Laboratory Information Request Intake Form
Section I: Requestor & Sponsor Information
Affiliation should be for the purpose of the data use. DATA ACCESS AND USE FOR HEALTH SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PURPOSES
(SECONDARY USE) Policy 1178 (
Choose an item.
First Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Last Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Telephone: Click or tap here to enter text. Email: Click or tap here to enter text.
Requestor Affiliation*: Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Sponsor First Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Sponsor Last Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Telephone: Click or tap here to enter text. Email: Click or tap here to enter text.
Requestor Affiliation*: Choose an item.
Section II: Basic Request Information
Intake Type:
Choose an item.
Project: Sequential requests for information that lead to a certain outcome. Requests are often
dependent on each other. There is a defined start and end date with measurements of success.
Request for Laboratory Data: Data requests that support business needs and are usually standalone
requests or regular reporting requests.
Project/Request Title:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Previous Request No. (if
Click or tap here to enter text.
Request Type:
Choose an item.
APL Business Plan Initiative: Support evaluation of Business Plan
Operational: Decision making, investigative, performance, safety or compliance reporting
Quality Improvement: Examining existing services and patient outcomes to determing how services
can be improved for the future HIA Guidelines and Practices
Research: Academic, applied or scientific research that necessitates the use of individually
identifying health information HIA
Other (Please specify if “Other” selected above): Click or tap here to enter text.
Please supply the following information for APL Business Plan Initiative requests:
APL Business Plan Initiative Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
APL Business Plan No. (if available): Click or tap here to enter text.
Laboratory Information Request Intake Form
Data Type:
Select all that apply:
Aggregate Information
Identifiable Information
Non-identifiable information
Other (Please specify if ‘other’ selected above): Click or tap here to enter text.
Aggregate Information: Non-identifiable health information about groups of individuals with
common characteristics
Identifiable Information: Individually identifying when used to describe health information, means
that the identity of the individual, who is the subject of the information, can be readily ascertained
from the information.
Non-identifiable Information: Identity of the individual who is the subject of the information
cannot be readily ascertained from the information.
(Source: HIA Guidelines and Practices)
Required Supporting
Select all that apply:
APL Business Plan
Quality Improvement
Research Request
APL Business Plan:
Business Plan Placemat
ARECCI Screening Tool Result is not necessary for Business Plan request
Quality Improvement:
ARECCI Screening Result
Research Request:
Ethics Approval
Ethics Application
Please attach any supporting documentation available at this time upon submission of request
Section III: Operations, Research, QI Request Assessment, and Other
*If Request Type is APL Business Plan Initiative, please skip ahead to Section IV.
Business Justification:
Please provide a brief summary as to why it is important for this request to proceed at this time.
Please also explain how this request will improve laboratory medicine/patient care in Alberta.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Knowledge Translation
Outline your knowledge translation plan for the findings from your request. (Who will the findings
be shared with? Publication and/or Communication Plan? Implementation strategy?)
Click or tap here to enter text.
How is the project funded? (if applicable)
Click or tap here to enter text.
Laboratory Information Request Intake Form
Engaged Personnel:
Who have you engaged in Alberta Precision Laboratories/Alberta Health Services to ensure
relevance and applicability of this work?
Click or tap here to enter text.
Section IV: Request Details
Identifying Information:
Please specify any/all personal identifying data and demographic information
Patient Health Number (PHN)
Medical Record Number (MRN)
Patient Name
Date of Birth
Postal Code
Physician Name/Number
Accession Number
Other (Please specify): Click or tap here to enter text.
Laboratory Data Type:
Select all that apply:
Testing volumes by performing site
Laboratory collections volumes by collection site
Test Results (Numerical, Normal/Abnormal, Comments etc.)
Quality Control data
Laboratory Workload
Turnaround Times
Other (Please specify): Click or tap here to enter text.
List any and all Tests of Interest:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Select all that apply:
Laboratory Discipline:
Select all that apply:
Anatomic Pathology
Genetics, Genomics, Molecular Pathology
Laboratory Information Request Intake Form
Point of Care Testing (POCT)
Transfusion Medicine
Data Delivery Format:
Choose an item.
Data Release Frequency:
Please note that requests are only valid for 12 months. Annual requests require new submissions.
Choose an item.
Data Delivery Method:
Choose an item.
Data Storage:
Where will the data be stored?
Choose an item.
Other (please specify): Click or tap here to enter text.
