Glen and Marilyn
Jessica, Teanna, Lady and Precious
Kiltau and Laliberte
Thomas, Leon, Irene and Family
Tim, Shannon, Peter and Suzanne
1st Ellison Guides
2004 Environmental Mind Grind
3 West Maternity Ward KGH
ACT/UCT Kelowna Council
Yvette and Charley Adam
Heather Adams
Louise Adams
Roxana and Bruce Adams Family
The Adams Family
Advanced Surveying
Bob and Cherry Affleck
Robert and Cherry Affleck
Charles Henry Agar
Verne and Laura (Saunders) Ahrens
May and Ernie Aikenhead
Air Force Retired Snowbirds
Wilf and Bev Akerlund
Norm and Judith Akins
Al Stober Construction
Pat and Linda Aldous
Don and Donna Alexander
Larry Alexander
Robert C Allan
David Allard, Jordon and Camryn
Cathy Almond
Ernie Almond and Family
Alpine Helicopters Ltd
ANAF Veterans Unit 376
Alfred and Evelyn Anderson
Alice Anderson
Bill and Dorothy Anderson Family
Don and Shirley Anderson
Jim and Maureen Anderson
Laurie and Ted Anderson
Lynne Anderson
Megan and Ryan Anderson
Sandie and Duncan Anderson
Suzanne and Ross Anderton
Lucas and Karson Andrew
Verna Andrews
John and Marion Angle
Ansell Construction - Kelly Ansell
Ansell Construction - Tim and Brian Ansell
Karen D. Antoine
Appleby Family
Robert and Benita Arbo
K Arcuri
K. Arcuri
Anne and Gary Ardiel
Argatoff Family
Harry and Debbie Argatoff
Argus Properties Ltd.
Aristotle, Petratoia, Langford, Edwards
Karin Arkinstall
Parker Armstrong
Phyllis Armstrong
Helmut and Joan Arndt
Helen Arneson
Selmer Arneson
Paul Arnold
Elsie Arsenault
Art Knapp Plantland
Judy Arter
Al and Marion Ashby
The L.S. Ashleys
M A Ashton and Family
Richard, Lori Atamanchuk and Family
Athena Custom Framing Ltd.
Edward Atkinson
Ted and Joan Atkinson
Les Atwell
Linda August
James Austin
Merle and Dick Auty
Lorne Ayers
Dick Aykroyd
Kalyna Babiuk
Nikolia Babiuk
Jack and Flo Badger
Leah and Connor Badowich
John and Barbara Bailey
Darcy, Justin and Rikki Bains
Bob Baird
Norman Baird
Albert Baker
Ed and Norma Bakstad
Shawn Balance
Baldassare Family
Mike and Marie Baldigara
Olive Baldwin
Barbara Ball
Dorothy and Ken Ball
Graeme Ball
Kevin Ball
Pat Burrel - Ball
Roger Ball
The Bamping Families
Bryan and Gale Banerd
Bankhead Elementary School
Neil Banks
Jim Banman
Nicole Barby
Evelyn and David Barker
Brian and Bev Barkman
Mary Barlow
Bonney and Ray Barnes
George and Stephanie Barnes
Jennifer Barnwell
Barry, Mary Jo, Spencer and Chett
Richard and Patricia Bartel
Dave Bartlett
David Bartlett
David Bruce Bartlett
Brad Barton
Jennie Barton
Katherine Barton
Marianne Barton
Mary C. Barton
Robert Bateman
Dina Bates
Lawrence Bates
Karl Baur
Moyra Anne Baxter
June and Gerry Bayman
BC Golf Superintendents Assoc.
BC Hobby and Shaver
Millie and Dave Beadle
James Beairsto
Robert Beairsto
Shirley A Beairsto
Sue and Buddy Bear
Leslie E Beardsell
Bearfoot Canada
James and Doris Beaton
Russ Becker
Shannon Beckstead
Elph and Blanche Bedard
Donna and Peter Beintema
Erin Beintema
Marc Beintema
Alyssa J. Belisle
Judy and Harvey Bell
Darlene J. Belton
Benjamin Moore Paint Experts
Barbara Benmore
Betty and Ken Bennett and Family
Griffin and Cooper Bennett
Jack Bennett
G.W. Benson
Harvey and Edith Benson
Paul and Verena Benson Family
Ernie and Kaye Benzer
Berge Horn Lawyers
R. J. Bergin
April Berisoff
Prue Anne Bernhardt
Robert Bernier
Dan and Vera Berrie
Clark and Marguerite Berry
Marleen and Alfred Berting
Diane Bertram and Sons
Gordon and Beth Betty
Marion Bews
Shelly Fyten and Dina Bews
Robert Bigg
Dr. Peter Heinz Rodenkirchen
Ed and Doris Billey
Chia Birker
Dorothee Birker
Hans Birker
Java Birker
Katja Birker
Liam Birker
Lulu Birker
Quinci Birker
Terri Birker
Tilli Birker
Werner and Elisabeth Birker
Shane Birzins
Al and Chris Bischoff
Brian Bjarnason
Black Mountain Sportsman Assoc.
Douglas and Teresa Black
David and Joyce Blair
James Blair, Lisa Blair (Grand Kids)
Paul and June Blais
Eva Blauw
Stan Blazosek
Julie and Adrian Block
Eilleen Blondin
Nancy, Bob, Matt and Mike Blow
Blue Moose
Blueberry Hill Art Vivian Kuhn
Moe and Carol Blumes
Barbara Blysak
Bobbi's Rutland Optical
L. Bobyn Family
Inge and Lothar Boehme
Inge Lother Boehme
Bohemian Café and Catering Company
Katherine Boland
Rosemary Bolton
Connor and Parker Bomford
Ryan and Lauren Bomford
Grace Bondaroff
Alistair and Denise Bone
Randy Bone
Bram Bood
Ethel Boon
Joyce Boon
Mary and Mike Boon - Happy 50th
Hazel Boone
Elaine Borden
Ron and Leona Born
Austin Borrett
Borrett Family
Leigh Borrett
Matthew Borrett
Paige Borrett
The Borrowman Family
Menno and Rika Bosma
Kristann Boudreau
Carma Bourbonniere
Daniel Bourbonniere
Nancy and Jeremy Bourdon
Jean Bourque
Barbara Bowmar
Penny and Peter Boxwell - June 7 2003
Bret and Britnee Boychuk
Jack and Sylvia Boychuk
Charlotte Boyden
Wilhelm Braam
Rusty and Beverly Bracken
Bianca Brake
Barry and Linda Brandon
Andy and Joan Brandt
Lillian Branton
H R Braun
The Brewer Family
Cheryl Brewster
Joe Brewster
Bridge for Bridges
Cal Bridge
Caterina Bridge
Kenna Bridge
Tomis Bridge
Carole ,Wayne and Sophia Bridges
Briker Family
British Columbia Lottery Corporation
Emile and Barbara Brokx
Nadia and Fred Brome
Bromley Equity Ltd
Carl Stef and Marg Brooks
Marg Brooks and Carl Stef
Sharon and Brian Brooks
F.W. Broughton
Barbara Aylett and Barry Brown
Clarence and Noreen Brown
Ernie and Eleanor Brown
Helen Brown
Ken and Lorrie Brown
Norma Brown
Odlum Brown
Patricia Brown
Robert Brown
Rod and Anne Brown and Family
Roma Brown
Thelma M. Brown
Tom S. Brown
Brown-Clayton Family
Jamie Browne
Chad R Browning
Colleen A Browning
Jason J Browning
Norman and Orville Brownlee
George and Lorreen Brunt
Margaret Bryan
Bubbles Carwash and Detail Ctr
Shirley A. Buchan
Amy Buchanan
Kyle Buchanan
Ryan Buchanan
Chris Charlie and David Buck
Harold and Shirley Buck
Rick Adrian and Maeve Buckley
L.M. Buckmaster
Larry and Anne Buckmaster
David Buckna
Jeff and Kate Budden
Daisy Buhler
Harlee Buhler
Tony Bull
Jacqui Bullock
Richard Bullock
Braxston Bunce
Darrion Bunce
Kathy Burg
Ernest Burgess
Ernie, Pauline and Dakota Burgess
Ida Burgess
David and Joan Burke and Family
Jordan Burnham
Kathryn Burnham
Ryan Burnham
Graham Burns
Judy Burns
Shannon Burns
The Burns Family
Thomas Burns
Barbara and Jack Burton
Angie Busch
Bust'N Loose Cancer Survivors
Cameron Butler
Charles F Butler
Doris Butler
Jo Butler
Phyllis M. Butler
Randy Butler
Robin Butler
Barb Daniel and Roger Butterfield
Denise Butticci
Jack and Mavis Byer
Bylands Garden Centre
Margaret Caey
Mike Cain
Karen and Garry Cairns
Callahan Construction Co. Ltd.
