of
the Emergency Assistance Service as a result
of the Travel Advice Unit of the Foreign &
Commonwealth Ofce (FCO) recommending
evacuation from the country or specic area
you have travelled to providing the advice
came into force after you left your home area
to commence the trip.
On the way home
5. We will pay you up to the Travel Disruption limit in
your policy schedule for your reasonable additional
travel and accommodation costs (room only) which
are of a similar standard to that of your pre-booked
travel and accommodation that you cannot claim
back from any other source if you have to make
alternative arrangements to return to your home or
stay longer outside of your home area as a result of:
a) The public transport on which you were
booked to travel to your home area including
connections being cancelled or delayed for at
least 12 hours, diverted or re-directed after
take-off; or
b) You being involuntarily denied boarding
(because there are too many passengers for
the seats available) and no suitable alternative
ight could be provided within 12 hours.
6. We will pay you up to the Travel Disruption limit in
your policy schedule for your reasonable additional
travel and accommodation (room only) costs if you
fail to arrive at the departure point in time to board
any onward connecting public transport on which
you are booked to travel including those within the
United Kingdom as a result of:
a) The failure of other public transport; or
b) Stirke, industrial action or adverse weather
conditions; or
c) You being involuntarily denied boarding
(because there are too many passengers for the
seats available) and no other suitable alternative
ight could be provided within 12 hours.
In these instances we will pay your additional costs
for a similar standard of your pre-booked travel and
accommodation which you cannot claim back from any
other source.
Special conditions relating to claims
(applicable to all sections of cover)
1. If you fail to notify the travel agent, tour
operator or provider of transport or
accommodation as soon as you find out it is
necessary to cancel the trip the amount we will
pay will be limited to the cancellation charges
that would have applied otherwise.
2. You must get (at your own expense) written
conrmation from the provider of the
accommodation (or their administrators), the local
Police or relevant authority that you could not use
your accommodation and the reason for this.
3. You must give notice as soon as possible
to the Emergency Assistance Service of any
circumstances making it necessary for you to
return home and before any arrangements are
made for your repatriation.
4. You must check in according to the itinerary
supplied to you unless your tour operator, the public
transport operator (or their handling agents) have
requested you not to travel to the airport.
5. You must get (at your own expense) written
conrmation from the public transport operator
(or their handling agents) of the cancellation,
number of hours of delay or being denied boarding
and the reason for these together with details of
any alternative transport offered.
6. You must comply with the terms of contract of
the public transport operator and seek nancial
compensation, assistance or a refund of your
ticket from them in accordance with such terms
and/or (where applicable) your rights under EU Air
Passenger Rights legislation in the event of denied
boarding, cancellation or long delay of ights.
7. You must get written conrmation from the public
transport operator (or their handling agents) and/
or provider of accommodation that compensation,
20 of 27
assistance or reimbursement of any costs, charges
and expenses incurred by you will not be provided
and the reason for this.
8. If the same costs and charges are also covered
under any other section of this policy, you can only
claim for these under one section for the same event.
What is not covered (applicable to all
sections of cover)
1. The excess of each and every claim, per
incident claimed for under this section for each
insured person.
2. Claims arising within the rst 7 days after you
purchased this insurance or the date you booked
any trip (whichever is the later) which relate to an
event which was occurring or you were aware could
occur at the time you purchased this insurance or
booked the trip (whichever is the later).
3. Claims arising directly or indirectly from: a) Strike,
industrial action or a directive prohibiting all travel
or all but essential travel to the country or specic
area or event to which you were travelling, existing
or being publicly announced by the date you
purchased this insurance or at the time of booking
any trip. b) Denied boarding due to your drug use,
alcohol or solvent abuse or your inability to provide
a valid passport, visa or other documentation
required by the public transport operator or their
handling agents.
4. Any claims arising whilst you are on a day-trip.
5. The cost of Airport Departure Duty recoverable
from elsewhere.
6. Any costs incurred by you which are recoverable
from the providers of the accommodation (or their
administrators) or for which you receive or are
expected to receive compensation or reimbursement.
7. Any costs incurred by you which are recoverable
from the public transport operator or for which you
receive or are expected to receive compensation,
damages, refund of tickets, meals, refreshments,
accommodation, transfers, communication
facilities or other assistance.
8. Any costs incurred by you which are recoverable
from your credit/debit card provider or for
which you receive or are expected to receive
compensation or re-imbursement.
