Timeline of Activities Leading to the
Certification of the Boeing 737 MAX 8
Aircraft and Actions Taken After
the October 2018 Lion Air Accident
Report No. AV2020037
June 29, 2020
Timeline of Activities Leading to the Certification of the Boeing
737 MAX 8 Aircraft and Actions Taken After the October 2018
Lion Air Accident
Requested by the Secretary of Transportation;
the Chairmen of the House Committee on Transportation and
Infrastructure and its Subcommittee on Aviation; the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee
on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies;
and Senat
or Richard Blumenthal
Federal Aviation Administration
| AV2020037 | June 29, 2020
What We Looked At
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is responsible for the safety and certification of all civilian aircraft
manufactured and operated in the United States. However, two accidents in late 2018 and early 2019 involving
Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft raised significant safety concerns about FAA’s certification of this aircraft. On March
19, 2019, Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao requested that we compile an objective and detailed
factual history of the activities that resulted in the certification of the 737 MAX 8. We also received similar
requests from the Chairmen of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and its
Subcommittee on Aviation; the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Appropriations,
Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies; and Senator
Richard Blumenthal. They requested that we review aspects of FAA’s approach to certifying the MAX series of
aircraft, its reliance on the Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) program, and the Agency’s actions
following the two accidents. Our overall audit objective was to determine and evaluate FAA’s process for
certifying the Boeing 737 MAX series of aircraft.
What We Found
In this report, we provide a detailed timeline of the activities resulting in the certification of the 737 MAX 8,
beginning in January 2012, when Boeing submitted its initial application for an Amended Type Certificate to
FAA. This report also compiles a timeline of events following the October 29, 2018, crash of Lion Air Flight 610
up until the crash of Ethiopian Air Flight 302 on March 10, 2019. In addition, during the same time period as
FAA’s certification efforts, Boeing, FAA, and our office were identifying issues thatalthough not specific to the
737 MAX 8may have impacted the original certification of the aircraft. As such, we also provided a timeline of
concurrent related oversight actions and events related to FAA’s ODA program.
Our Recommendations
We are not making recommendations in this report. The data gathered are informational and represent our
observations in response to the Secretary’s and other congressional requests. We will report further on FAA’s
oversight of the certification process and other related matters, as well as make recommendations as
applicable, in future reports.
All OIG audit reports are available on our website at www.oig.dot.gov.
For inquiries about this report, please contact our Office of Government and Public Affairs at (202) 366-8751.
Memorandum 1
Background 3
Results in Brief 8
Timeline of Activities Leading to the Certification of the Boeing 737 MAX 8
Aircraft 10
Timeline of Events Between the Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines Crashes 29
Timeline of Concurrent FAA Organization Designation Authorization
Oversight Actions and Events 34
Conclusion 38
Recommendations 38
Agency Comments and OIG Response 38
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology 39
Exhibit B. Organizations Visited or Contacted 41
Exhibit C. Glossary of Terms 42
Exhibit D. Major Contributors to This Report 45
Appendix. Agency Comments 46
AV2020037 1
Date: June 29, 2020
Subject: INFORMATION: Timeline of Activities Leading to the Certification of the Boeing
737 MAX 8 Aircraft and Actions Taken After the October 2018 Lion Air Accident
Report No. AV2020037
From: Howard R. SkipElliott
Acting Inspector General
To: Federal Aviation Administrator
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is responsible for the safety and
certification of all civilian aircraft manufactured and operated in the United
States. While FAA has an excellent safety record, two accidents in late 2018 and
early 2019 involving Boeing 737 MAX 8
aircraft have raised significant safety
concerns about FAA’s certification of this aircraft.
On October 29, 2018, Lion Air Flight 610 crashed into the Java Sea shortly after
departing Soekarno-Hatt International Airport, Jakarta, resulting in 189 fatalities.
Just over 4 months later, on March 10, 2019, Ethiopian Air Flight 302 crashed
shortly after departing Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, resulting in
157 fatalities, including 8 Americans.
On March 19, 2019, Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao requested that we
compile an objective and detailed factual history of the activities that resulted in
the certification of the 737 MAX 8. We also received similar requests from the
Chairmen of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and its
Subcommittee on Aviation; the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate
Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and
Urban Development, and Related Agencies; and Senator Richard Blumenthal.
They requested that we review aspects of FAA’s approach to certifying the MAX
series of aircraft, its reliance on the Organization Designation Authorization
(ODA) program,
and the Agency’s actions following each of the two accidents.
The official model number of the Boeing 737 MAX 8 is the 737-8.
FAA created the ODA program in 2005 to standardize its oversight of organizational designees (e.g., aircraft
manufacturers) that have been approved to perform certain functions on the Agency’s behalf, such as determining
compliance with aircraft certification regulations.
AV2020037 2
This is the first report that the Office of Inspector General (OIG) is providing
related to these requests. Our overall audit objective was to determine and
evaluate FAA’s process for certifying the Boeing 737 MAX series of aircraft. In this
report, in response to the Secretary’s request, we provide a detailed timeline of
the activities resulting in the certification of the 737 MAX 8. In addition, in
response to multiple congressional requests, this report includes timelines of
events following the October 2018 Lion Air crash up until the March 2019
Ethiopian Air crash and concurrent related oversight actions and events related to
FAA’s ODA program. We are also undertaking additional analyses of FAA’s
processes for certifying the 737 MAX 8 aircraft, including its use of the ODA
program, as well as examining FAA’s actions following the Ethiopian Air crash. We
will report on the results of these and other related reviews in future reports.
We conducted this audit in accordance with generally accepted Government
auditing standards. Exhibit A details our scope and methodology, and exhibit B
lists the organizations we visited or contacted. For a glossary of terms used in this
report, see exhibit C.
We appreciate the courtesies and cooperation of Department of Transportation
(DOT) representatives during this audit. If you have any questions concerning this
report, please call me at (202) 366-1959.
cc: The Secretary
DOT Audit Liaison, M-1
FAA Audit Liaison, AAE-100
AV2020037 3
FAA is charged with overseeing the safety and certification of all civilian aircraft
manufactured and operated in the United States.
This is a significant
undertaking given that the U.S. civil aviation industry encompasses almost
292,000 aircraft, nearly 1,600 approved manufacturers, and more than
5,400 aircraft operators, among others. Recognizing that it is not possible for FAA
employees to oversee every facet of such a large industry, Federal law
allows the
Agency to delegate certain functions to private individuals or organizations, such
as determining compliance with aircraft certification regulations. Designees can
perform a substantial amount of critical certification work on FAA’s behalf. For
example, according to FAA data, in 2018 four U.S. aircraft manufacturers
approved about 94 percent of the certification activities for their own aircraft.
In 2009, FAA fully implemented the ODA program to standardize its oversight of
organizations (e.g., aircraft manufacturers) that are approved to perform certain
delegated functions on its behalf. While delegation is an essential part of meeting
FAA’s certification goals, the Agency faces challenges in providing ODA oversight.
For example, in 2015 we reported
that FAA’s oversight of ODA program controls
was not systems- and risk-based,
as recommended by an aviation rulemaking
Rather, the oversight was more focused on individual engineering
projects and areas that we determined were low risk. Under FAA’s ODA program,
the Agency’s Boeing Aviation Safety Oversight Office (BASOO) provides oversight
of authorized functions granted to Boeing. The BASOO is comprised of 42 FAA
employees who oversee Boeing’s ODA.
The Boeing ODA unit includes
approximately 1,500 Boeing-designated ODA representatives. FAA’s oversight
program is based on managing and supervising an organization, rather than
overseeing individual designees.
When undertaking certification activities for a manufacturer with an ODA, FAA
typically retains some level of involvement in significant design changes, novel
49 U.S.C. § 44702.
49 U.S.C. § 44702(d).
FAA Lacks an Effective Staffing Model and Risk-Based Oversight Process for Organization Designation Authorization
(OIG Report No. AV2016001), October 15, 2015. OIG reports are available on our website at http://www.oig.dot.gov/
Systems-based oversight shifts from focusing on individual project engineering work to holistically assessing
whether ODA companies have the people, processes, procedures, and facilities in place to produce safe products, thus
allowing FAA to focus its oversight on the highest-risk areas, such as new, innovative aircraft designs.
Aircraft Certification Process Review and Reform Aviation Rulemaking Committee, a joint FAA and industry group,
formed in response to a congressional mandate to study the aircraft certification process.
The BASOO includes 23 engineers who perform both certification work as well as oversight, 3 inspectors that
perform oversight, and additional project manager engineers and support staff.
AV2020037 4
designs, and critical compliance activities, based on the ODA’s experience and
FAA’s judgment of the potential risk. According to FAA, the Agency always retains
inherently governmental functions such as regulatory exemptions and functions
for which an ODA is not authorized.
FAA’s process for determining the certification basis of aircraft models is set forth
in regulations (14 CFR Part 21) and guidance (FAA Orders 8110.48 and 8110.4c).
Under this guidance, FAA can either award a type certificate
(TC) for new aircraft
models or an amended type certificate (ATC) for aircraft models that are
derivatives of already-certificated aircraft
(see figure 1 for a flowchart of the
certification process).
Figure 1. Key Phases in the Certification Process
Source: OIG analysis of FAA Order 8110.4C
An approval document issued by FAA that states a specific aircraft model is compliant with airworthiness
This is known as the baseline aircraft.
AV2020037 5
The Boeing 737 MAX series
is the fourth-generation model of Boeing’s 737
aircraft series (see figure 2). The first Boeing 737, the 737-100, received its type
certificate on December 15, 196749 years before the Boeing 737 MAX 8. The
737 MAX 8 was certified as an ATC with the 737-800 (certified on March 13, 1998)
as the baseline, part of the 737 Next Generation (NG) series.
Figure 2. Boeing 737 Family of Aircraft 1967 to 2017
Source: OIG analysis of FAA and Boeing data
According to FAA regulations, once applicants file for a new or amended type
certificate, they have 5 years to complete the process. During the certification
process, manufacturers are required to demonstrate compliance to the relevant
standards. Those standards are largely contained in 14 CFR Part 25 and are
amended as needed due to new technologies, in response to operational data, or
because of legislative mandates. The major milestones and requirements of the
certification process for a new or amended type certificate are similar. However, if
an aircraft model is certified under the ATC process, only systems or areas that
have been significantly changed need to be brought up to current regulatory
and other exceptions can be applied.
The 737 MAX 8 included a function in the flight control softwarethe
Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS)that was new to
commercial aircraft. MCAS modifies aircraft handling characteristics as an
additional function of the existing aircraft speed trim system. The speed trim
system is a flight control system designed to improve the airplane’s flight stability
The 737 MAX series includes the 7, 8, 9, 10, and 8200. The MAX 7, 10, and 8200 have not yet been certified by FAA.
