Honorable Bruce T. Gatterman
Chief Judge
Honorable Ken Schmidt
Magistrate Judge, Edwards County
Honorable Kenton T. Gleason
Magistrate Judge, Hodgeman County
Honorable Thomas J. Bennett
Magistrate Judge, Lane County
Honorable R. Scott Barrows
Magistrate Judge, Ness County
Honorable Julie Fletcher Cowell
Magistrate Judge, Pawnee County
Honorable Dale E. Snyder
Magistrate Judge, Rush County
Pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 105, the 24
Judicial District of
the State of Kansas hereby adopts the following Local Court Rules for
the administration of the affairs of the District Courts within this
Judicial District.
Updated October 1, 2021
I. Clerk’s Office
Rule 101 District Court Rules
Rule 102 Process **Updated 4/23/18
Rule 103 – Pleadings **Updated 4/23/18
Rule 104 Disposal of Subpoenaed Business Records **Repealed 4/23/18
Rule 104A Brief, Memorandum, or Other Communication with the Court
Rule 105 Jury Questionnaires
Rule 106 Poverty Affidavits
Rule 107 Court Files and Records
Rule 108 Review of Digital Recording or Electronic Tapes of Court
Rule 109 Email Images of Court Filings
II. Courtroom Decorum, Safety and Procedures
Rule 200 Addressing the Court
Rule 201 Questioning Witnesses
Rule 202 – Objections
Rule 203 Courtroom Decorum and Dress
Rule 204 Persons Permitted Within Bar of Court
Rule 205 Cell Phones, Cameras, and Recording Equipment
Rule 206 Firearms
Rule 207 Weapons in the Courtroom or Any Court Areas of Operation
**Updated 4/23/18
Rule 208 Persons Subject to Search
Rule 209 Weapons Visible on Witnesses
Rule 210 Hats
Rule 211 Food and Beverages
Rule 212 – Signs
Rule 213Other Activities
Rule 214 – Conversations
III. Procedural
Rule 301 Scheduling Hearing on Motions
Rule 302 – Continuances
Rule 303 Scheduling Alternate Hearing Dates
Rule 304 – Notification
Rule 305 Appointment of Interpreter
Rule 306 Transcripts and Additional Copies of Transcripts
Rule 307 Extended Juvenile Jurisdiction Prosecution
Rule 308 Authority to Write Bonds
Rule 309 Attorney Fee Vouchers
IV. Pro Se Litigants
Rule 401 – Self-Represented Litigant Advisory **Updated 4/23/18
Rule 402 – Self-Represented Litigants **Updated 4/23/18
V. Criminal Proceedings
Rule 501 Request for Jury Trials in Felony Cases
Rule 502 Appeals and Requests for Jury Trials in Misdemeanor Cases
Rule 503 Prisoner Restraints at Trials and Other Court Appearances
Rule 504 Prisoner Clothing
Rule 505 Acknowledgment of Rights and Entry of Plea
Rule 506 Procedure for Revocation of Probation Hearings **Repealed 4/23/18
Rule 506A Procedure for Revocation of Probation Hearings
Rule 506B Procedure for Revocation of Diversion
Rule 507 Proposed Jury Instructions
Rule 508 Speedy Trial
VI. Domestic Proceedings
Rule 601 Mandatory Mediation
Rule 602 Court Trustee Program
Rule 603 Parenting Guidelines
Rule 604 Pretrial Conferences
VII. Chapter 60 Civil Proceedings
Rule 701 Case Management Conferences
Rule 702 Completion of Discovery
Rule 703 Pretrial Conferences in Chapter 60 Civil Cases
Rule 704 Agreed Pretrial Order
Rule 705 – Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
Rule 706 Proposed Jury Instructions
VIII. Repeal
Rule 801 Repeal of All Prior Local Court Rules
RULE 101 District Court Rules
The Clerk of the District Court in each county of this Judicial District will maintain
a complete set of District Court Rules. Copies of any or all rules will be provided
without charge.
RULE 102 Process
Process (including, but not limited to) Summons, Subpoenas, Writs of
Attachment, Writs of Execution, and Garnishment shall be prepared by counsel.
Following submission, process shall be issued back to the attorney through the
eFlex system for the attorney to deliver to the sheriff for service. After service, the
sheriff will return the documents directly to the court. The Clerk of the District
Court will issue arrest warrants, bench warrants, protection from abuse orders,
protection from stalking orders, restraining orders that are time sensitive,
transport orders, and Order of Sale in civil actions directly to the sheriff. Self-
represented parties shall prepare process and request issuance of such
documents by the Clerk of the District Court.
RULE 103 – Pleadings
All pleadings and other documents in any case or proceeding to be filed with
the Clerk of the District Court shall have two (2) inches of blank space in the
upper righthand corner for use by the Clerk for filestamping.
All pleadings, briefs, praecipes, and correspondence shall contain the case
number involved and conform to the requirements of Supreme Court Rule 111.
RULE 104A – Brief, Memorandum, or Other Communication with the Court
The 24
Judicial District is a multicounty judicial district. In accordance with
Supreme Court Rule 137, a copy of each Brief, Memorandum, or other
communication with the Court must be sent to the Assigned Judge at judge’s
RULE 105 – Jury Questionnaires
A juror questionnaire is not a public record under the Kansas Open Records Act,
and shall be kept confidential. Except as otherwise ordered by the Court, for
good cause shown, only a judge, attorney, or a party to litigation to be heard
by the jury will be permitted access to questionnaires returned by jurors. Jury
questionnaires will be available to counsel prior to Trial dates. Copies of juror
questionnaires are to be returned to the Clerk of the District Court not later than
the conclusion of the Jury Trial. Neither counsel nor the parties shall make any
copies of juror questionnaires, and all information contained therein shall remain
RULE 106 Poverty Affidavits
A Poverty Affidavit submitted pursuant to K.S.A. 60-2001(b), or any other
applicable Chapter, shall include, or be accompanied by, an affirmation that
no attorney fee has been paid and that none will be paid until such time as all
docketing fees have been fully paid. Exempted from this rule are actions
prosecuted by Kansas Legal Services.
RULE 107 Court Files and Records
No file or record of the Court shall be permitted to be outside of the physical
possession and control of the Clerk of the District Court, or the Judge assigned to
the case except on the signed receipt of an attorney or an abstracter with a
place of business within the county where the files are maintained. Except as
provided for hereinafter, files may be checked out for a period of ten (10)
business days, but are subject to recall at any time by any Judge of the District
Court or Clerk of the District Court. All files and records must be returned not
later than three (3) days prior to any Trial or hearing.
No file or record shall be taken outside of the county of the Clerk’s office except
with the knowledge and consent of the Clerk, or by order of the Judge.