Bruce Callahan
Caitlin Callahan
The E.J Callahan Family
James Callahan
Louise Callahan
Norval Callahan
Ted Callahan
Calona Wines
Shane and Danielle Camer
Connor and Cameron
Lissi and Don Cameron
Lucille M. Cameron
Rose Cameron and Family
Shane and Danielle Cameron
Anthol and Madeleine Campbell
Carla and Donald Campbell
Don and Aileen Campbell
Ken and Grace Campbell
Ken and Vicky Campbell
Ray and Gayle Campbell and Family
Sandy Campbell
Margret Isabele Campbell-Doig
Mavis and Jack Campolieto
Canada/BC Infrastructure Program
Canadian Fed. of University Women
Canadian Pond Supply
Canadian Regional Air
C.U.P.E. Local 338
Canadian Western Bank
Deb and Rick Cannan
The Cannan Family
Rob and Rosemary Capell
Capri Insurance
Capri Insurance Staff
Capri Rotary
Cookie, Jenny and Sally Caralson
Jim and Val Card
Braxton Cardiff
Allan and Sheila Carey
Margaret Carey
Brian, Eve and Ryan Carlson
Carlson Family
Gary and Tina Carlson
Bill and Margot Carlyle
George and Vivian Carnahan
Bob and Marg Carnegie
Jameson Andrew Carnegie
William R. L. Carnegie
Dwight and Barbara Carroll
Barry and Andrea Carter and Family
Bob, Nancy, Jason and Amanda Carter
Yvonne Thomas M Carter Family
Lyanne Casavant
Martin Casorso
Ola and Ross Cassan
Sharon Cassan
Bill Caswell
Central Okanagan East Rd
Central Okanagan Foundation
Central Okanagan Naturalists
Central Okanagan Parks and Wildlife Trust
Guardians of Wild Habitat
Central Okanagan Sailing Assoc
Central Park Homeowners Assoc
Central Parks and Wildlife Trust
Framing and Art Centre
CEP 823M-EMP. Union at CHBCTV
John Chabrian
Challenge Labels
Bill and Fran Chamberlain
Bruce and Edie Chambers
Connie Chambers
Rebecca and Lucas Chan
Bear and Jesai Chantler
Chaparral Industries 86 Inc
Eric and Gladys Chapman
John R Chapman
Eileen Chappell
Michael Chappell
Chappell/Coates Family
Chappell/Samson Family
Chuck Charest
Dale Charlton
Graeme Charlton
Kumiko Charlton
Riyoko Charlton
The Charlton Family
Fred and Barbara Charman
CHBC Television
The Cheal Family
Anita Chester
Audrey Chivers
Fred Chivers
The Chivers Family
Cheryl Jim and Suzanne Chorney
Jamie Chris
Dana Christakos
Justin Christakos
Shyla Christakos
Jamie Christensen
Shirley Christianson
Hong and Ming Chuah
Bev Churchill
Margaret May Churchill
Ken and Dixie Churchman
City of Kelowna
City of Kelowna Staff
Dennis Clark
Fiona Clark
Geraldine Clark
Johanna, Hoek and Vicky Clark
Linda Clark and Family
Norman Clarkson and Hans Epp
Jocelyn Cleland
Cy Cline
Linda Cline
Tracey Coburn
Peter Cocar
Earl and Laura Joe Cochrane
Mary Cocivera
Michael Cocivera
Cody Tree Service
Fred Coe
Glenn and Verna Coe
Glenn James Coe
Norm and Betty and Stephanie Coe
Florence K Colbeck
Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty
Claudia Coleman
Christine Collins
Gloria and Michael Collins, Erie
Lourena Collins
Community Futures Okanagan
Community Recreational Initiatives Society
Donna, Gracie and Jim Condon
Michaela Condon
Rob Condon
Spencer Condon
Trevor Condon
Tom and Joan Connelly
Contain Yourself! Gardening
The Ed Conville Family
June and George Cook
Debbie and Kayla Cookson
Stew and Julie and Courtney Coombe
Dave, Wendy, Rachel and Lanny Coombs
Larry and Doris Cooper
Chloe A Corbet
Gabriel A Corbet
The Lorne Corley Family
Gilbert and Florence Corman
Kendra Corman
Kurt and Lorna Corman
Nicholas Corman
The Corrigan Family
The Cosgraves
Craig and Julie Cote
Joan Cote
Margaret Guy Cote
Michael Cote
Norelle Cote
Charles and Annette Cotton
Raymond R Cottrell
Joyce Coulter
Warren Coulter
Tracey and Brett Coupal
Becky Cousins
Ron, Pam, Ben and Amy Couves
Charlene Covington
Bill and Norine Cowling
Dorothy Cox
Steve Cox
Alison Cram
David Cram
Erin Cram
Cram Family
Jamie Cram
Pat and Linda Crane
W.C. (Bill) Cretin
Fred and Alice Crick
Ron and Elaine Cridland and Family
Jack Ben Dan and Greg Crompton
Victoria and Don Crompton
Crown Packaging
Reid Crowther
Norma Cruickshank
Charmaine and Jason Crumb and Family
Csizmazia Family
CTQ Consultants Ltd
David and Jenny Culos
Jack Culos
CUPE Kelowna Area Office
Onofrio and Cleo Curatolo
John and Helen Currie
Jeff Curtis
William Cutfield
William and Patricia Cutfield Family
Jim and Betty Cuttle
John (Jack) W. Dafoe
Mike and Val Dagenais
Rob and Sherry Dahl
Andrew Daley
Liz and Andy Daley
Joyce and Lloyd Dalton - Ontario
Patricia and J C Damgaard
Rita and John Daniel
Dewan Darnadi J.Smith D.Tilley
Dr. Stephen Davids
Michael Davids
Marisa Davidson
Jennifer Davies and Emma
Clare Davis
Denis and Pat Davis
The Daviss Family
Devin Dawson
Garret Dawson
Agnes Day Love Wally and Kay
Lynda and Chuck Day
Papa Day
Wally Day
Dave and Olive DeBourcier
Darcy Carol James Ryan Deck
Jack and Edith Deeves
Don Degen
Rylie Deleurme
Deanne Delicato
Katryna Delorme
Bernice A DeMara
Robert C DeMara
Dendy Family
Shirley Denison
Bob and Lil Denton
Richard and Debbie dePfyffer
Ruth and Rod Derksen
Amy Desautels
Laurie Desautels
Laurie, Tim, Amy, Michael Desautels
Michael Desautels
Tim Desautels
Doug and Vicki Deschner and Family
Desrosier Family
Beryl Dew
Richelle and Garrett Diamond
Joyce, Eileen, Rosemary, Dick
Ed and Edith Dickins
Ted Dickins
Dick's Pallet Recycling
Jarrod and Lauren Diffley
Scott and Sherry Diffley
Diggers and Weeders
Dr. Peter Dill
Peter and Gail Dill
Cec Dillabough
Eileen Dillagough
Emily Dillman
Linda and Roger Dillon and Family
Louise Snuggs and Bill Dingman
The DiPasquale Family
Maureen Dixon
Djordjevik Family
Don Dobson
The Docherty Family
Allison Dodds
Kirsten Dodds
Rebecca Dodds
Dodie Wilson
Nancy Dodington
Nancy Dolbel
Alan Carol and Ryan Dolman
The Dombowsky Family
Marlene Domoney
Don Knox Gr 4 Class DWE 2004
The Donovan Family
Susan Dorian
Dornian Family
Dorothea Walker Elementary
Dan and Dolores Doucette
Mark Daniel Doucette
Bud Douglas
Dow Family
Lorrain Drdul
Jason, Vicki, Jasmin, Paige Dreger
Cameron and Joyce Driedger
John P Driedger
Rod and Joyce Drury
Wayne and Wendy Duchart
Jean and Jim Dukelow
Ainsley Rose Dunbar
Ben Duncan
Liam Duncan
Terry and Nancy Dunham
Katherine Dunlop
Viola M. Dunlop
Alison Dunning
Ed and Jennifer Dupre
Clarice Dupuis
Clarice Dupuis by Her Family
Jason and Hali Durham
Tamara Durham
Bill and Belinda Duyvewaardt
Lorene and Ray Dyer
Dynamic Mutual Funds
Frank and Barbara Dyrgas
Dr. Don Eagleton and Family
EBA Engineering Consultants Lt.