14 CFR § 21.101 and Advisory Circular 21.101-A, more commonly known as the Changed Product Rule.
Applicants can also comply with earlier requirements when (1) an area, system, component, equipment, or
appliance are not affected by the change; (2) compliance with a later amendment does not materially improve safety;
or (3) compliance with the latest amendment is impractical.
AV2020037 6
during operations in certain conditions when the autopilot is not engaged.
oeing developed MCAS for the 737 MAX 8
to compensate for changes in
aerodynamics from the previous model caused by the MAX’s larger engines and
the placement of those engines on the wing (see figure 3).
Figure 3. Engine Size and Placement: 737 NG (pictured left) vs. 737
MAX (pictured right)
Source: Boeing
More specifically, MCAS can cause the airplane’s horizontal stabilizer
to move
without pilot input in certain, limited aircraft configurations
related to airspeed
and the angle of the aircraft in the air. This has the effect of moving the plane’s
nose down during flight (see figure 4) to compensate for the aircraft’s tendency
to pitch up. The accident report for the October 29, 2018, Lion Air accident states
that MCAS was a significant contributing factor for the accident, after activating
24 times during the flight.
MCAS activated after receiving faulty data from one
of the aircraft’s two Angle-of-Attack (AOA) sensors—external sensors that
measure the angle of the aircraft in the air. While the accident investigation for
the March 10, 2019, Ethiopian Air accident is still ongoing, the preliminary and
interim reports
also point to MCAS as a potential contributing factor to the
The speed trim system monitors airspeed, thrust lever position, and vertical speed, and then provides inputs to
adjust the aircraft’s horizontal stabilizer as needed. As the airplane speed increases or decreases, the system
automatically commands the stabilizer in the direction needed.
While MCAS is included on some military versions of the 767 refueling tanker, the system has different features on
that model, including additional redundancy of input data.
A control surface near the tail of the airplane that controls up and down movement of the airplane.
These configurations include the plane being in manual flight (autopilot off) and the flaps being in an up position.
Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transpotasi Republic of Indonesia. KNKT. FINAL. 2019.
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Transport, Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau. Preliminary
Report. Interim Report, March 2020.
AV2020037 7
Figure 4. How MCAS Works on the 737 MAX
Source: OIG analysis of FAA and Boeing data
AV2020037 8
Results in Brief
Summary of Events Leading up to FAA’s Certification of the Boeing 737
Overall, FAA followed its established certification process for the 737 MAX 8,
which began in early 2012 when Boeing submitted its initial application for an
ATC. Under an ATC, as agreed to by FAA and Boeing, only the significant
differences between the 737 MAX 8 and the previous modelin this case, the
737-800 aircraftmust be certified to current regulatory standards as of the
application date. Early in the process, Boeing included limited information in
initial briefings to FAA on the MAX’s flight control software, MCAS, which
subsequently has been cited as a contributing or potentially contributing factor in
both accidents. However, Boeing presented the software as a modification to the
existing speed trim system that would only activate under certain limited
conditions. As such, MCAS was not an area of emphasis in FAA’s certification
efforts and therefore did not receive a more detailed review or discussion
between FAA engineers and Boeing. Instead, FAA focused its efforts on areas it
identified as potentially high risk, such as the aircraft’s larger engines, fly-by-wire
spoilers, and landing gear changes. As a result, FAA was not well positioned to
mitigate any risks related to MCAS.
From 2012 to 2014, Boeing and FAA collaborated to develop and implement an
overall certification plan, including determining which aspects of the certification
process would be delegated to the Boeing ODA. Throughout 2015 and 2016, FAA
and the Boeing ODA conducted certification activities that evolved over the
course of the project. During this timeframe, Boeing also began modifying MCAS
as a result of flight testing, including significantly increasing MCAS’s ability to
lower the aircraft’s nose automatically under certain conditions. However, Boeing
did not submit certification documents to FAA detailing the change. FAA flight
test personnel were aware of this change, but key FAA certification engineers and
personnel responsible for approving the level of airline pilot training told us they
were unaware of the revision to MCAS. Boeing did not communicate to FAA the
formal safety risk assessments related to MCAS until November 2016 and January
2017, more than 4 years into the 5-year certification process. According to FAA
management, it is not unusual for manufacturers to complete and submit the
safety assessments towards the end of the certification process. Moreover,
Boeing’s safety analysis did not assess system-level safety risks as catastrophic;
thus, Boeing designed MCAS to rely on data from a single aircraft sensor rather
than including redundancy, which would have reduced risk.
In 2016, FAA and Boeing began certification flight testing to determine the
aircraft’s compliance with FAA’s requirements. In addition, FAA’s Flight Standards
Service conducted separate tests and subsequently approved a training plan
AV2020037 9
proposed by Boeingknown as Level B trainingfor 737 MAX pilots who were
already qualified to fly the Boeing 737-800. This outcome aligned with Boeing’s
overarching goal of achieving a common type rating
for pilots moving from the
NG series to the MAX and keeping costs down by avoiding simulator training for
MAX pilots. Pilot response to automated MCAS activation was not included in the
required training. In March 2017, FAA issued an ATC to Boeing for the 737 MAX
8, which began flying passengers later that year.
Summary of Events Between the Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines Crashes
On October 29, 2018, Lion Air Flight 610 crashed, resulting in 189 fatalities.
According to the accident report, MCAS activated based on erroneous AOA data
more than 20 times, automatically pushing down the aircraft’s nose, before the
flight crew lost control. According to Boeing, while its engineers and test pilots
had anticipated multiple MCAS activations to be possible, they decided it would
be no worse than a single activation because pilots would be able to recognize
and counteract any downward movement of the aircraft’s nose. On November 6,
2018, Boeing generated a bulletin
to operators, prompting FAA to issue an
Emergency Airworthiness Directive (AD) the next day. Although the bulletin and
the Emergency AD emphasized pilot procedures for handling repeated nose-
down movements, neither specifically mentioned MCAS. At this time FAA also
began reviewing the MCAS certification process. This was the first time that FAA’s
certification engineers had performed a detailed review of MCAS, and according
to several FAA certification engineers, it was also the first time they were
presented with a full picture of how MCAS worked. As a result of FAA’s risk
analysis following the crash, Boeing proposed, and FAA accepted, a redesign of
MCAS. In February 2019, FAA and Boeing formally agreed on a schedule to
implement the recommended MCAS software fix. Based on FAA’s risk analysis
and existing risk guidelines, Boeing was to complete the software update by April
12, 2019. On March 10, 2019, Ethiopian Air Flight 302, operating a 737 MAX 8
aircraft, crashed shortly after departing Addis Ababa Bole International Airport,
resulting in 157 fatalities, including 8 Americans. The interim accident report
shows that MCAS activated based on erroneous AOA data before the crew lost
Summary of Concurrent FAA ODA Oversight Actions and Events
During the same time period as FAA’s certification efforts, Boeing, FAA, and our
office were identifying issues thatalthough not specific to the 737 MAX 8—may
have impacted the original certification of the aircraft. More specifically, in 2015,
we reported on FAA’s lack of a risk-based oversight approach to ODA. In
A type rating is an endorsement on the pilot certificate indicating that the pilot has completed the required training
and testing for a specific make, type, and/or series of aircraft (for example Boeing 747-400).
Flight Crew Operations Manual (FCOM) Bulletin TBC-19, dated November 6, 2018.
AV2020037 10
addition, FAA identified concerns regarding the quality of ODA certification
documents that needed to be addressed. In December 2015, FAA and Boeing
signed a Settlement Agreement, and Boeing paid a civil penalty of $12 million
regarding violations of Boeing’s quality control system and insufficient
certification documents. FAA’s subsequent oversight found that Boeing has not
yet resolved all the identified issues, including improving its identification and
resolution of the root causes of non-compliances with FAA requirements. During
this time period, Boeing and FAA also identified concerns about undue pressure
on ODA personnel at multiple Boeing facilities, which culminated in FAA issuing a
formal compliance action against Boeing in November 2018. Boeing’s response
to this compliance action remains ongoing.
Given that we have an open recommendation for FAA related to ODA and that
we are planning additional analysis of FAA’s certification process and the use of
the ODA program for the 737 MAX 8 aircraft, we are not making
recommendations in this report. The data gathered are informational and
represent our observations in response to the Secretary’s and other congressional
requests. We will report further on FAA’s oversight of the certification process
and other related matters, as well as make recommendations as applicable, in
future reports.
Timeline of Activities Leading to the Certification of
the Boeing 737 MAX 8 Aircraft
The following presents a detailed timeline of the events leading to the
certification of the 737 MAX 8, which began in January 2012 and culminated with
the issuance of an ATC in March 2017. Figure 5 presents an overview of the
events; detailed descriptions follow.
AV2020037 11
Figure 5. Timeline of Major Events for the Certification of the Boeing 737 MAX 8
Source: OIG analysis of FAA and Boeing data
AV2020037 12
20122013: Boeing and FAA Initiate Certification
Process; MCAS Was Not an Area of FAA Emphasis
The certification process for the 737 MAX 8 officially began in early 2012, when
Boeing submitted its initial application for an ATC. In November 2013, FAA
accepted Boeing’s 737 MAX 8 Master Certification Plan, which established the
means of compliance Boeing planned to use to get the aircraft design certified.
While Boeing’s flight control software, MCAS, was included in an early technical
briefing presented to FAA, MCAS was not an area of emphasis because Boeing
presented it to FAA as a modification to the existing speed trim system, with
limited range and use. According to FAA, the Agency focused its involvement on
potentially higher risk areas such as the aircraft’s larger engines, fly-by-wire
spoilers, and landing gear changes.
January 27, 2012
Boeing files an Amended Type Certificate application with FAA for the 737
MAX 8.
In submitting its application for certification, Boeing used the 737-800 aircraft
design as the basis for the 737 MAX 8 model. Under FAA’s aircraft certification
FAA can prescribe a special condition for new or novel technology
when no applicable standards exist. Systems identified as new or novel receive
extra scrutiny from FAA. According to Boeing, the company did not need to
identify MCAS as new or novel and MCAS did not require a special condition. The
company stated this was because the design feature had been covered under
existing regulations
relating to flight control systems, in addition to being
included on the military Boeing 767 refueling tanker. However, the version of
MCAS installed on the 767 tanker differed from the version of MCAS installed on
the 737 MAX. For example, while both aircraft have two AOA sensors, the tanker
version uses a median input value of both sensors, while the 737 MAX version of
MCAS relied on the input from one sensor.
Moreover, the Joint Authorities
14 CFR § 21.16 states that if applicable regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for an
aircraft due to a novel or unusual design feature, FAA can prescribe a special condition to the aircraft to ensure an
equivalent level of safety to requirements in the regulations.
Existing regulations including 14 CFR §§ 25.671, 25.672, 25.1309, and 25.1329.
