Billing User Guide
User Guide
Version 1.0
Billing User Guide
Table of Contents
Target Audiences .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Navigation ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Billing Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Configuration Set-up ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Core Configurations .................................................................................................................................. 3
System Configurations .............................................................................................................................. 4
Invoice Creation ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Service Requests ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Reservations .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Editing Invoices ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Preview Invoice ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Invoice Notes ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Adjustments and Subsidies ....................................................................................................................... 9
Invoice Locking .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Automatic Locking..................................................................................................................................... 9
Manual Locking ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Invoice Approval ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Automatic Approval ................................................................................................................................ 10
Manual Approval ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Dispatching to SAP ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Automatic Dispatching ............................................................................................................................ 11
Bill Now ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Billing Completion ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Historical Invoices ................................................................................................................................... 11
Zero Dollar Invoices ................................................................................................................................ 12
Billing User Guide
Target Audiences
This document supports Core activities for the following CoreResearch@Duke (CR@D) Job Types: Core
Director, Core Manager and Core Financial Manager.
Billing operations are performed on the LIMS Sitemap Manage Services and Manage Invoice.
Billing Overview
Billing in CR@D is performed through an interface with Duke’s SAP system. Creating invoices and moving
them through the billing process involves multiple steps that can be automated or manual depending on
core configurations and the timing of actions. Generally, the billing cycle occurs at the end of each
month for completed services.
Invoices consisting of billable Service Tasks proceed through the following statuses: Initial, Pending
Approval, Ready to Bill, Dispatched, and Billed/Not Billed, which will be detailed below.
Configuration Set-up
Core Configurations
Core configurations are generally set in conjunction with the CR@D support team during core
implementation, so changing these settings without consultation is not recommended. There are two
settings in the LabAdmin sitemap that directly affect the behavior of invoices. The first, in the Cores &
BioBanks detail page on the Billing Info tab, is named Invoicing Type. The drop-down options are:
Manual, Semi-Automatic, and Automatic. These dictate the manual vs. automatic behavior of Invoice
Locking, Invoice Approval, and Dispatching to SAP (see below-named sections for details).
Billing User Guide
Manual: Manual Locking, Manual Approval, Manual Dispatching to SAP via Bill Now
Semi-Automatic: Automatic Locking, Manual Approval, Automatic Dispatching to SAP
Automatic: Automatic Locking, Automatic Approval, Automatic Dispatching to SAP
The second setting in the LabAdmin sitemap is a core’s Yearly Invoice Locking Calendar, which allows for
the selection of days for automatic Invoice Locking (for Semi-Automatic and Automatic Invoicing Types).
By default, Duke has set this to the first day of each month shortly after midnight, and it is again
recommended that this only be altered in consultation with the CR@D support team.
System Configurations
Duke has set for the automatic Dispatching of invoices to SAP the third business day of each month,
shortly after midnight. This is not editable by cores. See 2017 schedule below.
Billing User Guide
Invoice Creation
Invoices are created in the Initial status when Service Tasks from Service Requests or Reservations are
moved from the Done status to Ready for Invoice. This will trigger the Invoice ID column on each Service
Task to be populated. All Service Tasks on a given fund code are grouped on to one invoice unless the
invoice has been locked. If locked, subsequent Service Tasks labeled as Ready for Invoice will be grouped
on a separate invoice.
Service Requests
Service Tasks within Service Requests must be Marked as Done and then Marked as Ready for Invoice to
appear on an invoice. This is most commonly completed within each Service Request, but can also be
performed across Service Requests in the Pending Services (Mark as Done) and Billable Services (Mark as
Ready for Invoice) list pages. See the “Core Personnel Estimate and Service Requests User Guide” for
Billing User Guide
Instrument Use Service Tasks within Reservations (automatically added upon Reservation approval and
charged per duration of the reservation) are changed from the Initial Status to the Done status by the
system nightly after they occur. Non-Instrument Use Service Tasks in a reservation must still be
manually Marked as Done within the Reservation or Pending Services list page. Designating Done Service
Tasks as Ready for Invoice is most commonly performed in the Billable Services list page where the
“ByStatus” query and ‘select all’ functionality can be used to complete this in bulk (i.e. monthly), but can
also be completed individually within each Reservation. See the “Core Personnel Reservations User
Guide” for specifics.
Using Billable Services to Mark as Ready for Invoice:
1) Navigate to the Billable Services list page on the Manage Services tramline
2) Use the “ByStatus” Query to limit results
3) Search for all Service Tasks in the Status of “Done”, click OK
4) Select All or select/deselect desired Service Tasks
5) Click Mark as Ready for Invoice
Billing User Guide
Editing Invoices
Prior to invoice locking, modifications to component Service Tasks can be made in the base Service
Requests or Reservations. Post-locking, available edits include notes, adjustments, subsidies, and fund
code changes, while the invoice is in the Initial or Pending Approval statuses. Once approved in the
Ready to Bill status, the invoice must be put On Hold, returning it to the Pending Approval status, to
enable editing again.