The Clerk shall maintain an index of files removed from the Clerk’s office and
shall retain the completed check out slip until the file has been returned to the
RULE 108 Review of Digital Recording or Electronic Tapes of Court Proceedings
Counsel or litigants may review electronic tape recordings of Court proceedings
only upon first obtaining the consent of the Clerk of the District Court or of the
Judge to whom the case is assigned. The Clerk may designate the time, place
and manner of review following consultation with the Judge. Under no
circumstance shall the tape recording be taken from the Court or the office of
the Clerk of the District Court.
Counsel or litigants requesting access to a hearing recorded by the digital
recording equipment may request an appointment to listen to the record in the
Courtroom. The Clerk of the District Court may designate the time, place, and
manner of review. In the discretion of the Judge to whom the case is assigned,
a copy of the digital record may be placed upon a CD, however a CD will not
be cited in Court as the official record. The Clerk of the District Court will charge
a reasonable handling fee for reproduction upon a CD, which funds shall be
paid to the General Fund of the County.
RULE 109 Email Images of Court Filings
The Courts of the 24
Judicial District will provide email images of Court filings in
accordance with email guidelines of the 24
Judicial District. Email service is
limited to documents previously imaged, and generally for a timeframe from
and after January 1, 2008. Attorneys and self-represented litigants must
complete the Request for Email Service of Copies. The general public or
commercial entities must provide an email address in writing before the Court
will email any requested documentation. Confidential documents in criminal,
traffic, domestic, and juvenile offender cases and documents from adoption,
care and treatment, child in need of care, search warrants and affidavits, and
inquisition cases will only be emailed to judges, attorneys of record, and
government agencies. For purposes of this rule, government agencies include
Department of Children of Families of the State of Kansas, Kansas Sentencing
Commission, Community Corrections, Larned State Hospital, Kansas Department
for Aging and Disability Services, St. Francis, Kansas Department of Corrections,
Kansas Bureau of Investigation, Kansas Attorney General, Federal Bureau of
Investigation, and similar government entities. Each clerk will provide, upon
request, a copy of current emailing guidelines of the 24
Judicial District.
Any issue relating to the providing of emailed images shall be referred to the
Chief Clerk of the 24
Judicial District, whose decision shall be final. (Adopted
August, 2016)
RULE 200 Addressing the Court
Except when excused by the Court, attorneys or pro se litigants shall rise when
addressing the Court, and shall make all statements to the Court from counsel
table, the lectern facing the Court or from such other location or locations as
approved by the Court. They shall not approach the bench, except upon the
permission of the Court.
RULE 201 Questioning Witnesses
Except when the Court permits relaxation of the rules, while questioning
witnesses, attorneys or pro se litigants shall stand at counsel table, the lectern
facing the Court, or from such other location or locations as approved by the
Court. They shall not approach the witness except with the Court’s permission.
Only one attorney for each party may participate in the examination or cross-
examination of a witness.
RULE 202 – Objections
Objections shall be to the Court. Attorneys will not be permitted to argue with
each other during Court proceedings. Objections shall be brief, concise and no
longer than is necessary to state the nature of the objection. Argument or a
“talking objection” is improper. Once the Court has ruled on an objection, there
will be no additional argument.
RULE 203 Courtroom Decorum and Dress
All attorneys and Court officials shall wear appropriate attire while attending
Court proceedings. Attorneys will advise their clients and witnesses of the
formalities of the Court, including proper attire, and seek full cooperation
therewith to avoid embarrassment to the Court and lay persons as well.
RULE 204 Persons Permitted Within Bar of Court
During the trial of any case, or the presentation of any matter to the Court, no
person, including members of litigant’s families, shall be permitted within the bar
of the Courtroom proper, other than attorneys, Court personnel, litigants, and
witnesses called to the stand.
RULE 205 Cell Phones, Cameras, and Recording Equipment
Electronic and photographic media coverage of judicial proceedings shall be
undertaken only in accordance with Supreme Court Rule 1001. Still or motion
pictures, audio or videotapes, and recording equipment and cameras of all
types are otherwise prohibited in
the Courtroom. Cell phones shall be turned off in the Courtroom, or checked
with the Clerk of the District Court by counsel, parties, witnesses and spectators.
Nothing within this rule shall prohibit the authorized use of cameras or recording
equipment in the presentation of evidence at any hearing or trial.
RULE 206 – Firearms
Unless specifically authorized by the Judge, law enforcement and correctional
officers shall not appear in the courtroom as witnesses or otherwise with their
firearms. All firearms shall be checked with the County Attorney’s office or the
Clerk of the District Court prior to any Court appearances.
RULE 207 Weapons in the Courtroom or Any Court Areas of Operation
With the exception of weapons carried by law enforcement personnel under
specific authorization by the Judge, no weapons, including firearms or any
explosive device, other than exhibits shall be permitted in any Courtroom, or any
Court area of operation. No other person shall bring a weapon other than an
exhibit into any courtroom except as specifically permitted by this rule. The
Court may require that any firearm intended for introduction as an exhibit be
presented to the Sheriff for a safety check prior to its being brought into any
Courtroom; further, the court may require that any weapon intended for
introduction as an exhibit be retained in the custody of the Sheriff or other
person designated by the Court before and after its introduction as an exhibit.
RULE 208 Persons Subject to Search
All persons seeking entry to a Courtroom are subject to search by the Sheriff or
other officers designated by the Sheriff or by the Court. Such search may
include briefcases, parcels, purses or other containers carried by persons
seeking entry to a Courtroom.
RULE 209 Weapons Visible on Witnesses
No weapon shall be visible on the person or an officer who is testifying in Court
unless otherwise ordered by the Court.
RULE 210 Hats
No spectator, counsel or party shall wear a hat or other head covering in the
Courtroom unless expressly given permission to do so by the presiding Judge.
RULE 211 Food and Beverages
Spectators will not be permitted to consume food or beverage in the
RULE 212 – Signs
No spectator, counsel or party shall carry a sign or display pins, buttons or other
materials that are designed to communicate a position or message to others
while a Trial is proceeding.
RULE 213 Other Activities
Spectators will not be permitted to engage in any activity that interferes with
giving attention to the Court proceedings.
RULE 214 – Conversations
Spectators, counsel and parties shall have due respect for proceedings being
conducted while Court is in session, and toward that end shall exercise restraint
in carrying on conversations with other spectators, counsel or parties.