Rose Ebl
Rosie Ebl
Ecole Belgo Elementary School
Clayton and Diane Edgelow
Ehmann Printworx
Eldorado Hotel
Barry Eliason
Dr. BK Eliason and Staff
Keith Eliason
Scott Eliason
VerLynn Eliason
Dave and Audrey Elliot
Geoff White Louise Elliott Family
Anne Elliott From Kay and Barbie
George Elliott
Jason Halliday and Karen Elliott
Marie and Colin Elliott
Patricia and Byron Elliott
Dixie and Peter Ellison
Brenda Elmore
Douglas Elmore
Jeanette Elmore
Malindi Elmore
Garry, Grace and Sparky Elvik
Bill and Peg Emigh
Emil Anderson Construction
Peter and Paz Enns
W. Enseleit and Sons - Calvin and Doug
Environmental Mind Grind
Jamie, Michael and Rachel Epp
Pam and Jeff Eppler
Sarah and Kate Eppler
Evans Gallery
Margaret Evans
Mrs. Leslie Evans and Family
Excel Insurance Agencies
Expert Hearing Solutions
Fab Four
Paul Chappie and Mary Fabris
Jacqueline Fagan
Loree and Stephen Fagan
Veronika Fagan
Wyatt Fagan
L and L Fairgrieve
John Fairhall
John W Fairhall
Ruth and Norbert Falkner
Kirsten and Horst Fandrey
Allan and Elsie Farrar
Gordon Farries
Simon and Cathy Farrow
Stanley and Margaret Farrow
The Faubert Family
Walter and Susan Faye
Patricia and Ron Fazackerley
Fazekas Family
Sandra and Peter Fearon
Ben Fecht and Family
Pete and Marilyn Fedak
Frank and Irene Fedrick
John Feist
Bill and Vesta Ferguson
Tony and Vivian Fergusson
Grant and Janice Fidler
Edwin M. Field
Jack Field and Linda Jack
Angela Fielding
Len 'Pops' Fiessel
Eckert and Tammy Figura
Hans D and Marianne Figura
Jurgen and Cathy Figura
The Figura Family
The Filafilo Family
Jo and Don Fillmore, Edith and Alwyn W
Iris and Jeff Fink
Betty and All The Finks
Bernice Finnegan
Nick and Jill Fiorante
Sebastian Fischer
Rex Fitz-Gerald
David Fitzpatrick
Jacqui Fitzpatrick
Kerry Fitzpatrick
R and S Fitzpatrick
S Fitzpatrick Family
W.V. Kvasnic and S.H. Fitzpatrick
Wayne Fitzpatrick
Serge and Vaughn Fjetland
R. Flament
Mary Jane and Terry Flannigan
Ursula and Gunter Flecter
Bill and Pauline Fleming
Diane S M Fletcher and Family
Todd, Michelle, Ryan Fletcher
Al Fleury
Jim Flintoff
George Flintoft
Murray and Yvonne Flock
Catherine and Gordon Floe
Emma,Che Nelson and James Floe
Donald and Fiona Flook
Greg and Odette Flower
Foerg Family
Fogden Family
Alex Fong
Steve and Florence Forchuk
W, L, M and S Schmidt J and K Ford
Dale and Denise Forsberg
Marilyn and Larry Foster
Paul and Betty Found
Don and Joy Fox
Alice and David Fralick
Anne and Alan France
Dale Frandsen
Frandsen Family
Frank Cecconi - Liquid Art Wines
Virginia Franklyn
Gene and Shirley Franko
Hilde and Carl Franzen
Audrey and Bill Franzman
Hugh Fraser and J.W. Page
Maryanne and Glen Fraser
Gerry and Sheila Frechette
French Family
Ken and Anneli French
Tony and Sandy French Family
Emily and Adam Fricska
Lyn Mainwaring and Gabor Fricska
Ken Jo-Ellen Gillian Friedrich
Devin Michael Friesen
Joshua Douglas Friesen
Madeleine and Ric Friesen
Family Frisque
Hailey Alexandra Froese
W.J. Fred Froese
Whitney Jane Froese
Dale and Mark Fromberg
Mitchell and Stephanie Fromberg
Myrtle Fuller
The Furze Family, Ted and Shirley
Jonathan, Cari and Bryan Fyrze
Logan and Cole Fyten
Corrine Gable
Pat Gable
Amy Gaglardi
Ched Gaglardi
Chris Gaglardi
Laura Gaglardi
Lauren Gaglardi
The Gaglardi Family
Marcel and Betty Gal
Ruth and Albert Galinis
Jamie G Churchill Gallo
Paul F S Gallo
Samantha M Churchill Gallo
Elmo and Carmela Gallucci
The Garner Family
Collin Garrecht Family
Donald Garrie
Carol, Ryland and Bryce Garton
Cary and Cathy Gatzke and Family
Ray Gaudet
Cole Gaudreau
Rick Gee
Karl and Lina Gelauff
Julie and John Gemin and Grandkids
Vinzenz Gemperle
Gregory W.L. Gendron
Genus Capital Management
Georgia Sydney and Cosmo
Cherri C. Gerber
Lorne Gerber
Larry and Marg German
George Louise Graham Gibson
Anne Gilbert and Family
John and Florence Gilbert
KevinandCheryl,LizandDavid Gilbert
Murt and Gary Gilbert
Roy and Marjorie Giles
Elviss Gillam
Diane Gillis
Ken and Janet Gillis
Lloyd and Diane Gillis Family
Glenmore Medical Clinic Staff
Dr. Sally Godsell and Dr. Paul Latimer
RW Goffic and Family
Michael Gloria Golbey
Dave and Gail Goodall
Goodall-Janine, Alison and Andrew
The Cook and Goodkey Family
Soleil Goodman
Goplen Family
Alexandro Gori
Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd.
Norm Gorrie
Danett and Travis Gosselin
Doreen and John Gough
Allan Hickey and Dawn Govan
GPA Property Management Ltd.
Bert and Sylvia Graf
David and Sheila Graham
Stephanie, Amy and Stephen Graham
Ernst and Jean Grahn
Hilda Grain
John and Kirsti Grain and Family
Madeleine Colin Grain
Hud and Joyce Graitson
Susan, Kate and Rachel Grams
Grand Okanagan Lakefront Resort
Mike and Rie Grannum
Louise Granofsky
Grant Thornton Chartered Accountants
Don Grant
Dave and Mary Gratton
Beverly J Gray
Brandon and Christina Gray
Dr. E Leighton Gray
Rhoda and Joe Gray
Steve and Leah Gray
Walter and Doreen Gray
Cole, Max and Kellen Grayston
Green and Bear It Gifts Ltd.
C. Marie Green
John Green
Marilyn Green
Peter and Kitty Green
Harold and Joyce Greenaway
Stu and Joanne Greenhough
James Greenough
Ken Greenough
Kristin Greenough
Robert Greenough
Sandra Greenough
The Greenough Family
Thomas Greenough
Chris Greenway
Ian F. Greenwood
Karissa Rose Patricia Greig
Clayton Greschuk
Jayme Gretzinger
Taylor Gretzinger
Bill and Wanda Grevatt
Brian and Thelma Grier
Laura Grieve
Jim and Eunice Grindlay
Herman and Brenda Groen
Adriana Groeneweg-Vuyst
Henry and Claudia Gross
Harry Grossmith
Gerry and Margaret Gubbels
Don Mary Rob Darrell Guenther
Donny Allen Guenther
Guides Canada - Kelowna District
Guides Canada - Okanagan Div
The Guidi and Gow Families
Gwen, Alice, Suzanne, Theresa
Grandma and Grandpa Haasdyk
Arthur and Jessie Haase
Jessie Anne Haase
Fred and Angele Hachey
Mary and Don Haden
TJ Hagel
Peggy and Peter Hagglund
Paddy Hahn
Gerald Haidenger
Hailey and Baby
Bill and Lillian Haines
Hainle Vineyards
Harald and Daniele Hall
Harold Hall - In Memory of
Richard Thomas Hall and Family
Shawn Hall
Shelley Hall
Terri Hall
Jim and Irene Hallisey
Dorothy Halls
Zane Halperin
Mary B. Hamilton
Rod and Alice Hamilton
Terry Hammer
David and Karen Hanam
Larry and Wendy Hancock and Family
Handcock Family
Ted, Linda and Cate Hanlon
Kelsey Hann
Paddy Hann
Alyssa Hansen
Bev Hansen
Chelan Hansen
Craig Hansen
Linda and Donald Hansen
Tyrel Hansen
Hanson Family
Madeline Hanson
Lori Rick Mike and Chad Hardman
Dalton James Hargreaves
Harmony Honda
Harold Pettman Award Fund
Bill (Red) Harris
Al and Delores Harrison
Bill and Terry Harrison
Donald A Harrold
Gloria Harrold
Joyce Harrold
Inge Hart
Anna Hartmier
Barry and Susan Hartnell
Frank Harvey-Smith
Rosa and Paul Hasselback
Jessica Hastie
Nathanael Hastie
