MRS Communications
Research Letter
Toward remote andsecure authentication: Disambiguation ofmagnetic
microwire signatures using neural networks
AksharVarma , Khoury College ofComputer Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
XiaoyuZhang, Department ofMechanical andIndustrial Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
BrianLejeune, Department ofChemical Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
LauraCebadaAlmagro, Department ofMaterials Physics, Complutense University ofMadrid, Madrid, Spain
RafaelP.delReal, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain; Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado, Universidad Complutense de
Madrid-ADIF, Madrid, Spain
PilarMarin, Department ofMaterials Physics, Complutense University ofMadrid, Madrid, Spain; Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado, Universidad Complutense de
Madrid-ADIF, Madrid, Spain
OgheneyunumeFitchorova, The George J. Kostas Research Institute forHomeland Security, Northeastern University, Burlington, MA, USA; KRI atNortheastern
University, LLC, Burlington, MA, USA; Department ofElectrical andComputer Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
LauraH.Lewis, Department ofMechanical andIndustrial Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA; Department ofChemical Engineering, Northeastern
University, Boston, MA, USA; The George J. Kostas Research Institute forHomeland Security, Northeastern University, Burlington, MA, USA
RaviSundaram, Khoury College ofComputer Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
Address all correspondence to Akshar Varma at [email protected]
(Received 5 July 2022; accepted 21 October 2022)
Secure and high-throughput authentication systems require materials with uniquely identiable responses that can be remotely detected and rapidly
disambiguated. To this end, complex electromagnetic responses from arrangements of amorphous ferromagnetic microwires were analyzed using
machine learning. These novel materials deliver maximal spectral dispersion when the frequency of incident electromagnetic radiation matches the
microwire resonance. Utilizing data obtained from 225 unique microwire arrangements, a neural network reproduced the response distribution of
unseen data to a condence level of 90%, with a mean square error less than 0.01. This favorable performance afrms the potential of magnetic
microwires for use in tags for secure article surveillance systems.
Secure, high-throughput, and contactless tracking of assets is
an enormous challenge for supply chain management as well
as for monitoring and controlling illicit transactions involv-
ing counterfeit currency and documents, pirated goods, and
substandard/falsied pharmaceuticals.
It is clear that sus-
tained advances in materials, devices, and data handling are
needed to address this complex and escalating issue. While
radio-frequency identication (RFID) technologies, including
chipless RFID,
can satisfy some of these requirements, their
expanded deployment remains constrained by cost, physical
size, and diculties associated with storing sucient data to
uniquely identify the signatures of extremely large numbers of
individual objects. At their essence, these identication systems
consist of an electromagnetic (EM)-active tag, a transmitter
to deliver interrogating incident EM radiation to the tag, and
a receiver to detect and analyze the subsequently emitted EM
signal. Although increased complexity in the received EM
signals, or spectra, provides a larger portfolio of potentially
unique tag signatures, at the same time it greatly increases the
challenge of disambiguating these signals and validating the
objects of interest.
To address this imperative, a system encompassing creation,
interrogation, and disambiguation of complex electromagnetic
signatures is described here. Signals emitted from EM-active
“tags” comprising specied arrangements of unique micron-
scaled magnetic objects—amorphous magnetic microwires—
were analyzed using machine learning in the form of neural
Results reported here were obtained from a surpris-
ingly small number (225) of measurements, and these results
conrmed parameterized learning of the response function to
successfully reproduce training and testing set data to a com-
mendable condence level in excess of 90%. In this manner, a
proof-of-concept demonstration has been achieved, allowing
contemplation of strategies to rene the parameter space and
physical conguration of the magnetic tags for improved per-
formance and applicability.
The uniqueness of this current work is derived from the
application and integration of three typically separate knowl-
edge domains—advanced magnetic materials,
machine learn-
and information theory
—to address a complex systems
challenge. Below we briey elaborate on the novelty and sig-
nicance of combining these three disciplinary arenas. As an
innovative composite material, glass-coated magnetic microw-
ires have the ability to modulate reection or transmission of
microwave (GHz) EM radiation incident on their surface, with
maximum dispersion achieved when the incident frequency is
matched to the microwire antenna resonance frequency. The
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society, 2022
· VOLUME XX · ISSUE xx · www.mrs.org/mrc
emitted microwire signal is very sensitive to details of chemical
composition as well as to environmental parameters (including
ambient magnetic eld, strain, and temperature).
the response of a multiwire ensemble is inuenced by the num-
ber, length, and proximity of the constituent wires.
this abundance of controllable parameters provides an immense
and highly versatile palette of variables and conditions to real-
ize unique tracking “tags” comprised of magnetic microwires.