Data Matching:
Will data be linked, matched or combined with records from other sources?
Data matching is the creation of individually identifying health information by combining
individually identifying or non-identifying health information or other information from 2 or more
electronic databases, without the consent of the individuals who are the subjects of the
Data linkage is computerized use of health information and other personal data from a variety of
sources, to merge and compare files on identifiable individuals or categories of individuals. This
linkage or profiling creates a new body of health information
(Source: HIA Guidelines and Practices)
Check if yes:
If yes, please explain:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Time Frame of Interest:
Start of date range:
Click or tap to enter a date.
End of date range:
Click or tap to enter a date.
Date Required:
Please be aware that the requests are reviewed by the Clinical Informatics Committee on the
second and fourth Friday of every month. Expected turnaround time is 1-6 months subject to the
volume of requests received. Urgent requests can be escalated to
Click or tap to enter a date.
Laboratory Information Request Intake Form
Section V: Submission Information/ User Agreement
User Agreement
Alberta Precision Laboratories (APL) has a legal and ethical responsibility to protect, manage and secure information within its
custody or under its control to maintain the confidence of patients and stakeholders. The User Agreement describes how you,
the user, must manage data.
You have been approved for the release of data outlined as part of your duties and responsibilities. As part of your
responsibility, you must know and follow the conditions for use and disclosure of all data you have access to.
It is required that you treat identifiable health and other information as confidential. Identifiable health information is governed
by both provincial legislation and APL policies.
You must sign this Agreement before you will be granted access to the data outline in this agreement.
Appropriate Use and Disclosure of Data
1. I understand and acknowledge that I am accountable to use and disclose data only in accordance with this agreement
as well as the policies and legislation that govern this data.
2. I shall only access, use and/or disclose the minimum data necessary with the highest degree of anonymity possible for
the purpose of fulfilling my job duties and responsibilities.
3. I shall not access my own information, or the information pertaining to a family member, friend, colleague, or anyone
who is not within the scope of my duties and responsibilities.
4. I understand and acknowledge that the access is for authorized secondary uses (e.g. Quality Improvement, research)
only and is not intended for direct patient care.
5. I shall not duplicate data without consent of the APL Repository Owner.
6. I understand and acknowledge that the data contains proprietary information and that I shall not redistribute this
7. I understand and acknowledge that I may bring other data into my personal or subject schema; however, if I plan to
match non-APL data with APL data (and I am not conducting research), I will be required to first complete a Privacy
Impact Assessment or a schedule to the existing repository Privacy Impact Assessment, as required under the Health
Information Act, section 70.
8. I shall not disclose information to a third party without the expressed written consent of the Repository Owner prior to
the disclosure.
9. I shall dispose of any data I access from APL, regardless of form, in a secure manner that renders the information
10. I shall use reasonable means to ensure that while I am accessing APL information it will not be viewed or obtained by
unauthorized people (e.g. secure my computer, be discreet when viewing data, not share my passwords).
11. I have reviewed, understand, and acknowledge the APL Data Access and Use for Health System Improvement Purposes
(Secondary Use) Policy.
Confidentiality Provisions
1. I shall take reasonable actions to keep all information private and confidential, and prevent the unauthorized
collection, use and/or disclosure of all information that I come into contact with.
2. I accept that the obligation to keep APL information confidential continues even after I leave my organization or if my
current role changes, and either I or my manager will notify with my end date should
either event occur.
3. If I become aware of a violation of any provisions referenced above or a potential or actual breach of confidentiality or
privacy, I will notify my Supervisor immediately. I will also notify as soon as possible.
Laboratory Information Request Intake Form
Audit and Sanctions
1. I understand and acknowledge that user system performance will be monitored.
2. I understand and acknowledge that regular audits are conducted and reviewed for appropriate access and use.
3. I understand that the Decision Support Team may revoke or restrict access to any Alberta Health Services and/or
Alberta Precision Laboratories data without notification.
Acknowledgement/ Publication
*Suggested acknowledgement:
Alberta Precision Laboratories Laboratory Information Systems. Decision Support, Alberta Precision Laboratories, [year].
If the data provided are used in publications, presentations, or posters, please inform as soon as
I acknowledge that I have read the provisions referenced above and understand there may be consequences for a violation of
those provisions and/or this Agreement.
I have read and understand the provisions referenced above and hereby agree to the terms as stated.
Please return this form and supporting documents to [email protected] upon completion with
subject line indicating RFD submission <your name>.