The MCAS software resides in both of the aircraft’s flight control computers, each of which receives data input from
its respective AOA sensor. The 737 MAX is designed to rely on only one of its two flight control computers per flight,
alternating from one to the other after each flight. As a result, MCAS receives data from just one AOA sensor.
AV2020037 13
Technical Review (JATR)
team stated in its 2019 report that MCAS on the 737
MAX controlled the aircraft’s movements in a new way.
ccording to internal Boeing meeting minutes from 2013,
the company made
the decision to portray MCAS as a modification to an existing flight control
system in part because if MCAS was emphasized as a new function, there may
be a greater certification and training impact.An ODA representative working on
FAA’s behalf also agreed with portraying MCAS as a modification and not a new
function. According to an FAA Flight Standards representative and an internal
Boeing email, an early Boeing program goal was to keep a common type rating
for the aircraftwhich would minimize additional training requirements for 737
MAX pilots previously certified on the NG seriesand to avoid the need for 737
MAX pilots to train in simulators, which can add costs for airlines that purchase
the aircraft. References to MCAS were later removed from flight crew training
requirements; therefore, any simulator training, while not proposed, probably
would not have included MCAS.
March 21, 2012
FAA and Boeing hold a General Familiarization Meeting.
During General Familiarization Meetings, the certificate applicant introduces FAA
to the changes or new systems and features of an aircraft design and reviews the
general architecture. Under an ATC, only the significant differences from the
baseline model must be certified to the regulations applicable on the date of the
application. (See figure 6 for a diagram of what FAA identified as the significant
changes to the aircraft. MCAS was included in system revisions.) One FAA flight
control engineer we interviewed recalled that during the 737 MAX General
Familiarization meeting he participated in, MCAS information was not an area of
focus, but it was presented briefly with limited details. Technical familiarization
documents we reviewed supported this evidence.
The JATR is a team consisting of representatives of regulators from 10 countries (including the United States) that
was chartered by FAA on June 1, 2019, to examine the Agency’s certification of the 737 MAX 8. The JATR issued a
report on October 11, 2019.
This particular meeting was held June 7, 2013, but represents an example of how Boeing presented the system to
FAA and other regulators in order to meet program goals.
AV2020037 14
Figure 6. Significant Changes From the 737 NG to the 737 MAX Aircraft
Source: OIG analysis of FAA and Boeing data
March 22, 2012
FAA accepts Boeing’s Amended Type Certificate application.
One day after FAA and Boeing had their General Familiarization Meeting, FAA
acknowledged Boeing’s proposal for the 737 MAX 8 and allowed the applicant to
proceed. MCAS was included in the accepted ATC application as a modification
to the previous aircraft model’s flight control system software.
May 12, 2012
FAA and Boeing hold a Technical Familiarization Meeting.
Similar to General Familiarization Meetings, Technical Familiarization Meetings
are opportunities for FAA to learn about technical designs and changes from the
applicant. During the meetings, FAA typically looks at the design changes
between the new derivative aircraft and the baseline aircraft and determines what
issues must be addressed. In addition, FAA began evaluating whether to delegate
or retain authority for assessing whether specific areas, features, or systems
comply with Federal regulations.
In Boeing’s Technical Familiarization Meeting presentations, MCAS was included
as a provisional modification to address the plane’s tendency to pitch upwards at
high speeds. However, according to FAA representatives present at the meeting,
it was not an area of emphasis. Based on our review of the Technical
AV2020037 15
Familiarization Meeting briefing slides, we determined that 23 of 482 slides
covered primary aircraft flight controls. However, there were only 2 lines of text
within those almost 500 slidescovered over a 2-day periodthat referenced
MCAS. According to FAA representatives, flight control engineers on the project
focused on other issues identified as potentially higher risk, such as fly-by-wire
This demonstrates that FAA relied heavily on the information that
Boeing provided in the early stages of the aircraft’s certification, which in turn
drove the Agency’s decisions on areas of involvement.
uly 21, 2012
FAA begins the initial certification basis evaluation.
This evaluation is FAA’s initial review of Boeing’s proposed certification basis
i.e., how the company proposed to satisfy the certification requirements for its
737 MAX 8. Within the certification basis document, FAA requires that applicants
provide an adequate overview of the project scope to support early certification
February 15November 14, 2013
FAA reviews and accepts the Master Certification Plan.
The Master Certification Plan is a key step in the certification process, as this
document describes how FAA and Boeing planned to certify the 737 MAX 8,
including the method for testing key items. This document establishes which
project areas and documents Boeing proposes its ODA will be responsible for
reviewing and assessing for compliance (i.e., which items FAA will delegate to the
ODA) and which areas and documents FAA will retain or remain involved in.
According to our review, FAA and Boeing communicated questions, changes, and
clarifications with each other as Boeing worked to develop the Master
Certification Plan. In November 2013, the Agency accepted the Master
Certification Plan. FAA initially retained the sections of the Master Certification
Plan related to flight controls and the stabilizer, including MCAS. At this time,
according to Boeing data, FAA had delegated 28 out of 87 (32 percent) detailed
certification plans for the aircraft.
Notably, the number of certification plans that FAA delegated and retained
changed throughout the certification process, which, according to FAA, is typical.
For example, according to Boeing data, as of November 2016 FAA had delegated
79 of 91 (87 percent) detailed certification plans back to Boeing’s ODA, including
the flight controls and stabilizer plans containing MCAS (see figure 7).
In a fly-by-wire system, a computer collects sensor data from the pilot’s controls and uses those signals to move
the corresponding aircraft control surfaces; this replaces an older system relying on physical cables connecting pilot
controls to control surfaces.
According to Boeing data, between November 2016 and March 2017, FAA eventually delegated all 91 certification
plans to Boeing’s ODA.
AV2020037 16
Furthermore, under FAA’s ODA program, FAA can delegate specific deliverables
within each certification plan, such as system safety assessments, even if FAA
retains the plan itself. These can also change over the course of the project, as
was the case for the over 1,700 Boeing 737 MAX deliverables.
Figure 7. Delegation and Retention of Certification Plans
Certification Plans at Master
Certification (November 2013)
Certification Plans Delegated
Certification Plans Retained
Certification Plans as of
November 2016
Certification Plans Delegated
Certification Plans Retained
Source: OIG analysis of Boeing data
2014: FAA Establishes Initial Certification Basis
February 6, 2014
FAA establishes the initial certification basis for the 737 MAX 8.
Over approximately 2 years between 2012 and 2014, Boeing and FAA
collaborated to establish the initial certification basis for the 737 MAX 8, having
agreed in March 2012 that an ATC would be appropriate for the aircraft. During
this same time period, FAA and Boeing collaborated through Issue Papers, which
provide a continuous way of communicating and working through differences
about the means of compliance with relevant standards and regulations.
established the certification basis for the model 737 MAX 8 within the G-1 Issue
Paper, a document that FAA and Boeing used to collaborate about design
requirements and conditions. The initial certification basis specifies the applicable
regulations and special conditions that must be complied with for the project.
Between this date and March 2, 2017, FAA and Boeing continued formally
In Order 8110.112A, FAA defines Issue Papers as the method to document the negotiation and resolution of
certification issues with the applicant.
AV2020037 17
discussing the certification process through the G-1 Issue Paper, refining the
certification basis accordingly.
2015: Certification Continues, Including Revisions
Throughout 2015, FAA and Boeing’s ODA unit members
continued certification
activities for the 737 MAX 8. Boeing also began revising MCAS based on the
results of aircraft analyses and testing. However, MCAS was still not a major focus
of FAA’s certification efforts, which continued to emphasize areas such as the
aircraft’s new larger engines, fly-by-wire spoilers, and changes to the landing
September 1718, 2015
Joint Operational Evaluation Board reviews Boeing’s Flight Crew Operations
Manual (FCOM), including MCAS.
The FCOM is an aircraft-specific manual that manufacturers provide to operators,
which contains necessary operating limitations and other procedures the flight
crew needs to safely operate that aircraft. As part of the certification process, a
panel of representatives from FAA, Transport Canada, and the European Aviation
Safety Agency, known as the Joint Operational Evaluation Board, reviewed the
draft FCOM on September 1718, 2015. The draft FCOM at the time included a
brief description of MCAS indicating that it would only activate at high speed and
high load factors.
It did not include any references to repeated activations.
According to Boeing, MCAS was removed from the FCOM in March 2016.
Subsequent versions that we reviewed did not include a description of MCAS but
retained MCAS in the abbreviations section.
2016: Boeing and FAA Conduct Flight Tests;
Boeing Completes Failure Analysis and Continues
To Revise MCAS
Flight testing of the 737 MAX 8 began in 2016. Boeing also completed failure
analyses during the same time period. Flight testing is a critical component of the
certification process. Typically, flight testing involves a series of tests in order to
verify engineering assumptions, assess design decisions, and check for
ODA unit members are organization employees authorized, as part of the ODA and on FAA’s behalf, to perform
functions necessary for FAA approval of that project as outlined in FAA Order 8100.15B.
Load factor is the ratio of aerodynamic forces divided by the weight of the aircraft.
AV2020037 18
compliance with requirements related to flight handling, stall identification, and
control system malfunctions.
January 19, 2016
Boeing completes the first Single and Multiple Failure document on the 737
MAX 8.
Boeing uses the Single and Multiple Failure document to prevent simultaneous
failure from a single threat event which causes loss of continued safe flight and
landing.Boeing considered this failure probability analysis an internal document
only and did not submit it as a required certification deliverable. Therefore,
Boeing did not provide it to FAA, nor did FAA have to review or approve it as part
of the certification process. However, according to FAA, some aspects of Boeing’s
analysis from the Single and Multiple Failure document should be included in
system safety assessments later provided to the Agency as certification
Boeing’s analysis identified 75 failure cases to assess the potential impacts of
those failure scenarios on the aircraft and flight crew. Boeing deems failures to be
acceptable under certain circumstances, including if:
the equipment and systems perform as intended during operating
catastrophic failure conditions are not caused by a single failure;
catastrophic failures are determined to be extremely improbable;
information concerning unsafe system operating conditions is provided to
the crew.
Boeing’s Single and Multiple Failure analysis found all 75 potential failure cases to
be acceptable.
One potential failure case involved the loss of one AOA sensoran external
sensor that measures the angle of the aircraft in the air
followed by faulty
AOA data in the other sensor. (See figure 8, which shows the location of AOA on
the 737 MAX aircraft.)
AOA sensors are attached to the outside of the aircraft.
AV2020037 19
Figure 8. 737 MAX Aircraft External Probes, Including the AOA
The AOA sensor is the lower one of the two probes.
Source: Boeing
However, despite identifying this failure case and deeming it catastrophic, Boeing
determined this failure case was acceptable because the probability of occurrence
was determined to be extremely remote, and it was assumed the crew would
recognize the situation and take appropriate action. While this failure test case
may not be exactly the same as the circumstances encountered in the Lion and
Ethiopian Air accidents, erroneous AOA data—potentially caused by the failure of
one AOA sensorwas a factor present in both accident scenarios.
