Table of Contents
(Click on content topic to be redirected)
- Timeline
- Requirements
- Nomination Form Guide
- Examples of Qualifying Activities
- Letter of Recommendation Guidelines
- Letter of Recommendation Sample
- Scoring Guidelines
- DB/SA Marketing Letter Sample
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Submission Deadline:
July 1
District Branch Guide to Distinguished Fellowship
Distinguished Fellowship (DFAPA) Timeline
Key dates for the DFAPA nomination, approval and recognition process.
District branches receive a list of its DFAPA eligible members who have
been APA General Members or Fellows for a combination of at least
eight years and have held board certification. APA recommends a
thorough review of this list to ensure accuracy and to identify potential
ideal candidates.
District branches conduct local outreach campaigns to encourage
eligible members to apply.
July 1
Deadline for receipt of completed application. Those being sent via mail
must be postmarked by this date.
Mid July-October
The APA Membership Committee scores each application and makes
recommendations to the APA Board of Trustees.
The APA Board of Trustees votes on the Membership Committee’s
Late December-January
District Branches and nominees are notified of approval/deferral status
for Distinguished Fellowship in addition to information for the
Convocation at the Annual Meeting or reapplication.
January 1
Members’ status officially updates on APA membership rolls.
Newly elected distinguished fellows are invited to attend the
Convocation of Distinguished Fellows at the APA Annual Meeting.
The Convocation of Distinguished Fellows occurs at the APA Annual
Meeting. Distinguished Fellows are recognized and receive a
Distinguished Fellow pin and medallion.
Distinguished Fellowship Requirements
To be nominated for Distinguished Fellowship, APA members must demonstrate the following:
Not less than eight consecutive years as a General Member or Fellow of the APA
Certification by ABPN, AOA, RCPS, or an equivalent certification board held at any time
Three (3) letters of support from current APA Distinguished Fellows or Distinguished Life Fellows
Completed nomination form demonstrating excellence in at least five of the following categories:
Board Certification(s)
Once Distinguished Fellowship status is attained, maintenance of certification is encouraged but not
required. If certified by a Board other than ABPN, AOA, or Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Canada (RCPS), details of the certification standards and process should be submitted so the APA
Membership Committee (Committee) might evaluate the equivalence of that certification. Additional
credit in this category may be earned through certification by other medical boards, sub-specialty boards,
or psychoanalysis, or for a Ph.D. or Master’s degree in a related field. Training without certification
warrants no credit. Board certification in general psychiatry is worth category credit if the Board is
current. If Boards are expired, no points will be awarded for this category.
Involvement in District Branch, Chapter, and State Association activities
Length and quality of service to the Chapter, District Branch or State Association are taken into
consideration. Elected offices, committee work as a chair or member, newsletter work, website
design/maintenance for the DB, political action committee oversight, or special projects at the district
branch/chapter level are examples of activities earning credit in this category. Presentations at local
meetings are usually considered under teaching activities. Substantial committee work together with
elected office or membership on the Executive Council for several years will usually qualify the nominee
for higher credit in this category. Membership alone does not earn credit.
Involvement in other components and activities of APA
Includes involvement in Area Councils, the Assembly or Board of Trustees, and/or holding elected office.
Also includes work on APA Councils, Committees, Task Forces, service on the editorial boards of APA
publications, APA advocacy work or APA PAC leadership. Several years of activity in two or more of the
above roles will usually qualify the nominee for category credit. A longer term of service or attaining
elected office in one of the components mentioned will also usually qualify the nominee for category
credit. Presentations at APA meetings should be listed under Teaching Contributions.
Involvement in other medical and professional organizations
The role, length and quality of service, as well as the level of responsibility in the positions held, determine
level of credit given. Membership alone does not earn credit. Organizations may include international
organizations (e.g., World Health Organization, World Psychiatric Association), national organizations
(e.g., American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, American Medical Association), state and
county medical societies, associations representing other medical specialties (e.g., pediatrics or
neurology), or related professions (e.g., psychology, anthropology, sociology).
