A guide to driving licences
Driving a Motor Vehicle ................................................................................................................................ 2
Your driving licence explained .................................................................................................................. 2
Driving licence validity periods ................................................................................................................. 6
Obtaining a driving licence ........................................................................................................................ 6
Your fitness to drive .................................................................................................................................. 7
Learning to drive ....................................................................................................................................... 7
If you have recently passed a car or a motorcycle test ............................................................................ 8
Driving Offences ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Disqualification from driving ..................................................................................................................... 9
Renew your driving licence ..................................................................................................................... 10
Replace your driving licence ................................................................................................................... 10
Change your name and/or your address ................................................................................................ 10
Visiting or exchanging your driving licence ............................................................................................. 10
Change your photograph ........................................................................................................................ 11
Driving for a living ................................................................................................................................... 11
Giving up driving ..................................................................................................................................... 11
If a driving licence holder has died ......................................................................................................... 11
Further Information ................................................................................................................................ 12
Driving a Motor Vehicle
The Department of Infrastructure is the issuing authority for driving licences for the Isle of Man and a
record of every driving licence is held in the Register of Driving licences.
If you wish to drive a motor vehicle in the Isle Man then you must hold a current driving licence and you
must drive in accordance with the conditions specified on your driving licence.
The penalty for contravention is a fine of up to £1,000. Road Traffic Act 1985 Sch 3 paragraph 1(1)
You are not permitted to drive or to learn to drive any vehicle category for which you have not yet
reached the minimum age. The minimum age requirements are detailed in Table 1.
The penalty for contravention is a fine of up to £1,000. Road Traffic Act 1985 4 (2)
It is recommended that you carry your driving licence whenever you drive a motor vehicle.
Your driving licence explained
You driving licence takes the form of a plastic photocard containing information about you, your vehicle
category entitlement and any current endorsements that you may have. It has a number of security
features that are designed to resist attempts at forgery or tampering.
The front side of your driving licence is shown in figure 1.
figure 1
The rear side of your driving licence is shown in figure 2.
figure 2
If there are no From or To dates shown against a vehicle category then you are only permitted to drive
that vehicle category as a learner driver. If however, the vehicle category is a Staged Vehicle Category
and you have not yet passed the relevant driving test then you are not permitted to drive that vehicle
category under any circumstances.
Vehicle categories and restriction codes are shown in tables 1 and 2 respectively. Unless specified
otherwise, all weights are the maximum authorised mass. Information about driving a vehicle with a
trailer is contained in the leaflet Driving licence requirements for towing trailers in the Isle of Man
which is available from the Vehicle Test Centre.
Table 1:
Staged Vehicle
Motor bicycle, with or without sidecar.
Light motor bicycles in category A up to 125cc
and a power output up to 11Kw.
Vehicles with up to 8 passenger seats plus
driver and up to 3,500Kg, with a trailer up to
750Kg;or such a vehicle with trailer, up to
3,500Kg overall.
Vehicles in category B with 3 or 4 wheels not
exceeding 550Kg unladen, or vehicles in
category B which are invalid carriages.
Vehicles with up to 8 passenger seats plus
driver and up to 3,500Kg, with a trailer over
750Kg, not comprised in category B.
Vehicles with up to 8 seats plus the driver,
over 3,500Kg with a trailer up to 3,500Kg.
Vehicles in category C over 3,500Kg up to
7,500Kg with a trailer up to 750Kg.
Vehicles of category C over 3,500Kg with a
trailer (or semi-trailer) over 750Kg.
Vehicles in category C+E, over 3,500kg up to
7,500kg with a trailer (or semi-trailer) over
750kg. Combined weight not more than
12,000kg (12,500kg in the Island)
Any bus with more than 8 passenger seats
plus driver, with a trailer up to 750Kg.
Any bus with more than 8 passenger seats
plus driver, with a trailer over 750Kg.
Passenger-carrying vehicles (minibus) in
category D, with 9-16 passenger seats plus
driver with a trailer up to 750kg. Limited to
3,500kg unless otherwise specified.