During its Single and Multiple Failure analysis, Boeing rated this potential failure
case as catastrophic
but also determined that the low probability of
occurrence meant it qualified as acceptable. Boeing also rated 11 other potential
failure cases as catastrophic but ultimately deemed them acceptable based on
probability and engineering judgement.
FAA Advisory Circular 25.1309.1A classifies risk ratings as: Minor (failure conditions which would not significantly
reduce airplane safety and which involve crew actions that are well within their capabilities), Major (failure conditions
which would reduce the capability of the airplane or the ability of the crew to cope with adverse conditions),
Hazardous (failure conditions which would reduce the capability of the airplane or the ability of the crew to cope due
to physical distress or excessive workload), and Catastrophic (failure conditions which would prevent continued safe
flight and landing).
AV2020037 20
January 29, 2016
Boeing conducts first flight test of the Boeing 737 MAX 8.
Boeing’s 737 MAX 8 flight testing began in January 2016. However, per FAA’s
standard certification process, FAA does not actively participate in flight testing
until the Agency issues the Type Inspection Authorization (TIA).
March 14, 2016
FAA issues initial Type Inspection Authorization.
The initial TIA authorized Boeing to begin certification test flights for the 737
MAX 8 using FAA flight test pilots, and defined which certification test flights FAA
needed to perform. The flight test protocol included 129 certification flight test
plans to be completed as part of the testing. Under this TIA, FAA delegated 62 of
the 129 (48 percent) flight test plans to Boeing’s ODA.
The TIA also defined the tests and analysis that would be performed by the
Seattle Aircraft Evaluation Group (AEG)a group of aviation safety inspectors in
FAA’s Flight Standards Service tasked with determining the appropriate type
rating and levels of training for aircraft that are undergoing evaluation for an
ATC. For the 737 MAX 8, as required, the AEG assessed and determined it needed
to participate in its own testing. The testing that the AEG performed was handling
and differences testing, which determines the type rating and the differences
between the baseline aircraft (737-800) and related aircraft (737 MAX 8) on which
pilots must be trained, evaluated, and remain current.
March 30, 2016
Boeing completes MCAS Revision D, a significant change.
Boeing continued to revise and refine MCAS during the flight testing process.
Revision D was a significant change that updated MCAS software technical and
data requirements based on pilot assessments and flight test results. In this
revision, Boeing changed the parameters under which MCAS would activate to
include much slower airspeeds.
It also increased the maximum range of MCAS
from 0.55 degrees to 2.5 degrees, an increase of over 300 percent. This meant
that each time MCAS activated, it could push the nose of the aircraft downward
with a maximum range of 2.5 degrees of movement.
In its MCAS Revision D, Boeing also included an assessment of functional hazards
related to the software, describing hazard descriptions, failure conditions, and
Guidance for flight testing of the 737 MAX 8 is contained in FAA Advisory Circular 25-7C.
Following this revision, MCAS could now activate at speeds of 0.2 to 0.84 Mach, whereas it could previously only
activate at speeds above 0.67 Mach. Mach is calculated by dividing the speed of the aircraft by the speed of sound.
Specifically, MCAS uses the aircraft’s horizontal stabilizer (near the tail of the aircraft) to control the angle of the
aircraft, and the range of MCAS is the angle of movement of the stabilizer.
AV2020037 21
associated effects. One of the noted hazards was an uncommanded or automatic
MCAS activation that continued until the pilot took action. When developing this
risk assessment, Boeing tested unintended MCAS activation in the simulator and
assumed that commercial pilots would recognize the effect as a runaway
a scenario which is covered in basic commercial pilot trainingand
react accordingly. Boeing assumed the average pilot reaction time in this scenario
to be 4 seconds, which Boeing classified as a hazardous
event. However, if a
pilot’s reaction time was greater than 10 seconds, the event would be classified
as catastrophic due to the pilot’s inability to regain control of the aircraft. Despite
these significant revisions, Boeing did not provide internal coordination
documents for Revision D,
noting the increased MCAS range, to FAA
certification engineers. Because these revision documents were not required
certification deliverables, the company did not submit them to FAA for review or
March 30, 2016
Boeing removes MCAS from the Flight Crew Operations Manual and training
differences tables.
Boeing requested (and received) permission from the FAA AEG to remove any
references to MCAS from its FCOM
and Other Differences Requirements tables,
which help aircraft operators manage their training on differences between
related aircraft. Boeing justified its request by stating that MCAS would be
to the flight crew. This decision was not documented via official
correspondence; rather, Boeing requested it via email and FAA approved it
verbally in a subsequent meeting, according to the responsible FAA AEG
However, the FAA AEG representative who concurred with the request told us
that FAA based the decision on the understanding that MCAS was still as
originally designedi.e., that it would only activate in situations that included
high speeds and high load factors, and was limited to a range of 0.55 degrees. An
earlier version of the FCOM that this representative would have reviewed
contained only three sentences specifically referencing MCAS, and it stated that
the system would only activate when the aircraft was at speeds of0.7 Mach or
A technical fault resulting in continuous unintended movement of the horizontal stabilizer.
Boeing added a statistical credit in its evaluation of this scenario that reduced the effect from Hazardous to Major,
based on the assumption that it was unlikely that a typical flight would be operating outside of normal aircraft
Revision D is where the major changes to MCAS first occurred; subsequent MCAS Revision E (dated July 5, 2016)
configurations were the versions actually installed on the aircraft as of the date of ATC issuance.
FAA does not formally approve the FCOM. However, Agency inspectors do review and accept the document before
it is issued to individual operators.
In this context, Boeing and FAA use the word transparentto mean the system or function would be invisible to
the flight crewthey would not be aware or have any indication that the system was present or in operation.
AV2020037 22
greater.However, on this same date, Boeing revised MCAS to activate at much
slower speeds.
While AEG and FAA certification engineers were unaware of the revisions to
MCAS, FAA flight test personnel were aware of the increased maximum range of
MCAS in the flight control computer actually installed on the 737 MAX 8 test
aircraft. This varied understanding of the final flight control design of the 737
MAX among different FAA offices demonstrates a lack of consistent and
transparent communication both between Boeing and FAA, as well as within FAA.
April 13, 2016
FAA conducts first flight test of the 737 MAX 8.
Following the issuance of the TIA, FAA conducted flight tests using the Agency’s
test pilots from the Aircraft Certification Service. The flight crews for tests typically
included one FAA test pilot, one FAA test flight engineer, Boeing engineers, and
one Boeing pilot.
May 6, 2016
Flight Control System (including MCAS) flight testing begins.
FAA began a series of seven flight tests to test stall speed performance for the
737 MAX 8. While MCAS was not tested as a stand-alone item, FAA stated that it
included MCAS in its tests of the flight control system and stall functions. For
example, according to FAA, the Agency tested several high-speed maneuvers
such as upset recovery
and wind-up turns
in which MCAS would have
activated as intended, but was not the focus of the test.
August 15, 2016
Boeing releases Flight Control Computer software revision.
Boeing released the version of the flight control computer software that it
intended to use as the final version on the MAX 8 on this date. This version is
known as the Black Label Equivalent,” meaning the software has undergone
additional testing but requires a final flight test conducted by FAA. This software
revision included the version of MCAS that had the ability to push down the nose
of the aircraft with a maximum movement of 2.5 degrees.
Upset recovery is the ability to correct the aircraft after unintentionally exceeding normal flight parameters.
A wind-up turn is a constant altitude, constant speed turn with increasing normal acceleration or angle of attack.
AV2020037 23
August 16, 2016
Boeing completes requirements for aircraft Level B training.
Boeing successfully completed the testing requirements for Level B training on
August 16, 2016. FAA’s Boeing 737 Flight Standardization Board (FSB)
Level B training
for the 737 MAX 8 for pilots who were qualified to fly the 737-
This action meant that pilots would be eligible to fly the 737 MAX 8
following completion of classroom or computer-based training on FAA-
mandated topics. Level B training also meant that no simulator training was
required (see table 1 for pilot training differences levels). FAA granted this
approval after using domestic, commercial pilots—in addition to FAA operational
test pilotsduring its training-related flight testing, a practice that is allowed but
not frequently done.
The approved training did not include material on MCAS. Internal Boeing emails
show company officials congratulating staff for the accomplishment of receiving
FAA approval for Level B training, providing further evidence that this reduced
level of training was a Boeing program goal for the 737 MAX.
FAA typically establishes an FSB when certificating large jet or propeller aircraft. It consists of members of the AEG,
FAA operations inspectors for the initial operator of the aircraft, representatives from the Office of Safety Standards,
and other technical advisors if necessary. One of the FSB’s mandates is to develop training objectives for normal and
emergency procedures and maneuvers.
FAA uses AC 120-53B to determine the level of training necessary for pilots that hold a type rating in a particular
aircraft to be able to obtain a type rating in a related derivative aircraft.
FAA issued a provisional training validation letter on February 22, 2017, and formally approved the training on
March 7, 2017.
AV2020037 24
Table 1. Pilot Training Difference Levels
Level Training Training Methods Checking
A Self-instruction Operating manual page revisions, operating bulletins,
handouts, etc.
Not applicable (or next
proficiency check)
B Aided instruction
Slide/tape presentations, computer-based instruction,
stand-up lecturers, or video tapes, etc.
(Note: This was the level of training approved for the
Boeing 737 MAX.)
Task or system check
C Systems devices Training devices to supplement instruction, including
interactive computer-based training, cockpit procedure
trainers, or part task trainers.
Partial proficiency check
using device
D Partial flight
Flight training device that is accurate, capable of
performing flight maneuvers in a dynamic real time
environment, high fidelity integration of systems and
controls, and realistic instrument indications.
Partial proficiency check
using Flight Simulation
Training Device
Full flight simulator
or aircraft
Requires full flight simulator or aircraft training. New
type rating is normally assigned.
Proficiency check on full
flight simulator, or
Source: OIG analysis of FAA policy
September 28, 2016
FAA delegates Flight Control Computer Certification Plan, which includes
MCAS, to Boeing’s ODA.
Initially, the Master Certification Plan stated that FAA engineers would be
responsible for reviewing a key safety assessment of the flight control system,
including MCAS. According to FAA representatives, however, Boeing did not
present the formal version of this system safety assessment to FAA for the first
time until January 2017more than 4 years into the 5-year certification process.
According to FAA management, it is typical for manufacturers to complete and
submit the safety assessments towards the end of the certification process. Prior
to this, on September 28, 2016, FAA engineers decided to delegate back approval
of future certification plan revisions to the Boeing ODA, but FAA continued to
retain the safety assessment deliverable until the Agency reviewed it in February
November 10, 2016
FAA delegates Stabilizer Certification Plan to Boeing’s ODA.