Participation in non-compensated mental health and medical activities of social significance
Includes voluntary activities or service demonstrating physician's social responsibility and humanitarian
concerns. Voluntary service for mental health patient advocacy groups (includes service on boards or task
forces, event/fundraising committees, outreach and education), free mental health clinics, educational
events, mental health fairs, mental health stakeholder or advocacy groups should be included in this
category. Also includes volunteer service to survivors of natural or man- created disasters and medical
humanitarian efforts (i.e., Doctors without Borders, Give an Hour, non-compensated medical service in a
foreign country, etc.). Nominees should specify nature of contributions and time commitments. Greater
weight given to service performed over a period of time, or on a short-term, but intensive basis.
Distinguished Fellowship Requirements
Participation in non-medical, non-income-producing community activities
The Committee looks for significant contributions to the political, religious, charitable, artistic,
educational, athletic or ethnic life of the community, i.e., contributions unrelated to medical income-
producing activities. Mere membership in, or financial donation to, a community service organization does
not earn credit. Supporting letters detailing the nominee’s contributions from persons directly involved
with these activities are very important in documenting this category. Nominees should specify the nature
of their contributions and the time commitments made. Greater weight given to service performed over a
period of time, or on a short-term but intensive basis.
Clinical contributions
This category is meant to recognize excellence in direct patient care activity. Letters attesting to and
detailing exemplary skill, knowledge, diagnostic ability, and therapeutic expertise are necessary. The
Committee will recognize clinical distinction achieved in any of a spectrum of settings, but may take
special note of work done in public service or underserved settings. Many years of respected private
practice or staff work in a clinic or inpatient unit will usually qualify the nominee for credit in this category,
especially when supported by letters detailing clinical excellence. Supervision of others who provide direct
patient care should be included in this category. Service on hospital committees and other medical
administrative work should be listed under Administrative Contributions below.
Administrative contributions
In this category, the Committee looks for advancement in administrative positions in institutional,
community/public, or private settings, as well as the level of responsibility associated with the position(s).
Intraspecialty administration as well as administration within broader mental health, medical or
overarching venues count towards credit in this category. Responsibilities documented should include
such non-clinical activities as program development and oversight, committee work, budgeting,
management of human and financial resources, strategic planning or policy formulation. Letters providing
specifics, as well as the quality of the nominee's achievements in this area are needed.
Teaching contributions
Teaching in all settings is acceptable. Teaching may include academic instruction (i.e., medical school
curriculum or didactics or didactics within a residency training program), clinical instruction (i.e.,
supervising clinicians), non-psychiatrist instruction (i.e., teaching nurses or allied health professionals), or
others. In university settings, advancement in academic rank is taken into consideration, as is the extent
and quality of teaching activities in other settings. There should be letters from faculty members, heads of
departments or others familiar with the nominee's work. Teaching in non-institutional, non-professional
settings should be supported by letters from individuals directly involved. Presentations at scientific
meetings should be included under this category.
Scientific and scholarly publications
Articles in journals, books (other than privately published) and book chapters should be listed in this
category. Higher weight will be given to articles published in peer-reviewed, refereed and/or widely
circulated journals and to lead authorship. Both number and quality of publications are considered in
evaluating this category. No credit is given for unpublished research.
Distinguished Fellowship Nomination Form Guide
The following provides guidance for completing the online APA Distinguished Fellowship (DFAPA) nomination
form. The online nomination form can be accessed using the following link:
APA Distinguished Fellowship Online Nomination Form Login:
1. Gather Information for Nomination Form
The following lists the information requested on the nomination form and reviewed by the APA
Membership Committee. Please have this information available to complete the nomination form by
the July 1
submission deadline.