RULE 301 Scheduling Hearing on Motions
Except for issues or cases suitable for summary hearing or disposition on Motion
Day Docket, no matters are to be set for hearing without first contacting either
the Court’s Administrative Assistant (when the hearing will involve the District
Judge) or the District Magistrate Judge in the county where the hearing will be
conducted. It is generally the responsibility of all counsel and pro se parties to
coordinate a convenient hearing date or dates before contacting the District
Judge’s Administrative Assistant or the District Magistrate Judge to ask that the
hearing be placed on the Court’s calendar. A notice of hearing and a showing
of proper service being made on all the opposing parties or counsel shall
accompany motions on which oral argument is requested.
RULE 302 – Continuances
All continuances must be requested in writing. No continuance will be granted,
and no hearing or proceeding will be considered as continued without a Court
appearance or conference with all parties participating, and submission of a
written order for approval by the presiding Judge prior to the hearing or Trial in
question. The requirement of a written order may be waived orally by a Judge
in an emergency situation on the condition that a written order be supplied by
the attorney or party requesting the continuance as soon as practicable
thereafter. It is the responsibility of the attorney requesting the continuance to
serve notice on all opposing counsel, and to obtain a hearing for the requested
continuance from the assigned Judge. If no continuance has been granted as
specified above and the prosecution, plaintiff or petitioner, as may be
applicable, does not appear in Court ready for the hearing with necessary
witnesses available, the case will be dismissed for lack or prosecution. If the
defendant or respondent, as may be applicable, fail to appear, appropriate
sanctions may be entered by the Court. If a criminal defendant fails to appear,
the non-appearance will be considered a violation of bond conditions, and a
bench warrant will be issued for arrest of the defendant.
RULE 303 Scheduling Alternate Hearing Dates
When a continuance has been granted, it shall be the responsibility of the
requesting party to obtain a new setting from the Court’s Administrative Assistant
(when the hearing involves the District Judge) or the District Magistrate Judge,
and to coordinate and confirm a new date with all opposing parties and/or
RULE 304 – Notification
In the event a hearing is continued, counsel shall notify their respective clients,
and subpoenaed witnesses shall be notified of such continuance by the
attorney who subpoenaed them.
RULE 305 Appointment of Interpreter
Any person in need of interpreter services shall, personally or through his or her
attorney, make written request for an interpreter at least 5 business days prior to
any hearing, proceeding or trial at which such services are necessary. The
notice shall contain the caption of the case and the date and time of the Trial,
hearing or proceeding. It shall also specify the type of interpretation required.
The Court, upon inquiry and interview of any person before the Court or upon
motion or notice by counsel or a party, shall make a determination as to the
necessity for an interpreter in accordance with K.S.A. 75-4351 et. seq.
All persons qualified by the Court to act as an interpreter shall complete an
interpreter’s oath (Appendix 3A Interpreter’s Oath). The interpreter shall be
paid for services, and mileage shall be reimbursed at a rate determined by the
Chief Judge. Fees for interpreters paid by the Board of Indigents Defense
Services shall be in accordance with the standards adopted by such Board.
Interpreter costs may be assessed to any party, person or entity as the Court
deems appropriate, subject to any limitations provided by applicable law.
RULE 306 Transcripts and Additional Copies of Transcripts
Whenever an individual requests a transcript of a 24
Judicial District
proceeding, a Request for Court Transcript (Appendix 3B Request for Court
Transcript) shall be completed and submitted to the presiding Judge for
signature. The transcript and one copy will be prepared at the requesting
individual’s expense. The original transcript shall then be filed with the Clerk of
the District Court and the copy delivered to the requesting individual.
This rule applies to all Court matters where an official record has been taken,
including, but not limited to, motions, preliminary hearings, arraignment, trial,
sentencing, etc. If additional copies of a transcript are requested by any
person, a reasonable fee, based on the rates fixed by the State Board of
Examiners of Court Reporters with the approval of the Supreme Court, will be
assessed. Upon payment of the fee, the official Court Reporter or
Transcriptionist, as applicable, shall furnish the transcript requested. No person
shall duplicate official transcripts with the intention of circumventing this Rule.
RULE 307 – Extended Juvenile Jurisdiction Prosecution
When a District Magistrate Judge either authorizes the prosecution of a
respondent as an adult in a juvenile offender case pursuant to K.S.A. 38-2347(f)1,
or designates any juvenile offender case as an extended jurisdiction juvenile
prosecution pursuant to K.S.A. 38-2347(f) 2, the proceedings shall be transferred
forthwith to the Chief Judge for scheduling.
RULE 308 Authority to Write Bonds
Any person proposing to write appearance and bail bonds under the authority
or approval of the Chief Judge of this Judicial District shall submit a written
application to the Chief Judge specifying the following information:
1) The name of the applicant seeking authority
2) The name of the company or agency, if any, under which the
applicant is employed, working or doing business
3) The applicant’s business mailing address, street address, and email
4) The applicant’s business and cellular telephone numbers and
5) The county or counties where approval is sought.
Where applicable, the following additional information shall be provided:
1) Name, mailing address, and email address of insurance company
2) State of Kansas Insurance Agent’s License Number and
3) Surety limits.
Individuals proposing to write bonds on behalf of insurance companies shall
attach to the application a certificate of insurance and of their authority to
write bonds. Insurance companies must be authorized to do business in the
State of Kansas. Such individuals are limited to writing bonds in a cumulative
amount not exceeding $100,000 within the 24
Judicial District, unless prior
written certification and approval of the Chief Judge has been obtained.
Individuals writing bonds other than on behalf of an insurance company shall
attach to the application a verified financial statement describing the property
by which such surety proposes to justify and the encumbrances thereon, the
number and amount of other bonds and undertakings for bail entered into by
such surety, and remaining undischarged, and such sureties other liabilities.
Certificates of Insurance and verified financial statements shall be renewed and
submitted upon request of the Chief Judge. Failure to submit such
documentation upon demand shall result in revocation of bonding authority.
Upon compliance with the terms and conditions set out therein, a certificate of
the authority and qualifications of the individual authorized to write bonds will
be issued to the applicant and to the Sheriff and Clerk of the District Court in
each county where said individual is authorized to write bonds.
The discretion of the Sheriff of any county of this District to accept and approve
bonds pursuant to the authority of K.S.A. 22-2806 and all amendments thereto,
and Kansas Supreme Court Rule No. 114, or other appropriate authority shall not
be altered or affected by this Rule or any Certificate issued pursuant thereto.
RULE 309 – Attorney Fee Vouchers
Attorney fees for services provided by appointed counsel during any calendar
year must be submitted for review by the Court on or before DECEMBER 15 of
such calendar year. If not so submitted, such attorney fees will not be paid in
the current calendar year, nor in any subsequent calendar year unless, prior to
December 15, the Court has granted permission for the appointed attorney to
submit a request for payment at a later date. This Rule is necessary to meet
general fund budgetary requirements of the respective counties in the 24
Judicial District. This rule does not apply to appointments of assigned counsel by
the State Board of Indigents Defense Services.