While initially retained, FAA delegated to Boeing’s ODA the Stabilizer Certification
Plan, which details how the manufacturer will demonstrate compliance for the
AV2020037 25
aircraft’s horizontal stabilizer—a control surface near the tail of the airplane that
controls up and down movement of the airplane. When MCAS activates, it adjusts
the angle of the horizontal stabilizer on the plane, resulting in pushing down the
nose of the aircraft. While Boeing’s Stabilizer Certification Plan document
included some details regarding MCAS functions, it did not include an
interrelated view of how MCAS interacted with other systems, which was spread
throughout several documents. FAA delegated the system safety assessment for
this certification plan back to Boeing the following month, in December 2016. The
FAA engineer who reviewed the system safety assessment stated that he was not
aware of the increased MCAS range from 0.55 degrees to 2.5 degrees on the
aircraft’s horizontal stabilizer when he recommended approval of Boeing’s
delegation request. In addition, Boeing did not update the hazard assessment
table within the safety assessment to reflect the expanded MCAS use and range.
In this system safety assessment, Boeing identified potential failure scenarios
related to the horizontal stabilizer and evaluated their risk. Notably, Boeing
included a scenario in which there would be an unintended MCAS activation.
However, Boeing assigned this failure scenario the risk rating of Majorunder
normal flight operations, which meant that there was no requirement to provide
design redundancy (i.e., a requirement for MCAS to pull data from both external
AOA sensors on the 737 MAX 8, rather than relying on a single AOA sensor as the
system was designed). Such redundancy is required for the higher-risk rating of
Boeing recognized that the risk of unintended MCAS activation could be more
severe under certain circumstances if the aircraft was operating outside of normal
flight parameters. However, the company adjusted its evaluation of this risk
based on statistical analysis showing it was unlikely that a typical flight would be
operating in those circumstances, and therefore unlikely that MCAS would
activate under these conditions. In its 2019 report following the two accidents,
the JATR
questioned Boeing’s assumption, stating that the statistical credit
Boeing used was intended to be used in selecting test cases for flight handling
qualities evaluation, not for showing compliance with systems safety regulations.
While Boeing tested a single, unintended activation of MCAS, it did not test
repeated MCAS activations. Boeing engineers and test pilots, in discussions,
deemed multiple activations of MCAS to be no worse than a single activation of
MCAS. However, Boeing did not include this untested conclusion in certification
deliverables provided to FAA. Further, Boeing’s safety assessments did not fully
account for how pilots would react to a multi-failure scenario. Boeing noted in
Joint Authorities Technical Review (JATR), Boeing 737 MAX Flight Control System: Observations, Findings, and
Recommendations. Submitted to the Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety, U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
on October 11, 2019.
AV2020037 26
these assessments that it did not simulate an accumulation or combination of
failures leading to unintended MCAS activation, nor their combined flight deck
November 20, 2016
FAA and Boeing complete flight testing of Flight Control System (including
This was the final certification test flight for the control system that includes
MCAS. In sum, Boeing and FAA completed 58 tests of the airplane’s flight control
systems. FAA flight test pilots participated in 47 of the 58 flight control system
tests, and FAA flight test engineers participated in 34 of these tests. According to
FAA flight test personnel, some of the tests included MCAS operation with a
range of 0.55 degrees, while other tests were at 2.5 degrees. This varied
depending on which version of MCAS was installed on the aircraft used for the
test flight, as Boeing was revising MCAS during flight testing.
2017: FAA Certifies the Boeing 737 MAX 8
In March 2017, FAA issued an ATC to Boeing for the 737 MAX 8 aircraft, which
meant that the company could begin delivering the MAX 8 to customers. The
aircraft began flying commercially on May 22, 2017.
March 8, 2017
FAA issues the Amended Type Certificate, certifying the Boeing 737 MAX 8
meets transport category airplane requirements.
FAA completed the certification of the 737 MAX 8 and issued an ATC for the
Subsequently, FAA issued an ATC for the 737 MAX 9 on February 15,
2018. The other 737 MAX variants that have yet to be certified include the smaller
737 MAX 7, the larger 737 MAX 10, and the higher-seating capacity 737 MAX
May 16, 2017
Boeing delivers the first Boeing 737 MAX 8.
Boeing delivered the first Boeing 737 MAX 8 to Malindo Air, a subsidiary of Lion
Air Group. Malindo Air then flew the first Boeing 737 MAX 8 commercial flight on
May 22, 2017, from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore. Until the grounding order in
March 2019, Southwest, United, and American Airlines operated the 737 MAX 8
and 9 in the United States. Southwest received the first domestic delivery of a 737
Section 21.101e states if type certificate approval does not occur within 5 years, the applicant may select a new
application date, which revises the date of the applicable 14 CFR Part 25 regulations. The applicant then must comply
with any new or revised regulations as of the amended date. In December 2016, Boeing amended the application date
to June 30, 2012; thus, the certification was in compliance with the 5-year requirement.
AV2020037 27
MAX 8 on August 26, 2017. As of December 2019, a combined total of
387 Boeing 737 MAX 8 and MAX 9 aircraft had been delivered worldwide and
72 specifically for U.S. commercial air carriers (see tables 2 and 3).
Table 2. Boeing 737 MAX Aircraft, in Fleet and on Order, as of
December 2019
U.S. Commercial
Air Carriers
U.S. Non-Commercial
Carriers Total
In Fleet 72 46 269 387
On Order 528 463 3,554 4,545
Source: OIG analysis of Boeing documents
Table 3. Boeing 737 MAX Aircraft, in Fleet and on Order for U.S.
Commercial Air Carriers, as of December 2019
Alaska American Southwest United Total
In Fleet 0 24 34 14 72
On Order 32 76 249 171 528
Source: OIG analysis of Boeing documents
August 10, 2017
Boeing identifies AOA disagree alert issue.
Boeing design engineers identified an issue with a cockpit alert designed to
notify pilots when the two AOA sensors disagree by more than 10 degrees for at
least 10 seconds. Disagreeing AOA sensors can indicate that one or more sensors
has failed or is providing unreliable information. However, Boeing discovered that
not all 737 MAX aircraft were equipped with the alert. According to Boeing
representatives, Boeing had intended this cockpit alert message to be standard
on all 737 MAX 8 aircraft within the flight control computer system. However,
Boeing stated that its software contractor inadvertently paired the alert with an
optional featurean AOA indicatorwhich only approximately 20 percent of
MAX customers purchased
(see figure 9). Neither of the accident aircraft had
this AOA disagree cockpit alert.
Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transpotasi Republic of Indonesia. KNKT. FINAL. 2019.
AV2020037 28
Figure 9. AOA Disagree and AOA Indicator
Source: FAA
When first implemented on the 737 NG (and as carried over into the MAX), there
were no established Boeing operational procedures for the AOA cockpit alert
feature. Instead, it was a source of supplemental information, and the checklist
for the AOA disagree did not require any pilot action as a result of the alert.
Therefore, according to Boeing representatives, they analyzed the issue and
determined that the cockpit alert was not necessary for the safe operation of the
airplane.Boeing documented the problem in August 2017 and planned to have
the problem corrected for the entire MAX fleet by late 2020.
Boeing did not directly notify FAA of the AOA alert issue
since its analysis had
determined that there was not an operational impact,nor did the company
notify MAX operators at the time the issue was discovered. According to Boeing
representatives, the company will generally inform its customers of issues such as
this one. In this case, however, Boeing failed to do so upon discovering the
omission, and, according to Boeing representatives, the company has been
unable to determine why it did not notify operators about the AOA alert issue.
According to Boeing representatives, the AOA disagree cockpit alert message issue was included in updated
certification documents in October 2017; however, Boeing did not submit a formal notification of the issue directly to
FAA nor could the company confirm that FAA had reviewed the documents containing the first notification. According
to Boeing, the Agency agreed in February 2019 with Boeing’s disposition of the problem and the determination that it
was not an unsafe condition.
AV2020037 29
Boeing representatives stated that the company has since notified the operators
of the AOA disagree alert issue.
Timeline of Events Between the Lion Air and
Ethiopian Airlines Crashes
Following the fatal Lion Air crash on October 29, 2018the first accident of a 737
MAX 8 aircraftBoeing generated a bulletin to operators, prompting FAA to
issue an Emergency Airworthiness Directive (AD). FAA issues an Emergency AD
when an unsafe condition exists that requires immediate action by an
owner/operator. However, neither the bulletin nor the Emergency AD specifically
mentioned MCAS. Just over 4 months after the first accident, on March 10, 2019,
Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashed, resulting in 157 fatalities.
October 29, 2018
Lion Air Flight 610 crashes, resulting in 189 fatalities.
Lion Air Flight 610 crashed into the Java Sea shortly after departing Soekarno-
Hatt International Airport, Jakarta, resulting in 189 fatalities. According to the
accident report, multiple cockpit alerts activated during takeoff, including a
potential stall warning
as well as airspeed and altitude disagreement
As the flight progressed, MCAS activated based on faulty data from
the aircraft’s external AOA sensor over 20 times, which led to loss of control of
the aircraft.
Notably, the accident aircraft experienced unintended MCAS activation the day
before with a different outcome. Shortly after departure on October 28, 2018,
Lion Air Flight 043, traveling from Denpasar to Jakarta, experienced a series of
failures similar to that of Lion Air 610. During the incident, the flight crew
successfully counteracted MCAS and used the stabilizer trim
cutout switches
to effectively turn offMCAS (see figure 10). The flight crew continued to Jakarta,
but with continuous cockpit alerts for the duration of the flight.
Specifically, the stick shaker warning was activated, an alert that warns the flight crew when the aircraft is close to a
wing stall condition.
These messages indicate that the airspeed and altitude data being reported by the Captain’s instruments and the
First Officer’s instruments do not match.
Trim systems help minimize a pilot’s workload by aerodynamically assisting in the movement and position of the
flight control surfaces. These systems can be manipulated manually but typically feature an electrically powered
system to assist pilots.
The stabilizer trim cutout switches remove power from the stabilizer trim motor when positioned to cutout.
AV2020037 30
Figure 10. 737 MAX Stabilizer Trim Cutout Switches
The stabilizer trim cutout switches are marked in the red circle above.
Source: Boeing
The Indonesian accident investigators found that the left AOA sensor on the 737
MAX 8 was replaced prior to Lion Air 043, but this replacement sensor
subsequently reported faulty data. Investigators were unable to determine if
required testing of the replacement sensor had been performed properly.
MCAS was designed to rely on a single AOA sensor, making it vulnerable to
failure from a sole source of erroneous input. Further, upon landing, the flight
crew did not fully report all of the issues experienced, making a complete
evaluation by maintenance technicians difficult.
Two types of testing on the replacement sensor were required: (1) functional testing of the replacement sensor by
the air carrier upon installation and (2) maintenance testing performed by the repair station prior to providing the
part to Lion Air. FAA has since revoked the vendor’s repair station certificate.