Nominee’s Personal Information: Name, Address, Birthplace, Date of Birth, APA Member ID, Phone
Number, Email Address, Affiliated District Branch (DB)
Nominee’s Education: Undergraduate University/College, Medical School, Residency/Fellowship,
Board Certification(s)
Reference Names and Member IDs: Be sure to identify and confirm three (3) references supporting
the nomination who are currently active APA Distinguished Fellows (DFAPA) or Distinguished Life
Fellows (DLFAPA). If necessary, contact your DB to identify recommenders.
Letters of Recommendation: Nominees must submit at least three (3) letters of recommendation
from DFAPA or DLFAPA members either by uploading them to the online form, emailing them to, or via post (must be postmarked July 1) to the mailing address below.
NOTE: Please be sure letters address nominees qualifying involvement and activities (see next page
for details) where appropriate.
Supporting Information for Qualifying Activities: Include detailed information for at least five of the
qualifying involvement and activities categories (see next page for details).
2. Tips for Completing Online Nomination Form
The following are tips for completing the online nomination form. Please submit the completed
nomination form by the July 1
submission deadline.
Once logged in, access the DFAPA nomination form by clicking “Dashboard” located within the blue banner, and
select Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association (DFAPA) from the drop box located in "My
The application also includes key reference tools on the far right of your nomination form, providing details
including an application summary, resource guideline, key dates, and contact details.
Please be sure to use the “Previous Tab” and “Next Tab” buttons located on the top and bottom of each page
of the nomination form, rather than the Internet browser tabs, to navigate through the form.
You may return to any section and continue to make updates/edits to your application by clicking on the
Save Work in Progress,” which will save the entered information and grant you access to continue at a later
time prior to the July 1st deadline.
When you complete all sections and are ready to submit your nomination, click on the “Submit FINAL
Application” button, which submits the application to APA Membership for review. You will also be able to
make updates to the application until the July 1st deadline.
Once submitted as ”FINAL”, you will receive an email confirmation.
Distinguished Fellowship Nomination Form Guide
Qualifying Activities / Categories of Excellence
NOTE: The APA Membership Committee closely reviews the information submitted on the nomination form for
qualifying involvement and activities, “Categories of Excellence.” Please provide detailed information in at least
five of these categories. DO NOT attach a Curriculum Vitae (CV) to the nomination form in lieu of this information.
1. Board Certification(s): Certification by the ABPN, AOA, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or
an equivalent certification board. Board certification in general psychiatry will generally earn the category
minimum if the certification is current. Additional credit may be awarded for each additional certification in
sub-specialties, other medical specialties, psychoanalysis, or for a graduate degree earned after medical
school. If the certification is expired, no points will be awarded.
2. Involvement in the work of the District Branch, Chapter, and State Association activities: For each position,
include the organization name, position/duty, dates, and description of role/responsibilities. Active
participation (e.g., elected office, committee work, etc.) and not just membership is required for credit.
3. Involvement in other components and activities of APA: For each position, include the organization name,
position/duty, dates, and description of role/responsibilities. Active participation (e.g., elected office,
committee work, etc.) and not just membership is required for credit.
4. Involvement in other medical and professional organizations: For each position, include the
organization name, position/duty, dates, description of role/responsibilities, and time commitment. Active
participation is required for credit.
5. Participation in non-compensated mental health and medical activities of social significance: For each
position, include the organization name, position/duty, dates, description of role/responsibilities, and time
commitment. Active participation is required for credit.
6. Participation in non-medical, non-income-producing community activities: For each position, include the
organization name, position/duty, dates, description of role/responsibilities, and time commitment. Active
participation is required for credit.
7. Clinical contributions: For each position, include organization name, position/duty, dates and description of
role/responsibilities. Generally, nominees who have been in active, full‐time clinical practice are awarded the
minimum number of points required in the category.
8. Administrative contributions: For each position, include organization name, position/duty, dates and
description of role/responsibilities. Generally, the more leadership and responsibility, the more credit is given
(e.g., Medical Director of a large hospital would be worth more than Medical Director in a small clinic.