21(for hire
Passenger vehicles in category D+E, with 9-16
passenger seats plus driver, with a trailer over
750kg. Limited to 4,250kg overall unless
otherwise specified. Maximum 12,000kg
(12,500kg in the Island)
Agricultural tractors
Road rollers
Tracked vehicles
Pedestrian controlled vehicles
Electric vehicles
Steam vehicles
Works truck
Table 2
Not for hire or reward
Not more than
Drawbar trailers only
Not more than
Subject to certificate of
Not more than
Not more than 8,250kg
Category A limited to
A1 if no sidecar is
Subject to minimum age
Category D or D1; if a
vocational PSV licence,
granted by the Road
Commissioners, is
held this entitlement
includes ‘for hire or
Limited to invalid
Category S includes
steam vehicle of not
more than 7,500kg
Limited to 16 passenger
Not a heavy motor car
Limited to 16 passenger
seats except for
In category S steam
vehicle only, not more
than 7,500kg
With any special controls
for safe driving
Not a motor tricycle
Organ donor
Not a 2-wheeled
Start date is for earliest
Weight limit does not
Driving licence validity periods
If you have never passed a driving test (in any vehicle category) then the maximum period for which
your driving licence is valid is one year from the date of issue.
If you have passed a driving test for any vehicle category then the maximum period for which your
driving licence is valid is 10 years from the date of issue. The period will however, be reduced according
to your age as follows:-
Your current age
Validity period
10 years
9 years
8 years
7 years
6 years
5 years
4 years
72 or older
3 years
The validity period may also be reduced to 1, 2 or 3 years if you have a disability or medical condition
that could affect your fitness to drive. (see Fitness to drive)
Obtaining a driving licence
To obtain a driving licence you should complete the Application for a Driving Licence DL1 form which is
available from any branch of IoM Post or the Licensing Office at the Vehicle Test Centre. You can also
download the form at https://www.gov.im/driving-licences There is an accompanying leaflet Guide to
applying for a driving licence that will assist you with completing your application.
You must complete an application form if you wish to obtain a new driving licence in any of the
following circumstances:-
you wish to learn to drive but have not yet passed a driving test. (see Learning to drive)
you have become resident in the Isle of Man and you wish to exchange your foreign driving
licence for an Isle of Man driving licence. (see Visiting or exchanging your driving licence)
you have passed a driving test on the Isle of Man and you want to upgrade the vehicle category
entitlement shown on your driving licence. (see If you have recently passed a driving test)
you wish to renew your driving licence. (see Renew your driving licence)
your current driving licence has been lost, stolen or damaged. (see Replace your driving licence)
you have been advised by a doctor or consultant that you have a disability or medical condition
that could affect your fitness to drive and you have not yet informed us about it. (see Your
fitness to drive)
you have been advised by a doctor or consultant of a change to a disability or medical condition
that that you have already informed us about which could affect your fitness to drive. (see Your
fitness to drive)
you wish to remove an expired endorsement(s) from your driving licence. (see Driving offences)
you are no longer disqualified from driving and where applicable, you have attended a
rehabilitation course. (see Driving offences)
you wish to change your name or address or both. (see Change your name and/or address)
Your fitness to drive
If you have been advised by your doctor or a consultant that you have a disability or medical condition
that could affect your fitness to drive then you must inform the Department as soon as possible.
The penalty for contravention is a fine of up to £1,000. Road Traffic Act 1985 Sch 3 paragraph 5A(3)
If you believe that you are unable to drive safely or you have been advised not to drive then you must
stop driving immediately. You should also be aware that if you drive and are involved in an accident
and it was determined that you had a disability or medical condition that you had not informed us
about and that this was a contributing factor, then your motor vehicle insurance may be invalid.
To inform the Department about a disability or medical condition that may affect your fitness to drive or
a change to an existing one then you should complete Supplementary Medical Information Form MI1.
(see Obtaining a driving licence)
There are accompanying leaflets A guide for drivers with a medical condition and Guidelines for driving
following a stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) that provide additional advice and information.
These are available from the Vehicle Test Centre.
When we receive your application we will assess the information that you have provided to determine if
your disability or medical condition will affect your fitness to drive. In the course of our enquiries, we
may consult with your doctor or consultant or an occupational therapist or eye specialist. We may also
ask you take a driving assessment.
Depending on the outcome of our assessment, we may restrict your driving licence in terms of eyesight
correction or modifications to the controls of vehicles that you drive. In addition, we may reduce the
validity period of your driving licence to 1, 2 or 3 years. In more severe cases, we may revoke your
driving licence. We will keep you fully informed of our actions and any decisions that we make.