RULE 401 – Self-Represented Litigant Advisory
Due to the specialized knowledge and training necessary to conduct a Trial, it is
advisable for a litigant to have an attorney. Self-represented litigants should be
aware that the Trial Judge will not give or offer to give personal instruction
regarding courtroom procedures, take over responsibilities that would ordinarily
be attended to by trained legal counsel as a matter of course (e.g. preparation
of motion, framing questions which comply with the rules of evidence, selecting
a Jury, preparing Jury Instructions, and similar duties) or otherwise aid or assist the
pro se litigant in presenting his/her case.
RULE 402 – Self-Represented Litigants
Requirements imposed by these Local Court Rules upon “counsel” or “attorney”
also apply to parties who are self-represented. All self-represented litigants are
required to follow the same standards, rules of procedure, and rules of evidence
as are binding upon litigants who are represented by counsel.
RULE 501 Request for Jury Trials in Felony Cases
Felony Trial dates are normally set at the time of felony arraignments. To
facilitate Trial settings, counsel must have access to their calendars at
RULE 502 Appeals and Request for Jury Trials in Misdemeanor Cases
All counsel representing criminal misdemeanor defendants who request a Jury
Trial, or who have appealed a conviction from Municipal Court or from a District
Magistrate Judge shall appear on the next scheduled Motion Day in which the
Chief Judge will be sitting. It is the responsibility of defense counsel, county, and
city attorneys, respectively, to secure the next Court date and time of
appearance from the Clerk of the District Court or from the Administrative
Assistant of the Chief Judge. As appropriate, county and city attorneys shall
appear. To facilitate Trial settings, counsel must have access to their calendars
at such hearing.
RULE 503 Prisoner Restraints at Trials and Other Court Appearances
Unless specifically ordered by the Chief Judge, no restraints are to be used upon
a prisoner when the Jury is present. At the discretion of the transporting officer,
and as directed by the presiding Judge other than at Jury Trials, prisoners may
be brought into the Courtroom bound or shackled.
RULE 504 Prisoner Clothing
In all Jury Trials, the prisoner shall be allowed to wear suitable civilian clothing.
RULE 505 Acknowledgment of Rights and Entry of Plea
When a plea of guilty or no contest is to be entered by a defendant to a felony
or felonies pursuant to plea negotiations an Acknowledgment of Rights and
Entry of Plea form (Appendix 5A Acknowledgment of Rights and Entry of Plea)
signed by the defendant and defendant’s attorney must be submitted for filing
of record prior to or at the time of the plea hearing. The Acknowledgment of
Rights and Entry of Plea form shall state in detail all provisions of the agreement
between the parties, including, but not limited to, charges to be dismissed,
charges to be amended, restitution to be paid by the defendant,
recommendations to be made by the prosecutor or defense, and any
agreement of the prosecutor or defendant not to oppose motions or request by
the other party in any hearing or hearings.
Compliance with the provisions of this Rule is required prior to the Court
conducting a hearing to accept a felony plea.
RULE 506A Procedure for Revocation of Probation Hearings
The following procedure shall be used in scheduling motions for revocation of
felony probation:
1) The probationer, in the custody of the Sheriff, or on bond, shall be
brought before a District Magistrate Judge for review of bond and
for determination for assignment of appointed counsel under the
regulations of the State Board of Indigents Defense Services.
2) Motions for revocation of probation shall be heard on a Motion Day
if summary in nature. If either party expects the hearing to require
more than 15 minutes, the same shall be handled by special setting.
3) The Court may, for good cause shown, waive the length of hearing
provisions of this rule.
RULE 506B Procedure for Revocation of Diversion
The following procedure shall be used in scheduling motions for revocation of
felony diversion:
1) The diversioner, in the custody of the Sheriff, on bond, or upon
his/her own recognizance, shall be brought before a District
Magistrate Judge for review of bond and for determination for
assignment of appointed counsel under the regulations of the State
Board of Indigents Defense Services.
2) The District Magistrate Judge shall determine the Motion to Revoke
Diversion. If the diversion is revoked, the case shall be scheduled for
preliminary hearing, if required. If preliminary hearing has previously
been held or waived, the case shall be scheduled for arraignment
or re-arraignment on the next ensuing Motion Day docket. Pending
arraignment, the District Magistrate Judge shall determine all issues
of bond.
RULE 507 Proposed Jury Instructions
At least 10 days in advance of Trial, proposed Jury Instructions shall be furnished
to the Court and exchanged by counsel. Pattern Jury Instructions are to be
clearly identified as such with the PIK number indicated on each instruction. For
non-PIK instructions, legal authority for the same must be cited. The Court may
receive additional requests relating to Jury Instructions during the course of Trial
at any time prior to the giving of final instructions.
RULE 508 Speedy Trial
On the first working day of each month, the County Attorney for each county
within the 24
Judicial District shall certify in writing to the Chief Judge all felony
cases that are not scheduled for Trial wherein the elapsed speedy trial time has
reached, or will within that month reach: a) 50 days for in jail cases; and/or b)
140 days for on bond or multiple case defendants.
When any criminal case is scheduled for Trial or continued for Trial, the County
Attorney prosecuting such case shall review the speedy trial time elapsed and
advise the Chief Judge forthwith if the beginning Trial date is not within the
speedy trial provisions of K.S.A. 22-3402.
RULE 601Mandatory Mediation
Unless waived by the presiding Judge, any contested issues of child custody,
residency, or parenting time shall be submitted to mediation before being
scheduled for a final evidentiary hearing. This rule applies to all domestic
actions, including those filed under the Kansas Parentage Act, and may be
required in actions filed under the Protection From Abuse Act.
Mediation may be conducted by 24
Judicial District Court Services officers
without cost. The parties may also, at their expense, select any person or
persons to mediate their conflict and submit an agreement to the Court for
Court Services Mediators shall maintain qualifications required by rules relating
to mediation, Supreme Court Rule 901 et. seq.
Counsel shall submit a proposed Order for Mediation to the Court, approved by
one or both counsel, in substantially the form set forth within Appendix 6A to
these Rules.
RULE 602Court Trustee Program
The Chief Judge shall establish a Court Trustee under the provisions of the
applicable statutes and Supreme Court Rules. The establishment of the Court
Trustee and the Office of Court Trustee shall be by Administrative Order, which
may be amended from time to time. Any such Order in effect on the date that
this rule is adopted shall continue until amended by the Chief Judge.
The Court Trustee shall be authorized and empowered to pursue all civil
remedies available to establish and enforce payment of child support. The
District Court Trustee shall also enforce, but not establish or modify spousal
maintenance orders.