AV2020037 31
November 47, 2018
FAA conducts initial risk analysis following the Lion Air crash.
FAA conducted an initial review of events through its Continued Operational
Safety Program.
The review included a quantitative analysis of the service
history of the Boeing 737 MAX 8. Based on this review, FAA determined that
while urgent
action was necessary, the ongoing risk did not meet the threshold
for aircraft grounding. This analysis was the basis for issuing an Emergency AD.
November 6, 2018
Boeing issues bulletin to operators regarding the 737 MAX 8 and 737 MAX 9.
The bulletin informed 737 MAX 8 and MAX 9 operators that erroneous AOA data
could result in uncommanded nose-down movement of the aircraft and that this
action can repeat until the related system is deactivated. The bulletin emphasized
pilot procedures to perform, including returning the aircraft to a neutral trim
position, following the runaway stabilizer checklist, using the appropriate
switches (e.g., figure 10 above) to remove power from the related system, and
using manual trim once they turned the stabilizer off. The bulletin further
reminded pilots that they can experience additional indications and effects,
including but not limited to altitude and airspeed disagreement alerts.
November 7, 2018
FAA issues Emergency Airworthiness Directive.
One day after Boeing’s bulletin, FAA issued an AD
to all air carriers operating
the 737 MAX 8 and MAX 9. The AD identified that if the aircraft’s AOA sensor fails
or sends erroneous data to the flight control system, there is potential for
repeated nose-down movement that could lead to difficulty controlling the
airplane. The AD required all owners and operators of the 737 MAX 8 and MAX 9
aircraft to—within 3 days of the receipt of the ADrevise the Airplane Flight
Manual to provide flight crews with procedures to follow under certain conditions
that would counteract the aircraft’s nose-down movements. While neither the
bulletin nor the AD specifically named MCAS, Boeing issued a message to
operators of the aircraft on November 10, 2018, with a brief MCAS description.
FAA’s Continued Operational Safety Program is a data-driven program intended to manage risks associated with
specific aircraft fleets. It uses qualitative and quantitative analysis to determine the appropriate course of action
following potential safety events.
FAA uses a risk model with recommended levels of response including the probability of individual injury per flight
hour, such as pursuing immediate actions (1 fatal injury in 1 million flight hours) and grounding the aircraft (1 fatal
injury per 100,000 flight hours).
FAA issues ADs to aircraft owners and operators and transmits ADs to foreign aviation authorities. Emergency AD
2018-23-51 was issued on November 7, 2018.
AV2020037 32
November 28, 2018
FAA completes a risk analysis of the Lion Air Flight 610 accident.
FAA completed its initial Continued Operational Safety risk analysis and
subsequent review by the Corrective Action Review Board.
The risk analysis
results supported the original decision to issue the Emergency AD and stated that
additional action was required to further reduce risk. Specifically, the Board found
that the uncorrected individual risk
was 2.68 fatalities per 1 million flight hours.
This exceeds FAA’s Transport Airplane Risk Analysis Methodology (TARAM)
guidelines of 1 fatality per 10 million flight hours.
Based on the risk analysis, Boeing proposed and FAA accepted a redesign of
MCAS software that would include additional safeguards against unintended
MCAS activation. FAA completed an additional analysis on December 12, 2018,
for the risk post-implementation of the AD. This analysis determined a risk of
about 15 accidents occurring over the life of the entire 737 MAX fleet if the
software fix was not implemented.
FAA’s risk analysis also indicated that the AD
mitigated the risk sufficiently enough to allow continued aircraft operation for a
limited period of time, until July 2019, while the software fix was being developed
and implemented on the existing fleet. As a result of the Lion Air accident, Boeing
agreed to begin developing software design changes to MCAS. The initial
proposal for the software fix would revise MCAS to compare data from both AOA
sensors and limit its ability to activate multiple times.
January 9, 2019
FAA begins review of MCAS certification process.
In January 2019, FAA initiated an internal review of the original MCAS certification
process. This was the first time FAA performed its own detailed analysis of MCAS,
and according to several FAA certification engineers, it was also the first time that
they were presented with a full picture of how MCAS worked. This review resulted
in documentation that was never finalized.
In the draft, FAA did not find any
non-compliances, but the Agency noted Boeing’s document traceability and
The Corrective Action Review Board is a panel of FAA experts who formally recommend the action to be taken,
which could include the issuance of an AD or grounding a specific model or fleet of aircraft.
Uncorrected individual risk is the probability of individual fatal injury per flight hour if no action is taken to address
an identified condition.
FAA’s TARAM handbook outlines a process for determining the numerical risk associated with the continued
operation of passenger carrying aircraft, and guidance for identifying unsafe conditions and corresponding regulatory
This figure of 15 accidents assumes an estimated fleet size of 4,800 aircraft in operation; there were approximately
250 aircraft in operation at the time of the Lion Air accident.
This documentation included both required supervision records and a draft report. According to FAA management,
the report was going through management review and comment at the time of the Ethiopian accident, at which time
the Agency considered it overtaken by events.
AV2020037 33
clarity of explanations were lacking in its revisions to MCAS and other system
certification documents. FAA’s post-accident review determined that an
independent reviewer would not have been able to effectively review the safety
assessment as a standalone compliance document or understand the full system
functionality and linkage with other systems and functions.
February 13, 2019
FAA and Boeing formally agree to a schedule for implementation of the MCAS
software fix.
Based on the analysis performed in December 2018, FAA determined that Boeing
and operators had until July 2019 to develop and implement the MCAS software
update in order to remain within the allowable risk guidelines contained in the
TARAM Handbook.
FAA and Boeing agreed to an implementation plan to meet
that date. Under the agreement, Boeing would develop the software update by
April 12, 2019; FAA would issue an AD requiring implementation of the new
software by April 19, 2019; and operators would have until June 18, 2019, to
install the software. According to FAA, the Agency calculated these milestones
based on the best information and data available at the time about the aircraft
and the Lion Air accident.
March 10, 2019
Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashes, resulting in 157 fatalities.
Just over 4 months after the Lion Air Flight 610 crashed into the Java Sea,
Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashed shortly after departing Addis Ababa Bole
International Airport, resulting in 157 fatalities, including 8 Americans. The interim
accident report
found that shortly after takeoff, the left AOA sensor failed.
MCAS again activated multiple times based on erroneous AOA data, resulting in
uncommanded nose-down movement of the aircraft. According to the report, the
flight crew used the stabilizer trim cutout switches. However, according to the
interim report, flight data from the investigation indicate the crew subsequently
returned power to the stabilizer trim system. This was not in compliance with
FAA’s Emergency AD, which states that the stabilizer trim cutout switch remain
set to the cutout position for the reminder of the flight. Ultimately, the crew lost
control of the aircraft. The interim investigation results show that the pilots did
not reduce power from takeoff thrust during the duration of the flight, resulting
in excessive speed. This can lead to aerodynamic forces that exceed the ability of
the flight crew to counteract these forces through manual adjustments.
TARAM Handbook and FAA Policy Statement. PS-ANM-25-05. November 4, 2011.
On March 9, 2020, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Transport, Aircraft Accident
Investigation Bureau, released Interim Investigation Report of accident 737-8 MAX ET-AJV, ET-302.
AV2020037 34
Timeline of Concurrent FAA Organization
Designation Authorization Oversight Actions and
During the same timeframe of the 737 MAX 8 certification and the Lion Air
accident, Boeing, FAA, and our office were identifying some significant
problemsalthough not specific to the 737 MAX 8with the Boeing ODA, as
well as FAA’s ODA oversight. These included undue pressure on ODA unit
members, quality and timeliness of certification documentation, and the
effectiveness of FAA oversight.
Boeing ODA self-audits and surveys identify employee concerns about undue
In two ODA self-auditsone in the Seattle, WA, area (2013) and another in
Charleston, SC (2014), Boeing identified employee concerns related to undue
pressure within the ODA. The term undue pressuredescribes situations in which
an ODA unit member or other designeei.e., a company employee working on
behalf of FAAfaces conflicting non-ODA duties or interference from other
company or organizational elements regarding how to effectively administer
pertinent regulations.
Subsequently, in 2016, Boeing conducted an undue pressure survey of its ODA
unit members, obtaining 523 responses as of November 2016. While 97 percent
of the respondents agreed that they understood the process for reporting undue
pressure, almost 40 percent had encountered situations where they perceived
potential undue pressure, and almost a quarter of respondents had experienced
undue pressure beyond their direct reporting structure while performing their
ODA function. Further, respondent comments included common themes such as
pressure from high workloads, confusion and potential undue pressure due to
the dual roles of a unit member,
and a desire for the company to share
information about other undue pressure cases to help other unit members learn
and understand from those cases.
According to FAA, Agency discussion with Boeing and analysis of the survey
results indicated there may have been a distinction between potentialundue
pressure and undue pressure that would rise to the level of formal reporting,
The Boeing ODA has nearly 1,500 personnel; however, ODA administrators and unit members perform those duties
only part-time. The same engineer can work for the company on a particular design and then approve that same
design as an ODA unit member. Boeing ODA managers who administer the program also have concurrent roles
within Boeing.
AV2020037 35
which was not differentiated in the survey. Interviews of ODA unit members
found that all formally reported instances of undue pressure were satisfactorily
addressed. However, according to the Agency, FAA observations indicated a need
for further oversight of the undue pressure systems and processes.
Over the course of 2018 and 2019, the Boeing ODA completed seven internal
audits that covered the undue pressure reporting process for ODA unit members
at selected Boeing facilitiesnot specific to the MAX. None of the audits found
non-conformities (e.g., violations of FAA regulations) related to undue pressure,
and the reports remarked that the process for reporting concerns about undue
pressure was well communicated and supported. However, the ODA’s self-audits
reported that while unit members in interviews demonstrated awareness and
knowledge of the undue pressure reporting process, one audit noted a
perception of inadequate protection from actions by leadership outside of
ODA.” Although not a formal audit finding, another internal audit noted a
general lack of confidence that the [undue pressure reporting] process would
reach a satisfactory conclusion and/or protect the Unit Members.
October 15, 2015
DOT OIG issues report citing issues with staffing and processes for ODA
While delegation is an essential part of meeting FAA’s certification goals, our
office has reported since 2011
that the Agency faces challenges in overseeing
ODA companies, including Boeing. For example, in October 2015, during the
timeframe of the Boeing 737 MAX 8 certification, we reported
that FAA’s
oversight of ODA program controls was not systems- and risk-based,
recommended by an aviation rulemaking committee.
Instead, FAA’s oversight
was more focused on individual engineering products and areas that we
determined were low risk. We also found that FAA lacked a comprehensive
process for determining staffing levels needed to provide ODA oversight and that
FAA did not conduct sufficient oversight of ODA personnel who performed
certification work at companies that supply components to manufacturers. We
made nine recommendations aimed at improving FAA’s staffing and oversight of
the ODA program.