9. Any travel and accommodation costs, charges
and expenses where the public transport
operator has offered reasonable alternative travel
10. Any costs for normal day to day living such as food
and drink which you would have expected to pay
during your trip.
11. Anything mentioned in the general exclusions.
Claims evidence
We will require the following evidence where relevant:
A copy of the advice against all travel or all
but essential travel issued by the Foreign &
Commonwealth office (FCO).
Booking confirmation together with a cancellation
invoice from your travel agent, tour operator or
provider of transport/accommodation.
In the case of curtailment claims, written details
from your travel agent, tour operator or provider of
transport/accommodation of the separate costs of
transport, accommodation and other pre-paid costs
or charges that made up the total cost of the trip
Your unused travel tickets.
Written confirmation from your public transport
operator (or their handling agents) of the
cancellation, number of hours delay or denied
boarding and the reason for these together with
confirmation of your check in times and details of
any alternative transport offered.
Written confirmation from the company providing
the accommodation (or their administrators), the
local police or relevant authority that you could not
use your accommodation and the reason for this.
Receipts or bills for any transport, accommodation
or other costs, charges or expenses claimed for.
Written confirmation from the provider of
transport/accommodation that compensation,
assistance or reimbursement of any costs, charges
and expenses incurred by you will not be provided
and the reason for this.
Any other relevant information that we may ask
you for.
To make a claim under this section please
call: For curtailment claims +44 (0)1737
21 of 27
Section F – Personal money, passport and documents (only operative if indicated in the schedule)
What is covered
1. We will pay you up to the personal money,
passports and documents limit in your policy
schedule for the accidental loss of, theft of or
damage to personal money and documents
(including the unused portion of passports, visas
and driving licences).
2. We will pay you up to the amount shown in your
policy schedule for reasonable additional travel
and accommodation expenses necessarily
incurred outside your home area to obtain a
replacement of your passport or visa which has
been lost or stolen outside your home area.
Special conditions relating to claims
1. You must report to the local Police in the country
where the incident occurred within 24 hours of
discovery or as soon as possible after that and get
(at your own expense) a written report of the loss,
theft or attempted theft of all personal money,
passports or documents.
2. If personal money, passports or documents are lost,
stolen or damaged while in the care of a hotel or your
accommodation provider you must report details of
the loss, theft or damage to them in writing and get
(at your own expense) written conrmation. Keep all
travel tickets and tags for submission if a claim is to
be made under this policy.
3. If documents are lost, stolen or damaged while
in the care of a carrier, transport company,
authority, hotel or your accommodation provider
you must report details of the loss, theft or
damage to them in writing and get (at your own
expense) written conrmation.
4. If documents are lost, stolen or damaged whilst
in the care of an airline you must: a) give formal
written notice of the claim to the airline within the
time limit set out in their conditions of carriage
(please keep a copy). b) keep all travel tickets and
tags for submission to us if you are going to make
a claim under this policy.
5. You must provide (at your own expense) an original
receipt or proof of ownership for items lost, stolen
or damaged to help you to substantiate your claim.
What is not covered
1. The excess of each and every claim, per
incident claimed for, under this section by each
insured person.
2. Loss, theft of or damage to personal money or
your passport or visa if left unattended at any
time (including in a vehicle, in checked in luggage
or while in the custody of a carrier, tour operator
or public transport operator) unless deposited
in a hotel safe, safety deposit box or left in your
locked accommodation.
3. Loss, theft of or damage to travellers’ cheques
if you have not complied with the issuer’s
conditions or where the issuer provides a
replacement service.
4. Loss or damage due to delay, conscation or
detention by customs or any other authority.
5. Loss or damage due to depreciation (loss in value),
variations in exchange rates or shortages due to
error or omission.
6. Anything mentioned in What is not covered
applicable to all sections of the policy.
Claims evidence
We will require (at your own expense) the following
evidence where relevant:
A police report from the local police in the country
where the incident occurred for all loss, theft or
attempted theft.
A letter from your tour operator’s representative,
hotel or accommodation provider where
All travel tickets and tags for submission.
Original receipts, proof of ownership or valuations
for items lost, stolen or damaged.
Receipts or bills or proof of purchase for any
transport and accommodation expenses claimed for.
Receipt for all currency and travellers cheques
Any other relevant information relating to your
claim under this section that we may ask you for.