Jock and Rona Hawkey
Roy and Helen Hawkins
Thomas and Phyllis Hawthorne
James Hayes
Wilma Hayes
Chris and Gwen Hayhurst
Ken and Christine Haynes
Nyomi Hauta and Marie Haywood
Lissa Tyler-Rae Ali Heathcote
Jim and Ronnie Heidrick
Jeannette Heinzelmann
Roger and Kristy Helgason
Erin Helmer
Josh Helmer
Kim and Geri Helmer
Helmut and Erika
Kelly Hems and Shawn Kelly
Jim Hemstreet
Devra Hendelman
Bruce and Peggy Henderson and Family
Dr. and Mrs Bruce Henderson
Henderson Family
Nancy and June Henderson
Pender M Henricks
Don and Jean Henry and Family
H and M Henschler
Douglas B and Norah H Herbert
Bill Herhaus
Bernard Herodek
Ernie Herrin
Gerald Herrmann
Morgan Hewitt
Nathaniel Hewitt
Al and Gay Hiebert and Family
Carol Hiebert and Family
Gary and Karen Hiebert and Boys
Sam and Sophie Hiebert
Millie Hielfrich
George Higgins
N. Higgins
Pat Higgins
The Hignell Family
Terry Hikichi
Terry Hikida
Alice Hill
Allan Hill Family
Cory Hill
Gary and Caroline Hill
Pam and Frank Hilliard
Eric, Nancy, Sarah, Colin Hillmer
The Hiltz Family
John E. Hinter
Kojiro Hirao / Clayton Hubbard
Shotaro Hirao
Ryozabaro Hirio
Gordon and Deanne Hirtle
Jack and Edie Hiscock
Ben and Cathy Hiscox
Shelley Ho
Adair Hobson
David Hobson
Emily Hobson
Margaret Hobson
Marjorie Hobson
Cliff and Sandy Hodgins
Barrie and Lillian Hodgson
Doug Anni Hoeschle
Daniel James Hoffman
Ernest and Barbara Hoffman Family
Rose Hoffman
Konrad and Maria Hofmann
Roger and Nicki Hokazono
Shelley and Rob Holitzki
Robert and Joan Hollett
Wendy and Jack Holly Family
Jim and Dixie Holmes
Levi Holmes
Les and Lou Holmwood
Holmwood/Minions Family
Home Depot
Brian and Pat Hooker
Richard and Heather Hooper Family
Siegfried Hoppe
Sue Horan
Ted and Lu Horlor
Lesley and Bryn Hornby
Bob and Linda Horner
Robert Horning and Austin
Mike Hornsberger
Mavis Horsnell
Warren Horsnell
Jennifer Horsnell-Pinkerton
Hostland Family
Bob and Lynn Houle
Ed and Deirdre Hourigan
Jack and Myrna Houston
Doris Hoy
A and W Hoyer
Blasgo Jr. Hristovski
Bev Hromek
Karen and Ken Hrynew
Kathy, Justin and Selena Hrynuik
Pauline Huang
Don and Vi Hubbard
Irene and Lyle Hubbard
Kaitlyn Hubbard
Kaitlynn Hubbard
Joe Huber Sr
Jim and Alice Hudson and Family
Brian Barry Hughes
Di and Stu Hughes
Dustin Brian Peter Hughes
Jillian Therese L Hughes
Nicole Agathe Hughes
The Hughes Family
Jack and Jayne Huisman
Theresa Van Hullebush
Ryan W. Hulls
Andrew T Hunter
Cynthia A. Hunter
Ruthellen Hunter and Family
Hunter - William and Roberta
Christine Sabina Hurd
Shirley Hutt
George S. Hyde
Joyce Hyde
The Hyndman Family
Imthorn Family
Rev Ken Ince
Pat Durette and Greg Ingram
The Ingram Family
Joeann Innes
Interior Portable Rentals
Interior Savings - Orchard Plaza
Interior Savings Credit Union
Investors Group Financial Services
Joan McClure Isik
Savannah Emeline Ivanitz
Ernie and Betty Ivans
Bob and Rajul Iyer
Jabs Construction Ltd
Eric and Toni Jabs
Corinne Jackson
Joan and Harry Jackson
The Jackson Family
Chris and Diana Jaegli
Bruce Stevens and Lisa Jaffary
Lisa Jaffary and Bruce Stevens
Barry and Sue James
Trent and Jean James
Jamie, Michael and Rac
M. DeJong and R. Janke
Kristi Jarrett
Tony and Ruth Jarrett
Jarvis Business Centre
Madeleine and Nicholas Jean
Brian and Marion Jeans
Bruce Matthew and Dawn Jemson
June Baker and David Jenkins
Bruce and Charlene Jennejohn
Helen Jennens
Narinder and Devinder Johal
Granpa John
Al Johnson
Bob Johnson
Jay and Amber Johnson Family
John and Corky Johnson
John and Mary Johnson
Larry and Andrea Johnson
Lorne and Noella Johnson
Murray N Johnson
Pat Johnson
Sadie Johnson
Sarah and Jeff Johnson and Ella and Kate
Alex and Dawne Johnston
Byron Johnston
Dorothy M Johnston
Edna Johnston
Elaine Johnston
Jan and Gary Johnston and Family
Brennan Kenneth Zoltan Jolley
Arthur and Jean Jones
Barry and Kathie Jones
Frank and Sandra Jones
Hertha Jones
Kathie and Barry Jones
Kevin and Dorothy Jones
Phyllis H Jones
Phyllis Henderson Jones
Sinclair Jones
Doreen Jordan
Murray Joyce
Anne and Michael Juba
Wayne Judiesch
Bill and Lea Jurome
Lindsay Just
Lucas Just
Victoria Grace Kabis
Dave Holly and Dusty Kadlec
Ron and Sue Kaiser
Josh and Chandra Kalke
Jesse Kalnicki
Logan Kalnicki
Clara Kalthoff
Chloe M Kam
Logan M Kam
Meta Kamigowski
Dave, Kami, Justin and Priya Kandola
A. Lucille Kane
Vera Kanigan
Angela Karaliolios
Karen and Madeline
Karen Gord Magie and Mackenzie
Fay Karp
Martine Karp
Doug and Helen Kaulbach
Mark and Veronica Kayban
Lance Kayfish
Al Keating
Deloris and Walter Keating
Thea Keating
Keddy Communications Design
Keen Canada
The Robert Keller Family
Jackie Kelly
Kelowna and Area Dentists
Kelowna Canadian-Italian Club
Kelowna Centennial Museum
Kelowna Central Lions Club
Kelowna Daily Courier
Kelowna Dental Centre
Kelowna Fire Department
Kelowna Flightcraft Group of Companies
Kelowna Garden Club
Kelowna High School Class of 1959
Kelowna Immigrant Society
Kelowna Lioness Club
Kelowna Museums
Kelowna Newcomers Club
Kelowna Orthodontic Cent
Kelowna Orthodontic Centre
Kelowna Palette Club
Kelowna Riding Club
Kelowna Roofing
Kelowna Steel Fabricators Ltd.
Kelowna Veendam Sister City
Kelowna Wagon Wheelers
Kelowna Waldorf School
Kelowna Waldorf School Parents Council
Kelowna Watercolour Guild
Gwen and Doug Kennett
Dorry and Lue Kent
Kent-MacPherson Appraisals Ltd
Dr. Paul Kepkay
James Michael Kereiff
Kylie and Kenzie Kerr-Luney
Max and Sam Kerr-Luney
Debra Keuhl
Dianne Keuhl
Shayne and Andrea Kiehlbauch
Gloria and Frank Kimball
The R. King Family
The S.A. King Family
The King's Grandchildren
Evelyn Kinnee and Dale Kinnee
Susan Kinniburgh
Steve Kinsey
Dr. Duncan Kippen
George and Grace Kiraly
Viv, Marc and Kiska
Jim Kitaura
Kiwanis High Noon Club
Ulla Kjaer
Stan and Emma Klassen
Neil Klaussen
Jim, Muff, Torey and Brett Klein
KLO Middle School/L'Ecole KLO
Robert and Chantal Knezacek
Muriel and Allen Knight
Shelby and Rees Knight
Knights of Columbus Council #6223
Sam and Julie Knopf
Sam Knopf and Julie Knopf
Corey, Tracey, Ryan and Nicole Knorr
Jack and Irene Knorr
Donald, Colleen and Caityn Knox
Swede and Maureen Knox
Ilse and Walter Knuth
Dora Koch
Paul Koch
Bradley Koebel
Art and Helen Koehn
Lee Kofoed
Ann and Koko
T. Ito and Koko
Anthony and Mary Koning
Irene Kootchin
Harvey and Audrey Kopas
Jenny and Matthew Kopp
Antal & Gizella Kormendy
Nick Kostaschuk
Allan and Shelley Kothlow Family
Bill and Eadie Kothlow Family
Cory Tanya Kothlow Family
Gordon and Maria Kothlow Family
Greg and Cheryl Kothlow Family
Kathy Maria Laura Brad Kothlow
Kevin and Melaney Kothlow Family
Mathew Natalie Brittany Kothlow
Nicole Alan Sandra Jeff Kothlow
Pam Kothlow
Al and Ethel Kothlow and Family
Sigrid Kotsch
Al and Danny Kouritzin
KRA Consulting Inc.