FAA Needs To Strengthen Its Risk Assessment and Oversight Approach for Organization Designation Authorization
and Risk-Based Resource Targeting Programs (OIG Report No. AV2011136), June 29, 2011.
FAA Lacks an Effective Staffing Model and Risk-Based Oversight Process for Organization Designation Authorization
(OIG Report No. AV2016001), October 15, 2015.
Systems-based oversight shifts from focusing on individual project engineering work to holistically assessing
whether ODA companies have the people, processes, procedures, and facilities in place to produce safe products, thus
allowing FAA to focus its oversight on the highest-risk areas, such as new, innovative aircraft designs.
Aircraft Certification Process Review and Reform Aviation Rulemaking Committee, a joint FAA and industry group,
formed in response to a congressional mandate to study the aircraft certification process.
AV2020037 36
FAA has since addressed most recommendations from our report, but the Agency
has not yet implemented a risk-based approach to ODA oversight as we
recommended. This approach would allow FAA to assess the greatest risks and
target its oversight accordingly. FAA’s current plan is to implement its new
system for ODA oversight by December 2020.
During our current review, we found that engineers in FAA’s Boeing oversight
office still face challenges in balancing certification and oversight responsibilities.
While we have not found any evidence of an inappropriately close relationship
between FAA and Boeing to date, some FAA personnel expressed concern that
FAA executives are too deferential to Boeing.
FAA and Boeing sign a Settlement Agreement, and Boeing pays a $12 million
fine related to ongoing ODA manufacturing and certification issues.
During the same time period as the MAX 8 certification, FAA was performing
ODA oversight activities and enforcement actions related to manufacturing and
certification issues at Boeing, such as documentation quality, timeliness, and
corrective actions. In culmination of these efforts, FAA and Boeing signed a
Settlement Agreement on December 18, 2015, wherein Boeing agreed to take
actions in specified regulatory compliance areas and acknowledged obligations
to meet performance metrics. These actions would resolve allegations
documented in 13 FAA Enforcement Investigative Reports (EIR) spanning from
2009 through 2015.
All 13 EIRs cited violations of Boeing’s approved production, delegation, and
certification systems. Each EIR also cited violations of more specific regulations,
such as those governing completed aircraft conformity, fuel tank flammability,
compliance plans, and compliance with ODA procedures. Although not
specifically tied to the 737 MAX 8 aircraft, these allegations pertained to issues
regarding the quality of ODA certification documents and Boeing’s processes to
identify the root causes of its non-compliances
and establish corrective actions
to resolve them.
Upon signing the agreement, Boeing paid a $12 million civil penalty to FAA and
could face civil penalties up to $24 million if it fails to meet the settlement
agreement commitments by December 31, 2020.
Root causes are the contributory or initiating underlying causal factors of a nonconformity or undesirable event. A
causal factor is considered the root cause if its removal from the event sequence prevents the undesirable event from
AV2020037 37
Between February 2017 and March 2019, FAA initiated 17 ODA oversight
(called supervision records) related to the compliance findings in the
2015 Settlement Agreement. FAA deemed six (35 percent) of the activities to be
unsatisfactory, related to incomplete information and/or insufficient justification
provided in certification project documentation.
According to FAA and Boeing officials, the company is still working on improving
its documentation and processes, particularly in the area of identifying and
resolving root causes to prevent non-conformances and non-compliances from
November 21, 2018
FAA initiates a formal compliance action against Boeing related to ODA
During the same time period of the Lion Air accident, FAA was in the process of
completing its oversight related to potential undue pressure on engineering unit
members, not directly related to the 737 MAX. In November 2018, FAA initiated a
formal compliance action
against Boeing, citing five engineering unit members
who had conveyed to FAA instances of interference or conflicting duties with
their unit member roles. According to FAA, one of these five individuals reported
the instances of undue pressure through the formal Boeing process for
In subsequent months, Boeing requested three extensions from FAA before
providing its response to the compliance action, including a corrective action
plan. FAA did not accept Boeing’s response to this compliance action. FAA also
issued two separate letters of investigation
in June 2019 and March 2020
against Boeing, related to potential undue pressure of unit members. FAA did not
accept Boeing’s response to the June 2019 letter of investigation and is currently
evaluating that letter of investigation and the formal compliance action together.
The Agency is still awaiting Boeing’s response to the more recent March 2020
letter of investigation.
FAA ODA oversight employees actually initiated 26 of these supervision records, but only 17 were accepted upon
review by FAA management. Of the 26 records initially submitted, 5 were deleted, 3 were rejected, and 1 had not yet
been reviewed as of July 25, 2019.
In contrast to a legal enforcement action, such as a civil penalty, compliance actions allow a manufacturer to
address a non-compliance in accordance with a corrective action plan agreed upon with FAA. According to FAA, an
insufficient response to a compliance action can result in enforcement action.
A Letter of Investigation, as part of FAA compliance and enforcement program, serves the dual purposes of
notifying an apparent violator that they are under investigation for a potential violation and providing the factual
details about the activities being investigated. It also gives the apparent violator an opportunity to provide input and
respond to the Agency. According to FAA, an insufficient response to a Letter of Investigation can result in
enforcement action.
AV2020037 38
FAA is charged with overseeing the safety and certification of all civilian aircraft
manufactured and operated in the United States. The tragic accidents in 2018
and 2019 involving the Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft have raised important
questions about FAA’s certification process, including its oversight of the ODA
program. The accidents, including FAA’s response following the Lion Air crash,
have also drawn attention to the Agency’s processes for determining certification
basis, assessing pilot training needs, and conducting risk analyses. While
investigations and related reviews are still ongoing, FAA’s sustained management
attention will be essential in identifying and monitoring the highest-risk and
safety-critical areas of aircraft certification, while also working to restore public
confidence in its aircraft certification processes.
Given that we have an open recommendation for FAA related to ODA and that
we are planning additional analysis of FAA’s certification process and the use of
the ODA program for the 737 MAX 8 aircraft, we are not making
recommendations in this report. In our 2015 report, we recommended FAA
develop and implement risk-based tools to aid ODA team members in targeting
their oversight. By December 31, 2020, FAA plans to implement a risk-based
approach to ODA oversight.
The data gathered for this report are informational and meant to be responsive
to the Secretary’s request. We will report further on FAA’s oversight of the
certification process, ODA, and other related matters in future reports.
Agency Comments and OIG Response
We provided FAA with our draft report on April 28, 2020, and received its
response on June 8, 2020, which is included as an appendix to this report. As our
report did not contain recommendations, no further actions are required.
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology 39
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology
We conducted this performance audit between April 2019 and April 2020 in
accordance with generally accepted Government auditing standards as
prescribed by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate
evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on
our audit objectives.
We believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our
findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. This report is in response
to the Secretary’s request to compile an objective and detailed factual history of
the activities that resulted in the certification of the 737 MAX 8 and is the initial
product to be issued related to FAA’s certification of the Boeing 737 MAX.
To determine the reliability of the data, we compared dates regarding Boeing 737
MAX certification documentation received from both FAA and Boeing and
obtained source documentation to confirm and resolve discrepancies from
respective presentations. We also sought and obtained source documentation to
verify information obtained from testimonial evidence. In addition, we assessed
the completeness and integrity of FAA’s ODA oversight records by reviewing the
content and accuracy of the data and determining FAA’s processes for assessing
data quality.
To obtain detailed, factual information regarding FAA’s aircraft certification
process and the historical certification of Boeing’s 737 MAX, we met with FAA
aircraft certification officials in both Washington, DC, and Oklahoma City, OK, to
discuss the evolution of FAA’s certification and ODA policies and guidance. We
also collected current and historical ODA policy and guidance documents and
internal policy office analyses, including data tracking metrics for Boeing’s ODA.
We received multiple briefings from FAA’s Aircraft Certification Service, System
Oversight Division and Compliance and Airworthiness Division, as well as the
Flight Standards Service, Aircraft Evaluation Group, located at the Northwest
Mountain Regional Office. We conducted interviews of FAA safety inspectors;
flight test and control engineers; standards staff engineers; and certification,
oversight, and flight test management personnel. We reviewed and analyzed
certification plans and associated deliverables, issue papers, internal
correspondence, internal safety analyses conducted during the certification
process and following the 2018 and 2019 accidents, and flight test documents
pertaining to the Boeing 737 MAX. We also interviewed a National Air Traffic
Controllers Association representative for FAA aircraft certification engineers to
look at issues raised over the course of the MAX’s certification.
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology 40
We analyzed the 2015 Settlement Agreement between FAA and Boeing and
collected and reviewed supervisory records, pilot reports, ODA audits, and
compliance and enforcement actions that FAA initiated on Boeing during the
timeframe of the MAX’s certification. We also collected information related to
recent compliance actions regarding undue pressure of Boeing ODA employees.
We visited Boeing facilities in Everett, Renton, and Seattle, WA, and interviewed
Boeing management about the Boeing 737 MAX’s certification. We collected
further documentation from Boeing regarding certification plans, internal system
safety analyses, MCAS-specific requirements and testing documents, internal
flight test reports, and updates regarding return-to-service actions and MCAS
software revisions. We also interviewed ODA management and collected and
reviewed internal ODA procedure manuals and self-audits. Interviews of Boeing
certification personnel were limited in scope because of liability concerns raised
by Boeing. Individual interviews of Boeing ODA staff to obtain information about
undue pressure and other climate issues were conducted within agreed-upon
parameters with Boeing, such as OIG not asking the two ODA staff interviewed
about specific certification decisions or certification programs such as the 737
Finally, we had several coordination meetings with the National Transportation
Safety Board over the course of our audit, to both avoid duplication of effort in
our respective reviews and to also receive updates on the status of its accident
Exhibit B. Organizations Visited or Contacted 41
Exhibit B. Organizations Visited or Contacted
Federal Aviation Administration
Aircraft Certification Service:
System Oversight Division
Boeing Aviation Safety Oversight Office, Des Moines, WA
Boeing Certificate Management Office, Des Moines, WA
Compliance and Airworthiness Division
Northwest Flight Test Section, Des Moines, WA
Seattle Aircraft Certification Office, Des Moines, WA
Policy and Innovation Division
Transport Standards Branch Des Moines, WA
Certification Procedures Branch Washington DC
Delegation and Organizational Procedures Branch Oklahoma
City, OK
Flight Standards Service (AFX):
Seattle Aircraft Evaluation Group, Des Moines, WA
Other Organizations
Boeing Commercial Airplanes
Everett, WA
Renton, WA
Seattle, WA
National Air Traffic Controllers Association
National Transportation Safety Board
Exhibit C. Glossary of Terms 42
Exhibit C. Glossary of Terms
Term Definition
AC Advisory Circular Advisory Circulars are guidance documents produced by FAA to inform and
guide entities within the aviation industry, as well as the general public, and
describe actions or advice that FAA expects to be implemented or followed.