To make a claim under this section please
call 0844 874 0361*
22 of 27
Section G – Personal possessions and baggage (only operative if indicated in the schedule)
What is covered
1. We will pay you up to the personal possessions
and baggage limit in your policy schedule for
the accidental loss of, theft of or damage to your
personal possessions and baggage. The amount
payable in the event of a total loss, will be the value
at today’s prices less a deduction for wear tear and
depreciation (loss of value), or we may replace,
reinstate or repair the lost or damaged baggage.
Single article limit:
We will only pay you up to the Single Article limit as
stated in your policy schedule for any one article,
pair or set of articles.
Valuables limit:
We will only pay you up to the Valuables limit as
stated in your policy schedule for all valuables.
2. We will also pay you up to the Delayed baggage
limit in your policy schedule for the emergency
replacement of clothing, medication and toiletries
if your baggage is temporarily lost in transit
during the outward journey and not returned to
you within 12 hours, as long as we receive written
conrmation from the carrier, conrming the
number of hours the baggage was delayed.
If the loss is permanent we will deduct the amount paid
from the nal amount to be paid under this section.
Special conditions relating to claims
1. You must report to the local Police in the country
where the incident occurred within 24 hours of
discovery, or as soon as possible after that and get
(at your own expense) a written report of the loss,
theft or attempted theft of all baggage.
2. If baggage is lost, stolen or damaged while
in the care of a carrier, transport company,
authority, hotel or your accommodation provider
you must report details of the loss, theft or
damage to them in writing and get (at your own
expense) written conrmation.
3. If baggage is lost, stolen or damaged whilst in
the care of an airline you must: a) get a Property
Irregularity Report from the airline. b) give written
notice of the claim to the airline within the time
limit contained in their conditions of carriage
(please retain a copy). c) keep all travel tickets
and tags for submission if you are going to make a
claim under this policy.
4. You must provide (at your own expense) an original
receipt or proof of ownership for items lost, stolen
or damaged to help you to substantiate your claim.
What is not covered
1. The excess of each and every claim, per incident
claimed for, under this section by each insured
person (except claims under subsection 2 of What
is covered).
2. Loss, theft of or damage to valuables left
unattended at any time (including in a vehicle, in
checked in luggage or while in the custody of a
carrier, tour operator or public transport operator)
unless deposited in a hotel safe, safety deposit box
or left in your locked accommodation.
3. Loss, theft of or damage to baggage contained in
an unattended vehicle:
a) at any time unless:
i) it is locked out of sight in a secure
baggage area and
ii) forcible and violent means have been used
by an unauthorised person to gain entry
into the vehicle and evidence of such entry
is available.
4. Loss or damage due to delay, conscation or
detention by customs or any other authority.
5. Loss, theft of or damage to unset precious
stones, contact or corneal lenses, hearing aids,
dental or medical ttings, antiques, musical
instruments, motor accessories, documents of
any kind, bonds, securities, perishable goods
(such as foodstuffs), bicycles, sports equipment
and damage to suitcases (unless the suitcases
are entirely unusable as a result of one single
incidence of damage).
6. Loss or damage due to cracking, scratching,
breakage of or damage to china, glass (other
than glass in watch faces, cameras, binoculars
or telescopes), porcelain or other brittle or fragile
articles unless caused by re, theft, or an accident
to the aircraft, sea vessel, train or vehicle in which
they are being carried.
7. Loss or damage caused by wear and tear,
depreciation (loss in value), atmospheric or
climatic conditions, moth, vermin, any process
of cleaning repairing or restoring, mechanical or
electrical breakdown.
8. Anything mentioned in What is not covered
applicable to all sections of the policy.
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Claims evidence
We will require (at your own expense) the following
evidence where relevant:
A police report from the local Police in the country
where the incident occurred for all loss, theft or
attempted theft.
A Property Irregularity Report from the airline or a
letter from the carrier where loss, theft or damage
occurred in their custody.
A letter from your tour operator’s representative,
hotel or accommodation provider where
All travel tickets and tags for submission.
An original receipt, proof of ownership or
valuations for items lost, stolen or damaged and
for all items of clothing, medication and toiletries
replaced if your baggage is temporarily lost in
transit for more than 12 hours.
A letter from the carrier confirming the number of
hours your baggage was delayed for.
Repair report where applicable.
Any other relevant information relating to your
claim under this section that we may ask you for.