Werner Kratzenberg
Walter and Tena Kristalowich
The Kroker Family
Vern Kroschinsky
Karen Krout and Gilbert Wolf
The Krupa Family
Joseph Krznaric
KSAN Neighbourhood Association
Al Kuhn
Vivian and Al Kuhn
Ralph Kuipers
Myrt and Ed Kukkola
Rachael and Amanda Kulzer
Ken and Judy Kunzli and Family
Kristi Kunzli
Kristi & Taz & Cheemo Kunzli
S.H. Fitzpatrick and W.V. Kvasnic
Dr. Michael Kwasnek
Jeff and Bev Kyle and Family
Alex LaBerge
Carly LaBerge
Shelley LaBerge
Gordon and Sheila Lade
Roger and Sonia Lafontaine
Pam and Jim Laing
Leslie Laird
Lakeshore Place
Lakeview Market
Rose Lamb
Reginald E. Lambert
The Lambrecht Family
Joy and Norman Lambrick
Michael Lightbody and Carmen Lane
Jim and Lil Lang
Wilf Lang
Audie and Joyce Lange and Family
Langedyk Family
Lynne M Langlois
Rick and Lynn Langner
David Hilary and Elisabeth Langton
Caleb Lanz
Barry Lapointe and Mary Jo Schnepf
Maryella Larsen
Dr. Paul Latimer and Dr. Sally Godsell
Don and Judy Latta
Sean Latta
Jared Lauer
Meagan Lauer
Susanne Lauer
Laureate Alpha Lambda BSP
Marvin and Larraine Lawes
Jake Lawrence
Jane Wilson and John Lawrence
Jesse Lawrence
Holly Amber Layman
Eve and Kurt Layman/Thompson
DTTJ Lebbon
LeCavalier Family
Anthony and Juan Leclair
Mathieu and Alexis Lecours
Ben and Joyce Lee
Cecile Lee
Lee Family
John Lee
Robert Lee
Brenda and Ray Leeming
Jean Lees-Miller
Otto and Anneliese Leinemann
Malcolm and Joan Leitch
Bev and Rick Leland
Frank, Connie and Keith Lemieux
Robert and Marlene Lenz
Joe and Ida Leo
Stephanie Leong
Peter and Marie Lepold and Family
Evelyn W. Leslie
Jean Lester
Audrey Levang
Sharon and Eugene Leveque
Gary and Darlene Lewis and Family
Ginger K Lewis
Lexington Bridge Group
Cynthia, Robin and Jessica Lightbody
Kylee Lightbody
Peter and Brenda Lightbody
Sarah Lightbody
Walley and Marietta Lightbody
Charlotte Lilley
Nathalie Limbos-Bomberg
Don Lindberg
Donna Lindberg
F R Lindner
Blaire (Lindsay Family)
Cole (Lindsay Family)
Hunter (Lindsay Family)
Stephanie (Lindsay Family)
Victoria (Lindsay Family)
Granpa and Granma Lindsay
Emma Link
Ella Linkletter
The Lipscombe Family
Lisjen Marketing and Store Supplies
Betty C Little
Kenneth Little
Brenda Littley
Livingston Family
Gerald and Rose Lloyd
Glen and Dolores Lockwood
Irene G Logan
Judy Lohmeier and Gary Lohmeier
Jack and Bev Loken
Lori Ken and Spencer
Loring Family
Brenden Losch
Robyn Losch
Charlie Loughead
The Loukras Family
Eileen M. Lovat
Dorothy (Nana) Lowes
H A Bert Lowes
Ellise and Noelle Lownsbrough
Pete and Anne Loyd
Dana and Rachel Lucas
Nancy A Lucas
Don and Olivia Luciw
Joe Lukenchuk
Roseland Lukenchuk
Sherry, Evan, Alex and Cass Lukey
Charles and Mary Lund and Family
The Lundquist Family
Deborah Kerr and Dean Luney
Tyson and Spencer Lupul
The Lyons Family
Brent and Michelle MacArthur
Ghislaine MacBride
Edith Macdonald
K. Ann Macdonald
Phillip Brenda and Sarah Macdonald
Stu and Mary Macdonald
Bird Mack and Allan Zivot
Ester Lillian MacKenzie
Mackenzie Family
Kathleen MacKenzie, Jacqueline Layman
Guy Mackie
Jessie Mackie
Jolene Mackie
Macklem's for Elio B Asso
Anne and Gerry MacLean
Keith MacMIllan
Keith and Debbie MacMillan
Gary and Corrie Maddaford
Hilda and Gordon Maddaford
Glen Maddin
Lani and Ken Madland
Annette Madsen
Sue Magosci
The Maja Family
The Majewski's Wendy, Carly and Cory
Dr. Ted and Amelia Malfair
Dorothea and Ivan Malik
Clare Mallow
Clare and Jack Mallow
Simone Manfredi
Henry and Edna Mae Manky
Manteo Resort Hotel Ltd.
Manteo Waterfront Hotel and Villas
Joan, Andy, Dan, Amanda Marceau
D. March Family
Carl and Sue Marcotte
Marianne and Her Dog Charlie 2004
Marie - BYMAN - Alex
Simen and Tara Marinkovic
Marion Wahl CGA
Helen Reddin and Mark Mariotto
Leslie and Donald S. Marr
Leslie-Ann and Donald S. Marr
Arline and Peter Marriott
Betty Marsh
Gordon and Annette Marshall
Linda and Gord Marshall
Ross and Margaret Marshall
Judy Marshall / Jordan Marshalll
Don Marson
Maureen Marson
Dean Martell
Velma and Hal Martin
Arthur Marty
Joyce Martyn
Martyna Family
The Martyna Family
Janet Mason
Janis and George Mason
Pamela Mason
D Harris and D Matheso
D Harris and D Matheson
Deborah Matheson
Eoin and Janet Matheson
Angus Mathieson
Craig Mathieson
Jade Mathieson
Moss Mathieson
Matt Johnston Architect Inc.
Mattiussi Family
Ron Mattiussi and Family
The Mattiussi Family
Steve and Mary Matwychuk
Skip and Kathy Matyear
Douglas Maybroda
Mayer Family
Ian Peter Kiyoshi Mayer
Marlana Mayne
Doreen and Bruce Maywood
Harvey and Marian Mazinke
Mazurkewich Family
Nathalie and Claudette Mazzei
The McCauley Family
Alex and Sheila McClelland and Family
H.R. (Mac) McClure and Family
George and Dorothy McCluskey
Penny and Don McConachie
The John McCormack Family
McCurdy Bowling Centre
Gay and Colin McDonald
Lila McDonald
Wilf McDonald
Donna McDowell
Stuart and Doris McElrea
James and Glenys McEvoy
McGinnis Family
Margaret McGowan
Maurice and Doris McIlrath
Jean McIlveen
Stephen Shell McKay
B.A. McKeen
Jean and Dale McKenzie Family
Buster McKinley
Karl, Ali, Morgan, Erin McKusick
Dathan and Monica McLean
Doug and Marilyn McLeay
Alison Sidney Carrie McLennan
Mary McLennan
The McMechan Family
Luke R. McMillan
Don McNeely
Doreen and Gerald McPeek
McRae - Omoth - McKay
R and S McTavish
Linda and Jim McVeigh and Family
Gerry and Margaret Meade
Betsy and Scott Meadows and Family
Ken Lawrence and Susan Medynski
Elizabeth Meeres
Meiklejohn Architects Inc.
Heather Mellish
Gary E. Mellor
Ruth M. Mellor
Beverly Anne Mercs
Diego Merenick
Todd Merenick
Christopher Merkley/R and D Spears
Merry Munchkins
Glen Mervyn
Hugh and Linda Mervyn
Amy Middleton
Margot Middleton
Paige Middleton
Jack and Grace Mighton
Milanese Family
Kasey Milani
Kathleen Milani
Kathy Milani
Kent Milani
Krista Milani
Ron Milani
Sheila Milani
Louise Miles nee Ouimet
Robert Miles
Carol Millar
Dean and Mary Miller
Gord and Anne Miller
Gordon and Anne Miller
Jim and Doreen Miller
Marguerite Miller
Marguerite and Wally Miller
Patricia MillerFamily
Rich and Dona Miller
Stan and Bernice Miller
Vern and Jackie Miller
Wallace and Marguerite Miller
Dorothy Mills
Ann Angus and Dorothy Mills
Dorothy, Jim and Karina Mills
Ann Angus and Dorothy, Jim and Karina
Ann, Angus, Dorothy, Jim and Karina
Lula and Gray Mills
Sylvia, Al, Ado and Laura Milnes
Phil, Valerie and Jackson Miner
Mission Creek Animal Hospital
Mission Creek Towers, Brian Dallas
Misurec Family
Connor Mitchell and Liam Prichard
Jim and Susan Mitchell
Ron Bascom and Jim Miu
MKS Resources Inc.