9. Teaching contributions: For each position, include organization name, position/duty, dates and
description of role/responsibilities. Active teaching is required, not just a type of courtesy appointment.
10. Scientific and scholarly publications: Include number of articles in peer reviewed journals, articles as first
author, book chapters and/or books published, and a list of publications. Greater weight is given to lead
authorship and articles published in referred and/or widely circulated journals. Both number and quality of
publications are considered in evaluating this category. No credit is given for unpublished research.
Questions about the online nomination form can be sent to
Mailing Address: Distinguished Fellowship, c/o American Psychiatric Association - Membership
800 Maine Ave SW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20024
Examples of Qualifying Activities
Below are examples of activities which support the qualifying categories included on the DFAPA application.
The examples below are merely to give applicants an idea of what may constitute a qualifying entry and are
non-exhaustive. Note that activities are summative, so a combination of activities may give the applicant
enough points to obtain category credit, or a few particularly strong activates may also be enough.
Please include as much detail as possible for each activity or role (e.g., title held or nature of the assignment,
the dates of involvement, a description of the work/responsibilities, and the time commitment involved).
1. Certif
ication by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada, the American Osteopathic Association or equivalent certifying board.
Board ce
rtification in general psychiatry will generally earn the category minimum if the certification is
current. If the certification is expired, no points will be awarded. Additional credit may be awarded for
each additional certification in sub-specialties, other medical specialties, psychoanalysis, or for a graduate
degree earned after medical school.
2. Involve
ment in the work of the district branch, chapter, and state association activities.
Chair a
nd Member, Community and Public Psychiatry Committee, District Branch, 2010-2012
As Chair, I oversaw the activity of the committee in its role to advise the DB on the current state of the
public mental health system and Medicaid reform
Vice Pre
sident, President-Elect, and President of District Branch, 2012 - 2015
Represented the DB with policy makers, legislators, and other medical leadership. Presided over all general
meetings; carried out all orders and resolves of the Council and membership; appointed personnel to all
councils, commissions and boards
raining Representative on Executive Council, District Branch, 1990-1991.
Served as Chief Resident of my residency program.
Practice M
anagement Committee Member, State Association, 1995-2000.
Attended committee meetings throughout the year
c Affairs Committee Member, District Branch, 1997-1998.
Attended committee meetings several times a year
3. Involve
ment in other components and activities of APA.
Voting M
ember, Government Affairs Committee, 2001-2004
Met twice yearly. Chaired subcommittee.
Resident Representative, Assembly, 2001-2002
Met twice yearly and had monthly phone conference calls for two year term. Created action papers and
presented at the assembly.
ity Fellow, APA, 2001-2002
Met annually. Discussed minority issues monthly via conference call.
4. Inv
olvement in other medical and professional organizations.
ir and Member, Forensic Neuropsychiatry Committee, American Academy of Psychiatry and the
Law (AAPL), Member, 2002-2005, Chair, 2009-2011
Actively led efforts to spread awareness of various neuropsychiatric and behavioral neurology issues
pertaining to the practice of forensic psychiatry.
ber of the House of Delegates for state medical association, 2002-2008,
Developed resolutions and policies at the annual meeting to be carried out by officers and staff.
sident of the local county medical society, 2014-2015
Provided leadership and spokesperson in areas of education, advocacy, and practice management and
public health outreach campaigns.
Member of Program Committee, American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (AAPL), 2006-2014
Actively participated in producing high quality annual meeting programs and reviewed abstract
submissions for the annual meeting every year.
ber of Board of Directors, Brain Injury Association, 2003-2006
Provided professional oversight and direction over the organization’s efforts to improve the lives of people
with brain injury. Gave educational talks on organization’s behalf. Organized support groups for brain
injury survivors and their families.
mittee Member and Peer Reviewer, American Neuropsychiatric Association (ANPA), 1995-2006
Served on Education and Program Committees. Been a regular peer reviewer for ANPA’s official journal
publication, The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and The Clinical Neurosciences, since 2004.