Preview Invoice
Preview Invoice opens a PDF of the invoice from the Manage Invoices or Historical Invoices list pages.
Note that certain fields may not yet be populated or final if the invoice has not yet been Billed.
Invoice Notes
There are two types of notes that can be added to an invoice: a global note for all core invoices and an
invoice-specific note.
Editing a Global Note:
1) Navigate to the LabAdmin sitemap
2) Open the Cores & BioBanks tram stop on the Account Management tramline
3) Select the core and click Manage
4) Navigate to the Invoice Report tab
5) Type text into the Invoice Notes/Terms box
Editing an Invoice-specific Note:
1) In the LIMS sitemap, navigate to the Manage Invoices tram stop on the Manage Invoice tramline
2) Select the invoice and click Edit
3) Type text into the Notes box
Billing User Guide
Billing User Guide
Adjustments and Subsidies
Adjustments and/or Subsidies can be subtracted/added to invoices in specific instances as approved by
the School of Medicine Finance office. This is done on the Manage Invoices list page by selecting the
invoice and clicking Edit. Adjustment amounts should be preceded by the minus sign. If text is entered in
the “Adjustment ($)” or “Subsidy ($)” fields, a comment must be entered into the respective Adjustment
Reason or Subsidy Reason box.
Invoice Locking
Automatic Locking
Unless otherwise specified on the core Invoice Locking Calendar, invoices in the Initial status are locked
at midnight before the first of each month. For Semi-Automatic invoicing, the invoice will proceed to the
Pending Approval status. For Automatic invoicing, the invoice will proceed directly to the Ready to Bill
Manual Locking
Manual locking on invoices in the Initial status is performed by selecting the desired invoice(s) and
clicking the Force Invoice Locking button. Invoices will proceed to the Pending Approval status.
Billing User Guide
Manual locking is most commonly used in the following cases:
1) Cores with a Manual Invoicing Type
2) Mid-month locking to divide subsequent Service Tasks on the same fund code to a separate
3) Monthly billing conducted after the last day of the month and before the third business day of
the next month
4) Moving an invoice through to Bill Now
The Invoice Creation Date column on the Manage Invoices list page is populated upon locking.
Invoice Approval
Automatic Approval
Automatic invoice approval only occurs for cores with an Automatic Invoicing type on invoices that were
automatically locked on midnight before the first of each month.
Manual Approval
In all other instances, approval is performed by selecting the invoice(s) in the Pending Approval status
and clicking the Approve button. They will proceed to the Ready to Bill status.
Billing User Guide
Dispatching to SAP
Automatic Dispatching
Invoices in the Ready to Bill status are automatically dispatched to SAP for transaction at midnight
before the third business day of each month. Funds are debited/credited, and the invoice proceeds to
the Dispatched status.
Upon dispatch, column values on the Manage Invoices list page are populated for Journal ID, JV Group
ID, Company Code, and Fiscal Period. Fiscal Period (numbered month of the fiscal year), will reflect the
previous month for automatic dispatching.
Bill Now
Billing outside of the monthly cycle is performed by selecting the invoice(s) in the Ready to Bill status
and clicking the Bill Now button. The invoice proceeds to the Dispatched status, and funds are
debited/credited overnight. The same column values on the Manage Invoices list page are populated,
but Fiscal Period will reflect the current month.
Bill Now is most commonly used in the following cases:
1) For fund codes that may close before the end of the month
2) High dollar pass through costs
3) Cores with a Manual Invoicing Type
Billing Completion
The business day following dispatch, the system will automatically change the status of the invoice(s) to
Billed, and populate the column for “SAP Document No.” which can be used to cross reference the
transaction in SAP. An image of the invoice will also be available in SAP within a few days. Finally, the
invoice will be moved from the Manage Invoices list page to the Historical Invoices list page.
Historical Invoices
Billed invoices on the Historical Invoices list page cannot be edited. The Preview Invoice function still
exists to generate a PDF, as well as similar list page queries to search and filter results.
Billing User Guide
Zero Dollar Invoices
Invoices totaling zero dollars are not dispatched to SAP, so do not receive billing identifiers including JV
number, Fiscal Period, and SAP Document Number. Instead of changing to an Invoice Status of Billed,
zero dollar invoices in the Ready to Bill status are moved to the Historical Invoices list page with an
Invoice Status of Not Billed.