If your doctor or consultant advises you that your disability or medical condition has changed (improved
or worsened) and that this could affect your fitness to drive then you must complete a Supplementary
Medication Information Form MI1
Learning to drive
If you have never passed a driving test and you wish to learn to drive then you are a learner driver and
you must apply for a provisional driving licence before driving on the public highway. (see Obtaining a
driving licence)
As a learner driver you can, subject to the minimum age restrictions in table 1, learn to drive the
following vehicle categories:-
A1, B, B1, f, g, h, k, l, p, s, w
You are permitted to learn to drive on the public highway however you must pass a theory test before
you can apply for a practical driving test.
If you wish to learn to drive on the public highway then you must:-
display standard “L plates in a prominent position on the front and rear of your vehicle
you must be accompanied by a driver who is 21 or older who has passed the test for that
category of vehicle (unless it is designed for solo operation) for a period of not less than three
You must not:-
carry a passenger when riding a motorcycle
drive a motor vehicle with a trailer (other than an agricultural vehicle)
drive at speeds in excess of 50 miles per hour (80 Kilometres per hour)
Further advice and information is contained in the leaflet A guide to passing your driving test available
from the Vehicle Test Centre.
A provisional driving licence is valid for a period of one year from the date it was issued. If you wish to
continue to learn to drive and your driving licence has expired then you must renew it.
Some vehicle categories are staged which means that you must first pass a driving test in the qualifying
vehicle category first. Staged vehicle categories are detailed in table 1.
For example, you can only learn to drive a category C vehicle if you are not restricted by the minimum
age requirements and you have previously passed a category B driving test.
If you wish to learn to ride a motorcycle, moped or scooter then you must pass a Compulsory Basic
Training (CBT) course at an approved training provider before riding on the public highway. Further
information on this is contained in the leaflet Compulsory Basic Training for Learner Riders which is
available from the Vehicle Test Centre.
If you have recently passed a car or a motorcycle test
For a period of 1 year from the date on which you passed a test:-
you must display standard “R plates in a prominent position on the front and rear of your
you must not drive at speeds in excess of 50 miles per hour (80 Kilometres per hour)
if you pass your motorcycle test at 16 you cannot ride a motorcycle in excess of 125cc until you
reach the age of 17.
Having passed a driving test you should apply to have your driving licence upgraded. (see Obtaining a
driving licence)
Driving Offences
If a police officer believes that you have committed a driving offence then you may be issued with an
Endorsable Fixed Penalty Notice (EFPN). If however, it is likely that you will be disqualified from driving
as a result of this driving offence, for example if it involves drink or drugs or you have sufficient penalty
points, then you will be ordered to attend a court hearing.
You can request a court hearing if you do not wish to accept the EFPN.
In either case you must produce your driving licence at a Police Station within 5 days and your driving
licence will be retained by the reporting officer. You will be given a receipt which you can use in lieu of
your driving licence.
Please note that this receipt is not valid outside of the Isle of Man.
If you are unable to produce your driving licence because you have lost it then you must apply to obtain
a replacement. (see Obtaining a driving licence)
If you accept the EFPN or a court convicts you of a driving offence but you are not disqualified then you
pay the fine that is imposed, and
apply for a replacement driving licence if you wish to continue driving
Your driving licence will be endorsed and you may be allocated a number of penalty points for each
offence. Penalty points may be accumulated and if these exceed a threshold (usually 12 points) then a
court may order you to be disqualified from driving. Only penalty points from endorsements that have
not yet expired when the most recent penalty points are allocated are accumulated. If a court orders
that you are disqualified from driving then your accumulated points total is set to zero.
You can apply to have an expired endorsement(s) removed from your driving licence (see Obtaining a
driving licence)
Disqualification from driving
If a court orders that you are disqualified from driving then you must not drive under any circumstances.
The penalty for contravention is 6 months imprisonment or a fine of up to £5,000 or both. Road Traffic
Act 1985 Sch 3 paragraph 18(b)
If you are disqualified from driving and you wish to resume after the disqualification period has expired
then you must renew your driving licence. (see Obtaining a driving licence) If a court has ordered that
you must retake a test then your vehicle category entitlement and the validity period of your driving
licence will be made equivalent to that of a learner driver driving licence.
If a court has ordered that you must attend a rehabilitation course before you are permitted to drive
then you cannot renew your driving licence until you have done so regardless of whether or not the
disqualification period has expired. If you wish to attend a rehabilitation course then please contact the
Probation Service on 687323.
If you are disqualified from driving and you believe that there are grounds for reducing the
disqualification period or removing it altogether, then you should apply to the court that imposed it.