The high-fidelity reproduction by a neural network of the
electromagnetic response of these magnetic microwire arrays
allows us to envision simulating a variety of materials composi-
tions in conjunction with physical congurations, to eciently
explore and survey a much larger tag space.
It is notable
that our neural networks achieve good performance with train-
ing dataset sizes on the order of a few hundreds, while machine
learning and especially neural networks typically require data-
set sizes on the order of 10,000 to a few million; this aspect is
noted within the materials science community as well.
the tag modeled as a neural network, we are now in a position
to innovate on the neural network architecture front to create
ecient encoder and decoder for tags.
In follow-on pre-
liminary work,
we leverage the proof-of-concept described
in this paper to create a general technique for creating a practi-
cal tagging system from any scanning technology employing a
novel autoencoder-based neural network architecture.
Materials andmethods
Magnetic microwires andtheir response
Amorphous glass-coated ferromagnetic microwires derive their
very high sensitivity to applied magnetic elds
from inter-
play between their atomic and magnetic structures.
In addi-
tion to ultrasoft magnetic behavior (coercivity H 
0.2 Oe),
these materials can exhibit a giant magnetoimpedance (GMI)
eect or a ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) eect;
in the
absence of applied electric current, this phenomenon is referred
to as the “antenna eect.”
Here, investigation is focused
on the antenna eect response of amorphous magnetic microw-
ires comprising of an amorphous metallic ferromagnetic core
(typical radius 10–20 microns) covered by uniform borosilicate
glass (i.e., pyrex) coating of approximately 20–30 microns in
thickness. The microwires of this study were procured from
Micror Tehnologii Industriale Ltd. (Moldova) with a consist-
ent composition of (Co
and an outer wire
diameter of 75–100 microns. Data were collected from congu-
rations of parallel wire arrays (array specics provided in the
following section) that were mounted on a piece of dielectric
plastic lm and secured with clear adhesive tape.
The initial neural network computational analyses were
performed on 225 separate and unique measurements (aka
congurational response pairs) of the antenna eect response
collected from the glass-coated amorphous magnetic microw-
ires arranged in a variety of configurations as tags. The
microwire arrays were assessed in the frequency domain in the
range 1–4 GHz using two double-ridged guide horn antennas
(ETS-LINDGREN model 3115) as an emitter and a receiver;
these were spaced 1.2 m apart to ensure a far-eld congura-
tion. The antennas were connected to a programmable network
analyzer (Agilent E8362B PNA Series Network Analyzer). The
microwire arrays were oriented perpendicular to the midline
connecting the two antennas, perpendicular to the direction of
the incident EM waves. After open-air calibration, the scatter-
ing parameters
 , which quantify in decibels (dB) the ratio of
the emitting antenna power ( 
 ) to the receiving antenna power
 ), were determined according to Equation 1:
The resultant EM scattering information was collected in the
frequency domain where the measured
scattering coecient
presents a minimum.
Neural network architecture andtraining
Using the data collected as described above, a neural-network-
based machine learning model
was developed and opti-
mized to predict the
response generated by a given congu-
ration of magnetic microwires. The microwire congurations
used to generate signals were initially dened using three fea-
tures: (a) the length of the microwires (either 3, 4, or 8 cm), (b)
the number of the microwires (between 1 and 16), and (c) the
separation between microwires (ranging from 0.4 to 20 cm).
The response of a particular conguration was represented by a
200-dimensional vector of dB values denoting the
with each dB value corresponding to xed, linearly separated
frequencies in the 1–4 GHz range.