AD Airworthiness Directive ADs are legally enforceable rules issued by FAA to correct an unsafe condition in
a product. 14 CFR Part 39 defines a product as an aircraft, aircraft engine,
propeller, or appliance.
AEG Aircraft Evaluation
A group in FAA’s Flight Standards Service tasked with determining the
appropriate types of training for aircraft that are undergoing evaluation for an
AFM Airplane Flight Manual An Airplane Flight Manual’s primary purpose is to provide an authoritative
source of information considered necessary for safely operating the airplane.
AFMs have specific information that must be provided to satisfy airworthiness
AOA Angle of Attack The difference between the pitch angle (nose direction) of the airplane and the
angle of the oncoming wind. AOA sensors measure the angle between an
airplane’s wing and the oncoming air.
ATC Amended Type
An ATC is issued by FAA when the holder of a type certificate receives FAA
approval to modify an aircraft design from its original design. An ATC approves
not only the modification but also how that modification affects the original
Boeing Aviation Safety
Oversight Office
Provides oversight of designee authority granted to Boeing.
COS Continued Operational
A data-driven, risk-based approach for safety assurance and safety risk
Federal Aviation
The Agency responsible for overseeing numerous aviation activities designed to
ensure the safety of the flying public.
FCC Flight Control
The component of digital flight control software that provides several functions
integral to flight, including autopilot, flight director, and speed trim.
Flight Crew Operations
The FCOM contains operations information and provides the necessary
operating limitations, procedures, performance, and systems information the
flight crew needs to safely and efficiently operate the aircraft.
Exhibit C. Glossary of Terms 43
Term Definition
FSB Flight Standardization
FAA typically establishes an FSB when certificating large jet or propeller aircraft.
One of the FSB’s mandates is to develop training objectives for normal and
emergency procedures and maneuvers.
JATR Joint Authorities
Technical Review
The JATR is a team consisting of representatives of regulators from 10 civil
aviation authorities that was chartered by FAA on June 1, 2019, to examine the
Agency’s certification of the 737 MAX 8. The JATR issued a report on October
11, 2019.
Joint Operational
Evaluation Board
A multi-regulatory body that conducts a multi-day session with global
regulatory and airline pilots to validate training requirements.
MDR Master Differences
Specifies the highest training and checking difference levels between a pair of
related aircraft derived from the Differences Tables.
Augmentation System
Flight control law implemented on the 737 MAX to improve aircraft handling
characteristics and decrease pitch-up tendency at elevated angles of attack.
MoC Means of Compliance The means by which an applicant shows compliance with the flight
requirements for an airworthiness or type certificate.
National Transportation
Safety Board
The NTSB conducts independent accident investigations, advocates safety
improvements, and decides pilots’ and mariners’ certification appeals.
ODA Organization
FAA created the ODA program in 2005 to standardize its oversight of
organizational designees (e.g., aircraft manufacturers) that have been approved
to perform certain functions on the Agency’s behalf, such as determining
compliance with aircraft certification regulations.
Single and Multiple
Boeing uses the S&MF document to analyze the probability of potential failures
of key systems and equipment, the probability that those failures will interact,
and the impact of multiple failures on continued safe flight and landing.
System Safety
An assessment of the process to identify and classify failure conditions and
ensuing means for regulatory compliance.
TARAM Transport Airplane Risk
Analysis Methodology
Outlines a process for calculating risk associated with continued-operational-
safety (COS) issues in the transport-airplane fleet. It explains how to use such
risk-analysis calculations when making determinations of unsafe conditions and
selecting and implementing corrective actions.
TC Type Certificate
An approval document issued by FAA that states a specific aircraft model is
compliant with airworthiness regulations.
Exhibit C. Glossary of Terms 44
Term Definition
TIA Type Inspection
Issued after FAA reviews the applicant’s test results package, the TIA authorizes
official conformity, airworthiness inspections, and ground and flight tests
necessary to fulfill TC certification requirements.
Exhibit D. Major Contributors to This Report 45
Exhibit D. Major Contributors to This Report
Appendix. Agency Comments 46
Appendix. Agency Comments
U.S. Department of
1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20590
Office of the Secretary of
Date: June 8, 2020
Subject: INFORMATION: Management Response to Office of Inspector
General (OIG) Draft Report on FAA’s Oversight of Boeing 737 MAX
From: Steven G. Bradbury
General Counsel (and performing the
functions and duties of Deputy Secretary)
To: Howard R. Elliott
Acting Inspector General
The Department of Transportation (DOT) appreciates the opportunity to review the draft report
by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) documenting the timeline of the certification of the
Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, the use of Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) programs
at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and FAA’s actions after the Lion Air Flight 610
and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 accidents. The Department’s top priority is safety. OIG’s
review will help FAA to better understand some of the factors that may have contributed to the
crashes and ensure these types of accidents never occur again.
Background on Ongoing MAX Re-certification Process
The Department of Transportation (DOT) and FAA continue to extend our deepest sympathy and
condolences to the families of the victims of Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight
302. We honor the memory of those 346 lives by striving for the highest possible margin of
safety in the global aviation system.
FAA’s aviation safety professionals have our unequivocal support in carrying out their critical
mission. They are following a thorough process for returning the 737 MAX to service—a
process that is not driven by a timeline, but by safety. As Administrator Dickson has testified,
“The FAA is continuing to follow a data-driven, methodical analysis, review, and validation of
the modified flight control systems and pilot training required to safely return the 737 MAX to
commercial service.He has directed FAA employees to take whatever time is necessary to
Appendix. Agency Comments 47
complete their work. In addition, FAA will continue to coordinate with foreign airworthiness
authorities around the world as work to return the 737 MAX to service proceeds.
FAA’s Approach to Certifying the MAX Series
The timeline prepared by OIG reveals some strengths in FAA’s aircraft certification process, as
well as areas for improvement. This and other reviews, both completed and ongoing, will inform
important reforms of FAA’s aircraft certification process. Although OIG determined that FAA
followed its certification process for the MAX, OIG’s review also makes clear that FAA’s
certification of the 737 MAX was hampered by a lack of effective communication, both between
Boeing and FAA and within FAA, which led to an incomplete understanding of the scope and
potential safety impacts of changes to the flight control system. For example, OIG noted that
during the original certification process, “key FAA certification engineers and personnel
responsible for approving the level of airline pilot training were unaware of the revision to [the
Maneuvering Characteristic Augmentation System (MCAS)].FAA’s certification process relies
on receiving complete, candid information from manufacturers. The agency will be taking
further steps to ensure integrity and transparency with regard to information sharing,
assumptions, and validation, all of which are integral to the overall certification system.
Additionally, FAA anticipates strengthening coordination among the lines of business with
certification responsibilities, as well as enhancing its human factors, flight controls, and system
safety expertise to address weaknesses that led to an incomplete understanding of MCAS prior to
FAA’s ongoing work to improve its certification process includes moving toward holistic review
and oversight from initial application to final certification, as well as coordinating a flexible
information flow throughout the oversight process. It also includes promoting an environment
where the proactive self-disclosure of errors is expected and appreciated, and where the reporting
of safety issues is encouraged. Safety Management Systems (SMS) for all industries involved in
the aerospace system and “Just Culture” concepts that allow for the consideration of honest
mistakes and incentivize openness and transparency will help achieve these goals.
Use of Organization Designation Authorization (ODA)
FAA is currently in the process of developing a new policy to ensure appropriate FAA oversight
of ODA programs. Delegation in the aviation industry has existed in some form since the 1920s,
and since 1958 for aircraft. Congress established the current ODA program, which sought to
streamline aspects of the certification process, as part of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act
of 2012 (Pub. L. 112-95, sec. 312, codified at 49 U.S.C. § 44704(e)). As Administrator Dickson
testified in December, the ODA construct is based on trust . . . it’s a privilege . . . it’s not a
right.” FAA’s new policy will be based on that theme—building upon the successes of ODA
while ensuring the appropriate level of FAA oversight based on the risks associated with each
ODA’s authorized functions, the size and complexity of the ODA’s organization, any history of
undue influence on ODA decision-making, and other performance and risk factors. FAA will
also base the policy on recommendations from the evaluations currently underway by OIG and
others, such as the Expert Review Panel recently formed per section 213 of the FAA
Appendix. Agency Comments 48
Reauthorization Act of 2018. FAA expects to have the draft policy prepared for public comment
in the coming months.
Additionally, FAA has established the Organization Designation Authorization Office within the
Aviation Safety Organization. This office will provide a system-level focus on multiple areas,
including ODA utilization, establishment of ODA limitations, ODA oversight, and performance
of ODAs. By looking at the ODA system from an integrated certification and operational
perspective, this office will support standardized outcomes and drive improvement across all our
ODAs while coordinating national program policy. FAA is currently in the process of
operationalizing this office with the goal of having permanent staff by the end of calendar year
2020. Currently, the office is developing a detailed implementation plan to further operationalize
the office while defining actions needed to address continuous improvement of the ODA
Within a matter of days following the Lion Air crash, FAA issued an emergency Airworthiness
Directive (AD) in response to the accident. The AD reminded pilots how to handle a runaway
stabilizer scenario, since an unintended MCAS activation was understood to manifest to pilots as
a runaway stabilizer. FAA made the decision to issue the emergency AD based on the
information available at the time. After the accident, FAA also initiated a review of the original
MCAS certification process and began certification work on the initial changes Boeing proposed
to address preliminary concerns about the 737 MAX. That work has been incorporated into
FAA’s ongoing recertification process.
The events noted on the OIG timeline are all important steps that are being evaluated with the
goal of identifying potential improvements to FAA’s risk-assessment methodology, development
of assumptions, decision-making, and information reliance. DOT looks forward to the results of
the OIG’s continued review including its recommendations to FAA later this year.
Department and FAA leadership appreciate the work of OIG, the Secretary’s Special Committee
to Review the FAA’s Certification Process for the 737 MAX, the National Transportation Safety
Board, the 737 MAX Technical Advisory Board, the Joint Authorities Technical Review, and the
accident investigation authorities to help FAA improve aviation safety both domestically and
abroad. FAA welcomes feedback from its international peers, intergovernmental partners,
governmental auditors, Congress, and industry experts. There will never be a risk-free mode of
transportation, but it is the dedication and hard work of aviation safety professionals within FAA
and throughout the industry that have made commercial aviation in the U.S. the safest mode of
transportation in the world.
We appreciate this opportunity to respond to the draft report. Please contact Madeline
Chulumovich at (202) 366-6512, with questions or if you require additional information.
Our Mission
OIG conducts audits and investigations on
behalf of the American public to improve the
performance and integrity of DOT’s programs
to ensure a safe, efficient, and effective
national transportation system.