5. Parti
cipation in non-compensated mental health and medical activities of social significance.
NAMI board of directors, 1999 to 2009.
Worked with other board members to organize regional walks and raise funds to start a fight the stigma
bying, mental health advocacy, 2012 2015.
Met with Members of Congress to support House Bill H.R.xxxx aimed at protecting scope of practice.
eer, mental health fair, 2009 2012, 4 hours per year.
Worked at an information booth providing psychoeducation on community resources and helping to fight
6. Non
-Medical, Non-Income Producing Community Activities.
Big b
rother/big sister, 2011-present, 8 hours every week.
Provided mentorship for poverty-stricken youth.
Board of Directors for XYZ School, 2006-2009, 2 hours per week with breaks over summer.
Worked with remaining board members to transform the educational setting.
er in a church or synagogue, 2001-2008, 6 hours per month
Responsible for organizing fund raising drives.
Tutor, 2009, 4 hours per week for 6 months.
Tutored adults in a literacy program aimed at receiving their GED.
7. Cli
nical Contributions
Private Practice, 1995-present, 30 hours weekly
Mental Health Clinic, 2000-p
resent, 20 hours weekly
University Group, 2010-present, 10 hours per week
Government, Military and VA setting, 1990-2015, seeing patients 20 hours per week
8. Administrative Contributions
ime administrative or managerial position, 2000 2004.
Human resource and fiscal management, as well as strategic planning or policy formulation.
Full-time mid-level administrative or managerial position, 2008 2012
Position overseeing a specific department or work group, reporting to upper level management.
9. Teac
hing Contributions
ime associate professorship at academic institution, 1999 - 2009
Provided weekly supervision to residents and quarterly didactics.
ant professor, 2004 - present
Provided a weekly seminar for residents on psychopharmacology for 10 years. Provided lectures on a
monthly basis to medical students over a period of a year. Provided teaching for nursing staff for the last 5
years on monthly basis.
eer faculty, academic institution, 2001-2011
Provided monthly supervision to 2
and 3
year residents for psychotherapy cases for 10 years.
10. Sci
entific and Scholarly Publications
icles in peer reviewed Journals: 10
First author: 4
Book Chapters: 1
Book Editor: 1
ach a list of publications.
Recommendation Letter Guidelines
1. Provided your recommender with a copy of the Distinguished Fellowship guidelines, a
sample of recommendation letters, and a copy of the nominee’s completed nomination form.
2. At least three of the recommendation letters must be from either Distinguished Fellows or
Distinguished Life Fellows of the APA (who must be an active member in good standing). Letters from
other individuals (non-psychiatrists and/or other members) are also encouraged.
3. It is extremely important for the recommendation letters to include detailed comments that address
the quality of nominee's accomplishments in the categories where the nominee has documented his
or her achievements.
4. Letters that amplify and delineate the quality of each activity reported on the nomination form are
crucial to the Membership Committee’s evaluation of the nominee.
5. Letters should not simply repeat the information on the nomination form, but rather describe the
quality and thrust of the individual’s achievements or experiences.
6. Information about how long the recommender has known the nominee and in what capacity is also
helpful to the Committee.
7. All letters must be typewritten on letterhead and signed by the recommender. Recommendation
letters on letterhead without an actual signature will be accepted if the District Branch submits the
letter with the nomination.
8. The District Branch should review the letters to make sure they are individually written and not
duplicate copies of one letter signed by different recommenders.