These three features describing the microwire congurations
were input into the neural network model with a single hidden
layer of 1000 articial neurons with rectied linear unit (ReLU)
In the eld of neural networks, the term “neu-
rons” refer to an operation that performs a weighted sum of all
the inputs, with the weights being parameters that are optimized
using training data. Batch normalization
was applied to the
hidden layer before the output layer produced an output of a
200-dimensional vector designed to match the recorded
response. The model was trained on Mean Square Error (MSE)
loss using the popular ADAM optimizer,
with a learning
rate hyperparameter value of 1e−3 and a L2 regularization
hyperparameter value of 1e−6 for up to 2000 epochs. The MSE
represents a statistical assessment of the validity of the model
and is the average of the square of the dierences between the
target dB values and predicted dB values, which is minimized
during the training phase. From the total 225 (conguration,
response) pairs that were initially studied, a randomly chosen
selection of 202 measurements (90% of the total number) was
used for training the neural network model, while the remaining
23 measurements (10% of the total number) were employed as
“unseen” data to evaluate the model’s performance. This 90-10
split was performed 10 times to quantify the error associated
with the random splitting of the training and testing data.
= 20 · log
Research Letter
Results anddiscussion
Initial outcomes
The neural network favorably reproduced the response distribu-
tion of unseen data to a condence level of 90%, with a quite
favorable mean square error less than 0.01. The model out-
comes are provided in the rst two columns of Table I that con-
tain the MSE values resulting from both the training and testing
phases. Corresponding plots of the actual and the predicted
responses obtained from a selection of the unseen microwire
congurations are provided in Fig. 1. Good agreement between
the actual data and the predicted data is visually evident, and is
anticipated to improve further as more congurational response
pairs are analyzed by this neural network model. The high qual-
ity of the predictions, as obtained from only 202 separate spec-
tral response measurements, is very noteworthy as conventional
machine learning wisdom indicates that thousands of images
are typically necessary for achievement of good predictions.
Calibrating theneural network model
fornew environments
To evaluate the performance of the model in evaluating
microwire array data collected in new environments arising
from altered measurement conditions, eects of calibrating,
or ne-tuning, the neural network was investigated using a
small subset of the additional measurements (referred to as
the calibration set). Of particular note are the dierences in
how well shielded the measurement apparatus were to the
ambient magnetic elds and temperatures, allowing us to
understand our model’s performance in more real-life envi-
ronments as opposed to a shielded lab environment. In the
absence of this calibration step, the performance of the origi-
nal neural network applied to the additional data obtained in
a new environment was noted to degrade; that is, model pre-
dictions of the microwire array response measured in a new
environment resulted in greatly increased MSE values (see
Table I, Column 3). To perform this ne-tuning, the original
neural network model was trained using this calibration set
Figure1. Actual responses (blue traces) and predicted responses (orange traces) for the scattering coefcient data (
) originating from
various unseen magnetic microwire tag congurations.
Table I. Resultant mean square error (MSE) values and correspond-
ing error in magnetic microwire transmission coecient responses
The neural network model was developed from 202 randomly
chosen training measurements and was tested on 23 unseen
measurements. The nal two columns in this Table denote the
performance of the neural network in the new environment
(a dierent measurement condition) both without and with
Original training
MSE value
Original testing
MSE value
Testing MSE
value of original
model applied
to data obtained
in a new envi-
Testing MSE
value of ne-
tuned model
applied to data in
a new environ-
0.002 ± 0.0005 0.0075 ± 0.0007 0.02 ± 0.009 0.008 ± 0.0006
· VOLUME XX · ISSUE xx · www.mrs.org/mrc
for up to 2000 epochs, as was conducted earlier, with the
other training hyper-parameters kept xed as described in the
previous section. It was found that calibration sets consist-
ing of as few as 30 additional measurements (compared to
the 202 measurements required for the initial training activ-
ity) were sucient to enable the model to detect nuances
of responses to the new environment and improve the MSE
values, restoring them back to their original low levels (see
Table I, Column 4). Note that quantication of error in the
MSE values, arising from random selection of the original
training data or the calibration set, is obtained from 10 rep-
etitions of the ne-tuning step, each conducted with a dif-
ferent random calibration set. This allows us to average out
uctuations in the results due to the randomness in the neural
network training process, and we report the observed uctua-
tions as a condence interval around the average MSE values.
Analyzing thesensitivity ofmachine
learning models
Once the models were able to accurately predict responses
obtained from various magnetic microwire tag congurations
and adapt to changing environments, the sensitivity of the
machine learning models to dierences in these congura-
tions was investigated. That is, it was desired to determine
the smallest change in response that the machine learning
model could correctly accommodate. This aspect was inves-
tigated by acquiring and analyzing new datasets that probed
three additional microwire conguration features. The rst
additional feature was the angle
between the wire orienta-
tion and line connecting the antennas; this feature tracked
in-plane changes in the direction of the emitted EM wave.