RULE 603 Parenting Guidelines
If the parties in a Domestic Relations action are unable to agree upon a suitable
Parenting Plan for the minor child or minor children of the parties, the Court will
generally order structured parenting time in accordance with the Parenting
Guidelines of the 24
Judicial District. (Appendix 6B)
RULE 604 Pretrial Conferences
Unless waived by counsel for good cause, with approval of the Court, a Pretrial
Conference shall be held in all contested divorce, separate maintenance or
post-judgment motions for change in child custody or parenting time.
“Contested domestic relations case” shall mean any domestic relations action
in which child custody, child support, child residency and/or parenting time,
property and debt division, and/or spousal maintenance are in dispute, and in
which evidence is to be presented to the Court. Discovery will be completed
and all evaluations or expert reports shall be finalized prior to the Pretrial
Conference, unless otherwise ordered by the Court.
A proposed settlement, current Domestic Relations Affidavit, Child Support
Worksheet (if applicable), Parenting Plan (if applicable) and a Domestic
Relations Pretrial Questionnaire (Appendix 6C) shall be presented to the Court
and exchanged by the parties at least 10 days prior to the scheduled Pretrial
Conference. Pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 137, copies of these documents
shall be submitted to the Court in chambers.
RULE 701 Case Management Conferences
A Case Management Conference will be scheduled by the Court pursuant to
K.S.A. 60-216. Additional Case Management Conferences may be scheduled
by the Court as necessary to insure timely resolution of cases. This rule in no
manner prevents counsel or parties from requesting the scheduling of a Case
Management Conference.
RULE 702 Completion of Discovery
As a general rule, all discovery shall be completed by the time of the final
Pretrial Conference.
RULE 703 Pretrial Conferences in Chapter 60 Civil Cases
A Pretrial Questionnaire shall be filed with the Court and copies served on other
parties to the case, with courtesy copy to the Court in chambers pursuant to
Supreme Court Rule 137, at least 10 days prior to the scheduled Pretrial
Conference. The completed and signed Pretrial Questionnaire shall be in
substantial conformity with the form set forth in Appendix 7A of these Rules. The
names of prospective witnesses, including expert witnesses, and respective
addresses for such witnesses shall be listed in the Pretrial Questionnaire. All
exhibits to be introduced at Trial shall be identified in the Pretrial Questionnaire.
At least one of the attorneys for each party participating in the Pretrial
Conference shall have authority to enter into stipulations and to make
admissions regarding all matters that the participants may reasonably
anticipate may be discussed. Each party, or its representative, shall be
personally present at the Pretrial Conference unless specifically excused by the
RULE 704 Agreed Pretrial Order
Prior to any Pretrial Conference setting, counsel shall confer to determine if they
can agree to submission of a jointly prepared Pretrial Order. When an agreed
Pretrial Order is submitted to the Court prior to the Pretrial Conference, counsel
may appear at the Pretrial Conference by conference call by making prior
arrangements between themselves and the Court for the placing of the call.
Any agreed Pretrial Order shall cover all relevant matters outlined in Supreme
Court Rule 140.
RULE 705 Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
No default judgment may be taken unless the party seeking the default has
complied with the provisions of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act of 2003. The
Court will not enter a default judgment unless the party seeking the default has
filed an affidavit stating whether or not the adverse party is in the active service
of the military. If the party seeking a default judgment is unable to determine
whether or not the defendant is in the active service of the military after
completing a good faith investigation, such party shall file an Affidavit of Inability
to Determine Military Service.
RULE 706 Proposed Jury Instructions
At least 10 days in advance of Trial, proposed Jury Instructions shall be furnished
to the Court and exchanged by counsel. Pattern Jury Instructions are to be
clearly identified as such with the PIK number indicated on each instruction. For
non-PIK instructions, legal authority for the same must be cited. The Court may
receive additional requests relating to Jury Instructions during the course of Trial
at any time prior to the giving of final instructions.
RULE 801 Repeal of All Prior Local Court Rules
All Local Court Rules of the 24
Judicial District adopted prior to the date of the
adoption hereof, shown below, are hereby repealed. The repeal of prior Local
Court Rules shall not have the effect of repealing administrative orders
heretofore promulgated by a Chief Judge.
Bruce T. Gatterman, Chief Judge
3A Interpreter’s Oath
3B – Request for Court Transcript
5A Acknowledgment of Rights and Entry of Plea
6A Order for Mediation
6B Parenting Guidelines
6C Domestic Relations Pretrial Questionnaire
7A Pretrial Questionnaire
8A Request for Email Service of Copies (Adopted June 1, 2011)
-VS- CASE NO. ____________
INTERPRETER’S OATH K.S.A. 75-4351 et. seq.
I, the undersigned, do solemnly swear that I will make a true
interpretation in an understandable manner to the person for whom such
interpreter is appointed, and unless prohibited by law, I will repeat the
statements of such person in the English language to the best of my skill
and judgment, so help me God.
City, State ZIP
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ____ day of ____________,
Judge of the District Court
Approved Compensation: K.S.A. 75-4352
$___________ per hour for __________ hours = $_______________
Prevailing State rate per mile for __________ miles = $_______________
Total $_______________
Judge Date
Revised 4/23/18
-VS- CASE NO. ____________
CITY/S T/ZIP:________________________________
Clerk of the District Court to provide copy to: Transcriptionist and Adm. Asst.
Revised 3/9/15 T H E S T A T E O F K A N S A S
-VS- CASE NO. ____________
COMES NOW, the above-named Defendant, upon receiving advice from
his/her attorney, does freely and voluntarily give this Court to understand as
1. My full name is ______________________________. My date of birth is
_______________, and I am now _____ years of age. I have completed
________ years of schooling and I (can) (cannot) read and write English.
2. I have not been taking any drugs or medication of any kind except
___________ ___________________________, and any such drugs or
medications do not impair my mental facilities or judgment; I remain in full
control of my mental faculties and judgment.
3. Plea negotiations have been conducted with my consent and approval
through my attorney, and I understand the Plea Agreement with the
County Attorney to be as follows:
Count I : _________________________a Level ___ (person)(non-
person)felony with a sentence of ___ to ___ mths and a maximum fine of
Count II : _________________________a Level ___ (person)(non-person)
felony with a sentence of ___ to ___ mths and a maximum fine of
Count III : _________________________a Level ___ (person)(non-person)
felony with a sentence of ___ to ___ mths and a maximum fine of
4. I understand that for any crime committed on or after July 1, 1993, the
Kansas Sentencing Guidelines Act will apply. Under this Act, a
presumptive sentence will be determined by the Court, by combining the
severity level of the current crime of conviction and my prior criminal
history. I have been informed by the State, at the time of my plea, that
my criminal history is believed to be a criminal history category _____. I
understand that if additional criminal history is discovered before
sentencing, that it can be used to increase my sentence.