How to Submit Recommendation Letters
Letters of recommendation may be submitted in the following ways:
Upload to the online nomination form as a PDF (preferred)
Email as a PDF to [email protected] by July 1st deadline
Mail to APA Headquarters (must be postmarked by July 1st deadline
APA Mailing Address:
Distinguished Fellowship
c/o American Psychiatric Association
800 Maine Ave SW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20024
Sample Recommendation Letter
XXXXXXXX, M.D. Distinguished Life Fellow
35 Smart Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94127
APA Distinguished Fellowship
c/o American Psychiatric Association
800 Maine Ave SW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20024
Re: Distinguished Fellowship Nomination for XXXXXXX, M.D
Dear Nomination Committee:
It is an honor and a pleasure for me to write this letter of recommendation for XXXXX, M.D.
Dr. XXXX is an outstanding clinician, educator, and leader of organized psychiatry in Northern California.
She exemplifies the ideals of the Distinguished Fellowship of the
American Psychiatric Association.
I first met Dr. XXXX in 2011, when I moved from Chicago to San Francisco and joined a monthly clinical
consultation group of which Dr. XXXXXX was a member. She demonstrated an insightful capacity to
conceptualize treatment interventions for a challenging group of patients. She remains unique in her
contribution of psychiatric and cultural understanding of Russian speaking members of our community.
Her cultural understanding was of critical help in my work with a severely disabled Russian patient and
his family. In addition to this individual contribution to my work with a Russian patient, Dr. XXXXXXXX
maintains an active community treatment involvement with the San Francisco Jewish Home for the Aged,
where she sees and treats elderly monolingual Russian patients.
In 2013 Dr. XXXXXXXX invited me to become involved with the Northern California Psychiatric Society. As
Treasurer of NCPS and a member of the NCPS Executive Committee since 2015, I have had the opportunity
to directly observe Dr. XXXXXXXX's qualities as Vice President, then President of NCPS. She has been a
creative and steady leader for our District Branch. My most direct work with her has been on the Budget
and Finance Committee. She has been a thoughtful contributor in guiding our District Branch to financial
stability, which has allowed a reduction in member dues.
Dr. XXXXXXXX has been involved in many other District Branch activities. Of particular note are her
contributions to the Professional Education Committee and the NCPS Annual Scientific Meeting, drawing
several hundred psychiatrists for continuing education and fellowship. Dr. XXXXXXXX is also deeply committed
to psychiatry residents in training and their transition to early career paths. She has spearheaded casual get
togethers between senior NCPS psychiatrists and resident psychiatrists from our Bay Area training programs
as a way of fostering connections and the exchange of ideas. And, she has put forth a proposal that NCPS
sponsor one resident chosen by lottery among any of the four Bay Area programs achieving one hundred
percent membership in NCPS. The winner of this lottery will be sponsored by NCPS for all expenses to attend
the World Psychiatry Congress in South Africa in November, 2016.
Dr. XXXXXXXX has a deep and extensive involvement in a range of psychiatry/community interfaces in the
Bay Area. She is a board member of the Psychiatric Foundation of Northern California, which has focused
on homelessness in San Francisco and on suicide prevention on the Golden Gate Bridge. She continues her
community psychiatry involvement as a Senior Psychiatrist with the San Francisco Department of Public
Health Community Behavioral Health Services, working part-time in a community health center for the
underinsured, mentally ill in our city.
In summary, Dr. XXXXXXXX is a highly respected, community involved member of our psychiatric
profession. She is clearly dedicated to the educational and professional development of resident and early
career psychiatrists. She has demonstrated ongoing commitment to the growth and health or our
professional organizations. Most importantly, Dr. XXXXXXXX is a woman
of high personal integrity who will add significant strength to our psychiatric profession for years to come.
I offer the most unqualified and enthusiastic support for the nomination of Dr. XXXXXXXX.
Sincerely yours,
1. BoardCertificationPointsrangefrom0toamaximumof6.FourpointsforABPNorRCPScertificationandupto2
points extraforadditionalcertifications(e.g.,child,psychoanalytictrainingcertificate,administrativepsychiatry,etc.),
isrequired for categorycredit. If Boards are expired, no points will be awarded for this category.