Neil and Vivian Moen
Val and Bill Moffatt
Denzel Mohamed
Theo Mohamed
Robert and Andrea Mohr and Family
Dr. Bruce Moir - Your Family
Payton Moldenhauer
Anna and Madeline Moldovan
Bob Monaghan
Declan Monaghan
Jennifer Monaghan
Ripley Monaghan
Tessa Monaghan
Raymond Monesmith
The Monette Family
Peter and Edna Monk
Lavera Moore
Margaret Moore
Royce and Connie Moore
Todd and Stephanie Moore
Elli Moos
M and F Moran
Darren and Lee-Ann Morcom
Doug Morden
Kimberly Morden
Sandra Morden
Alexis Thomson and Ernie Moreau
Harlan Morehouse
Arlene Morgan
Barbara Morgan
David Morgan
Howie Morgan
Kristen Morgan
Norma Morgan and Barry Daniel
Ross Morgan
Sher Morgan
Dad "Shorty" Mori
Laurie Moritz
Pat and Bob Morran
Morris Family
Gerri Morris
Jamie Morris
Joanna Morris
Joel Morris
John Morris
Susan and David Morris
The Morritt Family
Dr. Don and Simona Morrow
Jim Morton and Family
Cheryl and Jonathan Moscovich
Alison and Barry Moscrop
J Patrick Moss
L. Moss
George and Angela Mostad
Philip and Lucretia Moubray
Mould Engineering
Stuart and Ellen Mould
Mountford-Lentz Family
Movans Medical, Inc.
MSEA Burns
Bill and Mary Jo Mulgrew
Evelyn Mulholland
Paul and Colleen Mulvihill and Family
David Munro
Murdoch Family
Frank and Doreen Murdoch
Arlie Murphy
Frank Murphy
John and Marie Murphy
Kael Murphy
Ken Murray
Larry and Jane Mushta
Charles and Elsie Mussell
Patrick D Mynett
The Nahm Family
George and Emie Naito and Family
Carla Nash
Sandy and Louise Nash
T Alan and Carla Nash
Bradley Neal
Jake Neal
Riley Neal
Trudy Neal
Betty Nelson
Trygg L. Nelson
Netsys Communications Ltd
For Graham and Jane Netting
Al and Elsie Neufeld
Jordan Neufeld
Newcomers Walking Club 2004
Bill and Rita Newman
Rae and Judy Newman
Nicholls Family
Kit and Ty Nieuwenhuizen
Nimbus Paddles/Bain Family
Nishi’s Japanese Restaurant
Pat and John Nixon
Stephen Shandell Noah
Michael Nobes
Jeffrey and Rita Noh
Ruby Annh Nolan
Nordic Cross Country Ski Club
Adele Northan
Barb and Dick Norton
Alan and Donna Nourse
Hunter and Sydney Nouwen
Hunterand Sydney Nouwen
Bill and Maureen Novak
Carol and Mel Nunweiler
Carolyn and James Oakes
Vernon and Jean Oakes
Bev and Ernie Obst
Maddy Chelsie Jackson Syd Obst
Bob and Carol O'Connor
Cameron O'Connor
Kelly O'Connor
Linda and Gary O'Connor Family
Shane O'Connor
Ogopogo Web Pages
OK Computer Solutions
OK Historical Soc.-Kelowna Br
OK Mission Residents Assoc.
Okanagan Denture Inc.
Okanagan Families Society
Okanagan Hungarian Society
Okanagan Mission Bridge Club
Okanagan Mission Secondary
Regional District of Central Okanagan
OKM Grad Parents 2004
OKM Graduation Class 2004
Peter O'Leary
Dolly and Irvine Collins, Gladys Olson
Albert Oppertshauser
Victoria and Murry Oppertshauser89
Norm and Louise Orava
Irene (Dolly) Orbell
Orchard Park Shopping Centre
Michael O'Reilly
Darlene Orriss-SBDI Greenwood
Verna and Rod Orser
The Oshust Family
Darlene Osterlin
Gunther and Cathrine Ostermann
Ed and Lorna Oswald
Ottoson Family
Overwaitea Food Group
Bryce Oxley
P.A.C.E. Sports Fitness
Pacific Salmon Foundation
Dave Pannell
Dianne Pannell
Carrie and Wayne Pansegrau
The Papke Family
Nick and Arlene Papov
Paradigm Mortgage Corporation
Frank Park
Lola Parker
Norm Parkstrom Family
David Ellsworth and Lindea Parnell
Vivian M Parton
T and F Pasutto
Pat and Mike Horse Logging Team
Ilene and Charles Patterson
Justin and Andrew Patterson
Victor and Patricia Pauls
Peggy and John Pavlik
PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc.
Mary Peace - Always with us
Peachland Volkssport Club
Bob and Barbara Pearson
Paul and Shan Pearson
Birthe Pedersen
Alana Peet
Iain Peet
Brian, Jane and Carson Pekrul
Murli and Sudha Pendharkar
Loretta Penner
Shawn Penner
Pentar-Homes Ltd.
Bob and Tammie Penty
Trudi and Brian Perkes
Derek and Jane Perkins
The Permanand Family
Maria Dora Perron
Peter Greer Elementary
Lorraine Peterka
Arnie and Louise Peters
The Peters Family
Wally and Trudy Peters
Frank and Jo Petillion
Wilf and Elaine Petkau
Petraroia Langford Edwards and Rush
Don and Joan Pettman
Doug and Sandee Pettman
Kay Pettman
Rea and Veta Peverley
Ron Pharant
Sheppe and Daniela Pharis
Joanne and Chris Philips
Colin Phillips
Kenneth and Suzanne Phillips
Megan and Amber Phillips
Richard Phillips
Photography West - Wayne Duchart
Verna Pickering
Cliff Pickles
Tamara Pidskalny
Chloe Pidwirny
Dr. Pidwirny
Teddy Pidwirny
Chesley G Piercy
Millie Piercy
Paul and Sylvia Pierron Happy 50th
Dina Pileberg
Phyllis M. Pilon
Chris Pinkerton
Tony Pinto
Bailey and Ben Pirie
Tom Pisch
Wayne and Lauren Pisesky
Pistawka Family
Jeannette Pitcairn
Joe Pitura and Family
Dona Plaschko
Otto Plaschko
Margi Plaxton
Judita and Georg Plecas
Judita and George Plecas
E. Plementos
Barb Vermassen and Grant Plunkie
Chirstine and Corinne Pocklington
Polischuk Family
Beth and Doug Pollock
V. Beth and Douglas Pollock
Ken Polmear
Jake and Kiera Polzin
Ken and Valerie Pommier and Family
Reinhold and Lydia Ponto
Tom Poole
Ian, Carolyn and Kathryn Pooley
Mary Pooley
Nigel Pooley, Mary Pooley
Dode Popp
Porter Ramsay Lawyers
Willem and Tina Postma
Margaret Pound
Brent Powell
Christopher John Powell
Jack and Bernice Powell
Rose Powell
Helen Pratt
Precision Brake and Muffler
Premier Jewellery and Loans
Vicki Presley
Melanie Karen Gertrude Price
Wally and Mary Prochnavy
Orest Prodaniuk
Wayne Prodeahl
Pro-mak Sheet Metal
Edith Purcell
Elaine Pybus
The Pybus Family
Blair and Joan Pyett and Family
Keijo Pyykko Our Dad
Quails Gate Estate Winery
Dorothy and Kneale Quayle
Quest For Success
Russ and Margaret Radi
Porter Ramsay
Sheryl A Ramsay
A. Rasmussen Family
D and P Rasmussen and Family
Raymer Elementary School
RBC Financial Group
RDCO Staff
RE/MAX - Brian Dallas and Tom Fowler
RE/MAX Kelowna
RE/MAX Kelowna Realtors
RE/MAX of Western Canada
Peter and Jaye Read
Sarah and Tim Read
Real Estate Foundation of BC
Keith and Debbie Recsky
Ruth and Alex Recsky
Hank and Linda Redlich
Janice and Bill Redlich
Gordon Reed
Chris Reid
Donald Reid
George Reid
Gerry Reid
Miriam Reid
Peter and Irene Reiger
Derek, Penny, Jaymie and Baby Reimer
Stefan and Benno Reindl
Pamela Reiswig
Heather Reiter
Darren and Kerry Rempel
George and Leone Rempel
Render Family
Len Reniuk
Cathy Renkas
Vern Renwick
Christian and Karin Reuter
John Revill
Revy Home and Garden Centre
Jana Reznicek
Robert Rhodes
The Stuart Richardson Family
D. Brownlie and J. Richie
Wolf and Irmgard Richter
Rick's Garden World Ltd.