The remaining two additional features, expressed as two-
dimensional x and y coordinates, tracked the in-plane position
of the microwire relative to the midline position between the
emitter and receiver antennas. The x-shift described the dis-
tance that the wires were displaced along the direct transmit-
ter/receiver line (closer to/farther away from the antennas).
The y-shift was perpendicular to the x-shift.
Preliminary observations indicate that the spectral predic-
tions returned by the machine learning models are poor when
the angle
is changed from its original value of zero degrees.
We hypothesize that these poor results are due to the response
changing as the wires move away from being perpendicular
to the direction of the electromagnetic wave propagation. The
machine learning models, in turn, could not compensate for
this change in the nature of the response. The spectral predic-
tions of the machine learning models are better for the x-shift;
however, even with respect to that feature, the MSE values
were worse than those reported in previous sections. While
the reasons underlying these results are not clear at the current
time, it is believed that they may have their origins in details of
the detected response in near-eld versus far-eld conditions.
In contrast, spectra produced from the y-shift is easy for the
model to predict, with MSE values in the same range as the
results depicted in Table I. In fact, signicant dierences in
responses produced by microwire arrays that have been shifted
only in the y-direction are quite distinguishable.
Successful prediction ( 
< 0.01
mean squared error (MSE),
within 90% condence level) of “unseen” high-frequency
electromagnetic responses measured from 2D arrays of amor-
phous ferromagnetic microwires was achieved using neural
network-based machine learning. These results, obtained
from a surprisingly small number (225) measurements, were
extended using an additional 30 measurements to ne-tune
the model for improved robustness to varied environments.
This work combines magnetic materials science, speci-
cally the electromagnetic response of amorphous magnetic
microwires, with machine learning techniques for training
neural networks to faithfully reproduce the microwire GHz
antenna responses with high delity. We demonstrate that
with the carefully chosen neural network architectures and
clean data, it is possible to achieve good performance using
very few measurements compared to what is considered the
norm in neural network literature.
Interpreting the results
of the machine learning model to improve the physical under-
standing of the properties of magnetic microwire signatures
is part of ongoing and future work. Considering the overall
abundance of controllable parameters enabled by the mag-
netic microwires, we have an immense and highly versatile
palette of variables and conditions to realize unique track-
ing “tags.” Combined with the high-delity reproduction by
a neural network of the electromagnetic response of these
magnetic microwire arrays allows us to envision simulat-
ing a variety of materials compositions alongside varying
physical congurations of these materials, to eciently cap-
ture and understand large scale tag spaces.
Our results
allow us to model tags using a neural network, which allow
innovative neural network architectures to create ecient
encoder and decoder for tags to and from their electromag-
netic responses.
In follow-on preliminary work,
by employing a novel autoencoder architecture along with
concepts from information theory, we leverage the proof-of-
concept described in this paper to create a general algorithm
for creating a practical tagging system from any scanning
These proof-of-concept results are but the necessary rst
step in a novel approach toward the eventual goal of hid-
den machine-readable authentication of objects (equipment,
medical and pharmaceutical products, materials, documents,
currency, etc.). We note that the security of supply chains in
the USA is a market estimated to be over a billion dollars in
size in 2021 and growing at a CAGR greater than
 . Our
approach and architecture are very general. With any scan-
ning technology modeled as a deep network, we envision a
cyber-physical system—the cyber half constitutes the brains
exploring and organizing the tag space, while the physical
Research Letter
robotic half constitutes the brawn, creating and validating
actual physical tags, and the two work in close coordination
to create an ecient and practically usable tag system.
This study was funded by Northeastern University, NSF D-ISN
2039945, Fulbright España, I-Link A20074 (CSIC), Span-
ish Ministry of Science and Innovation RTI2018-095856-B-
C21 and Comunidad de Madrid NANOMAGCOST S2018/
Data availability
The authors will not make data used for training the neural net-
work models available since they are part of an IP disclosure.
Code availability
The code used for analysis will be made available on request.
Conflict of interest
The authors have no conicts of interest.
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