Under some circumstances the Court may depart from the presumptive
sentence; may sentence me to a longer or shorter sentence than the
presumptive sentence; may give me probation when prison is presumed;
or may order me to prison when probation is presumed.
I understand that if I am entering plea(s) of GUILTY or NO CONTEST to more
than one offense, the Court may, in its discretion, order that the sentence
imposed for each offense be served concurrently or consecutively. The
length of the total sentence imposed, however, may not exceed twice
the base sentence unless there is a departure.
I understand that in addition to the penalties described above, upon the
completion of any prison term, I will be required to serve a term of post-
release supervision. The length of the required post-release supervision will
depend upon the severity level of the offense and the amount of good
time earned while imprisoned.
If I am currently under post-release supervision and that status is being
terminated as a result of a new felony or misdemeanor conviction, I
understand that I will have to serve the remaining balance of the post-
release supervision in addition to any new sentence that is imposed in this
5. I understand that if I am ordered to serve my sentence, I may receive a
credit for good time earned while in the custody of the Secretary of
Corrections. Good time credit is specific to the crime of conviction. I
understand that the decision of whether I receive good time credits is not
within the power of the sentencing judge.
6. I understand that if I am not a United States citizen, a conviction of a
criminal offense may result in my deportation from the United States;
incarceration by immigration officials for an indefinite period until I am
deported; and exclusion from admission to the United States and/or
denial of naturalization and citizenship in the United States.
7. I further understand that a felony conviction shall result in the loss of my
privilege to possess a firearm for a period of at least five (5) years. It may
further result in the loss of a number of privileges including becoming
ineligible to hold any public office in Kansas, to vote in any election in
Kansas and to serve as a juror.
8. I have also been informed that my conviction may be expunged from my
criminal history pursuant to K.S.A. 21-4619 and 21-4619b. I understand that
my eligibility for an expungement and the time period at which a motion
for expungement may be filed is dependent on the nature and level of
the crime for which I am convicted and may be subject to some
limitations as defined by statute.
9. I understand from discussions with my attorney, and I have been advised
by the Court, that regardless of the plea agreement between myself, my
attorney, and the County Attorney, this Court is not bound to agree to,
nor to accept, the terms of the plea agreement. I further understand that
if I enter a plea of GUILTY or NO CONTEST, this Court may impose against
me any or all of the maximum penalties and the maximum fines in
combination; will order the payment of court costs against me; may
require that I pay full restitution and reparations for all personal injury,
property loss or damage; may impose administrative costs of a probation
program; will require me to reimburse the state for my reasonable
attorney fees if I am represented by appointed counsel; and may take
whatever other action the Court deems appropriate and which is
permitted by law, to ensure the public safety.
A plea of GUILTY is an admission of guilt to the crimes charged and
relieves the State of Kansas of its burden to prove my guilt.
A plea of NO CONTEST is an admission that the State of Kansas has
sufficient evidence to prove my guilt and that I will not contest such
evidence. Such a plea would require the prosecutor to advise the Court
of the evidence which the State would present to prove my guilt, and
once my plea is accepted by the Court, my plea of no contest is treated
by the court as if I had entered a plea of guilty.
I have a right to a trial where my guilt or innocence on all of the criminal
charges against me would be determined by a Jury, or if I choose to
waive a Jury, by a Judge.
At a trial, I would have the right to confront the witnesses against me and
have them cross-examined by my attorney.
At a trial I would have the right to compel the attendance of witnesses
who may have information favorable to me and to call theses witnesses
to testify on my behalf.
At a trial I would have the right to compel documentary and physical
evidence favorable to me.
At a trial, it would be the burden of the State of Kansas to prove, beyond
a reasonable doubt, each element of the charge(s) against me before I
could be found guilty.
At a trial, the Judge and the Jury would presume that I am innocent
unless and until the State of Kansas proved otherwise, beyond a
reasonable doubt.
At a trial, I alone would have the final decision, after consulting with my
attorney, whether I would testify on my own behalf, and I understand that
I would not be required to testify or to present any evidence to prove my
innocence. If I enter a plea of guilty, I waive the right to remain silent, and
the Court may require me to tell the Court the facts known to me which
would show that I am guilty.
If I were to be convicted of any offenses in this Court, I would have the
right to ask the Court for a new trial based on any legal errors which may
have denied me my right to a fair trial or which may have otherwise
prejudiced me in my defense.
If I were to be convicted of any offenses in this Court, and if my motion for
a new trial were denied, I would have the right to appeal my conviction(s)
and sentence(s) to a Kansas Appellate Court where I would be entitled to
have such Court review the transcripts and record of my trial for any
prejudicial error.
During any such appeal, I would be entitled to the services of a
competent appellate attorney and to the transcripts of my trial or other
proceedings which might be necessary to my appeal. If I could not
afford an attorney or transcripts, they would be provided to me by the
If I go to trial, I retain the right to appeal from any adverse ruling or order
made against me by the Court or Jury, including the legal sufficiency of
the evidence presented against me to prove my guilt, any legal defects
in the criminal proceedings, the sentences or other penalties imposed,
and the denial of probation.
11. I understand that if I plead guilty or no contest to these crimes, I may be
required to register under the Kansas Offender Registration Act (KORA). I have
discussed this possibility with my attorney as set out below (Defendant must initial
the appropriate box):
_______ I have been advised as a result of my plea that I
do not have a duty to register under KORA.
_______ I have been advised as a result of my plea that I have
a duty to register because my conviction will make me:
(Initial all that apply.) (If checked, a completed Notice of Offender
Registration form must be finalized and attached.)
_______ A sex offender
_______ A violent offender
_______ A drug offender.
12. After fully discussing my potential defenses to the charges in this case, the
legal options available to me in these proceedings, and the above-
mentioned matters with my attorney, I advise this Court that I understand
it is my decision, alone, whether to accept or reject the plea agreement
and whether to enter a plea of GUILTY or NO CONTEST to the charge(s)
herein. My decision to accept the plea agreement and change my plea
is completely voluntary without anyone having threatened me or
promised me anything of benefit, and is without duress or coercion other
than that which the plea agreement provides.
13. I understand that despite my plea of GUILTY or NO CONTEST, I retain a
limited right to appeal the sentence which may be imposed. If the
sentence imposed is the presumptive sentence the Appellate Court will
only have jurisdiction to hear appeals based on the accuracy of my
criminal history score, the accuracy of the crime severity level
determination. If the sentence imposed is not the presumptive sentence,
claims of partiality, prejudice, oppression or corrupt motive may be the
basis of an appeal. I also understand that if the sentence imposed is that
agreed to in the plea agreement, the Appellate Court will not review my
sentence. I understand that any appeal must be filed within 10 days of
the date my sentence is pronounced in Court and that if I cannot afford
an attorney or the costs of an appeal, the Court will appoint counsel to
represent me and will order that a transcript of the necessary portions of
the transcript be provided to my counsel.