The Ridinger Family
Michael and Janet Riley
Richard and Donalyn Rilling
Adna Rimmer
Alan Risso
John and Toni Risso
Toni and John Risso
Ritchcraft Custom Framing
Ken Ritchie
Ken Ritchie Love ShortReedHume
Lynn Ritchie
Ron Ritchie
Bob and Barb Ritter
Riverside Forest Products
The Robbins Family
Sarah and Jeffrey Roberts
Robertson 's Clothing & Shoes
Alex and Ella Robertson
Carol D Robertson
Ella Robertson
Gordon and Irma Robertson
Ian and Beverly Robertson
Ian and Dorothy Robertson
Lesley Robertson
Noriene and Nicole Robertson
Ethel and Norman Robidoux
Rob and Wendy Robinson
The Rochfort Family
Rock World
WDMH INIT. B 03 Kids Who Rock!
Baylee Roed
Debra Roed
Marlee Roed
Murray Roed
The Roemer Family
Rogers' Family Charitable Trust
Bob and Beverley Rogers
Jim and Kathy Rogers
Truman Rogers
Walter and Dora Ronaghan
Gunther and Carole Rosenbaum
Rose's Waterfront Pub
Ross Gage Investment Counsel
Rotary Club of Kelowna - Morningside
The Roth Family
Bill McGhee and Verna Routledge
Royal Bank Of Canada
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 26
Roy's Shoes and Boots and Repairs
Barbara Rozsa
The Rubadeau Family
Dorothy and Fred Rudy
The Peet Ruel Family
Michele and Stan Rule and Family
The Ruse Family
Gaye Rush
Kaarina Rusi and Ethan Rusi
Baby Rutherford
Kathryn Wanda Rutherford
Rutland Boys and Girls Club
Rutland Residents Association
Rutland Senior Centre Society
Lee Ryman
Ronald Ryman
Leslie Mackay and Mel Saari
Ruth Saari
Ryan Saari
Warren and Kathy Saari Family
Art and Kathleen Sakamoto
Sash Sakamoto
Gabriel Salloum
Riley and Kailey Salter
Richard Saltmarsh
Kathryn Salway
Lee Salway
SameSun Backpacker Lodges
Mike and Judi Sanders
Prem Singh Saran
Suhk and Pam Saran and Family
Geoff and Clarice Sarsons
Bert Saucier
Jim and Terry Saunders
Dillan and Levi Savard
Savoy Equipment
Francis Sayers
Fred Schaad
Frank Bridget Schaefer Family
Anne and Dan Scharf, Forever 49
Heather Schaub
Brooklyn Schell
Payton Schell
Wilma and Milt Schellenberger
Addie Schelleppe
George Hermansen and S. Schmidt
Werner and Teena Schmidt
Edward and Margaret Schneider
Katie Schneider
Wayne and Yvonne Schneider
Jim, Andrea and Ryan Schnell
Sig and Carol Schnepf
Helene Schock
Klaus and Johanna Schrader
Neil and Heather Schroeter
Alan and Tracy Schuler Family
Grandpa Schuler
Willy Schumaker
Dr. Cornelia Schwarz
Otto and Ann Schwarz
Hans Schweizer
Haleigh Sage Scott
J W (Jack) Scott
J. W. (Jack) Scott
J.W. (Jack) Scott, Marguerite, John
Marguerite Scott
Terry Scott-Wiens
Stanley and Maryalice Sehn
Larry Seiler
Reta Seiler
Mike and Barbara Sekela
Roger and Sandra Sellick
Jodi Semeniuk
Joanna Senechal
Margrit Senff
Senior Atom Hockey Storm '03 and '04
Isaac Sexsmith
Jodie Foster Sexsmith
Paul Sexsmith
Ashley Shandro
Barbara Shave
Richard and Kathryn Shave
Shawn, Shelley and Talicat
Bruce and Win Shearer
Mervyn Sheehan
Faye and Ken and Mocha Sheldon
Doris Shelvey
The Sheperd Family
Keith Shepheard
Michael and Sharon Shepherd
Alan and Linda Sherbinin
Laura Sherrick
Darrell and Adrienne Sherrin
Jeff Sherstobitoff
Karen Sherstobitoff
Tim Sherstobitoff
Walter Sherstobitoff
David and Elaine Shipclark
Jason and Nikki Shoemaker and Family
Lindsey Shoemaker
Tom O'Reilly Laurie Shortreed
Norma Sibson
Silk FM/Castanet
Diane and Bob Silk
Irene and Al Simon
Gordon and Roslyn Simonson
Roslyn Simonson
Joan Simpson
Phyllis Simpson
Sharron and Catherine Simpson
Dylan Sinden
Roy Sinden
Sean Sinden
The Sinden/Jarrett Family
George Sinkewicz
Helen Skobiej
Merv Skomorowski
Joy and Mo Slater
Nelson and Bev Sloboda
Wayne Slyter
Dave and Linda Smallshaw
Bob and Edrie Smandych
Sarah and Jack Smedley
Jan Griffin and Ray Smelski
Christine Rory and Bruce Smith
Cindy and Grant Smith
Geoff and Joan Smith
Laura and Russell Smith
Mark Smith
Therese Smith
Charles Smullen
Carolyn Smyth
Christopher Smyth
Gertrude Smyth
Glen and Jan Smyth
Harold Smyth
Michael Smyth
The Carroll and Smyth Family
Verne Smythe
Chelta Snowsell Family
Frank and Chelta Snowsell and Family
Frank Snowsell's Family
Solmer Family
Kayla Somerville
Mackenzie Somerville
Madison Somerville
Angela Sonntag
Sons of Norway Hardanger #109
Terry and Nichole Sorensen
The Sorensen Family
The Sorenson Family
Colin Soucy
Patty Soucy
South Kelowna Elementary
Valerie - Laura Spearman
Hal Spelliscy Sr.
Spencer Girls Gilding Boys
Andrew and Betty Sperle
Matthew and Patricia Sperle
David and Natalie Spevakow
Spiegel Skillen and Associates Lt.
Spirit of the Islands Dancers
Jean and John Spratley
Spring Valley Elementary School
Spring Valley Senior Secondary Students
Braedon Spring
Coleen Spring
Francine Spring
Isabella Spring
Jacqelyn Spring
Shawn Spring
Ida Springer
Springfield Funeral Home
Springtacular 97
St Andrew's Anglican Church
St Joseph School Staff
Dennis St. Jacques
Ennis St Jacques
Ernie St. Pierre
Edwin and Barbara Stack
Luke and Anne Stack
Arend and Conny Stamhuis
Martin and Olive Stamler
Chris and Sprocket Stanford
Dana and Joseph Stanford
Linda Stanley
Stanski Family
Peter Laurie and Luke Stantic
Violet Stecko
Bob and Violette Stedham and Boys
Gwen Steel
Sharie Steel
Ed and Helen Steinke
Arnold Steitzer
Elaine Steitzer and Family
Anna Stelmaschuk
Anthony Stelmaschuk
Dr. Terry Stelmaschuk
Natalie Stelmaschuk
Paul Stelmaschuk
The Stelmaschuk Family
Gary Stephen
Melanie Steppuhn
Camie Steven
Tom Steven
Allan and Florence Stevensen
Jay Stevenson
Kathy and Gerry Stevenson
Sean Stevenson
Nick Steward
Norma Steward
Alyssa Stewart
Halle Stewart
Jeff Stewart
Ron and Elaine Stewart
Tara Stewart
The Stewart Family
Rosemary Stiell
Doug Stienstra
Jennifer Stienstra
Rolf Stilz
Deanna Stinson
Joan McCormack
Fred W. Stinson
Ralph Stinson
Stirling Chiropractic Corp.
Arlyn Stirling
Bryce Stirling
Eryca Stirling
Heather Stirling
Trevor Stirling
Dr. Dean Stlmaschuk
The Stoesz Family
Ralf "Booboo" Stokell
Samantha Stone
Bobbi Story
Dave Story
Ken and Marlene Stoudt
Lois Strange
Cindy and Martin Strasser
Martin and Cindy Strasser
John Stremel Sr
Dorothy and Walter Strilchuk
Todd Strong
Coney and Faye Stroo
Dallas Stroo
Jim and Anna Stuart
Randy Stuart Family
Edward Stzuford
Harry and Kathy Sukkau
Catherine Sullivan
Christopher Sullivan
Shaun Sullivan
Tim Sullivan
Hilda Sullivan-Sevart
Sun Pointe Village
Sun-Rype Products
Sun-Rype Products Ltd
Ross and Lizzie Sutcliffe
Doug Sutherland
G and J and S Sutherland
Henry Sveison
SW Audio Visual
R and J Swanson
Warren and Lesley Swanson
The Swanzey Family
Rosalie Swart
Laurie and Jean Sweet
M and J Swenarchuk
Anne and John Symonds
Ray, Bette, Leigh and Brad Tait
Randy and Kelly Takenaka
Brian, Laurie and Evelynn Takoff
Evelynn Takoff
Fred Taron and Family
Ted Taron and Family
Eric and Isla Tasker
Eric and Isla Tasker and Family
Mark Holder and Carol Taylor
David Taylor
Greg Taylor
Ian and Tina Taylor
Rose Biggs and Madeline Taylor
Millie Taylor
Nikita and Alexander Taylor
Dr. Ken Geis and Stephanie Taylor
The Tom Taylor Family
TD Canada Trust Friends of the Environ.