To make a claim under this section please
call 0844 874 0361*
Section H – Sports equipment (only operative if indicated in the schedule)
What is covered
We will pay you up to the amount shown in your policy
schedule for the accidental loss of, theft of or damage
to your own sports equipment. The amount payable
in the event of a total loss will be the value at today’s
prices less a deduction for wear tear and depreciation,
or we may replace, reinstate or repair the lost or
damaged sports equipment.
Special conditions relating to claims
1. You must report to the local Police in the country
where the incident occurred within 24 hours of
discovery or as soon as possible after that and get
a written report (at your own expense) of the loss,
theft or attempted theft of all sports equipment.
2. If sports equipment is lost, stolen or damaged
while in the care of a carrier, transport company,
authority, hotel or your accommodation provider
you must report details of the loss, theft or
damage to them in writing and get (at your own
expense) written conrmation.
3. If sports equipment is lost, stolen or damaged
whilst in the care of an airline you must:
a) get a Property Irregularity Report from the airline
b) give formal written notice of the claim to the
airline, within the time limit set out in their
conditions of carriage (please keep a copy)
c) keep all travel tickets and tags for submission if
you are going to make a claim under this policy.
4. You must provide (at your own expense) an original
receipt or proof of ownership for items lost, stolen
or damaged to help you to substantiate your claim.
What is not covered
1. The excess of each and every claim, per
incident claimed for, under this section by each
insured person.
2. Loss, theft of or damage to sports equipment
contained in or stolen from an unattended vehicle:
a) at any time unless:
i) it is locked out of sight in a secure
baggage area and
ii) forcible and violent means have been used
by an unauthorised person to gain entry
into the vehicle and evidence of this entry
is available.
3. Loss or damage due to delay, conscation or
detention by customs or any other authority.
4. Loss or damage caused by wear and tear,
depreciation (loss in value), atmospheric or
climatic conditions, moth, vermin, any process
of cleaning repairing or restoring, mechanical or
electrical breakdown.
5. Anything mentioned in What is not covered
applicable to all sections of the policy.
Claims evidence
We will require (at your own expense) the following
evidence where relevant:
A police report from the local Police in the country
where the incident occurred for all loss, theft or
attempted theft.
A Property Irregularity Report from the airline or a
letter from the carrier where loss, theft or damage
occurred in their custody.
A letter from your tour operator’s representative,
hotel or accommodation provider where appropriate.
All travel tickets and tags for submission.
An original receipt or proof of ownership for items
lost, stolen or damaged.
Repair report where applicable.
Any other relevant information relating to your
claim under this section that we may ask you for.
To make a claim under this section please
call 0844 874 0361*
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Section I – Personal liability
What is covered
We will pay you up to the amount in your policy schedule
(including legal costs and expenses) against any amount
you become legally liable to pay as compensation for any
claim or series of claims arising from any one event or
source of original cause for accidental:
1. Bodily injury, death, illness or disease to any
person who is not in your employment or who is
not a Close relative or persons residing with you
but not paying for their accommodation.
2. Loss of or damage to property that does not belong
to and is neither in the charge of or under the
control of you, a Close relative and/ or anyone in
your employment other than any temporary holiday
accommodation occupied (but not owned) by you.
Special conditions relating to claims
1. You must give us written notice of any incident,
which may result in a claim as soon as possible.
2. You must send us every court claim form,
summons, letter of claim or other document as
soon as you receive it.
3. You must not admit any liability or pay, offer to pay,
promise to pay or negotiate any claim without our
permission in writing.
4. We will be entitled to take over and carry out
in your name the defence of any claims for
compensation or damages or otherwise against
any third party. We will have full discretion in the
conduct of any negotiation or proceedings or in
the settlement of any claim and you will give us all
necessary information and assistance which we
may require.
5. If you die, your legal representative(s) will have the
protection of this cover as long as they comply with
the terms and conditions outlined in this policy.
What is not covered
1. The Excess of each and every claim, arising from
the same incident claimed for under this section in
relation to any temporary holiday accommodation
occupied by you.
2. Compensation or legal costs arising directly or
indirectly from:
a) Liability which has been assumed by you
under agreement (such as a hire agreement)
unless the liability would have existed without
the agreement.
b) Pursuit of any business, trade, profession or
occupation or the supply of goods or services.
c) Ownership, possession or use of mechanically
propelled vehicles, aircraft or watercraft (other
than surfboards or manually propelled rowing
boats, punts or canoes). d) The transmission of
any contagious or infectious disease or virus.