14. I have read this Acknowledgment of Rights and Entry of Plea, or I have
had it read to me, and I fully understand its contents. I fully and
completely understand the consequences of my plea(s) pursuant to the
plea agreement and I accept that the plea agreement in consideration
of what I believe is in my best welfare and in my own best interests.
WHEREFORE, and for the reasons stated herein, I hereby advise this Court
that I wish to enter plea(s) of _____ GUILTY _____ NO CONTEST to the Criminal
Charges as contained in the INFORMATION filed herein, a copy of which I have
read and discussed with my attorney.
SIGNED in open Court this ______ day of __________________, 20____.
The undersigned, attorney for the above-named Defendant, hereby
1. I have read and fully explained to the Defendant the allegations
contained in the Complaint/Information on file herein and the duration of
the Kansas Sentencing Guidelines for each Criminal Charge in this case,
and I am satisfied that the Defendant is physically and mentally
competent to understand the pending Criminal Charges. Further, I have
no reason to believe that the Defendant is under the influence of drugs or
2. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements, representations
and declarations made by the Defendant are in all respects accurate
and true.
3. The plea offered by the Defendant accords with my understanding of the
facts related by the Defendant to me and is consistent with my
investigation of this case.
4. I have made no promise to the Defendant concerning any sentence,
other than the recommendations made herein, that the Court may
SIGNED by me after full discussion of the contents of this Acknowledgment
of Rights and Entry of Plea Agreement with the Defendant, this ______ day of
____________, 20____.
Attorney for Defendant
Following the presenting of Defendant’s plea and his/her attorney’s
statements and certificate, I have examined the Defendant as to the
statements herein contained.
I find the plea of the Defendant was made freely, voluntarily and
understandingly, because the Defendant is guilty as charged, and not out of
ignorance, fear, inadvertence, threat or coercion, and with full understanding of
the consequences thereof. I further find that there is a factual basis for the
Criminal Charges filed herein, and that the Defendant has committed the
essential elements of the crime charged and is mentally competent.
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that on this _____ day of ____________________,
20___, in open Court, that the Defendant’s plea be accepted at the request of
the Defendant and entered in accordance with the certificate of Defendant’s
Judge of the District Court
In the Matter of the Marriage of )
) Case No. ___________
___________________ and _________________ )
Petitioner: Phone:
Respondent: Phone:
On this ________ day of ______________, 20_____, IT IS ORDERED that the
above-named parties shall meet with Court Services Mediators for resolution of
custody/parenting time issues concerning the following minor child(ren):
______________________ __________________
______________________ __________________
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the above-named parties shall forthwith
contact Shana O’Neill, Court Services Officer, 606 Topeka, Larned, Kansas,
67550, telephone (620) 285-3100, to confirm a date and place of mediation to
develop a mutual agreement involving custody/parenting time issues for their
Hearing Date:
Judge of the District Court
Attorney for Petitioner Attorney for Respondent
It is usually in your child’s best interest for each parent to have frequent,
meaningful and continuing access to your child(ren). A Parenting Plan
Agreement made by both parents is preferred to a Court imposed solution.
However, if one or both parents are unable to agree on a schedule of parenting
time, the following guidelines shall be used in most cases. In situations where the
non-custodial parent may not have had on-going contact with the child(ren),
initial visitation may be shorter. Further, these provisions may not be applicable
to very young children or in situations where geographical distances between
parents make compliance impossible. The parents, in exercising parenting time,
should be flexible and adapt to the existing circumstances, such as the child’s
age, on-going activities, and any religious holidays not set out below.
If the parents do not agree otherwise, the following shall be considered
the MINIMUM schedule of parenting time to which the non-custodial parent shall
be entitled:
1) Every other weekend from 6:00 p.m. on Friday until 6:00 p.m. on
2) In years ending in an odd number:
a) The night before each child’s birthday;
b) Memorial Day weekend from 6:00 p.m. on Friday until 6:00 p.m. on
c) Independence Day (Fourth of July Holiday) from 6:00 p.m. on July 3
until 6:00 p.m. on July 5;
d) Thanksgiving Holiday from 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday until 6:00 p.m.
on Sunday:
e) Christmas Holiday from 6:00 p.m. on December 26 until 6:00 p.m. on
the day before school starts for the second semester.
3) In years ending in an even number:
a) Each child’s birthday;
b) Easter weekend from 6:00 p.m. on Good Friday until 6:00 p.m. Easter
c) Labor Day weekend from 6:00 p.m. on Friday until 6:00 p.m. on
d) Halloween evening from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., if practical;
e) Christmas Holiday from 6:00 p.m. on the day school is out until 6:00
p.m. on December 26.
4) School Spring Break shall be evenly scheduled between the parents
with the non-custodial parent to have preference as to dates of
parenting time.
5) Every year on the non-custodial parent’s birthday and Mother’s Day
and Father’s Day weekend, whichever is applicable to the non-
custodial parent.
6) Summer parenting time for child(ren) attending school:
a) Two (2) non-consecutive thirty (30) day periods to be determined
by May 1 of each year. The first thirty (30) day period to start one (1)
week after the end of school and the second thirty (30) day period to
end no later than one (1) week before the beginning of school.
b) There shall be no weekend parenting time by the custodial parent
during the extended summer parenting time unless mutually agreed by
and between parents. Brief parenting time with the custodial parent
shall not be deemed to interrupt the consecutive nature of the non-
custodial parent’s parenting time.
c) If all Court ordered Child Support is current and the first thirty (30)
day summer parenting time is completed, child support of the non-
custodial parent shall abate by 50% OR to an amount not less than 33%
of the combined Total Child Support Obligation (line D.6. Child Support
Worksheet), which ever amount is less, for the month of July. If the
second thirty (30) day summer parenting time is completed, child
support shall abate in the same amount for the month of August.
Written evidence of the summer visitation must be signed by both
parents, dated and sent to the Clerk of the Court so that the
abatement of the child support may be recorded in the case ledger
by the Clerk of the District Court with the Kansas Payment Center,
Topeka, Kansas no abatement will be authorized by the Court
without this filing/writing/letter, etc.
Unless prior arrangements are made, the non-custodial parent shall pick
up the child(ren)at the times specified and return them at the times specified.
The custodial parent shall have the child(ren) ready for the parenting time at the
time they are to be picked up and shall be present at the home to receive the
child(ren) at the time they are returned.