2. InvolvementinDistrictBranch,Chapter,orStateAssociationActivitiesPointsrangefrom0toamaximumof6. A
3. InvolvementinOtherComponents
andActivitiesofAPAPointsrangefrom0toamaximumof6. A minimum of 3
points is required for categorycredit.Activeparticipation(e.g.,electedoffice,committeework,etc.)andnot just
membership is
4. InvolvementinOtherMedicalandProfessionalOrganizationsPointsrangefrom0toamaximumof6.
Aminimumof4 pointsisrequiredforcategorycredit. Activeparticipationisrequiredforcredit.
5. Participationin
a maximumof4. Aminimumof3pointsisrequiredforcategorycredit. Activeparticipationisrequiredforcredit.
6. ParticipationinNonMedical,
A minimumof3pointsisrequiredforcategorycredit. Activeparticipationisrequiredforcredit.
7. ClinicalContributionsPointsrangefrom0toamaximumof6. Aminimumof4pointsisrequiredforcategorycredit.
8. AdministrativeContributionsPointsrangefrom0toamaximumof6. Aminimumof4pointsisrequiredforcategory
hospital wouldbeworthmorethanMedicalDirectorinasmallclinic).
9. TeachingContributionsPointsrangefrom0toamaximumof6. Aminimumof4pointsisrequiredforcategorycredit.
10. ScientificandScholarlyPublicationsPointsrangefrom0toamaximumof6. Aminimumof4pointsisrequiredfor
categorycredit. Higherweightisgiventoarticlespublishedinreferredand/orwidelycirculatedjournalsandtolead
authorship(generallyonepoint). Onepointisalsogenerallyawardedforachapterorabook.Nocreditisgivenfor
unpublishedresearch. Bothnumberandqualityofpublicationsareconsideredinevaluatingthiscategory.
1Boardcertification 06
/Chapter 06
3APA 06
4Othermedicalorgs 06
socialsignificance 0
6Communityactivities 0
7Clinical 06
8Administrative 06
9Teaching 06
10ScientificPublications 06
Re: InvitationtoApplyforDistinguishedFellowDistinctionintheAPA
¾ NotlessthaneightconsecutiveyearsasaGeneralMemberorFellowoftheAPA.
¾ CertificationbytheAmericanBoardofPsychiatry&Neurology,theRoyalCollegeofPhysicians
¾ NominationisinitiatedbyyourlocalDistrictBranch/StateAssociation.
¾ ThreeletterssupportingyournominationmustbereceivedfromcurrentDistinguishedFellows
Gurjot K. Marwah, MD Aaron R. Wilson, MD Mona Amini, MD Don J. Fowls, MD Jasleen Chhatwal, MD
President President-Elect Vice-President Treasurer Secretary
careerdistinction,pleaseprovideyourCVto[email protected],sothatwemaybeginadraftofthe
DistinguishedFellowstatusintheAPA.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingtheapplication orthe
process,pleasefeelfreetocontactTeriat602Ͳ347Ͳ6903oreͲmailto[email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I submit a CV or resume in lieu of completing the nomination form?
o No.
2. Do the eight years of membership need to be consecutive?
o Generally, yes. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
3. Should I resubmit a nomination that was rejected last year?
o No. At least one application cycle should pass before resubmitting the application.
This allows time for members being re-nominated to improve their qualifications in
the areas where previously they did not show adequate strength. This requirement
may be waived for a compelling reason documented by the district branch.
4. Which board certifications are acceptable?
o Certification by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, the Royal College
of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the American College of Osteopathic
Neurology and Psychiatry or equivalent certifying board. Board certification became
a core requirement in 2013. A waiver may be granted under extraordinary
5. What types of candidates should I be looking for?
o You should be looking for general members or fellows who have made significant
contributions to the field of psychiatry. Excellence, not mere competence, is the
hallmark of a distinguished fellow. Applicants must successfully demonstrate their
qualification in at least five (5) categories outlined in the “Distinguished Fellowship