3. Anything mentioned in What is not covered
applicable to all sections of the policy.
Claims evidence
We will require (at your own expense) the following
evidence where relevant:
Full details in writing of any incident.
Any court claim form, summons, letter of claim or
other document must be sent to us as soon as you
receive it.
Any other relevant information relating to your
claim under this section that we may ask you for.
To make a claim under this section please
call 0844 874 0361*
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Section J – Legal expenses (only operative if indicated in the schedule)
What is covered
We will pay up to the limit in your policy schedule for
legal costs to pursue a civil action for compensation,
against someone else who causes you Bodily injury,
illness or death.
Special conditions relating to claims
1. We shall have complete control over the legal case
through agents we nominate, by appointing agents
of our choice on your behalf with the expertise to
pursue your claim.
2. You must follow our agent’s advice and provide
any information and assistance required within a
reasonable timescale.
3. You must advise us of any offers of settlement
made by the negligent third party and you must not
accept any such offer without our permission.
4. We may include a claim for our legal costs and
other related expenses.
5. We may, at our own expense, take proceedings in
your name to recover compensation from any third
party for any legal costs incurred under this policy.
You must give us any assistance we require from
you and any amount recovered shall belong to us.
What is not covered
We shall not be liable for:
1. The Excess as shown in your policy schedule.
2. Any claim where in our opinion there is
insufcient prospect of success in obtaining
reasonable compensation.
3. Legal costs and expenses incurred in pursuit
of any claim against us, AXA Assistance or their
agents, someone you were travelling with, a
person related to you, or another Insured Person.
4. Legal costs and expenses incurred prior to our
written acceptance of the case.
5. Any claim where the legal costs and expenses are
likely to be greater than the anticipated amount
of compensation.
6. Any claim where legal costs and expenses are
variable depending on the outcome of the claim.
7. Legal costs and expenses incurred if an action is
brought in more than one country.
8. Any claim where in our opinion the estimated
amount of compensation payment is less than
£1,000 for each Insured Person.
9. Travel, accommodation and incidental costs
incurred to pursue a civil action for compensation.
10. The costs of any Appeal.
11. Claims by you other than in your private capacity.
12. Anything mentioned in What is not covered
applicable to all sections of the policy.
Claims evidence
We will require (at your own expense) the following
evidence where relevant:
Relevant documentation and evidence to support
your claim, including photographic evidence.
Any other relevant information relating to your
claim under this section that we may ask you for.
To make a claim under this section please
call 0844 874 0362*
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We aim to provide the highest standard of service to
every customer.
If our service does not meet your expectations, we
want to hear about it so we can try to put things right.
All complaints we receive are taken seriously. The
following will help us understand your concerns and
give you a fair response.
Making your complaint
If your complaint relates to a claim on your policy,
please contact the department dealing with your claim.
If your complaint relates to your policy, please contact
the AXA Help Team on 0844 874 0360*
AXA Contact Details
Customer Relations Manager
AXA Insurance
9 Fudan Way
Stockton on Tees
TS17 6EN
When you make contact please provide the
following information:
Your name, address and postcode, telephone
number and e-mail address (if you have one)
Your policy and/or claim number, and the type of
policy you hold
The name of your insurance agent/firm (if applicable)
The reason for your complaint
Any written correspondence should be headed
‘COMPLAINT’ and you may include copies of
supporting material.
Beyond AXA
Should you remain dissatised following our nal
written response, you may be eligible to refer your
case to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
The FOS is an independent body that arbitrates on
complaints about general insurance products. You
have six months from the date of our nal response to
refer your complaint to the FOS. This does not affect
your right to take legal action.
If we cannot resolve your complaint you may refer it
to the Financial Ombudsman Service at the address
given below.
The Financial Ombudsman Service
South Quay Plaza
183 Marsh Wall
E14 9SR
Tel: 0300 123 9123 or 0800 023 4567
Fax: 020 7964 1001
Email : complaint.inf[email protected]
Our promise to you
We will
Acknowledge all complaints promptly.
Investigate quickly and thoroughly.
Keep you informed of progress.
Do everything possible to resolve your complaint.
Use the information from complaints to
continuously improve our service
* Call costs may vary depending on your service
Making a complaint
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AXA insurance policies are underwritten by AXA Insurance UK plc which is registered in England and Wales
registered number 078950 and authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, FSA number
202312. Registered address is 5 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AD.
May 2013