Highlands College of Montana Tech Radiologic Technology Job Shadow Experience
As a part of the application process for the radiologic technology program, candidates are required to
schedule and complete job shadow hours spent with an ARRT registered radiologic technologist as they
perform their daily duties in a general radiography environment.
o Working in a radiology file room, transporting patients, assisting patients in waiting rooms, following a
physician/radiologist, or exclusively shadowing in an alternate modality (ultrasound, MRI, etc.) do not
count as hours toward job shadowing. Hours in a veterinary clinic do not count.
Requirements: minimum of 8 total hours 16 hours will earn full points toward the program application
o A minimum of 4 hours of the experience must be spent in a hospital radiography environment
o Exceeding 16 hours will not earn more points toward the application
o All hours must be spent with an ARRT registered technologist
o Hours must be complete before and submitted with the program application
Program applicants are responsible for arranging and completing their job shadow experience.
o The hours can be scheduled at any facility in your area that is willing and able to accommodate you
o Contact the Human Resources Department at the facility you want to visit, let them know you are
planning to apply to the Radiologic Technology Program at Montana Tech and this is a requirement of
your application. The HR department will then direct you to the appropriate contact person in the
Radiology Department to make specific schedule arrangements.
o Be prepared to provide them any necessary information/paperwork, including vaccination records,
requested before your experience to ensure you meet all facility requirements.
Confidentiality is a major legal and ethical issue in any healthcare environment. You must not discuss or relate
any patient names, histories, conditions, procedures performed, or the results of those procedures from your
site visit. You will be required to sign a form agreeing to maintain confidentiality throughout your experience,
and it is of utmost importance that you abide by this.
You must dress appropriately when observing in the radiology environment. You must wear professional clean
attire, shoes must be closed-toed; if you have medical scrubs they are appropriate but not required.
o Do not wear jeans, leggings as pants, hoodies, tank tops, sandals, low-riding pants, low cut tops, crop
tops showing your abdomen, or hats
o Do not wear perfume or cologne in the clinical environment. Do arrive freshly bathed w/ clean clothes
o Cover tattoos and remove visible piercings if possible. Wear clean, comfortable, closed-toed footwear.
Inappropriately dressed students may be asked to leave at the facilities discretion.
Accommodating these visits require considerable time and effort for the staff involved, it is very important
that you are respectful of the time they are giving you. This means that you show up at the agreed upon start
time, and stay for the entire scheduled time. Respectfully view as many radiography exams as possible, and
gain knowledge of the profession by asking thoughtful questions. Refrain from any cellphone use while in the
clinical environment. Be courteous in all interactions with staff and patients alike. Radiation safety is of utmost
importance, follow the lead of the technologist you are shadowing and abide by all department guidelines.
Remember you are a guest in a professional healthcare environment, and are a
representative of Highlands College of Montana Tech while shadowing behave accordingly
After completion of job shadow hours, answer the following questions
1. What part of the shadow experience did you find most interesting? Why?
2. What did you notice about the interactions between the radiologic technologists and patients?
3. From your perspective (your interests, abilities, and goals) what are the positive and negative aspects
of the job?
4. What is something you did not know about being a radiologic technologist before that you learned
from your job shadow experience?
Submit this form confirming hours and typed synopsis answers along with program application.
This is to verify that ____________________________ has completed _______ total hours
(student name) (number)
job shadowing a registered radiologic technologist (ARRT Radiography) on
_____________________________________ at ______________________________________________
(MM/DD/YYYY thru MM/DD/YYYY) facility name/location
____________________________________________ (Please print name & radiology credentials)
Verifying technologist
Contact information: __________________________
(phone or email)
____________________________________________ ________________________
Signature of R.T. verifying hours** Date
**A note to the technologist signing off on this experience: if you would like to share any confidential
information about your time spent with the student, good or bad, please do not hesitate to reach out.
All feedback is appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this important process.
Tamara Harp MSRS, RT(R) Program Director tha[email protected]