Telemark Cross Country Ski Club
TELUS Community Connections
John and Gail Temple and Family
Teresa and Dennis Tetreau and Family
Jeanette Tetreault
Jeannette Tetreault
Gerald Tewiel
Thalheimer and Company
The Book Bin
The Domestic Goddesses
The Greenery - Segler Family
The Greenway Walking Gals
The Mission Lions Club
The Royal Can. Legion Branch #26 Kelowna
The Travel Lovers BandB
Wilf and Kay Thebes
Dennis and Norma Thibault
Phil and Leah Thibeau
Louis and Pat Thibodea
Louis and Pat Thibodeau
Merle Thiel
Makena Grace Thomas
Paul and Frances Thomas
Yvonne Thomas
Yvonne Annette Thomas
Al Thompson
Brenda Thomson
Edythe Thompson
Graham and Keri Thompson
Laura Thompson
Phyllis Thompson
Randi Thompson
Vic and Edith Thompson
Christine Nicole Thompson
Colin Thomson
Diana Thomson
Dorothy Thomson
The Phipps Family, Dorothy Thomson
Elizabeth Thomson
Gifford and Brenda Thomson
Gillian Thomson
Ken and Dorothy Thomson
Kirsty Thomson
Spencer Thomson
Stephen and Brenda Thomson
Jessie Thomson-Gladish
Naomi Thomson-Gladish
Maurice and Peggy Thorn
Maureen Thorneloe
Robert Thorneloe
Three R's Wood Floors
John Tietzen Family
John, Janet, Katelyn, Rachel Tietzen
Percy and Maureen Tinker
Dr. Jim and Bitten Tisdale
Dorothy and Don and Misty Titus
Todd S Ford
Pam and Steve Todd
Sharon G Todd
Dawn Tom
Kyle Tom
Nolan Tom
Peter Tom
Judy Toms
The Tongue Family
Gerry Tonn
Virinder Toor
Dieter and Yvonne Topf
Martyn, Lyndsay and Luke Topham
Lee Topp
Valeria Topp
Peter and Pamela Toth
Gavin and Keira Tout
Traditional Realty Inc
Sharon Trautman
AJ Jack Treadgold
Norman and Sharon Tribe
R George Trimble
Trinity Baptist Church
Dennis and Shirley Tronnes
Esme Trotter
Luba Trowsse
Walter and Jenine Trudeau
Dale and Shirley Truitt
Christa Tschcheidse
Curtis and Leslie Tulman
Lukas Tulman
Deanna Tuokko
Matthew Tuokko
Mike Tuokko
Tyler Tuokko
Jim and Jean Tuovila
Tom and Wendy Turnbell
Glenna Turnbull
Dale and Wendi Turner
George and Elsie Turner
Kathy Turner
Viola Turner
The Twaites Family
The Tysleys
Mike and Cathy Udala
Chester Larson
Michael and Megan Udala
Mavis Uhl nee Barber
Urban Development Institute
Urban Systems
David and Alison Urness
Allison and David Urness
Dr. Barry and Betty Urness
Sarah Urness
USCC Kootenay Men's Group
The Uzelman Family
Kristen Lucy Graham Valnicek
Stan and Brenda Valnicek
Lil Sawyer and Wayne Van Damme
Arie and Doreen Van Donkelaar
Van Gurp and Company
René and Gordon Van Montfoort
Willem Van Ulden
Ted Vandergulik
Linda Vanderlinde
Henk and Cheryl VanGurp
Rudolph Varga
William R L Varnegie
Fred Vellenoweth
Archie and Myrtle Vezina
Tyler Vickery
Vielvoye Family
Andre and Rebecca Vien
Anna Vigilante-Meyes
Chas and Shaylene Vitale
Dylan Vitale
John Vitale
Kelly and Morris Vitale
Maria B. Vitale
Michael Vitale
Nathan and Dave Vitale
Lynda and Mitchell Vivian
Stephen Voldeng
Chris and Michael VonLokvenz
Bill and Terri Vos
Gerrit Tracy Will and Jason Vos
John, Betty, Mike, Brent, Jenna Vos
Karys Vos
Toni Vos
Joel Wade and Elise Arbo
Norma Wade
Lilia Waitt
Fiona and John Walker
walkingwomen.org - Kelowna BC
Waller Kids
Ron and Gwen Waller
Kasper Walraven
Mike Walroth
Sheila Walroth
Joan Walsh
Matthew, Mitchel and Curtis Walz
Craddock and Wankling Family
Jim Wannop
Bruce and Janis Kari and Jeff Ward
Cec and Zeta Wardell
Graham and Edrah Warhurst
Karen and Nancy and Michael Warner
Karen, Nancy and Michael Warner
Roxanne Warner
The Warshawski Family
Water St. Senior Trekkers '04
Waterstreet Senior Trekkers '04
Watson Road Elementary
Barb and Jessica Watson
Joyce Watson
Tom and Yvonne Watt
Bill and Betty Watters
Jan and Jim Webb
Ray and Kathie Webber
Lorene Weber
Mildred and Robert Weber
Brian C. Weddell
Gail and Tom Weddell
Verna Weddell
EDK Weeks and C Weeks and Family
Eve Wegscheidler
Tony and Rita Wegscheidler
Weinmaster Home Design
Larry Weisgarber
Rhoda Weisgarber
Rhonda Weisgarber
Lillian R Weiss
Sandy and Mary Welbourn
Vic Welder
Welton-Boehm Family
Jean Wemp
Brigitte Werner
West Coast Title Search
Bernice Westgate
Mitchell and Rachael Westgate
Tim and Jackie Westgate
Hugh and Pat Westheuser
Westside Parks and Recreation Staff
West-Wind Nurseries Ltd.
Muriel Westwood
Hilda White
Jennifer White
Jordan White
Bob and Rachel Whitehead
Cassi and the Five Whites
Christine Whittaker
Gerry Whittaker
John Whittaker
Doug and Bev Whittle
Syd and Doris and Glenda Whittle
Whitworth Holdings
Ray and Jenny Wiebe
Lou and Doreen Wierenga and Family
Eric and Kaye Wightman
Wildflowers and Wine Tours
Don Wilkins
Judy Wilks
Linda A. Wilks
Dick Williams Family
Keith and Catherine C Williams
Linda and Maurice Williams
Tony Williams
Bruce and Carol Willis
Maryon and Art Willis
Vern and Martha Willms
Karen Willoner
Agnes Wilson
Avery Wilson
Bill Wilson
Bruce and Carol Wilson
Derek Wilson
Ellen and Chris Wilson
Gwynneth Wilson Family
Mickey and Judy Wilson
Mike Wilson and Kylie Hutchinson
Peter and Jan Wilson
Peter and Sue Wilson
Barry Wiltse
Windmill Family
The Winget Family
Libby and Doug Wise
Rhea and Wesley Wiseman
Rhea and Wes Wiseman
Evelyn Withers
Harvey Withers
Ryan A. Wittkopf
Skyler and Danni Wittwer
Ailean J Woinoski
Brennan Wolfe
Dennis Wolfe and Family
Kelly Wolfe
Melissa D Wolfe
Jeff Wong/Jacqueline Beecroft
Kathleen and Tun Wong Family
A. J. Wood
Monika Woodmass
Mark Woodward
Patrick Woodward
Peter Woodward
Suzanne Woodward
The Woodward Family
The Wooffitt's
Robert Woolman
The Woolsey Family
Bev Wostradowski
Bill Wostradowski
Art Would
Shelley Would
David T Wozny
Christopher C Wright
Gail and Trevor Wright
Jean Wright
Lorrin D Wright
T Alan Wright
Bradford Wylie
Eunice Wylie
Shawn and Penny Wylie
XI Beta Phi
Norman and Grace Yaeger
Ken and Shiyoko Yamada
Alexander Yamashita
Jerry Yamashita
The Yamashita Family
Wendy Yamashita
Charlene and Ed Yaremchuk
Leanne Natasha and Ashley Yarrow
Santhy and Heidi Yeager
Robin Yellowlees
Connor and Jordyn Yendley
Jean Yeoman
Yesilcimen Family
Gery Yochim
Annie Young and Helen Chaytor Love
Gary and Nancy Young and Family
John and Joan Young
Kayla Young
Don Yule
Phil and Leona Zacher
A. Zaharko Family
Jesse and Levi Zaiser
Mya Zanatta
Hans and Heidi Zeunert
Duane and Loretta Zilm and Family
Gerry and Sandy Zimmerman
Josi Zimmermann
Joe and Lucy Zitko
Bill and Dorothy Zoellner Family