The non-custodial parent shall give the custodial parent three (3) days
prior notice if he/she does not intend to exercise scheduled parenting time; in
emergency situations notice shall be given as soon as possible under the
Each parent shall supply the other with his/her current address and
telephone number. Each parent shall allow liberal but reasonable telephone
and mail privileges with the child(ren).
The custodial parent shall share all school and medical reports within ten
(10) days of their receipt and shall immediately notify the non-custodial parent
in the event of a medical emergency. The custodial parent shall inform the non-
custodial parent of school and/or social functions permitting parental
participation within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of notification of such
Neither parenting time nor child support is to be withheld due to either
parent’s failure to comply with a Court order. If a dispute arises concerning
parenting time, the parents shall first attempt to resolve the dispute by
Mediation with the assistance of Shana O’Neill, Court Services Officer, 606
Topeka, Larned, Kansas, 67550, telephone (620) 285-3100.
If the parents mutually agree to change the custody or parenting time
provisions of their current Court order, they shall contact their attorneys and
petition the Court to approve and order that change. In the event that the
parties do not obtain a Court order the Court shall not be bound by any
agreement of the parents.
Bruce T. Gatterman, Chief Judge
-VS- CASE NO. _______
INSTRUCTIONS: This questionnaire must be completed by each party and copies
mailed to the Judge and all other counsel at least ten (10) days prior to Pretrial
Conference. All questions must be answered or indicated as not applicable. All
answers must be typed. If the space provided is not sufficient for your answers,
you may type your own questionnaire and answers in accordance with this
1. Name of the Party you represent:
2. Date:
3. List the issues you believe will be presented to the Court for decision in the
trial of this matter:
4. State any requests for admission or stipulations you desire from the
opposing party:
5. State your proposed date for valuation of property:
6. List all exhibits you intend to present at trial:
7. List names and addresses of all witnesses you intend to call at trial, to-
gether with a brief summation of the testimony expected from each
8. Please identify any rulings which you desire the Court to make prior to Trial,
or which you believe would expedite the Trial of this case:
9. Is discovery complete? If not, state discovery which you desire to
complete, and an estimate of the time for completion of this discovery:
10. If custody or parenting time of a minor child or children of the parties is
contested, have the parties participated in mandatory mediation under
Local Rules of the 24
Judicial District?
11. Is there any need for special reports from psychologists, psychiatrists,
schools, etc? If so, specify:
12. What are the prospects of settlement?
13. Would a settlement conference be of assistance for any or all of the issues
in this case?
14. If this is a motion for change of custody, support or visitation, state what
facts constitute a material change in circumstances justifying a new
order, or state why it is unnecessary to show a change of circumstances:
Attorney for
On this _____ day of ___________, 20____ , a true and correct copy of this
document was mailed, postage prepaid, to:
The Honorable Bruce T. Gatterman
P.O. Box K
Larned, Kansas 67550
(other counsel of record)
and the original to:
Clerk of the District Court
-VS- CASE NO. _________
INSTRUCTIONS: This questionnaire must be completed by each party and copies
mailed to the Judge and all other counsel at least ten (10) days prior to Pretrial
Conference. All questions must be answered or indicated as not applicable. All
answers must be typed. If the space provided is not sufficient for your answers,
you may type your own questionnaire and answers in accordance with this
1. The name of the party you represent:
2. Contentions and theories of recovery:
A. Theory of your claim or defense and supporting factual contentions
(including, if applicable, grounds of negligence or comparative
negligence against parties and non-parties, and affirmative
B. List and itemize total of damages claimed:
3. Request for amendments to your pleadings:
4. Request for admissions and stipulations:
A. The Court has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter.
B. Venue is proper in __________ County, Kansas.
5. List names and addresses of all witnesses you intend to call at trial and
identify any which have not already been shown to opposing counsel.
(Identify as an expert any witness you intend to call as an expert.)
6. List all exhibits you intend to offer at trial and identify any which have not
already been shown to opposing counsel:
7. Motions:
A. List motions you have pending:
B. List motions you intend to file prior to trial and date by which you
propose to file each motion:
8. Trial Assignment:
A. Is this trial to the Court or to a jury or to a master to be appointed by
the Court?
B. Will a jury of six members be accepted?
C. What is the estimated time for trial?
D. Should case receive priority setting, and if so, why? (If due to out-of-
town witnesses, please specify. Counsel are required to bring
scheduling calendars to the Pretrial Conference.)
9. Guardian Ad Litem:
A. Does any party require a Guardian Ad Litem?
10. Expert or Cumulative Witness Limitations:
A. List request for limitation of witnesses:
11. Questions of fact:
12. Question of law:
13. Unusual questions of evidence:
14. Anticipated problems relative to Jury Instructions:
15. Settlement:
A. What are the prospects of settlement?
B. Would a settlement conference be of assistance?
16. Do you request authority to file trial briefs? If so, set forth requested time
schedule for filing:
17. State any procedural problems or recommendations:
18. Discovery (It is presumed that all discovery is completed at the time of
A. If further discovery is requested, specify what further discovery is
necessary, and state why and when it would be completed:
B. State when it would be completed and request leave under
Supreme Court Rule 136 to continue specified limited discovery:
Attorney for
On this _____ day of ___________, 20____, a true and correct copy of this
document was mailed, postage prepaid, to:
The Honorable Bruce T. Gatterman
P.O. Box K
Larned, Kansas 67550
(other counsel of record)
and the original to:
Clerk of the District Court
Edwards, Hodgeman, Lane, Ness, Pawnee and Rush Counties
The courts of the 24
Judicial District will provide copies of filings by email
beginning June 1, 2011. This service is limited to documents filed from and after
January 1, 2008. Complete this request and send the form to each District Court
from which you wish to receive email copies. Provide only one email address
per attorney or firm.
Documents from Adoption, Care and Treatment, Child in Need of Care,
or any other confidential case will only be emailed to the attorney of record.
Most records will be produced within three (3) business days from the time
the request is received. If the request is denied or delayed, you will receive a
written explanation for the delay or denial.
NAME: _______________________________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER: ______________________________________________________
FAX NUMBER: __________________________________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS:________________________________________________________
BAR NUMBER: _________________________
Edwards County Hodgeman County Lane County
P. O. Box 232 P. O. Box 187 P. O. Box 188
Kinsley, KS 67547 Jetmore, KS 67854 Dighton, KS 67839
(620) 659-2442 (620) 357-6522 (620) 397-2805
Ness County Pawnee County Rush County
P. O. Box 445 P. O. Box 270 P. O. Box 387
Ness City, KS 67560 Larned, KS 67550 La Crosse, KS 67548
(785) 798-3693 (620) 285-6937 (785) 222-2718