Disqualification from driving mutual recognition with the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland
If you apply to exchange your United Kingdom and Northern Ireland driving licence for an Isle of Man
driving licence and you have endorsements for a serious driving offence(s) involving drink or drugs then
your driving licence will be endorsed similarly.
If you are convicted of a serious driving offence involving drink or drugs by a court in the United
Kingdom and Northern Ireland and you are disqualified from driving then you are similarly disqualified in
the Isle of Man and your driving licence will be endorsed.
Your driving licence will not be endorsed nor will penalty points be allocated for convictions and
disqualifications that do not involve drink or drugs. The authorities there may however, keep a record of
any convictions and penalty points that are allocated.
Renew your driving licence
You are not permitted to drive if you do not have a current driving licence.
The penalty for contravention is a fine of up to £1,000. Road Traffic Act 1985 Sch 3 paragraph 1(1)
You can make an application to renew your driving licence if it is due to expire within a 2 month period
prior to the expiry date. If you wish to renew your driving licence before this then you may be able to do
so but only in exceptional circumstances.
If you wish to renew your driving licence but it has been expired for a period greater than 10 years from
the current date then you will need to retake and pass your driving test for all of the required
Replace your driving licence
If you have lost your driving licence or it has been stolen or damaged then you must replace it as soon as
Change your name and/or your address
If you have changed your name then you should make an application to replace your driving licence as
soon as possible. This is free of charge.
If you have changed your address then you should also make an application to inform us as soon as
possible however it is not necessary to replace your driving licence. This is also free of charge.
The address you give must be the address where you reside and it must have an Isle of Man postcode. A
business, club or hotel address will not be accepted unless it is where you reside.
Visiting or exchanging your driving licence
You are not permitted to drive if you do not have a current driving licence.
The penalty for contravention is a fine of up to £1,000. Road Traffic Act 1985 Sch 3 paragraph 1(1)
If you are visiting the Isle of Man or you have become a resident then you are permitted to drive for a
period of up to 1 year using a foreign driving licence as long as it has not expired. You are permitted to
drive only in accordance with the vehicle category entitlement and restrictions detailed on your driving
licence and it must indicate that you have passed a driving test in any vehicle category.
You are not permitted to drive with or exchange a learner driver driving licence.
If your driving licence was issued by a country where there is a current exchange agreement with
the Isle of Man then you can exchange it for an Isle of Man driving licence. If this is a UK Licence
then you must also obtain a ‘check-code’. To retrieve your check code please go to:
www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence. You will need your NI Number, and your UK driving licence
You can only exchange a driving licence that has not expired. The exceptions are driving licences issued
in the UK and NI or the Channel Islands and these can be exchanged if not expired by more than 2 years
from the date of the exchange application being complete.
If your driving licence was issued by a country where there is no current exchange agreement with the
Isle of Man then you must obtain an Isle of Man learner driver driving licence if you wish to continue
driving after your driving licence has expired or if you have been a resident of the Isle of Man for more
than 1 year.
You must be a resident to obtain an Isle of Man driving licence and you can make an application at any
time after you become a resident. If you wish to take a practical driving test then you must obtain an Isle
of Man driving licence and you must pass a driving theory test.
The list of countries that issue driving licences that can be exchanged for an Isle of Man driving licence is
available at www.gov.im/exchange-licence
Please note that your vehicle category entitlement and restrictions may be altered in accordance with
the Department’s policies on exchanging driving licences.
Further information on driving tests is available from the Vehicle Test Centre, Tromode.
Change your photograph
You can change the photograph on your driving licence. (see Obtain a driving licence)
Driving for a living
If you intend to become an Approved Driving Instructor or drive a heavy goods vehicle or a public
passenger vehicle, or transport dangerous goods, then further information is available from the Vehicle
Test Centre, Tromode.
Giving up driving
If you decide that you no longer wish to drive then please write to or visit us at:-
Vehicle Test Centre
Ballafletcher Road
Please enclose your driving licence if you write us or bring it with you if you visit us.
If a driving licence holder has died
If you are the executor or are responsible for dealing with the estate of a person who has died and they
have a driving licence, please write to inform us. The address is:-
Vehicle Test Centre
Ballafletcher Road
You can also inform us in person at this office. Please include the following details about the deceased:-
date of birth
date of death
It would assist us if you could provide us with the driving licence if it is available.
Further Information
If you would like further information on your driving licence and applying for a driving licence then
please contact the Vehicle Test Centre, Tromode on 01624 686827.